Word AIDS Day: Positive prevention messages Kubatana.net December 01, 2011

To commemorate World AIDS Day, Kubatana invited subscribers to send in their positive prevention messages. We received over 600 messages in response, and short listed them for selection.

The winning SMS came from Lloyd Nyarota, who said:

To prevent HIV transmission, try various sex positions with one partner NOT one position with various partners.

The runners up responded:

• A cat has many lives but we humans got one only. Be wise and be warned. AIDS kills the one we got. • Stick to one partner. Always use condoms. Do masturbation if you have feelings during the absence of your partner. • One Love. Learn the facts about HIV. Be faithful. Talk openly. Use condoms consistently. • Everyone is positive until proven negative. Get tested!

Read the rest of the prevention SMS below:

The government should invest more money in HIV/AIDS campaign awareness. Women who are HIV positive should be advised to take anti-retroviral (Nevirapine) drugs before delivering and also advised not to breast-feed. Being faithful to one partner cannot spread HIV.

Abstain if you have got no partner, use a condom if you have a partner and avoid having many partners, only one partner is recommended. Have one partner, trust each other, and also wash yourself daily. My positive prevention method is to abstain from having sex with anyone except my wife. It is good to be faithful to our partners and also to use condoms. Get tested and be faithful to your partner. We have to be positive and never take lives for fun. Getting tested reduces the risk of spreading or contracting HIV. Be Christ-like and have sex only when sober knowing exactly what you are doing. Don’t forget that it’s very easy for an HIV negative person to become HIV positive and impossible for an HIV positive person to become negative. So if you are negative, keep that status. Be faithful to one partner, say no to sex before marriage and be tested for HIV. Be circumcised and use other preventive methods e.g. condomisation. It costs nothing to have one partner and it pays a lifetime for one to abstain and have a single heart partner. Nothing will change if you want it not to change. Being faithful is being sunshine against the dark (AIDS). Share everything with your family, only wife or husband. Leave a legacy of not dying. I urge everyone to get tested and know his or her status. Also when getting into relationships just tell the truth of your status especially when positive. This way we can prevent the spread of AIDS. Couples it’s true, AIDS is real, the only solution is to have only one sex partner. The cloud hovering above is not dark yet to those living positive, practising protective sex methods will keep you above danger. Fooling and messing around the innocent blood is very unfair. Beloved youths, abstinence will lead us to a green light. Together we can overcome. Strictly stick loyally to one partner always. Prevention against AIDS needs one partner. Both having been tested, knowing their status. If one is HIV positive, he or she is then taught how not to spread the virus to the partner. Circumcision also helps to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS. One enemy, one objective, total victory. Let’s collectively fight HIV. Don’t take chance. Always use or insist on condom use. Stop AIDS! One man, one woman, be faithful! Adamantly insist on devotion to your spouse. Fight AIDS with aids as above. Ladies and gentlemen, fathers and mothers, please good life is just closer once we have free and fair elections. God answered our prayers so know your status, once you have get on treatment, and join others to wait for answers as soon as we get the ballot! I’m really proud of people who are living positive. Let the Lord be judge of your life, don’t judge yourself. Thank you. Let’s support the three zeroes – Zero AIDS infection, Zero deaths from AIDS and Zero discrimination of people infected and affected by AIDS by 2020. To be number one doesn’t mean too much sex dished to anyone, anywhere and anyhow, but enough given faithfully to one true and honest partner. Be the number one. By sticking to one partner or else if possible to abstain from sex. Couples should go for HIV testing. Taking a wiser choice, protecting your marriage and protecting the future of your children. Abstinence is the only answer. Periodic testing and counselling help to have trust in partners. An AIDS free generation is possible. Sex thrills but it kills. The only and the best way is to stick to one partner. Your future is in your hands. Resist sex before marriage. Trust no body. Get tested. If you commit yourself to marriage be faithful. Know where you are. Get tested today. If positive do not say you are dead to live positively. Abstain from unprotected sex. Always play it safe by using condoms and get circumcised. Do it right the first time to save your whole life. Condoms should be used for protection. Let us use condoms and stick to one partner. Don’t give HIV a chance. Get circumcised and use condoms. Prevention measure one is to be faithful and to stick to one faithful partner. Let’s fight AIDS together to create an AIDS free generation. Lets all get tested today to know our status. Avoid unprotected sex and stick to one faithful partner. Be positive about being positive. Don’t be negative about being positive. You must have one partner. Stick to one partner to avoid contracting AIDS. Now l know my HIV status, do you? Abstain from sexual intercourse instead masturbate is sexual desire is high. Stick with one partner and use condoms. Be faithful to your partner. Get tested, know your status and stop spreading AIDS. One partner, one love, one negative world! I always use condoms, l trust to be tested before having sex with anyone and l love one partner. I was tested, were you? Let's not abuse the negative orphans and disadvantaged. Safety first. Go for HIV test with your partner before engaging in sexual intercourse and remember to use condoms. However, be patient and calm for no one can catch fish in anger Let’s unite against HIV remembering that solidarity is the key. Abstain from sex. Stick to one partner. Use condoms and get circumcised. Abstinence is second to none when it comes to AIDS prevention! Abstinence is the best for unmarried people. Use of condoms for sexually active couples. The males should get circumcised. Avoid casual sex to promote an AIDS free generation. Stay safe. The use of contraceptives should be abolished. Instead those without HIV/AIDS should be rewarded. Intensify laws which prohibit adultery and illegal marriages. Couples should go for blood tests before marriage. To all Zimbabweans I urge you to adopt chastity i.e. the purity of body and soul. With chastity we win against HIV and AIDS. Have one faithful partner. Do not indulge in sex with people without knowing their HIV status. All health experts and workers must continue to work extra hard in their programmes of testing pregnant mothers for HIV to facilitate an HIV free generation. All sexually active people, should not be lustful. Abstinence and sticking to one faithful partner are the key points in preventing the spread of AIDS. Abstain from sex. I am man aged of 30. I am HIV positive and I survive with ARVs. To stick to one faithful, life-long sexual partner. Circumcision and condomising are methods of reducing the risk of getting HIV. Abstain form sex. Use of condoms during sex. Get circumcised to prevent transmission of HIV by 60%. Be faithful to your sexual partner. Being HIV positive does not mean the end of life. I am HIV negative. Faithfulness to your partner or abstinence depending on your marital status. Abstain from sex by controlling your feelings and having one faithful partner. Moral abstinence is important. The prevention of AIDS is far much better than its cure! Being HIV negative with a negative mindset breeds stigmatisation. I urge my male counterparts to go for circumcision as this will help reduce by 60% the chance of contracting HIV. The other advice is to stick to one partner and to abstain if not married. Self actualisation, faithfulness, abstinence, honesty and integrity supplemented by awareness education pushes the world an extra mile in reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS. No condom for a real man or woman, but one men one woman. Abstain and stick to one partner Get tested and enjoy your sex under one roof with one faithful partner. Don't forget to condomise if you are positive but under one roof. Be satisfied with what God has given you stck to one partner. Together we will make an HIV free generation Stick to one faithful uninfected partner. Double protection will make your sex life safe and healthier than anything else in the world. So men condomise and get circumcised. Our heroic united determination in introducing HIV & AIDS as a school subject will break the chains of spreading HIV and AIDS. Yes I’m HIV Positive and I have been taking ARVs since 2009. HIV test before marriage. Positive prevention is using condoms, sticking to one partner, to avoiding multi sexual partners. Is being dead is a sure way of preventing AIDS? No, stay alive and abstain! The best prevention method in the land is the fear of the Lord, the Creator. Every maker of durable goods inscribes together with the goods the instruction manual for the best performance of it .Human beings are far more important than any other imaginable goods, so why not seek for the human manual, the Bible. By carefully following it we will have a sin free, hence AIDS free godly generation in the fear of the Lord. AIDS is spreading across the country like a veldt fire, let us now make fireguards by having . Say no to sex before marriage. An HIV negative generation begins with you Concerted change behaviour among everyone can prevent HIV/AIDS infections. One honest partner and to know your status is number one to HIV AIDS. The only way to prevent yourself is to just stop having sex that’s the only safest way. Well the positive prevention is for everyone to stick to one partner. What's more important is mindset: Treat everyone as if they are HIV positive until proven negative. That way you will always remember the condom. Bonde ibonde zvaro kana unewako waundoda mumwe zvake kuvata vata pose pose kuno parira murume ngaave womukadzi mumwe mukadzi wova womurume mumwe.asi kana zvagombera gonai kushandisa zvokuzvidzivira anova macondom.mutemo hauchengeti mupurisa asi unochengeta iwe.mukondombera AIDS yapedza vanhu saka ngatingwarirei.zvebonde ngatitsvetei nokuti hwupenyu mwene wahwo Infect one person and you have infected and affected the whole world. Do not commit genocide. Ask your conscience before you indulge. Obeying the laws of Our creator and praising Him all the times. Abstinence. Faithfulness. Consistence use of condoms. Avoiding sharing of sharp objects eg razor blades or needles. Abstinence from sex and being faithful to one partner. My positive prevention: - To stick to one partner. - To be faithful to my partner or wife. - If HIV positive, to go for CD4 count test with my partner. - To refrain from multiple partners since it is the main breading area of HIV and AIDS virus. - To respect and protect if I encounter a situation in the behaviour change field. I encourage the nation at large to follow my behaviour suit. The best is to get circumcised and to condomise. If you happen to have unprotected sex rush to take a shower within seconds. A blowjob and masturbation are as good as penetration. Lets fight against AIDS and say NO to stigmatisation. People must not only rely on the use of condoms to prevent the infection HIV. But they must consider who will take care of their families if they die of AIDS. Be as faithful as a dove. I’m HIV positive and my husband is HIV negative. I live on a positive diet. There is peace at home and my family is very supportive. My four children know my status and they are very supportive. Stick to your faithful partner. Don’t cheat its a sin. You only kill yourself and the one you love. To those who are already having sex, use condoms with your partner, don’t spread The virus. 1.Avoid having sexual relationships with many partners. Have one trustworthy sexual partner. 2 Abstain from sex before marriage. 3.If you are HIV positive disclose your status to your partner so that you have protected sex. Many people are cont racting HIV because of poverty. Many men and women face financial constraints and this leads them to risky behaviours. Thus creation of job opportunities for them to be self-sustained will help reduce the transmission of the disease. Always use a condom every time If you are positive, start to use antiviral drugs early. Being faithful to one faithful partner. Play it safely and keep the promise. Knowing your HIV status earlier, the better and sticking to one partner is an added advantage. If you can’t abstain use condoms by doing so you will be safeguarding yourself from this deadly disease which has no cure yet. Aids is there keep it real and keep the promise HIV positive people must abstain from having sex. If they do have sex they are murdering their partners. My prevention plan: No sex before marriage. No sex outside marriage. Marital and sexual commitment is to only one partner! Sexual activity is no panacea to any challenge and total abstinence from multiple sexual activities is a must! To live another day is a blessing. To live another day in good health is by grace. To be given the power to decide to live in good health is to be given long life. So, do you want to live a long fulfilling life? Preserve yourself. Abstain! AIDS prevention needs a social revolution. Why wait for others to prevent? It starts with you. Stick to one faithful partner. Everyone must be tested for HIV to know their status. You will know where you are. I say to everyone go and tested. To those who are HIV negative, be faithful to one partner and abstain from unprotected sex. Those who are HIV positive have protected sex, go to the hospital for ARVs. School children must be taught AIDS lessons at school or church. Everybody to get tested for HIV. Do not be negative about being positive. Positive people take your medication, eat a well balanced diet and carry light/normal duties. One man for one wife. Get tested for HIV before sex. male circumcision reduces the chances of getting HIV. World AIDS Day! Let us all be responsible. Let us unite in fighting against this deadly disease. Sex thrills but AIDS kills. Change begins with you and no-one else. Faithfulness with one partner is the only prevention method and certainly not bathing soon after the act! Abstinence and faithfulness. Abstinence, faithfulness and circumcision for all male uninfected teenagers. Your new year resolution: No casual sex. No substitute on matters of sex. Stop spreading HIV and AIDS. Be original, stay fresh and be clean. Abstinence is readily available. Being positive is not the end of the world. A positive mind and a positive attitude can go a long way. Have a fighting spirit and know that you are not alone. Use of condoms. One condom, one round. Abstinence is the best way to prevent also denounce many sexual partners. We must have protected sex to reduce STDs and HIV and AIDS. Eliminate new HIV infections in children and keep mothers alive. Stop AIDS keep the promise. Know your status and disclose it to your partner. Avoid new infections by sticking to one partner If you infect you affect, please abstain you will save a life. No sex before marriage. Use condoms all the time. Kubatana! I am HIV positive. Purity comes from being perfect, perfectness comes from being faithful, and faithfulness comes from being able to maintain your dignity. It's your choice to live positive. I use condom to prevent contracting HIV. I am HIV negative. Care and think about your children, your family and it’s your future. Live for them responsibly. The introduction of ARVs is most welcome, some people are benefiting well but alas, they think ARVs prevent HIV transmission, please let's condomise or abstain. Don't deliberately transmit HIV to innocent souls. Correct and consistent condom use, faithfulness, forgiveness and respect for one's self go a long way in preventing the spread of HIV. Let us re -visit our age of majority with love, and return our children to families and schools, surely a difference will show. I'm a single guy but my intensions of preventing positive are: firstly I’ll go for blood test with my partner before starting a sexual relationship. Secondly if it is a mistake to have a girl in my bedroom I must do double prevention. I'm also encouraging guys to be circumcised, I know that its not 100% protection but at least it may keep us clean, smart and almost protected. Lastly to be honest and trusted to our lovers. Abstain and you will live longer. If you are positive, stop having unprotected sex because you will be mopping the floor while the tape is running. Get tested. If you are HIV positive be a sign to other positive people and a bridge to those who are negative by promoting up ideas which lead to an HIV free generation. My positive prevention is abstinence. Play it safe. AIDS kills. Be faithful to your partner. Exercise care at home and at play as you have only one life to lose. Abstain from unprotected sex! Faithfulness only. Being faithful to one partner and abstaining. Desist from unprotected sex. No protection no sex in short. The best way for positive protection is faithfulness not one partner, circumcision and never being involved in a sexual network. Everyone must be faithful to his/her partner and men should get circumcised and keep on having protected sex if otherwise, or even abstain. You must stick to one partner. You only live once. AIDS is real. Get tested and treasure your status. Get tested every three months. Knowing your status should be part of normal life. The best man is one who knows his status, who is responsible, wears a condom all the time, even when drunk. Lets beat HIV human to human. In ignorance of your positive HIV status you die early. Get tested and live longer by knowing your positive HIVstatus. Democracy, one man one vote. Stick to one partner. Circumcision. Always use condoms. Don’t share razors. You must not have sex with many partners. Like a strong rope made of three codes, so is faithfulness, abstinence and knowing your status which the strong and effective strategy to HIV/AIDS prevention. The power is ours. To effectively prevent the HIV virus from spreading, married couples must stick to one partner and young unmarried people must abstain. If they fail to abstain from sex, people must consistently and correctly use condoms. To prevent mother to child transmission of the HIV virus, all pregnant women must be encouraged to get tested. I think at most workplaces, the women are sexually abused by male bosses thereby exposing them to HIV. It is my opinion that male bosses should have male subordinates e.g. secretaries to reduce the spread of the virus. In order to motivate people to get tested, society leaders and celebrities, as role models, should act in a manner which is positive towards HIV prevention. Women involved in commercial sex should be assisted to start self help projects to help them quit prostitution. Abstinence, safer sex and condom use – only way to prevent AIDS. Wise up. Wear condoms. Stupidity + Arrogance = Death. Regular testing + Respect = Clean bill of health. The government must come up with a ministry solely responsible for HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS subject must be treated as an examinable course right from the primary to the tertiary level. Marriage counselling institutions are also needed to work in conjunction with HIV/AIDS counselling institutions. The grass on the other side of the river always looks greener. Don’t be fooled. Stick with what you have, see good in what you have because it looks even greener to those on the other side. With the HIV and AIDS pandemic one should avoid multiple concurrent sexual relationships that expose one to HIV. Stop transactional sex, use condoms and be faithful to HIV tested partners so that we build an HIV free generation. Smart people keep the promise. Get tested, stop the spread, prevent further transmission and seek early treatment. Make every minute a life saved and prolonged because together we can! AIDS is prevented by using condoms, or not to have more lovers and only to have one partner. Let’s take negativity as a religion not as political positive. Remember World AIDS Day negatively. To live safely go for HIV test. Be faithful to yourself first of all always. Stick to one sexy partner. Get tested and stay faithful to one partner. Reduce infection. Increase the love. It’s true that prevention is better than cure. In these days the beauty is in the blood. Get tested before you get into marriage and stick to one partner. Don’t forget that AIDS has no cure. Door to door HIV testing and use of protection during sex. Knowing your status is better than dying of the unknown. The positive course is the best. Give positiveness a chance, leave no room for regrets. Get tested today and live positive. Abstain from sex. If you are weak use the best prevention methods wisely and correctly all the time. Thou shall not commit adultery. Not only is sticking to one partner the best prevention but also makes each partner feel cared for hence helps build mutual prosperous, healthy and fun filled loving relationships. In t he fight against AIDS be positive, be safe and begin the change. Remember AIDS stands for Always Initiate Defence Systems. Make the world what YOU want it to be. The future is YOU. Always get tested first, be 100% faithful to your loved ones, keep to promises and have faith in Christ. Circumcision, condoms and abstinence are the positive measures. Abstinence for the school going ages, and use protection methods for those who are indulging in sexual activities. Don’t experiment with HIV or taste how it tastes. Prevention is better than cure. Being HIV positive is the starting of a new life at first it might be hard but simple so to those who are positive stay positive and protect yourself from adding the virus more to your blood. My one partner keeps my blood safe and healthy, so with my one partner I always enjoy good living. Always stick to one partner. To abstain from sexual intercourse is the only method which can be 100% to HIV prevention. .Sticking to one partner and being faithful to your partner can be 100% prevention. Some people die at the age of 90 yrs of age in this HIV era without being infected. To abstain and being faithful cannot be 100% as using affected middles, razor blades etc can cause infection. Using condoms is the only way to the insatiable promiscuous people. AIDS is a killer prevention is sure. Be faithful, stick to one partner. Being faithful and patient to your partner so that you can understand his/her needs to make one family with one heart. AIDS is real, boost the whisper, attach awareness on Christmas cards and save lives. Merry Xmas and an AIDS conscious 2012! Positive prevention! ABC Abstinence that is no sex before marriage. Be faithful to your partner (get tested together with your partner). Condoms should be used. Love and be loved, make the right choice don’t be fooled. AIDS kills. Abstain, be faithful and use condoms. Use condoms, avoid sex with your partner before you know his/her status. Male circumcision and use female condoms. Abstain only. To prevent AIDS you must have one sexual partner. Get tested first before marriage. Use condoms if you don’t know the HIV status of your partner. To live for more years take everything you are taught positively the result is a divine health and prosperous life. Abstaining, condomising and sticking to one partner. Men let’s get circumcised and have 60% protection against HIV contraction and also prevent cervical cancer against our female partners. Abstaining ourselves from more than one sexual partner increases our chances of being parallel with the disease. Sex is a powerful organ and it has kept the whole world populated but it doesn’t mean that you have to leap into bed with everyone you meet. Think positively AIDS kills. Positive prevention! Abstinence and faithfulness. I always use condoms every time I have sex and I have one partner. Get tested before indulging and use protection always. Shoko muvanhu – Kuisema nekuisarura uye kuramba tichibatisisa shoko rekuzvibata pa AIDS. Ngatichengetedzei ropa, torega kuipa mukana muupenyu hwedu. Choose to be faithful, choose to be honest, abstain, help the infected and look up to the sky with hope. Join hands for a world without AIDS. I am preventing by sticking to my wife and seriously going to church. Don’t be scared get tested now. AIDS can be cured. Live positive life. Keep away children under 20 years from seeing pornographic films and pictures and teach them not to be involved in sex before marriage. Always talk with them, the ugly things that may affect their dreams when they get sick with diseases that are uncured. To avoid the risk of getting and spreading AIDS is by sticking to one partner, having protected sex and abstaining from premarital sex. Remember prevention is better that cure Only one HIV tested partner for life. I am HIV positive. I tested negative. Use condoms. Be faithful to your partner. My prevention is I don’t have sex outside and if I want sex I just go to my wife. Circumcision plus correct and consistent use of condoms. Always use protector plus condom when having sex. Stay alive, Stay safe, Stay positive! Abstinence is the best for unmarried people and sticking to one faithful partner for married couples. Male circumcision, coupled with the correct use of condoms with one partner. Knowing your HIV status will be the best status, get tested to monitor your status! One partner for life for an AIDS free world Like all diseases testing should be compulsory to avoid reckless transmission caused by not knowing one’s status. Married couples must be faithful. Respect the promise. Avoid sex before marriage. Please get tested and know your status and share with others. If you are positive do not spread. Prevention is the future of new world generation. Stick to one partner or use condoms. It is important for people to discuss this pandemic and have insight on how it can be prevented. Parents should not be shy of their children, they should discuss AIDS and how one can get it and what is expected of them for them to be AIDS free. Abstinence, one partner and going for VCT before marriage. Think twice. Two to three seconds of enjoyment to cost the whole of your life. Abstain but those living positively should continue with abstinence and not loose hope. Abstaining is the best way of preventing AIDS if you can’t use condoms. Free mind, frees you. Think positive and we will make it. Youths know your status and prevent spreading or don’t be involved in casual sex if negative. Be faithful to one partner Remember HIV/AIDS, play it safe and keep safe this holiday. Abstain, stick to one partner while knowing your HIV status. Accept that you are positive and don’t by pass instructions to live longer. World AIDS Day! We must join together and pray to God and He will heal the nation. I am HIV negative. Love life by avoiding any risk of getting AIDS. Help the infected and the affected. One love! AIDS is everyone’s problem. You probably know someone with AIDS or who died from AIDS, so be smart and stop the streak! Protected sex by the use of condoms, comforting HIV and AIDS patients. So much has been said and done about AIDS, but it’s now time for us to personally act. Be Smart, Stop the Streak! Everyone to be tested to know his/her status. Use of condoms. Don’t share syringes. Get tested to find out your status. Have only one sexual partner and not sleep around. Don’t consume drugs. When it comes to prevention, abstinence and one partner are the best ways. Some other ways are second opinions. Get tested, know your status. Prevention is better than cure. First get tested before marriage, then both partners must be 100% faithful to each other without cheating each other. The positive prevention of AIDS is abstinence. Avoid early sexual behaviour, having one uninfected sexual partner, male circumcision, use condoms and avoid sharing sharp objects Being faithful to one life time partner. Zimbabweans to desist from concurrent partnership through behavioural change education. Abstinence only for our teens and safer sex and risk reduction for the adults. Abstain, be faithful, use of condoms or circumcision. Positive prevention! AIDS is a national calamity. Poverty life of ordinary people and corruption in business accelerate the spread of AIDS. AIDS transmission is from the rich person to the poor. Lets eliminate poverty in our country, we can stop spread of AIDS. Get tested and know your status and prevent infecting others. Positive prevention! All those in love relations to get tested now and those in love first must get tested before being involved in any sexual activity. Avoid being comfortable with a wrong partner at a wrong place during wrong time to avoid pre and extra marital sex so as to avoid being the spoiler of your own life. Positive prevention is the use of condoms. Be careful! There is a horror, AIDS is killing. Stigma is the issue. Listen, learn and live positively. Be a bit careful when choosing a spouse its wise to visit New Start Centre to know your status. Let us open the right doors to secure our future because AIDS is reducing our population. Remember AIDS has no cure. Be faithful and take double care of yourself and the one you love. Remember 3 out of 10 are HIV positive. Take it or leave it, AIDS kills and life cant be replaced Ladies and gentlemen, mothers and fathers, good is just closer once we have free and fair elections. Go answered our prayers, so know your status, one you have get on treatment and join others to wait for answers as soon as we go to the Ballot! When having sex always use condoms. To be a winner doesn’t mean running at full speed towards spreading HIV/AIDS, but not moving a single inch towards acquiring it. Be a winner! a. Abstain from sex b. Be faithful to one partner c. Correct usage of condom d. Delay sexual activity e. Early treatment of STI The only way to stop AIDS is visiting New Start Centre before attempting sex. Dear Brothers and Sisters, my fellow Zimbabweans let’s unite in pursuing the universal goal – An AIDS free generation. Together we can make it. Use home hair cut or scissors, use protector plus to prevent AIDS, one faithful partner, go to New Start Centre for tests before marriage. From my view point I think nursing staff should be trained very much about HIV/AIDS issues so that they pass correct information i.e. positive pregnant mothers Let’s prevent AIDS by using condoms, have one sexual partner at a time and to all unmarried young people let abstain. Education on behaviour change about HIV/AIDS should spread to rural areas. One goal, One life, One partner, you will live positively in a negative world! Everything its one, 1 December, 1 Day World AIDS Day remembered in every one year One womb One world One mother One partner One grave One way to death and face One God It’s a secret behind and it means prevention is better than cure. More friends more trouble. Be what you are in life and know your status! Stick to one partner and be faithful. AIDS can be prevented by abstaining from unprotected sex. Don’t have sex with many partners at the same time. Be faithful to one partner. Get tested and know your status. Get tested early for HIV. Get treated early. Stick to one faithful partner. Rely on protection not on V.A.T (visual aids testing) I am HIV negative. Abstinence and faithfulness are key to prevention. If you're HIV positive, disclose your status to anyone you fall in love with before anything else. Take care we a living with AIDS it kills! Stick to one sexual partner, use condoms and abstain if possible. Sticking to one partner is a positive prevention measure for HIV infection. If married stick to one partner, if single always use condoms in a correct way. If forced by circumstances always use a condom. Live last by making the best choice of sexual partner. Positive ways abstain, stick to one partner, use of condoms and don’t share razors, needles with other people. My preventive measures: sticking to one partner, total abstinence, getting into smart, blood test and donations, in short. I decided to get real early so I can live ‘positively’ I now know how to protect myself and stay ‘healthy’. Get real early visit any healthy centre, clinic or hospital and get tested early. Safe sex always use protection Stick to one partner, get tested with your loved one before marriage. Use condoms when tempted to have sex outside marriage. Be faithful to your partner and enjoy the fullness of life. One sexual partner is the right choice to prevent AIDS. 100% positive measure to prevent HIV is abstinence from sex. Lets ban antiretroviral drugs people aren’t abstaining from sex taking advantage that it’s a cure. Not abstaining is like leaking ambers. One faithful partner only protection against HIV and AIDS flame. AIDS is the number one killer today. So let us get tested and know our HIV status, and stick to one partner and be trustworthy to our partners. My positive message to the world is use condoms and go for HIV testing every now and then. Be positive. HIV and AIDS don’t kill, but what kills is the psychological factor caused by lack of hope and stigmatisation. Stick to one faithful partner. Let's make a change prevention and treatment a reflection upon the reality of the pandemic and our response as a nation is a necessity. Get tested and stick to one partner. STOP AIDS! Abstain, keep the promise, be faithful. Get tested it's your entry to universal access. Change your behaviour to stop HIV spread. One injection to be used on one person. Stick to one partner and fear God always for there is no life after death. Total abstinence but if you can not then make sure you always use a condom properly. Be proud of who you are because we cant ask God like we do for other things. Be faithful and stick to one loving negative partner. Get tested, if found positive, use recommended protective measures, don't spread saying I won't die alone. Offering your body with no protection exposes you to aids, so decide to live your life in a responsible way. Rather concentrate on the positive health aspect of life and always remember that prevention is better than cure. My positive prevention is being faithful to one partner, using condoms when having sex, getting tested to know one’s status, taking your treatment right and having one partner. Risk avoidance foolproof solution, abstinence followed by mutual fidelity is a 100% effective preventive practice. Faithfulness is the key. One adult one sexual partner and for youths, abstinence is the password to stay HIV negative Think before you act in a positive way in order to stay negative. Beware of AIDS! Use condoms. Have one partner. Be faithful to one another. To prevent AIDS get tested before marriage and stick to one partner in life. AIDS is a scary disease but why can't we scare it instead by acting responsibly as a people. HIV\AIDS a killer disease. Spread the word but not the disease. Being positive is not a death sentence Self control towards sexual activities, being faithful to your partner, being prayerful, avoiding phonograph, sticking to one partner, use of condoms and for youths abstinence is best for true love waits. Abstinence is the key for AIDS free environment. To those who love sex please make use of condoms. Married couple please be faithful to your partners, AIDS kills. Sometimes abstaining from sex may be a better option in fighting against the spread of HIV/AIDS but however since sex is good for one's health I advice the world at large to be perfect and trustworthy to one partner. One sexual partner and being circumcised. Get tested and be faithful to one partner. Live life to the fullest, infected or not. Abstain till marriage, one faithful partner forever after. Safe sex anywhere in between. Being positive is not the end of life but rather a beginning of a new era of love. Love for my caregivers not to get them infected in the process and greater love for my loved one so that he is not infected in the process. So condomise and protect this new era of love. A person must have one partner in life. One woman, one man. Key to positive health, dignity and prevention is understanding that HIV prevention is a universal goal regardless of person’s HIV status. Never say ‘yes’ to unprotected sex, play it safe to create an AIDS free generation. Get tested together with your partner before you start a sexual relationship with him/her. That is to prevent the transmission of HIV and AIDS. Be faithful to one partner. Abstinence is a 100 percent HIV prevention measure. Help fight the stigma, you and I have a role to play. Back to morals, commandments, thou shall not commit adultery Mathew 5 v 27. An HIV free generation begins in the mind. Mathew 5 v 28. Abstinence for those not married and faithfulness to one partner for married couples if the key to stop the spread of HIV virus Abstain from sex, if nature overcomes you wear a condom. AIDS prevention, to be honest in sexual affairs that is to be tested before marriage, one partner is enough. Abstain, be faithful to one partner and use condoms. AIDS is incurable, prevention is better than cure. Get circumcised, be faithful to one uninfected partner, correct and consistence use of condoms. To those who are not yet married abstinence is the solution! The world’s once was good morals are declining and who is going to save the day, our children’s future is bleak and no legacy of good morals will be theirs to keep. Who is going to save the day? You and I have a work to do, lets teach and testify about this deadly disease so we may rekindle the hope of an AIDS free generation. Abstinence Stick to one uninfected partner for life . Zimbabwe lets abstain a nd stay true because its no joke AIDS is a killer. Lets unit and stop the spread of this deadly pandemic. United we stand divided we fall! Partners should stay faithful to each other. Youths should advocate for abstinence before they plan to marry. Those who are sexually active should have protected sex using condoms Positive health, dignity and prevention for HIV are the way forward. Using condoms, remaining faithful to one partner and avoiding promiscuity. Share a common philosophy in a mutual marriage relationship. Discuss faith and fidelity folktales as a family. To prevent AIDS men should be circumcised. Sex is sacred. Abstain from it until you are married. AIDS prevention needs proper teachings about this pandemic especially at schools. Government must enrol permanent teachers at every school who conduct lessons everyday about this disease. Proper usage of condoms, distribution of free condoms even in big supermarkets is also needed. These things must be for free everywhere. Always use protector, stick to one partner, if you are positive disclose your status to your partner and always be faithful. Stay positive Abstinence No new HIV infections from today and beyond, every citizen should take charge. To prevent is to stick to one partner only. Abstinence for those unmarried and stick to one faithful partner. Stick to one partner. There is need to embrace both medical, social, religious and psychological theories to prevention of HIV/AIDS. 1 December is World AIDS Day. So we must commemorate this day with our friends and parents counselling each other. Not to worry about AIDS. AIDS is like flu. Tell those who are affected to get tested early so that they get medication soon I have tested 3 times. I am HIV negative. Being positive is not the end and being negative is not the green light to promiscuity. Abstinence, protection and faithfulness. Remember HIV/AIDS. Play it safe and keep safe this holiday. It’s the word of God that stops HIV/AIDS transmission. It says either you abstain or you are faithful. People have to stop secret polygamy. They have to do it transparently. Condom is not 100% protective. Sleeping with a woman who is not your wife or husband should result in one being hanged. You have to show live videos of the infected persons giving infection history. Life comes once and is irreplaceable. To maintain it longer you must know your health status. This will enable you to execute preventative and curative health measures delivered world wide Stick to one faithful partner to save your life not to have many partners because condoms are not 100% effective. Every time you have sex use condoms. Visit the New Start centre before sex. Abstinence also prevents AIDS, wear gloves when helping a patient infected by AIDS. People must stick on one partner only since condoms are not 100% effective. Abstain from sex to anyone except your wife or husband. Use condoms when dealing with girlfriends. Abstain, refrain keep away from the hole of death. Use condoms, do not share sharp objects, you must go for test every three months, avoid sex, be faithful to one partner, do not be involved in prostitution. You must do some activities e.g. soccer, gardening and others. You must go to school and do guidance and counselling session. Respect your body it is your house. Don’t ruin it! Being faithful to one sexual partner and abstinence are the solution to the young generation. I think there must be a law that all citizens of Zimbabwe must be tested for HIV and AIDS every 3 months and treated there and then, and issued with a certificate that can be produced on demand by Health inspectors at check out points. This will help in reducing the infection rate e.g. test month is January then the next test will be in April. Partners to condomise and the unmarried to abstain. AIDS is everybody’s responsibility, abstinence is the only solution. So play safe Having one faithful partner, tests before marriage, circumcision on man, not sharing sharp equipment e.g. needles, razor blades. Circumcision and using protection are ways to reduce chances of infection but abstinence stops the spread of HIV. Get real, get tested. Be faithful to prevent spreading HIV, convenient and correct us of condoms Lets make a research for a drug that reduces sexual abilities (for our future generation) we will use it like an injection for family planning. Try my Jesus and experience the new life in Him. He can affect unimaginable changes in your relation, marriage, health, behaviour, education, family, club, business, finances, community, country and the global village at large. Think positively together we can make a change. Stay blessed. Firstly, one must do with one partner, males should get circumcised, consider the use of condoms and avoid using used things like razor bla des/needles even used condoms. Get tested before indulging in sex with new lovers. When attending accident scenes please wear protected clothing like gloves for not to get contact with bare sores. Keep on with one partner encouraging him to be faithful and to use condom when he feels like doing it outside. Awareness campaigns should catch them young, consistent education on appropriate use of condoms. Abstain till marriage and stick to one faithful partner. You can only prevent by being faithful because sex thrills but kills. Showing love to your partner. Always talk about HIV and how it affects social life, human resources at work, family especially kids. Couples should be encouraged to have exhaustive sex with their rightful partners to prevent extra marital sex. Just stick to one partner. Abstain from sexual immorality. Stick to one partner. For sexual enjoyment use condoms. The use of male and female condoms is the only positive prevention. My positive prevention message to you is, all men must be circumcised and stick to one partner. An ark for two, a third partner is a virus! Sticking to one partner, correct and consistent use of condoms are tantamount to the attainment of positive prevention. Be faithful to one partner and always use condoms. Look at me now a walking skeleton. The only thing that’s left inside me is the breath which can be taken any moment. If only I had stuck to one partner, gotten circumcised and used condoms I would have not contracted this incurable, horrific disease called HIV. AIDS is real my friends so I urge you to play it safe. Fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom towards AIDS prevention. I think it will be ideal if parents share facts about AIDS openly with their children and tell them the dangers which may result. It is important Using condoms. United we stand! Just take a little bit of medication when you are told to do so. Life span has already been overcame but, lets care for our future generation. Abstain from premarital sex, donate blood, safely use protective means, and get full counselling on HIV and AIDS and save lives. Stay negative, stick to ABC method, Abstain, Be faithful and Condomise. New methods of how to practice safe sex, what to use? Lets reduce AIDS to the lowest percentage by spreading good news of preventing. Pass the message to the next one. The only prevention is to get tested and stick to one partner. Youth: no sex before marriage. Adults: Married couples be faithful. Singles avoid risky behaviour. I am HIV positive. Be faithful to one partner it is good. Also use condoms. AIDS prevention! Use of condoms and stick to one partner and avoid multi-sex partners. Already affected! Take your tablets regularly, eat good and enough food. Abstinence the best, use of condoms the better. 1. Get tested to avoid parent to child transmission, avoid home deliveries. Refer pregnant women to registered health institutions. 2. Be faithful, avoid multiple sexual partners. 3. Abstain 4. Dual protection, use condoms 5. If raped seek urgent treatment 6. Encourage male circumcision 7. Avoid using sharp instruments used by those infected Dear Kubatana! It is difficult to find a way of prevention but only one trusted and to have one partnership and respectfully use of condoms Healthy life is worth living. Spoiled life is spoiled future. Stop HIV/AIDS, stop further losses. Kubatana stick to one uninfected partner, avoid multiple sex and abstain. Avoid being involved in tempting situation. Get circumcised. Bear babies in clinics Your wife should treat like what a small house do, having sex in pornographic way, wear something sexy when you are at home, go with her where you go e.g. pubs, function Get tested and know where you stand, the best, abstinence the better, use of condoms the good. Avoid unprotected blood to skin contact It is quite requisite for all people to get tested and wear something to show their status Stop AIDS keep the promise One partner, one round, one condom World AIDS Day! The ‘negative’ course is the best. Give the negativeness a chance, leave no room for regrets I use condoms to protect myself from AIDS. Did anyone grow fatherless? It wasn’t easy, was it? So don’t repeat the same mistake again by catching AIDS. . Always stick to one partner and use condoms but most of all stick to God Abstinence is the best way of preventing AIDS second, have one faithful partner. Out of lust use a condom as the last resort. No better prevention method other than abstinence. AIDS kills avoid unprotected sex. Together we can stop AIDS. Now the populace is ‘aware’ of the ‘word’ AIDS. The major concern now is to protect the vulnerable (13-25 years). World leaders, the corporate world and people at large must avoid at whatever costs: school drop outs, early access to narcotics/drugs/alcohol, forced early marriages, peer educators need more funding Your first is the love of your life but all subsequent ones are the love of your death… be a Catholic! Keep away children under 20 years from seeing pornographic films and pictures. And teach them not to be involved in sex before marriage. Always talk with them the ugly things that may affect their dreams when they get sick with disease that are incurable Don’t spread AIDS. Stick to one partner. A person should have one partner to keep a health positive life. The donor community should not be disturbed in funding HIV and AIDS victim projects like what most Council clinic top officials are doing to UNICEF. Avoiding AIDS as easy as Abstaining, Being faithful and Condomising Get into zero, zero new HIV infections, zero AIDS related deaths, zero discrimination. Be faithful to one uninfected partner. The pure love of God is one of the greatest prevention. If you love God you will love your partner, you will love to be tested and prevent it, love the infected Stick to one partner and be faithful. Have one partner and be tested before sex. Protect yourself when having sex. AIDS can be prevented by the use of a condom. If you are positive please stop smoking and drinking, use condoms to stop HIV and AIDS. AIDS lets stop it by keeping our love under one roof. Protect sex from AIDS condom it! Before you have been tested, regard him as your father-in-law or her as your mother-in-law. Join the HIV- AIDS revolution together we make a different world. Avoid unprotected sex and stick to one partner. AIDS is real, care enough to protect yourself and your loved ones. Real men and women say no to sex before getting tested. AIDS is incurable. One partner for life and faithfulness. AIDS awareness campaigns must be done. Always use protective gear, e.g. condoms. Finally avoid promiscuity. I have circumcised and also use Protector Plus always Untested HIV positive who look healthy remain greatest risk factor and challenge to the campaign. This must be our new clarion call. Abstinence and being faithful to one uninfected partner are other proven methods. For us to have an HIV free generation, let’s stick to one partner. Be faithful to the chosen partner. Abstinence. No sex before marriage. Guys it’s always important to know your status. Get tested before it’s too late. Those who already have the ailment please don’t pass it on always seek professional advice. Take it as all people have been infected except you and your spouse. So avoid being listed. Tell your partner. Keep on talking make it a habit. Be faithful to one partner, use condoms and marry. Do not take part in outside sex (commercial sex workers). Male circumcision. I will thank anyone who follows this method. Wear surgical gloves when treating a person with HIV/AIDS, prevent using used sharp blades, be faithful to one partner, abstain from sex. Get circumcised, abstain from multiple sexual partners, keep to one partner, have regular tests with your partner and use condoms when one is found positive. Take ARVs. Abstinence from sexual activities is the best way to be free from AIDS. Circumcision, use of condoms, sticking to one partner helps reduce the spread of sexual disease. Abstinence to all youths who are in love is the only safe way to go, and those who intend to marry get tested before sex. To the married uninfected couples be faithful to your spouse and have periodic testing and counselling. To the infected, consistent use of condoms and avoid multiple partners. One safe sex partner for safe life. HIV/AIDS is real. Have one sexual partner or abstain. Think twice. Prevention is better than cure. Healthy life is worth living. Spoilt life is spoilt future. Stop HIV/AIDS, stop further losses. Prevention of HIV infection, the following are the possible ways: Prevention of blood transmission – All instruments used in invasive procedures should be sterilised. Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. Prevention of sexual transmission of HIV, that is abstinence, faithfulness, use of condoms in a correct way or practise safer sex, male circumcision, advocacy, behaviour change, health talk about HIV, and also treatment of opportunistic infections. Together we can defeat HIV/AIDS. What is needed now are increased efforts to promote youth participation in this fight, as well as parental involvement. More education, using schools and the Internet on how to fight this war is also essential. Let us not lose hope. Positive prevention: Behaviour change. Love yourself for who you are and trust your partner. Trust is the utmost importance in a relationship because you will give her your all so prevent polygamy. Emancipate women and do not settle for second best because she is super, beautiful, unique and special. Reduce sexual network. If he has a second wife what will stop him from getting a third as well as having a mistress. Remove contraceptives at school because they encourage students. True love and faithfulness to a life of two. Abstinence to singles. Protect yourself and save a life today. One partner only. Get HIV tested and know your status To prevent AIDS make friends with ‘condom’ it will protect you from unsafe sex. AIDS is a killer disease. Always practise safer sex. Guys get circumcised to reduce being infected and girls abide by motto STOP – Stick To One Partner and remember prevention is better than cure. So abstain from sex to stop its spread for a better future. Counselling and guidance for solving family problems. Women empowerment prevents spread of HIV. Once we accept that AIDS is a deadly disease, let’s put VCTs in every location and employ youths without jobs to educate people about this pandemic. Because youth are the ones most affected because of unemployment, let them start some sport activity in awareness of AIDS. Be seriously faithful and trustworthy to your one and only partner. The only positive prevention is to strictly use male and female condoms. Live longer, have one sexual partner or abstain from sex if you are not married. Stick to one sexual partner, get circumcised, abstain from sex. AIDS is real let’s try and keep safe. Have one faithful partner and be faithful to your husband or wife. Stick to your wife or husband and to those who are not yet married always use protection if you can’t abstain at all. Sex before marriage. Get tested before marriage. Be faithful to one partner. Know our status and condomise if positive. Don’t indulge in sex recklessly. Prevention is better than cure. Married people stay faithful to your partners. Tell yourself that your partner is the best. To the unmarried tell yourself I’m not married so that you will be safe. Get tested now and save your life. Abstain from sex. You only live once. Live positively. There is nothing to lose and all to gain. Self control. Run away from sexual immoralities. Pray to God whole heartedly. Go to a new start centre and know your status. Stick to one partner to avoid HIV/AIDS. Do you care for tomorrow. Do you care for your children. Give them a tomorrow with no AIDS. Abstinence to all youths who are in love is the only safe way to go. To those intended to marry get tested before sex. Working together as a nation in preventing this pandemic disease of HIV/AIDS. Fight HIV/AIDS not people living with AIDS. Love, assist and protect them. Abstain from unprotected and urgent sex and also when wearing protection do it properly. Churches should preach about it and encourage married couples to stay together, form and run businesses together. Abstinence from se, use of condoms and circumcision. Abstinence is 100% HIV prevention measure. Get circumcised and be faithful to one partner. Use a condom, be faithful, don’t forget to take ARVs. Enjoy sex but remember what it causes in life. Protect yourself. Use condoms, stick to one partner and practise good hygiene. Love yourself and never get involved in any sexual chain. Have a determined abstinence when not married, and stick to one soul friend when married. Extreme care when sharing sharp objects. Premarital HIV tests and also inside marriage. I’m glad I know my status and I decided to “pause until marriage.” If not now, when? If not us, who? If not here, where? Let us all fight against AIDS here and now! We can use ARVs, condoms, jelly, lotion, one partner. I use condoms to prevent AIDS. Use condoms and stick to one partner. Avoid . Already affected? Take your tablets regularly, eat good and enough food. Collective responsibility. H-Have a higher I- Informed V- Vision & ask yourself, A- Am I-I D-Doing S-Something right? It begins with you. Prevent HIV & AIDS. Positive attitude towards an HIV negative generation. Together we can stop the spread. It’s high time we should abstain from casual sex and have planned marriages. Protected sex is the only way to save life and safe journey from HIV/AIDS. Condoms are essential if you are not faithful to one person. Always stick to one partner. Multi-sex thrills but AIDS kills. Enjoy sex with one faithful partner. Be faithful, have protected sex. Let’s educate the community. Get circumcised and be faithful to one partner. Use condoms, Get blood tests, Be honest, One partner. It is difficult to find a way of prevention but only to be trusted and to have one partnership and respectful of condoms. Seek counselling and evaluation, and consider taking the AIDS antibody test which would enable you to know your status and protect yourself or if you are infected your sex partner. Do not use illegal intravenous drugs. If you do never share needles or syringes. The certainty that we achieve a better life for all humankind, whatever the difficulties, is a step which begins with you. Abstain from sex until married to one faithful uninfected partner. For men, get circumcised and use condoms every time you have sex. Together, victory is certain. It begins with you! Be wise. Get tested before marriage. You will smile for the rest of your life if you really care about your future and that of your fiancé. Be faithful to God, your wife and use condoms for your safety and your partner. Fear the Lord your God and keep all His commandments then surely His grace will protect you. Know your status and stick to one partner. AIDS is real and so is life. For us to live life at its best and prosper we must deal realistically with them both. The future is ours, and ours alone to keep. AIDS prevent by condom. Stick to one partner and keep reminding your partner to be faithful because AIDS kills. Better prevention than cure. Stop unnecessary sex to avoid AIDS and HIV. Let us unite and win this fight against HIV and AIDS. Let us act responsibly and live our hopes of an HIV free generation daily. I am preventing AIDS by the method of one tempered wife as long as we have been tested before marriage. Be faithful to one sexual partner and use condoms if being tempted to other sexual partners. Men, let us abstain from casual sex. Let us not kill our leaders of tomorrow! Get tested and use male and female condoms. No separation of the spouse. Using condoms, sticking to one partner and practise good hygiene. Men and women of the world AIDS has come forever. Don’t risk. We live once on earth. Stick to one faithful partner, abstain from sex but if cornered condomise. AIDS can kill. To all living positively, stay positive. There’s a life ahead of you. To those who don’t know their status, the time to get tested is now. To all married women who know that their husbands are promiscuous, please insist on using condoms and if they refuse, I think it is better to leave than be infected with something that you didn’t seek. I think most women are victims of circumstance. Stand up women. We also remember those who have departed because of the disease. Thumbs up to those who have dedicated their lives to fighting against this plague that has befallen humankind. The aids that can aid us to avoid AIDS cost nothing but the cheapest and ever available one is Abstinence. One condom one round. Two condoms, two rounds. No condom, no rounds. Spread the word, don’t spread the virus. Play it safe! Men should practise CAB method, ie Circumcision, Abstinence, and Being faithful to one partner. Women should be CAF, ie Consistent and correct use of condoms, Abstinence and being Faithful to one partner. Get circumcised, use condoms and get tested when you’re pregnant to avoid spread of HIV to the baby. No sex before marriage. 5 minutes of your time could save you a life time. Think twice before you act. Men let’s get circumcised and women let’s take care of the remaining 40% - Use protection. Use condoms Get tested before any sex activity. NB The results expire the same day you’ve been tested. People who have AIDS must get money to assist them to have nourishing meals. Logs, tattoo like, should be printed on all affected wherever on the body that will help us to identify which is which to our partners. Please let’s be open to our lovers. I’m a married woman so I just have one partner. Also we use condoms to prevent the oncoming disease. My message – Stick to one partner. AIDS kills. AIDS is real. Better to postpone the match. If possible, play according to rules. Wear your shoes. Goalkeeper also put on gloves. Abstain from sex. Use condoms when you have someone and you don’t know his or her status. No substitute for abstinence. It gives 100% protection against HIV/AIDS. Let’s take the action towards preventing AIDS. Be able to protect yourself all the time, because protection is better than cure. Live life positive! Abstinence, being faithful, correct and consistent use of condoms are the only ways to reach everyone when discussing about positive prevention. Abstinence alone does not solve the HIV pandemic. Sex without a condom is like drinking a cup of poison. Expect to suffer the consequences. Get yourself tested. When you think sex, think about your friend, relative, neighbour who died of AIDS and take care. Today is World AIDS Day! Prevent yourself or others from getting AIDS by getting tested today. Know your status and save 10 people from intersexion. Remember you can always campaign by getting circumcised or practising safe sex. Let’s make the world AIDS free! Sterilisation of sharp objects, use of condoms, having sex with one infected partner, for pregnant women if they are infected they visit the doctor so that the child will not be infected and all in all abstain from sex is safe. HIV/AIDS is real. We need to be responsible, especially this festive season. People tend to forget their values at parties, nightclubs. So drink and act responsibly. Abstain or condomise. Be faithful always, think of your partner and your future. There was a time when HIV/AIDS had become a familiar name. Now it’s time we remove the S from AIDS and give AID to giving HIV/AIDS an extinct character. Play it safe and condomise, the journey is still on. You can’t avoid sex unless you are physically challenged. Since it’s the body’s right, it must be done safely through the use of double prevention methods like circumcision and condoms especially for men. Circumcision only increases the advantage by about 65%. AIDS is a dangerous devil that dangerously attacks dangerous parts of the human body and operates in dangerous areas of the human body. Let’s avoid the danger of being dangerously destroyed. Stick faithfully to one partner like adhesive glue. Abstinence is the key and being faithful to one partner is the road to an AIDS free world. Be faithful with one partner, and get tested. Be proud of yourself. Being positive is not the end. Abstinence is the only way to cure HIV or to be faithful. Noone is immune to AIDS. You and I can get it so let us prevent its spread through abstinence, being faithful to our partners and by the use of condoms. Aids is a killer (do not admire those legs it's only mode of transport from pont A to point B). I support circumcision