Interview Method in Sachan et al. 2012

Interview Method in Research Beena Sachan, Ashutosh Singh, Neeraj Sachan Abstract have been used extensively for in the field of research. Interview is not just asking and answering questions, it is beyond the oral aspect which the interviewer may observe the interviewee behavior, personality, opinion, way of thinking and beliefs. Interviewing is one of the chief means through which most of the information used in social diagnosis is secured from the interviewee. This method of research can also show the truth by observing the interviewee expression with the question that been asked. It can discover if the information is accurate and if there are contradictions between the sources of information. This topic will discuss the interview types and its importance in the field of research.

Key words: Interview, Research, Data collection

Era's Lucknow Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India; LLRM Medical College, Meerut,UP, India ; Doordarshan Lucknow, UP, India

Corresponding author email:[email protected] ------Introduction The purpose of interviews provides a basis

A method of data collection, information or for limiting communications and eliminating opinion gathering that specifically involves extraneous material.1 asking a series of questions. However, Meaning and definitions developments in computer and information As defined by P. V. Young2 it means “The technology have resulted in other formats, for example, Internet interviews. Interviews interview may be regarded a systematic are typically associated with both method by which one person enters more or quantitative and and are less imaginatively into the inner life of often used alongside other methods. Most commonly, interviews are conducted on a another who is generally a comparative face-to-face basis. It is a direct method of stranger to him.” direct collection of data. It is recognized as According to Young “The interview is a the most important method of collection of data. Through this method, we can know the technique of field work which is used to views and ideas of other persons. It is watch the behavior of an individual or systematized method of mutual contact of individuals to record statements, to observe people. the concrete results of social or group interaction. It is, therefore, a social process SEAJCRR July 1 (1) 2012 Page 8

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which is usually involves interaction  Method of observation or an between two persons.” opportunity to observe things According to Khalid M.3 “Interview is  To examine the emotional state, fundamentally a process of social thought process, orientation, and interaction. In the interview two persons are memory of the respondents.4 not just present at the same place, but also Types of Interview influence each other emotionally and Interview has been categorized on intellectually.” the basis of various characteristics and Characteristics of interview method qualities. In this method, the interviewer and 1. It is a close contact or interaction the interviewee come in close contact and including dialogue between two or more exchange thoughts. In fact this technique has persons. a socio-psychological base. It has an object, 2. There is definite object of interview, such a process, function and nature. as knowing the views and ideas of others. Interview may be classified according 3. There is face to face contact or primary to the following grounds. relationship between the individuals.  Classification of interview on the 4. Through this method data are collected in basis of object: - Interview is done research. with certain object or objects in Major objectives of Interview view. It is taken either for  Collecting information about ascertaining certain weaknesses and unknown facts making attempts to remove certain  Formulation of hypothesis things. From the point of view of the  Collecting information about objects, the interview may further be qualitative facts classified:  Collecting additional information or Clinical interview. This is an interview views of different persons about through which attempt is made to know the different problems in different causes of certain abnormalities. Once the situations causes have been ascertained the remedy is sought.

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Selection interview. This type of interview Focused interview. This is also called a is done with the object of selecting a person controlled interview. The main object of this on the basis of certain traits and qualities. type of interview is to test a particular The interviewer through interview ascertains hypothesis. The questions in this interview the qualities that are required and makes are pre-determined and pre-planned.the selection. questions are framed on the basis of Diagnostic interview. When the object of explanations about the behavior of man the interview has been found out the serious about which study has already been made causes of some social events or problem, it and hypothesis formulated. Such interviews is called diagnostic interview. This interview are generally based on pre-determined or is confined to finding out the causes. pre-studied situations. They are generally Research interview. This is in fact a kind of used for testing the social and psychological diagnostic interview in which we are try to reactions. It has the following find out the causes of problem. But in this characteristics: method, a comprehensive study is made of It is carried on the persons who are the problem so that the causes will be connected from the situation before hand. finding out in detail. This type of interview is useful only about  Classification of interview on the basis which the study is available beforehand. of functions and methodology These types of interview are carried out with Interviews may be further classified as: the help of a pre-determined plan or Non-directed interview. This is an guidebook. uncontrolled interview in which no This type of interview is generally useful in classification plan is drawn about questions testing the reactions and attitudes, ideas and to be asked. Through dialogue and feelings of the individual informant. conversation, the informant is encouraged to Repeated interview. These types of exhibit and express his knowledge and interviews are considered very useful. They views. The interviewer, in this type of are carried out after certain interviews in a interview collects the information. repeated manner. The main task of these interviews is to study those dynamic

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functions and attitudes that influence, guide The interviewer or the field worker has only and determine the behavior of study of to carry out the instructions. Corbetta5 states human behavior. They save a lot of time and structured interviews are “Iinterviews in energy as compared to the result that is which all respondents are asked the same secured through this type of interview. questions with the same wording and in the  Classification of interview on the same sequence.” The strengths of structured basis of number of informants or interviews are that the researcher has control respondents over the topics and the format of the Group interview. In this method two or interview. The researcher’s verbal more persons are interviewed. It helps in comments and non-verbal cues can cause gathering the routine information. This and have an influence upon method is economical of time and money. respondents’ answers. but information obtained is very superficial Semi structured. Interviews and in nature. are less focused than Individual interview. Single person is structured and can be used to focus and interviewed in this method. Close personal elaborate on key points of interest. There is contacts between the interviewer and the a degree of flexibility and breadth to allow interviewee can be established. This method the interviewee/respondent to expand on an is uneconomical of time and money. answer of interest or concern. “More or less Intimate and the personal aspects of the open-ended questions are brought to the individual can be obtained. interview situation in the form of an  Classification of interview on the basis interview guide”.6 The strengths of semi- of forms structured interviews are that the researcher On the basis of form or nature, interview can prompt and probe deeper into the given may further be classified as: situation. The drawbacks are inexperienced Structured interviews. This is a type of interviewers may not be able to ask prompt interview in which the form is already questions. If this is the case, some relevant determined or planned. There is everything data may not be gathered. In addition, written about the material to be collected.

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inexperienced interviewers may not probe  Classification of interview on the into a situation. basis of the period of contact: Unstructured or informal interview. This Short contact interview. Helps in filling up type of interview is non-directed and is a the schedules, tables etc. flexible method. Interviews and A short duration of such an interview is questionnaires are useful when soliciting sufficient. opinions and attitudes; interviewees are Prolonged contact interview. In contact asked to respond to broad, open-ended with research by schedule, the case history questions. In an unstructured interview the method needs prolonged interviews. researcher has to be a good listener and note  Classification of interview on the new or interesting data the interviewee basis of subject manner gives. Qualitative interview. This method The strengths of unstructured interviews are involves non quantifiable subject matter. no restrictions are placed on questions. It is e.g. interviews held for the case studies. useful when little or no knowledge exists Quantitative interview. Certain facts for about a topic. So, background data can be a large number of persons are gathered. collected. Unstructured interviews are e.g. interviews. flexible and the researcher can investigate Mixed interview. Both routine and underlying motives. The drawbacks of specialized data is sought. Some of it may unstructured interviews are that they can be be quantifiable while some of it may be non inappropriate for inexperienced quantifiable. interviewers. The interviewers may be bias Merits and Advantages of Interview and ask inappropriate questions. Also, method respondents may talk about irrelevant and This method of study is quite inconsequential issues. Consequently, it popular in the field of research particularly may be difficult to code and analyze the when the study deals with the personal life data. of the respondents or their emotions, feelings, perceptions and behavior in work situations. The data required in such study

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are inside the individual and which alone is The data collected are of a doubtful capable of communicating. Some of the character. scientists are of the view that is not possible Too much dependence on memory. to reduce social phenomena to statistical Difference in the social background of the analysis and therefore interview method is interviewer and the possibility of the best method of study. This method has discrimination between the two. the following advantages or merits: Specialized knowledge is not always Interviews are more appropriate for possible. obtaining information relating to complex Danger of unnecessary details. and emotional issues. Lot of subjectivity and individual feelings Personal interviews are preferred by the Play of inferiority complex. respondents because most of the people Too much importance to respondent and enjoying talking to a friendly interviewer influence of emotions and sentiments rather than be burdened with providing  Ethical Issues written responses. In conducting interviews, ethical issues are In case of interview the interviewer is in a one of the main concerns. Confidentiality position to ensure that the questions are must be given. “Respondents should not be correctly understood by the respondents. harmed or damaged in any way by the The interviewer is in a better position to research. It is also important that interviews judge the validity of answer because he can are not used as a devious means of selling observe the gestures of respondents. something to the respondent”7. If  Disadvantages or Limitations of respondents are uneasy and become upset, the Interview method the interview can be cancelled or postponed. The interview method of study, in spite of The following is a list of some of the issues its advantages and utility for research has and suggested ethical solutions 7,8. certain weaknesses in it. The weaknesses, • Explain purpose. Explain the purpose of disadvantages or limitations of this method the inquiry to the respondent. re enumerated below: • Promises and reciprocity. State what the respondent will gain.

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• Risk assessment. Consider in what ways not to change the respondents or their might the interview put the respondent at opinions. risk in terms of stress, legal liabilities,  Conclusion ostracism or political repercussion. This article discusses interview method in • Confidentiality. Reflect on the extent to research. Interviews are one way to collect which promises of confidentiality can be data and to gain knowledge from met. individuals. The type of interview to • Inform consent. What kind of consent is conduct will depend upon the objectives of necessary, if any. the research. • Data access and ownership. Evaluate who Lastly, ethical issues are of paramount has the right to access data and for what importance so it is also examined. purpose. References: • Mental health. Consider how interviewer 1. Compton & Galaway. Social Work and interviewee mental health may be Process. The Dorsey Press, Georgetown- affected by conducting the interview. Ontario, 1975;288-291. • Advice. Appoint an adviser on ethical 2. Young PV. Scientific Social and matters during the course of the study. Research. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, • Data collection boundaries. How hard will 1984. you push for data? What lengths will you go 3. Khalid M. Social Work Theory and to in trying to gain access to data you want? Practice, 3rd edition. Kifayat Academy, What won’t you do? Lahore-Karachi, 2001;73-155. • How hard will you push interviewees to 4. Wicks RJ. Counseling Strategies & respond to questions about which they show Intervention Techniques for Human some discomfort? When an interview has Services. JB Lippincott Company, been completed and is considered a good Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1977;1-13. interview, the respondents ought to know 5. Corbetta, P. (2003). more about themselves and their situation. Theory, Methods and Techniques. London: However, the researcher must remember that SAGE Publications. the purpose of research is to collect data and

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6. Flick U. An introduction to qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE Publications, Inc. 1998. 7. Gray, D. E. (2004). Doing Research in the Real World. London: SAGE Publications. 8. Patton, M. Q. (2000). Qualitative Research and Evaluation Method. London: SAGE Publications.

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