Christianity in Javanese Culture and Society
CHAPTER FOURTEEN CHRISTIANITY IN JAVANESE CULTURE AND SOCIETY Java is by far the most populous of the islands of Indonesia. In 2000 out of a total population of nearly 206 million some 121 million lived in the very densely populated island of Java, some 830 per km2 (about 60 in Sumatra, 10 for Central and East Kalimantan, 140 in North Sulawesi and slightly over 4 for Papua).1 Th e numbers for Christians in Java in 2000 were; Statistics for Javanese Christians in 20002 Province Number of Percentage Total population Christians Jakarta 837,682 10.04% 8,361,079 West Java 703,604 1.9% 35,724,092 Banten 213,135 2.63% 8,098,277 Central Java 874,245 2.83% 31,223,259 Yogyakarta 245,062 7.85% 3,121,045 East Java 799,276 2.3% 34,765,998 Total 3,673,004 3.03% 121,293,750 Totalling 3,673,004, the Christians in Java represent a mere 20.5% of the sum of Indonesian Christians, while about 60% of the whole population live in Java. Th is fi gure alone is already a good indication of the minority position of Christianity in this most important island of the archipelago. In 1800 there were virtually no native Christians in Java. Besides the white Christians there was a much larger number of Eurasian baptised, but the real growth of these communities took place during the last two centuries. Still, the vast majority of Javanese are Muslim. Th e capital of Jakarta, a melting pot of the various ethnic identities of the country, showed in 2000 slightly higher than the national overall number of Christians or 8.92%.
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