Stephanie wants to keep you up to date on the work she has been doing throughout the riding of Midnapore. While Parliament was dissolved during the recent general election she was pleased to engage with constituents at several different events. Details on these, as well as information relating to the upcom- ing move of Stephanie’s constituency office, can be found below.


The Calgary Midnapore Constituency Office will be moving from its current location in Deer Run to a new location in Midnapore. Our Calgary office will be functioning on a limited basis during the process of the move (Nov. 13-17) but we anticipate that it will be up and running again by November 18. Our new office location is: Suite 204 - 279 Midpark Way SE Calgary, AB T2X 1M2 The phone number and email address will remain unchanged. 403-225-3480 / [email protected].


I want to first thank the people of Calgary Midnapore for your incredible support and the honour to have the opportuni- ty to represent you in Ottawa once again. During the recent campaign, and following the vote on October 21st, I have heard from constituents who are extremely frustrated and deeply disappointed with the results of the federal election. I understand, and in large part am feeling similar emotions. My colleagues and I have already started working to bring the messages we heard from voters to our Conservative caucus, and to the House of Commons. While the outcome of the federal election wasn’t what my Conservative colleagues and I had hoped for, we have re- duced the Liberals to a minority government and sent Justin Trudeau a clear message. For four years Liberals have suffocated the energy industry with regulations making Canada internationally uncompetitive. In the process they have divided Canadians and damaged our economy. This is not responsible leadership. The fact is, when Western Canada succeeds, Canada succeeds. As your Member of Parliament I am going to not only keep standing up for Canada’s energy industry but also look for bold and innovative solutions within the federation that work for all Canadians. While it will be a challenging session as my colleagues and I work to provide a strong, united Opposition to the minority Liberal government, we are ready for it. Thank you for re-electing me to be your voice in Ottawa and I look forward to representing you in this new Parliament. Stephanie


Trilateral Commission Meeting, Fall 2019

As part of her role in the North American group of the Trilateral Commission, Stephanie took part in the recent meetings in Mexico City. Delegates took part in sessions addressing concerns such as: the effects of Canada’s federal election; trade wars; immigration and migration, and; the implications of the turmoil in the Middle East on energy markets. Stephanie appreciated the contribution provided by Alberta Premier and, on a personal note, she was happy to have the opportunity to reconnect with one of her Foreign Affairs mentors, Steve Chapman. (RIGHT: Mr. and Mrs. Chapman with Stephanie)

Ordre des francophones d’Amérique The Ordre des francophones d'Amérique is a decoration awarded annually since 1978 by the Conseil supérieur de la langue française. This distinction recognizes people who have dedicated themselves or who are dedicated to the maintenance and development of the French language, or who have given their support to the growth of French life in North America. It was definitely a priority for Stephanie to attend this year’s presentations in support of one of Calgary’s most well-known francophones, Suzanne de Courville Nicol, who received this prestigious honour. Bravo, Suzanne! (LEFT: Stephanie with Suzanne)


Meet and Greet: Bonavista Village Stephanie enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect with the residents of Bonavista Village at a Meet and Greet in their lovely café. She appreciated hearing about the issues that matter to them, such as OAS, and what the future will look like for their children and grandchildren. They asked many thoughtful questions and offered kind words of encouragement that made Stephanie’s day.

Meet and Greet: United Active Living—Fish Creek Stephanie also had the chance to hear from the wonderful residents at Unit- ed Active Living again. They had in- sightful questions about the current state, and future of Canada. A special thank you to Kim, the Program Devel- opment and Creative Expressions Manager, for the invitation and warm welcome.

Atria Senior Living Canyon Meadows’ Chili Cook-Off Stephanie had a blast at Atria Senior Living’s annual Chili Cook- Off. Stephanie was happy to visit with the residents as well as the staff, and of course try all of the delicious chili recipes. Team Kusie was proud to be declared the winners of this year’s competition…we will look forward to the opportunity to defend this prestigious title again next year!

Honourable ’s Town Hall Alberta’s Minister of Children’s Services, the Honourable Rebecca Schulz, hosted a fantastic town hall event in Walden which Stephanie attended in September. Minister Schulz was extremely gracious, allowing Stephanie the op- portunity to speak and field questions from constituents concerned about federal issues such as: small business tax incentives; affordabil- ity; and natural resource development.

Community Gathering in Lake Chaparral Stephanie appreciated the opportunity to meet with constituents at a community gathering in Lake Chap- arral hosted by The Canadian Times. She enjoyed the discussion and the chance to share her positive Con- servative vision for Calgary Midnapore alongside oth- er guests such as MLA Muhammad Yaseen (Calgary- North) and Calgary Catholic School Board Trustee Myra D’Souza (Ward 1, 2, and Cochrane).

Willow Park Community Appreciation Party It was exciting for Stephanie to tour the brand new Willow Ridge Commu- nity Association facility and engage with its dedicated volunteers and sup- portive members. It was an incredibly well-attended event, and a big thank you to all volunteers who made it so special. If you have not yet seen the new Willow Ridge Community Association facility—located at 680 Acadia Drive SE—Stephanie encourages you to go check it out.

Township Ground breaking Everyone was buzzing with excitement as ROYOP and elected officials stood poised with their shovels, ready to break ground at the future home of Town- ship, in the community of Legacy. ROYOP Develop- ment has worked hard to bring this new 1.5 million square foot development to life and Stephanie was honoured to participate in the ground breaking cere- mony. There is no doubt that Township will be an incredible addition to Calgary Midnapore.

BPW Calgary Mentorship Program Graduation Thank you to the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Calgary (BPW Calgary) for inviting Stephanie to be a keynote speaker at their latest mentorship program graduation. It was a pleasure for Stephanie to share her personal journey, as well as hear the stories of the hard- working BPW Calgary mentors and protégés

Ward 14 BBQ

Councillor Peter Demong’s Ward 14 BBQ is an annual highlight for many constituents, including Stephanie. It is a wonderful way to rec- ognize the Community Association (CA) volunteers who work hard year-round to enrich many of the neighbourhoods within Calgary Midnapore. Stephanie loved visiting all of the CA tents and talking about all of the things that make our communities great. Thank you to Councillor Demong and his staff for organizing this year’s event, and to Centennial High School for providing the loca- tion.

/stephaniekusiepolitician Suite 204 - 279 Midpark Way SE STEPHANIE KUSIE, MP Calgary, AB T2X 1M2 @stephaniekusie tel: 403-225-3480 fax: 403-225-3504 @stephaniekusie email: [email protected]