1 DAN SIEGEL, SBN 056400 SIEGEL & YEE 2 499 14th Street, Suite 220 3 Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 839-1200 4 Telefax: (510) 444-6698 5 Attorneys for Plaintiffs 6 DAVID ADELSON, et al. 7 8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 10 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA 11 12 DAVID ADELSON, LAUREN AYERS, No. 814461-0 13 MARY BERG, JOANNE BOBB, LYDIA BRAZON, CECELIA CARUSO, GAIL DIXON, 14 ANNE EMERMAN, SHERRY GENDELMAN, TERRENCE GUY, JIM HORWITZ, KAHLIL 15 JACOBS-FANTAUZZI, DAWUD KHALIL-ULLAH, 16 PELE DE LAPPE, STEVE LUSTIG, ERROL MAITLAND, MIGUEL MALDONADO, ANDREW 17 NORRIS, LEWIS O. SAWYER JR., MARIALICE WILLIAMS, and FRIEDA ZAMES, individually, 18 and on behalf of all others similarly situated, 19 and on behalf of the Pacifica Foundation, 20 Plaintiffs, VERIFIED SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE AND 21 v. DECLARATORY RELIEF AND FOR DAMAGES FOR VIOLATIONS OF 22 PACIFICA FOUNDATION, a California Nonprofit THE CORPORATIONS CODE AND 23 Corporation, MARY FRANCES BERRY, DAVID FOR UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES. ACOSTA, JUNE MAKELA, ANDREA CISCO, 24 FRANK MILLSPAUGH, KEN FORD, MICHEAL PALMER, WILLIAM LUCY, 25 and DOES 1-25, inclusive, 26 Defendants. 27 ___________________________________________/ 28 SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT - 1 1 2 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 3 1. Plaintiffs are members, contributors, and leaders of defendant PACIFICA FOUNDATION. 4 They bring this action (1) to restrain and enjoin the unlawful and undemocratic actions of a majority of 5 6 the Foundation’s Board of Directors and (2) to restrain and prevent the unlawful waste of the 7 Foundation’s assets for uses inconsistent with the purposes of the Foundation.
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