July 7, 2019 CHURCH OF ST. JOHN VIANNEY MISSION STATEMENT TOGETHER—RENEWING OUR COMMITMENT TO GOD & OUR COMMUNITY Address: 789 17th Ave N, South St. Paul, MN 55075 Phone: (651) 451-1863 Fax: (651) 451-1864 www.sjvssp.org Parish Staff Pastor Fr. Antony Skaria, CFIC
[email protected] Deacon Scott Wright
[email protected] Director of Religious Education & Parish Assistant Jill Vujovich-Laabs
[email protected] Director of Music Lori Lencowski
[email protected] Maintenance—Kent Trkla
[email protected] Bulletin Deadline - Monday 12:00 pm MASS SCHEDULE WEEKEND: SATURDAY 5 PM SUNDAY 8:15 AM & 10:30 AM WEEKDAYS: TUE—FRI 7:30 AM HOLY DAYS: 7:30AM & 6:30 PM RECONCILIATION THUR & FRI: 7:00 AM SAT: 4:00 PM 5 Things To Know About Our Lady of Mt. Carmel “What’s that thing you’re always wearing?” And so began another discussion of the Brown Scapular that hangs around my neck. This time it was while visiting New Orleans with my sister. A city suffused with Catholicism plus voodoo shops, gris-gris and the like was, perhaps, the perfect place to explain the two small pieces of brown wool on a cord that I always wear. The Brown Scapular is neither a good luck charm, talisman, amulet nor gris-gris. It is a sacramental; a symbol of devotion and yoke of obedience to Our Lady of Mount Carmel whose feast we celebrate on July 16. Simply put, in the words of the always humorously orthodox John Zmirak, the Brown Scapular is “a sleek and minimalist version of the Carmelite habit.” 1.