
Selected Works of *

1911 Review of The Purchasing Power of , by I. Fisher, in Eco­ nomic Journal, 21, September, pp. 393-8. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. XI, pp. 275-81. 1913 Indian and Finance. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. I. 1919 The Economic Consequences ofthe Peace. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. 11. 1921 A Treatise on Probability. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writ­ ings, vol. VIII. 1922 ARevision of the Treaty. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writ­ ings, vol. III. 1922 (ed.), Reconstruction in Europe. Manchester Guardian Commer­ cial, appeared in twelve instalments by different authors over the period 20 April 1922-4 January 1923. 1923 A Tract on . As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. IV. 1925 The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. IX, pp. 207-30. 1926 'The End of Laissez-Faire'. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writ­ ings, vol. IX, pp. 272-94. 1929 'The German Transfer Problem', Economic Journal, 39, March, pp. 1-7; 'The Reparation Problem: A Rejoinder', Economic Journal, 39, June, pp. 179-81; 'A Reply', Economic Journal, 39, September, pp. 404-8. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. XI, pp. 451-9,468-72,475-80. 1929 (with Hubert Henderson) Can Lloyd George Do It? An Examination of the Liberal Pledge. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. IX, pp. 86--125. 1930 A Treatise on Money, vol. I: The Pure Theory of Money. As re­ printed in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. V. 1930 A Treatise on Money, vol. 11: The Applied Theory of Money. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. VI.

* Referred to in Chapter 1.

225 226 A Critique 01 Keynesian 1931a 'An Economic Analysis of ', in Harris Memorial Foundation (1931a), pp. 3-42. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. XIII, pp. 343-67. 1931b Essays in Persuasion. As reprinted with additions in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. IX. 1933a The Means to Prosperity. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. IX, pp. 335-66. 1933b Essays in Biography. As reprinted with additions in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. X. 1936 The General Theory 01 , and Money. As re­ printed with additions in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. VII. 1937 'The General Theory of Employment', Quarterly Journal 01 Eco­ nomics, 51, February, pp. 209-23. As reprinted in Keynes, Col­ lected Writings, vol. XIV, pp. 109-23. 1939 'Professor Tinbergen 's Method' , Economic Journal, 49, September, pp. 558-70. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. XIV, pp. 306--18. 1940 How to Pay lor the War. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writ­ ings, vol. IX, pp. 367-439. 1946 'The Balance ofPayments in the ', Economic Journal, 56, June, pp. 172-89. As reprinted in Keynes, Collected Writings, vol. XXVII, pp. 427-46. Economic Articles and Correspondence: Academic, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XI of Keynes, Collected Writings. Economic Articles and Correspondence: and Editorial, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XII of Keynes, Collected Writings. The General Theory and After, Part I: Preparation, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XIII of Keynes, Collected Writings. The General Theory and After, Part 11: Delence and Development, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XIV of Keynes, Collected Writings. Activities 1922-1929: The Return to Gold and Industrial Policy, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XIX of Keynes, Collected Writings (in two parts). Activities 1931-1939: World Crises and Policies in Britain and America, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XXI of Keynes, Collected Writings. Activities 1940-1946: Shaping (he Post-War World: Employment and Commodities, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XXVII of Keynes, Col­ lected Writings. The General Theory and After: A Supplement, ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XXIX of Keynes, Collected Writings. Selected Works oi lohn Maynard Keynes 227

Bibliography and , ed. D. Moggridge, vol. XXX of Keynes, Collected Writings. The Collected Writings oilohn Maynard Keynes, vols I-VI (1971), vols VII-VIII (1973), vols IX-X (1972), vols XI-XII (1983), vols XIII-XIV (1973), vols XV-XVI (1971), vols XVII-XVIII (1978), vols XIX-XX (1981), vol. XXI (1982), vol. XXII (1978), vols XXIII-XXIV (1979), vols XXV-XXVII (1980), vol. XXVIII (1982), vol. XXIX (1979), vol. XXX (1989), London: Macmillan for the Royal Economic Society. Bibliography

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228 Bibliography 229

Buchanan, J. M. [1975]: The Limits 0/ Liberty: Between Anarchy and Leviathan, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Buchanan, J. M. and G. F. Thirlby [1973]: LSE Essays on Cost, Weidenfeld & Nicolson. B uchanan, J ames M., and Richard E. Wagner [1977]: Democracy in Deficit: The Political Legacy 0/ Lord Keynes, New York: Academic Press. Buiter, Willem [1980]: 'The Macroeconomics of Dr Pangloss: A Critical Survey of the New Classical Macroeconomics', Economic Journal, 90, March, pp. 34-50. Caimcross, A. [1978]: 'Keynes and the Planned Economy', in Thirwall [1978], pp. 36-58. Chamberlin, E. H. [1956]: The Theory 0/ , Harvard Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, Mass., 7th edn. Clark, C. [1932]: The Nationallncome: 1924-1931, London, Macmillan. Clark; C. [1937]: Nationallncome and Outlay, London, Macmillan. Clark, Colin [1970]: Taxmanship, Hobart Paper 26, IEA, 2nd edn, p. 53. Clower, Robert W. [1965]: 'The Keynesian Counterrevolution: A Theoretical Ap­ praisal', in F. H. Hahn and F. P. R. Brechling (eds), The Theory o/Interest Rates, London: Macmillan, pp. 103-25. Clower, Robert W. [1967]: 'A Reconsideration of the of Mon­ etary Theory', Western Economic Journal, 6, December, pp. 1-9. Coase, R. H. [1959]: 'The Federal Communications Commission', Journal 0/ , October, especially pp. 30-31. Coase, R. H. [1960]: 'The Problem of ', Journal 0/ Law and Economics, vol. III, pp. 1-44. Coddington, Alan [1975]: 'The Rationale of General Equilibrium Theories' , Eco­ nomic Inquiry, December, pp. 539-58. Corry, B. [1978]: 'Keynes in the History ofEconomic Thought', in Thirwall [1978], pp. 3-34. Crabtree, D. and Thirwall, A. P. (eds) [1980]: Keynes and the , London, Macmillan. Davenport, Herbert Joseph [1913]: The Economics 0/ Enterprise, New York: Macmillan. Davidson, P. [1972]: Money and the Real World, Wiley, New York. Davidson, P. [1972]: Money and the Real World, London, Macmillan. Davis, J. R. [1968]: 'Chicago , Deficit Budgets and the Early 1930s', American Economic Review, June. Davis, J. Ronnie [1971]: The New Economics and the Old Economists, Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press. de Alessi, L. [1974]: 'An Economic Analysis ofGovemment Ownership and Regu­ lation', , Fall. Demsetz, H. [1959]: 'The Notion of Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition', Journal 0/ , February, pp. 21-30. Demsetz, H. [1967]: 'Toward a Theory of Property Rights', American Economic Review (Proceedings), May, pp. 347-59. Demsetz, H. [1973]: The Concentration Doctrine, AEI-Hoover Domestic Policy Studies, Washington DC. Demsetz, H. [1973]: 'Industry Structure, Market Rivalry and Public Policy', Jour­ nal 0/ Law and Economics, April. 230 A Critique 0/ Keynesian Economics

Dolan, E. G. (ed.) [1976]: 'On the Method of Austrian Economics', The Founda­ tions 0/ Modern Austrian Economics, Sheed and Ward Inc., Kansas City, p. 40. Domar, E. [1946]: 'Capital Expansion, Rate of Growth and Employment, Econometrica, 14, April, pp. 137-47. Dorfman, Joseph [1959]: The Economic Mind in American Civilization, vol. 5, New York: Viking Press. Economic Journal, 39, June, pp. 172-8; 'A Rejoinder', Economic Journal, 39, September, pp. 400-4. Eisner, Robert, and Paul J. Pieper [1984]: 'A New View of the Federal and Budget Deficits', American Economic Review, 74, March, pp. 11-29. Fetter, F. W. [1977]: 'Lenin, Keynes and ', Economica, 44, February, pp. 77-80. Fischer, Stanley (ed.) [1980]: and Economic P olicy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press for NBER. Fisher, Irving [1911]: The Rate o/Interest: Its Nature, Determination and Relation 10 Economic Phenomena, New York, Macmillan. Friedman, Milton [1953]: 'The Methodology of Positive Economics' in Essays in Positive Economics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Friedman, Milton [1957]: A Theory o/the Function, National Bureau of Economic Research, Princeton. Friedman, Milton [1975]: Unemployment versus Inflation?, Occasional Paper 44, IEA. Friedman, Milton [1977]: Inflation and Unemployment: The New Dimension 0/ Politics, Occasional Paper 51, IEA. Friedman, Milton and [1963]: A Monetary History 0/ the United States, 1867-1960, Princeton, Chapter 7. Garvy, G. [1975]: 'Keynes and the Economic Activists of Pre-Hitler Germany', Journal 0/ Political Economy, 83, March-April, pp. 391-405. Glazier, Evelyn Marr [1970]: Theories 0/ Disequilibrium: Clower and Leijonhufvud Compared to Hutt, University of Virginia Master's thesis. Grandmont, J. M. [1977]: 'Temporary General Equilibrium Theory', Econometrica, April, pp. 535-72. Greidanus, Tjardus [1950]: The 0/ Money, 2nd edn, London: Staples Press. Grossman, Herschel I. [1972]: 'Was Keynes a "Keynesian"? A Review Article', Journal o/Economic Literature, 10, March, pp. 26--30 (reprinted in Wood, 1983, III, pp. 479-85). Gustafsson, B. [1973]: 'A Perennial of Doctrlnal History: Keynes and "the Stock­ holm School"', Economy and History, 16, pp. 114-28. Hahn, F. H. [1973]: On (he Notion 0/ Equilibrium in Economics, Cambridge Uni ver­ sity Press. Hahn, Frank [1980]: 'General Equilibrium Theory', The Public 1nterest, special issue, pp. 123-38. Hailsham, Lord [1978]: The Dilemma 0/ Democracy: Diagnosis and Prescription, Collins. Hall, Robert E. and John B. Taylor [1986]: Macroeconomics, New York: Norton. Hansen; A. H. [1953]: A Guide to Keynes, New York, McGraw-Hill. Harris Memorial Foundation [1931a]: Unemployment as a World Problem, edited by Quincy Wright, Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Harris Memorial Foundation [1931b]: Reports 0/ Round Tables: Unemployment as a World Problem, 2 vols, Chicago (mimeographed). Bibliography 231

Harrod, R. F. [1937]: 'Mr Keynes and Traditional Theory', Econometrica, 5, Janu­ ary, pp. 74-86. As reprinted in Lekachman (1964), pp. 124-52. Harrod, R. F. [1939]: 'An Essay in Dynamic Theory', Economic Journal, 49, March, pp. 14-33. Harrod, R. F. [1951]: The Life of John Maynard Keynes, London, MacmilJan. Reprinted, New York, Augustus M. Kelley, 1969. Harrod, Sir Roy [1964]: 'Are We Really All Keynesians Now?', Encounter, January. Harrod, R. [1969]: 'The Arrested Revolution', New Statesman, 5 December, p. 808. Hart, A. G. [1947]: 'Keynes' Analysis ofExpectations and ', in The New Economics: Keynes' Influence on Theory and , ed. S. E. Harris, New York, Knopf, pp. 415-24. Hayek, F. A. [0000]: 'The Use ofKnowledge in Society', and 'Socialist Calculation I, U, UI', in Individualism and Economic Order, op. eil. Hayek, F. A. [1935]: and Production, Routledge, 2nd edn, Lecture 4, on '''Elastic'' Currency'. Hayek, F. A. [1939]: Profits, Interest and Investment, Routledge & Kegan Paul, p. 63n, quoted in Choice in Currency, Occasional Paper 48, IEA, 1976, p. 11. Hayek, F. A. [1948]: 'The Meaning of Competition' and other studies in Individu- alism and Economic Order, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Hayek, F. A. [1975]: Full Employment at Any ?, Occasional Paper 45, IEA. Heckscher, E. F. [1935]: , London, George Allen & Unwin. Heckscher, E. F. [1946]: 'Nägot om Keynes' "General Theory" ur ekonomisk- historisk synpunkt', Ekonomisk Tidskrift, 48, September, pp. 161-83. As trans­ lated under the title 'Keynes and Mercantilism' in E. F. Heckscher, Mercantilism, revised edition, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1955, vol. 2, pp. 340-58. Hicks, J. R. [1937]: 'Mr Keynes and the "Classics"; A Suggested Interpretation', Econometrica, 5, April, pp. 147-59. As reprinted in American Economic Asso­ ciation, Readings in the Theory of Income , ed. W. Fellner and B. Haley, Philadelphia, Blakiston for the American Economic Association, 1946, pp. 461-76. Hicks, Sir John [1967]: Critical Essays in Monetary Theory, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Howitt, P. [1986]: 'The Keynesian Recovery', CanadianJournal ofEconomics, 19, November, pp. 626--41. Howson, S. and Winch, D. [1977]: The Economic Advisory Council 1930-1939, Carnbridge, Carnbridge University Press. Hume, David, 'Of Money' [1752]: reprinted in Eugene Rotwein (ed.), Writings on Economics, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970, pp. 33-46. Humphrey, Thomas M. [1981]: 'Keynes on Inflation', Bank of Richmond, Economic Review, 67, January/February, pp. 3-13. Hutchison, T. W. [1953]: A Review of Economic Doctrines 1870-1929, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Hutchison, T. W. [1968]: Economics and Economic Policy in Britain, 1946-1966: Some Aspects ofTheir Interrelations, Allen and Unwin. Hutchison, T. W. [1973]: 'The Collected Writings of J. M. Keynes, vols I-VI and XV-XVI', Economic History Review, February, p. 142. Hutchison, T. W. [1977]: Keynes versus the 'Keynesians' . .. ? An Essay in the Thinking ofJ. M. Keynes and the Accuracy ofits Interpretation by his Followers, London, Institute of Economic Affairs. 232 A Critique 0/ Keynesian Economics

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advertising, the role of 184-5 Society 172 American Economic Association 147 'ceteris paribus ' 18 analytical and literary styles of J. M. Chancellor of the Exchequer, adviser Keynes 44-51 to J. M. Keynes 56, 123 Applied Theory 0/ Money, The 5 Chicago School of Economic Austria 35, 125 Thought 11,59, 172 of Economic Thought Civil Aviation Authority 207 xv,95,169-222 Committee on Economic Information methodological individualism xvi, (CEI) 128 175-6 competition policy 193-8 subjectivism xvi Conservative Party xi Austrian School of Economic Thought cost-benefit analysis 206-7 continuation of 171-2 'credit cyc1e' 5 origins of 170--1 '' effect 59-61 Czechoslovakia 37 68 elasticities approach 68 'demand management' 144 Banca d'Italia 161 democracy (political problems of) Bank Rate 11 220--2 Bastard Keynesianism 149 Dennis Robertson Critique, the 140--1 Battle of Hastings 206, 209 disequilibrium theory 65-6 Beveridge Report, the 131-2 Dollar 129-30 Birmingham Post 223 'black' economy xv Econometric Society 35-6 Bloomsbury Circ1e 57 Economic Advisory Council 44, 56, Board of Public Investment 124 148 Bretton Woods Agreement 14,56, Economic Consequences 0/ Mr 77, 149 Churchill, The 25, 28, 37, 55 xi Economic Consequences 0/ the Peace British Leyland 198 2 British Rail 218 41, 134 British Steel 204,218 Economic Journal 12,34,54,85, 153 budget deficit 161 economic policy 108-9 Budgetary policy 161-3 economic policy (postwar) 129-36 Business Week 169 economic stabilisation 82-5 economic theory 85-111 Cambridge Circus xvii, 13 aggregate production function 86 Cambridge equation 3 curve 52 Cambridge University I, 139, 183, asset prices and money 224 106-7 Can Lloyd George Do It? An consumption demand 100 Examination 0/ the Liberal consumption- (or savings-) function Pledge 11, 20, 40, 54-5 85,91-2

239 240 Subject Index

(economic theory - continued) fallacy of 'first principles' (Cartesian) of demand 179 74 exogenous 86 Federal Reserve Bank 162 and the fiscal policy 77, 84 multiplier 107-8 France 37-8 inflationary gap 18 interest rates and expectations 107 General Theory of Employment, investment function 85 Interest and Money xi, xiii-xv, labour demand function 86 2,6,8-9,12-16,18-19,22-3, labour supply function 86 25-35,37-52,56-7,59,61-4, law of 24 69-71,74-7,82-3,85,99,106, liquidity-preference function 21, 112, 121, 135, 139, 143, 147-9, 52,92-3 151, 155 , the theory of checklist 92-3 94 General Theory (outline) 20-7 '' 18,21,30 General Theory, the central message marginal-efficiency-of-capital 20, of 11-20 26,52 George Mason University 66 marginal of labour 50 German Federal Republic 138-9 money demand function 86 German historical school 171 'monopolistic' competition 183 Germany 35,37-8 185-6 German reparations 54 multiplier 15, 91-3, 99, 101, gold 11 109-10 gold standard 21, 28, 55, 118 'neo-c1assical synthesis' 85 Gramm-Rudman Amendment 162-3 paradox of thrift 19 Great Depression 59, 76, 84, 110 'perfect' competition 180 propensity to consume 20 purchasing-power-parity theory 35 Hebrew University of Jerusalem 57 real balance effect 89 Hoffman-La Roche 195-6 savings and effective House of Lords 126 demand 105-6 18 search behaviour 100 35, 39 speculative 92 theory of 15, 52 Incomes Policy 135 Theory of Exchange 104 Indian Currency and Finance 1,68 theory of liquidity preference 106 'indicative planning' 212-13 trade cycle 26 industrial concentration 187-9 unemployment and effective Industrial Reorganisation Corporation demand 102-4 (IRC) 213 'unemployment equilibrium' 29 Industry Act (1975) 211 Economica xii Institute for Humane Studies 169 Ekonomista 34 Institute of Economic Affairs Encounter Magazine 82, 136, 150-1 (IEA) xii-xiii, xvi, 151-2, 170, entrepreneurial expectations 108 222 European Economic Community International Bank for Reconstruction (EEC) 150, 211 and Development (the World 205-7 Bank) 56 Subject Index 241

International Monetary Fund London School of Economics xii, 83, (IMF) 56, 151 119, 169, 171-2 interwar unernployment 119 low /low employment trap 'Invisible Hand', the 96 75-7 IS/LM analysis xiii, xvi, 22, 46, 64, 66, 76 Macmillan Committee xiii, 11,43-4, Italy 38 56 Macmillan Report (1931) 36 Keynes and the Classics 81-114 Manchester Guardian Commercial 2, Keynes and the Keynesians 61-4 4,36,50 Keynes and the monetarists 64-5 pricing 205 Keynes and the natural rate hypothesis marginal rate of tax 160 144-6 'Marshallian homeostat' 98 Keynes and the pseudo-Keynesians Mercantilism 27, 31, 95 139-40 mergers 196-7 Keynes the salesman 59 methodenstreit, the 171 Keynes versus the 'Keynesians' Ministry 0/ Labour Gazette 31 115-54 Minnesota group, the 74 doctrine to dogma 116-17 mixed economy, the 189-90 Keynes v. Walras 102-3 Modigliani-Brumberg-Ando 'life Keynes's effective demand cyde hypothesis ',the 109 doctrine 102 33, 160 Keynes 's intellectual legacy 73-9 monetary policy 78, 135 Keynes's role in 20th-century monetary view of the Great Depression economics 81-2 111 'Keynesian' doctrines 121 Money, Credit and Commerce 4 Keynesian heritage in economics 21 59-71 and Mergers 'Keynesian' model 87, 113 Commission 194-5, 197,218, Keynesian multiplier 66,99, 101, 107 223 'Keynesian' policies 83-5 Keynesianism 67, 82 Nation and Athenaeum 54 King's College, Cambridge National Coal Board 218 Kodak 196 National Council 211 Labour Party xi, 135-6, 150, 152 National Economic Development Liberal Party 55 Office (NEDO) 199 Liberal Yellow Book (1928) 124 national economic planning 211-16 limitations of government 219-20 National Enterprise Board 'Liquidity Preference and the Theory (NEB) 211,213-14,219-20 of Interest and Money' 86 National Health Service 192, 195 liquidity trap 90 national-income statistics (UK) 36 Listener, The 148 National Institute of Economic and Liverpool model 167 Social Research 167 Liverpool school xv National Fund 203 Liverpool University 166 National Trust 218 Lloyds Bank Review 150-1, 153 nationalised industries 200-2 London Business School 167 investment policy 200-2 242 Subject Index

(nationalised industries - continued) Rank Xerox 186, 196 marginal cost pricing 204 rational expectations 155-67 new policies 205 adoption of 156 pricing policy 200-2 budgetary policy 161 nationalised industries, the control implications for policy 158-60 of 198-205 political implications 166 'natural rate of unemployment' real balance effect 90-1, 114 125-6, 145 Pigou effect 90-1, 114 neo-Keynesianism 166 rearmament expenditure 12~ new xv re-interpretations of Keynes 61-5 new classical macroeconomics 33 restrictive practices 196-8 New Classical school 67 Restrictive Trade Practices Court New Economics 83 194,198 New Statesman 133, 135, 150 role of govemment, the 192-3 New Statesman and Nation 54 Austrian view of 192-3 NobeiPrize 82,85,169,189 Royal Commission on Indian Finance and Currency 1 Oxford University 172 Royal Commission on the Poor Laws 144 permanent income 'hypothesis' 109 Royal Economic Society 57 Phillips curve, the xii, xv, 40, 59, Russia 35, 38 180 Pigou effect 90-1, 114 saving investment ratio 105-6 policy proposals to avoid a slump savings and investment 16-17 122-5 Say's Law 32,60,91,99, 102, 104 Political Economy Club 54 School of Rational Expectations xv political economy of J. M. Keynes 206 53-7 slum clearance 128 post-Keynesians 18, 164 Social Contract 142 Post Office, the 186,202 'social welfare function' 176 price and -rigidity 60-1 Stamped Money 27 price rigidity 77 Stanford University 163 price stability 134 Stockholm School of Economic Prices and Incomes Policy 142 Thought 34 163 subjectivism 174 property rights 207-8,210 Sunday Telegraph 148 pseudo-Keynesian doctrines 133-6, Sunday Times Newspaper 223 141 supply-side economics 159-61 pseudo-Keynesianism 126-7, 130, 132, 142, 146 Time Magazine 82 Keynes and the pseudo-Keynesians Times Newspaper 40, 124, 147-8, 139-40 151,205-6,223-4 public works programme 124-5 Tract on Monetary Reform, A xiii, Pure Theory of Money, The 5 2-4,36-7,39,42,45,50-1,56,74 'trade cycle' 76 4, 10, 26 Trade Union Congress 137 trade unions 132 Radcliffe Committee 134-5, 138 trade unions, the role of 136-8 Radcliffe Report 150 Treasury, the 2 Subject Index 243

'' 114 Versailles Peace Treaty 2, 54 Treatise on Money, A xiii, xvii, 2-12, vision of monetary order 77-9 15,19,28,36-7,40-50,52,54, 57,62,74,106-7 wage rigidity 87 Walras's 'tatonnement' 100, 113 unemployed reserve 127 Walrasian analysis 99-100 United States 11, 37, 56 Walrasian auctioneer 26, 38, 61 Balance of Payments 27, 129 'Walrasian homeostat' 98 investment 35 Washington University 164 unemployment 28 welfare economics 176, 189 University of Chicago 83, 158, 172, Austrian scepticism of 190-2 177, 188, 194 White Paper (1944) 130 University of Harvard 183 White Paper (1967) 199-200,202-3 University of Kent 137 World Institute for Development University of Maryland 194 Economics Research (WIDER) University of Minnesota 158 57 University of Uppsala 70 World War 1 25, 39 University of Warwick 194 Usury Laws 27 Name Index

Abrams, R. K. 66 Churchill, W. 25,28,37,55, 124, Adler, M. 167 145, 148 Alchian,A. 113,173,185 Clark, C. 31,33, 143, 145, 152 Allen, R. G. D. 185 Clower, R. 61-5,67, 114 Ando, A. 109, 114 Coase, R. H. 208, 210 Arrow, K. 68, 71, 99, 113 Coddington, A. 64, 172 Atlas, C. 185 Congdon, T. 140, 150 Corry, B. 32 Cossa, L. 172 Baclehaus, J. 19 Cowling, K. 194-5 Bain, J. S. 187,223 Crabtree, D. 57 Balogh, T. 138-9, 148, 150, 152 Crossman, R. H. S. 136 Barber, A. 137 Crown, G. 223 Barro, R. J. 68, 71 Bendt, D. L. 67 Davenport, H. J. 65-6 Beveridge, W. 55, 126, 131-3, Davidson, P. 18 144-5, 149 Davis, J. R. 40,59 Blaug, M. xvii, 32 Debreu, G. 99 Block, W. 172,223 Demsetz, H. 173, 188, 191,208,210 Böhrn-Bawerk, E. von 169-70, 192, Domar, E. 42 222 Dorfman, J. 59 Borch, K. 47 Dumas, B. 167 Borchardt, K. 39 Bouniatian, M. 62 Eatwell, J. 57 Brockway, G. 62-3 Egger, J. B. 172 Bronfenbrenner, M. 116, 146 Eisner, R. 66 Brozen, Y. 188,223 Eltis, W. 117, 150-3 Brumberg 109 Erhardt, L. 138, 150 Brüning 119 Brunner, J. 224 Fawcett, M. 117 Brunner, K. xiv, 73 Fetter, F. W. 39,172 Bryce, R. 12, 54 Fischer, S. 57,68 Buchanan,1. M. 67, 147, 173,224 Fisher, I. 4,8, 11,23, 120, 147, 172 Buiter, W. 71 Ford, G. 161 Burton, 1. xv Foster, W. T. 62 Friedman, M. xvi, xvii, 73, 84, 109, Cairncross, A. K. 27 114, 119, 125, 143, 145, 147, Callaghan, J. 136 152, 157, 170 Catchings, W. 62 Chamberlain, J. 144 Galbraith, J. K. 147 Chamberlin, F. H. 183-4 Garrison, R. W. 172 Chick, V. 64 Garvy, G. 18 Christiemin, P. N. 60, 70 Gifford, C. xvii

244 Name Index 245

Glazier, E. M. 62 Kahn, R. xvii, 13, 20, 45, 56, Glyn, A. 152 126-30, 133, 137-40, 142, Goodwin, R. M. 98 148-50, 152 Greidanus, T. 70 Kaldor, N. 131-2,134, 138-9 Grinder, W. 172 Kalecki, M. 33-4 Grossrnan, H. I. 63 Keynes, J. N. 1 Gustafsson, B. 34 Keynes, M. 57 Kinda-Hass, B. 34 Hahn, F. 57,68 Kirzner, I. 171,173,177-8,181-3, Hall, R. E. 68 185, 193,216,222 Hansen, A. xiii, xvi, 22 Klein, L. 2, 34 Harberger, A. C. 194 Klein, P. A. 110, 114 Harberler, G. 89, 171 Knight, F. H. 27, 177 Harris, R. 223 Kuhn, T. 28 Harrod, R. xii, xvii, 14, 17,29,33, Kuznets, S. 31, 33, 35 42,45,52-4,57,83,128,133-4, 138-40, 142, 150-2 Lachmann, L. 171,173,179,192, Hart, A. G. 21-2 216, 222 Hauersley, R. 223 Laidler, D. 57, 144 Hawtrey, R. 12-13 Laker, F. 186 Hayek, F. A. xii, 70, 95, 118-20, Lange, O. 46 147,151,169-72,176,178, Lawson, T. 21,36 191-2,200,215-16,219,221-2 Leijonhufvud, A. xiv, 19,61-4,67,81 Healey, D. 211 Leith, J. C. 13, 20, 54 Heckscher, E. F. 31-2 Lekachrnan, R. 33,82, 149 Henderson, H. D. 55, 120, 153 Lenin, V. I. 39 Hicks, J. R. xiii, xvi, 18, 33, 46, 82, Leontief, W. 33 85,89-90,99,147,172,222 Lerner, A. 14,22, 33 Hitler, A. 38, 125 Lester, R. A. 60 Hobson, J. A. 62 Lindahl, E. 33, 177 Horwich, G. 93 Littlechild, S. C. xv, 169, 223 Howitt, P. 33, 57 Loasby, B. 172 Howson, S. 11,20,56, 148, 153 Lopokova, L. 2 Hurne, D. 59 Lowe, A. 117 Hurnphrey, T. M. 69 Lucas, R. E. xv, 70, 158 Hutehison, T. xv, 32,40,82-3, 115, Lutz, F. A. 111-12 147, 149 Hutt, W. H. 60,62, 81, 113 Machlup, F. 171, 222 Hyrnans, S. H. 110 Macrnillan, H. xi Mallet, Sir C. 124 Jackman, R. 64 Malthus, T. R. 15,32,55 Jay, Sir P. 151 Mankiw, N. G. 33 Jenkins, H. 224 MarshalI, A. 1,3-4,17,29,45,55, Jevons, W. 115, 173 73,98 Johnson, E. S. 53 Matthews, R. C. O. 84, 143, 153 Johnson, H. G. 53,59, 76, 79, 118 McNulty, P. J. 222 Johnson, I. 64 Meade, J. xvii, 13, 33, 36, 55, 85, Johnson, J. 211 184, 189-90, 193, 198-9, 203, Jones, A. 149 207-8,211,217 246 Name Index

Meeks, G. 224 Reagan, R. 162, 166-7 Meiselman, D. 114 Reddaway, W. 85 Meltzer, A. 63 Ricardo, D. 15, 32, 115 Menger, C. 95, 169-74, 176, 178, Richardson, G. B. 172 191-2,216 Ricketts, M. xvi Milgate, M. 57 Rizzo, M. J. 172 Mill, 1. S. 15, 115 Robbins, L. 134, 141-2, 151, 172, Minford, P. 79, 155, 167 222 Minsky, H. 164 Robertson, D. 13, 120, 134, 14a-2 Mints, L. W. 111-12 Robinson, A. xvii, 13, 20, 46, 57, Mises, L. V. 17a-2, 176, 181, 192-3, 139,142 200,208,215-16,223 Robinson, J. xvii, 13, 20, 34, 45, 48, Modigliani, F. 86-7, 109, 114 128, 13a-5, 138-9, 149-50, 152, Moggridge, D. 11,39,56-7, 139, 183 148, 151 Roll, Sir E. 82 Morgenstern, O. 171 Rorner, D. 33 Mueller, D. C. 194-5 Rosenstein-Rodan, P. 171 Muth, J. 158 Rothbard, M. 171, 192,216,223 Myrdal, G. 12,33, 140, 177 Rymes, T. K. 12, 45

Nadir, V. 57 Sarnuelson, P. A. 17,21,69,91,99 Naylor, T. H. 47 Sargent, T. xv, 70, 158 Newrnan, P. 57 Say,J.B. 32,60,91,99,102--4 Nixon, R. xi, 161 Schefold, B. 39 Schickelgruber 84 O'Driscoll, G. P., Jr 172 Schlesinger, J. R. 69, 83 Ohlin, B. 33--4, 54 Schmoller, G. 73, 171 Okun, A. 68 Schumpeter, J. A. 169-71, 183, 186, Opie, R. 137 192, 197 Schwartz, A. 84, 147 Palander, T. 47 Scitovsky, T. 89 Pantaleoni, M. 172 Seldon, A. xiii, 223 Patinkin, D. xiii, xvi, 1,9-13, 15, Shackle, G. L. S. 18,82, 172, 179, 19-20,22,29,31,33--4,36,40, 222 43,53-5,57,63--4,85,89-90, Shenoy, S. 172 92,99, 112 Shoesmith, E. xvi Peel, D. 167 Skidelsky, R. xvii, 57, 147 Pesaran, H. 21,36 Smart, W. 172 Peters, G. H. 224 Smith, A. 95-6, 129, 142, 174 Phillips, A. W. xii, xv, 40, 59, 180 Solow, R. 57 Pieper, P. 1. 66 Sraffa, P. xvii, 13 Pigou, A. C. 1,3, 8, 11,33, 83,.86, Stalin, J. 38 102, 111, 114, 119-20, 131, 144, Stein, H. 40 149,207 Stewart, M. 82, 136, 150 Plant, Sir A. 196 Stiglitz, J. 163 Polanyi, M. 69 Stone, R. 36 Pontin, Sir F. 223 Streissler, E. 172 Preobrazhensky, E. 39 Sutcliffe, B. 152 Name Index 247

Targetti, F. 34 Walras, L. 22,26,45-6,61, 73, 95, Tarshis, L. 12, 54 98-100, 102, 105, 112-14, 170, Taylor, A. J. P. 148 173 Taylor, J. B. 68, 163 Walters, A. A. 114 Thatcher, M. 161-2, 166-7 Warburton, C. 60, 66, 70, 76 Thirlby, G. F. 172,200,224 Weintraub, S. 18 Thirlwall, A. P. 57, 149-50 White, E. W. 57 Tinbergen, 1. 35 Wicksell, K. 8, 11, 12, 14,34, 107, Tobin, J. 68,71, 114 172, 177 Tullock, G. 173 Wicksteed, P. 172 Tumlir, J. 78 Wieser, F. A. von 170,192 Wilkinson, F. 149 Willes, M. H. 70 Varley, E. 211 Williamson, J. 56 Viner,1. 31,33,83, 149 Winch, D. 11,20,40,56, 148, 153 Volcker, P. 157, 161-2 Wiseman, 1. 172, 200, 224 Wood, G. xv, 33, 64, 69 Wagner, R. E. 67, 147 Walker, D. A. 32 Yeager, L. xiv, 59, 63, 76