Railway in Sweden and Japan Report – a comparative study 2014:12 Railway in Sweden and Japan Report – a comparative study 2014:12 Transport Analysis Address: Torsgatan 30 SE-113 59 Stockholm Phone: +46 10 414 42 00 Fax: +46 10 414 42 10 E-mail:
[email protected] Webaddress: www.trafa.se Publisher: Brita Saxton Publication date: 2014-11-11 Preface May 2013 saw the signing of a memorandum of cooperation in the railway area between the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications in Sweden and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) in Japan. The main purpose of the cooperation is to increase the mutual understanding of policies, laws, and other regulations and of organization and planning in the railway sector in Sweden and Japan and to exchange experience and technology in areas of common interest.1 This comparative case study seeks to increase the mutual understanding of the organization of the railway sector in Sweden and Japan. The study compares the current organization of railways in Sweden and Japan. The scope includes infrastructure and traffic organization, freight and passenger traffic solutions, and railway sector authorities. The project has been managed by Anna Ullström, Transport Analysis (Sweden); Takaaki Furuhashi, MLIT (Japan) submitted comments on chapters four and five. October 2014 Brita Saxton Director General 1 Överenskommelse mellan Näringsdepartementet i Konungariket Sverige och Ministeriet för mark, infrastruktur, transport och turism i Japan om samarbete inom järnvägsområdet, Tokyo den 17 maj 2013, N2013/2621/TE, Stockholm: Näringsdepartementet, 2013. 3 4 Contents Preface ................................................................................................................. 3 1 A comparative Sweden–Japan rail organization study ...........................