FIRST YEAR. NO. J. LOVELOCK, HUMBOLDT COUNTY*. SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1698. PRICE TEN CENTS. water »H this laud would average ton and aqoarter of wheat to th mtiKp uExnoN- •ID-HP sere. It ie«onndetnlypredfctod tbt MLOVELM . Gladatone died Hareday," wheat hi Lovelock wjjl b. worth Tbe clouds took like mere i § V*8 ^farzen,&oo* ftanch. $30 nerrton or if gross revenue o "_MLEi J.TW0 per acre. Tbia woald bo Prof. Lyaup'aachealcloseiJuneSp. rawstota l product of a (purler of * million Hans JenaeH wna up from his ranch « dollars, or enough with one good fl C00NTRY-OF GREAT n\ , vara miles west of .Covelcek. IT 15.EXPECTED VORK to build two or three reservoirs. Soldier tnhu have been coine ' Lsat year Hiram Stoker, the wheat est all-day. WILL STMT SOON. king of the valley, had in a thi to , ,______Mias Onvni waa in town yeaterbay. JG.TAY10SATTNEHHID0F acres, and hatvuittid 10,1100 sack* of grain. Anil them was very little MUCH VALUABLE LftfiD THAT Mies William* la visiting In Fresno, _» uAff-Zmesi herd of short horns V 'TflFGOMM-NYTOPROVQE yield onaOOaensofhlsground'. Thin .SOME CAY WILL 3E .- fly SWAGE SESERMK8. year hedocsloL hope for a full cr RECLAIMED. i lovelock school will close for * in fh& staie. ami ull bcc3uje there In eecarcity the year Friday June tfcinL water, lie has sown more than It (i'mUioritlvuIy announced that thousand dollars'' worth of se Of the fhvored places In Js'svadn P. 0. A ndreil»* floating gang of rail­ Stock*3*i>r Sale. eri irill begin on a storage reser- Tbiswasputh When mi one could Lovelock is one. Biluaied road cnrpunlers ™'r for the J«vtlock valley tell whether there would de wati lower end of the (Ireat baain ecilflji, probably nott week. TTiDro not. • Hut tvBh (linage men moat the lowest point, 3,!>7fl JosapJi} farson, y,f re, in facL two reservoir sites select­ there will no lenjer he any dotbt bore the «n, it i)>ps in tio ralloy of Stoktrt ed, eocb with a capacity of about the ]tu:r.!:slJt river whldi in all iuiriMker. „.{»]0 one feci, MS milt* up Ilie wiiirlinzdauetekeaavartotlloiiortlij John Denneil. aad old thoe pree- Wiley. bnl.lho. pltm BoMemp'ntes the ' MIXIXU NOTBS. and east for mere Han a MwosaaiijMtior, was burM in the Lavdock eomlmcliun k. •• & of Lo"o!'icl; deiienL and upon care- '%*=K. ' " r™ *» ' tc«3Torra hove nlreaUy been made by OitiKer I, U. Taylor. "" boldi ie lha greatest river in tl call nt Tornif}a mioun. .jnJmuV be on the groanl neat week rid of those that have no outlet C A. Ilrowd is the firstma n (h to nuke ailditioas) survey sea. tn agei past It formed in three dollars for a real's* eob- •eervolr, known as Xo-2, sill scries of takes. The draining scrjplien to the Trliiune. la the aril coo built It is' an ol'l these lakes left their beds luMi'i and Micaes Uoyl and Ijine, teachers In vi,a> natural deprcssi level valleys. Tie bed of eld lake Ihe school, attoniied the fnneral of in it la could be Med liva feet Lovelock Karl Wash Tuesday at IVadaworth. iseo nih mrtor over several hundred One sees nlong the sldoS of tbn arm The plan contemplates Ibi: feet above tha valley, the TheremalM of tl-irl Wash we; teniiclionof a levee 3,(500 fuel lone; terracing that was dene by the waves buried Tuesday at IVadiworth. The .he miter. At tbe led fool the shores oi the lake. These we- Lovelock school dismissed for that he water In the reserve a tone ego receded, leaving an a- y out of respect to his men™ rerLBUO acres: at tho 15, val shaped valley, some 20 or 30 The candidates for trustee* at the t the 2ft 2,200. It la not miles long and S or 10 miles vide, in school election Moaday are. to: prinble that (be Jam rill !w coi the center of which stands Leveloefc Hroira and IL C. Jlertc . snieieJ to impound mere than 2 S/U^VtUtH llafrO uuduiuitiibx-un hundred thoutand short term J. II. Thlcs nod Johuthsa fretef water, for above that polt fine agrkultoral land- rtditlonsl embankments would hai soil Is the slit brought down ' 'UJaA/vuA' U&AXXA/U, op ;ervoir, when it Is filled, will bo visionary dfeatn ' milo relay bicycle race ill Iteno be< it '£> feet lower tlisn the bottom what this will mean. With watt i the Ken ho other one. Tho two reservoirs the whole valley will be turned intoa!antj eOIympicclubof Sin^uncisce, $Us tyjosJAt'tiJ, -Bt^fc XottAo-tuAt/, 30 OM>X- generated by a low ridge two or garden, and the foothills will blouora'lat a (ingle faro.1 W.8S. Misbelieved, re hundred feet irfde and about with orchards. Tho great farms "in! the ice will boa great eventarid well feet high. A eounocHoii will In lloe will be subdivided into smaller j WOr ie between lha two, ami the wotor traota, and intensive farming will bei oAkLltbA' ••••H4/1 -vix. •>', a the upper reservoir sill be the rule;',' iltt i Hoakinn have been enjoined •m olT through No, 1. Thence it ,. by Arthur Hogerf frem Ufing mier 1 follow a natural water conr.-ji Norla this alt. The same process; in their ditch. The wntfr ie claimed 7lxu> rljx>-tA-. tt into the Humboldt river about at wore away the shores of •the take under tho right of the old Marker k rcilos away. in times past ie still Going on. Ten'ranch. Tbe mil is in the I'niteih miles down the valley Is Humboldtfiutes court nnit will comeup atCar- It is believed that the coat of tbe : take. Thisisaahillowpond, ficeori ounn(,itn,0nth. Engineer Taylor is fcr reservoir wilt lie in the neigh- til feet deep, and at times it foca | binc nica»nremeata in tho interest tood of *100.(IO0, but no Jlguros ma entirely dry, This, too, some dar,-0fboth L-iveu out liy iho parlies Intcreat- will bo drninel and add another hnn-' . flS mining center, en, I .lohn (J. ITuylor la at tlio head of report heavy drcd thousand acres to the farming Z*<& , .i Icompany trutt projiosea to area. The drainage eoutd de done far east sa Ugdon and a hehvy fell nf e-jrvll eliewere, and should here. geological survey, shows that half j down bis throat, tt lodged he Hcaj- river country in Utah hinls throatu ,, anKd might haVBoeen taken mllUon acrefeet of water aanually: *;l T '-" , . (1J Jeho tho fanners themselves are 0 1 i storage reservoir and irrl-' W"1"*^ i flowadown the Humboldt. !_,»!•" _;^*S* •J* !" , stored In roitrvota and drawn upon i ~J"*Od *^",0 TT^J* Iworks to cost a million ( l,i, li ll r 'NOTJC-'OF'SCHOOL ELEXTIOiJ. .in the irrigating uason woitld\l;£*_\„ Jfr't!'.S '. ..;'3 " i - etnisinjaiiy thousands of acre* of bud!i Whan'bo did llwasloo tatet -Dr; i in Ibe ffumbo|db valley.- ,' Hood, of Battle Monntcn, was sent jfor, bat gnven'o hop*. Theboy grew ping is certain, thj importonca ' Hid ifUliM BV StoJir. "•! J5. I»l*. itnun Tho psoplo'nre alive to the Impoi^ltojatastl- weaker and complained of iKeamething nf the kind no snee of storage reservoirs. Tbe work i,th'o distress. Lost week he was taken 6..W: rarcner, Prosrielor, •lions. There ore six orsev- fa going on, and when completed j „ WadsworUi that he might have Liid seres of wheat In.the Lonelock wiU fa a town of .nanyi better care. Cut Mondays message lovelock, Nevada. lliis^year. Wijh'plenty of piespeWHsapd^sppy homes. jarne that ho'Vsa dead, ..jfj in r».-l.. •iu:"e™la of her reputation - " not be everywhere met and aaawereti. j ver producer should at less yet they have resulted in bringing: haste to restore her reputation for some staunch friends to the defease! disinterested patriotism. She of the state. Tbe Ktalesman, of logically be deprived of both llloise. IJaho, ankl In part in reply i Wiat Some laye;JWellmiui : * Also among those who fully appre­ | «The second miatsko Indulged in ciate Nevada's powibiuti I ruspeetlrig Nevada is in jsnindOK that Denver Itefnibticon. It re tho •Nevada is a great state from any Replies of Its Friars Wfco im'ng ««». »tha "-Mt tha* t r"^Indoitr' y Thi dea? *j'd an™d ilondpoint, and, with an Irrigation KLW Ific State's at therefore there is no chance for system like that of Colorado and r * state ever to grow to respoctsble itteotton paid to the geld new ©titer Papers Resdorces proportions. Whatever nay if tbe state there is nothing to pre­ of the business of mining silver, the vent it front becoming a large and TSeBOse, IftTfljra&Owyliee of Nevada dots not have to rely prosperous community. There Ranway will Bum to opoa that industry, it bus other great interest taken In Irrigation great resource* and the attention of Nevada, and the probability is 1 Winoeamcca tho people of the country should be during tho coming year some very turned, not to getting rid of the'stste. iportant enterprises of that char­ snen « Cooatry That Grows Staff hut to developing it and making It acter will bo InouguratcdJ BttsAcIt of Wheal to' the Ao one of the prosperous Maunonwcaf the as It Is today Nevada is en­ Will Ajaa Make Rapid of tho onion. joying sttbotantial prosperity, Slrhlti Id Fs_C •Nevada has gold, aad the busl- papulation is sparse, it is true, but Inuss of mining that metal Is reviving the wealth per capita of its people » there. II has lead, and with proper for above the average for the United Nevada, lbs fourth state in eta but encouragement load mining will be­ States. In moat of tho counties the tbe knot in papulation, is, neverthe­ come an important industry there in rate of taxation is lower and the less, one of the great comcnonwealihs the future as it has been in the past- sessed valuation less than can proba- Moreover the. fonnd anywhere • are not surpassed by any other of tbe west. Nevada has an ex %'ouny i Mdternstates,aad when developed, viriryingtouxAofwatsrtomatothem tern of public schools, and a fund that wiUaMtoina vast populntion. At-jna productive ssauy in the country, assures their maintenance on »liberal Jlfotet, (bough among tan first of the PoduelAad there is water there sufficient to fooling for all time. Iti States to have its star placed upon'irrignto a large proportion to aeo the Influences that have held tho flr.g of tho union, it is the but to! lands that are M situated that they Nevada back as a state, but the op­ —_»*/s#jt Wemdm in exploited. The battle-born state, j can bo tilted. The lending engim portunities for acquiring wealth that il if called, nod It came In when its; of the stale recently said to the » opened yeara ago s support w_ osttnlisl to lie govern- j tor that there was water enough and advantage will be tokenn of Iheoi meat. Bit iracbj a change has eomoj Nevada to Irrigate $000,000 an by new people in the not distant fu- f over eastern sentiment Ihet there are! of land ami that it was so located -'jToda needs population. ft,aJ,*,rt,r* rEL©@ifc • people so short sighted that they j that it could aearly all be utilised The resources are here to support it would deprive Vends of* statehood, [comparativelysmalleipensej and to give employment A, And they would do this, forgetful il'm. fl Smythe, at one time i are willing to work. The one thing TRIBOWEo. thatUwrajnoof Nevada have sdded|torof tbe Irrigation Age, who I to do Is to counteract the wrong im- a billion dollars to the wealth of the j done good service in tho development presalona that hove been lent broad- Stockmen •-orld, and despite tho fact that It is | of the arid regions of tbe (rest, is al- c 1st over tho land, and nujfco bsUsend that their era of production; so a loyal tnipportor of Nevada. The sources known to the outside world. has only just |*-gnn. And ibey would, Chicago Tribune, otto of the most rnh- Then population will 1 Commercial risltthla dishonor upon* sister state ;M of the sound money argons, In on signs of the times are already point­ although it is well known that Vera- j article advising congress to deprii ing this way. New irrigation enter­ Vraeefort. da has has six million acres of land i Nevada of statehood, had said: prises are being started, and thous­ that can be reclaimed to ngrfcalture i "Congress is perfectly able to deal ands of acres of valuable land will be and that In produelivcnejs can not be (with the unprecedented condition of reclaimed. Although known os a ml ei celled anywhere in the MisrfssfjTlj affairs which exist* In Nevada. 'The Nevada hsa always boon •alloy. In 1HG1 such acntioientsj silver mines which made her all she great producer of gold, and gold mjc would bare been held treason. Bo i was have been exhausted. She has 'n ito infancy. There is tyavet/a's firmly since that time hna loyalty to no other mineral wealth. She fits no gold belt stretching along tho north Urn flag been established that iral resources. Sh cm border that has (hardly yet been J^oeMiy Point oration of this subject seems like s|no;hlng to attract people; and, " except in placers. AboveaJJ for Xivittoek. fsreo. It would be so were it not corxei|Uonee,

I Vh When. f Xooetock St Sn need of anything Sn the mercantile line from a draper of pins to a combined harvester Wou can always he accommodated at the store of

whey have groceries, dry'goods, Hardware,. furniture, carpets, clothing, hoots, <3>hees, notions, candies, "\ J'ruits; jCovelock, Commercial w <|~ ' 1 femda.' Co.

„«iv*« •


M(SBSTJI©H F©R R LHW„ THE LOVELOCK PUBLISH- •, INC COMPANY, | irovided. There s weler-riEbt oDcr- Faiily floor, ,JS_,c froar " • beo&igo worse than hor-an slavery, f lUilSCMITiOJ »; Well may the alarm be mended'n once ajain tint eternal vigilance is' s SIAY, .1833.; I

j Personal feeling has eontrbHod is'*J»:i(m. -iamenj maitn f~odium)i Tift! WVSUXK TKIlll-'U'E. J SI.'fMiESTION Ft)« A U First' Prize leyada Meat. rthepost, but it-has not beea- bus-;". ___ 3 t The town of lavetocfc Is on* of the! ic.Ye.of_, i-.., .«... Kerada miMt'iabSlau&I places in the stale.'I ihes a, «-ureBtion for a l-i *,'S_,15 .~;£X?_|' »«•""»».* . The railroad .shipments 'how that it •) not hoped that it wilt meet with | 1 dues a bm:ne_ c^ual to other points ; icdiaU popular approval, nor "individual.that ' " ' Lovelock Takes Great interest in the It Is Ne A Bttr'ly of the water supply .of the da's feuding point in the uansperta-; future to hays it placed upon the llumbolilt system show* that the riv­ lion of stock through the state. At- i statute books. Revolutions should be er Is very irregular. The flowa t a falfa, onje. set with roots down to|sfciw.' Until tho .TuiBWte was con-certain season one year is.no ;: grid's the water levels will grow without ir-1 templsted It hud net been the inten- for the next. For instance Hydro-! rigation. and the great quantity ofltlon W oflitr Iho suggestion for BOmographc r Tnytur*i roporta, show that.jJJJJ^ ... _y raised 'bos trade this a wintering years yet. Bat the time is ripe for the-maximum • Bow In March at the' 1 . place for stockmen. Thus a prosper-r it* mnoidemtion. The existing nys- Oreona station tbisyear is about' the same as list yew. But tho maximum hi™, to. , - ouscoramanity has beeniounjod, and: tem has faults which all admit-;The it is to meet the demands of this I writer once saw • IcgW*'. flnwfn Way List year at' this, point I,™^'/'™"" p«pt_tion of a tbouaaud wuts for »; tee tabor Ions hours to de was ten times whit it is now. •;>£* i~«!„ (MMM newspaper that THE iJimfflK'So comet some of the evilo, hut it However, tho annual mean flow '^jy^jff^ each yoardoos not vary grently. High '.Tm.-ti.nJ htWIslS has been started. Moreover,! gave up tbe task in despair. It may 1 the valhyhu still brighter prospecte; not be thai the right solution has water may conic in tbq early spring J ""•JS*^ ,!* .It already has a reputation aa n wheal. bees found, yet tho suggestion offered before It is needed for irrigation and ' country., Other products do well, [will merit patient investigation. Ed? Iho river bo dry"whpn the supply la With storage reservoirs ranch murollson in perfecting some of his inren- most wanted-' The remedy is storage i «n p-trwe I-J mt .. land will be brought under culliva- j tions has bud to make thousands of tioft. There il a wonderfully rich j experiments. Yet the end he sought isgrstifyins; to nolo that tiisje»^5i^ii,*Ti,w_'.iEM„K„r ' mining country surrounding. Thai warranted tho outlay of energy. Gov- or is In the hnmlsof monwhonro toira baa s> future, and to belp huild>crnmcnts sre mi( perfect: . Hut In that future fa the mission of tho1 Hmsia, it is s crime even to think TMMINB. Il Is a purely business oc-flhat they arc "not so, atidany sugges­ tion for their improvement is reward­commands confidence. It is believed' ed with exiie to Siberia. In this that another season will witness a country whore thought is free- rnonh iI storag e reservoir completed. Tho efforts are characterised as nothing | great value of having such sn Iiii-[ GUARD WELL YHBR MPERTi'. provement is clearly seen this ycsr.j more than visionary and dangerous. - The contest going OD bet ween tho There are two great factors that Tbe Id and silver forces of the country j work against improvement. One iscompare d with has I deepar significance tt conservatism ami the other Is setf- equal the cost to determine which metal shall be the interusl. There ia-always lone class all hope that this Standard of value. Human liberty is tliat is aattsaed with present condi­ another year. tion! no matter how great an Injus­ The following story published by tice may be visited upon others. In :any reflection on; *»JiJ*9ff9e« Walter Wellmon has a moral The the present RIM those who profit anyone Mr. Rurke. the volley rnnct! •sT"™"*""" 'great. English banker. Baron Botbs- from the interest on warrants will man, remarked the other day, «W# | L H' T-*rLt)[t, mtWNJI«>sa)MaMI»M9m9S^i»MtSWIfH|S| ^ eaild, had been told of some womier- objocn to any change. The cry may paper hem onee. To read it:I Civil and Hydraulic Engineer ' fuly rich gold discoveries In Alanka. be raited that It will not be eonstitn- one would have thought that tab is a'f GOLCOSUA, KBVAKA. .Jl>vtIoct.. lU^Kuiii, 1rUirtj.SI, taqs. The baron was s>toa!shed at tbe bo- ionaL but even constitutions can not Rentable garden of Kdcn, Home ofit '; - - QjyixtltTniAi-:-' ' »•; - 3* naoia figures and exclaimed: , tho way of human progress. would make a hotso "«W* e««*«*M«fJ(!»«M< • t llffw,n. TJXMV cooi' t i/rv to- to-«v-yv ovvtA, (fit. oVo-t-u •And you are sore the deposits of laogh.- This ts not Eden, but it will ----—: -•-,• :•. —•;.;„ lIr K :S-Le-acU--ij*J«. luittfWf. at m^. Ji(acA. _ IKltt isJUcK gold extend tbronghoo t thv region in | ^ 'i ' compare fflvorul'ly with rany- other! ' HARRY BREEN, ' w richness that has Tbe controlling principle flMLcKdCj/ tf/Ur tu^U sjpot. •.•'., of the suggestion Is oconomy, and its port of the temperate ton*. Therof — , , . wheea actual mining operation! hare ' ' .ngor of ovcrJoI-.gn thing Tonsorlal AnfSt, , r-i, UtAiy V-H-fitJitfiAttij.. . taken placeTs adoption into law in soma form, Willi : neepMSry perfection of details, is n o!»e reacts so surely ant Williams & Reid's Place, Ilr. At. XScvOKa..-" •There Is not the slightest doubt of n. The brilliant Itonnj It," replied the expert, question only of time, for economy NaM"e«cMccEe i JJM tt. They actunllyj Lovelock is not generally thouhtofjin the end \a too only thing that here II in their hands to demonetise; as a mining town. Yet It is a fact ' ;' :. w,8 *twsYs SEEH i mam HOE It Is tin dear metal tbey want jihat It has nlways been a base fores- /or money, for a long time they de- tensive mining operation*. In apnm- Walter Davis one day whan the 5315 bat*! Whether they should first do- phlet entitled, •Nevada and tier ite- subject of the lovelock paper rnoaetiie gold or silver. At last thoy j sourcev Issued by authority of the being talked over remarked, tWhaV ; minwritig pro- •tale, la founn the statement in ref- don't boom the conntry. L0BUJ5K. ', ;' - j ^ «EVyl.M. eess upon the white metal...It vms eronce to this county: It gels • lot of peopta In here with- within their power to have brought j floe mineral resources of Hum- •nylhina and does no one any gohNo—i instead, and to havi; made ! boldt are probably more varied than Air. Ilovis came here the bullion value of the. gold dollar. those of any ^mtlar ores in the U-|b^m lin»"'and"lnoVtl7 re^ItT Vho Xoi/eloclc 9ffoat Tffarjkot. only half its face value. Gold owes I oited States, if not in the workt. The naner was not *_-!«) b. .hnn« it..Ubili.yWthefaettha.l„ IS1C, 1Vi,hin i« bonier, are found gold-fthu.^T TbTremaXuml «"" n learn In an hour England fixed the price. It was no*-j aitor. rnnn.,r. I«ut. tin nm!~i.T !>....,_ .. " . sible by legislation to have done tbe !oic ie fur silver. X. tit. Jass, ZPropyietor. TKTBUNI; de us to fill. a typewriter Kogtand produeos ilhwbsj|keralmveli_iedmnayWll-joref*und w'ithln'a rndiusora low General nianco pays no 'atlentlon [ . onsto tho rest of tho world.' If by j mites of Lovelock. Anone looks to lhen 0 wiH never be to the tilling„r a-f8w hundred Span-I J" " without Slditroed street, Xovclock, tyst/tuta. my possibility gold should bccome.theeiutanl'jiorth'there risranujee- tab soldiers^ hut il amule gets wound-j one. ilontiful or cheap then il o-ould .not Really Star peak, the highest of the cd it is promptly reported lo heod-'f' ''*'•-*''• -^ - /•'•.' ay so much of th« other product* of j , SO mlleaaway. Tho qnarlem. . ^ he world which England needs. j j|y jiatch mine on this mountain is e •- • » ' - the • This is the fear of her banker*. I si,id to have produced thirteen mill- , Theywsnt a fixed currency, onei basof dollars.' itissaidtbat OS per cent of the fepfllli n ult i» not subject to innntioa oven; On tho opposite side of tho valley t * "^^ ""*• '"'^ "• So. 7 Remington at r tha free coinage Of gold. The b Trinity range. In this range is the i &***"*• fffl would like to have them; 1 6 56 nay not bedujtant when they;old Hontesanta silver mine that has; ' ™ "" neeountof: the. haltleof enbeginamovementto demon-'ahio produced several millions. ThafrMllB!~ _tgold. They will nrguo that the' country in now a gold district, andj . Wand silver already coined and in incllvo operations are carried on, j "f- JIcDonaH while hb re remarked ; vulation is sufficifiit for a system j Farther to the north an I he great;lnat '-ovelock some ilay would be one id .that any further co jof the' great towns of lofeilhermetaljdtiturbsconfidencej Only a w miles east of Lovelock j * •— i disarranges business. {isamoi liu of gypsum. A short! Young Dewey says that he is proad ..liia in edfect will be cornering the. distance I! cost is iron enough: t«; to be the son of such a futhe ney market, as one would state In j supply tt worli White Cloud to i let Us hwre from the admiral. it pit. Moneyis subject tothe south is knownass copper dls-l X. Jifutt, [ suae mm> thatgorer0 all other, trick Spring valley and .Vmericon At least one good result from the ruments forhumao. «*>»«.;canyon haveprodoeed mnny mill ons^ btolU, ^ _,'K^T ' it is acsree, just aa wheat is thisiof placer gold. The nickel sad cobalt - J,1B [9VBr ; It -,Jt commands a good price, Or in:mines nro in this same llumboldtj ' rwords it hoys more of theolher'rangeonlynfowmilesr - - - - blacksmith, u^a ef the earth. It is in these ' With all Iheso ..vas_ t mii M! The TBIUUKE is silver to the cc | uets that England is paid her in-' lovelock day isitestined to be;BUt in tuwl allain let the bcsl n It, Already by demone tiling sit- known as. Xouolock, tyvada.