


Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts______; Sullivan ______; Tidwell______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

6 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______, Tidwell______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith ______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

7 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: Recognition to the City of Lago Vista for being awarded the Water Conservation and Reuse Award by the Section American Water Works Association.


In 2009, the City of Lago Vista created a task force to find multiple operational methods to implement that would reduce its 35% water loss to an acceptable level.

The task force was encouraged to look “out of the box” for innovative solutions and identified four main strategies that it could use to reduce water loss: 1) looping dead end waterlines, 2) replacing aged direct read water meters, 3) switching to fused High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe for all future line installations and replacements, and 4) reducing the need to flush the GSTs.

The City of Lago Vista became the second city in the US to use only HDPE pipe for all utility line extensions and replacements.

The methods employed by the City task force were successful in reducing its water loss in its water distribution system from 35% in 2009 to an average of 12% during the last 12 months.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______, Tidwell______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith ______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

8 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: Present draft table to address drought and water conservation action plan.


A policy is being developed to address drought and water conservation issues in Lago Vista. The chart presented outlines the basic components for such a policy. This item is for discussion only and if Council is satisfied with these components and trigger points, a written policy will be completed and presented for action at a later date.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______, Tidwell______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith ______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

9 Table 1: Demand, Supply, and Emergency Triggers

Goal (Use Baseline 2011 Drought Fee Trigger Action Irrigation Restriction End Condition Usage) ($/LUE/mo)

City Manager ends Stage Four City Manager implements When total daily water demand Reduce water use for Severe Water Shortage Stage Four Severe Water equals or exceeds 97% in a single Prohibited affected area to minimum Condition Restrictions when Shortage Condition day possible water usage triggering events has ceased to Restrictions exist for 5 consecutive days

City Manager ends Stage Four City Manager implements

Demand Triggers Triggers Demand When total daily water demand Reduce water use for Severe Water Shortage Stage Four Severe Water equals or exceeds 95% for 3 Prohibited affected area to minimum Condition Restrictions when Shortage Condition consecutive days possible water usage triggering event has ceased to Restrictions exist for 5 consecutive days

Combined lake storage > 900,000 2 Days per Week acre-feet (MAF)

Stage One Moderate Water City Council implements Stage Shortage Condition Combined lake storage falls below One Moderate Water Reduce average water use 2 Days per Week $0 Restrictions ends when 900,000 acre-feet (AF) Shortage Condition by 10% combined lake storage rises Restrictions above 900,000 acre-feet (AF)

City Council ends Stage Two City Council implements Stage Moderate Water Shortage Combined lake storage falls below Two Moderate Water Reduce average water use 1 Day per Week $10 Condition Restrictions when 750,000 acre-feet (AF) Shortage Condition by 20% combined lake storage rises Restrictions above 750,000 acre-feet (AF) Supply Triggers Triggers Supply

City Council ends Stage Three City Council implements Stage No automatic irrigation, Reduce water use in Severe Water Shortage Combined lake storage falls below Three Severe Water Shortage Hand held hose for 6 hours accordance LCRA mandated $20 Condition Restrictions when 600,000 AF Condition Restrictions per day. Water Curtailment Plan combined lake storage rises above 600,000 acre-feet (AF)

City Council ends Stage Four City Council implements Stage Reduce water use in Emergency Water Condition Drought Worse than Drought of Four Emergency Water Prohibited accordance LCRA mandated $20 Restrictions when combined Record (DWDOR) is declared Condition Restrictions Water Curtailment Plan lake storage rises above 500,000 AF

City Manager ends Stage Four Declared by City Manager City Manager implements Reduce water use for Emergency Water Condition because of Water Plant failure or Stage Four Emergency Water Prohibited affected area to minimum TBD Restrictions once emergency water distribution system outage Condition Restrictions possible water usage Triggers Triggers event has been resolved Emergency Emergency

10 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: Discussion and decision on the operation of the golf courses for the fiscal year of 2017-2018.


Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______, Tidwell______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith ______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

11 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: Discussion and possible action regarding GolfNow contract.


Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______, Tidwell______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith ______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

12 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



Public Hearing on Area A. All that certain parcel or tract of land containing 23.37 acres, more or less, located in Travis County, Texas, being a portion of FM 1431 roadway and including the abutting rights-of way, beginning at the western most city limits of FM 1431 near Bison Trail continuing westerly for a distance of 11,635 feet, more or less, along the meanders of FM 1431 along and north of Lakeside at Tessera on development and ending at the north western city limit boundaries.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

13 «¬A1


Drawn By: ANNEXATION EXHIBIT A Date: Tax Parcel Annexation Area CM West FM 1431 ROW GROUP 1 5/4/2017 Lago Vista ETJ 1 inch = 550 feet µ Lago Vista City Limits The City of Lago Vista, Texas 0 137.5 275 550 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. No responsibility is assumed by the City of Lago Vista or the author for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, completeness, use or misuse of the information herein provided. 14 This document was made on 11 x 17 paper. If it appears otherwise, please scale accordingly. MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



Public Hearing on Area B. All those certain parcels or tracts of land containing 73.25 acres, more or less, located in Travis County, Texas, generally located and beginning at the north western city limits boundaries described in Area A and extending 501 feet on either side of the centerline of FM 1431 and continuing along the meanders of FM 1431 in a westerly direction for approximately 3,200 feet.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

15 «¬B1

«¬B2 «¬B4



Drawn By: ANNEXATION EXHIBIT B Date: Tax Parcel Annexation Area CM West FM 1431 GROUP 2 5/11/2017 µ Lago Vista ETJ 1 inch = 300 feet The City of Lago Vista, Texas Lago Vista City Limits 0 75 150 300 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. No responsibility is assumed by the City of Lago Vista or the author for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, completeness, use or misuse of the information herein provided. 16 This document was made on 11 x 17 paper. If it appears otherwise, please scale accordingly. MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



Public Hearing on Area C. All those certain parcels or tracts of land containing 49.67 acres, more or less, located in Travis County, Texas, generally located and beginning at the western boundary described in Area B and extending 501 feet on either side of the centerline of FM 1431 and continuing along the meanders of FM 1431 in a westerly direction for approximately 2,156 feet.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

17 «¬C1



«¬C4 «¬C3


Drawn By: ANNEXATION EXHIBIT C Date: Tax Parcel Annexation Area CM West FM 1431 GROUP 3 5/11/2017 µ Lago Vista ETJ 1 inch = 200 feet The City of Lago Vista, Texas Lago Vista City Limits 0 50 100 200 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. No responsibility is assumed by the City of Lago Vista or the author for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, completeness, use or misuse of the information herein provided. 18 This document was made on 11 x 17 paper. If it appears otherwise, please scale accordingly. MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



Public Hearing on Area D. All those certain six (6) parcels or tracts of land containing 252.07 acres, more or less, located in Travis County, Texas, generally located along and to the north and south of FM 1431 near the eastern city limits, said tracts further described as being located to the west, east and north of the Hollows entrance at Destination Way and FM 1431.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

19 «¬D1

«¬D2 «¬D3





Drawn By: ANNEXATION EXHIBIT D Date: Tax Parcel Annexation Area CM East FM 1431 GROUP 4 5/11/2017 µ Lago Vista ETJ 1 inch = 300 feet The City of Lago Vista, Texas Lago Vista City Limits 0 75 150 300 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. No responsibility is assumed by the City of Lago Vista or the author for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, completeness, use or misuse of the information herein provided. 20 This document was made on 11 x 17 paper. If it appears otherwise, please scale accordingly. MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



Public Hearing on Area E. All those certain four (4) parcels or tracts of land containing 33.37 acres, more or less, located in Travis County, Texas, generally located east of Lohman Ford Road, South of Alfalfa Drive and north of Sierra Vista Drive.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

21 6519 6614 20303 6612 6517 6610 6601 6515 6608 20100 6603 6513 6606 20000

6511 6604

6514 6509 6602 E3 «¬ 19902 6512 6507 6600 6505 «¬E4 6510 6503 20103 20001 6508 6501 6501 19925 6506 6513 20005 6409 6504

6509 6502 19917 6407

6500 6505 6405 19905

6503 20402 19901 6403 6502 6501 «¬E2 20100 «¬E1 6519 6401 6409 6404

Lohman Ford Rd6407 6401 20407 6404 20405 6405

6402 6308 6403 6400

20404 20402 6304 6516 6304 6311 20103 20501 6520 6302 6302 6512

20406 20404 6524 6300 20402 6528 19820 6208 6304 20202 6307 6532 19824 6508 6536 19816 20407 20204 6540 19828


Drawn By: ANNEXATION EXHIBIT E Date: Tax Parcel Annexation Area CM SHIVE & TXI PROPERTY 5/25/2017 Lago Vista ETJ 1µ inch = 200 feet The City of Lago Vista, Texas Lago Vista City Limits 0 50 100 200 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. No responsibility is assumed by the City of Lago Vista or the author for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, completeness, use or misuse of the information herein provided. 22 This document was made on 11 x 17 paper. If it appears otherwise, please scale accordingly. MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



Public Hearing on Area F. All that certain parcel or tract of land containing 136.33 acres, more or less, located in Travis County, Texas, generally located east of and along and abutting Lohman Ford Road and north of and abutting the Lago Vista High School.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

23 20101 19904 19903 19707 19606 19605 6308 19101 5906 6005 19701 63046306 19101 19908 19611 19601 6310 6036 6300 19909 6023 6019 19602 5905 6015 19607 6204 5500 19514 6205 6034 6027 6013 19603 6200 6028 6010 6016 19608 6009 19511 6024 19604 6004 19506 5700 19602 6005 6000 19600 6001


5600 19500


19936 19924 20100 19912 19900


19901 19911 19801 19921 19933 20101

20117 5185 Lohman Ford Rd Ford Lohman 5300


Drawn By: ANNEXATION EXHIBIT F Date: Tax Parcel Annexation Area CM ENGLAND TRUST 5/23/2017 µ Lago Vista ETJ 1 inch = 400 feet The City of Lago Vista, Texas Lago Vista City Limits 0 100 200 400 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. No responsibility is assumed by the City of Lago Vista or the author for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, completeness, use or misuse of the information herein provided. 24 This document was made on 11 x 17 paper. If it appears otherwise, please scale accordingly. AGENDA ITEM City of Lago Vista

To: Mayor & City Council Council Meeting: July 20, 2017

From: John C. Goble

Subject: Conduct a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance No. 17-07-20-01; (ZON-1071); An Ordinance of the City of Lago Vista, Texas, amending Chapter 14, Article 14.200, Zoning Ordinance, Code of Ordinances of City of Lago Vista, Section 6.10, accessory buildings and uses, and sections 22.12, fencing on property, and 22.25, prohibitions, to allow fencing on a lot without a principal use or building and which shares a property line with a lot with a principal use or building; making findings of fact; providing a savings clause; providing a severability clause; providing an open meetings clause; and providing an effective date.

5HTXHVW Other /HJDO'RFXPHQW Ordinance /HJDO5HYLHZ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Section 22.12 Fencing on Property.

(A) Lots or Parcels shall be allowed to have a fence once a principal use or building has been established on the lot either as existing or through appropriate permitting. (B) Lots or Parcels that do not have a principal use or building but share: (1) at least one half of a lot line with an adjacent/ abutting lot and (2) are under the same ownership as the adjacent/abutting lot that has an established principal use or building

Here is a revamped ordinance as submitted last mouth. As the zoning ordinance defines certain terms, Barbara used these definitions to assist with these modifications and added the requirement for truly shared lot lines. The intent of this ordinates to to allow a property owner to put a fence on an abutting lot that is under the same ownership and is at least one half of a lot line with the adjacent/abutting lot.

25 Impact if Approved: Would allow better or more use of his land.

Impact if Denied: N/A

Is Funding Required? Yes No If Yes, Is it Budgeted? Yes No N/A Indicate Funding Source:

Suggested Motion/Recommendation/Action

Motion to Make Selection N/A  N/A  N/A

Motion to Make Selection N/A  N/A  N/A

Motion to Make Selection N/A  N/A  N/A

.nown as

Agenda Item Approved by City Manager


26 Development Services Department STAFF REPORT ZON 1071: Proposed Zoning Code Changes involving Fencing

Date: July 14, 2017

DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DEPARTMENT COMMENTS In exercising zoning code regulations regarding fencing, it has come to the attention of Staff that in a situation where a neighboring contiguous lot is vacant to a lot where a principal use is located, a citizen cannot place a fence. This is because the Code regards fences as an accessory use and specifically prohibits placement when a principal use or building are absent of the property. The changes will allow fences to be placed on a contiguous vacant property under the same ownership so long as the other contiguous lot(s) have a principal building or use on the lot. These changes are as noted below and within the attached Ordinance.

Section 22.12 Fencing on Property.

(A) Lots or Parcels shall be allowed to have a fence once a principal use or building has been established on the lot either as existing or through appropriate permitting. (B) Lots or Parcels that do not have a principal use or building but share: (1) at least one half of a lot line with an adjacent/ abutting lot and (2) are under the same ownership as the adjacent/abutting lot that has an established principal use or building

may be allowed to have a fence on such lot with the principal use or building, subject to approval through the Development Services Office or approved by the City Manager or his/her designated representative along with compliance with building setbacks and other requirements that may be established during the fence permit process Staff will be present for any questions.

Page 1 of 1


ORDINANCE NO: 17-07-20-01


WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Chapter 14, Article 14.200, Zoning Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lago Vista to provide basic zoning requirements, including but not limited to, uses and bulk standards; and

WHEREAS, within the zoning requirements the City regulates accessory uses, including fencing, and

WHEREAS, our current regulations prohibit anyone from constructing a fence on a lot that does not have a principal use or building unless such lot is replatted through the lot consolidation process with a jointly owned, adjacent lot with a principal use or building; thereby causing considerable cost and burden to customers; and

WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide an alternative method which will allow the jointly owned vacant lot to be fenced without the need for lot consolidation and replatting.


Section 1. Findings. The above and foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct and are hereby adopted by the City Council and made a part hereof for all purposes as findings of fact.

Section 2. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance. The City of Lago Vista’s Code of Ordinances, Chapter 14, Article 14.200, Zoning Ordinance (the “Zoning Ordinance”) Section 6.10(A) and Sections 22.12 and 22.25, are hereby modified and amended to read as follows:


6.10 Accessory Buildings and Uses. Construction, placement, operation, and maintenance of accessory buildings and uses shall comply with the following standards and procedures.

(A) Accessory uses and buildings shall not be permitted on a lot or parcel in the absence of a principal use or building on the lot or parcel except as provided in 1

28 Section 4.90 (commercial resorts), Section 17 (conditional uses), Section 22 (fences) of this chapter, or the lots or parcels with the principal and accessory use(s) or building(s) are platted into one lot. Once an accessory use such as an accessory building, or boat dock or fence exists on a replatted or single lot, it cannot be subdivided until (1) a principal use or building is established on the lot containing the accessory building or use; or (2) the accessory use or building has been removed from the lot, unless otherwise approved in accordance with Section 17, conditional uses, of this chapter.

Section 22.12 Fencing on Property.

(A) Lots or Parcels shall be allowed to have a fence once a principal use or building has been established on the lot either as existing or through appropriate permitting. (B) Lots or Parcels that do not have a principal use or building but share: (1) at least one half of a lot line with an adjacent/ abutting lot and (2) are under the same ownership as the adjacent/abutting lot that has an established principal use or building may be allowed to have a fence on such lot with the principal use or building, subject to approval through the Development Services Office or approved by the City Manager or his/her designated representative along with compliance with building setbacks and other requirements that may be established during the fence permit process.

Section 22.25 Prohibitions. The following actions are prohibited in the City of Lago Vista:

a. building, erecting, installing, or otherwise constructing a fence without a permit;

b. building a fence in a manner that is not allowed by this chapter;

c. constructing a barbed wire fence;

d. building a fence or screening device in the City’s rights-of-way; unless approved by license agreement approved by the city council.[;]

e. building, erecting, installing or otherwise constructing a fence or screening device in the area of a corner lot between the sidelines of the intersecting streets and a straight line joining points on such sideline ten (10) feet distance from their point of intersection, which materially obstructs safe visibility for vehicular traffic;

f. building, erecting, installing or otherwise constructing a fence or screening device along winding streets which fence materially obstructs visibility for vehicular traffic;

g. building, erecting, installing or otherwise constructing a fence or screening device (except a construction or silt fence after issuance of a building permit) on a lot where the primary use facility has not been constructed Reserved;


29 h. using t-posts for any type fence other than an electric fence; or

i. failing to keep a fence or screening device repaired and maintained in a neat, attractive and safe condition.


Section 3. Amendment of Conflicting Ordinances. Chapter 14, Article 14.200, Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended to add the above-described amendment. All ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance as adopted and amended herein, are hereby amended to the extent of such conflict. In the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this ordinance and any other code or ordinance of the City, the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall govern. All other provisions of the ordinance that are not amended by the above- described amendment, shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, void or invalid, the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. It is the intent of the City Council in adopting this Ordinance, that no provision or regulation contained herein shall become inoperative, or fails by reason of the unconstitutionality or invalidity of any other section, subsection, sentence or phrase of this Ordinance and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable.

Section 5. Conflicts. Any portion of this Ordinance in conflict herewith is hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict only.

Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and publication in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 52 of the Texas Local Government Code and the City Charter.

Section 7. Open Meetings. It is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed was open to the public as required and that public notice of the time, place, and purpose of said meeting was given as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.


PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 2017.

Dale Mitchell, Mayor


Sandra Barton, City Secretary


30 AGENDA ITEM City of Lago Vista

To: Mayor and City Council Council Meeting: July 20, 2017

From: Barbara Boulware-Wells, City Attorney


5HTXHVW Business Item /HJDO'RFXPHQW Ordinance /HJDO5HYLHZ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This item is on the Council agenda to provide the opportunity for Council, pursuant to Sections 372.015, 372.016 and 372.017, Texas Local Government Code, to assess and or allocate the costs in an equitable fashion as well as Sections 372.013 and 372.014 as to the Service and Assessment Plan pursuant to the Public Improvement District Assessment Act ("Act") set out in Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code.

You may recall that two lots were replatted last year into multiple lots and it was understood that when the Service and Assessment Plan update was brought forward the Council next, it would include full vetting and reassessment of those newly platted lots to bring them in line with the rest of the lots in the area. The 2017 Update of the Service and Assessment Plan has done that and is set out completely in the material attached.

Notices have been given for the public hearing on this matter in accordance with the Act and upon completion of such hearing, staff would request that you approve the assessments as set out in the 2017 Update.

31 Impact if Approved: Updates to the assessments that are equitably charged in line with other lots' assessments will be able to be levied on the newly platted lots.

Impact if Denied: The City will not be able to provide accurate and equitable assessments against newly platted lots and it may delay development of such lots.

Is Funding Required? Yes No If Yes, Is it Budgeted? Yes No N/A Indicate Funding Source: Funding is provided by the PID

Suggested Motion/Recommendation/Action

Motion to Enact Ordinance

Motion to Make Selection

Motion to Make Selection


Agenda Item Approved by City Manager


32 ORDINANCE NO. 17-07-20-02



WHEREAS, the City of Lago Vista, Texas (the "City") is authorized under Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended (the "Act"), to create a public improvement district;

WHEREAS, after providing all notices, holding all public hearings and complying with all prerequisites required by the Act and otherwise required by the laws of the State of Texas, the City Council of the City (the "City Council") created a public improvement district known as the Tessera on Lake Travis Public Improvement District (the "District");

WHEREAS, on November 1, 2012, the City Council passed and adopted Ordinance No. 12-11-01-01 (the "Assessment Ordinance") levying special assessments for platted land within the District (the "Assessed Property"), approving a service and assessment plan for the platted land (the "Original Service and Assessment Plan") attached as Exhibit A to the Assessment Ordinance, and approving an assessment roll for such platted land within the District;

WHEREAS, the Original Service and Assessment Plan is required to be reviewed and updated annually for the purpose of determining the annual budget for improvements in the District and the assessment for each property owner may be adjusted as that time;

WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council an update and amendment to the Service and Assessment Plan, Tessera On Lake Travis Public Improvement District 2017 Annual Service Plan Update (the "2017 Update”) which identifies the portion of the District constituting the Major Improvement Area of the District (the "Major Improvement Area") and Improvement Area #1 of the District (the "Improvement Area #1") and identifying costs of the Major Improvement Area improvements and Improvement Area #1 improvements within the District, and updating the assessment roll for the assessed property in the District;

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the proposed 2017 Update with the reallocated assessment rolls attached thereto was filed with the City Secretary and notice of a public hearing was published before the 10th day before the date of the public hearing to consider the proposed 2017 Update with the reallocated assessment rolls attached thereto; and

WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing to consider the proposed 2017 Update with the reallocated assessment rolls attached thereto on July 20, 2017.


Section 1. All matters stated in the preamble of this Ordinance are found to be true and correct and are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if copied in their entirety.

Section 2. The 2017 Update in substantially the form and content attached as Exhibit "A" hereto is hereby approved and the City Council hereby authorizes the associated estimated costs for the Major Improvement Area identified in the 2017 Update. The assessment roll for the Improvement Area #1 attached to the 2017 Update as Appendix A thereto and the assessment roll for Major Improvement Area attached to the 2017 Update as Appendix B thereto is hereby ratified and approved by the City Council.

Section 3. The improvements benefitting and serving all of the property within the portion of the District identified as the Major Improvement Area were set out in the Original Service and Assessment Plan. The major improvements other than the major improvements allocable to Improvement Area #1 are referred to herein as the "Major Improvement Area Improvements." Improvements that will benefit and serve only the property within Improvement Area # 1 were set out in the Original Service and Assessment Plan. The major improvements allocable to Improvement Area #1 and the improvements that benefit and serve only the property within Improvement Area #1 are referred to herein as the "Improvement Area #1 Improvements."

Section 4. The City Council hereby finds and determines that: (i) the enhancement and value to accrue to the Major Improvement Area and Improvement Area #1 and the real and true owner or owners thereof by virtue of construction of the Major Improvement Area Improvements and Improvement Area #1 Improvements will be equal to or in excess of the amount of the costs of the improvements; (ii) that the apportionment of the costs of the Major Improvement Area Improvements and the Improvement Area #1 Improvements and the assessments herein made are just and equitable and produce substantial equality, considering the benefits received and the burdens imposed thereby, and result in imposing equal shares of the cost of the Major Improvement Area Improvements and the Improvement Area #1 Improvements on property similarly benefitted, and are in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas; (iii) the property assessed is specially benefitted by means of the said Major Improvement Area Improvements and Improvement Area #1 Improvements in the District in relation to the costs of such improvements; (iv) all procedures that have taken place heretofore with reference to the Major Improvement Area Improvements and Improvement Area #1 Improvements assessments are in all respects regular, proper, and valid; and (v) all prerequisites to the fixing of the assessment liens against the properties within the Major Improvement Area and Improvement Area #1, and the personal liability of the real and true owner or owners thereof, whether correctly named herein or not, have been in all things regularly and duly performed in compliance with the Act and the proceedings of the City Council.

Section 5. This ordinance incorporates by reference all provisions and requirements of the Act.

34 Section 6. If any section, article, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word in this Ordinance, or application thereof to any persons or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance; and the City Council hereby declares it would have passed such remaining portion of this Ordinance, despite such invalidity, which remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and it is accordingly so ordained.

PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on the 20th day of July, 2017.


______Dale Mitchell, Mayor ATTEST:

______Sandra Barton, City Secretary









Capitalized terms used in this Annual Service Plan Update shall have the meanings set forth in the original Service and Assessment Plan. The Tessera On Lake Travis Public Improvement District was created pursuant to Chapter 372, Texas Local Government Code on August 16, 2012 to finance certain public improvement projects for the benefit of the property within the PID.

A Service and Assessment Plan was prepared at the direction of the City identifying the Authorized Improvements to be provided by the PID, the costs of the Authorized Improvements, the indebtedness to be incurred by the PID to fund the Authorized Improvements, and the manner of assessing the property in the PID for the costs of the Authorized Improvements. Pursuant to the PID Act, the Service and Assessment Plan must be reviewed and updated annually. This document is the annual update of the Service and Assessment Plan for 2017.

The City also adopted the Assessment Roll identifying the Assessments on each parcel within the PID, based on the method of assessment identified in the Service and Assessment Plan. This Annual Service Plan Update also updates the Assessment Roll for 2017.


The City accepted the streets, utilities, and drainage improvements associated with the Major Improvement Area, subject to certain conditions, on September 11, 2014. The Developer is LA completing changes requested by the City needed to complete the park improvements. The completion of the park improvements and City acceptance is anticipated to occur in May 2017.

The Phase 1A streets and utilities were accepted by the City on September 11, 2014, subject to certain conditions.


As of March 31, 2017, the Developer has closed on 134 Lots with homebuilders, with an additional 69 Lots under contract with homebuilders. In addition, 76 homes (plus three model homes) have closed, and an additional 10 homes are under construction as of March 31, 2017. All of the Lot sales and home sales have occurred in Improvement Area #1.


Replat of Lots 1 thru 9, 11 thru 14, 16 thru 23, 25 thru 29, and 31 thru 34, Block J Tessera on Lake Travis Phase 1A

On June 30, 2016, Lots 1 thru 9, 11 thru 14, 16 thru 23, 25 thru 29, and 31 thru 34, Block J Tessera on Lake Travis Phase 1A were replatted to Lots 1R thru 23R, Block J, Tessera on Lake



Travis Phase 1A. Due to the reduction in the number of Lots, new Lot Types were required, with Lots 1R thru 10R Block J Tessera on Lake Travis Phase 1A classified as Lot Type 6 ($90,000 estimated Lot value) and Lots 11R thru 23R Block J Tessera on Lake Travis Phase 1A classified as Lot Type 7 ($100,000 estimated Lot value). The assessment on all the Lots after replatting is $504,556.47, which is less than the $642,363.99 prior to replatting.

Replat of Lots 14 & 15, Block D Tessera on Lake Travis Phase 1A

Lots 14 & 15, Block D Tessera On Lake Travis are in the process of being subdivided into 11 Lots, with the final plat expected to be recorded prior to the next Service Plan Update. Upon subdivision, the 11 Lots will be classified as Lot Type 6 ($90,000 estimated Lot Value). The assessment on all the Lots after replatting is $227,050.34, which is more than the $89,242.83 prior to replatting. The owner of these parcels has consented to the increased assessment, and proper notice of this Service Plan Update was provided as required in the Act. Reallocation of Assessments Due to Replatting Parcels PRIOR TO REPLAT AFTER REPLAT Outstanding Outstanding Assessment Lot Type Assessment LOT 1 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 1R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 2 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 2R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 3 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 3R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 4 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 4R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 5 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 5R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 6 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 6R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 7 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 7R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 8 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 8R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 9 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 9R BLKLA J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 11 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 10R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 12 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 11R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 13 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 12R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 14 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 20,346.57 LOT 13R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 16 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 14R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 17 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 15R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 18 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 16R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 19 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 17R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 20 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 18R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 21 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 19R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 22 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 20R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 23 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 21R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 25 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 22R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 26 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 23R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK J 7$ 22,934.39 LOT 27 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 $ 504,556.47 LOT 28 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 29 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 1R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 31 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 2R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 32 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 3R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 33 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 4R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 34 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 22,226.97 LOT 5R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 $ 642,363.99 LOT 6R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 7R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 14 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 56,740.90 LOT 8R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 15 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A$ 32,501.93 LOT 9R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 $ 89,242.83 LOT 10R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 LOT 11R BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 6$ 20,640.94 $ 227,050.34

$ 731,606.82 $ 731,606.81

The replatted Block D Lots will be assessed against Lot 14 & 15, BLK D until the final plat is recorded.




Outstanding Assessment and Installment Due 1/31/18 by Lot Type

Outstanding Assessment Annual Installment Lot Type Lot Value Assessment Due Due 1/31/18 1< $65,000 $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 2 $65,001 ‐ $85,000 $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 3 $85,001 ‐ $105,000 $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 4 $105,001 ‐ $120,000 $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 5> $120,000 $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 6 Replatted, $90,000 $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 7 Replatted, $100,000 $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46


No parcels were divided in the Major ImprovementLA Area in 2016.


Parcel # 842220 prepaid the assessment in full.

Parcel #842146, #842120, #842212, #842375, and #842231 made partial prepayments. The partial prepayments are applied to reduce the outstanding principal of the Assessments. These Lots will continue to make the same Annual Installment as other Lots with the same Lot Type, however the Assessments will be paid off earlier as a result of the partial prepayment.

A total of $16,898.09 in full and partial prepayments were received, and the Trustee has been instructed to transfer this amount to the bond redemption fund. Bonds can only be redeemed in increments of $5,000, therefore $15,000 in bonds with a 2042 maturity will be redeemed.

After the $16,898.09 transfer to the bond redemption fund, Parcel #842162 prepaid the assessment in full. As a result, the Trustee was instructed to transfer this amount to the bond redemption fund, and an additional $10,000 in bonds with a 2042 maturity will be redeemed.




There were no prepayments in the Major Improvement Area.


 Principal and Interest ‐ The total principal and interest required for the Annual Installment due January 31, 2018 is $353,100.00.  Prepayment Reserve – The Prepayment Reserve Requirement is equal to $17,744 and is fully funded. As such, no Prepayment Reserve deposits are required at this time.  Delinquency Reserve ‐ The Delinquency Reserve Requirement is equal to $17,744 and is fully funded. As such, no Delinquency Reserve deposits are required at this time.  Administration Costs ‐ The cost of administering the PID and collecting the Annual Installments shall be paid for on a pro rata basis by each Parcel based on the amount of outstanding Special Assessment remaining on the Parcel. The total Administration Expenses budgeted for the Annual Installment due January 31, 2018 is $4,883.95, which is less than the $10,521.82 projected inLA the original SAP and 2016 Service Plan Update.

Total Improvement Area #1 Annual Installment

Due January 31, 2018

Principal $90,000.00 Interest $263,100.00 Prepayment Reserve $0.00 Delinquency Reserve $0.00 Administrative Expenses $4,883.95 TOTAL ANNUAL INSTALLMENT $357,983.95




 Principal and Interest ‐ The total principal and interest required for the Annual Installment due January 31, 2018 is $2,378,613.00.  Prepayment Reserve – The Prepayment Reserve Requirement of $160,000 has not yet been met. As such, the Prepayment Reserve will be funded with a 0.20% additional interest on the outstanding assessment, resulting in a Prepayment Reserve amount due of $37,440.00.  Delinquency Reserve ‐ The Delinquency Reserve Requirement of $817,525 has not yet been met. As such, the Delinquency Reserve will be funded with a 0.30% additional interest on the outstanding assessment, resulting in a Delinquency Reserve amount due of $56,160.00.  Administration Costs ‐ The cost of administering the PID and collecting the Annual Installments shall be paid for on a pro rata basis by each Parcel based on the amount of outstanding Special Assessment remaining on the Parcel. The total Administration Expenses budgeted for the Annual Installment due January 31, 2018 is $20,116.05, which is less than the $43,599.79 projected in the original SAP.

Total Major Improvement Area Annual Installment

Due January 31, 2018 LA

Principal $1,120,000.00

Interest $1,258,613.00 Prepayment Reserve $37,440.00 Delinquency Reserve $56,160.00 Administrative Expenses $20,116.05 TOTAL ANNUAL INSTALLMENT $2,492,329.05




The Act requires the annual indebtedness and projected costs for the improvements to be reviewed and updated in the Annual Service Plan Update, and the projection shall cover a period of not less than five years.

Five Year Budget Projection Installments Due 1/31 of 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 IMPROVEMENT AREA #1 Principal $ 90,000 $ 95,000 $ 100,000 $ 105,000 $ 110,000 Interest $ 263,100 $ 258,375 $ 253,388 $ 248,138 $ 242,625 Total Debt Service (1) $ 353,100 $ 353,375 $ 353,388 $ 353,138 $ 352,625

Prepayment Reserve $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ Delinquency Reserve $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ Administrative Costs $ 4,875 $ 4,973 $ 5,072 $ 5,174 $ 5,277 Total Reserve Requirements and Admin Costs (2) $ 4,875 $ 4,973 $ 5,072 $ 5,174 $ 5,277

TOTAL IMPROVEMENT AREA #1 (3) = (1)+(2)$ 357,975 $ 358,348 $ 358,460 $ 358,311 $ 357,902

MAJOR IMPROVEMENT AREA Principal $ 1,120,000 $ 1,300,000 $ 1,400,000 $ 1,730,000 $ 1,855,000 Interest $ 1,258,613 $ 1,185,813 $ 1,101,313 $ 1,010,313 $ 895,700 Total Debt Service (4) $ 2,378,613 $ 2,485,813 $ 2,501,313 $ 2,740,313 $ 2,750,700

Prepayment Reserve $ 37,440 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ Delinquency Reserve $ 56,160 LA $ 88,000 $ 81,500 $ 74,500 $ 65,850 Administrative Costs $ 20,125 $ 20,527 $ 20,938 $ 21,356 $ 21,784 Total Reserve Requirements and Admin Costs (5) $ 113,725 $ 108,527 $ 102,438 $ 95,856 $ 87,634

TOTAL MAJOR IMPROVEMENT AREA (6) = (4)+(5)$ 2,492,338 $ 2,594,340 $ 2,603,751 $ 2,836,169 $ 2,838,334 Notes: Budget assumes no prepayments. In the event of a prepayment by one or more Parcels, the figures shown will be reduced.


The list of current parcels within Improvement Area #1, the outstanding Assessments for each parcel, and Annual Installment due 1/31/18 are shown on the Improvement Area #1 Assessment Roll attached hereto as Appendix A.


The list of current parcels within the Major Improvement Area, the outstanding Assessments for each Lot, and Annual Installment due 1/31/18 are shown on the Major Improvement Area Assessment Roll attached hereto as Appendix B.




Outstanding Installment Tax ID #Legal Description Address Assessment Due 1/31/18 842356 LOT 12 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8200 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842357 LOT 13 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8116 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842332 LOT 13 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8112 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842358 LOT 14 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8113 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842333 LOT 14 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8108 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842334 LOT 15 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8104 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842361 LOT 17 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22112 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842362 LOT 18 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22116 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842363 LOT 19 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22120 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842364 LOT 20 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22200 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842141 LOT 20 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8004 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842142 LOT 21 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8000 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842383 LOT 36 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8004 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842385 LOT 38 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7916 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842387 LOT 40 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7908 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842137 LOT 41 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7904 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842138 LOT 42 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7900 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842370 LOT 43 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7901 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842371 LOT 44 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7905 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842372 LOT 45 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7909 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842373 LOT 46 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7913 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842351 LOT 6 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8201 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842352 LOT 7 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8205 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842366 LOT 7 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7912 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842221 LOT 74 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7709 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842222 LOT 75 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7713 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842223 LOT 76 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LA 7717 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842225 LOT 78 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7805 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842353 LOT 8 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8209 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842367 LOT 8 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7908 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842228 LOT 81 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7817TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842229 LOT 82 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7821TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842233 LOT 86 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7913 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842340 LOT 9 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22209 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842368 LOT 9 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7904 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842157 LOT 10 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7800 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842318 LOT 11 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22025 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842335 LOT 16 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8100 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842326 LOT 2 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22024 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842324 LOT 4 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22016 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842203 LOT 60 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7413 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842204 LOT 61 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7417 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842205 LOT 62 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7421 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842322 LOT 7 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22005 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842234 LOT 87 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7917 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842156 LOT 9 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7804 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842173 LOT 10 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7507 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842174 LOT 11 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7513 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842176 LOT 13 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7601 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842187 LOT 28 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7426 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842183 LOT 32 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7508 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842182 LOT 33 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7512 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65




Outstanding Installment Tax ID #Legal Description Address Assessment Due 1/31/18 842181 LOT 34 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7516 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842180 LOT 35 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7520 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842191 LOT 47 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7413 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842192 LOT 48 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7417 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842194 LOT 50 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7421 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842195 LOT 51 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7425 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842196 LOT 52 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7429 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842198 LOT 54 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7412 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842199 LOT 55 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7400 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842200 LOT 56 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7401TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842201 LOT 57 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7405 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842226 LOT 79 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7809 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842172 LOT 9 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7501 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842128 LOT 43 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22306 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842129 LOT 44 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22312 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842130 LOT 45 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22318 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842097 LOT 19 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7300 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842096 LOT 20 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7306 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842190 LOT 24 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7400 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842189 LOT 25 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7406 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842106 LOT 7 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7213 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842107 LOT 8 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7219 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842336 LOT 17 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8016 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842146 LOT 27 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7913 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 5,696.13 $ 781.49 842207 LOT 64 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7505 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842212 LOT 65 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7509 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,114.07 $ 781.49 842213 LOT 66 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LA 7513 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842215 LOT 68 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7601 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842216 LOT 69 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7605 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842217 LOT 70 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7609 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842098 LOT 18 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7220 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842095 LOT 21 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7312 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842093 LOT 23 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7324 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842177 LOT 14 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7607 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842150 LOT 3 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7906 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842219 LOT 72 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7617 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842328 LOT 3 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22109 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842346 LOT 1 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8101 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842330 LOT 1 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22101 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842339 LOT 10 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22213 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842369 LOT 10 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7900 SUNRISE RAVINE PS $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842338 LOT 11 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22217 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842360 LOT 16 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22108 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842347 LOT 2 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8105 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842329 LOT 2 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22105 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842143 LOT 24 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7901 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842144 LOT 25 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7905 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842145 LOT 26 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7909 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842374 LOT 28 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8001 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842375 LOT 29 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8009 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,696.13 $ 781.49 842348 LOT 3 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8109 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842376 LOT 30 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8013 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49




Outstanding Installment Tax ID #Legal Description Address Assessment Due 1/31/18 842380 LOT 33 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8016 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842381 LOT 34 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8012ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842382 LOT 35 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8008 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842384 LOT 37 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8000 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842386 LOT 39 BLK G TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7912 ARBOR KNOLL CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842349 LOT 4 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8113 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842345 LOT 4 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22113 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842350 LOT 5 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8117 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842344 LOT 5 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22117 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842343 LOT 6 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22121 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842206 LOT 63 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7501 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842214 LOT 67 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7517 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842342 LOT 7 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22201 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842218 LOT 71 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7613 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842220 LOT 73 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7701 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ ‐ $ ‐ 842224 LOT 77 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7801 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842341 LOT 8 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22205 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842227 LOT 80 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7813 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842230 LOT 83 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7901TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842231 LOT 84 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7905 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,896.13 $ 781.49 842232 LOT 85 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7909 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842354 LOT 9 BLK E TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8213 CANNON CT $ 9,905.10 $ 781.49 842327 LOT 1 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22028 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842148 LOT 1 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LA 7920 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842158 LOT 1 BLK K TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7716 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842319 LOT 10 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22017 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842139 LOT 18 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8012 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842140 LOT 19 BLK F TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 8008 TURNING LEAF CIR $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842149 LOT 2 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7912 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842159 LOT 2 BLK K TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7712 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842325 LOT 3 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22020 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842160 LOT 3 BLK K TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7708 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842151 LOT 4 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7900 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842161 LOT 4 BLK K TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7704 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842152 LOT 5 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7820 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842162 LOT 5 BLK K TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7700 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ ‐ $ ‐ 842202 LOT 59 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7409 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842323 LOT 6 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22001 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842153 LOT 6 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7816 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842154 LOT 7 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7812 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842321 LOT 8 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22009 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842155 LOT 8 BLK I TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7808 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842235 LOT 88 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7921 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842320 LOT 9 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22013 CROSS TIMBERS BND $ 12,717.39 $ 1,003.37 842164 LOT 1 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7618 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842175 LOT 12 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7519 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842178 LOT 15 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7613 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842165 LOT 2 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7612 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842186 LOT 29 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7430 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842166 LOT 3 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7708 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842185 LOT 30 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7500 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842184 LOT 31 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7504 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65




Outstanding Installment Tax ID #Legal Description Address Assessment Due 1/31/18 842166 LOT 3 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7708 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842185 LOT 30 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7500 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842184 LOT 31 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7504 PACE RAVINE DR $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842167 LOT 4 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7600 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842168 LOT 5 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7516 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842197 LOT 53 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7420 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842169 LOT 6 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7508TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842170 LOT 7 BLK L TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7500 TURNBACK LEDGE TRL $ 16,472.65 $ 1,299.65 842101 LOT 2 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22301 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842102 LOT 3 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22219 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842123 LOT 38 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22206 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842124 LOT 39 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22212 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842103 LOT 4 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22207 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842125 LOT 40 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22218 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842126 LOT 41 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22224 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842127 LOT 42 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22300 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842131 LOT 46 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22324 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 20,346.57 $ 1,605.29 842100 LOT 1 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 22313 CAPE TRAVIS BND $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842109 LOT 10 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7307 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842110 LOT 11 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7313 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842094 LOT 22 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7318 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842120 LOT 35 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7216 TESSERA PKWY $ 20,451.91 $ 1,753.65 842121 LOT 36 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7208 TESSERA PKWY $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842122 LOT 37 BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7200 TESSERA PKWY $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842104 LOT 5 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LA 7201 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842105 LOT 6 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7207 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 842108 LOT 9 BLK M TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A 7301 PACE RAVINE DR $ 22,226.97 $ 1,753.65 877894 LOT 1R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877895 LOT 2R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877896 LOT 3R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877897 LOT 4R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877898 LOT 5R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877899 LOT 6R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877900 LOT 7R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877901 LOT 8R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877902 LOT 9R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877903 LOT 10R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 20,640.94 $ 1,628.51 877904 LOT 11R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877905 LOT 12R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877906 LOT 13R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877907 LOT 14R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877908 LOT 15R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877909 LOT 16R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877910 LOT 17R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877911 LOT 18R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877912 LOT 19R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877913 LOT 20R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877914 LOT 21R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877915 LOT 22R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 877916 LOT 23R BLK J TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A LTS 1R‐23R BLK JTESSERA PKWY $ 22,934.39 $ 1,809.46 842488 ABS 2291 SUR 201 T M RR CO ACR 17.9611 $ 649,788.87 $ 51,264.93 842529 ABS 2291 SUR 201 T M RR CO ACR 19.7511 $ 714,546.71 $ 56,373.98 LOT 14 & 15 BLK D TESSERA ON LAKE TRAVIS PHS 1A $ 227,050.34 $ 17,913.61




Estimated Annual Assessable Outstanding Installment Due Parcel Gross Acres Acres Assessment 1/31/18 Tessera Phase 2 PID Tract 141.26 101.60 $ 4,398,593.89 $ 585,616.64 Tessera Phase 3 PID Tract 165.92 80.50 $ 3,485,106.38 $ 463,997.44 Tessera Phase 4 PID Tract 84.88 64.47 $ 2,791,115.63 $ 371,601.43 Tessera Phase 4A PID Tract 5.23 5.23 $ 226,423.68 $ 30,145.43 Tessera Phase 5 PID Tract 167.67 126.10 $ 5,459,278.45 $ 726,833.25 Tessera Phase 6 PID Tract 91.09 51.90 $ 2,246,919.52 $ 299,148.66 Tessera Phase 6A PID Tract 2.60 2.60 $ 112,562.44 $ 14,986.26 Total 658.65 432.40 $ 18,720,000.00 $ 2,492,329.11



48 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: Discussion, consideration and possible action authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract for Broker Services in the Sale of City Property Located at 18001 Marshall's Point.


The City received the two attached proposals.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

49 June 26, 2017

Mayor, Council Members & Interim City Manager,

Attached is my RFP for the i8001 Marshall's Point property. Thank you for giving me the opportunity over the past year to help with the marketing of 18001.Marshall's Point (MP). lam · · disappointed that I have not been able to procure.a buyer but I rerriain optimistic a sale will occur. I request a continued opportunity to achieve this goal by way of renewing my listing agreement.

In actively marketing the property for sale, I will continue to market the home for short term rentals during the sale listing agreement or unt'il sold. I spent 8 days and made no less than 10 trips back and forth to Cedar Park during those 8 days gettingthe home ready to be a vacation rental. Since it had set empty for so long, there.was a lot to do, including repairs and general maintenance. It also had to be furnished. I worked day and night ·a.longwith s.ome Lago Vista helpers to get MP ready for the first rental. I was, and still am, proud of the result. ·

Early in the listing time frame, I genuinely felt like MP would sell and the possibility of shOrt term rentals would not be needed. Aft~r several months of little sales activity, the opportunity to generate some income as well as increase visibility for a possible favorable disposition via sho~ term rentals was pursued, and it became a short-term vacation rental home. Since the property had been vacant for two years, I anticipated some challenges With all aspects of the house functioning normally, Unfortunately, more issues have arisen than I imagined. The issues have been,· but not necessarily limited to, no water at the property twice, AC not working 3 times, tirrier on the fire pit broken, yard not mowed, WIFI not working, pool issues, no hot . . water throughout the house (twice), upstairs shower'leaking to downstairs kitchen area, gate not opening 3 times and clogged sinks. I arri personally on-call during each rental to address ...... such matters in atimely manner. The majority of these repairs probably would have surfaced during a buyer's inspection of the home. The rental income has clearly afforc;led the Ci_ty an opportunity to address the deferred maintenance issues using the r~ntal income and not taxpayer dollars. In my professional opinion, with many of the major·repair items identified and addressed, it would in the City's best interest to continue the short-term rentals until the property is so.Id since a good income stream should now be available to the City and maintenance issues are always timely. addressed.

5611 Hvry 290 West • , TX 78735 · • 512 .89LHOME (4663) ·.• 512.892.4680 Fax • www~ ~ · 50 · Regarding the repair .work . done to date, I have been fortunate. to have access to many local Lago Vista repair service providers for th_e past 8 years 1. since I currently manage 6 luxury · homes; all in Lago Vista. All my handymen, plumbers, AC technicians, landscapers, and cleaning crews are headquartered in the City of Lago Vista. I believe that Rodney Ratliff, Gary Robertson, Richard Anderson, Charlie Brown, Ja~es Kirkland, Chris & Ashton Hatcher, Tim · McClellan, Doug Devore and Chris· Hood are excellent in their trade. I am professionally arid personally committed ·to the City of Lago Vista, not just in sell Ing MP, which is a primary focus, but also to the local businesses.

I am committed to ma.ximizing the value of MP for the City of Lago Vista. _I believe firmly this is · . . a desirable property for buyers. However, as you will see in the market analysis in the RFP, only three homes ori the north side of Lake Travis. have sold in the $2M+ price range. One was in . Volente, one was a lSK square foot home on 12 acres between La.go Vista and Marble Falls, and

the third was. also. .in Marble Falls. on 410, acres. Unfortunately, there were very few. motivated buyers for the Lago Vista area in the price range of MP over the past 12 months.

Thank \'.OU for your consideration, and I hope you will consider my propos~I. ' . Sincerely,

51 r

-· June 25, 2017

Prepared For: .·

City of Lago Vista . Requ~stfor Proposal REAL ESTATE BR.OKER SERVICES 18001 Marshall's Point Drive Lago .Vista, TX 78645 .

· Prepared By:

.·· Jacqueline Wittmuss JW Properties · 5611 West Hwy 290 .Austin, TX 78735 _ ·512-892-4663 Office 512-917-1717 Cell . 512-8.92-4680 Fax [email protected]

5611. H\.\'.Y 290 .West • Austin, TX 78735 • · 512 .892.HOME (4663) • 52 ~ . · JACQUELINE WITTMUSS JW Properties BROKER QUALIFCATl.ONS

Description of Firm

. . •!• · Broker/Owner of JW Properties since 1993; Licensed as an agent by the Texas Real Estate .

Commission since 1986, licensed as a Broker since 1~93.

•!• Specializes in the sale of waterfront property on Lake Travis and the management of luxury short-term vacation rental homes on Lake Travis.

•!• JW Properties currently has 2 licensed agents ~nd no employees. The only licensed agent who will be working with Jacqueline Wittmuss on 18001 Marshall's Point is Kathryn Miles. Kathryn · handles all the reservations and screening of potential rental ·guests for all short-term rental ' properties managed .by JW Properties. Kathryn has been iri this position since 2008

•!• Currently manages 7 luxury va.cation rental homes on the north side of Lake Travis

•!• Member, Austin Board of REALTORS

•!• Member, Highland lakes Board of REALTORS

•!• Member, LoopNet

•!• Member, National Association of REALTORS®.

•!• Member, Texas Association of REALTORS®

•!• Member, The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, since 2008

•!• Member, Certified Residential Specialist

•!• Member, Accredited Buyers Representative


Peter & Teresa Koplyay 105 Golden Bear Cove Lakeway, TX 78738 PeterKoplyay@gmail.:com 970-980-1096

Bill & Shannon Briggs 5035. County Road 333 Caldwell, TX 77836 [email protected] 512-791-8708 Listing Agent: -3169 Thurman Road; Lago Vi.sta Closed 2/16

. Kirk & Ona Rae 1963i Whisper_ing.Breeze Lane Houston, TX77094 [email protected] · 281-492-8804 or 713-962-4320 Buyer's Agent: 19805 Angel Bay; Spicewood

. Christopher H. Crane, MD Manhattan, NY [email protected] 832-969-6196 Listing Agent and Buyer's Agent: 26101 Countryside; Spicewood

Edouard Ruegg 4750 Panorama Drive . San Diego, CA 92116 [email protected] 619-295-2950 Buyer's Agent: 16603 a.nd 16605 Jackson Street; Volente

Robert & Deonna Flores Houston, TX [email protected] 281-224-0027 Buyer's Agent: 2308 Quail Run Cove; Lago Vista & 2808 Truman Cove; Lago Vista

54 pete

June 26, 2017 I I To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Peter Koplyay MD and this letter is written in support of Jacqueline Wittmuss, whom my wife and I have known for approximately 10 years.

We were fortunate enough to meet Jacque 10 years ago when we were searching for a summer vacation rental home on Lake Travis. Our family had relocated from Texas to Colorado and we were looking for a vacation rental on Lake Travis that could accommodate our immediate and extended family. We had contacted several rental agents but were immediately impressed with Jacque's knowledge of the Lake Travis area. Her house recommendations were perfect for our specific needs, and the depth of her expertise made the rental process as smooth as possible. We returned to Jacque each summer, and over the next several years we built a wonderful client relationship and friendship.

We enjoyed our time on Lake Travis so much that a few years ago we made the decision to purchase a vacation home on the lake. Without question we knew we had to contact Jacque and JW Properties for our real estate needs. Jacque's understanding of the lake and the real estate market during the historic drought allowed us to make informed and intelligent decisions regarding the properties we looked at.

We considered purchasing a vacation home on Lake Travis for a few years until I was presented with a job opportunity to relocate permanently to Lakeway with the Baylor Scott and White Hospital. Our needs had suddenly changed and we again enlisted Jacque's help in searching for our new permanent residence. Jacque was just as knowledgeable regarding properties off the water in and around Lakeway. We looked at dozens of homes but fell in love with one of the first homes she showed us. Her understanding of our needs and the local real estate market allowed her to find us the perfect home almost immediately.

We closed on our current home this February in Flintrock Falls and have never been happier. Jacque has become one of our closest friends over the years and we are thrilled to be now living in Lakeway. We will continue to enlist Jacque's services in our search for a vacation property on Lake Travis. We have recommended Jacque to friends and family for all of their real estate needs. I would highly recommend Jacque to anybody in need of short-term rentals, as well as for buying or selling homes in and around Lakeway and on Lake Travis. Please feel free to contact me at 970-980-1096 or at [email protected] if you have any questions.- .

Copyright© 2003-2017. All rights reserved. 55 -, ,0 I

May 17, 2016 Letter of Recommendation

To Whom It May Concern :

We are very pleased to offer this Letter of Recommendation regarding Jacque Wittmuss of JW Properties and the exceptional realtor services she provided my wife and I during the marketing, negotiation and sale of our lakefront home on Lake Travis (3169 Thurman Road, Lago Vista) . We considered many other large and small realty firms and even listed initially for six months with a very large realtor that promised exceptional focused market penetration and an international client base. Not until we listed with Jacque of JW Properties were our expectations met and our home successfully 0 marketed and sold in a very short time. JW Properties was the right decision for us for several reasons:

~ Exceptional understanding of the Lake Travis market for waterfront homes -with exceptional focused market penetration, an extensive real estate communications network and actively selling and renting waterfront homes on Lake Travis, Jacque was able to "keep her finger on the pulse" of events and circumstances that impact the local real estate market and adjust our .J marketing strategies and pricing as circumstances dictated. For example, Jacque had us raise our asking price $200,000 after this year's Memorial Day rains and we had a buyer in less than three weeks after that.

> Personalized and timely customer service -we received a level of personalized and ongoing (even after the listing was secured) service that we did not realize with larger firms that seemed more focused on increasing their volume of listings. D > Strong client base of potential buyers - Jacque showed our home to more potential buyers and in less time than any other Lago Vista or Austin realtor. 0 )>- Results based on unparalleled experience and qualifications -we were impressed with not only Jacque's resume of long time commitment to selling and renting waterfront homes on Lake Travis but also the success she has had in doing both. D In summary, we highly recommend Jacque Wittmuss and JW Properties for the marketing and sale of your lake Travis home. You are welcome to contact us at your convenience. D ~·cdv· Bill Brigg, ~ 5035 County Road 333 Caldwell, Texas 77836 . .. .-.. . . : ..:: .. :. .· .' :;__ . .~ (512) 791-8708

1--- 56 Memorial Sloan Kettering l Cancer Center I .

May 17, 2016

City of Lago Vista D Re: Listing for Jim Otwell's home To whom it may concern:

This letter is in strong support of Jackie Wittmuss' application to manage and list Jim Otwell's home that was recently purchased by the City.

0 I've known Jackie seven years . She managed my rental home for 3 to 4 years. I can't say enough about her expertise, work ethic, knowledge and interpersonal skills . These qualities have enabled her to become the leader in the short term rental space on Lake Travis.

Jackie is one of the kindest, most respectful and ethical people that I know. She is J extremely knowledgeable in the short-term rental space, and particularly the lake Travis area. Through her years of experience, she intuitively knows the conditions and factors that affect both home sales and short-term rental property activity. This leads to sound D judgment and excellent results.

I have moved out of state but I plan to continue to work with Jackie for my short-term 0 rental property interests in the area. There is no one whose opinion I trust more than hers. Please feel free to call me if you would like to discuss her qualifications further. 0 Thank you, 0 Chd~C~:e~ Vice Chairman Department of Radiation Oncology J

Cirnsloplw 1· 1I. Cr<111~ . M.IJ . V1c0 o;hn111n<111 Attcmling J Radiation Oncology

1275 York A,·cnue, Box 22, Ne\\' Yo rk, NY 10065 T 212.639.2112 I' 212.717.3104 \\'\\'W.ll15KCC .org

NCl ·de .'.! i!;n utcd Cu111prcll

57 Kirk and Ona Rae Lazarine 19631 Whispering Breeze Ln Houston, Texas 77094 ] 281 -492-8804/713-962-4320 l May 18 , 2016

Re: Ms. Jacqueline Wittmuss

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with our pleasure that we recommend Jacqueline Wittmuss as a Real Estate Agent for anyone who is seeking the perfect waterfront home on Lake Travis, or any home for that matter in the Austin area.

We met Jacque over five years ago when we contacted her about a house that she had on her website and asked that she show us that home as well as some other homes on Lake Travis. Thus began our five year journey with Jacque that through the years evolved into a wonderful bus iness relationship and a cherished friendship.

The good news is that with Jacque's integrity and professional guidance we finally closed on our vacation dream home on Lake Travis on October 31 , 2014.

The better news is that we had the privilege of working with and getting to know Jacque, and we realized how fortunate we were to work with someone who was honest, fair, hard working, dependable and always treated us as if we were her one and only client.

The best news is that Jacque proved to be very determined and dedicated to help us find the right J property that we were looking for. Truth of the matter, it took us five years of serious look ing before we finally found our place. Now think about this for a moment, mast Realtors work hard to help a client so that they can earn a commission. However, most Realtors would lose interest in helping a client/buyer over a 1-2 year period - right? Not Jacque, she stayed the co urse with us and never gave -up on us and always treated us with professionalism and respect.

If you ever want to know how many properties you can look at in five years with one Realtor. we will be D glad to talk to you and share our stories and memories. Did we say Jacque is DEDICATED - yes indeed!

Sincerely, D ;?~/ ~L~o~ Kirk & Ona Rae Lazarine D



58 .J

May 18, 2016 l RE : Letter of Recommendation I For Jacque Wittmuss of JW Properties D I To whom it may concern:

D We first met Jacque Wittmuss of JW Properties back in 2005 when we rented her nice lake home in Lago Vista, Texas. We were so impressed with her In professionalism and knowledge of Lake Travis that we decided to use her and her company as our exclusive Real Estate agent to help us find our own dream home -11 on Lake Travis. J A few months later in 2006, we ended up buying a property on Lake Travis in the --'l Village of Volente. Actually the property we selected consisted of 5 homes on 2 J I parcels, so there were many inherent challenges during escrow. But Jacque worked hard on our behalf to make sure we closed the deal. We were so happy 0 with her results! Three years later in 2009, the waterfront property next door to our Volente home went into foreclosure so we decided to work with Jacque Wittmuss and JW J Properties again to help us purchase this home from the bank. Again Jacque impressed us with her hard work, knowledge and expertise.

D We highly recommend using Jacque Wittmuss and JW Properties for your Real Estate needs. She has significant Lake Travis waterfront experience and works J great with both Buyers and Sellers. If by chance you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me. :nu Sincerely, J Edouard Ruegg l 4750 Panorama Drive l _, San Diego, CA 92116 [email protected] 1 l 619-295-2950 _J un 1 i '-' ~ 1I '--' _, 59 n

Additional Services

. . . I •:• l\llanagement .of luxury short term vacation rental homes. on Lake Travis, since 2007. JW Properties currently manages 18P01 Marshall's Point. l Through June, 26, 2017 the gross rental Income booked since March 3, 2017: $163,050.00 n l . The breakdown is as follows:

March, 2017 $22,475 . . April, 2017 15,750. May, 2017 30,125. June,2017 30,275. July, 2017 36,425. August, 2017 14,050. September, 2017 . 9,450. October, 2017 4,500.


Jacqueline Wittniuss· dba JW Properties, has never been ~ party to any lawsuit and ~here are no pending litigation, outstanding judgments or .liens against .Jacqueline Wittmuss or JW Properties.


I have no hourlywage employees therefore I have no worker's compensation insu~ance.

. . . I have maintained a $i,OOO,OOO Errors & Om mission policy since becoming a broker in 1993. ·There have been no claims against it since the inception. of the policy in 1993.

60 Lake Travis Water FrontProperties Sold .

\ • 2308 Quail Run Cove (Listing Agent) May, 2017 $ 745,000 . .

18206 Lakeshqre Point - Nature's Point Oct, 2016 $ 4,500,000.

3169 Thu· (Buyer's Agent) Feb, 2016 $ 1,125,000 . .

25215 Pedernales Canyon (Listing Agent) July, 2015 $ . 339,500.

.---, 19805 Angei Bay (Buyer's Agent) Oct, 2014 $ 1,560,000.

4006 Red Bird (Listing Agent) May; 2014 $ 750,000 .

...... , . 2808 Truman Cove (Buyer's Agent) June,2014 $ 629,000.

26101 Countryside (Using Agent) Oct, 2013 $ 750,000. , 21913 Mockingbird (Buyer's Agent) Nov, 2012 $ 1,050,000.

21940 Briarcliff (Buyer's Agent) May, 2012 $ 688,000;

1023 Challenger (Buyer's Agent) . Aug, 2011 $ 1,400,000 . .

16603 Jackson Street (Buyer's Agent) Jan, ~009 . $ 109,000.

2308 Quail Run (Buyer's Agent & Listing Agent) May, 2009 $ 635,000.

21700 Heather (Wate.rfront Lot) (Buyer's Agent) Dec, 2008 · . $ 135,000.

.. 1017 Indian-Mound (Buyer's Agent) ·Dec, 2008 $ 1,015,000.

18100 Austin Blvd (Buyer's Agent & Listing Agent) Feb,2008 $ 1,300,000 . .

~ 17504 Whippoorwill (Buyer's Agent_ Nov,2007 s 1,42s,ooo.

3708 Parliament Cove (Buyer's Agent} Mar, 2007 $ 470,538.

22021 Redbird Drive (Buyer's Agent) May, 200:2 $ . 360,000.

61 · ,

--, .·


Total Commission on for sale of 18001 Marshall's Point: 6%

· 3% to Listing Agent

· 3% to Cooperating Broker

Short.Term Rental Commission: 30%

Both commissions are consistent with industry standards




. . JW Properties will list 18001 Marshall's Point for sale. In addition, the property will be marketed for rent as a rental vacation home. · My primary goal will be to sell this property. However, until a qualified buyer . ·is found, the rental income wiil provide cash flow to the City of Lago Vista to help minimize the holding costs as well as maintenance costs, both current and deferred, of this'property until it actually closes.

Marshall's Point is currently in the MLS systems listed below:

Austin ·Board of REALTORS Highland Lakes Board of REALTORS

63 Websites that property to be marketed on: .

•!• Austin Board of REAL TORS®, ACTRIS MLS ·:· Highland Lakes Boa~d of REALTORS®, Paragon MLS system \. ·:· . LoopNet Commercial Real Estate Website $89.00 per month . ·:· TourFactory.Com . .( ). ·:· . I ·:· . •!• . . ·:· DuPont Hegistry (Properties $500,000 and up only) \. . •!• · ·:· Google I' ·:· . I ·:· ·:· r . ·:· HouseLocator ·:· ML Listings (CaHfornia) ·:· ·:· Property Pursuit •!• •!• ·:· · · •!• Yahoo - Real Estate Classified ·:· You •!• . ·:~ Hot Pads ·!· Vast •!• 18001

Print Marketing

I . . •!• 4 page color brochure on card. See examples attached L · •!• Professional photography by Shutterbug Studios · . •!• Including daytime, twilight shots, drone shots and virtual tours. •:• Floorplan Graphics ...:. Floor plan has been drawn that is in MLS services. •!• Toufactory Virtual Tour Luxury package · .•!• Domain purchase: 18001


If the council renews my request for. proposal, I would like. to update the marketing visuals by a photographer that I have been using for th.e past 6 months. I will also have an updated drone shoot by 'a new photographer. ·

After the busy summer rentals are behirid me, I would like to .have a REALTO.R open house. I will hire Jennifer Band the Groove to play and will have the event catered. Typically, REAL TOR open houses on the north side of Lake Travis only draw local REAL TORS. By having a band and a catered event, I belie\fe I can attract some of the south side realtors. I will send the top waterfront property _REAL TORS a personal invitation. ·

Based on my experience and the activity in the area overthe past 12 months, I believe we need to let Marshall's Point expire on July 31 51. . I would like to put it back on the market with the new visuals and drone footage. I would like to plan the Realtor Open House when it cools down in October. · 1 also believe we need to reduce the price to $2.5M. based on the area market activity and based on the feedback of the three individuals who had previously been interested in making ·an offer. If you will look at the· attached market analysis, only two homes priced at or above $2,000,000 on the north side of Lake Travis have sold in the past year. ,One of those homes was · in Volente and the other was between Lago Vista and Marble Falls arid it was on 12.66 acres.


. Status is 'Sold'

Status Contractual Search Date is 06/26/2016-06/26/2017

Property Sub Type is 'House'

Area is one of 'LN'

List Price $2,000,000 or more

Waterfront is yes

· Body .of Water is 'Lake Travis'

· There have only been three homes that have sold on the north side of Lake Travis iri the past year. One in Volente, the other was 15,375 square feet on . 12.66 acres located between Lago Vista and Marble FaUs and the third in Marble Falls .·located on 410 acres. See attached MLS pages -and pictures.

66 ML#: 8630467 Area: LN Status: S/RES Address: 23515 PARADISE CV List Price : $4,995,000 City: M;uble FallsLago Vista / County: Travis Austin, TX , 78654 PIO : 01769503120000 Country: Map : 428 E Also List: Subdiv: Paradise Cove Legal : Lot 7-9 Paradise Cove Tax Blk: Tax Lot: l ISD: Marble Falls ISD Elem: Colt 9/HS: N/A Mid/JS: Marble Falls Sr HS : Marble Falls Type: House/Fee-Simple Sqft: 15,375/Tax Record Beds: 8 Main/Oth:3/5 $/SF: $324.88 Baths: 10 F/H Bths: 6/4 Yr Built: 2001/Resale Living : 9 Stories: 2 Dining: 4/Breakfast Area, Formal Dining Room Acres: 12.666 Land SQ: Lot Size : l Pool: Yes /In-Ground Pool, Negative Edge Spa: Yes /In Ground

General Information Unit Style: Multi-level Floor Plan Mstr Ma in: No Garage: 4 Parking: Bldr Nm: Parking Feat: Detached Found: Slab Roof: Tile Faces : North-West Construct: All Sides Masonry Disability: No Horses: Yes /6 Lot Desc: Corner, Lakefront, Sloped, Wooded FEMA : Partial ETJ: No Yes /Boat Slip, Wtrfrnt: Yes /Lake /Lake Travis Wtr Ace : Dist Wtr Ace: Private Dock Dist Shttl : Dist Metro: Dist Lt Ra il: Pro Restrict: Yes Deed Restrictions Interior Information Floor: Carpet, No Carpet, Stone, Wood Fireplace: 4/Bedroom, Dining Room, Formal Living Steps: Exterior Steps, Front Steps, Interior Steps Master: 2 Master Suites, Fireplace, Jetted Tub, Lndry Feat: See Agent, Main Level, Utility/Laundry Room Separate Shower, Sitting/Study Room, Walk-In Closet Rooms : Exercise, Formal Living, Foyer, Library, Office/Study, Pantry, Wine Guest: Yes /Garage Apartment, Separate Entrance, Separate Kit Facilities GA Bd/FB/HB:2/1/0 Kitchen: Breakfast Bar, Center Island, Granite/Marble Counters, Open to Family Room, Second Kitchen Appl/Equip: Bar Ice Maker, Built-In Oven(s), Convection Oven, Dishwasher, Disposal, Double Oven, Microwave Oven, Refrigerator Sub-Zero Type, Stove Commercial Grade, Trash Compactor Interior: Built-in Book Cases, Ceiling-Beam, Ceiling-Cathedral, Ceiling-Coffered, Ceiling-High, Ceiling-Vaulted, Fire Alarm System, Lighting Recessed, Security System - Owned, Walk-In Closet, Window Treatments, Wired For Surround Sound Exterior Information Trees : Large (Over 40 Ft), Medium (20 Ft - 40 Fence : Livestock, Masonry, Pipe, Wrought Iron Ft), Small (Under 20 Ft) Sprinkler: Yes /Automatic, In-ground, Multiple Yards View: Hill Country, Gated : Lake/River, Panoramic J Exterior: Awning, Barn/Stable, Decorative Pond, Dock, Porch-Open, Private BackYard, Security Lighting, Storage Building, Water Feature, Workshop Outdoor: Arbor, Barbecue Comm URL: htt : main about.htm Additional Information List Agmt: TAR/Exclusive Right to Sell Copy ML#: 1st Right: Sale Restrict: None Fore/REO : No Rq Doc/Ag In: See Agent, Seller Disclosure Doc Avail :

.J Utilities Information Heat: Central Heat, Electric Sewer: Septic on Property A/C: Central Air Water: Well On Property Utilities: Electricity on Property, Phone on Property, Propane on Property, GCD : Underground Financial Information HOA Name: Travis Oaks POA Title: Est Taxes : $72,098 HOA Mngt Co : Possess: Closing, Funding Act Tax: $100,124 HOA: $150/Mandatory/Annually SPL Assmnt: Ta x Year: 2016 HOA Trns Fee : Tax Rate : 1.9140 HOA Includes: Common Area Maintenance Lien Type: Loan Amnt: Fixed Rate : Exempt: Homestead, See Agent Int Rate: Incentive: Pref Title: Hertiage Title M. Metz Financin : Cash Conventional Showin Information Show Inst: Appt w I Agent Accss Inst: Key with Listing Agent 67 Lockbox: None Security: Sign : No Directions: Lake Travis Northshore Property - From Austin Take US 183 N to 1431 W through Lago Vista, go 6 miles to Singleton Bend Road. Turn left, turn left on Singleton Bend East continue onto Travis Oaks Dr. Turn right on Paradise Cove gate is on the right. l Ag Remarks: Just 45 minutes from downtown, this spectacular 12acre estate perched on Lake Travis transcends the Hill Country... whisking you off to a stately chateau. With grand formal living areas, bubbling waterfalls, immaculate landscapes, and a refreshing negative edge pool and spa overlooking 800ft+ of waterfront, this incredible home offers all the rivac and luxurious amenities that one could dream of. Office Information List Agent: 449345/ Eric Moreland Agent Ph: (512) 924-8442 Agent Fax : (512) 857-0195 l List Office : 017J/Moreland Properties Office Ph: (512) 480-0848 Sub Ag : 0.0000/o List Agent 2: LA 2 Ph: Buyer Ag: 3.0000/o Owner Nm: On File Bonus: Occupant: Owner List Date: 11/16/2015 Agent Email: eric@m oreland .com ADOM : 239 Exp Date: Intrmdry: Yes Va rComm: No CDOM: 239 OLP: $4,450,000 Int Display: Yes/,, Syndication, Address Int: Yes Eval : No Comments: No IDX: Yes List Detail URL: VT Branded : Virtual Tou r Lin k Int Remarks: Just 45 minutes from downtown, this spectacular 12acre estate perched on Lake Travis transcends the Hill Country... whisking you off to a stately chateau. With grand formal living areas, bubbling waterfalls, immaculate landscapes, and a refreshing negative edge pool and spa overlooking 800ft+ of waterfront, this incredible home offers all the privacy and luxurious amenities that one could dream of. Syndication Just 45 minutes from downtown, this spectacular 12acre estate perched on Lake Travis transcends the Hill Country... Remarks: whisking you off to a stately chateau. With grand formal living areas, bubbling waterfalls, immaculate landscapes, and a refreshing negative edge pool and spa overlooking 800ft+ of waterfront, this incredible home offers all the privacy and luxurious amenities that one could dream of. BA: 668248/ Maeghan Tjon-Joe- Pi n SSQFT: $279.67 Sold Price: $4,300,000 BO: 5181/Better Homes and Gardens BCCST: Sold Date: 09/07/2016 Sd Cond: Good Repairs: Pend Date: 08/01/2016 Terms: Cash, Conventional Ttl Pts: New Loan: Comments: NONE Click on the arrow to view History

Copyright - 2017 - ACTRIS©. I nformation deemed reliable but not gua ranteed and should be verified. ACTRIS provides content ' AS IS,'.' without any warranty, express or implied.





68 l 23515 PARADISE CV List Price: $4,995,000 Beds: 8 Living: 9 Acres: 12.67 Sqft: 15,375 Baths: 10 Dining: 4 Lot Size: $/SqFt: $324.88 MLS #: 8630467 Status: s Stories: 2 Year Built: 2001 Just 45 minutes from downtown, this spectacular 12acre estate perched on Lake Travis transcends the Hill Country... whisking you off to a stately chateau. With grand formal living areas, bubbling waterfalls, immaculate landscapes, and a refreshing negative edge pool and spa overlooking 800ft+ of waterfront, this incredible home offers all the privacy and luxurious amenities that one l could dream of.




69 l l





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70 I I ML#: 1797777 Area : LN Status: S/RES Address: 12120 Cow Creek RD List Price : $3,499,000 City: Marble Falls, TX, 78654 County: Travis PID: 05170601150000 Country: Map: 82 F2 Also List: Subdiv: NA Legal: ABS 2515 SUR 186 HEINE H ACR 39.51 (1-D-1), ABS 2257 SUR 185 TC RR CO ACR 302.680 (1-D-1), ABS 2517 SUR 186 HEINE CH ACR 37.460 (1-D-1), ABS 2202 SUR 21 FEENEY M ACR 22.12 (1-D-1), ABS 2465 SUR 186 HEINER H ACR 8.41 (1-D-1) l Tax Blk: Tax Lot: ISO : Leander ISD Elem: Bagdad 9/HS: N/A Mid/JS: Leander Middle Sr HS : Leander High l Type : House/ Fee-Simple Sq~: 4,500/0wner I Beds : 4 Main/Oth:l/3 $/SF: $777.56 Baths: 4 F/H Bths: 3/1 Yr Built: 2014/Under Construction I Living: 2 Stories: 2 Dining : 1/See Agent Acres: 410.180 Land SQ : Lot Size: Pool: No Spa:

General Information Unit Style: Mstr Main: No Garage: 0 Parking : O Bldr Nm: Larry R Parking Feat: N/A Found : Slab Roof: See Agent Faces: Construct: See Agent Disability: No Horses: Lot Desc: FEMA : Unknown ETJ : Wtrfrnt: Yes /Creek/Stream Wtr Ace : Yes /See Agent Dist Wtr Ace: .51 - 1 Mile Dist Shttl: Dist Metro: Dist Lt Ra il: Prop Restrict: No Interior Information Floor: See Agent Fireplace: 2/Bedroom, Family Room Steps: Interior Steps Master: See Agent Lndry Feat: See Agent Rooms: Exercise, Family, Formal Living Appl/Equip: See Agent Interior: See Agent Exterior Information Trees: Large (Over 40 Ft), Medium (20 Ft - 40 Fence : See Agent Ft), Small (Under 20 Ft) S rinkler: No View: Hill Count Gated : No Additional Information List Agmt: TAR/Exclusive Right to Sell Copy ML# : 1st Right: Sale Restrict: None Fore/REO : No Rq Doc/Ag In: Other Disclosures, Seller Provided Survey Available Doc Avail : Aerial Photos Utilities Information Heat: Sewer: Septic Needed A/C: Water: Well Needed Utilities: GCD : Financial Information HOA Name: Title: Seller Est Ta xes: $446 HOA Mngt Co: Possess : Closing, Funding Act Tax: $43 HOA: SPL Assmnt: Tax Year: 2016 HOA Trns Fee : Tax Rate: 2.2471 HOA Includes: Lien Type : Loan Amnt: Fixed Rate : Exempt: Agricultural Int Rate : Incentive: Pref Title: First American E.Perez Financin : Cash Conventional J Showin Information Show Inst: Appt w / Agent Accss Inst: Key with Listing Agent Lockbox: Combo Lockbox/Gate Security: Sign : Directions: 183 N to TX 29 W, Left on FM 1869, Left on FM 1174 S, Left on Cow Creek ( CR 328) Ag Remarks: This fantastic ranch is located in the heart of the Balcones Canyonland Preserve. Only 45 minutes from The Arboretum, but a world away. Beautiful terrain and mature oaks, not to mention some of the tallest peaks in Travis county & 1,500 ft of rock bottom, crystal-clear Cow Creek waterfront. Rolling hills, big hilltops and scenic valley's abound. 2nd year round creek located on back side of property. Nearly complete 4,500 sq ft (4bed/4ba)ranch home read for a bu er's final touches. APPT w AGENT TO SHOW. Office Information List Agent: 340639/ Dave Murray Agent Ph : (512) 751-6060 Agent Fax : (512) 343-1224 List Office: 024R01 / Coldwell Banker United REALTOR Office Ph : (512) 343-7500 Sub Ag: 0.0000/o List Agent 2 : LA 2 Ph: Buyer Ag: 3.0000/o Owner Nm: Miles Klepper and Susan Hart Bonus: Occupant: Vacant List Date: 03/09/2017 Agent Email : [email protected] ADOM : 26 Exp Date: Int rmdry: VarComm : CDOM : 26 OLP: $3,499,000 71 Int Display: Yes/,, Syndication, Address Int: Yes Eval: No Comments: No IDX: Yes List Detail URL: -waterfront-ranches/ VT Non-Brand: http :// 1579033&id x= 1 l VT Branded: Virtual Tour Lin k Int Remarks: This fantastic ranch is located in the heart of the Balcones Canyonland Preserve. Only 45 minutes from The Arboretum, but a world away. Beautiful terrain and mature oaks, not to mention some of the tallest peaks in Travis county & 1,500 ft of rock bottom, crystal-clear Cow Creek waterfront. Rolling hills, big hilltops and scenic valley's abound. 2nd year round creek located on back side of property. Nearly complete 4,500 sq ft (4bed/4ba)ranch home ready for a buyer's final touches. l Syndication This fantastic ranch is located in the heart of the Balcones Canyonland Preserve. Only 45 minutes from The Remarks: Arboretum, but a world away. Beautiful terrain and mature oaks, not to mention some of the tallest peaks in Travis county & 1,500 ft of rock bottom, crystal-clear Cow Creek waterfront. Rolling hills, big hilltops and scenic valley's l abound. 2nd year round creek located on back side of property. Nearly complete 4,500 sq ft (4bed/4ba}ranch home ready for a buyer's final touches. BA: nonmbr/ Non Member SSQFT: $667.10 Sold Price: $3,001,971 BO: NONMBR/ Non Member BC CST: Sold Date: 05/05/2017 -, Sd Cond: Good Repairs: Pend Date: 05/01/2017 Terms: Cash Ttl Pts: New Loan: Comments: None Click on the arrow to view History

Copyright - 2017 - ACTRIS©. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. ACTRIS provides content "AS IS," without any warranty, express or implied.

72 12120 Cow Creek RD List Price: $3,499,000 l Beds: 4 Living: 2 Acres: 410.18 Sq ft: 4,500 -, Baths: 4 Dining: 1 Lot Size: $/SqFt: $777.56 MLS#: 1797777 Status: s Stories: 2 Year Built: 2014 This fantastic ranch is located in the heart of the Balcones Canyonland Preserve. Only 45 minutes from The Arboretum, but a world away. Beautiful terrain and mature oaks, not to mention some of the tallest peaks in Travis county & 1,500 ft of rock bottom, crystal-clear Cow Creek waterfront. Rolling hills, big hilltops and scenic valley's abound. 2nd year round creek located on back side of property. Nearly complete 4,500 sq ft (4bed/4ba}ranch home ready for a buyer's final touches. l Number of Photos :28

Live Water Ranch in Travis County




73 l l l j




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74 ML# : 6236986 Area : LN Status: S/RES Address: 16513 Jackson ST List Price: $2,475,000 City: Volente, TX, 78641 County: Travis PID : 01725504180000 Country: Map: 126 A6 Also List: Subdiv: Foster R l Legal: ABS 289 SUR 30 FOSTER R ACR 1.5050 & E 1/2 OF LOT 8 LAKE TRAVIS SUBD NO 2 & ABS 289 SUR 30 FOSTER R ACR 1.490 Tax Blk: Tax Lot: ISD: Leander ISO l Elem: Grandview Hills 9/HS: N/A Mid/JS: Four Points Sr HS : Vandegrift Type: House/Fee-Simple Sqlt: 6,036/Builder Beds: 7 Ma in/Oth:3/4 $/SF: $410.04 Baths: 7 F/H Bths: 6/1 Yr Built: 2007 /Resale l Living: 4 Stories: 2 Dining : 3/Breakfast Area, Formal Dining Room Acres: 4.610 Land SQ: Lot Size : Pool: Yes I Attached Spa/Hot tub, Cabana, In-Ground Pool l Spa: Yes /In Ground

General Information ' Unit Style: Mstr Main: Yes Garage: 6 Parking: Bldr Nm: I Parking Feat: Attached, Detached Found: Slab Roof: Concrete, Tile Faces: North Construct: All Sides Masonry Disability: No Horses: Lot Desc: Lake On Lot, Rolling, Sloped, Wooded FEMA: Unknown ETJ: Wtrfrnt: Yes /Lake /Lake Travis Wtr Ace: Yes /Boat Slip Dist Wtr Ace : Dist Shttl : Dist Metro: Dist Lt Rail : Pro Restrict: Yes Covenant Interior Information Floor: Tile - Hard, Wood Fireplace : 2/Family Room, Outdoor Steps: Back Steps, Exterior Steps, Interior Steps Master: Double Vanity, Full Bath, Jetted Tub, Lndry Feat: Main Level Separate Shower, Walk-In Closet Rooms: Bedroom/Office, Family, Formal Living, Game, Great, Office/Study, Pantry, Wine Guest: Yes /Garage Apartment GA Bd/FB/HB:2/1/0 Kitchen: Breakfast Bar, Center Island, Granite/Marble Counters Appl/Equip: Cook Top Gas, Dishwasher Interior: Built-in Entertainment Center, Ceiling-Beam, Ceiling-Coffered, Ceiling-Vaulted, Fire Alarm System, French Doors, Securi S stem - Owned Sk Ii ht Smoke Detector Walk-In Closet Wet Bar Exterior Information Trees : Large (Over 40 Ft), Medium (20 Ft - 40 Fence: Invisible, Privacy, Wood, Wrought Iron Ft), Moderate Sprinkler: Yes /Back yard, Front Yard View: Hill Country, Gated: No Lake/River Exterior: Patio-Covered, Patio-Uncovered, Private BackYard, Sidewalk, Storage Building, Water Feature Outdoor: Barbecue, Cabana, Fire Pit Additional Information List Agmt: TAR/Exclusive Right to Sell Copy ML#: 1st Right: Sale Restrict: None Fore/REO : No Rq Doc/Ag In: Seller Disclosure _J Doc Avail: Utilities Information Heat: Sewer: Septic on Property A/C: Water: See Agent Utilities: Natural Gas on Pro ert Phone Available GCD : Financial Information HOA Name: Title: Est Taxes: $53,012 HOA Mngt Co : Possess : Negotiable Act Tax: $50,430 HOA : SPL Assmnt: Tax Year: 2015 _J HOA Trns Fee : Tax Rate: 2.4100 HOA Includes: Lien Type: Loan Amnt: Fixed Rate : Exempt: Homestead Int Rate: Incentive: Pref Title: Platinum Title Financin : Cash Conventional Showin Information Show Inst: Appt w/ Agent Accss Inst: Key with Listing Agent Lockbox : None Security: Sign : Yes Directions: Past The Oasis on Bullock Hollow, turn Left at the Ton 2769. At the Marina, follow road to the Right. Turn Left on Jackson Street. Property on the Left. Ag Remarks: Private waterfront living awaits you in this handsome 7BR/7BA, 6036sqft, Spanish-style home on the shore of Lake Travis. Gorgeous lakefront views, toweri ng arched windows, knotty pine & polished travertine floors & lavish faux­ finished walls captivate the eye. Hand-painted accents grace coffered ceilings & a soaring rotunda. Highlights include a 2-BR guest house, an office, 3 outdoor cooking areas, an infinity pool, patio cantina bar, boat dock w/2 electric lifts two 3-car ara es & rivate ated entr • Office Information 75 List Agent: 456793/Cord Shiflet Agent Ph : (512) 751-2673 Agent Fax: (512) 480-9761 List Office: 017J / Moreland Properties Office Ph: (512) 480-0848 Sub Ag: 0.0000/o List Agent 2: LA 2 Ph: Buyer Ag : 3.0000/o Owner Nm: On File Bonus: Occupant: Owner List Date: 11/14/2016 Agent Email: [email protected] ADOM : 67 Exp Date: l Intrmdry: Yes VarComm: CDOM: 67 OLP : $2,475,000 Int Display: Yes/,, Address Int: Yes Eval : No Comments: No IDX : Yes List Detail URL: http://jacksonlaketravis. com l VT Non-Brand: VT Branded: Virtual Tour Link Int Remarks: Private waterfront living awaits you in this handsome 7BR/7BA, 6036sqft, Spanish-style home on the shore of Lake Travis. Gorgeous lakefront views, towering arched windows, knotty pine &. polished travertine floors & lavish faux­ finished walls captivate the eye. Hand-painted accents grace coffered ceilings &. a soaring rotunda. Highlights include a 2-BR guest house, an office, 3 outdoor cooking areas, an infinity pool, patio cantina bar, boat dock w/2 electric lifts, two 3-car garages&. private gated entry. Syndication For information on this listing please call the listing agent, Cord Shiflet at 512-751-2673 or email: 512-751-2673. l Remarks: BA: 588315/Danielle Babin SSQFT: $400.10 Sold Price: $2,415,000 BO: 099102/Keller Williams Realty-RR BCCST: Sold Date: 02/10/2017 Sd Cond: Excellent Repairs: Pend Date: 01/20/2017 Terms: Cash Ttl Pts: New Loan: Comments: Click on the arrow to view History

Copyright - 2017 - ACTRIS©. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. ACTRIS provides content "AS IS," without any warranty, express or implied .

. J


76 l I 16513 Jackson ST List Price: $2,475,000 Beds: 7 Living: 4 Acres: 4.61 Sq ft: 6,036 Baths: 7 Dining: 3 Lot Size: $/Sqft: $410.04 I MLS #: 6236986 Status: s Stories: 2 Year Built: 2007 I Private waterfront living awaits you in this handsome 7BR/7BA, 6036sqft, Spanish-style home on the shore of Lake Travis. Gorgeous lakefront views, towering arched windows, knotty pine & polished travertine floors & lavish faux-finished walls captivate the eye. Hand-painted accents grace coffered ceilings & a soaring rotunda. Highlights include a 2-BR guest house, an office, 3 outdoor cooking areas, an infinity pool, patio cantina bar, boat dock w/2 electric lifts, two 3-car garages & private gated entry.

I I l

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78 1 I l l

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_, 79

The Hill Team at Realty Austin

Proposal Real Estate Broker Services

18001 Marshalls Point

80 A. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Hill Team at Realty Austin (Jeff and Lisa Hill) shall agree to contract with the City of Lago Vista to provide the following:

1. Perform a comprehensive market analysis for subject property at 18001 Marshalls Point.

2. Develop strategies, with the consultation of the City, for advertisement and sale of the property.

The strategy for the sale of 18001 Marshalls Point is as follows:

a. Prepare the property for sale. The property condition is not stellar - the landscaping needs freshening up, the paint colors are dated, the decking needs refinishing or replacing. The Hill Team will propose and coordinate all actions needed to prepare the property for sale.

b. Meet with professional stager to review the condition of the property and develop strategy to prepare property for professional photographs. This may include bringing in additional decor items or removing existing decor items.

c. Price property accurately.

This property has been grossly overpriced and that is one of the many reasons why it has not sold in over 300 days. The property has the following issues which have kept it from selling:

i. Property location is extremely close to major large power lines which is a huge obstacle to selling. Many buyers feel that power towers can

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 2

81 cause health issues. Whether or not this is true is irrelevant since some buyers will reject the property based on the presence of the power lines.

ii. Property is marketed as waterfront but has no direct access to the water. The owned private dock is within walking distance but most owners will choose to drive to the marina. Most buyers looking for waterfront property want to be able to access the water that is adjacent to their property. This property is lacking the true waterfront feature and should be priced accordingly.

iii. This property is excessive in size even for a luxury home. Many luxury buyers do not need such an extensive floorplan with 6 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, and 4 living rooms.

iv. Because of these issues, the property has been stigmatized and buyers will definitely understand that it has not sold and question why. If a buyer wants to make an offer that buyer will certainly make a low-ball offer based on the days on market, lack of waterfront, the power lines, and the dated decor.

v. See the next few pages which are a Market Analysis Summary of properties similar to 18001 Marshalls Point with these criteria: 1. Status: Active, Active Contingent, Pending, Pending Taking Backups, Sold in the past 365 days 2. MLS Area: LN 3. # Beds: 4-7 4. # Baths: 4-9 5. Square feet: 3500+

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 3

82 6. Acres: 1-5 7. Garages: 3+ 8. Pool on property: Yes 9. Waterfront: Yes vi. Of the 6 Sold properties, the average Sold Price per Sq Ft is: $270.41.

However, all of the sold properties (except 12617 Lone Mountain Pass) have true “walkable” lakefront access, and private docks on the actual property. This makes them much more desirable then 18001 Marshalls Point.

vii. Therefore, the Hill Team recommends dropping the price to an “aggressive” price of $1,999,000, which is $259.98/square foot.

This should generate immediate showings and ultimately offers.

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 4

83 3. List and advertise, at the sole expense of The Hill Team, the subject property for sale in the listing/advertising services available to Broker/firm which are usually and customarily employed by Broker/firm with the sale of properties similar to the Property.

This includes:

a. Pricing the property accurately.

b. Marketing the property to as many buyers as possible and investing heavily in online marketing, social media, email marketing, direct marketing, and print marketing. (See below for full list of marketing activities.)

c. Negotiating an offer to get the highest price and net the most to the City of Lago Vista.

d. Using our online transaction management system to track important deadlines for a smooth closing.

Marketing Activities Include:

a. Professional Photography including: i. Twilight photo shoot ii. 3D Virtual Tour iii. Aerial (Drone) Photography

b. Luxury professional marketing collateral (See ​Exhibit 1: Luxury Brochure Example)

c. Placement on all major real estate websites including but not limited to: i. (the #1 Austin Home Search website) ii. Luxury Portfolio International

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 5

84 iii. Leading Real Estate Companies of the World iv. Wall Street Journal v. Zillow vi. Trulia vii. Redfin viii. ix.

d. Weekly public open houses (as possible with short-term rental tenants)

e. Broker open house for area real estate agents

4. When offer(s) are received, The Hill Team will work with the City Attorney and City Consultants to negotiate a Property sales contract with buyers and prospects.

5. The Hill Team will coordinate real estate appraisals.

6. The Hill Team will coordinate the real estate transaction closings.

7. The Hill Team will handle all other customary activities and services associated with real estate transactions. Services may include consultation with City staff and the Lago Vista City Council relating to the sale of the Property. Presentations at public meetings may be required.


The qualifications of the Hill Team at Realty Austin include:

1) Licensed by and in good standing with the Texas Real Estate Commission.

2) Excellent reputation in the real estate community.

See Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 6


3) Knowledgeable in the local real estate market and specific experience with the listing and sale of high value, large residential properties located on Lake Travis, Texas.

4) Knowledgeable in the use of all public real estate records.

5) Members of the following organizations: a) Lago Vista Chamber of Commerce b) Texas Real Estate Commission c) Texas Association of Realtors d) National Association of Realtors e) Austin Board of Realtors

6) Hill Team awards: a) Top Team Northwest Austin June 2016 b) Top Team Northwest Austin October 2016 c) Top 10 Lead Closers 2016 d) Realty Austin Rising Star Award e) Diamond Club Awards 2013-2015 f) Realty Austin Hall of Fame Award 2009 & 2017 g) Texas Monthly Real Estate Award 2016 & 2017

7) Realty Austin awards:

a) Austin Chamber of Commerce Community Relations Award b) Real Trends #2 Brokerage Website in the US c) Swanepoel Top Trendsetter d) Inman News Top Innovator e) ABJ Best Place to Work American f) ​Statesman Top Workplace​.

8) Realty Austin Community Service:

Giving back is the cornerstone of the Realty Austin culture that stems directly from our mission to support those who

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 7

86 need safe, affordable housing in Austin. We work as a team to fundraise and volunteer for organizations that have a lasting impact on multiple generations of Austinites. Since 2010, our generous agents have ​volunteered over 9,000 hours,​ donated over $600,000 of their commissions and raised over $100,000 from industry partners to support our strategic partnerships with ​Austin Habitat for Humanity,​ Foundation Communities ​ and ​Austin Children's Shelter.​


The Commercial Liability Insurance Policy for Realty Austin, LLC is provided by State Farm Insurance.

See Exhibit 3: Insurance Proof


1. The Hill Team at Realty Austin will charge a 4.5% commission to the City of Lago Vista.

2. If a buyer brings offer and that buyer is not represented by another agent or broker, than the Hill Team’s commission will be reduced to 3%.

3. If a buyer brings offer and is represented by another agent or broker, than that agent/broker will receive 3% commission.

4. See next section for Listing Plan and Budget.

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 8


The listing plan and budget is as follows:

Listing Activity Qty Price Each Price

Staging Consultation 1 $500.00 $500.00

Professional Luxury Signage 1 $200.00 $200.00 and multiple directional signs

Professional Luxury 1 $700.00 $700.00 photography done including Twilight photos, 3-D Virtual Tour, and Aerial (Drone) photos

Professional Luxury 2-page 1 $100.00 $100.00 Brochures printed

Austin Business Journal Home 1 $500.00 $500.00 of the Day Listing Promotion

Open Houses 4 $40.00 $160.00

Listing Coordinator 1 $340.00 $340.00

Transaction Coordinator 1 $325.00 $325.00

TOTAL $2825.00


The contract period for the successful Broker/firm will be from date of award for a period of twelve (12) months. The contract may be terminated, for cause, by either party with 60 (sixty) days'

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 9

88 prior notice. The contract may be extended by mutual written consent of the parties.

See Exhibit 4: Listing Agreement 18001 Marshalls Point


Receipt of proposals does not commit the City to award a contract. The City reserves the right to postpone receipt date, acceptance or rejection of any or all proposals received in response to this RFP, or to negotiate with any of the Brokers/firms submitting an RFP, or to cancel all or part of this RFP.


Firms submitting a proposal in response to this RFP may be required to give an oral presentation of their proposal or go through an interview. Additional technical and/or cost information may be requested for clarification purposes, but in no way will change the original proposal submitted.


1. Knowledge of the local real estate market in the Lago Vista and Lake Travis areas of .

2. Global reach for marketing the property.

3. Residential real estate experience, qualifications and references and actual sale of large, high value residential properties on Lake Travis, Texas.

4. Proven large, high value residential real estate track record.

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 10

89 5. Exceptional local reputation for the sale of properties similar to the Property.

6. Fee schedule

7. Completeness of response to RFP as outlined in this solicitation.


By submitting a proposal, you represent that you have (1) thoroughly examined and become familiar with the scope of services outlined in this RFP and (2) are capable of performing quality work to achieve the City's objectives.


Description of Events Date Completed RFP Issued and Distributed June 6, 2017 Questions Due to City Manager June 26, 2017 (Close of Business) Proposals Due June 29, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Tentative Selection by Lago Vista July 6, 2017 City Council

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 11


1. Years in business and previous names of the firm, if any.

a. Realty Austin opened in 2004 and is the largest independent and fastest growing real estate company in Austin.

b. Realty Austin had over $2,250,000,000 ($2.25 Billion) in real estate sales in 2016.

c. Realty Austin has 8 offices throughout the metroplex including Northwest Austin, Westlake, Central Austin, Southwest Austin, East Austin, Lake Travis, and Dripping Springs.

2. Description of your firm, including size of firm, location, number and nature of the professional staff to be assigned to the City; and staff experience and training, including a brief resume for each key person listed.

a. Lisa Hill, REALTOR, Realty Austin: Licensed since 2004.

b. Jeffrey Hill, REALTOR, Realty Austin: Licensed since 2012.

c. Nicole Parayno, REALTOR, Transaction Coordinator: Licensed since

d. Erin Foster, REALTOR, Listing Coordinator: Licensed since

See Exhibit 5: Resumes of The Hill Team Key Staff

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 12

91 3. Describe experience (minimum five years' previous experience with proven effectiveness) your firm or organization has in pertinent real estate experience.

Realty Austin attributes their success to their ​400 top Austin REALTORS® ​ who were hand-selected for their experience, market knowledge and career accomplishments. Their agents are supported by a 35-member operations and marketing team and a unique technology platform that enables agents to go above and beyond for each client. ​As a result, we sell more homes per agent than any other top 25 brokerage firm in Austin.

Visited over 10,000 times per day, ​ ​ is the most widely used home search website in Austin. Their powerful online presence is an asset to sellers whose properties are featured prominently, and to buyers and agents who are able to stay in sync while searching for a home. They automate print and digital marketing for their agents so they stay top of mind with their clients and they notify their agents the moment their clients exhibit interest in real estate. Their tightly integrated CRM, website and mobile apps are truly a competitive advantage for their agents.

See Exhibit 6: Realty Austin Market Share Top 10

4. Experience in listing and selling properties similar to the Property.

The Hill Team has most recently sold (or have under contract) these local, similar, properties: ​ ​ ​ ​

Address Sold Price Sold $/SF Sold Date Days on Market

3102 Point Cove $840,000 $225.56 Closing 118 7/5/2017

3004 Point Cove $785,000 $394.08 6/13/2017 163

18100 Austin Blvd $950,000 $196.69 09/15/2015 84

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 13

92 5100 Lohmans Ford $975,000 $167.10 12/04/2015 56

Note that 3102 Point Cove had previously been listed with another broker for a total of 863 days. We got it under contract in just 118 days.

See Exhibit 7: Hill Team Past 24 Months Residential Sales

5. List of at least three references where and when your firm provided similar services. Please provide names and telephone numbers of contact persons for each reference.

Name Address Type of List or Sold Closing or # Days Transaction Price Sold Date on Market

Dutch Von 3102 Point Cove Represented $875,000 Closing 118 Ehrenfried II seller - Under 7/7/17 contract Phone: 512-267-5353

Shawn Franks 3004 Point Cove Represented $785,000 6/13/17 163 seller - Sold Phone: 281-744-1656

Paul Wallace 5100 Lohman’s Represented $975,000 12/4/15 159 Ford seller - Sold Phone: 512-267-0184

Jerry Dusa 18100 Austin Represented $950,000 9/15/15 84 Blvd. buyer - Sold Phone: 831-345-2251

6. Any additional services offered through your firm.

Realty Austin belongs to the “Leading Real Estate Companies of the World”; an invitation-only group of market-leading real estate firms who sell 25% of properties world-wide. Through this

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 14

93 relationship, 18001 Marshalls Point will get global exposure on

See Exhibit 7: Leading Real Estate Companies of the World

7. Listing of current litigation, outstanding judgments and liens.

There are currently no pending litigation cases, no outstanding judgements, and no liens against either Realty Austin, LLC, or Jeff and Lisa Hill at Realty Austin.

8. Fee schedule:

a. Commission Rate: The Hill Team of Realty Austin will charge a 4.5% commission rate to City of Lago Vista.

b. If another broker brings the buyer, The Hill Team of Realty Austin will charge a 2% commission rate to City of Lago Vista. The other broker will earn a 3% commission rate.

c. The City of Lago Vista will incur no other selling costs except for normal and typical seller paid closing costs.

See Exhibit 4: Listing Agreement 18001 Marshalls Point

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 15

94 Conclusion

In making this proposal, The Hill Team at Realty Austin, and Realty Austin, hereby certify that we have reviewed this RFP and are familiar with all conditions contained therein. The City of Lago Vista will not be responsible for nor incur any cost associated with the submittal or preparation of this Request for Proposal.

I have read, understand and will comply with all of the conditions of this RFP, as they apply to my firm’s responsibilities, as noted in the above proposal information.

Authorized Individual Signature:

Jeffrey Hill Date: June 28, 2017

Lisa Hill Date: June 28, 2017

Company Name: Realty Austin, LLC 3801 N Capital of Texas Highway #J-180 Austin, TX 78746 512-241-1300

Phone: Jeff Hill 512-230-4953, Lisa Hill 512-775-7233 ​

Email: [email protected]

The Hill Team at Realty Austin Proposal 18001 Marshalls Point Page 16

95 Listings as of 07/11/2017 at 3:48PM Market Analysis Summary

Residential Active, Active Contingent

# MLS # Area Address Subdivision # S #Bd #Bth G/P Pool YB Acres SqFt $/SqFt List Price ADOM CDOM 1 9076122 LN 17905 Breakwater Northshore 2 5 4|1 3|0 Yes 2001 2.014 5,957 $276.99 $1,650,000 294 512 On Lake 2 4664145 LN 6504 Lantern View Northshore 2 4 4|1 3|0 Yes 2005 2.131 5,429 $386.81 $2,100,000 113 113 On Lake 3 1798884 LN 8416 Lime Creek Lake Travis 2 4 5|0 3|0 Yes 2004 4.623 5,820 $386.60 $2,250,000 375 1514 07 4 3563014 LN 18001 Marshalls Point Marshalls M 6 7|2 4|0 Yes 2001 4.032 7,689 $364.16 $2,800,000 323 323 Point Amd

# LISTINGS: 4 AVG: 5 5/1 4/0 2003 3.200 6,224 $353.64 $2,200,000 276 616


# MLS # Area Address Subdivision # S #Bd #Bth G/P Pool YB Acres SqFt $/SqFt List Price S$/SqFt Sold Price Sold Dt ADOM CDOM 1 8097211 LN 12617 Lone Mountain Lone 2 5 4|0 4|0 Yes 2000 4.960 4,352 $172.10 $749,000 $160.16 $697,000 10/11/16 40 40 Mountain 2 1166371 LN 1841 Kingfisher Ridge Waterford On 2 5 3|1 3|0 Yes 2000 1.161 4,300 $220.93 $950,000 $212.21 $912,500 12/12/16 3 925 Lake Travis 3 4659637 LN 9907 Trails End Trails End 1 5 4|0 3|0 Yes 2000 1.800 3,897 $256.61 $1,000,000 $237.36 $925,000 06/16/17 72 72 4 2399382 LN 8925 Northlake Hills Northlake 2 4 4|1 3|0 Yes 2001 2.039 4,326 $320.16 $1,385,000 $284.33 $1,230,000 03/17/17 15 15 Hills Sec 03 5 7140054 LN 1333 Osprey Ridge WATERFORD 2 5 5|2 3|0 Yes 2000 2.270 5,787 $345.43 $1,999,000 $328.32 $1,900,000 10/20/16 468 468 ON LAKE 6 6236986 LN 16513 Jackson Foster R 2 7 6|1 6|0 Yes 2007 4.610 6,036 $410.04 $2,475,000 $400.10 $2,415,000 02/10/17 67 67

# LISTINGS: 6 MIN: 4 3/0 3/0 2000 1.161 3,897 $172.10 $749,000 $160.16 $697,000 3 15 MAX: 7 7/2 6/0 2007 4.960 6,036 $410.04 $2,475,000 $400.10 $2,415,000 468 925 AVG: 5 5/1 4/0 2001 2.807 4,783 $287.54 $1,426,333 $270.41 $1,346,583 111 265 MED: 5 4/1 3/0 2000 2.155 4,339 $288.38 $1,192,500 $260.84 $1,077,500 54 70

# LISTINGS TOTAL: 10 AVG FOR ALL: 5 5/1 4/0 2002 2.964 5,359 $313.98 $1,735,800 $270.41 $1,346,583 177 405

MEDIAN FOR ALL: 5 4/1 3/0 2001 2.201 5,608 $332.79 $1,824,500 $260.84 $1,077,500 93 218

Presented By: Lisa Hill This is an opinion or comparative market analysis and should not be considered an appraisal. In making any decision that relies upon my work, you should know that I have not followed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation . Copyright © 2017 ABOR. All rights reserved. 96 Listings as of 07/11/2017 at 3:48PM Market Analysis Summary

Quick Statistics ( 10 Listings Total ) Min Max Average Median List Price $749,000 $2,800,000 $1,735,800 $1,824,500 Sale Price $697,000 $2,415,000 $1,346,583 $1,077,500

Status is one of 'Coming Soon', 'Active', 'Active Contingent', 'Pending', 'Pending - Taking Backups' Status is 'Sold' Status Contractual Search Date is 06/28/2016 to 06/28/2017 Property Sub Type is 'House' Area is 'LN' # Beds Total is 4 to 7 # Baths Total is 4 to 9 Sqft Total is 3500+ Acres is 1 to 5 # Garage Spaces is 3+ Pool on Property is yes Waterfront is yes

Presented By: Lisa Hill This is an opinion or comparative market analysis and should not be considered an appraisal. In making any decision that relies upon my work, you should know that I have not followed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation . Copyright © 2017 ABOR. All rights reserved. 97

The Hill Team at Realty Austin

List of Exhibits

1. Exhibit 1: Luxury Brochure Example 2. Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients 3. Exhibit 3: Insurance Proof 4. Exhibit 4: Listing Agreement 18001 Marshalls Point 5. Exhibit 5: Resumes of The Hill Team Key Staff 6. Exhibit 6: Realty Austin Market Share Top 10 7. Exhibit 7: Hill Team Past 24 Months Residential Sales 8. Exhibit 8: Leading Real Estate Companies of the World 9. Exhibit 9: 18001 Marshalls Point Listing Presentation

98 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2764A986-00E1-4405-9D14-581377842A79

EXHIBIT 1 Luxury Brochure


99 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2764A986-00E1-4405-9D14-581377842A79

Fantastic Home in Circle C Ranch Hielscher Section - the friendliest neighborhood in Circle C Ranch!

Great floorplan with master down and three bedrooms up A beautifully landscaped yard and welcoming front porch invite you inside this stunning home. With a formal dining room and study, this home has it all. You will love the freshly painted walls and all new carpet in this move-in ready home. Private backyard retreat offers lovely trees and large patio space for outdoor living and dining.

Circle C! 3 community pools, playgrounds, hike and bike trails, soccer fields, swim teams, tennis, and golf! Nearby Flagship HEB, great restaurants, Alamo Drafthouse, and 15 minutes to Downtown!

100 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2764A986-00E1-4405-9D14-581377842A79 6813 Walebridge Ln

Just Listed in Circle C - Hielscher Realty Austin Northwest 10526 W Parmer Ln Fantastic Home in Circle C Ranch Hielscher Section. Bldg 4, #425 Great floorplan with master down and 3 bedrooms up, Austin, TX 78717 beautifully landscaped yard, welcoming front porch, 512.241.1300 formal dining room, study, this home has it all. Freshly painted, all new carpet! Incredible schools, community amenities and easy access to all things Austin.

Let us know how we can help you find your dream home!

Lisa and Jeff Hill The Hill Team 512-775-7233 512-241-1300 [email protected]

Not intended as a solicitation if currently working with another REALTOR®. 101 Information on this marketing piece is deemed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. DocuSign Envelope ID: 2764A986-00E1-4405-9D14-581377842A79

Just Listed 6813 Walebridge Ln

102 View Price and More Photos at:

Just Listed in Circl C Circl in Listed Just 6813 Walebridge Ln Walebridge 6813

6813 Walebridge Ln Just Listed in Circl C Property Details: • 2 Stories • 3,169 sq ft per Tax Record • 4 Beds • 3.5 Baths • 3 Living • 2 Dining • Dedicated Study • 2-Car Attached Garage • .195 Acres • Amazing Schools • Great Community Amenities

Lisa and Jeff Hill The Hill Team FOR INSTANT PRICE AND INFO 512-775-7233 512-241-1300

Information on this flyer is deemed to be accurate,103 but it is not guaranteed. [email protected] 2764A986-00E1-4405-9D14-581377842A79 ID: Envelope DocuSign

Exhibit 2

The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

May 2017

Jeff Hill is one of the best agents my husband and I have been fortunate enough to work with. He is truly a man of his word in handling every aspect from beginning to end. He is very professional and was a pleasure to work with. John and I look forward to working with him in the future. He is an outstanding sales agent. Thank you, Realty Austin and thank you, Jeff! John and Kate Webb

May 2017

This is our second home purchase with Lisa Hill and I highly recommend her! She is our go-to realtor in Austin. We purchased two homes in Austin from out of state and she handled all the logistics and made the move super easy! You will not be disappointed! Kayla S.

April 2017

My wife Shelly and I wanted to share what an amazing, first class experience we had working with Jeff and Lisa Hill. Jeff was our primary contact, so most of our interaction was with him, but their teamwork and collaboration behind the scenes were apparent from beginning to end. This was not our first encounter with Realty Austin, but we can attest, they represented themselves and in turn your company better than any broker or agent we’ve ever encountered, from any agency. Buying and selling your primary residence can be a stressful time, but Jeff’s relaxed, “no problem” attitude kept us calm and feeling like we were in control of the uncontrollable, the fast paced, Austin real-estate market. In addition, his uncanny knack at navigating the vast Austin

104 landscape to find us precisely the home we were looking for is exactly what we needed, when we needed it most. We’re now moving into our new home ahead of schedule and can’t thank Jeff and Lisa enough.

We now consider Jeff a friend and will be referring him, The Hill Team and Realty Austin to all our friends and family. Just great people, doing a great job. David and Shelly Masters

March 2017

It was a great pleasure working with Jeff and Lisa Hill. They are two very seasoned professionals who made our buying experience a pleasure. Both Jeff and Lisa were always there, throughout the entire process, working on our behalf and providing a very personalized level of service. We purchased a home with some features that we've never had before and Jeff and Lisa were very knowledgeable and were able to address all of our questions and concerns. Their pro-active communication and follow-up were second to none. As expected, they exceeded our expectations and we appreciate their great work! Scott Berlin

March 2017

Jeff and Lisa Hill are AMAZING! They have helped me buy and sell properties since I first moved to Austin back in 2011, and I am so lucky and grateful that they have done so much for me. What stands out in my mind about Lisa and Jeff is their attention to detail, client focus, honesty, and follow-through. As I'm sure Jeff would admit, the house I sold needed quite a bit of TLC, but I took the advice and guidance from them, and the house sold very quickly. I cannot overstate the precision and personal attention they both showed my fiance and me. Wyatt Harper

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

105 February 2017

Over a year and a half ago, I contacted Lisa Hill about a possible move to Texas from Idaho. Without a firm commitment from me and without hesitation, Lisa was very gracious and agreed to take me to see some homes. When I spoke to her on the phone she listened to what I wanted in a home. She took me to see about four to five homes. When we finished seeing the homes, I thanked her and told her I would contact her when my husband and I moved to Austin.

When we finally moved this past fall, I contacted her again. I told her that my husband and I were ready to begin the house search. Lisa asked me questions about our needs and wishes in a home. She understood our requests and showed us homes that met our preferences. Most people said the process to find a home would be difficult. Apparently, they have not met Lisa. We found the home we loved after venturing out with her three times.

Lisa helped us through the process and advocated for us with the builder and lender. She was available to answer any questions we had. Lisa has so much experience that her advice was very helpful and relieved any of our anxieties. She never put any pressure on us and is trustworthy and honest. How refreshing!

We were so lucky to have had Lisa as our realtor. My husband and I recommend Lisa Hill to anyone looking for a home. She will make the process a great experience. She receives the highest rating from us on any scale you use. We know anyone who uses her as a realtor will be happy, just as we are. Grace Dalpiaz

February 2017

We spent most of our time with Jeff and could not be more pleased. He made himself available to show us houses from Bastrop to Marble Falls and never gave up on us. He tuned in on what we were looking for and concentrated on finding us the right home. We feel fortunate to have had Jeff as our realtor. He guided us through the buying process and was there to answer all our questions. Beth and I feel we have a new friend we can always call on to help with our real estate needs. Terry Erwin

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients


January 2017

We met Lisa visiting another property she had for sale (which she sold a few months ago) when Ken and I were visiting Austin exploring adding some more investment properties to our portfolio. Though we didn't end up buying that home, we enjoyed meeting with Lisa and found her to be honest, sincere, knowledgeable and diligent in her efforts after our meeting. She stayed in touch with us through the process, and we were impressed by her decorum.

When we decided recently to sell one of our duplexes, we connected with Lisa due to this connection and to her diligence and responsiveness. Ken and I found her to be a beacon of light and hope in an industry (sorry to say) full of people who we find incompetent, unresponsive, and sometimes outright useless. We recognize the barrier to market may be low, but we've experienced the full spectrum of personalities since we began investing in the Austin market and I can personally say without hesitation, she has been the best by far to date by any categorization.

I'm rather busy this month traveling (as is Ken), but I wanted to take a minute to let you know she excelled at her job and was a pleasure to work with on this sale, and when we buy another property (or sell one of our other properties), she will be the first and only person we call. Lev Shanes

September 2016

Thoroughly enjoyed working with Jeff and Lisa Hill! They made the selling process easy and simple. Jeff stayed in constant contact. We would highly recommend Jeff and Lisa for any and all your Realty needs! Dale Richards ​, ​Google Review

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

107 September 2016

Jeff and Lisa Hill were extremely good to work with. We moved into the area from Washington State so we needed more guidance than most... Jeff was especially patient as he guided us through the process. We love our new home and will certainly recommend the two of them to anyone. Michael Koch ​, ​Facebook Review

July 2016

Jeff and Lisa were very helpful in walking me through the process of finding my new home. In such a fast-paced seller’s market, I am glad I chose them to be my Realtors, they have the experience, and are very familiar with all the different Austin neighborhoods. Furthermore, they were patient while I tried to figure out if I really wanted a house or a condo. Thank you for all of your efforts! Letty De Leon ​, ​Facebook Review

July 2016

Selling this house was our second time using Jeff and Lisa Hill. And as before, I was not disappointed. Jeff is such a caring and respectable guy who was always there to lend a hand or answer any of our silly questions. You'd think going through a divorce and moving out of state while selling a house would be too much but Jeff made it smooth and simple. I'm very thankful to have found him when I first moved to Austin. I continue to recommend him to friends still in the area as well. I only wish I could take him with me to Kentucky lol! This was my third house as well, and seeing as I wasn't a total noob to the process I was still shocked at how perfectly things went. I'm sure you already know, but I felt it was worth mentioning that Realty Austin is very lucky to have a team like The Hills and it will be a sad day for prospective buyers and sellers if he ever retires. Treat him well, like he treated us!! Thanks!! Valerie J Hookfin

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

108 July 2016

Jeff was FANTASTIC. He was there every step of the way for us, always there for any questions or concern. I would definitely use Jeff again and will highly recommend him to family and friends. Whitney

July 2016

It has been a pleasure working with Lisa and Jeff Hill. They oversaw the building of our home in Leander, keeping us posted on the progress when we were unable to be there ourselves. They responded quickly to our many questions and their advice was very helpful and valuable. We were always comfortable talking with them. They were personable, and had genuine interest in helping us rectify any problems that crossed our path in the building of our home. And yes, things did not always run smoothly and they jumped in and assisted us immediately.

Lisa and Jeff Hill are not just excellent Realtors, but they are honest, caring, and kind people. They truly are honorable and care about their clients and always look out for them in the best way possible. My husband and I greatly appreciate their help in the process of acquiring our beautiful home. Their help was invaluable and I honestly cannot express the deep appreciation I have for them.

Lisa and Jeff Hill are two fantastic Realtors and two wonderful individuals and are an asset to your firm. Realty Austin is very fortunate to have these fine people in their firm. They both have my highest recommendations. Thank you Lisa and Jeff! Nancy Patten

July 2016

Jeff and Lisa Hill are a terrific, outstanding and caring Real Estate team that are always there at the right time! They are excellent in every aspect of their services and there is no better team in the Austin Texas area. Very personalized and top notch services highly recommended! Mike P ​., ​Yelp Review

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients


June 2016

We had an outstanding experience working with Jeff!! He was amazing, he was there every step of the way. This was our first time selling a home and he made it super easy for us! He walked us through every step as well as presented an excellent marketing strategy. His stager Gage was very helpful as well. He held an open house and our house sold the first three days on the market for over our asking price!! He was great with helping us sort through all the offers as well as negotiating and working with the buyers, always making sure he gave us his honest and expert advice. I would highly recommend Jeff and I already have to several friends who are thinking of selling their homes!! Carolyn and Carlos Garza

June 2016

I actually "met" Lisa back in early 2007 and since this time, she has sent me weekly updates based on my search criteria on the housing market in Austin. Amazing! She would reach out to me once a year to see how things were going which no other Realtor has ever done. She helped my daughter locate rental units in the area and then we decided it made more sense to purchase a townhome instead for her. I reached out to Lisa and she set up searches based on what we were looking for and we came out in April to finally meet her in person and look at places. We spoke on the phone multiple times before our visit and she was always available to answer questions. Lisa was super knowledgeable on the areas and what she thought would be best for us. Since we made an offer, we kept up in the loop during all aspects of the closing and has even met my daughter's boyfriend and his mom at our new place a couple of times to show them around. Above and beyond! We plan to make a move to Austin within the next couple of years and will not hesitate to call on Lisa again. If any of my friends are looking for a Realtor in the area, I will be sure to share Lisa with them. Kayla & Steve Seignious

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients


May 2016

I met Jeff at an open house some time back when we first thought about buying in Texas. He immediately struck me as a man with solid character - honest, straightforward with sound common sense, a good listener and having a consummate understanding of the market and an unyielding work ethic. We found the perfect property. He was there every step of the way from offer to close... not an easy task since we live in Nevada and were on vacation in Hawaii... heck, I don't think he knew exactly where we were half the time but he kept on target getting us to the finish line. If you're looking for the right Realtor, go no further. You're home. Randy Kirner

April 2016

Lisa and Jeff were amazing people work with! They were very accommodating with me and my schedule. Most people here in the South do not follow the Sabbath, I on the other hand follow the Sabbath and it was extremely important to me to rest on the Sabbath, Jeff and Lisa did not have a problem with doing business with us on Sundays, I am very grateful for that blessing!! We are new to Texas, I hope that my husband and I become friends with Jeff and Lisa. Not only are they a powerhouse team they are also just neat people. I would definitely recommend them both to anyone that is on the hunt for a house in Austin TX. Shara

February 2016

Lisa and Jeff are some of the best people I have ever met. I have talked with Jeff about moving for over three years. He has stuck with me and I finally decided to pull the trigger. Part of my business is reading people and Jeff is one great person, so great that I have referred him to about 5 families and that's before I decided to move. Jeff knew the area I wanted to be in and we came out on top with around 120 in equity! As you

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

111 know in this market that was unbelievable. Obviously, there are many agents out there and I have family, family friends, and customers who would have liked my business, but because Jeff was so kind and kept in touch over three years I stayed with him and refer everyone I know to him. I can't express how happy my family is with him! Matter of fact he will be coming over for some brisket once we get fully situated. Erik B Lopez

February 2016

My wife and I have bought 8 and sold 6 residential, and have bought 5 and sold 4 commercial properties through various agents during our 32 years of marriage. Lisa is the most professional agent I have had the pleasure of working with to this point in time. John C. Spagnola

January 2016

Lisa and Jeff did an excellent job marketing our house and helping us to get the best price for our home. They utilized several online sources to get our property the broadest exposure possible. We worked more closely with Jeff and he was very knowledgeable and professional in assisting us and in dealing with the buyer’s agents through the whole process. Our house went under contract in one week with multiple offers at our list price. I would recommend “The Hill Team” to anyone thinking about selling their house. Gary

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

112 December 2015

Jeff Hill...what else can be said for this man that hasn’t already been said about Chuck Norris! He is awesome! Jeff Hill was knowledgeable, light on his feet, and always positive. He journeyed with us from the big city to the great outdoors for almost a year; never did he complain! Not only was he tactful and pleasant to deal with at all times but he also won over our five-year-old daughter’s friendship. Jeff’s relator style meshed well with our family and his customer service was top notch.

After it was all said and done, we felt as if Jeff was a member of the family; except he wasn’t asking to borrow money. We truly believe a bond was created and we hope to continue our friendship. He deserved every penny he made from the sale of the home.

Jeff provided us with exemplary, personalized service that exceeded or expectations. We feel comfortable referring Jeff to our friends and family. If he were running for mayor he would have our vote! Say Yes to Jeff Hill! Bottom line, Jeff is the man, relator of the year, and a distinguished jack-of-all-trades. Jeff gets it done! The Carver Family

November 2015

I want to say that I don't think we could have had a more pleasant experience than we did with Jeff Hill. Jeff is very professional, yet down to earth and easy to work with. Living two hours outside of Georgetown meant that we had to make the most of our time while there to view potential listings. Jeff really listened to our needs and wants and made it really easy for us, and he never wasted our time. He definitely went above and beyond to make our home buying experience the best it could possibly be. Thanks a million Jeff! Kimberly Dehlinger

November 2015

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

113 We are most pleased to comment on Jeff Hill's performance as our realtor. Simply put, he is by far the best realtor that we have worked with during our entire life of buying and selling homes. We are in our early 70s so you can imagine that we have bought and sold many homes over our lifetime. Jeff is a true professional who pays attention to details, is prompt, keeps his clients well informed, and is always upbeat and friendly. He knows how to price houses. We sold our house in less than a week and got our full asking price. He also goes well beyond the call of duty. In two instances he personally repaired two small items in our house. I would highly recommend him to any potential clients and, although, we did not directly work with Lisa, we believe that she would do equally as well as Jeff. He gets our highest recommendation. Ron and Pearl Kopita

September 2015

My wife and I have participated in many both personal and commercial real estate endeavors through the years and have worked with some particularly impersonal and incompetent real estate folks. Calling them real estate professionals would be a misnomer. On the other extreme end of the spectrum would be Jeff Hill. His approach to us, and his management of the situation actually caused us to move up our buying decision by several months from our original overall plan. What a joy to work with a real pro who is not only deeply skilled at his trade but fun to be with. He worked long and hard during the days that we were together and then, amazingly so, stayed on the project after we left town to finish the transaction in thorough fashion and in record time. Job really well done!! Jerry and Greta Dusa

Exhibit 2: The Hill Team Testimonials from Clients

114 DocuSign Envelope ID: FD4E22C4-FEAD-4134-A759-5FBD348EDB7A





DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required)





© 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 1001486 132849.6 11-15-2010

115 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

Realty Austin, LLC 525651 [email protected] (512)241-1300 Yvette Boatwright 477582 [email protected] (512)241-1300 Romeo Manzanilla 565060 [email protected] (512)743-7820 Jeffrey Hill 622252 [email protected] (512)230-4953

Realty Austin - Northwest / Round Rock, 10526 W Parmer Ln, Suite 425 Austin, TX 78717 512.775.7233 512.680-3297 CITY OF LAGO The Hill Team 116 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

The City of Lago Vista

5803 Thunderbird Lago Vista, TX 78645 (512)267-1155

Realty Austin, LLC 3801 N Capital of Texas Hwy J-180 Austin, TX 78746-1416 (512)241-1300 [email protected]

4 A Marshall's Point Amended Lots 4-6,13-14&17 Lago Vista Travis 18001 Marshall Point Dr.

Realty Austin - Northwest / Round Rock, 10526 W Parmer Ln, Suite 425 Austin, TX 78717 512.775.7233 512.680-3297 CITY OF LAGO The Hill Team 117 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645




TBD TBD (+12 months)

X 4.500

CITY OF LAGO 118 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645





CITY OF LAGO 119 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645



CITY OF LAGO 120 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645

3.000 N/A

1.000 N/A


CITY OF LAGO 121 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645


CITY OF LAGO 122 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645


CITY OF LAGO 123 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645


CITY OF LAGO 124 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645

CITY OF LAGO 125 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645

Realty Austin, LLC The City of Lago Vista 525651


Jeffrey Hill

CITY OF LAGO 126 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645

Realty Austin - Northwest / Round Rock, 10526 W Parmer Ln, Suite 425 Austin, TX 78717 512.775.7233 512.680-3297 CITY OF LAGO The Hill Team 127 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645

The City of Lago Vista

CITY OF LAGO 128 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645

Realty Austin - Northwest / Round Rock, 10526 W Parmer Ln, Suite 425 Austin, TX 78717 512.775.7233 512.680-3297 CITY OF LAGO The Hill Team 129 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645

CITY OF LAGO 130 DocuSign Envelope ID: FF000188-5137-46CA-97F4-9E5857B4223B

18001 Marshall Point Dr. Lago Vista, TX 78645


Exhibit 5

Resumes of The Hill Team Key Staff

The Hill Team

The Hill Team is passionate about helping you make one of the biggest financial decisions of your life! Jeff and Lisa Hill are a dynamic duo and together they have a total of 40+ years of real estate and sales experience. The Hill Team’s strengths are their vast experience, Central Texas market knowledge, negotiation and problem-solving skills, superior customer service, and utmost professionalism. Please read their client testimonials!

Milestones and Production

● 2016 Realty Austin Top Ten Lead Closers ● October 2016 Northwest Office Top Team Producer ● June 2016 Northwest Office Top Team Producer ● May 2015 Realty Austin Top Three Team Production Volume ● 2015 Realty Austin Top Ten Lead Closers ● 2015, 2014, 2013 Realty Austin Diamond Club ● Austin Business Journal's Nominee for Top 50 Residential Realtors 2014 ● 2013 Realty Austin Diamond Club Award ● 2013 Top Team Producer Award


● 2013 Rising Star Award ● 2013 Highest # Lead Transactions Closed at Realty Austin

Designations and Specialties

● Waterfront properties ● Out-of-state and out-of-country relocation ● Luxury homes ● First time homebuyers ● Assisting Veterans ● Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE) ● Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR) ● At Home With Diversity


The Hill Team has supported and joined many volunteer efforts and donates regularly to local community organizations such as:

● Habitat for Humanity - The Hill Team volunteers at Habitat for Humanity build sites each year and so far have completed five Habitat Homes in the Austin area. ● Foundation Communities - The Hill Team is an Annual Donor to Foundation Communities. ● McClindon Family Foundation

About Lisa Hill

Lisa is passionate about real estate! Lisa understands the unique needs when relocating to Austin from out of Texas or the U.S. She will work tirelessly on behalf of her clients to ensure their home sale or home purchase is above and beyond just an average experience. Her knowledge of Austin and its history is invaluable to newcomers!

Exhibit 4: Resumes of Hill Team Key Staff

133 Lisa holds a degree in Liberal Arts and worked in the high-tech industry for many years as a Senior Technical Writer. She decided it was time for something completely different and became a licensed Realtor in 2004.

Lisa is an Austin native raised in Central Austin. She migrated to North Austin when she and Jeff started their family. She lived in Southwest Austin for many years but made a big move to the north shore of Lake Travis in 2016. Lisa is intricately familiar with most of Central Texas. In her spare time, she values family, friends, walks with the dogs, traveling, and yoga.

About Jeff Hill

Jeff is passionate about real estate! Jeff’s knowledge about sales, rapport with people, and skills developed throughout the years of a professional sales and managerial career are what makes him so successful. He has an intense drive to satisfy his customers no matter what it takes!

Prior to real estate, Jeff worked in Sales, Management, and Marketing for 30 years in the wine and spirits industry. He has been involved in every aspect of the sales cycle from global marketing, supply chain, regional and local distribution, and human management.

Jeff is originally from the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He moved to Austin in 1974 and fell in love with Austin. Jeff graduated with a B.A. in Marketing from the UT School of Business. In his spare time, Jeff enjoys tennis, cooking, walks with the dogs, traveling, family, friends, and the Austin music scene.

Exhibit 4: Resumes of Hill Team Key Staff


Nicole Parayno, REALTOR, Transaction Coordinator

After graduating from the University of Texas in 2002, former Buda native Nicole moved to California and began working for CoStar Group, a commercial real estate research company. In May of 2003, she decided to leave Costar, get her real estate license, and become a self-taught transaction manager for Help-U-Sell Real Estate. In January of 2004, Nicole joined E Real Estate and Loans where she did real estate sales and loans. In 2005, she became a broker’s assistant for the firm. In June of 2007, Nicole joined Goldwasser Real Estate where she did transaction management until July 2010 when she decided to go on her own doing contract transaction management.

A detail-oriented professional, she prides herself in expertly handling the details of each real estate transaction, assisting both buyers and sellers to ensure a smooth listing and closing process.

Exhibit 4: Resumes of Hill Team Key Staff


Erin Foster, REALTOR, Marketing Coordinator

Erin Gatica-Foster, Realty Austin's Marketing Coordinator, is a licensed agent and comes to us with years of experience as a real estate assistant and transaction coordinator. During her real estate career she has assisted several successful real estate teams and has also worked in the title industry. She enjoys giving our agents the tools they need to provide their clients with the best listing service possible. Communicating with clients, keeping the details organized and meeting deadlines are just a few of Erin's top qualities. Erin is ready to work her magic marketing listings for you!

Exhibit 4: Resumes of Hill Team Key Staff

136 DocuSign Envelope ID: BC2D2737-72C1-4382-9F83-01232D28A131 Market Share Top 10

Market Share Top 10

The Hill Team [email protected] Realty Austin (512)137 241-1300 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70A7213C-D514-4B11-9960-9629CF1E3A8C Listings as of 06/28/2017 at 11:34AM Market Analysis Summary Residential Leased/Sold

# MLS # Area Address Subdivision #Bd #FBth #HBth #Liv #Gar YB Acres SqFt $/SqFt List Price S$/SqFt Sold Price Sold Dt ADOM CDOM 1 6157423 UT 2107 Rio Grande #3 Pecan Tree 1 1 0 10 1981 0.015 376 $417.55 $157,000 $401.60 $151,000 05/20/16 10 10 Condo 2 3968549 9 1711 Timber Brush Timber Ridge 2 2 1 12 1982 0.037 1,364 $142.96 $195,000 $120.84 $164,820 02/02/16 6 6 At Greenbriar 3 3081761 CLN 602 Ranchero Estate North 3 2 0 12 2001 0.181 1,234 $149.68 $184,700 $143.44 $177,000 12/22/16 7 7 Crk Ranch 4 5444329 HH 355 Mistletoe Waterleaf Ph 3 2 1 22 2003 0.231 1,964 $91.40 $179,500 $92.67 $182,000 12/02/15 5 5 A Sec 01 5 2317558 HH 451 Holly Grove Waterleaf Ph 4 2 1 32 2004 0.165 3,032 $72.56 $220,000 $69.26 $210,000 07/29/16 11 11 A Sec 01 6 4974538 HU 1105 Montell Enclave At 3 2 0 12 2013 0.165 1,837 $117.04 $215,000 $117.04 $215,000 07/27/16 14 14 Brushy Creek 7 5069562 PF 1104 Teakwood Saxony 3 2 0 12 1992 0.213 1,880 $117.02 $220,000 $127.66 $240,000 06/03/16 3 3 8 3203888 3E 9012 Tall Sky Woodlands 4 3 0 22 2009 0.259 2,668 $93.70 $250,000 $90.70 $242,000 10/04/16 2 2 Sec 01 The 9 4340051 HH 116 Mandan Sequoyah 4 2 0 20 1984 0.500 1,727 $144.70 $249,900 $144.18 $249,000 09/18/15 13 13 Sec 01 10 1038343 NW 8612 Harrier #229 PARMER 3 3 0 12 2008 1,916 $153.97 $295,000 $147.44 $282,500 06/24/16 15 15 VILLAGE 11 9335583 2 2000 Cullen #25 Park At 3 2 1 10 2000 0.094 1,399 $203.72 $285,000 $204.07 $285,500 09/09/15 3 3 Crestview Ph 12 2426203 LS 17614 Sly Fox Montebella 3 2 0 2 2012 0.213 1,824 $164.42 $299,900 $167.21 $305,000 06/08/17 0 0 13 7883426 10S 7906 Nairn Maple Run 3 2 1 22 1991 0.150 2,013 $161.40 $324,900 $156.48 $315,000 06/08/16 13 71 Sec 09 14 5127953 RRE 2900 Saint Paul Paloma Lake 3 2 0 13 2012 0.177 2,349 $138.36 $325,000 $134.10 $315,000 06/13/16 72 72 Rivera 15 9854661 SWW 7502 Mifflin Kenedy LEGEND 3 2 1 22 1990 0.168 1,987 $163.51 $324,900 $163.51 $324,900 12/07/16 52 52 OAKS PHS A 16 6206103 CLS 337 Shea Buttercup 4 3 0 22 2003 0.142 2,965 $110.96 $329,000 $110.96 $329,000 07/31/15 25 25 Creek Ph 05 17 7670719 CLS 335 Shea Buttercup Crk 4 3 0 22 2002 0.144 2,641 $126.85 $335,000 $124.95 $330,000 03/17/16 136 136 Ph V Sec 18 4034909 10S 8010 Tiffany Maple Run 4 2 1 22 1992 0.205 2,380 $142.44 $339,000 $138.66 $330,000 05/27/16 21 21 Sec 06 19 4136669 SC 11013 Pinehurst Shadow Lane 2 2 0 2 1 1974 0.068 2,619 $124.09 $325,000 $126.38 $331,000 06/30/16 2 2 Twnhs 20 1314472 SWW 5900 Lomita Verde Village At 3 2 0 12 1998 0.159 1,902 $178.23 $339,000 $176.13 $335,000 11/24/15 29 29 Western 21 4775410 10S 7709 Manchaca #17 Stinson Oaks 3 2 1 22 2014 1,888 $185.38 $350,000 $183.79 $347,000 02/27/17 8 8

Presented By: Lisa Hill This is an opinion or comparative market analysis and should not be considered an appraisal. In making any decision that relies upon my work, you should know that I have not followed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation . Copyright © 2017 ABOR. All rights reserved. 138 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70A7213C-D514-4B11-9960-9629CF1E3A8C Listings as of 06/28/2017 at 11:34AM Market Analysis Summary Residential Leased/Sold

# MLS # Area Address Subdivision #Bd #FBth #HBth #Liv #Gar YB Acres SqFt $/SqFt List Price S$/SqFt Sold Price Sold Dt ADOM CDOM 22 5936406 LS 603 Cutty Lohmans 4 3 1 23 1998 0.247 2,580 $143.02 $369,000 $139.15 $359,000 05/27/16 49 49 Crossing 23 5933417 SWE 504 Kingfisher Creek Texas Oaks 4 3 1 32 1988 0.398 3,111 $115.69 $359,900 $115.69 $359,900 01/20/16 8 8 10 24 3683636 1N 12119 Black Angus Angus Valley 3 2 0 22 1978 0.252 1,978 $191.61 $379,000 $189.59 $375,000 07/20/16 195 195 Annex Sec 02 25 4690282 CLN 1820 Cross Draw Highlands At 4 3 0 33 2009 0.209 3,244 $119.91 $389,000 $119.91 $389,000 11/16/15 6 6 Crystal Falls 26 3103561 CLN 2600 Shumard Bluff Crystal Falls 4 3 0 13 2016 0.183 2,711 $143.76 $389,737 $145.45 $394,324 06/28/16 0 0 27 5712563 SWW 11001 Ariock Circle C 3 2 0 22 2004 0.247 2,329 $176.04 $410,000 $174.32 $406,000 09/16/16 52 52 Ranch 28 4431012 LN 7708 Turnback Ledge Tessera 4 3 0 33 2016 3,008 $140.76 $423,402 $136.54 $410,725 04/28/17 190 190 29 4153459 1N 6321 Big Cat Lakewood 3 2 0 22 1983 0.197 2,037 $207.66 $423,000 $207.66 $423,000 11/11/16 0 0 Sec 02 Ph 30 9826199 SWW 6613 Ariock Hielscher 4 3 0 22 2002 0.221 2,879 $169.85 $489,000 $171.93 $495,000 07/18/16 0 0 Sec 04 31 3000530 W 7512 Covered Bridge Covered 4 3 1 43 2005 0.480 3,730 $140.75 $525,000 $136.39 $508,750 04/04/16 1 1 Bridge 32 6272909 GTW 4301 Tanglewood Trails of 5 4 0 13 2015 0.260 4,330 $121.25 $525,033 $119.13 $515,837 03/18/16 0 0 Estates Shady Oak 33 3376234 LS 113 Feritti Rough 5 3 0 32 2012 0.190 3,275 $164.58 $539,000 $161.22 $528,000 12/20/16 53 53 Hollow Sec 34 3160858 NW 10112 Echoridge Spicewood At 3 2 1 22 1998 0.131 2,670 $205.62 $549,000 $198.13 $529,000 07/14/15 5 5 Bull Creek 35 7855706 HD 337 Stoney Point Highpointe 5 3 1 43 2007 0.374 5,024 $108.48 $545,000 $107.98 $542,500 11/19/15 38 38 High Pointe 36 4355982 6 3209 Overcup Oak South Terrace 5 3 0 21 1962 0.172 1,698 $353.30 $599,900 $338.04 $574,000 09/09/16 54 54 Add 37 7179626 HD 14431 Echo Friendship 4 3 1 23 1998 5.000 3,388 $177.10 $600,000 $169.72 $575,000 02/22/17 0 0 Ranch Ph II 38 6646623 GTW 209 Hills Of Texas Sun City 4 3 1 23 2015 3,902 $161.97 $632,000 $155.99 $608,687 09/23/15 10 10 Texas 39 4840179 8E 1800 Basin Ledge Stonehedge 4 2 0 20 1974 0.580 2,298 $304.16 $698,950 $293.73 $675,000 06/24/16 22 22 Estates 40 4803710 SWW 7816 Crandall Muirfield 4 4 0 5 3 2004 0.273 4,047 $185.30 $749,900 $182.85 $740,000 04/11/17 0 0 Circle C 41 2026456 LN 3004 Point Highland 3 3 0 22 2009 1.973 1,992 $426.71 $850,000 $394.08 $785,000 06/13/17 163 163 Lake Estates

Presented By: Lisa Hill This is an opinion or comparative market analysis and should not be considered an appraisal. In making any decision that relies upon my work, you should know that I have not followed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation . Copyright © 2017 ABOR. All rights reserved. 139 DocuSign Envelope ID: 70A7213C-D514-4B11-9960-9629CF1E3A8C Listings as of 06/28/2017 at 11:34AM Market Analysis Summary Residential Leased/Sold

# MLS # Area Address Subdivision #Bd #FBth #HBth #Liv #Gar YB Acres SqFt $/SqFt List Price S$/SqFt Sold Price Sold Dt ADOM CDOM 42 6256679 8W 700 Furlong Rob Roy On 3 3 1 23 2004 2.320 3,410 $262.46 $895,000 $250.73 $855,000 10/21/15 68 68 Creek Sec 03 43 2629920 LN 5100 Lohmans Ford Henderson O 4 3 1 45 1999 10.515 5,835 $170.52 $995,000 $167.10 $975,000 12/04/15 56 159 O

# LISTINGS: 43 MIN: 1 1 0 1 0 1962 0.000 376 $72.56 $157,000 $69.26 $151,000 0 0 MAX: 5 4 1 5 5 2016 10.515 5,835 $426.71 $995,000 $401.60 $975,000 195 195 AVG: 4 3 1 2 2 1999 0.705 2,592 $171.87 $420,433 $167.82 $411,266 33 37 MED: 200222124 0.209 2,380 $153.97 $359,900 $147.44 $359,000 11 11

# LISTINGS TOTAL: 43 AVG FOR ALL: 4 3 0 2 2 1999 0.671 2,592 $171.87 $420,433 $167.82 $411,266 33 37

MEDIAN FOR ALL: 4 2 0 2 2 2002 0.205 2,380 $153.97 $359,900 $147.44 $359,000 11 11

Quick Statistics ( 43 Listings Total ) Min Max Average Median List Price $157,000 $995,000 $420,433 $359,900 Sale Price $151,000 $975,000 $411,266 $359,000

Status is one of 'Sold', 'Leased' Status Contractual Search Date is 06/28/2017 to 06/29/2015 Buyer/Sub Agent MUI is 1494902 List Agent MUI is 1494902 List Agent 2 MUI is 1494902 Buyer/Sub Agent 2 MUI is 1494902

Presented By: Lisa Hill This is an opinion or comparative market analysis and should not be considered an appraisal. In making any decision that relies upon my work, you should know that I have not followed the guidelines for development of an appraisal or analysis contained in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice of the Appraisal Foundation . Copyright © 2017 ABOR. All rights reserved. 140 MLS: 6011861 Area: LN Status: P/RES Addrss: 3102 Point CV List Price: $875,000 City: Lago Vista, TX, 78645 County: Travis PID: 01669008250000 Map: 123 E7 Subdiv: Highland Lake Estates Sec 22 Tax Blk: Tax Lot: Legal: LOT 22032 BELOW 715 CONTOUR HIGHLAND LAKE ESTATES SEC 22 ISD: Lago Vista ISD Elem: Lago Vista 9/HS: N/A Mid/JS: Lago Vista Sr HS: Lago Vista Type: House/Fee-Simple SQFT: 3,724/Tax Record Beds: 4 M/O Bd: 4/0 $/SF: $234.96 Baths: 4 F/H Bth: 4/0 Yr Built: 2008/Resale Living: 1 Stories: 1 Dining: 2/Breakfast Area, Formal Dining Room Acres: 1.178 Lnd SQ: Lot Size: Pool: No Spa: Recent Change: 06/27/2017 : PEND : AC->P General Information Garage: 6/Attached, Door Opener, Entry-Front, See Agent Disability: Yes /Modified for Wheelchair, Wide Doors Lot Desc: Cul-De-Sac, In Golf Course Community, Lakefront, Level FEMA: Yes Roof: Metal Faces: South-East Foundtion: Slab Construct: All Sides Masonry, Concrete Block, Stucco Bldr Nm: John Leak Mstr Main: Yes /Full Bath, Jetted Tub, Walk-In Closet, Walk-in Shower Flooring: Carpet, Tile - Hard, Wood Fireplaces: 1/Living Room Guest: Yes /Room with Private Bath G B/FB/HB: 1/1/0 Rooms: Basement, Bedroom/Office, Living/Den, Storage, Utility, Workshop Kitchen: Breakfast Area, Breakfast Bar, Corian Type Counters, Open to Family Room App/Equip: Built-In Oven(s), Cook Top Electric, Dishwasher, Disposal, Double Oven, Downdraft, Exhaust Fan Vented, Self Cleaning Oven, Water Heater Electric Interior: Ceiling-High, Elevator, Fire Alarm System, Indoor Utilities, Lighting Recessed, Smoke Detector, Walk-In Closet, Window Treatments, Wired For Security View: Hill Country, Lake/River, Panoramic Wtrfrt: Yes /Lake /Lake Travis Wtr Accss: Yes /Common Dock, Public Ramp, See Agent Exterior: Deck, Gutters Full Amenities: Club House, Fitness Center/Exercise Area, General Aircraft Airport, Golf Course Public, Grill, Lake Privileges, Park, Pool-Community, Tennis Court(s), Underground Utilities Sale Restrict:None Fore/REO: No Utility Information Heat: Central Heat, Electric Sewer: City at Street A/C: Central Air Water: City Utilities: Electricity Available, Electricity on Property, Phone on Property, Underground Financial Information HOA Name: Lago Vista POA Est Tax: $19,526 Tax Year: 2016 HOA Fee: $130/Mandatory/Annually Act Tax: Tax Rate: 2.6047 Exempt: Homestead, Over 65 Possess: Closing, Funding Financing: Cash, Conventional, FHA, VA Pref Title: Independence-J Menchaca Showing Information Show: Appt w/ Agent Access: Key with Listing Agent Lockbox: None Security: Sign: Yes Directions: From FM 1431 in Lago Vista, take Lohman Ford Rd. 3.2 mis. Right on Boggy Ford 3.1mis. Right on American, Left on Patriot, Right on Point Cv. Ag Remarks:Please 2-Hr Notice Required. DEEP WATER MAIN BODY of Lake Travis w/ EXQUISITE PANORAMIC views. STUNNING waterfront home! Large open floor plan great for ENTERTAINING. Tons of custom features throughout! 2 master suites w/ walk-in showers, jetted tubs, & spacious closets. Italian Travertino Noisette tile! 6+CAR GARAGE w/ over 3500 sq ft~tons of room for art or music studio, workshop, giant playroom! Extended balconies & decks. Across from Pace Bend park~perm. unobstructed views. See List of Features! Office Information List Agent: 622242/Jeffrey Hill Ag Phone: (512) 230-4953 Ag Fax: (512) 775-7233 List Office: 378802/Realty Austin Off Phone: (512) 241-1300 Sub Ag: 0.00% List Ag 2: 525297/Lisa Hill LA 2 Phone: (512) 775-7233 Buy Ag: 3.00% Own Name: Manfred Von Ehrenfried II Bonus: Occupant: Owner List Date: 03/01/2017 Ag Email: [email protected] ADOM: 118 Exp Date: 08/15/2017 Intrmdry: Yes VarComm: No CDOM: 118 OLP: $875,000 TCD: 07/05/2017 Pend Date: 06/27/2017

Copyright - 2017 - ACTRIS©. Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. ACTRIS provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.

141 DocuSign Envelope ID: F17A9FA1-0C87-4D68-952B-7CC397256754 Leading Real Estate Companies

Leading Real Estate Companies

The Hill Team [email protected] Realty Austin (512)142 241-1300 Cover Page

Prepared for: ~ The City of Lago Vista ~

18001 Marshalls Point Dr, Lago Vista, TX 78645 June 28, 2017

The Hill Team (512) 241-1300

143 Realty Austin

144 Realty Austin Stats

Realty Austin Stats

The Hill Team [email protected] Realty Austin (512)145 241-1300 The HILL TEAM ADVANTAGE Why use a team instead of an individual?

• 2 opinions on PRICING your home (one of the most IMPORTANT professional skills in real estate sales) • 2 professionals ready to show your home to buyers and return phonecalls to interested parties • 2 agents who can hold Open Houses • 2 professionals who are skilled at Negotiations • 2 agents able to seek out feedback from showings • Team support for handling all important deadlines (it's like we are each other's back-up drives!) • Nothing slips through the cracks with the Hill Team!

146 Our Listing Process

Our Listing Process

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Pricing Your Home Right

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#1 Austin Home Search Website

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#1 Austin Home Search Website

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Getting Top Dollar for Your Home

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Lake Travis - Cover Photo

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8 Market Leading Offices

The Hill Team [email protected] Realty Austin (512)167 241-1300 Thank You

Thank You

The Hill Team [email protected] Realty Austin (512)168 241-1300 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



June 1, 2017 Special Called meeting; and

June 15, 2017 Regular meeting

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan ______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______


BE IT REMEMBERED that on the 1st day of June, A.D., 2017, the City Council held a Special Called Meeting at 6:32 p.m. at City Hall, 5803 Thunderbird, in said City, there being present and acting the following:


Dale Mitchell Mayor Kenneth Reneau Interim City Manager Ron Smith Council Member Barbara Boulware-Wells City Attorney Kevin Sullivan Council Member Danny Smith Police Chief Ed Tidwell Mayor Pro Tem Starr Lockwood Finance Director Stephanie Smith Council Member Gary Graham Public Works Dir. Suzanne Bland Council Member Sandra Barton City Secretary Mark Tippetts Council Member

Mayor Mitchell called the Special Called Meeting to order and recognized that all Council Members were present. Other Staff present: Dave Street and Donna Clark. Mayor Mitchell led the Pledge of Allegiance.

CITIZEN COMMENTS: In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Council is prohibited from acting or discussing (other than factual responses to specific questions) any items not on the agenda.



1. Recognition of the KLVB sponsored Art Calendar Awards.

Denise Sellers, addressed Council to recognize the students in attendance who participated. She thanked the judges, Elaine Hughes, Councilwoman Smith and Mayor Mitchell and thanked the businesses who donated for the prizes. She stated that sixteen students entered the contest. Mayor Mitchell thanked the students in attendance and presented the winners.


2. Discussion and consideration of Resolution No. 17-1701, A Resolution of the City of Lago Vista, Texas, commencing the annexation of areas of land adjacent and contiguous to the City limits totaling 568.06 acres, more or less, including the abutting streets, roadways, and rights- of-way; being located in Travis County, Texas and; providing open meetings and other related matters.

Jeff Ulmann, City Attorney, appeared and provided an overview of the process, timelines and areas being considered. He also addressed the Ag provision for property owners.

170 Council discussed the areas that were added since the last meeting. Courtesy letters were mailed to land owners notifying them. Brent Kercheville, 23919 FM 1431, Leander, made comments regarding preservation and opposition of the annexation regarding the future plan of section #3 in the Comprehensive Plan. Lane McClanahan, Box 4611, Lago Vista, made comments in opposition of annexation and development included in exhibit C. Michael Igau, 23919 FM 1431 Unit 10, representing the Rogers estate, had questions regarding the Ag exemption and made comments in opposition of annexation. Tom Penn, 21650 FM 1431, addressed Council with concerns regarding request and agreements and benefits to both property owners and the City. Dale Thompson, 24001 FM 1431, Marble Falls, made comments in opposition of the annexation. Don Zimmerman, 8700 Browning, made comments regarding avoiding contention and encouraging the Council to have the consent of property owners to annex. Jill Rowe made comments. On a motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, the Council voted 5 ayes (Tippetts, Sullivan, R. Smith, Tidwell, Mitchell) to 2 nays (S. Smith, Bland) to approve Resolution No. 17-1701 as presented. Motion passed.

3. Discussion and possible action regarding an Agreement for Public Park Facilities Operation and Maintenance services. This item is being withdrawn at this time. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding Guardrail bid approval.

Gary Graham, Public Works Director provided an oral overview. The guardrails on Lohman Ford do not meet any kind of standard any longer and need to be brought up to standard. The project will be funded with money received from CAPMetro. On a motion by Councilwoman Bland, seconded by Councilman Tippetts, the Council voted unanimously to approve the bid and direct Gary to move forward with the project.

5. Discussion and consideration of Ordinance No. 17-06-01-01; An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Lago Vista, Texas, amending Article 13.500, Grinder Pumps and adopting Article 13.600, Sewer Use; providing a savings clause; providing a severability clause; providing a penalty provision and, providing an effective date.

Gary Graham, Public Works Director provided an overview of the proposed ordinance and the service agreement included within the ordinance. This service agreement and must be executed with any new wastewater account. On a motion by Councilwoman Bland, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Tidwell, the Council voted unanimously to approve Ordinance No. 17-06-01-01 as presented.

6. Discussion, consideration, and action on extension of the current contract with JW Properties.

Kenneth Reneau, City Manager, advised Council that the contract with JW Properties will expire on June 30, 2017 and is requesting Council direction as to whether they would like to extend the contract or let it lapse and rebid.

171 On a motion by Councilman Sullivan, seconded by Councilman Tippetts, the Council voted unanimously to extend the current contract with JW Properties for an additional 31 days until the end of July, 2017 and instruct the City Manager to put another contract out for bid.


7. Discussion regarding the Parks and Recreation landscape architect.

Councilwoman Bland asked that this item be tabled until a later date. The Parks and Rec are not ready to come forward with this presentation at this time.


8. Consider schedule and items for future Council meetings.

July 6 – item #7 June 15 – Tessera Park Agreement, Tessera SAP Scheduling a budget retreat after July 31. Water/wastewater rate study LCRA contracts


9. At 8:51 p.m., the Council convened into Executive Session pursuant to Sections 551.071 (Advice of Counsel), 551.072 (Real Property), 551.074 (Personnel), Texas Government Code and Section 1.05 Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct regarding:

A. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning process and options for obtaining replacement for City Manager.

B. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning upcoming Legislative Session and possible items for consideration by Legislature.

C. Pending or threatened litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-16-002483, Brian Atlas v. City of Lago Vista, Travis County 200th District Court.

D. Pending litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-17-000994, Lawrence Levy v. Dale Mitchell, Mayor of the City of Lago Vista, Travis County 201st Judicial District Court.

E. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning possible real estate acquisition, management or divestiture and attendant matters thereto.

ACTION ITEMS (action and/or a vote may be taken on the following agenda items):

10. At 10:43 p.m., the Council reconvened from Executive Session into open session to take action as deemed appropriate in City Council’s discretion regarding:

172 A. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning process and options for obtaining replacement for City Manager.

No action taken

B. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning upcoming Legislative Session and possible items for consideration by Legislature.

No action taken

C. Pending or threatened litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-16-002483, Brian Atlas v. City of Lago Vista, Travis County 200th District Court.

No action taken

D. Pending litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-17-000994, Lawrence Levy v. Dale Mitchell, Mayor of the City of Lago Vista, Travis County 201st Judicial District Court.

No action taken

E. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning possible real estate acquisition, management or divestiture and attendant matters thereto.


Mayor Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 10.45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

______Dale Mitchell, Mayor


______Sandra Barton, City Secretary

On a motion by Council ______, seconded by ______, the above and foregoing instrument was passed and approved this 20th day of July 2017.


BE IT REMEMBERED that on the 15th day of June, A.D., 2017, the City Council held a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, 5803 Thunderbird, in said City, there being present and acting the following:


Dale Mitchell Mayor Danny Smith Police Chief Ron Smith Council Member Robin Smith Ed Tidwell Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Boulware-Wells City Attorney Kevin Sullivan Council Member David Harrell Dev. Services Dir. Stephanie Smith Council Member Gary Graham PW Director Mark Tippetts Council Member Starr Lockwood Finance Director Suzanne Bland Council Member Dave Street IT Manager

Mayor Mitchell called the regular meeting to order and recognized that all Council Members were present. Other Department Heads present: Mark Cote. Rev. Dale Chrisman, Trinity Angelican Church provided the Invocation. Mayor Mitchell led the Pledge of Allegiance.

CITIZEN COMMENTS: In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Council is prohibited from acting or discussing (other than factual responses to specific questions) any items not on the agenda.

Frank Robbins, 4109 Hillside, KLVB President, stated that Lago Vista was upgraded from Bronze status to Silver status at the Keep Texas Beautiful conference, and presented the certificate award to the City. Dan Olson, 20804 S. Ridge St., appeared to request that he receive a reduction of sewer charges for 2017 and left a copy of his utility bill with Council. Lane McClanahan, 23725 E FM 1431, Marble Falls, made comments in opposition of annexation. Richard Starie, 21405 Coyote Trails, made comments regarding repairing a low water crossing on Coyote Trail. Mayor Mitchell announced that David Harrell will be leaving the City next week and thanked him for his service to the City.

ACTION ITEMS (action and/or a vote may be taken on the following agenda items):

3. Discussion and consideration of Resolution No. 17-1703, Resolution by the City Council of the City of Lago Vista, Texas authorizing the Mayor to execute the Agreement for Public Park Facilities operation and maintenance services.

Barbara Boulware-Wells, provided a brief oral overview of the proposed agreement and addressed questions from Council. On a motion by Councilwoman Bland, seconded by Councilman Tippetts, the Council voted unanimously to approve the Resolution No. 17-1703 as presented. Motion passed.


1. Conduct a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance No. 17-06-15-01; (ZON-1071) An Ordinance of the City of Lago Vista, Texas, amending Chapter 14, Article 14.200 of the City Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 12-12-06-01; in order to allow fences on a lot without a principal use or building and across contiguously (adjacent) owned property lines, making findings of fact; providing a savings clause; providing a severability clause; providing an open meetings clause; and providing an effective date.

• Staff Presentation – Staff has recommended that Council table this item for now and bring back at a later time. • Open Public Hearing – The Public Hearing was opened at 7:02 p.m. • Close Public Hearing – The Public Hearing will be left open until the July 20 meeting. • Council Discussion - None • Consideration and action regarding Ordinance No. 17-06-15-01 as presented above. On a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Tidwell, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, the Council voted unanimously to table this item until the regular Council meeting on July 20.

2. Conduct a Public Hearing to consider Ordinance No. 17-06-15-02; (ZON-1070) An Ordinance of the City of Lago Vista, Texas, amending Article 10.100, Section 2, Subsection 2.19.5(B) of the City Subdivision Ordinance, Ordinance No. 17-01-19-01; providing for inspection and construction of improvements; making findings of fact; providing a savings clause; providing a severability clause; providing an open meetings clause; and providing an effective date.

• Staff Presentation – David Harrell, Dev. Services Director, provided a brief overview of the proposed revisions to the Ordinance and addressed questions from Council. • Open Public Hearing – The Public Hearing was opened at 7:06 p.m. No comments made. • Close Public Hearing – The Public Hearing was closed at 7:08 p.m. • Council Discussion – Council briefly discussed. • Consideration and action regarding Ordinance No. 17-06-15-02 as presented above. On a motion by Councilwoman Smith, seconded by Councilman Tippetts, the Council voted unanimously to approve Ordinance No. 17-06-15-02 as presented.


All matters listed under Consent Agenda, are to be considered routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.

4. Approval of the following minutes:

May 4, 2017 Special Called meeting; May 11, 2017 Special Called meeting and May 18, 2017 Regular meeting

175 On a motion by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Sullivan, the Council voted unanimously to approve all the above minutes with an amendment to the May 18 minutes regarding the lake levels rising from 10% to 10 feet. Motion passed.


5. Presentation of a proposed Long Range Plan for the golf courses.

Mark Cote, Golf Course Manager provided an oral presentation to Council and provided information in the packet covering golf course assessments for both golf courses and addressed questions from Council. Starr Lockwood addressed debt service questions from Council regarding the Lago Vista course. David Williams, 20703 DeDe Drive made comments regarding renewing or not renewing his membership based on what the Council decides. Gina Williams, 20703 DeDe Drive made comments regarding membership fees and asked about the analysis from Mr. Walker. Keith Wadsworth, 6006 La Mesa, had questions regarding the costs of running the golf courses. No action taken.


9. At 8:55 p.m., the Council convened into Executive Session pursuant to Sections 551.071 (Advice of Counsel), 551.072 (Real Property), 551.074 (Personnel), Texas Government Code and Section 1.05 Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct regarding:

A. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning process and options for obtaining replacement for City Manager and Public Works Director.

B. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning upcoming Legislative Session and possible items for consideration by Legislature.

C. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning pending or threatened litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-16-002483, Villa Montechino, L.P. (Atlas) v. The City of Lago Vista, Travis County 200th District Court.

D. Pending litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-17-000994, Lawrence Levy v. Dale Mitchell, Mayor of the City of Lago Vista, Travis County 201st Judicial District Court.

E. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning possible real estate acquisition, management or divestiture and attendant matters thereto.

ACTION ITEMS (action and/or a vote may be taken on the following agenda items):

176 10. At 10:15 p.m. the Council reconvened from Executive Session into open session to take action as deemed appropriate in City Council’s discretion regarding:

A. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning process and options for obtaining replacement for City Manager and Public Works Director.

No action taken

B. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning upcoming Legislative Session and possible items for consideration by Legislature.

No action taken

C. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning pending or threatened litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-16-002483, Villa Montechino, L.P. (Atlas) v. The City of Lago Vista, Travis County 200th District Court.

No action taken

D. Pending litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-17-000994, Lawrence Levy v. Dale Mitchell, Mayor of the City of Lago Vista, Travis County 201st Judicial District Court.

No action taken

E. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning possible real estate acquisition, management or divestiture and attendant matters thereto.

No action taken

6. Departmental Reports

A. Development Services B. Golf Course C. Library D. Municipal Court E. Police Department

No comments or questions

7. Reports/Minutes from City Boards, Committees and Commissions

a. April 12, 2017 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes b. April 27, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission minutes c. May 10, 2017 KLVB Bullet Report

No comments or questions


8. Consider schedule and items for future Council meetings.

July 6 – report on effluent/irrigation, Juvenile curfew ordinance, fencing ordinance July 20 – action regarding golf courses Parks and Recreation


Mayor Dale Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 10:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

______Dale Mitchell, Mayor ATTEST:

______Sandra Barton, City Secretary

On a motion by ______, seconded by ______, the above and foregoing instrument was passed and approved this 20th day of July, 2017

178 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: WORK SESSION (no action may be taken on the following agenda items):


Departmental Reports

A. Development Services Reports

B. Financial Report - June

C. Golf Course

D. Library Report

E. Municipal Court Report

F. Police Department

179 Permits By Type

Lago Vista

From: 06/01/2017 To: 06/30/2017 Description Permit Contractor Address Type Issued Date Square Contstruction Number Footage Cost Residential 3121 Dallas Grant Construction 5609 Roundup Way Residential Single Family 6/2/2017 n/a $250000.00 Permits 3122 Dallas Grant Construction 4304 Cooper Ln Residential Single Family 6/2/2017 n/a $250000.00 3099 Highland Homes 7300 Pace Ravine Drive Residential Single Family 6/5/2017 3992 $549370.00 2979 MHI 22028 Cross Timbers Residential Single Family 6/5/2017 4164 $258594.00 3132 Tilson Home Corp 20102 Victoria Chase Residential Single Family 6/5/2017 n/a $201862.00 3059 Emerie Custom Homes 7908 Flintlock Cir Residential Single Family 6/6/2017 2693 $165000.00 3136 DH Homes dba Handlin Investments 20406 Doolittle Cove Residential Single Family 6/7/2017 2866 $223273.00 3107 Mattco Construction 2111 American Dr. Residential Single Family 6/13/2017 3047 $200000.00 3110 Mattco Construction 20005 Lincoln Cove Residential Single Family 6/13/2017 3047 $200000.00 3145 The Hawks Water Group 20905 Green Park Drive Residential Single Family 6/16/2017 n/a $275000.00 3148 TodCo LLC 7804 Diamond Trail Residential Single Family 6/19/2017 1906 $150000.00 3147 The Hawks Water Group 3102 Horizon Cove Residential Single Family 6/20/2017 n/a $250000.00 3146 The Hawks Water Group 20807 National Drive Residential Single Family 6/21/2017 n/a $250000.00 3171 The Brohn Group 2604 Newton Avenue Residential Single Family 6/22/2017 2040 $112200.00 3142 BR Builder 6102 Lynn Lane Residential Single Family 6/22/2017 n/a $350000.00 3163 The Brohn Group 21806 Bluejay Boulevard Residential Single Family 6/22/2017 2040 $112200.00 3181 The Brohn Group 21510 Paine Avenue Residential Single Family 6/22/2017 2040 $112200.00 3160 The Brohn Group 21407 Bluejay Boulevard Residential Single Family (In Floodplain) 6/22/2017 2040 $112200.00 3156 John Leak Custom Homes 6204 La Mesa Residential Single Family 6/23/2017 2564 $311250.00 3135 MHI 8008 Arbor Knoll Ct. Residential Single Family 6/23/2017 2566 $185994.00 3172 The Brohn Group 21512 Paine Avenue Residential Single Family 6/26/2017 2040 $112200.00 3173 The Brohn Group 20802 Henry Avenue Residential Single Family 6/28/2017 2560 $140800.00 2886 Verdant Custom Homes 20907 Van Allen Cove Residential Single Family 6/28/2017 2474 $250000.00 3174 The Brohn Group 21105 Greenpark Avenue Residential Single Family 6/28/2017 2651 $145805.00 3104 Hard Hill Construction 20504 High Drive Residential Single Family 6/29/2017 n/a $240000.00 3162 The Brohn Group 21402 Paseo de Vaca Residential Single Family (In Floodplain) 6/30/2017 2040 $112200.00 26 46770 $5520148.00

Homes in Tessera

Monday, July 03, 2017 Page 1 of 1 180 Permits By Type Lago Vista

From: 06/01/2017 To: 06/30/2017 Description Permit Contractor Address Type Issued Date Contstruction Number Cost Miscellaneous 3134 Da Vinci Pools 5504 Canyon Oaks Dr. Pool Permit 6/1/2017 $100000.00 Permits 3127 Lago Vista Fence 21700 Ticonderoga Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/5/2017 $4900.00 3057 N/A 3306 Parliament Cove Boat Docks, Decks, and Patios 6/6/2017 n/a 3139 Ulrich Barn Builders 21436 Lakefront Drive Residential Accessory Structure (Up to 120 Sq. Ft.) 6/7/2017 $3462.00 3140 Jimmy & Patsy Graves 20603 Ridgewood Boat Docks, Decks, and Patios 6/7/2017 $2500.00 3126 Dependable Docks 20033 Continental Dr. Boat Docks, Decks, and Patios 6/7/2017 $15000.00 3141 N/A 20908 North Ridge Street Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/8/2017 n/a 3138 1 Four Handcrafted 21007 Deede Dr Residential Accessory Structure (More than 120 Sq. Ft.) 6/8/2017 $40000.00 3068 Rick Gonzales 6607 Avenida Ann Drive Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/9/2017 $7000.00 3143 Craig Oesch 21600 Stampede Trl Permit Fee 6/9/2017 n/a 3155 Jeremiah & Heather Sutton 20625 Falcon Residential Accessory Structure (Up to 120 Sq. Ft.) 6/9/2017 n/a 3154 Lago Vista Fence 21207 Santa Carlo Ave Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/13/2017 $1850.00 3175 Homeowner 4305 Silver Hill Drive Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/15/2017 $4000.00 3161 N/A 20406 Sunset Strip Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/15/2017 n/a 3170 Eco Irrigation & Landscaping 21108 Needles Cove Sprinkler System 6/15/2017 $3400.00 3177 Lago Vista Fence 21453 Lakefront Drive Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/15/2017 $3046.00 3167 Tom Jennings 3901 Lake Park Cove Remodeling and Room Addition 6/16/2017 n/a 3169 Homeowner 21308 Dodge Trail Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/16/2017 $5185.00 2837 N/A 7309 Crossbow Trl. Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/19/2017 $3500.00 3165 MCD Benchmark-Texas Construction Company 6100 Lynn Lane Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/19/2017 n/a 3166 Allied Siding & Windows 3901 Lake Park Cove Remodeling and Room Addition 6/21/2017 $40000.00 3168 Allworks Landscaping 8016 Arbor Knoll Sprinkler System 6/22/2017 $2800.00 3178 N/A 21014 Boggy Ford Road Residential Accessory Structure (More than 120 Sq. Ft.) 6/22/2017 n/a 3158 Lago Vista Fence 2805 Boone Dr. Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/23/2017 $1200.00 3193 Lago Vista Fence 2815 Hancock Ave. Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/23/2017 n/a 3176 Lago Vista Fence 20625 Falcon St. Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/23/2017 $1500.00 3144 Lago Vista Fence 3004 Norton Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/23/2017 n/a 3194 Lago Vista Fence 22207 Cape Travis Bend Fences, Driveways, Cosmetic Remodels, and Pads 6/26/2017 $1734.00 3151 Homeowner 20511 Sunset Lane Residential Accessory Structure (Up to 120 Sq. Ft.) 6/28/2017 $2000.00 3150 Homeowner 20511 Sunset Lane Residential Accessory Structure (Up to 120 Sq. Ft.) 6/28/2017 $2000.00 3197 N/A 21527 Lakefront Dr. Residential Accessory Structure (More than 120 Sq. Ft.) 6/30/2017 n/a 3202 Steve Ruedas 21514 Coyote Trail Remodeling and Room Addition 6/30/2017 $2700.00 32 $247777.00 Sign Permits 3152 Kim Camp 6015 Lohman Ford, Suite Hanging Wall 6/15/2017 n/a 1 $0.00

Monday, July 03, 2017 Page 1 of 1 181 Permits By Type

Lago Vista

From: 06/01/2017 To: 06/30/2017 Description Permit Contractor Address Type Issued Date Electrical Trade 3024 Powerhouse Electrical Services 22117 Cross Timbers Bend Residential Electrical 6/1/2017 Permits 3019 Powerhouse Electrical Services 22108 Cross Timbers Bend Residential Electrical 6/1/2017 3055 Powerhouse Electrical Services 7905 Arbor Knoll Ct. Residential Electrical 6/1/2017 3020 Martinez Electric 20408 Dawn Drive Residential Electrical 6/7/2017 2994 Live Wire Electric 2603 Hopkins Residential Electrical 6/13/2017 3103 ITNS Electric 7708 Diamond Trail Residential Electrical 6/16/2017 3121 A.E.I Electric 5609 Roundup Way Residential Electrical 6/23/2017 3122 A.E.I Electric 4304 Cooper Ln Residential Electrical 6/23/2017 3148 ITNS Electric 7804 Diamond Trail Residential Electrical 6/27/2017 3199 Rex Johnson 4407 Rimrock Dr. Minor Electrical Repairs 6/27/2017 3074 Harvey Electric 8711 Bluff Ridge Trail Residential Electrical 6/29/2017 2917 Brecca Construction 3208 Mount Vernon Ave. Residential Electrical 6/29/2017 12 Mechanical Trade 2964 D.R. Services 4022 Outpost Trace Residential Mechanical 6/1/2017 Permits 3043 D.R. Services 4129 Rockwood Residential Mechanical 6/1/2017 2850 Casa Mechanical Services 5312 Canyon Oaks Drive Residential Mechanical 6/7/2017 2935 Casa Mechanical Services 7220 Pace Ravine Dr Residential Mechanical 6/7/2017 3054 Texas Comfort Air 6304 Pokealong Path Residential Mechanical 6/9/2017 3005 Texas Comfort Air 2700 Newton Residential Mechanical 6/9/2017 3101 Texas Comfort Air 21703 Surrey Lane Residential Mechanical 6/12/2017 3064 Casa Mechanical Services 7306 Pace Ravine Drive Residential Mechanical 6/19/2017 3180 ARS Rescue Rooter 6314 La Mesa St Minor Mechancial Repairs 6/19/2017 2687 Casa Mechanical Services 1921 Owens Lane Residential Mechanical 6/28/2017 10 Plumbing Trade 3121 KCM Plumbing 5609 Roundup Way Residential Plumbing 6/8/2017 Permits 3103 Central Texas Plumbing 7708 Diamond Trail Residential Plumbing 6/8/2017

Monday, July 03, 2017 Page 1 of 2 182 Permits By Type

Lago Vista

From: 06/01/2017 To: 06/30/2017

3122 KCM Plumbing 4304 Cooper Ln Residential Plumbing 6/8/2017 2270 Lantz's Lakeside Plumbing 21208 Oakdale Drive Residential Plumbing 6/9/2017 2270 J. David Plumbing 21208 Oakdale Drive Residential Plumbing 6/9/2017 3074 Lantz's Lakeside Plumbing 8711 Bluff Ridge Trail Residential Plumbing 6/20/2017 2880 Mustang Plumbing 7605 Turnback Ledge Trail Residential Plumbing 6/21/2017 3099 Mustang Plumbing 7300 Pace Ravine Drive Residential Plumbing 6/21/2017 2878 Mustang Plumbing 7800 Turnback Ledge Trail Residential Plumbing 6/21/2017 3024 Casa Mechanical Services 22117 Cross Timbers Bend Residential Plumbing 6/22/2017 3055 Casa Mechanical Services 7905 Arbor Knoll Ct. Residential Plumbing 6/22/2017 3019 Casa Mechanical Services 22108 Cross Timbers Bend Residential Plumbing 6/26/2017 2979 Casa Mechanical Services 22028 Cross Timbers Bend Residential Plumbing 6/27/2017 3145 Lantz's Lakeside Plumbing 20905 Green Park Drive Residential Plumbing 6/29/2017 3146 Lantz's Lakeside Plumbing 20807 National Drive Residential Plumbing 6/29/2017 3083 Lantz's Lakeside Plumbing 3205 Burnside Circle Residential Plumbing 6/29/2017 3147 Lantz's Lakeside Plumbing 3102 Horizon Cove Residential Plumbing 6/29/2017 17

Monday, July 03, 2017 Page 2 of 2 183 Certificates of Occupancy ‐ June 2017

Permit Cert. Of Owner Name Location Permit Type Contract Number Occupancy Value 249706/15/2017 Tessera on Lake Travis 7200 1/2 Tessera Parkway (Pool Showers), Lago Vista TX 78645 Commercial Permit $50,000.00 274706/06/2017 Alton Moore 9207 Bar-K Ranch Road, Lago Vista TX 78645 Commercial Permit (More than 5,000 Sq. Ft.) $125,000.00 285406/14/2017 Oscar Joel Medina 21404 Coyote Trail, Lago Vista, TX 78645 Residential Mobile Home n/a 288306/29/2017 Verdant Homes 21108 Needles, Lago Vista TX 78645 Residential Single Family $260,000.00 291206/02/2017 MHI 22209 Cross Timbers Bend, Lago Vista TX 78645 Residential Single Family $186,594.00 293206/23/2017 Kenwood Homes 21406 Santa Rosa Ave., Lago vista TX 78645 Residential Single Family $160,000.00 294606/12/2017 Casa Rio Builders 7900 Folklore Cir., Lago Vista TX 78645 Residential Single Family $200,000.00 296906/15/2017 DH Homes dba Handlin Investments 20702 Deep Creek, Lago Vista TX 78645 Residential Single Family $206,581.00 3000 06/26/2017 Buffalo West 21501 Horseshoe Loop, Lago vista TX 78645 Residential Single Family $140,000.00 3044 06/02/2017 Josh Gomez 7105 Chippewa Circle, Lago Vista TX 78545 Residential Mobile Home n/a

Homes in Tessera

7/3/2017 10:45:41 AM 184 Zoning and Subdivision Report

Lago Vista

From: 06/01/2017 To: 06/30/2017

Description Permit Number Address Type Creation Date Zoning Application 17-10826100 Lohman Ford Road Amended Plat 06/21/2017 17-1095700 Watercliff Drive Lot Consolidation 06/28/2017 17-10833404 American Dr., #3308 Short Term Occupancy 06/23/2017 17-10843404 American Dr., #2200 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10853404 American Dr., #1212 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10863404 American Dr., #3314 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10873404 American Dr., #3216 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10883404 American Dr., #2213 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10893404 American Dr., #3101 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10903404 American Dr., #1320 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10943404 American Dr., #3119 Short Term Occupancy 06/26/2017 17-10973404 American Dr. Short Term Occupancy 06/30/2017 17-10761612 Watercliffe Dr. Variance 06/01/2017 17-10788116 Chestnut Cove Re-Zoning Request (Multi Acre) 06/05/2017 17-10803013 Constitution Individual Easement Vacation 06/15/2017 17-10966300 Lohman Ford Permanent Food Establishment Review 06/29/2017 17-108121461 Coyote Trail, #3 Farmers Market 06/20/2017 17-10775925 Lago Vista Way Pool/Spa Registration 06/05/2017 17-10915918 Lago Vista Way Pool/Spa Registration 06/26/2017 17-10925801 Thunderbird #25 Pool/Spa Registration 06/26/2017 17-10797501 Lohman Ford Rd. Food Establishment - Permit Renewal 06/09/2017 17-109320520 FM 1431 Food Establishment - Permit Renewal 06/26/2017

185 Monday, July 03, 2017 Page 1 of 1 140


Fiscal Year to Date Three Year Comparison 100 October 2016 - June 2017 Permit Type 2015 2016 2017 Residential 40 63 132 80 Commercial 1 1 2 Totals 41 64 134 60




Residential (Includes-Single Family, Duplex, Mobile Home) Commercial (Includes-Commercial, Multifamily, Hangar, School)

186 Code Enforcement Cases by Date 6/1/2017 to 6/30/2017 Generated 7/3/2017

District Type Permit Address Issued Date Expiration Status Number Date District 1 All other miscellaneous violations CE-7467 7307 Cowpoke Trail 6/6/2017 6/24/2017 Open 1 Banner Violation No Permit CE-7641 7500 Lohman Ford Rd. 6/28/2017 6/28/2017 Closed 1 Boat Parked On Improved Lot CE-7596 20812 Adobe Trail 6/22/2017 6/30/2017 Open 1 Brush on Improved Lot CE-7453 21203 Park Dr. 6/5/2017 7/7/2017 Open CE-7662 21436 Coyote Trail 6/30/2017 7/16/2017 Open 2 Brush on Unimproved Lot CE-7436 6207 La Mesa St. 6/1/2017 6/16/2017 Closed CE-7438 21136 Northland Dr. 6/1/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7439 21138 Northland Dr. 6/1/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7464 20707 Northland Dr. 6/6/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7466 20806 Trapper Lane 6/6/2017 7/8/2017 Open CE-7487 20302 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7488 20504 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7489 20502 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7490 20500 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7491 20306 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7502 21481 Coyote Trail 6/12/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7503 21505 Coyote Trail 6/12/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7504 21507 Coyote Trail 6/12/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7577 6906 Buckboard Cove 6/20/2017 8/21/2017 Closed CE-7580 20606 Post Oak Dr. 6/20/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7581 20502 Post Oak Dr. 6/20/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7636 20802 Northland Cir. 6/27/2017 7/31/2017 Closed 17 Dead Tree on Unimproved Lot CE-7464 20707 Northland Dr. 6/6/2017 7/31/2017 Open 1 Garage/Estate Sale sign violation CE-7602 18604 Buckhorn Cir. 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Closed 1 High Grass/Weeds on Improved Lot CE-7457 21304 Paddock Cove 6/5/2017 6/20/2017 Closed CE-7467 7307 Cowpoke Trail 6/6/2017 6/24/2017 Open CE-7505 5903 La Mesa St. 6/12/2017 6/28/2017 Closed CE-7523 7508 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/13/2017 6/28/2017 Closed CE-7528 21483 Coyote Trail 6/14/2017 6/29/2017 Open CE-7531 21424 Coyote Trail 6/14/2017 6/29/2017 Open CE-7532 7108 Crossbow Trail 6/14/2017 6/29/2017 Open CE-7604 21604 Coyote Trail 6/23/2017 7/8/2017 Open CE-7662 21436 Coyote Trail 6/30/2017 7/16/2017 Open 9 High Grass/Weeds on Unimproved Lot CE-7438 21136 Northland Dr. 6/1/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7439 21138 Northland Dr. 6/1/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7464 20707 Northland Dr. 6/6/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7466 20806 Trapper Lane 6/6/2017 7/8/2017 Open CE-7487 20302 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7488 20504 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7489 20502 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7490 20500 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7491 20306 Dawn Dr. 6/9/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7502 21481 Coyote Trail 6/12/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7503 21505 Coyote Trail 6/12/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7504 21507 Coyote Trail 6/12/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7580 20606 Post Oak Dr. 6/20/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7581 20502 Post Oak Dr. 6/20/2017 7/31/2017 Open 14 Illegal Sign Violation Snipe Sign CE-7497 20709 Ridgeview Rd. 6/9/2017 6/9/2017 Closed CE-7645 6311 Lohman Ford Rd. 6/28/2017 6/28/2017 Closed 2 Junked Vehicle On Improved Lot CE-7494 20602 FM 1431 6/9/2017 6/14/2017 Open 1 Mandatory Water Rationing Violation Wrong Day CE-7573 21503 Horseshoe Loop 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Closed 1 Mandatory Water Rationing Violation Wrong Time CE-7573 21503 Horseshoe Loop 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Closed 1 Mobile Home Violation Skirting CE-7467 7307 Cowpoke Trail 6/6/2017 6/24/2017 Open 1 Other Building Violations CE-7505 5903 La Mesa St. 6/12/2017 6/15/2017 Closed CE-7510 8623 Bluff Ridge Trail 6/12/2017 6/19/2017 Open 2 Other Zoning violations CE-7509 20812 Adobe Trail 6/12/2017 6/13/2017187 Open Code Enforcement Cases by Date 6/1/2017 to 6/30/2017 Generated 7/3/2017

CE-7596 20812 Adobe Trail 6/22/2017 6/30/2017 Open 2 Prohibited Animal On Lot CE-7574 7504 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/19/2017 6/26/2017 Open 1 Property Maintenance violation CE-7442 6100 Lynn Lane 6/2/2017 6/3/2017 Closed CE-7467 7307 Cowpoke Trail 6/6/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7604 21604 Coyote Trail 6/23/2017 7/8/2017 Open 3 Real Estate Off Premise Sign CE-7465 Tessera Parkway 6/6/2017 6/6/2017 Closed CE-7486 21002 Brewer Lane 6/8/2017 6/8/2017 Closed CE-7606 8203 Chestnut Cove 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Closed 3 Real Estate Sign More Than 1 CE-7433 5900 Cimmaron Trail 6/1/2017 6/4/2017 Closed CE-7458 7508 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/5/2017 6/7/2017 Open CE-7523 7508 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/13/2017 6/20/2017 Closed 3 Real Estate Sign Violation Open House CE-7637 7412 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/27/2017 6/27/2017 Closed 1 Sign in Right-of-Way CE-7495 20601 FM 1431 6/9/2017 6/9/2017 Closed CE-7496 7500 Lohman Ford Rd. 6/9/2017 6/9/2017 Closed 2 Solid Waste Container Violation In Late CE-7442 6100 Lynn Lane 6/2/2017 6/3/2017 Closed CE-7443 21475 Coyote Trail #3B 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 Closed CE-7445 7707 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/2/2017 6/3/2017 Closed CE-7500 21306 Choctaw Cove 6/9/2017 6/10/2017 Closed CE-7501 21103 Little Loop 6/9/2017 6/11/2017 Closed CE-7558 7707 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/16/2017 6/16/2017 Closed CE-7559 21403 Surrey Lane 6/16/2017 6/16/2017 Closed CE-7603 7200 Bar K Ranch Rd. #A 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Closed CE-7604 21604 Coyote Trail 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Open CE-7605 7707 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Open CE-7659 6103 Cimmaron Trail 6/30/2017 7/1/2017 Open CE-7660 21528 Coyote Trail 6/30/2017 7/1/2017 Open 12 Solid Waste Container Violation Out Early CE-7498 21465 Coyote Trail 6/9/2017 6/10/2017 Closed 1 Solid Waste Container Violation Recycle In Late CE-7442 6100 Lynn Lane 6/2/2017 6/3/2017 Closed CE-7500 21306 Choctaw Cove 6/9/2017 6/10/2017 Closed CE-7501 21103 Little Loop 6/9/2017 6/11/2017 Closed CE-7603 7200 Bar K Ranch Rd. #A 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Closed CE-7604 21604 Coyote Trail 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Open 5 Solid Waste Container Violation Recycle Out Early CE-7444 21473 Coyote Trail 6/2/2017 6/3/2017 Closed CE-7529 21461 Coyote Trail 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7530 7103 Comstock Cove 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7533 7203 Crossbow Trail 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7534 21409 Choctaw Cove 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7535 7303 Crossbow Trail 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7536 7316 Crossbow Trail 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7537 7315 Crossbow Trail 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open 8 Trailer Parked On Improved Lot CE-7509 20812 Adobe Trail 6/12/2017 6/13/2017 Open CE-7578 21300 Palomino Cove 6/20/2017 6/26/2017 Closed CE-7596 20812 Adobe Trail 6/22/2017 6/30/2017 Open 3 Trailer Parked On Unimproved Lot CE-7436 6207 La Mesa St. 6/1/2017 6/9/2017 Closed 1 Two Solid Waste Containers CE-7652 8502 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/29/2017 7/7/2017 Open 1 Unsafe Structure CE-7467 7307 Cowpoke Trail 6/6/2017 7/31/2017 Open 1 Vehicle Parked On Improved Lot CE-7436 6207 La Mesa St. 6/1/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7446 7707 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/2/2017 6/6/2017 Closed CE-7499 7203 Crossbow Trail 6/9/2017 6/10/2017 Open CE-7501 21103 Little Loop 6/9/2017 6/13/2017 Closed CE-7533 7203 Crossbow Trail 6/14/2017 6/16/2017 Open CE-7583 6326 La Mesa St. 6/20/2017 6/25/2017 Open 6 Vehicle Parked On Unimproved Lot CE-7607 6312 La Mesa St. 6/23/2017 6/24/2017 Open CE-7608 6312 La Mesa St. 6/23/2017 6/24/2017 Open 2 Total 110 District 2 Address Numbers Not Visible CE-7566 20707 Camel Back 6/19/2017 6/23/2017188 Open Code Enforcement Cases by Date 6/1/2017 to 6/30/2017 Generated 7/3/2017

CE-7623 21202 Kiowa Cove 6/26/2017 7/4/2017 Open 2 All other miscellaneous violations CE-7571 2815 Hancock Ave. 6/19/2017 6/23/2017 Open CE-7642 4201 Cooper Lane #B 6/28/2017 6/28/2017 Closed CE-7648 2815 Hancock Ave. 6/28/2017 7/2/2017 Open 3 Boat Parked On Improved Lot CE-7432 4907 Arrowhead Dr. 6/1/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7460 5403 Hitching Post 6/5/2017 7/10/2017 Open CE-7541 3505 Boone Dr. 6/14/2017 6/24/2017 Open CE-7646 3303 Parliament Cove 6/28/2017 7/8/2017 Open 4 Brush on Improved Lot CE-7547 21563 Lakefront Dr. 6/15/2017 7/16/2017 Open CE-7569 3004 Boone Dr. 6/19/2017 6/25/2017 Open 2 Brush on Unimproved Lot CE-7437 5000 Sundown St. 6/1/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7447 3613 Bunyan Cir 6/2/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7448 3706 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7449 3609 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7450 3603 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7451 3605 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7452 3607 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7468 3952 Outpost Trace 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7469 3956 Outpost Trace 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7470 21003 Twisting Trail 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7471 4201 Hillside Dr. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7481 4110 Cleveland Ave. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7482 4111 Cleveland Ave. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7483 20000 Boggy Ford Rd. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7485 2305 Newton Dr. 6/8/2017 7/16/2017 Open CE-7545 5400 Hitching Post 6/15/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7563 20615 Oak Ridge 6/19/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7575 5000 Sundown Lane 6/20/2017 7/16/2017 Open CE-7582 5005 Sundown Lane 6/20/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7589 2701 Democracy Cove 6/21/2017 7/20/2017 Open CE-7590 20404 Continental Dr. 6/21/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7591 20314 Continental Dr. 6/21/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7597 21003 South Ridge St. 6/22/2017 7/16/2017 Open CE-7598 20907 South Ridge St. 6/22/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7599 20311 Continental Dr. 6/23/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7600 20308 Continental Dr. 6/23/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7601 2817 Hancock Ave. 6/23/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7616 3706 Arlington Cove 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7617 3703 Arlington Cove 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7618 3504 Hamilton Ave. 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7619 3506 Hamilton Ave. 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7627 5306 Arrowhead Dr. 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7628 20700 Branding Iron 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7629 20703 Oak Ridge 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7630 20807 Wishbone Dr. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7632 20810 Wishbone Dr. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7633 20806 Wishbone Dr. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7634 4807 Green Shore Cir. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7635 4712 Turnback St. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7638 3703 Alamo Cove 6/27/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7639 21403 Patton Ave. 6/28/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7640 3200 Burnside Cir. 6/28/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7647 3114 Burnside Cir. 6/28/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7653 21403 Polk Cove 6/30/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7654 21405 Polk Cove 6/30/2017 7/15/2017 Open 45 Construction w/o permit CE-7522 3901 Lake Park Cove 6/13/2017 6/20/2017 Open 1 Dead Tree on Improved Lot CE-7575 5000 Sundown Lane 6/20/2017 7/16/2017 Open 1 Disconnected Water Service Delinquent CE-7611 21304 Blue Jay Blvd 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Open 1 Fencing Violation Type Violation CE-7460 5403 Hitching Post 6/5/2017 7/10/2017 Open CE-7461 5405 Hitching Post 6/5/2017 7/10/2017 Open 2 Garage/Estate Sale sign violation CE-7556 3311 Boone Dr. 6/16/2017 6/16/2017 Closed 1 Garage/Estate Sale Sign Violation in ROW CE-7556 3311 Boone Dr. 6/16/2017 6/16/2017 Closed 1 189 Code Enforcement Cases by Date 6/1/2017 to 6/30/2017 Generated 7/3/2017

Garage/Estate Sale Sign Violation on City Property CE-7544 20519 Highland Lake Dr. 6/15/2017 6/15/2017 Closed CE-7556 3311 Boone Dr. 6/16/2017 6/16/2017 Closed CE-7661 20501 Highland Lake Dr. 6/30/2017 6/30/2017 Open 3 High Grass/Weeds on Improved Lot CE-7460 5403 Hitching Post 6/5/2017 7/10/2017 Open CE-7461 5405 Hitching Post 6/5/2017 7/10/2017 Open CE-7520 20908 Boggy Ford Rd. 6/13/2017 6/28/2017 Open CE-7538 21637 Boggy Ford Rd. #B 6/14/2017 6/29/2017 Open CE-7539 21637 Boggy Ford Rd. #A 6/14/2017 6/29/2017 Closed CE-7540 21635 Boggy Ford Rd. #B 6/14/2017 6/29/2017 Closed CE-7541 3505 Boone Dr. 6/14/2017 6/24/2017 Open CE-7564 5002 Sundown St. 6/19/2017 7/4/2017 Open CE-7565 20709 Camel Back 6/19/2017 7/4/2017 Open CE-7566 20707 Camel Back 6/19/2017 7/5/2017 Open CE-7568 4001 Constitution Dr. 6/19/2017 7/4/2017 Open CE-7576 5603 Thunderbird St. #A 6/20/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7593 21446 Lakefront Dr. 6/22/2017 7/8/2017 Open CE-7611 21304 Blue Jay Blvd 6/23/2017 7/8/2017 Open CE-7643 21635 Boggy Ford #A 6/28/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7644 21631 Boggy Ford Rd. #B 6/28/2017 7/15/2017 Open 16 High Grass/Weeds on Unimproved Lot CE-7448 3706 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7449 3609 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7450 3603 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7451 3605 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7452 3607 Bunyan Cir. 6/2/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7468 3952 Outpost Trace 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7469 3956 Outpost Trace 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7470 21003 Twisting Trail 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7471 4201 Hillside Dr. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7481 4110 Cleveland Ave. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7482 4111 Cleveland Ave. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7483 20000 Boggy Ford Rd. 6/7/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7485 2305 Newton Dr. 6/8/2017 7/16/2017 Open CE-7545 5400 Hitching Post 6/15/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7563 20615 Oak Ridge 6/19/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7582 5005 Sundown Lane 6/20/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7589 2701 Democracy Cove 6/21/2017 7/20/2017 Open CE-7590 20404 Continental Dr. 6/21/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7591 20314 Continental Dr. 6/21/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7597 21003 South Ridge St. 6/22/2017 7/16/2017 Open CE-7599 20311 Continental Dr. 6/23/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7600 20308 Continental Dr. 6/23/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7601 2817 Hancock Ave. 6/23/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7616 3706 Arlington Cove 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7617 3703 Arlington Cove 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7618 3504 Hamilton Ave. 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7619 3506 Hamilton Ave. 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7626 20206 Boggy Ford Rd. 6/26/2017 7/8/2017 Open CE-7627 5306 Arrowhead Dr. 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7628 20700 Branding Iron 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7629 20703 Oak Ridge 6/26/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7630 20807 Wishbone Dr. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7632 20810 Wishbone Dr. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7633 20806 Wishbone Dr. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7634 4807 Green Shore Cir. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7635 4712 Turnback St. 6/27/2017 8/15/2017 Open CE-7638 3703 Alamo Cove 6/27/2017 7/31/2017 Open CE-7640 3200 Burnside Cir. 6/28/2017 7/15/2017 Open CE-7647 3114 Burnside Cir. 6/28/2017 7/15/2017 Open 39 Illegal Dumping Violation Improved Lot CE-7541 3505 Boone Dr. 6/14/2017 6/30/2017 Open 1 Illegal Dumping Violation Unimproved Lot CE-7435 3505 Boone Dr. 6/1/2017 6/5/2017 Open CE-7541 3505 Boone Dr. 6/14/2017 6/30/2017 Open 2 Junked Vehicle In ROW CE-7434 5800 Circulo Dr. 6/1/2017 6/16/2017 Open CE-7441 4718 Country Club Dr. 6/2/2017 6/6/2017 Closed CE-7560 5806 Circulo Dr. 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open 3 Junked Vehicle On Improved Lot CE-7649 3004 Boone Dr. 6/28/2017 7/20/2017 Open 1 Mandatory Water Rationing Violation Allow Water Runoff CE-7570 20540 Highland Lake Dr. 6/19/2017 6/19/2017190 Closed Code Enforcement Cases by Date 6/1/2017 to 6/30/2017 Generated 7/3/2017

CE-7594 21441 Lakefront Dr. 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 Closed 2 Mandatory Water Rationing Violation Wrong Day CE-7519 20908 North Ridge St. 6/13/2017 6/13/2017 Closed CE-7567 5601 Roundup Way 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Closed CE-7570 20540 Highland Lake Dr. 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Closed CE-7594 21441 Lakefront Dr. 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 Closed 4 Mandatory Water Rationing Violation Wrong Time CE-7567 5601 Roundup Way 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Closed CE-7570 20540 Highland Lake Dr. 6/19/2017 6/19/2017 Closed CE-7594 21441 Lakefront Dr. 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 Closed 3 Other Building Violations CE-7460 5403 Hitching Post 6/5/2017 7/10/2017 Open CE-7461 5405 Hitching Post 6/5/2017 7/10/2017 Open CE-7493 20704 National Dr. 6/9/2017 6/14/2017 Closed CE-7546 6705 Bar K Ranch Rd. 6/15/2017 6/20/2017 Unfounded CE-7626 20206 Boggy Ford Rd. 6/26/2017 7/8/2017 Open 5 Other Zoning violations CE-7463 3206 American Dr. 6/6/2017 6/10/2017 Closed CE-7624 3601 Hamilton Ave. 6/26/2017 6/30/2017 Open 2 Property Maintenance violation CE-7557 5505 Thunderbird St. #B 6/16/2017 6/20/2017 Closed CE-7650 5211 Thunderbird St. #A 6/29/2017 7/1/2017 Open CE-7651 4011 Constitution Dr. 6/29/2017 7/5/2017 Open 3 Real Estate Off Premise Sign CE-7479 The Oaks #7 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7521 The Oaks #7 6/13/2017 6/13/2017 Closed CE-7592 20902 Magellan Cove 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 Closed CE-7612 2805 Norton Ave. 6/23/2017 6/23/2017 Closed 4 Real Estate Sign Violation Open House CE-7595 4079 Outpost Trace 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 Closed 1 Short Term Occupancy Violation CE-7613 2908 Patriot Ave. 6/23/2017 6/26/2017 Open 1 Short Term Occupancy Violation No Permit CE-7512 3404 American Dr. 6/12/2017 6/23/2017 Open CE-7513 3404 American Dr. 6/12/2017 6/23/2017 Open CE-7514 3404 American Dr. 6/12/2017 6/23/2017 Open CE-7515 3404 American Dr. 6/12/2017 6/23/2017 Open CE-7516 3404 American Dr. 6/13/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7517 3404 American Dr. 6/13/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7518 3216 Poe Cove #4D 6/13/2017 6/30/2017 Closed CE-7524 3404 American Dr. #3111 6/13/2017 6/30/2017 Unfounded CE-7525 3404 American Dr. 6/14/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7526 3404 American Dr. 6/14/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7527 3404 American Dr. 6/14/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7543 3404 American Dr. 6/15/2017 6/30/2017 Closed CE-7548 3404 American Dr. 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7549 3404 American Dr. #3302 6/16/2017 6/24/2017 Unfounded CE-7550 3404 American Dr. 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7551 3404 American Dr. #2217 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7552 3404 American Dr. #3212 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7553 3404 American Dr. #1215 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7554 3404 American Dr. #3301 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7555 3404 American Dr. #1124 6/16/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7663 3404 American Dr. #1303 6/30/2017 7/16/2017 Open CE-7664 3404 American Dr. #1226 6/30/2017 7/14/2017 Open CE-7665 3404 American Dr. #2117 6/30/2017 7/14/2017 Open CE-7666 3404 American Dr. 1219 6/30/2017 7/14/2017 Open 24 Short Term Occupancy Violation Violate Terms of Permit CE-7562 2908 Patriot Dr. 6/16/2017 Open 1 Solid Waste Container Violation In Late CE-7440 5800 Thunderbird St. 6/2/2017 6/3/2017 Closed CE-7454 22027 Redbird Dr. 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 Closed CE-7455 2304 Quail Run Cove 6/5/2017 6/6/2017 Closed CE-7478 2815 Hancock Ave. 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7492 5608 Club House Dr. 6/9/2017 6/9/2017 Open CE-7538 21637 Boggy Ford Rd. #B 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7561 20908 Boggy Ford Rd. 6/16/2017 6/17/2017 Closed CE-7585 The Oaks #34 6/21/2017 6/22/2017 Closed CE-7586 The Oaks #41 6/21/2017 6/22/2017 Closed CE-7587 2502 American Dr. #A 6/21/2017 6/22/2017 Closed CE-7655 5603 Thunderbird St. #A 6/30/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7656 5102 Country Club Dr. 6/30/2017 7/1/2017 Open CE-7657 4805 Arrowhead Dr. 6/30/2017 7/1/2017191 Open Code Enforcement Cases by Date 6/1/2017 to 6/30/2017 Generated 7/3/2017

CE-7658 20807 Oak Ridge 6/30/2017 7/1/2017 Open 14 Solid Waste Container Violation Out Early CE-7507 2600 Patriot Dr. 6/12/2017 6/13/2017 Closed CE-7567 5601 Roundup Way 6/19/2017 6/21/2017 Closed CE-7572 4807 Turnback St. 6/19/2017 6/21/2017 Closed CE-7622 21204 Kiowa Cove 6/26/2017 6/28/2017 Open CE-7623 21202 Kiowa Cove 6/26/2017 6/28/2017 Open 5 Solid Waste Container Violation Recycle In Late CE-7538 21637 Boggy Ford Rd. #B 6/14/2017 6/14/2017 Open CE-7642 4201 Cooper Lane #B 6/28/2017 6/28/2017 Closed CE-7657 4805 Arrowhead Dr. 6/30/2017 7/1/2017 Open 3 Solid Waste Container Violation Recycle Out Early CE-7454 22027 Redbird Dr. 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 Closed CE-7455 2304 Quail Run Cove 6/5/2017 6/6/2017 Closed CE-7456 22021 Redbird Dr. 6/5/2017 6/6/2017 Closed CE-7472 5603 Thunderbird St. #A 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7473 5603 Thunderbird St. #B 6/7/2017 6/8/2017 Closed CE-7474 5509 Thunderbird St. #B 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7475 5205 Thunderbird St. 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7476 4201 Cooper Lane #A 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7477 20039 Continental Dr. 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7478 2815 Hancock Ave. 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7480 21100 Santa Ana Cove #B 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7507 2600 Patriot Dr. 6/12/2017 6/13/2017 Closed 12 Trailer Parked On Improved Lot CE-7432 4907 Arrowhead Dr. 6/1/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7435 3505 Boone Dr. 6/1/2017 6/7/2017 Open CE-7614 3936 Outpost Trace 6/23/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7620 5703 Thunderbird St. #B 6/26/2017 6/27/2017 Open CE-7646 3303 Parliament Cove 6/28/2017 7/8/2017 Open 5 Trailer Parked On Unimproved Lot CE-7435 3505 Boone Dr. 6/1/2017 6/7/2017 Open CE-7541 3505 Boone Dr. 6/14/2017 6/24/2017 Open CE-7621 5600 Thunderbird St. 6/26/2017 6/27/2017 Open 3 Two Solid Waste Containers CE-7459 2304 Quail Run Cove 6/5/2017 6/15/2017 Open CE-7584 5601 Thunderbird St. #B 6/21/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7625 2904 Hancock Ave. 6/26/2017 7/7/2017 Open 3 Vehicle Parked On Improved Lot CE-7462 3004 Boone Dr. 6/6/2017 6/11/2017 Closed CE-7463 3206 American Dr. 6/6/2017 6/10/2017 Closed CE-7480 21100 Santa Ana Cove #B 6/7/2017 6/7/2017 Closed CE-7508 21635 Boggy Ford Rd. #B 6/12/2017 6/12/2017 Open CE-7511 5205 Thunderbird St. 6/12/2017 6/15/2017 Closed CE-7542 3004 Boone Dr. 6/15/2017 6/22/2017 Open CE-7579 20709 Bonanza St. 6/20/2017 6/25/2017 Open CE-7624 3601 Hamilton Ave. 6/26/2017 6/30/2017 Open CE-7649 3004 Boone Dr. 6/28/2017 6/28/2017 Open 9 Total 232 Total 342



Security Bank: General Account $ 369,821.40 Utility Account $ 1,101,596.33 Accounts Payable Account $ 70,583.76 Payroll Account $ 122,275.78 F-4 Project $ 1,191.29

Logic Investments: Operating Reserves $ 2,326,202.46 Interest $ 24,047.02 Water Impact Fees $ 477,927.82 Interest $ 11,074.09 Debt Service $ 688,279.31 Interest $ 5,295.95 Retainage $ 28,360.15 Interest $ 2,578.10 Bed Tax $ 363,767.99 Interest $ 14,868.69 Customer Deposits $ 186,710.00 Interest $ 3,270.03 Park Fund $ 5,000.00 Interest $ 16,741.34 PID Offsite Utilities $ 0.02 Interest $ 10.68 Jonestown/LV/Centex $ 195,467.85 Interest $ 4,446.82 LCRA Hollows Water $ 189,668.78 Interest $ 3,198.24 Airport Taxiway $ - Interest $ 35.45 Austin Boulevard Paving $ 26,049.92 Interest $ 353.49 2014 Certificates of Obligatio $ - Interest $ - 2015 Tax Note $ 183,334.88 Interest $ 13,444.85 2015 Otwell Land Acquisition $ - Interest $ 323.79 Wastewater Impact Fees $ 397,147.29 Interest $ 30,031.26 2017 CO Receiving Account $ - Interest $ 3,551.60 Wastewater Treatment Plant I $ 2,629,937.76 Interest $ 7,336.45 Safe Routes to Schools $ 235,662.17 Interest $ 755.08 Traffic Signal - Lohman/Bogg $ 347,797.50 Interest $ 973.28 Camille & Dawn Intersection $ 100,000.00 Interest $ 278.92 Airport Property Acquisition $ 208,292.83 Interest $ 626.25 Airport Tie Downs $ 40,000.00 Interest $ 111.46 LV Club House Repairs $ 242,000.00 Interest $ 674.82 Water Quality Improvements $ 100,000.00 Interest $ 278.92 Lift Station Scada Improveme $ 62,794.01 Interest $ 221.82 Veterans Park $ 15,000.00 Interest $ 97.95 Sports Complex Improvemen $ 47,000.00 Interest $ 130.97 Street Rehabiliation Project $ 500,000.00 Interest $ 1,394.22 Water Master Plan #1 Recomm$ 3,093,923.96 Interest $ 8,332.22 TOTAL $ 14,510,277.02

Actual Percent Budgeted Collected Collected

2016-17 Taxes $ 4,813,381 $ 4,729,171 98.25% Delinquent Taxes $ - $ 98,979 2.06% Total $ 4,813,381 $ 4,828,151 100.31%

Revenues for Fiscal Year: Expenditures for Fiscal Year: General Fund $ 5,338,080.20 General Fund $ 4,054,526.53 Hotel Fund $ 77,833.74 Hotel Fund $ 51,003.00 Utility Fund $ 4,088,966.52 Utility Fund $ 3,650,929.25 Golf Course Fund $ 689,608.83 Golf Course Fund $ 1,281,349.99 $ 10,194,489.29 $ 9,037,808.77

JUNE Interest Rates - Logic Accounts - Average = 1.1333% JUNE ECR Interest Rates - Security Bank Accounts = 1.13% MAY Pledged Securities - Security State Bank - $4,485,983.97 JUNE Pledged Securities - Security State Bank - $4,479,212.66 193 CITY OF LAGO VISTA MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT

JUNE 30, 2017 - FISCAL YEAR END SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 - Ad Valorem Taxes

Ad Valorem Taxes A 0.65 tax rate and anticipated collection rate of 100% equates to anticipated collection: $4,843,294.97

Current Taxes for Year 2016 - Billed by Travis County Tax Office: $ 4,843,294.97 Tax Adjustments for Year 2016 from Travis County Tax Office: $ 32,756.50 Current Taxes for Year 2016 after adjustments: $ 4,810,538.47

Base Tax Amount Collected by Travis County Tax Office for 2016: $ 4,716,259.65 Base Tax Reversals for Year 2016 by Travis County Tax Office: $ 19,410.80 Net Base Tax Collected for Year 2016 by Travis County: $ 4,696,848.85 Percentage Collected: 97.64%

Amount Still Due for 2016 Taxes: $ 113,689.62

Penalty and Interest Collected for 2016 $ 16,563.61 Penalty and Interest Reversals for 2016 $ (15,759.02) Net Penalty and Interest Collected for 2016 by Travis County: $ 32,322.63

Total Amount paid to City of Lago Vista for 2016 Taxes: $ 4,729,171.48

Taxes Collected Year to Date

2014 Taxes $ 4,843,294.97 2.36% Less Adjustm $ 32,756.50 Collected $ 4,696,848.85 Uncollected $ 113,689.62 Collected 97.64% Uncollected 2.36% 97.64% Uncollected ######

Collected ######

Uncollected Collected


As of JUNE 30, 2017 - Ad Valorem Taxes Past Due from Previous Years

Past Due Taxes from 1973 - 2015 $ 527,793.10 Tax Adjustments from Travis County Tax Office: $ 64,094.96 Past Due Taxes after adjustments: $ 463,698.14

Base Tax Amount Collected by Travis County Tax Office: $ 65,233.85 Base Tax Reversals for Past Due by Travis County Tax Office: $ 1,907.95 Net Base Tax Collected for Past Due by Travis County: $ 63,325.90 Percentage Collected: 13.66%

Amount Still Due for Past Due Taxes: $ 400,272.24

Penalty and Interest Collected for Past Due Amounts: $ 35,660.66 Penalty and Interest Reversals for Past Due Amounts: $ 7.41 Net Penalty and Interest Collected by Travis County: $ 35,653.25

Total Amount paid to City of Lago Vista for Past Due Taxes: $ 98,979.15

Past Due Amounts Collected Year to Date

Past Due $ 463,698.14 Collected $ 98,979.15 Uncollected $ 400,272.24 Collected 13.66% 13.66% Uncollected 86.34%

Uncollected ###### Collected ###### 86.34%

Uncollected Collected

195 1,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,500,000.00 500,000.00 0.00

Operating Accounts 1,665,468.56 Debt Service 688,279.31 Debt Service Interest 5,295.95 Operating Reserves 2,326,202.46 Operating Reserves… 24,047.02 Retainage Fees 28,360.15 Retainage Fees Interest 2,578.10 Water Impact Fees 477,927.82 Water Impact Fees… 11,074.09 Park Fund 5,000.00 Park Fund Interest 16,741.34 Bed Tax 363,767.99 Bed Tax Interest 14,868.69 Customer Deposits 186,710.00 Customer Deposits Interest 3,270.03 PID Offsite Utilities 0.02 Pid Offsite Utilites Interest 10.68 Jonestown/LV/Centex… 195,467.85

Jonestown/LV/Centex… 4,446.82 Cash PositionJUNE30, 2017 asof LCRA Hollows Water… 189,668.78 LCRA Hollows Water…3,198.24 Total: $14,510,277.02Total: Airport Taxiway 0.00 Airport Taxiway Interest 35.45 Austin Boulevard Paving 26,049.92 Austin Boulevard Paving… 353.49

2014 Certificates of… 0.00 2014 Certificates of… 0.00 2015 Tax Note 183,334.88 2015 Tax Note Interest 13,444.85 2015 Otwell Land… 0.00 2015 Otwell Land… 323.79 Wastewater Impact Fees 397,147.29 Wastewater Impact Fees… 30,031.26 2017 CO Receiving… 2017 CO0.00 Receiving… 3,551.60 Wastewater Treatment… Wastewater Treatment… 7,336.45 2,629,937.76 Safe Routes to School 235,662.17 Safe Routes to School… 755.08 Traffic Signal -… 347,797.50 Traffic Signal -… 973.28 Camille & Dawn… 100,000.00 Camille & Dawn… 278.92 208,292.83 Airport Property… 626.25 Airport Tie Downs 40,000.00 Airport Tie Downs Interest 111.46 LV Club House Repairs 242,000.00 LV Club House Repairs… 674.82 Water Quality… 100,000.00 Water Quality… 278.92 Lift Station Scada… 62,794.01 Lift Station Scada… 221.82 Veterans Park 15,000.00 Veterans Park Interest

196 97.95 Sports Complex… 47,000.00 Sports Complex… 130.97 Street Rehabilitation… 500,000.00 Street Rehabilitation… 1,394.22 3,093,923.96 Water Master Plan #1… Water Master Plan #1… 8,332.22 General Fund Monthly Income and Expense By: Month (this Year vs Last Year) Year to Date (this Year vs Last Year)

2015 - 2016

2016- 2017

$5,500,000 $5,338,080 $4,762,868 $4,054,527 $3,847,482




$1,500,000 $379,244 $402,950 $280,206 $274,598



197 2015 - 2016 Utility Fund Monthly Income and Expenses 2016 - 2017 By: Month (this year vs last year) Year to Date (this year vs last year)


$4,000,000 $4,088,967 $3,442,637 $3,650,929 $3,092,134 $3,500,000





$1,000,000 $352,389 $555,116 $399,009 $405,640



198 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 $1,800,000 $2,000,000 2015 2016 $200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 - - - - 2016 2017 $0

JUNE 16 INCOME $110,264

JUNE 17 INCOME $85,069 GolfCourse Fund Income and Expenses By Month year(this last vs year) YTD (this year (this YTD vs last year) YTD JUNE 16 INCOME $774,654

YTD JUNE 17 INCOME $689,609

JUNE 16 EXPENSES $147,859

JUNE 17 EXPENSES $161,519

YTD JUNE 16 EXPENSES $1,255,670

YTD JUNE 17 EXPENSES $1,281,350 199 Budgeted Allotment Acccrual Allotment Budgeted Nov Dec Oct Apr Jan Feb May Mar Aug Jun Jul Sep


0.0833 0.1666 0.2499 0.3332 0.4165 0.4998 0.5831 0.6664 0.7497 0.9163 0.9996 1.0829 0.833 0

Admin Income 90.65% Admin Expense 73.84% Non Dept Income Non Dept Exp 56.87% Dev Service Income 95.23% Dev Service Exp 69.03% Finance Exp 69.12% Human Resources 79.80% Court Income 61.65% Court Exp 90.41% City Secretary 68.18% City Attorney 0.02% PD Income 107.53% Police Exp 71.76% Dispatch Exp 74.08% PW Income 14.39% Streets Exp 71.69% Bldg Maint Exp 40.59%

Solid Waste Income 79.43% Expenses and Income Budgeted vs. Actual vs. Budgeted Solid Waste Exp 67.07%

Rec Income 62.95% 2016 Parks & Recreation 92.59%

Aquatics 71.72% - 2017 Airport Income 26.33% Airport Exp 31.66% Library Income 85.62%

Library Exp 78.93% Transfer to Golf Fund - LVGC 0.00% Transfer to Golf Fund - HLGC 0.00% Utility Income 76.51% Utility Admin Exp 51.65% Utility/General Transfer 75.00% Utility/Debt Service Transfer 0.00% Information Technology 65.29% Public Works Admin 60.88% Water Srvc Exp 89.21% WTP One Exp 43.31% WTP Two Exp 74.29% WTP Three Exp 66.72% Sewer Srvc Exp 84.04% WWTP Exp 81.96% Effluent Disposal 77.56% Booster Pump Stations 62.21% Lift Stations 85.93% LVGC ProShop Income 41.41% LVGC Snackbar Income 81.12% LVGC ProShop Exp 85.14% LVGC Maintenance Exp 67.59% HLGC ProShop Income 18.60% HLGC Snackbar Income 56.50% HLGC ProShop Exp 66.41% HLGC Maitenance Exp 61.14% 200 Fiscal Year - Lago Vista Golf Course Sales History

2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017

October - LVGC $ 71,737 $ 75,182 $ 65,534 $ 61,014 $ 73,291 $ 55,882 $ 56,207 $ 78,072 $ 56,070 $ 58,153 October - HLGC $ 29,767 $ 26,850 $ 22,354 $ 17,358 $ 11,255 $ 17,314 $ 24,722 October - American Girl Grill $ 4,633 $ 5,090 $ 6,266 $ 6,534 $ - October - LVGC Snackbar $ 19,222

November - LVGC $ 59,967 $ 57,720 $ 60,640 $ 44,530 $ 56,351 $ 61,110 $ 41,581 $ 70,375 $ 33,806 $ 34,646 November - HLGC $ 15,568 $ 22,187 $ 22,839 $ 14,724 $ - $ 16,285 $ 11,342 November - American Girl Grill $ 4,166 $ 3,872 $ 4,076 $ 4,921 $ - November - LVGC Snackbar $ 14,396

December - LVGC $ 60,648 $ 50,374 $ 36,426 $ 54,817 $ 58,023 $ 47,081 $ 40,860 $ 51,074 $ 34,115 $ 28,133 December - HLGC $ 16,734 $ 12,208 $ 15,975 $ 9,673 $ - $ 15,611 $ 9,397 December - American Girl Grill $ 3,271 $ 3,174 $ 3,209 $ 4,858 $ - December - LVGC Snackbar $ 11,922

January - LVGC $ 49,585 $ 57,360 $ 39,341 $ 42,080 $ 55,755 $ 47,966 $ 47,872 $ 37,543 $ 38,660 $ 25,901 January - HLGC $ 11,585 $ 19,150 $ 15,490 $ 13,676 $ 10,883 $ 19,314 $ 12,132 January - American Girl Grill $ 458 $ 3,606 $ 3,743 $ 4,142 $ 5,014 $ - January - LVGC Snackbar $ 14,862

February - LVGC $ 66,471 $ 58,840 $ 51,354 $ 53,485 $ 61,998 $ 73,495 $ 55,750 $ 53,070 $ 59,682 $ 33,900 February - HLGC $ 20,858 $ 18,429 $ 21,094 $ 19,542 $ 15,857 $ 21,146 $ 14,391 February - American Girl Grill $ 5,267 $ 5,435 $ 4,333 $ 4,143 $ 3,902 $ - February - LVGC Snackbar $ 2,471 $ 15,357

March - LVGC $ 68,158 $ 82,646 $ 80,322 $ 88,707 $ 79,587 $ 87,435 $ 88,277 $ 74,459 $ 59,291 $ 49,847 March - HLGC $ 26,966 $ 27,581 $ 34,159 $ 20,968 $ 22,830 $ 25,759 $ 25,147 March - American Girl Grill $ 9,161 $ 10,534 $ 8,380 $ 8,931 $ - $ - March - LVGC Snackbar $ 21,959 $ 31,280

April - LVGC $ 78,254 $ 80,131 $ 82,690 $ 93,438 $ 87,507 $ 71,700 $ 69,570 $ 73,645 $ 73,867 $ 44,288 April - HLGC $ 33,282 $ 34,837 $ 32,243 $ 19,878 $ 31,624 $ 29,267 $ 21,825 April - American Girl Grill $ 7,244 $ 6,323 $ 6,444 $ 6,619 $ - $ - April - LVGC Snackbar $ 20,933 $ 22,550

May - LVGC $ 82,393 $ 90,953 $ 91,132 $ 88,898 $ 75,228 $ 80,268 $ 82,951 $ 62,245 $ 50,572 $ 42,377 May - HLGC $ 26,545 $ 22,587 $ 27,998 $ 27,051 $ 25,303 $ 25,290 $ 16,079 May - American Girl Grill $ 7,286 $ 7,610 $ 5,869 $ 6,410 $ - $ - May - LVGC Snackbar $ 16,830 $ 22,241

June - LVGC $ 77,198 $ 76,487 $ 78,045 $ 69,315 $ 68,444 $ 76,252 $ 83,566 $ 87,189 $ 64,988 $ 39,520 June - HLGC $ 26,269 $ 27,704 $ 35,889 $ 24,873 $ 28,687 $ 27,991 $ 21,499 June - American Girl Grill $ 6,579 $ 6,991 $ 5,574 $ 7,845 $ - $ - June - LVGC Snackbar $ 17,213 $ 24,050

July - City - LVGC $ 35,828 $ 78,723 $ 94,292 $ 97,111 $ 78,576 $ 69,193 $ 65,387 $ 75,638 $ 60,603 $ - July - HLGC $ 1,263 $ 28,290 $ 32,031 $ 34,020 $ 24,944 $ 32,104 $ 28,059 $ - July - American Girl Grill $ 6,246 $ 5,555 $ 5,312 $ 7,698 $ - $ - July - LVGC Snackbar $ 18,918 $ -

August - LVGC $ 157,377 $ 152,306 $ 108,563 $ 100,568 $ 95,897 $ 99,959 $ 92,562 $ 88,064 $ 57,062 $ - August - HLGC $ 22,377 $ 18,293 $ 24,097 $ 24,254 $ 24,461 $ 27,441 $ 14,491 $ - August - American Girl Grill $ 5,369 $ 5,431 $ 5,365 $ 6,494 $ - $ - August - LVGC Snackbar $ 12,436 $ -

September - LVGC $ 76,121 $ 70,176 $ 73,234 $ 81,150 $ 90,841 $ 86,519 $ 66,417 $ 73,962 $ 54,700 $ - September - HLGC $ 22,783 $ 28,119 $ 28,796 $ 23,149 $ 16,696 $ 24,942 $ 20,392 $ - September - American Girl Grill $ 5,342 $ 5,524 $ 5,014 $ 6,665 $ - $ - September - LVGC Snackbar $ 13,181 $ -

Totals $ 269,326 $ 930,898 $ 907,996 $ 1,157,389 $ 1,230,907 $ 1,235,403 $ 1,087,014 $ 1,128,760 $ 1,053,504 $ 689,180




15-420-1100 Beer & Wine Sales $ 7,639.43 15-420-1200 Other Drinks/Non-Taxable $ 116.00 15-420-1201 Food Sales $ 14,853.08 15-420-1205 Other Drinks/Taxable $ 2,017.37 15-420-1300 Facility Rental $ - 15-420-1810 Over/Short $ (576.32)

Total Revenue $ 24,049.56


15-510-4570 Rental/Lease $ 90.00 15-510-4575 Bank Charges/Credit Card Fees $ 483.27 15-510-4600 Telephone/Internet $ - 15-510-4700 Maintenance & Repairs $ - 15-510-4715 Unanticipated Maintenance/Repairs $ - 15-510-4750 Miscellaneous Expenses $ - 15-510-5300 Supplies $ 1,299.87 15-510-5302 Snack Bar Supplies $ 1,101.92 15-510-5303 Snack Bar Food $ 10,972.46 15-510-5304 Snack Bar Drinks $ 1,597.16 15-510-5305 Snack Bar Beer & Wine $ 13,947.33 15-510-6100 Snack Bar Professional Services (Phil) $ 1,672.41 15-510-6135 Contract Services (Wait Staff & Help) $ 9,198.60 15-510-6540 Maintenance Agreements $ - 15-510-6550 Advertising $ 168.64 15-510-6560 Promotional $ -

Total Expenditures $ 40,531.66

Full Restaurant - Net Revenue to Expenses $ (16,482.10)

Beer Only - Net Revenue to Expenses $ (6,307.90)





10-ADMINISTRATION 4,907,012 165,024.78 4,448,318.44 0.00 458,693.56 90.65 11-NON DEPARTMENTAL 28,000 9,340.69 34,365.69 0.00 ( 6,365.69) 122.73 12-DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 190,495 30,817.17 181,398.89 0.00 9,096.11 95.23 15-MUNICIPAL COURT 114,303 7,481.58 70,466.21 0.00 43,836.79 61.65 20-POLICE DEPARTMENT 16,030 817.60 17,236.37 0.00 ( 1,206.37) 107.53 30-PUBLIC WORKS/BUILDING 172,498 0.00 24,820.64 0.00 147,677.36 14.39 31-SOLID WASTE 684,912 61,067.76 543,992.88 0.00 140,919.12 79.43 35-RECREATION DEPARTMENT 9,423 5,034.49 5,931.99 0.00 3,491.01 62.95 40-AVIATION DEPARTMENT 25,000 0.00 6,583.00 0.00 18,417.00 26.33 45-LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 5,800 621.86 4,966.09 0.00 833.91 85.62

TOTAL REVENUES 6,153,473 280,205.93 5,338,080.20 0.00 815,392.80 86.75


10-ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 328,890 4,262.65 97,128.49 0.00 231,761.51 29.53 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 55,201 1,651.47 37,813.49 0.00 17,387.51 68.50 SUPPLIES 7,115 194.51 7,575.99 0.00 ( 460.99) 106.48 SERVICES 168,217 47,245.87 271,305.48 0.00 ( 103,088.48) 161.28 FIXED ASSETS 3,000 0.00 1,473.50 0.00 1,526.50 49.12 TOTAL 10-ADMINISTRATION 562,423 53,354.50 415,296.95 0.00 147,126.05 73.84

11-NON DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 43,000 4,014.64 36,316.19 0.00 6,683.81 84.46 SERVICES 158,645 1,300.00 78,355.00 0.00 80,290.00 49.39 TOTAL 11-NON DEPARTMENTAL 201,645 5,314.64 114,671.19 0.00 86,973.81 56.87

12-DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PERSONNEL SERVICES 355,568 26,156.79 255,025.88 0.00 100,542.12 71.72 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 41,110 2,446.29 29,752.89 0.00 11,357.11 72.37 SUPPLIES 7,500 244.32 3,978.00 0.00 3,522.00 53.04 SERVICES 165,800 7,753.40 116,229.73 0.00 49,570.27 70.10 FIXED ASSETS 29,646 0.00 8,940.10 0.00 20,705.90 30.16 TOTAL 12-DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 599,624 36,600.80 413,926.60 0.00 185,697.40 69.03

13-FINANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES 149,445 11,844.11 109,052.31 0.00 40,392.69 72.97 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 18,300 0.00 13,318.39 0.00 4,981.61 72.78 SUPPLIES 4,800 47.45 2,231.76 0.00 2,568.24 46.50 SERVICES 58,600 5,620.71 35,864.12 0.00 22,735.88 61.20 FIXED ASSETS 1,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 13-FINANCE 232,145 17,512.27 160,466.58 0.00 71,678.42 69.12




14-HUMAN RESOURSES PERSONNEL SERVICES 81,819 6,987.92 63,305.23 0.00 18,513.77 77.37 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 12,900 0.00 8,363.74 0.00 4,536.26 64.84 SUPPLIES 1,650 33.19 739.76 0.00 910.24 44.83 SERVICES 910 0.00 5,476.25 0.00 ( 4,566.25) 601.79 FIXED ASSETS 700 0.00 306.79 0.00 393.21 43.83 TOTAL 14-HUMAN RESOURSES 97,979 7,021.11 78,191.77 0.00 19,787.23 79.80

15-MUNICIPAL COURT PERSONNEL SERVICES 56,910 4,558.51 43,507.23 0.00 13,402.77 76.45 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 9,300 617.12 2,984.02 5,500.00 815.98 91.23 SUPPLIES 2,750 58.45 1,605.77 0.00 1,144.23 58.39 SERVICES 15,950 1,714.24 23,166.84 0.00 ( 7,216.84) 145.25 FIXED ASSETS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 15-MUNICIPAL COURT 84,910 6,948.32 71,263.86 5,500.00 8,146.14 90.41

16-CITY SECRETARY PERSONNEL SERVICES 79,318 6,268.13 60,499.38 0.00 18,818.62 76.27 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 21,900 463.56 12,401.71 0.00 9,498.29 56.63 SUPPLIES 2,100 12.79 1,145.95 0.00 954.05 54.57 SERVICES 11,875 0.00 4,493.07 0.00 7,381.93 37.84 TOTAL 16-CITY SECRETARY 115,193 6,744.48 78,540.11 0.00 36,652.89 68.18

17-CITY ATTORNEY PERSONNEL SERVICES 88,432 0.00 17.00 0.00 88,415.00 0.02 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 2,650 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,650.00 0.00 SUPPLIES 1,600 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,600.00 0.00 SERVICES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIXED ASSETS 1,500 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 TOTAL 17-CITY ATTORNEY 94,182 0.00 17.00 0.00 94,165.00 0.02

20-POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,333,507 102,022.14 997,861.84 0.00 335,645.16 74.83 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 166,507 13,017.24 96,328.24 664.35 69,514.41 58.25 SUPPLIES 49,549 2,501.24 28,188.69 0.00 21,360.31 56.89 SERVICES 23,239 515.85 13,990.32 557.00 8,691.68 62.60 FIXED ASSETS 54,795 10,136.39 30,444.25 0.00 24,350.75 55.56 TOTAL 20-POLICE DEPARTMENT 1,627,597 128,192.86 1,166,813.34 1,221.35 459,562.31 71.76

25-DISPATCHING PERSONNEL SERVICES 278,868 18,894.80 215,457.14 0.00 63,410.86 77.26 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 7,656 455.83 5,021.10 0.00 2,634.90 65.58 SUPPLIES 1,300 109.77 235.19 0.00 1,064.81 18.09 SERVICES 44,197 0.00 27,014.32 0.00 17,182.68 61.12 FIXED ASSETS 2,400 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 TOTAL 25-DISPATCHING 334,421 19,460.40 247,727.75 0.00 86,693.25 74.08




30-PUBLIC WORKS STREETS PERSONNEL SERVICES 478,953 36,706.67 397,267.53 0.00 81,685.47 82.94 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 134,777 9,380.32 83,343.10 1,878.90 49,555.00 63.23 SUPPLIES 105,915 3,975.87 46,731.44 617.49 58,566.07 44.70 SERVICES 27,300 0.00 1,203.85 0.00 26,096.15 4.41 FIXED ASSETS 43,896 0.00 35,900.33 0.00 7,995.67 81.78 TOTAL 30-PUBLIC WORKS STREETS 790,841 50,062.86 564,446.25 2,496.39 223,898.36 71.69

31-SOLID WASTE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 3,845 43.02 1,412.14 0.00 2,432.86 36.73 SUPPLIES 4,000 0.00 1,719.10 0.00 2,280.90 42.98 SERVICES 575,524 469.80 387,587.59 550.00 187,386.41 67.44 FIXED ASSETS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 31-SOLID WASTE 583,369 512.82 390,718.83 550.00 192,100.17 67.07

32-BUILDING MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 27,358 896.20 9,756.42 0.00 17,601.58 35.66 SUPPLIES 2,450 95.38 1,411.31 0.00 1,038.69 57.60 SERVICES 20,561 944.00 9,277.20 0.00 11,283.80 45.12 TOTAL 32-BUILDING MAINTENANCE 50,369 1,935.58 20,444.93 0.00 29,924.07 40.59

34-PARK & RECREATION PERSONNEL SERVICES 46,246 3,514.47 35,728.12 0.00 10,517.88 77.26 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 31,952 299.82 20,180.36 0.00 11,771.64 63.16 SUPPLIES 6,300 482.41 3,224.12 226.40 2,849.48 54.77 SERVICES 3,600 0.00 25,702.00 0.00 ( 22,102.00) 713.94 FIXED ASSETS 16,531 0.00 11,812.29 0.00 4,718.71 71.46 TOTAL 34-PARK & RECREATION 104,629 4,296.70 96,646.89 226.40 7,755.71 92.59

35-AQUATICS PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 19,914 591.18 36,946.33 0.00 ( 17,032.33) 185.53 SUPPLIES 2,200 0.00 201.29 0.00 1,998.71 9.15 SERVICES 74,555 17,410.00 32,979.50 0.00 41,575.50 44.24 FIXED ASSETS 1,600 0.00 355.06 0.00 1,244.94 22.19 TOTAL 35-AQUATICS 98,269 18,001.18 70,482.18 0.00 27,786.82 71.72

40-AVIATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,913 0.00 1,222.63 0.00 690.37 63.91 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 11,764 298.38 5,552.33 0.00 6,211.67 47.20 SUPPLIES 100 0.00 119.00 0.00 ( 19.00) 119.00 SERVICES 41,000 163.14 10,446.02 0.00 30,553.98 25.48 FIXED ASSETS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 40-AVIATION DEPARTMENT 54,777 461.52 17,339.98 0.00 37,437.02 31.66




45-LIBRARY DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SERVICES 145,173 11,231.67 104,721.34 0.00 40,451.66 72.14 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 14,895 750.00 25,958.76 0.00 ( 11,063.76) 174.28 SUPPLIES 9,200 398.92 3,674.98 299.00 5,226.02 43.20 SERVICES 4,975 150.00 2,884.10 0.00 2,090.90 57.97 FIXED ASSETS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 45-LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 174,243 12,530.59 137,239.18 299.00 36,704.82 78.93

85-DEBT SERVICE catg 7 not used 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 85-DEBT SERVICE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

86-GOLF COURSE TRANSFER FIXED ASSETS 280,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 280,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 86-GOLF COURSE TRANSFER 280,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 280,000.00 0.00 ______

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6,086,616 368,950.63 4,044,233.39 10,293.14 2,032,089.47 66.61

REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 66,857 ( 88,744.70) 1,293,846.81 ( 10,293.14)( 1,216,696.67)1,919.85





11-HOTEL 179,147 665.84 77,833.74 0.00 101,313.26 43.45

TOTAL REVENUES 179,147 665.84 77,833.74 0.00 101,313.26 43.45


11-HOTEL SUPPLIES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SERVICES 17,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,000.00 0.00 Hotel Fund Expenses 124,000 0.00 51,003.00 0.00 72,997.00 41.13 FIXED ASSETS 38,147 0.00 0.00 0.00 38,147.00 0.00 TOTAL 11-HOTEL 179,147 0.00 51,003.00 0.00 128,144.00 28.47 ______

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 179,147 0.00 51,003.00 0.00 128,144.00 28.47

REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 0 665.84 26,830.74 0.00 ( 26,830.74) 0.00





10 - LVGC PRO SHOP 862,152 39,520.43 356,996.02 0.00 505,155.98 41.41 20 - LVGC SNACK BAR 217,033 24,049.56 176,067.94 0.00 40,965.06 81.12 30 - LVGC MAINTENANCE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40 - HLGC PRO SHOP 657,594 17,336.18 122,282.20 0.00 535,311.80 18.60 50 - HLGC SNACK BAR 60,647 4,163.23 34,262.67 0.00 26,384.33 56.50 60 - HLGC MAINTENANCE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

TOTAL REVENUES 1,797,426 85,069.40 689,608.83 0.00 1,107,817.17 38.37


LVGC PRO SHOP/SNACK BAR PERSONNEL SERVICES 214,927 19,375.42 148,632.15 0.00 66,294.85 69.15 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 146,997 7,150.20 76,065.81 371.76 70,559.43 52.00 SUPPLIES 88,502 33,477.08 168,562.31 784.47 ( 80,844.78) 191.35 SERVICES 131,838 11,813.56 103,492.34 0.00 28,345.66 78.50 FIXED ASSETS 2,550 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,550.00 0.00 TOTAL LVGC PRO SHOP/SNACK BAR 584,814 71,816.26 496,752.61 1,156.23 86,905.16 85.14

HLGC PRO SHOP/SNACK BAR PERSONNEL SERVICES 157,796 12,046.86 112,598.56 0.00 45,197.44 71.36 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 62,570 5,696.45 53,395.46 0.00 9,174.54 85.34 SUPPLIES 35,600 1,838.01 9,851.00 0.00 25,749.00 27.67 SERVICES 14,100 257.00 3,813.00 0.00 10,287.00 27.04 FIXED ASSETS 450 0.00 0.00 0.00 450.00 0.00 TOTAL HLGC PRO SHOP/SNACK BAR 270,516 19,838.32 179,658.02 0.00 90,857.98 66.41

LVGC MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES 296,216 24,403.76 208,623.01 0.00 87,592.99 70.43 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 148,204 9,757.80 78,809.66 1,250.00 68,144.34 54.02 SUPPLIES 45,760 3,700.98 41,812.30 690.00 3,257.70 92.88 SERVICES 261 0.00 286.79 0.00 ( 25.79) 109.88 FIXED ASSETS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL LVGC MAINTENANCE 490,441 37,862.54 329,531.76 1,940.00 158,969.24 67.59

HLGC MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL SERVICES 242,884 14,299.82 186,751.57 0.00 56,132.43 76.89 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 151,876 12,079.69 60,945.87 789.00 90,141.13 40.65 SUPPLIES 38,815 1,737.43 21,132.42 0.00 17,682.58 54.44 SERVICES 11,850 0.00 2,692.50 0.00 9,157.50 22.72 TOTAL HLGC MAINTENANCE 445,425 28,116.94 271,522.36 789.00 173,113.64 61.14




TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVIE FIXED ASSETS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVIE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

DEPRECIATION CATG 8 NOT USED 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL DEPRECIATION 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ______

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,791,196 157,634.06 1,277,464.75 3,885.23 509,846.02 71.54

REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 6,230 ( 72,564.66)( 587,855.92)( 3,885.23) 597,971.15 9,498.25-





50- INVESTMENT INTEREST 2,000 838.12 4,489.49 0.00 ( 2,489.49) 224.47 60-WATER IMPACT REVENUE 360,000 78,000.00 393,000.00 0.00 ( 33,000.00) 109.17 70-SEWER IMPACT REVENUE 253,800 54,990.00 291,870.00 0.00 ( 38,070.00) 115.00

TOTAL REVENUES 615,800 133,828.12 689,359.49 0.00 ( 73,559.49) 111.95


10-IMPACT FEE ADMIN SERVICES 393,126 393,126.00 393,126.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL 10-IMPACT FEE ADMIN 393,126 393,126.00 393,126.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

60-IMPACT FEE WATER SERVICES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 60-IMPACT FEE WATER 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

70-IMPACT FEE SEWER SERVICES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 70-IMPACT FEE SEWER 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ______

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 393,126 393,126.00 393,126.00 0.00 0.00 100.00

REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 222,674 ( 259,297.88) 296,233.49 0.00 ( 73,559.49) 133.03





43 PARK FUND 120 20.24 157.42 0.00 ( 37.42) 131.18

TOTAL REVENUES 120 20.24 157.42 0.00 ( 37.42) 131.18


43 PARK FUND OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SERVICES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FIXED ASSETS 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 43 PARK FUND 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ______

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 120 20.24 157.42 0.00 ( 37.42) 131.18





80-ACCUMULATED INTEREST 395,426 393,767.56 397,808.81 0.00 ( 2,382.81) 100.60 85-AD VALOREM & OTHER 1,971,378 8,850.56 1,972,646.94 0.00 ( 1,268.94) 100.06

TOTAL REVENUES 2,366,804 402,618.12 2,370,455.75 0.00 ( 3,651.75) 100.15


80-ACCUMULATED INTEREST LEASE PURCHASE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 80-ACCUMULATED INTEREST 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

85-AD VALOREM & OTHER OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 4,000 0.00 7,100.00 0.00 ( 3,100.00) 177.50 LEASE PURCHASE 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AUDITOR ADJ 5,000 0.00 ( 2,878.94) 0.00 7,878.94 57.58- FIXED ASSETS 2,355,626 0.00 1,749,839.30 0.00 605,786.70 74.28 TOTAL 85-AD VALOREM & OTHER 2,364,626 0.00 1,754,060.36 0.00 610,565.64 74.18 ______

TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,364,626 0.00 1,754,060.36 0.00 610,565.64 74.18

REVENUE OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 2,178 402,618.12 616,395.39 0.00 ( 614,217.39)8,300.98

212 July 13th, 2017

Monthly Golf Operational report

Lago Vista GC & Highland Lakes GC

In the month of June the golf courses received 10 rain days which produced 1.52 inches of total rainfall. The maintenance crew was busy with irrigation and equipment repairs. Diego and his crew have been playing catch up and are behind in mowing and spraying herbicides.

We continue to run our weekly junior golf clinics on Saturdays. We have had one junior camp and have another scheduled for July 25‐28. We have 12 adults participating in Welcome to Golf I and have scheduled a 2nd Welcome to Golf Class that starts July 26th due to popular demand. Cost is $99 for 10 hours of instruction. Our 1st class runs from 6 pm to 8 pm on Tuesday nights. Our 2nd class will run from 6 pm to 8 pm on Wednesday nights.

The Lago Vista Golf Course hosted 4th of July activities including 74 for a special diner commemorating Ann Murrow, a golf tournament, music and fireworks. Approximately 1500 people attended. A special thanks goes out to the 4th of July committee, WGA, MGA and Friends of Lago Vista for all of their assistance.

Chambra and her staff continue to do a good job in the grill and are working around the floor repairs being done to the kitchen flooring. We are using a temporary refrigeration truck borrowed from Ben E Keith and have limited access to the kitchen area.

The local realtors meet regularly at the Lago Vista GC clubhouse on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month. They have a hosted breakfast and usually have 10‐ 20 participants.

We are waiting on word from the city council regarding the future of the golf courses so that we can start planning and implementing a solid plan that will help enhance, improve and promote our golf operations so that all Lago residents and Lago visitors can be proud. The current dynamics have caused a drastic reduction in memberships and green fee play and have also caused the Lago Vista Chamber to consider moving their fall golf tournament to Point Venture, just to name a few issues amongst the many others already previously mentioned.

The golf courses generated $85,655.58 in total revenue in June. (This is a reduction from $110,191 in 2016) The Lago Vista Grill generated $16,986.45 in food sales and $7,639.43 in beer and wine sales. Membership dollars collected for both courses was $8,625 (this is included in total revenue – This is down from $27,882.50 from a year ago). Rounds played for the month at Highlands were 1,230 including 730 outside rounds. Rounds played at Lago Vista were 1,509 including 972 outside rounds. 44% of all rounds were played at Highland Lakes GC vs 56% at Lago Vista GC. Our membership count is currently 81.

Upcoming goals for the month continue to include course conditions, junior golf program and Welcome to Golf Program. We will adjust to city council decisions regarding the future of the golf courses on July 21st.

As always, please feel free to contact me should you have any ideas, comments or concerns.

Hope to you all on the links!


Mark Côté


General Manager / Director of Golf

213 7/11/2017

City of Lago Vista Library Services Monthly Report FY2016-2017

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 6 Month Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep FY Division and Services 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 Total 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 Total

Library Patron Visits to the Library 2,025 1,708 1,441 1,688 1,752 1,943 10,557 1,607 1,543 2,045 15,752 New Patrons 26 23 24 29 34 41 177 25 25 42 269 Patrons on File 7,304 7,319 7,341 7,365 7,399 7,438 7,438 7,456 7,479 7,519 7,519 Patrons with Active Accounts 2,017 2,011 2,008 2,127 2,016 1,945 1,945 1,945 1,933 1,916 1,916 Computer Users 455 367 342 362 377 378 2,281 353 360 402 3,396 Wi-Fi Users 27 48 36 32 44 39 226 28 29 36 319 Children's Programs 9 8 8 8 36 10 79 6 10 9 104 Children's Programs Attendance 895 93 71 74 306 95 1,534 69 109 422 2,134 Teen Programs 0000000000 0 Teen Program Attendance 0000000000 0 Adult Programs/Events 30 28 23 23 30 45 179 31 30 28 268 Adult Programs/Events Attendance 350 204 169 166 243 378 1,510 258 204 202 2,174 Materials Circulated 2,082 2,142 2,099 2,135 2,097 2,216 12,771 1,894 2,145 2,535 19,345 Materials in Collection 14,307 14,422 14,460 14,670 14,779 14,909 14,909 14,128 14,154 14,281 14,281 Interlibrary Loans 13159 1217117720107 37 Amount Saved by Patrons $30,927 $29,523 $30,117 $30,364 $28,767 $30,252 $179,950 $28,563 $30,355 $36,166 $95,084 Volunteer Hours 314 288 235 234 215 287 1,573 229 239 307 775 Friends of the Library Expenditures $2,187 $568 $1,305 $1,432 $376 $480 $6,348 $895 $1,378 $500 $2,773

City of Lago Vista - Monthly Report 214 LAGO VISTA MUNICIPAL COURT MONTHLY REPORT - FY 2016/2017

Oct Nov Dec Jan **Feb **Mar

VIOLATIONS 83 85 47 87 160 199

GROSS REVENUE $ 10,539.50 $ 10,640.01 $ 9,804.73 $ 10,696.87 $ 17,964.17 $ 15,339.37

PORTION OF REVENUE FROM WARRANTS $ 1,024.00 $ 2,771.50 $ 1,371.30 $ 3,013.10 $ 5,041.60 $ 3,097.00

LESS TO STATE $ 4,168.77 $ 3,530.56 $ 3,966.81 $ 3,940.90 $ 6,435.32 $ 5,216.36

REVENUE TO CITY $ 6,370.73 $ 7,109.45 $ 5,837.92 $ 6,755.97 $ 11,528.85 $ 10,123.01

COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS SERVED 40 10 47.25 28 59.82 52.25

BUILDING SECURITY FUND $ 152.66 $ 133.20 $ 148.83 $ 150.65 $ 258.87 $ 189.74 ** WARRANT ROUND-UP

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

VIOLATIONS 142 145 117

GROSS REVENUE $ 11,600.12 $ 11,595.64 $ 12,768.61

PORTION OF REVENUE FROM WARRANTS $ 1,090.01 $ 2,721.98 $ 750.10

LESS TO STATE $ 5,223.29 $ 4,668.88 $ 5,288.59

REVENUE TO CITY $ 6,376.83 $ 6,926.76 $ 7,480.02 COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS SERVED 15.5 0 45.5

BUILDING SECURITY FUND $ 201.82 $ 173.31 $ 208.12

Year-to-Date Previous Year


GROSS REVENUE $ 110,949.02 $ 126,839.28

PORTION OF REVENUE FROM WARRANTS $ 20,880.59 $ 24,998.05

LESS TO STATE $ 42,439.48 $ 45,481.44

REVENUE TO CITY $ 68,509.54 81.357.84 COMMUNITY SERVICE SERVED 298.32 $ - 231.85




Jun-16 150 Jun-17





CITATIONS JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Traffic 80 102 125 115 82 98 Animal 7 9 3 3 7 0 Other 3 7 8 7 9 6 Warning 47 52 46 38 40 43 Total Citations 137 170 182 163 138 147


Traffic 94 125 145 135 96 118 Other 18 21 17 23 20 6 Total Violations 112 146 162 158 116 124

ARRESTS 31 21 13 10 9 5


EMS 25 22 15 31 43 36 NLTRF 7 9 7 8 12 9 Other Law Enforcement 7 9 11 4 9 3 Utility Dept 3 2 2 8 6 10 Total Assist Other Agencies 42 42 35 51 70 58

CALLS FOR SERVICE 305 265 320 276 353 260

ALARM CALLS 9 5 13 10 17 19 FALSE ALARMS 9 5 13 10 17 19

ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Calls 23 25 16 16 20 6 Animal Impounds *14 *6 *5 *2 *4 *2

ACCIDENTS 9 6 6 11 10 8

OFFENSE REPORTS 83 83 98 72 104 67

MISC. INCIDENT REPORTS 17 37 33 19 17 10

TOTAL MILES PATROLLED 8,826 8,050 10,587 8,562 8,642 6,325

Taken to PAWS: 0 Dogs 0 Cats Taken to Vets: 0 Dogs 0 Cats *Kept at P.D. *2 Dogs 0 Cats Returned to Owner: *2 Dogs 0 Cats Taken to Town Lake 0 Dogs 0 Cats Adopted:/Fostered 0 Dogs 0 Cats Taken to Williamson Co Humane: 0 Dogs 0 Cats Still at P.D. Impound 0 Dogs 0 Cats 217 LAGO VISTA POLICE DEPARTMENT COMPARISONS BY YEAR, BY MONTH


2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017

CITATIONS, TRAFFIC 74 80 35 102 51 125 56 115 82 82 70 98

CITATIONS, OTHER 21 10 11 16 22 11 10 10 5 16 10 6

CITATIONS, WARNING 76 47 90 52 85 46 78 38 72 40 71 43

VIOLATIONS 106 112 61 146 89 162 78 158 106 116 99 124

ARRESTS 31 14 15 21 28 13 18 10 10 9 20 5

ASSIST OTHER AGENCIES 43 42 45 42 41 35 44 51 59 70 49 58

CALLS FOR SERVICE 277 305 258 265 264 320 273 276 325 353 256 260

ALARM CALLS 20 9 15 5 15 13 12 10 13 17 10 19

ACCIDENTS 6 9 8 6 11 6 9 11 8 10 7 8

OFFENSE REPORTS 80 83 86 83 87 98 82 72 86 104 67 67

MISC. INCIDENT REPORTS 24 17 22 37 22 33 38 19 47 17 25 10

TOTAL MILES PATROLED 10,682 8,826 8,585 8,050 10,703 10,587 7,580 8,562 9,423 8,642 9,764 6,325

218 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: WORK SESSION (no action may be taken on the following agenda items):

Reports/Minutes from City Boards, Committees and Commissions


a. May l0, 2017 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes

b. June 12, 2017 Veteran’s Memorial Advisory Committee minutes

c. June 14, 2017 KLVB Bullet Report

d. July 12, 2017 KLVB Bullet Report


BE IT REMEMBERED that on the 10th day of May, A.D., 2017, the Parks And Recreation Advisory Committee held a Regular Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 5803 Thunderbird, in said City, there being present and acting the following:


Carolina Hale Committee Member Robin Smith Customer Service Sheryl Speckmann Committee Chair Suzanne Bland Council Liaison Michael Panter Vice Chair David Harrell Dir. Dev. Serv. Linda Atkins Committee Member Hubbard Helm Committee Member David White Committee Member

Sheryl Speckmann, Committee Chair called the regular Meeting to order at 6:30 pm. All Committee Members in attendance.

The numbering below tracks that of the agenda, whereas the actual order of consideration may have varied.


No Public Comments


All matters listed under Consent Agenda, are to be considered routine by the Committee and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.


1. Approval of April 12, 2017 regular minutes.

Motion by Hubbard Helm, seconded by Michael Panter Minutes approved.

2. Presentation of Draft Park Sponsorship program by David White.

David White gives a power point presentation on donations and sponsorships for the Park program. Committee members discuss thoughts and ideas on the matter. When sponsorship program is finalized, it will be submitted to City Manager for City Council approval.

3. Update from City Council Liaison Suzanne Bland.

Council Liaison Suzanne Bland updates the Committee on City Council reports.

II P age 220 Council Liaison Bland discusses Golf course finances being worked on for June 15 discussion a review of obligations.

4. Work session for recommendations on Parks & Recreation budget.

Committee Chair, Sheryl speaks about Parks & Recreation budget. Committee recommends that budget needs to increase for next fiscal year for maintenance of new park. The Committee will also recommend finding a landscape architect.

5. Report on Texas Parks & Wildlife grant approval.

Director of Development Services, David Harrell gives a power point on Texas Parks and Wildlife project schedule. Mr. Harrell and Committee members discuss the schedule to see what the Committee can do to help. TPWD contract to be ready within 30 days. According to project schedule engineering contract will be approved in July. Committee questions process for hiring Engineer. David Harrell lets Committee know that appears they will only have to do tree survey for Texas Parks & Wildlife Grant.

6. Work session regarding procedures when fiduciary nonprofits support Municipalities.

Committee discusses putting together a written agreement that will interact with the City and make plans to meet with City staff. Committee Chair, Sheryl Speckmann will meet with City Manager and meet with the president of Friends of Balcones.


7. Recommendation to City Council for endorsement of the Golf Course Trail Program.

Motioned by Michael Panter, seconded by Linda Atkins to recommend to City Council to endorse Golf Course Pedestrian Trail program. Committee discusses signs, Committee Chair, Sheryl Speckmann will collect information for signs for the Golf Course Trails. Committee estimated that each Golf Course has approximately eight - nine miles of cart path.


8. Consider schedule items for future Committee meetings.

Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee meeting will be held on June 20th next month.

Work session for budget with Starr Lockwood, City Finance Director.

Work session for sponsorship and fundraising.

Grant discussion with GandolfBurris, of Grant Development Services.

City Council Liaison Suzanne Bland update Committee on City Council.

Discuss sign design and expense for Golf Course walking paths.

2j P age 221 ADJOURNMENT

Committee Chair Sheryl Speckmann adjourned the meeting at 8:05 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

ATTEST: ll~d1tWi Robin Smith, Customer Service

On a motion by Linda Atkins seconded by Committee Member Michael Panter, the above and foregoing instrument was passed and approved this 12' 11 day of July, 2017.


BE IT REMEMBERED that on the 12 111 day of June, A.D., 2017, the Veteran's Memorial Citizen's Advisory Committee held a Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 5803 Thunderbird, in said City, there being present and acting the following:


Richard Bohn Committee Chair Sandra Barton City Secretary Michael LaPlant Committee Member Janet Sue Thompson Committee Member Michael Schneider Committee Member

Committee Chair, Richard Bohn called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and recognized that all Committee Members were present, except for Chip Hamilton, Jim Speckmann and Jimmy Thornton. Council Liaison, Mayor Pro Tern Tidwell also not present. Committee Chair, Mr. Bohn led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The numbering below tracks that of the agenda, whereas the actual order of consideration may have varied.

CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens who wish to address the Committee on any agenda and/or non-agenda item will have three (3) minutes to express their position.



All matters listed under Consent Agenda, are to be considered routine by the Committee and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered separately.

1. Approval of the following minutes: May 8, 2017

On a motion by Michael Schneider, seconded by Janet Sue Thompson, the Committee voted unanimously to approve the minutes from May 8, 2017 as presented.


2. Financial Report

Committee Chair, Mr. Bohn provided an oral overview of available CIP money, money received from donations and paver brick orders.

3. Update on the status of the contractual agreement between COLV and Marley Porter.

lJPage 223 Mr. Bohn gave an update of some of the work that has been done so far. He stated the flag pole has been cut down by the City.

4. Rep01i on Lago Fest and MGA events results and future invitations.

Mr. Bohn stated that they spoke to about 60 people at the Lago Fest and received a donor form and a check for $800 from Parklands. The Committee had a display at the MGA dinner where they distributed paver brick order forms. On June 20, the Chamber invited the Committee to their luncheon where they will be allowed to have a display.

5. Fourth of July event schedule.

There will be nothing displayed at the golf course but Jim Thornton will set up a tent at the corner of Dawn Drive and Thunderbird during the parade.

6. Update on soliciting donations from local businesses and service clubs.

Councilman Ron Smith provided the Committee with an LCRA contact. Jim Speckmann has a contact name with CAPMetro. Jim Thornton will work on getting a PEC contact.

7. Discuss dedication ceremony.

Mike Schneider stated that the he spoke with the new LVISD band director and he stated that some of the marching band members can be in attendance. Steve Garcia will be looking for a speaker for the school ceremony, he will talk to them about speaking for this dedication as well. The Committee would like information put on the City website and the Lago Vista radio station.

8. Discussion regarding efforts for solicitation of donations and paver bricks at upcoming events.

The Committee discussed ideas for soliciting donations. The Committee addressed a question regarding paver bricks being purchased for anyone who is a veteran, not just someone who lives here.

9. Consideration and action concerning approval of stipulation request related to potential major donation by LV Lions Club.

Jim is working with Mike Beal on where their name will appear and how is it going to look. They would like their 100 year plaque displayed.


9. Consider schedule and items for future Committee meetings.

Next meeting will be on July 10, 2017.

Janet Sue Thompson will not be in attendance.


Chairman Bohn adjourned the meeting at 6:43 P.M.

~:u;~ Richard Bohn, Committee Chair

Sandra Barton, City Secretary

On a motion by Committee Member Michael Schneider, seconded by Committee Member 1 Michael LaPlant, the above and foregoing instrument was passed and approved this 10 h day of July, 2017.

3IPage 225

KLVB Report

June 14, 2017

1. The meeting started at 6 PM.

2. Present: Denise and Dan Sellers, Mike and Margaret Leitko, Shirley Davis.

3. Treasurer’s Report. Margret Leitko reported for the treasurer. Beginning balance: $2,376.12 Plants, Dawn: 36.30 Plants, City Hall and Library: 59.82 Art Contest: 288.01 Art Contest Donation Good Life Dental: 50.00 Art Contest Donation Doug Casey Homes: 100.00 Donation Womans Club 700.00 Current balance: $2,841.99

4. Staff Report . No staff present.

5. Adopt-A-Street. 152 volunteers, 118 streets.

6. Bowden Point. Transplanted tree from Veterans; not doing well.

7. Sports Complex. Denise and Dan Sellers assisted Adam to plant parking area bed.

8. Dawn Drive at Sailboat and Lohman at Boggy. Margaret and Mike Leitko mowed.

9. Veteran’s Park. City preparing to pour concrete.

10. Windmill at Paseo de Vaca. Wood tower complete; blades assembled; ready to mount on tower. City will prepare site to anchor and install the structure for KLVB. Members: Frank Robbins, Tom Roznowski, Brig Seaver, Margaret and Mike Leitko.

11. Silver Certification. Frank Robbins received plaque at KTB conference. Will announce at City Council meeting June 15th.

12. 2018 Project. Discussed wind feature at traffic circle: Dan Sellers presented ideas and Shirley Davis suggested crape myrtles. Agreed members should be prepared with suggestions at future meetings.

13. July 4th Parade Float. Decided no float this year.

14. Future agenda items. New meeting time; ideas for 2018 project; booth for Neighbors Night Out.

15. Workday Scheduled. Windmill, Tuesday, June 20th, 8:30 am.

16. Adjourned. The meeting ended at 6:45pm.


KLVB Report

July 12, 2017

1. The meeting started at 6 PM.

2. Present: Frank Robbins, Denise and Dan Sellers, Tom Roznowski, Mike Leitko, Margaret Leitko, Gordon Stokes, and Stephanie Smith. Suzanne Bland joined the meeting late.

3. Treasurer’s Report. Current balance: $2,841.99. Unchanged from last month.

4. Staff report. No staff present.

5. Adopt-A-Street. 152 volunteers, 118 streets.

6. Dawn Drive at Sailboat, Sports Complex, Bowden and Lohman. Ordinary maintenance.

7. KLVB cleared the 4th of July Parade route.

8. Veteran’s Park. Under construction. Frank will arrange a meeting with Dick Bohn, Tom, Dan, Denise with Parks Committee chair Sheryl Speckmann, and Stephanie to discuss the park plan and planting. There was a consensus to remove the afghan pine. This will be discussed at the meeting.

9. Windmill at Paseo de Vaca. All but the wind vane is completed and on the ground, finished for about a month. Waiting for the city crews to assist in erection. No schedule. To wait about a week and ask city manager for a schedule.

10. No water at Dawn median. No water at hose bib. Sprinklers still do not work. Possible loss of several hundred dollars of flora. James told Mike to ask Water Department. To ask city manager for assistance.

11. Traffic Circle. KLVB discussed several ideas for the traffic circle. Dan suggested a kinetic wind vane for about $1,500. Frank asked if the city might fund a sculpture, eg a steel sculpture from the business in Jonestown, for $10,000. Members were concerned about $10,000. Stephanie indicated the budget will be very tight. Seeking donations was discussed with many members suggesting it would be very difficult. There was a consensus that all grant applications would be for the traffic circle. Something around $1,000 - $2,000 might be in order. It would be funded by KLVB. Permission from the city will be sought. Stephanie may ask for $5,000 for KLVB in next year’s city budget.

12. Stephanie arranged for drone video/pictures of Bowden Point.

13. Denise will hand the scrap books to KLVB members for names in photos.

KLVB Bullet Report 12July17 1


14. An annual calendar was developed.

15. The meeting ended at 8:15.

KLVB Bullet Report 12July17 2

228 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017

AGENDA ITEM: Consider schedule and items for future Council meetings.


Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

229 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



A. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning process and options for obtaining replacement for City Manager.

B. Pending or threatened litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-16-002483, Brian Atlas v. City of Lago Vista, Travis County 200th District Court.

C. Pending litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-17-000994, Lawrence Levy v. Dale Mitchell, Mayor of the City of Lago Vista, Travis County 201st Judicial District Court.

D. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning possible real estate acquisition, management or divestiture and attendant matters thereto. E. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning LVISD Interlocal Agreement.

Motion by: ______

Seconded by: ______

Content of Motion: ______


Vote: Tippetts ______; Sullivan ______; Tidwell ______; R. Smith ______;

Mitchell______; S. Smith ______; Bland ______

Motion Carried: Yes______; No ______

230 MEETING DATE: July 20, 2017



A. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning process and options for obtaining replacement for City Manager.

B. Pending or threatened litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-16-002483, Brian Atlas v. City of Lago Vista, Travis County 200th District Court.

C. Pending litigation pertaining to Cause No. D-1-GN-17-000994, Lawrence Levy v. Dale Mitchell, Mayor of the City of Lago Vista, Travis County 201st Judicial District Court.

D. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning possible real estate acquisition, management or divestiture and attendant matters thereto.

E. Consultation with Legal Counsel concerning LVISD Interlocal Agreement.