TODD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Regular Board Meeting Agenda Date: September 5, 2017 Time: 9:00 AM Meeting to be held in the County Board Room, Historic Courthouse, 215 1st Ave S, Long Prairie, MN. Commissioners may be in the Commissioner's Board Room prior to the board meeting proceedings to perform routine business until the Public Comment period begins at 8:45 a.m.. Item # Approx. Time 1 Call to Order and Roll Call 9:00 2 Pledge of Allegiance 9:01 3 Amendments to the Agenda 9:03 4 Potential Consent Items 9:04 4.1 Approve August 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes 4.2 Whole Farm Education Foundation - 1-Day Temporary On Sale Liquor License 5 Auditor-Treasurer 9:05 5.1 Auditor Warrants 5.2 Commissioner Warrants 5.3 Health & Human Services Warrants 5.4 Repurchase of Tax Forfeited Property 5.5 County Ditch Maintenance Assessments for Taxes Payable 2018 6 Commissioners 9:10 6.1 CMEMS Funding Support Request to Legislators 7 Public Works 9:15 Staples Historical Society's Request to Reduce Administration & Engineering Fees for the 7.1 Staples Depot Restoration Project 7.2 Retirement of Public Works Foreman - Arlan Bjorstrom 7.3 2017 Fall Road Meeting - Setting Date 2017 Transfer of Excess Municipal State Aid Construction Funds to Regular State Aid 7.4 Construction Funds 8 Ditch Inspector 9:30 8.1 Hold Harmless Agreement - Install private crossing - CD32 8.2 County Ditch 8 - Minor Maintenance 9 Planning & Zoning 9:35 9.1 Agreement with Stearns County for Advanced Septic Design Reviews 9.2 Riparian Aid Allocation 10 Sheriff's Office 9:45 10.1 Approve the Purchase of Two Squads 11 Health & Human Services 9:50 11.1 Approve Contract for Interim Emergency Environmental Health Services 11.2 Resignation - Homemaker Standing Reports Auditor-Treasurer Report Commissioners' Report Coordinator Report Recess

1 of 69 The County Board Meeting will begin promptly at the prescribed time. The County Board reserves the right to alter the order of the agenda items and the amount of time allowed for an item based on business needs.

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-01

Title for Agenda (for publication):Meeting Minutes Approval Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 min Department Requesting Action: Auditor-Treasurer Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Denise Gaida Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Minutes for the following meeting are attached: August 15th, 2017 Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: to approve the Commissioner's Meeting Minutes for August 15th, 2017 as presented. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF } COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal


Minutes of the Meeting of the Todd County Board of Commissioners held on August 15, 2017 Call to Order The Todd County Board of Commissioners met in the Commissioner’s Board Room in the City of Long Prairie, MN on the 15th day of August, 2017 at 9:00 AM. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Erickson. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. All Commissioners were present with Commissioner Kircher absent. Approval of Agenda On motion by Becker and second by Neumann, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote. To approve the agenda with the removal of item 4.3 Whole Farm Education Foundation and 5.4 Auditor-Treasurer Policies and Procedures and the addition of Setting Elected Official Salaries by Sept. 30th discussion to the Commissioner’s Reports. Consent Agenda On motion by Neumann and second by Kneisl, the following motions and resolutions were introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve the Commissioner’s Meeting Minutes for August 1st, 2017 as presented. To approve a one year Full On Sale and Sunday Liquor License for the Long Prairie Country Club at the address of 406 6th Street SE, Long Prairie, MN in Long Prairie Township effective October 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018 which replaces their current Club On Sale and Sunday Liquor License in effect. Auditor-Treasurer On motion by Kneisl and second by Neumann, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve the July 2017 Auditor Warrants number 229908 through 230131 in the amount of $1,772,106.80.

On motion by Becker and second by Neumann, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve the Commissioner Warrants number 46716 through 46827 in the amount of $63,688.80.

On motion by Kneisl and second by Becker, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve the Health & Human Services Warrants number 512876 through 512944 in the amount of $95,496.26. Assessor On motion by Kneisl and second by Neumann, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve the abatement request for parcel 15-7003104 and remove from the 2017 tax roll. Public Works On motion by Kneisl and second by Becker, the following resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: FINAL PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION – 2016 HARTFORD BRIDGE CONTRACT


WHEREAS, the contract with Robert R. Schroeder Construction, Inc. for the 2016 Hartford Bridge Contract known as SAP 077-599-064 located on 290th Street in Hartford Township, has in all things been completed, and; WHEREAS, construction work on this contract was scheduled and completed in 2016 with the value of the total work certified being $616,692.44, and; WHEREAS, partial payments amounting to $584,836.79 have been previously been made to the contractor as work progressed, and; WHEREAS, it has been determined that $31,828.65 still remains to be paid to Robert R. Schroeder Construction, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners does here accept said completed project for and in behalf of the County of Todd and authorize final payment as specified.

On motion by Neumann and second by Kneisl, the following resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: FINAL PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION – 2017 HSIP STRIPING CONTRACT WHEREAS, the contract with Century Fence Company for the 2017 HSIP Striping Contract known as SP 077-070-008 (Ground-In Wet Reflective Striping) has in all things been completed, and; WHEREAS, construction work on this contract was scheduled and completed in 2017 with the value of the total work certified being $89,332.05 and; WHEREAS, partial payments amounting to $84,865.45 have been previously been made to the contractor as work progressed, and; WHEREAS, it has been determined that $4,466.60 still remains to be paid to Century Fence Company. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners does here accept said completed project for and in behalf of the County of Todd and authorize final payment as specified.

On motion by Becker and second by Kneisl, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve out of state travel for Linus Koval to compete in 2017 Wisconsin Snow Plow Rodeo.

On motion by Neumann and second by Becker, the following resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: FOR AGREEMENT TO STATE TRANSPORTATION FUND – LOCAL BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS (SAP 077-601-021) WHEREAS, Todd County has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for construction of Bridge No. 77536; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has given notice that funding for this bridge is available; and WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $216,131.50 by reason of the lowest responsible bid. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, be it resolved that Todd County does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the grant consistent with Minnesota Statutes, section 174.50, subdivision 5, clause (3), and will pay any additional amount by which the cost exceeds the estimate, and will return to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund any amount appropriated for the bridge but not required. The

Page 2 of 7 4 of 69 TODD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS proper county officers are authorized to execute a grant agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation concerning the above-referenced grant.

On motion by Becker and second by Neumann, the following resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: STATE OF MINNESOTA - LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TODD COUNTY ROAD 83 PROJECT RECOMMENDATION WHEREAS, Minnesota Counties can apply for funding support for transportation infrastructure projects on local roads as part of the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s Local Road Improvement Program which has approximately $25.3 million in bond funds available for constructing or reconstructing local roads in 2018, 2019 or 2020, and; WHEREAS, funding may be requested for projects that will reduce traffic crashes on rural County State Aid Highways and County Roads that have regional significance or for the local share of a trunk highway project, and; WHEREAS, the Todd County Public Works Department recommends that the following project be submitted for State of Minnesota Local Road Improvement Program Funding in Fiscal Year 2020: County Road 83 – from Trunk Highway 10 to County State Aid Highway 34 (County Line), and; WHEREAS, this project is not currently listed on the Todd County Public Works Department Proposed Five Year Construction Plan but it is considered a high priority for funding consideration due to the current overall condition of the road and its regional significance due to the existence of Lakewood Health System Hospital being located along the road. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Todd County Board of Commissioners does herby support the recommendation of the Public Works Department for submitting a State of Minnesota Local Road Improvement Program Funding Application for a Fiscal Year 2020 Project located on County Road 83 from Trunk Highway 10 to County State Aid Highway 34 (County Line).

On motion by Kneisl and second by Neumann, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To accept Tony Wettstein’s retirement effective December 31, 2017.

On motion by Becker and second by Kneisl, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To authorize the recruitment for a full time mechanic in the Public Works Department.

On motion by Kneisl and second by Neumann, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve hiring Erik Gregersen as a Heavy Equipment Operator at Grade 7, Step A, $19.34 per hour.

On motion by Becker and second by Kneisl, the following resolution was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: FINAL PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION – STAPLES DEPOT RESTORATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the contract with Alliance Building Corporation for the Staples Depot Restoration Project known as SP 077-595-001 has in all things been completed, and; WHEREAS, construction work on this contract started in 2015 and completed in 2017 with the value of the total work certified being $465,637.14 and;


WHEREAS, partial payments amounting to $483,053.28 have been previously been made to the contractor as work progressed, and; WHEREAS, it has been determined that $17,416.14 is owed from Alliance Building Corporation in order to final out this contract. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners does here accept said completed project for and in behalf of the County of Todd and authorizes final payment as specified. Soil & Water On motion by Neumann and second by Kneisl, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve signing of letters of support for services provided for Hagen Gamradt and Ethan Dahl for support during 2017. Planning & Zoning On motion by Neumann and second by Kneisl, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To extend the period to complete final platting for Maple Hill, Pine Island Cove, and First Addition to Ivan Addition until November 7th, 2017.

On motion by Neumann and second by Becker, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve Johnson BBL Legacy Preliminary Plat without conditions on parcel 03- 0082200. Sheriff’s Office On motion by Becker and second by Kneisl, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To accept the resignation of Kandace Christianson as a Full-time Jailor Dispatcher effective July 21st, 2017.

On motion by Neumann and second by Kneisl, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve to post in-house and potentially advertise for a Full-time Jailor/Dispatcher. Facilities On motion by Kneisl and second by Neumann, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To not authorize the renewal of the contract with Rhonda’s Cleaning Service.

On motion by Neumann and second by Kneisl, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve the recruitment of one full time custodian position. Administration On motion by Kneisl and second by Becker, the following motion was introduced and adopted by unanimous vote: To approve adopting the AFSCME Health and Human Services Local Union #3128 Labor Agreement effective August 15, 2017. Auditor-Treasurer’s Report The Auditor-Treasurer had no activities to report.


Commissioner’s Report The Commissioners reported on the meetings that they had attended. Discussion was held regarding the request to set the elected official’s salaries by September 30th for 2018 Preliminary Budget preparations. Coordinator’s Report The Coordinator reported on the meetings attended and projects in-progress including health insurance proposals and union negotiations upcoming. Adjourn On motion by Neumann and second by Becker, the meeting was adjourned for the month of August 2017.



43 Payments less than 2000 $ 17,320.92 AMERICAN HERITAGE $ 10,130.53 CITY OF LONG PRAIRIE $ 86,600.59 LONG PRAIRIE OIL COMPANY $ 3,321.10 MORRISON COUNTY $ 31,050.50 SCEPANIAK INC/WILLIAM D $ 19,396.01 STEP $ 4,957.25 STRUCTURAL SPECIALTIES INC $ 18,557.49 TRAFFIC MARKING SERVICE INC $ 7,419.63 VERIZON $ 3,024.68 VOYANT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC $ 3,516.31 28 Payments less than 2000 $ 14,861.93 ANOKA CO GOVERNMENT CENTER $ 14,956.75 NORTHERN SALT INC. $ 2,903.25 NUSS TRUCK & EQUIP $ 110,646.50 SCHOOL DISTRICT 213 $ 7,628.66 SCHOOL DISTRICT 2753 $ 3,377.25 SCHOOL DISTRICT 787 $ 4,067.93 TOWN OF GORDON $ 4,020.52 TOWN OF STAPLES $ 2,172.81 TOWN OF TURTLE CREEK $ 2,664.79 TOWN OF WARD $ 3,319.87 TOWN OF WEST UNION $ 2,107.97 44 Payments less than 2000 $ 17,704.70 Total: $ 1,772,106.80


HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES WARRANTS VENDOR NAME AMOUNT # 14813 $ 2,697.59 # 4453 $ 2,790.00 # 10460 $ 2,770.47 HOLISTIC FAMILY EDUCATION SRVS $ 4,923.98 # 1911 $ 2,780.08 # 12512 $ 2,988.09 # 14655 $ 2,894.78 Page 6 of 7 8 of 69 TODD COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS

# 10746 $ 2,713.12 STEP $ 6,450.46 VILLAGE RANCH INC $ 19,364.77 WEST CENTRAL REG JUVENILE CTR $ 3,479.17 Payments less than 2000 $ 41,643.75 Total: $ 95,496.26

Page 7 of 7 9 of 69

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-02

Title for Agenda (for publication):Whole Farm Education Foundation - 1-Day Temporary On Sale Liquor License Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Auditor-Treasurer Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Denise Gaida Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Application has been filed with the Auditor-Treasurer's Office. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: to approve a 1-Day Temporary On Sale Liquor License for Whole Farm Education Foundation for September 9th, 2017 at the Olive Branch Retreat at 27740 County 98, Grey Eagle, MN in Birchdale Township. Financial Implications: $0 Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised10 of 69 12/2016

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-03

Title for Agenda (for publication): Approve Auditor Warrants Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 min Department Requesting Action: Auditor-Treasurer Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Denise Gaida Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Printout has been sent to the Commissioners & Warrants for Publication are attached. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: to approve the August 2017 Auditor Warrants number 230132 thru 230286 in the amount of $954,422.96. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised11 of 69 12/2016 Auditor Warrants for Publication August 2017 Vendor Name Amount AMERICAN HERITAGE BANK $ 3,037.00 BIG BIRCH LAKE ASSOCIATION $ 3,629.50 BUSKER CONCRETE $ 49,500.00 CARD SERVICES COBORNS $ 2,464.66 CENTRAL ELECTRIC $ 4,492.50 CLIFTON LARSONALLEN, LLP $ 2,000.00 COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS $ 4,687.00 FLEET SERVICES/WEX BANK $ 5,240.56 GALLAGHER BENEFIT SERVICES INC $ 2,400.00 HANSON/DELORES $ 5,602.00 LONG PRAIRIE SANITATION INC $ 3,405.61 MORRISON COUNTY $ 37,143.60 PHILIP'S REPAIRABLES & COLLISION CENTER $ 10,610.93 Prairie Lakes Municipal Solid Waste Auth $ 74,141.67 WATERGUARDS, LLC $ 16,634.50 30 PAYMENTS LESS THAN 2000 $ 14,544.36 AMERICAN HERITAGE BANK $ 41,710.21 BIG BIRCH LAKE ASSOCIATION $ 3,347.38 CEBULLA/PAUL $ 60,168.84 GENE-O'S COUNTRYSIDE REST LLC $ 6,125.75 GOULD/RHONDA M $ 2,834.00 GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT GROUP $ 4,975.00 LONG PRAIRIE OIL COMPANY $ 14,538.51 MEINERS/MARCUS $ 74,012.88 MINNESOTA POWER & LIGHT $ 13,338.09 MN DEPT OF FINANCE $ 6,635.00 NOTERMANN/ANTHONY L. $ 2,522.08 RESOURCE TRAINING AND SOLUTIONS $ 246,778.50 STEP $ 4,387.25 TODD CO AUD-TREAS $ 6,655.00 32 PAYMENTS LESS THAN 2000 $ 13,005.53 AMERICAN HERITAGE $ 8,552.93 CENTURY FENCE COMPANY $ 4,466.60 CITY OF LONG PRAIRIE $ 13,910.95 GUSTAFSON/JEAN M $ 10,150.03 MINNESOTA POWER & LIGHT $ 2,098.82 PETERS LAW OFFICE, P.A. $ 3,026.00 ROBERT R. SCHROEDER CONST. INC. $ 31,828.65 ROSKOP/JUDITH $ 5,000.00 STAPLES ADVANTAGE $ 2,737.76 VOYANT COMMUNICATIONS, LLC $ 3,392.68 WEST CENTRAL TECH SERVICE AREA $ 3,450.00 26 PAYMENTS LESS THAN 2000 $ 9,374.97 CARDMEMBER SERVICE $ 2,960.30 GENE-O'S COUNTRYSIDE REST LLC $ 5,194.85 GUSTAFSON/JEAN M $ 5,995.43 12 of 69 LONG PRAIRIE OIL COMPANY $ 6,536.60 Auditor Warrants for Publication August 2017 Vendor Name Amount LONG PRAIRIE PLUMBING & HTG INC $ 7,866.76 STRUCTURAL SPECIALTIES INC $ 78,295.06 VERIZON $ 2,685.16 20 PAYMENTS LESS THAN 2000 $ 6,331.50 Total: $ 954,422.96

13 of 69

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-04

Title for Agenda (for publication): Approve Commissioner Warrants Date of Meeting:09/05/2017 Total time requested:2 min Department Requesting Action: Auditor-Treasurer Office Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Denise Gaida Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Printout sent to Commissioners and Warrants for Publication attached. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: To approve the Commissioner Warrants number 46828 through 46975 in the amount of $203,345.24. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised14 of 69 12/2016 JOLENES 8/29/17 8:40AM **** Todd County **** WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Page 1

Cutoff 2000 Report Sequence:Amount: 1 - Vendor Name

15 of 69 JOLENES **** Todd County **** 8/29/17 8:40AM WARRANTS FOR PUBLICATION Page 2 Warrants Approved On 9/05/2017 For Payment 9/08/2017


16 of 69

Copyright 2010-2017 Integrated Financial Systems

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-05

Title for Agenda (for publication):Health & Human Services Warrants Date of Meeting:09/05/2017 Total time requested:5 min Department Requesting Action: Auditor-Treasurer Office Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Denise Gaida Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Printout sent to Commissioners and Warrants for Publication are attached. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: To approve the Health & Human Services Warrants number 701098 through 701270 in the amount of $153,397.12 and Warrants number 512945 through 512982 in the amount of $50,942.54. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised17 of 69 12/2016 Warrants for Publication

Payment Date: 9/8/2017 Approval Date: 9/5/2017

Vendor name or # Amount


$17,104.95 Pymts less than $2000 ______

Final Total $50,942.54

18 of 69 Warrants for Publication

Payment Date: 9/8/2017 Approval Date: 9/5/2017

Vendor name or # Amount


FINAL TOTAL 153,397.12

19 of 69

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-06

Title for Agenda (for publication):Repurchase of Tax-Forfeited Property Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 min Department Requesting Action: Auditor/Treasurer Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Denise Gaida Background Supporting Documentation enclosed

Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: To approve the resolution for the application for repurchase of tax forfeited parcel #06-0027900 from David VanHeel. Financial Implications: $none Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal


Repurchase of Tax-Forfeited Property

WHEREAS, David L Van Heel has submitted an application for repurchase of the following described tax-forfeited lands: Parcel06-0027900 Sec 19 Twp 128 Rang 32 Pt GL 3 Desc.r as; comm. at NW corn of Sec 19, E 1939.48 ft, SE’rly1443.20 ft to PT of beg, SE’lry 99.90ft, SE’rly 120.07 ft to waterline of Big Swan Lake, NE’rly along waterline to line bearing SE’rly.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the application for repurchase of tax-forfeited lands submitted by David L Van Heel for Parcel 06-00279000.

Todd County Board of Commissioners Roll Call Vote

Commissioner Erickson Yes No ______

Commissioner Neumann Yes No ______

Commissioner Kneisl Yes No ______

Commissioner Kircher Yes No ______

Commissioner Becker Yes No ______

Page 1 of 1 Board Action Tracking Number: 20170905-06 21 of 69 22 of 69 23 of 69

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-07

Title for Agenda (for publication):County Ditch Maintenance Assessments for Taxes Payable 2018 Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Auditor-Treasurer Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Denise Gaida Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Attachment 1: Resolution Attachment 2: Assessment Listing Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: that the Todd County Ditch Authority approves the attached resolution for County Ditch Maintenance Assessments for Taxes Payable 2018. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised24 of 69 12/2016 TODD COUNTY DITCH AUTHORITY


WHEREAS, the Auditor-Treasurer’s office along with the County Ditch Inspector have been proactively working on improving the cash flow balances within Fund-40 County Ditches on a yearly basis to maintain positive cash flow, and;

WHEREAS, per County Board suggestion, recommendations for the July 2016 through June 2017 assessment cycle were discussed at the County Board Worksession on August 15, 2017, and;

WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute allows for the Ditch Authority to approve maintenance fund assessments on a yearly basis without incurring the expense of a public hearing, and;

WHEREAS, it is the goal of the County Board to transition from the past practice of collecting after spending to maintaining a revolving collection comparative to expense trends and to keep assessments occurring as close to real time as possible for the potential property owners affected.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Todd County Board of Commissioners in their capacity as the Todd County Ditch Authority hereby approves the Maintenance Fund/Ditch Assessments for the 2018 Tax Payable Year per the attached list.

Page 1 of 1 Board Action Tracking Number: 20170905-07 25 of 69 Assessment Year: July 2016 - June 2017 Taxes Payable 2018 **Maintenance Fund / Ditch Assessments** Ditch # Assessment Total CD 4 $ 5,000.00 CD 7 $ 677.43 CD 12 $ 504.96 CD 16 $ 1,185.01 CD 19 $ 4,410.09 CD 20 $ 5,000.00 CD 28 $ 2,000.00 CD 32 $ 1,200.00 CD 33 $ 255.06 CD 34 $ 2,500.00 CD 36 $ 400.00 CD 39 $ 345.00 CD 41 $ 5,000.00 CD 43 $ 1,000.00 CD 45 $ 600.00 JD 2 $ 331.07 JD 5 (Todd Co's Portion) $ 576.75 JD 8 $ 500.00

26 of 69

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-08

Title for Agenda (for publication):CMEMS Funding Support Request to Legislators Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Commissioners Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Barb Becker Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Funding for the EMS system has reached a critical level. Todd County has been encouraged to submit requests to our local legislators to validate the urgency of and to discuss future funding concerns for the EMS system. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: To authorize the County Board Chair to sign letters of request for action to Senator Gazelka, Representative Kresha, and Representative Poston in regards to the EMS system funding crisis. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised27 of 69 12/2016

Todd County Board of Commissioners Rodney Erickson, Chairperson 215 1st Avenue South, Suite 201 Long Prairie, MN 56347 Phone: 320-732-4469

September 5, 2017

Representative John Poston 517 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155

Dear Representative Poston,

You will have received a letter from the Central Minnesota Emergency Medical Services (CMEMS) Region regarding funding concerns. As an agency served by the CMEMS Region, we too share concerns regarding funding and the ability to maintain a fundamental emergency medical services system in our county.

We are asking you to consider attending the September 29th CMEMS Region Joint Powers Board meeting where future funding concerns will be discussed. We appreciate your collaborative efforts to help us assure our citizens will have emergency medical help when the need is most.


Rodney Erickson, Chairperson On behalf of the Todd County Board of Commissioners

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Todd County Board of Commissioners Rodney Erickson, Chairperson 215 1st Avenue South, Suite 201 Long Prairie, MN 56347 Phone: 320-732-4469

September 5, 2017

Representative Ron Kresha 531 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155

Dear Representative Kresha,

You will have received a letter from the Central Minnesota Emergency Medical Services (CMEMS) Region regarding funding concerns. As an agency served by the CMEMS Region, we too share concerns regarding funding and the ability to maintain a fundamental emergency medical services system in our county.

We are asking you to consider attending the September 29th CMEMS Region Joint Powers Board meeting where future funding concerns will be discussed. We appreciate your collaborative efforts to help us assure our citizens will have emergency medical help when the need is most.


Rodney Erickson, Chairperson On behalf of the Todd County Board of Commissioners

29 of 69

Todd County Board of Commissioners Rodney Erickson, Chairperson 215 1st Avenue South, Suite 201 Long Prairie, MN 56347 Phone: 320-732-4469

September 5, 2017

Senator 95 University Avenue W Bldg., Room 3113. Saint Paul, MN 55155

Dear Senator Gazelka,

You will have received a letter from the Central Minnesota Emergency Medical Services (CMEMS) Region regarding funding concerns. As an agency served by the CMEMS Region, we too share concerns regarding funding and the ability to maintain a fundamental emergency medical services system in our county.

We are asking you to consider attending the September 29th CMEMS Region Joint Powers Board meeting where future funding concerns will be discussed. We appreciate your collaborative efforts to help us assure our citizens will have emergency medical help when the need is most.


Rodney Erickson, Chairperson On behalf of the Todd County Board of Commissioners

30 of 69 Central Minnesota EMS Region 705 Courthouse Square St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone: 320.656.6122  Fax: 320.656.6130 August 14, 2017

Governor Mark Dayton 130 State Capitol 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd St. Paul, MN 55155

Dear Governor Dayton:

I am writing to you on behalf of the Central Minnesota Emergency Medical Services (CMEMS) Region Joint Powers Board. The CMEMS Region serves the EMS providers in Benton, Cass, Crow Wing, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Wadena and Wright counties.

There are 8 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Regions that cover the State of Minnesota. Each Region is designated by the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) pursuant to the Minnesota Emergency Medical Services System Support Act (Minn. Stat. 144E.50). The monies for these grants come from the General Fund and seatbelt citations. These are the funds used to help maintain the EMS system in our region.

A proposed increase to the System Support Act was included for possible inclusion to the 2017 budget bills in the house, senate and in the governor’s budget. Unfortunately, additional funds for the EMS System Support Act were not included in the recently passed budget bill. Our current funding has reached a critical level. Without an increase this fiscal year, the Board had to drastically reduce programs that directly maintain first responders. This system is already stressed. Aging responders and lack of new volunteers to replace them is creating difficulties in our ability to maintain this basic safety system. This is concerning to us. We are at a point when a citizen calls 911, there may be long delays in response.

This system is in crisis! We need your help. The CMEMS Region Joint Powers Board requests your attendance at our September 29, 2017 Board meeting. The Board would like to discuss avenues of potential future funding. Please contact Sue Feldewerd at 320-656-6603 to obtain additional meeting information, directions and to RSVP.

We look forward to working with you in partnership on this grave situation.


Commissioner Jeffrey J. Jelinski Central Minnesota EMS Region Chair

CC: EMSRB Executive Director, Tony Spector CMEMS Region Joint Powers Board members Senator Senator Justin Eichorn (continued on back)

Benton . Cass . Crow Wing . Kanabec . Mille Lacs . Morrison . Pine . Sherburne . Stearns . Todd . Wadena .31 Wright of 69 ______Senator Paul Gazelka Senator Carrie Rudd Senator Tony Lourey Senator Senator Michelle Fischbach Senator Jerry Relph Senator Andrew Mathews Senator Scott Newman Senator Bruce Anderson Senator Senator Representative Steve Green Representative Matt Bliss Representative Sandy Layman Representative John Poston Representative Ron Kresha Representative Josh Heintzeman Representative Dale Lueck Representative Mike Sundin Representative Representative Paul Anderson Representative Representative Tim O’Driscoll Representative Tama Theis Representative Jim Knoblach Representative Sondra Erickson Representative Jim Newberger Representative Dean Urdahl Representative Joe McDonald Representative Marion O’Neill Representative Nick Zerwas Representative Eric Lucero Representative Kurt Daudt

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Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-09

Title for Agenda (for publication):Staples Historical Society's Request to Reduce Adminstration & Engineering Fees for the Staples Depot Restoration Project Date of Meeting:09/05/2017 Total time requested:5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Public Works Department with the Staples Historicial Society Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Loren Fellbaum, County Engineer & Tom Kajer, Staples Historical Society President Background Supporting Documentation enclosed According to the attached Cooperative Construction Agreement for the Staples Depot Restoration Project, the Staples Historical Society would reimburse the County for all expenses above and beyond the basic state aid project administration tasks that were listed in the Agreement. Unfortunately the actual construction project encountered a variety of issues that required extensive time and effort from the County to ensure the delivery of the project. This additional effort came at a cost of $19,583.25 which is more than what the Staples Historical Society has available for reimbursement. Therefore due to the fact that the Staples Historical Society does not have any other major funding sources (i.e. taxing authority) besides grants and donations, they are requesting a 50% reduction in the current engineering and administration fees. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed #1 Approve the Staples Historical Society's request to reduce the engineering and administration fees by 50%. #2 Do not approve the Staples Historical Society's request to reduce the engineering and administration fees. Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: Approve the Staples Historical Society's request to reduce the engineering and administration fees by 50%. Financial Implications: $9,791.63 Comments Funding Source:Road and Bridge Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised33 of 69 12/2016 34 of 69 35 of 69 36 of 69 TODD COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS

44 Riverside Drive Phone: 320-732-2722 Long Prairie, MN 56347 Fax: 320-732-4525


Bill To: Staples Historical Society Date: 4th Street NE, PO Box 44 August 17, 2017 Staples, MN 56479

Todd County Depot Project Cost

Preliminary Engineering Cost $ 7,360.85 Fringe Benefits $ 2,094.03 Mileage Charges $ 1,077.70 Total Preliminary Engineering Charges $ 10,532.58

Construction Engineering Cost $ 5,719.35 Fringe Benefits $ 1,529.92 Mileage Charges $ 1,801.40 Total Construction Engineering Charges $ 9,050.67

Total Engineering Cost $ 19,583.25

Todd County Board Approved Redution 50%

Final Todd County Board Approved Costs $ 9,791.62

Make Checks Payable to: Todd County Public Works 44 Riverside Drive Long Prairie, MN 56347

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H:\ADMINISTRATION\Statements\Staples Historical Society Final Cost.xlsx

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-10

Title for Agenda (for publication): Retirement of Public Works Foreman - Arlan Bjorstrom Date of Meeting: 09/05/2017 Total time requested: 5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Public Works Department Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Loren Fellbaum, County Engineer Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Arlan Bjorstrom has submitted his letter of intent to retire on November 30, 2017 following 38 years of dedicated service to Todd County. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed #1 Approve retirement. #2 Do not approve retirement. Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: The Todd County Board of Commissioners accept Arlan Bjorstrom's retirement effective November 30, 2017. Financial Implications: $0.00 Comments Funding Source: Road and Bridge Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised38 of 69 12/2016

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-11

Title for Agenda (for publication): 2017 Fall Road Meeting - Setting Date Date of Meeting: 09/05/2017 Total time requested: 5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Public Works Department Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Loren Fellbaum, County Engineer Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Request to set date for the 2017 Fall Road Meeting. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed #1 Set the 2017 Fall Road Meeting for one of the following dates and times: November 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 22nd (all at 9:00 AM at the Long Prairie Public Works Shop) #2Do not have a 2017 Fall Road Meeting Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: Set the 2017 Fall Road Meeting for November ___, 2017 at 9:00 AM at the Long Prairie Public Works Shop. Financial Implications: $0.00 Comments Funding Source: Road & Bridge Funds Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised39 of 69 12/2016

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-12

Title for Agenda (for publication): 2017 Transfer of Excess Municipal State Aid Construction Funds to Regular State Aid Construction Funds Date of Meeting: 09/05/2017 Total time requested: 5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Public Works Department Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Loren Fellbaum, County Engineer Background Supporting Documentation enclosed In order to prevent a needs deduction in the 2018 State Aid Allotment, the excess balance of three years allotment must be transferred from the Municipal State Aid Construction Account to the Regular State Aid Construction Account before December 1st, 2017. Minnesota Statute 162.08 Subdivision 4 (3d) does allow municipal account expenditures, in excess of two years allotment, to be spent outside of municipalities below 5,000 population solely by resolution of the County Board. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed #1 Approve attached resolution. #2 Do not approve attached resolution. Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: Approve attached resolution. Financial Implications: $225,839.00 Comments Funding Source: State Aid Construction Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal



WHEREAS, Minnesota Statue 162.08, Subdivision 4 (3d), provides that accumulated balances in excess of two years apportionments may be spent on projects located outside of municipalities under 5,000 population when approved solely by resolution of the county board, and;

WHEREAS, Counties having a Municipal State Aid Construction Fund Balance exceeding three years apportionments are subject to a penalty on future year apportionments, and;

WHEREAS, the current State Aid Municipal Construction Fund Account Balance indicates an excess amount of $225,839.00, which would subject Todd County to a penalty reduction on the 2018 State Aid Apportionment.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Todd County Board of Commissioners request that the Commissioner of Transportation transfer $225,839.00 from the Todd County Municipal State Aid Construction Fund Account, in excess of the two years apportionment, into the Todd County Regular State Aid Construction Fund Account.

Page 1 of 1 Board Action Tracking Number: 20170905-12 41 of 69 County State Aid Construction Fund Balance Needs Deductions 2017

This resolution was adopted by the Screening Board at the October 2015 meeting. Be it Resolved: That, for the determination of County State Aid Highway needs, the amount of the unencumbered construction fund balance as of December 31 of the current year; not including the last two years regular account construction apportionment and not including the last three years of municipal account construction apportionment or $500,000 whichever is greater; shall be deducted from the 25-year construction needs of each individual county. Except, that when a County Board Resolution justifying said construction fund balance in excess of said limits is provided to and approved by the State Aid Office by December 15; no deduction shall be made.

Regular Account Municipal Account Unencumbered Maximum Unencumbered Maximum Balance State Aid Construction Balance Construction Construction Larger of Either Construction Construction Fund Balance 2 Year Fund Balance Fund Balance or $500,000 Fund Balance Fund Balance As of 2016-2017 Const. Needs As of 2015-2017 Needs Needs County 08/23/2017 Apportionment Deduction 08/23/2017 Const. Apport. Deduction Deduction Carlton $1,442,513 $5,782,112 $0 $0 $1,031,529 $0 $0 Cook 68,274 3,447,430 0 328,163 500,000 0 0 Itasca 719,761 10,631,004 0 210,132 1,883,912 0 0 Koochiching 1,651,931 5,519,279 0 300,607 509,708 0 0 Lake 2,730,893 4,449,551 0 1,275,518 1,025,193 250,325 250,325 Pine 0 7,921,776 0 313,847 2,291,047 0 0 St. Louis 7,802,196 31,182,530 0 2,907,107 5,139,597 0 0 District 1 Totals $14,415,568 $68,933,682 $0 $5,335,374 $12,380,986 $250,325 $250,325

Beltrami 3,090,187 $8,077,728 $0 0 $500,000 $0 $0 Clearwater 2,079,959 4,064,420 0 339,545 529,304 0 0 Hubbard 690,449 4,661,963 0 341,717 500,000 0 0 Kittson 1,352,251 3,914,719 0 629,862 618,556 11,306 11,306 Lake of the Woods 3,358,767 3,631,869 0 440,282 500,000 0 0 Marshall 0 5,850,844 0 403,666 773,489 0 0 Norman 1,192,035 4,493,479 0 640,082 517,965 122,117 122,117 Pennington 549,232 3,730,875 0 112,044 500,000 0 0 Polk 0 9,144,984 0 730,402 1,081,974 0 0 Red Lake 6,162,587 3,276,632 2,885,955 1,171,305 500,000 671,305 3,557,260 Roseau 574,979 5,827,850 0 448,194 897,992 0 0 District 2 Totals $19,050,446 $56,675,363 $2,885,955 $5,257,100 $6,919,280 $804,729 $3,690,684

Aitkin $398,837 $5,521,092 $0 $254,332 $500,000 $0 $0 Benton 3,067,762 4,601,193 0 332,557 586,914 0 0 Cass 0 6,560,697 0 533,487 1,066,058 0 0 Crow Wing 1,776,123 6,358,172 0 1,516,460 2,626,316 0 0 Isanti 1,402,230 4,796,892 0 295,841 500,000 0 0 Kanabec 1,163,334 3,396,885 0 125,123 500,000 0 0 Mille Lacs 1,764,003 4,952,051 0 837,975 874,886 0 0 Morrison 550,627 7,085,549 0 96,657 1,093,670 0 0 Sherburne 3,342,738 6,362,569 0 325,475 526,503 0 0 Stearns 324,562 13,299,321 0 25,917 3,016,941 0 0 Todd 1,735,101 4,650,620 0 946,243 720,404 225,839 225,839 Wadena 1,766,468 3,135,370 0 202,497 802,405 0 0 Wright 651,547 11,920,012 0 633,974 1,454,575 0 0 District 3 Totals $17,943,331 $82,640,423 $0 $6,126,538 $14,268,672 $225,839 $225,839

Becker $4,341,143 $6,512,579 $0 $862,783 $605,942 $256,841 $256,841 Big Stone 1,482,424 3,154,595 0 508,927 653,621 0 0 Clay 0 6,394,443 0 806,158 605,889 200,269 200,269 Douglas 299,659 6,141,382 0 0 928,019 0 0 Grant 356,159 3,214,427 0 73,369 598,514 0 0 Mahnomen 1,712,838 3,420,473 0 364,268 500,000 0 0 Otter Tail 6,787,766 13,871,391 0 10,742 1,421,567 0 0 Pope 283,901 3,932,137 0 557,385 500,000 57,385 57,385 Stevens 721,203 3,434,946 0 342,547 500,000 0 0 Swift 1,893,297 3,808,755 0 433,456 500,000 0 0 Traverse 0 3,389,387 0 69,285 500,000 0 0 Wilkin 457,588 4,019,014 0 38,017 688,229 0 0 District 4 Totals $18,335,979 $61,293,529 $0 $4,066,937 $8,001,781 $514,494 $514,494 42 of 69 County State Aid Construction Fund Balance Needs Deductions 2017

Regular Account Municipal Account Unencumbered Maximum Unencumbered Maximum Balance State Aid Construction Balance Construction Construction Larger of Either Construction Construction Fund Balance 2 Year Fund Balance Fund Balance or $500,000 Fund Balance Fund Balance As of 2016-2017 Const. Needs As of 2015-2017 Needs Needs County 08/23/2017 Apportionment Deduction 08/23/2017 Const. Apport. Deduction Deduction Anoka $12,632,206 $21,178,204 $0 $10,983 $3,121,847 $0 $0 Carver 9,973,895 7,444,980 2,528,915 1,611,902 1,303,012 308,890 2,837,805 Hennepin 4,195,954 48,295,044 0 6,542,744 5,249,214 1,293,530 1,293,530 Scott 4,839,636 11,590,075 0 369,802 500,000 0 0 Metro Totals $31,641,691 $88,508,303 $2,528,915 $8,535,430 $10,174,073 $1,602,419 $4,131,335

Dodge $3,428,097 $4,695,324 $0 $46,350 $547,616 $0 $0 Fillmore 4,788,211 6,675,123 0 2,155,285 1,522,280 633,005 633,005 Freeborn 1,976,513 6,758,495 0 454,686 697,702 0 0 Goodhue 5,831,141 6,984,323 0 1,404,825 1,124,664 280,161 280,161 Houston 2,377,527 5,222,064 0 317,654 500,000 0 0 Mower 2,932,326 6,122,106 0 444,721 714,668 0 0 Olmsted 1,638,018 9,539,425 0 333,355 519,947 0 0 Rice 4,345,284 6,575,092 0 131,427 594,469 0 0 Steele 907,387 6,339,579 0 215,827 531,612 0 0 Wabasha 0 5,000,541 0 47,554 983,931 0 0 Winona 1,814,077 6,678,833 0 454,165 846,844 0 0 District 6 Totals $30,038,582 $70,590,905 $0 $6,005,849 $8,583,733 $913,166 $913,166

Blue Earth $2,606,340 $9,554,443 $0 $974,141 $1,198,695 $0 $0 Brown 1,463,973 5,225,422 0 653,980 605,216 48,764 48,764 Cottonwood 701,284 3,551,095 0 510,747 789,582 0 0 Faribault 141,275 4,977,561 0 0 1,356,217 0 0 Jackson 5,761,161 5,265,217 495,944 1,150,794 957,987 192,807 688,751 Le Sueur 0 4,805,469 0 410,783 1,785,809 0 0 Martin 3,191,082 6,048,750 0 447,309 628,740 0 0 Nicollet 3,996,509 5,215,340 0 614,974 501,933 113,041 113,041 Nobles 2,631,461 5,379,003 0 24,811 585,441 0 0 Rock 0 3,348,850 0 0 894,400 0 0 Sibley 329,698 3,840,768 0 456,900 500,000 0 0 Waseca 1,027,993 3,936,682 0 583,281 500,000 83,281 83,281 Watonwan 193,392 3,350,724 0 808,221 1,082,083 0 0 District 7 Totals $22,044,168 $64,499,324 $495,944 $6,635,940 $11,386,103 $437,893 $933,837

Chippewa $2,833,839 $3,365,019 $0 $463,790 $500,000 $0 $0 Kandiyohi 2,042,025 7,230,643 0 841,656 856,013 0 0 Lac Qui Parle 2,375,636 3,777,847 0 467,633 500,000 0 0 Lincoln 3,112,209 3,302,798 0 97,731 549,643 0 0 Lyon 433,841 4,371,416 0 449,604 977,971 0 0 Mc Leod 3,015,062 4,951,580 0 678,878 838,010 0 0 Meeker 1,705,551 4,492,500 0 527,427 500,000 27,427 27,427 Murray 941,114 4,117,483 0 632,576 588,275 44,301 44,301 Pipestone 1,741,589 2,814,554 0 1,127,517 1,231,167 0 0 Redwood 1,271,731 5,277,039 0 1,368,819 998,587 370,232 370,232 Renville 2,846,299 6,337,335 0 415,816 549,252 0 0 Yellow Medicine 0 3,956,229 0 610,622 830,484 0 0 District 8 Totals $22,318,896 $53,994,443 $0 $7,682,069 $8,919,402 $441,960 $441,960

Chisago $773,055 $5,658,618 $0 $0 $2,498,251 $0 $0 Dakota 32,137,137 $19,633,092 12,504,045 835,362 835,362 0 12,504,045 Ramsey 18,685,337 $22,688,480 0 666,410 737,235 0 0 Washington 7,790,100 $10,338,579 0 1,379,020 4,187,585 0 0 Metro Totals $59,385,630 $58,318,769 $12,504,045 $2,880,792 $8,258,433 $0 $12,504,045

STATE TOTALS $235,174,290 $605,454,741 $18,414,859 $52,526,028 $88,892,463 $5,190,826 $23,605,685

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Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-13

Title for Agenda (for publication):Hold Harmless Agreement - Install private crossing - CD32 Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 min Department Requesting Action: Ditch Inspector Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Nancy Uhlenkamp CDI Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Attachment 1 - Resolution Attachment 2 - Hold Harmless Agreement Attachment 3 - Map Attachment 4 - Project Pictures Options Supporting Documentation enclosed Approve HHA Do not approve HHA Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: The Todd County Ditch Authority approves a Hold Harmless Agreement to install a private crossing on CD32 from Brian Mick, Fawn Lake Twp section 33. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised44 of 69 12/2016 TODD COUNTY DITCH AUTHORITY

Hold Harmless Agreement - Private Crossing – County Ditch 32

WHEREAS, Brian Mick is requesting to install a new crossing on his parcel 08-0033600 located on CD32. A Hold Harmless Agreement has been signed and submitted to the Ditch Authority, and;

WHEREAS, an onsite inspection has been done; a Wetland Application has been submitted to the TEP, and;

WHEREAS, the crossing will be a 36” culvert and will be placed at original ditch bottom elevation.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Todd County Ditch Authority gives permission to Brian Mick to install a new culvert crossing into CD32, on his own property, at his own expense.

Page 1 of 1 Board Action Tracking Number: 20170905-13 45 of 69 46 of 69 47 of 69 Nancy Uhlenkamp Ditch & Ag Inspector Located at Public Works 44 Riverside Drive Long Prairie, MN 56347 [email protected] Phone: 320-533-4651 Fax: 320-732-4525

Commissioners Board Meeting September 5, 2017 County Ditch 32 Brian Mick HHA 08-0033600 Private Culvert Crossing

On east side of ditch looking west – crossing will be in SE corner of parcel

48 of 69

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-14

Title for Agenda (for publication):County Ditch 8 - Minor Maintenance Date of Meeting:September 5, 2017 Total time requested:5 min Department Requesting Action: Ditch Inspector Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Nancy Uhlenkamp CDI Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Attachment 1 - Project pictures and description Attachment 2 - Map Attachment 3 - Contractor Estimate Options Supporting Documentation enclosed Approve BA Do Not Approve BA Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: The Todd County Ditch Authority approves hiring Corbin Pickar Excavating to excavate and level spoil on approximately 480 feet of County Ditch 8 on parcel 26-0014600. The Estimate for the project is $2.00 per foot for a total of $960.00. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

Revised49 of 69 12/2016 Nancy Uhlenkamp Ditch & Ag Inspector Located at Public Works 44 Riverside Drive Long Prairie, MN 56347 [email protected] Phone: 320-533-4651 Fax: 320-732-4525

Commissioners Board Meeting - September 5, 2017 County Ditch 8 - Parcel 26-0014600 Minor Repair

County Ditch 8 had a maintenance project done in 2013 – 2014. Neil Shingledecker contacted me this spring and reported that a short section of ditch just north of 360th Street had part of the bank slough in and is preventing the conveyance of water from the rest of the upstream main ditch to the culvert on 360th Street. Neil is requesting this be repaired. The estimate from Corbin Pickar Excavating for this repair is: for approximately 480 foot section to excavate and level spoil is $2.00 per foot for a total of $960.00. County Ditch 8 has approximately $2,400 in their fund balance so there would not need to be a special assessment for this minor repair.

Looking upstream (north) from Cline’s crossing. High spot on 26-0014600 is preventing water from flowing south to the culvert on 360th Street

50 of 69

County Ditch 8

Looking north toward Cline’s (26-0014400)

26-0014400 Looking south toward 360th Street

51 of 69 Ward Township 0 290 580 1,160 Feet Section 16 Twp 131 Range 33 µ

26-0015200 26-0015100 Legend 26-0015300 26-0014301 26-0014200 asBuilt 36490 Category16 APPROVED ABANDONED 26-0016200 REROUTED PRIVATE !( Culverts tcparcel





Area to be excavated between lines 25076



35861 26-0019800

26-0019900 26-0018501 !( 26-0019700


COUNTY 21 26-0020000

County Ditch 8 Todd County Ditch & Ag Inspector The Todd County GIS Department Parcel 26-0014600 44 Riverside Drive and Todd CDI has made every effort Section of bank Long Prairie, MN 56347 to provide the most accurate, up-to-date Office (320)533-4651 information available in this publication slough in - Minor [email protected] and cannot be held responsible for 52any of 69 Maintenance area August 30 2017 unforseen errors or omissions. 53 of 69

Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-15

Title for Agenda (for publication):Agreement with Stearns County For Advanced Septic Design Reviews Date of Meeting:9-5-17 Total time requested:5 Department Requesting Action: Planning and Zoning Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Tim Stieber Background Supporting Documentation enclosed On December 31, 2017 the existing agreement between Stearns and Todd County's providing advanced septic inspector services will expire. A new draft has been developed and reviewed by Stearns County Attorney's Office. A copy has been provided to Todd County Attorney's Office. The new agreement would ensure that if impartial review of a design is needed it can be obtained without going for bids etc. which may delay an application. No significant changes in the agreement have been made and the orginal agreement was used two times in the past years. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed 1. Sign the agreement with Stearns County for advanced septic inspector services. 2. Do not sign agreement with Stearns County for advanced septic inspector services. Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: Sign agreement with Stearns County to provide advanced septic inspector services. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal


THIS AGREEMENT is by and between the County of Stearns, a body politic and corporate, hereinafter referred to as “Stearns County” and the County of Todd, a body politic and corporate, hereinafter referred to as the “contracting county”.

WHEREAS, the proper location, design, installation, use and maintenance of Type IV, Type V, ISTS designs with flows of greater than 2,500 gallons per day, and midsized subsurface sewage treatment systems (MSTS) protects the public health, safety and general welfare by the discharge of adequately treated sewage to the ground water; and

WHEREAS, The contracting county has requested infield verification of the periodically saturated soil or bedrock, design review, and inspection services for Type IV, Type V, ISTS with design flows of greater than 2,500 gallons per day, and midsized sewage treatment systems (MSTS) from Stearns County; and

WHEREAS, the Steams County Environmental Services Department is authorized by the Stearns County Board of Commissioners to provide infield verification of the periodically saturated soil or bedrock, design plan review, and inspection services for Type IV, Type V, ISTS designs with flows of greater than 2,500 gallons per day, and midsized sewage treatment systems (MSTS) to the contracting county.

NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties as follows:

A. Stearns County through the Stearns County Environmental Services Department shall provide professional advanced inspector services for the contracting county in those areas of the contracting county under jurisdiction of the current subsurface sewage treatment system ordinance.

B. Stearns County through the Stearns County Environmental Services Department shall provide infield verification of the periodically saturated soil or bedrock, design plan review, and inspection services for Type IV, Type V, ISTS with design flows of greater than 2,500 gallons per day, and midsized sewage treatment systems (MSTS) for the contracting county.

C. Stearns County Environmental Services shall provide professional advanced inspector services in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 7082.0500, subpart 3 A and part 7083.0750, subpart 1B; or successor rules.

D. General requirements:

1. Contracting County shall:

a. Issue the sewage treatment permit and the operating permit for the advanced sewage treatment system based on an independent design submitted to and approved by Stearns County.

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b. Ensure that an MPCA licensed Service Provider, as described in Minnesota Rules, part 7083.0780; or successor rules, has been retained to oversee the operation and maintenance of the advanced sewage treatment system on the subject property.

c. Make available upon request of Stearns County any and all documents relating to the subject property including, but not limited to prior SSTS permits, soil information, and land use permit records.

d. Handle all dispute resolution matters according to the established protocol in local ordinance, or if there is not such a protocol in place then as per MN Rule Chapter 7082.0700 Subpart 5; or successor rules.

e. Be responsible for any enforcement issues associated with any permit handled under this agreement.

f. Provide copies of the issued septic permit and operating permit to Stearns County.

g. Submit to Stearns County all applications within two (2) days of receipt of the permit application by the Contracting County.

2. Stearns County shall:

a. Conduct infield soil verifications with the designer on site. The designer shall give Stearns County Environmental Services staff 72 hour notice to schedule infield soil verifications.

b. Contact the Contracting County within 5 business days after receipt of an ssts permit application with status update of initial review noting all missing or conflicting information.

c. Review and give final approval of the submitted ssts permit design.

d. Review operating permit before it is issued by the Contracting County.

e. Inspect and give final as-built approval of all ssts permit installations handled under this agreement. The installer shall give Stearns County Environmental Services staff 72 hour notice to schedule inspections.

f. Provide copies of as-built inspections and any tests conducted to the Contracting County within 5 days of conducing final inspections.

g. Abide by all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in effect or hereinafter adopted pertaining to this Agreement or to the facilities, programs and staff for which Stearns County is responsible.

56 of 69 E. PAYMENT: 1. Stearns County shall bill the Contracting County for hours spent in providing professional advanced inspector services outlined in Section D. 2. Of this agreement at the rate of $50.00 per hour.

2. In the event that travel is required, the Contracting County's fee for services shall be calculated from the time of staff departure from the Stearns County Environmental Services Department until the time of return to the Stearns County Environmental Services Department. Mileage shall be reimbursed at the current rate established by the Stearns County Board of Commissioners, but this amount shall not exceed the maximum allowed by the IRS.

3. The Contracting County shall reimburse the actual cost to Stearns County for any tests, supplies, materials or special services required to complete the contracted professional advanced inspector services.


The term of this Contract shall be effective on the date of signature by the Stearns County Board Chair. The contract may be terminated by either party by giving written notice no less than thirty (30) days prior to the requested termination date. The contract may be subject to annual review and modification under conditions agreeable to both parties. All modifications must be in writing and signed by all parties.

1. Nonappropriation. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement may be terminated by the County in the event sufficient funds from the County, State, Federal or other sources are not appropriated, obtained and continued at least at the level relied on for the performance of this Agreement; and the nonappropriation of funds did not result from any act of bad faith on the part of the County. The Agreement shall be terminated as of the date identified in the Notice of Termination. If the Agreement is terminated pursuant to this paragraph the County shall not thereafter purchase similar services from another vendor as were being provided by Contractor, for the duration of the full original term of this Agreement or the end of the County’s fiscal year, whichever is less.

G. RECORDS, DISCLOSURE/AUDIT/RETENTION: Subject to paragraph H, the parties books, records, documents, papers, accounting procedures and practices and other evidences relevant to this agreement are subject to the examination, duplication, transcription and audit by the parties and either the Legislative or State Auditor, for a minimal of six (6) years pursuant to Minnesota Statute 16C.05, subd. 5. Such evidence is also subject to review by the Comptroller General of the United States, or a duly authorized representative, if federal funds are used for any work under this Agreement. The parties agree to maintain such evidences for a period of six (6) years from the date of

57 of 69 the services or payment were last provided or made or longer if any audit in progress requires a longer retention period. This section shall survive termination of this agreement.

H. Ownership of Documents: Any reports, studies, or other documents prepared by Stearns County in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement shall be the exclusive property of the Contracting County, and all such materials shall be remitted to the Contracting County by the Stearns County upon completion, termination, or cancellation of this Agreement. Contractor shall not use, willingly allow, or cause to have such materials used for any purpose other than performance of Stearns County’s obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Contracting County. This provision will survive termination of this Agreement.

I. MUTUAL INDEMNIFICATION: Each party shall be liable for its own acts to the extent provided by law and hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the other, its officers and employees against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses claims or actions, including attorney’s fees which the other, its officers and employees may hereafter sustain, incur or be required to pay, arising out of or by reason of any act or omission of the party, its agents, servants or employees, in execution, performance, or failure to adequately perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. Each County’s liability shall be limited by the provisions of Minnesota Statute, Chapter 466 (Tort Liability, Political Subdivisions) or other applicable law. This section shall survive termination of this agreement.

J. DATA PRIVACY: For the purpose of this agreement all data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated shall be governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statute Chapter 13, or amendments thereto, and the Minnesota Rules implementing the act now in force or hereafter adopted or amended, as well as federal laws on data privacy. The parties shall strictly comply with all statutes and rules. All subcontracts shall contain the same data practices compliance requirements. The person employed by the party to assure compliance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, or amendments thereto, shall be the party’s authorized representative, unless the party’s responsible authority is specified in this agreement. The remedies available in Minnesota Statutes, section 13.08, or amendments thereto, apply to the parties. This section shall survive termination of this agreement.

K. AMENDMENTS and MODIFICATIONS: Any alterations, amendments, deletions or waivers of the provisions of this agreement shall be valid only when reduced to writing and duly signed by the parties.

L. SUBCONTRACTING AND ASSIGNMENT Stearns County shall not enter into any subcontract for performance of any of the services contemplated by this Agreement nor assign any interest in the Agreement without the prior written approval of the Contracting County and subject to such conditions and provisions as the Contracting County may deem necessary. Stearns County shall be responsible for the performance of all subcontractors.

58 of 69 M. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement of the parties is contained herein, and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed this ___ day of

______, 2017.


BY: ______BY: ______DeWayne F. Mareck Rod Erickson Chair Chair Stearns County Todd County Board of Commissioners Board of Commissioners

Date: ______Date: ______

______Randy R. Schreifels Tim Stieber Stearns County Auditor/Treasurer Clerk Todd County Stearns County Board of Commissioners Planning & Zoning Director

Date: ______Date: ______

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Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905 16

Title for Agenda (for publication):Authorizing Riparian Aid Funds Transfer Date of Meeting:9-5-17 Total time requested:5 Department Requesting Action: Planning and Zoning Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Tim Stieber Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Planning and Zoning has received 1/2 of the Riparian Aid funds ($56,791.50) and will receive the second allocation at years end. An internal project budget has been developed within the department to utilize these funds with $70,000 going to support staff wages. This leaves $43,583 to be potentially used for cost share of practices to protect riparian areas.

With Commissioner approval the department requests permission to transfer funds from Planning and Zoning to SWCD to be used to cost share practices as approved by the SWCD Board of Supervisors.

Riparian Funds were not budgeted in the 2017 county or SWCD budgets since that allocation was developed and approved in June 2017 by the state legislature. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed 1. Approve the resolution authorizing transfer of Riparian Aid Funds to SWCD. 2. Do not authroize the transfer of funds. Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: Authorize the transfer of $43,583 in Riparian Aid Funds from Planning and Zoning to SWCD where it will be administered by the SWCD Board of Supervisors. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal



AFFIRMING, Todd County accepted Riparian Protection Aid funds on August 1, 2017 by Board Action and directed Planning and Zoning staff to take the lead in buffer enforcement activities, and

WHEREAS, the first payment of FY18 Riparian Protection Aid was received by the county $56,791.50 with a second payment expected toward the end of FY 2018 making the total to be received $113,583, and

WHEREAS, An internal budget detailing expenditure of Riparian Aid Funds has been prepared by the Director of Planning and Zoning with $43,583 available for cost-share of projects that benefit Riparian Areas, and

WHEREAS, utilization of Riparian Protection Aid funds as cost-share to landowners is allowed, and

WHEREAS, Todd Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors is experienced and suited to administering cost-share funds to landowners to protect natural resources, and

BE IT RESOLVED, Todd County Board of Commissioners authorizes a transfer of $43,583 in Riparian Protection Aid Funds from Fund 01-General Revenue\Planning and Zoning to Fund 79-Todd Soil and Water Conservation District for purposes of cost sharing riparian protection projects.

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Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-17

Title for Agenda (for publication):Approve the Purchase of Two Squads Date of Meeting:September 5th, 2017 Total time requested:5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Todd County Sheriff's Office Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Sheriff Don Asmus Background Supporting Documentation enclosed The Todd County Sheriff's Office would like to purchase 2 police vehicles. The cost of these vehicles is included in the 2017 budget and vehicle rotation schedule. These vehicles are the 2018 Ford Intrerceptors SUV Police Package that are on the State Bid #83064 through Ford of Hibbing for the price of $28,564.00 each for a total of $57,128.00. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed 1. Allow Sheriff Asmus to purchase the vehicles. 2. Do not allow Sheriff Asmus to purchase the vehicles. Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: Allow Sheriff Asmus to purchase 2 police vehicles off the State Bid. Financial Implications: $57,128.00 Comments Funding Source:Budget Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

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Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-18

Title for Agenda (for publication):Approve Contract for Interim Emergency Environmental Health Services Date of Meeting: 09/05/2017 Total time requested:5 mins Department Requesting Action: Health & Human Services Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Jackie Och/Katherine Mackedanz Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Minnesota State Statute requires the provision of interim, emergency environmental health service coverage between counties to maintain consistent environmental health services. Todd County HHS has previously contracted with Stearns County to provide this service on an interim emergency basis. See attached contract. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: To approve the interm emergency environmental health services contract with Stearns County. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

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Todd County, MN Board Action Form

Action Requested Action/Motion Report Discussion Resolution Information Item Other

Board Action Tracking Number (for Admin use): 20170905-19

Title for Agenda (for publication):Resignation - Homemaker Date of Meeting: 09/05/2017 Total time requested: 5 minutes Department Requesting Action: Health & Human Services Presenting Board Action/Discussion at Meeting: Jackie Och/Samantha Cofell Background Supporting Documentation enclosed Gloriann Bartels resigned her position as a Homemaker effective August 11, 2017. Options Supporting Documentation enclosed

Recommendation The Todd County Board of Commissioners approves the following by Motion: Accept the resignation of Gloriann Bartels as Homemaker effective August 11th, 2017. Financial Implications: $ Comments Funding Source: Budgeted: Yes No

Action Voting in Favor Voting Against Motion: Erickson Erickson Second: Neumann Neumann Passed Kneisl Kneisl Failed Kircher Kircher Tabled Becker Becker Signatures STATE OF MINNESOTA} COUNTY OF TODD} I, Denise Gaida, County Auditor-Treasurer, Todd County, Minnesota hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of the proceedings of the County Board of said County with the original record thereof on file in the Auditor-Treasurer’s Office of Todd County in Long Prairie, Minnesota as stated in the minutes of the proceedings of said board and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original record and of the whole thereof, and that said motion was duly passed by said board at said meeting. Witness my hand and seal: Seal

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