4th Annual IAOM Southeast Asia District Conference October 8-10 at Asiana Saigon InterContinental Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

The Brabender® GlutoPeak A new and rapid method

Sören Meissner Melchers Techexport Bremen, Germany Brabender® GmbH & Co.KG Duisburg, Germany …where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Farmer – Miller – Baker Everyone is looking for an optimal grain, and quality

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Different influences to obtain an optimal product, e.g.  Quality of raw materials  Recipe  Technological process parameters  Baking process  Customer demands  …

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Criterias of raw materials  Composition (protein, moisture, ash, fat,…)  Properties of the ingredients  Final: Quality of flour  Technological processing properties  …  International standards have been developed, are well defined and used worldwide over decades.  Standards are needed to compare sample quality; „to speak the same language“, the same procedures must be used.

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Standard methods applied worldwide  AACC methods American Association of Cereal Chemists; USA  ICC standards International Association for Cereal Chemistry; Austria  ISO International Organization for Standardization; Switzerland  National standards GB-T China / RACI Australia / FTWG Great Britain / IRAM Argentina and more

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

What happened if something went wrong?  Less or bad quality of products

 Bad batch: causes unnecessary production cost  Inefficient production: means demotivation of employees

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

What happened if something went wrong?  Additional costs for disposal of rejected products

 Increasing time pressure at agreed product delivery  Most important: your customers get unhappy

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak


There is no good and no bad flour in the market.

It is our aim to find the right application and usage for it.

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

How to check the quality of grain and flour?  Absolute values (e.g. moisture, protein,…)  Rheological values (water absorption, stability,..)  Quick methods (e.g. NIR)  Practical methods (e.g. Brabender® 3-Phase-System)  …

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Milling Moisture NIR Mixing Stretching Gelling

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

The Brabender® 3-Phase-System  Farinograph®  Extensograph®  Amylograph®

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

The Brabender® Farinograph® 85 years successful on the market - worldwide

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Phase 1: Dough mixing

Key question: Water absorbtion and how stable is the dough during mixing?

 Water absorbtion  Protein quality  Enzyme activity (Proteases)  Mixing stability Farinograph®-AT

AACC standard 54.-21, ICC standard 115/1, ISO 5530-1, 5530-2, …

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Example: Evaluation ICC 155/1 Farinograph

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Usual standard mixers at Farinograph®

Sigma mixer Sigma mixer S 10 S 300 and S 50  For small samples  Standard test  10 g flour  300 or 50 g flour

Other mixers on special request

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

1. Standard software to run international standard test like ICC, AACC or others 2. Additional software options beside the standard Farinograph® test, e.g.  Correlation software  Variable speed (0-200 min-1)  Create own speed profiles (Speed/times)  Create own temperature profiles  Create own evaluations/methods  LIMS – Laboratory information management system

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Phase 2: Dough resting and stretching

Key question: Can the dough hold gas?  Wheat quality  Stretching behaviour  Effect of additives


AACC standard 54-10, ICC standard 114, ISO 5530-2, …

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Influences of additives – 5 concentrations Ascorbic acid

25 ppm addition 10 ppm addition no addition

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Phase 3: Gelling of starch

Key question: Can the starch absorb the water during baking?

 Enzyme activity (Amylases)  Gelling behaviour of starch  „Video“ of starch gelling, not just picture

® AACC standard 22-10, ICC standard 126/1,… Amylograph -E

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak

Viscosity Low enzyme activity

1000 AU


600 Enzyme activity fine


200 Enzyme activity too high


…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Brabender® GlutoPeak (GP)

 A new rapid method  In addition to the Brabender® 3-Phase-System  Rheological „fingerprint“ of the flour after minutes  Additional info for additional benefit

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

The Brabender® GlutoPeak  Measures flour, wholemeal flour, vital , baking mixes  Special application for wafer flour  High correlation to protein content and baking volume  Small sample size (3-10 g)  Results within some minutes (1-10 min.)  Easy handling

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Measuring system

 High speed performance  Special paddle geometry  Stainless steel paddle and bowl  Temperature controlled bowl and sample  Patented

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

The principle  Preparing of a slurry with test material and water  Gluten will be separated by the mixing and aggregates  The temperature and speed are kept constant  After a time (depending from the property of the sample), the gluten aggregates = the torque rises up  Further mixing destroys the network = the torque decreases

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

The principle  Most important are • the peak time and • the maximum height of the curve  Strong gluten: short peak times with high peaks  Weak gluten: late peak times with low or even no peaks  The can be rated due to their different peak maximum times and peak heights.

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

8 g of flour or Liquid wholemeal flour

Suspension High Speed

Results by TORQUE  Evaluation software PC  Correlation software

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Description of the results

Classification Retention  Strong flour (bread) Time (RT) short RT high PV  Weak flour (biscuit) Peak  long RT Value  low PV (PV)  Wafer flour  very long RT  no PV

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Description of the evaluation Retention time (RT) (Peak maximum time)  Time required for gluten to aggregate and exhibit maximum torque on the paddle before breaking down Peak value (PV)  Maximum torque in BU (Brabender® Units)

High peak: High content of strong gluten Low or no peak: Low content of gluten

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method NEW

Some results from scientific research

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Hard wheat: Correlation between wet gluten [%] and torque generated with the GlutoPeak

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 New ways in flour Analysis Brabender® GlutoPeak® NEW


W-Value Torque [BU] Torque

Farinograph® Water absorption

Time [min] Bread volume

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 New ways in flour Analysis

Brabender® GlutoPeak® - Water absorbtion NEW

[%] ®

Torque Peak [BU] Water absorption Farinograph absorption Water

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 New ways in flour Analysis Brabender® GlutoPeak® NEW


W-Value Torque [BU] Torque

Farinograph® Water absorption

Time [min] Bread volume

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 New ways in flour Analysis

Brabender® GlutoPeak® - Alveograph W-value NEW

value -

Alveograph W Alveograph Torque Peak [BU]

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 New ways in flour Analysis Brabender® GlutoPeak® NEW


W-Value Torque [BU] Torque

Farinograph® Water absorption

Time [min] Bread volume

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 New ways in flour Analysis

Brabender® GlutoPeak® - Baking test (10g procedure) NEW Torque Peak [BU] Peak Torque

Volume [ml]

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Summary  Optimization / standardization of flour quality requires standard procedures and high quality instruments  Flour can be well defined by the Brabender® 3-Phase-System  Additional rapid method GlutoPeak available for the first „quality fingerprint“  Constant and good flour quality reduces additional costs and waste in  Optimizations of technological processes are possible  Optimum and constant baking quality can be achieved

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Benefit for Milling industry  Constant and better flour quality  Higher flour price possible  Customer loyality through quality

Baking industry  Preventing adverse production batches  Higher market share  More baked goods by choosing better flours  Customer loyalty through consistent product quality

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Brabender® Duisburg: Application laboratory

1930 2013 Training, sample testing, new developments, research, co-operations…

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

There is no bad flour existing in the world, only the correct or wrong application.

Brabender is your worldwide partner to find out the appropriate application purpose.

For your satisfied customers, your high quality standards, your successful market presence.

Brabender – 90 years innovation, quality, and reliability.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013 The Brabender® GlutoPeak New instrument – new method

Thanks for your attention

For any further discussion please visit us at

booth 23

…where quality is measured.

Copyright © Brabender® GmbH & Co. KG, 10.10.2013