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Ruc!{Sel/197E PCLiTiCAL AI{D !NTORMATIVE REVIEW ,, TIRANA ruc!{sel/197e The beloted leader of the Farty and of the entire Albanian people, comrade ENVER HOXHA, partA otganized atnong the happy-oj- chitdren tuho participat great Neu Year eteninE lat th; Palace Brigades bg the Central, e ol the Party of Labaur of Albania I and the Council ol Ministers ol the PSRA ber 30, 1977. tor Janaq Pago. c0ltTEilTS: ' (Document) Ihe Pezo Conference - on event of greot historic importonce 46 ENVER HOXHA Ihe history of the Albonion people is written with blood 2 MEHMET SHEHU The closs struggle w guorontee thot the Porty wi n o revolutionory Porty of t s l0 NDREqT PLASARI Mythology in modernist oesthetics 2l ATFRED Uqr From the life of the country 28 oEurocommunismn or undisguised revisionism 38 ZERI ! POPUTLIT Press review 58 THE }IISTORY OT'f,$EE ATBAruI H PEOPTE rs RttrEN t[ffi Br00D by MEFIMET SHEHU The Member of the Potitical Bureau of the Central Committee of the pLA ond Chairmnn of the Couneil of Ministers of the PSRA, \lehmit Shehtr,. Little Albonio will certoinly build sociolism relying on its own forces, ond in consistent revolutionory struggle ogoinst imperiolism, with US imperiolism of the heod, ogoinst Soviet sociol-imperiolism ond modern revisionism of every hue ond brond, together with oll the proletorions ond genuine communists of the world, together with oll the peoples of the world Dear comrades, Brothers and sistors, ON BEH-{I,F OF THE CEI\ITRAL COMMITTEE OF THE PABTY AND TTIE GOVERNMENT, THE PRESIDIUM OF THE PBOPLE ASSEMBLY, AND OF THE LEADER OF OUR PARTY AND PEOPLE, COMRADE ENVEE HOXHA PEESONAI,T-Y, I BRING YOU TTIE IUOs.,- FEBVENT REVOLUTIONARY GREETINGS AND WISH YOU MANY' TTIEUY HAPPY EETURNS OF THE GREAT F'ESTIVAI,S - THE 65TTI ANNIVERSAEY OF THE PROCLAMATION OF TTIE INDIPENDENCE OF THE HOMET-AND AND THE 33RD ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIBERATION OF THE COUNTRY FROM TIIE FAS-CIST OCCUPIEES, VLORA TIAS BECOME THE SYMBOL OF OUR PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR FREEDOIVI, PATRIOTISM, HEROISM, COURAGE. FIDELITY, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE OF VI,ORA HAVE ALWAYS DISTINGUISHED THEMSELVES BY THE BLOOD THEY HAVE SHED FOR FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE, FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE. IT IS THE VLORA OF NOVEMI}Ets 28, 19L2, WHEBE THE GEEAT AND WISE PATRIOT ISMATL QEMALI HOISTED THE NATIONAL FT,AG AND PROCLAIMED THE INDEPENDENCE OF ALBANIA AFTER 5OO YEARS OF SAVAGE SLAVERY UNDER THE BAEtsAROUS OTTOMAN DOMINATION; IT IS TIIE VLOR.A OF 1920, WHEN SELAM MUSAI'S STOUT FIGHTERS <SEIZED THE CA.NNON BY THE I&trTJZZLE-, FOUGHT WITH UNEXAMPLED HEROISM *AGAINST A {O MILLIOT{-S1'RONG KINGDOM- AND DROVE VICTOR EMMANUEL'S AIiMY INTO THE SEA; IT IS THE VLORA OF THE THUNDEBS AND STORMS OF THE NATIONAL LIBERATION IVAP. AND THE PEOPLE'S REVOLUTION, IVHEN ALL TI{E PEOPLE OF VLOBA, OF TIIE CITY AND COI]NTRYSIDE, OLD AND YOUNG, MEN AND WO- MEN, AGED PEOPLE AND CTIILDREN, ROSE UP IN ARMS, RESPONDING TO TIIE CALL OF THE COMMUNIST PAIi'fY, AND UNIT'ED TO A MAN BOUND IT, TURNE' TIIEIR, EEGION INTO A HELL FOR, THE ENEMY. BLOOD W.A,S SHED IN TORRENTS AND TTIE ITALIAN AND GERMAN OCCUPIERS AND.THE BALLISTS, SOLD OUT TO TIIEM, KNEIV ONLY DEFEAT, THEY WERE WIPED OUT' OR DRIVEN A\,VAY ONCE AND FOR AL,I, FROM OUR SACRED SOIL. All Albania is like Vlora, all the Albanian people rrian brothers of Macedonia and Montenegro, as well have fought like the people of Vlora, Vlora is heroic, ai to all the other Albanian patriots wherever they because the entire Albanian people are heroic, The Pro- are, wishing them many happy returns of the festival ciamation oi lndcpenrlence in l9LZ was the crown- of November 28. Our blood antl theirs is the same, ing of the heroic struggle not orely of the people of !i'e are one Beople, one nation. Hasan Prishtina was the region of Vlora, but of all the Albanian people, of a merntrer of Isrnail Qemali's Vlora Government of the struggles of tire Albanian people for liberation, 1913, Up to these days, his remains were lying in forc- freedom and indenenelence throughout the country ign soil, in Salonica. Thanks to the solicitude of the Isa Boletini of legendary l(osova was the right hantl Farty and comratle Enver Hoxha, our Government of Ismail Qemali who hoisted the national flag, and brought them home. Now they are in Tirana antl will with lsa Boletini were all the heroic Albanian people of stion rest in a worthy place. This shows that the Party I{osova. Therefore, today, with love and profound rel- never forgets but on the contrary always honours those pect, we address our ardent revolutionary greetings not vl:ho have fought for the freedom of the people. On only to all the Albanian people of socialist Albania, but this occasion, we thank the Greek Government for its also to all our brothers of Kosova and the other Alba- r:r,diness and unreserverl assistance in fintling and bring- iug the mortal remains of the outstanding patriot Ha- MEHIIET SHEHU Member of the Political Bureau of san Prishtina Albania. Such gestures acts bring tlte CC of th,e PLA- and Chaiyman of the Council of to and Ministers of the PSRA. Speech deliuered, on the occa. peoples and states closer together, create an atmosphe- sron of the 65tl'r annitersary o! the Proclamation of Na- re of understanding, strengthen the correct relations tional Independence and the 33rd anniuersarg of the Li- good beration of the Homeland (Vlora, Nouember 29, 1977). ut rnutual respect and neighbourliness. The hoisting of the national flag and the Proclama- In the historic wake of Scanderbeg's legendary epic tion of Inclependence itr Ylora 65 years ago were not followed innumcrable uprisings in the various regions a fortuitous historic act, but the result of the centuries- of Albania, up to the uprisings of the poor peasantry long struggles of the Albanian people for freedom and against the Ottoman occupiers and the Tanzimat re- iltdependence, for their lanil and their language, for forms, which were lerl by Zenel Gjoleka and Rrapo their vital rights as a people and as a nation. hl the Itrekali and other heroes, and the battles of the unil,s course of the centuries, rnany storms have swept over of the armetl insurgents of Themistokli Qermenji, Spiro the Albanian soil, from the invasion of the Romans, Bellkameni and Qergiz Topulli, Decl6 Gjo Luli and Isa the migrations of the barbarians and the Slaves, the fioletini, which constitute only some of the links in invasion of the Ottoman hordes, down to the interven- the endless chain of the armed struggles of our people tions of the Western imperialists, of the chauvinirt for freedom and which lecl to the general Albanian gangs of the neighbouring countries, antl later, of the uprising of 1912, which was crowned with the historic Italian fascist and German nazi ocoupiers. The histo- victory of November 28. rlv of the Albanian people is written in blootl. The great movement of our national Renaissance, In the course of centuries the Albanian people have brilliantly represented in the allround, tireless and self- always fought not to occupy the land of others, but lcss activity of the outsanding patriots, thinkers and tro defend their own land and honour. They have al- fighters of thc pen anil rifle, Abdyl, Naim and Sami Fra- rvays been the victims of recurring foreign aggressions; sh6ri, Naum Yeqilharxhi ancl Kostanclin Kristoforidhi, although their enemies have always been superior in Ismail Qemali, Hasan Prishtina, Luigj Gurakuqi and number and more powerful in means, nevertheless they many others - this light-giving rnovement in the bo. have never succeetled in subjugating the smaller Al- som of the Albanian nation, constitutes one of the most banian people. This proves the great vitality of our brilliant chapters in the struggle and efforts of our people. It is this vitality, expressed in the manly de- people for freeclom and independence. termination of our people antl their steel-like will But the Proclamation of National Independence and to defend their freedom, their land, their honour, their the founcling of the independent Albanian State, despite language and their goor[ customs, that has saveil the its great historic importance, could not bring the people Albanian nation from extinction in the ruthless storms complete victory, for which they had shed their bloorl of the times and enabled Albania to come out triumph- o\:er the centuries. The internal enemies, the feudal ant frorn these storms, with the red flag in her chiefs and merchants of a hundr,ed flags, who had made the hand, with the Party of Labour of Albania at the selling of the Homeland their profession, t,rietl by all ma.nner head, and march l,oclay with her firm and irresistibie of means to rob the people of the fruits of their blood- militant step on the roatl to socialism and communism. shetl. While the imperialist trrowers and the chauvinistic The legenrlary epic of Scanderbeg in the 15th cen- circles of the neighbouring states hatched up plots and tury showed the whole world that a people, no matter acted secretely behintl-the-scenes for the partition of Al- how small in number, when they are correctly led and bania, our people tlicl not give up arms, but continued fight for a just cause, can win even over an enemy their struggle against the feudal-bourgeois reaction and many times greater in number, even in conditions of against the imperialists and chauvinists of the neighbour- complete encirclement when they are obliged to rely iug states, too.
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