Archives of Psychiatry and , 2018; 1: 7–11

DOI: 10.12740/APP/82020

Is flexibility always associated with mental health? A study of coping and depression

Jordana Shell, Leah Beaulieu, Brittany Pothier, Keith S. Dobson, Martin Drapeau

Summary Despite the abundance of data linking coping to well-being and lack of flexible thinking to depression, there remains a need for research investigating the relationship between flexibility in coping and depressive symp- toms. The present study aimed to determine if there is indeed a relationship between coping flexibility, defined as an ability to use a greater variety of coping strategies, and depression scores in patients suffering from ma- jor depression. Participants were taken from the cognitive–behavioral therapy arm of Jacobson’s landmark study (1996, 2008). Depression was assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), coping strategies were identified using the Coping Patterns Rating Scale (CPRS), and coping flexibility was calculated using Gi- ni’s C concentration measure. No significant association was found between flexibility in coping and severity of depression. While flexibility in coping, or lack thereof, is not associated with depression severity, it remains to be seen whether decreased flexibility in coping is different in individuals suffering from depression when compared with non-depressed individuals.

depression, coping, cognitive–behavioral therapy, coping flexibility, Coping Patterns Rating Scale

Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman define cop- revealed that individuals who used more effec- ing as adapting cognitive and behavioral efforts tive ways of coping subsequently had greater life to manage specific external or internal demands satisfaction and overall happiness [see also 4-6]. that are appraised as taxing or as exceeding the In addition to this, it has also been suggest- resources of the person [1]. A coping strategy is ed that individuals who can produce multiple considered to be effective when it reduces im- appraisals of potentially threatening situations mediate distress and contributes to more posi- demonstrate flexibility, and thus adaptive so- tive outcomes, such as psychological well-being lutions, in their coping styles across situations. [2]. Indeed, Endler and Parker [3] found that cop- Indeed, early studies by Fresco and colleagues ing strategies play a significant role in one’s ad- [7] and by Reardon and Williams [8,9] suggest aptation to stressful life events, as certain coping there may be a relationship between coping ri- strategies can have either positive or negative ef- gidity, and anxiety and depression. This find- fects on one’s psychological or physical health. ing is congruent with Beck’s cognitive theory of More specifically, Endler and Parker’s findings depression, which states that individuals with depression are stuck in a negative loop, rigidly viewing themselves, the world, and the future Jordana Shell1, Leah Beaulieu1, Brittany Pothier1, Keith S. Dob- 2 1 1 in a negative way. More importantly perhaps, son , Martin Drapeau* : McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Ca- nada; 2University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada it is also congruent with a broader conceptual- Correspondence address: [email protected] ization of mental health. Indeed, a number of 8 Jordana Shell et al. studies in mental health have shown that cogni- form disorder, organic brain syndrome, and in- tive flexibility is related to psychological health tellectual disability. [10,11] and, conversely, cognitive rigidity is tied In the original study, all patients were ran- to psychological problems. For example, psycho- domly assigned to one of three treatment arms, logical inflexibility is related to greater endorse- which consisted of 20 sessions of: (1) a treatment ment of depression and anxiety symptoms [12] focused on behavioral activation, or (2) a treat- and is found in individuals diagnosed with ob- ment that included both behavioral activation sessive–compulsive disorder and anorexia ner- and the teaching of skills to modify automatic vosa at higher rates relative to healthy counter- thoughts, or (3) full cognitive–behavioral thera- parts [13,14]. py (CBT). The present study focused on the full With the exception of studies conducted by CBT arm only (N = 50) as coping scores were Fresco and colleagues [7] and Williams [8,9], available for that arm. The sample of partici- there remains a dearth of empirical research pants for this study was 76% female; the mean examining the possible links between flexible, age was 39.2 years (SD = 8.8), and 76% of par- non-rigid use of coping strategies and depres- ticipants were White. For the purposes of this sion. In addition to this, those earlier studies re- study, session 3 was used to derive the data; this lied solely on questionnaires that were admin- session was chosen over the first two sessions as istered to college students, not on a systematic contractual arrangements regarding the therapy observation of the discourse or behaviors of clin- are covered by then. ical patients. In light of this, the goal of the cur- rent study was to examine the relationship be- tween levels of depression and flexibility in cop- Measures ing. The current study also made use of an ob- server-rated method to assess coping styles, and The BDI is a 21-item self-report inventory that a sample of clinical patients was used in order to measures the intensity of depression. The psy- address the above-mentioned limitations in pre- chometric properties of the BDI are well estab- vious studies. lished [20]. The BDI was completed by partici- pants following session 3. The Coping Patterns Rating Scale (CPRS) [21] METHOD is an observer-rated system used to assess cop- ing processes based on interview transcripts. Participants The measure has been used in numerous stud- ies and its validity and reliability are well estab- Participants were taken from the landmark lished [22-30]. The rating scale comprises 12 cat- Jacobson study [15,16]. They met criteria for egories of coping originating from a landmark major depression according to the Structured study conducted by Skinner and colleagues [31]. Clinical Interview of the Diagnostic and Statis- Transcripts were transcribed verbatim and rated tical Manual of Mental Disorders (third edition) by trained independent judges; raters were blind (SCID-III) [17], scored at least 20 on the Beck De- as to the level of depression severity. Inter-rater pression Inventory (BDI) [18], and scored 14 or reliability, calculated on 26% of the cases, was greater on the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for satisfactory, with a mean intraclass correlation Depression (HRSD) [19]. Exclusion criteria com- coefficient (ICC 2,1) of 0.70. prised a number of concurrent disorders: bipolar To compute a flexibility score for coping, an or psychotic subtypes of depression, panic dis- innovative statistic known as a dispersion index order, current alcohol or other substance abuse, was used [32-34]. This statistic is derived from past or present schizophrenia or schizophreni- Gini’s concentration C measure, as follows: C 1 – Σ (squared probabilities of ratings in each level) Dispersion = = Cmax Maximum value of C

The maximum value of C (Cmax) is computed ber of coping strategies observed in the session. as shown in Table 1, where n refers to the num- A dispersion of 0 indicates maximum rigidity,

Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2018; 1: 7–11 Is flexibility always associated with mental health? A study of coping and depression 9 while a dispersion score of 1.0 indicates maxi- tionship between flexibility in coping, comput- mum flexibility in coping strategies. Spearman ed with the dispersion index, and depression se- correlations were then used to assess the rela- verity.

Table 1. Formulas for computations of Cmax

Number of coping ratings in one subject’s transcript Value of Cmax

If (n ≤12) 1-n × [(1/n)2] If (n ≥13 & n ≤ 24) 1 – [(n-12) × (2/n)2 + (12-(n-12)) × (1/n)2] If (n ≥ 25 & n ≤ 36) 1 – [(n-24) × (3/n)2 + (12-(n-24)) × (2/n)2] If (n ≥ 37 & n ≤ 48) 1 – [(n-36) × (4/n)2 + (12-(n-36)) × (3/n)2] If (n ≥ 49 & n ≤ 60) 1 – [(n-48) × (5/n)2 + (12-(n-48)) × (4/n)2]

RESULTS that critical point where a formal diagnosis can be given, the severity of the depression does not The mean BDI score across participants was 23.2 matter. To determine this, a much broader sam- (SD = 8.4, range 7–46), whereas the mean flexi- ple of individuals with and without depression bility score was 0.65 (SD = 0.11, range 0.47–0.86). would be required. No relationship was found between BDI scores The absence of a significant association between and flexibility scores (r = 0.16, n.s.). coping flexibility and depression severity does to some extent call into question theories about flex- ibility in mental health, or at the very least, it cir- DISCUSSION cumscribes them. While mental illness may be re- lated to increased cognitive and behavioral rigid- No correlation was found between BDI scores ity, it appears that the severity of the illness is and flexibility scores, suggesting that coping unrelated to rigidity. Using a method similar to flexibility is not related to depression severity. ours, Drapeau and colleagues [33] examined ri- This finding is in many ways counterintuitive. gidity in defense mechanisms in patients suffer- Numerous studies have shown that flexibili- ing from anxiety. Contrary to what they had an- ty in cognitions and behaviors is related to im- ticipated, they found that a larger repertoire of proved mental health [10-14]. As such, it would defense mechanisms was significantly related to have been reasonable to expect a reduced reper- more symptom severity and to greater levels of toire of coping strategies to be related to great- anxiety. Their findings hence suggest that anx- er symptom severity. While this cannot be said ious patients may make multiple random but un- to be due to insufficient variance in depression successful attempts at dealing with stressors. In severity in the sample, it may be tied to reduced the case of depression, however, no such process variance in the patients’ coping flexibility scores. appears to be present. It is hence possible that Indeed, the variance observed in the coping flex- while patients suffering from anxiety make ran- ibility of patients was relatively low, by such dom and unsuccessful attempts at dealing with suggesting that flexibility in coping can be rel- stressors, and that these attempts are in propor- atively similar from one individual to the next, tion to their level of anxiety, depressed patients at least in depressed patients. More importantly do not appear to use more or less coping as they perhaps, it is possible that differences in coping become more depressed; indeed, one of their dif- flexibility are not tied to the severity of the de- ficulties might instead be in choosing and adopt- pression but rather to the presence, as opposed ing coping strategies that are adaptive. Until fur- to the absence, of depression. As such, the onset ther research is conducted, the possible ties be- of depression may be associated with reduced tween cognitive and behavioral coping and men- flexibility in coping, but once individuals reach tal illness will remain theory, not science based.

Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2018; 1: 7–11 10 Jordana Shell et al.

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