Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis ECON 302 SUMMER 2013 DREW UNIVERSITY (Preliminary Syllabus) Jamee K. Moudud
[email protected] Office: TBA Office Hours: TBA Course Description This course is a study of the determinants of the level of income, employment, and prices as seen in competing theoretical frameworks. Topics include an analysis of inflation and unemployment, their causes, costs, and policy options; the sources of instability in a market economy; debates on policy activism; prospects for the control of aggregate demand. The objective of the course is to enable students to learn the fundamental theoretical debates in economics and their real-world implications. At every step we will contrast the neoclassical approach with alternative approaches, including that of Keynes who is generally considered to be the founder of modern macroeconomics. We will therefore draw on both a macroeconomics textbook and Keynes’ famous book The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. Textbooks: Peterson, Wallace C. and Estenson, Paul S. (1996). Income, Employment, Economic Growth, 8th edition. W.W. Norton & Company. (PE) Keynes, John Maynard (1953). The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Course Requirements: There will be two mid-terms and a final exam. Exams will consist of multiple choice and short-answer questions. There will also be occasional homework assignments. 1 Grades: % of Grade Exam #1 20% Exam #2 25% Exam #3 (Final Exam) 25% Class Participation and Daily Reaction Papers 30% Three in class exams will comprise 70% of your grade. If you know you will need to miss an exam for legitimate reasons (e.g.