Item no 7.4 + + EDI N BVRG H THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL Report no cq3I \lO-ll\ 9s Implications of Audit Scotland’s Report on ‘The Gathering 2009’ The City of Edinburgh Council 16 September 2010 Purpose of Report 1 To refer to the Council the attached report by the Chief Executive on Audit Scotland’s review report on ‘The Gathering 2009’. Main Report 2 On 31 August 201 0, the Policy and Strategy Committee considered the attached report by the Chief Executive detailing the implications for the Council of Audit Scotland’s review report on ‘The Gathering 2009’. 3 The Committee agreed to refer the report to the Council without recommendation. Recommendation 4 That the Council considers the attached report by the Chief Executive on the implications of Audit Scotland’s report on ‘The Gathering 2009’. AI astair Maclean Head of Legal and Administrative Services Appendix Report no PS/50/10-11/CE by the Chief Executive Contactltel Rhona Sinclair lit 529 4238; €3
[email protected] Wards affected All Background None Papers Item no EDIN BVRGH Report no THE CITY OF EDINBURGH COUNCIL Implications of Audit Scotland’s report on ‘The Gathering 2009’ Policy & Strategy Committee 31 August 2010 1 Purpose of report 1.I On the 23 June 2010 Audit Scotland published its review report on the Gathering ‘2009. On that date, the Council Leader requested that I provide within two cycles :- e a report on Audit Scotland’s review; e the implications for this Council of Audit Scotland’s recommendations; and 0 an explanation of why this Council agreed to settle one of The Gathering 2009 Ltd’s debts to a creditor.