THE SHAKESPEARE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA University of Maryland, Baltimore County 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, Maryland 21250 PHONE: 410-455-6788 FAX: 410-455-1063 E-MAIL:
[email protected] PROGRAM OF THE 27TH ANNU L MEETING 1-3 APRIL 1999 GRAND HYATT ON UNION SQUARE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Sponsors The 27th Annual Meeting of UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY The Shakespeare Association of America UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Executive Director: LENA COWEN ORLIN, University of Maryland, Baltimore County UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, los ANGELES UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO President UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA )AMES C. BULMAN, Allegheny College UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ Vice-President OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY )EAN E. HOWARD, Columbia University UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY Trustees SOUTHERN OREGON UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR SHAKESPEARE STUDIES HARRY BERGER, )R., University of California, Santa Cruz UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO WILLIAM C. CARROLL, Boston University STANFORD UNIVERSITY FRANas E. DoLAN, Miami University MARGARET W. FERGUSON, University of California, Davis and BARBARA HODGDON, Drake University UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTY Russ McDoNALD, University of North Carolina, Greensboro MARY BETH RosE, University of Illinois, Chicago Announcements The Grand Ballroom of the Westin St. Francis Hotel is the site of the Shakespeare Association's Annual Luncheon on Friday, 2 April. For directions to the St. Francis, see page 13. Fund-Raising for the Annual Meeting Coordinated by HARRY BERGER, )R., University of California, Santa Cruz Our local hosts have arranged a three-evening theatrical extravaganza exclusively for SAA members and their guests. Thursday, "The Art of Seduction" features Paul Whitworth and Ursula Meyer of Shakespeare Santa Cruz.