MUSIC WEEK OCTOBER 13 1984 TOP »S SINGLES Extra Track Too Late

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MUSIC WEEK OCTOBER 13 1984 TOP »S SINGLES Extra Track Too Late MUSIC WEEK OCTOBER 13 1984 ACTION PACT COCKTAIL CREDIBILITY/tba Fall Oul Fall J29 [jf lanRW 16 12" only (El • ADAMS,ADULTS, GayleITic WHERE CM WARNING DID OUR VOU.IInsllLOVE GO'Canl Fouilh Take S It loose LSE12,LSE^"Vl SE ^12 extra track Too Late (P) TOP »S SINGLES A FEW SHELLS SOUND SENSE/MclmpolisTAcross JRo "rgtiway Loose 11 B ' :msy ,,4 12" P,g Bag inc cxlia Irock Tho Sland 1» 2 1 JUST CALLED TO SAY.... Stcvle Wonder Motown ALARM, Tho THE CHANT HAS JUST BEGUNOho Bells 01 Rhymncy I.R.S IRS 1H Fie Warner Bros. 2 1 LET'S GO CRAZY. Prince/Revolution ANIMALANOELO, NIGHTLIFEDon BIETCLE MB. MOVE/IVe'Slonl SOLITAIRE Island RSM CIS loo 193 col ICosscttcl no) US) IE I Elektra ANTHONY. Pad THE MONEY PROBLEM/IVcislon) Reggae Rock |no cal nol IJ1I 3* 3 DRIVE, The Cars ANTHONY, Rollick KUSUPENG/IVersionl RSM (no cal nol IJSI 4* 6 HARD HABIT..Chicago Full/Moon/Wamer Bros ARTERY DIAMONDS IN THE MINE FIELOTIba Golden Down 7IM:CO 12M 12 (I/Bed Sire BARRACUDAS STOLEN HEARTIIba Closer CL 1215 (II C S. n| y ssr SST1 2004 12" Pic Bag (PI 5* 8 LUCKY STAR. Madonna BLACK UHURUFLAG FAMILY WHAT MAN/IIS LIFE/Solidarity/Partv Won t Suck Any Next01 Yon Door Unless Jsland 12ISP 1M' ?"15 coloutco'P J= c Disci El^ p ) (Correction to 6* 11 CARIBBEAN QUEEN (NO MORE LOVE..Billy Ocean Jive BONAVENTURA WHEN MALYNDY SINGS/B.g Track The fove Organ.sal.on TLO 001 P.c Bag.TLUXn out ]r.4 c Bagj {F 7 4 MISSING YOU, John Waite EMI-Americo BOYRu'eND CAST The IT'S NEVER TOO LATE ,0 TAIL IN LOVE.W.nT Yon Chailes.on Wi.h Me ThaEs Ee.eHo.emeh, STER 9 P.c Bag (Al Columbia/CBS 8» 10 COVER ME. Bruce Springsteen ^S^M^ tlse's Goy - Rap', Wish Too Would llnsll Fourth S Broadway/Island BRWX 14 (E) B F ,3 , . pB,c. o^n inr P*tra tr.irk One Touch Too Much (R) 9 7 THE GLAMOROUS LIFE, Sheila E. Warner Bros. BUCKS FIZZ GOLDEN DAYS/Whcrc Do I Go Now RCA FIZZ 3 ^ ag £ 12r t ' BUSH TELEGRAPH TURN THOSE GUNS AROUND/love Is Essential EMI BUSH 1 Pic Bag.lZBUbH i u nc eag k You Can 10 5 SHE BOP, Cyndi Lauper Portrait Wear My Clothes |EI _ ,cr oi m ir- nniu t Kl 11 9 THE WARRIOR, Scandal/Patty Smyth Col/CBS ^ C APAU D J i m* ELL' KEE^P 'h 0 LDIN G "oN a I c s Of' Power wSu9^icBagU^ 'lo,lJ|ri9 0n (W, 12* 16 ON THE..J. Cafferty & Beaver Brown Band Scotti Bros. ^tffisTe'rKfl^V^T^YrFK^ 13« 15 I'M SO EXCITED. Pointer Sisters Planet CHALICE DANGEROUS DISTURBANCES'(Veis.on) Pipe Music (no cat .. Q (C) London CHAMPAIGN OFF AND ON LOVE |REMIX)/0IIR AndSta OnWll Lovc.'La.sseze Lc Bon TempsRoulez12 CBS TA 4768 K.c Bag tt» 14 12 CRUEL SUMMER. Bananarama CLIFFORD,CHERRELLE Linda FRAGILE RUNAWAY HANDLE LOVE/You WITH WAre ^You VAre CRCf " 002.CRCT 002 12 me extra iracxs™ linuhL|NDA i-iirruCLIFFORD WIFH THE JONES WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO.. ..Tina Turner Capitol 15 13 COMMONGIRLSiRunaway KNOWLEDGE Love/JONES VICTORIA/Big GIRLS; Runaway Fat Baby Love Mercury/Phonogram (IDS) MtK 1/1 tn 16* 19 ARE WE OURSELVES?. The Fix* MCA 3 SOME GUYS HAVE.. Rod Stewart Warner Bros CULTMANIAXIT 12" (I/Red THE Rhino) A^M AZWG AD VE NT IJ R E S^ 0* 01 INN Y THE DUCK_ „ AND THE BATH ,TIME BLUES/lba/ni Xcentric Noise EIGHTH 1; EIGHTH 17* 21 DAVIES, Carol THE BUNNY & THE BUBBLE/HI Say A Prayer For You EKL EKL79 PreD Bag H) (Additional 18* 28 PURPLE RAIN, Prince & Revolution Warner Bros. DAVID J. I CAN'I SHAKE THIS SHADOW OF FEAR/War Game Glass GLASS 39 Pic Bag.GLASS 1239 12 Kic Bag u.nivi) lAuomonai 19 14 IF THIS IS IT, Huey Lewis & The News Chrysalis DAZZS,BAND'lET IT ALL BLOW/Now That I Have You/Let It All Blow dnsll Motown TMGT 1361 12 only (R) 20* 23 BLUE JEAN, David Bowie EMI-America DEMOCRATICDEAN, Hard BACKTHREE, IN The MY CUTARMS LOOSE'(lnsl) IDNCE AGAINITake Strcctwavc Me MKHAN Home 32Proto 12 ENPm A Bag122 Pre(A) Bag.ENAT 122 12 Pic Bag IAI , DOLAN, Joe COME BACK HOME/Manna My Love Ritz RIFZ 082 Pic Bag.RITZ 12082 12 Pic Bag (bP) 21 22 THERE GOES MY BABY. Donna Summer G off en i DONALDSON, Eric FESTIVAL 'B-l/ROY RYAN Festival'84 Stage DSR 3025 12 only (JS/OR) » ir-«ni.. net DONALDSON, Eric PROUD TO BE JAMAICAN/ROY RAYTON: Mock We Do It Again Stage (no cat no) 12 only (Jb) 22* 25 BOP TIL YOU DROP, Rick Springfield RCA DRY ICE HARRY THE HIPPIE/Listcn To Your Heart Simple SIM 6 Pic Bag IE) ELLIS. Alton EARTH NEEDS MORE LOVE/Oiverse Doclonng All Tone AT 002 12 only US) 23 24 GO INSANE. Lindsay Buckingham Elektra EMERALDS, The AIN'T EASY/(Version) Bad Gong (no cat no) (JS| ENGLISH. Junior TEAM OF A CLOWN/A Ridim Rough Cut RC 009 12" only (JSI 24* 26 SWEPT AWAY. Diana Ross RCA EVERLY, Don BROTHER DUKE BOX/tba Sundown SOS 001 (Gl/C) Geffen EXPLORERS. The FALLING THE NIGHFUFE/Crack Tho Wh.p Virgin VS 715 Pic Bag VS 715-12 1? (E) 25* 27 WHO WEARS THESE SHOES?, Elton John FALL. The DRAYGO'S GUILT/Clear Oil Beggars Banquet BEG 120E 12" Pic Bag (me free T single) SLANG-KING/No Bulbs 3 (W) Col/CBS FARMERS BOYS, The PHEW WOW/Portrait 01 A Legend {Part One) EMI FAB 3 Pic Bag,12 FAB 3 12 me extra tracks Phew Wow (Phew 26* 32 WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO-GO, Wham Row)/Portrait 0! A Legend Part One & Two (E) DESERT MOON. Dennis De Young A&M FIRST PRIORITY PILLOW TALK/She Said MCA FP 2 Pic Bag.FPT 2 12' Pic Bag (0 27* 31 FLOY JOY UNTIL YOU COME BACK TO ME'Themc From The Age 01 Reason Virgin VS 716 Pic Bag;VS 716-12 12 Pic Bag me extra track 28* 34 BETTER BE GOOD TO ME, Tina Turner Capitol Into The Heart (E) FORCE M.D.'S FORGIVE ME GIRL/(lnstl Tommy Boy/Island IS 207 Pre Bag.l2IS 207 12" Pic Bag IE) 29* 29 FLESH FOR FANTASY, Billy Idol Chrysalis FOX THE FOX PRECIOUS LITTLE DIAMOND/Man On The Run Epic A 4441;TA 4441 12" (0 (Re-release) FRAZER, Phillip TONIGHT/IVctsion) Cornerstone (no cat no) (JSI 30* 33 1 FEEL FOR YOU, Chaka Khan Warner Brothers FREUR DEVIL AND DARKNES'Ja« n King CBS A4726 Pic Bag;TX 4726 12" Pic Bag (C) 31* 35 STRUT, Sheena Easton EMI-America GINAGARFUNKEU X HARLEY Art DAVIDSONSOMETIMES (English WHEN Vcrsion)/KanalI'M DREAMING/Scissors Banal Basic Cut Move CBS StatikA4674 TAKPic Bag26 Pic |C) Bag.TAK 26/12 12" (E| GOOMBAY DANCE BAND DON t YOU CRY CAROLINE/Story Book Loves Starblcnd STAR 3 (A) 32* 38 OUT OF TOUCH, Daryl Hall & John Gates RCA GRACE. Brendan THE FATHER OF THE BRIDE/I'll Take You Home Aga.n Kathleen Ritz RITZ 077 (SP» 'HAIG, Paul THE ONLY TRUTH Lcs Disqucs Du Crcpusculc/lsland CIS 198 (Cassette) (E) 33* 41 WHAT ABOUT ME?, K. Rogers, K. Cames, J. Ingram RCA HARBOUR LIGHTS RUB A DUB FEELING/Wcrsion) Jaguar (no cat no) (JS) HEAVEN 17 THIS IS MINE/Skm Virgin VS 722;VS 722-12 12" inc extra track Mine (E) 34 17 TORTURE, Jacksons Epic HIGH FIVE WORKING FOR THE MANWalk Theme Back Big Village BIGV 001 (IDS) HODGSON. Roger HAD A DREAM (SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY)/Only Because Of You A&M AM 221 Pic Bag AMY 221 12" Pic Bag (C| 35* 49 ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT. Cyndi Lauper Portrait/Epic HOLT, John I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU/Rools Radics JKH JDH 111 12" only (JS) : IGLESIAS, Julio MOONLIGHT LADY/I( CBS A4799 Pic Bag (C) 36 18 WHEN YOU CLOSE,.Night Ranger Camel/MCA IMPOSSIBLE DREAMERS, The THE HOUSE BUILT ON SAND/He's Coming Down Arcadia 710 001 Pic Bag;ID 001 12" Pic Bag inc extra track Always Oul For Love (l/RT) 37 37 SHINE. SHINE, Barry Gibb MCA I.Q. BARBEL IS NOW/Changing Hands Jim White IQ 1002 (P) Motown IRVING, Bobby MISS MALIBU/IVcrsion) Jaguar (no cat no) (JS) 38* 54 PENNY LOVER, Lionel Richie ISAACS. Gregory DRIFTING AWAY/ROOTS RAOICS; (Version) African Museum BTR 006 12" only (JS) 39 20 THE LUCKY ONE, Laura Branigan Atlantic -JACKSON, Jermainc & Pia Zadora WHEN THE RAIN BEGINS TO FALL/PIA ZADORA Substitute Arista ARISD 584 (Jermame Jackson & 1,1j Pia Zadora Shaped Disc) (F) 40 40 THE LAST TIME. J. Kennedy/J. Osbome A&M JAMES, Rick YOU TURN ME ON/Frre And Desire Motown TMG 1359 Pic Bag,TMGT 1359 12 Pic Bag (R) JULIEKENNY, I'M Gerard IN LOVE WORLD WITH FULL MICHAEL OF LAUGHTER/I JACKSON'S Could ANSWERPHONE/(lnst) Be So Good For You Calibre Impression CAB 129 IMS Pic 6 Bag(Al CABL 129 12" Pic Bag (A) —* * 'KOFI & THE LOVETONES COUNT DOWN (REMIX|/(lnsl| Electricity ELEC 3 Pic Bag, ELECT 3 12" Pic Bag (A) (Correction to previous listing) LA MUERTE SERIALIST MYSTERY/tba Red Rhino RED 51 12" (l.'Rcd Rhino) 1IULLETS 41-100 l- "LOEBER, Larry SHIVERS UP MY SPINE/Vibrations Of The Night Numa NU2 Pic BAg;NUM 2 12" Pic Bag (A) (correction to previous listing) LOVINDEER LICKSHOT MAN/(Lovc Version) Sound 01 Jamaica (no cal no) 12" only (JS) MACDONALD, Ralph IN THE NAME OF LOVE/Univcrsal Rhythm llnsl) London LON 57;L0NX 55 12 " (F) 42* 45 A GIRL IN TROUBLE (IS A TEMPORARY THING).
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