HOUSE No. 2000
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HOUSE No. 2000 ®f)e Commontoealrt) of fHa*Satf)U«ett« THIRTY-THIRD ANNUAL REPORT of the LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COUNCil and the LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH BUREAU. For Cumulative List of all Important Reports Since 1955, See Appendix A November 10, 1987. 7 HOUSE - No. 2000 | January Wi)e Commontoealtt) of ANNUAL REPORT REQUIRED (General Laws, Chapter 3, Section 61) Section 61. The bureau shall make such reports to the council as are required by it. The council may report from time to time to the general court and shall make an annual report in writing to the general court by filing a copy of the same with the clerk of the house of representatives on or before the second Wednesday of November in each year. 1988] HOUSE - No. 2000 3 CONTENTS Page Statute Requiring Annual Report 2 Letter of Transmittal to the Senate and House of Representatives 4 I. ORGANIZATION 5 11. OPERATIONS 8 Assignments and Requests 10 Research Assignments 10 Research Requests 11 Assistance to Committees and Special Commissions 17 Legislative Redistricting Assignments 17 Assistance to Special Commission on the Division of the Department of Mental Health 21 Distribution of Reports 23 Index of Special Reports 23 Governmental Action Publications 24 National Conference of State Legislatures 24 Other Activities 24 Exhibit A 25 TABLES 1. Annual “Substantial” and “Spot” Research Requests, 1957-1987 12 2. Origin of “Substantial” and “Spot” Research Requests ... 13 APPENDICES A. Cumulative List of Important Research Council Reports Since 1955 36 B. Statute Creating Council and Bureau 121 4 HOUSE No. 2000 [January tKfje Commontoealtt) of ina££ad)u*ett£( LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN : We have the honor to submit the Thirty-third Annual Report of the Legislative Research Council and Bureau. This annual report must be submitted to the Clerk of the House of Representatives on or before the second Wednesday of November under the terms of General Laws, chapter 3, section 61. Respectfully submitted, MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COUNCIL Sen. ANNA P. BUCKLEY OF Plymouth, Chairman Rep. FRANCIS G. MARA of Brockton, House Chairman Rep. JAMES T. BRETT of Boston, Vice-Chairman Sen. JOSEPH B. WALSH of Suffolk and Norfolk Sen. JOHN F. PARKER of Bristol Sen. PETER C. WEBBER of Berkshire Rep. WILLIAM J. FLYNN, Jr., of Hanover Rep. WILLIAM P. NAGLE, Jr., of Northampton Rep. CHARLES N. DECAS of Wareham Rep. SHERMAN W. SALTMARSH, Jr., of Winchester Rep. KEVIN POIRIER of North Attleborough Rep. ROBERT L. HOWARTH of Springfield 1988] HOUSE No. 2000 5 QTfje Commontocaltf) of fflaggattjugtths 1. ORGANIZATION The Massachusetts Legislative Research Council and Bureau were established by statute 33 years ago (G.L. c. 3, ss. 56-61, as amended; reprinted as Appendix B to this report). This enabling law provides for a Council of twelve legislators who constitute the policy making body with respect to a legislative research program. The law also empowered the Council to bring into being a Legislative Research Bureau to serve under its direction and to carry out its policies. The Legislative Research Council’s membership of twelve is composed offour senators and eight representatives. Under the terms of the statute, the President of the Senate names the four senate members annually, designating one of them as Chairman. Similarly, the Speaker of the House of Representatives names the eight House members annually, designating one of them as Vice Chairman. In the case of delays in naming members to the Council, the law provides that members continue to serve until their successors are appointed, provided such members are continued in office by the electorate. Unlike joint standing committees of the General Court, the Council by law, is truly a bipartisan committee in that the appointees from each branch must be evenly divided between the two major political parties. Another feature distinguishing the Council from joint standing committees is stated in a joint opinion of Senate and House Counsels: Joint Rule 1 A, requiring public meetings of the legislative committees unless a majority of the committee members vote otherwise, does not apply to the Council. And, while chairmen of joint standing committees receive additional compensation, all members of the Council, by law, serve without pay but are reimbursed for necessary expenses. On January 28, 1985, the Senate President appointed the following members of the Senate to the Council: Senators Anna P. Buckley of Plymouth (Chairman), Joseph B. Walsh of Suffolk and Norfolk, John F. Parker of Bristol and Peter C. Webber of Berkshire. The President 6 HOUSE -No. 2000 [January has not made any appointments to the Council since the new General Court met in January; the aforenamed senators continue to serve on the Council. On September 28, 1987, the Speaker announced the House members of the Council: Representatives Francis G. Mara of Brockton (House Chairman), James T. Brett of Boston (Vice Chairman), William J. Flynn, Jr., of Hanover, William P. Nagle, Jr., of Northampton, Charles N. Decas of Wareham, Sherman W. Saltmarsh, Jr., of Winchester, Kevin Poirier of North Attleborough and Robert L. Howarth of Springfield. The naming of a House Chairman in addition to a Vice Chairman (only the latter is required by statute) is in conformity with the practice in the House of designating both a House Chairman and a Vice Chairman among the House members. Representative Poirier replaces former Representative Switzler of Wellesley who did not stand for reelection and Representative Howarth replaces the late Representative Bruce N. Freeman of Chelmsford. As indicated above, although the Council has the statutory responsibility for determining policies with respect to a legislative research program, it is the Bureau, under the Council’s direction, which executes those policies. The Council is empowered to appoint a qualified Director of the Bureau and such assistants as are necessary to carry out the program of statistical research and fact finding. Although appointed by the Council, compensation of staff personnel must be approved by the Committees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently. All of the Bureau staff are outside the civil service system. The primary responsibility of the Bureau is to assist members, committees, and commissions of the General Court (s. 59) but it has other statutory responsibilities which include receiving and screening records of certain expiring committees and the preparation of certain reports (ss. 60-61). In the course of fulfilling these mandates, the Bureau maintains a strong liaison with similar legislative research agencies in the other states which, over the years, has led to a valuable exchange of data. For example, each year the research agencies in most of the states seek from each otherresearch information and other assistance on legislative matters. These requests are always given careful attention by this Research Bureau. Consequently, The Bureau 1988] HOUSE No. 2000 7 not only receives copies of the resultant, useful reports of other legislative agencies, but their help is forthcoming when we ask assistance, particularly in the preparation of recess reports assigned by the Genera! Court. Such professional and personal cooperation among legislative staffs makes available to each research agency the assistance of experienced research personnel in nearly every state. Thus, the Commonwealth is the beneficiary of a broad scope of knowledge and experience that could be duplicated only at great cost. While the Bureau staff is structured so as to provide aresearch team of generalists as opposed to specialists, there are some staff members who, through advanced education and in-service assignments, have acquired acknowledged skills in particular areas. Whenever possible, assignments are made to take advantage of such in-house expertise. The present composition of the Bureau staff is as follows: Director Daniel J. Foley of Worcester Assistant Director Robert D. Webb of Medford Chief Research Analyst James Hugh Powers of Needham Administrative Assistant Agnes Anne Dziak of Boston to the Director Legal Counsel Paul M. Murphy of Brockton Senior Research Assistant Michael A. Nazzaro, Jr., of Boston Senior Research Analyst Charles R. Ring of Sharon Research Assistant Joseph J. Semensi of Randolph Research Assistant Robert E. England of Boston Research Assistant Joseph R. Conte of Worcester Junior Research Assistant Maribeth Moran of Somerville Junior Research Assistant Steven J. Barrus of Boston Research and Information Mary M. Tierney of Hull Assistant Supervisor of Office Theresa E. Conway of Milton Information Systems Senior Secretary Patricia M. O’Brien of Somerville 8 HOUSE No. 2000 [January Appropriation requests of $9,000 for the Council and $668,000 for the Bureau were approved for fiscal 1988. Major expenses chargeable to the Council result from attendance of Council members at the annual meeting of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and participation of members in regional meetings and con- ferences of research and other governmental groups. For the Bureau, which was relocated to new quarters at 30 Winter Street in the fall of 1986, the requested sum takes into account addi- tions to staff, salary adjustments, larger expenditures for rent, sup- plies and other administrative requisites and the purchase and maintenance of new equipment. Conversion to a modern office information system featuring word processing is nearly complete. A tie-in to the Legislature’s computerized bill status and statutory retrieval system has been delayed because of technical problems. Accumulation of vast amounts of research materials and the need to maintain a ready reserve of scores of Bureau publications for distribution have combined to reduce available floor space for staff operations. The Bureau intends to transfer as much as is feasible onto microfilm so that the bulk of the Bureau’s many files of seldom used but necessary materials would be on microfiche, thus freeing much needed floor space.