pleted in die usual manner. On being put the opening of the left fallopian tube was to bed, an enema of salt and gruel was ad- readily found, but not the slightest trace of ministered. In the afternoon, pain and ten- the right tube, or of any communication derness of the supervening, he was with the right tumour, could be discovered. bled to twenty ounces. Under antipblogis- It was perfectly separated from the left half tic treatment, all unpleasant symptoms dis- of the uterus by means of a septum, of about appeared. an inch in diameter; the tumour itself was 10. Convalescent. eleven inches in its transverse, three inches in its vertical, and one inch and a half in its antero-posterior diameter; on being’opened bv a crucial incision, it was found to eon- HOPITAL ST. ANTOINE. tain the icetal membranes and the placenta, which were somewhat towards PREGNANCY. protruded EXTRA-UTERINE the rupture. The left fallopian tube was AUGUSTINE M., xtat. 22, of a strong and healthy, but that of the right side passed plethonc constitution, had, about a year be- towards the lower potion of the tumour on fore her admission, miscarried in the seventh the right side of the uterus, and was totally month of gestation. Since that time she obliterated. It appears, then, that the foetus had enjoyed pretty good health, and become was developed in a morbid cavity, formed pregnant for a second time. In the fourth in the substance of the uterus, having no month she began to complain of pain in the communication with its cavity, and that the loins, and general debility, which appa- case belongs to those of interstitial extra- rently slight symptoms had existed for no uterine pregnancy, which was first described more than two days. when, on the morning by Maurideau, Schemit, and Albert.-Journ. of the 15th of October, she awoke with a Hebdomad. very violent pain over the whole abdomen ; she was immediately brought to the Hospi- tal and placed under the care of M. Rayer. HOTEL DIEU. Her countenance was pale, and expressive of the greatest anxiety ; the lips were livid ; the tongue moist ; the abdomen swollen, LITHOTOMY. and very tender on pressure, especially at N. R., about 50 years of age, had been the sides. The os uteri was neither painful in the habit of evacuating calculi of consider- nor dilated; the uterus was somewhat en- able size with his urine, till within the last larged and tender ; the pulse was scarcely ten years, when, this discharge having to be felt; the extremities were cold, and ceased, he had suffered much from dysuria, the patient had frequent attacks of syil- and violent paiu in the bladder and glands. cope. In the afternoon of the same day, When examined by M. Dupuytren, a sound the symptoms still increased in violence, could scarcely be made to enter the bladder, and in the evening she expired, apparently at the of which it was arrested by a with all the signs of internal haemorrhage. hard substance. A finger introduced into On examination of the body, nearly two the rectum, discovered a solid body of con- pints of fluid blood were found extravasated siderable size, which could also be felt by in the abdominal cavity, and a triangular pressing on the hypogastrium, and was coagulum of considerable size, extending apparently about two inches in diameter. from the small up to the umbilical The patient was almost cGnstantly in pain, region, was found covering the lower half and obliged to make water every five mi- of the abdominal viscera, and, on a closer nutes. The operation having been decided inspection, appeared to originate from the on, was performed in the following manner: uterus, by means of a thick pedicle. This —A staff, curved only for about an inch at coagulum having been carefully removed, its extremity, was introduced, and carried a fcbtus, five inches in length, was discover- between the stone and the bladder, so that ed in the left Iliac region. The uterus was its groove could be fe liby the finger in the enlarged, and exhibited two tumours, se- rectum ; an incision, cf an inch and a half, parated by a longitudinal incision ; that of having been made in the , and the right side was the largest, and ruptured through the sphincters, a bistoury was in- on its upper portion ; between the edges of serted into the groove of the staff, and this rupture, the coagulum and umbilical carried on, so as partially to divide the card were inserted. The neck of the uterus neck of the bladder. Through this opening, was about an inch in length, and slightly the double lithotome cache was introduced, dilated by a gelatinous matter ; a probe and, by retracting it, the bladder was being introduced from below upwards, en- opened transversely to a considerable ex- tered the left portion of the uterus, which, tent. M. Dupuytren then grasped the stone being opened, was seen lined with the mem- with the forceps, and, while an assistant brana decidua. This having been removed, forcibly depressed the hypogastrium, tried 448 to extract it. This, however, after many BRONCHOCELE. fruitless he found The attempts, impossible. a native of was therefore removed from the Benj. Chavre, Savoy, eight- patient teen old, of a constitution, table, and into the warm a few years lymphatic put bath ; from his fifteenth when be at. hours afterwards, 24 leeches were had, year, applied tained to been affected with bron. to the hypogastrium, and the warm batli puberty, chocele, which soon reached such a size as was in the he was bled, repeated ; evening to considerable and a third time in the bath. On produce dyspnœa, frequent placed attacks of suffocation and hoarseness. the morning the was very Being following pulse admitted into the Hotel Dieu, the tumour full and strong ; there was no shivering, was found so as to the whole febrile excitement, or of the abdo- large occupy any pain between the middle of the neck and men, but the complained of sick- space patient the it was formed of two ness, and pain in the rectum. On the third clavicles ; lobes, and lifted the of caro. the iliac region became painful, the up by pulsation the day in its substance, also, an nausea continued, the patient was in a state tids ; alternating of the and of enlargement was visible during the arterial greatest debility, complained The health of much pain in the wound. The stone being expansion. general the pa. tient not he was undera found to have descended a little, a vertical being affected, put course of of the tincture of which incision was made in the bladder a iodine, by he toolt from six to ten and, after several drops daily. The probe-pointed bistoury, tumour subsided, its lobes be. fruitless attempts, it was at last extracted. gradually came more distinct, the voice more natu. It was of an oval form, two inches and a ral, and the of ceased in its diameter, had an difficulty respiration quarter largest I It is of remark, that even surface, and five ounces and altogether. worthy weighed under the use of the be. 36 grains. After the extraction the patient iodine, genitals as it were, and thateree. of the was came, atrophic, complained great debility, pulse tions and to which the very small, the countenance pale, &c., and pollutions patient had been very were never he died on the fourth day after the ope- formerly subject, ration. observed during this time.-La Clinique. On examining the parts in question, the cellular tissue of the was found perineum The Letter from Glasgow in our next. infiltrated with pus ; the bladder, being small, thickened, and of a fungoid appear- ance, presented some traces of old ulcera- tions ; the kidneys contained a great num- ber of cysts, of the size of a filbert, filled with pus and adipocerous matter.

MUTILATION OF THE GENITALS. F. B., a middle-aged man, having at. tempted to destroy himself by amputating the penis, was brought into the Hospital. The hæmorrhage was inconsiderable ; some ligatures were applied, and a catheter hav- ing been placed in the urethra, the wound was simply dressed. On this occasion M. Dupuytren related the case of a man who, in an attempt to suicide, having made an incision through two-tliirds of the root of the penis, was placed under his care ; the divided parts being kept in close contact by sutures, perfect re-union took place, but the corpus cavernosum obliterated at one side, so that this man, when perfectly cured, offered the singular phenomenon of a semi- lateral erection. In another case, a little boy, who was almost completely an idiot, put a string round the penis ; the skin and urethra having become gangrenous, an arti- ficial opening formed, through which the urine passed ; the corpora cavernosa had become completely obliterated under the li- gature, and the root of the penis only was capable of erection.—La Clinique.