1889-1890 Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale University
OBITUARY RECORD OF GRADUATES OF YALE UNIVERSITY Deceased during the Academical Tear ending in June, 189O. [PRESENTED AT THE MEETING OF THE ALtJMM, JUNE 24th, 1800.] [No 10 of the Third Printed Series, and No. 49 of the whole Record ] OBITUARY RECORD or GRADUATES OF TALE UNITERSITT Deceased during the Academical year ending in JUNE, 1890. [PRESENTED AT THE MEETING OP THE ALUMNI, JUNE 24th, 1890] [No 10 of Third Printed Series, and No 49 of the whole Record] YALE COLLEGE. ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT. 1820. THEODOBE DWIGHT WOOLSET, the sixth child and youngest son of William W. and Elizabeth Woolsey, of New York, was born in that city, October 31, 1801. The family removed to New Haven in 1805, where his mother, who was a sister of Presi- dent Dwight, died in 1813. Soon after graduation he began the study of law (with no in- tention, however, of practicing it) in the office of Charles Chauncey, Esq. (Yale 1792), of Philadelphia, a brother of his step-mother. In 1821 he entered Princeton Theological Sem- inary, but was recalled to Yale by the offer of a tutorship in June, 1823. While in this office he pursued further theological studies, and was licensed to preach in 1825. In the summer of that year he resigned the tutorship, and in May, 1827, went to Europe, where he remained until July, 1830, mainly occupied in the study of Greek m France and Germany. Soon after his return he was elected, in September, 1831, to the Professorship of Greek in Yale College,—Professor Kmgsley's chair of Ancient Languages being divided for this purpose.
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