OCTOBER 2020 Price 50p


Each of our churches has a planned Giving Scheme using weekly envelopes, periodic cheques or Bankers Orders. If you pay income tax, please ask for details of GIFT AID making it easy to you to give and for your PCC to recover the tax paid on your donation at no extra cost to yourself. Charities Aid Foundation cheques also accepted.

Details from: Mrs. Judith Haywood 470317 David Robertson 472414 Jan Jones 750840


THE CHILDREN’S SOCIETY Mrs. Judith Haywood Marksbury 470317 Stanton Prior Mr. & Mrs. S Ladd Farmborough 471666

CMS - RWANDA Supported by Farmborough Church

UNITED SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL Supported by Marksbury Church: Contact Mrs. J Roberts 470455

CHILDREN’S GOODWILL VILLAGE, INDIA Supported by Stanton Prior Church

FARMBOROUGH MEMORIAL HALL Modern, well equipped hall available for regular bookings, functions and parties, WiFi available. Main hall seats 100. Stage, kitchen, bar area. Meeting room. Parking. Good access for disabled. Contact: Phil Gray 07474 383 090 or email: [email protected]

MARKBURY VILLAGE HALL Attractive & well equipped. Capacity of 100. FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Reasonable prices. Apply Charlie Webb 07792 670 541 or email: [email protected]

STANTON PRIOR VILLAGE HALL Comfortable vintage Village Hall alongside a walled garden. Lovely views. Seats up to 60, Disabled access.High-speed wifi. Apply to Jane Wyatt [email protected] or 01761 471346

FARMBOROUGH GOOD NEIGHBOURS Offer residents help with transport. Contributions welcome. Please give 48 hours’ notice and DO NOT leave a message on an answerphone in case the person you call is away. Contact: MICHAEL CREESE 750826 or MAL & DONNY ALLEN 470277




FARMBOROUGH Churchwarden Tom Cook 569742 Churchwarden Catherine Taylor 472137 PCC Treasurer Jan Jones 750840 PCC secretary Lisa Hegan 01749 831672 Synod Representative Chris Lovell 470425 Choir Leader Chris Lovell 470425 ARK Liz Ladd 471666 Tower Captain Patrick Bridges 471074 Transport Liaison Catherine Taylor 472137 All Saints Officer Email contacts:

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

MARKSBURY Churchwarden Tony Caisley 472708 Churchwarden John Muggleton (01225) 872183 PCC Secretary Judith Haywood 470317 PCC Treasurer Gill Hurley 472747 Tower Captain Robert Perry Synod Representative Tim Roberts 470455

STANTON PRIOR Churchwarden Frances Zagni 479351 Churchwarden Richard Kitchener 470012 PCC Secretary Valerie Hardwick 479758 PCC Treasurer David Robertson 472414 Synod Representative Jane Davies 471346

Services for October 2020

4/10/20 11/10/20 18/10/20 25/10/20 Holy Harvest with Farmborough Communion Family & Holy Morning 11am Friends Communion Prayer

Intercessor Liz Ladd Tom Cook Lisa Hegan Jan Jones Farmborough Tom Cook Charlie & Ann Swabey David Willis Philippians Nicky Stone 2Timothy 4: Nehemiah 8: Readers 3: 4b – 14 Luke 12: 5 – 17 1 – 4a, 8 -12 Charlotte Barbara Farmborough Jan Jones 16 - 30 Strange Chard Matthew 21: Luke 10: Matthew 24: 33 - end 1 - 9 30 - 35 Holy Marksbury No service No service Family & Communion 9.30am Friends Harvest with Stanton Prior Morning Holy No service No service 9.30am Prayer Communion

At Harvest Services - Stanton Prior on the 4th & Farmborough on the 11th bring along non- perishable food [i.e. tins, packets] which will be donated to a local foodbank.

As space remains limited in Church due to social distancing it is hoped the service pattern should enable villagers & regular congregations to attend a service in their regular place of worship. Recorded or live (organ/piano) music is permissible but there will be no congregational singing and wearing of masks is required.

Although services are resuming the weekly sheet with prayers and Bible readings will continue to be available by e-mail and could be used as a basis for worship, if you would like to be included on the distribution list for the virtual service contact your PCC Secretary [details page 3]

AND…. on Mondays Monday @ 9 continues via zoom. If you would like to join us please contact Sally Davis on [email protected] before Sunday evening so she can send the link to the service beforehand.

The Diocese of Bath & Wells also have links to prayers & services which you may wish to access using the following link…. https://www.bathandwells.org.uk/


11th Harvest 18th Luke – Evangelist & Apostle 21st Trafalgar Day 24th United Nations Day 28th Simon & Jude - Apostles

This month more Bloopers from Church Bulletins,

announcements or other publications!

Also there are some ‘smile lines!’

‘The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the

Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the

pancake breakfast next Sunday.’


Next steps for the Benefice.

Following a meeting in September with the church PCCs, our patron & the Archdeacon the process for appointing our next rector was explained, it’s quite complex, involving careful thought and much prayer. Our patron, the Martyrs Memorial and Church of Trust (CPAS) plays an important part in selecting and shortlisting candidates but the church PCCs are able to endorse or veto and the bishop has the final say. The whole business can take a year or even 18 months, but sometimes it’s much shorter, depending on available candidates. Part of Preb Jan’s time involved working with Bath Spa University where she served as chaplain, it’s likely that role in future will link to one of the Bath churches. The new incumbent will continue to serve our trio of parishes, but the remaining part of the job has yet to be finalized by the deanery; meanwhile the most important task for us now is to prepare a Parish Profile, a sort of job description involving our three parishes. It includes the things for which we are most grateful to God, things that seem to be working well and areas where we are struggling. It should give some idea of how we see our churches developing and the qualities we are particularly looking for in the successful applicant. The rector is an important part of the community as a whole, and he or she doesn’t just serve the churchgoers. Everyone is warmly invited to have a say in any aspect of this and it would be great to have your views. Please contact either Chris Lovell ([email protected]), Judith Haywood ([email protected]) or one of the churchwardens with any comments, (details page 3). Chris Lovell Prayer for the Interregnum

GOD OUR FATHER You have welcomed each one of us in Jesus and called us to be His Body in this place; Send us your Holy Spirit, at this time of uncertainty and change, to fill us with vision, energy, and faithfulness in prayer, that we may be true to our calling to bring new life to our community; And guide with your heavenly wisdom those who are to choose a new Incumbent for this parish, that the one whom we receive may be a wise and gentle shepherd of your people: ready to serve us with joy, to build us up in faith, and to lead us by example in loving obedience to your son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen

During the interregnum ENQUIRIES about baptism, confirmation and weddings should be made by contacting one of the Churchwardens in the relevant Parish.

AND SAY HELLO. If you have new neighbours, please let a Churchwarden know so they can receive a copy of Trio & a ‘hello’ from the Church family.

Letter from the The Rt. Revd. Ruth Worsley Bishop of Taunton.

October 2020

I was expecting to be on sabbatical as I write this but of course you will all now be aware that Bishop Peter is receiving treatment for leukaemia and thus I am back in the diocese. He is as cheerful as ever and very much values your care, thoughts, prayers, cards, flowers and so many warm messages. Thank you! Please keep praying for him, Jane and the family.

Coping with the ‘unexpected’, whether it is news about health, the pandemic or a personal diagnosis like +Peter’s; or a change of plan such as my sabbatical, can set us in a spin. We don’t always know how to respond. It requires us to adapt, to change, to rethink how we will live.

I’m reminded of the story of Elijah who felt overwhelmed by the circumstances around him. A national drought both from rain and faith left him feeling vulnerable and alone. And although God made Himself very evident in the events of Mount Carmel, Elijah still felt under siege and fearful, wanting to die rather than face the wrath of Jezebel. And so he ran! And in the book of Kings we find God meets with him. First of all bringing him refreshment of body and mind through sleep and food. And then, when his well-being is restored, he discovers the voice of God, not in the strength of storm or wind but in a ‘still small voice’.

I wonder where and how you might hear the voice of God? Across the diocese we are entering into a listening project to hear what God might be saying to us, in and through the strange times in which we now live. We welcome your thoughts so please do share them with us.

Praying God’s blessing on us all

Bishop Ruth

‘Any church member over 18 is welcome on our new lay ministry programme. It requires minimal training and time: just six weeks of about 200 hours each Tuesday night’.

‘Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges.’

Reminder of… ALL SAINTS APCM

Date: Saturday 24th October Time: 10.30am Venue: Church.

The meeting will be held observing the local social distancing guidelines at the time. Masks will need to be worn and no refreshments will be served.

We are seeking to appoint 2 Churchwardens, 2 Deanery Synod representatives and 6 PCC representatives from the Church Electoral Roll who are active communicants i.e. have received communion at least three times during the 2019 year.

If you are unable to complete a nomination form due to Covid19 then please do contact me by phone or email. Lisa Hegan Weekly Planned Giving Envelopes for All Saints To all present users, you will be aware that the present series finishes at the end of the September. The Covid situation has meant that collection of these envelopes hasn’t been possible in the usual way. However, many of your envelopes have reached me in various ways and some users have switched to standing order to ensure your gifts reach our church funds, for this I am grateful. At the time of writing, the new sets of envelopes have yet to arrive, slowed no doubt by the present Covid climate. As soon as I receive them, I will be in touch to check whether you would still like to donate in this way and will get the envelopes to you. Of course, I am always happy to come and collect if used envelopes have accumulated. The weekly envelope scheme has been operating for many years and is a regular way of putting aside your gift for church funds. If there is anyone who would like to join the scheme, please do give me a call. Meanwhile as soon as the envelopes arrive, I will let you know. Again, my grateful thanks for getting your donations to me during lock down. Jan Jones Treasurer All Saints 01761 750840 07773345507 [email protected]. Christmas is coming… At the moment, coffee mornings aren’t possible, but if anyone would like to think about ordering Christmas cakes or puddings, mincemeat, traybakes, shortbread or home-made bread in time for the festive season, we are hoping to provide these to order. Price lists will be in next month’s TRIO, or contact Gill Hurley (01761 472747) or Judith Haywood (01761 470317) - in aid of church funds. As for cards, we can provide mixed packs: 5 cards for £2.50 all proceeds to St Peter’s , Marksbury

The next Meeting of Marksbury PCC will be on October 7 at 7p.m. in church.

‘A gossip is someone with a great sense of rumour’.

In our Prayer Diary this month we pray for the homes and families in the area from Whidcombe Farm down The Street past the Village Hall as far as The Green.

the Village Hall as far as the Green. In the Lectionary this month we remember: - On October 6 William Tyndale was born in about 1494 in Stinchcombe near Dursley in Gloucestershire. He became an English scholar and was a leading figure in the Protestant Reformation. He is best known for his translation of the Bible into English at a time when anyone found in possession of an English translation was liable to be executed. He was fluent in French, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, German, Italian and Spanish. He said, ”We had better be without God’s law than the Pope’s”. Tyndale defied the Pope. He said, “I will cause the boy who drives the plough to know more of the scriptures than any priest.” In 1523 he sought permission from the authorities to translate the Bible into English. This was refused, so he left for Europe and in 1526 published a translation, but it was ordered to be burned. Condemned as a heretic by Cardinal Wolsey and Thomas More, he was tried in 1536, and executed on October 6. Within a few years the English translation was published at the King’s behest including Henry’s Great Bible and the Book of Common Prayer based on Tynesdale’s translation. On October 26 Alfred the Great was born in Wantage, Berkshire in around 848, the youngest son of the King of Wessex. His father died when Alfred was young, so he became King of Wessex in 871, then King of the Anglo-Saxons (England) from 886 to 899. He spent many years fighting Viking invasions until he won a decisive victory against the Vikings at the battle of Edington in 878 and made an agreement with the Viking leader, Guthrum which became known as the . He oversaw the conversion of Guthrum to Christianity. Alfred defended his kingdom against Viking attempts at conquest. He was learned, merciful, gracious, level-headed and encouraged education. He proposed that primary education be conducted in Old English rather than Latin. He improved the legal system, military structure and the quality of life for ordinary people. He died on October 26 899. Remember.. North East & Bath Methodist Circuit Area Minister: Revd. David Winstanley Tel: 01761 439 934 40 North Meadows, Peasedown St.John, Bath BA2 8PS Information if required at present can be obtained from Revd.David Winstanley via e-mail:- [email protected]

It is with sadness that we record the death of Mrs. Rose Curtis on September 4. Her funeral at Marksbury church will be on September 30 at 1 p.m. in the presence of her family. Rose took a full part in village events in both Marksbury and Farmborough and had worked faithfully as school caretaker at Marksbury for many years until her retirement. We send our love and sympathy to her family and friends. May she rest in peace.

We hope to add tributes to Rose in the next TRIO.

Farmborough & Marksbury Schools


https://www.farmboroughchurchprimary.org.uk/ https://www.marksburyschool.org.uk/

Both Schools have welcomed pupils back & are delighted how ready they are for the challenges ahead over the next 2 terms.

They would especially like to say ‘a massive warm welcome to our new Reception children, we have all been so impressed with how they have settled in’.

Schools have an open-door policy (albeit virtual at this precise time!) & have said in their newsletters “Please remember that we are here to help, so don’t hesitate to contact us via phone or email if there is anything you would like to discuss; working in partnership to support your child is so important – here’s to another great year together. Thank you for all of the great feedback and continued support.”

Time never stands still so both schools announced news affecting staff in December!!

At Marksbury the news is……. ‘ ‘As some of you may have already noticed… Katie is pregnant. We would like to wish her and her family huge congratulations and we look forward to meeting the new arrival in December’.

….. While at Farmborough they were very sad to announce that ‘Mrs Roberts, our Deputy Headteacher and SENCo, will be retiring at Christmas. She is one of our longest serving members of staff and is going to be greatly missed by our school community’.

Activities on school sites over the Summer to be ready for the new academic year…

Farmborough OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ENHANCED During the summer break a couple of additions were made to our field to enable more activity to take place. We used a large proportion of our Sports grant to have a Redgra running track and outdoor fitness equipment installed, they are already getting plenty of use. At present, it is even more important to be active and get outside and these will ensure that can happen whatever the weather. Many thanks to Mrs Gray and Kieran for putting so much in place to keep the children happy and active.


High Pressure: Gareth & Charlie used a high pressure, steam jet to hose down the playground. It looked like a lot of fun even though they said they were working hard! Thank you Gareth & Charlie

The new Reception children have been really busy getting to know each other, learning about how to protect themselves and their space as well as lots of outdoor learning, enjoying exploring their surroundings.

‘Kids Make Nutritious Snacks.’

‘A talk on drugs will be given at the next Mothers’ Union meeting. This will be followed by a bring & buy sale.’

COMMUNITY UPDATE Some activities have restarted in our Halls but under strict Covid secure guidelines. MEANWHILE others continue via zoom!!

Farmborough Hall update & thank you....

As mentioned in last month’s Trio the Memorial Hall is opening again slowly in line with Government regulations however as a Hall committee we know we must continue to update the facilities so we’re delighted to announce that the kitchen is being refurbished, the bar area will have a water heater allowing for hot drinks to be served from there & the underside of the front canopy is being replaced to smarten up the external appearance as you approach the Hall, all this will happen in the next couple of months.

We are able to do this due to very generous donations [over £6K in total] from residents & the Goodwill Club & we really appreciate this support & thank them for their generosity, this allows us to move forward with our plans despite very restricted use over the last few months.

We have had to cancel our October Craft Fayre & the Quiz night usually held in January but plans for Fund Raising in 2021 include a Craft Fayre on March 6th & we will be looking at further events which may have to run in a different manner to previous times, depending on the guidance at the time.

Finally a thank you to Phil Gray from all the committee for all he has done to ensure we are ‘Covid Secure’. Sally Davis [on behalf of Farmborough Hall cmt.]

‘The Associate Minister unveiled the church’s new campaign

slogan last Sunday:’ ‘I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours!’

Bath & Wells Diocese NEWS… The Manna magazine has now changed to a monthly mailing format rather than a quarterly magazine from the diocese & is issued to Parish Magazine Editors for inclusion in their magazines. Interview - Faith and farming

Farmer Rob Walrond is the diocese’s rural affairs adviser & Churchwarden for St John the Baptist, Pitney.

How does faith and farming connect for you? Around 30 years ago my faith reignited and I gained a greater understanding of creation and my place in it. I came to acknowledge that the success or failure of my business wasn’t a reflection on how good a person I was or how successful I was.

Why do you farm organically? As my respect for creation grew I felt my role as a steward of creation changed. It was not about what I could get out of the land but more about how I could work with the land.

Does your faith help you with farming? I still get mad when it rains just before harvest or if I am up to my knees in mud, but my faith helps me look at things with a wider perspective.

Has the pandemic created any particular problems for farmers? Most have coped really well, but with so few social opportunities the closure of markets and agricultural shows has had an impact. Farmers are used to working in isolation, but we all need social contact.

Do you think people’s view of farmers has changed? One farmer said, “We’ve gone from being an unwanted nuisance to being key workers.” If we can get a greater appreciation of our food, the work that goes into producing it and the provision and generosity from God in providing the harvest, that would be one of the good things that comes out of Covid. News in brief from around the diocese.

Tackling modern slavery together Volunteers from across the diocese are being trained up by Hidden Voices Somerset (HVS) to support victims of modern slavery and exploitation in Somerset.

HVS is facilitated by the diocese with The Clewer Initiative. It’s a local response to modern slavery and exploitation concerned with the provision of victim support and building a self-sustaining anti-slavery network across Somerset.

To find out more about the issue of modern slavery visit www.theclewerinitiative.org To find out how you can play your part in challenging it locally, including volunteering and local training opportunities, contact [email protected].

Petertide Ordinations With the Covid restrictions in place, ordinations in the diocese may have been delayed, but following a series of services across the diocese during Petertide we now have 18 new deacons and 12 new priests. The ordination of the deacons took place at Wells Cathedral, with the priesting taking place in three parish churches, one in each archdeaconry. With only 30 people able to present at each service, it was still not the usual gathering of friends and family in person, but many were able to witness the joyful event on-line.

Cathedral Shop & Café The Cathedral Shop remains open with a wide range of items. The Shop is now staffed by a wonderful set of volunteers, and they'd love to see you. Open Monday to Saturday 11:00am to 3:00pm Sunday 11:30am to 3:30pm

The 'pop-up' Cafe in the Camery Garden continues serving food and drinks. Monday to Saturday 11:00am to 3:00pm Sunday 12:00pm to 3:30pm

Payment is by contactless use of cards.

Cathedral opening Hours 10am-4pm Monday - Saturday; 12pm-4pm Sunday




In Farmborough Lisa has been following this up.

In Marksbury its Tony Caisley 01761 472708 or Judith Haywood 01761 470317or email: [email protected]

& in Stanton Prior contact Valerie Hardwick 01761 479758

I hope you enjoyed September’s Trio & thank you to those who have contributed this month. Ed.


Editor: Sally Davis 472356 Distribution: Betty Baker 470168 Items for the next edition of TRIO, via e-mail please, to Sally Davis on: [email protected] Deadline for copy is Sunday 18th October 2020

‘The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.’

PUZZLE SECTION! Have a go this is a new section which I can keep if people wish, feedback welcome.

MAZE – can you find your way out!!

Wordsearch - the words are in the text!

All Hallows Eve – or Holy Evening Modern Halloween celebrations have their roots in pre-Christian times. In those long-ago days, on the last night of October, the Druid priests celebrated the Festival of Samhain, or ‘Summer’s End’. They lit great bonfires and performed magic rites to ward off the dark supernatural powers of oncoming winter. Today, Christians turn to prayer instead of charms to overcome the powers of darkness. And the deeper, true meaning of All Hallows’ Eve, should not be forgotten. As Christians, we all draw closer to Christ when we remember and give thanks for our loved ones and for others who have gone before us through the gates of death.

But if you’re stuck the words to look for are on the next page!!…

All, Hallows, Festival, Halloween, Druid, Priests, Samhain, Bonfires, Magic, Dark, Supernatural, Powers, Winter, Christians, Prayer, Charms, Deeper, True, Eve, Closer, Christ, Thanks, Loved, Death, Gone.

Easy suduko

Medium suduko PUZZLE ANSWERS

Wordsearch Solution

Easy suduko Medium suduko


Our minister, an avid golfer, was once taking part in a local tournament. As he was preparing to tee off, the organiser of the tournament approached him and pointed to the dark, threatening storm clouds which were gathering. “Sir," the organiser said, "I trust you'll see to it that the weather won't turn bad on us."

Our minister shook his head. "Sorry," he replied. "I'm in sales, not management!”

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