Students to Delllonstrate Housing Scarce
Weather Tuesday: sunny-50's Tuesday night: fak-30's -the -new hamp.shire Wednesday: partly sunny-60!s Volume 67 Number'9 · - Tuesd.ay Octo_ber 12, 19.76 ~------_...,....__~.......,.~--~~--~~....,..--------...~~----_,;....,,.....g~~~~-m,N.H . Parking, pass-fail a1nong issu-es Students to delllonstrate By Diane Breda "l think that meetings I The Student Cauqus unani A student body demonstration between students and ourselves mously voted on the student is tentatively scheduled for would be better," he said. "I've body demonstration at their Thursday Oct. 21 at 12: 30 p.m. been making myself available to ·weekly meeting Sunday night. on the frortt lawn of Thompson listen to students as .often as I Addressing the caucus,. Stu- Hall to voice student concerns can. I will continue to do so. dent · Body President Dave over the handling of student •· "Pass-fail is strictly a senate Farnham said the demonstration related issues. matter," he continued. "That's must be "professionally organ~ The issues behirid the demon the only p1ace it can be settled. ized." stration are: As for the things that happened Farnham stressed the point -24-hour visitation eliminated over the summer, well, that's that the support of the student by the administration· when when they came to a head and DEMONSTRA'fION pacre 4 Richard Stevens, vice provost of had to be dealt with." ' <=> student affairs, withdrew his recommendation supporting the policy last spring because of ·"ex.- Sti11ings food fight· - pressions of opinions from many people," -the Kari-van cutback in bus service this fall to the surprise of costs school $3,534 many Kari-van commuters, , By Duncan Sweet ·tial Life and Dining, Inge ·Lock -the two hour wait in line for Director of Residential Life said, "It was like kids irt diapers; registration this fall, · David Bianco closed the Stoke by the time they get to college -the parking situation in re stde of Stillings dining hall for one would assume they would spect to -students receiving tick Sunday supper and- part of Mon nave obtained a higher level of ets without warning.
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