cccHHHaaa nnGG iiiiii NNgg ccOOmmmmmUUnn IIttYY,, ccHHaa nggiNg ppRaaccTiii ce ? Young gay men, HIV and gay community Suzanne Fraser ChangingChanging commcommunitunityy,, changingchanging practice?practice? Young gay men, HIV and gay community Suzanne Fraser National Centre in HIV Social Research Monograph 1/2004 National Centre in HIV Social Research Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences The University of New South Wales CONTACT DETAILS: EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.MED.UNSW.EDU.AU/NCHECR/HIM_STUDY.HTML Copies of this monograph or any other publication from this project may be obtained by contacting: National Centre in HIV Social Research Level 2, Webster Building The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA Telephone: (61 2) 9385 6776 Fax: (61 2) 9385 6455
[email protected] © National Centre in HIV Social Research 2004 ISBN 1-875978-71-2 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 KEY FINDINGS 4 Opportunities for education and health promotion 4 INTRODUCTION 6 Study context 6 Method 7 Recruitment 7 Interviews 7 FINDINGS 8 1. Identity 8 Gay identity 8 Queer 11 2. Community 12 Defining community 12 Gay community 12 The scene 14 Links with heterosexual communities 15 Safe sex and gay community 17 A note on ‘change’ 18 3. Knowledge of HIV 18 Learning about HIV 18 What is HIV and how is it transmitted? 21 HIV testing 24 4. Drugs 27 Drugs and safe sex 31 Drugs and gay community 32 1 CONCLUSION 34 ENDNOTES 36 APPENDIX 1: INTERVIEW SCHEDULE 37 APPENDIX 2: DEMOGRAPHIC DETAILS OF INTERVIEW PARTICIPANTS 40 APPENDIX 3: PUBLICATIONS 41 REFERENCES 42 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks go to the following for their contributions to this project.