JOANN CARMIN Department of Urban Studies and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue, 9-320 Cambridge, MA 02139-4307 Office: (617) 452-2697 • E-mail: [email protected]

Current Academic Appointments Massachusetts Institute of Technology Associate Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, July 2006-present Director, Program on Environmental Governance and Sustainability, Center for International Studies, August 2009-Present Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, September 2003-June 2006

Previous Academic Appointments Virginia Tech Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning, Department of Urban Affairs and Planning and School of Public and International Affairs, August 1999-August 2003 Duke University Visiting Research Scholar, Center for Environmental Solutions, Nicholas School of the Environment, August 2002-May 2003 Prague University of Lecturer and Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Environmental Policy and Economics, September 1996-June 1997

Education University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Doctor of Philosophy, May 1999 Fields of Study: Environmental policy and planning Dissertation: Association, Participation, and Local Environmental Politics in the Czech Republic Cornell University, Master of Science, August 1993 Field of Study: Management and organizational theory Thesis: Authentic Presence: Identity, Structure, and the Enactment of Beliefs in Environmental Movement Organizations Cornell University, Bachelor of Science with Distinction, June 1990 Concentration: Management and organizational behavior

Principal Fields of Interest Urban climate adaptation, environmental governance, environmental movements and organizations, environmental justice, research design

Publications Books i. JoAnn Carmin and Julian Agyeman (editors). Forthcoming. Environmental Inequalities Beyond Borders: Local Perspectives on Global Injustices. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. ii. Adam Fagan and JoAnn Carmin (editors). Forthcoming. Green Activism in Post-Socialist Europe and the Former Soviet Union. London, Routledge. iii. JoAnn Carmin and Stacy D. VanDeveer (editors). 2005. EU Enlargement and the Environment: Institutional Change and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Routledge. Translated into Romanian (Editura Arc), 2009. iv. Tomas Koontz, Toddi A. Steelman, JoAnn Carmin, Katrina Smith Korfmacher, Cassandra Moseley, and Craig Thomas. 2004. Collaborative Environmental Management: What Roles for Government? Washington, DC: Resources for the Future. Refereed Journal Articles i. Isabelle Anguelovski and JoAnn Carmin. Forthcoming. “Something Borrowed, Everything New: Innovation and Institutionalization in Urban Climate Governance.” Current Option in Environmental Sustainability. ii. Thomas Rudel, Timmons Roberts and JoAnn Carmin. Forthcoming. “Political Economy of the Environment.” Annual Review of Sociology. iii. JoAnn Carmin and Adam Fagan. 2010. “Environmental Mobilization and Organizations in Post-Socialist States.” Environmental Politics 19(5): 689-707. To be reprinted in Adam Fagan and JoAnn Carmin (eds.), Green Activism in Post- Socialist Europe and the Soviet World. London, Routledge. iv. JoAnn Carmin. 2010. “NGO Capacity and Environmental Governance in Central and Eastern Europe.” Acta Politica 45(1/2): 183-202. v. JoAnn Carmin and Petr Jehlička. 2010. “Navigating Institutional Pressure in State-Socialist and Democratic Regimes: The Case of Movement Brontosaurus.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 39(1): 29-50. vi. Deborah B. Balser and JoAnn Carmin. 2009. “Leadership Succession and the Emergence of an Organizational Identity Threat.” Nonprofit Management and Leadership 20(2): 185-201. vii. JoAnn Carmin and Elizabeth Bast. 2009. “The Global Justice Activities of Environmental NGOs: A Cognitive Perspective of Cross-Movement Activism.” Environmental Politics 18(3): 351-370. viii. JoAnn Carmin. 2008. “Investing in Civil Society: The Diversification of Environmental NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe.” Development and Transition 9(1): 11-14. ix. JoAnn Carmin and Toddi A. Steelman. 2006. “Factors Shaping the Outcomes of Community Based Environmental Management: Lessons from Efforts to Remediate Acid Mine Drainage in the United States (In Chinese).” Urban Planning Overseas 6: 90-100. x. Harvey A. Goldstein and JoAnn Carmin. 2006. “Assessing Cohesion in Planning Scholarship: Compact, Diffuse, or Would-Be Discipline?” Journal of Planning Education and Research 25(3): 66-79. xi. JoAnn Carmin and Petr Jehlička. 2005. “By the Masses or For the Masses? The Transformation of Voluntary Action in the Czech Union for Nature Protection.” Voluntas 16(4): 401-421. xii. Nicole Darnall and JoAnn Carmin. 2005. “Greener and Cleaner?: The Signaling Accuracy of U.S. Voluntary Environmental Programs.” Policy Sciences 38(2-3): 71-90. xiii. Beth S. Caniglia and JoAnn Carmin. 2005. “Scholarship on Social Movement Organizations: Classic Views and Emerging Trends.” Mobilization 10(2): 201-212. xiv. JoAnn Carmin and Stacy D. VanDeveer. 2004. “Enlarging EU Environments: Central and Eastern Europe from Transition to Accession.” Environmental Politics 13(1): 3-24. Reprinted in JoAnn Carmin and Stacy D. VanDeveer (eds.), EU Enlargement and the

Page 2 Environment: Institutional Change and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Routledge. xv. Stacy D. VanDeveer and JoAnn Carmin. 2004. “Assessing Conventional Wisdom: Environmental Challenges and Opportunities beyond Eastern Accession.” Environmental Politics 13(1): 315-331. Reprinted in JoAnn Carmin and Stacy D. VanDeveer (eds.), EU Enlargement and the Environment: Institutional Change and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Routledge. xvi. JoAnn Carmin. 2003. “Local Action in a Transitional State: Community Responses to Proposed Development in the Czech Republic, 1992-1996.” Social Science Quarterly 84(1): 189-207. xvii. JoAnn Carmin. 2003. “Resources, Opportunities, and Local Environmental Action in the Democratic Transition and Early Consolidation Periods in the Czech Republic.” Environmental Politics 12(3): 42-64. xviii. JoAnn Carmin. 2003. “Nongovernmental Organizations and Public Participation in Local Environmental Decision-Making in the Czech Republic.” Local Environment 8(5): 539-550. xix. JoAnn Carmin, Barbara Hicks, and Andreas Beckmann. 2003. “Leveraging Local Action: Grassroots Initiatives and Transnational Collaboration in the Formation of the White Carpathian Euroregion.” International Sociology 18(4): 703-725. xx. JoAnn Carmin, Nicole Darnall, and Joao Mil-Homens. 2003. “Stakeholder Involvement in the Design of U.S. Voluntary Environmental Programs: Does Sponsorship Matter?” Policy Studies Journal 31(4): 527-543. xxi. JoAnn Carmin and Deborah B. Balser. 2002. “Selecting Repertoires of Action in Environmental Movement Organizations: An Interpretive Approach.” Organization & Environment 15(4): 365-388. xxii. JoAnn Carmin and Barbara Hicks. 2002. “International Triggering Events, Transnational Networks, and the Development of the Czech and Polish Environmental Movements.” Mobilization 7(3): 305-324. xxiii. JoAnn Carmin. 1999. “Voluntary Associations, Professional Organizations, and the Environmental Movement in the United States.” Environmental Politics 8(1): 101-121. Reprinted in Christopher A. Rootes (ed.), Environmental Movements: Local, National, and Global, London: Frank Cass. xxiv. Toddi A. Steelman and JoAnn Carmin. 1998. “Common Property, Collective Interests, and Community Opposition to Locally Unwanted Land Uses.” Society and Natural Resources 11(6): 485-504. xxv. Petr Šauer, Antonín Dvořák, Lubomír Paroha, JoAnn Carmin, and Richard N. Andrews. 1996. “Environmental and Economic Impacts of Household Conversion to Cleaner Fuel in the Czech Republic.” Prague Economic Papers 5(2): 147-160. xxvi. Petr Šauer, Antonín Dvořák, Kvĕta Remtová, JoAnn Carmin, Richard N. Andrews, and Lubomír Paroha. 1995. “Household Conversion to Cleaner Heating - A Case Study of Dĕčín (In Czech).” Acta oeconomica pragensia 4(3): 79-98. Chapters in Books and Published Reports i. JoAnn Carmin. Forthcoming. “Global : Urban Impacts and Reponses.” In George Ritzer (ed.), Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Page 3 ii. Patricia McCarney, Hilda Blanco, JoAnn Carmin, and Michelle Colley. Forthcoming. “Cities and Climate Change: The Challenges for Governance.” In Cynthia Rosenzweig, William Solecki, and Stephen Hammer (eds.), First UCCRN Assessment Report on Climate Change in Cities (ARC3). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. iii. Baba, Kenshi, Hiromi Kubota, Mitsuru Tanaka, Eiko Suda, Yasuaki Hijioka and JoAnn Carmin. In progress. “Participatory Approach for Local Adaptation Policy: Implications from Pioneering Foreign Cities and Difference Perceptions of Uncertainty of Experts and Citizens.” Tokyo: Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. iv. JoAnn Carmin and Julian Agyeman. 2011. “Reflections on Environmental Inequality Beyond Borders.” In J. Carmin and J. Agyeman (eds.), Environmental Inequalities Beyond Borders: Local Perspectives on Global Injustices. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. v. Julian Agyeman and JoAnn Carmin. 2011. “Environmental Inequalities Beyond Borders.” In J. Carmin and J. Agyeman (eds.), Environmental Inequalities Beyond Borders: Local Perspectives on Global Injustices. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. vi. JoAnn Carmin. 2010. “Environmental Governance in the New Member States of the European Union.” Pp. 394-407 in M. Redclift and G. Woodgate (eds.), International Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Second Edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. vii. JoAnn Carmin, Tim Carrington, Jane Ebinger, Barbara Evans, Franz Gerner, Bjorn Hamso, Antonio Lim, Ziad Nakat, Ana Plecas, Michael Webster, and Yan F. Zhang. 2010. “The Built Environment: Cities, Transport, Water Systems, and Energy.” Pp. 121-137 in Marianne Fay, Rachel Block, and Jane Ebinger (eds.), Adapting to Climate Change in Europe and Central Asia. Washington, DC: Publications. viii. Stacy D. VanDeveer and JoAnn Carmin. 2006. “Sustainability and EU Accession: Capacity Development and Environmental Reform in Central and Eastern Europe.” Pp. 45-58 in Zbignew Bochniarz and Gary B. Cohen (eds.), Environment and Sustainable Development in the New Central Europe. Oxford: Berghahn Books. ix. Stacy D. VanDeveer and JoAnn Carmin. 2005. “EU Environmental Policy and the Challenges of Eastern Enlargement.” Pp. 279-294 in Andrew Jordon (ed.), Environmental Policy in the European Union: Actors, Institutions and Processes. London: Earthscan Press. x. Andreas Beckmann, JoAnn Carmin, and Barbara Hicks. 2002. “Catalysts for Sustainability: NGOs and Regional Development Initiatives in the Czech Republic.” Pp. 159-177 in Walter Leal Filho (ed.), International Experiences on Sustainability. Bern: Peter Lang Scientific Publishing. xi. Toddi A. Steelman and JoAnn Carmin. 2002. “Community Based Watershed Remediation: Connecting Organizational Resources to Social and Substantive Outcomes.” Pp. 145-178 in Dianne Rahm (ed.), The Politics of Toxic Waste: 21st Century Challenges. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company. Edited Journals and Proceedings i. Adam Fagan and JoAnn Carmin (editors). 2010. “Environmental Mobilization and Organizations in Post-Socialist States.” Special issue of Environmental Politics 19(5). ii. Beth S. Caniglia and JoAnn Carmin (editors). 2005. “Social Movement Organizations.” Special issue of Mobilization 10(2). iii. JoAnn Carmin and Stacy VanDeveer (editors). 2004. “EU Enlargement and the Environment: Institutional Change and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe.” Special issue of Environmental Politics 13(1).

Page 4 iv. Sabina A. M. Crisen and JoAnn Carmin (editors). 2002. EU Enlargement and Environmental Quality: Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond. Conference Proceedings, East European Studies Special Report, Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center. Book Reviews i. JoAnn Carmin. 2004. Review of Local Environmental Regulation in Post-Socialism: A Hungarian Case Study by Chris Pickvance (Hampshire, England: Ashgate Publishing, 2003), in Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 6(2): 175-176. ii. JoAnn Carmin. 2002. Review of International Law and the Resolution of Central and East European Transboundary Environmental Disputes by Paul R. Williams (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000), in Nationalities Papers 30(1): 304-306. iii. JoAnn Carmin. 2002. Review of Eco-Wars: Political Campaigns and Social Movements by Ronald T. Libby (Columbia University Press, 1998) and Voices and Echoes for the Environment: Public Interest Representation in the 1990s and Beyond by Ronald G. Shaiko (Columbia University Press, 1999), in Mobilization 7(1): 101-103. Papers in Proceedings and Working Paper Series i. JoAnn Carmin, David Dodman, Linda Harvey, Shuaib Lwasa, and Patricia Romero Lankao. Forthcoming. “Urban Adaptation Planning and Governance: Challenges to Emerging Wisdom.” Proceedings of the Resilient Cities Conference. London: Springer. ii. JoAnn Carmin, Debra Roberts, and Isabelle Anguelovski. Forthcoming. “Planning Climate Resilient Cities: Early Lessons from Early Adapters.” In Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda. Publication from the Fifth Urban Research Symposium. Washington, DC: World Bank. iii. JoAnn Carmin. 2010. “Governance for Achieving Urban Climate Adaptation.” Pp. 59-62 in Joane Nagel, Tom Dietz, and Jeffrey Broadbent, Workshop on Sociological Perspectives on Global Climate Change. Washington, DC: Washington, DC: American Sociological Association and National Science Foundation. iv. JoAnn Carmin and Yan F. Zhang. 2009. “Achieving Urban Climate Adaptation in Europe and Central Asia.” Policy Research Working Paper, #WPS5088. Washington, DC: World Bank. v. Deborah B. Balser and JoAnn Carmin. 2002. “The Interpretive Basis of Action: Identity and Tactics in Environmental Movement Organizations.” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Papers in Progress i. JoAnn Carmin, Isabelle Anguelovski, and Debra Roberts. “Urban Climate Adaptation in the Global South: Planning in an Emerging Policy Domain.” Reviewed and under revision. ii. JoAnn Carmin. In progress. “Institutions and Governance in a Changing Climate: Implications for Urban Resilience.”

Presentations and Conference Participation Invited Presentations i. “Planning Climate Resilient Cities: Early Lessons from Early Adapters.” Presentation given at the Boston Redevelopment Authority.” Boston, MA, 2010. ii. “Like a Pebble in a Pond: From Motivation to Citywide Commitment to Climate Adaptation Planning.” Presentation given at Durham University, UK, 2010.

Page 5 iii. “Urban Climate Adaptation Planning: Cities as Initiators and Innovators.” Keynote presentation given at the Pre-APEC International Workshop, Adaptation to Climate Change for Resilient Asia-Pacific Cities, sponsored by CITYNET, Yokohama, Japan, 2010. iv. “Urban Climate Adaptation: International Perspectives and Innovations.” Presentation given to the Global Change Research Program at the US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2010. v. “Urban Climate Adaptation: Lessons from the Global South.” Presentation given at the workshop, Adapting to Climate Change: Insights from the Social Sciences, sponsored by the Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, National Research Council, Washington, DC, 2010. vi. “Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Carbon Governance.” Presentation given at the International Symposium on Cities and Carbon Management sponsored by the Global Carbon Project, Tokyo, Japan, 2009. vii. “Urban Climate Adaptation Planning: Lessons from the Global South.” Presentation given in the Social Choices and Climate Change Series, Department of Human Ecology, Rutgers University, 2009. viii. “Planning for Climate Impacts in Cities.” Presentation given in the Environmental Speaker Series, Program on Environmental Science, Brown University, 2009. ix. “Planning Climate Resilient Cities: Early Lessons from Early Adapters.” Plenary given at the Urban Research Symposium, Marseille, France, 2009. x. “Climate Ready Cities: Research and Tools to Promote Urban Resilience.” Presentation given at World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, 2009. xi. “Preparing Cities for Climate Change: Lessons from Early Adapters.” Presentation at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, 2009. xii. “Indicators and the Mainstreaming of Climate Adaptation in Cities.” Presentation at the technical workshop of the Global Cities Indicator Facility, Toronto, Ontario, 2009. xiii. “Governance Challenges in Planning for Urban Climate Adaptation in Developing Countries.” Presentation in the Environmental Institutions Seminar Series, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, 2009. xiv. “Climate-Ready: Helping Cities Adapt to Climate Change.” Presentation sponsored by the Planning and Natural Resources Division of Camp Dresser & McKee, Cambridge, MA, 2009. xv. “Achieving Urban Climate Adaptation in Europe and Central Asia.” Presentation at the World Bank, Washington, DC, 2008. xvi. “Building Capacity for Environmental Governance in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons for EU Enlargement.” Presentation at the workshop, “New Modes of Governance, Civil Society, and EU Enlargement,” Berlin, Germany, 2008. xvii. “Civil Society Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe: Trends, Challenges, and Barriers in Leadership towards Sustainability.” Presentation given at the Sixth Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe,” Belgrade, 2007. xviii. “The Design and Rigor of Voluntary Environmental Programs.” Presentation at the Czech Ministry of the Environment, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006. xix. “Climate Change and Environmental Inequities.” Presentation for the Lab for Energy and

Page 6 the Environment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. xx. “Civil Society and Environmental Governance in Central and Eastern Europe.” Presentation at the seminar on Planning in Transition Countries, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, 2005. xxi. “A Framework for Assessing Rigor in U.S. Voluntary Environmental Programs” (with Nicole Darnall). Presentation to the Voluntary Programs Working Group, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2003. xxii. “Resources, Opportunities, and Local Environmental Action in the Czech Republic.” Presentation at the Environmental Institutions Seminar Series, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University, 2003. xxiii. “Grassroots Mobilization and Transboundary Development in the Czech Republic.” Presentation at the International Development Seminar, Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University, 2003. Conference Presentations i. “Learning from Leaders: Lessons from Urban Adaptation Champions” (with David Dodman). Paper submitted to the Resilient Cities Conference, Bonn, 2011 ii. “Double Movements of Destruction and Regulation: Commodity Chains and a New Political Economy of the Environment” (with Thomas Rudel and J. Timmons Roberts). Paper submitted to the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV, 2011. iii. “Governing Climate Change in the City” (with Harriet Bulkeley). Paper to be presented at the World Planning Schools Congress, Perth, Australia, 2011. iv. “Experimenting with Climate Justice in Global Cities: Understanding the Roles of Public and Private Actors (with Harriet Bulkeley and Vanessa Castan-Broto). Paper to be presented at the Colorado Conference on Earth System Governance: Crossing Boundaries and Building Bridges, Fort Collins, CO, 2011. v. “Preparing Cities for Climate Change: An International Comparative Assessment of Urban Climate Adaptation Planning.” Poster presented at the National Science Foundation Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2011. vi. “Variations in Urban Climate Adaptation Planning: Implications for Action.” Paper presented at the International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 2010. vii. “Leadership Succession and the Emergence of an Organizational Identity Threat” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, 2009. viii. “Organizational Identity Threats During Leadership Succession” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the conference, Boards in Uncertain Times: Exploring the Implications of Financial, Technological, and Generational Change for Nonprofit Governance Conference. Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership, Kansas City, MO, 2009. ix. “Continuity and Change across Regimes: The Case of Movement Brontosaurus” (with Petr Jehlička). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Slavic and East European Studies, Cambridge, UK, 2007. x. “Continuity and Change Across Regimes: The Case of the Czech Union for the Protection of Nature” (with Petr Jehlička). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for

Page 7 Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations, Washington, DC, 2005. xi. “Organizational Identity Wars: Coping With Ambiguous Threats from Within” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations, Washington, DC, 2005. xii. “Approaches to Global Justice Activism in Environmental Organizations in the United States” (with Elizabeth Bast). Paper presented at the 3rd European Consortium for Political Research, Budapest, Hungary, 2005. xiii. “By the Masses or for the Masses?: Regime Change and the Transformation of Voluntary Action in the Czech Union for the Protection of Nature” (with Petr Jehlička). Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research, Budapest, Hungary, 2005. xiv. “Enacting Values: Mobilization Routines and Problem Selection in Environmental Organizations” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Honolulu, HA, 2005. xv. “Mobilization Routines in Professional Environmental Movement Organizations: Matching Solutions to Problems” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2005. xvi. “The Dynamics of Campaign Selection in U.S. Environmental Movement Organizations” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations, Los Angeles, CA, 2004. xvii. “Greener and Cleaner? The Signaling Accuracy of U.S. Voluntary Environmental Programs” (with Nicole Darnall). Paper presented at the Meeting of Group on Organizations and the Natural Environment, Grenada, Spain, 2004. xviii. “When Carrots Replace Sticks: Assessing the Rigor of U.S. Voluntary Environmental Programs” (with Nicole Darnall). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Washington, DC, 2003. xix. “Stakeholder Involvement in the Design of U.S. Voluntary Environmental Programs: Does Sponsorship Matter?” (with Nicole Darnall, and Joao Mil-Homens). Paper presented at the International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network, San Francisco, CA, 2003. xx. “Nongovernmental Organizations and Community Action in Postcommunist States: The Case of the Czech Republic.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations, Montreal, Canada, 2002. xxi. “Sponsorship and Stakeholder Involvement in the Design of U.S. Voluntary Environmental Initiatives” (with Nicole Darnall, and Joao Mil-Homens). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Baltimore, MD, 2002. xxii. “Environmental Prospects and Challenges of Eastern Enlargement of the European Union” (with Stacy D. VanDeveer). Paper presented at the conference, Environment and Sustainable Development in the New Central Europe, Minneapolis, MN, 2002. xxiii. “The Interpretive Basis of Action: Identity and Tactics in Environmental Movement Organizations” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Denver, CO, 2002. Best Conference Paper Award, ONE Division. xxiv. “Leveraging Local Action: Transnational Collaboration and Grassroots Policy Initiatives in the Formation of the White Carpathian Euroregion” (with Barbara Hicks and Andreas Beckmann). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association,

Page 8 New Orleans, LO, 2002. xxv. “The Relationship of Identity to Action in Nonprofit Organizations: A Comparative Analysis of Two Environmental Groups” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations, Miami, FL, 2001. xxvi. “Cross-Border Cooperation from the Inside Out: The Role of NGOs in the Formation of the White Carpathian Euroregion” (with Andreas Beckmann and Barbara Hicks). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research on Nonprofit and Voluntary Associations, Miami, FL, 2001. xxvii. “Organizational Identity and Tactics in the Environmental Movement” (with Deborah B. Balser). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Anaheim, CA, 2001. xxviii. “Finding the ‘Social’ in Movements: International Triggering Events, Transnational Networks, and Environmentalism in Postcommunist Central Europe” (with Barbara Hicks). Paper presented at the 4th Meeting of the International Society for Third Sector Research, Dublin, Ireland, 2000. xxix. “Regulating Sedimentation and Erosion into Streams: What Really Works and Why” (with Seth Reice). Paper presented at the Conference on Tools for Urban Water Resource Management and Protection, Chicago, IL, 2000. xxx. “Defining and Measuring Success in Community Based Environmental Management.” Roundtable panelist at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Seattle, Washington. xxxi. “Transnational Influences and National Dynamics Contributing to the Development of the Czech and Polish Environmental Movements” (with Barbara Hicks). Paper presented at the conference, Conference on Trans-Atlantic Exchanges, 1945-2000, Chapel Hill, NC, 1999. xxxii. “Community Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in the Czech Republic.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Anaheim, CA, 1999. xxxiii. “Culture and Capacity: Local Environmental Politics in a Transitional State.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, New York, NY, 1998. xxxiv. “There’s No Place Like Home: Defending Social and Cultural Values on Laurel Mountain” (with Toddi A. Steelman). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Rural Sociology Society, Greensboro, NC, 1996. xxxv. “Assessing Disciplinary Progress in Planning” (with Harvey A. Goldstein). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Philadelphia, PA, 1993. Invited Conference and Workshop Participation i. “Expert Meeting on Human Settlements, Infrastructure, and Spatial Planning.” Invited participant at meeting to be convened by Working Groups II and III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Kokata, India, 2011. ii. “Institutions, Governance, Planning, and Sustainability.” Chair of plenary session at the First International Conference on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Tempe, AZ, 2010.

Page 9 iii. “Urban Global Environmental Change and the 2014 IPCC 5th Assessment Report” Panelist in session at the First International Conference on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Tempe, AZ, 2010. iv. “Integration of Climate Adaptation: Lessons from Research.” Chair of plenary session at the Climate Leadership Academy on Adaptation and Resilience, Boston, MA, 2010. v. “Urban Adaptation Planning and Governance: Challenges to Emerging Wisdom.” Panelist in session at the First World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, Bonn, Germany, 2010. vi. “A Dialogue on Cities and Climate Change.” Invited participant at workshop sponsored by the Urban Development Unit of the World Bank, Washington, DC, 2009. vii. “Climate Change and Urban Planning.” Invited participant at workshop sponsored by the Cities and Climate Change Initiative of UN-HABITAT, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009. viii. “Cities, Climate Change, and Finance.” Invited participant at workshop sponsored by the Carbon Finance Unit of the World Bank, Barcelona, Spain, 2009. ix. “Urban Resilience Network for the Developing World.” Invited participant at workshop sponsored by Mercy Corps and the International Institute for Environment and Development, Bellagio, Italy, 2008 x. “Sociological Perspectives on Global Climate Change.” Invited participant at workshop sponsored by the United States National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, 2008. xi. “Environment and Technology.” Discussant for paper session at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, MA, 2008. xii. “Voices from the Field - The Tsunami Disaster: Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, Renewal and Sustainability.” Invited roundtable participant, Education for Public Inquiry and International Citizenship (EPIIC) Program, Tufts University, 2005. xiii. “Implications of EU Eastern Enlargement for the Environment.” Panel chair at the conference, EU Enlargement and Environmental Quality in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, 2002. xiv. “Defining and Measuring Success in Community Based Environmental Management.” Roundtable panelist at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Seattle, Washington, 2000. Symposia, Conference Sessions, and Workshops Organized i. “Overcoming Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation: Insights from Communities and Lessons from a Global Survey.” Workshop co-organized (with ICLEI USA) for the Resilient Cities Conference, Bonn, 2011. ii. “Planning for a Changing Climate.” Panel submitted (with Darryn McEvoy) to the World Planning Schools Congress, Perth, Australia, 2011. iii. “Learning Among Urban Leaders: Peer Exchange on Adaptation to Climate Change.” Workshop to be organized for urban adaptation leaders from developed and developing countries, Bellagio, Italy, 2011. iv. “Between Institutions and Innovation: Equitable Governance and Urban Climate Action.” Chair and co-organizer (with Harriet Bulkeley) of session at the First International Conference on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Tempe, AZ, 2010. v. “Cities, Networks and Multi-level Governance: Experimenting with Urban Climate

Page 10 Responses?” Session co-organized (with Harriet Bulkeley) for the First International Conference on Urbanization and Global Environmental Change, Tempe, AZ, 2010. vi. “Urban Adaptation Planning and Governance: Challenges to Emerging Wisdom.” Session organized (with the Urban Development Anchor of the World Bank) for the First World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change, Bonn, Germany, 2010. vii. “Environmental Activism and Organizations in Post-Socialist States.” Session co-organized (with Adam Fagan) for the European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 2009. viii. “Environmental Capacity and Development in Transitional States and Emerging Democracies.” Workshop co-organized (with Adam Fagan) at the Joint Sessions of the European Consortium for Political Research, Rennes, France, 2008. ix. “The Politics of Environmental Capacity Building.” Session co-organized (with Adam Fagan) at the 4PthP European Consortium for Political Research, Pisa, Italy, 2007. x. “International Research Training Program,” Student training sessions held at MIT, University of Economics, Prague, and UNC-Chapel Hill, 2003-2005. xi. “Designing and Implementing Voluntary Environmental Approaches.” Session co-organized (with Nicole Darnall) at the 26PthP Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Atlanta, GA, 2004. xii. “EU Enlargement and the Environment,” Roundtable session, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2004. xiii. “EU Enlargement and Environmental Quality in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond,” Conference organized and convened at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, 2002. xiv. “Reestablishing the Nexus of Urban Planning and Public Health,” Panel convened (with James Bolen) at the Meeting of the American Collegiate Schools of Planning, Baltimore, MD, 2002.

Record of Funding Research Grants i. “Preparing Cities for Climate Change: An International Comparative Assessment of Urban Adaptation Planning.” National Science Foundation, Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events Program Research Grant, 9/2009-8/2011, $214,638 (REU Supplement, 2/2010, $5,986; Research Supplement, 2/2011, $18,070). ii. “Navigating Transnational Forces: Consistency and Change in Environmental Movement Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe.” National Science Foundation, Sociology Program Research Grant, 9/2005-8/2008, $194,677. iii. “Environmental Learning and Capacity Development in the Czech Republic” (with Douglas Crawford-Brown and Stacy D. VanDeveer). National Science Foundation, Office of International Science and Engineering, 7/2003-4/2006, $64,773. iv. “Environmental Movement Organizations in a Transnational Era: Legitimacy Challenges in the Czech Republic.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Award, 7/2004-8/2005, $15,000. v. “The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in Transboundary Environmental Protection.” Virginia Tech, Junior Faculty Development Award, 6/2002-8/2002, $6,500.

Page 11 vi. “Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in the Czech Republic.” National Science Foundation, Ethics and Values Studies Program, Doctoral Dissertation Enhancement Grant, 2/1997-12/1997, $8,000. vii. “Civil Society Development and Environmental Mobilization in the Czech Republic.” International Research & Exchanges Board, Advanced Research Grant, 8/1996-6/1997, $14,550. viii. “Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in the Czech Republic.” University of North Carolina Research Council, University Research Grant, 7/1996-8/1996, $2,800. ix. “Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in the Czech Republic.” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Off-Campus Dissertation Award, 9/1996-12/1996, $5,000. x. “Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in the Czech Republic.” Field Research Travel Award, University Center for International Studies, 5/1996, $1,490. xi. “Environmental Mobilization in Protected Area Management in the Czech Republic.” American Council of Learned Societies, Predissertation Travel Grant, 7/1995-9/1995, $4,700. Funding for Teaching and Course Development i. “Urban Climate Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Justice.” Contemplative Practice Fellowship awarded from the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society for the development of reflective practice materials for graduate practicum courses, 6/2008-6/2009, $9,934. ii. “Urban Climate Adaptation in South Africa.” Support from the MIT Public Service Center and MIT Service Learning Program for an international graduate field course, 5/2008, $10,000. Funded Contracts, Projects, and Awards i. “Planning for a Changing Climate: A Comparative Assessment of Urban Adaptation Initiatives.” Fellowship awarded by the Abe Fellowship Program of the Social Science Research Council, the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnerships and the American Council of Learned Societies, 9/2011-5/2013, $64,000. ii. “Learning Among Urban Leaders: Peer Exchange on Adaptation to Climate Change.” Travel grant from Institute of International Education to cover costs for developing country participants to attend meeting at the Bellagio Study and Conference Center, 4/2011, $10,000. iii. “Urban Adaptation and Leadership: From Conceptual to Practical Understanding.” Contract with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for report on urban adaptation initiatives and governance challenges, EUR7000. iv. “The Governing of Climate Change in Urban Centres: An International Comparative Assessment” (Harriet Bulkeley, PI). Economic and Social Research Council-Social Science Research Council, Collaborative Visiting Scholars Award, 9/2010-8/2011, GBP8,000. v. “Climate-Ready.” In-kind support from Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) for the development of an interactive web tool to help cities prepare for the impacts of climate change, 1/2009- 12/2010, valued at $75,000. vi. “EU Enlargement and Environmental Quality in Central and Eastern Europe and Beyond.” Conference organized with support from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Virginia Tech, 4/2002, $28,000.

Page 12 vii. “Measuring Outcomes of Community-Based Environmental Management.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Project Contract, 9/2001-12/2001, $2,500.

Consulting Record i. World Bank. Advisory Committee Member, Climate Change Planning Initiative in Latin America, 2010. ii. World Bank. Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, and the Urban Poor: An Analysis and Plan Forward. Commissioned background paper, 2010. iii. World Bank. Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda. Commissioned research paper, 2009. iv. World Bank. Managing Uncertainty: Adapting to Climate Change in ECA Countries. Commissioned background paper, 2008. v. Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe. A Directory and Survey Findings of West Balkan Environmental Civil Society Organisations. Reviewed and assessed survey instruments for study of environmental organizations in the Balkans, 2006. vi. National Telecommunications and Information Agency. Training Manual for Assisting Community Technology Centers with Sustainability (with James R. Bohland and Jessica McMann), 2002. vii. United States Agency for International Development. Possibilities for the Realization of Environmental Policy at the Town Level in the Czech Republic. Policy report (with Richard N. Andrews, Petr Šauer, Antonín Dvořák, Kvĕta Remtová, Jan Vozáb, and Libuše Přibilová) submitted to the Czech Ministry of the Environment, 1994.

Projects i. Climate-Ready. Web tool (in development) to help cities prepare for climate impacts. ii. Climate Change Campaigns of Transnational NGOs: Summary of Survey Results. Report on the climate campaigns of environment and development NGOs (with Kara Reeve and Isabelle Anguelovski). Prepared for Friends of the Earth International and Oxfam Great Britain, 2008. iii. Participatory Environmental Governance in Developing Countries. Supervised preparation of a background paper on environmental justice and participatory environmental governance for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), 2008. iv. Environmental NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe: Summary of Survey Findings. Report on environmental NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe (with Elizabeth Albright, Rachel Healy and Tegin Teich). Prepared for the Regional Environmental Center, 2008. v. Directory of Environmental Organizations in Central and Eastern Europe. Updated online database of environmental NGOs for the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe, 2008. vi. Institutional and Environmental Policy Change in the Czech Republic in Response to the Floods of 2002. Analysis of governmental and nongovernmental responses to a significant flood event (with Douglas Crawford-Brown, Jirina Jilkova, and Stacy VanDeveer). Findings and recommendations presented to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic and regional water management bodies, 2004. vii. The Design and Rigor of U.S. Voluntary Environmental Programs: Results from the VEP Survey. Peer reviewed report prepared for administrators of voluntary environmental

Page 13 programs (with Nicole Darnall, Nicole Krieser, and Joao Mil-Homens), 2003. viii. Check Your Success: A Guide To Developing Indicators for Community Based Environmental Projects. Supervised research and development of a report and website for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2001. ix. Carroll County Indicators Handbook. Supervised research and development of a report for Carroll County, Virginia, 2001. x. A Community Indicators Study for a Sustainable Blacksburg. Supervised research and development of a report used as a complement for the comprehensive plan for Blacksburg, Virginia, 2001.

Courses Taught Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 9/03-present Civil Society and the Environment Disaster Vulnerability and Resilience Environmental Justice and Participatory Governance in Developing Countries Environmental Justice: Domestic, International and Global Perspectives Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and the Environment Environmental Justice: Resources, Rights, and Globalization Rebuilding New Orleans Research Design for Policy Analysis and Planning Thesis Preparation Urban Climate Adaptation in South Africa Urban Climate Adaptation

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 8/99-8/03 Assessing Community-Based Environmental Management Community Involvement Environmental Policy and Planning Seminar Indicators of Sustainable Development Public and Urban Affairs Seminar Social Movements Seminar

Supervision and Advising Postdoctoral Supervision Gilles Rudaz (Swiss Science Foundation Fellow, 2007-2010) Doctoral Dissertation Committees, Chair Isabelle Anguelovski (MIT), Eric Chu (MIT), Rachel Healy (MIT), Suellen Evavold (Virginia Tech, 2003) Doctoral Dissertation Committees, Reader Annis Whitlow (MIT), Leigh Graham (MIT, 2010), Elizabeth Albright (Duke University, 2009), Erik Nielsen (MIT, 2007), Ramya Ramanth (Virginia Tech, 2005), Matthew Blackwood (Virginia Tech, 2002) Master’s Thesis Committees, Chair Tyler Corson-Rikert (MIT), Vanessa Ng (MIT), Shoko Takemoto (MIT), Andrea Alejandra Betancourt (MIT, 2010), Leanne Farrell (MIT, 2010), Amruta Sudlahar (MIT, 2010), Kristina Katich (MIT, 2009), Todd Schenk (MIT, 2009), Nishanthi Amerasinghe (MIT, 2009), Kara Reeve (MIT, 2008), Lindsay Campbell (MIT, 2006, Honorable Mention for Outstanding Thesis), Xixi Chen (MIT,

Page 14 2006), Brian Robinson (MIT, 2005, Honorable Mention), Pankaj Kumar (MIT, 2005), Tracy Sayegh (MIT, 2004, Outstanding MCP Thesis Award), Elizabeth Bast (MIT, 2004), Amelia Ravin (MIT, 2004), Steven Wright (Duke University, 2003), Joao Mil-Homens (Virginia Tech, 2002), Erica Clark (Virginia Tech, 2002), Mary Mayzel (Virginia Tech, 2001) Master’s Thesis Committees, Reader Laura A. Delaney Ruskeepää (MIT), Mehul Jain (MIT, 2009), Jackie Peiro (U. Del, 2009), Caitlin Gallagher (MIT, 2006), Marina Psaros (MIT, 2006), Sonia M. Parisca De Blanco (MIT, 2005), Kate Mitsch (UNC-Chapel Hill, 2005), Theresa Kanter (Virginia Tech, 2003), Rachel Christensen (Virginia Tech, 2002), Raymond DeLeon (Virginia Tech, 2002), Elizabeth Matthews (Virginia Tech, 2002), Marcus Moore (Virginia Tech, 2002), Hyunsoo Park (Virginia Tech, 2001), Joel Gorder (Virginia Tech, 2001), David V. Morrow (UNC-Chapel Hill, 2000), Kristine Kosar (Virginia Tech, 1999) Undergraduate Thesis Committees YeSeul Kim (MIT), Cassandra Roth (MIT, 2007)

Honors and Awards Abe Fellowship, Center for Global Partnerships and Social Science Research Council, 2011-2013 Charles and Ann Spaulding Career Development Professorship, 2005-2008 Faculty Fellow, Enabling the Next Generation of Hazard Researchers, 2003-2005 Best Paper Award, ONE Division, Academy of Management Conference, 2002 Junior Scholars’ Training Seminar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1999 Royster Dissertation Fellowship, Carolina Society of Fellows, 1998 Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society, elected in 1996 Off-Campus Dissertation Fellowship, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996 Field Research Travel Fellowship, University Center for International Studies, 1996 John D. Rockefeller Fellow, Program on Nonprofit Organizations, Yale University, 1995 FLAS Fellowship, Center for Slavic, Eurasian, & East European Studies, 1995 Graduate School Merit Assistantship, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993 Graduate School Summer Fellowship, Cornell University, 1993 Tuition Fellowship, Cornell University, 1991-1993 University Graduate Fellowship, University of British Columbia, 1990 Outreach Fellowship, University of British Columbia, 1990 Merrill Presidential Scholar, Cornell University, 1990 Commencement First Degree Marshal, Cornell University, 1990 E. Charles Hunt Scholarship, Cornell University, 1987-1990 Golden Key Honor Society, elected in 1989 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, elected in 1989 Dean’s Merit Award, Cornell University, 1989 Cornell Tradition Fellowship, Cornell University, 1987

University and Departmental Service Massachusetts Institute of Technology Director, CIS Program on Environmental Governance and Sustainability (PEGS), 2009-present Faculty Chair, CIS Global Sustainability Working Group, 2008-present Editorial Board, MIT Press, 2008-2012 Chair, Search Committee (Lecturer in Energy Policy), 2010-2011 Member, Review Committee, MISTI Global Seed Fund Competition, fall 2010 Faculty Co-Director, PEGS Graduate Fellowship, 2010 Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Undergraduate Environmental Minor, spring 2010

Page 15 Acting Chair, PhD Committee, DUSP, fall 2009 Member, Steering Committee, DUSP, spring 2008, fall 2009 Proposal Reviewer, Internship Competition, Program on Human Rights and Justice, 2009 Participant, Curriculum Planning Team, Indian Institute of Human Settlements, 2008-2009 Member, Promotion Committee, 2009 Member, Doctoral Committee, DUSP, 2006-2007, 2008, 2009 Chair, Ph.D. Admissions Committee, Environmental Policy and Planning, DUSP, 2008, 2009 Acting Head, Environmental Policy and Planning Group, DUSP, spring 2008 Editorial Board, Projections: MIT Journal of Planning, 2008 Faculty Council Member, MIT Global Poverty Initiative, 2008 Member, MCP Admissions Committee, Environmental Policy and Planning, DUSP, 2004, 2008 Member, Environmental Policy and Planning Faculty Search Committee, DUSP, 2007 Chair, MCP Admissions Committee, Environmental Policy and Planning, DUSP, 2005, 2006 Participant, Strategic Planning Process, School of Architecture and Planning, 2005 Member, Master of City Planning Committee, DUSP, 2003-2004, 2005, 2006 Member, Ph.D. Admissions Committee, Environmental Policy and Planning, DUSP, 2004, 2005

Virginia Tech Member, Scholarship Review Panel, Cuba Study-Abroad Program, 2002 Member, Virginia Tech Northern Virginia Implementation Committee, 2001 Member, Environmental Policy and Planning Committee, 1999, 2000, 2001 Member, Master of Public and International Affairs Committee, 1999, 2000, 2001 Member, Environmental Design and Planning Committee, 1999, 2001 Facilitator, Strategic planning process for international programs, 2000 Faculty Advisor, International Club of Virginia Tech, 2000 Panelist, Review of Virginia Tech Washington Semester, 2000 Member, Urban Affairs and Planning Faculty Search Committee, 1999, 2000 Member, Public and Urban Affairs Program Committee, 1999, 2000

Professional Service Climate Adaptation Advisory Committee, ICLEI USA, 2010-present Lead Author, Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC (Working Group II), 2010-2014 Steering Committee, Task Force on Climate Change, American Sociological Association, 2010-present Editorial Board, Environmental Politics, 2006-present Editorial Board, Springer Publishing, Series on Environmental Hazards, 2009-present Editorial Board, Organizations & Environment, 2009-2011 Treasurer, Environment & Technology Section, American Sociological Association, 2009-2011 Technical Committee Member, Innovation for Climate Adaptation in Asia, CITYNET, 2011 Expert Reviewer, Special Report of IPCC Working Groups I and II, 2010 Report Reviewer, World Bank, 2010 Report Reviewer, UN Habitat, 2010 Proposal Reviewer, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, 2010 Proposal Reviewer, National Science Foundation, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 Panel Reviewer, National Science Foundation, 2005, 2007, 2009 Proposal Reviewer, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, 2009 Chair, International Track, ARNOVA Conference, 2008 Proposal Reviewer, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2007, 2008 Selection Committee, Emerging Scholars Award, ARNOVA, 2006 Faculty Panelist, ACSP Doctoral Training Workshop, 2006 Proposal Reviewer, Sea Grant Program, 2005 ACSP Reassessing Scholarship Committee, term 2002-2004

Page 16 Report Reviewer, Environmental Protection Agency, 2003 Manuscript Reviewer: Academy of Management Conference, Climatic Change, Earthscan Press, Environmental Management, Environmental Politics, Global Environmental Change, International Sociology, International Studies Quarterly, Island Press, Journal of Environmental Management and Planning, Journal of the American Planning Association, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Journal of Urban Affairs, Mobilization, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Organizations & Environment, Policy Studies Journal, Routledge, Rowman & Littlefield, Social Forces, Social Problems, Social Science Quarterly, Springer Publishing, Urban Affairs Review

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