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Part 03 GLOBAL REPORT 2016 AFRICA.Indd REGIONAL SUMMARIES Africa WORKING ENVIRONMENT Global displacement has grown year-on-year since 2011. By 2016, the Africa region was hosting almost 30 per cent of UNHCR’s total population of concern worldwide. The total number of displaced and stateless people in Africa doubled from 10.2 to approximately 20 million during those fi ve years. At the end of 2016, Africa generously hosted 5.6 million refugees and asylum-seekers and almost 13.2 million IDPs and returnees, and 715,000 stateless people. Multiple crises across the continent remained unresolved and further deteriorated, with more than 2 million forcibly displaced people in 2016. Of the six situations worldwide UNHCR considered emergencies in 2016 (see Responding with lifesaving support chapter and Glossary), three were in Africa, namely in Burundi, Nigeria and South Sudan, which triggered large-scale displacements. Security incidents in some parts of Chad, the Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mali, Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan also exacerbated the situation for those already in exile or displaced within each country, with limited prospects for return. © UNHCR / H. C A young mother enjoys the full attention of her baby girl as she tries to blow up a balloon at a nutrition AUX centre run by the International Rescue Committee in north-east Nigeria. 50 • UNHCR GLOBAL REPORT 2016 2016 UNHCR GLOBAL REPORT • 51 REGIONAL SUMMARIES | Africa Africa | REGIONAL SUMMARIES Plan (RRP). The organization continued to to approximately Across the continent, the eff ects of lead and coordinate the response to the 140,000 Malian protracted confl icts, climate change and Burundi refugee emergency in each aff ected refugees hosted drought fuelled food insecurity, aff ecting country, in close collaboration with the in Burkina Faso, nearly 20 million people. The number of relevant governments. Throughout 2016, it Mauritania and Niger. refugees aff ected by cuts to food strengthened border and protection Increasing focus was assistance, forced by funding shortfalls, monitoring activities preventing placed on improving rose sharply, from less than 800,000 in non-refoulement. Being as it is one of the livelihoods and building 2014 to close to two million in 2016. In some fi ve pilot countries for the Comprehensive self-reliance. Inside Mali, almost EAST cases, food assistance was cut by half in CENTRAL Refugee Response Framework (CRRF – see 37,000 were internally displaced. AND HORN large operations, including in Cameroon, AFRICA AND THE Glossary), UNHCR is also working with the OF AFRICA Chad, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda. In GREAT LAKES Government of the United Republic of many refugee sites in these countries, acute Nigeria situation Tanzania to set up the CRRF Secretariat. malnutrition and anaemia was greater than 40 per cent. This upwards trend is expected Since the outbreak of the Boko Haram to grow, unless adequate funding is made Central African Republic insurgency in 2009, the security situation in available. situation the Lake Chad Basin region has been one of extreme challenges for governments, Faced with such a range of demands, CAR experienced renewed violence in humanitarians, Nigerian refugees, IDPs and needs and risks, UNHCR focused on 2016. In western and central parts of the host communities in Cameroon, Chad and providing urgent protection and emergency country, the situation remained volatile, with Niger in 2016. In addition to an estimated response; on further strengthening eff orts kidnappings and clashes between armed 2.7 million IDPs inside Nigeria and more in search of sustainable solutions; and on groups leading to internal population than 200,000 refugees in neighbouring expanding and deepening partnerships, to movements and waves of new arrivals in countries, the confl ict has also pushed address both recent and more protracted neighbouring countries. By the end of the hundreds of thousands of people into Refugees displacement situations. year, some 460,000 Central African internal displacement; over 192,900 people Asylum-seekers refugees were in Cameroon, Chad, Congo in Cameroon’s Far North region; some Returnees (refugees and IDPs) MAJOR SITUATIONS and the DRC, and more than 411,000 were 82,260 in Chad’s Lake region; and a further internally displaced. UNHCR continued to 184,230 in Niger’s Diff a region. Stateless persons provide support to the CAR Government for Internally displaced people (IDPs) Burundi situation Boko Haram has also abused populations the voluntary return of IDPs to areas on a wide scale and committed grave Others of concern including within the capital, Bangui. Since the outbreak of civil confl ict in April human rights violations, including 2015, some 409,000 Burundian refugees systematic acts of sexual and gender-based 4,000,000 have fl ed to the DRC, Rwanda, Uganda and Mali situation violence (SGBV). In June 2016, the 2,000,000 the United Republic of Tanzania, including governments of Cameroon, Chad, Niger more than 120,000 Burundian refugees in The security situation in northern and and Nigeria reached a common central Mali remained fragile, with a number 2016. Approximately 500 to 700 refugees commitment in the Abuja action statement, 400,000 arrived daily in the United Republic of of terrorist attacks taking place. Slow to implement the regional strategic Tanzania, where camps exceeded their progress in implementing the peace protection framework for the Lake Chad capacity by tens of thousands. agreement, which was signed in June 2015, Basin situation. Population size hindered large-scale returns. Small numbers In response to growing protection needs, of refugees and IDPs returned Despite a very diffi cult operating UNHCR launched a supplementary appeal spontaneously and received reintegration environment, UNHCR and partners made for the Burundi situation in July 2016 and support from UNHCR. The Offi ce continued noteworthy progress towards achieving the updated the regional Refugee Response to provide protection and basic assistance main protection objectives such as 52 • UNHCR GLOBAL REPORT 2016 2016 UNHCR GLOBAL REPORT • 53 REGIONAL SUMMARIES | Africa Africa | REGIONAL SUMMARIES refugees, Sudan (297,168), Kenya (88,391), home at the time to more than identifying, registering and documenting In response to multiple crises and a growing Half of the world’s the DRC (66,672) and CAR (4,915). 340,000 Somali refugees. UNHCR refugees in Cameroon, Chad and Niger, number of displaced people, UNHCR aimed top 10 refugee- responded by intensifying efforts to assist hosting countries advocating for access to asylum, and In August 2016, UNHCR and partners to improve service delivery, including spontaneous and voluntary returns, and find were located in the working closely with governments to revised their contingency plans to ensure access to quality secondary and tertiary continent. resettlement opportunities. The camp’s prevent refoulement. Inside Nigeria, preparedness, in view of the influx of South education, and vocational training and population reduced by 60,000 people in UNHCR led the protection, camp Sudanese refugees to neighbouring livelihood opportunities. During the 2016 through the re-location of non-Somali, coordination and camp management countries. To respond to the most urgent high-level summit of the United Nations the resettlement of vulnerable refugees, (CCCM) and shelter/NFIs clusters. The needs, a supplementary appeal for the General Assembly, aimed at addressing and the voluntary repatriation of an Office provided shelter, non-food items, and South Sudan situation was launched, as large movements of refugees and migrants, estimated 45,000 Somali refugees. The psycho-social support to vulnerable IDPs. well as a revised “South Sudan regional as well as the Leaders’ Summit on Kenyan authorities subsequently extended Refugee Response Plan” (RRP). UNHCR and Refugees, held in the United States in the deadline for the camp’s closure to the Complicating matters, worsening food partners focused on life-saving and life- September 2016, African Governments end of May 2017. Insecurity, political insecurity in the Lake Chad Basin region sustaining assistance for refugees, made strong commitments in the areas of instability and food shortage in many parts affected an estimated eight million people. including basic services, and addressed the education, employment and housing. in Somalia continued to hamper large-scale The need for adequate shelter and core most immediate needs of new arrivals from They also committed to discussing voluntary return and ways to find durable relief items remained acute inside Nigeria South Sudan in hosting countries, through alternative and improved mechanisms to solutions. and hosting countries. UNHCR and its border monitoring interventions, registration screen populations at borders, in line with partners stepped up efforts to respond at and documentation. In South Sudan, The crisis in Yemen also affected the their international obligations, while paying several levels to these needs. While UNHCR, as part of the Humanitarian subregion, with fewer returning Somali and attention to the safety of citizens. With partners managed to support refugees in Country Team, continued to lead the new Yemeni refugees. UNHCR and IOM UNHCR’s support, in June 2016 the the livelihoods sector, economic protection, CCCM, and shelter/NFIs evacuated thousands of Somalis at risk in Government of Nigeria hosted a regional opportunities in the Lake Chad Basin region clusters, which
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