Published under the authority of Wis Exceliency %ha Governor of the Colony and ~r~iecto~dfeof Kenya.

[Vol. XX1V.-No. s25] NAIROBI, May 10, 1922. [Psrcl;: SO CENTS] Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. Published every Wednesday.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. Piic:?, (lovt. Sotice No. 162--Alrriva:s, Departnres, and Appointm~ilts,etc ...... 812

I'roclarnation NO. 54-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906 ...... :3 1:3

(;ovt. Notice No. 163-The Towtlships Ordinance, 1903-Rules ...... 313 *I.' "i,?t &-

;i' :: 1, ,7 , 164-'i'be East Africa Xarriag-e Ordinance, 1902-Notice nlliler

,, ,7 7 l6.5-'1':1e East Africa Towilships C)r+clin~nce,I? 4-Township of Muthaiga-Appointrne~~ts ...... 313

,.> ,.> ), J 7 166-The Public Travel and Access Koads Ord., lR%~b-hppointn~e~~t of Road Board ...... 3 13

> 9) 167-The C~tston~sOrdinance, 1910-Xotice ...... 314

9 1 ,7 J7 168-The Legislative Council 01.iliaai1c,e, 1919-Xppoil~tment ... z314

,) 9 9 )) 169-Confirmation of Ordinailces (Nos. XLTI and XLTJ of 1921) . . . 314 Gen. Notices Nos. 419-448-Miscellaneous Notices ...... 314-323 THIE OIrFTI',TXi L GAZETTE



J . 'Jst . 5 î l.vest er J . 7.3 . 5 e1) ul t z C . Tl . La'rn 1-,) 1-1. A.'r 'PJ) eakstok:t) F . S . () ' 1ïf olon y

APPO I NTMEXTS . S 'W .iH IL I E X AA'I I N AT I O N . 8. 2595. HAMNETT Horuyxxxo Brt.&ssE'.ir-Eov-xltos, to l)e Acting Deputy Lowx:lt Sqrxx-oAus s.svAz-zzLl (PAss). Chief Veterinary Otxcer, with effect f rom the 20th of April, S. V /V. ' 1922. C. IV. HAvEs-s-Avorx.ùmr Assistant Di stricb Commissioner. S. 19161. D.u. &' . M C'ALICEIt , Aledical Omcer of Health. Sa?.&Nt.EV FLETCJIUR Txvruorts to b e Acting Oëcer-in-charge, A'flss A'f. A. P rllqalclw, Nursillg Sister, M edical Department. Central Finger Print Bureau, Native Affairs Department, x%. E. hT. BAETON, Assistant, Ctzstoms Department. wiih effect f rom the 20th April, 1922. E. (7. BALI:, Assistant, Customs D epartment. S. 4586. CAPn?. -X. N . NAIMZIT'I', Port Officer and Pilot. (ifakvtot,o rl'zwz-zuRs'r, Clerk, Railway, to be Acting CAPT. 'R. G. SARGEANT, Pilot, Port Ofhce. Personal Assistant to the General M anager, Uganda Rail- Iu'zn.-tAatnMzlrllt. G. T. 'Wlql'TEI.IoTJsE, D. S. C, , IR.N .IR., Pilot, Port way, with effect f rom the 21st Apri! , 1922. Ofrlce. S. 7399 /3. H . S. 15' TONTNER, M asonry Illstructor, Education Department.

H IS Excellency tlle Governor, has approved of the H . '.E. BllzïosztAw, Assistant M aster, Education Department. f ollowing Land A ssistants being appointad as Assistant Land A. f7. STEVISNSZ P .A.S.I., Junior Staff Survcyor, Survey Omcers f or the purposes of the Crown Lauds Ordinanee, D epartm ent. ' 1915 : J. Nlcutmsox, Executive Engilleer, Public 'W orks Deptz. I-IUBERT MTILLIAM Boltltow. C. R. ROAVLANDS) Postal Clerlc & Telegraphist, Post Ofllce. HISUBERT JO-N Sx'icgAlt. G. V' -. TAYLOR, Jtmior Postmaster, Post ORce. I'IEI)LE5.- EEGINALD HARRIS. 1R. E. ST. BARBE-BAKER, Assistant Conservator of Forests, Forest Dqaartment. ' TIEIGINALD ELLIOTT. H . J. PINK, Assistant Treasurer. CI4:A'.EtLEs EIINVARIA A'IouTtMER. (?,a1>T. C. T. DAVENPORT, Assistant District Commissioner. M ARK SorwoMox's. G. E. tlr4zF'lpl'.m.Is, 1st Grade Etzropean Police Constable.

SECRETARIA'T'. G. A. S. NORTGTCOTV!, NAIROBI. Assistant Colonial S. ecretary. May 10th, 1922. 1 9 w9 -9, .

CCLCSï lh2 8 8 () T E () T g l:l l T E () F 1'( E lh1 ïL ,

l'lttlcLzkAf-&.q?tox N' o . ,5 4 . S . t t) 6 7 / V . S. 1 84 (/.5 /1: 4 . TIIE DTSEASE'S OF ANIM ATZS OIRDINANCEI, 1906. T'HE EAST' AFIRICA M AA RTAGE, ORDINANCE, 1Sû2. PztocluAAfztaaox. IN' EXEI-LCISE of the powers thereunto enabling Ncazcl. zne, 1 l'tereby declare 'ghat tlle lollowing Proclam a'- IN E,XE.IROISE af the pcwers thereunto enabling t uons b e riwoked.. m e, 1 hereby give notice that 1 have appointecl 'the Proclam ation No. 10, datecl the 20th day (!J Tles/-dezlth Cornnaissicner, Rumuruti, to be a Registrar January, 1922, Cktleelarin.g Y'arm N o. L .O . 323, c.f M arriages fcitr tlle Laikipia Diskrict loz. the pur- S . S. 6938, Atfessl's. Adam son ancl W èlliamsozl, pkzses off the aloz-esaicl Ord'-nance.

Loqrer Solai, Nakuru, to be an infected area 2. Govem m ent Xotiee No. 15, (lateâ 11th Janw (Trypanosomiasislj . ttzr , 1$721, under whieii the Senior Com missioner . Proclam aticzl N o 1B5, dated the 8th day c.f Nakuru, and. tlle A ssigt.ant R es-'denii Comm issloner, Septelaaber, 1921, rdeclaring Elclalatl E'slèates, N akuru, were appointetl Regisiraz antl Deputy, Eldore t ,Uasin G '-shu, to, be a.n infeeted a'rea ltcgistrar oi Aiarriages for the .N aivasha Promince ( Bovhle Pleuro-pneumonia) ) . tncluclirlg Laikipta District is azrzended accordingly. ().f vf?n unclez' z'rly hancl at. N a.irclbi tl-i5 s. 27t.1-1 clay c,f N a irobi , April, 1922. Dated tlais znd day of M ay, 1922.

G . A . S . N O IR :17. .HC O TE , Itegistrav General oj AfcrTftzgcd.

1'1-1E' EAST' AFRICA TO-MVN' SH JT S (7 c) A - .E u -.t- z. r lfl x 't' -X7- t ') 'i'. 1( c :i; i-'V. (-) . SN . 2 0 6 1 1 ;i 1- ORDINANCE, 1903. l I'LA ST AèFilIOA 'TOV' TX' SH IPS ORDINANOE Atilwkls. , 1903. IN EX, EIIUISE of tlae powers cozlferzecl upon him ))) tlze Jclpst Afmca Tolwnslzips, Ordè'llaz-tcte , 1t)01$ , ilis L.slcellerl.csy tl'le G'cncernor, lias beeu pleasetl 'ùo m ak e tlae 1 oilowing ltules. : :. rihese l4ulez may be citecl as d 'T'he Eaustleigla ( Sale 0.1 é't-teat) ltules, 1922, ' ' and. shail be read as one vvritth the ' ë T'll.e Eastleigh Tiowzlsif-p Rules, 1921, ' ' l'lcreinal' ter r'elerrecl to as ' / the Prinekpal ltules ' 7) . '?. ln these ltules the wczds ë ' Slaugif/er H ouse' ' shltll l'neaaa tl-ze preznises set. apart by tb.e Corporation ol Nagobi lor the purposes cd a slaughter Jaeuse, anti t'llu words ' ' lï.flea,t lnspeetcsr' ' shall m ean tlte person ezs ployecl by hùl'le said Corporaticm to act. as. M eat' 17 nsipeetoz' or c'thcr qualif-ied persoin authorisecl by them to act in that behalf . é'. N o alaim al shall be slaughterecl ior m eat within the Tolwnship of Eastileigh exc.ept wit'h the written G. A. S. NOIRTX COTE , perqmissl-on o.f the Resident Ccknanlissioner. ' 4 . Except a.% providecl in Rule 3 hereotf, all jOr COIO'1f(zJ Senk'eiary. alai:zaals iintended for hum azl consum ption Nvithin the Tuvczkship of Eaetleigh shall be slaughterecl at the slatlghlger house. S. 304t)/9. 5. Except a.s prov-'decl in Rule 3 no. anim al shall T'H E PLTB LiC TXAVEL AND ACCESS be slaughtered fcr human cctnsum ption until it hag beat in quarazltizlc for a period of 24 hours or such ROADS ORDINANCE, 1920. T'u rther pericd as the Afeat. Inspector m ay T-rect.. 1'.N virtue c.f the pewers, conferred ozl lP (5. No carcase azld ncl port/ion of any earcase shall -m by be solcl or expcsefl for sale until it ltal been inupeete,cl See/-liorz 3 of t,he above-namecl Ordinance, H'is L' rq the 1% leat, Inspector and bears 'ohe stamp ol the Excellency the Goverrlor, has' been pleased to appoir.t as Afem ber's of the Uasin Gishu Distirict Eoad Board, N aiz obi Oo'rporaticlt'l or a certificate has been issuatl Efc.r 1922. c,2 -ttkr fltness. for hum an eoosumption azld. any person dealsng with any carease or portion of a. cazvase 1a.t% bearing the stamp ol ihe Naircb:- Corpctratictn or in rtr?piïet. c.f w-hch no, eertiflcate has been issuetl shall bt, guilty of an cffence. 7. Any persorl nontravening any ol fhe prov:-sitm s of thf?se Rules shall be guiliy ()If an offance liable te 'the penalties prclvided by Rule 356 of t'he Principa! No,. 73 dated (l't'tl1e':9 .

%r;' ecmm and cIf H :.s Exeellena-v ilze Gc'vernor. ' . ' N' Jtircbi , . T'h.a 5'àh day o,f Apri! , 19Q2. G. A. S. NOIRTT-TCOTE, foz Ctll,n?Viaà Seozetary. - ' --' (.7 ( ) h.' 1;-. lt x ôi !s 5.-'1' A-. - (') 7- rc E7: .h- () . 1. t.$ 7 . ,i.? .t' 1 .:2 9 t)/' 1 O '$., drë: irl )' $:'Ikr!T l k: LbLT. r l ' J-'8k-7.' (. )-! , jL (? I-1 -u'.'$,f ).

TH E CUSTOM S 01R' DTNANCE, 1910. CONFIIRATATCION OF OIRDINANCES. Noqqcx. NoTzcE. T'H E Secretary c.f State fgr làhe Colo'nies, has' beeh JN EXE LICISE of the powers couferred upon him pleased to nott'fy that, TT-s. Maj estty's power o.f dis- l:y t.ha Custom s Ordizlance, 1910, Seeticn 13, His allowance will not be exercisel with respeet to the

Exctetlerlcy the Governor, has bee.n pleasecl to appoint tlllderznerrp'giocàed Ordinances : t-ht? area deseribed in the. schedule at.t.aehetl hertlto S. 12730/ 5. to ba a iegal quay c.r place for the impozéing, export- ' ''1'%IE D-xxoymocs PsTacmlrtnf TAx l'hg , lading ancl unëad'-ng oif gocdB. ORDINANOE #1921. '' .'By eom mancl of T'Sfis Exeelleney the Governor. (No. XLIT oba 1S21). 'ï,.7 :.t Ii 4.-f).l qpi) - T'h e 8tll (1 a y 0f A 7la.o5 , 1922 . G. A. S. NOETTTCOTE, jor Coïouftz! Secreiary.

S ,L'R, TT 1:1 D U L E .

-A.11 tl ) at pcptiou of irhe. 1sï and foreshor'e in Kilinclini ' :?.t.t )t., u t' in tile lkna-rnet'l. ;. at e V-einit'y of M1 'b araki Cre ak .( î- Ff. M ALPASS , arttl k,w-r) (?'u-n as A f' Rbaraki V Tha.rf. bourld e4v as. f & .1 cix.vs : (/lerk ()/ (Ionncil'. tr(;.l-ftnl euci'ng at Be aeon < 6 '.Rd. 18 ' ' (shtown on Lam.:l S. lqrvt?l- Plan N.7o. 1$$103) at. a. , distance. of 50 'ft . beaz'- iug 1 97O 21 ' 52// f' r()'rrl the interseeti cm t#u fgho. A'Vestel-z'l o' cktkntlal'y oif. S alirn l4'oa.d. 'with the Nort.hc-rn boundary t'Q ' 'N'r X'' . (',1' T vilron :- èlload T?. e se mre ; thence btyundtac'l ola thc .n EN Faitftlz x., O'F1O. IC .i () . A-.) orth tàn ('1 1-7 1ast by the ge- rlerally S c'ut,hern azld A'SejAt- x, of T- Iiltczn'- T-toad. IR. e sel-ve betzri. ng 9.880 t'atn llcl,t.intlt'tr. POST OFFTCE NOTICES. J.. r; ? ;'5 7 '/ f r) 'r 3. 3-. 9 'êu-. .- 3 1 50 5 1. ? 54 P f or 1 70 . 9 ($ .1 t ; ,!$ 50.0 - i..8 T 16 r f or 205 . 77 f .t ; 31.40 1 5 / 0 1 Mîor 228 . 56 f'ti ; t.' 270 1 4 ? ,99 / fcir ,9.22 . 5j? f t ; 855. O 44 ? 1 4 P f or 269. 6 f t, ; r' Altrtï-srarw oF F-INVA Afzut,s IN ENt4L-&NO. -tfl O 0 9 ' 0 1 13 f. (;z- 889 . 71 ft. . to B e acotia < 4 J?p d 4 ' 7 ; t.h en c e sk.l()lr?n aq od c.n the NiTorth b y a sfzaig'h t 1 2* ne beari ng 2700 A' 'IAILS despatahetl from M ombaza on the lst; til 0(-,. ' ()fl ? t.o the 'e-pïg.e- rs c'f A'f 'baraki Creelq ; 'thence April, 1S22, arrivecl in Eugland on ihe 30th idem !. rllln detl generally on t'he Avest. azld Sout,h-w t'lslt, 1.0- y . t.In o x-vatc'':? 's edge S olr'cl.herl'v anvrl S ouih-easterly tc' f.r. ) e p,.n c,f Tzl f e rs ecf,ic'n Mrl.f'h a. 7: 1. ne tlaxrough B êac on Cti:sFvkls-ztxel& oya -AI-.tILS--.IJ-&SIN Glsït't.7 . 6 - N., ct T $7 ' ' b a a.r h-tfzr 1970 21 ! 5. 2 ?/ f rol'n B e acou Q d 1R4- - 4 . 'A - ' ' t.h( 'nct e 1-,i ou'n c-ted e.n She F-- a .sf l')x t'hat t-' ne 17 e str- TEXDE-RS are invitetl for the eenveyanee ol malls twlee weekly in 130th t'lirec/aions , 5 p ;. 1. 70 *21 ? 52 12 t'hro'l lish ' 17 etn.czen d.t 5 anl-t onwarcl. Solr y from tlle 1st July fè4 . h%;1 rt' . ï'fa. 'B. tnacein T < -.!-t d 1 F4 ' ' t1c a prlt.nt' cf cortarn ene 0- next, batween Kfsuzlau and Jfltale ri' a Kipkarren 'n'ter t' . Bz'clge, Elcloretf, Sojz and. l-loay's Bridge.

A c' a px e.f f h o ab cwe.-m e.nlt.l-ozn e(1. Pl am. 'N--ro . 1 510.3 5.s'. Tntendizlg contraetors should specify tbe m eans of ('? ) ,-0- r: r'.!'cq 1at f 'ob. (a T.;'l S. l'r'v ey T..-) ep ftrtn-lent: , 'Nz a.i robi eonazeyazzee t'o. bta em ployed.. l'n 'llhe. cage Gf m otot.

& t'y d 7-. , .)- an: la, a s a - vehiclwes tlae zzzake g.f car .to be used shoul: be st'ated.. Tenders m ay be sulaznitted either 1or . (t1) Tlae whole service betœveen azd -C-.-' '.Kifale by above-menticined route ; ,, *-(7 P? .i -5 -1kIk- 6/5) jl i- tq-) . (b) Tihe Jçisumu-Eldoret section ; TTTE LEGTSLATTVE COUN CIL (c) The Eldoret-Kitale seetiou ; OTtDINANCE , 1919. OZ' alternatively, 'I'N virtue of the powers. vested in him by Secticin (J) The wheie service between Kiglumu aud. 1 $) of tlte Taegislat.ive Counctil Ordinatnce, 1919, I'Ti: Xitale, returning 'via M umias. llxcellaimcx the Governo.r, has been pleasecl to Particulaz's a,s to the lorm of eontracpa t.o be sïgned t.x i ') p o izn! 7 -. -- , a.pprexim ately weightg of m ails over the vaiious llTliryu'?klurrl.I E.R:(c ScllwzNuTzyr, E,sq. - sectéons, a'nd proposed t'ime- table fofr Inotor vehicles, m ay be obtaânecl on applieatifm to the PoBlim asters to b(o a. Provfsior) a.1 ATember c4'f the Leg:-slative Ccmneil Nairobi, Kisumu: E'ldcz'et, or the Post Oë ce Con-, j'oî' tha N airobi Sout1l Etecttoral A'rea in tl-te, plaee ot tractors a.t Sciy, H oez 's Brfdge o'r Kitale. Thozpas Alfred M)'()o(1, Esq. , M .B .E. , t.he El/cted Sealetl tenders z'naz'ketl ' 'Tenders l0r conveyance Alennber f or t'he Naizvbi Sout'h Eleetoral Area. novr aLsent from 't.he C.ohl.l(my a:nd Proteetorate, during of M ails' ' s'houltl read t.he Acting Postm a/her General rzob later t'han the 6lst Af ay slzlth absi? nee subject, however, t.o the provisioins of . ille aforesaicl geetion t7,f the L'egislative Couneil General Post Of/lce, Orclinanct?, 1919. Nairobi. Aca:rcibi , 1sb M ayr 1922. w . G.. M . M AGDONALD , 8th A'f ay, 1922 . fov dcff'n.g Pouimauler Ccscrtzl, G. A. S. NORTV COTE , Coïo'ny tz'nd P'roieeiozaie of. ffgTll/tz ltp' Colanjal Secretary. avnd Ugamda P'rfpàtlcfortzfd. ' l laizaa in conjunetion with the Conservator of Forests l withiu ftve yesrs of tlae date of the lieence and in vowxoa zt-uzmr-tv. 1 tlze event of tlispute the Conservator of Fore. sts' 1 decision shall be final. T'lzc rcspecfive areas are estim atecl to be eapable of yielding 40 LOCOMOTIVE DEPA.RTAIENT. l ,000 tons ancl $ 20,000 tons respectively of pap er-pulp annually T6nd6î'8 J(?r Snpyïy oj J'Uo/l Fuel. 1l . ' 2. No royttlty N-$zl'll be chargecl on any bamboo TEN DEIRS are invitell fo'l* the supply o?f M747,0d- ! l . f cut for the purposes oî pulp l'nanufftcture for a uel tgo. tlle Uganda lRailway lor loconaotive Iuel. periocl of .5 years from the clkte of the lieene, thereafter a royalty per ton of air-dry unbleached ; 2. T'lle fuel is to' be suppliecl frgm ihe fuel area at. t Tuimuru Forest' of Dean antl w:-11 be railecl to the 1 pulp, as tendered.. var-'ous fuel ptaticms and. stackecl by the contractcr. J 3'. An azlnual licence l'ee of f100 in z'espeet of each area uhall be paid for the ftrst fnwe years )). The suecessful kt.enderer will be requirecl t,o 1 fi ) the reuter into a. eont.rac,t: the termsi o.f wlzich may be j rst payl-zlent to be naade on the issue of the obtainetl on applicat-on a t .the Chief M echanieal j' lice nce ; and. the reaf-ter for eaeh sueee ecling year in aclvaztee on the corresponding date Eng:-neer's Offlce, Ugancla T'tailway, Nsirobi. 1 , anc'ë thereafter 4. l-lqe will be requirecl .to observe a.ll rules antl !i a licence fee of :.t500 to be paid a,s aforesaid in respactt of the sixth arlc't seventh ye ars ; *1 z'egulttttons under tl'le Fctrest. 01-1-. inance , 1911, in I .,000 to be f orcte , o.r whieh malr be published cluring the time oif 1 paîcl. as ftforesènid kzz z'espe et af tiae eighth arzd nintlz the contract! k years, anql #,23()()()J to be paicl as aforesaid for eaeh stlceeeding year provicled. that tlce Lieensee shall be entitlecl to set of-f against tlae lieekace fee paifl in any '1 ee5t .ofT wheo otde ncduetr .tsoh fqieuaottieca a a apnrdt c,esj 'ëaoclfk 1e0cl0 i nc utblaie '!? one .I.,-e:tr the royaltias payable for thfa sarne vear T'tailuzay Yazds. ' but in no ease sllaïl a lcss sum than the lieenee- fee

($ . Shillings 2 per 100 c. ft. is. requiretl t.o be paid.' j b e 1) n. ic1 t o the G o v errln't. e z-tt . b y the ccm t.ractozq to the F orest. D epalfznent as ( 4. The Liec.) nsee shall erect a'n I-t. o' for all wood cut'. ( .d. eol-tlplete a 7'' -' j f' actery antl sub sidiary buildirlgs f or the m anu- . Tlz(.) qua.ntkitlty to be cclzltraeked 1cr is at. the ; facture of paper-pulp within two years from the l'a,le of 1.75,000 tz. ft. to 22;5:0($ 0 c . lf . per m ontla il date of tlle licenee stud such f actory shall thereafter accc.rdirlg to req uirem enis . 1 Lne worked f or ltot less than 12O days irt eac,h year 8 . T'lle. lowest c,r any 'gencler will net necessarily be izl tla.a z'ntl. nu'f aeture of p ap er- pulp . From antl after acttepted.. '; tlla e. xpiration of Sve vears frorll tho date of tha lice l'zcte the L. ieensee st?aall procluc 9 . A il ccl-t-zn'lu' cm the subject, shculcl be ,e an azlnual out- adtlressecl to il-le C'hief 'Af echanical Xlng:meer, Ugazlcla. t-urn frolzz the said f aetory of at least 10,000 ttms of R a i lw ay . psper-p ulp and f'r()zn and af te z. the e xpira tion oî te zz 1() . T'enders whieh nlust be sealecl ancl clearly y e ars f 1-01-.0. the saz'ne dqte a,n annual out-turzl of at '0, least 20,000 tells of paqper-pulp . z'nark-ecl ' ' Toltlie r ./ ./?tsf 01 S'zrz.)ylp ' ' z'nust, be receivetl 'befoz'e 10 a .lz-z. , ()'n 30t1l A' 1' a.y 1922 1'5 . Tlle Governznent if so requirecl by the N' a. i r c .b i 1' Licensecl sllall lease to tl'le Lice. nsee a suiiable site to b e- seleete- cl by tlae Lieelasee out of' suah sitc. s as ï,@fg?-h Ap ril , 1922 . are ttt the cl ispo'sttl of the Cozlservator of Forests T. A. W IO TTAKEIR, within or without tlae sce a tlae subj e et of the lieenee (Iltie f 7.1 e c 11 a ?l.?kJ J Eng listr c1- . f or the ere eti on of faetories, store-house s, she ds, clep ots, houses, ofllees t4ncl other buildfngs of a like

nature 1) (n?z4 j'qde required f or . the purpose . of thB businesws cozlnected with the rnttnuf acture of paper- pu lp sucth le ase to b e rent fre e a ntl f or a terl'n co-ternlinous with tlzat of the licenee arlcl subjeet N.' T O T T C E . to an option for relaewal on terl'ns to be agreed upon betsveen the Oonservator of Forests alld. the T. c. xtàpztt Fon B-,tzfsoo (?,c.'T'1'1xc1 roc' tszt'i s y'olz ,zr.Iz2 Lie e ns e e . A f utxtrb-ztcTcllyc oli- P ,tloElt-p'(;Lzo. ($. Subject to sueh restrictions ns n'ay fro!'n A S a result of experin-lelats eonduetecl with the iina.e to tim e b e inlposecl by the Corservator of z Forests the Licansee s1') al1 durizlg tlle (zontinuauca E ast Africfzn B aznboo (. 4w'?z?zlf?7,ttrfa ctlpf?zcf.l to asctertaiu its value for the l'nanuf acture of paper- of the licence lla ve f'he right to use any lttrzds, road.s p. ulp arl4 paper, the Goverz-lrnent have deeidecl to or streanls outside the area the subjeet of the offer for tendt?r two arests of bam boo forest on the licerlee whieh are urlcle. 1- tlle eontk-ol of the Forest Kikuyu allc)t A1' au Escarpm ents respeetively alad. Departl-zaent f or tlte purpose of havin.g free ingress zaaoq'e partictuiariy described iz'z tlae schedule llereto. ankrl egres to and frol-fl the aréa the subjeet ef the lice rzce also the like right to use ai1 such lands, Tendezs f or the areas pcre invitad ; the basis of roa 4s or stre. aan'ls within the area the subj eet of the tencler to be a, royalty ptzyla-zt?nt per ton o1' air-dry lice r'-tte . pulp atld. no tanclers of less than two sllillings a ton will b e accep tecl . 7. The Conservator of Forests will undertake to resezwe for the use c'f the licensee an area ol f orest The suceessful tentlerers will be granted lieenees as conveniekltly llear to the site of the f aetory as uncler the Forest Ordinanee, 1S11, for periods of 20 possible, suftieient to supply sueh reasonable years with the op tions f or rene-eral f or f urther quantity of wood fuel as m ay be required for the periods of 120 years on terl-ns to be agreecl between f actory. l'toyttlty will be payable on all fuel at the the Conservator of Forests ard.d the licensees. Such rate of two shillfngs per hundred staeked eubie feet option to bc exercisecl by notiee in writing. six cluring the eurrency of tlle licence ; in the event of calendar l'ncmths before the expiration of ftrst- the lieence being renewed Lor a, further period tlae m es-tionecl lieenees. royalty on fuel Nkill be based on the m arket rates The f ollowing z'nain conditions will be em bodied currertt at the tim e of such renewal. in each of the licences. 8. If possible a suffleient area of grass lantl will 1. ' The Licensee will be given the exclusive be ineluded in the lieence to provide grazing for right for twenty years to cut bamboos for the m anu- eattle used in conneetion with the operations of the facture of pap er-pulp over a,n area to be seleetecl by lieenee free of rent. TH E

9. The area the subject of the licence will, be divided by the Conservator of Forests into cutting everjr sueh case the Conservator of Forests m ay giv'e the Liet.insetl notiee ()f the breaela complained series and. blocks and. tlle Licensee shall eom pletely of and call t'lp().rt t'he Liec. nsee to rem edy the work over' eacsh bloek of one eutting series before sal-zae, and in k. he evezàt of the Licensee not doing he starts Atvork in auother bloelk of ihe series . The so within six cttlendar m onths thereafter the system o.ë t1'le eutting series will be basecl on a 10 Conservator of l'ê'clk'esss m ay ea ncel ancl determ ine years rotation. the lieence alad. a1è tliae Lieensea's privileges a nd The order in whieh the sid. bloeks shall be Powers there uizk-l -,'jr. worketl will be laid down by the Conservator of Forests in eonsultation with the Licensee in a plan 15. Tlle Lieensttt) slaall not assign sublet or of operations so that the whole atea m ay be worked otherwise part wïtl.t the beneftts of tlle licenee or over systernatically. The Lieensee shall not be at auy part theretlf u' @. >:a 077:.. the previous eonsent of liberty to deviate from the plan of operations eso the Conservator of Forests in writirlg laid down wîthout the previous sanetion of the . Conservator of 'Forests. The Lieensee shall suppljr m aps showing the area eut over i n each year to the Conservator of Forests on sueh dtite as the Conservator of Forests m ay ftx. To pravtlnt the culm s of bam b oos diminishing in size and cleteriorating in quftlity the Lieensee shall give eaeh block which has been worked over a rtlst of ten years before he works over it again. 10. The Toieensee in conclueting his operations on the strea the subject of the licenee shall not in a,n), w ay irtterfere with the surface of the land save ancl so f ar as nlay be neeessary for the imm ecliate purpose of carrying on the neeeysary operations in conneetion with his saicl business. In the event of t't suecessful terzderer not taxing 11. The Licensee shall keep full and true up his licence w i 'ta'.llin one ajrear f ronl the date of notiee of aceep,taalce ttll e.lainas to or in respec tsceounts op the num ber of bamboo culms brought th ,t into his faetory, of the quantity of paper-pulp ereof shstll be de erned to httve lnpsetl absolutely m anuf aetured ancl in the process of m anuf aeture . A parnphlet em bodying the results of experi- antl exp. orted uud of tlle qutmtity of fuel usecl and. shall on tl-te ftfteenth day of eaeh m onth send to Inetnts concluctfzt'l in England alacl of m easurem ents in the bamboo forests, z'nay be obtained at the tha Cozlservator of Forests in sueh form as he m ay o'ffzces of the C.rtlurn Agents for the Colonies preseribe a true ttnai'j-sîs thereof for the m onth A , 4, 'fillbank. Lond' ()n imm ediately preeeding. , S.AV.I or at the offices of the Forests Departrnent, Nairobi, Sam ples of the pulp The royalty ap pearing by sllelz statez-nen.t to be and. paper naanuf aeturecl from the bam boo may be d ue in v esptret of the pa> er-p u1p n'lanuf aetured and seen by flrrangern e- rlt s4rit-la the Direetor, lm p. erial tl1u7 f ual llsed each r.ta onth shall be clue antl payable Institute', Soutlz Kensingtola . Louclon, S.W . 7 or at on or beforc the last day of the next succeeding the offlpes of tlze Forest D epartm ellt, Nairobi. l'rlonth . The licteusee shall allow the ofncers deputed in '-N T a.i rob i , that belaalf by the Governor to have full inspection ;5th Apri l , of all such aecsounts ancl aecount books and. to take al1 sucrh steps as in the opinion of sueh offtcers E . BATTTSCOM BE, m ay be neeessary for aseertaining by ezlquiries, inspection sm d naeasurement or weighm ent the Cokt8e't'-va't og' oj F()?-68J:. correetness of the sam e of the said analysis. 12. Nothing eontained in the lieenee shall be deem ecl 1Jo relieve the Lieensee his agents and SCH EDULE. servants from the duty of eom plying with any Ordinance and rules thereunder for the tim e being 1. An area of thc E astern slopes of the Kikuyu in f orce ap plying to the locality in which fhe area Escarpm ent Forest Reserve situated between the the subjefzt of the lieence is situated. m ain line of the between Escarp- 13. No rights other than those specified in the m ent and. Kijabe Stations, and the Chania River. liceuce, shall be grantecl and. m ore particularly the The actual area to be the subject of a licence to rights to all m ines, m'inerals , mineral oils and be seleeted by the Licensee' in eonjunetion with the preeious stones within or under the prem ises will be Conservator of Forests within 5 jtears of the date of reserved . the licenee such area will laave 1ts m ost Southerly 14. The licence shall be absolutely null and. boundary as ihe Southerly lim its of the bamboo void in the events following and subject to the zone a,n4 shall be of sueh an extent as to be capable eonditions set out below, that is to sa'y the of yielding approxim ately 40,000 tons of paper-pulp following eonditions, nal-flely : annually . ((f) Tf the Licelasee shall f ai1 to commence 2. An area ()n the N orth E astern slopes of the and effect substantial operations in the terms of M au Forest Reserves to the 501.4th of the m ain line tlae licsenee within a period of 18 m onths from the of the Ugandva Ttailway between Njoro and date thereof sueh lieence shall ipso jccf o be Elburgon Stations. absolutely void antl of t'lo effect. The aetual area to be the subject of a. licence to (?) Subjeet as aforesaid in the event of the b.'a selected by tlle Licensee in eonjunetion with the breaeh by the lieensee of any o'f the eovenants, Conservator of 'Forests within 5 yearg of the date conditions, stipulations or provisions eontained in of the licence and shall be of sueh an extent' as the lieence, including the provisions for the pay- estim ated to be eapable of yielding approxim ately m ent of Dcence ftaes and royalties then and. m 20,000 tons of paper-pulp annually. G szclcuwrw N o'JlcE N o. 420. (H xxaztru N owcl No. 423. NOTICE. OUkRENOY BOARD, N ormcx. UNOBR rlTls LIQTJOR OuolxwxcR 1909. NOTICE is hereby given tlta,t bhe Tue'ft liancl half Nyanza P''o'piac6. of Currenqr Xote N o. - aV- 43706 foz' F7.s. 10 has NOTICE is hereby given that the nexfà m eeting been presented to the Currancy Offlcer for pay- o.f the Nyanza. Licensiug Court, w:-l1 be helcl at the ment by Distriet Commissioner, A'lbale. Auy Senior Com rrtissioner's Ofzee, Kisum u, on M onclay person claiming to be ontitlecl to paym ent in - tlae 12t.h June, 1922, a$ 10 o 'clcck in tlle forenocn. respect of tlle saitl. laalf uota, shoulét comm lznicate forfhwith with the Currerlcy Ofllcer lk- isum u , . lzl the absence of any sucll clairn being establïshed within 5t.h lfay, 1922. three mouttls of tlais clate, payment for the saiâ half H . 1R,. TATE1 notè will be made to the saicl Distriet Commis Senior C(!'r/z%V8.:ft)'n,6'r, Nyanza,. - sioner, M bale, and tlze llalf note Wilt be caztcelled-

Albmbaaa, F . Vf . M AJ'O R, May 8rd, y 922. C'ttrrenc'y Olctv. Gyrxyiu-'tlu Norlcl N o. Gxxslu:fg N ovzc's No. 42+. IN TH E M ATTER OF THE COM PANIES UGANDA RAILW AY. ORDINANCE, 1921, AND CATXUING DIPARTPJEXT. IN THE MATTER OF KEDONG VALLEY SYNDICATE Lf.M ITED. Tc?ztzcr /:?' f he Snyyïy oj Fzoa/z Pyovisionn. i PUESUANT to Soction 247 (3) of tfhe above Ordinaazce ib s herel.y notified that ab the qxpiration of izhree zncmths fr,o rz'z TENDEIE'S are invitecl fot' fhe supply ,oE2 Bread, the date bereof the name of the alyove Company will unless Lutlàer, F'-sh, Cheese, Chickens., Native Eggs, Oocio- cause be slpwn to the contrary, be$ struck off tzhe Reglster of J'oirzt Stock Companies and the Company will be dissolved 'ntits, Fruit, Vegetables, Potatoes', Onitms, Live . M ombasa, Slneep, B eef , M uttcr, Pczlt nzltl Potrk Sausages, ïcr a. pericd of six m onths lzpm 1gt J'uly, 19:2. 2nd M ay, 1922. E. S. C. BEOOKS, A1l cleliveries t.o be m atle to' the neareslà Railway Regietrar oj tlozrvczàfe8. Station at' sueh iàm es and. in such quantities aB m ay

bfg required by the Catezutng M anajjez.. GIKNEAAL Nolqcs No. 42:5. Forrns of contract can be obl/ainecl on applieation f N H .M . SUPREM E COURT OF TTSE COLONY AND to tlae undersigned. PROTECTORATE OF KEN E.&, AT NAIROBI. Tenders w51l be scceptecl up t.o W ednesday 31st ' tNSOLVENCY JURISDICTION . Aiay, 1922, antl shoulcl be subml-ttecl in a 8eaïed corer CAcsl No. 6 oF 1920. ylaarked ' 'Catering Tender, ' ' ko ilhe T'raë e M anager, I'N z'zu wrAl'rslt ov Dzuztzçwrszlz Pgtuzlzzztx & C0 Ixsozgvrxgs. ., Uganda. Railway, Nairobi. W HEREWB tlze Receiver izz the above cause haa objected Tlle lo.west or a.n.x./ tezlder will not necesgarily be t'o the under-mentioned elaims beillg entered in Jul.l in the scceptetl. schtïdule of qreditors therein. It is hereby notified that tzlte 9th day of June, 1922, ab 10-& a-nz., has been llxed f or thp Nairobi, hearing of such objections in this Cou.rt.. 3rd M ay, 1922. If no appearance on that date at tlle hour aforesaid is made by anyone concerned, thel Court will proceed of ibs own E. G. W ILSON, motion to deal with the matter withflut pubhshing any fnrther notice. Trajpe Manager, Dated this 2nd day of M ay, 1922. Ukanda Scilzptlg. L. LLOYD-BLOOD, Rnghtrar. zl/m()çz/, admitted Nczz?/z oj fixretfïftlz..--x? by Aec6ïrc'r. Gvxauu N oTlcl No. 422. Shs. cts. 1. Kassamali M ehrali, ... 2,114 10 2. Haji Jivraj Meghii & Sons, Mombasa ... 12,627 :8 CU RRENCY BO/V111). 3. W alji Bhanji & V0. :Mombasa ... 6,731 12 4. M ohamed AToti, Naarobi ...... 3,000 00 N oTzcz;. GXNSRAL NOTICE No. 426. NOTICE is hereby givert that theRight hand half 4 for R's IN THE DISTRICT REGISTRY OF H IS M AJESTY'S of Currency N ote 5. 7o. -V2- 6061. . 10 has been SUPREME COURT OF THE COLONY AND presentef.l to tlae Ourreney Ofllcter for payment by PROTECTORATE OF KENYA AT Charles E. Talma, Nsirobi, who laas certifiecl tlzat KISTJM U, the other half of tlle saicl note îvas lost whilst in INSOLVEN CZ J'URI SDICTION. his possession. Ally person claizmiug to be CAusx No. 1 ov 1922. entitletl to payment in respect of the saitl kalf Ix TuE MATTZ:R OF KARIM Jlvawz oF KlsrMr. note, sllould coznmuuicaie forthwith with the Ex-PA1tTs THE CILMDITO1t.- M OUAM>mAIuI RAIVMANJI GF ' KlscMc. Currency Oëcer. ln tlae absellce of a'ay such NOTICE îs hereby given that tbe petition of the above- claim belrlg establislledu wi thin three months of this named creditor Mohamedali Rahemanji of Kistlmu, for an date, payment for tlae said half note will be made order adjudicating his debtor (Karim Jivraj) insolvmt under to tla.e said Charles .R. Talma, Nairobï, a'ncl the half : the Provincial Tnsolvency Aet (.No. èEI1' of 1907), will be heard at Kisumu on the 22nd day of M ay, 190 , at/ 10 a.m. note will be cancelled. . Dated this 1st day of M ay, 1922 at Kisumu. M ombasa, F. W . M AJOR, R. W . LAMBERT, Aoting '/lfgfftz lîegintrar: April 29th, 1922. C'avvenoy t.l#lct, < sthzyrczzle Court, A'ïdyzzù'tz. GSNERAS Nolqcrs N' o. 427. GEXER.NL NoTlcz N. o. 480. I N il . M. S UPE,E Af E COURT OF T H E COLO N Y AN D IN I'I.M. SUPREM E COURT OF THE COLONY AND l > l:l.OTEO'1'O lk A'I'E (9F KEN Y A, AT N AIROB'i. PROTECTORATE OF KENYA, AT NAIE.OBT. 1N' SOLVEN CY JURISDICTI' ON . INSOLVENIyY JIJIRISDICTION . Cwtrszl No. 24 oF 1922. Cztvss No. 12 olr 1G22. IN 'rtlll MXTTZR OF CIXA.XqjAluM s po DAULATRXM Axrk SIJNIGR

JN 'rue MATTER ov Rxwfslwg'sl s ,/0 JV.NBHSINOH, DEBTOR. s/ o x,tTTR.A, TxAozxg As GAXC.AUAM & Suxrœzt, Dlsrtms.' -1*0 1 tl l u' hom i t na lt.)- conc ern . To all whom ît may conoern. NOTI'CE is hereby given that the. petition of the above- TXAKE )7O'1aICE that the Court laas fixed tlze 1st day of ipêtnzed debtors Gëtngaram s/o Daulstram and Sunder s (o June, 1922, at 10-30 a.m., for the consideration of a soheme Atvtra, tloading a.s Gangaram & Sunder ot Londiani f or an of composition stzbmitted by Ramsingh s/ o Labhsingh, bhe order adjudicating them insolvents under the Pr, ovinoisl alAove-named debtor, in the above Tnsolvency Cause No lllsolyrenclr Act (N' (). .iII of 1907) . will be heard at Nairobi on creditor: who laa s not proved his debt, bef ore tht) af.oresaid the 9th day of Jullg, 1922, at 10-30 a.m . d ate wit'1 be permitted t,o vote on the colïsideratiort of the Datted thlcs 261,11 day of April, 1922. algeve iaaatter. Any creditfor desiring to be representred at the above-mentioned hearing slaollld 'be present ln persen or by L. LLOYD.BLOOD, vz . d ul.a instructed Advocate with proof s. lïteg'intrar. Dated tla:is 5th day of M ay, 1:22. L. LLOYD-BLOOD. i'îegtbtrar.

GExsrtzst. N' o'rrcs 57c) .428 1-Atuss N o. 24 op 1921.

IN H.M . SUPREME COURT OF THE COLONY AND lx Tu>) Es'.vz,.'!:z oka .l'I'fJgu CAMPBELL Mcllcàxllm r I'Aleylxxs:sm . PROTECTOE A TE OF KEN Yzt AT NAIROBT. T() a11 whofn it n'tay collcern. TAKE XOTICE tltat the fina;l aecount. in the above TNSOTaVENCY J'URISDTCTION. estate has been gfiled by the Executrlx Elsie May M cDonald and that this Coart has fixed the 27th day ef May , CAtzsE No. 15 oln 1922. 10 , 1:22, at -30 a. m., or so soon thereaf tez' as pessible on tllat day to T.N Tzzs zvATzalu ov AlAgox Rosxm!r C'xAytz-ss Gooxœsrvcow, pass the aceotznt after wtliclz date no objeètions can bts heard DEBTOR. thereto. PURS'UANT to a petition, dated tho 22nd day o:t Dated this 6th tlay of M ay, 1922. February, 1922, lay arzd on the app' lication of the. abovg-named debtor Major Robert Charles Goodf ellow of Athi River, L. LLOYD.BLOOD, Retired Ofhcer of tlàe Indian Army, an' d fm reading $he said Jilclzàrrcz'. pefition and hearing the said debtor? itz is ordel'ed tEat the debtzor be and the said debtror is hereby adjudicated insolvent.

Given und er my hand and t'he seal of the Cotzrb., this 28t.h PIROBATFU AN D ADM I N ISTRA '1'1 ON .

da)r of April, 1922. . UAusc N o. 11 ow 1922. ' M. BARTON , 14' z: : H rztAsrxclzt Ggltwtcrxylszxrgz-z, rœczzs>m .4 c t i 77. f/ l ? t c? f/ /J . . To al1 whon't it may cotzcerzl. PURSUAN T t.o an order of His Maj esty's Supreme Court of the Colony ancl IP- rotectorate of Keny'a ? dated the 12th day GENERAL No'rlel Xo. 42t,). of April, 1922, grazlting Lett/ers (:f Administration in the. estate of the decea.sed, Hirasinqla Gurmukhsingh, kxdeceaBe4z I N 11. M . S'UPREA'IE COURT Ol? TI'I1M= COLON Y -4 N D late of Kibigoti, xxho ditsd at Kabigori, the untle'rsignetl 'was appointed Aclnainistrat.or of tlae estiate. j.7 .)4 (') r j >F ( N ' y (.) 7 ) ,j. T E () '( j>. (jt -.g 'Nxv -y' .j. h ' l.n N ,j )( 'J.) T jà. '!' Al1 persons claiming to be creditors of the deceased shelzld send in their claims to the undersiqngd together with, JNSOLVENCY JUE ,ISDICTTDN . particulars of such elaims and voqehers m support ol bhe s' ame on or before tht) l0th day of Jtme, af ter whlch date tlle ('.?Auss N (). 18 o:n 1922. undersigned wili procged t.o wind up the estate and no furt%er 1ï;s- 'ryrs lsra'rrs.'a ()l- Tèztozuxzszzsx SALI/RAM, DBBTOB. cla ilns 'will be ent.ertained. Patedr Kibigori , 2nd day of May, 1922. .1?'UJI,SU ANT to petitzion, d aûed the 28th day of Fel)' raary, .1922, blr azld (atl thc applieation cd ' the' above-named RANCH HOD M EGH JI. debtoc ltadhaks shen Saligram, M erchant of Nairobi, and on rettttillg the saitl petïtion and hearing the said Radhakishtin Saligram, it, is erderefl that. the debtor be and the said debtzor is laerek,y acljudieated insolveut, and whsreas ît appears to the GENEM-KL N o'rlcs No . 43;3 . ('Oart that thfa apptlipltzment of a Receiver f or the propert?y of the said insols'elzt is necessary, it is also orderëcl that a IN 171.-':1. S'U PREIL'I.E COURT OF TH E COLON Y AND receivïng order 'be macle against the said insolvent aytd a PROTEC'TOIVa-NT'E OF 1<.lisll 1! A, A'r N A11),OB1 . receiving orcier is herskay made against tYe said insolvent and P.ROB.,tT 52 AND ADM INISTIRATION . Vithaldass Naranji of- N airobi is hereby appointed Receiver o'ï t14e propeytlr of t!3e said insolvent, and it is f urther orderEk'l CAusE No. 15 o:ia 1922. tlAa.r'. tht: sald 11 eeeiver's remuneration Lne 6.xed at 5 D,/ on the f ota 1 al-rlolut. raalisqd less a p?z sun'l: paid to credi tors eut oî N o'rEcz o>n x&r'zu-zcArmow z'ou Puos-uB ozr TI.IB W IZ,IU oi- tl) e prcleeecls of their sccurltles. DoN.ôLo A .:CCRA>j, IwAI'E oF NAIROBI, olcsAsEp. A11 persons claiming to be ereclitors t')f thc alarlvc-named TuilfE NOT1 CE t.hat application having been made in îl'tsolvelat, are laereby required to tender p'roof s of the alleged tlkis Couz't Iay Jazzles Afccrae of Nairobi f or Probate of the del)t as requcrccl by Sections 24 and 25 of Provincial Insol- W ill of ièlotïalcl M ccrae, late of Nairolai who died at Nairobi venor Acz of 1.907- on or bef ore tzhe 3rd dqA/r of August, 1922, oit the 27t,h day of February, 1922, tlus Court will proceed a.f tel' asvllich date tbis Cetlrt will proceed to' f rame a sehedule to make a df'cree in the same unloss cause be shown to the of s izeh perso:ls as have proved th6oselvkas to 'be creéitors t)i' contrary and appearance in tlzis respect entered on or bef ore the alaove-named insolvent and the Reeeiver will be at libert,y the 2J.t.11 day of Afay, 1922. Without publislling any ;f urther to distribute a11 asset s Nairobi, which shal! have come ïnto his possession. 4t,h A fa.y, 192:. i H. PICKEIRINQ, Given untler t'fly haud atld the seal of the Couvt, this %3bh Jndge. day of 1922. G . H . P 1 CK ER I N G , ATOTA' :- W/? e 'iF'C'JJ a ètpre-zlczrled '-8 'nfy?zJ deponlted czttl J'ttdge. open to b'zld,ecfït?zl at th6 Couvt. (* 1).'12:13,.;12.$'1:. --. ....,.. ,-..,---,.

GBMCERAL Nchlrlcyz No. 434. GENERAL Xorlcs No. 43*. PROBATE AN D ADM INISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . CAIJSE No. 24 op 1922. IN Tt-t/ wtxw>m olc Hxnllav iglwtm s yo HIRA Stwq1.t Cwvss No. 52 oF 1922. DECBASBD. IN THE MATTER OF P. CMAWFORD SCOTT7 DECEASBD.

To all whom it may concern. To ail whom it may eoncern. TAKE NOTICE that the account of the 6statze of t'he TAK.E A1 OTICE that on or after t,he 25th day of M ay abokve-named Harnam Singh s/o Hira Sinqh, deceased, has 1922 , beellt lodged with the Registrar of the Supreme Courtz at , I intend to apply to the Supreme Court of the Colony and Protetctrerate of Kenya at Mombasa f or an order to M opnbasa and t'hat he has appointed tlle 51st day of Augtzst, administer tlle estzate of the above-named P, 192â$, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for passinjz of such account. . Crawford Scott, vrho died at Naktzru on t'he 8th day of March, 1922. M on'ibasa, 2nd May. 1:22. ltf ombasa, J . W . H . P AE 1t1 N S O N , 1st Afay, 1922. zl dminî'zt rcrrtnr Gboqj'eî'('ll . J. %hT. 14. PARKINSON ,

Administrator &6zl6wttî.

GSNERAL NoTIcE N o. 433. PROBATE AND ADATINTSTR ATION. GENSRAL N o'rlc!s N'o. 4.30, SUPREME Counr CAtTss N0. 26 Oln 1922.

AIIMINISTMATOR GENBRAL'S CATJSE N (). 37 ()F 1922. PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATIGX . IN 'Tu>; MATT>:X oF Pymc'.g DlcltAsox, DECEASED. OAUSR NO. 53 OF 1922. To J1.1l whom it may concern. TN THE MATTER OF' JOHN W ALSH7 DECBASED. P'URSUANT to an order of tzhel Supreme Cou'rt of the To all whom it may concern Coltluy and Protectorate of Kenya, dated the 4th dak of May, . 1922 , by which the Jm dersigned was appointed Admlnistrator TAKE NOTICE that ozz or af ter the 25th day of M 1922 ay, ol tlze esbate of the late Percy Dickason, who die'd at Songhor , I intend to apply to the Snpreme Court of the Colony on tlrte 8th day of M arch, 1922. and Protrictorate of Kerlya a.t Alombasa, for an order to 'TAKE NOTICE that al1 persons having any claims Jadminister with W ill annexed the estate of the above-named agailzst the ostate of the said Percy Dicltason, are reguired to 19o2lm2 W alsh, who died at Nairobi on the 24t1: day of M arch, lodge and prove such claims bef ore me the underszgned on . or llefore the 10th day of July, 1922, after which date only the claims so proved will be paid and the) estate distributed Mombasa, according to law. ' 1st May, 1922. A'f ornbasa; J. W . H. PARKIXSON , 5th M ay, 1922. Adminittrato'r Jezlezcî J. W . H. PARKINSON, . Admlnhtrator t.76p.6?'c?.

GENIRAL No'lvlcs No. 436. * PIROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. . Cwvsx pio. 56 oF 1922. STJPREM:EI CounT CAusB No. 27 oF 1922. lx THE MATU U !ê AzlMlNlsTrnAT(m GENERAL'S CAtlsyz No. 38 or 1922. oF SHAH Nkwztz s/o ALLA Bux, pEcrAssz). To a1l wlaom it zoay concern IN T+zs ''VATTER o:n A. Llnramzwooo, 'ImcEAsao. . To p'tll whom it may concern. TAKE NOTICE that on or af ter the 25th day of M ay 1922, I intend to apply to the Supreme Court of the Colony, ' .PURYUANT to an order of thsi Supreme Court of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, dated the 4th day of M ay, arJd Protectorate of Kenya at M ombasa, 1or an order t,o 1922. by which the undersigned was appointed Administratzor administer thf; estate of the above-named Shah N awaz s/o ojï' tl.te estate of the late A. Littlewood, who died at Eldoret Alla Bux, who dicd ab M ombasa on the 18th day of Aprsl oi1 tlle 9th day of M arch, 1922. 1922. , TAKE NOTICE that all persons having any clairns a,gaiI1st tho estate of the said A. Littlewood, are -reguired to A flom laasa , lodge and prove sueh claims before me the underslgned on 1st A.î'ay, 3922. or before the 10th day of July, 1922, after whîch date only J. 'W. H. P3u. RKIN SO N , the ela.irias so proved will be paid ancl tht' estate distributed 4dministrator t7trrtcrcfl aoeol'ding to law. . Afonyllasa,

.r5t.h May, 1922. J. 'W . H. PANKINSON, t'a'd .Ez.TZItATw 57 o'rlc:c N o . 4 41. 4dm l'nlstrator General.

PROBATE kN D ADM INISTII.A TTON . CAt'sE No. 59 oya 1922. Gixlrluru NoTlcE N o. 437. IN Tl-zs MATrTSIL ol- DlN M OHAMID, ImcEwsEo P1k OBATE AND ADM iNIS'1-l't A'i TO N . . 'Fo all whom itp may concern CAusz No. 50 f):a 1922. . IN THE MATTIR OF PETSR GRANT 7DECEASBD. TAKE N OTICE that on or after the 25th (lay- of M ay-, To a.ll whom it may concern. ' 1922, I intend to apply t,o Supreme the Court of the Colony- 'fAKE NOTICE that on or after the 25th day of May, and Protectorate of Kenya at M ombasa for an order to 1922 , I intend to apply to tlie Supreme Court of the Colony 1 dminister the estate of the abovehnamed Din M ohamed ,who and Protetctorate of Kenya at M ombasa, f or an order to d led at Amritsar District in India on the '7t'h day of administer tlle estate of the above-named Peter (Irant, who M alr, 1922. died at Nanyuki on the 7th day of M arch, 1922. Morrisasa, Mombasa, ist May, 1922. - 1st Aw1 ay , 1922. J. W . H . PARKIXSON , J . 'W' * . 51 . P AIRK 1 N' S () N , .ltfpzfzlfdfrttlt?r Gcnqral. Adnèinirtyator &6?àercJ. 320 TIIE OFFICIAL GAZETTE X ay 10, 1922.


PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. XENM..x M ININII CIIM PAN'F LIM ITED. CAusx No. 61 oF 1922. (Ix Lwuzsm ox). IN MAT'I'ER OF T. J. MASCARENITAS, DECEASED. NOTICE 'is hereby given tlhat a1! Creditnrs of the above To al1 whom it may concern. Company should forward detailB of their claims t,o the T:VKE NOTICE that on or after the 25th day of M ay, Lîquldator c/o Messrs. Dunn, Tfornby) Standish & Co., Cicilïa 1922, '.E intend to apply t,o Supreme the Court of the Coleny Bulldings, Nairobi. not later than 31st May, 1922. and Proteçtorate of Kenya at M ombasa for an order to Nairobi, administer the estate of the above-named T. J. M ascarenhaa, 4th Afay, 1922. who died at Riana on the 30th day of M arch, 1912. A. H ORNBY, Mombasa, H quitlatov. 3rd M ay, 1922. J. G. HEAVEN, Annçntant Xdzzlztùjzcfor General.

GEN/RAL NoTzczl No. 44X ' GEXymAC Nouca No. 443. N OTICE. KILIM AFEZA GOLD M INES LIM ITED. To all whom it may concern. (IN Llqcroarloxl. NOTIC.E is hereby given that Harold Llewellyn Lamberb N OTICE is llereby given that in accordance wibh Setion of Kedowap has no longer any power or quthority to act for 2X of the Companies Ordinanee, 1921, a M eeting of Creditors me in relation to any of my business or pmvate affairs whatso- oî the abgve Compamy will be held at our OfllceB, Cicilia ever, and any Power of Atiiornex which may heretofore have Buildings, Nairobi on M onday the 22nd day of M ay, 1923. been given by me in favour of the said Harold Llewellyl' at 11-250 o'cloek in t'he f orenoon . Lambert ara hereby cancelled and revoked as f rom the date Nairobi, hereof. 29th April, 1922. Dated at Nakuru, tlkis 4th day of M ay, 1922. DUNN, H ORNBY STANDISH & Co. Izlqnidatorn. GEORGE M ACKENZIE.

Gsxsuatl, N OTIeE NO. 233. A11 appeal papers should be forwarded to the Itegistkraz', Hls Majestoy's Court of Appeal for Eastern Y S M AJESTY'S CO URT OF APPEATZ FOR Africa at M om basa not later bhan the 4th daw of EASTERN AFRICA. May, 1922. T'H'E uext Session (?f His M ajesty's Court ol M om b as a, Appqal 1or Eastern M rica has been ftxed t,o be holien 8th 'M arcla, 1922. aù M om basa and to oornm ence on M orday the 5th E. S. C. BROOKS day of J'une, 1922, a.t 10 a,.m . oz a.s soon tEere- H yr fltsgfdtrtzz. tfter as cases can be heard. . M. Conrt oj Appeal jor Fcsvf/z?z Ajrlca.

# C A U S E L I S T . Fon Ilxwa.lxo ox Aloxpztv THE 51'B' Juxl, 1922, AT 3?lbxBwsw.

Oivil or w lla),t. uespondent. Original N o. f Appeal No. c royurjal. ppe of case ' .a.P Peal from.

80 ()f 1921 Criminal Antlrea s/o Joshua Rex 88 of 1921 H. M. Supreme Court of Kenya at N airobf. 31 ()f 1921 Singoma alias 88 of 1921 (10. M oham ed Ngongo 1 ()f 1922 ? James Edward 16 of 1922 H . M . Supreme Court of Stocker K enya at Nairobi 2 of 1922 L'Orlashu O1e 7 of 1922 TT. M . Supreme Court of

Barmuat Kenya, Sittings at M ara. 24 ()f 1921 Omer bin Abetl ! MLi bin Awath 328 of 1921 g T1. M. Supreme Cotzrt of amri t Kenya at Mombasa. 1 of 1922 f. Zakayo Nacluli Eriya Sekamwa Civ8i l Appeal J H. M. High Court of Uganda of l 9 17 j at K ampala. 2 of 1922 1. $ Jaller Dewji Jamal i )The Hon. Attorney (iivil Appeal l H. Af. Supreme Court t l ' fwteun-eyrva),-' f,ouroanxckoan. z h;, o f 1. () g y. lj xez) ya at M om b a s a . I -c '-'-Gm'- A' i t's ; '---'- '- - '- 1 l thoe m A dms iroa z ,l et yr s oi - - t 3 of 1922 Geueral Manayer, l The African Mer- 77 of 1921 1 H. M. High Cotzrt of Uganda à 'I Ulanda Raltway cantile Coy., Jutd. (in tlae District Registry) i ( - at Jjuja. 4 of 1922 1) Njeri Ole Bulolo Mirza Mazhar 571 of 1921 H. M. Supreme Court of said t Kenya at, Nafrobi. - Mombasa, E. S. C. B ROO1f S, April 21st, 1922. fov Registrar, H. M . tltavz'rl qf XI./IZat'tZJ for ftz.sàyz.l zqjrioa. M ay 1(), 1922 . THX OFW OTAL GAZETTE 3 21

GElk'xItAL Nolqcx NO. 418. N OTIOE. His H onour The Claief Jtzstiee will proceecl on cireuit and holtl sittings of the Supreme Court at the places anql orl the dates hereinafter mentioneâ :-


Nxxumr', 15q?1.1 M .xY, 1922. Fo'r Jlectrvl'r&!? objection,s to Jv'rtva a'îtfl alag6ggor.v L'Lst. Criminal Oaae No. 39 c)f 1922. Rex. rs. lshar Singh. 43 of 1922. Rex. (1) Mbiroi wa Chehe (2) Njehia wa Kamuga (3) Avarotho binti Njeri. Civil A ppeal No. 16 of 1922. Om ar bin K amrïal rs. G. Veuneslau. N aknmu Jqlïtvfrïcf llegistry. Civfl Case No. 1 of 1922. W alter Jalnes Beeston tradiug as M olo Timber & Co. Sheikli 2 of 1922. C. S. L. Betscllart L. A. V. Stevens. 3 of ' 1922. K em ani wa Ohegue 've. K azoni wa M tzgwine. 4 of 1922. 'Jvanjira wa Baro Lenheto wa Laïhenek Klsuxc, zzxo A fwv, 1922. For pàélfzzf'n,: objeotionn f t? Jtbrsrs ttzn,t;/ Aseeasoî's List. Criminal Case No. 18 of 1922. Rex. vs. Tibiari s/o Sangera 24 of 1922. Rex. C. Ctzrtis :7 :7 2,9 of 1922. Rex. ( l ) Nyasura s/o Arori aucl, (2) ' Oukund.i s/o Nyasuza. 77 30 of 1922. Rex. K iehana s/o Kiehana 31 of 1922. Rex. C. %%T. R. Abraham 40 of 1922. ltex. 1,8. Odier s/o W eya alias Okslo Oyramo. 7: 44 of 1922. Oloo s/o Onguen. Kisym,t,b T/ïtv/rz'cf .Regislry. 1' nsolvency Cause No. 7 of 1921. Ijk : Fontaï. 1,1 aud Battley. J# 1 of 19 22. ./6 : Karkm Jivraj . Divoree Case No. 1 of 1921. Minyauga Awudo d/o Ogola. 1 of 1922. Naaman Obiero Asvarlge d/o Nyangort ant't Ohristian O gonji. Civil Case No. 54 of 1922. Alinaollamecl M ohameclin N oortliu. 26 of 1921. D . AV yartt T. H . Ohettle.

Nairobi, L. LLOYD-BLOOD,

Aprïl 29th, 1922. Registran S' 'M.pzczp,o Co'avt of A'yxptz.

G.EXzrRAt, N oTlca N o. 446. COM ESPONDING M OXTF OF PREVIOUS YEAR :''-' U GANDA RAILW AY . ' Sh Coaching Trafnc 553,294 APPROXIMM F S' TATEMENT OF PUBLIC OOACHING Goocls Trafllc 1,006,730 ALNII G OODS TRAFFIC FOR THE X' ONTH OF APRIL) 1022. 1,560,024 Sh. lncrease 63,068 Coaching Traë c 460,660 Gools Tralc 1,162,432 Decrease . . . N airobi. S. N . FAULK N RR, Tofzal. . . 1,623,092 M ay 6th, 1922. Ag. t?M#' Accountant. TI-IE O FFTOIAL

.ux o r .Iz ?. jy (; j.!ak . -UJ 'xp F;1' t %q-.* 14 Q 'r I () N 2 'M-) ( 3 ) O l? T kjk F, Ju 1 Q tr (-) 'ft f )I ) ) ? I N A N' b-' E , 1. 0- 0 9. rj 3 1- 1 V fo 1 1( ) w- 1 :1 c,- a, J'.) p 1: :' (. a t. 1 o ! l s 1) a v e lo e e IA 1., e (-: e 1 v e (l f'C) 1- t 1 t (? (! (.) I.'I s 1* (1c-) ra t 1 o n () f' t 11 e 'L7 lcaït'tl ) tt ' rh . 'f j. 1* (? f.: ï ) s i l 1 t 6;'t- t.-'s () lz :- t 'ss' l t 1 e 1 1 'u.' 1 l l l. 14 e 1 d a t t 1-t e 1. 7. e s ;' d (-) 1-1 t t-? o i 1. k 1 n 1 s s 1 t-l 'n e t.l s ( -p' o l 'i. l - t' ,. -Q-. i x t i t .A. '!- e ' ! lz tap ''.-- . .& > a. lro bi , o 11 T-ï 1' o 1) da, -.- 1.1a e I.t'7 t1a J Iq l'i e ,. 19 2. .9.. , 'at 10 b' Jclo elv- 1 n tl.'t e ilo l.t)'l't 0(;.:: : -

' (uA ja s's o g. yu )' c e i ) c (? .

Qk ; t-'. 1 .é 11 tk t' 1 a- ,o -z 2'?-t v 1 e 7- i.-' .l ' j>'- o u ,'.( a


. -%, (. 7J y'- >. l .: 1 t A ?- - v î ') - k- I ï. -1.) x- $* 't ' - .1 IJ .koà . .7-.x .* '(J' à 7. . A,F- (. '1 R1 'aN .

1;. 'x> nu 'j:)-t t ' k' f! ix'a 'fu t r )' 't-r O tt () J to tx-,k x c 'F.: J 1 9: ot.') .- -i? uo xv- 1. x ?'.: j,l ( ' y? 'N. .'r zbu 1 v A s 1.1 -'.k .

r (3I. (' '1 :3 f ( ) 1 l o hv 1 '1 ) &( y' n e ur a p p la 1' (.: a t !' o n s l 1 a v e b e e 'n 1- e c e 1 v e d. f. o 1- tc. l l e ( ' o 1' t s )'. cl e r ? t t 1* o n o f t l 1 t:# LT'T. a 1 -$ - a s 1) a ' ' - . j 1 (.t 11f l1* j J 1. ( z t? llS l' i1 yc9. (-J& (.)1 1.1 .t y v 1R 1 1' ( à ) j. , v 1 'j !t s 1 :, a t -'.Lf 3. l( . 11 'f ,L1 1' 11 t, 11 0 $<.-. t.7111' O P (. >,' 0 LI1 l-1.1 l' SS1' ()1l(-)r 7 S (.)', R (Je () 11

-'. ' i') 1) o ) '1 ( l a !j ,- t 11 e 1. 2 t l 1 J' u l 1 c , .1 (J. 2 L?' J a t 1.k 0 o ' c l c. e k '1 l3. t 1 1.e f' o r e n o o 14 : -

a'ï . !') P W1 1' C :-1 , 1-1 f. ,. Cla. ss of 'f ai eoncte -

1q j tl1-o, --h a ktzrtz . (2.31 r . (). . ,5l . 'fayl o r 14, o 1-1 &o' a 1' JN a k lz rtl . M essrs. Forrester Bros. lRu mu ru t 1 A'lr. eT. S . Ttathbolle 1't u tn t.l 1- n t,i . Capt. AV. A.. Rutlaerford R una. u 1- t1t i .

xakuru, F. W . TSAAC. M ay 5th, 1922. kbsenior ct/'/p,zkz'l.%'fos:'r. S H J P P 1 N G R E P O R T .

lf l L 1 X' D 1 N' k 1-1 A R B O U lt .

A 1 o xc? u o 1- A i: R 1'L , 19 2. 2. .

Nanxe of S-essel

AI O Al B .4. S ut ('l A 14, B O U R .

Cayulanore lf arac hk l'lulllex Cauuan ot'e ;) Calieut N alrobi 1, Oauuauore

H . W . TURN ER, - Povt tuygaï's. 324 THE OFFIG AL GAZETTE M ay 10, 1522. . . . - -. -- .. . . -...... - - * . .

Sh. Cts. F or one year six znouths 13 50 50 :0

U 6t) 1 00 : ..y rg () 3 () t) over 2 years old


dJJ i-gbtiltes tzyzt./,lqrt'înektt.g p?.r/ P'ri'va'te .4 (.i zler/ïty:rd .??ztz7/ be ft?zàtfcrt?l a,t or sv/zl gl/-f?c/ by -pr?.$'f io tf/ztc

Ojlloe t?./ the O'JSIZJ Gazet te, N' tzïroôz-, y-or ïCzs.tarfloyz a't J,/zc c,tr/'AtlriS'falrJ 'r(l,bes (t./ paylneîtt. .rCz/c O f'/lcc /z().?,r0a ab-e Jzows .9 (z.oz. t o # p.n1,., clo,s'z-lzf/ at tnfzt? (l'clpc/f (??z S' J'fz?ô.rtïtyfzp.f?.

. All .A' -/'otices f-rnf./ zktlreî-thements wzlrs.é be .prc.pc,Jl- . T' o stzpt? (lelay, .A' Tott-ces fz/st-l z1t-/t'c0-/'J,$c;?zck14'.$. .b.t)tz.t t'/lrccj

by sltozbïd 54 aocont-panîed by z'oosz-fftzrèct?.


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S h. l:rice of a boltud Volume of

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