ORDER Government of , Revenue Department, Sachivalaya, . Dated 16th March, 2016.

The Gujarat NO. GHM - 2012 - M - '99 - STP - 122009 - 3041 - Hi :- In exercise of the Stamp Act,195B. 'power conferred by clause (a) of section 9 of the Gujarat Stamp Act, 1958 (BOM LX of 1958), the Government of Gujarat hereby amends Government Orders, Reven ue Depa rtment, No.GHM-2 0 14-M-92 -STP-122009-3041-H-1 dated 13th June, 2014 as follows namely-

In the said order in clause (ii) for the words and figures "upto 31st March, 2016", the words and figures "upto 31st March, 2021" shall be substituted., .•. f: By order and in the name of of Gujarat,

',~ ~ 1 7 MAR 2016! ~/r ( V.T.Mandora) ~UUt'.a_UIt ••• Deputy Secretary to Government.

~ ..J/L.'..•" II1II:1=-==_-=•••• To 1. The Manager. Govt Central Press, Sector - 30. Gandhinagar - With a request to publish the Notification in Part IV -B of the Gujarat Govt. Extra ordinary Gazette and send 100 copies of the same to Revenue Department, H.1 Branch and 100 copies to the Superintendent of stamps and Inspector General of Registration, Gujarat State, Stamp Bhavan, Nr. Kh~5Circle, Sector -14, Gandhinagar.

2.The Chairman, Translation Unit, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Department - With a request to translate the Notification in Gujarati and to instruct the Manager, Govt. Press Gandhinagar to publish the same in part IX of Gujarat Govt. Gazette and send 100 copies of the same to Revenue Department, H.1 Branch and 100 copies to the Superintendent of stamps and Inspector General of Registration, Gujarat State, Stamp Bhavan, Nr. Kh-5 Circle, Sector -14, Gandhinagar.

COPyforwarded with compliments for information to:- *1, The PS to Hon'ble the Governor of Gujarat, Rajbhavan, Gandhinagar. *2. The PS to Hon'b!e . Gujarat State, Sachivaiaya, Gandhinagar. *3. The PS to Revenue Minister, Gujarat State, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. *4. The PS to Finance Minister, Gujarat State, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. 5. The Principal Secretary, Revenue Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. 6. The Accountant General, Gujarat, /. 7. The Superintendent of stamps and Inspector General of Registr(1tion,GlI.iarat State, Stamp Bhavan. Nr. Kh-5 Circle, Sector -14. Gandhinagar. 8. The Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Gujarat State, Stamp Bhavan, Nr. Kh-5 Circle, Sector .14, Gandhinagar. . 9, All District's Collectors. (Through S.S.& I.G.R. Office) 10. All Deputy Collectors, Stamp duty Valuation Organization.(Through S.S. Office) 11. All SUb-Registrars, (Through I.G.R. Office) ·12 Dy. Section Officer.H1 Branch.Revenue Department Select File-2016 13 Branch Select file - 2016

'by latter ORDER Government of Gujarat Revenue Department Sachivalaya, Gandhlnagar. Dated 13th June, 2014.

The Gujarat NO.GHM-2014-M-13 'Z.. -STP-122009-3041-Hl. In exercise of the powers conferred by Stamp Act, 1958 -clause (a) of section 9 of the Gujarat Stamp Act, 1958 (BOM LX of 1958), hereinafter referred to as "the said Act" ), the Government of Gujarat hereby amends Government Orders, Revenue Department, NO.GHM/2004/1 03IMJSTP/l 02004/1993/H-l dated the zo" December, 2004 as follows namely- In the said order, (i) for the words "not exceeding Rs.Two lacs" the words "not exceeding Rs.Five lacs'' shall be substituted. (ii) for the words and figures "upto 19'hDecember, 2013" the words and figures "upto 31s1 March, 2016" shall be substituted.

By order and in the name of Governor of Gujarat. ~~ (V. T.MANDORA) Deputy Secretary to Government Revenue Department To LThe Manager, Govt. Central Press, sector-30, Gandhinagar- With a request to publish this Notification in Part IV -B of the Guiarat Govt. Extra ordinary Gazettee and send 100 copies of the same to Revenue Department, HI Br., and 100 copies to the Supdt. Of Stamps and Inspector General of Registration, Gujarat State,Stamp Bhavan, KH-5,Gandhinagar. 2.The Chairman, Translation Unit, Legeslative &. Parliamentary Affairs Department - With a request to translate this Notification in Gujarati and to' instruct the Manager, Govt. Press Gandhinagar to publish the same in part IX of Gujarat Govt. Gazettee and send 100 copies of the same to Revenue Department, H 1 Br.and 100 copies to the Supdt. Of Stamps and Inspector General of Registration, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar.

Copy forwarded with compliments for information to:- *1 The PS to Hon'ble the Governor of Gujarat, Raj Bhavan, Gandhinagar. *2 The PS to Hon'ble Chief Minister, Gujarat State, Sachivalaya.Gandhinagar, *3 The PS to Revenue Minister, Gujarat State, Sachivalaya .. Gandhinagar. *4 The PS to Finance Minister, Gujarat State, Sachivalaya.Gandhinagar 5 The Principal Secretary, Revenue Department, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar. 6 The Accountant General, Gujarat, AhmedabadlRajkot. 7 The Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Gujarat State, Stamp Bhavan, KH-5, Gandhinagar. 8 The Superintendent of Stamps, Office of the Supdt of Stamps, Gujarat State, Stamp Bhavan, KH-5, Gandhinagar .. 9. The Inspector General of Registration, Office of the Insp. General of Registration, Gujarat State, Stamp Bhavan, KH-5,Gandhinagar. 10 All District Collectors 11 All Dy. Collectors, Stamp duty Valuation Organization. 12 All Sub-Registrars, Registration Department. 13 Select file 14 Dy. Section Officer, HI Br.Revenue Department *by latter

