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"-t "1o. '"r) .:'" J • I \ '< -< :_J WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ... ESTABLISHED 1869 Publadon Number USPS *880

Vol. 116. No. 52. Three Sections, 28 Pages, Plus Supplements , I - WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1985-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN I ,

~ ) County------lays claim to Plymouth Center la,'! - , I By KEVIN WILSON tIe to the 250-acre site at Five Mile and In the letter drafted by principal at- to or revested in the County of Wayne." tempt to retain the property. He later He also said th~ i ..~lns Sheldon in Northville Township. torney William Dietrich, the corpora- the letter declares. confirmed that the letter has been that the site continues to be used for Wayne County is staking claim to the O'Hair cites a reverter clause in the tion counsel states that: "We have in- Plymouth Center has not housed receiVed and referred to DMH at- mental health purposes." Plymouth Center for Human Develop- deed by which the county gave the land, formation indicating that the State of mental health system patients since it torneys for review. O'Halr said Tuesday, however, that a (t ment property it gave to the state near- formerly the Wayne County Training Michigan has closed the Plymouth was closed under a court order spurred "I suppose yOU'dhave to get a team portion of the property the state plans ly 30 years ago, citing a deed restriction School, to the state In 1957.The county State Home and Training School by revelations of patient abuse. Prior to of lawyers together and let them hash it to sell belongs to the county regardless that limits state use of the land to treat- granted the property to the state at no formerly operated on this site and has that time, it was home to institutionaliz- out," DeLoach said. "There's a pro- of use of the remaining property, since ment of retarded children. cost. The so-called "reverter clause" In util;'l.ed the property other than as a ed mentally disabled persons. Most of blem in that, at the time (1957), they hospital for mentally diseased andor the reverter clause addresses "the A June 18 letter from county corpora- the deed requires the land be returned the residents have been transferred to spoke of retarded persons as 'children' lands herein conveyed, or any part tion counsel John O'Halr addressed to to county ownership if the state ever deficien.t children. . community group homes. regardless of age. To my knowledge, "It is, therefore, our opinion that by thereof .... " Some buildings west of C. Patrick Babcock, director of the ceases to use it for treatment of "men· DMH spokesman Tom DeLoach said right from the beginning, people were Sheldon are being used to house state department of mental health tally dise~ children and/or mentally operation of the express provision in the he has not seen O'Halr's letter, but admitted to Plymouth Center who were (DMH) asks that the state turn over ti- deficient children." Deed,'titIe to this property has reverted speculated that the department will at- chronologically adults." Continued on 5 ll]aycees, VFW plan Fence 'delay' irks officials, big bash for Fourth bidding done Northville's day-long Fourth of July Mayor Paul Vernon said Monday that celebration this year will mark the 25th Wayne County Executive William By KEVIN WILSON year that the Northville Jaycees have Lucas has promised to be on hand for sponsored the annual parade of mar- the dedication about 10:30 or 11 a.m. There Is no fence going up around ~ .chers, floats and bands that draws an Lucas in years past has been a familiar Northville Regional Psychiatric r area-wide audience. figure as he walked with other officials Hospital this week, disappointing local A highlight of festivities this year will in the annual parade. officials who belleve the Department of be the dedication of the flagpole plot In .A 6 a.m. flag-raising at city hall of- Mental Health COMH) pledged that front of the Veterans of Foreign Wars ficially will begin the Northville com- construction would begin Monday, July Post 4012 building on South Main. munity's Indet>endence Day activltles. 1. It will be followed by an "all you can A DMH official contends, however, eat" breakfast at the Masonic Temple that the project is "moving along" and starting at 6:30 a.m. and continuing un- that a misunderstanding is to blame for til the 10 a.m. parade time. Union any belief that the fence is being Parade route Chapter No. 55, Royal Arch Masons, delayed. will be serving pancakes, sausage, "As far as we can determine, the bids scrambled eggs, juice and beverage for are in at the hospital but won't be sent Here's the route the FoUrth of everyone. Donation is $3 for adults, to Lansing until some time next week $1.50for children 12 and under. < July parade will follow as it and it may be another month before a leaves Northville Downs at 10 A bed race along Main sponsored by contract is awarded," said Northville a.m.: the Northville Recreation Department, Township Supervisor suSan Heintz. North on BeaI to Griswold. " a bike decorating contest and an anti- DMH spokesman Tom DeLoach said • Griswold norUitoMalnStreet. que car judging wlll precede ·tlie the bid procedure is m its concluding , Main Street west past the r parade. I stages but said "I certainly hope that's , " J:(;!Royjewmg,~t.;m. > gers. . -uAnYthing Silver'Lin"l'ecognItlon.of the---' , ~,beiDg..l"eceiv~.~t...tbe ..l!ospitaL.Ql!be,J: South,on Rogers to C8dy. anniversary.'. , ., . than through' regular department bf """~ East~n"Uady to Wing. . 1- "":~>~ The Jaycees are honoring both Karl anagement and budget procedures: ' . Knoth and Clancy Ely as co-grand mar- ". :a '. < SOutlionWingtoFalr1iroo~·~~.f' Bid specifications pUblished earller f' -. East on Falrbrook acroSS· shals of the parade. Knoth was chair- required copstructioq to begin within 90 Center' and into the Downs plirk- . man for the first Fourth of July parade days of awarding of the contract. If the inglot. in 1961.Ely was president at the time. contract is awarded next month, the , I Knoth later served as president of the winning bidder may have until Jaycees In 1964. November to begin installation of the The parade is scheduled to be televis- three-sided, six-feet high chain link ed on Omnicom cable television at 8 fence. Construction money was includ- p.m. JulyS. ed in the state budget for the current Plan okayed, Parade chairman Kevin Hartshorne fiscal year, which ends in October. is asking any groups planning to enter a Heintz said she was surprised that float in the parade and who have not fence construction did not begin Mon- but not sewer registered to call him at 348-6315.The day, since DMH director C. Patrick lineup of floats, bands and dignitaries Babcock reportediy told two local of. ct . will start at 8:30 a.m. in the Northville • < Northville City Council approved a ficials that was the date set for con· .request of Mijdub Realty Company and Downs parking lot. All participants are struction to begin. . . Belanger Inc. unanimously Monday to to be in line by 8:45 a.m. to be eligible "Babcock promised," she said. "He amend its EDC financing resolution to for jUdging. told (township clerk) Georgina (Goss) enable Belanger to lease a new, larger Antique cars are to get In line from they would start construction July 1. facility to be built by Mijdub on 8:30-9 a.m. in the Downs parking lot Now we understand that they've done township property. with judging to be at 9:15 a.m. by Bob preliminary work - some surveying of , Belanger representatives explained Cummings, Jaycee past president. the grounds and laying out where the the transfer of operations would bring Decorated bike contest judging will fence will go. They can say, technically, the company's sales office back into the be at 9:30 a.m. in the parking lot. En- that they were to 'start work' July 1. I ttcity and would "generate a good 15 ad- trants should check in with Debbie definite!y feel we've been misled. '! ditional jobs." Anderson between 9-9:30 a.m. First reports of the July 1 date came The fIrm is expanding its operation to The parade will proceed west along through senator R. Robert Geske (R· inclUde a new line of doors from West Main from its starting point at Griswold Northville), who also spoke to Babcock Germ8J)y, council was told. The resolu- at the Downs parking lot. and received the same information tion was an EDC reqUirement. ' Following the parade, there will be a Goss was given, Heintz said. The council delayed action on the re- full day of events In Mill Race But DeLoach said the July 1 date "is quest from the township to extend city Historical Village on Griswold north of very probably some kind of sewer service to the proposed factilty at Main near the Ford waterwheel plant. misunderstanding. I'm not privy to the Jack Doheny Complex at Doheny The Jaycees will serve their tradi- Ready to dedicate every conversation Mr. Babcock has Drive and Gerald Avenue, asking city tional chicken barbecue with coleslaw, had on the SUbject, but I do know he Is manager Steve Walters to seek more chips and pop along with hOt dogs very wary of specifying a date certain, specific information on the meaning of throughout the afternoon. A feature at Commander Carl Baker of Veterans of beautification commission workers have saying things like 'the fenCi: will be up ' .. "temporary." the barbecue wl1l be the A&W Root Foreign Wars Post 4012 gives the American planted the area around the flagpole with red next Tuesday,' We all know It has to go The township letter stated that the Beer Bear. The Jaycees also will be flag a test run up the new flagpole in front of geraniums and white petunias. A brass plaque through the regular bid procedures and connection to the eight inch sanitary sponsoring a "fun" dunk tank. the post home at 438South Main. The flagpole on the north side of the patio reads: "In that can result In delays," .. sewer at the southwest comer of the A watermelon eating contest will be He said the project "certainly is mov- held by Northville Rotary for kids of all is to be dedicated in Independence Day memory of liberty's defenders, V.F.W. Post property would be logical and "It would ceremonies Thursday following the Fourth of 4012, JUly 4, 1985." The flagpole project, with Ing ahead" and that all planning and appear this situation would be tem- ages at 1p.m. engineering work Is compIete. "It's porary" as the project In the future pro- An arts and crafts show sponsored by July parade.-Wayne County executive William funding by the local post, completes t~e been surveyed and staked out. The bably would be connected to a township Lucas has accepted the invitation to officiate. beautification of South Main. Record photo by fence Is more than a mUe long. It should sanitary sewer. CooUnuedOD3 V.F.W. members and auxiliary together with Steve Fecht. be constructed through the summer," City denies housing director raise Inside: After two closed sessions, city council "The denial is no reflection at all regar- pollee officers' union. In it the city Monday night ratified the contract of ding your ablllty, but, inasmuch as the agreed to Increase the gun allowance to the Northville Pollee Command Of- council Is In process' of beginning $375 a year, to Increase the clothing ficers' Association and denied the re- evaluations and reviewing s$laries. we allowance to $500 a year, to Increase life Calendar 2A quest from the housing commission for feel th~request ispremature." : Insurance coverage to 60/120 but re- a salary Increase for Its director. DeRusha told Yoakam, "We hope jected an Increase In cleaning According to housing commission yOU'llstay" \") -'. ".. -. , allowance as well as any Increase in Classifieds 48 president Ray J. Casterline II, the re- NorthvUie cuiTeritiy pays its hoUsing present longevity formula. quest for an Increase for Allen Terrace director $25,667:ln addition to the city's The two-year contract was accepted Obituary 3A director Frances R. Yoakam was made five percent fiscal year Increase by both sides on condition that the steps following the commission's evaluation budgeted for the director, the commis- between command offlcer ranks be Our Opinions 7A of "her continuing excellent per- sion was seeking an additional 81k per- equalized with the NPCOA wUllng to forman-:.e" and because she has receiv- cent to be competitIve with the offer she reduce the level of the top three ranks ed an offer from a community received from ~yomlng, which pays Our Town 1C In In exchange for bringing the lowest western Michigan with a "considerable $30.680. rank up to the proposed level. 1WI1aryand benefit Increase." The commlsslon's salary comparison In the new formula a sergeant wUl School Notebook 2A After discussion In closed session, Ule showed Midland. with a clty-owned receive 8.4 percent more than a council, with Mayor Paul Vernon and facUlty Is paying ItS director $32,600, patrolman; staff sergeant, lU per- Sports 7A Carol ann Ayers absent, voted 2-1 to Livonia, $34,700, Albion. $28.000 (1984 cent; lieutenant, 16.4percent; and cap- deny the Increase at '!lIs time. Mayor figure) and Plymouth, $16.696 (part- tain, 20.4percent. Based on the present Summer garden 6A Pro Tem G. Dewey Gardner and J. Bur- time.) Only Plymouth does not offer a form'ula 198&-87salaries were listed at: ton DeRusha voted no while Paul Folino vehicle or vehicle allowance. sergeant, $30,825; stal{ sergeant, Biblctimes marketplace - saC voted yes. The acceptance of the NPCOA con- $32,406; lieutenant, $33.571; and cap- After the vote Gardner told Yoakam. tract followed negotiations with the tain, $34,694.

( I ,l --

2·/>.- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. July 3.1985 Community Calendar

School Notebook Senior citizens to picnic Tuesday awarded. Beverages wlJlbe proVided. DONALD THOMAS MOREW, Baseline; DARLENE PISKOR of TODAY, JULY 3 Board of Education BUilding. · son of former Northville residents Scenic Harbor and ELAINE VARGO NORTHVILLE ASSEMBLY NO. 29: NorthVille Joseph and Louise Morelli, has earn· of Linden. FARMER'S MARKET: Northville Farmer's KIWANIS MEETS: Northville Kiwanis meets at · ed a doctor of philosophy degree in STACEY HARRINGTON of 46911 6:30 p.m. at the VFW Post Home. Assembly No. 29, Order of Rainbow for Girls. Market sponsored by the Northville Community meets at 7 p.m. at Masonic Temple. physics 'trom University of Curtis was among 15 Northwood In· Chamber of Commerce Is being held a day earlier Michigan. stltute students participating in a than usual because of the holiday. Hours are 8 a.m. MOTOR CITY SPEAKEASY: Motor City TOWNSIDP PLANNERS: Northville Township · On July I, he joined a team of Spring New York Seminar, May 28 to 4 p.m. in the parking lot at Hutton and Dunlap. Speakeasy Club of Toastmasters meets at 6:30 physicists as senior research sc!en- through June 4. Planning Commission will hold a hearing on p.m. at Dennys Restaurant at Twelve Oaks Mall. changes to the township master plan at 7:30 p.m. at tlst at the General Motors Research The group explored the fashion CITY APPEALS BOARD: Northville City Ap- For more information, call Allen Moore at 422-8364. Laboratories in Warren. center of Fifth Avenue, toured the peals Board meets at 8 p.m. in the council township hall. ~ He Is a 1977NorthvlJle High School showroom of Candies Shoes, the chambers. TOPS MEETS: Northville TOPS meets at 7 p.m. graduate. testing laboratories of Good at First Presbyterian Church. For information, CIVIL AIR PATROL: Sixgate Squadron Civil Air Housekeeping, visited with the FRIDAY,JULY5 call 348-8055. Patrol meets at 7p.m. at Novi Middle SChoolSouth. Eight NorthvlJle resIdents were fashion merchandising director of among the 1,132 Michigan Harper's Bazaar and toured fabric PWP DANCE: Novl-NorthvlJle Parents Without MASONS MEET: Orient Chapter, No. 77, Order KING'S MILL WOMEN'S CLUB: King's Mill Technological University students companies. Women's Club meets at 7:30 p.m. at King's Mill Partners will host Its Red, White and Blue Dance at receiving degrees at spring com- of the Eastern Star, meets at 7:30 p.m. at Masonic 8 p.m. at the Plymouth Hilton. There wlJl be $1off Temple. Clubhouse. .mencement May 18. Three Northville residents were the admission price for all participants wearing red, white or blue. Students receiving degrees includ- among the Hillsdale College SATURDAY,JULY6 BOARD OF EDUCATION: Northville Board of ed ANN M. DREW, B.S. in students recognized for academic Education meets at 7:30 p.m. in the board con· geological engineering; ROBERT excellence during the second ference room at Old Village School. AMERICAN LEGION: Northville American .M. MARZONIE, B.s. in mechanlcal semester of the 1984-85school year. PAPER DRIVE: St. Paul's Lutheran Church Legion, Post 147,meets at 8p.m. at the post home . engineering; ROY E. PIETILA, B.S. Local students named to the School will hold a paper drive from 3-4 p.m. In the MASONS MEET: Northville Masonic Organiza- in business administration; dean's list were MATTHEW church parking lot. tion meets at 7:30 p.m, at Masonic Temple. NORTHVILLE EAGLES: Northville Eagles No. ~ MATTHEW H. PIETILA, A.A.S. in ABRAHAM, son of Mr. and Mrs. 2504, Aerie, meets at 8p.m. at 113South Center. mechanical design engineering Salim Abraham of 590 Morgan Cir· SUNDAY, JULY 9 TUESDAY,JULY9 technology; LAWRENCE A. cle; KEVIN McDERMOTT, son of STEVENSON, B.S. in mechanical Mr. and Mrs. William McDermott of MILL RACE VILLAGE: Mill Race Historical ROTARIANS MEET: Northville Rotary Club WEDNESDAY, JULY 10 engineering; SABINA J. 46126 Pickford Court and Village on Griswold off Main is open from 1-4p.m. meets at noon at First Presbyterian Church 'VANDERWOUW, B.S. In chemical JACQUELINE NIXON, daughter of with docents on duty. fellowship hall. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Northville Knights engineering; ROBERT WAND, B.S. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Nixon of 21824 of Columbus meets at 8 p.m. in the administration in electrical engineering and Rathlone Drive. MONDAY,JULY8 SENIOR CITIZENS' PICNIC: Northville senior building at Our Lady of Victory. JORDAN M. STEVENSON, B.S. in The dean's list Is published each Citizens' Club will host a picnic at noon in Room 216 chemical engineering. semester and Is composed of all SENIORS MEET: Northville Senior Citizens of the' Board of Education Building. Participants RECREATION COMMISSION: Northville ANN DREW and SABINA students who attain grade point Council hosts an afternoon of cards, games and should bring a dish to pass and their own table ser- Recreation ':ommisslon meets at 8 p.m. at city VANDERWOUW also were named averages of 3.4 or better out of a refreshments from 1·5 p.m. in Room 216 of the vice. Bingo and cards will be played with prizes hall. • to the spring quarter dean's list. To possible 4.0. be named to the dean's list, students must earn a grade point average of Three Northville residents were 3.5or higher. recognized for outstanding Police Blotters academic achievement during the GREGORY MARTIN AYERS, of spring semester at Siena Heights 518 Morgan Circle, was among the College. more than 4,300 students receiving ELIZABETH ANNE degrees from Purdue University in MAISONVILLE of 21165Chubb was Escapee attempts suicide when caught May. among the students named to the Ayers, who was graduated with dean's list for the fall semester by distinction, earned a bachelor of maintaining a grade point average In the Township ... caught. According to the report, the recovered intact, but it suffered $2,800 pumps, put her foot on the brake pedal • science in engineering degree. of at least 3.5. man cut himself with a piece of broken worth of damage, police reported. and leaned over to go into her glovebox BARBARA LINK WEBER of 42952 A 51-year-old Northville Regional glass he had found in the field behind Both front fenders were buckled at an to open the trunk. She said she heard a Eleven Northville residents were Richards Court and CAROL SUE Psychiatric Hospital escapee attemp- the store. estimated cost of $1,000each to repair, scream and looked up to see Reece among the Madonna College MUNSELL of 41550 Rayburn were ted suicide when he was caught shoplif· NRPH security officers helped the steering column had been broken in trapped between the cars. students named to the dean's list for named to the academic achievement ting a bottle of rum at a Seven Mile township police load the patient into a the theft and the headiiner (interior of Reece was taken by CEMS am- the past term. list which recognizes part-time Road produce store June 24, according CEMS ambulance, which took him to the roof) had been damaged. The latter bulance to St. Mary for treatment of her Among those named to the dean's students who attain a 3.5 grade point to township police reports. St. Mary Hospital in Livonia for treat- two items each were estimated to cost leg injury. list were AMY ABRAHAM of average or better. Munsell earned a The manager of Paul's Produce told ment. Police filled out a form to request $400 to repair. Morgan Circle; AHMAD perfect 4.0average. police he stopped the man as he attemp- that the man be readmitted to NRPH. A 16-year-old Irongate Court resident AL-MASSIH of North Ridge; , ted to leave the store without paying for He was identified as an escapee from A township woman was injured was injured June 15 when he drove his COLLEEN CROSS of Lujon; LISA JAKEE of 19413Althea was a pint bottle of rum. While driving to the WardA-H. Thursday while pumping gas at the car into a parked U-Haul truck on CYNTHIA FRENDO of Waterfall; named to the dean's list for the scene at around 11:30a.m., police were Gas-N-Go station at Northville Road Crystal Lake Road, police reported. • ELLEN LOUIS of Smock; SHARON winter semester at Northern told the suspect had inflicted injuries on A blue 1985Pontiac Trans Am valued and Seven Mile, police reported. The youth was ticketed for careless MARSHALL of Old Bridge Court; Michigan University. himself. at over $15,500was reported stolen from Mary Reece, 34, suffered a severe leg driving and received 65 stitches to close WILLIAM McMILLAN of Griswold; Students named to the dean's list When police arrived, the report an Innsbrook Apartments parking lot injury when the car behind hers at the a laceration in his left arm, the police MARY MORIARTY of Beacontree maintained a grade point average of states, they saw blood on the man's the night of June 24. The owner told station rolled forward and trapped her' report of the incident states. Court; NICHOLAS PETLICKE of 3.25 or better. arms and legs and a severe laceration police he parked the car shortly before left leg between the car bumpers. The teen told police he was driving at on one leg. The escaped patient told 10p.m. that night and noticed it missing Police ticketed Martha Rado, 64, a 30miles per hour on Crystal Lake when police he had cut himself because he did at9:30 a.m. June 25. Glen Haven resident, for careless driv- he entered a curve where the road not want to return to the hospital and By that time, it had been recovered in ing in the incident. Rado told police she knew he would be returned when the City of Detroit. Most of the car was ~ulled up behind Reece's car at the ContinUedon 3 Activities rescheduled 1 - ~~ Because of the Fourth of July holi- Goodwill announces that tax receipts day, both the weekly Northville will be issued for donations. I JUSTCOINS~~~ • Farmer's Market and the monthly GoodwlJlpickup times are being chang- Because of space limitations, large ~ AND JEWELRY '86 ~ items cannot be accepted, but "just ~ AND .ed. about anything found in the home Is STAMPS Red ~ The NorthvlJle Farmer's Market, ~ AND SUPPLIES Books~ usually held from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. needed," representatives of the Thursdays in the parking lot at Hutton organization report. On the "want list" ~ AND ANTIQUES Are ~ and Dunlap behind Down River Federal are small appliances, television sets ~ AND SILVER NIOW ~ Savings and Loan, wlJl be held today and radios, books, clean and usable ~ AND GOLD n ~ clothing and shoes, china and kitchen· (Wednesday) this week. ~ Nowis the time to buy Gold & Silver Bouillon f · The new monthly pick-Up of dona- ware, toys and tools. ~ 1039 No~i Rd. 348 8340 (ions, scheduled for the first Thursday GoodwlJllndustries Is a Torch Drive j~ '~Q~':82N:a08rt8b~\I,?:<",?:

I SIIQor/LI'l1ngston Publlca'ions • • Int reserves the nght not to ac· ~cep' an .dverIlS.,f s order : .. SlioerlLivlngslon PubllCiltens r t • ~Inc. ad·'lkers have no au,nonty 10 ~"-oJ; ~~ \ •• bind this newspaper and only °If ' .... 50"h~'.rt ... publicatiOn 01 an adven,semen' :lo.'\~~".( I",. , • snall constitute IIMI KCl,)Ptlnce ,,·~\··~~ALook for the 115" Button ' .. 01 the acheHt.s., s orde, :. postma,ter. send addr .. ss KAL KAN • GENERAL INFORMATION • .. changes to The Nonhville RecOfd if (313) 278.QSS4 .. PoSI Olltee Bol: agg 8ltghton MI ;:.'and find Sansabelt~ , ~"e m CA~. OFFICIAL FOOD OF MID-MICHIGAN CAT SHOWS publ~tlOn NumberUSPS 396&eO m •

The "S" button is the mark of the world's most comfortable slack, Sansabelt , .. by Jaymar. The exclusive, patented waistband makes all the difference, with the For a Fine Selection of Infant & -stretch webbing that's unconditionally guaranteed for the life of the slack. Children's Clothing, It always holds its shape, keeps you looking trim. Come in and Accessories & Gifts look for the Sansabelt "s" button. You'll find a wide variety of Visit the HALL NEW" ex,lusive colors, patterns and fabrics - and you'll discover Little People Shoppe what true comfort really is. in downtown Northville Values to '65 $ 188 2/$59

103 E. Main Northvllle Farmington 349·0613 washiqgton Grand River at Halsted 10·5:30 Dally clothiers 10·7 Fri. • 478·3430 10-6Sat. Nominal Charge for Alterations Mon.-Thurs. 11·9 Am.olean Eap,." on sale merchandise Fri. & Sat. 10·9; Closed Sunday CllIcorp Wednesday. July 3. 1985- THE NORTHVILLE RECORO-3-A' YoungeslVFW' member Lebanon and, Grenada make him a vet

Residents who watched the Memorial Parade but was quick to say he's enJoy- U.S.S. Independence. He boarded the Road, explained, "I've wanted to jom: Day parade May 27may have noticed a ing being a member of the post. ship in the Indian Ocean after traveling the V.F.W. ever since they sent us gifl' younger· than-usual marcher among Post Commander Carl Baker, also from Alaska, Okinawa and the PhUip- packages while we were patrolling the: the veterans striding along together one of Its younger members, remarked, pines. sea lanes around Lebanon. It sure wal\ from Northville Veterans of Foreign "It's especially gratifying to welcome great to open those presents from back, one so young to our ranks." He served as a boatswain mate home. . Wars Post 4012. aboard the aircraft carrier during the He was William H. Shaw, a 22·year Bill enlisted in the U.S. Navy In 1980 Lebanon campaign and in the suc- Currently he is working at Holloway old Northville Township resident, who after graduating from Northville High cessful invasion of Grenada in October, Construction In Wixom. 19 was Installed into the post February School. 1983. to become its youngest member. When he has time, woodworking and Bill wasn't. sure last week whether During the Iranian hostage crisis, he Bill, who lives with his parents, photography are his favorite hobbies he'd be marching in the Fourth of July was assigned to the aircraft carrier Robert and Elizabeth Shaw on Franklin and baseball is his favorite sport. This Fourth is the 25th for Northville Jaycees

COntinued from Page 1 The Northville-Novi Community display, Eight Mile will be closed to the hill of the high school, but not on the the Northville Historical Society will be Band will be playing at the Mill Race traCCicfrom Sheldon to Taft. There will parking lot or school R1'ounds. ~ held on the Mill Race grounds gazebo at 1p.m. be no parking along Eight Mile. In event of rain, the parade will ~ throughout the afternoon. Mill Race Fireworks will begin at dusk with the Thirteen-year-old Tim Daniels of totally canceled, reports Teresa FolinO; Docents will be on duty in the historic Jaycees setting them orefrom the top of 21800 Rathlone is the winner of a draw- pUblicity coordinator for the Jaycees. buildings to guide visitors through the high school hill. Jaycees report that ing awarding him the honor of setting Rain or shine, the chicken barbecu~ them. the fireworks will be ignited from a orethe first display. will be held under a tent. Demonstrations of the old fashioned location east of the usual one because of crafts of basket weaving and quilting Because of construction work at the Rain date for the fireworks Is Satur; the high school construction, and add day,July6. I high school, there will be no parking in will be given. that the best views will be from Amer- There also will be Ice cream and the lot there. Parking will be available Donations from both the city and man area and the hill on the east side of for a $1 donation to the Jaycees at both township as well as from local mer: lemonade booths stareed by Northville the high school. High School cheerleaders on the Amerman Elementary and Cooke chants have helped defray the costs or grounds. From 8:30 p.m. until the end of the Junior High. There will be seating on the parade and fireworks.

Policeadv~ecaution USED TIRES in buying fireworks $1000 AndUp JUST FOR FUN ... By MARILYN MORRISON noise makers; cone fountains and cylinder fountains. V.I.P. VISIT A GREENHOUSE Browse through this weekend Fireworks and July 4 seem to go hand Fireworks devices other than those Tire & Auto in hand. But so do fires and injuries noted are illegal for sale and use unless I resulting from the misuse of fireworks. proper permits are obtained from the 48705 Grand River House Plants In Michigan, 356 fires caused by local governinRbody. Novi 348·5858 fireworks were reported in 1983. These fires resulted in property loss of ap- Fireworks that send a projectile into Large Variety proximately $286,664. In 1982 The U.S. the air, spin, twirl, or emit an audible to choose from sound (excluding toy paper caps and Consumer Product Safety Commission • Hanging Baskets reported 8,500 C1rework-related Injuries toy trick noise makers) are illegal. What If my new cor is • Large Tropical treated at hospital emergency rooms The Michigan Fire Service News sug- a smash hi!on the way throughout the nation. gests that when using fireworks, the oul of the showroom? Last July 4, two men, one from Novl following precautions be followed: Plant Rental Available and the other from Milford, were • Make sure the fireworks are legal seriously injured after shooting bottle for use by local ordinances or state law; rockets through the roof of their van. • Check for a ranUCacturer's label Cut Flowers Record photobySTEVEFECHT Police reported the two men were in- on all fireworks and instructions for 99 Bill Shaw salutes at Memorial Day program jured when a bottle rocket either did not proper use - illegally manufactured Roses $9 doz. fly out of the van or flew out and then fireworks rarely have either; cash & carry • back in to the van. Police said the bottle • Provide adult for rocket hit a container of gun poWder, children and do not allow young creating a sudden, hot flash fire. children to handle fireworks; Novl Fire Inspector Ted Kovarik said • Light only one device at a time; the bottle rockets the men were using f Ignite C1reworksonly outdoors and W,th Auto-Owners ,t S Polic,e Blotters covered were illegal. ,,', -. , ~y?ay fro,m buildings and combustible Kovarik said he realizes the Fourth of materials; , • , An Auto·Owners policy Continued from 2 seatbelt. His 1977 Chevrolet had to be July is a festive occasion, but stressed • Do not attempt to alter the device automallcally covers your towed away. new cor And should you that fireworks should be used properly or use in a manner not intended. . have on occldenr w,thln 90 f.)changes from southbound to west- Jacquelyn Hamilton, 65, of Fort and only if they are legal. . Most illegal fireworks find their way • Impatiens - bound. He said the car began to slide as Worth, Texas was a passenger in the days and your cor ISa tolol In order to make your July Fourth to Michigan from Ohio, where loss they IIpoy the lull cost • Begonias he entered the curve and then he saw back of the ~ruck and also was injured weekend safe and legal, the Novi Fire CireworksJaws are much more liberal, otanewcor • Geraniums the truck parked at the outside curb. in the collision, police reported. Department has outlined what's legal according to Kovarik. Not all companIes offer The youth told police he put his arm "to Hamilton was not wearing a seatbelt at and what's not legal as far as fireworks Aside from the tips given by coverage thIS complele But • Marigolds push away" from the vehicle when he the time of the accident. She was are concerned. Michigan Fire Service News, Kovarik at Aulo Owners they try to S . Brian Daavettila, 20, a Pontiac Trall 0 ® Mon.-8at. 8·9 Frank Hand 01 ri IFARM;'jJllHtI w resident, told police he was driving to Broad's. her daUghter, Mrs. Carlee Grey, of Nor- Karl Huber. :;; w Sun. 8-8 A Not Guilty plea was entered for thville. She was 77. She leaves her husband Karl, her Insurance Agency ~I w i:!" eastbound when he crested a hill and 0 saw the truck across the road. He said Broad who is housed in Oakland County Funeral service was held at St. daUghter and three grandchildren. She 20793 FarmingtoD Rd. Z :r ® ~ he was unable to stop in time and hit it. Jail as he was unable to raise the John's Episcopal Church in Plymouth was preceded in death by two sisters FarmingtoD Daavettila complained of a minor In- $15,000 or 10 percent bond reqUired. He at 3 p.m. June 27 with Father Robert and two brothers. 478-1177 jury but declined an oreer of medical is scheduled to appear in 35th District Shank, church pastor, oCCiciating. Funeral arrangements were by treatment. He had been wearing his Court Monday, July 8. Burial was in Genola Cemetery in Casterline Funeral Home Inc. 1Ji~~ ~~J1S'. Mon.-Sat. 9:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Sun. 12-10 p.m. Open July 41h 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Prices good Ihru July 10 §da.way go't :Jfu:. LIQUOR • BEER .' WINE :JimE. q SPRITE and get one FREE ," % f!J(idJ. Jiay (ue, in paunb wom) 10 Discount 1------1 t::J If you book your order for Wedding • Uruioot anJ. outdaot poo/;', outdaot ca~ Flowers in July 99 FRESH 'N' PURE $129 ~>/ $1 ~aen~ P.I.!'s. gal. • .::Sauna and wfziJ'poo[ 'h "(,>', CARNATION SPECIAL ~fu~ Orange Juice _ _ • '::sufut vuho a~ anJ. ~lUtba.fI at nominal cOj,t Looking for a Buy 1 Dozen Get 1 BETIERMAID EVERYDAY LOW tailoring shop? Dozen FREE • .::Sundo.y Cw.nd'z, dinin9, and [we, vllnlainnunt at POTATO CHIPS PRICE 'Welght watchers or While Quantities Last d/ntfwny~ Reg. $1.99 meticulous dresser8, Lapham'S has a com- Will close 12 p.m .. July 3. Reopen July 5, 9 p.m. plete alteration depart· 90t (utl~t in{o'tmawm on culJUi.onaf packa9£j, offeud calI: ment ready to serve you, $11~!bag Personal IIttings lbr both HIGHLAND LAKES FLORIST 348-5000 II" ~ men and women, We accept phone orders IMPORTED BEERS LAPHAM'S Visa, Mastercharge, American Express IS~ JUes OF WINE ON SALE • Sheraton-Oaks ~ ~ LOW, LOW PRICES ON WINES 120 E. Main, Northville Highland Lakes Shopping Center ttOTHS ,~~51 AISOATS1M!A,eWlOI ~ ,'; 349-3677 43235 W. 7 Mile 27000 StoOVt ... !O

,I -----'---- ( Wednesday. July 3,1985- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-5·A Readers Speak Thanks for help Rhymes and reasons a at burning car Jean Day To The Editor: Run support crucial I would appreciate very much a chance to thank Mr. and Mrs. Lou To the Editor: Kingsley of Twelve Mile Road, South When God created man, she was only of the bumper·stickered vehicle. Soccer It's not easy being perfect, but somebody Lyon, for their help in a car fire we had On behalf of the Northville Rotary kidding. The sign on the bumper of the car I is a kick in the grass - Redford. Obviously has to do it. That one goes right along on the on U.S. 23 Saturday, June 29, around 6 Club, I wish to extend our appreciation was following north on Interstate 75 brought a the car that passed me belonged to a Redford tongue-in-cheek ego trip with To know me is p.m. to a number of local businesses and smile last weekend. Obviously the driver - fan. Don't foIlow me - I'm lost - brought the to love me. We were returning from a short vaca- governmental agencies for their sup- female, of course - believed in women's lib. mental response, "I wouldn't." tion up in Gaylord, when our car caught port and cooperation in the Sixth This must have been an early riser by it' fire and burnt to the ground, so to Discover Northville Run. This year's The bumper sticker also brought back It's a man's world UNLESS WOMEN necessity: I may rise but I refuse to shine. U' speak. event was a great success. The VOTE is a sticker that hasn't found its way to Mr. and ~rs. Kingsley, lucky for us, memories of the ~urma Shave jingles along presence of 533 runners assured me the the roadside that millions of travelers read a bumper. It's above the desk of Northville- Sometimes there's a public service were returnmg home after a five-week Run is her~ to stay. vacation in western upper MiChigan. between 1927 and 1963 to escape boredom as Novi reporter Michele Fecht. That's what the message: Many teenagers are dying for a He had a trailer hookUp with him at the Besides being a financial success for they traveled. The pace was different then, League of Women Voters and NOW have been drink. Burma-Shave, too, issued warnings wheel and she was slightly ahead in a the Rotary Foundation's contribution to and it was possible to read a row of signs, trying to tell us. about drinking and driving: Drinking passenger car with a boat hookup. He worthwhile causes, it gave us an op- such as the all-time boy-girl jingle classic drivers/Don't you know/great bangs/from pulled in behind us and got the fire ex- portunity to make people aware of Nor- from 1934: He had the ring/He had the flat/- Japanese Cadillac. No comment on that little/binges grow?/Burma-Shave. thville's beauty and hospitality. tinguisher from his trailer, but the But shefelt his chin/and that/was that. one. flames from the car had melted the We had representatives from over 75 locking springs on the hood latch and communities, and as far away as Expressway traffic speeds make the one A lot of stickers use the heart symbol I've seen a couple of stickers that tell a we couldn't get to the fire. He suggested (t Washington, D.C., Wisconsin, Mt. Plea- or two liner bumper stickers a better bet to which can be interpreted as "love" in such lot about the northbound traveler. On the emptying our luggage from the car's in- sant and Windsor. side and luggage in the trunk. lighten the trip today. In many cases they bumper statements as, I (Jove) U. of M. For bumper of a camper: I vacation weekends With the fire in a full rage, he made a We wish to acknowledge and thank might be called contemporary social com- some reason, even headed toward Lansing, and Friday. In a similar vein, there was: number of trips back to the car to emp- the guest appearance of Doug Kurtis, ments with a smile. For the past several trips there appear to be more University of Nothing matters but the weekend. The ty out the trunk. Meanwhile, his wife the world-elass runner from Novi, for I've been jotting down some, not the political Michigan fans who proclaim their Blue and amount of traffic flooding all northbund lanes had called the police and fire depart-, participating in the 10K Run. Doug variety that I think were the original bumper Gold love than there are green and white of the 1-75 from early Friday afternoons to ment. The Livingston Deputy, Jim declined to compete for a 10Ktrophy. stickers, but the kind that sometimes bring a Spartan fans. Akin to the alma mater lovers late at night makes it pretty obvious that Baldwin, arrived and seconds later the To the supporters and workers a smile even when traffic is slowed for con- are the pet lovers. I (Jove) cats is seen fairly those weekend lovers aren't alone. Hartland Fire Department came along sincere thanks from the Northville struction. regularly. A dog lover had to own the car and called for a wrecker to come tow Rotary Club. These supporters includes with this sticker: Doesyour dog know where But, how's this for an upbeat message: the burnt-out car to a service station in Sheehan's Little Caesar's, Good Time It's possible to tell a lot about the owner you are? It's after 10p.m. Gofor it! Hartland. Party Store, Domino's Pizza, Pizza Cut- (J The real thOUghtfulness and generosi- ter, News Printing Inc., Novi Am- ty of these folks really came through bulance, Accountant Computer Ser- made when they drove us to their farm in vice, Total Runer, Physical Therapy & South Lyon, transferred our luggage Sports Medicine, John Miller, IV in letter and gear from the trailer to the Seasons Flowers, Casterline Funeral corrected . passenger car and drove us right to our Home, The Northville Record, C&O door here in Northville. Railroad, Northville city and township Both of these kind people are former The letter in last week's police, Northville post State Police, and Record from Suzanne Northville residents (having lived here Northville department of public works. at the time when Mr. Allen was mayor). Kaley and Margaret My wife and myself are in their debt A special thanks to Northville Downs Peters, general co- Ot for life. How can 'Onereciprocate? for the use of their track and grands- chairpersons of the 1985 Imagine doing this for perfect tand. Many, many compliments were senior class party, includ- strangers after a full day of driving! received regarding the facilities. ed thanks to both Nancy They departed for home several miles It makes a project of this magnitude Rosselot and Marcia SHADE TAN CARE west of Marquette and had been on the easier to undertake when you have such Greiner, whose name was SUNSCREEN LOTION AFTER TANNING LOTION omitted, for chairing buf- go since before dawn Saturday mom- cooperative businesses willing and EXTRA PROTEC'IION • MOISTURIZES L'lg. . ready to pitch in. fet arrangements. SUNSCREEN LOTION • HELPS PREVENT Rosene Richcreek was PEELING TO PROLONG When Imentioned to Mr. Kinsley how YOUR TAN futile it was to try and thank him, his It was my pleasure to be associated telephone chairperson. .. with all of you. I The Record regrets the .. reply was, "Just do the same for s0- .. meone else some time." So from your fellow Rotarians, again omission. .. We wish to say thanks again. a warm and sincere "thanks!" .. _.- $399 4 OZ. Dick Milder .. 1,.1 SPF6 4 OZ. Sincerely, Race Director ..- Connie and Dick Cronin Northville Rotary TROPICALBLEND SHADE SUDDEN TAN / TEQUILA SUNRISE SUNSCREEN LOTION Ii BRONZING LOTION I MAXIMAL PROTECTION / '" BRONZES INSTANTLY • THE SAVAGE TAN SUNSCREEN LOTION z TANS FOR DAYS County wants title back ;!:-C MOISTURIZES ! 80Z ~~ CII-' I CII. _ " OIL' $344 4 OZ. :::lI .. OR en eon Plymouth'Center land- II LOTION SPF8 4 OZ. Continued from Page 1 SOLARCAINE buildings thereon." ULTIMATE SUN SUPER SHADE .--- 10 NATURAL OILS SUNBLOCK LOTION I ., STOPS SUNBURN PAIN FAST regIOnal o{{jcesof the state Depart ment of Natu- "That can be pretty expensive," Heintz said. l- "I'd say they'll move pretty qUickly to respond." WITH NO SUNSCREEN THE HIGHEST DEGREE AMERICA'S NO.1 SUNBURN ral Resources. FOR THE ULTIMATE TAN --- OF SUNBURN PROTECTION I; RELIEF COOLS THE BURN DMH last year declared two large portions of When the Plymouth Center reverter clause AVAILABLE the property surplUS (all property west of was discovered several months ago during YOUR 60Z, Sheldon, plus a smaller portion east of the main research of a bill authorizing sale of the proper- LOTION CHOICE ~~t building bordering both Hines Drive and the ty, Heintz began urging the county to execute the $3 5 OZ. 3 Oz. GEL 69 railroad). provision. AEROSOL It also announced plans to convert the main "W~ don't want another mental hospital 7.60Z.0IL building to house patients who would be transfer- there," she explained Monday. "The county has 11- 'J red' from the overcrowded Northville Regional been very cooperative when we speak to them NEW ALOE Psychiatric Hospital. The transfer and use are about having the property sold to the private sec- SHADE QT 1000/0 part of a $14.5 million DMH plan to address the tor. If we can get it sold, it can be 'returned to the SUNSCREEN LOTION • SUNTAN LOTION tax rolls." VERA GEL overpopulation problem at NRPH. The pldn was MODERATE PROTECTION ~ HAVE A GREAT .,...... BY SOLARCAINE She contacted the township Lansing lobbyist '\ TAN WITHOUT eliminated from end-of-session spending bills SUNSCREEN COOLS AND SOOTHES (~\ WORKINGATIT .-:r)i:. l"l~1 last December but is included in a legislative ap- and local legislators Monday to recommend SUNBURNED SKIN propriations package now under consideration in elimination of the portions of the spending bill '~~""~ Lansing. that deal with Plymouth Center. I~I"'",,.. ' " "1 Also includt.:l in that bill has been language The one portion that DMH intended to retain. 79 84 Heintz noted, abuts the Wayne County Child 4 OZ. \\~ authorizing the state department of manage- $3 I ~~ $2 SPF4 3.75 OZ. / i ment and budget to sell the surplus property. Development Center land designated for '---- - t- But O'Hair said Tuesday morning that "it is development of senior citizen housing. If j. not the state's property to sell. 1 don't think it Plymouth Center can be added to the county pro- was ever the state's property to sell." perty up for sale or lease, it would open up all the He said the county's interest in regaining title government-owned property between Hines to the property is based both on'the issue of use Parkway and Beck Road, Five and Six Mile and the potential value of land conveyed to the Roads for potential development. state without remuneration. Conversion of govemment-owned properly "It was transferred for a very specific pur- (which occupies more than one-third of the pose," O'Hair said. "If the property i.snol being township'S 17 square miles) to private uses is a used for the purpose it was conveyed, It should be major township goal under Heintz's administra- UNISOM \ PACQUINS returned. It's very valuable property. Whether tion. She initially supported e{{orts to have the SKIN CREAM WITH ALOE NIGHTTIME SLEEP AID state sell portions of the Plymouth Center pro- the county would use it itself or whether it would FOR THE GOLDEN GLOW GET TO SLEEP FAST encourage its development is, I think, at this perty, but that was prior to learning that the '1,) point undecided. county may be able to secure title. • ~ "Whatever the case, here is a valuable tract of "If the state sells it," Heintz explained recent· .. Iy, "they can't price it below what the state 48 CT. laDd not being used for the purpose it was con· 11 OZ. 11 ECONOMY $544 ECONOMY $2 8 OZ. veyed - it belongs to the county," O'Hair con· assessor says it's worth. And the state assess- SIZE JAR SIZE cluded. ment inCludes the value of all the buildings." He noted that a similar situation in Detroit Several developers who have expressed in· recently resulted in conversion of ownership. terest in the property. however, have indicated :::>etroitdeeded land in the southwest section of they would demolish the present buildings on the ALBERTO the city to the county for operation of the D.J. site. MOUSSE "The state assessment assumes that the pro- SQUIBB Healey Home for neglected children. ASPIRIN , EUROPEAN STYLING FOAM "There was a similar clause in that deed that perty would be used the way it Is now - as a school complex or conference center," Heintz FAST PAIN RELIEF SILKY SOFTNESS 'J said if and when the county should cease to use EXTRA FULLNESS the land to help neglected children, title would said. "But the interest is for industrial, commer- NATURAL STYLES revert to Detroit, and that's precisely what hap- cial or multi-family (housing) development. pened within the past year," O'Hair said. Those things mean you've got to tear down the buildings." • 99 The county letter requests "immediate atten· 33 EC~~~'MY $2 tlon to this matter and your reply regarding A state appraisal set the value of 218acres, ex· 250 TABS $1 SIZE whether mutual arrangments can be reached" to cluding the main building, at $4.4 million. The transfer possession, "or whether a suit to quiet supervisor said she hopes the county can acqUire RHULI title will be necessary." and sell the property more rapidly than the state THERAGRAN-M O'Hair said he has not yet heard a reply from could find a buyer at Its price. ADVANCED FORMULA In keeping with longstanding township polley RELIEVES ITCHES, the state, but expects one shortly. Northville EXTRA B-COMPLEX S-"ING~ Township supervisor Susan Heintz said she ex· applied to govemment-owned land, the property SUIIBUP.~, pects a swift reply, noting that the end of is currently zoned for single-family housing. A .. O'Hair's letter says that while the state retains pending rezoning proposal, Initlated by the possession the county "will look to

, I ,I t (,·A- THE: NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. July 3.1985

Gardens of Beacon Woods home named JuneI winner

Record photos by Steve Fecht ~ "

The thriving gardens at the home of Donna and Al Benish at 20539 Woodbend in North Beacon Woods subdivision off West Eight Mile are admired by wildlife as well as members of Country Girls Branch of the Woman's National Farm and Garden Association. The branch selected the tudor style home's landscaping as the June Garden of the Month. In 3lh years the couple has land- scaped the grounds with many perennials, including such old fashioned flowers as iris, coral bells, forget me nots, foxglove and lilies. Many were transplants from her grand-. mother in Iowa, Mrs. Benish, pictured with daughter Sarah, 2, reports. They're ioined in the photo of the deck, below, by the family pet, Thumper. Al Benish, who planned the land- scaping, is a Michigan State University graduate in agronomy, the' stUdy of grasses and grass diseases.

Schoolcraft registering • for fall, ACT testing

Schoolcraft Collegewill be accepting The Career Planning and Placement mati registrations for the fall 1985 Center at Schoolcraft Collegewill offer semester from July 1-19. Early ACT Career Planning Testing to help registration ensures an excellent selec- individuals determine academic skill tIOn of classes for the fall semester levels and interest areas. whichbegins August29,the admissions officereports. The test willbe given Wednesday,Ju- • Morethan 1,000classes are scheduled ly 17. For reservations call 591-6400, for the fall semester. Day and evening ext. 372.Costoftesting is $25. classes are held at the main campus in Livonia as well as at centers in Nor- OnThursday, July 25,the Placement thville, Garden City and Plymouth- Center will offer a job hunting and Canton. resume writing workshop from 6:00 to 8:00p.m. in the lower level conference For a free copy of the schedule visit room of the Waterman Campus Center. the admissions office on campus, 18600 SylviaVukmirovichwillbe the featured Haggerty, or telephone 591-6400,exten- speaker. For reservations call 591-6400, sion340. ext. 372.The workshopis free. • Meads Mill, Cooke junior highs announce honor students

Earning a 3.5grade point average or Jason Hill, Lisa Carnes, Jennifer Jones, Karen Meehan, Jacqueline Scott Sinkwitts, Priya Sriraman, Lachance, Jennifer Beyersdorf, Laura Ursel, Joe Kaley, Pamela Mirisola, Jay better out of a possible 4.0 placed 200 Trabin, Courtney Bond, Steven Long,Beth Swayne, Stephanie Kramer, Christen Dellinge'r, Todd Yaekle, King, , Richard Deuby, Deborah Buell, Craig DalZiel, students on the honor roll at Cooke Guldbergand MitchellMoore. Kartin Hosmer, Kurt Cleveland, Michael Harmon, Christopher Ander- Abramovich, Michelle Farmer. Nancy Junior High School and Meads Mill Christopher Julien, Brett Rousseau, son, Michael Valentine, Matthew Merrifield, Kara Goscinski, Eric Kevin Delaney, Carolynn Braasch • Junior HighSChool. Meads Mill students receiving a 3.5 Krista Schwartz, Terra Nolan, Michael Oliver,Christine Leuliette, Jeffrey Hig- Krieger, Erin Carroll, Joelle Stephens, Erin Trosien, Mike Mathes, susan Set: • At Meads Mill, 120students recieved grade point average or better include: Brown, Crista Spicer, Kirk Mackinder, gins, Christopher Goode,Brad Guerro, Erin Dunkerley, Paul Stoecklin, Jen- ties, Jennifer Clark, Julie Hilfinger, a 3.5or better. Twenty-eightofthose 120 Elizabeth Lamb, Jennifer Howland, Dvid' McKee, April Rice, John Denise Akroush, Julie Lentz, Michael nifer Hansen, Shannon Couzens, Pam Jennifer Beller, Lori Bernardo, Andrea earned a perfect 4.0. George Pappas, Karl Siegert, Julie Kochanek, Adrienne Edwards, Sara Kern, Andrew Hooten, Wendy Warner, Merrilyn Michelitch, Corina Reo, John Frederick, Sean Students receiving a perfect 4.0 at Heintz, Kristana Turner, Amy Demeter, Brian Allen, Garrett Wheeker, Tracy Eschbach. David Kincer, Cathy Page, Jeanne Laprad, Starkweather, Kenneth Spigarelli, McManus, Karen Picard, Trista Meads Mill were: Eric Rossing, Katie McGrath, Julie Gatti, Patricia Orlandini and Krista Kuczewski. Kimberly Harris, Sonesha Diehl and Marisa Sieggereen, Jessica Bradley, Kemp, Stephanie Wood,Julie Stoeckel, Henderson, Jason Ord, Rachel Davis, Steinhauer, Mark Kiraly, Kristen Czap- Karen Tabaczynski. Stacey Lang, Jeanean Sullivan, Nicole l10reen Lyall, Michael Jambor, Man- Annie Sheppard, Michelle Hoeffer, ski, Colleen Pawlak, Jeffrey Wesley, At Cooke Junior High School, 80 Bush, Paul Yoon, Dan Holstein, Todd [lreet Bagga, Christopher House, Karen Coon, Laurie Gudmundsen, Jeannine Kunz, Kristen Huyck, Laura students received a 3.5 or better, 29of Students receiVinga 3.5or better in- Clason, Jennifer SChuerman, Mark tloebecca Frayne, David Armstrong, Anita Goyal, Stacy Tucker, Ruchi Williams, Jennifer Gasser, Beth Con- whomreceived a perfect 4.0. clude: Theresa Pacheco, Karen Griffis, SCott Belliston, Michael Sim- Lisa Kulha, Kelli Kmet, Ann Marie Mehra, Rebecca Crampton, Amy ley, Eric Halverson, David Frayne, Joy Kepner, Shawn McKenna, Gretchen mons, Laura Abramovlch, Emily. Padd, Rosally Sapia, Ariana Levinson, Guldberg, Kathleen Welsen, Allison Tsoucaris, Jeff Gursky, Laura Nance, Students receiving a perfect 4.0 in- Powell, Merideth Millgrad, Paula Danes, Cheryl Garr, Amy Segowskl, Rebecca Bajorek, Katherine Kibbey, Kabel, Jeremiah Moore, Rozann Jennifer Davis, James Thompson, clude: Julie Howard, Susanne Laprad, Beckman, Paul Warner, Rebecca Ruthanne Chesney, Gregory Beaber, Tiffanee Lenzi,MoniqueScharf, Laurel Staknis, Erasmus Morfe, Jill Sundberg, Kathleen Kotarski, Heather Cross, Kristin Raby, Neysa Colizzi, Maria Thibert, Jennifer Urbahns, Colleen Jason Merecki, Patrick Beemer and Wilkinson,Kristin Spade, HeidiRobins, Kristin Abitz, Paul Augustine, Randall Avanish Bhavsar, Jessica Weidman, Wen, Donna Wilhelm, Leanne Regan, Anna Marchesotti, Thomas WilliamPlant.

NOTICE CITY OF NOVI REQUEST FOR BIDS REFUSE BIN SCREENING NOTICE OF HEARING FOR CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF Sealed bids will be received for refuse bin screening accor- INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES NORTHVILLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES • ding to the specifications of the City of Novi until 2:00 P.M., prevail- ing eastern time, Tuesday, July 23, 1965. at the Office of the City EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE FOR A .- SPECIAL MEETING Clerk, 45225W. Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 46050. Date: Saturday, June 29, 1985 Bids will be publicly opened and read at that time. Envelopes FACILITY IN NORTHVILLE Time: 10 a.m. must be plainly marked, "REFUSE BIN SCREENING," and must Place: 41600Six Mile Road bear the name of the bidder. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, 1. Call to Order. Treasurer Henningsen called the meeting to or any part of the same, to waive any irregularities, and to award DISTRICT NO.1 ?rder at 10 a m M!>ved and support~d to appoint Treasurer Henn- the bid in a manner that is in the best interest of the City of Nov!. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on the 11th day of July, 1965 at IOgsen as Su~ervlsor Pro-tern. Motion carried. Moved and sup- 7:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, a public hearing ported to appolOt Truste~ Cook as Clerk ProTem Motion carried. Carol J. Kalinovik will be held in the Meeting Room of the Northville Township Of- 2. Roll Call: Present: Richard M. Henningsen, Treasurer Thomas (7/3/65 NR, NN) Purchasing Agent fices, 41600 Six Mile Road, Northville, Michigan on the requf" 3t of L.P. Cook, Trustee J~n:'Ies L. Nowka, Trustee Donald B. Williams, Mr. James Belanger for approving the application of Belanger, Inc. Trustee. Absent: Susan J. Heintz, Supervisor, Georgina F Goss for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate under Michigan Clerk. Richard E. Allen, Trustee. Also Present: Three visitors.' 'Act 198 of P.A. 1974, as amended, for a partial tax exemption from Moved and supported to take item 4 (a) out of Order ad valorem real property taxes for a period of up to 12 years. 4. Recommendation from the Water and Sewer Commission. a NOTICE PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that said facility will be Awarding of bid for Grand View Acres Water System Moved and located on land in the Township of Northville, Wayne County, supported to award the bid to Dinello Construction Company in CITY OF NOVI Michigan, to wit: the amount of s194,m. 60 for Grandview Acres as recommendation Commencing at the West ',4 corner of Section 2, T1S, R6E, ~y the Water and Sewer Commission. Roll Call Vote: Motion ear- REQUEST FOR BIDS - POLICE Northville Township, Wayn& County, Michigan; thence N 02° 56' ned. 55" W 467.12 feet along the West line of said Section; thence N 65° 3. Adoption of the Interium Budget for Charter Township. Moved PATROL VEHICLE EQUIPMENT 12' 36" E 295.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continu- and supported to accept the Water and Sewer Interim Budget as ing N 85° 12' 36" E 237.50 feet; thence S 03° 09' 10" E 666.67 feet; prepared. Roll Call Vote: Motion carried. Moved and supported to The City of Novl will receive sealed bids for PatrOl Vehicle accept the Interim Charter Budget for 4/1/65 to 12/31/85 as Equipment to be used by the Police Department according to the thence N 66° 04' 20" W 300.64 feet; thence N 45° 32' 35" W 51.56 feet; thence N 03° 00' 45" W 142.24 feet; thence N 16° 42' 05" E 47.76 prepared. Roll Call Vote: Motion carried. specifications of the City of Nov!. 5. Front entrance repair project Moved and supported to ar- Bids will be received until 3:00 P.M., prevailing eastern time, feet; thence N 59° 03' 05" E 112.04 feet; thence N 03° 09' 10" W 97.56 feet; thence N 28° 56' 55" W 46.64 feet; thence N 02° 56' 55" W range for the construction of new steps as described not to ex-' Tuesday, July 23, 1965 at the Office of the City Clerk, 45225 W. Ten ceed $11,600with the stipulation that the design of the steps be Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 46050. Bids will be publicly opened and 215.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Being a part of the West V2 of Section 2, T1S, R8E, Northville Township, Wayne County, evaluated for any safety programs due to the meetln of the step' read at that time. Envelopes must be plainly marked "PATROL angles subject to Board approval. Holl Call Vote: Motion carried ii,'- VEHICLE EQUIPMENT," and must bear the name of the bidder. Michigan and containing 4.01 acres of land more or less. Being subject to easements and restrictions of record, if any. 5. Adjournment Moved and supported to adjourn the special The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, meeting. Motion carried. THIS IS A SYNOPSIS. A TRUE AND COM- or any part of the same, to waive any irregularities and to award Any resident or taxpayer of the township or other interested person shall have the right to appear and be heard at said hearing. PLETE copy may be obtained at the Township Clerk's Office 4160 the bid 10 a manner that Is In the best Interest of the City of Novi. Six Mile Road. Northville, Michigan 48167. ' '. Georgina Goss, Clerk . Carol J. Kallnovlk 7/3/85 NR) Georgina F. g~~~,:. (7/3/85 NR, NN) Purchasing Agent (7/3/65 NR) Northville Township

\ ~..., r -- i -----

Wednesday, July 3,1985 -7·A Sports w~e Nort~uUle Utecorb

,".:.' Remember Mayo?; ... " , " You're their type·- ByB.J.MARTIN isn't designed for your average nine:. year-old kid who's a Tiger fan since last _ Every month, from Washington, year ... We're not calling It the Sparky D.C., to California, thousands of die- Anderson Society for good reason." : hard Detroit Tiger baseball fans Since being formed in April, 1983,the· feverishly rummage their mailboxes in society fields letters from members, ar; search of an envelope imprinted with a ranges special benefits and events with . Northville return address. eX-Tiger personnel as guests, and even- Neatly folded inside each of these offers club t-shIrts and pins. PillS, eacb sustenance-giving envelopes is the each member receives the monthly·. latest correspondence from a rapIdly- newsletter of the Mayo Smith Society.: growing organization called the Mayo Tigers Stripes. • Smith Society. If you remember Mayo Smith, the Tigers Stripes alone is worth the crotchety manager who piloted the society'S $10 annual membership fee' Tigers to a world championship in 1968, (all club proceeds go to Detroit-area you're probably exactly the type of fan charities). In each Issue, members can the Society would welcome as a catch up with such vital information as member. Barbaro Garbey's base-stealing sue-, "Mayo Smith is kind of an obscure cess rate, or field trivia questlons like: name," admiis Doug Petroskey, the "Who is the only major leaguer to hit at NorthvUle resident who handles the least 300 career homers without ever Society's incoming mail. "But we hitting at least 30 in one st'.ason?" wanted it that way. (Answer: AlKaline.) "You've got to be a fairly knowledgeable fan to want to join," he explains. "The Mayo Smith Society Continued~8 / Blue streak ends at 10 '., The defense that kept Northville Blue victory, Mike Tabaczynski doubled and riding or. top of Mickey Mantle League scored the winning run when he came standings all r.eason finally let down home on a wild pitch. Tabaczynski, Ken Saturday. Blue fielders committed five Kehoe and Jeff Harp each had two hits errors, the finn allOWingthe go-ahead to pace a nine-hit Northville Blue at- run in a 4-3 defeat - the first loss of the tack. Tanderys worked the last three hi· season for the Northville team. nings in relief to pick up the victory. "That's what killed us," said Coach For the second straight Thursday, Ed Harp said of the defensive lapses. Doug Martin gave up enough hits to His team now trails undefeated lose, but not enough wins. Martin al1ow: Westland by one game in league stan- ed six hits, but just one run in going the ding!!.. distance while striking out six. : : Jeff Tanderys went the distance to absorb the loss, scattering five hits, Northville went ahead to stay in the walking five and striking out nine. fifth inning when Eric Gala walked, ./ A'" ~ ...,... l'. Teammate Kevin Crampton con- took second on a passed bal1, and ~Leaders" of the pac.k tributed two key hits in the ballgame. scored on Jeff Harp's single. Harp 10 " ' Blue posted two victories prior to the turn scored on Kapelanski's RBI single. Howell loss, topping West Seven 8·7 on Now 10-1, Northville Blue will host ::Doug~urtiS(.) .."...m.~ .. of satui'dayts .~ Northville;' Oftlclall'Ull re8Ons,wereunavallable tblSweet, but wmappear Tuesday, June 27. and topping North WesUand Federation II at Northville : l~ruI(· ..,,- aheadat·thestar.t, ..withfOrmer"~...... -:- -.A ~ ...,... ~ ...... , In the seventh inning of Tuesday's according to Coach Harp . _------, . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE Landscaplans PLANNING COMMISSION PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE MASTER PLAN. WITH THIS COUPON ONLY Date: Tuesday, July 9, 1985 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: 41600 Six Mile Road DANGER SIGNALS OF •. The Charter Township of Northville Planning Commission will PINCHED NERVES: . hold a PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 9,1985 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss FREE LANDSCAPE 1.NeckPain 2.Aml Pain 3.Stiff Neck 4.Low Back Pain 'the proposed revisions to the Master plan for the Charter Headaches MuscleSpasms Neuritis Hip Pain Township of Northville. Copies of the proposed revisions to the DESIGN SERVICE ShoulderPain Neuralgia Slipped Disc Leg Pain Master Plan are available at the Township Office for review. for our customers, While we are accepting new patients, no one need feel any obligation. All interested persons are invited to attend. by professional HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED IF CHIROPRACTIC ·F. Richard Duwel, Chairman landscape designers. Charter Township of Northville COULD HELP YOUR CONDITION? (6112& 7/3/85 NR) Planning Co~mission PLVMOUTH~" NURSERY: . DOINIDIS CHIROPRACTIC LIFE CENTER ~Mo""s.a1 96 -"" gARDeN C.NTWA S..l"l & O(()I

\ , II :S-A-THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-~ednesday. ~uly 3.1985 r-~'".<, . , . ;Northville 'home' to Mayo Smith Society ~ : CootJnued from 7 vice and dedication to keeping major league 3-2 victory halts tailspin baseball in Detroit traditional and enjoyable year ~ " There now are about 1,200 fans in the Mayo Smith 'One guy wrote in and said after year." The Bird was toasted for "shOWingus ,~ If Eric Engel' had executed a "We'll take it," Peterson smirked. : Society. About three-quarters are Michigan that a major league all-star can still play with a ~! crucial ninth-inning play correctly The stroke of luck pulled Col· • :'resldents, while the remainder come from across that when he dies, they'll boy's heart." 11 last Sunday, NorthVille Collegiate leglate out of a three-game ICSing the country. A sizable contingent Is located near "We had a great time," says Petroskey. "You '; might not have won its doubleheader streak which started W~y • Washington, D.C., where the organization Is head- ha ve to bend the bill of his could tell Jim Campbell and The Bird have a pretty h nightcap. - with an H Joss to Walter's Ap- quartered. good relationship - they were like a comedy You read that right. Engel scored pliance. LivonIa Adray jumped '. Tiger cap to close his coffin team." H The society attracts about 40 new members each ~: the winning run of Collegiate's 3-2 aheadearly to hold off Collegiate 8-6 · week, according to Petroskey, who lives in Lex- lid.' In other Mayo Smith Society events, BUI Freehan, L win over Redford Little Caesar's on Frtday, and Little Caesar's Ington Commons with his wife, Ann Marie. "Even , , Tom Brookens and 11 when Redford put together two er· defeated the Northville crew 4-l in " :.though our headquarters Is in Washington," he have beeninvolved. ~ rors on his attempted theft of second the opener of a Sunday .says, "We have a Michigan mailing address, and "The Tiger organization's beenvery supportive of doubleheader. In that game, second - Dout.{ Petroskey i' base.The thing Is, Engel wasn't sup- ~at gives our fans the feeling that we're iI. l.lirect wh1t we're doing," Petroskey adds. "In fact, Jim if posedto steal. baseman Tom Kotter had two of " ; touch with the team." Campbell's a member. He helped US by saving us 'J Northville's three hits, one a solo ·. Processing the club's mall may seemlike tedious some tickets for the playoffs and , ~ "We'd called for a bunt and Eric homerun. which we boUghtand ramed off to pur members." H was supposed to wait unW the bunt -.volunteer work, but Petroskey points out that's far course). "That was one of the toughest .. from the case. The society also helps organize activities like bus fi was made," said Coach Bob Peter- The society certainly figures to be around as long weeks on our schedule," Peterson ' "Some of the letters we get are remarkable," he trips, such as one Washington members will take to f, son. "Instead he took off on the as memories of Mayo Smith persist. At the society's ~ pitch." said. "I'm glad It's behind us." · says. "Some people will send in stats they've com- second annual luncheon Saturday, Tiger President the Tiger series in Baltimore this week. Petroskey piled and real interesting stuff. It's great to find out and General Manager Jim Campbell shared one of adds that more fund-raising functions to support ~ The bunt attempt Called, but the Now 7-11, Collegiate will take on ~ In this day and age people can be such dedicated his favorite memories of Smith. local charities are planned. !1 Redford catcher fired a wild throw Westland Federation away tonIght, fans. According to Campbell, he and Smith and swore 5 into center field, and a botched relay then host Waller's AppUance at 1:30 · "One guy wrote in and said that when he dies, to each other over drinks in a bar that they would Interested in Joining the Mayo Smith Society or ~ from center allDwedEngel to scram- p.m. Sunday at Northville High : they'll have to bend the bill of his Tiger cap to close hold to tradition: never would they allow the Tigers want to know more? Write: Mayo Smith Society, ~ ble home with the game-winner. School. " 119, his coffin lid." to follow in the footsteps of other major-league P.O. Box Northviile, MI48167. ,~ That sentiment sums up the devotion of two of the teams that printed players' names on the backs of t' . ._ society'S co-founders, Dennis and Dale Petroskey, their uniforms. Doug's brothers. The brothers Petroskey grew up in But at the beginning of the 1969season, all the SWIMMING II 8" FERN GERANIUMS FRESH TOPSOIL Birmingham, but while Doug remained in the area Tiger uniforms arrived in camp with each player'S 3" Round as a marketing representative for BurroUghs, Den- POOLSAT.- CUT OR name right abovehis number. HANGING Plastic Pot nis and Dale moved to public relations jobs in When he found out, Smith collared Campbell and DISCOUNT DAISIES Washington D.C. BASKETS PEAT demanded to know what had become of their pact. 5geEach 40 lb. bag There, Dennis and Dale found themselves cut off Campbell replied, "Well, Mrs. Fetzer (wife of PRICES from the game details they followed Intensely when SEE OUR DISPLA Y 99 Reg. '1.75 former Tiger owner Jim Fetzer) thought putting the 98 $1 they lived in Michigan. names on the uniforms was a good idea. And Mr. OF BEAUTIFUL POOLS $9 49 "There was nothing about the Tigers but the box Fetzer decided putting the names on the uniforms Flat of 18 Pots DOZEN $1 ·scores in the Washington Post, Doug explaIns. "So was a goodidea, too. they agreed to meet with other displacedTiger fans "So," Campbell concluded, "I started thinking it at 8:30 every Friday morning and talk about how was a pretty goodidea, after all." VEGETABLE . ALL the Tigers were doing_" After a pause, Smith finally said: "Sounds like a TROPICAL At the time Dennis, Dale and friend Bill Mackay PLANTS FLOWERING goodidea to me, too." LIVONIA PLANTS founded the Mayo Smith Soclety,lt was long before . Campbell and ex-Tiger pitching phenom Mark 281-8580 the Tigers established themselvesasbaseball's best 39'Tray ANNUALS "The Bird" Fidrych were the society's special guest 34722 Plymouth Rd. team. That commitment, charter members think, 3 for '180 8" & 10" speakers at the luncheon. Each was presented an • Troy • 689-1600 "'-',. - 49$ a tray will help the society survive when the Tigers in- honorary plaque on behalf of the society. evitably fade in the standings (far in the future, of 95 Campbell was honored for "his many years of ser- 300 Ft. East 99 Flat of 18 $9 ~ ,$399 Flat of of Wayne Rd. $2 FROM 18 Pots trays Wolverine tourn,ey this week FRESH CUT Fancy CUT We Invite You The Michigan State Youth Soccer Walter Peterman, Jr., tournament ROSES Califomia To Open Association will host its sixth annual FLOWERS chairman, said, "We are excited about from CARNATIONS Your Business youth soccerclassic, the Wolverine Soc- the Wolverine VI. It is the largest we BOKAYS cer Tournament, at Schoolcraft College have ever had and the soccer will be ex- Flower' Account in Livonia this week. cellent." 99 99 With Us!! Two hundred thirty youth soccer $6 $4 teams from Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, In- Tournament games wllJ be played on PR•• H CATCH .XPR ••• Ask for Joyce 26 soccer fields in LivonIa, 13 at . dozen DOZEN diana, Wisconsin, California and Aown In Directly From New Canada will compete in various boys' Schoolcraft, nine at Bicentennial Park England For Weekend Sale Onlyl and girls' age group competition. Major and four at Jaycee Park. Qualifying ac- WEDDING CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT· BALLOON ARRANGEMENTS "Both mil hwbolld alld I are vet'I/ fond of highlights this year will be a 14-year-old tion begins at 8 a.m. Friday and Satur- fWi alld foulld that everv killd we ocquired ' boys' team from Scotland, as well as day, championships at 10 a.m. Sunday. from I/OU has been top& in qualitll:' several college All-American and For details, phone John Bailey (office LIlliaD Dal0a0aY Olympic players. 471-7298, home567-2300). NORTHVILLE PLYMOUTH e-ySat. 12:15-2p.m. e-y Sat.lI'.30-11:30 Qltflddler Music A1111t....-~ 302 E. Main B20"-"nlman -_.FNeh Seafood Market OnWheel. __ .. RecreAction 476-4533

SOCCER: Arsenal finishes unheaten Age 3Oto60? MODeRN-:ci· Formerly st 15378Middlebelt & 5 Mile 14 & UNDER BOYS: Arsenal tied livonia Chris lehr earned defensive MVP honors. You may save Four 0-0, with goalie Roger Klmerly and a gOOd while Aaron Frankel was selected the game's LIGHTING' ELECTRICAL team effort preservIng the deadlock ... United outstanding offensive player. Chris Fredenck big money· posted ,ts third straight undefeated season by and Patrick Kennedy each scored for the Ex- SHOWROOM SUPPLIES I topping the Farmington Sling 3-1 on a pair of press, boosted by a "team" effort ... 33509 w. 8 Mile 32433 W. 8 Mile goals by Garnet Potter and Ken Spigarelll's on your Plymouth seven defeated the Strikers 6-0 W. of FarmIngton Rd. E. of Farmington Rd. single Ially. Offensive MVP for the game was despite a "gOOd team effort" by the Strikers auto insurance I John Kochanek, white a "team" defensive el· ... Arsenal tOPPed Farmington seven'3-0 on a 471·0450 471·G451 fort preserved the win. paIr of gals by Jeff Klnelly and MIke Halcka's Mon.-Thurs. 10-6. Fri. 10-9 Mon.-Fri. 8-5 ~ single tally. Scott Hardin was picked Arsenal's sat. 10-6 Set.8-Noon 12 & UNDER BOYS: Jon Barbara's hattrlck outstanding defensive player While Davis M.l",<>d 01 "n~k> qUolI,fK'd led lhe Hot Spurs to a 3-2 win over the Ex- m(>n dnd women mdV \,JH~ - I earned offensive MVP honors ... The Plymouth WE BEND press, and an undefeated season record. Lasers topped United 2.(). pl('nI't nn (.H ,"\w.Jn({' Wllh fJrm('r~ (' ...dU~I""l· OVER 30,00 "'uto Pdt kd~(, \\h" nof check 'Alrh F.ffm~ BACKWARDS .SOFTBALL: Liberties surprise Genls Ph lodd\" ~:::S" INTERMEDIATE: Paced by the home runs of giving the team a 3C-3 record ;)Yer lhe last COMPUTER Jenny Juhasz. Jeannine LaPrad and Laura three years. Tricla lukomskl lItent 4-for-4, Jim Storm DESK fwlacDuff, the liberties downed the Falcons 11- socked two home runs and two doubles. and All handsome Plymouth TO HELP YOU WITH ANY PROBLEM 6 June 27. Allison Downs was 3-for-3 with two drove In seven runs for the Sunbirds. Winning 43320 7 MI:~ Oak fIIlIsh. sturdy, c0m- RBI for the wmners ... The liberties scored w. pitcher Karen Pump (12'()) also wenl 4-for-4, (across Irom l,lIIe Caesar's, pact desk will fit any- four limes in the flfth 10come from behind and homered. doubled and drove In four runs. Wbere and bold your com- hand the Gems their Iorstloss oflhe year, 11-9. Brandy Birdsong was 4-for-4 with two singles. Northville puter DecesslUes at bome B.A. SMITH Lumher & Supplies, Inc. Rozann Staknls, Maureen Scarlet and Cln

BASEBALL: Pilot hurls two shutouts Deli & CITY OF NOVI "~ Ernies Restaurant .-....~ " NOTICE OF PROVISIONS OF THE G lEAGUE: After great catches by Phlilies scored three runs In the fifth Inning to edge Grand River. Drake In Mulrwood Square outfIelders Eric Wlenclaw. Brian Webb and the Phlllles s,.c June 21. Reliever Jim O'Doher- 478-0080 . SCott Swamba foiled scoring drives In the ty fanned three In three Innings and pICked up NOXIOUS WEED AND REFUSE ~ fourth and fifth Inning, lhe Cuba scored six the win. carl Brown was 2·for-3 for the Phlllies. times In lhe sixth to seal a 12-5 win over the Phlllles June 25. Jon Szymanski allowed four "G" Standings ~1 ORDINANCE hits and struck out three In picking up the win. (as 01June 29) CELEBRATE FA~MINGTON Brad T"lepo, John SChreiber, Dan Kozdran. Dave Morante anIltrlbuled "0 RBI ". good 'Ilr"",". Failure to comply with the requirements set forth if. Ordinance t strikeout atlnt on the mound and aood relief The Expos topped the .... tro. 22·12 In aJune25 LI Offer not valid with any other ooupons~ No 9ubstltutlons ~I from Taylor an

'I Want Ads Section GREEN SHEET INSIDE Sliger /Livingston East " B Wednesday, July 3,1985 Jewelry store owner grew up in business

By MATT SEIDL of the company following the death of . her husband in 1973, does not prefer to . When John McMartin was four years look in the past, but she did comment on old, 'his mother and father opened a some of the early times. jewelry store in downtown Milford. Lit- "We were fairly small back In 1955, tle did he and his parents know, but we've grown just like most however, that 30 years later he would businesses do," she said. "Two jewelry be the backbone of the company. stores had just gone out of business McMartin's Jewelry, located at the here, but Harold and I thought we could corner of Milford and Commerce do it. It's worked out very weill would ,.Roads, currently is celebrating its an- say." niversary. Harold and Ellen McMartin Ellen is not involved in the company's got: the ball rolling in 1955, but today, daily operations as she once was, but the business is in the hands of their son. she still has a hand in the major deci- The odd part about John's up-the- sions. lai:lder story is the intense interest he "Well, I took last week off because I shQwed in the field even during his had some company," she said, before teenage years. Gemology has been a breaking into a laUgh. "I still come in major part of his life as long as he can and make sure everything is running remember. smoothly, though." ·~It's not that I grew up liVing to be a Ellen also has a daughter, Trudy jeweler, but I've always been intrigued Johnson, who works for the company. with gemology," he said. "My family Trudy, who studied art at Central ,.was. in the business, so naturally I was Michigan University, used to teach in introduced to it. the Huron Valley School District. . "It just became more and more "She's very important here," John fascinating to me as I got older," he said. "Some days Trudy is our sales continued. "Once I got out of high manager, and the next -day she's str- school, 1really became involved with it. inging beads. We all have a lot of dif· There's so much going on here and so ferent jobs." mu'ch learning to do." John attended Eastern Michigan , McMartin's is a typical small jewelry University for two years after ~tore in the sense that it serves a rather graduating from high school, but then small community and the employees decided to "roam around the world a ( t,..f.ire involVed in everything from pur· bit." chasing jewels to stringing beads. It was during that period of time John McMartin stands beside a giant quartz crystal McMartin at a topaz mining operation in Brazil But McMartin's is unusual as well, when his interests in gemology increas- mainly because of its in-depth work and ed. He didn't become a steady study. It is not uncommon for John employee for McMartin's until after his McMartin to travel to New York twice a father's death, however. month, or even to Brazil for a short One of the first big moves that John period of time to purchase, photograph made after becoming an intricate part New Oakland logo plugs county's assets or simply learn about jewels. of the operation was to stop the pur· Just last October he packed his gear chasing and selling of watches in 1981. "Oakland County - Where Success Is a Way of federal agencies. shipments. From 1982-83,the county's manufactur- and ventured to Brazil, and he's plann· "That was a tough decision because Life" is more than an observation. Accompanied Oakland County's emergency as as economically ing growth topped all counties in the United States. ing the trip again in september. this company was based on watches," with a contemporary logo, it's the new official prosperous county is the basis for development of Santa Clara County in California, home of the Although John is not involved in South he said. "When my mother and father trademark of Oakland County's Economic Develop- the logo and slogan. The average buying income of Silicon Valley, was second. e.\merica's complicated mining pro- started out, watches were the main at· mentGroup. Oakland County households ranks third among More office space has been built in Oakland Coun- cess, he does observe. And it's Brazil traction here. But looking back, 1 think Joseph Joachim, director of the Economic counties in the United States with more than one ty since 1960than any other county within 200miles. where he purchases a great deal of the the move was a wise one." Development Group, said Ute logo and slogan will million in population. The county's population of Fifty-six percent of the county's land is yet company's stock. John, a registered jeweler with the begin appearing on all advertisements and new pro- more than one million people exceeds the popula- undeveloped, even though 8.5 million square feet of According to John and his mother, American Gem Society, also has given motional materials including a brochure developed tion of 12 states, and its aggregate effective buying office space is now either under construction or over 80 percent of the company's stock speeches and slide presentations to the in Japanese to be distributed in Japan. income exceeds that of Utah, New MeXico, planned. Oakland County is home to numerous high- is developed by the McMartin's staff Michigan and New York Chapters of Delaware, Rhode Island and North Dakota. before it's put in the showcase. _. " the AGC. .' ....• ,. The· Oakland County Economic D~elopment tech industries as well as health and service The people and busin~ of Oakland County _ businesses. "We don't buy too many things from "I've absorbed quite a bit of Informa· GroUP:' was formeCP"'m':'j{pfil 'i984 -.ro. 'stiDiulate -., . show a strong commitment to a successful way of manufacturers that are finished," John tlon over the years, but there's still a lot economic growth and employment in the county life by their support of education. Students in the Conceived by The Berline Group, the Economic said. "We get a lot of our gems from more out there to learn," he said. through programs in business retention, expansion county's school districts consistently rank near the Development Group's advertising and public rela- e3razil, kind of fresh from the mine, or "That's why I got Into this field 1 guess. and attraction. top in annual statewide testing. In addition, they tions agency based in Birmingham, the logo and . from some of the sources I've There's always some type of Specifically, the Economic Development Group supporl14 colleges and universities, 73 private and slogan are planned to be adopted by other Oakland developed in New York. challenge." provides businesses both in and out of Oakland parochial schools, 34 public libraries and four voca- County executive offices, as well as others in the "The city really is where you have to John, along with Trudy and co- County with site and building search, market tional training centers. business community. 'fhe logo features two oak go to get the qUality stuff," he added. worker Charlie Sanford, do all their demographics, business start·up information, Some 2,400 of the county's 25,000 businesses are trees, one traditional and the other a more pro- "You just can't wait around for a small- work in a pair of small rooms In the economic trends, job training, tax abatement in- manufacturing companies, ranking 19th among the gressive, 21st centruy design similar to graphics us- time salesman to come to Milford. rear of the McMartin's building. A high- formation and assistance with local, stc:te and 3,000 U.S. counties in value of manufacturing ed to demote high technology. SCmetimes they have nice things, but powered microscope, a polishing it's rare." machine, photographic equipment and Support Vo·AgIFFA! That type of "go for it" altitude is the a blow·torch are some of the tools used f -~S;E~F~L~- - - - fiSHER 1 reason McMartin is doing quite well in by Ute crew. the jewelry business today. Of course, "This is where it all happens," said I . FUEL I there's been some success in the past as John, while demonstrating the techni- que of diamond mounting. "We're do- I 624.4449 I •• ..ell. Ellen McMartin, the majority owner ing our best to be Ute best." I I ....------, : Discount ------1 Beverage : ~f Northville ER{ RYMAL SYMES CO. 1 ' 116 E. Dunlop I 348-0808 BUY ONE • Yemors&SupFreeYemon, I A&W & Sugar Free I . A&W Rootbe8r OF THESE $1 89 &pk.cans I. Plus Dep. I AND WE'LL I PEPSI SPECIAL NORTHVILLE - Vacation al Homell -,..i»tfhiS'::' ~:t{f~:~.,;y"'"{,,,,-t ",,,,,,~:r-r " This year make use 01 our healed I 8 PaCk Bottles 6 pk. cans NORTHVILLE - An eslale feeling! In I 160: 120:. swimming pool surrounded by attrac· tive patio and lols of malure trees. GUARANTEE a picturesque setllng. custom built 4 bedroom. 2'h balh colonial wi· I $1.991'1••0:'.89 Lovely contemP9rary ranch home with 4 bedrooms and 2'h baths. ceramic foyer, 11't floor rec room piUS $169.900. Call 478-9130. ERA RYMAL family room & formal DR all on 2 THE SALE acres. $148.500. Call 478-9130. ERA !I~)I[~, SYMES. OFYOURS* RYMAL SYMES. I•• WI • ~I If your home doesn't sell I I within 210 days, ERA® will buy it, at a price to which you've agreed. I'l~"~. J.:I Plus, ERA Real Estatd can ad- I -. I vance up to $100,000 equity on ,L.. Expires 7-9-85 .J, your present home before it sells, NOVI - Fantastic family home nestle for use as a down payment on your ed In the woods on a private cul-de- PLYMOUTH - Interior design next home. Our exclusive ERA sac. 4 large bedrooms up plus first business located In charming old Sellers Security Plan means you floor bedroom/den with private bath. Lovely garden room, 3 car allached Plymouth. Building may also be leas· won't miss your chance to buy the ed at S650.00 per month, corner lot garage, security system, lawn with ample parking available. $14,500. new house you really want, waiting; sprinkler. $223,500. Call 478-9130.ERA .' Call 478-9130.ERA RYMAL SYMES. for your present home to sell. RYMAL SYMES. The forest With. ERA you're free to buy IRA- W","ANlIO whenever youlre ready, HO\4( belongs ·Some limitations apply to every living creature. NOVI - Quest for Quality Ends Herel ! 18&4ElectronIC Really Anoctal8S. Inc NOVI - Treed cul-de-sac Is settlng Freshly painted, all new carpet In this for this large custom home In custom built family home on one- desirable "Carriage Hilts," Multilevel acre. Quiet, lovely area, enjoy the decks nestled In Ihe woods. Huge kit· sounds 01 the country near the city, .. CALL US TODAY chen opens to glgantlc family room, bedrooml', maintenance tree. contemporary decor. $205,900. Call $132,500. can 478-9130. ERA RYMAL 478-9130.ERA RYMAL SYMES. SYMEO. 478·9130 . . ~ RVMAL S.YMf=S ,:~'':S . ~ REAL TORS Si~ce 1923 - ' 1 I·..·'. ,. 'II."'",. /I" \." ,,,;- 1 [ /. Fto 1.1,., I "', ( to·, • 2·B-SOUTH LYONHERALD-NORTHVILLERECORD-NOVINEWS-THEMILFORDTIMES-Wednesday.July 3. 1985 SUE PYZIK of Walled Lake won a $2,100 award from the sburgh Hilton. She joined the Pittsburgh Hilton as a trainee and stu~ Employee Suggestion and Work Simplificatio:l Program at Manufac- dent intern in 1979. She was en ••>loyed by the hotel as a Banquet turers Han?ver Mortgage Corporation (MHMC). < Representative in 1980. . : Business Briefs An aS~lstant .manager in the MHMC Personal Insurance Depart. Boni and raised in Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. Hodgdon graduated. ment, Pyzlk receIved the award for a suggestion that will save the cor. from Purdue University with a BS degree in Restaurant. Hotel and In: poration a sizable amount of money and decrease the work load for stitutional Management.. : : other employees in her area. She has been employed at MHMC since The Novi Hilton is scheduled to open m July 1985. 1972. MHMC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Manufacturers Hanover BURT GAVITT of Milford recently was elected Vice ~resi~ent of' Corporation in New York, is one of the nation's largest mortgage Field Sales for the Tab Products Company of Palo Alto. Cahfornla. . bankers with 33 branches across the country. Corporate headquarters Gavitt joined Tab as a sales representalive in its Detroit sales of: are in Farmington Hills. fice in 1970. He was promoted to branch manager in 1974. district manager in 1976 and western regional manager in .1979.. . . A graduate of Michigan State University. GavItt was WIth National. Bank of Detroit prior to joining Tab. . ..- Tab Products. a California corporation. IS a leader m the fIeld or. information management and manufacturers. and also markets a' wide range of products for the general o~fice an~ computer user. Th~: includes smart terminals. forms processmg eqUIpment. co~puter fU~~ niture and other products that store or handle computer medIa. ;:

SUE RAROG of Milford. a district sales manager with' Avon pr~-: JANIS THORSBERG MILLER ELIZ VALASSIS ducts, recently was honored for her outstanding s~les lead,~rship dur·: ing a six-day conference at the Hotel Inter-Contm~ntal "Ienna. She: JANIS THORSBERG MILLER, a former Milford resident. has was among 258 district sales managers from the United States na~e!l. "!>eenpromoted from account executive to senior account executive at to the company's prestigious Circle of Excellence for record-breakmg: Liller Neal. Inc .. a major advertising agency and pUblic relations sales in 1984. .: counseling firm headquartered in Atlanta. Georgia. A district sales manager for six years in the Milford area: Rarog Miller joined Liller Neal in 1973 as a member of the secretarial GILBERT SPAMAN KARIN L. HODGDON views Avon's 35 to 50 percent commission on product sales. five. p.er~ staff. She was made a member of the agency's accotmt service staff in cent sponsorship earnings and the increased profeSSIOnal trammg 1975. She was named accO'mt executive in 1977 and has been in charge GILBERT SPAMAN, vice president of Accountants' Computer available as excellent opportunities for full or part-lime workers. SIle: .of advertising programs for such industries as carpet fibers. pest con- Services, a Plymouth-based data processing company. has been nam· currently has openings for 35 independent sales people. :: • trol. television broadcasting and tele-communications. ed to a four-member planning committee for the 1986 Hewlett-Packard Miller is a graduate of the Institute of Advanced Advertising International User's Group Convention to be held in Detroit. STACH'S RESTAURANT, located at 1200 Milford Road i~ Studies of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. She is Spaman's assignment includes the planning. organization and Highland, recently celebrated its sixth anniyersary. : • active in hospital volunteer work in Atlanta. supervision of the overnight installation of several large scale Hewlett· Stach's, which has gone through some major construction ill1~ Packard Computer Systems at Cobo Hall. In addition. he will be provements during the past year, is owned by Colleen McDonell an~ ELIZ VALASSIS of Northville. who has been associated with responsible for maintenance of all vendor software to be demonstrated Patrick Osdras. •~ leading department store and drugstore chains. IS the new owner of during the week-long activities. Open daily from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m .• Stach's also caters weddings,: The Gold Place, considered one of the Detroit area's most unique gift An estimated 2,000 to 3.000Hewlett-Packard users and vendors are showers, anniversary parties, bowling banquets and other occasions. :~ stores. expected at the convention to be held at the Westin Hotel and Cobo Hall An account executive for Chanel purfumes. Val ass is also has a in September of 1986.. broad background in retail buying. She is a member of the Detroit Boat Spa man is a resident of Northville. 1985 .' Club, Birmingham Power Squadron and the Navigators Club. The new owner of the store located at 26263 West Twelve Mile in KARIN L. HODGDON has been appointed Director of Catering for • Southfield says its policy will remain the same. as WIll its huge stock of the Novi Hilton. The appointment was announced by Gary Seibert. WHITMORE china, crystal, flatware, stemware and other fine gift selections and its general manager. lines of distinctive name merchandise. Hodgdon previously served as Catering Manager for the - .~I~---=-\ -'.. LAKE - ,..-- ~\ Good lllaintenance increases resale value ~/~41-~ : A few wisely spent doIlars used in readying a tion to show well to prospedive buyers. and all tile and brightwork firmly secured. home for sale can bring a good return when it's time "U a home has been reasonably well maintained, • Bedrooms should be arranged to accent it it generally doesn't cost much to restore it to sale available space even if it means remOVing some of • to attract buyer attention, but doesn't usuaIly pay condition," said Craver. "Even small items that the normal furnishings that give a crowded look. 10go all out. CELEBRATION '. - That's the advice of members of Metro MLS have been ignored, however, can lower the value of • A little paint or fresh wallpaper can set other .multiple listing service covering a 1,600 square mile the home and turn buyer-interest away." rooms off to their best advantage while freshly- l.erritory in much of Wayne and Oakland counties. Craver offered the following check list: shampooed carpets, waxed tile and hardwood floors TUESDAY-July 2 CARNIVAL • Lawns and landscaping should be at their and newly-cleaned drapes indicate a well-kept WEDNESDAY-July3 CARNIVAL BINGO BEER TENT :. "Price remains one of the major factors in nearly seasonal best. Green, weed-free lawns and bloom- home. all home-buying decisions for both buyers and KARATE DEMONSTRATION ing flowers, whether annual or perennial, "Every seller should make an appraisal of the seIlers," said Metro MLS President Robert F. demonstrate fertile soil. Existing shrubs should be property from the buyer'S point of view," advised By W.L. Karate Club (The Academy) 6:00 p.m. at Waterfront :Craver. neatly trimmed. Craver. "Consider the price you would like to get THURSDAY-July 4 CARNIVAL BINGO BEER TENT =- "The seIler hopes to get a fair return on all the • The roof should be leak-. eavestroughs money invested in the home, while the buyer is look- and then take a walk-throUgh inspection to see If clean and in good repair, all exterior trim should be everything you see supports or detracts from the FLAG RAISING and WORSHIP SERVICE :'ing for a home meeting needs and representing a freshly painted or washed. No loose brick, stone or fairness of that figure. 9:00 a.m. at Waterfront • 'Sound investment for the future. stucco should be evident and all siding should be CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE by Kiwanis properly affixed . "For example, if the furnace is relatively new or .:: "If the seIler has spent lavishly making the home central air has been added, the price might go up. :~ neighborhood showcase pushing the real value far • There should be no leaky faucets, stuck doors, 12:00 Noon adjacent to Firehall loose knobs or cracked windows which give a bad But if the furnace has been in place for 20 years or ··beyond other homes in the same general area, so and will soon need replcement by a new owner. HOT AIR BALLOON (Weather Permitting) ~hances are that much of the added investment will impression of interior care. start discounting. .} All Day at Carnival Grounds ~belost, " he added. • Few homes ever seem to have enough closet or . ~ "Few buyers, for example, will want to spend storage space, so unneeded articles should be "In most cases, major work such as a new roof, FISHING CONTEST ENDS $90,000 for a home in a $75,000 neighborhood when discarded. Excess items that overcrowd the space installation of a new bath or addition of a garage or All entries must be in by Noon to Mac's MariM the same money could bring a move to a more should be stored elsewhere, even off the premises, patio should be left to the new owner. Making such STREET PARADE' "_ • upscale area." and all spaces neatly arranged to show their capaci- changes or doing any other extensive remodeling at ty. 2:00 p.m.onMainStreet.fromGreenOakSchooltothe ConvalescentCenter. ::: Craver said the best advice for sellers is to seek to the last minute will only serve to increase the prIce Remember.NOPARKINGALONGPARADEROUTE. please ., make the home a "best bUy" among all homes for • All plu.'Ilbing should be working to perfection, you ask. It is dOUbtfulthat you would get a dollar for sale in the same general area, and to put it in condi- bathroon tubs and showers should be well caulked dollar return even then." SKY DIVERS (Weather Permit.ling) 4:45 p.m. at Waterfront FISHING CONTEST AWARDS 5:15 p.m. at Waterfront ~S;E~F~L------South Lyon Collision, Inc. WATER SKI SHOW 5:30 p.m. at Waterfront r- fiSHER 1 BOAT PARADE 6:30 p.m. beginning at Waterfront _. I. . FUEL I Michiganlicense No.F123109 "Prompt Service" FIREWORKS DISPLAY Dusk (approx. 9:45 p.m.) at Waterfront I 624.4449 1 DupontPaintMixingSyslemto GuaranteeColorMalch FRIDAY-July 5 CARNIVAL BINGO BEER TENT . I 1 ChiefEZ UnerII to GuaranteeFrameAlignment , • CarRentals Available • Corvettes SATURDAY-July6 CARNIVAL BINGO BEERTENT . • TowingAvailable • Fleros ------• AuloGlass • Outside Frame SUNDAY- 10,000 METER RUN • Welding WorkWelcomed! ~...f -:~..:~;:. ~~---- ~ LU - ---- .. I' 8:00 a.m .• beginning at Kurt Winter's Real Estate Office- I \ ~'"""---'1".~----- • 150 E. McHattie , ~ ~'-3* __. _: __ . _ . July7 finishing at W.L.H.S. : 437 ·61 00 BehindCol.Market -'\ ------~- - .- -- SAIL BOAT RACE 1:00 p.m. at Waterfront j ~mM!CH!GAN 7:30 to5 30M·F 7 30to 12Sat. In 1979. foreign investors owned les!' than one percent of Amencan farmland. SEE VA THERE!

We carry a full/ine Serving The Public AT OAKLAND/PONTIAC AIRPORT f()WN-Youil-OWNI of For Over 25 Years Service Dept. Hours: 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon. thru Fri: • ~l ,I POWER STATION 1 Ortho Sure. you have a whole ONDAGENERATORS :1 range of power tools in your H I ~_:_ ~ ' .. 'I garage. But to take advan· ~ Products -. > ''''_ w.s.mc.AlMtIl"~Car1"Tnidc. ' < tage of them when you're "We sincerely beheve -.- \' .. - ~I.--.: away from electrical outlets I that our attitude makes ' , 6' >, ;I you need help. Welcome 5900 : Honda's portable 2200 watt Wixom Co-operative the difference" Highland Rd., Pontiac 74-4 781:~' generator. It features I 49350 Pontiac Trail i'" - - ...- ...-,couPoN - - - ...- - - i'" ...... - - ...... -COUPON - - - - ~ - - :'. Honda's exclusive Automatic Wixom 624-2301 < Decompression system and : EMISSION SYSTEM SERVICE : COOLING SYSTEM CHECK :;:: I transistorized ignition for I • Includes: InspecUon of all componet I Includes: Pre'ssure test system and check :~' easy starting. And it has a .operatlon and replacement of P.C.V. valve for leaks, check belts. hoses and heater ''''. Honda overhead valve • andemissionflller. I controlforoperatlon. ;..; , engine for performance and $2895 $995 I I : A$35.00ValueForOnly : A $16.95 Value For Only ;~: ;1 du,".n:, 2200 WATTS 1 • '",Ford, I.III«llft.M~l>ulllUJI_t_OI\If.E'I>"" 7-1W ... F". FOI4.u.."",.ItIIlfCllrt tlu1l1Ul'Ollldtllltkionly. £Ipom t.15... : "'~ • < C~UPON I COUPON '. I~------AIC SYSTEM CHECK I ------~----~ENGINE TUNE UP .: ~I ~,-:~·~_.au Reg.$765.00 8660 I • Includes: Inspect1>Y1>temfor leaks and • ~~:::~'3t~"f:<>l~U~II\'~'::. ....C... ~'kptuO t • proper operation, Check and adJustale belt' 4 C .:~:.. ~O ·~$~1~9San4Il,"lnQ l- 1-.... '- :..~..~, l-S_A_L_E ....J :1 • andupt02cansrefrlgerent. I S~YHund-ron., ~ • t • $1795 ",y n.r nly$37.9S .. I~ Honda also makes a full I ._ A$28.20Val\leForOnly--- _u , • ICy"nder OnIY$44.95• _.. . line of Boat Motors from I • l:"Fotd.U-'.t."'I:r=n::.Ill ..... -1NC~OI>nIY.bplt.11.15_&$ • FO*I'tlttl.llneolft,.loIer~urybull1car.. ""lJuCka~ 1l.l>!'e"'.I5e <~ :.'1 . 2 hrsp.-lO hrsp. • COUPON I' , , \\e Honor l ALL 4 CYCLE Reg. $505.00 I • ; ,COMPUTERIZEDWHEEL' _ ~ S 00 :\A~~'ENT~NDW"EELv8ALANCE : I = ID) t q: v t ~2W""'; O~t$3a.27 I - :'i :1 SAlE 415 1 Asa~agencyrepresenlll'ilMidweStMutualwecanprovideyou WIthcoveragefromthecompanyIhatpioneeredthespecial • ",-" ~v ,:4~,,",<, On1V$6~.~S " I v •• BRING IN THIS AD TO coveragesandservIcesmotorcyclistsneed10 be Pfopcrly .i: ~~l"·~·~~~~rl~J.~,,~:e.~,·t~I' .' < or ~r personal check ;j' ~I protected .~ .. RECEIVE SALE PRICES II's a Hmlda .<_...... ~-- ...... -«...... -.;.>_ .. - ... "'. ------.. - - - - - I • Low.compelltlveratOl .<.... _...- ~ Offergood while supplies last. • A PremIumPaymentPlan(No FinanceCharge) EARLY BIRD DROP-OFF SERVICE ALSO AVAILABLE ::: ;I • SpecialDiscounlPrograms : Foropllmumperformanceantisafetywerecommendyoureadtheowner's manualbefore • Fast.FairClaimservlco operallngtheUnit1985AmericanHontlaMotorCo .Inc I Backed by the "I Guarantee ~I Trust YOU' motorcycloInsuranco noOd' In a SpoC1ahst· Contact· BEST It ~ RBFI Car & Light Truck For Life!" ..:: -~-IRENWICK, GRIM£:S & ADAMS Guarant,ee In Chris Pollock ;~ III.co .... .=. ,,11 INSURANCE AGENCY !I C ~~ .. §.. CI . 214 S. Lafayette Amenca SERVICE MANAGER~~ ;1 25100NovlRd.· Novl 348 8864 -" South Lyon 437·1708 : ImileS.of12OaksMallonNovlRtl. - I ThISlimitedwarrantycovorsvohlclesInnormalUS".a roullnomaintenanceparts.bolts.hosos.sheet motalandUPholstery::: ~_..------MldweSIMuluallnsurance Company -, ------"'------'------..

Wednesday. JUly 3, 1985-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THEMILFORDT1MES-3·B Ford's Aerostar mini-vall features remote control stereo sound system

Ford Motor Company's Aerostar Other features include auto reverse, memory, seek, scan and manual. mlnl·van features a Ford audio "first" locking fast forward and reverse, and Memory allows programming for four - an optional sound system with manual ejection. AM and four FM stations for Instant remote controls for tuning the radio The graphic equalizer has seven selection at the touch of a button. from either the front seat or rear com· frequency·band controls for 12-dB boost Pushing one of two seek buttons causes partment. or cut at 60 Hz, 150 Hz, 400 Hz, 1 KHz, 2.5 the tuner automatically to select and "Although we have had similar con· KHz, 6 KHz and 12 KHz. The unit also hold the next listenable station up or trois on our Continental Concept 100 has LED· illuminated slider controls, an down the frequency band. When the electronics experiemental car, this is LED dual-output level meter and a scan button is pushed, the tuner the first time Ford has offered remote custom-designed power amplifier that automatically aUditions each listenable radio controls in production vehicles," prOVides80 watts RMS power. station for about eight seconds until one said Lawrence A. Lopez, executive Two 5-inch round premium speakers Is selected. Two-speed manual tuning director of Audio Products Develop- are mounted in the instrument panel, lets the listener select any frequency ment and ManUfacturing Engineering two 6-bY'9inch oval coaxial speakers in for total flexibility in station selection. in Ford's Electrical and Electronics the rear trim panels, and two 3lh·inch The Aerostar electronic radio is Division. round premium speakers in the rear equipped with an additional connector The "SuperSound" system in door. Left/right speaker balance is con· at the back for wiring to the remote con· Aerostar consists of an electronically trolled by the radio, while the graphic trol panel in the rear compartment. tuned AM/FM stereo search radio with equalizer handles bass, treble and A second optional sound system for cassette tape player and graphic front/rear balance functions. Aerostar includes a mechanically tuned equalizer in the front compartment, a For the Aerostar commerical van, AM/FM stereo radio with cassette tape separate control panel in the rear and the deluxe stereo systems includes the player, six speakers and a rear control six high-quality speakers, said Lopez. electronic radio with cassette tape panel with two headphone jacks and in- The rear panel has two headpone player and graphic eqUalizer, together dividual volume knobs. The radio also jacks with individual volume controls. with six speakers. but does not have the is available without cassette tape seek buttons to change stations up or rear controls. player. down the frequency band, a memory Two 5-inch round premium speakers This system has two 5-inch round button for selecting stations program· are in the instrument panel, two 4·inch speakers in the instrument panel, two 6- med in the radio, and and on/off knob round premium speakers are mounted by·9 inch oval premium speakers in the for rear speakers. in ported enclosures in the rear and two rear l trim panels, and two 3%·inch "This deluxe system prOVides great 3lh-inch round premium speakers are round premium speakers in the rear listening flexibility for front and rear in the rear door. door. occupants," said the Ford engineering The Aerostar electronic radio pro- executive. "Children riding in the rear vides precision tuning through custom· A mechanically·tuned AM radio with compartment, for example, can listen Integrated circuitry that locks onto the one 5-inch round speaker in the right to their favorite rock music on two exact center of the broadcast signal for side of the instrument panel is offered headphone sets while their parents in the best possible reception. as standard eqUipment on the Aerostar, front carry on a conversation un· The radio has four tuning modes - with delete option. disturbed. "If dad tunes in something the children don't like, they can turn off the 'Key people' weren't listed in story , rear speakers - or if it's something everyone likes, they can surround In last week's Green Sheet article on cording to sales manager Tom Saputo, themselves with sound from the six Feigley Motors in Milford, two impor- "they're both very instrumental in our speakers." tant names were absent from the list of operation here." Ford aUdio-design engineers William C. Adam- "SuperSound" system in an anechoic chamber The cassette tape player has a new "key people involved in the success of son (front) and William A. Forbes check for at Ford's Diversified Products Technical Center feature for 1985 - program search, the company." Feigley has been the company's ser-. which enables the listener to skip over Merlin Feigley, the brother of owner vice manager for over 30 years, while- noise sources that might cause interference with in Dearborn. an unwanted selection to the start of the Clody Feigley, and Pat Broom both Broom has been the office manager for radio reception on the Ford Aerostar's new next or replay the one that just finished. ~ere 1I0tmentioned in the story. and ac- five years. DECK OUT YOUR PLACE A BARN FOR YOUR BACKYARD ...with the wood OUR WELL DESIGNED YARD BUILDING WITH LOFT PRO- that makes a VIDES HANDSOME STORAGE AND VERSATILITY FOR A DON'T WALK IN PAIN-MOST FOOT PROBLEMS NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS ~- ---- ~ lasting difference· CAN BE CORRECTED IN OUR OFFICE ~ 1\ • Gardening Center ~ ~2~X16' • Ingrown Toenails • Bunions l,j • Corns/Callouses • Adult & Children's Foot Problems • Horse Barn ,~----' I -- • Fractures & Sprains • Office & Hospital Surgery \1 1r'~ --..,-= M I • Warts (hands & feet) • Heel & Arch Pain • Workshop ~~ 1'lgBl i II 'I/'~II 'I Our complete package • :':::::01 ~_.=tJ II • FOOT SPECIALISTS • FOOT SURGEONS -=- includes 12'x16' barn ,\{. I ._"" ! I with wood siding erected Hours By Mosl Major In- ~111~ DR. H. LEFKOWITZ on 4" concrete slab. l!.-- = -::~ I_~U Y Appointment DR• I• STEIN ER suranceAcceptedPlans i.-!_ _'I - -~-y \ ~ 52333 HIGHLAND-MILFORD FOOT SPECIALISTS, P.C. New Hudson Lumber ASK FOR 1183 S. Milford Rd., Highland, Lakeview Plaza 56601 Grand River [ONS IECH (313) 437-9114 ERNEST FREE Initial ConsultaIlOn"Treatment LabX,rays,boiledto,n'uranee 887-5800 New Hudson 437-1423 'Cancer Myth \ / #2 14fj;i:!;:~I:!:!;;;' ~J, W L LZ , Bumps and brUises can cause cancer" Our Guarantee Rolls Over The Competition · Some peoplebelieve lhal ~nd-The Spark Plugs Car Club , Iftheygelabumporbru,se II maylead 10cancer Present Thal"sa mylh Irs nollrue BumpsandbrUISesdo not - ~'II'1 ST · causecancer If cancer 's · dIscoveredaller an anjury. · Ihe cancersYJ1lplOm CUSTOM HOT RODS • prollablywas there before, : bulII 11IsIwasnot nollced on display ------~ PRICE EVER! · earlier Gel regular -checkupSandlearn 10 AND 54,000 MIlnESGUARANTEED* recognozeachangeanyour Compare quality! Nobody beats Metro 25's low prICeS on top-quallty .. bodythatmlghtbeaslgnof July 6, 1985 ____ tires And here's proof Right now. get a $20 manufacturers cash .; cancer call1he cancer rebate when you buy four Uniroyal Fastraks at Informahonservice Metro 25 Or. If you need less than four LOCATED AT tires. get a S5 cash rebate on every '.96 and the New Hudson/Milford EXIt Waterworld Fun Park· Fastrak you buy. (exit 155) Just 2 miles from also feature_: Hurry. offer ends June 29 In Michigan Call KenslnQton Metro Park ~1101''' &.~ lJ Go.A~ .. --." ...eooo~, • BlaolCycloae W.tenlld_ 1·800·4·CANCER HOURS: 10:00 a.m.-g:30 p.m. • Lit'I.dy R.ce C.r. .' 7DAYSAWEEK • Spl .... -.' D.... B... per Bo.t • • Mlal.tare Golf For More Information Call • MooaW.lk ~Icancer • Video Arc:.de t Information (313) 437-7550 • Coac:e.. loa Service • _ SPECIAL PURCHASES All our tires have a high mileage warranty FASTRAK GLASS PI75J80RI3WW 31.95 STEELER P205I75RI5WL 49.95 RALLYE 240 1651HR14BLKH·speed rated 26.95 PRICE RALLYE 240 1751HR14BLKH-speed rated 29.95 64 95 • ~ I 70,95 TIGER PAW PLUS PI85f75RI4BLK 34.95 7395 24 HOUR I TIGER PAW PLUS P205I75RI4BLK 42.95 I EMERGENCY SERVICE TIGER PAW PLUS P205I75RI5BLK 43.95 TIGER PAW PLUS P215175RI5BLK 49.95 RALLYE 280 TIGER PAW PLUS P235175RI5BLK 56.95 \~ $2995 _ .....' ~~ \~ ISSSRt2 '·":._A,I I ~MOHR&'iSUPERSTRlffS ~ PRICE SIZE PRICE 7HWK' Residential • Commercial 35.00 175170SR13 43,00 I ICHRYSLER S9995I"stalled palrif I 95 38,00 I85170SR13 48.00 I FORD S129 I"stalled Pair ", I 43.00 18517OSR14 52.00 '1 LahA :u:~:~~~GREAT LAKES I MOST GM 511995 InstalledPair/' ~ER.2.N~~ • , _ --I StuuH ~ • Drapes I _I • Throw Rugs Independence Day Special Owner m· ·DItr.trm Orientals I Operated ·• Janitoral • 1 Room and Hall ••••••••••••••• $34.95 I " iding 2 Rooms and Hall ••..•.••••••• $44.95 AI I m S 1 . MILFORD ':1 Check Our • Fire/Damageumnu 3 Rooms and HaII • • • • • • • • • . • • • $5495• HOWELL Prices . Spartan Tire BUdget Tire ." Flood/Damage Senior Citizen Discount I 304 N, Main 222 W. Grand River :,,:1 (517) 546.5544 -Ind. Degreaslng 684-5251 517-548-1230 • Auto Interior All work guaranteed to your satisfaction 1 PtOOuCIS and Pff~~S afe at Sp .. ,""" ",~ c<'mp.ltab1e ".,odUCI' ,,,,al'aDle ill listed deale,s Insurance Work Yflllcome 10Yeara experience Expires JUly 31 1985 Ina.pendf'nl d~a'e,s aut "~e 10Charc.- h'Qher or Pick-Up Delivery I _I & JOYlier PfIC~S Seo ~ou' local aealN 10f hiS PflCf'S


" ANIMALS ( One local call places a want ad in AnImal Services .155 Farm Animals 153 > • over 125,465 homes through the Horses & EqUIp. 152 following newspapers & Shopping Household Pets 151 : *' ~'+ Pet Supplies 154 S,ligerlLiv'ing!$IOI1Publ'ications ) ~"'t.,," Guides: AUTOMOTIVE Ir~~ Aulomoblles 240 ';Wjy Autos Under $1000 241 Northville Record ~I" • Auto Parts & ServIce 220 (313)348-3022 Autos Wanted 225 Y... t~f'. Boats & Equip. 210 )...... -....:It.. y;). Green Sheet No vi News Campers, TraIlers .../ ~}~10.... & Equip 21!' .;. ./'"~~.,.s Construcllon EqUIp 225 Shopping Guide (313)348-3024 G;REE,N~'SfI'EET:{ EA:ST'" ... > ... _/il~:i' ~ ~ 4 Wheel Drive VehIcles 233 . Serving Dexter Motorcycles 201 Recreallonal Vehicles 238 (313)426-5032 Snowmobiles 205 ·::G.::,··{:f}If~~ Trucks 230 South Lyon Herald Vans 235 EMPLOYMENT ... £....~~// ...... ( (313)437-4133 BUSIness & ProfeSSional ... ~*..,,;-yff)/ fr ~ ~ >... "">7-">"':'» -<->'// ...... :y"':::./ ...;./v,..:x .... { .....; .... "'y..-» /~ ... ..y' ... ~ ...... S... /.?"''$~::y{{i.r t ServIces 175 .CLAs,s;fp,I:E9;:AeII,O,N, A D Milford Times BUSiness Opport. 167 Help Wanted General 165 (313)685-8705 Help Wanted Sales 166 Income Tax ServIce 180 021 Houses Brighton Argus Sltuallons Wanted 170 001 Absolutely Free 010 Special Notices 010 Special Notices 015 Lost REAL ESTATE • r'l.' I FOR RENT (313)227-4436 Apartmenls 064 UTILITY trailer, boat traIler EnlOY the ultimate ex- PAINTINGS LOST. older male Beagle with BRIGHTON. Cuto'.3'k.! Buildings & Halls 078 (needs axle). (313)437-12B7. perience, a Hot Air Balloon red collar in Vicinity of FOR SALE Condominiums, PRESERVE bedroom, near downtown, ex: Pinckney Post Shopping Guide Ride. (313)4n-9569. Townhouses 069 WOOD cabinet With radio. also Your favonte photos with a Evergreen and McCabe cellent starter home Onenlal FLINT Singles, dancing every Roads. Answers to the name unit for investor. Terms (313)227-4437 Duplexes 065 end table. (313)231-3n4. creative PAINTING LIFELIKE 021 Houses For Sale Fosler Care 068 WIN COWS, assorted sizes saturday night 9 p.m. carman BEAUTY- By professional ar- "Fudgle". SpOiled rotten, but available. $28.500. (313)2tl Houses we love him. Needs medical Hartland Herald Shopping Guide 061 with screens. 9 double hung, 2 Plaza, 1-75 & Corunna Rd., $4 tist Call Genenleve Begin, "BUY repossessed homes nl1. ,.'. Indusl.-Comm. 076 treatment Reward. Please sliders. (313)471·5537. admiSSion. (517)546-7970 Howell, from government! $1 plus BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom.llome (313)227-4436 Lakelronl Houses 062 call, (313)729-5252. Land 084 WHITE kIttens. blue eyes, FREE pregnancy test In 30 Michigan. repairs/laxes. Throughout in Grayling. 2'h car garage.'1 'h Fowlerville Review Shopping Guide LIVing Quarters Animal Rescue. (313)227-9584. minutes. Teens welcome. REWARD: Lost dog. Tlgger. Michigan/natIonwIde! DetaIls baths. large family room;· 2 To Share 074 Another Way Pregnancy $150 Reward for the arrest and Mixed Norwegian Elkhound $3.95 to: Homestead; Box 909- decks. near AuSable ,RIver MobIle Homes WE'RE moving. Please take (517)548-2570 070 Center, 49175 Ponhac Trail, conviction of destruction of G and Shepherd, medIum Size, A33, Inola, OK. 74036." Must see. $51,000. (5171546- MobIle Home SItes 072 OIViI! the cat as your pel. Wixom. (3131624-1222. Ilea collar. HIlton Rd. and Oak BRIGHTON, private country 3296. OfhceSpace 080 (517)548-14n. & 0 Car Wash of Webberville. Livingston County Press Peoples name and informatIOn Knoll Drive area, Brighton. setting. Almost ~ acre sIte BRIGHTON, 10 sq. acres Rooms 067 YELLOW lab, housebroke, ex· (517)548-2570 Stora\le Space 068 WIll be conladential. Please Disappeared 6-28. am. Any In· WIth water priVIleges. Just custom ranch, 3,800 sq. It.,_~ Vacallon Rentals 082 cellent WIlli kids. needs good GIVING A call WebberVille Police formatIon, (313)229-$093 or starting construction. 3 bedroom, 3'h bath.; grea!" home. (313)437-1283. Wanted 10 Renl 089 Department, (517)521-3951. (313)229-6290. bedroom, energy elllclent, room, family room, actavlly FOR SALE 1 Year old Spnnger Spaniel PARTY? SMALL, mostly Black and wood ranch WIth conI em· room, den, oak cupboards, 2 POLICY STATEMENT All advertising Cemetery Lots 039 REWARD for information lead- published In Sliger/Livingston female. neutered. Alter 5 p.m. ng to the arrest and conviction White Terri-Poo, Grand porary layout. 9~% MSHDA 10 It. fireplaces, air condItion- Newspapersis subject to the corn"· CondomIniums 024 (313)363-4361. Let us help WIth the cooking. RATES Farms, Acreage 027 of persons who broke into the River/M-59. 6-27·85. Very IInancing avalable. $59,900 Ing, deck, 60 It. pallo, ttOns Stlll(l In the applicable rite card, Faletli's P,zza Company. ZENITH color teleVIsion. 21 fnendly. ChIld heartbroken. complete. Buchanan Builders. lanscaped, many exlras. Call copies 01 which are Ivanable trom the Houses 021 (3131227-9422. house at 10989 N. Latson Rd. GREEN SHEET Idv&fUsing department, Sliger/- Income Property 035 inch. (313)231-3885. Contact Sheriff Department. (3131227·2200. (313)878-9564. for details (313)229-4225. livingston Newspapers. 1().CW. Ma,n. Indusl.-Comm. 033 BRIGHTON for sale or rent, PLUS3 Northvme. MIChigan 48187 (313)301'" Lakefront Houses 022 HAVING a party' Rent a tent! 'THE FISH' non-linanclal 016 Found 1700 Sliger/Livingston Newspaper. low down payment. Beautiful BRIGHTON. New energ·y'coi\. Lake Properrty 029 Call Gregory area JC's for in· emergency assistance 24 reserves the nght not to accopt an ADULT male Airedale, needs country atmosphere. 3 possi- serving homes (2x6 walls). 1m. ACTION ADS adyonlser's OHler Sliger/Livingston MobIle Homes 025' formallon at (517)851'7603. hours a day for those In need NOTICES ble 4 bedrooms. IIreplace, 2 medIate occupancy. '. 10 Words Newspapers adtakers have no author .. Northern Property 030 Alter 6 p.m. In the Northvllle-Novi area. old home or new. (517)548- ty to bind this newspaper and Only Real Estate Wanted 037 call (313)349-4350. All calls 9249. wood stoves, surrounded by ADLER HOMES, INC. publICation of an advonisemenl shall Vacant Property 031 IWIll Video tape any occasIon. for $5.24 conladential. ADULT female Insh Setter, state land. Assumable mor- (313)632-6222 \ Non-Commerclal Rate eonsUiute final acc8.otanee of the HOUSEHOLD (517)223-9986. tgage or land contract. $46,900 IIdvertls",'so'der has tumors. (517)546-8252. 24' Per Word Over 10 Antiques 101 010 Special Notices 013 Card ofThanks by owner. (3131229-4028. BRIGHTON - Quaint ( oldeL SUbtract 35' for Aucllons 102 BLACK cat WIth white chest. Bargain Barrel BRIGHTON owner. Clean, 3 home Within walking distanctll repeat 250 ATTORNEY, Gary Lentz. I wish to thank everyone for Richardson Road area. Fnend- BUIlding Matenals 114 MELODIES bedroom, full basement. sun to downtown. Remodeled in insertion of same ad Equal HOUSingOppOrtunity statemenl We Divorce from $295. Drunk dnv- Professional OJ - All types of the many cards. visits and Iy. (517)548-.~27..::57:..:.. _ Chnslmas Trees 116 room, 1'h car garage. gas 1978. 3 bedrooms, one With Garage sale, Lost. Wanted are pledged to the letter llnd $p!nl 01 U S ing from $295. One simple will music for memorable occa- calls Ireceived while Iwas in CARMEL colored long-haired pohcy lOt' the achte~rnenl 01 equal hous- ElectronIcs 113 heat, 1,027 sq, It.. Close to walkin closet. $17.900. REAL· To Rent, Slluallons Wanled Ing opportunity throug~t the NatlQf\. We Farm EqUIpment $45. For free consultation call. sions. Wedding Specialists. the hospital and at home. It 112 kitten. Chilson and Grand everything. $55,000. (313)229- TY WORLD VANS, (313)22;- encourage and $upport an affirmative Farm Products 111 (3131227-1055. George and Lynn Gardell. Call was very much appreciated. & Household Buyers DIrec- a(h~rtl'lno and m.trketlng prog,am in River area. (5171548-2nl. 3455. • FIrewood & Coal 105 6667. tory Ads Musl Be Pre-PaId wh.etl there are no barriers to obtain hOus- ADULT foster care. Room (313)227-5731alter 5 p.m. Thay Bonnell. FOUND, light tan terrier Ing beeause 01 race. colOr. reftglOtl or na- Garage & Rummage 103 available for adult male, must BRIGHTON. Well maintained BRIGHTON. New 3 bedfoom bonalOt'~ln Household Goods 104 WE would like to thank our lemale. Very small. (313)428- be ambulatory. (517)546-8952. and decorated 3 bedroom Col- Ranch. treed lot, close to Classified Equal Housing Opportunity stoo-n Lawn & Garden MINISTER will marry you friends and neighbors for all of 4562. Equal HOUSing OppOrtunity onial. family room with Bnghton. POSSible Care & EqUIp. 109 anywhere. Reverend Elvie your many prayers and acts of $54.900, Table OI-lUustratton ANIMAL LOVERS! Help the FOUND Black Lab male, 1 to 2 fIreplace, 1'h baths, 2'h car Land Contract. Call Builder of Publisher s NotICe MIscellaneous 107 Humane Society help the Hiner. (3131348-4348. kindness being done for our years old. (313)227-1555. Display PubliSh., s NotICe AU re.) eslJleadvel"l.s-- garage, pnvate garden patio, (313)229-6155. • • Miscellaneous Wanted 108 animals by volunteering lor family and Lanny during thIS ed In U'IlS newsp.aper IS subf;eet to the Muslcallnstrumenls 106 LARGE white male dog wllh basement, large cornor lot. Federal Fan HOUSing Act 01 tiM whteh one of the following: Foster NIBBLES AND MORE dIfficult lime. A special thanks BY owner on almost one acre Contract Rates makes 11 Illegal to ad ...ertls~ any Ofhce Supplies 117 orange collar. Found HaWkinS many extras, near town and care for homeless pets (usual- to the Fowlarville Fire Depart- on Brighton Lake Road. j Available preference hmltatlOn or dlscrlmln.tUon Sporting Goods 110 School. (517)548-1311. expressways. $72,000. By tJ.ased on race cotor religIOn Of national ment and Tom Braun for ac- bedroom brick and alumlnu Trade or Sell 115 ly a 2 to 3 week commItment), Specializing in appetizers and \ owner. (313)229-5670. Want ads may be placed un- ongln or any InlentlOn 10 make any such ting so qUickly. We appreciate rdllch. Walkout basemen prelerence Ilmltatron ordlscnmln.attan Woodstoves 118 lransporting animals once or appetizer bullets. Parties for tIl 330 pm Fnday. for that It very mUCh. Signed Beverly Brigtlton schools. Farm Home This news~r Will not knowingly accept PERSONAL tWice a month, or working at large or small groups. Donna Large, mIx breed male dogs, week's edlllon. Read your any advertiSing lOt' ,eal estate whk:h Is In Bingo 011 A p pro v e d. Will 't.a k e our booth at the Brighton or Sue (3131632-9903. Wallace, Dan, Mike and Amy. Crouse Rds. and M-59 and BRIGHTON ENERGY "'lOlAtlOn 01 the taw Our readers are Card of Thanks 013 motorhome or newer van: as advertIsement Ihe first lIme hereby Inlormed Ihal all dweulngs ad ...er Farmers Market Saturday mor- CONSERVING CarPools 012 014 In MemorIam 0Id-23. (313)632·5646. It appears. and report any tlSed In thiS newsp.aper are .vallable on an ning. For more Information (2x6WALLS) down payment. $57~50p. equal opportunity Found 016 PREGNANCY HELPLINE LOVABLE black female cat error ImmedIately Sliger/- call, (3131878-2581or (517)548- (313)227-4837. • ..:•• (FR Doc n--49ft,3Flled)..31·n a 45. m) Free 001 (313)632-5240, 24 hours. Pro- With white chin. GreenfIeld MODEL HOMES Open Friday. LIVingston Newspapers Will Happy Ads 002 8959. saturday. Sunday. 12-6 pm or BRIGHTON, SOUlhvt.as:t. not Issue credll for errors In blem pregnancy help. free area. (313)229-5092, by appointment From $56.900 In Memonam 014 ANIMAL ProtectIon Bureau pregnancy test, conlldentlal. ranch, 4 bedrooms. 2 bathS, ads after the hrst Incorrecl Lost 015 SMALL black dog, on Grand including lot Clly water and and Humane Society have Monday and Wednesday. 015 Lost sewer. finanCing available walkout basement, 2 4ar:at- Inserhon SpeCial Nollces 010 River, June 26. (3131229-6397. tached garage, full .!frick, adoptable pets with shots at 1 p.m. to 4 p.m" saturday, BRITI ANY Spaniel, white with 9*% M.S.H.D.A. 20 yr. fixed the Bnghton Farmers Market 9 am to 12 Noon. 9250 W. TINY orange and white kitten, secluded 12 wooded acres, orange spots, female, Island Mlllord Proving Grounds, 6 Olfo..ocllons. Grand River to $95.000.(3131878-0915. every Saturday, 8 am to 1 pm. Highland Road (M-59), Bflghlon lake Road. torn Lake area. (313)437-1906. weeks old, (313)548-1353, absolutely 001 Absolutely Free 001 Absolutely Free Hartland. West side door of SOUlh to Th"d Slreet. Iurn lelt BLACK, long haIred male cat, TOY Collie, male. Found June to models Check for 1m· CLASSIFIED DEADLINES white house. medIate occupancy CIRCULATION ' Wednesday 12:00 - Green PUT your message on a whIte boots and bIb. Tan col- 26, Sylvan Glenn Park. EXQUISITE Cahco kitties. PLAYFULL and intelligent kit· lar, reward. (313)349-1n8. ADLER HOMES, INC BRIGHTON ARGUS' : FREE Sheet ShOPPing GUIde Serv- bumper stIcker. Send your (5171223-8978. 4 Shots, wormed, liller trained. ten. (3131349-3732. Ing Dexter & Green Sheet name and address plus $2.00 CAT. long haIred, gray and YOUNG black and tan female Olflce. (313)632-6222 313-227-4442. . All Items ollered In this Rare little beauhes. (313)227- PUPPIES. call (313)437-8595 to Dick Miller, 1657 Sandy brown tiger. 8 Mile/Currie, 8- dog. Elkhound mix? Howell. 1852. ShOPPing Guide Serving Model 229.655!L-... ",Absolutely Free" column alter5 pm. HIghland, Thursday 3:30 - Shore, Brighton M148116. 23-85.(3131348-5367. (313)227-9584. m~'st be exaclly that, free EIGHT week old female pup- RABBIT manure for garden Shopper BUSiness DIrectory, to those responding. This pies, 5 nine week old killens. (313)34~278. Fnday 3:30 - Shopper, Monday newspaper makes no (3131227-2969. REDBONE - shepherd mIxed Green Sheet, & Green Sheet charge for these listings, FEMALE Spnnger Spaniel, puppies. Already wormed. 7 Business Directorys, Monday but restricts use 10 spaded, AKC paoers. (3131363- weeks. (5171546-0781. 3:30 - Wednesday Green WANTED resldenlial. Sliger/- 7530, Sheet. C~~Qtry..M..sjc ,. Livingston Publications RCA Color Trac T.V. needs accepts no responslbrl/ly FREE kittens, one calico. manor repair. (511}54fl.0612. TO PURCHASE OR LEASE (313)437-l1166. CABARET audItions, McPher· for achons between 10- RABBITS, Mani and French dlvlduals regardmg Ab- FREE cats. neutered, declaw· Lop. (313)437-a505after 4 p.m. son MIddle School, July 10 Rlral property, Keasiagtol Metro Part, ed, personality plus, Indoor and II, 7 p.m. (517)548-2697. Sunday's·at solutely Free ads. (Non SEVEN month old Cocker and commerCIal) Accounfs on- cat. (313)227-4654. Lab mix. Good wllh children. Prold Lake, Islild Late Park, Milfordl'- ly. Please cooperate by FREE klllens. vanous kinds. (313)449-4506. placmg your "Absolutely OJ Brightol area. Small or medilm size :,:':~ (5171548-1357. SOFABED r.eeds ..f'ree" ad no later than 3:30 by the Sound Busters. All oc- FREE hay storage for free hay. reupholstery, but bed IS ex- p.m Friday for nexl week casion musIc. Ask for AI. Rascal's (3131878-5255 persistently cellent (3131227-7391. (3131229-2863. home OBlarge nral lot or acreage. ::~:' publication. please. SHEEP dog, male, 8 months FOUR year, spayed. mustard. old. (517)546-8959. Desire wooded, rolli.~ terrail or water:~~. lemale, Dandy Dlnmont Ter- 001 Absolutely Free TWO lovely black cats. OJ nero (5171546-4110. Housebroken. Female. Kurt LeWIS introduces you to Lounge frollt or water view. RIStiC, cOltemporati~, ANIMAL Rescue Inc. Pets free Free black male kIllen, 10 (3131878-3728. the sounds of today and preferred. Also iDterested ill vacalt :-:.:: to good homes Shots and weeks, (517)887·2950alter 4. TV and console radIO phono, yesterday. Now accepting in South Lyon wo.rming already done. FREE Barn cats, various col- both need some repair. Summer and Fall bookings at (313)227-9584. ors, ages 4, 8 weeks. (313)229- (313)887-5281. reasonable rates. Please call, homesite or acreage. :'::' (517)548-4354. on Pontiac Trail ANIMAL ProtectIon Bureau 9719. 2 free guanea pigs. To a good and Humane SocIety have FREE hamster and cage. home. (313)229-5866. Call early at 111f2 Mile No ageBts please. Call (313) 626-4695<-:~ adoptable pets With shots at (517)548-1953. mornings. the Bnghton Farmers Markel FREEZER. large chest type, every Saturday, 8 am to 1 pm. needs repaIr. (310)227-2420. ANIMAL Aid, Inc. Free adop- GARAGE door, 16 x 7 feet, table pets. Bnghton BIg Acre, metal. (313)453-8439. saturdays. GERMAN shepherd. female, ABANDONED cat. Allec- neutered, makes good wat- IiOnate orange tIger. Shots, lit- chdog. (517)548-1027. tered trained. Evenmgs WE DON'T JUST BUILD NEW HOMES - WE MAKE (313)227-4434. GARFIELD-Morns kIttens. 1 male, 3 female, 7 weeks, ADORABLE kittens, 7 weeks (3131348-0741. old. dillerent colors. (517)548- ~560. GRADY, mature, small, gen- tle, spayed. chow-mixed, ADORABLE 7 week old kitten, shots. housebroken. (3131~_3- need good home. (3131632- 7353. 6032. HORSE manure for your AMERICAN Eskimo 10 good garden. WIll load. (517)223- home With a fenced yard. DREAMS COME TRUE 8863. (5171223-a335. INDOOR kittens with starter If your dream is to own a new home - and your budget is around $60,000- we ADORABLE kittens, gOOd food supply. (517)546-8291. mousers. (313)887-3367. 30 Inch electnc stove, white. have the new home package for you - come out and see us this week .. AFFECTIONATE, gentle, obe- (5171548-2583. dien\, max. Mature, housebroken dog. JoggIng KITIENS, long haired, black & com~nlon. (517)548-3104. white. (313)349-8178. ADORABLE orange white kit· (2) Kittens free to good home. Introducing ••• in South Lyon tens, 6 weeks old. (313)878- Evenings (517)546-0425. Introducing ••• in Commerce 9104. KITIENS, 7 weeks old, cute, BEAUTIFUL orange&white grey and black Our new 1500 Sq. Ft. Colonial Angora kItten, litter trained, 7 stnped .(313)231-2896. A Great New Subdivision weeks old. KITIENS, litter trained and BE Iarst to adopt NiCki. Sheltle wormed, very ",Jte. (313)632- Located off Welch Road - Just Suth of Pontiac Trail 5266. .1 /2 baths mix. Housebroken, shots. ' (3131227-4763. LOVABLE spunky shepherd- • Full basement BEAUTIFUL black and whIte retnever mix. Needs good "WALDOR MANOR" neurotic. neutered, declawed family home. (313)478-3200, • All alumimun (313)261-1554. cat. t313)229-7353 • 70 x 13510t -1656 sq. ft. Tri Level BLACK Lab puppIes, 7 weeks, MALAM UTEKeeshound, to good home only. (517)223- male, to good home. 8 mono • Paved streets ths. (313)887·7520. - 90x 135 lot 7188 30 Bales mulch hay. (517)223- MOTHER cat & 5 cute kittens, - Underground - Paved Streets tabby color, sex? (313)349- 9564. 2374. - Underground utilities BLACK long haired kIttens. (517)223-9610evenangs. MALE and female rabbil, 1 year old. (5t7)546-2276. TOTAL BROKEN hearted, cannot $61 900 take, sweet, female Doberman METAL garage door, SOlId. PRICE , TOTAL to California. (3131349-4720. (313)437-5672. $2900 PRICE $60,900 CLOTHING. Howell Church of MANURE, (313»685·7578. From DOWN Also: Christ. 1385West Grand River, Mlllord area. 16,565sq,lt.Trilevel $60,900 Plus closing costs 7 pm to 8:30 pm, Monday. _ MALE cat, long·halr, wllh Iiller 1,120 sq. I!. Ranch $56,900 1120It. Ranch $56,900 CLOTHING, Church of Christ, box, shots. call Jell, (313)624- 9424. '6026 Rickell Road. Tuesdays, MODEL LOCATION: South off 9 Mile just West of Pontiac Trail MODEL LOCATION: Indian Wells Subdivision. North 011Pontiac Trail just West 01 Beck Rd, 6-8 p.m~ 2 Nubian goats, 1 black Sheep, COLDSPOT 16 cu in upright pelS. (313)437-8524aller 5 p.m. : freezer, Patio furniture, 6 It. door wall. Needs repair. • (313)43NII86. (313)437-a236. MORTGAGES • CATS and kill ens. Assorted ONE female pure white kitten. • ~o!~! and ag!:'l. (313}685-3925.: (3t3)3923. 9.75% 20yr. MSHDA • CRITICAL. Owners abandoned OLD English Sheep dog. 10 OPEN SAT.-SUN 1-6 Waterford me. I'm a devoted, calm, obe- months old, male, shots, 107/8% 15yr. Fixed 674·4153 dIent, housebroken male dog. wormed. (517)546-6599. 15yr. Graduated Wixom : Dewormed, shots. Won'f you ORANGE light, female cat. Mon ...Tup-s. 9%-12% 669·2270 • give me a chance at life. Hamburg library. (313)231· Wed. Thurs 3-6 9% ARM - South Lyon 437·0002 • (313)227-6405. . 1771. • CUTE puppies, killens and PUPPIES, Also 3 year old bunnies, (5171548-2721. Bassell Hound, (517)548-3805. • CUTE free killen, long hall. PLAYFUL, neutered Dober- • (517)548-5025•. _-:-::-_~,.... man, Tan Beagle Terrier mix, : DESif.1ii8\ai oll/ce desk. male, housebroken, (313)23t- : (3)3)476-~1L _ 3814.


;021 Houses 021 Houses 021 Houses 021 Houses 021 Houses 021 Houses 024 Condominiums 025 Mobile Po omes 031 Vacant Property " For Sa" For Sale For Sale :.CONSIDER Classilled then FOWLERVILLE. Victorian FIZZBOW'S HOWELL. For sale by owner. 6 PUSLfC announcement . .consider It sold. classsic home on Grand River. year old. 3 bedroom ranch. Cohoctah area. 2 bedroom. COMMERCE. 14 MIle and 12 x 60 KirkwOOd. New 10 x 16 CORNER lot. Evergreen and :.CITY OF HOWELL. NOR. Over 2.000 sq. ft. wIth 5 Are you a "FIZZBOW?" "FOR Full basement, laundry room large open lloor plan. 1 coun· Square Lake. Best oller HOWELl.. a beulllul stone Decker. 2 bedrooms. garage, utility shed. $4.000 or best of· ••THWEST SECTION. Lovely bedrooms, living room. dining SALE BY OWNER." that Is. upstairs. washer and dryer In· try acre. reduced to $37.000. (3t3)437~918. house localed on a large treed lull basement. approximately fer. (517)521-4416. ~home on Burns Drive room. parlor, 2 baths. $63,000. Are you getting discouraged eluded. Dishwasher plUS Call John Cunningham at Bek· lot. 299x99. with fenced back 2 years old. all appliances In LYON Township. 1973 Cham- FOWLERVILLE 1 'I. acre lot. :liowell's best subdivision. Harmon Real Estate. (517)223- because your ellorts are not disposal. Garden space In kerlng Realtors. (3t316m547 2 yard. 2 story home has 1 kitchen. lully carpeted. pIon. 12x5O.2 bedroom. $5.300 perked. 1 mile 011Grand River 9193. bringing results? Are you tired backyard. Walking distance to and (3131750-9412. ...." Bedrooms and bath on first bedroom up and 2 down. living $49.900.(3t3)553-4473. negotiable. (3131437-5766after $6.000 or S1,500 down on ""'floor. upstairs ready for ex. 01 spending money In adver· town. schools and church. FOWLERVILLE. Three room. dining room. kitchen. PINCKNEY. private Bass WALLLED LAKE 2 bedroom, 1 6p.m. terms. Also lot 150 by 185. 'I_ I -yanslon. $73.900. Call (5m546- IIslng? Are you gelling Impa· Asking S55.OOO.Call for ap- bedroom home wilh living balh. full basement, fronl Lake, rustic 3 bedroom log 'h baths. partially flnished full mile off Grand RIver, one mile I :;413-4for appointment. tient with unqualified buyers pointment (5171548-3685. 1963 Marlelle 10 X SO' with room, dining room. kitchen. porch, rear Inclosed porched. home on 3 lots. Lots of nice basement. attached garage. to 1-96 and town. $8.900 or coming through your house? 7 X 10 ex pando and 12 X 12 : ·COTTAGE for 2. access to Ilrst lloor laundry and garage. well and septic and brick HOWELL oul·':irts. Large 3 features. S51.500. By owner. newly decorated. window Sl.500 down on terms. John WE HAVE QUALIFIED After 4 p.m. (3131878-6421. room optional. Refrigerator, I ::Chemung Lake. A real bargain Price to sell at $30.000. Har· garage. Low utilities. natural bedroom RanCh. attached 2'h treatments and appliances Kane. broker (517)484·1226. BUYERS just waiting lor our stove and furnace all working. ,Is \hIs 1 bedroom COllage mon Real Estate. 1517)223- gas. Howell school dlslrlct. garage. large treed lot. PUTNAM TWP •• Must see to stay. $47.500. (313)62~. Home (517)655-3771. call. WE NEED LISTINGS!!!! S2.995.(517)543-2352. 'priced at only $24.900. Ask 10; 9193. assumeable morgage. 45.900. S57.500. Discount for cash. appreciate the charm of this FOWLERVILLE. 4.6 acres. cor· Let us take the worry and has- :Dee. ·(517)54~40. Earl Kelm call (5171543-1548. (5171546-4573. authenhc. custom built log 025 Mobile Homes sle out of your IIle. Let us tend ner lot. will split. (313)229-2729. :,Realty Bienco. HOWELL· Corner of Chilson home on 20 acres. Excellent L. For Sale to all of the details connected HOWELL commercial property HOWELL. North 11 miles. 5.7 and Grand River. 7.8 acres. C. terms. S97.55O. REALTY COUNTRY ESTATES "ARI:ING ranch home close 10 with seiling your home. Talk 10 on Grand River. live upstairs. A new 1985 Skyline (Hamp- acres. gently roiling. S11.OOO. .everything. Hall block Irom Possible split. One of last cor· ,WORLD VANS. (313)227-3-455. FOWLERVILLE. Very Clean. 3 anyone of our profes· ollice or business down. Ap- shlrel. 14 x 60. two bedrooms. AND Terms. (5171546-2498. lake. Large 101.Fireplace.lully proximately 1,700 sq. ft. ners in area. House 4.200 sq. RANCH home on picturesque bedroom. lull basement. slonals .... letthem explain our fully carpeted. lurnlshed. HOWELL/Hartland. Beaullful carpeled, all In excellenl con- 6 loot privacy fence. Parking ft•• $339.000. REALTY WORLD 6 acre private pond. approx· DARLING HOMES newer kitchen and family unique marketin!l3ystem. cathedral ceiling, bay window. 18.3 acres. bring all oilers. Call dition. Allached garage. Base- for 8 cars In rear. Assume VANS. (313)227-3455. Imately one acre wooded lot. room, wood burner. fenced LET US GETTHE JOB has many other extra features. Clayton. Alder Really. menI.1517)546-9393. 7'h% morgage.Call (313)477· HIGHLAND. Not for the timid owner leaving stale. $115.900. yard. new deck. land contract. DONE FOR YOU NOW!!!! You must see thiS home. Only New Energy (5171546-6670, (313)478·9289. buyer. Have us arrange land contract. (313162\l-653O. ; • fOWLERVILLE, by owner, 3 $4.000 down, S338 per month. CALL 7883. a S14.899.(3t31685-t959. West Efficient Homes In (511}546-854t. I bedroom ranch. 1'h bath Contact Mr. Chandler. Town's PREVIEW PROPERTIES HARTLAND. lakefront home. private showing of this stunn- SALEM Township. 5 bedroom HIghland MobIle Home Park. A Country Setting. HARTLAND desirable I walkout basement. 1 block Pillar Real Estate. 15171546- (3131227·2200 (517)546-7550 all brick ranch, finished walk ing 3 bedroom executive home, 2.700 sq. ft •• 15 acres • 200 x 400 lot. lake privileges, .from. schools. $69.900. Call 0566. out basement. 5 bedroom. 2~ ranch with breathtaking views outbuildings. (313)437-6403 lor MILFORD. West HIghland Prices From 514.900 Three Lakes Sub. Call (517)223-7126lor appointment, bath. 3 IIreplaces. sunken and Impressive decor on 10 appointment. Mobile Home Park. Used acres. Only $118.900. Ask for Located on Eight Mile 3 Clayton. Alder Realty, FOWLERVILLE. 3 Bedroom marble tub. The only view SOUTH LYON. by owner. 10 10x5O. Carpeted and trapes. HOWELL 1.200 sq. ft. bl·level. Mike. Century 21 Alpha Miles East 01 PontIac Trll (5171546-6670. (3131478·9289, ranch. 7 acres. 2 ponds, from wrap around deck Is a acre horse larm. two stall Partially lurnlshed. S3.S00 1 acre wooded lot on gravel Om~a. (3131887-8012. or Call 1517)546-8541. garage, 1'h baths. walk-out wooded island in Round lake. barn. two wired pastures, cash. (313)685-1959. basement, upstairs utility. road. 10 miles northesat 01 Hartland Shores Estates. HOWELL area. Costum built quad level custome built HOWELL. Beaul/lulten acres. FOWLERVILLE OPEN HOUSE. Howell. Unllnlshedlower level $64.000. (517)521-4263. SELLER WILL PAY $2.500 OF bl·level on 2.75 acres. Ex- home. 4-bedroom. 2'h baths. 349-1047 private road. assume. Will July 7, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. 4095 has fireplace. Upper level 3 PURCHASES CLOSING COST cellent location on blacktop. large family room. stone deal. (511)548-3362. A NEW DELUXE HOME NORTHVILLE. 1973 Hillcrest. Cemetery. Beautllul. Brick bedrooms, full bath. kitchen. ON OFFERS ACCEPTED Large master bedroom. 2 fireplace. centeral air. Call for very good condition. two and Wood BI·level, 3 possibly living room with IIreplace. BEFORE JULY 15. 1985. baths. family room With fire appointment. Sl65.ooo. 21855 HARTLAND. 10 acre wooded S11 900 bedrooms. one and a Iv.tll • J. FREE 4 bedrooms. 2 car garage. Asking $47.500.11% Land Con· $129.000 Call Ron Monelle at place. $77.600. Harmon Real CurrIe. Northvllle.(3131437· 15 year llna~cing features building site. $31,500. baths. $5.000. (313)437-3309. .3000 cubic yards clean sand 1111 easy access to town and Ex· tract with 15% down. 25 year Preview Properties (517) 546- Estate. (5171223-9193. 1464. large bay wIndow & garden HIGHLAND. 145 x 200 treed. In Brighton. AlIla Construe· pressway. Call Real Estate amortization. 5 year balloon. tub bath. Completely furnish· NEW Moon 10x45. 1966. One 7550. HARTLAND. 4 bedroom ranch. SOUTH LYON. Half acre, 3 lake access building sne. .lion. (313)229-8007. One, Robin Dymond. (313)227- Federal Land Bank. (517}546- ed. delivered. set up. steps. bedroom. furnished. air. major HARTLAND. English country finished basement. with walk- bedroom. spilt level. super S13.900. 5005. 5617. skirting & tie downs. appliances, 8 x 12 deck. Near style ranch. 3 bedrooms, large out, 10 x 16 enclosed patio family. room. deck. 2 car TOM ADLER REAL TV downtown Howell. in small fireplace. mature birch and wllh gas grill. Appliances In- garage. basement. land con- Wonderland (313)632-6222 pine trees. stream In backyard cluded. One bath, two half quiet park. $5.000. (5171543- tract available. S67.400. MOBIl.E HOME SAl.ES INC. 2097. wilh grape arbor. Long Lake baths; two 'h attached Minimum $15,000 down. Call 45475 MJtlllgan Ave. a\ Bellev,lIe Rd HAMBURG townshIp home access. M'59 and US 23 exit. garage. with opener. * acre. Ann or Steve (5171663-6220. 1918 Squire mobile home. site. 200 ft. x 400 ft.• $10.900. 397-2330 t4x60. With 12x38 tag. 3 $52.500. S6.000 down, Sn.900 by owner. (3131632·n5O SOUTH LYON. 4 bedroom terms. (3131878-6915. bedrooms. 1'h baths. payments of $475 per month. evenings and weekends. ranch on 'h acre lot. 2 baths. NORTHVILLE. Wooded 'James c. ANXIOUS. Wixom near Proud separate dining. (5171521-3744. Call Ron Monelle at Preview HOWELL'S BEST BUY country kllchen. Move In con- resldenllal. 70 x 160 ft. lot. 'h ..~~ Properties. (517)546-7550. Lake. 14 x 65. 2 bedrooms. Cutler dillon. See to appreciate. den. central air. cathedral ceil- 027 Acreage. Farms block to Our Lady of Victory HOWELL three bedroom A charming brick ranch on 1 catholic school. Corner of $67,500. Evenings (3131437· ing, bay window, 0111 apliances. For Sale Realty ranch. ,vinyl sided on 1.8 'acre. Big kitchen. fireplace. 8046. curtains. shed with electricity. Thayer and Eaton. $30.000. ·_~-11 acres. new roollng, carpeting. rec room, 4 bedrooms, 2'h car terms available. (3131349-4029. SUBDIVISION living at lis best. $10.500. (3131685-9563. BRIGHTON township. near I- 103-105 Rayson, and decorated. Lots of shade. garage. Only $59.895. (L1521 3 bedroom lamily home featur- 96 and U5-23. 10 acre corner PINCKNEY·Falrwood Sub. We close to 1-96. (517)546-6698. CAli Milt at (3131229-8431 or BRIGHTON - Sylvan Glen. 12 x , : Northville Ing 2 bathS, family room with 60 mobile home. 2 bedrooms. lot backed with trees and are offering a selection of line ALDER HOWELL 3 bedroom. 2 bath • (3131227·4600. Livingston fireplace. All this Is on 4.3 creek In area of $100.000 lots. 'h to 2 acres. All wooded Group. Expando. screen porch. shed. .349-4030 family room with fireplace 1rl- acres. Assumable 9'h% mor· near lake. lurnlshed •. $8.000 or homes. Can split to 2 five acre ,and roiling with private pond REALTY level on acre. Atlached 2 car HOWELt'S BEST BUY tgage. Priced to sell, $88.900. best oHer. (3131227-3026. parcels. perked. call Monlka and park. Low down payment garage. S69.500.(517)546-1553. Ask for Dee. (517)546-6440. Earl Jackson (3131525-9600 or to land contract. (3131878-6474. ONE OF THE well kept homes in the Plymouth BRIGHTON 12x60. 2 bedroom. A charming brick ranch on. 1 Keim Realty Blenco. (3131349-9004. , ;area. 3 bedrooms. famIly room. 1 car garage. 546-6670 HOWELL 4 bedroom. 1 'h on own land. (3131227-3364. PINCKNEY. BARGAIN PRICE. owner will help flnance. $49.900.00. Call for more bath, den. Country kitchen. in- acre. Big kitchen. fireplace. TRANSFERRED OWNER. very BRIGHTON Township. 7'h 26 Spllllable acres In Hamburg FOUND YOUR DREAM HOME! 478-9289 ground pool, 2 'h garage. rec room, 4 bedrooms. 2'h car anxious. Spacious ranch on acres. unique homesite. Why Township. Just S29.900. details. NEED FINANCING? Foremost JUST L1STE:' recently remodeled. fenced garage. Only $59.895. (L1521 over 2 acres. Just reduced travel miles when it is right (3131878-5915. Home Financial oilers lower 10 DOG KENNEL LICENSE. beautiful 4 bedroom HOWELL yard. low taxes. land contract CAli Milt at (3131229-8431 or $7.000. Priced at $69,900. Ask here? (313)229-6984. rates on used mobile homes SHADY Oaks Sub. 10 Mile and ranch home. large combmatlon barn and garage. Hand' llIan's dp·lght. terms available. $67.500. (313)227·4600. Livingst"n lor Dee. (5171546-6440. Earl with long terms and low down DEERFIELD TWP .• 60 acres, 2 Rushton. 2 large wooded lots m'any trees. water pond. 24 acres of heaVIly wood· (517)546-9622. Group. Keim Realty Bienco. L "learM-59&1-96. payment. Call collect at homes, large barn, out· SUited for walkout. $20.000 ~d land. $149.900.00 HOWELL, 11% fixed rate mor· ':;lI;. -' HOWELL. by owner. cozy 2 WIXOM. 5 acres & 2 family (313)965-7080. buildings. stream. SQme cat- each. (313)437~73. .J bedroom on .85 acres. paved tgage available to qualified dwelling plus 26x30 workshop tle. DrastIcally reduced. Ex- buyer on 3 bedroom ranch 1973 Flamingo 12 x 60. 2 STRAWBERRY LAKE, 3 lots, road. beautllully fenced yard. with basement. Estala sale. change lor part down. Rose 80 X 100 each. Perked. woDd- house totally remodeled and with 3* acres, 3 miles $89.000. call W.R. Kimble, bedroom. washer, dryer. air Really. (3131227·5613 or Call conditioner. new shed. $7.900. ed. S9.900 complete. Call , re-Insulated. natural gas heat. southeast of Howell. Trustee (313)227·3511 or (3131227-4296. Clayton Varesl Fireplace. beamed kitchen. Must sell. (3131227~921. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. (3131264-8179. for further details low taxes. close to town. (3131227-3311. HOWELL • 345 acres. Was a PETERSON REALTY Co. basement. Move In condition. SOUTH LYON. 10 acres par· $39.900. (517)546-3374. WINANS LAKE AREA nursery and sod larm. Perfect Howell schools. S61.500, Sales by Triangle lIally wooded on K·hlll Court. for a golf course. 'I_ mile to 1-96 335 North Center 51. (511}S46-0553. Mobile Homes north of Eight Mile between Spacious brick Colonial on on Burkhart Road. $396.750. Rushton and Marshall. - .Northville. !\IIichigan rPI. HARTLAND new farm style one acre. 4 bedrooms. 2'h 14x67 Victorian. REALTY WORLD VANS, split level, three bedrooms. S34.OOO. CaU after 6 p.m. 34R-4:l23 ~ baths. big kllchen, formal din- driveway lot. nice (3131227-3-455. (313)476-7149. possible fourth, 3 acres. ing. family room. fireplace. home. Only $10.000. SOUTH LYON. 3 plus 5 acres. nalural gas. blackloP. many VACANT 10 acre wooded Only $81.000 (T611 Call Milt at 14x70 Marlelle. Ig. car- 3 bedroom brick Ranch. large extras. $79.900. (3131632-6649. parcel. Gentry Rd. Already to (313)229-8431 or (3131227-4600. port. closed porch. alt. heated pole barn. $92.000. NOVI - MEADOWBROOK LAKE - Superb 4·5 be built on. $29.500. (517)n3- HOWELL. 4 bedroom. brick, The Livingston Group. shed, wId. water (3131437.()()67alter 6 p.m. bedroom colonial on a large wooded lot. 2'h 3288. two baths, trl-Ievel, 5'h acres. WHITMORE LAKE. Don't miss softener. stove & Baths, carpeted and draped living. dining and WINANS Lake area. approx- Horse barn and paddock. One this one!!! Water privileges on refrigoo cen. air. retiree 029 Lake Property family rooms, fireplace. dream kitchen, 1st floor Imately 18'h acres. Black top • I mile to town. (517)548-4790 Whitmore Lakel!! Newer three home. S21,9oo. For Sale laundry. garage. basement. den, central air. Park road. Pinckney school area. evenings. bedroom ranch with two full HIGHLAND GREENS and lake In subdivision. Land Contract available. BRIGHTON area, lakefrontlot. S2O.OOO.(517)223-9693. HAMBURG. For sale or rent. baths. S59.900. Call Nina ESTATES CALL TODAY! 2377 N. Milford Rd. 80 x 203 feel. 80 foot on private Small one bedroom house Mullins. Preview Properties. 033 Industrial, with Buck Lake privileges. 1 mi. N 01 M-S9 lake and road. (313)531-6096. (3131227·2200(M4221. Commercial '~LIVINGSTON COUNTY - COUNTRY FARM Gas heat. Land Coiltractterms (Highland Rd.1 WALLED LAKE newly For Sale ESTATE - 10 Miles Northeast of Howell. Take or security deposll. Available (3131887004184 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES your choice! 200 Acres (75% tillable) with redecorated Ranch. 3 Immediately. $16.500 or S250 Wednesday 12:00 - Green BRIGHTON. sale or lease. gorgeous 4 bedroom colonial farm house. 3 Barns bedrooms, 2 baths, large famI- FOWLERVILLE area. Mobile per month. (3131231·1018. Sheet Shopping Guide Serv- 6.000 sq. ft. clear span with stalls. OR WILL DIVIDE. House & 20 acres wilh ly room and patio. 2 car home. 14 x 10 on 1'h acres HOWELL. A bedroom for ing Dexter & Green Sheet building. 3 phase electric, pav- 3 barns. Land Contract available. Call today for garage. Spotless. $63.900. private lot. 2 bedrooms. 2 full everybody and a study for Shopping Guide Serving ed parking. Call (3131227-3301 details. (3131624-8648. baths, stall shower. garden yourself In this allractlve Highland, Thursday 3:30 - (3131227-3236. • tub, ceiling fans. central air. ranch located Just outside 01 022 Lakefront Houses Shopper BusIness DIrectory • wood burning fireplace, Friday 3:30 - Shopper. Monday BRIGHTON. office complex Howell. All appliances stay. For Sale with 4.000 prime Ioca- enclosed 8 x 10 porch. Green Sheet. & Green Sheet sq. ft.. •..1------.... Full finished basement. lion, long term land contract (3131624-9027 or (517)521-4304. LAND CONTRACT TERMS and low down payment Enclosed porch. S59.850. call BRIGHTON • Lillie Crooked Business Directorys. Monday Call anytime. Open House avaIlable. (3131227-3168. on this 3 bedroom home on 'h Acre. Counlry Set· Jerry SChlicher. Preview Pro- lakefront. 3 bedrooms. boat 3:30 - Wednesday Green Sunday. 2 pm to 5 pm. FOR renl. sale or trade. com- tlng. No. 218. S54.9OO. perties. (517)543-7550(H812170 storage. Large deck overlook· Sheet. $26.900.4551 Wheeler Rd. mercial property at 8755 and Henderson. Ing lake. Walk out level finish- ed. Includes boal'and motor. FOWLERVILLE. New Fairmont 8761 Main St.. Whitmore Lake HOWELL. Double Lot. HOISINGTON Lake, wild and S69,900. REALTY WORLD homes. 14 x 80. $19.995 and consisting of restaurant plus 5 Remodeled. Doorwall oH liv- secluded. In northern liv- VANS. (3131227-3455. 14 x 7O·s. $17.995. Located In room home. with breezeway Ing room to deck. Only Ingston County. Large parcels OLING Alans Park. Lot rent $95. and allached garage. Call $44.900. Call Ron Monelle at BRIGHTON. 4 bedroom ranch Ideal for contemporary REAL ESTATE INC. wllh basement on smalt (517)521-3412. reallor owner. or Nelsons Preview Properties. (517)546- homes. $40.000 range. First (313)449-4466. • ~ 201 S, Lafayette 7SSO (R912) 8995 Rushslde. private fishing lake. 2 car 1973 14 x 68 ft.. located In Business Brokers. (517)546- garage, ample closet and Kensington Place. 3 bedroom. 5823. MILFORD inside VIllage limits. LAKELANO. by owner. Ideal l.!!J 437.2056 storage space. on one half deck. shed. range. large lot, excellent Invest· location for contractor. Huge LAKE Shannon access lot. acre. $82.500. (3131227-6474. refrigerator. dishwasher. ment. zoned commercial. ;;- 5·22· 150 oversized pole building wllh 2 166xl20 ft. $8,800. S500 down. HAMBURG. cOllage for sale (313)437-5736. Land contract. (313)629-6530. three bedrooms. living room. 12x12 overhead doors, solid dining room. full basement, wood construction. full con- on Rush lake. 1 bedroom. resonable. (313)937·2028. asking $59,900. (3131685-9803 crete floor. Plus a 3 to 5 PINCKNEY. Lovely bl-Ievel on (3131478-4978. • 12 ACRE HORSE FARM bedroom energy efficient HAMBURG Bass lake: seclut:ad trPed lot with tennis large' 3 bedroom 5plit level home. hardwood chalet. Central air. low lakefront, 2 bedroom year court and paved circular drive. MILFORD inside Village limits. .floors throughout. family room. lireplace. 5un· maintenance, full walkout round home on double lot. Access to Lake Tamarack. large lot, excellent Invest· GLOBAL ment. zoned commercial, ask- 'pprch. den. S109.oo0. basement on a wooded 1 acre with sandy beach. 2'h car Heated garage, workshop and corner lot on 2 asphaull roads. garage, stone fireplace. large many extras. S115.OOO.Call ing S59.900. (313)685-9803 Brick ranch with walk-out basement. Over 2000 sq • HOI\1ES, (3131478-4918. • .;.. Near water. 20 mInutes north modern kitchen. new Terry Bergman (3131971~70. ft•• lamily room with fireplace. 2 master bedrooms. of Ann Arbor. 40 minutes west carpeting, ponloon boat and evenings (3131426-5463. UNION LAKE. servIce station. 3 full baths. 4 bedrooms. den and 2'h car attached :rRILEVEL ON 2.5 ACRES of Livonia. $59.900. Must see. smalt sail boat included. INC. possible use quick 011 change. garage. S115.0oo. a Bedroom home. family room. deck. Horses (3131231-1098. S74.flOO. (3131231-1553. Your Listing & PINCKNEY. Portage Lake. party store. Call (3131258-9058. 1l1l0wed. AU on quiet private drive in nice area. 80 ft. frontage on the lake. 4 WALLED LAKE, bank bUilding Just reduced! Inspiring 3 bedroom tri·level home LARGE 4 bedrooms. plus sew- HAMBURG • Waterfront. 3 Selling Brokerage bedroom with den. 2 baths. - formerly a service station , :S69.5OO. in the beaullful Heatherwyke Sub. ,n Novl. Ex· ing room, In this lovely family bedroom ranch with 1'h baths cathedral Windowed family has canopy. possible use· of: cellent floor plan. Neutral decor. neY'er carpet. home In city of Howell. Home and 1 car attached. plus 2'h t • ~ Novi, Walled room. nice glassed In porch. lice building. party store with cent. air. nice landscaped lot. deck and pallo wI· Is located on targe double- car detached garages. Stone . Extra insulation added. gas. quick 011 change. bank. gas grill. A must to see. $84.500. corner lot. All aluminum sid· fireplace and woodburner. Lake, Plymouth, ; 'COTTAGE ON CHANNEL ed. An excellent value. Price S78.600. REALTY WORLD South Lyon, S159,OOO. Call Pat Dufek Call (3131258-9058. (3131994·0400. evenings Charml~ home on $l'6qe lot with U'dcess to all Looking to get away from It all. then this 2400 sq. ft. reduced from S79.900 to VANS. (3131227-3455. Wixom areas. (313)665-8784. 035 Income Property ~ports laf<'OLand Conh<'6tterms. S44.t<'<:s $69.900. call Jo Gentry. Earl HOWELL. 3 bedroom. 2'h colonial on 6 acres might be the ticket! 3 For Sale bedrooms. 3 fuil baths. 2 car garage. 1st floor laun· Kelm Really Blenco. (517)546- baths. cathedrall ceiling, fami· CHARLES REltUiART CO 6440. ly room. two fireplaces. 2'hcar Now's The Time " dry. Hurry! Sl29.900. Ann Arbor. 1.1148104 BRICK apartment complex, 6 , . garage. Oak cabinets, buill-lns ToSe" Your unils. Land conlract terms. ~4 .... " Novi. Northville area. Country Place. 1650 sq. ft. 3 with microwave, ceramic llIe For details. ask for sandy ... In foyer. kitchen. baths. and Manufactured TYRONE Twp. 2 parcelll on bedrooms. 2'h baths. Finished basement. garage. MILFORD. Must be sold. Im- Gavin. or leave message. The Stems Lake. Linden Ro.ld. 62 .;. ~ Beautifully decorated. neutral colors. Stained maculate 3 bedroom. 1Yz lirst floor laundry. Many ex· Home Livingston Group. (3131227. woodwork. beamed ceiling. patio. pool, co.urls. baths. on dead end road. lras. $119.000. (517)546-3534. acres. $72.000. 75 lIcres. 4600. $87.000. (313)629-1673. club house. A must to see. S89.900. ' $44.000. Ask for Mike. Century LONG Lake. Hartland. year· PROFESSIONAL 21Alpha Omega. (3131887-8012. round. Want to trade for 030 Northern Property INCOME PROPERTY duplex. (313)632·7318• SERVICE & ::it ~21. ' MILFORD Township. 3 For Sale Large or small. Call Midwest bedroom ranch. 8 large lots. PORTAGE Lake. Super sum- Financial Services. Jerry Sui. • : JST OFFERING NICE LARGE RANCH WIth 2.470 EVALUATIONS wooded. Sears Lake. com- mer home in Dexter ONAWAY. 40 acres wooded. ton. (3131424-8430. • 'sq. ft. Extra large kilchen with appliances. lormal pletely decorated. , car at· Township, Washtenaw Coun- Call Diane or small A-frame. S15,500. : dining room. family room with natural fireplace. 3 tached garage. full basement ty. $95.000. Owner. (3131878- Carola (3131878-3557 or (517)733-8631 MILFORD. Income property. • f'edrooms. 1'h baths, porch. 2 car allached Ilnlshed. $64.900. Cell (3131685- 3367. or(5tn733-8483. one "ouse and three apart- I' • garage. Lots of trees, lake privileges on Walled 2081or(313)181~1. 669·9030 : Lake. S57.5OO. ments lor sale on three acres MILFORD Township. Custom 024 Condominiums Chateau Novi TAHQUAMENON FALLS plus. Producing $1.350 for • :~ST OFFERING-FABULOUS CAPE COD on Tudor Cl

~I " •

6-B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday, July 3,1985 " ' OlD Office Space 037 Real Estate Wanted 061 Houses For Rent 064 Apartments 0[14 Apartments 067 Rooms For Rent 064 Apartments 074 Living


Uvingsfon County Phone 227-4436 or 548-2570 oakland County 437-4133,348·3022,685-8705 or 669·2121 Wayne County 348-3022 Washtenaw County 227004436 fit • fit

Alarm Service Asphalt Brick, Block, Cement Building & Remodeling Bulldozing Chimney Cleaning Excavating Handyman Heating & Cooling ALARM systems. Commer- BRICK. block, cement work, G & R Custom Bulldozing, CHIMNEYS-FIREPLACES HANDYMAN, carpentry. roof- cial, reSidential, fire, burglar. ADORA A.A.A. KEN NORTHRUP porches. patios, .drlveways, large or small dozer, finished Building and repall. Insurance Ing, electrical, plumbing, ce- NORTHVILLE REFRIC. A. McCardell. 5486 losco custom chimneys and CONSTRUCTION ment, painting. (313)437-4834. ASPHALT Old fashioned prices with new grading up to site balancing, work, also cleaning and In- sand, gravel, fill dirt and top- MunNS & COOUNG Road, Webberville. (517)223- fireplaces. Over 10 years of ! clearing, all your excavallng spection. State licensed, In· soil. Septic tanks and drain HANDYMAN. Roofing, pain. 3162. NorthVille references. Call ideas. We do all types of home SERVICES needs. (313)887-6418. sured. Northville Construc· fields installed. Bull dozing ting. siding, clean up, moving, - SpecIalizing in ALLSTAR Alarm Co. Burglar Mike Dedes, (313)349-5114, repair and remodel and new Paving construction. Additions, tion. Free estimates. (313)346- and back hoe work. (3131231- & odd Jobs. Reasonable. 011Burner ServIce alarms, residential and com- (313)591-6799. BAGGEn-- - 1036. 3537. (313)349-6311. mercial. (517)546-4847, 2071 Patching garages, pole barns, dormers, rec rooms, aluminum siding, HANDYMAN specialist. 'Will ·Bollers· Mason, Howell. Seal Coating CEMENT: footings, driveways, EXCAVATING roofing, gutters, storm win· do any type of construction or Landscape ties patios, sidewalks. You name Clean up Ha~lIng SEPTIC tanks, drain fields and Central AIr Condo Septic systems, base- & home repair, carpentry, elec- Aluminum Free Esllmates It, we do it from large to small. dows, window and door dry wells; installed and Sales & Service replacements, bath and kit- ments, bulldozing, tncal and plumbing, roofing All Work Guaranteed Call for your estimate. ALL types of clean up and repaired. Special: Typical 1500 'COMPLETE home improve- chen remodel. Welcome any and siding. etc. Very Carrier Dealer John Fleming (313)227-1793. gravel. driveway cul- hauling. Commercial, gallon septic tank and 1200 sq. ment specialiZing in siding, kind insurance repair. verts, parking lots and Resldenllal, Builders Clean ft. drain field for $1,975. reasonable. (517)546-6710. roofing, windows, and gullers. (313)437-5500 Specialize In old home repair. sewers. Up, Demolition and Concrete (313)229-6672. Deal dllect with applicator. Designing and conSUlting NORTHVILLE' removal. (313)227-7859, HANDYMAN Licensed and insured. 18 available. License Number NORTHVILLE (313)227-5214. CEMENT. BRICK. TRENCHING SERVICE years experience. (313)685- STATEWIDE BLOCK AND 068013.(517)546-6710. 349-0116 349·0880 4 through 18 Inch footings and 'it Interior Remodeling & .7618. PAVING ALL MASONRY water lines dug. Block work Repairs JOHN'S Aluminum, licensed Commercial Large jobs and all repairs. ADDITIONS, decks. new POND I'redglng and Develop- Home Maintenance : for garages, houses and addi- 'it Carpentry contractor. We do reSidential Residenllal Experienced, Licensed & homes, remodel, Insurance ment. Turn swamp areas into SENIOR Discount. We pay tions. Also floors poured. 'it Electrical •and commercial work. Free Parking lots, driveways. Big or Insured. Work mysell. Fast work. Licensed builder. Free useful irrigation or decoratIve MAKE your lake a f~n place dump fee. (313)229-9747. (5171546-2117or (517)223-9616. 'it Plumbing estimates, and reasonable small, we'll do them all. Free & eficient. Free estimates. estimates. (517)546-0267. ponds. Equipped for fast efh· again, cut and harvest lak~ rates on aluminum and Vinyl or 532-1302. 'it Free Estlmates weeds. Aqua Scape estimates. 348-0066 CAMPBELL·Mitchell, Inc. cient work. Ron Sweet. Clock Repair 11. siding, gutters, trim, storm Handyman 'it No Job too small or too corporated. (517)546-79n. ' (313)887-9616 General contractors, fully In- (313)437-1727. windows, Thermopane far Highland CEMENT. masonary. quality sured and licensed. Roofing, Doors & Service replacement windows, storm Cabinetry BROKEN? Bring it to Jim's 'itc.nEmest Insulation work. Reasonable prices. siding, additions, insurance , doors, awnings, enclosures, Fixit Shop. Furniture, more, 'it (313) 437-1114 Free estimates. Licensed. repairs, etc. (313)227-9227 bet· HARTLAND Garage Doors. .custom made shutters, car· small appliance repair, INSULATION blanket 'or (517)546-0267. ween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Service and repall. Electric ports, mobile home skirting. openers. Free es\lmates. Call welding, carpenter. 2180 West blown. cellouse. free VALENTINE CEMENT work, sidewalks, ,'Insurance work welcome. 30 =..;==-==--=::-.; KITCHENS Dave (313)632-5213. Highland. Howell. (517)546- estaments. Licensed and ;In- patios, driveways. Also porch • years expellence. Call 9481. sured. (313)227-4157. • ASPHALT and chimney repair. No job Support •(517)223-9336 or (511)223-7168. It costs no more • New & Custom Drywall EXPERIENCED handyman. INSULATION, thermalcrate, ,24 hour answering service. PAVING too small. Free estimates. Call ... to get Cabinets Home repairs, plumbing, elec· Vocational cellouse, fiberglass, other (313)449-8232. first class workmanship DRYWALL and texturing. Call SIDING. Storms, all types. trlcal, custom remodeling. energy saving devices: Free FeatUring cmplete paving ser· FIRST PLACE WINNER of after 5 p.m. Free estimate. Licensed, Insured. Free • Counter Tops Free estimates, satisfaction Agriculture home heat loss energy vices. Parking lots, driveways, two National Awards, (3131227-4961. estimates, references. guaranteed. Call Dick, analysis. (3131227-2800. • .. asp hall repairs, commericial WESTLAND CEMENT HAMILTON has beer, • Refacing DRYWALL. Hanging, &FFA! (313)227-4157. (313)227-2889 or Ron (313)227- and reSidential. Floors, garages, satisfying customers • Office finishing, texturing. Arnold 2859. Interior Decorating driveways, patios. walks, for over 20 years. Fraley, (517)521-3221. Appliance Repair porches, ,foundations, You deal directly with the, Remodeling LIVINGSTON Plasterlng/· Janitorial Services : brick & block. Smalillarge SAPUTO Appliance Repair. 887-3240 owner. All work guaran- Texture Company. Repairs, Kenmore and Whirlpool and jobS. Llc .. bonded, Ins. teed and competitlvel~' CLASSIC Cleaning Corpora- 478-4310 477-8192 remodeling, customizing, pro- all major brand names. No ser- priced. _" I tion. All kinds of household Auto Repair 349·7725 fessional quality. (3131227· ROOT'S : vice charge. (313)624-~166. • FREE ESTIMATES 7325. and ofllce jobs. (3131437-4720; Licensed & Insured RADIATORS from $78.99. • Designs PROFESSIONAL olflce 'clean- Attorney's HENRY Stamper and Sons. PHIL'S Drywall Finishing, tex· • EXCAVATING heater cores from $28.19, All Cement and mason contrae- • Additions • Kitchens ture and repair work. Free Ing. Metroflex cleaning oilers • Porch • Enclosures. Carpentry 20 years exoerlence. Former new and complete, Call tors. Cement work, block estimates. (517)546-5389. professionalism, Integrity, etc. and a quaranteed service you chief pro~ecutor. All ac· Mechanics Auto Supply. 4990 work, block basements, foun- . ANY carpentry, remodeling, • SNOW PLOWING & REMOVAL cldents, drunk driving, S. Old US-23, Brighton, dations. 35 years experience. : repairs, licensed builder. Electrical CONTRACTS AVAILABLE can trus\. For a free estimate, divorce. Oaklard/Llvlngston (313)229-9529, 1 mile north of HAMILTON ; (3131231-1128. phone (3131349-2487'. Call (517)546-2972. DAN Hammon Electric. Robert E. Mccall. Milford Grand River Avenue. • BULLDOZING· BACK FILLS Custom ~ CARPENTRY by Larry. DeckS, Licensed contractor. Com- (313)684-6m, Walled Lake ,", Bands Remodeling . porches, steeps, remodlelng, mercial, residential. Free • BASEMENTS - DRIVEWA YS (313)669-4449. INGRATIA&SON CONSTRUCTION , CaIlSS9-5590 ... 24 Hours kitchens, etc. Phone Larry estimates. (313)437-3775. .~~ADS·STUWPREMOVAL . ~ Sadler.(313)538-3170. Y&drbestfrlend' Asphalt Brick, Block. Ce1!'ent Specializing In concrete flat· i . ELECTRICIAN master. licens- n GRAVEL/TOPSOIL n work, poured walls, brick. CARPENTER Interested In do- ed. Ret'idenllal. commercial, is choking, " ~ BRICK and Block work. Por· block and lot gr.·dlng. Ex· CONSTRUCTION, remodel· Ing the work you need done. Industnal. (3131876-2444. "WE WILL GLADLY and all you can hear ches, Fireplaces. Licensed Remodel and repair. Walter ALL Around Asphalt. perlenced, reliable and lng, additions. decks, ELECTRICIAN. licensed. is your own heart Contractor. Free esllmates. 0110. (313)437-7250. MOVE THE EARTH . DlIveways and parking lots. reasonable. Commerlcal, In- garages, pole buildings, land- Residential, commercial. Free call Elmer, (3131349-6046. pounding. Free estimates. (313)231-2226. dustrial and residential, free scaping, road grading, large COMPLETE HOME MODER· estimates. Rea50nable rates. FOR YOU" or small jobs. Licensed, FREE ESTIMATES •• , ' ... 14, II'" , , estimates, cali Rico (517)546- NIZATION. Basements, kll· (313)227-1550. ,\ 11\.,1..· III '" ,,( references. (313)449-2714. chens, windows, additions, I.,., ....Vo II loti!'!' .... " 5616. ",'I ITto I, \"'11' ,I wolemlnlzed decks. Jim. Excavating DECKS, custom built with 684·2707 '0 .. I n~' ,I .. '. C&FCEMENT wolmanized wood. Call Doug (313)346-2562. Jim Root \\,111,,11' \\,11 ""11' MICHIGAN STONEMASON (517)546-8243. QUALITY carpentry and EARL \ ..,. " \ ' H."(U." ..... ALL TYPES OF LICENSED HOME Improvements, remodeling. Licensed. Free 17Y..... E.~. estimates. Reasonable prices. EXCAVATING CO. ASPHALT CEMENT WORK (3131885-3653 remodeling. finished Septics, drain fields, sewers, ~------~ (5171546-0267. BASEMENT, basements, room additions, basements, land grading and PAVING. wood porches, and decks, UNIQUE deck designs with clearing, perc tests. Sand, " Building & Remodeling GARAGES, etc. Small jobs a speciality. quality work and affordable gravel, topsoil delivered. Monte's Construction. prices, 20 years experience. Driveways, ParkIng DRIVES, WALKS, ADDITIONS, deckS, window (3E~~ _ ETC. replacements and general (313)887·7400. (313)231·2442. Lots, etc. carpentry work. Licenserl Free eslimates,lIcensed. RESIDENTIAL Carpet Service Seal Coating builder. (313)227·5340. & COMMERCIAL ADD that extra living space KITCHEN remodeling. CARPET. tile and vinyl In· . "All Work Gua,.nteed" 30 years experience cabinets and countertops. stallation, repairs. 15 years ex· H&M HydraUlic Assemblies ~~ you have always wanted, Let Free Eatlrnlitel us show you how Inexpensive References. Tom Nelson. perience. (313)227-4897. (313) 348-2710 (313)632·5135. Construction, Inc. .' 887-4626 It Is to Improve your home. We CARPET, vinyl and tile In- , do additions, bathrooms, kit· NEW homes, additions, staller 20 years experience, While You Wait ~ .._7J "" .:hens, garages. decks. remodeling. All types home also has good buys on carpet • Excavation siding, pole barns, or any repair. Licensed and Insured. and pad. Call Bob (3t3)227· other type of home or Free estimates. References. 5625. • Grade Work (313)227-4157. At: "'},~' · business Improvements. Cnl)~la ..d Pa,,·i ..~ CO. Licensed and Insured, call for QUALITY bUlldiltg at the Caterlng • Septic Fields your free estimate. (3131227· lowest prices. Additions, '. 1793. • Perk Tests garages, repairs, rooling, Ceramic Tile 25 Years Experience siding, cement and block • Basements 2(n.l9ht~ dluto e::Suppti/ work. (3131437·1928. ALL ceramic tile expertly • Parking lots dono, new and repair. Llcens· $ Footings Bulldozing ed. (3131227·7754. (313)474- COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICES • Driveways BURNSANDSONS 0008. Small Jobs ., DRIVEWAYS, bulldOZing, NOVI • 43500 Grand River. 348-1250 • Tennis Courts BOB'S CERAMIC TILE will Welcome " QUALITY BUILDER backhoe work, sand and ~~ (1 Block West of Novl Rd.) M·F 8-6; Sat. 8-5 LICENSED AND INSURED gravel. Radio dispatched remodel bath or kitchen com- Free Estimates WALLED LAKE· 938 N. Pontiac Trail. 669-1020 plete, Will repair or replace FREE ESTIMATES For free estimates on your ad· trucks, IT & G Excavating, M·F 8-6; Sat. 8-5 tile. Free estimates. Call Call 437-6862 '. ALL WORK GUARANTEED dltlon, dormer, new home, (5m548-3148. UNION LAKE· 2450 Union Lake Rd •• 363-4157 garage, roof or siding call: (3131229-2529. Or 'j LIGHT bulldOZing part time. M·F 8-6: S3t. 8-5; Sun: 10-3 " (313)426-3396 Also sand and gravel trucking. Chimney Cleaning '1 478·8240 (5171546-9=74;;;:4::,.. _ &M227-1216 Wednesday, July 3, 1985-S0UTH LYON HERALO-NOfUHVILLE I=IECOF![)-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD TlMEs-t.e

089 Wanted To Rent 101 Antiques 102 Auctions 103 Garage&. 103 Garage& 103 Garage&' 103 Garage&. 103 Garag.,4 104 Household Goods Rummage Sales Rummage Sales Rummage Sales BRIGHTON area. family of 5 ANTIQUES, furniture. some Rummage S.les Rummage Sales needs house to rent, 3 or 4 sliver, pictures, frames. mlr. BEDROOM set mahogony With BRIGHTON. Big garage salel bedrooms, basement and rors, miscellaneous, By ap- JERRY DUNCAN'S GREGORY, yard sale. 4th & 5th HOWELL, Sold mobile home, NORTHVILLE, multi lamlly. SOUTH LYON. Movl'lg sale. rosewOOd. 5 piece drexel. Ex· garage. Non·smokers, no pointment, call am, dealers Lots of gOOd stuff. Baby Irom 10a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Horse moving Into senior citizens cellent condition. $850. Auctioneering Friday. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 July 5 & 6, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. pets, responsible. (313/229- welcome. (517/546-2678. clothes and antiques. 9 UI tack. odds :lends, chlldrens & apartment. Must sell all tools p.m. Car slereo, phonograph Pool table, Sanger sewang (313/349-5962. 2703. 6 p.m. Saturday only. 3961 Service adults clothes, commercial accumulated over the years. and camera equipment, baby machine, washer, dryer, much BUNK Beds, need mat· Flint Road. HOWELL·Fowlervllle. Family CLASSIFIED DEADLINES Farm. Estate. HO:lsencl" plastic. dress & pants 10 Inch CraHsmen table saw, Items, children's clothes, fur- more. 9917 Ponderosa Drive. tresses. $40. (517/223-8411 BRIGHTON Twp. Friday 9 to 4, hangers, clothes racks. 21500 Router saws. work benches, looking for 3 bedroom house Wednesday 12:00 • Green Antique, Mlcellaneous. OIlure. household Items. 1105 SOUTH LYON, now through after3 p.m. on Waycross at Lake Moraine. Wasson Rd. west of Pingree Saber saw, compressor, C to rent with option to buy. Sheet Shopping Guide Servo Jellrey. July 15. 35 Meadowbrook BOYS ten speed, 26 Inch, Pro- Take Pleasant Valley 3 miles Rd. motor oil, 2~ycle 011.ladders, • (517/548-3225aHer 3 p.m. ing Dexter & Green Sheet 437-9175 or 437:9~ NOVI Moving Sale. 44533 Lane, Country Estates. Tour bike $35. Pansonlc north of Grand River to lawn mowers, garden tools, OPTION to buy, 2 or 3 Shopping Guide Serving HARTLAND, Moving sale. Ju- Louvert Court, Dunbarton (313)437-2116. Sony televiSion, stereo, with two speakers, Waycross. (3131227·7391. rotollller, rubber garden hose, bedroom house. prelerably Highland. Thursday 3:30 • ------ly 5. 6, 9 a.m. 3920 Hartland Panes SubdiVision. Friday Marantz receiver, Technics also $35. (313/349-7324. Shopper Business Directory, BRAUN & HELMER BRIGHTON garage s.lle. 5440 Road Just past Cromalne bed, chest 01 drawers, pic- with garage. Howell·Bnghton 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday turntable, speakers, Kenmore BRIGHTON, Moving sale. Friday 3:30· Shopper. Monday AUCTION SERVICE Leland Blvd. July 5th, 6th, 7th. Library. Portable dishwasher, tures. sola bed like new, area, low price range, P.O. :I a.m. to 4 p m. Furniture, ap- washer and dryer, books, Household lurnlture and Green Sheet, & Green Sheet Farm, Household, Anti- 9 amt05 pm. toys, furniture. IlOens, drapes, Hobnail pic- Box 443, Howell, MI. pliances. records, clothes. desks, and miscellaneous. Business Dlrectorys, Monday que, Real Estate, ture and 12 glasses, PROFESSIONAL couple BRIGHTON. Trailer. dinelle HOWELL. Moving sale, Fur· NORTHVILLE Yard Sale. SALEM Township. moving 3:30 - Wednesday Green Miscellaneous. glassware, lamps, lots more. Call lor details (313)227·5058. set, stereo, appliances. antI- niture, tools, everything. 6156 Retired Electncal Contractor's sale. 7733 Angle Road. July 4 - desires 3 to 4 bedroom home Sheel. Lloyd R. Braun July 2~, 8 a.m.~ p.m. 520 COUCH & chair, gold With gold ques, much more. July 4th, Byron Road. saturday. Sun- l with acreage SUitable lor Cheyenne, Red Oaks 011 Goodles Plugs, electrical 7. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Appliances, & black reversable cushions, 665-9648 5th, 6th, 9 am. 8975 Hilton. day.9 a.m. to 6 p.m. horses. Up to S650 a month. Chemung. boxes, wire, condUit and lit· lurnlture, stereo, new very gOOd condillon. (517/54l>- LAMPS, large hanging lanlil~. Jerry L. Helmer.ll94-8309 Relerences. (313)878-5760. BRIGHTON garage sale, HAMBURG, Buck Lake. 3 HOWELL"',-=B:-n--:gh--=t-on-,-=-be-:-tw-e-en-.lings, tools, old bottles and microwave, bUlldang supplies, 1795. cut glass. (313/227·,5527.AHer oldies and gOOdies, 6399 Ki- lamily. 9970 Galatlan, Just 011 lars, mlOl·blke, minl·blke's exercycle, toys, bab~ things, PROFESSIONALLY employed salvation Army Thnlt Store CHINA cabinet, Walnut 12. 103 Garage& nyon, Thursday. Fnday and M-36. Friday - Saturday. July 5 Irames and parts, motor· and many small Items. lemale desires to rent quality now opened until 9 p m. every veneer, 10 years old. Good ROUND oak pedestal table, Rummage Sales Saturday. 10 to 4. &6Irom9a.m. t04 p.m. cycles, 1969 Postal Jeep, old (313)437-5280. two or three bedroom condo day Monday through Fnday. 9 condition. $225. Call alter $250 or best oller. Call wOOd orange crates, old lamp .6.~ or apartment In Brighton BRIGHTON, big moving south HIGHLAND big garage sale, to 5 on Saturday. Well sorted (313)878-6519. parts, relrlgerator. bicycle 104 Household Goods 5 p.m. (313/227-4347. ,. viclOlly. Will give owners care. sale. 7043 Winding Trail. Pine 2099 Ridge Road. July 5. 6, clothlOg, all sizes: knick- ALL GARAGE & RUMMAGE parts, bolts, nuts, etc, etc. Fri· CH EST Ireezer, Sears, Have excellent references. SOLID oak antique desk and Valley Estates 01101 Hamburg 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, SALE ADS PLACED IN knacks. toys. lurOiture, collec- day and Saturday Irom 8 a.m. A·l big selection rebuilt 22.3 cu. ft. Good condition. Collect (517)892-1993 between SWivel chair. Excellent condl- THIS COLUMN MUST Rd. Friday 8 to 4 & saturday 8 tibles, appliances. books, HOWELL. Refrigerator, twin until 7 p m. 720 Fairbrook (7 relngerators, stoves, washers $100. Old large lormal dlnang 5.3Op.m. 7:30p.m .. lion, must sell. $300 or best 01· START WITH THE CITY t04. records. Best rummage 10 LIV- Mile) Corner 01Orchard. and dryers. All colors. 90 day bed. dlnelle, a mans bike, room table, 6 chairs. bullet, ler. (313/227·n95. WHERE THE SALE IS TO BRIGHTON yard and moving Ingston County. At warranty. ADC welcome. Ap- QUIET working couple wish aquarium, picnic table. cactus (dark/, $150. (517/223-3394. BE HELD. THE AD MUST sale, between 13n and 1415 History town, 6080 W. Grand NORTHVILLE MovlOg Sale. pllance Place Too, 2715 East . country apartment, duplex or plants, flower pots, and more. CHEST Ireezer, good condI- BE PRE-PAID AT ONE Bnghton Lake Rd. Female River, between Howell and FurOiture, odds and ends, Grand River, Howell. (517/548- apartment In Whitmore Lake. 9 to 5. 1325 Alstoll. off Peavy tion, $100 or reasonable oller. clothes size 7-9. antique Brighton. WedneSday, T'lursday, 1300. 'South Lyon. Salem area OF OUR OFFICES OR Road. • (313)685-9029. PLACED ON A MASTER jewelry, Tupperware. fur- 9 a.m 116 North Rogers. A::7N:;T~IQc;"U"'E:--w-00d--;--C-oo--:k:--S-:-to-v-e, beginning August lsl. Call 102 Auctions HARTLAND. Moved sale. July (313)483-3098 after 6:30 pm CHARGE OR VISA CARD. niture. July 5. 6, and 7th, from HOWELL, Moving sale, July 4, 5th and 6th. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. NOVI Multi lamlly , air condl- summer and winter. Cup- DINING set, 42 Inch round 5. 6. 9 am to 5 pm. Freezer, table. with two leaves. Two (weekdays/. 10amt05pm. 1934Lakena Dnve. 1I0ner, boat loader, 35 mm board, electnc built in oven, washer, dryer, furniture. captains chairs and two Side BRIGHTON, estate sale, BRIGHTON 7791 Maltby. Rd. slide trays, lots 01 mix· kitchen cabinets, new. Exer- snowmobile. 25 in. color TV, HOWELL. Garage sale. 1248 chairs. (313/420-3103. household items. boat, trailer, Antiques and miscellaneous. Fox Hills. Wednesday, 8 a.m. cellaneous. 23063 EnOlshore. cise bike. Apartment electric antique bottles. lots of North 01 nine, west 01 ,stove. (313/349-5675. lIl.lIl.lIl.llIflll.llIflllflllf up right freezer. Thursday Friday and saturday. New carpet. many colors and DINING room walnut table and household Items, and much meadowbrook. Thursday, Fn- 5 chairs, china closet. $300. ~ . ,HOUSEHOLD air ""T"""T"""T"""T"""T"""T"""T"""T" miscellaneous. saturday only. BRIGHTON. Home furmshings Sizes, fertilizer and spreader, more. North Burkhart to 3845 day, and saturday. WHOLESALE DIRECT (313/231-9370. • (../\...,. • 5498 Richelle. to clothes to boats. 8400 MarrRd .. children's bikes, hair sup- • ; \"" S\ ~~ ~~ ;;'B::RI=GH:7.T:::O~N:=-.7.W'"""00d--:;"la-n""'La-'k:-e7d Woodland Shore Drive. plies, cameras. and much PINCKNEY garage sale. Lots TO YOU DARK Oak bunkbed. $100. HOWELL. garage sale July 5- ollnlant and kid's clothes. Ju· Fur nit u r e Who I e s a I e , \ \0 "'" Mobile Home Association, Ju- Wednesday, Friday and satur- more. (313)437-4105or (313)887·2302. 'lilt Antiques 6, 9 to 6. Household furmture. Iy 5, 6 10 a.m. to 4 pm. only. Dlslrlbutors 01 Mlch'gan sell- • .•~ ~ \) C \.~ • Iy 6,7. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m .. 2740 day. HOWELL, fans. desk, DARK pine six loot tressel antiques. miscellaneous 353 Dexter Road. 109 all new merchandise In BRIGHTON. Moving sale. refrigerator, new water table, With six windsor bow ANTIQUES & collectables. 220 FLEA MARKET. ;:TI:;;m"".=~,.---.,-:--;------:- items. 1494 Barron Rd. • *l.." Couch, tables. lamps. softener, and more. 1370 PINCKNEY, antique cane bot- ollganal cartons. 2 piece mat· backed chairs. Costs $820 Howell Rd .. Williamston. Fri· ~ .1'/;'0 OpenaJuly&-7~ BRIGHTON. Moving sale. HOWELL. Moving sale. Many bookcase, 2 drawer steel file Mason. Thursday. Friday. tom chairS, commode, tress sets. tWin $59. lull $79. new. asking $520. (313/227-9661 daY~. 10 to 5, or by chance. ~ NoThurs. Nlte Gale "'" Some furniture, some antI- Items including gold side-by- dressers, glass, chlOa, cop- queen $99. sofa·sleepers $119. ~"HIYeulle4thofJuly" ~ ques. lots of oldies but cabinet, 2 hl·1i speakers, saturday. evenings. r (5171655-1698. side relngerator freezer, pool per. collectibles. Franklin bunk beds complete $88. 7 ~ "'" gOOdies. July 5,6. and 7. 2563 upright mobile air fan. patio DINING room set: maple table 1920 Antique dining room sel. table. portable generator, MILFORD, moving sale, lur- wood stove, miscellaneous. 75 piece IIvmg rooms $239. wrn umbrella, clothing, household With leal. 4 chairs, lighted Includes table. 6 chairs, & bul· • .11 N!iiiili:a&iM ~ Pleasant Valley Rd. commercial Quality log split· niture, maternity clothes, gOOds, miscellaneous. 5299 Dexter Road, corner 01 M-36. decorator lamps Irom $1' 88. 5 china cabinet. $275. (313)229- lel! $400. Call alter 5:30 p.m. ~ Good .sees ••,.".,. g~ .. ~ BRIGHTON. Something for ter, downrlgger. 4 piece all children's clothes and toys, July 4, 5, and 6. 9-7. pIece wood danelles $15& $800 everyone, Friday, saturday. Kenicoll Trail, Lake 01 the dried flowers. plants. and 7736. weekdays, weekends ~ som••• '''''''' .'e "'" wood Queen size bedroom PINCKNEY, retirement sale. Pits now $315. Pines Subdivision. Friday. much more. July 4, 5. and 6. DRESSER nine drawer, twin anytime. (313)685.0831. • ~ July 5. 6., 10a.m. to 5p.m. 9124 set. many tools, chain saw. July 4, 5, 6. 9 to 6 p.m. Now open to pubhc. skip the saturday. 10 a.m. t03 p.m. 819 East Commerce. 9 - 5. mirrors and three drawer .,. AGE OLD ANN ARBOR/- clothang items and more. July Rototiller, radial saw, middleman Dealers and an· • .' =Le=:e:,:.R:;d:;,":-:7""-;-:-""--''---'''---=- BRIGHTON. garage sale, cabinet. $150. Forty gallon ~ I SALINE ANTIQUES SHOW Will BRIGHTON. Multi family. 4th 5th and 6th from 9 a.m. to MOVING sale, July 5, 6, 9 a.m. miscellaneous Items. 339 N :llItullonal sales welcome Wednesday July 3. 9 to 5, 10 5 p.m. 20970 Currie, Nor- aquarian, filter, light. stand be held Sunday, July 7. • ' .. hong bOw. & & ~ 5 p.m. 2760 Bnghton Road Howell. Name l:~ands Serta. etc toe". ."ow. of July barn special. Thurs- household items, kids stull, and IIsh. $150. (313/229-9547. Washtenaw Farm Council ~ .ee ... ~".. • ..... ~ day, Friday. saturday,9 to 7. between Chilson and Pin- thville. (313)437-3847. and more. On private road 011 PINCKNEY. 4 lamlly garage 9451 Buffalo, Hamtramck. 1 Grounds, 5055 Ann Arbor- ~ c.omoull>Q ...... ,.. " nv.,rng "'" Lots of miscellaneous anti- ckneyRoad. MOVING sale. John Deer 22 Foot G.E. side by side Coriell. between Hyne and sale. 10 speed bikes, clothes, block N. of Holbrook. 1 block :';~N~nc~~I~~:I~~SR::; queSt tools, steele ban'd saw ridang mower. tires, braided refrigerator. ice maker. Saline Road. Over 300 dealers il il Newman. HOWELL. yard sale. 8851 Wig- leans, fuel 011 tanks, electnc E. 01Conant. in quality antiques and select ~ g••• :2. 410. "no"•• ..,,, ~ and lorge. clothes, tennis gans Road, north 01 Howell. rugs, plants, books. heater. & more. July 5, 6. 10470 815-71116Mon.thru sat., 10tll1 Avocado, $200. (313/227-2372. DEXTER, Whitmore Lake area. collectibles. 8 am to 4 pm. ~ Boots .'e "'" balls. 5460 Brighton Road. Gravelle lawn mower, miscellaneous. Saturday. July Whitewood Meadow Lane. E. 18708Telegraph, 2 blocks S. of FURNACE 80,000 blu, $150. Barn sale. Wood stove. some Earlybirds welcome 5 am. 1-96 • • Across Irom Burroughs children's clothes, 6, 8 a.m. Lake 01 the Pines, M-36 or McGregor to 6 Mlle. Runs good. (313)2~257. antiques. West Lane 011 01 5494Red Fox. Brighton. exit, 175 south 3 miles. Rain or ~ ~ Farms. miscellaneous Items priced to Whitewood, follow signs. 9 to 532-4OfK), Mon. thru sat. 10-8, GENIE automallc garage door r StraWberry Lake Road. July 5. shine. Admission $2.00. ~ "'" "B:;;R"'IG'='H""T='O"'N::--=-M:-"o-v";"in-g---'s=-a--=I-e. sell. Friday July 5, 8-3 p.m. NORTHVILLE garage sale ? Sun. 12-5 opener, $50. Baby Crib, mat- 6and 7. • • Everything must go. cheap! HOWELL garage sale, 16964 DunswOOd, children's SOUTH LYON, garage sale. 144llO Gratiot, 2 blocks N of 7 tress and spring $10. 350 WD Adams Antiques ~ Start your Xmas shopping ~ July 5, 6, 7. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m .• FOWLERVILLE. Wednesday miscellaneous items. clothes and furniture, Fnday & saturday, 10 to 5. Mlle. 521-3500. Mon. thru sat.. pieces 01 brick, $25. Custom ~ early We wl!1 ha.e lOP"", 5003 Culver. through saturday 10 a.m. to household goods and toys. household Items. Friday, 10-8 drapes. (313)227-4178. ~ quality new Ilems ...... Telephones & household 10909 Grand River, comer of , . Arts & Crafts Mall ==="5---c7---:---;-;--""" 5 p.m. Big Yard sale With lots 150 South Burkhart. July 3, 9-2. saturday,9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ~:;:::-~===~--- ~ : Downtown Howell "'" 287S0kl US023 "'" BRIGHTON sofa and loveseat, 2 piece sectional sola, con- ~ Hlrtland.MI 1313)032-«il1l ~ children's clothing. wooden 01 lurniture and Avon bottles. HOWELL. Horse equipment, NORTHVILLE annual 4th 01Ju- ~~~T~lL~x~o~~. Arkansas Oakman, 934-6900, Mon. thru temporary, nutmeg brown. Across from Courthouse sat., 10-7 ~ (Exit 87 011 23) "'" crates, and miscellaneous. 3028 South Fowlerville Road. saddle, canning Jars, woman's ly church school yard sale. Good condItion, $100. (313)227- New Spaces Available treasures. Homemade qUiltS, '4575 Dlxl., Hwy., (3 miles W. of • MelleMar, SoleOwner+c Thursday 9 a.m. to Sunday FOWLERVILLE Last week- clothing. tools. toboggan. Lots of goodies. 15585 Hagger- 3358. , t;lew Dealers Welcome dOilies, dolls, buller churn. Telegraph/, Waterford TWll., ~ Open12Noonclally ~ 5 p.m. 5330 Kensington Road, mistake. Yard sale 5th, 6th. 540 misc. saturday, Sunday. 3100 ty Road between 5 and 6 Mile July 5, 6. 9 am t03 pm. Corner Pontiac. 614-4121, Mon. thru GREEN colonial COUCh,2 plaid . 546-5854 Elliot. (517)223-3279. GentryRd .. road, Thursday 10 a.m. to ~ - :::;Br:.:l!lg;.::hto::;:nc:....----- 01Ten and Rushton. sat. 10-8. Sun. 12-5 chairs. $200 or best offer. 5 p.m. (313/227·9613.



Painting &. Decorating Home Maintenance Landscaping Landscaping ". Landscaping Mobile Home Service Plumbing Roofing & Siding Tree Service MOBILE home owners. Have EXPERIENCED painter. IrI- 30 Years expenence. Llcens· TREE tnmmlng and removal installed an energy ellicient tenor and extenor. very cheap ed, highest In quality, depen- and stump removal. (517)546- landscaping t • LAWN SERVICE TOPSOIL peak roof on your home. prices, very good work. dable, fair pnces. (51/1546- 3810or (313)437-2270. LANDSCAPING & DECKS K&S Supenor Mobile Home Ser- (313)471-7928 call alter 2:30 8707, (5m223-3146. STARR We cui or remove trees. dead COMPLETE lawn care and PICNIC TABLES Screened or vices can save up to 30 per- p.m or alive, sometImes Iree 01 maintenance. Sodding. Free estimates Shredded also Lawn cent on your utill\les. Call col- Pole Bul/dings CONSTRUCTION • --PAINTING- charge. Call Landon Outdoor Seeding. Design. Reasonable TJC ENTERPRISES Garden Soli lect for an appointment oHomeowners Maintenance AAA Construction. Any Size, Services (313/227-7570. .irates. (517)546-7666 (517)288-4897. Interior-Exterior EXPERT****ROOFING oLandscapers very reasonable. (517/546-6710 (313)227-3280 -eutIIng RAY'S Mobile Home Service. (OLD AND NEW) oPrompt Delivery WALLPAPERING Trucking oSoddlng Furnace, air conditiOning, irl- SHINGLES /n Business33 Years Reasonable Rates POLE BUILDINGS TERRA FORMA oClean-ups stallation, cleaning and repair. HOT ASPHALT SAND and gravel, top-dirt, (517/548-2294 -leaves Buy from the prolesslonal crushed stone. etc. Low JACK ANGLIN -Powe. Raking Doors, skirting. heat tapes, Call Lou RUBBER BASE BLUEGRASS source - 24 H. by 40 H. by 8 H. prices. Semor Discounts. oTrees Kool seallngs. Licensed, in- (313)349-1558 ALUMINUM SIDING LAWN SUPPLIES 349-8500 galvanized building With ser· (313)229-9747. 349-2195 sured. (313/227~723. Nowcutllng SOD FREE ESTIMATES INTERIOR, Exterior painting. vice door and sliding door IrI- TRIM & GUTTERS ~GREENVIEW P,ckupor dell.ered CommerCial & Reslden\lal Moving and Storage 18 Years expenence. Com- cluded, only $3,549 ERECTED All Types Masonry Upholstery Also old lawns removed We 349-7248 merCial and Reslential. Quality (no cash down payment, mOrl- Call Dan LAWN also handle Anderson DOWNS Moving Company. work. (313)878-5506. thly payments as low as $89 to 1313/348-0733 CALL Smiths. Quality work. \9-\9-19fertIlizer local and state wide, licensed, qualilled buyers./ Top quality senSible prices, huge labnc *SPECIAL* McKAY Painting. Excellent MAINTENANCE ea m ·5p m 7daysperweek reasonable. (313/422-2288. steel (12 colors available/ and selection, all types lurnlture, work guaranteed by Chnstlan Rubbish Removal 348-1880 6 Yds. Top Soli '59 (313)227-4588. high grade lumber. STAN- free estimates. pick up, Complete Lawn men who believe In quality. 6 Yds. Fill Dirt ••.••••••••• '42 DARD SUPPLY AND LUMBER ANY trucking and light moving delivery. Lazy·Boy special, 6 Yds. SCreened Top Soil. '69 LANDSCAPE For Iree estimate, call Care Music Instructlon COMPANY - 75 years 01 or hauling done With 12 ft. • 2 labor $125. (3\';/501-0092. . Sand & Gravel 6 Yds. Top Soil-Peat ...... '79 (517)546-6576. MOWing, trimming, (50-50 ScreenedMixture) SUPPLIES leadership In the bUilding sup- ton stake dump or pickup. I'll Topsoil Peat NEED your room paanted? Call lertllizing, weed control, 6 Yds. WOOd Chips ••••.•• '99 0Screened Topsoil MUSIC LESSONS ply bUSiness. Call toll-free, 7 haul what your garbage man Wedding Services Play Sand Chapman. Intenor paantlng. aerilying, dethatching 6 Yds. Shredded Bark ..• ~105 oUnscreened Topsoil a.m. until 8 p.m., 1-800-442- won't Roolers, remodelers, Stone Piano-Organ .any 2 rooms painted regular and replacement 01old 6 Yds. Limestone ...... '89 oPeat 9190. etc. O.K. Shed, garage, barn, price, and the third room IS lawns. J.W. WRIGHT °Sand All Types Strings-Wind tree removal. Hank Johnson's MYDJ's oAlsoDelivering1ll-12Yd.loadso Iree. Senior citizens diS- SUPPLY °Decora\lve Stone POLE BUILDINGS 24 H. x 40 Firewoods, since 1970. Phone (517/546-5468 aHer 7 pm. or (313)348-0133 ALSO DELIVERING 349-0580 I counts. Special prices quoted persistently 7 days, 10 a.m .• (313)4n-7883 anytime. 474-9044 sandoGraYeloStone oLandscape Boulders ft. COMPLETELY ERECTED, Dennis Johnston oWoodChips Schnute Music Studio £ on complete intenors. 500 col- $3,690 OR $92 PER MONTH. 8 p.m. (313)349-3018. QUALITY wedding ors to choose from. (313)437- Owner 0Shredded Bark OVERHEAD AND ENTRANCE photography done supnslngly Mick White Trucking NorthvllJe 7241. Septlc Tank Service °Crushed Stone DOORS INCLUDED. OTHER reasonable. Call LOVing SCREENED oDnveway Gravel PAINTING, anterior/extenor. SIZES AVAILABLE CALL MARV Lang sanitation, septac Photography, 9a.m. to 9p.m. ,': 'DUMP TRUCK SERVICE 348-3150 Painting & Decorating 1-100 Yards 20 years experience. Free CHAPARAL BUILDINGS, 1- cleaning, complete Installa· (313)449-2130. TOPSOIL taons, perk tests and repairs. Prompt 7 Day AITENTION: Painting, wall estimates. Dave (3131632-7525. 800-321·5536, ANYTIME. WE • ~~y:~rt~a~:~~,\I~O~a~ol:i Free estimates. (313)349-7340, Welding RadiO dispatched trUCKS.IT & Delivery washing, wOOd finishing. Mix PAINTING of houses, WILL BEAT ANY LEGITIMATE • MI~e (517)548-5059. QUOTE FROM ANY PROFES- (313/476-1244. JIM's FIXlt Shop. ~ G Excavating, (517)546-3146. Fletcher & Serving Northville and match colors. Free buildings and aluminum. , estimates. Years 01 ex· Sandblasting. (313)729-5008. SIONAL POLE BUILDING Telephone Instal/atlon Highland, Howell. (517)546- Area 18 Years COMPANY. 9481. SHREADED bark. topsoil, sod Rickard perience. J. Dahlberg. PAINTING, interior. exterior. R.G. Baggett SOS Phone ServIce. All types by the piece, etc. Call Landon Laud.cape Sappll_ (313/349-8545. Dry wall repair. Quality work, POST hole digging lor pole Windows of telephone Installation, ALL LAWN MOWING Outdoor Services (313)227- 349-0116 A·l Quality work at sane reasonable rates, Iree barns, lences, and wood reasonable rates, 30 years ex· 'Dethatching, Aerating. prices. Jack's Painting, 12 estimates. Call Loren, decks. (313)437-1675. NORTHERN WINDOW PRO- 7570. Open 7 Days penence, (313)478{1747. Tree & Shrub Tnmmmg. years experience. (313/231· (313)349-2246. DUCTS IS now wholesaling Roofing & Siding ,Clean-ups. Reasonable. • Peat, Topsoil. Bark. 2872. PROFESSIONAL painter. In- Vinyl and aluminum replace- sand Gravel, Tree Service FOTIS LANDSCAPING terior and exterior. Call ment Windows, aluminum, Decorative Stone A summer special Irom B & W A.A.A. Construction. New or DAVIDS Tree ServIce. Tree Slncel954 437-1174 Rodney. Guaranteed cheaper PVC coated aluminum, and SOD Painting. Kitchens, S3U. tear-oll roof, siding 01 all trimming, topping. removal. (Immediate Delivery/ vinyl sldang wllh all related ac- TOPSOIL bedrooms. $40. Make appoint- rates. (313)887-4601. Blue GraGs types. Best pnces In town. In- Work guaranteed. (313)4n- cessones. We are looking lor • Garden Supplies ments now lor exterior work in Rich Topsoil surance repairs. (5m546-6710. 6353. retail outlets to serve con· FOR all your outdoor needs, e Absopure Water Blend August and September. call Piano Tuning ALL siding and roollng. DAVIDS Tree Service. Tree sumer replacement needs. call C & M Landscape from our Farms • Softener Salt (517)546-1762, ask for Bob GEORGE SCon. Reasonable Licensed. Free es\lmates. tnmming, tOPPing, removal. For product anlorma\lon and Maintenance. Free estimates. (Pick-up or Wirth. Pickup or Delivered • Coal rates. Call alter 4:30 prr. Reasonble pnces. (517/546- Work guaranteed. (313)4n· demonstra\lon, call (313)227. (511)548-3100. e Super K. Kerosene Deliver) DAVE'S PAINTING SERVICE (313)685-8093. 0267. 6353. 5050. _FILL dirt. moslly top SOil, 15 12 Mile & Milford Rd. • Firewood Interior, exterior quallly work B&HROOFING e Propane Filling Plastering yard loads, reasonable. New Hudson DELGAUDIO and reasonable. Customer New work, rerools, tear oils, Bulldozing available. (511)546- satisfaction guaranteed. While You Walt LIVINGSTON Plasterlng/· repairs. Licensed, Insured, 9521. (313)348-7224. . TREE MOVING gi;(j.~h! 437-2212 SOD FARM Texture Contractors. Repairs, free estimates. Brighton LAWN mowing. trimming. 437-8009 EXPERIENCED Painter. In· remodeling, customizing, pro- (313/231-3350. & LANDSCAPING hedging. We Install lawns, sod 517 terior and exterior, walllJlper. lesslonal quality. (313)227- .ft~~! TOPSOIL, sand, gravel, lawn or seed. Any light landscap- 54001 Grand River 546-3569 Free estimates. QU311tyWork. 7325. grading, loader work, Bill CJ'S Ing. give us a call. Landon Out· New Hudson Call Steve. (511)546-8950. Ladd. (517)223-8920. PLASTERING and Drywall. ROOFING, SIDING . ~)'\ door Services. (313/227-7570. New, repair and texturing. Ex· "OLD ROOF SPECIALIST" MORGAN ,nc.I , ..~: {;:J:'~(". cellent quality. Reasonable (313)437-8773 BRIGHTON FOR QUALITY PAINTING rates. (313)349-2563. ·~~~~·M1·.!U COMPLETE home Improve- INTERIOR - EXTERIOR 313/229-2686 ·S·r. I :. .~ ment specialiZing In siding. Plumbing ~ • ··l WALLPAPERING roollng, windows, and gulters. Deal direct with applicator. Design & Build SOD BY / GALBRAITH PLUMBING t-- Picked upor and HEATING Licensed and Insured. 18 Landscape • Delivered FRANK MURRAY Licensed and Insured. No job years expenence. (313)685- Contractor too big, too small or too far. 20 7618. CALL t-leatness & Quality Work years experience. Electric ROOFING, new or tear 011.All Guaranteed sewer cleaning. Mobil Home types siding, slorms, etc. Top Grade Paint Applied \ ;' Service. (313/437-3975. Licensed and Insured. Free 24 yrs. Experience White·D/5 No.2 PREISS estimates. Relerences. Celote~ Fiberglass S22 Free Estimates with No 95 S (313/227-4157. R & S Roofing Inc. Shingles ~~' Siding Special 3500,q Obligation MARK'S Plumbing and Sewer SOD FARM Cleaning, Free estimates. White·O/4 We Guarantee To St01" Your Leaks Ceitain.Teed Horizon Reasonable rates. (313/227· \ 95 (313)632·7107 313-437-.5288 3459, (313/227-1681. Vinyl Siding S42 ,q ROOFING HOTTAR e RUBBER BLOWN.IN .rPr~mium S3750 C·24 • ~. FREE ROOF INSPECTION INSULA TlON r 'Shmgles ~~' Coil StoCk,:,Jo~~IS3595per PLUMBING-- Shingles, Barn Roofing & Painting foil BAGGET ROOFING , ,50 lb. box S27 Sofht·whl or bin only o Written Guarantee 90 SOD Repair-Replacement AND SIDING : Roofing Nails •• Modernization . • 25 Vrs. Experience CloseOut Speciaf3695,~ • Licensed DELIVER ED-I~ST:\ LI.ED Electric Sewer Cleaning '\ Hot Asphalt Built-Up "We Do Custom Bending" Roofs, Shingle Roofs, o Insured WE CARRY a large IN STOCK 10' LONG ventory 01 PREMIUM SHINGLI:S U'pirk'III' at nllr furlll. 12 ~Iil,' m\lt ~lilrnnl H,!.. \.' .. Aluminun. Gutters and "Thousands of Timblerhne, Sierra. Rustics. All Prices Shown lire W~.r~ dlsfrlbuf~rs for 1111,1"'111. ;Ii... \uri,'IIo .. "f 101111' Ilrll-- 101"1,,1.-.111111,· PLUMBING Down Spouts. Satisfied Aluminum Siding and Cash IInd Cllrry l'. Cusfomers in I:L HallmarkS. Fare·Halt II. elc -J Hunter·Douglas Siding Jtra .. AND RICH BLACK TOPSOIL Trim. Licensed & In· fhe Area " FANCY BATH sured, 35 years DELI~ERED FROM OUR FARM CALL: BOUTIQUE experience. 735·5311 :: Lee Wholesale Supply We Accept . Serving the area HOURS: 55!l65 Grind RIY"r • New Hudlon GREEN VALLEY FARMS since 1949 1248 SI/ve, lake Rd. LInden WE _ .... fIl.JJW 437·6044 or ·'37·6054 190 E. Main Street : D~LIVER s.,...,..u z. 4:37·2212 MQrJhvllle-349-0373 -,------_ ... ~.B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE R~CORD-NOVI NEWS-THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday. July 3. 1985 -----, ----- 153 Farm Animals 104 Household Goods 105 FireWOOd 107 Miscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous 109 Lawn & Garden 112 U·Plck 118 Wood Stoves 152 Horae" - and Coal Care and Equipment EquIpment A pair of geese. $25. (3131878- Franklin wood stove, good !3t: Refrlgeralor, while: runs 41x21 Dough Boy pool, ready WOODBURNING slove. 5200. 2 5549. ' ~ gOOd. 5100 or best oller. rallan chairs, 5100. Round pic· condition. 5150. Call evenings. DRY sawduSt. Rich Mason. MIXED hardwoods. $31 a face to be assembled, ladder. TWO 8 hp riding mowers. One BOAR, 300 lb. Yorksbl(e. 1~13)887-4968. nlc table. S10. Dog run. $65. (517)223-9664. (313)697·1877. cord, 4 x 8 x 16-18 Inches, slide, 1 year old motor, skim- with blower, one with blade. RASPBERRIES Bought from Bill Mccalla. mer year old, over 40 of line SkiS. $35. (313)887-8250 after DOUBLE registered. Ten- HANIlMADE quilts and pillows delivered with 3 or more 11. S500 each. Call (517)548-3733, $250. (517)546-0719. t '.. 1 119 Fann Equipment nessee Walker and Racking lor sale. (313)437-4419. cords. (517)546-9688. to clean pool With. 51.400. 5 pm. 9 amt05 pm. U-PICK horse. Flashy black, mare. DAIRY goats. pure breed nu- H.OTPOINT washer and 90% Oak, cut, split, delivered (313)548-3893. 1940Chalmers B, rebuilt, $650. TOPSOIL. $50 per load. 6 yard Open Monday through Satur· Trail & show. $1,000. (313)437· bian doe kids. S35 each. -Taf· • May tag gas dryer, excellent Within 10 miles 01 Pinckney, 10 DOWFLAKES Calcium John Deere B, S3OO. (313)498- load. (517)546-9688. day, 8 a.m. unlol dark. 51.10 5216. tcoed, vaccinated, dehorned. condition. 5125 each. (517)546- (4x8xI6) cord load. $375. Chlonde for road dust control WARDS tractor wanted for perquart, 3268. Also free 2 buck kids and 2 100 lb. bag $14.75. Cole's WANTED 1 English saddle, very old, 1 ~5. -..,, __ (313187~106. FORD tracor. maybe 9N or 600 adult does. (313187U227. < ) =--,..._ parts. 1969, 1970 or 1971.10,12 western saddle, needs repair. HIDE·A·Bed and (3) recliners, SEASONED spill hardwOOd. Elevator, east end of Manon REFRIGERATORS RIDGEMERE BERRY FARM Jublllee with bucket, blade, or 14hp. (313)878-6215. Leather saddle bags, slayed, FEEDER pigs, 530. Days 5250. (2) Table lamps. 525. $45 facecord. (517)546-4606. Street In Howell. (517)546-2720. 2824Clyde Road 51,800. (517)548-3274evenings. WHEEL horse, 16 hp saddle bags. 1 pony saddle, (313)34~0975. (313)981·1348. !ach. Collee and (2) end DUNGEONS and Dragons (us· WASHERS Highland WANTED to buy. Large quant .. automatic. hydrollc hlt. less FORD 9-N, with rear blade. needs work. Trade an) of After 7 (313)449-6333. ables, marble tops. 575. ed). books. dice. accessories. Three miles north of M·59 and ty of apple, cherry, hickory, AND DRYERS than 20 hours. Always covered good condilion. 51,800. above lor leather show halter FLOCK reduclion. black and :.a13)34~5086. cheap. Call Adam (313)474- 'Ic mile east of Hickory Ridge cut In bloc~.. unspllt. You 'in garage. cleaner than dealer (517)548-2412. and lead. 1 pony harness, 2 while. Montadale. Roml)eY. Appliance Place 2 (517)548- Road. (313)881·5976. CENMORE washer, dryer deliver to Wixom. Cash. 43n. showroom model. 42 Inch INTERNATIONAL H tractor, pony carts, 1 adult western Corrledale, Colombian. ewes, (313)34~,..:.:18:..:.. _ ,180. Sleeper sofa $65. Colle F RES H ·0 . MATI C bun 1300. mower, snowgrader blade, 10 ..------.. good condition, 250 gallon saddle. $150. (517)223-9432. rams, lambs. very reasonable. steamer, $250. Twin let spray, '8ble and two end tables 550. cubiC loot cart, wheel weights overhead fuel tank, 'h horse Persistantly. (313)349-4226. ,I" ' "Iood rocker 525. (313)229- 106 Musical Instruments $375. Hot chocolate machine. Zoom lens, Quantaray 80-205 and chain:!. 52,800. hrm. Berries air compressor. Used lumber, FOUR year old mare Arab •407. 5125. Two electric cash HEALTHY spinning flOCk', CLOSE out sale. On Tokai- mm Konica mount, excellent (313)229-7364. 2x8, 2xl0. 2x4. (313)~527. registers. $100 for both. 2x6 cross. will make super Romney. black and white. ~50 ',ITCH EN set, contemporary Klmball·Sohmer pianos. New condition. Best oller. (313)878- 11 hp Wards tractor lawn JOHN Deer H tractor. rebuilt tWiSt cone sign faces, 5150. m.:;8.:...... _ pleasure horse. (313134~28 all. (5171546-6392. < , Irass table With four chairs, pianos from $1,095. Used mower. Like new. $650. V-PICK engine, hydraulics. electric Grinnell spinet plano, 5795. al1er 9;30 p.m. JERSEY cow. fresh, 5 months', xcellent condition. 5125. pianos from 5145. Hammond (313)227·7184. start. wilh allachments. Large maple T.V. cabinet, $25. 108 Miscellaneous S600 FOR sale Haynes two horse milks by hand or machine. ")13)227-3358. organs Irom $295. Ann Arbor 1144 Peavy Rd. or best oller. (517)5411-4286. 9t 1975 Honda, 125 cc, $400. trailer. Good COlldllion. 51,500. vaclnated and very genlle. :ENMORE gas dryer, like Plano and Organ Company. Wanted 110 Sporting Goods (313)6~530. (off Mason Rd., KUbola tractor, 4 wheel drive, (517)521-3515. $400. (517)548-1505. ' '. < ew. 5250. Call after 5.30 p.m .. 209 S. Main Street. (313)663- 27 h.p., 3 cylinder delsel with FILL sand or clay, 51.00 per A Bargain. Cash for existing COMPLETE men's and HORSES boarded. English, REGISTERED Morgan alld 313)34H759. 3109. West of Howell) end loader. and 4 foot 3 point yard, delivery available. call Land Contracts or Mortgages. women's scuba gear. Many Western lessons, training Quarter horses, Belgian~ DEKLEY pedal speel. case. heavy duty rotartiller. Both EATHER top round table and (517)546-3860. Highest Dollars· Lowest dis· extras. After 7 p.m. (3131~ available. Veterinary approv· black and white she'ep. : chairs, 550 for sel. 2 teak cof· S6OO. Peavey sesssion 500. count. Perry Realty. (313)478- 3155. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 56,800 or best reasonable of· 5 Ft. glass showcase. $200. ed. Exceptional care, indoor (313)629-3934. < ~ ~ , I $450. Guild D-4OC, case. $425. fer. (313)227·7562. Ie tables and 2 teak chairs. 7640. GUNS - buy. sell, trade. All arena. stallion services (313)231·2966.Belore 6 p.m. (313)437-5411. ROMNEY large x Lineal., 250for sel. Call after 5.30 p.m. aOOKS WANTED. We buy col· kinds, new and used. Com- Call Before Coming NEW 5 11. 3 point hitch. 3 available. Renaissance Ara- FREezER, $100. Antique radiO, ewes. Iambs colored' and 113)34U559. 6 piece Ludwig drum set, In· lections of hard covered plete reload 109 headquarters. blade. gear drive. lawn bians. (5171548-1473. $35. Bullerchurn, $75. Wood white. feeder lambs. (313)750- OVESEAT. green and gold cludlng all hardware. 5500 or books. Call Tuesday thru Guns Galore. Fenton. (313)6~ 517-548·1841 mowers, 51.595 list, S895in the Stove, $200. Mediterranean HORSESHOEING and trimm- 0102. . , ," loral on off·whlte best. (313l227·7562. saturday. 1-(313)546-5048. 5325. crate. Dave Steiner Farm ing. Reliable, reasonable. Call hanging lamp, 550. Tile: , 750 - RASBERRIES. Red Thornless. Equipment, (313)695-1919. SIX ge3se. 25 Guinea hel}s. 25 Jackground, excellent condl' SCRAP copper, brass. SCHWINN Traveler. 26 inches. Don Gillis (313)437·2956. 16. $40. (517)546-9454. pick your own $1 a quart. (313)694·5314. ducks, 150 or more mixed lay; t,on. (517)541H1962. PIANO FOR SALE radiators, balleries. lead, iron. Matched palf for men and 12 Ft. car hauler, $350 cr best Opening the weekend of June HORSES boarded, 5115. per Ing hens. 5225 complete •• Large home appliances. Wanted: responSible party to Junk cars. Used auto parts women, blue metalic, chrome '. oller. (313)231·1218. 28 thru August 1st, everyday 8 month. (313)685-3712. (313)44~2201. " ' , ~Y' freezer, refrigerator. washer assume small monthly sold cheap. Free appliance fenders and chain quard. to 8. Drivers You - Pick NOTICE HARTLAND Equestrian dryer, and others. Call payments on piano. See local· FOR sale. 5.000 BTU Window dumping. Regal's, (5171546- kickstand. generator.llghts, Repairs on all makes and Rasberry Farm. Take 1-96 to Center offers; Riding 154 Pet Supplies . ' , • (313)227·5454. Iy. Call credit manager HlDO- air conditioner. $100. (313)2~ 3820. horn, two locks, chains and types of farm equipment Over Milford. New Hudson exit, Lessons. Boarding, Horses 447-4266. 2135. tool bags. Odometer, dual years of experience. All NORGE washer. Kenmore TOP dollar paid for gold. south on Milford Road to Ten 30 for sale. Open daily. Kathy's 155 Animal Services wire rear baskets. excellent labor guaranteed. Reasonable dryer, both excellent cond .. HEAT your sWlmmlmg pool sliver. used lewlery. baseball Mile Road, turn right on Ten to Tack Shop, Horse trailer, 5700. shape. Ridden only 150 miles labor rate. Parts ordered from lion, 5125 each. Refrigerator. TWO Coronets: Yamaha. $150, With solar. bargain solar cards and collectibles. dead end, turn right and follow (3131632-5336. Bundy. $125. Both With cases. by adults. $165. for both. our catologue, 10% off list. $75, good condition. (313)684- heatmg panel sale. call while Brighton CoinS, (3131227-1477. signs 1'h miles, or take U5-23 PUPPIEPAD (313)437-3391. (511)546-6686aher 6 pm. call (313)735-4249 for more IfI- HAY out of the field. $1 a bale. 1651. they last. (517)546-9555. WANTED to buy - Standing to Sliver Lake Road, exit Professional all breed dog formation. REBUILT FARM (511)546-2596. NEW modern sofa, loveseat THOMAS organ. excellent. KNAPP shoe distflbutor, timber - selecllve CUlling. Col· 10 Speed 26 Inch boy's bike. number 55, south of Brighton, grooming. 18 years ex· EQUIPMENT. HARNESS, single horse. all and chall. too large for room, $325. (313)227-4353. Leonard Eisele. 2473 Wallace eman Sawmill. Coleman, gOOd condition. $40. (313)231· and follow signs east about 3 perience. Reasonable, leather pulling harness. $75. only 4 weeks old. 5525. Road. Webberville. (517)521- Michigan. Days, (517)465-9151. 1910. miles. Call for picking informa- Satisfaction guaranteed, UPRIGHT piano. good condl- (511)629-1396. (313)478-9518. lion. (313)887.a143. 3332. Evemngs, (5171832-9794. VESTA 3 wheel bicycle with loon. (313)437-1606, or (313)437· 250 gallon anhydrous ap- (511)546-1459. • .::: POT belly woodstove With 5 h.p. rotolliler. $250. 14 11. basket. Like n:i!w. (313)34~ 1069. plicator. S4OO. 5 h, 7 inches. HORSE drawn cart with bench 109 Lawn & Garden chisel plow. 2 row New seal. excellent condllion for blower and With floor guard. 107 Miscellaneous alummum boat With IIltbed 7687. - RED raspberries. U·pick. 51 S3OO. PROFESSIONAL dog groom· With all pipe mcluded. For trailer. Like new. 5750. White Care and Equipment -Holland transplanter. $400. show or pleasure. (313)532· ing by Laura Is back, 17 years/A. AMWAY products delivered to per quart. I pick, $1.50 per 5125. (313)231·2019alter 5. fiberglass pickup cab. 111 Farm Products Sickel condllioner. 5250.' 7360., experience. $11.00. (313)231~\',.·r. your home. We guarantee ALL landscape related jobs quart. Call (517)546-7966. (517)546-7483. plc~up trailer. $75. (517) 851- 2 Horse tandem axle trailer, 15n. - 1920's 9 Piece carved solid oak ALFALFA mix hay, new first RED raspberries. U-plck, $1 quality. (313)878-9169. done to perlecllon. Lawn 8425. • extended 4 feet at rear. frame dining set, $1.800. (313)437· METAL shelving panels With culling. delivery available. quart, plus container. or we' II APPROPRIATE Technologies mowing specialists. Call Rare OLD 04 dozer. Needs work. reinforced, new springs. 5049. frame' 24 in by 36 In; (3131231-2207. pick for you. Call ahead for Window QUilt insulating Earth at (313)229-4607 or 53,000 firm. (313)887-1207. wheel bearings. seals. miscellaneous ollice furniture availability. (313) 632·7893. PALE yellow lined drapes, 90 shades and panels really (313)227-4856. Member 01 CLEAN wheat straw, (517)546- Evenings. brakes. S25OO. (313)34~5086. Inches by 57 mches, excellent InclUding check writer. UPS Brighton Chamber of Com- 4528. EM PLOYM ENT 'J-· -I' work. call Park Solar, (517)546- condition. 6 foot by 4 footther- scale and time clock; red SILO. 14x35 concrete, $250. HORSES boarded. excellent 9555. merce. EGGS for sale, home grown. mo pane glass. White enamel assorted sign lellers 18 In RASPBERRIES You remove. (511)548-0525. care,large indoor and outdoor AMWAY Connection. Buy your AA·TAYLOR'S Lawn (313)~362. arena. Also. horses for sale storm door, 36 lOch. French high; two gas pumps for in- U·PICK WANTED: 15to 20 11. Hay Con· 165 Help Wanted Gene~al: Amway products. free stain Maintenance Service for all FLOWER and vegetable plants and lessons available. door. 36 lOch. Call (313)227- ground tank. Further informa- your lawns needs, gardening, veyor. (3131349-5374. 1328. removal chart for new tion. call (313)887-7230. in good supply. May's Melon (313)431·2941. customers. Call Audrey: light landscaping (313)632· Farm (off Mason Road). REFRIGERATOR. Signature 22 MERILLAT cupboard with 6507. JACK'S Trailer Service. (3131227-5684. (517)548-3145. Trailers repaired, reasonable AMBITIOUS~ '~ cubic fl. frostless side-by· drawer, like new. 24 x 24,575. AIR conditioner. 11.000 BTU, ALL wOOd chips. shredded FOR horses· New Tech-Trol priced. free estimates. side. almond color. $100. MUST sell. size 9 wedding PETS Carrier, excellent condition. bark, wood mulch, sand. 12 fly spray or wipe 511.95. (313)437·7365. Mature thinking Indivlci~~I~f (313)231-3708. gown, hat, slip, beautiful. RED raspbernes, $1 a quart. )0-;1 $175. (313)632·7506. gravel, top SOil, crushed or or· Body Guard fly control strips Earn $200/$1,000 part· time. RUSTIC sofa. loveseat and $100.(313134~al1er5 pm. namental stone. etc ... For the U·pick. 9413 N. Dixboro bet· AMAZING (THERMAR) cuts $7.50. Super MIX sweet horse ween 7 and 8 mile roads. Earn S300 while you learn. rocker. game table. 5175. MUST sell, Norwegian Blue do·it-yoursell landscaper. hot water bills up to S300 a feed 100 lb. bag $10.50. Cole's (313)437.ao&O. MICHIGAN Financial Services. (313)887- (313)231·1171, Hank Johnson. since 1970, 151 Household Pets year. Inslant demand tankless Fox fur jacket, brand new. on· Elevator, east end of Marlon 4351. ' persistently, 7 days, 10 a.m. - THORNLESS red rasberries, REFRIGERATOR. 18 cubiC water heaters. (5171546-1673. Iy worn tWice, (313)34~ Street In Howell. (517)546-2720. AKC Lhaso-Apso. Pek- HORSE AUCTION ·oot. Amana. $175. (313)227· alter5 p~m~.:.- _ 8 p.m .. (313)34~18. U,plck, $1 per quart. We pick, Every saturday night. Tack - AIR Compressor. 2hp. 25 h. all FIRST culling alfalfa hay. After $1.75 a quart. 4383 East Allen Ingeese, Shih-Tzu. SChnauzer xl63. MUST sell. 16x32 Kayak pool AAA peat, topsoil, bark, sand, puppies. Also, stud service. 7 pm, horses - 9:30 pm. Con· ART RAFFLE COORDINA hose, 50 h. cable, $200. Also 4p.m. (3131437-5259. Road, between Argentlne and sign early. io~ 'lEFRIGERATOR. General with all accessones. Will trade gravel, Decorative stone. Im- (517)546-5784. (ticket sales) • • paint sprayer. $25. (511)546- HAY and straw delivered. call Latson. call for availability or Used tack and horses bringing ElectriC. Side by side, With Ice for late model car. (517)546- mediate delivery. Open 7 7280. Sclo Valley Farm, (313)475- to place order (517)546-2276. AKC Lhasa Apso, Chihuahua, top dollar. maker. $200. (517)548-4790. 6734. days. Fletcher & Rickard Land· ~~~:~~n:~~~ ~fea~e~all~~ ALPINE car stereo, model 8585. Shih Tzu, Siiky Terrier and Between Clyde and Center Evenings. scape Supplies. (313)437-8009. IIckets to community at large. number 7136, list price $369, MAPLE vanity with stool and POOdle pups. (517)546-1459. Road, US Old 23. (313)750- BUSHOG or Flail mowing of HAY for sale. Reasonably prac- YOU PICK 7335 Must be results oriented, 21 cu. fl. chest freezer. 5150. asking $175 brand new. mirror, $70. Twin mallress and AMERICAN Eskimo dog, has 9971. fields or lots. experienced. ed. (3131634-1668. responsible. mature. ,bofl- Side by Side refrigerator (517)546-6862. box spring. $40. Black/white papers, beaullful male, fteezer $50. ElectriC stove, 19 inch T.V., $20. (313)887·2950 Call John, (313)685-8197. HAY for sale. Good, no ram. RASPBERRIES dable, and able to recrult.- 7 foot pool table, slate, ac- WHALE·INN FARMS neutered, 11 monthes old. has POLE Barn materials. We 525. (313)227-1013. after 4. ~ Wheelhorse tractor with 150 bales. $1.50 each. (313)878- direct volunteers to sell.gOO!-W cessories. excellent cond .. shots. loves kids. 590. stock a full line. Build It mower, snow thrower, dump 6932. 880 Moore Rd.. Mllford volume of IIckets. Full-time SEARS stove. 550. Call tion, $475. (517)546-'l774. Aher NEW and used 12 Inch (313)684-1228. yourself and save. We can tell cart, and wheel chains. $1,400. HAY out of field. $1.00 per 'h mile north of 1-96, 'h mile temporary assignment from anytime. (517)223-7159. 8pm (313)2~9324. culverts. $5.50 foot and $2.50 east oil Milford Road. (313)685- BOSTON Terrier. AKC male. you how. South Lyon Lumber foot. (517)546-1314. (313)348-4192. bale. (517)548-3554. June 15 to August 15. Ex· STOVE. refrigerator, excellent BABY announcements, 2459. 1'h years old. must have fenc· and Farm Center. 415 East cellent wage based on sales CUB CADETS sales and ser· STRAW. big clean bales, easy condillon. (517)548-2876. golden and silver anniver- Oak barn beams. 40. 8 In. by 8 ed yard. 5250, (313)685-3364. Lake. (313)437·1751. achieved. (313)229-2013. Vice, parts. Suburban Lawn access. large or small STOVE. $65. Admiral chest saries, engagement afl- In. by 15 ft. Buy one or all. DUTCH bunnies, Chocolate PASTURE boarding, outdoor Make oller. (517)546-'l146. Equipment, 5955 Whitmore quanilles, (5171521-4190. 113 Electronics freezer, $100. Area rug, $60. nouncements, and much Martin. Siamese french Lop. arena, some facilities, horse AUTO Physical damage ap- Lake Rd. Brighton. (313)227· STRAW, excellent color and (313)68S-9477. more. The Milford Times. 436 ORTHQ-KINETICS CUShion 11ft (313)34~78. trallerlng available. (5171548- praiser. Recent experience a 9350. quality. (3131437-0084. PIONEER FM Quartz stereo SlEEPER sofa. queen. ex· N. Main, Mllford. (3131685-1507. recliner. for handicapped per- receiver. SX3700. $110. 5 band FEMALE gray Cockatiel, 2 34n. must. call for appointment DYNASTAR lawn tractor, 42 cellent condition. gold. looks BRIDESMAID'S dresses, 1 son. (3131878-5051. WHEAT straw for sale. After Realistic equalizer, $45. years, $55. includes cage. PARTTIME , musl be ex· (313)229-7003. inch mower, newly rebUilt 10 like petl·pomt. $250. (313)437· grape, 1 lilac. same style. both POST hole dlgalng for pole 8 p.m. (5171546-2551. (313)231·2599. (517)223-8411al1er 3 p.m. perienced with horses to h.p. Briggs and Strallon. Snow size 6, 550 ea•• originally $125 barns, fences, and wood WANTED to lease ponds 'h clean stalls and feed. Good 6791. blade and chains. S600 or best. GOLDEN Retriever pups, ATTENTION I ea. Excellent condition. decks. (313)437·1675. acre and larger. Call evenings 114 Building Materials wages, in South Lyon area. SEARS 19.500 btu wmdow air (517)548-3765. AKC. Available July 5. S2OO. condilloner 220V. ilxcellent (3131227-1365evenings. POOL. 16x32 with filter and (31312~7. (313)349-6924. Call (313)537-6301 between Are you tried of strUggli~9 t1l' 8x10 deck. you dismantle and 8 am to 5 pm. Weekends, condition, $285. (313)437·9890. 55 gallon drums. Buell's 112 U-Plck CLASSIFIED DEADLINES GOLDEN retriever pups. AKC. the top of someone elses move. (5171';48-3720. (313)537-6300. THREE sofas. 1 matching BeeHaven Farms, 335 S. S5OO. ELDRED'S BUSHEL STOP Wednesday 12:00 - Green OFA. eyes clear. Champion bussniess, are you IIred of el1all, 3 adull bicycles, ex· Houghton St .. Milford. Phone POLE bulldmgs; 24x40x8, 1 CHERRIES, black sweet cher· Sheet Shopping Guide Serv- bloodline, (313)437-9912. PINTO gelding, 16 years. Big, layoffs, limited Income cellent condillon. Greenfield (313l68S-2868. service door and choice of 9x7 25 years same location. top ries. red tart pie chernes, pit- Ing Dexter & Green Sheet HIMALAYAN/Persian killens, stocky. beautiful markings. possibilities? Be your own POint Subdivision. (313)229- BLUE or red 10k, no charge. overhead or s:lder for $3,599 or SOil, play box sand. gravel, ting equipment available to Shopping Guide Serving CFA registered. champion and a big baby. S550. (313)477- boss. Be an agent with 4927. July Special. Haviland Printing S89 a month erected. Other decorative stone. cedar use. RASPBERRIES, red Highland, Thursday 3:30 - bloodlines, call(313)~5 8383 days, ask for Elaine. Or Farmer's Insurance Gr~up' (313)349-2986. start part·llme complete tralfl- TV console. 21" color, and GraphiCS. Howell. sizes available. Skyline mulch. wOOd chips. by bushel. thornless, black raspbernes. Shopper Business Directory. between 4 & 8 p.m. BuilidlOg 1·800·544·8967, yard or truck load. Open daily ZEEB ROAD FRUIT FARM, ing program unlimited: OP'! beautiful cabinet. 5100. Call (517)546-7030. Friday 3;30 - Shopper, Monday HAND fed, very tame. baby PINTO, registered mare. ~ p.m., Sundays 8-2 p.m., 3431 North Zeeb Road. Dexter. protunlties. Call Bill J. ,Co~ (313)437-3428.after 6 p.m. materials by Standard Green Sheet. & Green Sheet Red Lord Amazon parrots. Beauliful3 year old. 15 hands, 2025 Euler Rd., (313)229-6857. (3131426-8756. Open 9am to (313)522-0055. :~ I Lumbe.~r'-'-_--: 7""" Business Directorys, Monday (313)348-3122. very flashy. black and white. 6pm dally. Sunday noon to 3:30 - Wednesday Green Extremely gentle. 51000. ."" CIRCULATION PLAYER piano rolls, now prlc· ECONOMY lawn maintenance, LHASA Apso with papers. 2 , NORTHVILLE RECORD 6pm. Sheet. (517)546-'l159. ,.~ l WHATISTHE ed from $3.90. Large sele.:tion. free estimates. licensed and years old, small black and RED rasberries, thornless. U- APPLICATIONS being ~ao- South Lyon Pharmacy. (on the insured. (517)546-0191. white neutered male needs a PASSIER saddle, 18 Inch, like 313-349-3627 pick or order. Langdon's Kern cepted for experienced grili BARGAIN corner). FOR sale, 8 h.p. John Deere DRIVEWAY Culverts. new home with lots of love. new. S5OO. (313)437.a185. Road Farm. 1130 Kern Road. cooks. Come In person be. PERRENNIAL5- hearty plants rldong mower. $300. John South Lyon Lumber and Farm Very good in house and loves BARREL? CONSIDER ClaSSIfied then Fowlerville. (517)223·8457. Center. 415 East Lake, ween 9 a.m and 3 p.m. Pot~ I(you have an item you wish to for the beglnmng gardener. Deere lawn sweeper, $100. to go in the car. Good home QUALITY registered Paints consider it sold. Open 8 a.m. 1111 dark. (313)437-1751. pourri Resturant, 1101 East sell for $25. or less or a group July 5 and 6. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. McCullough Pro 10-10 chain only, 5100. (313)229-6121. and Quarter Horses for sale, CANON A-1 35 mm camera, 50 RASPBERRIES ready now. Grand River. Howell. ':. of Items seiling for no more 4500 Richardson Road. saw, $225. Call (313)227-4347 TWO patio doorwalls, 6 ft. x 7 PUREBRED, Golden also boarding, training, indoor mm lens, leather case. PLUS ACCEPTING appllcallons. for than $25. you can now place an (5171546-S618al1er 7 p.m. alter5 p.m. PREISS BERRY FARM. Call for It.. $200 each. Call anytime. Retrelver. 10 months, spade. arena. outstanding facililies. Canon '199, speedllte availability. (313)632·7107. dishwashers, malntenar(ce ad in the claSSIfied section for POOL. Fanta sea, 16 x 32. all GREENHOUSE, Lord and Bur· (517)223-7159. To gOOd home. $75. (313)227· Call C. B. at (313)227~ at dedicated flash, like new, person, day kitchen help,'fulh price! Ask our ad·taker to accessories Included. You barn. or (313)750-9687 home Yl $275. (313)227·9588. nham, excellent condition. 2848. time night salad prop. bus'per- place a Bargain Barrel ad for move. S5OO. Call (3131437·5530 must sell, $2,500 or best. al1er9 p.m. CEDAR posts 7 11. X 4 In. tops YORKSHIRE puppies, no sons. Apply In person 128'Ef you. (10 words or less) and or (313)437-4796. (517)546-3829. QUARTER horse, mare, gefl- $2.90 each. Corner/end posts papers, reasonable. (313)632· Main Street, Northville. .: i she Will bill you only 52.25. RUBBER stamps - Milford 6205 after 5 p.m. and lie. excellent trail horse. Must 8 h. X 6 in. tops $5.50 each. 8 HP, 36 inch cut. Cral1sman AUTO parts store, part-time: (This speCial IS ollered to Times, 436 N. Main, Milford. tractor, gOOd deal. (313)231· weekends. sell. S5OO. (313)227-4483. homeowners only-sorry. no Cole's Elevator. east end of must be 18. apply in pef80n~ (313)685-1507. 1910. REASONABLE: Appaloosa oommerclal accounts). Marlon Street In Howell. 152 Horses& Knlght·s Auto, 43500 Glanes (517)546-2720. STEEL, round and square tub- 5 HP rototiller, excellent con· gelding, 7 years. Also 'h Arab. River. Novi. ,,' • Ing, angles, channels. beams. Equipment Y.! ApPliloosa gelding. 11 DRUMS. 55 gallon. like new. dltion; wind deflector for van. APPLICATIONS being "ac. WHITE deluxe sewing etc. Call Regal's. (517)546- (517)223-9368. years. (517)548-2045evenings. machine 10cabmet & carrying Great for dock floats and bar· AQHA yearling gelding, Ma- cepted for Nurse Aldes.:ExJ 3820. 10 Inch mold board plow, 40 In. REGISTERED 15/16 Arab case, S350, like new. (511)223- rei stoves. Only $5.00 each. jestic Sweet Lips. Michigan perience helpful or willt~n~ SAWS sharpened. Lathe and mare. black bay, 6 years. 9034. Call Rob, (517)223-3787. disc harrow, 42 In. spring har· point leader-yearling halter; Call (313)685-1400 or apply) mill work. Saw shop, 4524 P,fI- row. 30 In. lawn spreader. for AQHA points. (313)424-1730 Broke to saddle. 5550. West Hickory Haven, 3310 WASHER and electriC dryer. ckney Roal!. (517)546-4636. use With garden tractor, hitch Days. (313)437·5366 After (517)546-7008. West Commerce Rol(d: working conditIOn, 5100 for the SOLAR water heating kits included. (313)62~. 5 p.m. RIDING lessons in Dressage. Mlllord. Weekdays. 8:30 all\ to pair. (511)223-3997. from Park Solar Associates 1985 52 Inch commercial John ARABIAN horses. 1 two year all levels and basic riding 3:30 pm. ';'0 , WHITE wrought lion glass top- are low cost and easy to In· Deer walk behind. Excellent old Gelding, 1 five year old skills. (3131632-5266. APPLICATIONS being taken ped table and 4 challs. Call stall. Call (5171546-9555. condillon. (313)878-3740. Gelding professionally traifl- REGISTERED 718 Arab for full and part·time worll.'Ap- before 12 noon. (313)437-4991. SEARS upright freezer, $125• ed, both bay and beautiful, gelding. Rides English and ply Marv's Bakery, Brig~ton . WICKER furniture, patio GE refrigerator. $75. Both very (313)231-9223. Western. Needs work. 5500. and Highland store. I: ; shades, black and White gOOd condition. (511)546-4950. . J.&S. ARABIAN registered bay filly, (517)546-7008. AUTO supplier looking for a television, stereo, and more, We are pleased to SHELVING, pallet racks SAND&GRAVEL 4. affectlonale. green broke, SAWDUST and Blue Clay pick· recepllonlst with gOOd IYp[ng call (313)227·1589. (Interlake, RepUblic, Palmer Black dirt, topsoil. peat, bark, announce we will be $1.500 negoliable. (313)437- ed up or delivered. Eldred's Gilts • Trophies· skills. Salary negouable, WATERFALL bedroom set, Shlle, Sturdl·Bulll. Frick sand. gravel. 5-yard loads, Im- 56n. Bushel Stop. (313)229-6857. Tobacconist· carrying a full line of Please apply in person' rockers, kitchen set, Gallagher), wife crlbbmg, mediate delivery! EngraVing - PlastiC & ARAC;AN gelding, gray. very 10810 Plaza Drlvll, Whitmof l miscellaneous furniture. carts - large and small, (313)437-3042 Carnation Feeds: Calf genlle. 7 years old. Profes- Lake. (313)449-2083. , (313)887·5256. Metal.Awards. Rubber Stamps casters, file cabinets, storage Manna, Breakthrough & Rabbit sionally trained. S8OO. (313)227· SAWDUST AUTO and furniture' WATERFALL bedroom set, cabmets, stools, work befl- LAWN mowing and cleart-ups, 4483. DELIVERY upholsterer wanted for' al( NOW LOCATED AT oak rockers, kitchen set, anti- ches, cherry pickers, band Brighton, Howell area. call for Pellets. ~ 13 year Arab/Quarter gelding. (313)697-0934 phasell of repair. Experlelfced ques. miscellaneous fur· saws, bearing presses, time free estlmale. (517)223-3128. 114 State Street 15 hands, Chestnut, gentle. only. Universal Upholstery: nlture. (313)887·5256. card racks, lockers, sem .. LAWN mowing, weed mowing, • Langs Dealer 201 North Grand. Fowlervllle~ Howell 5171548·1752 Western Pleasure/Trall. S6OO. WINDOW air conditioner, trailers, and bin boxes. and rotolilling. Brighton. • Complete Pet • G.rain Hauling . (313)464-6478after 4p.m .. (517)223-3946. 'I (313)698-3200. gOOd condition, 575. (313)437· Howell area. (313)229-7115. Supplies • Livestock Hauling SAWDUST ACCEPTING applications fof. BOARDING·training. South LIVINGSTON CTY LUMBER 2402al1er6. ~, SINGER deluxe mode!, por- MOWING on regular basis. experienced waitresses. App- • Custom Feed Made Daily in the Lyon area, indoor-outdoor DELIVERY AVAILABLE WEBER grill, gOOd condition. lable zlg·zallger In sturdy car· Completely Insured. Trim and ly In person only between 10 Historical New Hudson Elevator arenas, rest room, H/C water. FROM 56.50 A YARD S35. (313134~554. rying case. Pay oil 548 case or remove bushes. Power raking. excellent care. (313)431-4549. a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday thni payments of $7 per month. 5 (5171548-2294. . (517)223-9090 Friday. Potpourri Restauran& 105 Firewood year guarantee. Universal BUYING registered·Grade MF 12 hOrsepower. 42 inch Severson's Mill &Farm Supply Kroger Shopping Center. I1Q1;" . and Coal Sewing Center. (313)334-0905. horses to train for schooi pro- cut. excellent condition, S8OO. 56675Shefpo Road gram. (313)750-9971. E. Grand River, Howell. I' SOFT Ice cream machine. 3 (5171223-3279. MA FirewOOd. coal. Super K flavors. Was 56,000, asking New Hudson, Michl an 48165 313-437-1723 kerosene, propano filling. rl~iUI'~ ROTOTILLING, grass cutting, SAWDUST " Newest Addlllon , S3.ooo or best offer. (313)2~ Open 7 days. Fle(cher & 8534. brush hog work, driveways BREAKING & TRAINING ,. :'" Rickard Landscape Supplies. The , graded. (511)223-7136. DONE PROFESSIONALLY PINE-POPLAR I SUMP pump, 575. Air clnd .. Pickup or delivered, can hafl- (313)437-11009. "Naatlcal Room" ~ ROTOTILLING forgardensand (313~179 tloner, $65. GOOd condllion. die Inside arena. ACCOUNTING CLE~~ new lawns, salis faction t ALL Oak. Seasonable by the And Miscellaneous. (313)34~ (511)548-2942ANYTIME (MEDICAL) "lill"./, fir (:"'''', r.' ~ guaranteed. (313134H513. ___ 1II. seml.loads In spill, block, or 5640 M·59 6588. call before 5 p.m. ,.(!f:;.~ OR (5tn54&-6629 Must be familiar with book. BOARDING stable, Indoor 100 Inch full cords wholesale. ~ IE 0'"0"" .. 111 RIDING lawn mower. Simplici- keeping systems. Medicare, 8rtlalloads delivered. 4 11 x 4 5100. (313)632·7577. WESTERN saddle, 17 In. 5150. person. Red Barn Stalk BARNSBY Cutback showsad- fl. x 8 ft. Federal cords. (511)548-7008. House. 1140 Plncknet, die, tack trunk with cover and (313)231·2207. Excellent Picking Howell,MI.. • ,. sterting sliver western bit, ex- 8 Year old mare, quarter horse THREEJ'S BUILDING maintenance. Ell' Watch our machine remove cellent condltlon. (313)441- cross, genUe. S450, and 10 SMALL ENGINE pits In minutes. 4303, year old pony. $125, (517)54&. perience in carpentry. plumb- Tune-Up and Repair 438Il. Ing and elecfrlcal. experienc- on most major brands (No Ladders Necessary) BATTON'S Horse Day camp, ed only need apply. Bl(r- WELL drilling and repair, 3900 West 7 Mile Rd. July 15 tn 19. A few openings 153 Finn Anlmlls roughs Farma, ~1 Brlghlon Points changed and pumps Sol.th Lyon, MI. Raspberry U·Pick Season is slill Ivailable, ages 8 to 18, Road. Brighton. Main office. repaired. (313)229-6672. (313)437-0217 Ready with Picking Daily 5135. (313)437-8185. AMERICAN Breeders Service. between hnd 5. ' For all your beef and dairy WELL POINTS from 529.95. Monday·F rlday 9-6 CHESTNUT mare. 18 hands, BEAUTICIANS, Llcense~ needs. Call TIm J. Clarll, Myers Pumps, plumbing. Saturday 9-1 u.s. 23 N. to Clyde Rd. Exit aged. Steady trail horse, train- operators with some e ' Oel.een Bnghlon & Fenlon !5tn54e-O:I64. healing and electrical sup- Ing firat level dressage, Basic perlence, No cllen" Open Dally 8·7 plies. Use our well driver free TOM'S Lawn Service. Mowing, of Jumping. Excellent lor leen necessary. We need you al with purchase. Msrtln's Hard· power raking, Clean ups. limb (313) 6~2.7~~2 :.. ... or adult, $1,000. Howeil, Fantastic Sam's of mouth. (517)54801473, call evenln s 313 • ware, South Lyon. (313)437· remOVAl. Reasonable ratea, .. ----- ...... __ .. ~", •• ...... L_....:....._...... :. 'lfI'\I\ ,-",.. ..."'1"'"'''..... ".'t".,~'tf\t'4 ~ Wednesday. July 3. lOSS-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFORD TIMES-9·B

165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted 165 Help Wanted Oeneral 165 Help Wlnted Oeneral 165 Help Wanted 1M Help Wanted Sal .. 117 BUlin ... Opportunltle. BABYSITTER needed. my HETAIL sales, part-lime, must DRIVEWAY Sales. Full and NURSE AIDS TRUCK Mechanic, experienc- hpm.e, 2 children. 9 a.m. tc HELP WANTED RETIRED be available evenings and BRIGHTON. Just L1stedl Great COOK, grill experience, apply pari lime. Novl Standard, Wanted: people who care to ed, with own tools. some 4:30 p.m., Monday through weekends. Apply In person opportunltylll Anllque and In person. 11 AM to 2 PM. Grand River amd Novl Roads. care for our people. Prefer ex- welding knowledue helpful. ~y. References. (313)437- WALTEC needs eligible youth But not ready to stop working? only. Parklane Hosiery Twelve herb business right In 43317 Grand River, Novl. perience but will train. Full Apply: C.E.I. Industries of for clerical, labor, and Experience pays. we need Oaks Mall. beautllul downtown Brighton. (313)349-1438. and part-lime positions Michigan. 2140 Industrial BABYSITTER needed, 2 maintenance divisions. Please people with Invaluable years Heres your chance to be your CLEANING servlc9 needs available on all shilts. Com- Drive, Howell, MI (517)546- REAL Estate Sales. ex- p.tlildren, ages 3 and 6. New DON'T call (517)546-7450 for an ap- of work experience. People own boss for Just $8.500. call honest. reliable people to pelilive wages and benefits. 9389. Equal Opportunity perienced or will train. Team fl'udaon area. (313)437-5804. WAIT UNTiL pointment. who remember that the Employer. up with America largest real Nancy Bohlen. Preview Pro- clean many private homes. Please call for an Interview customer comes first and who perlles. (313)227-2200. '~. BftRMA!D, experienced. E.O.E./A.A. EMPLOYER TEEN=s,-=-e""a-r-n-:-fr-o-m-S""'2"'"5-t-o""S=75estate organlzallon. Century Own car a must. (313)349-8000. Beverly Manor (3131477-2000. treat people like they , .tiorlleshoe Lounge. 10100 W. MONDAY! working pari-lime, week day. 21, Brighton Towne Company, COOK wanted. Experienced In You can place your ad any day themselves want to bo • Grand River, Fowlerville. IF you have ever considered a evenings, and on Saturdays. (313)229-2913. quanllty cooking helpfUl or of the week. Office hours are NEED yard work done one day treated. Make some extra .l5171223-988Il. career In real estate, please Transpor1allon provided. Wail- training available for person 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday a week In Brighton. (313)885- money while meellng people. '~"'PYSITTER needed for my 7 call Dennis Cohoon, Century ed Lake, Union lake, West willing to learn. Must be - Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 8514. We hsve openings for full and REAL ESTATE and 2 year old In my home, 21,(313)349-1212. Bloomfield and Commerce. dependable. Benefits Saturday. Our phone room part·llme positions. Come In CLASSES ,am to 5:30 pm. Must be call (3131473-1759. Classes now lormlng 'or atale l:~ available. Apply Beverly salespeople will be happy to IMM~DIATE Opening for pari and talk to a member of our NEEDAPAYCHECK? approved 40 hour pre-hcenle rliSp(lnslble and dependable, Manor of Novl. 24500 time Recepllonlst. New Cre. TYPIST needed for cOUrl help you. mangement team. belween Iralnlng Ctasses bellin Augul' ~I\tIr good references. Cell Meadowbrook Road, Novl, (517)546-2570 lion Hair Salon, (313)227-7349. the hours of 6-10 a.m. and 2- reporter. experience after 6 pm. (313)227-6663. We have light Industrial work 21s' Malertals charge o. S45 FARMERS Insurance Group Is Michigan 48050. (313)437-4133 JANITOR. Experience prefer· 4 p.m. HardeA's. 401 Norlh necessary. Call (313)685-i13O. Schweiller SChool o. Real In Wixom, Walled Lake and looking for Individuals to open BABYSITTER, 4p.m. to t. (313)227-4438 red. but will train. Must be Center. Norlhvllle. Estate CARRIERS wanted to deliver Novl. 2 shifts available and 40 an Insurance agency. Start l3elerences. Reliable. Own the Novl News. Routes open (313)346-3022 able to work with minimal hour weeks available. No ex- Perml' No 170 tr~8portallon or FIsh Lake supervision. Apply for this full In LIYonta. Call Don Kamen. part-lime without giving up In areas of Chedworth. Cot- (313)685-8705 perience necessary. If you RETAIL sales. Beverly'S WHATISTHE 1u8'a. (313)887-1878. time day position at Oasis Manager your present employment. tlsford, Cherry Hili. Highland. (313)426-5032 have a phone and reliable Casuals - Brighton. now taking Truck Plaza. Hartland MI. Mon- BARGAIN 522·5333 Commissions Inlllally. Alter BfllGHTON Taco Bell now ex- Upland Hili. Beck, Strathcona, transportation you could start applications for full lime, In Northyllle. Call Tony RIZZO. day thru Friday. 3 p.m. to training program salary plus ~.- ~eptJng applicallons for all Sierra. Londonberry. and DRIVEWAY sales. Person will- working now. mature person with strong BARREL? Manager commission. For more In- 6 p.m. ~9-1515 I" shilts. Valley Star. (313)349-3627. Ing to accept responslbllty of retail experience. Must be sell IIyou have an Item you wish to formallon call (313)559-1652. full time afternoon shift LOADING and unloading of mollvated and able to work re- sell for S25. or less or 3 group In Plymoulh. Call Darlene '~ BOOKKEEPER. experienced COSMETOLOGIST wanted. SChemanskl. Manager pnly, flexible hours. (313)437- manager, challenging and heavy stock. Office work, NO FEE quired retail hours. 140 West of Items seiling for no more call for Interview ask for char. 453-6800 NEW IN TOWN? ~~alter5pm. (313)227-5090. rewarding, references, pay some filing and book work. Main, Brighton. than S25.you can now place an SCHWEITZER REAL ESTATE Meet the neighbors, and eatn scale based on experience. (313)227-6074.9 a.m. to 5 p.m .. ad in the classified secllon for BABYSITTER. My house, ex- CLERICAL Pari-time Farm- BONUS PLAN RN, LPN or GN needed. all BETTER HOMES & GARDENS good money seiling Avon. Call Apply: Oasis Truck Plaza. LIVE In housekeeper/- 'h price! Ask our ad-taker to perience necessary. Approx- Ington Hills. Filing. light office shilts. Cell (313)885-1400or ap- Cindy. (313)3484l69 or Linda. Hartland, MI In person, Mon- companion wanted for elderly place a Bargain Barrel ad for SALES help wanted. Sales ex- I~tely 40 hours a week. Non- work, deliveries. Submit ply: West Hickory Haven, 3310 (313)437-9392. smoker preferred. (313)229- resume to: Jay Brody, P.C., day thru Friday. 3 p.m. to lady. Room and bored provid- (313)525-0330 West Commerce Road, you, (10 words or less) and perience a plus-but not l51br 31731 Northwestern Hwy. 6 p.m. ed. plus salary. References Milford, weekdays, 8:30 a.m. she Will bill you only S2.25. necessary. Inquire within 3500 DEPENDABLE babysiller required. (313)887-2840. t03:30 p.m. (This special" Is offered to E. Grand River. Howell. MI. • BABYSITTER, Mature person Suite 160, Farmington Hills. OPEN YOUR OWN needed for 4 children. LEGAL secretary. only ex- SUPPLEMENTAL homeowners only-sorry, no SERVICE and sales position In • .0- ~re for Infant and 3 year Mich. 48018. RASPBERRY pickers needed. BUSINESS SOON weekends 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. perienced need apply. Full commercial accounts). Automotive After Market, for , ~!leferences. Call (313)227· CLERICAL, filing, typing. and Ages 10 Ihru sell lor cillzens. No need to rent a whole South Lyon area. Must have time. (313)227-1000.9to 5• STAFFING,INC small grOWing company with receptionist available. Call (517)223-8457. building. Spaces will soon be Temporary Personnel Ser- own transporlatlon. (313)437- LIGHT Industrial positions THE TEMPORARY HELP WHITEHALL Home on Grand benefits, and no overnight • BABY-SITIER needed, my River In Novl needs a mature available In a new shopping vices. (313)229-2363. 8366. available. Good Pay. Call Tem- PEOPLE traveling. Send resume to home. call Joyce. (313)437- woman to work full time 2:30 to P.O. Box 91, Brighton. MI mall near downtown Howell. 6595 after 5 pm. CARRIERS needed to deliver porary Personnel Services, REGISTERED Let us know what you have to (313)229-2363. llpm to give supervised per- 48116. the Monday Green Sheet and NOW acceplng applications NURSES sonal care to the elderly. sell. Reasonable monthly Wednesday Milford Times. In LOCAL moving company for full and part time help. Ex- Some housework included, leases available. P.O. Box Highland areas of Cherry, needs drivers and helpers. ex- 1206. Howell, MI48843. CIRCULATION DIETARY supervisor needed- perience helpful. but not re- McPherson Comml.lnlly " call Marylou at (313)474-3442. Learn How To Make MILFORD TIMES Motorist, Giddings, laSalle perienced deslreable. but not quired. Apply lower rear of- for 101 bed skilled nursing Health Center a 136-bed acute WANTED: Progressive hair Gardens. Seven Harbours. & neccessary apply. 154 Summit fice, Midstate Janitorial Ser· Big Money In facility. Call (313)685'1400, or care general hospital Is active- stylist with clientele. New OWN your own Jean- r:., 313-685-7546 Highland Hills Trailer Park. Sreet. Brighton. vice, 441 North Main Street, Real Estate apply West Hickery Haven, ly recruiting for two part-time Creallon Hair salon. (313)227· Sportswear, ladies apparel, Call Clrculallon. (313)685-7546. MECHANIC, auto. cerllfled, Milford. (313)885-7700. chlldrens, large. combination 3310 West Commerce Rd, Registered Nurses for our 7349. Independence freedom. tram· CASHIERS for sell serve gas CARRIERS needed to deliver starl immediately. full time NAIL technician, experienced store. accessories. Jordache, Millord. MI. Weekdays 8:30 Obstetrics unit. Experience WORK at home. Enjoy a mean- mo That s what a career With slatlon, full and part time, the Monday Green Sheet and permanent position. Must be In acrylics. Call or come In Chic. Lee, Levi. E Z Street, a.m. to 3:30 p.m. preferred. Ingful career In the Human our CENTURV 21 OUlce means days and evenings. Good job Wednesday Milford Times. In very {iood mechanic and person. (313)227-1391. So call now Izod, Esprit. Tomboy, Calvin DUE to expansion, we are In Services field right in your for retirees. Apply in person Milford areas of Byron, salesman. This Is where the Put Number 1 Klein. Sergio Valente, Evan need of heavy duty truck NIGHT chef poslllon open, 0c- We are located in Howell. home by becoming a foster / only. Dandy gas stallon, 1050 cabinet, & Washington. Call big money Is. Call (313)837- to work lor you' Picone, Liz Claiborne, mechanics. state cerlifled, tober, must have basic Michigan. a pleasant subur- parent for a child with menial - Grand River. Brighton. Circulation. (313)685-7546. 4494, ask for Don. ban area between Ann Arbor Members Only, Organically • minimum 5 years experience gourmet experience. salary, retardation. Provide care, CENTURY 21 CARRIERS wanted for the MATURE individual wanted to Grown, Gasoline, Healthtex, CARPENTER. Rough In dlesl engine & drive train medical. and dental. Send In- and Lansing, approximately 30 teach new skills. and earn $300 delivery of the Monday Green EAST AT12.()AKS Over 1,000 others. $13.300 to carpenter wanted. Malik overhaul. Only those meeting supervise teen children. quiries and resumes to P.O. minutes from Flint. to S700 per month plus room S24.900Inventory. training. fix- ISheet and the Livingston Homes. (313)229-8010. above requirements who are (313)887-9311, (313)827-4900 Box 193, Norlhvllle, MI48167. 349-6800 and board expenses. call tures, grand opening etc. Can cou/lty Press. Routes willing to work Including over- Ext. 206. We offer an excellent salary Ead10meels~Uy CARPENTER. Foreman for Homeflnder at (313)332-4410. open 15 days. Mr. Loughlih aolall;ble In the city of Howell. time need apply. (313)227-1015. MEDICAL assistant needed arod shift premium of 7%, a owDed" operated rough carpenter crew. Malik NURSERN-LPN WORD processor for law of- (612)888-6555. Please call circulation for ophthlamic practice. Must comprehensive non- Homes. (313)229-6010. DRUMMER, heavy metal fice. Minimum 1 year ex- (517)546-4809. be energetic, work well with contributory benefits program WANT your own business; CAMP POSITION available for wanted. Double bass perience. Resume to P.O. Box SPACE age of shopping. I others and possess ability to including tuition reimburse- begin at home. full or pari CARRIERS wanted for the girl scout resident camp In prefered. (313)231-9650 or Full time midnight shift 400, NOrlhville, MI. 48167. Direct to the home food ser- dllllvery of the Monday Green learn quickly. Experience In ment, exceptional pentlon lime, earn what you're worlh. Linden MI. Now hiring; camp (313)231-1678. available. Whitehall Convales- vice needs full or pari-time ShetH and the Livingston medical selling preferred. Call program and Individual orien- WAITRESS wanted. Only ex- We earned $6,000 In our 3rll counselors, waterfront staff. DENTAL Assistant, full time cent Home, 43455 West Ten sales people. We Will train County Press. Routes (313)227-2158 between 2 p.m. tation. Send resume or con- perienced need apply. After 3 month by sharing the finest kllchen assistants. Contact position -for experienced, In- Mile, Novl, MI. (313)349-2200. men and women and supply available In the city of Fowler- and4 p.m. lact the personnel deparl- p.m. Lyn Nors Restaurant. health products available: camp director (313)TJ5.5427. telligent Individual. (313)229- ment. 22870 Pontiac ·irail. South the sales leads. Call Tom for Free training and direction for ville. Plese call circulation MCDONALD'S now accepting NEED full-time 11ft truck CARRIERS needed to deliver 8191. Lyon. interview at (313)227-4240. your success. Call (313)348- ~ 517)548-4809. appl!cations for janitorial help. mechanic, experienced in Northville Record, DEPENDABLE adult, kitchen MCPHERSON COMMUNITY WAITRESS & cook, experienc- 5572. No obligation, lets meet CERTIFIED Chrlsllan teachers apply at the Wixom, Walled gas, LPG and electric trucks. Wednesdays. (313)349-3627. help needed. Applications HEALTH CENTER ed only. Pebble Creek Golf for coffee and talk. '}eeded for Milford area, Lake, and South Lyon loca- Good pay, benefits and paid CARRIERS wanted to deliver available at Dorozo's Inc •• 201 620 BYRON ROAD Course, 10 Mile and Curry WANTED sclJool. High School (Science, tions, Monday through Friday holidays. Clarkllft of Central Monday Green Sheet. Routes N. Lafayelle, South Lyon (In HOWELL, MICH. 48843 44 MORE PEOPLE 168 Instructional M'ath, English, Social 9amt05pm. Michigan, 1322 Rensen, lans- Road. the South Lyon Hotel). Ex- 1517}546-1410ext.295 Schools StUdies), K-l, 6-8, part-time open In the areas of Whitmore perience preferred. (313)437- MAINTENANCE person need- Ing. (5tn393-1220. who are seriously Interested gym, and teachers aide. Call Lake. (313)349-3627. ed for aparlment community In OPENING for quality control In earning more money with HEAD Mechanic with super- Mrs. Boyes at (313)632-7015 or CARRIERS wanted to deliver 5222. E.O.E. WANTED Novl. Full time. Apply at 2364C Inspector for an alert, active, visory experience. Apply to Monday and Wednesday DRYWALL finishing. Eager, fast grOWing herbal nutrlllon Mr: Sherwood, (313)887-2177. Chipmunk Trail, Novi Ridge conscientious Individual. 79 MORE PEOPLE Howell Public Schools, Ms. Green Sheet. Routes open In energetic, willing to learn. RELIABLE barn help, pari- company. Serious income for CONCESSION manager, Aparlments, Monday thru Fr~ Some lilting Involved. Hours those who can supervise and Lynn Parrish, 415 N. Barnard; the areas of South Lyon. (313)229-9352. lime. Milford. (313)685-3182 Seriously Interested In losing Lakes Drlv ... n Theatre. East day, 8:30 to 5:00. 6:0oa.m.- 2:30p.m. Starting train. Call (313)437·5714. Howell,MI. (313)349-3627. afler6 pm. weight before summers end! Grand River, Brighton. No ex- DENTAL Hygienist for wage Is $3.60 per hour. Apply , perience necessary. we will COCKTAIL Waitress. Frigate's Brighton Periodontal Practice. REFRIGERATION repalrper- Natural herbal program. 170 Situations Wanted .: at Trl-State Hospital Supply, WITH the present market, we train.' Call for Interview ap- Inn, Walled Lake. (313)624- Part·tlme mornings. Ex- son. Domestic, must have own (313)437-5714 301 Catrell Drive. Howell. Mark need additional help. Have A-l cleaning ladles, general ot: pointment. (313)689-3856. 9607. perience preferred. Please tools. Appliance Place 2 application, "Allentlon:Quall- you ever thought of the Real parlles. Mrs. Hoban or Mrs. reply to: P.O. Box 2000 In c/o (517)546-1300. WANTED full time chef. Ex- ty Control Department". Estate Market and the Ap- Ross, (313)887-2197. The Brighton Argus. 113 E. RECEPTIONIST secretary, perience necessary. call for praisal Field? Call Jim at Grand River, Brighton, some bookkeeping and record appointment between 10 am ALL Fall or weekly cleanlnll POLE BUILDING (313)349-4033. •• Michigan 48116. MEAT market needs neat and 4 pm. Ask for Guy. Wind- beautifUlly done by an ex- PLANT MAINTENANCE ERECTORS NEEDED- keeping, typing, pleasant per- DEPENDABLE help needed responsible person, 18 or sonality. Prefer mature jammers. (313)227-4400. perienced woman Home MACHINE REPAIR for Hartland horse farm. older with outgoing personalI- Economist (In professional One of Michigan'S largest pole woman. Send resume to WORD processors needed. (313)632-5338. ty for counter work, food JC Penney maids uniform) for homes and bUilding suppliers need erec- ReMax First Inc. Realtors, 8014 (517)546-8570. re~:I~mt:~ln~ua;:~~~~~~CSk~~~~~g~~I~~;~11~~~ i:~~~~t!j~~~~~~r. preparation, various other businesses. Also full service DIRECT care workers wanted tors In your area. Insurance Grand River, Brighton, MI. ZUKEY Lake Tavern Is hiring Twelve Oaks Mall ...electrlcal and hydraulic discipline dulles. Part-time. flexible housekeeping skills experlly Position requires the ability to senl'lce machme and plant to work In home for mentally supplied. Interested parties 48116. experienced food waitresses. hours, mlnhilUm wage to starl • Now accepting applica- performed: laundry. meal ...maintenance needs retarded adults_ $4.2O.lo,slart, submit detailed resume In- SCHOOL bus drivers, regular If you like working In a busy at- """':"'11 you have any CNC lathe md.1ntenance knowledge. this is an ad Ideal for older man' or woman'.' tions for full commission preparation. child superVI- possible S5 within a year. Call cluding experience to: Pole and substitute, must have mosphere call (313)231-1441 Send Information to 4217 sales position In the sion. etc., etc. (517}546-1439. . de~'::IIU~enehl package In'lf.alng COLA. dental. proh' sharrng (313)437-5858or (313)437·7535. Building Department, c/o good driving record. Apply at ask for Rick or Chuck to make following departments: hospitalization, malor medical, hie Insurance. SIck pay and up to • Highland Road, Suite 258, ADULT lady would liila to DIRECTORS for Harlland Com- Standard Supply & Lumber Brighton Area Schools, 4740 an appointment. weeks vacallon and eleven paid holidays. Christmas through New Pontiac. MI. 48054. babysit. Reasonable ratee. Years. Apply In person at munity Theater. Paid position. Co., 1535 Kalamazoo S.E., Bauer Rd. Draperies 166 Help Wanted Sales (313)229-4417• . "Barefoot In the Park, " Grand Rapids, MI. 49507. SECRETARY Farmington Home Entertainment NEW HUDSON CORP. "Scrooge." & "Annie." For MANAGEMENT Hills. Well organized In- BRIDGEPORT operator, 4 AN International nutrition Furniture years minimum experience In 1235 Holden Avenue, Information call (313)629-3128 PRESS PERSON, experienc- dividual. capable of handling Milford Opporlunlty for .management company is looking for a few detail work. Plymouth canton or (5171546-2697. ed, pari time to starl may work busy work schedule and en- Women's Dresses with local store. Need en- ambltuous people. top Income area. (3131455-5608. ELECTRICIANS for commer- Into full time. Craig Printing joys responsibility with Also accepting applica- thusiasm, flexibility and potential and exceptional cial work. Send resume to: (313)229-9444. minimum supervision. Submit benefIts, submit resume to tions for permanent part BABYsllllng lob. girl 14 has dependability. Retail ex- references. (313)885-3712. , P.O. Box 1015, Brighton, MI. PERSONABLE. reliable, resume to: Jay Brody, P.C .. Anron Associates. 892 Allen time help for the follow- perience h:;!pful, skill In deal- 31731 Northwestern Hwy. Ing posillons: 48116. Ing with the public essential. mature person, to help run Dr. Norlhville. MI48167. EXCEL'''-L'=EN'"'T=-:''"In-c-om-e-=-fo-r-:'h-o-m-e Suite 160. Farmington Hills, KELLY Excellent benefit package. small pizzarea In Union Lake. AUTO PARTS COUNTER PER- Team Sales 1 to 2 days a week. Prefere 35 Mich. 48018. assembly work. For Inform. Apply Pump'n'Pantry, 8355 SONS Immediate openings for Associates BABYSITTING available; lion call (504)64EH1315exten- or over, Atza Pizza (3131363- SECRETARY. typing. book- Has Assignments For West Grand Blvd. Brighton. persons with 1 or more years in all areas mother of three, references. sion e-2291. MI. 48116. 5115. keeping, for small construc- of paris. sales or rel'lted ex- ages 3 and up preferred. tion company. Pari-time. $4.00 Stock EXCELLENT Income for part· PERSON to work on dairy perience. Must have high (313)437-4524. per hour. South Lyon area. Security Positions • WORD PROCESSING time home assembly work. MEDICAL ASSISTANT farm, pari-time possible full mechanical aptitude. Must be (31314"18-3887. Licensed Styling BABYSITTING - lake living. (ALL MODELS) For Information call (312)741- wanted, Highland area doctor time, must have experience able to work some evenings loads of fun. Lots of extras OPERATORS Salon Operators with 8400 extension 610. needs PART-TIME HELP ON- milking and operating farm STAMPING company looking and weekends. Full range of too. (517)546-1848. ELECTRONIC assembler. will LY. Venapuncture experience machinery. Only the conscien- for maintenance man on day beneflls Including health and Clientele • EXPERIENCED DATA ENTRY shllt, must have electrical and life Insurance, retirement CLEAN out and clean up train. $3.75 per hour to starl, required, call (313)887·5800 .tlous need apply. (313)878- garages. yards, houses, (Inpulling) machine repair experience. plan, tuition refund and fund- Fine Jewlery Repair OPERATORS non-smoking building. Apply Wednesday thur Friday 8:30 2555. basements. (313)437-5775. . Progressive metal forming. ed training programs plus am- Service at 10087 Industrial Drive, Ham- a.m. 11:3Oa.m. PINCKNEY Molded Plastics is 10850 Hall Rd. Hamburg, MI. ple promotional opporlnltles. CLEANING by professionals. • SECRETARIES burg. Monday thru Thursday, MAINTENANCE person need- now accepting applications for 48139. Apply In person to manager, Full & Part Time Residential and commercial: (Shorthand I Dictaphone) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ed Immediately for a 340 site employment In production MEL'S AUTO SUPPLIES. INC. Positions Available (313)632-6010. EXECUTIVE secretary, for luxury campground. Apply to: between the hours of 9 a.m. 754 S•. MICHIGAN, HOWELL, Will Train CHILD care In my Lakeland- oakland county law firm, ex- Lake Chemung Outdoor and 4:30 p.m. at 450 Howell SUMMERJOBS • JR. SECRETARIES Mleoe. Hamburg home. Loving, qualI- cutive skills, highly orginlzed Resorllnc., 320 South Hughes Street. Pinckney. MI48169. Apply In person WALlEC is now taking ap- ADVERTISEMENT sales rep. ty care. Flexible hours. Have 150 wpm plus) person, reply to P.O. Box 400, Road, Howell, MI. (517)546- PARK MANAGER WANTED. • TYPISTS plications for more than 125 needed Immediately. Ex- Personnel Office references. (313)231-2943. . • Norlhville, 48167. 6381or (313)474-7293. 340 site year around luxury Michigan Youth Corps lobs. perience perferred but not JC Penney EXPERIENCED Babysllling. • SWITCHBOARD OPERATORS EXPERIENCED rough MATURE woman wanted to campground. Free site, All unemployed, 18 thru 21 necessary. Call (313)227oU15. Triangle Lake Road. between carpenter, full lime. Call supervise 3 teens and general salary: resume, information. Twelve Oaks Mall Only (Dimension I Horizonl Rolm) years old qualify. Apply In per- Between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Howell and Pinckney, just off (313)878-9978. cleaning. call (313)878-5037 President, Lake Chumung son at Waltec, 628 E. Grand Leave name, number, and Monday-Saturday Outdoor Resc.rt Inc .. P.O. Box Coon Lake Road. (517)546- EXPERIENCED sales person alter6 p.m. River, Howell. Hours 8:30 am • RECEPTIONISTS 40, Howell, MI, 48843. (313)464- posillon. 10 a.m to 4 p.m. 8596. needed. Palm Beach Gym & METALLURGIST, experience to 5 pm, Monday thru Friday. If you qualify for any 01 these. want temporary 6497. GENERAL Housecleaning. Fitness Center. Call for ap- preferred. Will be responsble Poslllons will pay $3.35 per E,O.E work. are available for an 8 hour day Mon. thru Reliable adult. Call after Fn .• " . WE NEED YOU. Please call for an appoint· pointment (517)548-5100. for physical and metallurgical PERSON to work on horse hour. BORED BROKE ment. Monday thru Fnday between 7:3()'5.oo. farm. experience preferred. 6 p.m. (313)420-9075, (313)42C). EXPERIENCED babysiller for testing, Including Spec- BLUE 167 Business troscopy. Will assist In seiling (517)521-3770 alter 6pm, be 0082. ' 227-2034 Infant. part-time. (313)227-5958. Opportunities up new lab and developing persistent. LATHE operator. 4 years EXPERIENCED handyman JOB FOR YOU procedures for same. Call SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER I HAVE A minimum experience in detail groom, must work well with PERSONS wanted for general AVON has new ways of eam- The Not an agency: Fred Waterstradt. (313)878- MANAGER. We have an open- work. Plymouth Canton area. horses. (313~. maintenance work. Ask for Earn excellent money, hiring, Ing money. Starl a business 0' "Kell Girl" never a fee 3137 or send full resume to: Ing for someone who would (313)455-5608. Chris. (313)346-8819. training, and supervising your own. Full or pari-time for , ~ Equal OpportuOlly ELECTRICIANS helper, part like to coordinate the activities P.O. Box 200, Pinckney, PART·TiME, apply In person at Howell, FOWlerville. Brighton, LAURIE and Peggy would lo~e IEL[~ Employer M/F/H lime. Must have some tools, In our Fowlerville Senior women. Work from home, Mlchlgen 48189. to sit for you. child, daily ac- Berry Corners Pany Store, your own hours. Absolutely no and Harlland. For more in- SERVICES.INC own transportation. Send CItizen sector, this would In- tlvllles and lots of fun. l MEDICAL Transcriptionist for 4040 Mason Road, Howell, MI. Investment. Earn a trip to formation call for appoint- :r:l resume to P.O. Box 954., clude organizing the hot lunch Southwest Howell (517)548- radiology department. Must 48843. HawaII. Call (313)484-8510 or ment. 1517}223-9318, (313)227- Brighton, MI. 48116. program and related activities. 6958. • be experienced. Call (313)885- PIZZA HUT Is looking for (313)775-7511. 1426, (313)629-5290, (313)735- ENTHUSIASTiC salesperson 0921. Ask for Julia. Must have dally access to a 4538. NORTHVILLE Mother looking needed tor evenings, energetic, smiling people for car, and paid or volunteer ex- MACHINIST. New work and BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Join In- for children to care for. weekends. Call In Stock Wall all shilts and pcsitlons. Apply perience In organizing. Part replacement parts. Wages to ternational Service Company, References available. Country Paper, (313)427-5600. from 2-5 pm, Monday thru time, 25 hours per week, (98m equal ability. Progressive Saturday at Brighton and PRINTING full training with management surrounding. Ask for Deborah, EXECUTIVE legal secretary· to 2pm Monday·Frlday). (313)349-1715. metal forming, 10805 Hall Rd .. Howell locations. assistance. Earn 25K to lOOK '~SUMMER word processor. (511)548-8570. salary, $3.45, plus mileage. SALES REP Hamburg. PERSON =n::':e::::ed;;ed:"'-':""ln--:'bo-t"'tI-eCOntact OLHSA, 1429 West per year. Exclusive territory. PERSONS looking for homes FEDERAL, State and Civil Ser- MATURE woman for IIghttyp- plant, no expelrence nec- Grand River, Howell, MI48843. Chuck Blondlno, 1-800-433- and offices to clean. Call bet- vice Jobs now available In your Young aggressive printing :;;:'WORK lng, part time. Cell (313)349- casary, will train, apply In per- (517)546-8500equal opportuni- 3322. ween 5 and 8 p.m. (313)229- firm, needs to double our , area. For Information call BUY OR SELL a business 8319. • .. 4033. son. Monday, July 7th. Direct ty employer. volume of quality printing. On- (602)837-3401Department60. anywhere In Michigan. Call SURFACE grinder. 6 years MACHINE shop person. Must Process labeling, 345 West ly aggressive Individual with FULL or part lime salesperson Tom or Jerry (3t3)971·7784, minimum experience In detail have auto parts store ex· Frank, Fowlerville. SOCIAL WORK MSW sales experience need apply. "~,COLLEGE wanted for Jewelry store, ex· The Michigan Group, member work. Plymouth Caton area. . ~ perlence. Good pay, vacation, PART·TIME and temporary Knowledge of printing pro- perlence preferred. Send Network Business Exchange. (313)455-5608. medical, optical, life and positions available In Experienced with mentally cesses a must. Excellent op- resume to P.O. Box 483, .;:' STUDENTS disability Insurance. Novl Auto housekeeping deparlment at retarded. salary negotiable. portunity for the right person. BRIGHTON downtown beauty TIP·Top cleaning, homes, 01- Brighton, MI 48116. Paris. (313)349-2800. Beverly Manor In Novl. No ex- call Sister Theresa, between Opening available Immediate- salon, six chairs, adjoining flces. Weekly by weekly, mon- GERMAN teacher to tutor MOTHERCARE at Twelve perience necessary. Please 9 am and 5 pm. Northville. ly. Call (313)229-8003. Ask for parking lot. Owner will stay thly, or occasionally. Call We Need You! elementary student for sum- Oaks Is looking for an en- contact Pat Turkln at (313)477· (313)453-1300 Dan. with established clientele. (313)878-2140 or (313)231-3396 mer enrichment. J.S. (313)229-6821 or call alter 5:00 01(313)231-2624. thulsatlc, sales oriented per- 2002betwlHIn 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. REPRESENTATIVE. Im- ASSOCIATES, (313)229-4832. at (313)229-4293. " If your 18years or older son to work 20 to 30 hours per Monday through Friday. Equal SALAD BAR ATTENDANT, mediate openings for In- GENERAL laborer wanted. week. Hours must be flexible. opportunity emplOyer. mature older person, opening dividual looking for career FOWLERVILLE restaurant VILLAGE HANDYMAN , we have light industrial Buell's BeeHaven Farms, 335 Apply In person. REBUILT dryers, washers, hours. Hartland Big Boy, M-59 sales opportunity. Personable business with good gross SMALL HOME REPAIRS S. Houghton St., Milford. MEDICAL assistant and recep- ranges, refrigerators. and U5-23. Individuals with Willingness to sales. Includes all equipment Painting, carpentry, plumbing, Phone (313)885-2868. :'assignments available in tionist, part time, experienc- Guaranteed. Good condition, SECRETARY, part·tlme, learn. No previous sales ex· at reduced price of $60,000. electlcal and lawn care. Call Harmon Real Estate, (511)223- Chuck (313)887.1911. I:~Brighton-Howell and GRINDER Hand. Tool and die ed. Send resume to 8589 W. economy priced. See at World Brighton Law office. Requires perience necessary. We pro- details, 10 and 00 surface. Grand River, Brighton, MI Wide TV, Brighton Mall. mature, reliable secretary with vide quality training with a 9193. :·Milford. Apply 7:30 a.m, Full time program. Wages to 48116. (313)227-1003. good typing skills. Send salary/commlssion compen- equal ability. Progressive MATURE sales' person, part- RESPONSIBLE person need- resume to: P.O Box 2002In c/o sallon program. call to ar- < .;,to 5:00 p.m. Mon.day- metal fonr.lng. 10850 Hall Rd. time. Apply In person at Pix- ed for yard work, $3.50 per The Brighton Argus, 113 E, range Interview (313)832-&404. Hamburg. leland Chlldrens Shop In the hour. (313)887-9311. Grand River, Brighton, SALES OPPORTUNITY ...... ' r Friday at GENERAL labor, must have Brighton Mall. Michigan 48116. good driving record. (313)229- NURSES Aids. Livingston RN's and LPN's now hiring for SECRETARY for a compuler REAL ESTATE CAREER Be a Culligan Man ,-, 5338. 7990 West Grand River. Suite A Care Center Is accepting ap- a.m. and p.m. shift. Apply at equIpment distributor. Musl or Culligan Gal GENERAL laborer with plications for full-time, part- Livingston Care Center. 1333 have excellent skills, personal We will train you and starl you I I Brighton, MI 48116 knowledge of small engines time, weekends and call In. No W. Grand River, Howell. Equal organization habits, and on a long·term, high Income World's Largest Water Conditioning Company "'l.' needed for local carpet experience needed. Apply at opportunity employer. telephone manner. Ex· and advanced growth career Has opening for 1 Salesperson • Male or Female . "j perience required, send now. REAL ESTATE ONE. (313) 227-2034 cleanera. (313)437·5569 or 1333 West Grand River, RN or LPN part·llme position ·to work In this County· Direct Sales experience I resume to Box 1972, Brighton CALL: (313)349-8875. Howell, MI. E.O.E. for the 3-11 and 11-7.shlfl. App- preferred but not essenlial- we train you - Call for Argus, 113 East Grand River, '",,1 HYGENIST, part-time, family ly at Marlin Luther Home, 305 appointment 9:00 a.m. to 5;00 p.m. ,II. NEEDED Immediately. Ex· Sharon Serra (3t3)34&0e430 orientated practice, excellent Brighton, MI48118. perlenced bartenders and Elm Place, South Lyon. MI. Northvllle/Novl area. Pete ILL[~·R~Yly(j1l1 working condlllons, pleasant TYPIST, part-lime, possible CULLIGAN waitresses over 18. Apply In 1313~7·2048. Orlop (313)227-5005 Brighton I~f ' ~ .~ Peoplt' aurroundlngs. (313~728. lull time, 4 hours per day, flex· WATER CONDITIONING INC. person, Wednesday and ROUTE driver. Dependable, area, John Beilfuss (313)684- , L Thursday at Walden Woods Ible hours, must type well. "ERVICE5 ,rile HYGENIST needed, 1 diy, very consclenca, good driving 1085Milford area. 437-2053 or 227-6169 " . Wednesdays l1to 8. Highland, Resort, 2975 Old U.S. 23, record. Apply: Howell laun- S8n:t..@sume to: Typist, 9932 II. Nolan ai~i'M~tier a 'ee. Milford area. (313)698:2220. Hartland. dry, 124 E. Sibley, Howell. We~'Btlghton, MI48118. •


170 Situations Wanted 201 Motorcycles 220 Auto Parts 240 Automobiles 230 Trucks 233 4 Wheel Drive Z3I Recreatlona' 240 Automc.'>Ues & Service Vehicles YOU DESERVE TO COME 1982 YZ1~5. waler cooled. 19111HeDeI 11 11 daysaller. 1II. 1972 Chevy. 6 cylinder. Vehicles '---,-~- 1978 camaro. 6 cylinder. 3 HOME TO A CLEAN HOUSE great condition, must see. tie dude trailer, hllie used. 1980 Buick Cenlu,.i:-S7.ooo speed. new Ilres. rally wheelll •. FOR sale 2 blue chevy van automaflc. AM/FM, good SUBURBAN 1978. Nine miles. no rust. winter spent In AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK! $750 or make oller. (517)546- Good condition. $3.000. bench seats. never ulled. Call shape. runs good. $750. 10 Fool pickup camper, out· rear Spoil Sr. runs great,. passenger. new engine. 4 Florida. real clean. 1 owner. 5299. (3131332·5564. (3131632-5385. (313)229-8067. side excellent. Inside vart- $1.900.(3131229-2139. call Wendy's Cleaning Ser· wheel drive. power steertng. dallzed. $300 or best. (3131437· $4,500.(3131231·2297. 1984 Yamaha moped. 2.000 1981 Spindrift Day Sailer. 1971Chevy pickup. ColO. good 1977Chrysler LeBaron, 2 door, VIC~. (3131349-a184.Call alter FOR sale. 2 captaln's chairs. power brakes. air- 5216. 1978 Buick Regal. 350 V-8. miles. mint. $350. (3131685-3238 Shorelander Trailer. excellent solabed lor van. Dark green. transporlation. runs good. Runs good. body In good 6'00. condllioning, no major rust. HONDA ATC 125.1985.$1.000. 64.000 miles. asking $2100. alter8 p.m. condition. $3.500. (517)546- $400. (313)475-7210. $475 or best oller. (313)669- By original owner. $3.750 or shape. power sleering. power /3131437·7117. (3131437-3930. 1979 Yamaha 750 Special. 0553. 3882. best offer. (3131885-2773. brakes. air conditioning, 13 Year old boy willing to work MAGNETIC signs lor your many extras. low miles. 1983 14 II.. deep-v. Smoker 1974 Dodge Club cab. body JAYCO 1982460 Ford. 24 leet, 1978 Buick Skyhawk. V-6. 4 leather Interior. must sell. on horse larm in Northville truck or car. All sizes. Custom speed. hatchback. air. Silver. $1,100.(313)878-3220mornings. Crall. 15 h.p. Chrysler Sea designed lor your needs. Call good, runs, S5OO. (313)437-9189 235 Vans excellent. loaded. 22.000 $1.800.(313)231.2044. area In exchange for op- King. tilt·traller. Fully equip- alter 5. miles. $21.500.(3131685-1020. sporty. $1.950.(3131449-2219. portunity to ride. (3131348-S241. 1979 Yamaha 250IT dirt bike. (3131685-1507or come into lhe 1979 Chevrolet Beauvllle van 1955Chevy. partially restored • 1978Buick Regal, 2 door. small low mileage. (517)223-9316. ped lor salmon fiShing. Ex· Milford Times. 436 N. Main 1978 Ford Courrler with top 1970 Wonderland. 5th wheel high perlormance engine. G2O. 2 bench seals, 2 bucket V-8. automatic. air, tilt. cruise. 175 Business & YZ 125. runs greal. $500. cel:clnt condition. $1.700 firm. Street. Milford. and service bins. Runs great. trailer. 20 It. Complete. 1979 $1.700 or best offer. (5171223- Without equipment, $1.350. seats. Power brakes. power Ford 150 PIckup. $4.500. Will am·lm. 35.000 actual miles. •~rofesslonal Services (3131227·1420• MONTE CARLO, Iront sheet priced 10 sell. $1500. (3131227. steering. automtlc. cruise, 9696. (517)546-4281. 2372. split. (3131475-2090. just like new. $2.850.(313)876- metal complete. radiator. con· AMFM tape. hitch. excellent 3824. CADILLAC. 1979 4 door De AnENTION small businesses 205 Snowmobiles 1980Viking deck boat. conver· denser. wiring, lights. $85. 1978 Ford Courier. long bed, condition. $3,500. (5171546- Ville. leather, $5.600.(3131349- 1982Bronco Larial and a 19n with Commodore 64.I can help Iible top. 75 h.p. Evenrude. front bumper With assorbers. cab. 5 speed. $1.500./3131437· 7229. 4610alter 7 pm. • , ' with problems. Have sread- many extras. excellent condi. $15.(313/629-1396. Starflre. call (313)632~. 210 Boats & Equipment 1042::.,' 1979 Chevy Nomad Sports 1979Chrysler Newport. 4 door. shoet, word processor, lion. Shorelander trailer. =-':"'"""':_-:-;-_,.,....._ 19n Bonneville Brougham. 4 MISCELLANEOUS Ford 1979 Ford slep side with cap. Van. Factory customized. 240 Automobiles air. crUise. amllm. good cort- pr'inter. (313)437·9620. AQUACAT catamaran, 141001. $5.000.(511)546-9315. pickup parts. to many to less. door, loaded. excellent cond .. dition. asking $1.950.(313)876- New sail, no trailer. $1,200. 302 V-8 with overdrive. Ex· good condition. $3,100. Ac;COMPLISHED house (3131437-0684. cellent condition. extras and (5171546-n62. 1982 Aries. auto. 4 door. lion. new Ilres, $2.000or best 2457. (313)632-7654. 215 Campers. Trailers oller. (313)669-4570. painter, unemployed technl· 4 Michelin tires. two P22515, engine warranty. $3,200. stereo. cruise. best oller. 1957 Chevrolet Bel Alre~ 2, Clan. 13 years experience. 14 It. Aluminum ,'on Boat. & Equipment 1980 6 cylinder. aUlomatlc. two P23515. Less than 1.000 (517)546-5297. Dodge van. power steering & (3131~207. door. hardtop. (3131231.1701. , free estimates & relerences. trailer, electnc trolling motor. CREE 1969. 18 II.. sell- miles. all lor $225. Belore 3pm 1982AMC Splnt. 30 mpg •• ex- (3131~220. $450.17 11. 1983Sea Sprite, 120 1983'h Ford F·150 Super cab brakes. new tires. Call bet- 19n caprice Classic. 4 door. 1978 Cougar XR7. excellenl contained. sleeps 6. $2.000. (313)634·7882. 302 V-8. Full power, am-1m ween 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. (3131349- cellent condition. no rust. new brakes. exhaust system. condition. Dark blue. tan vinyl AQU,.\T1C weed cutting. 10 hp, Inboard-oulboard motor. (517)546-2940. 1975Ponllac Le Mans. 4 door stereo with casselle. rust pro- 0880. $2450.(517)548-1007. nice Interior. no rust, $2.000. top. All power. $2.600.(313)227J yeils experience. We cut and bow rider, trailer. $6.200. CONCORD. 24 loot lor parts (313)437-6307. oled and paint sealed. cruise 1983Dodge 8 passenger van. 1981 4 door Aries K~ar. ex- (3131348-1348 7687 harvest the weeds out 01 the (3131437-3352. bunkhouse, sell contained. 19n Ponliac 350 motor and control. 21,000 miles. 60.000 loaded. 35.000 miles. alter cellent condition. stick shilt, water. Eileen Hart (517)546- AQUA Pallo, 20loot, 1981,WIth sleeps six. Seperate bath and mile live year warranty. bed 1550. transmission. can hear 11run 5 p.m. (3131632-5534. am-1m radio. $2,350. (313)437· 25 horsepower motor. $3,500. shower. large relrigerator. liner and cargo mat. Llsfed al 2228. (3131632-5558. in drive. 72.000 miles. $150. 1977 Dodge van, new BEGINNING Plano. certlhed $2,600.(3131632-6784. (313)876-5279. $13.975plus $685 In exlras. will teacher (313)229-7587. ALUMINUM, 15 loot, lour carberater. alternator. and BUYING junk cars and late FOR RENT. popup camper. 8 sell lor $9.350. Immaculate ballery. (517)546-6862. model wrecks. We sell new seats. trailer. 25 h p. $1.695. sleeper, $125.• per week. 225 Autos Wanted condition, (313)348-0690 or and used parts at reasonable CLASSIFIED DEADLh~ES (313)229-6218. (3131349-1336. 1978Ford E150,n.ooo miles. 6 /3131624-8319. cylinder. excellent condillon. prices. Mlechiels Auto Wednesday 12.00 - Green 2 Boats. 2 motors, need work. AL'S AUTO PARTS. 12 FI. enclosed. sleeps 4, Reasonable. I buy Junk 1984 brand new GMC Stake stereo. $3.100.(313)498-2854. Salvage. (517)546-4111. Sheet Shopping GUide Serv- $650 takes all. call Sunday on- with dump bed. 1,500 miles. Ru", stove. refrigerator. lurnace. 12 1&81 Buick Century Limited. Inil: Dexter & Green Sheet ly (313)231·2299. vehicles. Monday through FORO window van. 1976. 3 volt 110. add a room. awning. must sell. $14,500. (313)229- 45.000miles. loaded. excellent OVERSTOCKED Shopping Guide Serving Saturday. 9a.m. to 6p.m. Free 4832. seats. automatic. power sleer· $1500. (313/348-7623 alter 5 appliance dumping. (517)546- ing, 351.18 mpg. $990. (313)231· condition. $5,000or best offer. Highland. Thursday 3:30 - p.m. (313)887·2198belore 9 p.m. Shopper BUSiness Directory, 2620. 1649. STEVENSON'S FORO 'h Ion trailer. $200. CHEVROLET 1983 19l13Buick Regal. 2·10ne gray. Friday 3:30- Shopper, Mondat BUYING Junk car!: and late BL(zERK·5 19n Ford Van. runs good. (313)229-9547. model wrecks. We sell new mint condition. many extras, Green Sheet, & Green Sheet 4x46.2 Diesel. ExIra clean! manual transmission. $500. BUSiness OlfectOryS. Monday 1976 Golden Nugget. 22 It. and used parts at reasonable (313)227-1953. $7.850 alter 5 p.m. (313)227· $500,000 $10,500 3 30 - Wednesday Green Wants travel trailer. sell~onlalned. prices. M iechiels Auto 4778. sleeps seven. Awning. extras. Salvage. (517)546-4111. ONLY IN NOVI 238 Recreational Sheet. MARTY FELDMAN 1981 Buick Regal Limlted, 4 very good condition. $3,350. Vehicles I MAKE HOUSE CALLS. Out· CHEVROLET door. loaded. excellent condi- wrecked & (517)548-2468alter2 p.m. lion, $5.500or best oller. Call CARPENTER·speclallzing In state buyers for cars. vans. 42355GRANO RIVER, NOV! 1981assembled dune buggy. decks. sheds, aluminum 12'h loot Mobile Traveller lrucks, 7 days a week. J.W. aller 6 p.m. (517)546-2467. WORTH OF 348-7000 1600dual port, bus rear end. junk cars truck camper. Stove, sink. Siding. Window replacements. Auto Wholesalers. call today many new parts, aSking $850. 1980 Buick Skylark limited. relrlgerator. stool, lurnace. 233 4 Wheel Drive etc. Quality work at allordable lor instant cash, (5171487·2735. Also assembled buggy Irame. Low mileage. clean. prices. (313)229-5698. Cash Paid sleeps 5. S5OO, belole 3pm PRIVATE party paying top Vehicles automatic. alf condition, (313)634-7682. with parts to Ilnlsh. $200. HUNDREDS 01yards ollabric, .dollar lor junk 1973 to 1979 Miscellaneous VW parts . power steering. power INVENTORY 19n GMC 4x4. auto malic. lace and trims. New shipment 1980Starcralt laid down camp- Chevy pickups. Co20, G-30, Belore 3pm. (313)634-7682. brakes. rear delogger, amllm power sleering. power stereo with casselle. S2.900. lrom South Carolina. FabriCS ing trailer. relrigerator. stove. with 350 V-8. automalic or 4 1978 Cruise Master 20 It. starting at 50 cents/yard, lace (313) 887-1482 lurnace, sleeps 6, $2.950. brakes. lilt. good condition. (3131227-4386. speed transmission. Call $1,800 or best. (313)229-5383 motorhome. 29.000 miles. starting at 10 cents/yard. (517)546-3011. BUICK Cenlury. 1982. 4 door. 4 p.m. 10 10 p.m. (31314n· alter 4:30. good condition. $8.400. Shannon Fabncs, 11406Sliver (2) Big John electric down rig- 3888. loaded. excellent condition. gers, short-arm. excellent 19n Starcralt camper. Sleeps (5171546-0731. Lake Road. Byron. (313)266- 6, double dineUe. slove. $6.450.(3131348-7286. condition. $350. 2 Big John FOR renl, 1985 26 1001motor 5627. refrigerator. sink. Excetlenl 228 Construction BUICK CENTURY 1981. air. manual downnggers, good Equipment home. sleeps six. (3131437- HOT AIR BALLOON RIDES. condllJon, $125. Sears condition. $1800. After 5 p.m. 7104. warranly. sharpe. $5.350. Great gilt Idea. evenings and (313)876-9649. CAVALIER 1982, coupe. Diehard, deep-cycle marine HEAVY duty concrete and TOYOTA. 1980 FOR rent. 32 loot Coachman. weekends. (3131349-a655. ballery, with case. excellent 19n Skippy 1611.travel trailer. masonry mixer. 15 inch automallc, $4.200. MAZDA Land Cruiser. 44,671 miles, 4 class A. Sleeps 8. Call alter GLC. 1982. $4.250. Tom condition, $45.(517)546-4281. tandem axle, sleeps 4. $800. wheels, gasoline engine. 6 p.m. (313)876-5346. (3131227-3351. speed. 4x4. roll bars. heavy Showerman, GT AUTO INVESTORS 19n Baja jet boat, 460 lord jet good condition. $325.(313)437- duty bumpers, all terrain tires. 2676. 19 Foot leisure van molar SALES. 124West Grand River. Mutual lund now lorming lor evater, excellent shape. easy STARCRAFT. 1979 Venture. $5.890 home. 1979 Dodge, air condl· Webberville, (517)521-3337. trading commodity lutures load trailer, $7,300 or besl. camping trailer. Windsor sw· 230 Trucks ONLY IN NOVI tlon, cruise, stereo. CB. Buick 1979 Electra Limited. 4 contracts. 39%average annual (3131229-5338. Ingout, 16loot 8 inches length, MARTY FELDMAN couch. bench dlnelle, lur- return on Investment lor past sleeps 6, electriC relrigerator, door. lull power. air, AMFM 198025loot Crest Pontoon and CHEVROLET nace, refrigerator. range, and cassette. excellenl condition, 4'h· years. Proven track two gas tanks. awning. Like 42355GRANO RIVER, NOVI sink. Like new. $8.000. motor. Excellent condition. new. $2.950.(313)229-9322alter 67.000miles, $4.500or best of- record. $10.000 minimum in- $3,500. (313)876-99n. 348-7000 (3131685-9002. vestment. Diacar Investment 5 p.m. ler. (3131229-a534. Services. P.O. Box 305, Salem. Chrysler. 70h.p. with controls. just tuned, excellent condi- TANDEM Vega, self contain- MIl;higan 48175. ed, sleeps 6. excellent condi- lIOn, $1,450or best. (3131231- 1924. tion. (5171548-5126. MACHINE work. welding, CREST 24 loot ahminum float TRUCK camper. sleeps 4. with labflcatfon, and reparr. relrigerator and slove. Best '85Z28 '84 Beauville 15ln546-8876. boat. 20 h.p. Johnson. Runs oller. Call (313)449-1143. 1,000miles Facloryofficial,dualai' good. $2,350hrm. (3131876-2146 ,85 ~':?~d~~~.~~me have less than 2.000m1les NEED someone to care lor alter 7 p.m. TENT 9 x 12,Wendzel. sleeps $12,995 $a'Ve hundred·s trom inVOice your sick or bedndden loved $13,500 CHRYSLER out board motor. 5, includes adult sleeping bag. one. call Pat, experienced NA. Coleman lantern, tole bag lor Call (313)876-5255persistently 35 horsepower. 1983. used 5 '84Z28 hours. (3131498-3220. tenl. used twice. $125. '83 Blazer 4x4 please. (3131231-2599. '81 CHEVETIE 4 DR. '79 MUSTANG GHIA Red&ready Sharp, low '80 ~~!I~~,~:~u~o~.~e~~t:goal $5295 ~~• PIANO tuning, repair. CREST pontoon. 21 It. steel. UTILITY trailers. new. 4 x 8, miles new 19n, canopy. carpeting. Automatic. raclory aor& more. Beautiful ear wlfactory air cond $11,895 reb,uildlng, refinishing, all $350. 5 x 8. $450. 5 x 12 Only console. captain chair. lights, Saveal work guaranteed. 15171546- tandem. $600. (3131229-5836. $1999 $9995 adjustable transum & 25 H. P. '84 Must~n~~~2~!~Y.~~~~edbe seen $14 , 395 6698or (3131887-6668. WILDCAT camper. good con· '82Z28 Evenrude. electllc. $750, in Charcoal '82 GMC Blazer RAINBOW Painting. In- water, lor test dnve call dltion, sleeps six. reeler. pot· teriorexterlor. Free estImates. '81 ESCORT 2 DR. '82 CONVERSION VAN 4x4 (313)878-3256. Alter 6 p.m. II, stove, etc. $600. (517)548- $8195 work guaranteed. Residential workdays. 3274evenings. Auto .alrand more. onty ~r~~\~~~.Ilf~~eM. Absolutely $8995 ,83~:~~l~L:~I~c~ campe;top $7495 and commercial. 13131455-3864. CATAMARAN 16 loot. Prindle. 5th Wheel. 40 It. Royallnterna- T.J: Customs Males. Cleaning White and yellow, 26 foot tional, cenler bath, qiJeen $8999 '82 Berlinetta '82 Bronco by prolesslonals. call Tammy masl. wllh Iraller. $2,600. bed. all options. matching 1 Sliver Red.4x4 '83g~~~~~~~;~~~;ow$13,995 (3131498-2500or Joyce (313)876- (313)229-9547. ton Ford super cab, road '82 EXP& LN7 6789. '83 ESCORTWAGON 14 Foot 2 inch Ilberglass ready. Only $24.900.Also ultra Auto or4sPd .somew/alr. Auto Irans , faclory air and $7995 $6295 TREE trimming and removal. tnhull. yellow and white, 50 lot on water lacing Faulkwood ready to go From more. Be here first Only Free estimates. 14 years ex- Country Club With golf cart, 24 ~~~~'~~I:~~~y:E4DR. horse Johnson wllh tiltlraller. '82Camaro Chevy 1Ton Van '83 $7395' .. perience. Reasonable rates, (5171548-2529or (517)548-3696. hour security, enclosed $3999 $4999 (313)887-1752. heated pool. $13,900.between ASharplel Clean 12 Ft. aluminum boat. traiter. Brighton and Howell, 320 '79 FIREBIRD CAMAROS WORD processing. good leller oars. cover, excellent condl- '81 GMC PICKUP '6995 $4295 Quahty. over night servIce, South Hughes road. Lot 120. Fullsoze. 6 cyl ""onomy Sate Red w/alr. auto .4 way pwr •• low 3to choose from. All loaded. low miles. lion. $325 or best. (3131231· Outdoor resorts Lake price miles. Don'llellhls one gel '82 & '83 All priced from $7395 and up. pick up and delivery available. 1924. '73Z28 '79 Dodge Ram (31~1229-7387. Chemung. $3999 away.Onty '3999 16 Foot SlIletto with 85 h.p. 2 Wheel ulllity traiter. (313)229- Restored 4x4. 4 spd. ALSO Compare to line of '85 Pre- WEED mowing With brush Mercury Motor. (3131632-7553. hog. lot or acres. (~13)227-6730 9781. Price increase cars. ,.. 14 Ft. aluminum boat wllhout FAIRMONT '82 ESCORT 4 DR. '3995 $2695 . (3131. '83 OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. MON. & THURS. , . molor. $500 or best oller. 220 Auto Parts Auto wi power steering Why pay morerorquahly. Test , . (313)685-3182alter 6 pm. & Service Perlecl ramllycar. Onty drive today Only 6Omonlhs EaSytogett~ • TRANSPORTATION 1979 Four winds. 70 horse CHEVETTE parts. transmis- $3999 hnanclOgon ~ only mlnutos • $2999 Some modelsl .~-====~II~ away ... Merc. engine. Includes skils. .' sions. rear ends, floor pans. cover, 2 props. an anchor, and shock tower cuts. engines in- . ~ a trailer. Must sell. $3900. .550 W. 7 Mile Rd., Northville stalled. Champion Parts. New ~ . ~ (313)687.2110. hours, closed Monday. Tues- ~~m£Yb::IiiID·~ M,)of'(:rOA,. .... " ... ..- .. . 12 FI. Kingfisher sailboat, day 9 106:30. Saturday 9 to 3. 201 Motorcycles main and gib sail. Asking $550. (3131437-4105. 427·6650 349·140,0 n-.F'u .. yCustom.rSlcwe trailer Included. (313)878-9316 CRANKSHAFT kits. lactory '------~I FOR sale 1982 Yamaha 650 alter6 pm. Mlixium. 9.500miles, excellent rebUilt engines and short condillOn. $1,400. (313)475- 12 Foot Meyers aluminum blocks. Engine re-ring kils. n10. boat. tralier, 7.5 Johnson Out- Valve grinding. Factory rebuilt board Motor and equipment, clulches. Flywheels resurfac- 1982GPZ 550, mint condillion, $900. (517)546-0376. must sell. $1,100. (3131227- ed. Brake drums and rotors turned. 7~. 14Ft. boat trailer. $90.(3131437· 5239. 1982 Honda Silver Wing In- FOR sale. 12 It. Sea Nymph CALL MECHANICS AUTO terstate. 2300 miles. $1,650. SUPPLY (5171546-1385. aluminum fishing boat and oars. Good condilion. $200 For low pnces. 4990Old U5-23, 1973Honda 350,excellent con· Ilrm. (517)468-3643. Brighton. (3131229-9529.1 mile dltion, 5.000onginal miles. ex· north 01Grand RIver Avenue. tras. $450.(313)876-5325. 14 Fl. Thundercralt, walk through Windshield, top. 33 1983 Honda CB1000 Custom. horse. johnson, Irallor, $2.000. Mint condillon, 3.401 miles (313)231-1912. $3.000 or best oller. (3131227· AP Mufflers 7327. 15 ft. Glastron. 80hp Mercury outboard, Pamco trailer. Ex- HONDA 7501973.Good cond .. cellent condition. $4,000 or $1795 tlon, runs well $900. (5171546- best offer. /5171546-7068. 1772. 40 HP fiberglass runabout. 15 Exhaust Pipes 1980 Honda 400, CME. Good ft. trailer, skis included. $975. condition. Low mileage. $650. (313)876-3557. (3131227·2828. Tail Pipes HOOSIER Tandem Axel pOrt- 70Cc Honda Trail Bike, $75. toon boat trailer, $900firm. Ex· (517)546-0731. cellent shape. (3131229-5479. Off List HONDA, 750 Interceptor. Mint 50Ok HONDA motor. new. 7'h hp. condillon, must see. $2,750. used three times. $800 or best Novi Auto Parts (5171546-1920. oller. (3131227-1956. 1982 Honda V-45, 750 Saber, 1976Imperial, 15It ,75 h p., tri· 43131 G rand River good condillon, $2.000or besl hull. open bow, Highlander 349·2800 offer. (517)548-2824. Iraller. extras. Lake Sher· 1980 Honda C B 400T. 3.000 Wood, $1,950.(3131684·2075. CHEVY 250 straight six and miles $650. 13131437·5239. JOHNSON, 30 H.P. less than power glide trans. $175or best 1981Honda CR25O.needs new 10hours. $1,600.(3131229-a218. oller, (3131632·7564. right case. $300; 16 Inch IIres. 1978 Kolbri sailboat with CAP lor small long bed (517)546-6715. trailer, S800 or best offer. pickup, white fiberglass, $375. 1983 Honda cycle CR80R. (313)437·5075. t3131231-3060. Good condition. $450 or best KAWASAKI, 440 Jef Ski. 19l11. 19n Chevy Malibu Iront clip. oHer. (3131349-4554. $1,000.(313)498-3220. perlect condilion. $150. 1980 Kawasaki trail bike. lor (3131685-1390. LAKE ralt. wolmanlZed. 10 x 6 sale or trade (or hay. In real It. detachable lIoalS, ladder, Sport hood scoop, good shape and runs ex· dIve platlo. m. $450 or best. (3131229-8046. cellent. (5171223-3483. (313)229-5082. OODGE van 1976. engine. 1973 Kawasaki 250 Endulo MEYERS boat, 9'h outboard trans, and parts. Also Ford Bike, $450.(3131231-1960. Evlnrude motor. oars, an· 6264 enlline. $100. (3131229- &:l'l~r:..... _ 1974 250 Kawasaki, low chors. & so forth. (5171546- mileage, $400.(313)231-3858. 6255. 318 Engine, excellent COndI- KAWASAKI tratl bike, money 9.8 Mercury outboard. used 30 tion. $340. (3131437·5190afler back guarantee, good condi· hours, smoker cralt. 12 loot 6 pm.. tlon. $125 (3131632·7271. boat. pamco trailer. $1,500. 11179PE 175Suzuki, low miles. (313)229-4:.=335=:...,. _ $300. (517)546-3585. OWENS IIberglass boat. 60 STEVENS''''''''O~N'~S''' 2 1974400Cc Suzuki Cyclones. h.p. motor and trailer, $1.295. one complete, one parts. $400. Cobia Ilberglass boat, 65 h.p. (3131632·7199. motor and trailer. $1,495.Also Now upto 1978Suzuki GSlooo. lull dress. wanted to buy lIat bollom $50.00cash paid AM.FM casselle stereo. 8.000 aliminum boat. (313)229-6857. mIles. excellent condition. for junk cars. $1,600 or best offer. (3131437· High prices 4331. • ONE pair wood water cyprus for 11179Suzuki 125OS. hardly us· skis, like new. One pair ski late model ed, $300 or beSl. (3131229-7353. socks. and tow rope. $50. 1981 Suzuki TS250 Enduro. (511)54&0a890. wrecks. adult owned, 1,800 miles. Iikfl Pontoon. assembled, 27 ft. 50 new. $1,000.(313)348-1641. horsepower, Joh'nson motor, 1971Triumph 850.needs work. with electric start. $875. Lake (313)887-1482 ~200.(3131,229-C~=2::::57:.:..._ Chemung, (511)546-8916. •

• Wednesday. July 3. 1985-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- THE MILFO!m TIMES-l1·B 240 Automobiles ------240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 241 Vehicles 241Vehlcl&~ 24~Vehlcler Under 51000. Under $1000. Un~&1 51000. 1981 Chevelte. automatic. 1976 Flreblrd Trans Am. lac- 1982 Mazda 626. 1 owner. 4 THUNDERBIRD 1984. charcole 67.000 miles, greal condition, 1979 Oldsmobile. custom ----" tory 455 engine. 4 speed. posl door. $3.800. (313)349-6569. gray. V-6, automallc, all S2,fJOO.(3131227-3991. DON'T cruiser. diesel wagon, loaded. 1973 Chrysler 4 door. needs 1974 Dodge Dart. power steer- 1915 foord Club Wagon van. traction, original paint, Ohio 1982 Mercury Lynx LX wagon. $2,000. Call Fowlerville power.loaded, $9,500. Call flywheel. $150. Runs guod. Ing. FM radio. mechanically runs ve'!y-~II. (313)229-8107 1985 Cadillac Sedan De Ville, WAIT UNTIL car. Pioneer stereo casselle loaded. like new. $3,700. (5171468-2382. (313)68S-7578. (313)437·1351. sound. S500 or best ofter. loaded, excellent condlllon. and equalizer. $3.500. (313)229- (5171546-9315. 1978 Olds Toronado 1977 Trans Am. black & gold (517)548-1063. $17,roo.(3131349-tl944. MONDAYI 2139. 1974 Comet. 6 cylinder. You can place your ad any day 1979Monza Spyder. best offer. Brougham. 46,000 miles. special edilion. Loaded. $2.800 automatic. new ballery. 1973 Dodge Dart. oody good. 1974 Ford lTD. 4 door. $350. 1982 Cutlass Clerra, 4 door 1981 Ford Escort Wagon. Air, 01 the week. Ollice hours are (313)887·2981or (313)629-2046. white. red lealher interior, ex' or best otter. (517)521-4707. brakes. shocks. $795. (313)34&- Engine needs work. Best 01- Call anyllme. (~17)223-7159. sedan. air, cruise, door locks, stereo. 4 speed, very good 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday cellent condition, S3,OOO. 1984 Tempo, 4 door. 6992. fer. (313)349-0253. steleo, 48,000 miles. excellent condition. $1.995 or will trade (313)437~726. - Friday. 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. automatic. power steermg and 1975 Ford Maveric. rusted. condllion. S5,800. (313)227- lor equal value. (517)546-3105 Saturday. Our phone room 1977 PontIac Bonneville. all br3kes. cruise. air. AM/FM 1976 Dodge Aspen wagon. runs good. onginal owner. 9588. or (5171546-3040. salespeople will be happy to CAMARO Z28. 1980 power. good tires. $2.000. stereo. rear window defrost. aulomatlC. 6 cylinder, low 6.700 miles. $350. Call (313/349- 1974 Ford van. Best ofter. CLASSIC Pontiac 2 door help you. 1979 Fiat X19. Hardtop conyer· Automatic. power sleerlng & (313)887-2282. 19.500 miles. S7.100. (3131887- miles. S8OO. (517)548-2819. 4499after 4 p.m. !:(3c:.:'3~163=2-6600=:::.:..,--- _ Catalina, 1970. absolutely (3131227-4438 tlble. 33 mpg, S2.55O.(517)54&- brakes. air. Bargain. 1979 Ponllac BonneVille, air, 5544. original. mint condition, 27,000 (313)348-3022 8816. $5.490 cruise. amlfm. asking $2.000. 1979 Tea Horizon. runs greal, miles. never driven Winter (313)426-5032 1983 Ford Escort L Wagon. 4 ONLY IN NOVI Excellent condilion. (313)878- $2.150 or best ofter. Call months. Sell or trade lor what (51715018-2570 speed. optionS'. low mileage, MARTY FELDMAN 2457. belore 2 p.m.. ask lor Joe have you. (3131878-3598. (313)88~705 like new. $4.350. (3131632-6105. CHEVROLET 1982 Pontiac J-2ooo lE. load- (517/548-4792. 1984Chevy. 4x4, 305 automatic (3131437-4133 1979 Ford Wagon. good condI- 42355GRAND RIVER. NOVI ed. $4,300 or best olter. Call 1946 Wlllys Jeep. new top, with overdrive, 29.000 miles. tion. air conditioned, power 348-7000 (313)348-3497. rebuilt engine. good condi- SI0,000.(3131231·1897after 6. 1978 Dodge Diplomat. loaded. sleerlng. power brakes. 1960 Pontiac Sunblrd. 4 tion. S2.OOO.(517)521-3141. 70.000 miles. runs excellent. $1.600. Call (313)229-8429. 1967 Camaro, burgandy. MUSTANG convertibles. 1967 cylinder. AMFM casselle 1978 Zephyr slatlon wagon, SI.250. (517)546-4442. gorgeous condlllon. $3.800 or 1969 Ford convertible. Anzona V-6 aulomallc. power brakes. stereo. excellent condilion. power steering. power best oller. (313)87&-3229. 1977 Datsun B210. California car. white With new while toP. power steering, amlfm. power $2.500 or best. (313)878-2740. brakes. air. AM radiO. SI.900or 1972 Corvette. teal blue. mint. car. $650 or best oller. nice body. $2.600 or best oller. top, looks good. $6.595. 1973V· 1982 Pontiac BonneVille. in best otter.(313/437-8302. T-tops. removable back win- (313)887-1009. (313)68S-1672. 8 automatic. power brakes. good condition. 4 door sedan. 1984 Z-28 Camaro. 6 months dow and side pipes. power. DODGE Maxivan. 1976. 83.000 GRAND Pnx SJ model. 1978. power steering. amlfm. needs many extras, $4,995. (3131231· old. 12.000 miles. like new, T $6.500 best oller. (517)5,46'0190. miles. Good condition. $1.000. 67,000 miles. Very clean. am some body work. $1.495. 1976 1370after 6 p.m. lops. loaded. $10,950. (313)227- . (3131227·7096. 1m stereo, power steering. Country Squire Wagon. V-6 1981 Phoenix W. 4 door, 4 1058. power brakes. power Whldow. aulomatlc. power brakes. 1981CUTLASS 1979 Datsun. 200 SX. sun rool. cylinder auloml!lIc with air. 241 Vehicles Sa"cnlicing. buying a "new" AM-FM stereo. air. 5 speed. Must sell $3.000. or best olter. power steering. air condition- S2.700 or best oller. (517)546- cai. Dark blue - Interior, ex- regular gas. S2.3OO.(313)34&- (313)229-4049. ed. $1.195. All prices 0854. Under $1000. negotiable. 9:30 - 5:30 (313/229- tenor. air. rear delrost. amlfm 2657. 1977 Granada. gold. 66.000, 4 1983 Plymouth Turismo. tan/- 1974 BonneVille. 66,398 ongmal stereo. 42.000 miles, speed, new radials. excellent 5051. After 6 p.m. (313)229- 1983 Dodge Aires. S.E.. 5 2380. dark brown. exceilent condI- miles. new tires. radiator. automatic. V-6. $5.700. speed. Air. power steering. running condition. body tion. air. AM-FM casselle. 5 $800. 1962 Tnumph TR-4. par- (3131229-9223., power brakes. cruise. lilt needs light work. $1.000 or 1979 Muslang. while. speed. $4.500. call Les at tially disassembled. for wheel. AM-FM stereo. Ex- best olter. After 10:30 a.m. aulomatlc. power steering. (313)229-4358. restoration. 5500. (313)349- (5111223-3334. power brake. air. loaded. new I 1984 Chevette. 22.000 miles. cellent condition. $5.200. PONTIAC. 1979 catalina. Many 5066. one owner. E.M.U. commuter (3131878-3568. 1978 Honda CIVIC. $2.000 or Mlchelans. aluminum wheels with locks. premium sound extras, excellent condition. 1978 Chevrolet Caprice C8f' nice car for college per- 1982 Dodge Challenger. black. besl olter (313/437-0064 after $2.250. (3131685-3086. Classic. Runs well. good IIres. son. $5.000 negotiable. 5 pm. system. $3.600. (313)229-5427. 5 speed. air. many extras. 1984 Ponllac 6000 LE. loaded. (313)887-5489. (3131437~13. $5.400 or best oller. (313)239- 1981 Horizon Miser. great con- 1979 Mustang Ghla. power steering. power brakes. sport excellent condition. 34.000 1964 Corvalr 700. 4 door. good 1984 Chevy cavalier station 2384. dition. High mileage. low miles. $9,300. (313)227-2708. condition. runs. $500. (517)5018- wagon CS, loaded. excellent pnce. $1.395.(313)231-3253. package. $2.395. (313)437-0022. 1983 Escort Hatchback. 4 1972 Pontiac catalina. 40.000 2522atter 6:30 p.m. cdndi\lon. $6.800. (313)229- 1982 Mercury Lynx wagon. speed. $3.250. Evenings. HONDA Accord 1979. 5 speed. original miles. Second owner. 6~. (5111546-5357. 63.000 miles. excellent condl- good condition. $3.000. 1974 Chevy 4x4 truck, $400. (313)684-1651. Excellent condition. $2600. (5111223-9096. 1977Cougor. 4 door. new tires. 1985 EXP. 2300 miles. am'lm lion. 52,995. (313)231-1692. (3131624-2730. crvise. air. no rusl, $2.495. stereo. $6.600. Call between 9 HORIZON Plymoulh. 1981 Hat- 1981 Mustang. black. TRX. air. 1979 Chevelte. excellent 1977 Pontiac Brougham. transportation. Runs and (5171546-2504. and 12am. (313)229-5277. chback. Excellent condItion, power steering. power Engine and body in super looks good. $1.000 firm. 1977Cougor. 4 door. new tires. 36.000 miles. rust proofed. brakes. sharp. $4.050. (313)227· 1982 Eagle FLX sports model. 1614. shape. loaded. $1.995. (313)227-3437. cruise. air. no rusl. $2.495. lor sale. 61.000 miles. ex- sunroof. 4 speed. defogger. (313)348-4172. 1972 Chevy Capnce. runs (517)546-2504. cellent condlllon. loaded. Call S2.400.(313)34&-8632. 1980 Mercury Marquis 1977Ponllac Grand Prix. T-Iop. good. or best ofter. 1980 Chevette. runs and looks (313)887-2011. 1979 Honda Accord LX Hat- Brougham. power steenng. S300 brakes. Windows. air. cruise. new power brakes. power (313!229-2844. good. very good mileage, am- 1982 Eagle wagon Limited. chback. automatic. loaded. intermillent wipers. rear steering. runs good. $1.200. 1m cassette. $1.295. (517)5018- lour wheel drive. Alpine regular gas. excellent! 59.000 (313)632-7195. 1978 Chevette. 2 door. hat· delros'. AM·FM stereo. Ex- 2910. stereo. $4.350. (313)632-6376. miles. $3.150. (313)349-1849 or chback. 140.000. no rust. $400. (313)231·2781. cellent condition. $4.400. 1982 Rlvena. V-6. loaded. (517)223-8221. 1981 Chevelle, automatic, 4 1985 Escort L. H.O. engine. (5171223-9270. 48.000 miles. Excellent condI- door. slereo. sunrool. $2.000. power brakes. AM-FM stereo. 1984 Jimmy. red. sharp. load- tion. $10.000. (313)348-8652. 1977 Chevelle, 4 speed. new 1983 Mercury Lynx. rustproof- IIres. AM-FM stereo and tape (3131437·2116. rear delrost, 5 speed, sport ed. S9.5OO or best olter. (313)437-5075. ed. automallc transmission. 1980 Renault LeCar. exceilent deck. Clean. .>950. (313/685- COLLECTOR SPECIALS 1981 Chevelle. 2 door. 4 mirrors. $5.S::::. Warranty. $3.600. Call aller 5 p.m. condition. $2.300. (313)437- 1979 LTD wagon, fully loaded. 7267. speed. 76.000 miles, runs 313)34&-7325. (5111546-5957. 5019. good. new tires, brakes and new brakes. excellent condi- 1977 Chevette. 2 door. 4 ,73 MUSTANG CONVERTABLE 1982 EXP. power steering. 1983 Mazda RX7GS. excellent 1978 Rabbit. extremely depen- eXhaust. $1.350. (517)223-3464. power brakes. air- tion. $2,800 or best oller. speed. am-1m. $750. (313)887- 36,000 actual miles. 351 V8. auto. trans .. air con .. p.s .. p.b .. sport group. (517)546-9239or (313)878-5277. condition. extras. (313)632- dable. very good condition, 2869. 1981 Citation. 33.000 miles. condliloning. am-1m casselle. 6318after 5:30 p.m. tape. $1.200.(313)476-4177. very clean, excellent condI- pulse wipers. auto trans. 1978 Chevrolet Malibu. V-6. '65 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL SKYLARK LTD 1980. 4 door. tion. undercoated. (313)887- $3.000 or best oller. (313)227- 1975 Nova, no rust. Arizona runs good. S700.(313)878-2751. 4 dr.. 34.000 actual miles. V8. auto. trans •• air cond .• power seats. CORVETIE.I984 Excellent condition. $2.500. 8343. 5155after5 p.m. car. $1.500. (313)5018-2371or CHEVY Malibu. 1976. V-6, windows. steering. brakes. Automatic. air, "Bose" radio. (517)546-6463. (313)669-2638. $6995 1982 capn. 6 cylinder. extend- 1981 Escort Wagon GLX. ex- lull power. highway miles. air. am-fm. OLDSMOBILE Cutlass 1982 Spirit. automallc. air. till. ed warranty. guaranteed cellent condition. $3.500 or SI6.700 new all season Ilfes. $900. or Supreme 1982. excellent con- deluxe addition. good condI- undercoating, AM-FM stereo, best oller. (313)229-2768 days. ONLY IN NOVI otter. (313)229-7089. dition. 4 door. landau roof wilh tion. call after 6.30 p.m. many extras. excellent condi- . (313)632-5699nights. MARTY FELDMAN 1979 Chevette. good running opra lights. cruise control. (313)349-5036. tion. $5.600. (5171546-7489 or 1981 Eagle. loaded. 4 wheel CHEVROLET condllion. pnce negotiable. power windows. locks. seat. SACRIFICE-divorce. 1984 (517)223-9355. dnve. amlfm casselle. 66.000 42355GRAND RIVER. NOVI (313)349-7937after 6 pm. antenna and trunk. stereo Oldsmobile Toronado. 25.000 miles. good car. $3.500. 34&-7000 1976 Chevette Hatchback. 4 COUPE DE VillE 1975, 68.000 radio. wire wheels. also 1979 miles. 514.000. Days (517)546- (313)349-0460. cylinder. 4 speed. runs good. miles. loaded. Mint condition. 1983 lTD. 4 door. power steer- Rivena similarly equipped. 1850. Nights (511)546-7935. Must see. (313)349-3m. 1982EXP. sharp. lots 01 extras. Ing and brakes. 4 speed. 4 $525. (313)876-3824. Must sell now. moving out 01 1979 Suburu Wagon. Front new ballery. struts. Iront cylinder. $5.500. (517)546-7094. 1976 Camaro. 59,000 miles. 6 1978 Camaro Z28. loaded. state. Private owner. wheel dnve. 5 speed. air. am- brakes. $3.700 firm. (313)229- cylinder. stick. S650 or best of. mint. 26.000 miles. (517)546- 1960 LaSabre Buick. runs (313)685'0407. 1m stereo. 35 mpg, regular 2392. fer. (313)231-121~. 0754. greal. new paint & alot of new 1980 Olds Cullass LS. loaded. gas. In very good shape. DRIVING a LEMON? New car ESCORT 1983. 2700 miles. ex- parts. $1.500 or best olter. gOOd condition. low price. (517)223-3196. 1978 Chrysler Newport. runs cellent condition. $3.400. or (5111546-0719• good. $275 or besl olter. legal advice. By appointment. $3.500. (5171546-6702. 1984 Tempo GI. air. power • best' oller. Call after 7 pm. (517/546-1645. J.R. Orick 01 Henslck. Orick. 1981 Lincoln town car. 80.000 1978 Olds 98 Regency. Black. steering and brakes. stereo. 5 and Henslcl(. (517)546-5601. (517)546-8921. highway miles. runs and looks loaded, excellent condition. soeed. $5.200. (313)227-3358. 1976 Cutlass wagon. air condl- 1982 Escort GT. 4-speed. ami· excellent. $5.995. (313/346- S32OO. or best. (313)878-6815, lioning. stereo. gOOd fm. sunroof. (3131632-7154. 4172. transportation. $900 or best oI- (313)227-1803. DATSUN 200SX 1980 ler. (313)231-2219. We Buy Clean 1984 Escort wagon. automatic. liNCOLN. 1977Towne car. 460 1977Olds 98 Regency. loaded. Automallc. real sport model. 2 power steering and brakes. engine. 51.250. (313)229-9547. good mechanical. body needs door. Save at only: CHEVERLOT. van. 1971. 350 Cars & Trucks air. am-fm. extended warran- 1984 Mercury Lynx. 5 speed. work. $1,500 or best oller. $2.990 aUlomatic. IIttte rust. custom Gan Walt at ty. $5.300 or best. (313)437-{)3()4 amlfm stereo. good condition. (313)684-8035. ONLY IN NOVI mside. 1 ton. $600. (313)229- or (313)437-1119. $4.800. (517)546-6992after 5. 1977 Oldsmobile Cullass. 2- MARTY FELDMAN 9547. McDonald Foid 1983 Escort. 2 door. automatic. 1981 Mazda 626. good condi- door. loaded. 40.000 miles. ex- CHEVROLET CHEVERlOT 1971. 350 349-1400 . 21.000 miles. $3.500. (313)887- lion, $2.000 or best olter. Call cellent condition. $2.599. 42355 GRAND RIVER, NOVI automatic. IIltle rusi. new Ironl fORD 5544. after 6 p.m. (517)546-2467. (517)5018-2910. 348-7000 tlfes. $500. (313)229-9547. MERCURY

FOR A SUPERIOR DEAL ON A SUPERIOR USED CAR COME Help TO SUPERIOR Americant Your Heart Association 1984 Chevy Conversion Van O $13,999 ~~~ Loaded. Stk. No. U29!lA Heart 1984 Cutlass Ciera 2 Dr. $8288 1981Chevy Camero Auto. p.s • p.b .. AC. bucket. canso!. ~tk .0 U143P White with blue. auto .. 46.000 miles. Stk. No. U284P $5775 Low-Calorie Foods For Summer 1981 Ford Mustang $5195 As swimsuit weather ar- dessert. eat fresh fruits. You 1984 Ford Escort A/C. power. loaded. Stk. No. U238A rives, you may want to lose a may want to top your fruit 4 dr ••L. Stk. No. U291A $3495 1983 Ford Pickup XL little weight. Often it is with low-fat. plain yogurt. AC. hit. cruIse. auto. V8 Stk No U121P $8420 difficult to select foods low Cubed melons are another 1980 Chev. Citation 4 Dr. in calories. especially if you summer treat. Of course. no AC. p s . P b • auto Stk No U205P $3895 198398 Regency CouDe are eating in a restaurant or packaged "convenience" food Alt the tOiS. Slk No U~4A $11,100 from a vending machine. can equal an apple for true 1983 Che vy Cavalier You don't have to be a convenience. 1979 Ford 314 Pickup slave to calorie 4 dr .• 11.000 miles. Stk. No. U304P MUsTsEE '2895 V8. Cap. No. 250P tables. Instead. 1984 Cutlass Supreme 510,500 1981 Cadillac DeVille you can get clues Sedan./ull power. leather Slk No U197A $8950 about the number 2 dr •• 2 tone blue. all options. 15.000 miles. U275A of calories in an 1982 Delta Royal 1983 Olds Toronado item from the $6595 Its a dream car. Stk. No. U125P '$11.400 navor and texture All the extras. that sugar. fat. 1984 GMC Jimmy 4x4 1977Pontiac Catalina fiber and water $11,400 One owner. Stk. No. U264A MUST SEE give to foods. Alc. p.s .• p.b .• tilt. cruise. Stk. No. U226A If a food has 1983 Cutlass Wagon one of the fol· Wood gra\n. p s • P b • AC. slereo Slk No U148P $8200 1981 Buick Regal '5895 lowing character· AC. auto. p s .. p.b .. V lOp. b 5 Stk No U174A 1983Cutlass Clera istics, then it is 57895 relatively low in 1981 Phoenix Pont. 4 Dr. $4895 310 choose. 4 dr. ·s. must see calories: P.s • p w • pl. P seat. loaded. Slk No U120P 1982 Chevy Citation * Thin. watery or dilute Raw vegetables make * Bulky, fibrous or coarse excellent low·calorie snacks. 4 dr .. hatchback. Ale. $3895 1983Chrysler Lebaron * Watery·crisp. not greasy· Arranged in groups on a Sharp. red. AlC. all power. Stk. No. U306A $5695 1984Buick Riviera crisp platter. serve asparagus spears, A/C. all power. No. U245A $12,200 If a food has one of the broccoli and cauliflower flo. 1983 Delta Royal following characteristics. then rets, carrot and green pepper 4 dr •• full power. Stk. No. U303A $8495 1980Boneville it is relatively high in calories: strips. zucchini and celery 2dr .. loaded, all power. Stk. No. U276P $4495 • Creamy·thick. oily or sticks, and cherry tomatoes. 1984Honda Acord LX 1981 Pontiac Boneville greasy·crisp You may want to serve your • Slick, smooth or gooey vegetables with a low·fat 2dr .• air. casselle. pop top, 5 spd. Stk. No. U270P $8295 Red. nice car Slk. No U547A $5495 * Sweet or sticky cottage cheese dip. Recipes 1983 98 Regency 1978 Chevrolet Nova * Compact or concen- for the dip and other low. Proced to sell. Slk. No U169A 52895 trated calorie. 10w·Cat dishes arc in 4 dr .. all the extras U193P $11,400 1976 Buick Lesabre Help your heart! As part the American Heart Associa. 1982 Berllnetta $7895 of your low·ealorie diet. buy tion Cookbook. which you 2 dr .• a/c. auto .. p.s .• p.b. Sik. No. 227A $1695 chicken, turkey. fish, veal may find at a local library or Ale. tilt. cruise and other lean meats. For bookstore. \

~~II., \, ,., "I. .. BUCKLE UP Your Baby Invesl in your child's future. Fasten your child in a safety seat whenever you travel.

I I • ,- '12:B"':SOUTH LYON' HERALO':NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS':' THE MILFORD TIMES-Wednesday, July 3. 1985 Buying in Livingston 'County Saves Dollars and Makes Sense!

Get 10,OOO,Miles of Gasoline with purchase of a new Encbre. Alliance or FuegO-I Lllnlted Time I ·~",,,~~.·.-:~\l~.·:...... -._.-.-Jrr~..-.-._.- . . · ~.-'~.~.-.-. .-.•.-.-'~. .t~...... •....-i" ~'~.~.-.--.-.-.-.~.-.-._._._._._._._.-.-.-..-.-.-.-._._._.~.-.-.-.•.-'-'--. .-'~

4 th of July - Thursday Only Sales & Service OPEN 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. lF~fElE $6.!·OOValue GM Protection Plan Extended Warranty 36 month/36,000 miles with any new vehicle purchase. Applies to in-stock vehicles only Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 'til9; T., W. & F. 'tiI6 9797 E. GRAND RIVER. BRIGHTON. 229·8150 ' .. I0Io -~"' __ "-,.quIr-.._-"Y I"_ 4% SERVICE DISCOUNT* __ ...~. n.ooo_--. +3lI'K __ ... _c1elllhllonl_ FREE PROFESSEOI\IAL CLEAN-UP on any ...... vehicle serviced on the 4th. •...... ~.- ~., .-.-.-. '-'-'~' -'-'_I~'_'_'-'-'-

Discover Your Livingslon County Aulo Dealers

Don't trudge off to the

big city

to make


car deal

-when everything you need is here at your doorstep!

~ I,. I'. i~ 1 1982CITATION 52995 1981Fo.:ftt:rMONT $3295 '. ~J,' ..~:~~.:~~~~~: A". lape, Sspeed 36.ooomlles.p s .auto. .,": ·>OF' 1984 "fJ'>l1~':.;"· alr.$tereo.cruise. OR ..~~~ " 1980 DATSUN 280 ZX 1983 ESCORT D 'TE" '~~'".r'~ Full power. T·lops.a". 56495 $4995 . 4dr aut ,"Po~ '." cassette. SsPd . 6-4.000 ~~~~~~i~r·~:::"es. ~~ .' ttereo.2g· fJ.S., fJ·b 'Il~:-- mIles ~.!, luelblue:OOO miles:' ~ f'~ l~o~~;.~~~;'~!.~N.'••.•'N"'N~'". $6295 ~.,...... ~~:~I~.~c~~.E024 53100.•~,'.,'."'..!~,.'$i!'iJ ~4)9'S.. '~"',';.~.

, ..• j •• J~:~'~~f.. ~;~~~~~\~.ooomile •• 56295/~~~..;~."'I!~':;'" .... ~~~~'~~~li'''. .. .~~ ~' ~7:.X;~"l.· '85 Chevy Beauville Van ~·it.~·'t.ft:~..~~~~t.~~,~J 1981 ESCORT ,.': .... 'J!.~-:'I!~~.>1.~:~~~~t; Red & Sliver, air. auto .. p.b., p.S., sl./cass., 350 va, cruise. lint glass. 6900miles. Like New ;~•.•;~~ .~., 2dr .• ~.Pd .. casselte.50.ooo 52995 .< t..- ': .:, $12,975 ·~>.tAt. S\.r:0 ~~ miles. extra clean, black with : . '81 Pontiac Grand LeManna ..>~. \,\R'l '~'"'~:. goldlnte"or. 4dr .. sliver, air. auto., p.s., p.b., 6cyl .. stereo, lint ~'\9Y»3 CCL~SS r;il;lf;-. 1983 ESCORT WAGON $4795 ,'.s.. ... ;\ : •• :,.' '1 glass,lIIt, cruise, wire wheels, rear detogger. $4695 r~'ii~ E- CIUISe, 5aPd •cassette. 28.000mile.. ':I~~'!:;'~':""'''1~'~'..,~; . ...~ all, ~81P i"'~'.'l!'" ~1'·''''Wa~.1~.!,>~,~", .. £ '83 Camero Z-28 $8995 5spd.•va, AMIFM stereo, Hops, 19.000moles.Immaculatecondo '~~til... f\U\Ooe CIOI",S . :::;,''t...... 4dr., dk. blue. air. auto. V6, p.s., p.b .. AM/FM ~,;;:~....~,A ~I~',.....1981 DODGE 024 /!.tf::~ 4 d 82 NIS " "'1~:~~ .,,~~:,lit ","'!';'f ~aPd.AMIFM.2dr. 53495 J~;.;rJ Wln~" MaXim SAN~~~ '83 EI Camino /'!9f!:!'. ...••. '. '.' hatChback .~ air e~ws, loe:' fJowe/~~~ Ok. blown, air. auto. va, p.s .. p.b., cruise $6995 .::·~.~:t",,~·f...,~.~~\!:.'~~..1984DODGEPICKUPD-50 S5295 '1lN ~D·for~~es"e.A~Dant. ~~ P83Olds Delta 88 ,.~~~. If: ~.. ~ ..t'''''''';T, .' h ~r.1'" rS" <; Uc.' '3t:-. J . j!llir::>,"1(>: ••;I.~ • ,~,.~ .. W,t cap. oneownet. clean. ~" $ "L~ ~.6l'!,l Light green, air. auto ••p.s., p.b., stereo. vinyl top, ,.'·~1';'··'~"'"-:il:' .r'~~ \ low miles '. '~ • tf.tf'~' cruise. wire wheels, lint glass. lilt. $8295 t '84 Chevy Celebrity 197~'TRA~LD:S~~"~ ~'2'495 1916SPORTSMAN 51795·~1~.1 i·~~~ 4 dr.. beige. air. auto .• p.s .• p.b .. stereo, 4cyl .• tlnt 2W 0 ••tereo.auto.P'. 119$ PASSENGER VAN ;~~~(ot... .' ,~ glass, lilt, sport mirrors, real defogger. 25.500 miles P b AutO.air. runlgre.. ~.-$~\"" . $8295 '83 Monte Carlo 1982 LeBARON $5495 1984 PONTIAC 6000 $7495 {~·:;~~iih~~~, "1 '.. ~. " 2d, Coupe .. ""00 PI 4dr .• supernewatereo. ."' :-~I....~~?k; : .... Burgandy. air, auto .. p.s .. p.b .. p. wind., stereo. va, pb :Clolll.47 oOom,le" • aulo.17.ooomllea

Ell BRIGHTON THENOVA'S l..L r---.J.~__I El8VICIMm..-QM-QU-AUlY~.' AREHEREI 1WIt.~~ @HRYSI.ER! CHRYSLER· PLYMOUTH· DODGE --- &I 9827 E. Grand River, Brighton Mitchell [PJymoulfil 229-4100 Chevrolet- Oldsmobile 307 W. Grand River. Fowlel1ll/le 5171223.9129

= Wednesday. July 3. 1985-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-NOVI NEWS- niE MILFORDTIMES:'::13:~ _. Buying in Livingston CouotySaves Dollars and Makes Sense!

FOUNDING SPONSOR 4th of July Specials

1978 AMC Concord Station Wagon , ,, ONLY $995 LIBERlY 1886·1986 1979 Granada TM.)I"M1S.L/ll Jt>UNOATlON.IN<.. 2dr., 6cyl., auto. We will donate $25 to the Statue of Liberty 1983 Lynx Station Wagon for every New & Used Car & Truck 4cyl.,4spd. ONLy$3495 sold or leased in July. Our goal is 150 deliverys 1983LTD meaning $3750 Lady, help to our ~t,auto.,air.p.s., ONLy$3995 us keep the torch lit. We don't want to be the biggest, just the best! 1980 Mercury Capri Ghia 4 cyl., auto., air, JOHN COLONE Ql stereo CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-DODGE 8-1 1295 E. M-36· PINCKNEY WEEKDAYS 878-3151 or 878-3154 1979 Lincoln Town Car SAT. COME VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM 9:30-3:00 :r?~,IOaded,leather ONLy$4995

1982 Ford E-350 Cargo Van Auto.,p.s.,p.b. ONLy$5495

1981 Chevy 4x4 Plck ..Up • ~~~~r'p.s., p.b., box ONLy$5995 1982 Pontiac J6000 4dr.,auto.,air,p.s., p.b., stereo ONLy~6595 '7:- ~-- _.. - ...... -_.:~. _~l .. 1983 Ford F-150 Pick-Up • ~~I~S,P.S.• P.b.• IOW ONLy$6595 1982 Bronco 4x4 :osrf~·,P.S.,p.b.,tu- ONLy$6995

1981 Pontiac Trans-Am T·tops,air,stereo ONLy$6995

..' • 1982 Pontiac Trans-Am Loaded ONLyS7995 * *' 1974 Champion 2S ft. Motor Home * Sleeps 6, gen, air, *' on F·150 & F·250 PICKUP's 4X20NLY~ goodCOnd. ONLy$7995 : F..150 PICKUP I-=-=-=~''"' . ~ *' Stock No.5T503 •__ , * 1985 LTD Station Wagon : Truck 57165.00 4 * Auto.,air,stereo ONLy$8995 Tax 310.60 *' . ~ T-ot-al---58-07-5-.6-0 ~ 1985 Cougar Down - 1211.34 *' * Auto., air, full power. lilt, cruise, stereo ONLy$9395 *' Amount $686426 * cass., wire wheels * Finance *' : $170.17 per month plus platps only ~ 1983 Olds 98 Regency 2dr.,V·8,fullpower. tilt. cruise, velour trim, ONLy$10 , 495 • * * stereo casso *' 00 * : $300 Additional Factory to Dealer Inc.entive ~ 1983 Cadillac Coupe DeVille Mint cond .• v-s, full **' 1985 LTO, 4 door - * power, leather, lilt, ONLy$12 , 995 * wsw tires bumper rub strips, clock, defroster, tinted ~ cruise, wires *' glass. IIghi group, stereo cassette, speed control, air ...... * cond.,auto. trans.,V6engine. * 1984 Ford Conversion Van • ~ $9591~P~'~'.IlI;•.I""","'IiO" ~ Low miles : Factory to Dealer Incentive ~ 1984 Lincoln Continental *' Up To sSOOAdditional 5.avings * Velour trim, full power. compo dash, * on a Grand MarqUIS !Iii~~_ ~ * keyless entry ONLy$14 , 895 White wllllirel, relr defroSler. 1m ~ - fl *~ Ilnted OlasS. power loCks. IlII $12 225 * • * ...... wIleel wire wheel covers. Y-8. ~ ~ lulomallc overdrive "Ins. Ilr...... MANY MORE CARS, TRUCKS & ...- AM/FMStereo. Ind much more. • * MOTOR HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM *' 'Plus la •• hUe.transporlahon R:g~1'1:'$fJ3~e::H Slock No. 5m89 * • * .... OiiPitEN~~AT~RDA YS


240 Automobiles • ~4OAutomobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 241 Vehk:IH Under $1000.

1913 Hornet. runs, good tires t:he and brakes. S650.Also 1975 and 1976 Hornets for parts. Alter 6 p.m. (3131685-1803. 19n LTDfour door, runs good. good body, high miles, air, fairy power brakes and steering. $750. (5ln548-4081. 19n Mustang. $300. Call alter 6. (3131227·2238. •• MUSTANG21978, 4 cylinder, 4 godmot:her's speed, AMFM, air. S995. (3131878-9639. • 1975 Mercury Cougar, new ex· haust and ba«ery. good condI- tion. S550. (313)437-3303 alter 6 p.m. , secret: 19n Mercury Monarch. S6OO. (313)229-2442. 1974 Monte carlo. depen- dable. $475. Days (517154&- 3621. evenings (5171546-6826. is out:! 1913 Mercury Capn, S350. ::f) Runs. needs some work. After 5:30 p.m. (517)54&-2970. Don't let that "magic wand" fool you! 1976 Monte carlo, 2 door. good She's tried to make us believe that condition, S750 or best. (3131229-6093. with a wave of that wand, she can turn 1975 Monarch, 302 automatic, 4 pumpkins Into carriages, mice Into door. $450. (313)437-5378. white horses and rags Into white 1976 Malibu. fair condition, gowns. But we know she's just like good transportation. Call alter 1:30 pm,(313)229-8459. the rest of us! When we want to 19n Nova, 1976 Datsun, runn- turn a baby crib into cash••• an older Ing or parts. best oller. car Into a new one ••• or change from (5ln546-9707. sales clerk to doctor's recep- 1976 Old mobile Cutlass Supreme. $975 or best oller. tionist ••• the only magic wand we (3131227·1519 after 5 p.m. hold In our hand Is a telephone 1977 Oldsmobile Starllre. receiver and the only thing we Good transportation, S700or wave Is our index finger as we best oller. (3131227-4670. 1969Olds Delta 88. 1 owner, dial the Classified Department of body poor, mechanically our newspaper! It's like magic sound. S350. (5171546-7094. the way good things come true 1971 Omega, needs work. S150 for us with the help of Want or best oller. (313)349-5529. 19n Olds Cutlass Wagon. Ads. And besides, we have a Automatic 8 cylinder. Sl.ooo. strong feeling that's the way (517) 546-0854. the fairy godmother makes 1977 Oldsmobile station all her magic, too! wagon, $700 or best oller. (313)437-0334. 19n Olds Cutlass S. S985tlrm. Days (517)548-3621. evenings (511)546-6826. 1913 Olds Omega, $300 or trade for Suburban of equal value.(511)223-7104. 1974 Pinto Runabout. With sunroot, good transportation. $450. (313)632·7519. 1975 Pinto station wagon. $400. (517)851-8425. PLYMOUTH.1913. runs good, needs windshield. (517)546- 5n1. 19n Pinto wagon, runs good. S450 or best oller. (517)223- 9483. 1974 Pinto. automatic. 36.000 actual miles, good condition, $575. Call (3131971-2483 even· ings 6·10 or anytime weekends. 1976 Sunbird for parts. Recent tune-up, new clutch. new brake shoes and rotors. master cylinder, and exhaust pipe. (3131437-4931. VW Beetle. 1974. excellent condition. recently painted. alter 6:30 pm.(313)229-2544.



. WEDNESDAY One call places your ad in over 64,000 homes • HOWELL (517) .548-2570 BRIGHTON 227-4436 • NOVI 348-3024 NORTHVILLE 348-3022 SOUTH LYON 437-4133· • MILFORD ~ 685-8705 CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE . FRIDAY 3:30 P.M . • e...------...:.------..., Wednesda~I,July 3, 1985 .OurTown In Our Town 2 Class of '50reunited 4 wlJe NortlJuille 1!tecorb Bibletimes marketplace 5 • Showboat's coming 6 c • ** ***

: .~ **

Page design/JEFF LAPINSKI Artwork/T AMMIE ~d:\ W~at's in Some New-Tricks for t~ose t~at I , ~ot ~og1 StOij ~y Marilyn Morrison

he great American hot dog is hether they're baked, boiled MXDOGS almost as American as apple or grilled, Americans have a pie and Chevrolet. but do you long-standing love affair Different ways to fix hot dogs are know what you are eating? with the hot dog. It's usually endless. Experimental folks may want If you read labels. chances Wa favorite item for children to make guided missile hot dogs. You'll T and teenagers when it'<;time for a good. need two or three whole dill or sweet are you probably do know. Under federal law. the ingredients usedto pro- old-fashionedcookout. pickles, one pound frankfurters and a duce the "great American hot dog" Although many like their hot dogsac· special sauce. must be labeled according to contents STORY BY TUERISE PITERSMARI companied by just a skinny strip of Find pickles with diameters about the - with the listing arranged in order of mustard to enhancetheir flavor, others size of the frankfurters. Cut pickles in amount from highest to least. have more exotic tastes. The Coney one-inch chunks. To make missile If there are any by products (non otdogs. They're everywhere. They show,up at There are beef franks. beef and pork franks. (urkey Island-style hot dog, smothered in chili "nose cones," slice a llrinch piece off meat products). they must be labeled. baseball games. parades and are even sold at dogs. chicken dogs. cheesie weenies.and now Hormell and topped with raw onions, hits the. the endof each frank. Sharpenthe roun- In 1952,meat packagil)g laws pertain- the beach. They're as American as mom and has a new product called "Frank n' Stuff." These are spot for many connoiseurs. ed endof the short piece, pencil fashion. ing to hot dogs were established in apple pie. frozen hot dogsthat contain chili in the middle. But there are plenty of other in- cutting down from edge to center on Michigan. These laws. more stringent B Some people top them with ketchUp. Altman said the variety of foodsadded to hot dogsto teresting toppings and fIxings to liven four sides. than federal USDA laws, brought the mustard, onions. relish and sauerkraut. Someeven use enhanceits flavor will "keep adding on." up even your 1.000th hot dog of the To assemble. run the long piece of Michigan hot dog to a "top dog" rank- chili and cheese.So what else could poSSIblybe done season.Here are some great cover·ups frank length-wise on skewer. Thread on with the little wieners? Just when you thought you In the future expect to see things like hot dogs with for that great American hot dog: a pickle chunk cross·wise and then put ing. smoked bacon bits and hot dogs WIth nacho cheese. These laws have provided nutritious knew all there was to know about hot dogs. there's a nose cone on the skewer. Broil over which are already on the market. eating - mothers plop the hot. hot dog more. At last. there's more to hot dogsthan "meets the RELISHES TO RELISH hot coals brushing on the followmg into a soft bun. adding whatever the mouth." "The variety of 'foodsthat are addedto hot dogsmay special Count-IOsauce. kids like on it and it becomes an easy According to Fran Altman. ex· even fall over mto other products. Try topping a weiner with home- lunch. Cut into "finger food." the hot ecutive secretary of the National like smoked sausage." Altman made pepper relish. Grind two large COUNT·1D SAUCE dogoften is oneof baby'Searly solids. Hot Dog and Sausage Council In said. green peppers, two large sweet red pep- However, these protective laws only Chicago. Americans eat 50million Altman also said that 10 ChIcago per!; and one medium onion. Pour boil- Cook one-half cup chopped onion in are applicable to local producers. hot dogs a day. With more than 200 According to one popular hot dog is the bagel ing water over the ground vegetables. one-quarter cup butter or mdrgarine. Larger manufacturers are regUlatedby brand names of hot dogs. the Fran Altman dog and that ..there·s another cover with a lid and let stand 20 Add an eight-ounce can of tomato the USDA and are free to add by pro- choice is mind·boggling. variety of a hot dog wrapped in a minutes. Drain well. . sauce, one cup water. two tablespoons ducts such as cereal, dry milk products Hot dog's other names-wIener. of the National real flUffy bread doughthat ISreal· Add to the mixture one·quarter cup sugar, one-half teaspoon sage, one· and soyprotein. frankfurter. frank-better connect ly sel\lng." sugar, one teaspoonsalt, 112 ~:lspoons quarter teaspoon dry mustard, a dash Originally meat packaging reo it with its European ancestry as Hot Dog and Chicago isn't the only place to mustard seed and one-third cup cider of pepper, one tablespoon Vinegar and quirements were established as an aid but one of many sausages. Sausage Council, get an out-of·the-ordinary hot dog. Vinegar. Simmer for 15minutes. Chill one tablespoon Worchestershlre sauce. to wholesale trading to enble the pro' Whatever it's called, though. it still Local rl'staurants are gettmg 10 on well before serving. Makes two cups Simmer uncovered for half hour•• ducer to get a price for his product in contains approximately ISO Americans eat the business.too. relish. Makes 114 cups. line with its quality. By establishing reo calories per servmg. • Red Hot Express. a restaurant Serve the gUided missiles,by sticking that opened two weeks ago in Com relish is another Interesting top· quirements, sellers and buyers were Its main ingredient is meat. but 50 million ping for hot dogs.Combineone 12·ounce skewers Into a head of cabbage and Brighton. has a ChicagoStyle Dog. able to communicate about the quality that doesn't necessarily mean that can of drained whole kernel corn, two· passingtoasted buns and extra sauce. hot dogs a day. This is described as a Vienna of their products in a common it's high in protein. A cooked hot thIrds cup chopped celery, one-quarter Sausageon a 'steamed poppy seed language. dog typically contains 55 percent cup French dressing, one-half teaspoon THE RIGHT STUFF , ban served with choppedonion and Harold Zorlen, the regional super· water and about another 28percent .,' , ,." " ~ salt, two tablespoons chopped onion. mustard with a cucumber slice and visor for the Michigan Department of is fat. The bun doesmake up in pro· two tablespoons diced green pepper, Grilled, stuffed franks wrapped in Agriculture, said that many Michigan teln for some of what the hot dog lacks. "very green relish." one tablespoon diced pimiento and one bacon are stand·l,)y favorites. They are Another place that offers a variety of hot dogs ISat hotdog producers meet MichIgan stan· Altman said that the U.S. Department of Agriculture tablespoon vinegar. Cover and simple to make. Just slit the hot dogs dards as well as USDA standards In (USDA) keepson eyeon the product by regulating and Red Hot Lovers In Ann Arbor. refrigerate for several hours. Yields lengthwise about three-quarters of the order to give the consumer a top qualily Inspecting hot dog production and labeling. Michigan. Hot dogs aren'tjusi for meat eaters anymore. Red two cups relish. way through and slip the goodiesin the like every state, has its own regulations said to be Hot Lovers offers a chance for vegetarians to enjoy the center. Wrap the hot dogs in bacon and product. Other easy toppings for hot dogs In· "A lot of other states only follow somewhat stricter than others. craze by offering what is called a No Dog. This has two secure the strips with toothpicks at clude chopped cucumbers, diced USDAstandards," Zorlen said. Hot dogs are said to be the most popUlar sausageIn types of cheese plus a choice or tomato, sprouts. let· each end. Some prefer ;naking foil jalepeno peppers, diced tomatos, chop- Under USDA standards, hotdog pro· the world. It's probably true in the U.S. since the Na· tuce, onions or any other condiments. The Tofu Tube "boats" on which to grill the hot dogsto tlonal Hot Dog and SausageCouncil proclaimed July to Steak is another meatless meal that is described as ped black or green olives, mushrooms be National Hot Dog month. having "crisp, browned tofugan on a whole wheat bun and crumbled blue cheeseor roquefort Continued 0113 Hot dogs don't just come in a single type anymore. toppedwith cheesesprouts and tomatoes" I dressing. Continued on 3

" . 2 C- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. July 3.1985 In Our Town September wtdding set

Announcement 01 me engagement of their lanetzke reception celebrated 50 years daughter Julie' Anne Schoch to Bruce DOUglas Ballard of Onondaga, Michigan. is made by her By JEAN DAY The Janetzkes also are planning to celebrate the milestone parents, Mrs. Beverly J. with a trip this summer to England, Scotland and Wales. Schoch of Northville and Fifty years ago last Saturday, on June 29.1935,

"God's People Pray" is the theme for One hIghlight planned is the closing a Vacation Bible School at St. Paul service on Saturday, July 13, at 6 p.m. Lutheran Church July 8-12. The program aims to provide a learner- • All children in the community from 3- centered, fun-filled and happy occasion year-olds to eighth-graders are invited for all who participate, the church ex- to attend the classes from 9:30 a.m. to plains. noon. The church is at High and Elm streets. Registration for the Vacation Bible Students will participate in Bible School is now in progress. Registration study, art activities, music, recreation or additional information is available and worship. Activities center on five through the church office by visiting or themes: Come to God in Prayer, Learn call1ing between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., or About Prayer, Respond to God's Love by calling Dave Dundek at 349-4046. and Goodness, Ask for Daily Needs and Registration will also be accepted the ~k ~'s Will for All People'S Needs. mornings of the sessions. Seminary classes upcoming

July 19 is final registration date for through FrIday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. weeklong courses being held July 29- are Spirituality of and for Catechetical August 2 at St. John's Seminary at 44011 Leaders by the Reverend John P. Zenz; Five Mile. Ecclesial Spirituality for the Pastoral Quite a jift

Students may register by calling the Minister by Elizabeth Picken, SJ; and , }i ~1 seminary between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. The Sermon on the Mount Today by the Ann Beason, left. of Northville. a therapist Oakland General week days at 453-6200. Reverend John J. Castelot. Courses at Two credit courses to be held Monday also may be taken for audit. Hospital in Madison Heights, was among 40'volunteer atten- dants on hand to assist handicapped members of the Detroit Chapter of the Muscular Dystrophy Association tryout a: • mechanical lift that enables handicapped persons to be hoisted Summer program for toddlers set into the swimming pool in an overnight stay at the Best Western Midway Motor Lodge in Warren. Jan F. Michalski, a Registrations now are being taken for Kinder Care announces its other CPA, was the first to try the lift with the assistance of Beason the new Toddler Program at Kinder special services now include transpor- and Janice Grimes. The lift is believed to be the only one in the Care ~arning Center located at 20675 tation to area schools, meals, lire in- Tri County area and was donated by Wright a~d Filippis of Silver Springs Drive in Northville. surance, and a facility and eqUipment Utica which supplies the apparatus which makes swimming': The center offers childcare for especially designed for children. possible for Muscular Dystrophy patients. The local MD children ages 12 months to 12 years, For information about enrolling your chapter provides financing for such outings. most ofwhich was with special separate educational pro- child, call Jill Miller, center director, at The Arthur Janetzkes enjoy 50years together grams for each developmental level. 348-1589. raised by the Jerry Lewis telethon.

• j <....NAf~!!T ••• ~ 'wg;' ~ J;t -=r ~EI ~ Northville Farmer's Market SUNDAY SPECIALS COCKTAILS OPEN 7 DAYS Every Thursday 8 a.m. thru Complete Early Mon. thru Thurs. Sunday Dinners 11:00 1I.m.-10:oo p.m. the g"OWiDgseaSOD Noon-4p.m. NEW DAilY Fri. & Sat. City Parking Lot at the corner of 11:ooa.m.-Mionight Main & Hutton Streets s4.50·s5.50 each SPE CIA L Sun. Noon-10:oo p.m. GE Drip Co"eemaker Chinese Monday through Friday carry Oul Avallabl'J • Fa..m Fresh Fruits & Vegetables GE Cassette Cantonese 11:00a.m.-4:oo p.m. 42313W. $e,.n ";11. Blender 4·Shce Toaster Recorder Hong Kong Features: North,lII. • Baked Goods Mandann Soup of the Day (North,lII. PlazaMaUl -/ • HODey Electnc Szechuan Lunch Combination Plate Fry Pan American Cuisine Tea or Coffee 349·0441 • Eggs - X ::JC ::J\: :x: • PlaDts Booth space still available S10perdlY SI25p.r .... on H.ndm.de Arts .nd Crafts w.lcome CALL 349-7640 9a m·l p m. weekdays PrInUng Sponsore

Diane Marie Pitak, daUghter of Mr. length veil which was scalloped and Speciai guests included the bride's and Mrs. Mitchell Pltak of 20137Whip- decorated with pearls. She wore pearls grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ple Drive, exchanged vows and rings in and earrings, which were the gift of the Tanner of St. Petersburg, Florida, and a 6 p.m. ceremony May 17at St. Colette bridegroom. Mrs. Ronald Meserve, the bride's Church in Livonia. She carried a bouquet of Dendroblan cousin from Naples, Florida. They had met while both were orchids, miniature carnations, The bridegroom's parents hosted a students at the University of Michigan. stephanotis and California ivy. rehearsal dinner at the Mayflower \ , He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Matron of honor was Paula

ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH BUSHNELL CONGREGATIONAL DENTISTRY CHURCH 430 E. Nlcholet For Children and Adults Walled Lake 48088 21355 Meadowbrook Rd .. Novi At Bro- Phone: 624-3817 quet Rd. (8'h Mile) • Cosmetic Dentistry • Root Canals Church Service, 10:00 a.m. Mornmg Worship. 9:30 a.m. o Church School. 10:00 a.m. Church School. 9:30 a.m. • Tooth Bonding • Emergencies Accepted Rev. Leslie Harding Dr. Robin R. Meyers. Pastor-348-n57 Coffee & Fellowship following service • Relaxing Gas • Eve. & Sat. Appts. -~-WIHLL NOVI UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, NOVI Kathryn A. Hoppe, D.D.S. 41671W. Ten Mile-Meadowbrook 4530111 Mile at Taft Rd. FUNERAL HOMES. lac. 349-2652(24 hrs.) Home of Novl Christlan School (K.12) 18bOONorthville Rd. 8:45a.m. & 11 a.m. Worship Services Sun. School, 9:45 a.m. be1ween8& 7 Mile Rd. ~ "".-L 9:45 a.m. Church School· All Ages Worship. 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. 348 • 9800 Northville 3 J.ocetlon ...... , F'MW',' ~ __ -~t(.' 9:45 & 11 a.m. Nursery care Available Prayer Meellng, Wed .. 7:30 p.m. Charles R. Jacobs, Kearney Kirkby Richard Burgess. Pastor • (813) Aedlord-26460 P!rftlOUthAd ~'---"':--' Pastors 349-34n Ivan E. Speight. Asst. 349-3647 ---- 937-3870 Uvono.-37000 St. MIle Ad 0."olt-4412 Uv.'noWnersagent and find out how your Insurance can be EPISCOPAL • I 2 lOOMS & HALL ... '36 - I noproblem. NORTHVILLE fects on pre·peld funerel 10 Mile between Taft & Beck. Novl 217N. Wing 349-1020 , I (with this ed) 16 years ~ I lIxemptions. Phone 349-1175 Inyourarea"' Dr. James H. Luther, Pastor l .lAMUWllL Services: saturdey 5:00 p.m • Sunday Worship. 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. I_"._.e-_ ALL WOAKGUARANTEEO III .,,~ Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 10:00a.m. Wed •• 7:30 AWANA. 7:30 Prayer Service: 1._...'...... ·_. FAMILY OWNED (Phone UI, A or bring In tN •• oupon I 7"-"'"/(,'.r."" Worship & SChool Sunday School 9:45 a.m. ------The Rev. Leslie F. Harding L::~u~I~~C~EA~I~ _ L!:~~D~~~:'D__ ~ v... I .m Int ted In mor. d.tl~1 on pro paid "--I Exemption•• No .... t or otIllOlllOn. c. Harold Bloom NI .... ': _ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF WIXOM" . Agency OOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH WIXOM CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (K.10) Michigan Heart Association Q Addr ... : _ Wisconsin Ev. Luthern Synod Wixom & W. Maple Rds. 108 W, Main St. SummerWorahlp 9:00 a.m. • Family Bible School, 9:45 a.m. WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE. CotrlSt.tllZlp, ~ovl Community center, Novl Rd. Just S. of 1-96' Family Worship, 10:45 a.m. & 6'30 P m Phone _ Northville Future slle 9 Mile & Meadowbrook Family Night Program (Wed.), 7:00 p.m.. "" Amlo,ican .IC!,u' A,~.,i"lilln4\fhli •• ~ Gene EJahnke, Pastor-349-0565 RobertV. Warren. Pastor 624-3823 (Awana & Pro- Teene) 624.~ \ "n' .... 1 Wav ""-'"'" 7·1 349·1252

• 4·C- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. July 3. 1985 Blood donors sought .------_.

. A Red Cross Bloodmobile will be In (actories, that normally sponsor blood NorthvUle at St. Paul's Lutheran drives (or the American Red Cross Church, 201Elm, (rom 9 a,m. to 3 p.m. Blood Services are reluctant to do so Saturday, July 6. To make an appoint- because o( vacationing employees and ment to donate blood call Suzanne staffing shortages. Taulbee,349-1017. Donations also are taken at the A Bloodmobile also Is at St. Mary Livonia Donor Center, Bell Creek Of- Hospital, 36475Five Mile, Livonia, (rom fice Plaza, 29691West Six Mile, (rom 2-8 6a.m. t06p.m. today. p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- • Other area July Bloodmobile loca· day; from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday tions are: Livonia Church of Christ, and Friday; and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Satur- 15431Merriman, from 3·9 p.m. July 9, day. For an appointment call 494-2881. call Cindy Lapp, 522·3895,and Ward Area residents are being asked to Presbyterian Church, 17000 Farm- continue to support local collection ef- ington Road, from 3·9 p.m. July 17,call forts. A blood donation takes only 30 to Sally Butler, 476-9427. 45minutes, the Red Cross notes, adding In announcing the Bloodmobile loca· that it is painless and can save up to tions, the Red Cross mentions that, (our lives. Blood can be donated by seasonally, summer is a bad time (or anyone in good health between the ages blood collections as schools are out and of 17through 65 who weighs at least 110 organizations, such as businesses and pounds. • Fashion program gets boost

Community leaders representing dising (or the Livonia Career Center; diverse areas of the fashion industry Fairlane Towne Center manager add clout to Madonna College's'Fashion William Winters; Patricia Mann, Merchandising Program as members Winkelman's personnel; St. Clair o( a newly formed Advisory Commit· Shores (ash ion designer John Mi· tee. jatovich; (rom Lord & Taylor public "These fashion and retailing leaders relations, Kim Woodhouse; and group will assist ~adonna College ad- merchandiser Jennifer Brown o( Mon· ministratol":, faculty, students and togomeryWard. alumni in the development, operation Madonna administrators say that a and evaluation of the Fashion Merchan· degree in Fashion Merchandising (rom dising Program," explained Sister the college wUl provide a student with Mary rridget, chairperson of home career opportunities such as (ash ion economics and (amily life. designer, display artist, buyer, retail Included on this committee are: of management, textile director, purchas- It's 35th year reunion the J.L. Hudson Company, Wendy Jen· ing agent and others. nings, corporate training, Gretchen Courses in (ashion merchandising are Snow, publiC relations director and offered this (all during both day and Thirty six members of the 68-member Northville'High School bell, Shirley (Smith) Clark, June (Boyd) Heintz, Donna Charles Cook, Westland manager; of evening hours. For information or Class of 1950turned out for their 35thyear class reunion June Saks Fi(th Avenue, personnel director. registration, call 591-5052. Madonna (Schnute) Thomas; third row, Dick Scharchburg, John WUliam Czeck and fashion director College is the largest independent, 15 at the Mayflower Hotel (four members of the class had Poulos, Harold Atwood, Mary Ann (Ayers) Sutton, Susan '. Cheryl Hall; Twelve-Oaks Mall promo- liberal ar:ts college for men and women died). With their spouses, there were 60 attending. Pictured, (Sutherland) Lemon, Sally (Merriam) Newton, Dick tion director Sheila Armstrong; Janet in southeast Michigan. It Is located at I- from left, front row: Lauramae (Wick) Spiers, Peg (Price) Coolman, June Howe, Helen (Stan- Jerry Heaton, Roger Brummel, Huston Butler, Dewey ford) Pollick, Joyce (Howarth) Voska, Joan

You Really Care TWELVE OAKS TIRE CO. ", How You Look. 42990 Grand River I ~ So Do We. Novi It's Important to look your best at all trmes. 348-9699 We've dedicated over 50 years to helping folks do Michelin· lust that We prOVide fast, dependable full service Goodyear cleaRing & pressing. and we are sure you Will Kelly • agree- Our lme Quality workmanshIp proves Springfield that expenence counts USED TIRES fre~')l'6 Truck Tire R!)adService DRY CLEANING SPECIALISTS SWIMMING 112 E. Main POOLS NORTHVILLE 349-0777 SAVE - UP TO, EVENTS 40°A» LIVO'NIA 261-8580 TROY Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July. Holiday 689-1600 Shopping Hours are 11 am to 4 pm. Out ·State Call Tali Free Autograph Session 1-800-462-0337 Ernie Harwell will be autographing copies of his latest book. '''Tuned To Baseball," Friday. July .' 12. 12 to 2 pm, West Mall. Bargains, Bargains, Bargains and the sights and SUMMER sounds of a Turn·of·the·Century Street Fair. as GRILL Westland Cp.nter has its Summer Sidewalk Sale. Thur - Sun, July 18 - 21. KODAK ~~SC4100 Camera Outfit 44.88 SALE / LIVONIA Save now on .... KODAK ~rS'C 6100 Camera Outfit 54.88 Duncane or Arkla ~~" RIBCRACKERS Grills. MUSTANG SHOW The Mustang Owners Club of Southeastern KODAK FILM SALE As LowAs A local club dedicated to the skill and excitement Michigan will have an exhibit of 1964 to 1973 KODACOLOR VR 200 Film ..... '. Mustangs, as well as a new, 1985, Anniversary 00 of flying radiO controlled aircraft: They will have 1/ ('.p,lS ,Ie 110 we $163 their planes on display. and club members will be Mustang celebrating 20 years of Mustangs. Sat, KODACOLOR VR 200 Film We carry July 27, Central Court. 1/ c.po ? pac~ I ~d{'If)o: 1~U!' Plymouth cy Kelly, Promotion Research Specialist and age of 21 is invited to try out. Toddlers must be Comparable savmgs on other popular KODAK '"m Connie DiCicco. Retail Advertising Account able to walk the runway unaided. Each child must 453·2890 bring a photo, which will not be returned. The Hurr !!Sale Ends Wednesday. Executive. Refreshments will be served. The models chosen will also receive a commemora· ~- ~~ IIbdeve/op""",2000000prmrsda"y-""",700000000lasryea, Seminar is free but reservations are necessary. Make yours now by calling 425·5001. Tues, tive photo and custom T ·shirt from the Detroit ~ O.e. 5 .Io,es 'n the Oe',o,' a.ea alone' July 16, 10 to 11 am, Auditorium in the Em- Free Press. Sun, July 28. Registration. 11 :30 For nearest Fox Photo store. please '7;'-~1- to 2pm. Audition begins at Noon, Central Court. l"7j",=,1 check your telephone directory bus,- porium. I. ness white pages or call 453·5410 WESTLAND CENTER 35000 W. Warren, Westland 425-5001


~!5~~OXPH07O~ ' "Tire.' 35111111 Specialist." ~"I +HclpWiIl'bu? ------:, Wednesday Julv 3 1985- THE NORTHVILLE RECORO-5 C

Storyteller Barbara Ibach captivates her audience Bibletimes Marl{etplace recreated

For three days last week, youngsters West Eight Mile became the home of at First United Methodist Church met the families of many Biblical tribes. the great storyteller. on the church grounds at the Bibletimes From 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Participants played games of the Marketplace, this year's ecumenical Wednesday and ThUrsday, young pe0- time, sang Hebrew songs and moved to church summer school program, to ple were invited to become apprentices Israeli dances. learn what life was like in the days of to bakers, kite makers, metal workers, Grand finale, planned by chairperson the Old Testament. candy makers, musicians, potters, Sue Nix, was a family festival celebra- Tents were set up on the church brick makers, basketmakers and tion with typical foods eaten at a family grounds to be the shops of the time. weavers. picnic Thursday evening. The Center of activities was a well. Small A daily event was a "donkey Bibletimes experience ended with a tents scattered around the grounds on caravan" into the Sierra Desert to visit worship in the "Synagogue." •

Record photos by STEVE FE~HT "Beggars" Heidi Needham and daUghter EmilY,Ph, accept gift

New Morning o~ferssummer program

New Morning School in Plymouth is sions for two hours each day. and children ages five through nine. In- offering a special academic summer The instructor for the Academic Sum- formation on "Cooking and Crafts" and program for students needing review, mer School is Kathleen Kerekes, a Can- "Nature Crafts" classes, both .beginn- reinforcement and instruction in basic ton Township resident. She holds a ing the week of July 9 may be oQtamed skills over the summer. Small class master's degree from the University of by calling the school and requesting a sizes and individual help are planned to Toledo with a background in learning summer class brochure. . . "aid in successful learning. disabilities and reading instruction. Upcoming classes for August include An educational assessment will be The class, for grades 1-5, meets from "Bugs and Other Critters" for children followed by a learning plan geared to 8-10 a.m. Grades 5-8 meet from 10:30 ages 4-7, "Dinosaurs" for children ages each child's needs. Parental input also a.m. to 12:30p.m. The first session runs 5-8 and "Marionettes" for those 7·10 will help to focus on weak areas. In- July 8-26. The second session will meet years old. dividualized instruction in any or all of July 29 through August 16. Class fee is For further information' 'or to the following subjects will be stressed: $95. register, call the school at 420-3331. reading, writing, math and study skills. Summer Enrichment Classes will Summer office hours are Monday Rebekah McNutt, 6, and Monica Prasad, 6, carry bread dough to the kitchen Classes meet daily in three-week ses- also be starting in July for preschoolers through Thursday, 9 a.m. to noon.


100's of Samples W 5%" L 15314' .\ o 5%" 145 E. Cady Northville 349-4480 -~... EXPLOSIVE 4TH OF JULY •• OUTSIDE LIGHTING Pharmacy & Your Heqlth Northville SALE Pharmacy 134 E. Main St. Northville 349·0850 Wm. R. Wright, R.Ph. W 5%" We take most insurances including L 9710' • Independence Health Plan o 5% .:L1BU NEW FOR REFLUX eTIER LIGHTS •.• FOR PATHS, Heartburn is a common problem that is not WALKWAYS & related in any way to the heart. Rather, there is STEPS. CAST ELEGANT LANTERNS :l hacking up or reflux of stomach arids into the TIER SET SUBTLE LIGHT OF SOLID BRASS •• , esophagus. Many drugs and foods relax the ACCENTS ALONG (WEATHERED BRASS FINISH) sphinrter that helps keep stomach acid in its DECORATIVE SUMMER plac(' and contribute to discomfort. These include S71°O PLANTINGS, WITH BEVELED CRYSTAL-CLEAR • MOVIE RENTAL SIMPLE TO alcohol, raffeine. narcotics, several asthma COMPLETE GLASS. EASY TO INSTALL. SPECIALI nwdirin('s, chocolate, peppermint. and fruit INSTALL ••• Overnight SHOCK·PROOF ..• BUY SINGLY OR AS SETS. LIMIT $2 juic('s. 75 ECONOMICAL. ONE PAIR EACH STYLE. Members only Yearly $995 Any day Membership . Antarids and other ulcer medicines have been FOUR TIER (LEFT) (RIGHT) the medicines of most importunc(' in reducing LIGHT FIXTURES. GOLD CLUB LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP $rOi>~Oo NOW S50 heartburn complaints. Now metocloprfJmidc, u 50 FT. OF LOW pr('scription·only medicine, is being approved VOLTAGE WIRE, $27~~ $29~~f Drastic Markdowns on all VCR's, Cameras & Monitors for use in reflux disease. Metoclopramide seems PLUG·IN POWER to provide hearthurn reliefhy at least two mech· PACK WITH • VHS and Bela TIMER. • Sunday and Holidays Free anisms. Pirst, it increases the toneofthesphinc· • Video Tape Transler Service Happy Holiday(: ter that separates the esophagus from the lt9",.ng ',"Ut', 101,.,'. Oteo, '. • VCR and Camera Rentals stomach, keeping acid from slipping into the W",n9 Supp"" "nd ll9M Bulb. • • SeOior Clltzen Dlscounl 'Rent VCR and 2 Movies esophagus. Second, mctQClopramide Seems to lor $10.00 Mon.·Wed. relax the sphincter that separates the stomach from the lower digestive tract, speeding the removal of acid and food from the stomach. BROSE ELECTRICAL The timing of the dose of metoclopramide is CONSTRUC"ON INC importnnl.lfthe medicine is taken more than 2 hours before symptoms usually occur, there may 37400 W 7 MILE ROAD MON TUES WED. SAT 9 30·6 00 • '. be no beneficial effect. LIVONIA 1.1146152 • 13131464 2211 THURS FR. 9 30·8 00 ~ THE NORTHVILLE RECOJ:!D-Wednesday. July 3. 1985 • :Entertainment WITe NortquUlt 18tcorb •

. ....-- ,- , ,t \) \

THEA TRE: "PIAF,"'Attic Thealre, Third a( Wesl Grand BOUlevard, Detroit The story of the legendary Irench 'In~er Idllh Ptal. . fh(' LllIlt' ~/larrol\' Will be presenled al the AulC Jul~' 1'1lhrough Augu,1 111 l't'rlormdl1l t" 1\IIIht.' ,II 8 p.m. Thursdays and Fflda~'s, 5 30 and III P rn ~und,II' Tickets are now on sale and ma~ br purthasrd bl I alllllg 117~11211-l"THE STA. TlON MASTER'S DAUGHTER," Henry Ford Museum Theater, Dearborn 1hI' 1886 romanllC comedy-melodrama Will be pll.',enled lull 12-211 I Ill' 'hilI 1'\oIVI" .., around an upperclass ChICago arllsl who falls III love 1\llh ,I ,ldllon md,II'r, daughter. Trouble bOIls over when a local ru/lran tflt" ,lUlIlnAthl' hr.lkl" Oil/hI' romance. and the hero's snooly family wan" 10 de,all h" 1I111'nlllllh100\'lrd ,I poker playmg gill friend. Performances are alll 30 pOll fld,ll ,md ,>,nU,ddl Tickets are $5.50 A combma(ion dmner and Ihealer Pill kaAI' I~,1I.1I1,lhll'lor $1825 each. reservat,ons reqUired lor mformallOn or re'l"I',IIIlIl" 1.,11271-11>211 "THE BED BEFORE YESTERDAY"and "THE ISLAND," Hilberry Theatre, Wayne State University, Detroit lIen Travers' The Bed Belml' h·,II',d,11 ,lI1d Athol rugard. John Kam and Wills/on Nbhona' "Thl' I,',md 111110/11'11 simultaneously m Ihe Iwo Ihealres al the Hllberrl ill l! p 01 lull 111 JIll' Ih'd • Before Yesterda~'" IS a Ilnllsh farce set m 1<1lU Th(' 1,1,lIId. " .I h,ghll ,II I 1,1101' .J ed drama by the mlernatlOnall~ famom Soulh Afm an IIIIll'r IuA,ud TIll' pl,1I " sel in a Jail cell on an Island olf Ihe lOasl 01 )oulh AIm .I 1\10 polll'l ,II IImonl'r, deVIse an enlertammenl for Ihe mmale' and 'I hI'( om 1" .1'I alhlllA nulll Inll'nl 01 the Soulh Afllcan governmenl and Ib polin 01 aparthl'ld Comph'l!' 'I Ill'dull' .lIId IIcket informalloll are ava,lable bl callmg Ihl' H,lb('rrl ho\ of/I( I'. i77-2'172

And more

FESTIVALS: FOlK AND BLUEGRASSFESTIVAL,Ford Field, Nor- • thville NorthVille's Ninth Annual folk and IIluegr,HI le,tll'dl \\,11 !It' hdd /rom1- 9 p.m. July 28 m Northville's Ford I'eld The le,lIvdl. a henel'l lor Hunllllglon , Disease in memory of Woody and MarJorie CUlhlle. \I,lIle,llurl' C,lmhll' Rogl'" Foolloose. Neil Woodward. MUSlards Relreal. I'hol'l1I\. DetrOIt BIUI'Ar,I" B.llld. Bobb~' leWIS and Mike Insh. Teresa Smllh and Dave hl'r'ole ,lIId ROl ,\II Cum" & The Sunnyslders In add II'on 10 lhe fealured enle,talllnll'nl. Ilwre .,1,0 \I ,111)(' workshops. mstrument makmg. actlvllIe, lor I hlld,en .11 \11,11,I, lood ,lIId beverages. Mm,mum donatIOn IS $5. sen'ors. 52. dnd $1 lor ehllclrl'll ulldl'r 11 Fa, mformallon. call the Geltiddler MusIC Store ,11WI-<1-I211COLONIAL MUSIC AND !-'llITARY MUSTER, Greenfield Village, Dearborn Ul1IIoll1ll'dAnll'lI("n and BIIlIsh Iroops assemble for a weekend 01 IOlorlul ell( ,1mpmenl ,1111"111" parades, and grand lacllcal engagemenls 111 l11lh·cenlu'l '1\ Ie lull 1\ '\Ild 1-1

FAIRS AND EXHIBITS: ANN ARBOR STREETART FAIR, d9wntown Ann Arbor The annual art fa" "III be held lull 2-1·27 Hour, ,1((' 'I a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday through fndal and P 01 '>,llu,d,l\ ROYAL OAK ART FAIR, Memorial Park, Woodward and Thirteen Mile, Royal Oak The 151h Annual Outdoor Art fa" sponsored bl Ihe Ro\al 0,1" Departnll'nl 01 Recreation and Public Service and Ihe ROla) Oak Arts <..ounol. \I ,II !It' hl'ld from 11 am. 10 6 p m. luly 13 and 1-1.l'!lhl\ M'ch,~an and OUI--I,llI-oIIl1'h ,\I(' I'nt('ll'll III Ihe calegones of pollery. melal wo'k. pa1l111l1!l1l1vanou, melh<1 \lood 1',111,. photography. sculpture. glass. lewel,~'. weaVIII!land le,llhe' Thl'((' 1\ no "dml'· sian cha,ge "AUTOMOBILE AND CULTURE DETROIT STYlE," Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 Woodward Avenue, De(roil Thl' e\hlhll ",II he held Ihrough September 8 Museum hours a,e ') 30 a m 10 ~ III II m IUl',d,l\ Ihll'uAh Sunday. The museum ISclosed MandaI'

AND MORE: FREEDOM FESTIVALCAT EXTRAVAGANZA, Southfield Civic Cen(er, Sou(hfield The 68th annual M,d·M'1 h'Aan ( ,II '.lm ,e" show of champIons and household cats \1111be held lull I> ,lnd i ,11Ihl' ~oUlhlll'ld CIVICCenler Me 'e than -150cals and killens plall1 'lIld 1,1Il1\. \I ,II A,llher tm Ihl' show 10 be held from 9 a m to 6 p m ::>aturda\ and <)a m 10 ~ II m ::'und,11 AdmiSSion IS$3 fo' adulls. $2 fa, sel1lors and $1 10' chlldrl'n 1m II1lorm,II,ol' call 278-055-1 BOBLO BOAT MOONLIGHT CRUISE. River dock west of Cobo The Tunnel Barbeque in Windsor is similarly in· Hall, Detroit Ba'bershop quartels and choruse, Will be ilboil,d Ihl' Boblo Bo,11 • formal - tightly-grouped tables, paper moonllghl cruise alll 30 p m luly 12 The I rUI,e 1\ opell 10 Ihl' pubhl '\Ild 'pon· placemats, Formica tables, bollles of ketchup on sored by the Detroil No 1 Chapler 01 the SOCI('I\ lor Ihl' 1'(("I''',ll1on ,lI1d In· the table. But the Tunnel Barbeque manages to couragement of Ba,bershop Quartel )1I1!lml\111 Amell( a 1,1"1'1, .111' 5'1 PI" pI"· work it into a somewhat charming ambience, son. For mformallOn. call 398·8165 or 326-1-1-16ANTtQUE AUTO SHOW AND which doesn't work at Borie-yardII. ICE CREAM SOCIAL, Greenmead, 381;15 Eight Mile, livonia Ihl' Molor ( "I On the positive side of the ledger. Bone-yard II Packard Club and the liVOnia H"tQIIC,ll Comm""on ",II ((I·ho,t 11ll'fhml An· does have its attributes. nual Anllque Auto Show and Ice Ue"m SOl,,11 110m HI" m 10 \ P 11\ lull 1-1.11 Bone-yard II: Featured on the menu, obviously, are the barbe· Greenmead, l,vonla's Museum ,1nd H"lorll V,II,l!:<' ,\10((' Illpl,l\etl Ihrouf,hOUIIIII' Around, .md and comes with English fried potatoes, cole slaw gardens Ice cream. hOI dogs. popcorn ilnd lemonade \I,ll ht' ,II,lIl,lhll' 1\ B.IlIIt"· and garlic bread. Also available are a whole slab shop Quartet will be smgmg old favollle, Adm"'loll" 51 lor ,lItulh I hllrl'en Eating. for one ($9.95)and a half slab ($7.25>' under 12 Will be admilled free. Tau" 01 the muwum ilnd "II,IAI' .11'0 \l11I1l(' Other selections include barbequed or broasted avaIlable. For mformatlon. call-l77-737~ ANNUAL AIRSHOW, Det,-.it Cily Air- chicken, seafood (jumbo butterfly shrimp for poct, Conner and the Ford Freeway, De(roil The 12lh Annu,1I A",hm\. le,llur· American $6.75,fish and chips for $3.55,breaded scallops for ing some of the fmest daredeVil PIIOIs,1nd champIonship 11'.11111IIIIhl' Iounll,. $4.95)and steaks (New York strip steak at $8.60 Will be luly 13 and 14. On bOlh da~s. !lates 1\111open 01111l,1 III \I nh on'Around "Eating ethnic" has and either pork or beef shish·ke-bob). displays of antique and modern alrrrall. lollo\led bl ,I 11,1'''( I ,II p.II,llll' 1hI' become something of an In addition there are tempting combinations of aeT/al eXCllemenl begms al noon 'lOd w,1I lI1eJude l>erlo'l1Idl1l(', 1>1 1t',I1111 'UI h ,h American pastime. all the above - ribs and chicken, shrimp and the Det,olt Thunderbolts Parachute Te,lm Con,t,ul lion Hellloillor,. hIt . 0,1.11 The fad started chicken, ribs and shrimp, or ribs, chicken and Boesch and leo loundenslager Advance ddml\\Ion " $6 pI" I ,lIlo.lll ,\11(1 5111.11 maybe 20 years ago with shrimp - each for $7.75. the gale. For information. call 267·6400 the proliferation of And Inall honesty, the foodis really pretty good. Chinese restl:~:'''nts Ona recent Visit,my companion and I selected the across the countryside. barbequed ribs for two. The serving of coleslaw And once entrepreneurs which accompanied the dinner was more than am- Nand Olgren of NorthVIlle. pr~iden( 01 discovered that ple, and there also were plenty of ribs and the Northville Branch. American Associallon Americans were not on· potatoes, as well as a respectably,sized, tasty of University Women and a 7·8th grade cook- ly wll1lngto sample more·or·less foreign cuisines chunk of garlic bread. ing leacher in Novi. finds her favonle ways to but actually enjoyed ethnic dining. the floodgates spend lime involve eatlnll and being wllh PhOIOby STEVE FECHT The potatoes were qUite good, we agreed. As were opened. were the ribs, barbeqlled In Bone-yard II's own friends. ,Italian restaurants and Mexican restaurants Rae Ann Otlewski serves up an order of ribs nicely-seasoned sauce. Our only complaint with , 1. ATIENDING Up Wllh People Concerts In were soon to follow and enjoyed Wide-spread ac· the foodItself was that the ribs served at our table o ,surrounding area. ceptance. And in the case of Mexican restaurants. closer - The Bone·yard Barbeque No.2 at 31006 were not particularly "meaty." 2. TEACHINC cooking to young people eager at least, the fast· food variety - Taco Bell - and Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hll1s. Diners should be apprised that Bone'yard II , > ,to learn because thev love to eal, ' " 3, ENJOYINC friendship and aCllVlties chain variety - Chl·Chl's - were soon to follow. The Bone·yard I[ Is located on the east side of does not accept credit cards and does not yet have However, there currently appears to be a new Orchard Lake Road, directly opposite the a liquor license. through involvement with MUW and th" Interest among the general public in a different Hunter's Square complex with its Tally Hall, With a few adjustments, we could rate Bone' < ,! Me(hodist Church. type of ethnic cuisine - the American varlety.'To which Is something of a monument to suburbia's yard II someWhathigher. Less crowded conditions ,4. SAMPlINC a vanely of restaurants OnCl'a date, the renewed Interestln "Eating American" fast-paced, fenzledlifestyle. Inthe dining room wouldbe a goodstarting place. month with a group of friends who enJoy the seems to have found Its most wide-spread accep· Alas, Bone·yard II proved to be something of a <~experience. M tance In the proliferation of "rib shacks" - disappointment. ~,'".~' PREPARING simple recipes such as Raked Y 'restaurants which specialize Inthat fine American Tables are crowded tightly together, leaVinglit· Bone-yard No. Two. 31(}(}{jOrchard Lake , , Alaska to be enjoyed byeveryolfl!. F at foodofbarbequed spare ribs. tle space between groups of diners. The dress is Road, Farmington Hills. Open Sunday '. Although the most notable northwest suburban decidedly Informal, and the noise levels are high. through Thursday from II a.m. to midnight. ,~ , avorl ~ Friday and Saturda from 11 a.m. to I a.m. f\,>~ ,,-"" ,\ ,,~,> -' " . , .restaurant specializing In ribs Is The Bone'yard Paper placemats and bottles of ketchup on For· t}~'''t~f<; \ ' ", '" Than• I """,,<'"',,',, Nocredit cards. NoJlquorJlcense.Carry-out ~-.t:~~1 ~\'f. ')'« '\\~"'111\ ~""\')A \( .~~ > gs~ •.}( ... Barbeque InDearborn, we set out recently to sam· mica table tops complete the scene. ~~-S.\¥~.~~, .~':..~f.l:~... "'~ ,,:<~~ ~ ...;,.~\~ .. <';>" \ 10, )0' ~ ~ l...... ~i>;l~~ , 'ple the fare at a "rib shack" which Is somewhat Such Informality Is not necessarily unworkable. service available. 851·7000. ~ S~' ~~.;>( i; v.. ... ,\' <'.;. ... it"",,\~\.....;;~).:-,< ;;.t-,~~

I $ \ I I I' , I \ \ \ \ -, , , , , r ..... \ \ \ .. , - ", ...... :, "



Supplement to the Observer Newspapers, Wednesday, JUly 3, 1985

",'\ .

Photos by Mlilry Merz, Observer & Eccentric Crestlve Services Depsrtment -______...... liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-======~~·- =.._._-_.__.~ • &£ co --- - - ,,' .• -- -.. _. ----..._---

Friday, July 5 .Call 453-8325. • Art InThe Park: From 10 a.m. • American Airlines Statue of to 4 p.m. Saturday. An exhibition Liberty Race: 6 p.m. on Friday. of arts and crafts in Kellogg Park The festival begins with a mass a~ Ann Arbor and Trail in Plym- ascent from the Plymouth Cen- outh. tennial Educational Park (CEP) • Sales and Events: Throughout at Canton Center and Joy Road the weekend, sales and events in in Canton. Plymouth and Canton sponsored • Entertainment will be provid- by the Plymouth and Canton ed by the Girls Marching Band chambers of commerce and mer- of Denmark. Tom Dean of chants. WCLS will emcee the entire • Eastern Airlines Race: Begins weekend. 6 p.m. Saturday. Ascent from • Balloon Ball: At 8 p.m. both CEP. Friday and Saturday under the. • Balloon Ball: At 8 p.m. both stars on the deck of the May- Friday and Saturday on deck of flower IT. Featuring Benny and Mayflower IT;'50s and '60s music the Jets with music from the '50s from Benny and the Jets. and '60s; hot dogs, cocktails and dancing. Tickets are $6 at the Sunday, July 7 door. . • C.N.T. Race: Begins 6 a.m. Saturd~y, July 6 Sunday. Ascent form CEP at • Sunrise Inflation Sale: Satur- sunrise. day from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., a one- • Balloon BruD~h: From 9 a.m. of-a-kind event at shops to 2 p.m. in Mayflower Meeting thorughout Plymouth. House, Plymouth. For reserva- • Hare & Hound Race: Begins 6 tions, call 453-1620.

'" .' ... < ---: "'\,...... :,. a.m. Saturday. Ascent form • British Airways 'Pick 'Em Up ----' ~ ..;;...: ....: >:;:",\,< Plymouth CEP . Key Contest': Begins 6 p.m. Sun- ...~ ~"1 :> '" .F y--"y>)... • Fly-In Pancake Breakfast: Be- . day. Balloonists will attempt to gins 7 a.m. ·at Mettetal Airpox:t, "pick" keys from atop a pole at Joy and Lilley roads, -'$3 each. the launch site to win a car. Sponsored by Experimental Air- Sponsored by Dick Scott Buick craft Association Chapter 113. and Armstrong Buick.

, '


PLYMOUTH v PLYMOUTH 874 W. Ann Arbor Rd. M F 1,,-e 30 CHAMBER. OF COMMERC_~E ~ 451-7410 • V""U: S8t.10-6 453-1510 " ANN ARBOR Sun. 12-4 3SOOPontIac Tr.' ' ' ea.3117 " (.( > ~ ~ ','{. ( "',,; .....:~;,;~,,"t:~t'}} '>~)~~';'''''''~l'~~'{~'''~ ~r"

...... _':00\...... ~: •• ,.zJ_ ...... _....• _.~. ~ -.., -:.;.'" ..... ~_ SEZiU & 21 , . I tI, • • 7J I .",\' :t . , Thursday,July 4, 1985 MayflowerBalloonFestiVal Page 3· Balloons to color summer skyline

What is 78 feet high, 55 feet wide, holds car from Oldsmobile. 77,000 cubic feet of air, is made up of According to the event organizers, it is 1,100 yards of material, and runs on liquid the competition which draws-the ballon- propane? ists from across the United States and Answer - one of the more than 60 hot Canada. The competition also makes the- air balloons which will be participating in festival one of the most popular events in the fifth annual Mayflower Hotel Hot Air the midwest. Balloon Festival. Launches will take place at h.m. Fri- The event will take place on Friday day, July 5, and at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Sat- through Sunday, July 5-7. urday and Sunday from the CEP. This year a new launch site has been (Launch times are approximate and de- selected for the event, according to festi- pend upon weather conditions}.- val sponsors R. Scott Lorenz, general For information about hot air balloon manager of the Mayflower Hotel, and Gor- rides, call the Wicker Basket Balloon Cen- BILL BRESLER/staff photographer don Boring of the Wicker Basket Balloon ter at 669-4230. For festival information Center. call the Canton Chan1ber of COmmerce at The festival will take place at the Plym- V/~wfro,!, the top 453-4040 or the Plymouth Chamber of outh Centennial Educational Park Commerce at 453-1540. Balloon pilots challenged each other, seeing who could come (CEP) , a 30S-acre site at the comer of Joy closest to dropping a bean bag in a designated spot at last year's and Canter Center Roads in Canton For access to the balloon launch site 'est. Township. from--I-275, -exit at Ann Arbor Road_ an9 . The new location should provide ea~y proceed west to the fourth traffic light access to the event from nearby 1-275 and (Sheldon Road), turn left (south) to the M-14 freeways, explains Boring, and pro- fll'St traffic light (Joy) and turn right Early,risers save money vide ample parking to give the expected (west) to the launch site. 200,OOo.plus visitors a chance to visit the Motorists coming from the south should One of the favorite events of the Hot Plymouth at 5 a.m. when the sale starts. main shopping areas of Canton and Plym- get -off on the 1-275 north exit -at Ford Air Balloon Festival is the Early Riser In- From' 5 a.m. to 5:59 a.m. sales will be 50 outh. _ Road (Canton) and proceed wes~ to Can- flation Sale. percent off and starting at 6 a.m. mer- "It is through the cooperation of all gov- . ton Center'Road (about three miles) and More than 50 merchants in Plymouth chandise will "inflate" to 40 percent off, at ernmental units that we are able to host turn right (north) and proceed about two will be offering much of their merchandise 7 a.m. to 30 percent off, at 8 a.m. to 20 the event at the Plymouth-Canton Com- miles to the launch site. at 50 percent off in the third annual Infla- percent off, and at 9 a.m. to 10 percent off. munity Schools' site," adds Lorenz. From the M-14 freeweay, exit at Shel- tion Sale. By 10 a.m. most of the prices will return This year the event will feature five rac- don Road and turn left (south) and con- to normal. es. The balloonists will compete for airline tinue to the sixth traffic light which is To take advantage of the sale, you must Many of the stores will offer more than tickets from American Airlines, Eastern Joy. Turn right (w~t) on Joy and contin- rise before the crack of dawn and be in half their regular merchandise in this sale. Airlines and British Airways, and a new ue to the launch site. ~,DLYMOUTN _:ii:~~T R A VEL 479 South Main Street Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Home of the Plymouth Telephone (313) 455-6600 Travel "Voyager" SupEREUROPE SAILlHE LAsrOFlHE GREAT SUPERLINERSONEW& FlYlHE SUPERSONIC CoNCORDElHE 0rHER- FOR ONLY $599MORE. Enjoy the ultimate travel experience at a price that's hard to believe. In August and september sailing from New York to friill r~r Southbampton, sail QE 2 one way, fly specially reserved flights lONOON of British Airways' Concorde flights London to Detroit, for only ttom$420· '599 more. Or, fly free on BA (~nomy class). PARIS :' ":,)0 ();ffrABETH 2 trom$SOCj •. Weelcly de ~ British Rtgistry Detroit d,':::;"t u,. 'rom o Europe

•Above price. are fallfa"',1f paid 90day. prior to de- parture. Sprlngandlummerfa ... are aUghtlyhigher. OKTOBERFESTIN MUNICH $998 ./ FlIMtult. Malnz. 51. Goat (RIliIIe IWer). Rothenburg. MulllCll . ~~ 5ktObtrflSl); lour southem Bavlnl. salzburG. Austill. .Inctudesr.1.IIr. dIIuXI motOlCOICII.7 /lightS 1st eIIss .dlilytnakfuts.2kJncIIIS.ldlllntr.d htMetng , • our own 1SCOIl. European tour Guklt. baggage han1ng. etc. CUliARD . . ~. c.r rent., In Europe •• /ow II $89 per wNk unlimited mll.. ,e ASK ABOUT OUR CHAMPAGNE BALLOON FLIGHTS LOCALLY, IN EUROPE, ANDTHROUGHOUT THE U.S.

" - ._-..._-._---._--- -_._------...... ---...... _._--.._-...._--,...... -.: ~...... :: • • ~' .l,,~' I ... _I 4 jh , ••• t--J-J_._' '_I ,. ... I ._ ...... I_{~ .. '" • .J I •• f , .-- I I " , . , . , " '.', ~~.. Page 4 Mayflower Balloon Festival Thursday, July 4, 1985 • Come See Our Balloon At The Mayflower Balloon~IIII"Festival

"Plymoutb's Hometown Remodeling Co." ENERGYERnCENTP~NG • KITCHENS· ADDITIONS • FAMILY ROOMS • PORCHES No Job' s Too B~g, • GARAGES· SUN & GARDEN ROOMS • RECREATION ROOMS No Job' s Too Small! • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Father & Son will get the job done! BILL BRESLER/staff photographer 'Ray R. Stella Modernize Now! Art in park Building Contractor, Inc. Kelley Blancke of Plymouth, a student at Bird Elementary School, won 747 S. Main the poster contest held to promote the Art in the Park exhibition held Plymouth Call For A Free Estimate this weekend in conjunction with the Mayflower Hot Air Balloon Festi- 585-5500 val. The art e~hibit will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 459-7111 Pontiac 334-1194 • Downriver 283-7454 Toledo 865-4600 in Kellogg Park. '

~ . LOBSTERS 1LTD. HAIR ~.'Y:~I" ~ ~: INVADE UNISEX BARBERING SALON All Work Guaranteed .~ ;jPLYMOUTH . ~~1'''~ ~':I:~.":."r~."(.e:,,~"'.::.... AGAIN' • WEST -" ."::~"~;~, Luscious Creatures - JaYAD.

ID C GOLDEHGA l= :,;" Overrun Plymouth CENmI ~ I:::J They're sweeping through Kellogg Park. They've been spied i~ ~4t>.. Airport marching past the Gazeoo in Old Village. Armies of them are ...:J l~.:.~,= near Edward Hines Park. i' ------, .------, It's a massive invasion of LOBSTERTAILS,and you can help restore order. Justcome to the JOLLYMILLERRESTAURANTand : Perm, Cut : : .Shampoo, : ask for the "TAILS OF SUMMER" SPECIAL. : &Style : : Cut & Style : e------...... I I I Reg. I Jo1J!CI~~" I ~~f NOW I I '11.00 NOW I C/F6.I.ue£ Restaurant I with coupon I I with coupon I I I TENDER, JUICY 13.50 : ~= $25: : = $8.50: LOBSTER ...._ .._------~ We'll serve you one 9 oz. tender, juicy lobster with ...._------_ ... vegetable du jour and your choice of potato. Our generous salad table and fresh bakery breads accom- r------,. I pany each dinner. Haircut $6 : ~ offer8oodRESERvAfiONS~UGGEs'TEDdes retreat! i 1yMi11er PLYMOUTH : with coupon $] Ofr : '.r!»ftt ][jHlT~1NN I ~~ • ~------n ~ 14707 Northville Rd. at 5 Mile 459-4500 8481 Lilley Rd. • GOLDEN GATE CENTER Plymouth Canton, Michigan 48187 Across from Mettetsl Airport EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: 11.00 OFF Moura: Mon., Tuee., Wed. M 459 7350 ANY REGULAR MENU ENTREE UNTIL 1pm Thurs. It Fri. 9-8, .... N - (Lobster Speclsl not Included

_ .. 0 _ •• _ c _ •• 'I . '.' '-)" ' , . , .J - •., - . " Thursday, July 4, 1985 Mayflower Balloon Festival Page 5 Suggested routes LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES * 1985 and parking tips CAMARO SPORT COUPE Stock #7224 There are a number of routes to the site Traffic willbe restricted to locEtlresidents. of the Mayflower Hot Air Balloon Festival AFTER SEVERAL thousand cars fill $8969* at the Centennial Educational Park up CEP lots, traffic will be directed to Pi- * 1985 (CEP) atJoy and Canton Center Roads. oneer and Isbister schools, both within CAVALIER 2 DOOR COUPE But For persons who don't wish to drive walking distance of the grounds. Parking Stock #7848 to the site, shuttle service will begin at also will be permitted along major nearby 4:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday roads. . $7361* from the Canton Township Hall at Can- Acting Canton Police Chief Larry Stew- * 1985 ton Center and Proctor Roads, south of art recommends that festival-goers wish- CHEVEnE 2 DOOR Cherry Hill, for 50 cents per person. ing to avoid congestion attend morning Stock #7531 Ample parking is available at CEP. The launchings or arrive early and plan to stay charge will be $2 per vehicle with proceeds late. "It won't be as busy at 6 a.m., so $5395* to benefit high school music and band traffic problems will be minimized," Stew- * 1985 booster clubs. art said. CELEBRITY 4 DOOR Stock #7850 Motorists coming from 1-275should exit Motorists will need patience aplenty af- at Ann Arbor Road and proceed west to ter the show, as everyone will want to $9575* GMAC the fourth traffic light (Sheldon Road), leave at the same time, he added. FINANCING turn left (south) on Sheldon to the first * 1985 AVAILABLE "I expect traffi.c to really be heavy. S·10 PICKUP traffic light which is Joy. Turn right and Stock #T2316 "Free V6 Engine" UP TO 60 proceed west onJoy to the launch site. There's no doubt some people are goingto MONTHS be inconvenienced for a short time due to From the south take 1-275north exit at $7857* ·Plus Tsx, Ford Road and proceed west to Canton sheer volume and the fact they'll be trav- eling on two-lane roads. But every~y NEW 1984 Title Center Road about 3 miles. Turn right * can have a good time if they can just be (north) on Canton Center Road and con- e~~!~M VANS$5000 Discount tinue to the launch site (about two miles). patient," Stewart said. From the M-14,freewayexit at Sheldon Police and reserve volunteers control- Road, turn left and proceed south to the ling traffic lights and directing drivers "SWITCH TO LeRICHE" sixth traffic light which is Joy. Turn right will be assisted by the Civil Air Patrol and and proceed west on Joy to the launch Plymouth REACT. site. Balloon enthusiasts are advised that The only streets to be closed will be there will be no parking refunds should ,~~RiatEOlET' .!.~=! those in subdivisions adjacent to CEP. weather postpone the air show. , ~ .. ft 0,..-'. 1'IIure. "'pili SUBARU T-...... FrL ...... Contributing to this special section were Observer editorial staffers Emory Dan- iels, Gary Cates, Dennis Coffman, Marybetb Dillon Ward, Bill Bresler, Gary 40875 Plymouth Rd., Plymouth 453 4800 Caskey and Bridget Moran. Advertising coordinator Lisa Birou was assisted by (across from Burroughs) .,... o.INII 961-4797 Mike Rankin. ********************************************* J'llUItI"'"""I: * mlarkwtll 1Jloril's * * 3rd ANNUAL \ * J18.t!q, \ APII Q . tj.- * ONCE A YEAR :.- F.l~ * CLEARANCE PRICES ~5~ * * SATURDAY, JUNE 29th thru MONDAY, JULY 8th * During This Sale All Our New Cara, Trucks, Vans and 4-Wheel * Drive Vehicles Will Be Tagged With The Lowest Prices We've * Offered All Yearl All Used Cara And Trucks Tagged Also. Shop * Undisturbed On The Weekendas And On Thursday The 4th - •• -6...t: Come In During The Week To Make Your Beat Deall *

- Ford Employee Prices Posted On New Vehicles Aisol -

.J ************* r.' - _ - ..- ._------• ._ ...- --..""'"-...... -.~_ .. ~ ""_.- .-.-_ ..._ ...-._ .... ~~_... ,.1 --. •• ------r..#-~-----.------~ _!"'_-' ~ r~. J't'.'.'.' ...l,','.,~,L,L;',-'~' I - -_ .._---- '~Jr"a" ' , . •Thursday, July 4, 1985 .. ' ., , . Page 6 Mayflower Balloon Festival .'. Thursday,•July 4, 1985 Mayflower• Balloon Festival Page 7 Hello €I Greetings Lots of fuss before flight to all workers, promoters, sponsors and visitors of the Mayflower Hotel Hot Air Balloon Festival beJngheld In CANTON TOWN- SHIP, Michigan, July 5th, 6th, and 7th, 1985. This Is the first year It has been held In CANTON. We have more balloon sponsors than ever before In the history of the festival. We hope you will all have an enjoyable time, not litter, and return as often as you want to visit and enjoy our friendly, modem, yet rural community. Come back for our annual CANTON Soccer Club International Invitational Tournament (the LARGEST In the United States) each Memorial Day weekend. Come see our annual CANTON Country FestiVal, the second weekend In June each year with the SECOND LARGEST PARADE In Michigan.

Here's looking lorward to many years db~prudeftnH~rlativ~~ C·~··:\~O ~ •••••••••••••••••• C . 0 ~6.1 INFLATION SALE • : S&\~\\\'I" 50% OFF : c ~\)\1~..$<\. 5:00 A.M. selected Items • Belore the pilot 01 a hot air balloon can get 011the ground, he has to know where he intends to land, 10 C ~~ 40% OFF • 'that his ground crew can be there waiting lor him. c 0 : 6:00 A.M. s.1M:t.d'tem. • C 30% OFF • Here, Linda Rowland and Walter Noeske plot the 7:00 A.M. s.1«:t.d ".",. • course lor their hot air balloon. C 20% OFF C 8:00 A.M. tw.ct.d ".",. • RESTAURANT 10% OFF • C t:GO-5:OO P.M. StonIWIdfI BUSINESS MANS EARLY BIRD C Introducing a new line of American Primitive Furniture I• LUNCHEON SPECIALS DINNER SPECIAL 11 A.M. to 3 PM. 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. : Balloon Festival Hours: Friday 9-9, Saturday 5-5, Sunday 1-4 : Monday thru Friday Call Ahead to Pre-Order for Faster Service 10% OFF c C.C 884 Penniman • Free Batting CageToken Regular C harm Plymouth, MI 48170 • With EachLuncheon Entree Menu Price .t~ There's plenty 01 work to be ~ done on the ground, as the crew Slatl pholos by ••••••••••••••••••••••••• prepares before a balloon launch Bill Bresler and " and wraps up alterwardo Ken- Gsryesskey neth %awlsa, shown here alter FOX HILLS touchdown, gets ready to pack up hia gear, including balloon, Chrysler-Plymouth basket and burner. BALLOON FESTIVAL SAVINGS \ \


Plymouth's finest and most .complete 8.8% FINANCING floor covering store. 'ON1985 CHRYSLER LeBARONGTS . . ~~ SUMMER ~:-STARnNtJAT -W CLEARANCE SALE $8174* '85 CARAVELLE a.E. 4 DOOR *Plw TtIX, T1tItI .. DHtI".t/on Now In Progress 50150 c:loIIl -. 1M' cMfroIt. tint. dull ~ __ "*'- AMIFM11-.500 ImP battery. auIIe, 1IIt_· Ie, ~ Il.-tng end bnIc-. 2.2 EFI engine. ~ LeBARONGTS wtndowI, IockI, lit, I18Il bIllecI wNle IIde deluXe __ .atrtp-.Stod<#27057...... THE AMERICAN SEDAN 8M Prk» or '1W·· THAT OUTPERFORMS savings from 20% to 40% '10••8a* p., Month BMW528eAND MERCEDES 190E

637 S. Main Street (1 block S. of Mayflower Hotel) It takea three persona to set up the burn- Plymouth er, which heata the air In a hot air balloon. Preparing the baaket, or gondola, tor Financing Available flight la part of the groundwork that haa Plus Visa & to be attended to before • b111100n can 11ft 459·7200, .. MasterCard otto

'. --...... -...... - Ill. • ...... ~ ,...... ~ I • -'-...... • I' , • I l' •• , •• , t • I

t ••• I ... -/. f Page 8 Mayflower BalllY.)nFestl! Thursday, July "1985

F ,r'4 0

... "~ i,~ ~ Waking up :11 Courtney O'Grady, S, and Dawn Sinon of Brown.town Town.hlp were among the early bird., .howing up at 6:30 a.m. during la.t year'. tntival. The pair came prepared, bun- dled up and armed with pil- lows and blankets to ward off the morning chill. , :~

Ballooning began with Frenchmen

The first recorded balloon flight oc- So three months later they had assem- the king's historian, stepped forward and manned flight in a hydrogen-filled balloon curred on June 5, 1783, at Annonay, bled a balloon and basket combination requested the honor. On Oct. 15, 1783, Pi- - a spectacular journey which carried France. into which they put a duck, a rooster and latre de Rozier ascended to 80 feet and him 25 miles across the French country- , Two brothers, Jacques Etienne and Jo- a sheep. This Winken, Blynken and Nod stayed aloft for 41h minutes. side in a little less than two hours. :- seph Michel Montgolfier, sent a large, of early flight stayed for eight minutes Although the Montgolfier's efforts When the balloon landed, Charles asked I smoke-filled bag to the astounding height ... and lived! seemed to have grabbed the historical his assistant to get out so he could try a . of 35 feet. King Louis XIV, who was an' eyewit- spotlight, at the same time French physi- flight by himself. As soon as the assistant ;,. They were anxious to make a manned ness to these experiments, offered the cist J.A.C. Charles was experimenting stepped out, the balloon, lightened consid- f;l flight but because no one had ever done Montgolfiers the services of a condemned with balloons using the newly-discovered erably, shot upward"to 9,000 feet. Charles this before, they had no idea whether a criminal for use in a manned flight. But gas called hydrogen. returned safely, having been given a view On I, 1783, he made the fIrst of the earth no man had seen before. human could survive at these height~. instead Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier, Dec. , BALLOON RIDES Wicker "Basket Balloon Center


-, Man and fan power , 624·5137 • • • combine to Inflate a balloon.

IL----:u.-~~I ..:...... _ __=_ ...... , = -.-~ ...-.-.- .....-,.-, I f- ..... -t'-,.- ...~ t-, ,,-, It. I ,. I I • I I \ 'I ,. ,,. , , -..e "'--1· I j -Y-l , :' ,"" 4:r,' .., • ., ! I I I. . .~ ~, ". ThUr8day,July 4, 1985 .•MayflowerBalloon Festival Page 9 Danish girls' band to play at festival The Gladsaze Pigegarde (girls' band) The band is one of six international mu- of Denmark will visit the Plymouth-Can- sic groups which will visit Michigan dur- ton community July 3-6 as part of the ing 1985 as part of the Blue Lake e'lt> Blue Lake International Exchange Pro- change program. The program began in gram. 1970 when a 90-voice choir toured Eng- Some 106 members of the band· will land, Belgium and Germany. stay in private homes while visiting Plym- Since then nearly 4,000 high school mu- outh-Canton, according to Jim Griffith, sicians wearing Blue Lake uniforms have chairman of a committee which is making visited 400 communities in England, arrangments for the group's visit. France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Luxem- While here the Danish Girls Band will bourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Den- perform in the Plymouth Fourth of July mark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Parade at the Plymouth Community Liechtenstein. Band Concert at 8 p.m. Thursday in Kel- While touring Europe, Blue Lake logg Park in downtown Plymouth and at groups stay in private homes and the for- the Mayflower Hot Air Balloon Festival eign grouips do the same when visiting on Friday evening in Canton. Michigan. HOI The sponsors AIR Scott Lorenz and Gordon Boringtete-a-tete at twilight. BAliOON ponsor .help pay Free or cost of balloons Teathered Rides! art of the expenses of the balloon festi- State Bank, Wayne Bank; Foodland Melo- at are paid for by contributions made by dy Farms; Father & Son Construction, nsors of individual balloons and thier Palmer Paving, Ray Stella Contracting, ws. National Concrete, Olson Heating & Air me hot air balloon pilots and crews Conditioning, DeMattia Co.; NEW TOWNE as their own sponsors while others are Plymouth Travel; City of ?lymouth, nsored by local and area businesses. Canton Township; Michigan Bell Yellow llowingare a list of sponsors for 1985: Pages; Arby's; Computer Connection; abatts Beer, Strohs; RE/MAX; Amer- American Yazaki; WCLS and WOMC; PLAZA Airlines; Eastern Airlines; British Pugh/Cannon Properties, Virginia and ays; Observer Newspapers, Canton John Thomas, Jean and Jim Jabara; Wick- Saturday, July 6th gle, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News; er Basket Balloon Center; Coleman Enter- : k Scott Buick, Oldsmobile,Armstrong prises; Your Attic; Country Place; Burda 3 P.M. to 6 P.M. ick, Pontiac Motors; E.F. Hutton; Fin- Bros., Inc.; Miesel-Sysco, Midwest Ice; (Weather Permitting) Insurance; National Car; Meyers, Hemming and Po- II First of America-Plymouth, Liberty laczyk; YesllMichigan. Compliments of- ntique planes New Town Plaza Shopping Center McDonald's of Canton Township Pearl Vision Center ill be shown Jim Mather Mr. Steak . hapter 113 of the Experimental Air- basement or living room. t Association (EAA) will have a fly-in The time it takes to bUildthe craft var- pancake breakfast as part of the May- ies with complexity of the ship chosen to er Hotel Hot Air Baloon Festival. construct and how long YOurdetermina- WATCH FOR SUMMER he fly-in will be held Saturday, July 6, tion holds out. Building time can range SIDEWALK SALES JUL Y 11-12-13 ettetal Airport, Lilley and Joy roads from one to 10years. nton. Among the craft displayed will be Stan reakfast will be served from 7 a.m. to Wallis' Red Wing Black Bird (a two-place ~ n. On display will be home-built·air- bi.plane) powered by a 351Ford V-8auto- ArNEWTOWNE .-...... ::::J t plus antique planes dating back to mobileengine. ) 1930s. Another feature will be the formation .. Iri lenty of parking will be available. flights of the open cockpit Stearmans (bi- PLAZA .. I~ I \1 I bers of the local Civil Air Patrol will planes) from the New Hudson airdrome. -.. ( tparking. Weather permitting, planes will be flying Ford Rd. & She~don Rd. in Canton Twp. ome-built planea on display are typi- in from many points in Michigan and fwhat you could build in your garage, Ohio.

,.. p.. a

I I I Shutterbugs to' I , ,o...... -- I ~I• I OPEN t I SUN., I compete at fest- I 00 JULY 7 • 0FF 10-5 • Observer Newspapers again will spon-' tions may be directed to Marybeth Dillon "', S3 . . '. .',._. sor a color photo contest in conjunction Ward, editor of the Canton Observer, M"to 00 J 0FF ONE ROLL with the 1985Mayflower Hot Air Balloon Emory l?aniels, editor of the Plymouth S2 38EXP. Festival. Observer, at 459-2700. ONE ROLL As in past years, the winning entry will The fIrst-place winner, in addition to.- 24EXP. be published in full color:on Page 1A of having his/her photo printed on Page 1A the Plymouth Observer and Canton Ob- of the Canton and Plymouth Observers, server in the fall.· . will receive a weekend for twu in the May- The contest is sponsored by the Canton flower Hotel, $50 cash, a 16-by-20-inch and Plymouth Observer newspapers with framed copy of their entry, two rolls of co-sponsors Quicksilver One Hour Photo, film and free processing from Quicksilver. 1313 Ann Arbor Road in Plymouth, and The second-place winner will receive a the MayflowerHotel. framed ll-by-l4-inch enlargement of their A major change in the competition this entry, ,a roll of film and free processing year is that the contest will be for color from Quicksilver, $25 cash, and free Sun- prints only, instead of slides as in past day Brunch for four in the Mayflower THE DONUT SCENE SPECIALS years. Prints entered will become the Meeting House. pr~ of Observer 85Eccentric News- Third-place winner will receive an 8-by------.------~Homemade l' } r------ONE papef.sand will not be returned. 10-inchframed enlargement of their entry, WAFFLE \ ':":." DOZEN Anyone wanting to retain a personal a roll of film and free processing from copy should have an extra print made be- Quicksilver, and Sunday dinner for four at DONUTS fore submitting their entry for the con- the Mayflower Hotel. CONES VJ test. Honorable mentions will receive free All entries should have the name, ad- ...processingfor one roll of m.m from Quick- ::~~r.:ard99¢ 99 dress and phone number of the photogt'a- silver and a meal pass for two from the Guernsey Farml with pher placed on the back of the print. Per- Mayflower. coupon I $1 .:.:. Ice Cream RegUlar Price '1.50 I sons are advised to keep the negative of Only one entry per person will be ac- RegUlar Price '2.95 doz. their entry on fIleso it can be submitted if cepted. I at Canton Store Only I 1. ~__~ ~ _ they are chosen a winner. I EJtp/IW July 14, 1_ I Exp/IW July 14, 1_ Employees or family members of em- Photographs must be taken in the ployees of the Observer as Eccentric news- , Plymouth-Canton area during the three- papers are ineligible. THE DONUT SCENE day festival, Friday through Sunday, July Judging will be done by photographer ~7. ' Bill Bresler, assisted by members of the Canton NORTHVILLE > Open 24 Hours We handle Open 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 7 days The deadline to submit entries is 5 p.m. Observer news staff. Criteria will include 42200 Ford Rd. at Lilley wholesale 314 N. Center Slat Sheldon Rd. Friday, July 19.Entries may be mailed or composition, color, ability to reproduce on accounts 981·5858 348-0006 delivered in person to the Observer News- newsprint and degree of difficulty in tak- I papers at 489 S. Main, Plymouth. Ques- ing the shot.

. . (4l . . ' .. " W_ ,

- ...... ~~

... n ..

• 00':'''"",,'' "'...... Help you can trust The Arbor Health Building

Minor Emergency Services Private Physician Offices 313/455·1900 313/455·1908 8 a.m.-IO p.rp. 365 days a year including holidays More than 20 specialties of physicians physician always on duty serve our community at the Arbor Health Building, centrally located in downtown Other special health care services at the Plymouth at the comer of Ann Arbor Thlil Arbor Health Building include: and Harvey Street. All physicians are asso- ciated with Catherine McAuley Health Health Promotion classes and activities Center, which includes St. Joseph Mercy Complete Laboratory and X-Ray Services Hospital and Mercywood Hospital in Mental Health Services Ann Arbor. Call 455-1908 for a physician The Arbor Health Building is affiliated with Occupational Health Services referral. Arbor Health Building 990 West Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, Michigan 48170 3131455-1906 .• ft .•. j t I P .. I i I •• M9 . , . , ,." ,;-:"', au; - _ ••• ' • , f , : ' • , I ... "-!-!_'.'.',', ',' '.'.. ~.'-----'---- ...~:.:~!.-.','-'-'-.-'-'.--'-'-'-'..•-'~. ,'. .,,~. • I TttpbidaY~JuIy4~1985 __ • MiyaOwer~roon~i1- •• w • - - - ••• ------P8ge!'f.1- ~

-".--_..- ....- .."-0-- --

v : .... ~-::.--

"A. . . man Js reach- should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven jar?"

/ . Robert Browning



BILL BRESLER/staff photographer Billowing, balloons Hot air ballooniats fall in love with the colorful, public apectacle a festival creates. Such peaceful pageantry arrives thia weekend for folks in Plymouth and Canton. ;{l'------J IHot air balloon pilot school set - A Hot Air Balloon Seminar will be held censes. Tuition of $125 (additional family in Plymouth the end of August. members at $30 each) includes all class- The seminar will be conducted by Van room presentations, hand-out materials, Stifler who is associated with the Fort and loan of an aeronautical chart, circular Wayne Ground Schools. protractor, and test guides. The session will begin at about 8:30 Stifler also is a designated written test a.m. at the Mayflower Hotel on Aug. 3 examiner appointed by the FAA and will and 4. administer the test upon course comple- Those completing the two-day course tion. Stifler guarantees that persons at- will be eligible to take a written exam to tending the seminar will pass the FAA become a licensed hot air balloon pilot by .written exam or tuition will be refunded. the Federal Aviation Administration The classes begin 8:30 a.m. Saturday (FAA). and Sunday, Aug. 3-4, with a lunch break The seminar will cover such topics -as at 11:45 a.m. Afternoon sessions will run federal regulations, density, altitude, lift- from 1-4 p.m. On Sunday the written ex- ing force, landing, ballooning weather, ams will be given at 1 p.m. and will last equipment, vocabulary, aeronautical about 90 nminutes. charts, weather reports, good operating Reservations are necessary and may be practice, and mountain flying. made by calling the Wicker Basket Bal· The seminar covers the information re- loon Center at .669-4230 or by callin" quired for both private and commercial Stifler at 219-747-5533.Payment is due on hot air balloons, and free balloon pilot li- the-morning of Aug. 3. ~· . -, I .. I I • I • , • I' • I I (t , • , , t • I • I I , • Q', . 4~.I • 1 • f~ f· I - ~aoe12 f Maytlower Balloon festival Thursday, July 4, 1985 I ENTER THE CANTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FREE DRAWING - Entries Must Be In By July 8th WIN A TRIP TO THE BAHAMA~ Compliments of Canton Eagle. BALLOON RIDE Compliments of the Canton Chamber, CHANDELIER Courtesy: of Master Lighting . ~ ~ ....~ •...... I ..- I .•...... I PLlIS ·lNJJlJ'lJJlIiU I I I . PBIZES FROBJIANJ' I • I I • ~ I 1 - PAllTlCIPATlNG BlISINB66ES I I ~~ ~~ • • • ~~~~ I I • "+.#'. I • I ~'" ,4i' I • • to ,~-'"~ ..~ I I • ," ~~AQJ· I I • ~,~ I I I . ~ I I I • : COUNTRY : HAIR I : I PLACE I UNISEX HAIR SALON • • FEED STORE . • 8481 Lilley Rd. - • : 8108 CantonCenterRd.' .1 Golden Gate Center " ' ,I. Canton • 459·6699 Canton • 459·7350 4 I •...... •I I ·~·········....4-.-----~---I .... I i 1 I I I I I I I' • I • I I I I I • I I I • 1/ .... I1/ .... I1/ .... I I ~ ~ ~ • .. ~ - 0- • ., ft~ I ..~ I"~ • • 0" ~O v I 0" ~ • ~.. tO~ I ," • j I' ~ I I I I L I • I I I • • I I • WHITE'S I WAYNE I : LIGHTHOUSE : SALES & SERVICE : BANK • '. I CAR WASH a 10 I Mowers, Tillers, Tractors & I • I MINUTE OIL CHANGE I Trimmers celebrating Our 2nd Year I MEMBER FDIC I 7775 Sheldon Rd., ,41852 Ford 44520Michigan I '...... I 41889Ford Rd.,Canton, 981.0877.1 .Canton...... •...... •453·5287. Canton· 981-5900, Canton. 397-1150 I • • I I I • I I I • I I I • • I I I I I I • I I • • • "+.#'o I • I I .~o.."' • I I I ..~ ..0 •

• I I ,..0 • I I I I I • I I • I I T1HJu MMc/Mn" AN I ,, I MASTER • STITCHERY· I"=:PMIIcI/MtlZ,;; _ I ~ • I I HoIII, I " WOO OS .::::::'tJI"t..n,c::a., : LIGHTING : '7he"HomeofCountedCrossStltch, II==-~ I Custom Framesand Framing ~AM~c.. • .", PotJICIJe, I I I 39485Joy Rd.,Canton, 455-6780I ""'''''~''''''''''CMIt1nIW8IIppIy, I I 44125FordRd.Canton· 981·3666. Pine Tree Plaza - 2 Blocks E. of 1-275 I ~10111· I _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =~...,.,.,.-.~.~.-tiMtJI_.."",,~ • " . - .. • g .}.~ • I QOO~O~O~OO~OOOOOOO~OO~O~O~OOO o 0 o 0 (; o I~ o INC. (» o SINCE 1933...

o o I) o o Through July 31st o o o o For The Finest In o Diamonds, o o Precious Gems, o o Watches, o o and o Gold Jewelry ... o o ~ 0 (» D!tJttJuxtIv~tUV 0 o 101 E. MAIN at CENTER ST. 29317 FORD ROAD at MIDDLEBELT 0 o NORTHVILLE GARDEN CITY 0 o 349-6940 422-7030 0

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ooo~o~o~oo~ooooooo~oo~o~o~oo fj DIAMOND EARRING I 1 I I' I DIAMOND PENDANT 0 DIAMONDS o Special Special 0 PRECIOUS GEMS • FINE WATCHES • o Y2CT Total Weight Y2CT Diamor:ld Pendant fJ If\ REG. $769.95 REG. $1175.00 \JI SPECIALLY PRICED ~ !!I SPECIALLY PRICED 0 ItJ.. $599.00 ' ,"~\'-&IflI? 8899.00 ~ V \\i!l./ V ~//;i o VICT Total Weight l/:CT Diamond Pendant Q n REG. $309.95 REG. $419.95 n V SPECIALLY PRICED SPECIALLY PRICED V o $249.00 $309.00 0

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Why does Orin Jewelers have a successful jewelry store? Why does Orin Jewelers do over half their business selling diamonds and precious gems?

It's simple. Orin's sells only quality merchandise. We also have the most reasonable prices on diamonds, precious gems and gold jewelry set in the latest and most fashionable styles.

Don't be fooled by lf2 off sale prices and special ORIN J. MAZZONI, JR. deals. You can buy a lf2 carat diamond anywhere MICHAEL A. MAZZONI Certified Gemologist from $600.00to $3500.00,depending on the Registered Jeweler quality. The bottom line is, that Orins cares how you spend your hard earned money, and we make it a point to see that you get what you pay for.

Does this sound like the kind of store you have always been looking for? If so, we hope you will give us the opportunity to prove the difference a professional jeweler can make. QOOOO~OOOOOOO~OO ~O <>O~ O(~I

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Size makes these diamonds spedal, quality makes them desirable ~ andvaluem4lkesthem a necessity.All this from usto you. V o The larges~ selection in diamond solitaires Q aOO~O~O~OO~OOOOOOO~OO~O~O~oO ~.:MBf" 29317 Ford Road at Middlebelt ( ',': ) 101 E. Main Street at Center Garden City, MI ~;~,~. t"~ c.,~ Northville, MI (313) 422-7030 ICIl,'1 GE hi <;,0 HEGISTEHEIl .JEWEUms • CEH'I'Wlim GEMOLO

RALPH STANLEY EMMA SMITH LARRY SPARKS ~"======I ~.'======I JULY 19 ~t.: JULY 20 r:,# JULY 21 ~~ Ralph Stanley & Clinch Mountain Boys Dave Evans Goins Brothers Larry Sparks Southern Gospel Singers Robin Tackett Goins Brothers Wade & Julia Mainer Waterloo Bluegrass Boys Dave Evans Emma Smith - OPEN STAGE - Wade & Julia Mainer (Original Mountainers) Vernon Mcl ntyre & All Bands Interested Landon Misser Appalachian Grass Contact Us By July 1st Vernon Mcintyre & Appalachian Grass & MORE

SHOW GOES ON • Sound by North Country Grass • Home cooked foods • M.C. - Sherman Funk & Curley Dan RAIN OR SNOW • Beautiful FREE camping, (in the rough), (no refunds). lots of shade trees TICKET INFORMATION • Limited electric sitcs - 30 amps. $10.003 days N • Playground - be sure and bring the kids Advance Ticket Deadline - July 10 ... this is a family festival! 16 and under NO EXCEPTIONS J·M BRIGHTON free with parents 3 Days Advance-$15.00 per weekend At Gate - $20.00 per weekend M • Nice Dance Floor t N Friday: $10.00 - Saturday: $10.00 Ch u) • Clean restrooms, lighted parking lot - w Sunday: $8.00 ~ ::) i security on grounds • FROM • Special parking for motorcycles One of the largest selections of Bluegrass NORTH & Old Time Music records in tile area. EXIT 53 • Gates open Thursday at 4:00 p.m. By Old Homestead Records W J E ir All pets must be on leash - No alcohol Concessions Welcome in concert area, please no drugs. 1 FROM Ch SOUTH ex: w~ EXIT so <~ For More Information Contact: i ..J on 0 MARVIN RAMSEY - 8705 Nollar Road, Whitmore Lake, MI48189 ... Z Phone: (313) 449-2055 or (313) 662-0983