Minutes County GOP Convention March 23, 2013 Magnuson Convention Center, , OK

Purpose of the Meeting: Annual Convention Parliamentarian: Jeannette LaMar Convention Secretary: Gaylene Stupic Attendees: Delegates elected at Oklahoma County Precinct Meetings and guests

Call to order by Matt Jackson at 9:17 a.m. Prayer: Steve Kern i Presentation of Colors: Del City Navy ROTC Pledge: Jay Mandraccia, 2013 Vice Charman

Guest Speakers Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb • Quote: “With malice toward none, with charity for all, ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, ...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”~Abraham Lincoln • 2012 Oklahoma lead the nation in net job growth • Manufacturing jobs were up 6.7% • Lowest unemployment in the nation

Janet Barresi, Oklahoma Superintendent of Schools • $8 million savings in re-organization of Ok Board of Education • Reading coaches going throughout the state (30-36% of students fail 3 rd grade reading) • Praise legislature for working with her to turn around Oklahoma schools • Superintendents need to agree to performance goals • Her door is always open

Gary Jones, OK State Auditor • Applauds the grassroots, as it’s not the $$ that get people elected • Working towards transparency and accountability • Changed law that required paper records of audits to be kept, freeing up floor space • Made audits available for free through the internet • Serves on the pension board and is concerned about the rise in pension obligations

Dave Weston, Candidate for Oklahoma Republican Party Chair • WestonforChair.com • Applauds for getting OK GOP in great shape and wants to build on that foundation • Register more Republicans • True power is at the county level • Poem by Josiah Gilbert Holland ii

Pam Pollard, State GOP Vice Chairman • Announced Matt Pinnell has been offered a job with the RNC as Chairman of the State Chairmen • Republicans have fallen behind the Democrats in reaching voters through technology • Explained how the Demos micro-targeted voters by purchasing and studying internet data- mining lists and responding with custom targeted messaging • State Convention will be April 19-20 at the Magnuson • Gala dinner will recognize Murrah Building Bombing; guest speaker Fred Barnes

Minutes Oklahoma County GOP Convention March 23, 2013 Magnuson Convention Center, Oklahoma City, OK

Steve Fair, National Committeeman • Shift in voter registrations is trending towards Republican • Challenged delegates to target Independent and conservative Democrats who “always vote Republican” to re-register as Republican • Carry voter registration forms and target ALL Americans who believe in traditional values and person al liberty • Challenged precinct chairs to be at every ethnic event, to be evangelists of the conservative message • Give an honest measure and then add a little more

Jay Mandraccia, OK County Vice Chair introduced state legislators • Sen. (highest priority is workers’ comp reform, tax reform and consolidating and eliminating State Boards and Commissions) • Sen. Kyle Loveless (highest priorities are 2 nd Amendment should travel with you, even on a city bus, religious exemption for biometric ID, allowing abortionists to be sued) • Rep. Sally Kern (expressed need for more politicians to stand like a rock on principles; priorities are human trafficking, American laws for American people, appeal against Agenda 21 sustainable development) • Rep. Rand Grau (religious exemption for businesses who don’t want to pay for abortions, personal liberty) • Rep. Jon Echols (encouraged us to keep calling and sending in emails, stand for conservative principles) • Rep. Jason Nelson (re-organize DHS, consolidate and streamline state government and measure outcomes to be sure changes are working) • Rep. Randy McDaniel (pension reform, welfare reform) • County Commissioner Brian Maughan (SHINE program impacting neighborhoods, putting deadbeat parents to work, students have donated 200,000 hours in 8 months) • Sen. Lewis Moore (chairs State’s Rights Committee to determine if OK should accept federal funds when there are strings attached that leave voters on the hook)

Credentials Report, Charlie Potts and Margie Drescher Delegates present and credentialed: 386 • Vote to accept report: 1 st motion – Vincent Johns, 2 nd Motion – Raymond Heckard • Discussion: Discrepancies found Amended Report: 390 present and credentialed • Amended Report Vote to accept: 1 st Motion – Ken Bartlett, 2 nd – Carol Hefner • PASSED by voice vote

Seating Convention Chair Matt Jackson called for motion to seat Bill Price as Convention Chair: 1st Motion – Charlie Potts, 2 nd – Sara Jo Odom Division Vote: For 231 Against 133 Bill Price was seated as Convention Chair

Rules Committee Report, Steve Curry Motion to accept report: 1 st – Raymond Heckard, 2 nd – Chad Smith PASSED by voice vote

Minutes Oklahoma County GOP Convention March 23, 2013 Magnuson Convention Center, Oklahoma City, OK

Election of County Chairman Steve Dickson, nominated by Maj. Ed Pulido, 2 nd – John Bates Matt Jackson, nominated by Duane McAnally, 2 nd : John Roach No nominations from the floor Vote: Steve Dickson 156.83 Matt Jackson 174.17 Matt Jackson is re-elected as Chairman

Election of County Vice Chairman Cheryl Williams nominated by husband John Williams, 2 nd – Porter Davis Jay Mandraccia nominated by Duane McAnally, 2 nd – Carol Hefner No nominations from the floor Vote: Cheryl Williams 50.06% Jay Mandraccia 49.94% Cheryl Williams is elected as Vice Chairman

Election of State Committee Member #1 Steve Kern nominated by Charlie Potts, 2 nd – Willard Linzy Dax Eubank nominated by Adam Bates; 2 nd – John Bates No nominations from the floor Vote: Steve Kern 180.03 Dax Eubank 121.94 Steve Kern is re-elected State Committee Member

Election of State Committee Member #2 Julie Henry nominated by Cheryl Williams, 2 nd – Patty Hankins Evelyn McCoy nominated by Brian Maughan, 2 nd – Bebe Dotter No additional nominations from the floor Vote: Julie Henry 125.58 Evelyn McCoy 165.42 Evelyn McCoy is elected State Committee Member #2

Election of 5 th District Committee Member#1 Duane Crumbacher nominated by Cheryl Williams, 2 nd – Danielle Spence Clem Burdick nominated by CarolynRoberts, 2 nd Evelyn McCoy Estela Hernandez nominated by Rep. Sally Kern, 2 nd – Kathy Larson Clem Burdick withdrew his nomination Vote: Duane Crumbacher 85.49 Estela Hernandez 173.51 Estela Hernandez is elected 5 th District Committee Member #1

Election of 5 th District Committee Member #2 Stephanie West nominated by husband Jack West, 2 nd – Porter Davis Darin Ward nominated by Duane McAnally, 2 nd – Clem Burdick No additional nominations from the floor Vote: Stephanie West 156.24 Darin Ward 102.76 Stephanie West is elected 5 th District Committee Member #2

Oklahoma County Platform presented by Kerry Cox, Chairman Correction to show that Don Powers was a member of the Platform Committee Kerry Cox called for the motion to accept the Platform with corrections, 2 nd – Wanda Martin Accepted with corrections by voice vote Minutes Oklahoma County GOP Convention March 23, 2013 Magnuson Convention Center, Oklahoma City, OK

Challenge to Vice Chairman’s election issued by Charlie Potts Formal protest filed by Cheryl Williams Challenge withdrawn after examination of computer calculations demonstrate that there were no errors in correct designation of precincts labeled as OPEN or CLOSED

Question called as to whether or not there remained a quorum

MATT—I don’t know what the results were as I believed that there was not a quorum BUT I didn’t write down the numbers…and don’t know why we continued with the business of the convention. I did write sketchy notes about the resolutions because I didn’t understand why we continued to pass “resolutions” if we didn’t have a quorum.

Resolutions Presented on the Floor of the Convention All resolutions had the required 40 signatures and were received by the Convention Secretary by the appointed time Question: Should America Restore Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy restricting what Christian Chaplains can do or preach; presented by Stephen Malinowski Ruled: Passed by voice vote

Question: Resolution of condemnation by elected Republican officials in Oklahoma County who endorsed a Democrat when a Republican was running for the same office Ruled: Passed by voice vote

Question: Elected Oklahoma County officials should not endorse candidates in the primary Rule: Passed by standing vote

Question: Penalize officials 10% Ruled: Denied by standing vote

Announcements 1. Tom Roach encouraged anyone concerned about the cost of building a $280 million jail should contact him 2. Encourage convention attendees to bring lunch from home as conventions lasting through lunch cause hardship for attendees, especially those with medical issues.

Motion to adjourn at 5:30 p.m. Made by Steve Dickson, 2 nd – Emmalee Mattern

i Convention Prayer: Our Father and our God, Who art in heaven, we praise Your name and thank You for the freedom to meet here together today. We also thank You for the wisdom You gave our founding fathers who established this union of states as one nation under God based on the truths and principles in Your word. We also thank You for the wonderful prosperity Your wisdom has made possible for us to enjoy. But Father, as we pray here together today we must confess that we have allowed our nation to drift farther and farther away from Your truth and righteous ways. We pray that You will lead us today as a people committed to the principles of our founding to make decisions that will leads us to a restoration of Your blessings. As a people we have sinned in many ways and confess Father our need for Your mercy in these troubled times. Grant us Your conviction and boldness today to make decisions that Minutes Oklahoma County GOP Convention March 23, 2013 Magnuson Convention Center, Oklahoma City, OK

will lead us in the direction to where we once again can humble ask with confidence, “God Bless America and the people of Oklahoma.” In the name of Your Son, The Lord Jesus Christ we pray, Amen. ii God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands; Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will; Men who have honor, men who will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue, And damn his treacherous flatteries without winking! Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty, and in private thinking; For while the rabble, with their thumb worn creeds, Their large professions and their little deeds, Mingle in selfish strife, Lo! Freedom weeps, Wrong rules the land and waiting justice sleeps. -Josiah G. Holland (1819-1891