For Margot Hamilton

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For Margot Hamilton ASPER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS SPRING 2008 On a personal note, I thank Stu Clark who demon- Clear vision strated through his trans- formational gift such confidence in he Asper School of Business will be more relevant and one of the School’s important areas of focus – entrepreneurship. connected to its community – Winnipeg and Manitoba I acknowledge with sadness the – than any other business school in the world. passing this year of our colleagues T Dr. Terry Hogan, former Executive As Manitoba’s business school, through learning that is challenging Associate Dean of the Asper School we are committed to meeting all and relevant; for our community – and Director of International Student the higher order business education through exceptionally well prepared Exchanges, and Dr. Ernie Vogt, and research needs of Manitoba. graduates who become productive former head of the Department of Through meeting these needs and employees and future leaders; and Actuarial Mathematics & Statistics. with our continued focus on excel- for the world – through meaningful The world also lost Dame Anita lence and relevance, we will be a research that helps shape global Roddick, 2006 IDEA recipient and leading business school in Canada opinion. founder of The and the world. Our admission numbers have never Body Shop. These MANITOBA’S Our commitment is making a been higher – this year, we welcomed losses underscore BUSINESS difference today: For our students – more MBA, PhD and BComm the fragility of life SCHOOL (Hons) students than ever before. and remind us to Celebrating 60 years Our Executive offerings are already use our time wisely: of business education developing a reputation as must- Make your studies attend events. Our research is and work meaningful. Strive for making international headlines. excellence in all you do. Rise to be The Associates of the the leader your community needs. Asper School of Business In closing, allow me to say how are an enormous com- proud and humbled I am to work petitive advantage for with the calibre of people our the School. This year, School comprises – our faculty, staff, their membership students and alumni are second to numbers are higher none...anywhere! than ever – proving the importance of this Glenn Feltham, PhD organization to the Dean, Asper School of Business CA Manitoba Chair in Business Leadership province’s leadership. 2 MANITOBA’S BUSINESS SCHOOL THE STU CLARK CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP finance,” he said. “My vision is that courses in entrepreneurship will be offered not only for business students, but also for students from Getting a other faculties.” ENTREPRENEURIAL LESSONS When Stu graduated in the mid-70s, he entered the banking sector, which kick out of gave him experience with big busi- ness – and failure. He was in middle management with the Western- based Northland Bank, established giving back to focus on real estate and small business ventures in Western Canada, when it failed in 1985. hen Stu Clark (BComm Hons 1976) was a student “Failures sharpen you up,” he said. in the then Faculty of Management, now the “They teach you to ask more questions next time.” Asper School of Business, he was “just another Stu must have learned to ask the W right questions, for his next venture kid, having fun getting a degree and getting out!” What he didn’t was not merely viable, but immensely realize was that his classroom learning would become the successful. He found partners willing foundation of his 3-decade-long career as an entrepreneur in Alberta’s oil & gas industry. “My university experience helped create the opportunities that I’ve taken advantage of in my life,” said Stu in a recent interview. “I have a passion for entrepreneurship: I’ve started a number of my own busi- nesses, sold them, profited from them and now it’s time to give back.” And giving back he is. Stu Clark has made a transformational gift of $5 million to the Asper School of Business that reflects his passion. The Stu Clark Centre for Entrepre- neurship will greatly enhance the Stu Clark and Gail Asper long-standing commitment to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship that the Asper School has had. and, by giving this amount, I can to commit a total of $200,000 of “I have always looked up to [the create a significant impact.” their own capital to create a public late] Izzy Asper, who gave selflessly Stu is excited about the plans for oil & gas exploration company; to his community,” Stu said. “He his gift. “I wanted to nurture a core they raised a further $2.2 million set an example for the rest of us and learning centre, so that entrepreneur- and set up shop, eventually employ- so, in a smaller way, I’m following ship can survive and compete with ing about 300 people. In 1998, in his footsteps. It’s up to all of us to the other foundation courses within the partners sold the business for give back. I can make this gift now the School, like accounting and over one billion dollars. ASPER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 3 Stu’s definition of an entrepreneur NURTURING ROOTS is someone with an appetite for risk OF OPPORTUNITY “I know my limits and I’m con- and the ability to be innovative, to Why has Stu chosen to make this fident about where my expertise build from scratch and to stick it out gift now to the Asper School? lies,” said Stu. “I’ve always con- nected with partners who had over the long term. “I don’t think “It feels good to come back to the expertise I was lacking, but you can learn to be an entrepreneur; Manitoba, where my roots are, and which was needed to realize my I think it’s more of a personality to invest in something where I can vision for the business venture.” type. But I know for sure that in see the results of my giving,” he school you must learn the basics of explained. Stu, who was born in Your organization must be business: legal structures, effective Winnipeg and raised in Brandon, sound: Pull a team together presenting of your ideas through has given previously to the School that shares a vision, will stay together and will follow proposals and meetings, how to ask and has been impressed with the through to realize the vision. for money, how to follow through follow-through shown by Dean with investors, and how to be Glenn Feltham; Robert Warren, The founding management accountable.” Asper Executive Director; and team should be risking equally: He cites communication as key. Margot Hamilton, Director of Each person must invest a mean- Entrepreneurs must be able to Development. ingful amount of seed capital. “They keep me in the loop. It’s like communicate their ideas effectively Every team member must in writing and in presentations. any investment I make: I want to be committed to complete School is the place to learn those understand the return I’m getting on honesty, share similar views on fundamentals, according to Stu. that investment, and my gifts to the when, how and why to take And from what he has seen of School bring me what feels like a risks, and be prepared and able today’s Asper students in Rob 500% return! I get a kick out of to communicate openly. giving back,” said Stu. “It’s fun to The team needs the right be able to do this and to watch it balance of skills: a leader success Anatomy of entrepreneurial grow at an age that I can be actively (president), technical experts involved and enjoy it!” “MY UNIVERSITY (geologists and engineers in the Stu’s commitment to giving encom- case of Stu’s oil & gas ventures) passes four major interests: health, and a finance expert (this has EXPERIENCE education, animals, and the environ- always been Stu’s role). ment. Sometimes, he will make a gift anonymously, but in the case of his Founding management HELPED CREATE THE team members should have gift to the Asper School, he was an equal voice, as well as persuaded to make it public. “Glenn OPPORTUNITIES respect and faith in the other and Margot made a convincing team members’ abilities and argument that making the gift contributions. THAT I’VE TAKEN publicly in my name might create a ripple effect for others to consider It’s essential to have a strong a similar gesture,” he explained. work ethic, be willing to pitch ADVANTAGE Stu is no longer involved with the in and do everything in the early days of a venture. Help from the day-to-day operations of running outside (employees) comes later. OF IN MY LIFE.” a business, but is a founding share- holder and board member of four There is no such thing as companies. To mark his fiftieth easy money. You have to give birthday, he earned his pilot license of yourself to earn the faith of Warren’s New Venture Analysis and now enjoys life according to others, so they will put their course, they are learning those fun- his own schedule, which includes money in. damentals exceptionally well. “The a fair amount of travel. You must be strong enough work they’re doing today blows to support the reliance others will me away,” he said. “Their proposals If you would like to discuss making a have on you: In school, you’re gift, please contact Margot Hamilton at responsible only to yourself. Once would not leave me with many [email protected] you’re an entrepreneur, everyone questions if I were a banker being or (204) 480-1046. approached for investment money.” else relies on you.
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