MUSIC WEEK MAY 18 1985 CTJ .0 R/. 7 Once Again, the Pro-Audio

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MUSIC WEEK MAY 18 1985 CTJ .0 R/. 7 Once Again, the Pro-Audio MUSIC WEEK MAY 18 1985 CTJ 7 .0 r/. Once again, the pro-audio industry has scored a high showing in the annual Queens Awards for Export Achievement. This year, Amek, AMS and Soundcraft were among the winners... Taking Amek to ntarkef pi wm facilitate the incorporation of microprocessor and computer sfe AMEK SYSTEMS and Controls ranks among the technology into both present and future design projects. world's leading designers and manufacturers Amek began exporting in 1975 and has subsequently built of professional quality audio mixing consoles. up an extensive network of representatives worldwide. Mar- The company also has a division which manu- kets which have shown the most consistent results include factures very high power custom loudspeaker sys- Italy, China and the Soviet Union. The company has also sold mmm -'.*1 tems, audio cabling systems, and flightcases for use into many other territories, including Canada, South Amer- in transportation of delicate equipment. ica, Europe, Japan, South East Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Africa. Amek has its own distribution company in the :TTrm-r:. r-f:t-x-- ^ ; The principal markets served by Amek include broadcast, US, Amek Consoles Inc. based in Los Angeles. SOUNDCRAFT CHAIRMAN Phil Dudderidge (right) and inter- television, film and video production, multitrack recording Several associated companies have also been launched, national sales manager Charlie Day celebrate their Queens studios, concert halls and theatres, and general audio pro- including a second console manufacturing company, Total Award for Export Achievement for the second time. duction facilities. Audio Concepts, which builds a high quality range for the Through an aggressive sales-led product development and lower priced professional market; and Modern Circuit Indus- marketing policy, the company has risen from obscurity to tries which manufactures printed circuit boards achieve a highly-respected position in the professional audio A spokesman for Amek says: "Amek is enjoying a consis- equipment market worldwide. tent increase in sales at the present lime. The imminent ward winning The company was founded in 1973 with a very modest introduction of a new range of advanced broadcast- amount of capital. All subsequent growth has been entirely orientated consoles with computer assignment of switching self-financed without the introduction of outside equity into functions and video interfaces is not only a technical miles- tone for the company, but also promises even deeper trend gdGters the business. However, profits have been consistently re- penetration into the large and lucrative broadcast equipment invested in plant, equipment and buildings. SOUNDCRAFT ELEC- product which meets the re- Amek is now in the process of acquiring a CAD (computer- market. quired performance criteria. aided design) system, which will not only reduce the lime "Many other developments are underway which are ex- TRONICS, which re- pected to further reinforce the strong position of of Amek." ceived the Queen's With cost effective design needed to bring new products into production, but will also Award for the second and manufacturing, we time in six years, is itself just achieve both excellent quali- 11 years old. It was founded ty and affordable prices." by electronics engineer Gra- Soundcraft's success has ham Blyth and sound mixing been based on a very strong Just desserts for sound enhancers engineer Phil Dudderidge. export market with an inter- For the first year in business, national network of distribu- they operated out of an attic tors. In the US, Soundcraft above a music shop in Lon- Electronics USA, a wholly- don's Tottenham Court owned subsidiary, has de- Advanced sales pitch Road. Last month, they veloped a very strong dealer moved into a new £3/4m pro- network, and within the past duction plant in Boreham- two years, two joint venture EDENDECK, WHICH trades as Advanced Music The company now employs over 57 staff and occupies four wood (see separate story). subsidiaries in Canada and Systems (AMS) and AMS Numerics, has once industrial units in the centre of Worsthorne Village near Phil Dudderidge, chairman Japan have strengthened again received the top recognition for its export Burnley, Lancashire. and marketing director of Soundcraft's penetration in achievements. Advanced Music Systems designs and manufactures a Soundcraft, explains the these countries. The company was formed in 1976 by present direc- range of products which accept conventional audio signals reasons for the company's "I further credit our suc- tors Mark Crabtree and Stuart Nevison. Their initial and converts them into digital format Once in the digital success: "We know our mar- cess to our dealers and dis- domain, the AMS products can process the signals, either ket because we came from it, tributors worldwide. They product performed a function electronically that pre- simply introducing audio delays which can be regenerated to and have grown with it. In a have the one-to-one rela- viously had been a laborious mechanical process cause or specially treated to produce real-time pilch change very real sense we are in tionships with our users and employed in the professional recording studio. The of the original material and even produce artificial reverbera- partnership with our end us- ensure customer satisfaction product was demonstrated in studios in the Manches- tion. ers, identifying with their re- which leads to repeat busi- ter area and rapidly gained acceptance as being of quirements and developing ness as customers grow or superior sound quality and design to typical existing innovative products to meet upgrade," says Dudderidge. ancillary pieces of studio equipment. their needs. Soundcraft is now ex- The recording industry recognised AMS as a company A spokesman says: "Advanced Music Systems has a "We have always tended panding into new areas of prepared to accept no compromises in its design and manu- reputation for offering the most complete, highest to bring the technology to the market, with consoles for facturing process. And with the encouragement of many of quality range of digital audio processors in the world." larger user groups by being TV, video and radio applica- the industry's artists, producers and broadcast organisa- As to the widespread use of AMS products, the cost effective. tions, also cassette duplica- tions, a complete range of digital audio processing systems company proudly boasts: "From Paul McCartney to Stevie "For example, we are still tion systems and power was developed. Wonder, from Boy George to Michael Jackson, from Duran the only company to offer a amplifiers. During the company's steady growth through the late Duran to Rush — all have used Advanced Music Systems 2-inch 24-lrack recorder and The Soundcraft Magnetics Seventies and early Eighties, particular attention was paid to products. Wherever sound can be enhanced, it is usually mixing console package for sdbsidiary was the first pro- maintaining a very strong commitment to research and possible to find a piece of AMS equipment." the price of a typical 24-lrack duct diversification. De- development. The ratio of R&D staff has always been very Earlier this year, AMS introduced a new product to the recorder alone. veloped by directors John high, allowing a steady broadening of the company base professional audio world . the AMS Audiofile which repre- "But cost effectiveness is Eustace and Alex Nicholas. with a natural transgression into the computer industry. sents over three years of research and development at AMS only part of the equation. Soundcraft multitrack recor- AMS Numerics was formed in 1982 to provide sales, into digital recording of audio on computer. Demonstrations The users of professional au- ders are highly developed marketing and field support for a high powered hand held were enthusiastically received and the company expects this dio products have consis- and extremely popular with computer — the Datasafe — which had been designed and product to be in production later this year when it is expected tently demonstrated a readi- mid-sized studios. developed during the previous two years. to make a significant contribution to future company growth. ness to pay the price for a BLACK WIN6 THE RECOROIPslG STUDIO NEWLY EQUIPPED 24 TRACK STUDIO SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER AVAILABLE AMEK M2500 DESK, STUDER TAPE MACHINES URE1/STUDER MONITORING SYSTEM OUR CUSTOMERS INCLUDE; AMS Digital Reverb RMX 16 — AMS Digital Delay and Blancmange • Cocteau Twins • Depeche Harmoniser DMX 15-80S — Various MXR Effects — Mode • Fad Gadget e Robert Marlow • Dimension D — DBX Compressors — Lexicon Reverb — Modern English ® Play Dead • The Assembly Publison Relief Enhancer — Delta Lab Digital Delay — Klark- • This Mortal Coil • Robert Wyatt • X-Mal Teknik DM 360 Graphic Equalization — Aphex "Compellor" Deutschland Compressor — Audio & Design PanScan — Kepex Noise Gates ENGINEERS: E. C. RADCLIFFE, JOHN FRYER. INSTRUMENT HIRE & REHEARSAL FACILITIES AVAILABLE - PLEASANT GARDENS - TELEPHONE 01 261 0118 PAGE 42 .

—— Preview end. ——

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