
Journal reference guide

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Journal name Description

RSC Gold Access to all Royal Society of journals, five literature updating services and an eBook series.


Analyst The home of premier fundamental discoveries, inventions and applications in the analytical and bioanalytical sciences.

Analytical Methods Early applications of new analytical methods and technology demonstrating potential for societal impact.


Biomaterials Science An international high impact journal exploring the science of biomaterials and their translation towards clinical use.


Catalysis Science & Technology A multidisciplinary journal focusing on all fundamental science and technological aspects of catalysis.

ChemComm (Chemical Communications) Urgent, high quality communications from across the chemical sciences.

Chemical Science The Royal Society of Chemistry’s flagship journal, publishing findings of the most exceptional significance from across the chemical sciences.

Chem Soc Rev The home of high impact reviews from across the chemical sciences.

Chemistry Education & Practice (CERP) The journal for teachers, researchers and other practitioners in chemistry education.

 Royal Society of Chemistry Registered charity number 207890

CrystEngComm Design and understanding of solid-state and crystalline materials.


Dalton Transactions The international journal for high quality, original research in inorganic and .


Energy & Environmental Science A journal linking all aspects of the chemical, physical and biotechnological sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science.

Environmental Science: Nano Focused on nano aspects of environmental science and sustainability.

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts A multidisciplinary journal for the environmental chemical sciences.

Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Showcasing innovation for sustainable water.


Faraday Discussions Summary & research papers from discussion meetings that focus on rapidly developing areas of physical chemistry and its interfaces.

Food & Function Linking the chemistry and physics of food with health and nutrition.


Green Chemistry Cutting-edge research for a greener sustainable future.


Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers The international, high quality journal for interdisciplinary research between and related subjects.


 Royal Society of Chemistry Registered charity number 207890

JAAS (Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry) Innovative research on the fundamental theory and application of spectrometric techniques.

Journal of Materials Chemistry A High impact applications, properties and synthesis of exciting materials for energy and sustainability.

Journal of Materials Chemistry B High impact applications, properties and synthesis of exciting materials for and medicine.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C High impact applications, properties and synthesis of exciting materials for optical, magnetic and electronic devices.


Lab on a Chip A unique forum for research into devices and applications at the micro- and .


Materials Advances An open access journal publishing across the breadth of .

Materials Chemistry Frontiers The international, high quality journal for topical and multidisciplinary research on all aspects of materials chemistry.

Materials Horizons Urgent short reports of exceptionally high quality & innovative materials science.

Metallomics Global approaches to metals in the biosciences.

Molecular Omics A home for leading research in multi-omics and single-omics technologies.

MSDE (Molecular Systems Design & ) A molecular engineering journal: building and designing systems from the molecular level.


Nanoscale A high impact, peer reviewed journal publishing experimental and theoretical work across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

 Royal Society of Chemistry Registered charity number 207890

Nanoscale Advances An open access journal publishing across the breadth of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Nanoscale Horizons Urgent short reports of exceptionally high quality & innovative nanoscience & nanotechnology.

Natural Product Reports (NPR) High impact, critical reviews in natural products research and related areas.

NJC () A journal for new directions in chemistry.


Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry Rapid publication of organic synthesis, supramolecular chemistry, chemical biology and more.

Organic Chemistry Frontiers The international, high impact journal for cutting-edge research from all disciplines of organic chemistry.


Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences A society-owned journal publishing high quality research on all aspects of photochemistry and photobiology.

High quality research in physical chemistry, chemical physics and PCCP (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics) biophysical chemistry.

Polymer Chemistry The home for the most innovative and exciting polymer chemistry, with an emphasis on the synthesis and applications of polymers.


Reaction Chemistry & Engineering Bridging the gap between chemistry and chemical engineering.

RSC Advances At the heart of open access for the global chemistry community.

RSC Chemical Biology A gold open access journal publishing exceptionally significant and breakthrough findings in chemical biology.

 Royal Society of Chemistry Registered charity number 207890 RSC Medicinal Chemistry Research and review articles in medicinal chemistry and related drug discovery science.


Soft Matter An interdisciplinary journal focusing on innovative topics through original research and reviews.

Sustainable Energy & Fuels The home of interdisciplinary research for the development of sustainable energy technologies.

 Royal Society of Chemistry Registered charity number 207890