Salsa2journal 1939..1998
SENATE JOURNAL EIGHTY-FIRST LEGISLATURE Ð REGULAR SESSION AUSTIN, TEXAS PROCEEDINGS FIFTIETH DAY (Monday, May 4, 2009) The Senate met at 11:10 a.m. pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the President. The roll was called and the following Senators were present:iiAveritt, Carona, Davis, Deuell, Duncan, Ellis, Eltife, Estes, Fraser, Gallegos, Harris, Hegar, Hinojosa, Huffman, Jackson, Lucio, Nelson, Nichols, Ogden, Patrick, Seliger, Shapiro, Shapleigh, Uresti, VanideiPutte, Watson, Wentworth, West, Whitmire, Williams, Zaffirini. The President announced that a quorum of the Senate was present. The Reverend Steven Bell, Saint Austin Catholic Parish, Austin, offered the invocation as follows: Most good and gracious God, we give You thanks for this new day of life and living, this new day of hope and opportunity. We have gathered together to deliberate, debate, and decide. May You shine Your gifts of wisdom, prudence, and patience to guide us this day so that the fruits of our convocation may feed and foster all those who we serve in great and beneficial ways. Fortify us with good health and strength so that we may be physically up to the challenges of the day. Fill us with inspiration and understanding to enlighten our minds. And enrich our joy and peace to nourish our hearts. We ask all of these graces and blessings in the courage of our faith. And to this we say, Amen. Senator Whitmire moved that the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Friday, May 1, 2009, be dispensed with and the Journal be approved as printed. The motion prevailed without objection.
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