Westernized Musical Traditions in the

Westernized folk traditions in the Philippines root from the Spanish Colonial Period of roughly three hundred years from 1521 to 1898. The reation of a olonial state and eonomi system as !ell as the influene of "oman Catholiism shaped !hat !as to #e the mainstream$ %lo!land&Christian% 'ilipino soiety.

( ma)or part of the ultural e*periene of the people entered on religious or Christian su#)ets. (t the #eginning$g$ Western musi !as introdued #y !ay of the Spanish friars !ho taught Gregorian Chant for masses and other Christian ser+ies. ,n -um#ang$ -aguna$ for instane$ 'ray uan de Santa /arta in 100 gathered a#out four hundred #oys from +arious plaes and trained them in singing and instrumental playing. /oreo+er$ in 132$ a singing shool !as esta#lished at the /anila Cathedral. (t a#out this period$ #aro4ue pipe organs !ere onstruted of !hih the one at the San Agustin Church restored in 19986 in /anila and the famous of -as Pi7as sur+i+e today.

Para&liturgial rituals and folk rites de+eloped as indigenous traditions !ere transformed to utilize Christian sym#ols. /usi in these rites progressed to dialetially om#ine Westernized forms !ith nati+eindigenous style. The sanghiyang of Ca+ite$ the subli of atangas and the turumba of -aguna e*emplify the synretism of folk religion and Catholiism. Pro#a#ly the most !idespread among these is the Pasyon$ a hanted epi&like singing of the life of Christ performed during the -enten season.

Seular entertainment and theatrial forms !ould also ha+e Christian elements. These inlude the moro-moro !hih depits the /uslim&Christian !ars$ the cenaculo$ a play on the passiosion of Christ$ the duplo$ a litliterary musiaial forformm assoiated !ith a nine&day series of prayers and the carillo$ a shado! play. The Catholi Churh has inorporated some of these para&liturgial rites into the regular liturgy in forms of feasts$ de+otions to the :irgin /ary like the Flores de Mayo66 as !ell as to other saints.

;ther genres !hih may ha+e de+eloped from older nati+e forms inlude the dalit $ a long prayer or litany to the :irgin /ary$ the tagulaylay $ a rereiitatatiti+e lalament alalso usused in ththe oontnte*e*t of ththee pasyon$ ththee awit $ a hanted storyry. The !ord awit in today