Dharmasvamin OCR.Pdf
BIOGRAPH'\"" OF DHARl\'lASV AMIN ( Chag lo t;,,'1-ba Chos-rje-dpal) A TIBETAN MONK PILGRIM ORIGINAL TIBETAN TEXT decipheredand translated by Dr. GEORGE ROERICH, ~M.A., Ph.D., PllOFBSIOR AND THB HE.AD Of THE DEPARTMENT OP rlULOSOPHY, INSTITUTE OF ORIENTAL STUDIES, THE ACADAMY OP SCIENCES, MOSCOW, IJ, S, ~. R, With a historical and critical Iutro,luction By Dr. A. S. ALTEKAR Director K. P.JAYASWAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE K. P. JAVASWAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE PATNA 11159. ] PUBl.lSIIED ON BEHALF OP THE KASH! PRASAD JA YASWAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, PATNA DY ITS DIRECTOR, DR, A, S. ALTEKAR, M.A., Ll .. B.,D,LITT. All rights resm·ed PRINTED IN INUIA BY SIIANTILAL JAIN AT SHRI JAINENDRA l'R~:ss, JAWAHARNAOAR, DELHI, INTJIA. 1. The Government ofBihar established the K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute at Patna in 195 r with the object, inter-alia, to promote historical research, archaeological excavations and investigations and publication of works of permanent value to scholars. This Institute is one of the five others established by this Government as a token of their homage to the traditition of learning and scholarship for which ancient Bihar was noted. Apart from the J ayaswal Research Institute, five others have been established to give incentive to research and advancement of knowledge, the Nalanda Institute of Research and Post-Graduate Studies in Buddhist Learning and Pali at Nalanda, the Mithilll: Institute of Research and Post• Graduate Studies in Sanskrit Learning at Darbhanga, the Bihar Rashtra Bhasha Parishad for Research and advanced Studies in Hindi at Patna, the Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Jain and Prakrit Learning at Vaishali and the Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research in Arabic and Persian Leaming in Patna.
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