TRUST BOARD AGM Date: 17 September 2019 Location: William McIlvanney Leisure Centre Start time: 6pm AGENDA AGENDA ITEM FOR FOR FOR NOTING DISCUSSION APPROVAL/ DECISION 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes of previous AGM 3.1 18 September 2018 4. 2018/19 Annual Report and Accounts 5. Trust Board Meeting Schedule 2019/20 6. AOCB 7. Demise of office bearers PLEASE NOTE: THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND WILL BE ADVERTISED ON THE EAST AYRSHIRE LEISURE WEBSITE For further information please contact: Anneke Freel, Interim Senior Officer Email:
[email protected] Tel: 01563 554710 TRUST BOARD AGM 2018/19 ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS Date: 17 September Agenda Item: 4 Report By: Anneke Freel, Interim Senior Officer Summary This report presents the 2018/19 Report and Accounts for approval. The report shows that the Trust established sound procedures for financial management and our external auditors, Scott-Moncrieff, are satisfied with accuracy of our accounts and the procedures that are in place to manage our finances. 1 BACKGROUND 1.1 The purpose of this report is to present the 2018/19 Report and Accounts for approval. 2 CONSIDERATIONS 2.1 East Ayrshire Leisure is required to submit its audited annual accounts to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR). Scott-Moncrieff are our External Auditors and their audit has been produced following an intensive audit programme which required support and input from both Trust and East Ayrshire Council staff. 2.2 The 2018/19 Report and Accounts is attached as Appendix 1.