The Inventory of the Thomas Berger Collection

The Inventory of the Thomas Berger Collection

The Inventory of the Thomas Berger Collection #19 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Berger, Thomas Outline of Inventory 1965 I, MANUSCRIPTS II, PRINTED MATERIAL A, By TB B, About TB Addenda November 1967 I, MANUSCRIPTS II, CORRESPONDENCE A, Re CRAZY IN BERLIN, 1952-1965 B, Re REINHART IN LOVE, 1959-1966 C, General 1, 1947.,.1961 2, 1962 3, 1963 Addenda April 1968 I, MANUSCRIPTS BERGER, THOMAS 1965 I, MANUSCRIPTS Box 1 A, CRAZY IN BERLIN, 1958, 1, "Original ms," Publisher's typescript copy, with minor editorial corrections in black notebook, Box 2 2, Final galleys and page proofs, Box 2/3 B, REINHART IN LOVE, 1962, Typescript, Publisher's copy with minor editorial corrections, 3 black notebooks, Box 4 C, LITTLE BIG MAN, Typescript, Publisher's copy with minor editorial corrections, Loose sheets, 677pp, 1 Box 5 D, Short Stories, Unpublished , 1965, "Envy"; "In Memory of Melvin Stackpole"; "High Price of Low Spirits 11 ;"Letter to Dr, Adrian"(l962) ;"Invitation to the Voyage" (1957.-58?); "The Last Patron" (1956?), Typescript carbon, II, PRINTED MATERIAL A, By TB 1, "The Antic Arts..,. Jonathan Winters," H2}}2":!l•Nov, 1965, 2, "Dependency of Day and Night", Western Review, Spring 1952, _____...,,,.... ""4 •-+- ,-=+-= peep::. 3, "The Family That Plays Together", Show, June 1962, 4, "Feeling the Squeeze" ixcerpt from REINHART IN LOV:iil Mademoiselle, .., ___ -..;::.:::::..,. -5--'-¥'-----....c,.,.:; • .,. Oct, 1961, 5, "In Lieu of Dr, Goodykuntz". Es,9.~e, Jan, 1961, Berger, Thomas 2 Box 5 6, "Marginal Man",,~-e~·'13'Mry~ March 1951, 7, "A Monkey of His Own" ,·'!,~:_~t;:.r§&;E:-Y$.TT:!P,8~}:);!.~, May 22, 1965, 8, "Professor Hyde", ,, P-layboy, Dec, 1961, 'P'• ,"""4=+.·. - •~ 9, "Reinhart Goes to Work", Dial, no, 2, ~ 10, Review of Poliakov, L, "Harvest of Hate",, "fhe -Soci·al-i-st Oall, ~ . 4; ·-' ' ' t t • ( --if- • ~. '· ..:,....., July - August 1955, B, About TB Hassan, I, "Conscience and Incongruity - the Fiction of Thomas Berger",· Critique, Fall 1962, +=-+ ;_ .. 4--. @- Berger, Thomas Addenda November 1967 I, MANUSCRIPTS Box 6 A, Short pieces 1948-1957, 52 pieces, Typescripts, primarily book ...---=.±=- .p.:::..:.:;.} reviews, some having printed copy attached; 1 holograph.piece; rejection slips and letters also attached from editors, Circa 1,000 items, B, CRAZY IN BERLIN, Discarded notes, pages, clippings, Ca, 300p, of typescript with halo, corr, and half a box of clippings, etc, used in research for work, Box 7 C, REINHART IN LOVE, Discards, notes, clips, etc, Ca, 200p, of typescript with halo, corr, and folder of clips, II, CORRESPONDENCE A, Re CRAZY IN BERLIN 1952-1965, Ca, 300 letters including type- script of interview on Jack Paar show and typescript carbon of facts for a feature story on TB in Cincinnati Enquirer, ~~ =· ._;z::...,. t-- -¥4= Baro, Gene TLS Nov, 1958, Hicks, Granville TLS Oct,-1955, Prescott, Orville TLS Nov, 1958, Trilling, Lionel TLS June 1958; ALS postcard Nov, 1955, (note vita data incl, in carbon of TLS to Library Journal, April 1958) B, Re REINHART IN LOVE 1959-1966, Ca, 200 letters, Baro, Gene (reviewer) TLS May 1962, Davenport, Guy ALS August 29, 1962; TLS August 3, 1962, Berger, Thomas, Addenda November 1967 2 Box 7 El](;i..n, Stanley TLS June 1962, Ghose, Zulfikar TLS Sept,5, 1963; Girodias, Maurice (ed, Olympia Reader) TLS April 1962, Hassan, Ihab TLS November 1962, Herbst, Josephine TLS June 1962, Hicks, Granville TLS April 1962, Manfred, Ernest F, ALS Aug,2, 1962, Requesting autograph, Miller, Henry ALS Dec,3, 1963, with halo addressed envelope, Sackler, Howard ALS "Fri" Schickel, Richard 2 TLS March 17, 1962; March 3, Scott, Winfield Townley TLS July 7, 1962- Singer, Herman TLS April 1962, Wolfe, Bernard (20th Century Fox) TLS n,d, Printed "Reinhart goes to work"-~, no,2, "In Lieu of Dr, Goodykuntz" excerpt tearsheets, C, General Correspondence Box 8 1, 1947-1961, Ca, 300 letters, incl: Baro, Gene ALS & TLS several, Bellow, Saul ALS Sept, 1960; ALS Aug, 1959; TLS May 1960, Bourjaily, Vance several ALS Burnett, Whit several TLS 1953, Counts, George S, TLS 1952, Doliner, Roy several TLS Epstein, Seymour TLS Berger, Thomas Addenda November 1967 3 Box 8 Gold, Herbert ALS note,1959; TLS postal 1959. Goyen, William ALS 1950. Herbst, Josephine TLS 1960. Herrick, William TLS several. Kellner, Alfred TLS several. Marrison, Leo (Eng.writer) ALS several. Nomad, Max several ALS. Putnam, Carleton (author) TLS 1958. Sackler, Howard several ALS and TLS. Schickel, Richard several TLS (also see letters signed "Bill" on Look letterhead) Sinclair, Upton TLS Nov.30, 1948. Singer, Herman several TLS Spender, Stephen TLS 1954. Swados, Harvey several TLS. Tannenbaum, Robert several TLS. Trilling, Lionel TLS 1959. Viereck, Peter several TLS 1952, with some clips of his works. Weiss, Dan TLS 1956. Wolfe, Bernard several TLS. 2. 1962: Davenport, George TLS postcard Nov.26, 1962. El1';i.n, Stanley TLS Sept. 1962. Ellison, Ralph ALS July 1962. Berger, Thomas Addenda November 1967 4 Box 8 Herrick, William several TLS. Parker, Robert Andrew ALS June 1962; ALS July 1962. Sackler, Howard 13 ALS. Schickel, Richard several TLS. Scott, Winfield Townley TLS February 1962. Singer, Herman several TLS. Stern, Daniel TLS November 1962. Wolfe, Bernard TLS December 1962. 3. 1963. Ca. 200 letters, incl.: Hassan, Ihab ALS, Herrick, William several ALS and TLS. Miller, Henry ALS postcard May 1963. Parker, Robert Andrew several ALS. Sackler, Howard 13 ALS. Schickel, Richard several TLS. Wolfe, Bernard several TLS, Addenda April 1968 Box 9 I, MANUSCRIPTS A, KILLING TIME 1, "Partial original rough ms, vol,I!" Typescript with ftolo corr, 263p, In 2 binders; 1 red 1 1 black, 2, "Printer's copy," Photocopy with halo corr, 9'0p, Typescript with holo corr, 346p, BERGER, Thomas Addenda: August 1972 Printed Material Box 9: MAD Magazine, Dec. 1971, featuring parody of LITTLE BIG MAN, p. 4-10. THOMAS BERGER ADDENDA: AUGUST 1974--0CTOBER 1974 I. MANUSCRIPTS Box 10 & A. BOOKS. 11 1. REGIMENT OF WOMEN. N,Y., Simon & Schuster, 1973. 3 bound volumes, typescript with holo. corr., ca. 525 p. Box 11 2. SNEAKY PEOPLE. 2 bound volumes, typescript with holo. corr., ca, 500 p. Box 12 3, VITAL PARTS. N,Y,, Simon & Schuster, 1970, a) 2 bound volumes, typescript with holo. corr., ca. 700 p. b) Galleys, Box 13 B. PLAYS. 1, OTHER PEOPLE, (#1) a) Typescript with holo. corr., 85 p. b) Program for Berkshire Theatre Festival, July 1970, where the play was first performed. 2, REX, RITA, .AND ROGER, 1970, typescript with holo. corr,, 90 p. (112) 3. THE SIAMESE TWINS. A comedy in 2 acts, 1970, typescript with holo, corr., 80 p. (//3) II. PRINTED MATERIAL. A. BY TB. 1. "Candy Darling Is (Almost) All Girl". Esquire, 40th Anniversary Issue, Oct, 1973. (114) 2. "Feeling the Squeeze". Mademoiselle, Oct. 1961 (tear sheet). 3, "How the West Was Lost". Esquire, March 1964 (tear sheet). 4. "In Quest of Miss America". Show, Sept. 1962 (tear sheet). Berger, Thomas page 2 · Addenda: Aug. 1974--0ct. 1974 B. ABOUT TB. "Close-up Thomas Berger". (Interview) The Cincinnati Enquirer Magazine, Oct. 8, 1972. (#5) C, RESEARCH ARTICLES. 1. CRYONICS SOCIETY OF NY, program for 1972. 2. "Immortality and the Freezing of Human Bodies". By John P. Wiley, Jr. (tearsheet). 3. The Outlook, Jan, 1972 (cryonics). 4. "Physics and Life Prolongation". By Gerald Feinberg. Reprint for CSNY, Physics Today, Nov. 1966. Box 14 III, CORRESPONDENCE A. LITTLE BIG MAN LETTERS, 1962--1974. Includes correspondence with agents, publishers, authors, fans. 175 TLS, 59 ALS, 31 CTL, 14 xerox. (111) Including: Abell, Bess (The White House) TLS, Sept. 15, 1964. Ack­ nowledging book sent to Mrs. Johnson. Broyard ALS, n.d. 1964. Cassill, R. Verlin TLS xerox, Sept. 15, 1964; 2 TLS, Oct. 14, 27, 1964. Cheever, John TLS xerox to Dial Press, Sept. 7, 1964, Gelbart, Larry, TLS, Nov. 23, 1965. Ghose,Zulfikar TLS, Jan. 6, 1970. Gold, Herbert TLS, Dec. 5, 1964. Goldwater, Barry TLS xerox to Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, Sept. 28, 1964. Good, Robert C. (U.S. Ambassador to Zambia) TLS, July 15, 1965. Berger, Thomas page 3 Addenda: Aug. 1974--0ct. 1974 Havighurst, Walter TLS xerox to Richard Baron, Dial Press, Sept. 1, 1964; TLS, Sept. 18, 1964. Highet, Gilbert TLS xerox to Henry Robbins, Farrar, Straus, Aug. 12, 1964. Humphrey, William TLS, Jan. 8, 1966, Lea, Tom TLS xerox to Richard Baron, Dial Press, Sept. 6, 1964; TLS, Sept. 29, 1964. Macinnes, Helen TLS xerox to Mrs. Schrader, Sept. 18, 1964. Miller, Henry TLS xerox to Editor, Dial Press, Aug. 20, 1964. Morris, Willie TLS, June 10, 1964. Purdy, Ken W. ALS, Aug. 23, 1965, Sackler, Howard ALS, Dec. 12, 1964. Smith, H. Allen TLS xerox to Richard Baron, Dial Press, Sept. 10, 1964. Williams, Thomas TLS, Feb. 11, 1965. Wolfe, Bernard 2 TLS, "Friday" 1964; "Sunday" 1964; TLS (postcard), Sept. 16, 1964. B. 1964--1965, 71 TLS, 16 ALS, 19 CTL, 1 xerox. (//2) Including: Bourjaily,Vance ALS, Apr. 7, 1964; ANS, June 26, 1964. Brooks, Cleanth TLS, Apr. 1, 1965. Harnack, Curtis TLS, Dec. 10, 1964. Herrick, William TLS, March 1, 1964; ALS, Aug. 22, 1964; TLS, Apr. 17, 1965; ALS, July 7, 1965; 2 TLS, Aug. 25, Nov. 2, 1965. Lea, Tom TLS, Jan. 9, 1965. Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher TLS, Aug. 31, 1965. Berger, Thomas page 4 Addenda: Aug, 1974--Oct. 1974 Macinnes, Helen TLS, Feb. 5, 1965 (signed Helen Highet). Marrison, Leslie William ALS, Feb. 9, 1965, Miller, Henry ALS (postcard), Jan. 18, 1964. Parker, Robert Andrew (artist) ALS, Jan. 31, 1964; ALS (postcard), Jnne 29, 1964; ALS, July 17, 1964; ALS, July 4, 1965; ALS, Sept. 7, 1965; ALS, Oct. 12, 1965; ALS with sketch, Oct. 26, 1965; ALS with sketch, n.d.

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