Call for Quotes for the procurement of consultancy services for the drafting of a feasibility study in relation to the EU funded project:

ERDF 403 - Enriching ’s Touristic and Cultural Offer – Restoration of timber ceiling at the Sacra Infermeria, Grand Master’s Palace Courtyards and façade adjacent to Archbishop Street and the Embellishment of Castille Square

REF: CFQ – MOT – 01-15

Date Published: 17th July 2015 Deadline for submission: 28th July 2015 – 10.00 am. Opening Session: 28th July 2015 – 10.15 am

Operational Programme I – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of Life Tender part-financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Co-financing rate: 85% EU funds; 15% National Funds

Investing in your future



VOLUME 1 SECTION 1 – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ...... 4 A. GENERAL PART ...... 4 1. General Instructions ...... 4 4. Financing ...... 4 5. Eligibility ...... 4 11. Call for Quotes Expenses ...... 6 12. Labour Law ...... 6 13. Law ...... 6 14. Language ...... 6 15. Commencement of Services ...... 6 16. Ethics Clauses ...... 6 17. Data Protection and Freedom of Information ...... 7 18. Gender Equality ...... 7 1.1 Beneficiary country ...... 8 1.4 Relevant country background ...... 8 1.5 Current state of affairs in the relevant sector ...... 8 CONTRACT OBJECTIVES & EXPECTED RESULTS ...... 9 2.0 Overall objectives ...... 9 Specific objectives ...... 10 1.7 Results to be achieved by the Consultant ...... 10 ASSUMPTIONS ...... 11 3.0 Assumptions underlying the project intervention...... 11 SCOPE OF THE WORK ...... 11 4.0 General - Project description ...... 11 Specific activities ...... 14 Project management ...... 14 LOGISTICS AND TIMING ...... 15 5.0 Location ...... 15 5.1 Commencement date & Period of execution ...... 15 REQUIREMENTS ...... 15 6.0 Personnel ...... 15 6.3 Office accommodation ...... 16 6.4 Facilities to be provided by the Consultant ...... 17 6.5 Equipment ...... 17 REPORTS ...... 17 7.0 Reporting requirements ...... 17 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...... 17 8.0 Definition of indicators ...... 17 8.1 Special requirements ...... 17


TENDERER’S TECHNICAL OFFER (ORGANIZATION & METHODOLOGY) ...... 19 FINANCIAL BID ...... 20 CALL FOR QUOTES FORM ...... 21 Declaration Form ...... 22 Statement on Exclusivity and Availability ...... 24 DRAFT CONTRACT FORM ...... 25




1. General Instructions

1.1 In submitting a quote, the bidder accepts in full and in its entirety, the content of this call for quotes, including subsequent Clarifications issued by the Ministry for Tourism, whatever his own corresponding conditions may be, which he hereby waives. Bidders are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, contract provisions and specifications contained in this tender document.

No account can be taken of any reservation in the call for quotes as regards the document; any disagreement, contradiction, alteration or deviation shall lead to the bidder’s offer not being considered any further.

1.2 The subject of this call for quotes is: Call for Quotes for the procurement of consultancy services for the drafting of feasibility study in relation to the EU funded project – ENRICHING VALLETTA’S TOURISTIC AND CULTURAL OFFER – RESTORATION OF TIMER CEILING AT THE SACRA INFERMERIA, GRAND MASTER’S PALACE COUTRYARDS AND FAÇADE ADJACENT TO ARCHBISHOP STREET AND THE EMBELLISHMENT OF CASTILLE SQUARE.

1.3 This is a global price contract

1.4 This call for quotes is being issued under an open procedure.

2. Timetable

DATE TIME* Deadline for submission of quotes 28th July 2015 10:00am

Public opening session 28th July 2015 10:15am * All times Central European Summer Time (CEST)

3. Criteria for Award:

The tender will be awarded to the cheapest technically compliant quote. The Bids shall be evaluated for the technical qualifications of the key expert as per clause 6.1 of the Terms of Reference. If the bidder fails from this stage of the evaluation process, the bid will not be considered further.

4. Financing

4.1 The project is co-financed by the European Union, in accordance with the rules of Operational Programme 1 - Cohesion Policy 2007 – 2013 (Investing in Competitiveness for a Better Quality of life.

5. Eligibility

Participation in this call for quotes is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons of the Member States of the European Union, the beneficiary country, any other country in accordance with Regulation 64 of the Public Procurement Regulations.

Natural persons, companies or undertakings who fall under any of the conditions set out in Regulation 50 of the Public Procurement Regulations, 2010 (Legal Notice 296 of 2010) may be excluded from participation in and the award of contracts. Bidders or candidates who have been guilty of making false declarations will also incur financial penalties representing 10% of the total value of the contract being awarded.


Bidders submitted by companies forming a joint venture/consortium must also fulfil the following requirements:

 One partner must be appointed lead partner and that appointment confirmed by submission of powers of attorney signed by legally empowered signatories representing all the individual partners. The call for quotes must include a preliminary agreement or letter of intent stating that all partners assume joint and several liability for the execution of the contract, that the lead partner is authorised to bind, and receive instructions for and on behalf of, all partners, individually and collectively.

 All partners in the joint venture/consortium are bound to remain in the joint venture/consortium until the conclusion of the contracting procedure. The consortium/joint venture winning this contract must include the same partners for the whole performance period of the contract other than as may be permitted or required by law.

6. Cancellation

The Ministry for Tourism may cancel this call for quotes procedure if the offers received are deemed to be abnormally high when compared to its estimated price.

7. Submission of Quotes

7.1 The bidder’s submission must be typed in, or handwritten in indelible ink. The Price quoted shall be excluding of VAT however the successful bidder shall be liable to pay all applicable charges and / or taxes. The currency of this call for quotes is the Euro (€).

The envelope must bear only:

(i) The address of the Ministry for Tourism; (ii) The reference of the invitation for the call for quotes concerned i.e. (CFQ-MOT.01/15) (iii) The name of the bidder / company.

The financial offer must be submitted in English and deposited in the Ministry for Tourism’s tender box at the Ministry for Tourism, 233, Republic Street, Valletta – , before the deadline for submission.

Offers must be submitted either by recorded delivery (official postal / courier service) or hand delivered to:

Ministry for Tourism, 233, Republic Street, Valletta, Malta

Late offers shall not be considered.

7.2 Documents to be submitted with the Bid:

a. Tenderer’s Technical Offer;

b. Financial Bid (as per Annex );

c. Call for Quotes Form (as per Annex);

d. Declaration form (if key experts are public employees);

e. Statement on Exclusivity and Availability (as per Annex );

f. CVs and Company profile.


8. Sub-contracting

Sub-contracting is not allowed.

9. Implementation period

The contract shall be executed within 8 weeks from last signature on contract

10. Contract signature

All bidders shall be informed whether they were successful or unsuccessful in this procedure. The successful bidder will be invited to sign the Contract within three (3) days from notification. Only this Contract will constitute an official commitment on the part of the Contracting Authority, and work cannot be effected until the Contract has been signed.

11. Call for Quotes Expenses

The bidders will bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the quotes.

12. Labour Law

Particular attention is drawn to the conditions concerning the employment of labour in Malta and the obligation to comply with all regulations, rules or instructions concerning the conditions of employment of any class of employee.

13. Law

By submitting their quotes, bidders are accepting that this procedure is regulated by Maltese Law, and are deemed to know all relevant laws, acts and regulations of Malta that may in any way affect or govern the operations and activities covered by the tender and the resulting contract.

14. Language

The quotes and all correspondence and documents related must be written in English.

15. Commencement of Services

Following the signing of the contract by both parties, the Project Leader will issue a written notice.

The Contractor must inform the Ministry for Tourism’s representative by return that he has received the notice.

16. Ethics Clauses

Any attempt by a candidate or bidder to obtain confidential information, enter into unlawful agreements with competitors or influence the adjudicating committee or the Ministry for Tourism during the process of examining, clarifying, evaluating and comparing tenders will lead to the rejection of his candidacy or tender and may result in administrative penalties.

Without the Ministry for Tourism’s prior written authorisation, the Contractor and his staff or any other company with which the Contractor is associated or linked may not, even on an ancillary or sub-contracting basis, supply other services, carry out works or supply equipment for the project. This prohibition also applies to any other programmes or projects that could, owing to the nature of the contract, give rise to a conflict of interest on the part of the Contractor.

When putting forward a candidacy or bid, the candidate or bidder must declare that he is affected by no potential conflict of interest, and that he has no particular link with other bidders or parties involved in the project.

The Contractor must at all times act impartially and as a faithful adviser in accordance with the code of conduct


of his profession. He must refrain from making public statements about the project or services without the Ministry for Tourism’s prior approval. He may not commit the Ministry for Tourism in any way without its prior written consent.

For the duration of the contract, the Contractor and his staff must respect human rights and undertake not to offend the political, cultural and religious morals of Malta.

The Contractor may accept no payment connected with the contract other than that provided for therein. The Contractor and his staff must not exercise any activity or receive any advantage inconsistent with their obligations to the Ministry for Tourism.

The Contractor and his staff are obliged to maintain professional secrecy for the entire duration of the contract and after its completion. All reports and documents drawn up or received by the Contractor are confidential.

The contract governs the Parties' use of all reports and documents drawn up, received or presented by them during the execution of the contract.

The Contractor shall refrain from any relationship likely to compromise his independence or that of his staff. If the Contractor ceases to be independent, the Ministry for Tourism may, regardless of injury, terminate the contract without further notice and without the Contractor having any claim to compensation.

The bid concerned will be rejected or the contract terminated if it emerges that the award or execution of a contract has given rise to unusual commercial expenses. Such unusual commercial expenses are commissions not mentioned in the main contract or not stemming from a properly concluded contract referring to the main contract, commissions not paid in return for any actual and legitimate service, commissions remitted to a tax haven, commissions paid to a recipient who is not clearly identified or commissions paid to a company which has every appearance of being a front company.

17. Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Any personal data submitted in the framework of the procurement procedure and/or subsequently included in the contract shall be processed pursuant to the Data Protection Act (2001). It shall be processed solely for the purposes of the performance, management and follow-up of the procurement procedure and/or subsequent contract by Ministry for Tourism without prejudice to possible transmission to the bodies charged with a monitoring or inspection task in conformity with National and/or Community law.

The provisions of this contract are without prejudice to the obligations of the Ministry for Tourism in terms of the Freedom of Information Act (Cap. 496 of the Laws of Malta). The Ministry for Tourism, prior to disclosure of any information to a third party in relation to any provisions of this contract which have not yet been made public, shall consult the contractor in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, pertinent subsidiary legislation and the Code of Practice issued pursuant to the Act. Such consultation shall in no way prejudice the obligations of the Ministry for Tourism in terms of the Act.

18. Gender Equality

In carrying out his/her obligations in pursuance of this contract, the bidder shall ensure the application of the principle of gender equality and shall thus ’inter alia’ refrain from discriminating on the grounds of gender, marital status or family responsibilities. Bidders are to ensure that these principles are manifest in the organigram of the company where the principles aforementioned, including the selection criteria for access to all jobs or posts, at all levels of the occupation hierarchy are amply proven. In this document words importing one gender shall also include the other gender.



1.1 Beneficiary country

The Republic of Malta

1.2 Contracting Authority

Ministry for Tourism, 233, Republic Street, Valletta

1.4 Relevant country background

Malta is an island situated at the centre of the Mediterranean Sea, 93km south of Sicily and 288km north of Africa. The area of the country is 316km2. It consists of an archipelago: Malta, Gozo and Comino and three other smaller uninhabited islets. The two main islands are linked by means of a regular ferry service. On 1st May 2004 Malta became a member of the European Union. The resulting population density in Malta amounted to 1,291 persons per square kilometre, making it by far the most densely populated country in Europe. Malta receives around 1.4 million tourists a year, mainly originating from Europe. The vast majority of Maltese citizens are Catholic. Malta has two official languages: Maltese and English. Most of the local population speaks both languages.

1.5 Current state of affairs in the relevant sector

Specifically this Contract of Service refers to the area of Valletta. Valletta (alternatively Belt Valletta, Città Umilissima, or Humilissima Civitas Valletta) is the capital city of Malta. It is located in the central-eastern portion of the island of Malta and has a population of 6,315.

Valletta, the Città Umilissima, is essentially Baroque in character, with elements of Mannerist, Neo-Classical and Modern architecture in selected areas. Although many of its treasures survive, World War II left major scars on the city. The City of Valletta was officially recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1980.

The Valletta peninsula has two natural harbours, Marsamxett and the Grand Harbour. The Grand Harbour is Malta's major port, with unloading quays at Marsa. A cruise-liner terminal is located along the old seawall of the Valletta Waterfront which was built by Grandmaster Manuel Pinto de Fonseca.

Buildings of historic importance include St John's Co-Cathedral, formerly the Conventual Church of the Knights of Malta. It has the only signed work and largest painting by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. The et Leon, formerly the official seat of the Knights of Malta of the Langue of Castille, Léon and Portugal, is now the office of the . The Magisterial Palace, built between 1571 and 1574 and formerly the seat of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, now houses the offices of the and the Armoury.

The Mediterranean Conference Centre was formerly the Sacra Infermeria. Built in 1574, it was one of Europe's most renowned hospitals during the Renaissance. The fortifications of the port, built by the Knights as a magnificent series of bastions, demi-bastions, ravelins and curtains, approximately 100 metres (330 ft) high, all contribute to the unique architectural quality of the city.

Tourism Policy 2015 - 2020

The off-peak city-tourism destination concept is one where emphasis would be placed on the already known name of Valletta, which from the marketing perspective refers not only to the

8 territory occupied by the Capital but extends to the entire urban fabric of the destination. This is already encapsulated within the Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture concept to include historical urban areas such as the Three Cities, Mdina/Rabat, Victoria, Gozo and the historical cores of numerous towns and villages.

Such a conscious shift requires a much broader definition of culture beyond historical sites, museums and traditional manifestations to include other tangible and intangible elements of Maltese life which are ultimately connected to the lifestyle experiences which tourists are increasingly seeking.

Complementary to this, the archipelago’s various natural assets including specific locations and landscapes need to be properly valorized given their importance in providing a unique and distinct contextual setting to the urban environments which are considered to be so important to the further development of off-peak tourism flows. Policy Direction

In this regard, in the coming years, government’s policy for the area will be:

• The development of the city-tourism dimension will ensure that the social and economic development arising from urban regeneration opportunities as a result of Valletta 2018 are fully exploited in the long-term;

• Increased volumes of off-peak city-tourism will not only ensure that the benefits of Valletta 2018 are widespread and lasting but will also contribute to raise the country’s visibility and profile on an international scale.

Cruise industry

In spite of their relatively short stay, cruise passengers visiting Malta take advantage of the short travelling distances in the country and have the opportunity to experience a range of world class attractions including the UNESCO World Heritage City of Valletta including St John’s Co-Cathedral and the Grandmaster’s Palace, the ancient capital city of Mdina, the Neolithic Temples and the Hypogeum and the Island of Gozo. This, apart from the highly impressive and historically significant Grand Harbour with its famous perimeter of fortifications

One of the most positive impacts on cruise visitors to Malta is the stunning entrance into Valletta’s historic harbour, making the Malta visit one of the highlights of a cruise, especially when compared to more industrialised and commercial harbours in other cities. Apart from the accolades given by consumers themselves, the international travel trade has also recognised Malta’s strengths in this sector.

Cruise visitors entering Valletta will now have a better access to the city as well as restored cultural artefacts that will enrich their cultural and touristic experience.1


2.0 Overall objectives

The overall objectives of the project of which this contract will be a part are as follows:

The overall objective of this contract is to prepare a feasibility analysis for the EU funded project – Enriching Valletta's touristic and cultural offer – Restoration of Timber ceiling at the Sacra

1 More information can be obtained from the recently published National Tourism Policy – 2015 - 2020


Infermeria, Grand Master's Palace Courtyards and Facade adjacent to Archbishop Street and the Embellishment of Castille Square.

Through this project the Ministry for Tourism, in collaboration with the Mediterranean Conference Centre and the Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation will carry out the following interventions:

Mediterranean Conference Centre  Restoration of the original ceiling of the Sacra Infermeria at the Mediterranean Conference Centre and the restoration of part of the external facade;

Castille Square  Paving and embellishment of Castille Square and the installation of artistic lighting;

Grand Master Palace  Restoration and Conservation of the Prince of Wales (Neptune) Courtyard and Prince of Albert Courtyard; Restoration of Archbishop Side of the Grandmasters Palace and installation of Artistic Lighting at the Prince of Wales/Neptune Courtyard

The Consultant will be required to evaluate the financial and economic feasibility of the project and to complete the financial details To carry out these tasks effectively, the consultant should liaise continuously with the competent authorities and other external consultants working on the project. The Contractor must carry out meetings with the various stakeholders involved in the project.

Specific objectives

The objectives of this contract are as follows:

(1) Prepare a feasibility study to assess the financial and economic viability of the project Enriching Valletta's touristic and cultural offer – Restoration of Timber ceiling at the Sacra infermeria, Grand Master's Palace Courtyards and Facade adjacent to Archbishop Street and the Embellishment of Castille Square’ Project. This study is to be carried out according to the indicative guidelines provided by the European Commission2;

(2) Liaise with the national competent authorities and with other external consultants involved in the project

(3) Attend for meetings with the Contracting Authority, external consultants and other interested authorities as required, to discuss and present the results of the feasibility study.

(4) Complete the financial details in the EU Cohesion Fund application form for non-major projects including the calculation of the EU grant and the calculation of annual (operational) costs involved in sustaining the project.

1.7 Results to be achieved by the Consultant

(a) Formulation of complete feasibility study to assess the financial and economic viability of the investment, established in accordance with all relevant EU guidelines and criteria. The studies should be finalized by not later than 8 weeks from last signature of contract. Continuous liaison with competent authorities and other external consultants will be expected for the timely completion of the required studies.

2 ‘The New Programming Period 2007-2013. Guidance on the Methodology for Carrying Out Cost-Benefit Analysis. Working Document Number 4.’ Published by DG Regional Policy in 2006. ‘Guide to Cost–Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects’ for ERDF, ISPA and the Cohesion Fund. Published by DG Regional Policy in 2002.


(b) Additional financial studies which may be required by the Contracting Authority and which are in line with the objectives of this contract;

(c) Timely completion of the financial details in the format set out in the EU Funding application form for non-major projects.

(d) Presentation of results to the Contracting Authority and other national authorities interested in the development of this investment;


3.0 Assumptions underlying the project intervention

(a) No delays will occur in this procedure which will delay the start of the assignment;

(b) Good cooperation between the Consultant, Contracting Authority, and other bodies working on the project, including other external consultants;

(c) The Consultant’s team is adequately experienced and qualified for the project’s requirements;

(d) The Consultant is assumed to be flexible and capable of respecting strict deadlines;


4.0 General - Project description

Seasonality and diversificaiton of the tourism offer are an important aspect of the tourism product which need to be addressed in order to ensure a more equal distribution of tourism flows in the low season. Culture is an important niche which attracts a substantial number of tourists during the low and shoulder months. Thus the strategic decision taken by the Ministry for Tourism and the Malta Tourism Authority, way back in 2000, to start diversifying the tourism offer so that Malta is not represented solely as a Sun and Sea destination.

This move towards a more quality based tourism offer was further manifested in the tourism policies issued by the Ministry for Tourism in the years that followed.

Malta has achieved quite a lot in this sector, with a number of agencies being formed over the years as well as national projects being implemented, thus enriching the cultural offer of the islands. The investment by government (local funds) as well as the number of EU funded projects in the sphere of culture and tourism are a clear manifestation of the commitment to ensure a more holistic product which is of a higher quality and in line with tourist expectations.

Project in detail:

A. Restoration and Consolidation of the Timber Soffit at the Mediterranean Conference Centre

(i) The works on the ceiling and attic:-

One of the most important procedures to be done to all the timber heads is that is important to open all the pockets around the heads. These were in previous restorations closed by pieces of stones and cement mortars. These materials first and foremost tend to attract more moisture to the areas surrounding the beams. Then secondly they are closing off the passage of air around the timber heads which is very important for the conservation of timber. And lastly they are creating a very rigid joint which is not what the timber beams need. Thus all the cement plastering and pieces of stone will be removed and the pieces of wood are replaced in the pockets, as sacrificial cushion. The timber heads will be left to have air movement around them. This will facilitate drying of the heads and avoid further rotting. The beams which are highly deteriorated will be

11 repaired. This will be done without dismantling any area of the ceiling. However the beam in question and the area around it will be adequately supported. The pocket around the timber head will be opened slightly more in order to be able to manoeuvre the section appropriately. The rotten area and approximately 30cms beyond will be cut. The cut out area will be replaced with a timber beam of the same dimensions as the one removed and will be fixed in place with stainless steel dowels or glass fibre reinforced dowels at the corners. This will give back the structural capacity to the beam.

(ii) Restoration of the back facade

One of the most important procedures to be done to avoid further rotting of the timber heads is to close all open joints present on the outside back wall. If this is not carried out, water will continue to infiltrate and the timber heads will remain in contact with high moisture contents. The only way to stop insect and fungal attack is to lower down the moisture content of the wood.

(iii) Restoration of the internal staircase

B. Upgrading works at Castille Square

Castille Square is an artery entrance for Valletta with no open spaces for the public and tourists. A refurbishing of the square to bring it closer to its original form would accentuate all the history and architectural grandeour that the square has to offer. Having controlled access of traffic to the square, improving its accessibility and accentuating its splendour would assist government in reaching its objectives of improving the splendour of the capital by 2018 – the year of the capital culture. In this regard the refurbishing of the square shall include the following:

(i) Paving and Embellishment of the square. Aesthetically improving the paving at the Square in order to enhance the artistic architecture of the square: The first major street to be re-paved and pedestrianized in recent years was the main commercial area of Republic street with the project being taken in hand in 1997. The choice of the main paving material for this street was Porfido interwoven with hardstone elements. Most other streets in the Capital have since been paved in the same materials; porfido being preferred as it is a very resilient material which can also take heavy traffic loads. Castille Square will thus be paved with Porfido Cubetti and Binderi with limited use of Hardstone. Cast iron decorative bollards will separate the pedestrian areas from the vehicular areas, most of which could also be removed if necessary in order to create a wider open unified pedestrian space if necessary for special events. The porfido cubetti shall be placed in an overlapping arches pattern. The proposed paving slabs, kerbs and silo capping stone units shall be of the first quality naturally occurring hard stone. The paving will be placed around recessed ground luminaries, manhole covers, rainwater catchment grilles,ventilation grilles to basements etc.

(ii) Artistic Lighting to accentuate the visibility and detail of the square: The street lighting needs to be adequately designed in order to enhance the new layout and features of the square. These features include the Silos (representative elements of the old wheat silos in the square), the walkways (overlooking the ditch), the planters and trees areas, the spheres (forming the new main traffic route), the monuments (adequately lit as main prominent features in the square), the fountain and the old decorative lamp posts which were originally designed and manufactured in the now closed Malta Foundry in the 1970’s (salvaged from the existing installation, refurbished and reinstated). A new architectural state of the art lighting system is proposed for the area to enhance the value of the historic architectural monuments during the dark hours as well as to improve orientation. The architectural lighting system enhances the features of these buildings through the use of energy efficient LED fittings, installed on the facade of the St James Cavalier, the Auberge de Castille and the Malta buildings. These fittings will be centrally controlled through a programmable system so as to provide the possibility of creating different “moods” for different occasions to the facades.

The entire lighting system is being designed so as to improve energy efficiency through the use of LED fittings throughout the installation with limited light pollution. The inclusion of


artistic lighting in the square would not only help intensify its aesthetic function but it will increase the attractiveness of the place for the visitors and evoke a pleasant atmosphere.

(iii) Relocation of monuments, removal of trees which are located in front of Auberge de Castille and removal of the roundabout and central strips: The trees at Castille Place are obstructing the magnificence of Auberge de Castille and the bastions, a unique heritage left in Valletta by the Knights of St.John. Their removal will also increase the accessible surface area of the square. Moreover, as explained in previous sections, the square was planned and envisaged as a defence area where trees were not planted and thus it can be admired further if obstructions are removed and the area is restored to its former glory. Nevertheless, special attention will be dedicated for the transplantation of the trees and both local and a foregn horticultural and arboricultural experts will be commissioned. In order to transform the area into a pedestrian zone and accentuate the grandeur of the square, the monument of former Prime Minister George Borg Olivier will be relocated closer to the Malta Stock Exchange while the Manuel Dimech monument will be relocated closer to St. James Cavalier.

(iv) Upgrading of existing services: The repaving of the square necessitates the upgrading of all the services in the area including the water mains, electricity cables, irrigation systems and other service installations.

C. Restoration works at the Palace of the Grandmaster

(i) Restoration and Conservation Works at the Prince of Wales courtyard and the Prince of Albert Courtyard: This includes conservation works to the external building fabric of the elevations, loggia and floors to the Prince of Wales Courtyard (also known as Neptune’s courtyard) and the conservation works to one elevation (Bibliotheca Side) and floor of the Prince Alfred courtyard at the Grandmaster's Palace. This includes primarily the restoration of deteriorated masonry fabric, removal of cement-based renders and pointing, stabilisation of detached masonry facings, cleaning, and reinstatement/ reconstruction of missing/ deteriorated sections of the masonry fabric. Specifically the following interventions shall take place in the Loggia and Main Entrance as well as the Courtyard Walls:

(a) Removal of metal inserts and dead cables (b) Removal of cement renders and plastering which are detached or deteriorated (c) Racking out joints where the existing mortar is falling out or has completely deteriorated (d) Cleaning of masonry fabric (e) Epoxy-injection intervention for cracks through the structure (f) Pointing of open joints after having all open joints cleaned from dust and loose material (g) Plastic repair to be used in areas where the reconstruction of a surface or profile is required and when the replacement of stones is undesirable or unpractical (h) Replacement of damaged masonry stone (i) Plastering and paintings for the loggia and main entrance (j) Lime wash for courtyard walls

Moreover all timber apertures will be checked for any incompatibilities in the opening mechanisms, locks and hardware and shall be replaced if faulty. Where paint is flaking off, the particular section will be properly sanded and painted. Any broken glass will be replaced. It is not envisaged that the apertures will be removed and work will be carried out in situ.

(ii) Restoration of Archbishop Street Side: As a result of the deterioration mentioned in previous sections, the following works would need to be undertaken in order to prevent further damage to the structure: (a) Erection of scaffolding (b) Stonework: stone replacement as necessary including replacement of badly deteriorated fascias, cornices and moldings and reinstatement of lacunae. There are also needs to be a consolidation of friable stonework which is to be retained. (c) Cleaning : cleaning shall be done by dry/wet brushing or poulticing depending on deposits to be removed (d) Pointing works: opening of defecting joints, flush pointing with a lime-based mortar 13

(e) Finishing works: installation of pigeon-protection system (f) Timber apertures and balconies: wood replacement as necessary would need to be done; sanding down and application of wood preserver and paint finish (g) Gypsum Corbels: removal of deteriorated and friable parts including supporting timber frame and reinstatement (h) Metal works: maintenance and/or replacement of wrought iron work in windows and balcony railing as necessary (i) Dismantling of scaffolding. (j) Cleaning during the restoration intervention. Cleaning will be limited to removal of black crust and extreme black staining. Lichens will be retained and in cases where harmful species are found or when such lichens are growing on detached mortar joints, the HPU will be consulted on the way forward. (k) Other consolidation techniques adopted in restoration interventions include structural consolidation, stone replacement, plastic repair and extensive repointing.

(iii) Artistic Lighting at the Neptune/Prince of Wales Courtyard: The proposed lighting system is envisaged to enhance the architecture of the Palace and also better display all the restoration works which shall be carried out. Considering the numerous visitors and tourists that the Palace attracts all year round it is important to accentuate and embellish its main external space, The Neptune Courtyard. The new illumination set up shall be designed to enhance the architecture of the facades and create pleasing effect with the play of light and shade of the sculptured facades during the night. The system shall have different lighting moods and be energy efficient and hence reduce running cost. The system will also provide adequate lighting levels for the users and eventually help to attract more visitors and possible set up of functions in the courtyard, also at night.

Sie plans of the different areas are being attached with this document

Geographical area to be covered

The project will cover part of the Valletta peninsula as per plans attached namely works in the Mediterranean Conference Centre, Works in Castille Square and Works in the Grandmaster’s palace. Target groups

The project aims to ensure restoration of some of Valletta’s main cultural gem as well as increase accessibility into the capital. Main target groups are tourists (especially cruise liner visitors) entering Valletta through the Upper Barrakka Garden or up Glormu Cassar Road, as well as tourists visiting the Grandmaster’s palace, and the Mediterranean Conference Centre. Other target groups include locals visiting the capital as well as residents of Valletta Specific activities

The Contracting Authority and the external consultants will make available the technical information which is of relevance for the Contractor to formulate the necessary financial and economic studies,. The Contractor will therefore be expected to work in close collaboration with other external consultants working on the this project. The Contractor needs to update himself and take due consideration at all times of the specific methodological guidelines and other policy documents issued by the European Commission and national competent authorities which are of relevance for this contract.

The Contractor will also be expected to liaise continuously with the Contracting Authority and to attend for meetings upon request by the Contracting Authority and other interested authorities in relation to the subject of this contract. The Contractor will also be required to present the results of the contract at the end of the assignment. The final study must be presented in three printed hard copies as well as an electronic copy. Project management

Responsible body

The project is led by the Ministry for Tourism in partnership with the Mediterranean Conference Centre and the Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation.


Management structure

The project will be led by a Project Leader who responds to Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Tourism.

The part of the project at the Mediterranean Conference Centre will be carried out by a contact person within the Mediterranean Conference Centre working in collaboration with Restoration Unit within the Ministry for Justice, Culture and the Local Government whilst the upgrading at Castille and restoration at the Grand Master’s Palace will be carried out by the Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation who are acting as contact persons and Project Managers of these two line items.

The EU and Policy Development Directorate within the Ministry for Tourism will be responsible for the financial management and monitoring of the project.

Facilities to be provided by the Contracting Authority and/or other parties

No facilities will be provided by the Contracting Authority.


5.0 Location

The management of the project will take place within the premises of the tenderer.

5.1 Commencement date & Period of execution

A contract will be drafted and given to the winning bidder who must sign it and return it to the Ministry for Tourism within 3 calendar days. The Ministry will then sign contract and commencement day shall be within 3 days of the last signature.

The period of execution of the contract will be of 8 (eight) weeks.


6.0 Personnel

Other experts

6.1 Key expert - Feasibility co-ordinator

The Key Expert must have the following qualifications and knowledge:

Qualification and skills

 A post graduate degree, at EQF level 7, in Economics / Environmental Economics or Management

Accademic / Professional Background

 Knowledge of working procedures and EU funding programmes;


 Knowledge of Feasbility studies;  Knowledge of the local tourism sector;  Good communication skills in both spoken and written English and Maltese;


The feasibility co-ordinator shall lead the whole process. He/shall liaise directly with the Ministry for Tourism officials, GHRC officials and any other stakeholders involved in the process. He shall be held directly responsible for the successful completion of the Feasibilty Study.

S/he must have the following:

(1) Knowledge in preparing financing and economic analysis for the European Commission;

(2) Knowledge of the financial modelling and analysis of regeneration projects in particular for the socio-economic and physical sectors;

- In-depth knowledge of EU funds and related policy documents;

- Knowledge of EIB and World Bank projects and assessments in the field are an asset, - Technical expertise in performance assessments for regeneration will be considered an asset;

CV of the key expert is to be handed in with the bid presented and must clearly show knowledge of the above.

The Consultant shall select and hire other staff as required according to the profiles identified in the Organisation & Methodology.

For the purposes of this contract, international experts are considered to be those whose permanent residence is outside the beneficiary country while local experts are considered to be those whose permanent residence is in the beneficiary country.

The Consultant should pay attention to the need to ensure the active participation of local professional skills where available. All experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities accorded to them.

Public employees may be recruited as experts as long as it is ascertained through the attached self- declaration; that they do not fall in any of the provisions laid down in the Public Administration Act - Chapter 497 of the Laws of Malta (First Schedule Code of Ethics Article 5). This self-declaration is to be endorsed by all Key Experts (who are also Public Employees). They are also to sign a statement of availability and exclusivity for the duration of this project.

6.2 Support staff & backstopping

In case any of the key experts is unable to provide his service due to force majeur s/he will provide an adequate substitute who will have to be approved by the Contracting Authority.

6.3 Office accommodation

The Contractor shall provide his own office area and facilities.


6.4 Facilities to be provided by the Consultant

No facilities are being provided by the Contracting Authority as part of this service contract or transferred to the Contracting Authority / beneficiary country at the end of this contract.

6.5 Equipment

No equipment is being purchased on behalf of the Contracting Authority / beneficiary country as part of this service contract or transferred to the Contracting Authority / beneficiary country at the end of this contract. Any equipment related to this contract which is to be acquired by the beneficiary country must be purchased by means of a separate supply tender procedure.


7.0 Reporting requirements

- Feasibility Study which will be presented to the Managing Authority as part of the EU ERDF project;

- Any additional financial studies as requested by the Contracting Authority which are in line with the specific activities of this contract;

- Completion of the financial sections and Risk assessment, according to the format set out in the EU funding application form;

- Presentation of the results of the contract to the Contracting Authority and other interested authorities.

- Summary of the whole report including overall recommendations.

Financial feasibility checklist as issued by PPCD in the call for applications must be filled in. Consultant carry out work must consult with PPCD to ensure that these are the final checklists as well as to ensure if there are any additional checklists. All reports should include a statement to the effect that the Operational Programme was co- financed by the Structural Funds as per EU guidelines and regulations on publicity.

Specifically the report should follow definitely the following sections of the CBA Guidelines ‘European Commission's Guide to COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS of investment projects’;


8.0 Definition of indicators

The performance of the contract will be measured by the acceptance and approval of the tasks performed under this contract by the competent authorities.

8.1 Special requirements

There are no further special requirements.


9 Payments schedule


Contractor must present a draft feasibility study by the 7th week of operation. The Ministry for Tourism officials (and partners involved in the project) will revert with feedback and then the contractor will have one week to present the finalized feasibility study which must include the comments made by the Contracting Authority as well as feedback on comments which were not included.

Payments shall be effected upon submission and approval of the feasibility report upon presentation of an invoice.

Payments shall be effected by 40 days of approval of report, failing which the provisions of the Late Payments Directive will come into effect.

Final report must be approved by PPCD. Should the PPCD pin point any changes which must be carried out, the contractor will be bound to carry out such changes at no additional costs for the Ministry for Tourism or its partners.

9.0 Delays in Execution

The flat rate compensation per day for penalty of delay is €100 and the maximum aggregate for such compensation is €1200.

10.0 Cancellation of Contract

The Ministry for Tourism reserves the right to cancel this contract if the contractor is not performing and / or has fallen behind schedule and award the contract to the second cheapest technically compliant.

11.0 Intellectual property rights

All reports and data such as maps, diagrams, drawings, specifications, plans, statistics, calculations, databases, software and supporting records or materials acquired, compiled or prepared by the Contractor in the performance of the contract shall be the absolute property of the Ministry for Tourism. The Contractor shall, upon completion of the contract, deliver all such documents and data to the Ministry for Tourism. The Contractor may not retain copies of such documents and data and shall not use them for purposes unrelated to the contract without the prior written consent of the Contracting Authority.

The Contractor shall not publish articles relating to the services or refer to them when carrying out any services for others, or divulge information obtained from the Ministry for Tourism or its partners in this project, without the prior written consent of the Ministry for Tourism

Any results or rights thereon, including copyright and other intellectual or industrial property rights, obtained in performance of the Contract, shall be the absolute property of the Ministry for Tourism, which may use, publish, assign or transfer them as it deems fit, without geographical or other limitation, except where intellectual or industrial property rights already exist.



To be completed by the tenderer


 Any comments on the Terms of reference of importance for the successful execution of activities, in particular its objectives and expected results, thus demonstrating the degree of understanding of the contract. Any comments contradicting the Terms of reference or falling outside their scope will not form part of the final contract  An opinion on the key issues related to the achievement of the contract objectives and expected results  An explanation of the risks and assumptions affecting the execution of the contract


 An outline of the approach proposed for contract implementation  A list of the proposed activities considered to be necessary to achieve the contract objectives  The related inputs and outputs  Any risks identified in the carrying out of this contracts and mitigating measures


 The timing, sequence and duration of the proposed activities, taking into account mobilisation time. Bidder must present a Gantt chart with bid presented.  Proposed timeframes clearly indicating when meetings are being proposed, first drafts to be presented as well as final document presented  The identification and timing of major milestones in execution of the contract, including an indication of how the achievement of these would be reflected in any reports, particularly those stipulated in the Terms of reference



N.B - Three decimal points do not exist as currency; therefore such offers cannot be accepted. Offers are to be submitted up to two decimal points.

Global price for drafting of a Feasibility plan in relation to the enriching Valletta's touristic and cultural offer – Restoration of Timber ceiling at the Sacra Infermeria, Grand Master's Palace Courtyards and Facade adjacent to Archbishop Street and the Embellishment of Castille Square.

Description Total including Taxes, Other Duties & Discounts but exclusive of VAT

Amount in Euro (€)

Drafting of a Feasibility study €...... in relation to the EU funded project - Enriching Valletta's Amount in Words: touristic and cultural offer – Restoration of Timber ceiling at ...... the Sacra Infermeria, Grand Master's Palace Courtyards and ...... Facade adjacent to Archbishop Street and the Embellishment of ...... Castille Square ......




(A separate, distinct Call for Quotes Form must be submitted for EACH OPTION – if applicable - submitted)

Publication reference: CFQ-MOT 01-15

Call for Quotes for the procurement of consultancy services for the drafting of a feasibility study in relation to the EU funded project: Enriching Valletta’s Touristic and Cultural Offer – Restoration of Timber Ceiling at the Sacra Infermeria Grand Master’s Palace Courtyards and Façade Adjacent to Archbishop Street and the Embellishment of Castille Square

A. Call for

Quotes (This will be included in the Summary of Bids Received) SUBMITTED BY: In case of a Joint Venture/Consortium: Nationality Proportion of Name(s) of Leader/Partner(s) Responsibilities2 Leader 1

Partner 1

Etc …

1. Add/delete additional lines for partners as appropriate. Note that a sub-contractor is not considered to be a partner for the purposes of this tender procedure. If this Call for Quotes is being submitted by an individual tenderer, the name of the tenderer should be entered as 'leader' (and all other lines should be deleted)

2. Proposed proportion of responsibilities between partners (in %) with indication of the type of the works to be performed by each partner (the company acting as the lead partner in a joint venture/consortium, they must have the ability to carry out at least 50% of the contract works by its own means. If a company is another partner in a joint venture/consortium (i.e. not the lead partner) it must have the ability to carry out at least 10% of the contract works by its own means).

3. No subcontracting is allowed.

B CONTACT PERSON (for this call for quotes)

Name Surname

Telephone (____) ______Fax (____) ______





Declaration Form


1. It is hereby declared that all employees engaged on this contract shall enjoy working conditions including wages, salaries, vacation and sick leave, maternity and parental leave as provided for in the relative Employment Legislation. Furthermore, we shall comply with Chapter 424 of the Laws of Malta (Occupational Health and Safety Authority Act) as well as any other national legislation, regulations, standards and/or codes of practice or any amendment thereto in effect during the execution of the contract.

2. It is hereby declared that no part of the services to be provided under this contract shall be sub-contracted to an economic operator who has in his employment employees, who are already in employment with the bidding entity and are carrying out, with the sub- contractor, the same or very similar duties as those in their contract of employment with the bidding entity.

3. The sub-contractor/s agree to all the conditions listed in this statement.

4. It is hereby declared that the service being provided under this contract will be carried out solely by the bidding entity employees, or bona fide self-employed individuals. No work will be carried out by persons designated as self-employed where their actual employment status in terms of the Employment Status National Standard Order LN 44/2012 is that of an employee.

5. It is hereby declared that all the employees of the bidding entity, whether providing services to the contracting authority or not, have a written contract of service and are registered with the competent authority of my country, which in the case of Malta is the Employment and Training Corporation. If this tender is awarded to us, we shall furnish a list of employees who will be providing the services. Copies of the written contracts of service of the employees will be available at any time for inspection.

6. It is hereby declared that the bidding entity’s employees shall be given a detailed payslip containing all relevant details including the amount paid, normal hours worked, overtime hours, hours worked on Sundays and Public Holidays, hours availed of as leave or sick leave, a breakdown of bonuses/allowances as well as deductions made (such as social security contributions and income tax).

7. It is hereby declared that all the wages/salaries of the bidding entity’s employees are paid only by direct payment in the employee’s bank account.

8. It is hereby declared that the relevant bank statements of wage/salaries’ deposit and copies of the detailed payslips will be made available as and when required by the Director of Industrial and Employment Relations.

9. It is hereby declared that if the bidding entity is found in breach of any of the above declarations it is accepted that this contract will be terminated and that we will have no right to be compensated for any damage we may have suffered or will suffer in the future in respect to this termination.

10. A list of the minimum hourly workers’ costs involving the provision of the employees’ services in this tender is being attached.

Signature ......

Name of Signatory ......

I.D. No...... 22

Name of bidder/contractor ......

Date ......


Statement on Exclusivity and Availability



I, the undersigned, hereby declare my exclusivity and availability in the above- mentioned call for quotes procedure in case of award. I further declare that I am able and willing to work for the period(s) foreseen for the position for which my CV has been included in the event that this tender is successful, namely:

From To

...... < start of period 1 > < end of period 1 >

...... < start of period 2 > < end of period 2 >

< etc > < etc >

I confirm that during the above period(s) I am not engaged in another project in a position which will prevent me from providing the services for which I am being nominated for this bid.

Furthermore, should this bidder be successful, I am fully aware that if I am not available at the expected start date of my services for reasons other than ill-health or force majeure, I may be subject to exclusion from other tender procedures and contracts and that the notification of award of contract to the tenderer may be rendered null and void.

Name of Key Expert: ......

Signature: ......

Name of bidder : ......

Date: ......



Financed by: European Regional Development Fund – Operational Programme I – Investing in Competitiveness for a better Quality of Life Project: Procurement of consultancy services for the drafting of a feasibility study in relation to the EU funded project: Enriching Valletta’S Touristic and cultural offer – Restoration of timber ceiling at the Sacra Infermeria, Grand Master’S Palace Courtyards And Facade Adjacent To Archbishop Street and the embellishment of Castille Square

Contract Number: CFQ – MOT – 01-15

This contract is concluded between:

Ministry for Tourism 233, Republic Street, Malta

(hereinafter called “The Ministry”) on the one part, and

[Name of Contractor] [Address]

(hereinafter called “The Contractor”) on the other part,

Whereas the Ministry is desirous that certain services should be executed by the Contractor, viz.:

Procurement of consultancy services for the drafting of a feasibility study in relation to the EU funded project: Enriching Valletta’S Touristic and cultural offer – Restoration of timber ceiling at the Sacra Infermeria, Grand Master’S Palace Courtyards And Facade Adjacent To Archbishop Street and the embellishment of Castille Square and has accepted a quote by the Contractor for the execution and completion of such services and the remedying of any defects therein.

It is hereby agreed as follows:

1. In this contract words and expressions shall have the meanings assigned to them in the contractual conditions set out below.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this contract, in the following order of precedence:

(a) this Contract, (b) the Terms of Reference, (c) the Contractor’s technical offer (Organization & Methodology) (including any clarifications made during adjudication), (d) the Financial Offer (after arithmetical corrections)/breakdown, (e) the Tender Form, (f) any other documents forming part of the contract.

Addenda shall have the order of precedence of the document they are modifying.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Contracting Authority to the Contractor as hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor undertakes to execute and complete the works and remedy defects therein in full compliance with the provisions of the contract.


4. The Contracting Authority hereby agrees to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the works and remedying of defects therein the amount of:

 Contract price (excluding VAT but including other taxes): €......

 Contract price in words:...... Euro

or such other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the contract. VAT shall be paid in compliance with National Law (in particular the VAT Act 1998, the Act No X of 2003 and relevant Legal Notices).

5. In witness whereof the parties hereto have signed the contract. This contract shall take effect on the date on which it is signed by the last party.

7. The provisions of this contract are without prejudice to the obligations of the Ministry in terms of the Freedom of Information Act (Cap. 496 of the Laws of Malta). The Ministry, prior to disclosure of any information to a third party in relation to any provisions of this contract which have not yet been made public, shall consult the contractor in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, pertinent subsidiary legislation and the Code of Practice issued pursuant to the Act. Such consultation shall in no way prejudice the obligations of the Central Government Authority in terms of the Act.

Done in English in two originals: one for the Ministry and one for the Contractor.

Ministry for Tourism: Contractor:

Signed by: Signed by:


In the capacity of: In the capacity of:


Being fully authorized by and acting on behalf of


Date: ...... Date: ......