KOLOFON Naslov publikacije: Festival prehodov 2019 Uredil: Rajzefiber Pripravil: Vito Zakrajšek Čahuk Ilustracija: Beti Trstenjak Prevod: Maja Pegan Lektorirala: Jasmina Mazej

Maribor, marec 2019

Naklada: 350 izvodov Prva izdaja, prvi natis

Založnik: Društvo Hiša! so.p.


Festival sprehodov nastaja v sodelovanju ekip is the Future, tur- istične zadruge Živo Mesto in Rajzefibra, v partnerstvu Hiše! s Centrom plesa, Medijskim društvom Plankton, ZIP, Turističnim društvom Maribor in Društvom za razvoj filmske kulture. Laboratorij je del partnerske mreže Platforme Center za kreativnost. Laboratorij sofinancira Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj Republike Slovenija.

The Festival of walks is created in cooperation with Maribor is the Future, The Tourist cooperative Vivid City and Rajzefiber; with the partnership of Hiša! Canter plesa, Plankton Media, ZIP, Tourist Association Maribor and Society for the Development of Film Culture. The Laboratory is part of the Platform Partner Network Centre for creativity. The Laboratory is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Fund for the development of the Republic of .

www.rajzefiber.si 2. FESTIVAL SPREHODOV 2nd FESTIVAL OF WALKS O Mariboru in Mariborčanih kroži veliko urbanih legend in klišejev. Nekaj od Many urban legends and clichés circulate about Maribor and its people. Some tega zagotovo drži, marsikaj pa je privlečeno za lase. Tako velikokrat slišimo, of them certainly are true, but many do not hold water. Often we hear da je mesto sivo in da se nič ne dogaja, da capljamo za drugimi, večjimi, that the city is grey and nothing happens; that we totter after the others, bogatejšimi … lepšimi mesti. Maribor sicer še zdaleč ni popoln in urejen kot the once who are significant and richer ... more beautiful cities. Maribor is nekatera druga mesta, marsikje je nekoliko zdelan, okrušen in robat, a je naš far from perfect and orderly as some other towns; it is a bit disordered, in ga imamo radi natančno takšnega, kot je. scraped and rugged, but it is ours and we like it exactly as it is. Predvsem pa NI siv in dolgočasen! Pod njegovo umirjeno površino vedno Above all, it is NOT grey and boring! Under his subdued surface, life is brbota življenje. V sebi skriva toliko zgodb in kotičkov, da lahko upravičeno always sizzling. It hides a lot of stories and niches, so that we can rightly say rečemo, da Maribor je metropola. Pa čeprav zgolj štajerska. that Maribor is a metropolis. Even though it is just Styrian.

Imamo vse, kar imajo veliki in morda še več. Ne verjamete? Potem je Festival We have everything they have big and maybe even more. You do not believe sprehodov pravi za vas. it? Then the Festival of walks is right for you. Med 26. in 31. marcem se bo zvrstilo več kot trideset brezplačnih sprehodov Between March 26th and March 31st, there will be more than thirty free po mestnih ulicah, podzemnih rovih, trgih, spoznali boste zgodbe in legende, ki walks on the city streets, underground trenches, markets, and you will get delajo Maribor tako zelo mariborskega, tako zelo našega. Poskrbeli smo tudi to know the stories and legends that make Maribor so "mariborian", so very za miselne sprehode ob večerih, kjer se bomo sprehodili po temah: Maribor much ours. We also took care of studious walks in the evenings, where we v literaturi, kreativni turizem, hoja, industrijska dediščina, pogovarjali se will take a walk around Maribor through the topics on literature, creative bomo o griču, kjer se je vse pričelo, Piramidi. Vmes boste lahko v laboratoriju tourism, walking, industrial heritage or even on a hill where everything ustvarili čisto svoj turistični produkt, zadnji dan bomo podelili rajzefirbčne started - the . In the meantime, you will be able to create your own nagrade in si ogledali Maribor v gibljivih slikah. touristic product in our laboratory; finally on the last day we will present the Za vse obiskovalce mesta, ki mesto prvič odkrivate: pridite in z nami, Rajzefiber awards and gate at Maribor in moving pictures. sprehajalci, ki obožujemo to mesto, odkrijte zaprašene kotičke in nepove- And to all the first time visitors of the city: come with us the walkers, who dane zgodbe! Dopustite, da vam predstavimo raznovrstnost Maribora, njegov cherish this city, discover the dusty niches and unspoken stories! Let us srednjeveški in meščanski obraz ter močno industrijsko in delavsko zapušči- introduce to you the diversity of Maribor, its medieval and bourgeois faces, no, njegovo kreativno urbanost, ki se prepleta s sproščenim zelenjem mehkih and the strong industrial and labour legacy, its creative urbanity, which is hribov in s tem zagotavlja prostor za drugačne, nore zgodbe. interweaved with the relaxed greenery of our soft hills and thus provides room for different, crazy stories. Prepričani smo, da nihče izmed obiskovalcev Festivala sprehodov ne bo nikoli več rekel, da je Maribor sivo mesto in da se pri nas nič ne dogaja. Še več, We are convinced that none of the visitors of the Festival of walks will ever prepričani smo, da boste, tako kot mi, postali aktivni sprehajalci in se zaljubili again say that Maribor is a grey city and that nothing happens here. More- v to naše mesto ob veletoku. over, we are convinced that, you will become an active walker and become infatuated with our town at the river. *sprehod: SSKJ: počasna, umirjena hoja za razgibanje, oddih, navadno na prostem * walks: Festival sprehodov uporablja sprehod kot poimenovanje za drugačna doživetja, vodenja SSKJ: slow, calm walking for exercise; relaxing; usually outdoors po mestu, ki jih izvajajo lokalci, ki jih imenujemo sprehajalci. Sprehajalci so ljudje, ki živijo Festival of walks – the term "walks" is used as a name for different experiences, city z mestom in poznajo njegove zgodbe, nekateri izmed njih so tudi profesionalni turistični guided tours by locals, which we call strollers. Walkers are people who live with the city vodniki. and know his stories; some of them are also professional tourist guides.

www.rajzefiber.si URA TOREK, 26.3. SREDA, 27.3. ČETRTEK, 28.3.

9:00-18:00 Pobreško pokopališče Pobreško pokopališče Pobreško pokopališče

9:00 Maribor skozi oči joge (KADILCI, pozor!): Prenehaj kaditi, začni hoditi

10:00 S kiparji po mestu Graffiti Tour

11:00 Rokenrola Kapljica izgine, kip pusti spomine

12:00 Senzorična mestna dogodivščina Andrić v mariborski kaznilnici

13:00 Po poteh Ivana Dvoršaka Sprehod presenečenja

14:00 Električni lov na zaklad Sprehod s skicirko

15:00 "NIZKI ŠTART" Ritem stavbe AlterShoping Tour z Urško

16:00 Odtisni Maribor Žogo-brcno Severni sij - po poti Jančarjevega romana

"KAJ DELAŠ V SREDO OB PETIH?" Podzemlje Tezna Novinarski večer 17:00 "PIJEM KAFE!"

18:00 Kult:Ura z vinom Kult:Ura s pivom Temna plat zgodovine Maribora

19:00 Gibljive slike Maribora Industrijska dediščina v turizmu Maribor v literaturi in drugih zgodbah

20:00 Napiši svoj vic (Ne)tolerančni sprehod

www.rajzefiber.si URA PETEK, 29.3. SOBOTA, 30.3. NEDELJA, 31.3

9:00 - 18:00 Pobreško pokopališče Pobreško pokopališče Pobreško pokopališče

9:00 "PRIPRAVA NA (NAPOREN) VIKEND)!" Spomladanski sprehod DETOX (skozi) MARIBOR

Vinski lov na zaklad 10:00 ------AlterShoping Tour z Urško Kult:Ura s kavo Piramida, kdo te bo ljubil?

11:00 Kulinarična tura Prav poseben sprehod z Zavodom 13 S kiparji po mestu

12:00 OŠ in moderna tehnologija Zgodba o klopeh in ljudeh Zakaj je bil Maister majster

"GOVEJA ŽUPA, RESTAN KROMPIR PA Sprehod presenečenja Razgibajmo Maribor 13:00 POHANO!"

14:00 Instagram sprehod Sprehod presenečenja Misteriozni meseci Nikole Tesle v Mari- AlterShoping Tour z Urško Splavarska učna pot 15:00 boru Žogo-brcno 16:00 ------Po poteh prijetnih spominov Vinski sprehod z Jernejem Razgibajmo Maribor!

17:00 "ČAS ZA RAZMISLEK!" Kapljica izgine, kip pusti spomine "HVALA BOGU, DA BO KMALU KONEC Pajzl Tour Naokrog s Tanjo 18:00 (VIKENDA)!"

19:00 Potencial kreativnega turizma Sprehajanje in hoja Podelitev nagrad

www.rajzefiber.si TIME TUSEDAY, 26.3. WEDNESDAY, 27.3. THURSDAY, 28.3. The Cemetery of The Cemetery of The Cemetery of 9:00-18:00 Pobrežje Pobrežje Pobrežje (SMOKERS, ATTENTION!): Stop Smoking, Maribor Through the Eyes of Yoga 9:00 Start Walking

10:00 Around Town With Sculptors Graffiti Tour

11:00 RocknRolla The Droplet Disappears, the Statue Leaves

12:00 Sensory Urban Adventure Andrić in Maribor Penitentiary Walking the Paths of Photographer Ivan Surprise Walk 13:00 Dvoršak

14:00 Electric Treasure Hunt Walk With a Sketchbook

15:00 "READY? SET?" The Rhythm of the Building AlterShoping Tour With Urška The Northern lights - on the path of Jan- Print Maribor FootBall Kick 16:00 char's novel "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON 17:00 Tezno underground WEDNESDAY AT FIVE?" Journalist's Evening "I DRINK COFFEE!"

18:00 Cult:Hour With Wine Cult:Hour With Beer The Dark Side of Maribor

Maribor in Literature and in Other Sto- 19:00 Moving Pictures of Maribor Industrial Heritage in Tourism ries

20:00 Write Your Joke A (Non) Tolerant Walk

www.rajzefiber.si TIME TUSEDAY, 26.3. WEDNESDAY, 27.3. THURSDAY, 28.3. TIME FRIDAY, 29.3. SATURDAY, 30.3. SUNDAY, 31.3 The Cemetery of The Cemetery of The Cemetery of The Cemetery of The Cemetery of The Cemetery of 9:00-18:00 Pobrežje Pobrežje Pobrežje 9:00 - 18:00 Pobrežje Pobrežje Pobrežje (SMOKERS, ATTENTION!): Stop Smoking, "PREPARING FOR A (EXHAUST- Maribor Through the Eyes of Yoga Spring Walk DETOX (Through) MARIBOR 9:00 Start Walking 9:00 ING) WEEKEND!" Wine Treasure Hunt 10:00 Around Town With Sculptors Graffiti Tour 10:00 ------AlterShoping Tour With Urška Cult:Hour With Coffee 11:00 RocknRolla The Droplet Disappears, the Statue Leaves Piramida, Who Will Love You? It's a Very Special Walk With Sensory Urban Adventure Andrić in Maribor Penitentiary Culinary Tour Around Town With Sculptors 12:00 11:00 Zavod 13

Walking the Paths of Photographer Ivan Elementary School and Modern 13:00 Surprise Walk Tale About Benches and People Why Was the Maister a Master? Dvoršak 12:00 Technology Electric Treasure Hunt Walk With a Sketchbook "BEEF STEW, ROAST POTATOES AND 14:00 Surprise Walk Let's Move Maribor! 13:00 BATTERED CHICKEN!" 15:00 "READY? SET?" The Rhythm of the Building AlterShoping Tour With Urška 14:00 Instagram Walk Surprise Walk The Northern lights - on the path of Jan- Print Maribor FootBall Kick 16:00 char's novel 15:00 AlterShoping Tour With Urška Rafting Learning Trail Mysterious Months of Nikola Tesla in Maribor "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON FootBall Kick 17:00 Tezno underground WEDNESDAY AT FIVE?" Journalist's Evening 16:00 ------The Paths of Pleasant Memories Wine Walk With Jernej "I DRINK COFFEE!" Let's Move Maribor!

Cult:Hour With Wine Cult:Hour With Beer The Dark Side of Maribor 18:00 17:00 "TIME FOR REFLECTION!" The Droplet Disappears, the Statue Leaves

Maribor in Literature and in Other Sto- "THANK GOD (THE WEEKEND) IT IS 19:00 Moving Pictures of Maribor Industrial Heritage in Tourism Shabby Pub Tour Around With Tanja ries 18:00 ALMOST OVER!"

20:00 Write Your Joke A (Non) Tolerant Walk 19:00 Potential of Creative Tourism Strolling & Walking Festival of Walks Award Ceremony

www.rajzefiber.si Za tiste, ki mesto raje raziskujete sami, pa so vam v Rajzefibru, For those who prefer to explore the city on their own, our TREA- na Gosposki Ul. 11 vsak dan med 10. in 18. uro na voljo Lov na SURE HUNT, NANO EXPLORATION OR SELF-GUIDED TOUR OF zaklad, NANORAZISKOVANJE ALI SAMOVODENI OGLED MESTA. THE CITY is available for you in Rajzefiber on Gosposka Str. 11, Dobrodošli. every day between 10am and 6pm. Welcome!

Morebitne spremembe in novice na www.rajzefiber.si. Any changes and news can be found www.rajzefiber.si.

Sprehodi bodo izvajani v slovenskem, angleškem ali nemškem jeziku - več v urniku. Nekateri sprehodi so na voljo samo v slovenskem jeziku. The walks will be conducted in Slovenian, English or German - more in the schedule. Some walks are available only in Slovenian. Vsi sprehodi so brezplačni, vendar so zaradi omejenega števila udeležencev, obvezne prijave na www.rajzefiber.si/slo/rezervacija All walks are free, but due to the limited number of participants, ali na tej telefonski 08 386 77 76 od 10.00 do 18.00. reservation is compulsory eather over www.rajzefiber.si/slo/rezervacija Seveda pa bodo sprehajalci hvaležni prostovoljnih prispevkov v klo- or this phone number 08 386 77 76 from 10.00 to 18.00. buk. Stroške degustacije, vključene v posamezne sprehode, poravna udeleženec sprehoda sam. Of course, walkers will appreciate basking contributions. Tastings, that are included in some walks, are covered by the participants themselves.

www.rajzefiber.si SPREHAJANJE MISLI PIRAMIDA, KDO BO TEBE LJUBIL? − 29. 3. 2019 ob 10.00 vsak dan v Salonu uporabnih umetnosti, Glavni trg 1. Pravzaprav bi Mariboru morali reči mesto pod Piramido in ne mesto pod Vsi pogovori bodo predvajani na FBlive na FB Rajzefiber. Pohorjem, saj se je prav na tem griču pričela pisati zgodovina našega mesta. Žal pa so ostanki nekdanjega gradu že dolga leta mestni grdi raček. A tem- atski večer "Piramida, kdo bo tebe ljubil?" ne bo namenjen naštevanju težav GIBLJIVE SLIKE MARIBORA - 26. 3. 2019 ob 19:00 in iskanju krivcev, raje bomo s sogovorniki, ki so kakorkoli povezani z usodo Prijetno utrujeni od sprehodov po mestu, pa bomo en večer namenili doku- griča, poskušali zanje najti rešitve. Kakor sta bila nastanek in usoda mesta mentarnim filmom o Mariboru. V umirjeni atmosferi, morda tudi s kozarč- spodaj nekdaj odvisna od gradu zgoraj, sta življenje in nadaljnja usoda gradu kom v roki, se nam ne bo nikamor mudilo ob Hitim zgubljen skoz' mesto, šli zgoraj zdaj odvisna od mesta spodaj - da bo Maribor zopet gledal s ponosom na svoj Marchburch. bomo tja, kjer se je vedno pisalo življenje, na Mariborska dvorišča, za konec pa spoznali osupljivo življenjsko zgodbo gospe, ki bi jo moral poznati vsak prebivalec našega mesta, zdravnice Klare Kukovec. Se vidimo! POTENCIAL KREATIVNEGA TURIZMA - 29. 3. 2019 ob 19.00 Kreativni turizem je eden glavnih trendov v svetu turizma. Popotniki ne želijo INDUSTRIJSKA DEDIŠČINA V TURIZMU - 27. 3. 2019 ob 19.00 več zgolj prisluhniti zgodbam ali slediti klasičnim turističnim vodenjem, ne Maribor ima staro trto. In ima Pohorje. Res je. Res pa je tudi, da Maribo- želijo ostajati v mehurčku. Popotniki želijo doživeti, kako je biti lokalec, izkus- ra, kot ga poznamo, brez njegove bogate industrijske preteklosti ne bi bilo. iti in preizkusiti vsakdan v mestu, se naučiti veščin nekega kraja ali skuhati To dediščino pa žal marsikdaj pometemo pod preprogo, nanjo pozabimo ali njihove tradicionalne jedi. Popotnik ne želi odnesti domov samo spominov, preprosto nanjo ne gledamo kot na izjemno zanimivo dejstvo, ki bi pritegnilo temveč znanje, skozi potovanje se želi spremeniti. Temu in neslutenim poten- marsikaterega turista. Da ne omenjamo močne delavske kulture, ki mestu še cialom, ki jih na tem področju skriva Maribor, bo namenjen današnji večer v zmeraj prinaša poseben "flair" in ga dela drugačnega, privlačnega. Prisluhnili pogovoru z mednarodnimi strokovnjaki. bomo primerom dobrih praks iz prve roke in poiskali skrite zgodbe mesta. POGOVOR BO POTEKAL V ANGLEŠČINI.

SPREHAJANJE in HOJA - 30. 3. 2019 ob 19.00 MARIBOR V LITERATURI in DRUGIH ZGODBAH - 28. 3. 2019 ob Sofisti so hodili, Nietzsche, Thoureau in mnogi drugi so častili dnevni ritual 19.00 Ali veste, v kolikih knjigah nastopa Maribor kot glavna ali stranska »oseba«? sprehodov. Rimbaud, Rousseau so prehodili dolge proge. Romarji hodijo. Hoja je Ali veste, v katerih romanih je dogajanje postavljeno v naše mesto? Kako zelo zdrava. Hoja je najdostopnejši način premikanja v našem svetu. Hoja je mesto vpliva na protagoniste in kako ti na mesto? brezplačni šport. Hoja nudi možnost neposrednega stika s svetom okoli nas. Jančarjev roman Severni sij je le en bolj znanih primerov. Z našimi sogov- Hoja je način življenja. Hoja je zero waste. Naj bodo to izhodišča za sobotni orniki bomo odkrivali zgodbe, resnične ali fantazijske, ki pred bralcem ali večer z našimi sogovorniki. poslušalcem počasi gradijo čisto svoj Maribor ter izpostavljajo njegove subjek- *Kogar zanima več o hoji, mu toplo priporočamo knjigo Frederica Grosa: tivne značilnosti. In morda se fikcija kdaj spremeni tudi v resničnost. Filozofija Hoje.

www.rajzefiber.si STROLLING THOUGHTS PIRAMIDA, WHO WILL LOVE YOU ? - 29.3.2019 at 10.00 every day in the Salon of applied arts, on Glavni trg 1. Since the history of our city began to be written on a hill, Maribor should be All conversations will be broadcast on FBlive from FB Rajzefiber. called a place under the Pyramid and not a place below Pohorje. Unfortu- nately, the remains of a former castle have been the city's ugly duckling for years. MOVING PICTURES OF MARIBOR - 26.3.2019 at 19.00 However the evening "Pyramid, who will love you?" will not be intended to list Pleasantly tired from walks around the city, we will spend one evening with the problems and find the culprits. We will rather try to find solutions for documentaries about Maribor. In a tranquil atmosphere, perhaps with a glass it, engaging all parties concerned who are connected with the destiny of the in your hand, we will not be rushing with "Rushing through the city". We will hill. As the origin and fate of the city once depended on the castle above, go to where the life has always been written, to Maribor's courtyard. Finally, the life and further fate of the castle above now depend on the city below she will met the amazing life story of a lady that every person in our city - that Maribor will once again look proudly at its Marchburch. should know, Klara Kukovec, See you there! POTENTIAL OF CREATIVE TOURISM - 29.3.2019 at 19.00 Creative tourism is one of the main trends in the tourism world. Travelers INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE IN TOURISM - 27.3.2019 at 19.00 do not want to just listen to stories or follow classic tourist guides; they Maribor has an old vine. And it has Pohorje. This is true. It is also true, that do not want to stay in the bubble. Travelers want to experience how to be Maribor as we know it, would not exist as it is, without his rich industrial a local; experience and try everyday life in the city; learn the skills of a past. Unfortunately, we often sweep this heritage under the carpet, forget place or cook their traditional dishes. The traveller does not want to take it or simply do not view it as an extremely interesting fact that would at- home only memories, but knowledge, through the journey, wants to change. In tract many a tourist. Not to mention a strong labour culture that still gives conversation with international experts, this evening will be dedicated to the the city a special "flair" and makes it different, attractive. We will listen to untold potentials that Maribor is hiding. examples of good practices first hand and find hidden stories of the city. THE CONVERSATION WILL BE IN ENGLISH.

STROLLING & WALKING - 30.3.2019 at 19.00 MARIBOR IN LITERATURE AND IN OTHER STORIES - 28.3.2019 Sophists walked, Nietzsche, Thoreau and many others were worshiping daily at 19.00 ritual walks. Rimbaud and Rousseau walked long tracks. Pilgrims walk. Walking Do you know how many books Maribor is performing in - as the main or side is the most accessible way of moving in our world. Walking is healthy. Walk- "character"? ing is a free sport. Walk offers the possibility of direct contact with the Do you know in which novels are happening in our city? How does the site world around us. Walking is a way of life. Walking is zero waste. May those affect the protagonists and how are you in place? be the starting points for Saturday night with our speakers. Jančar's novel The Northern lights is just one of the more famous examples. * Whoever wants to know more about walking, we warmly recommend the With our speakers, we will discover stories, real or fantasy, which slowly build book The Philosophy of Walking, Frederick Gros. their own Maribor in front of the reader or listener and expose its subjec- tive characteristics. Perhaps fiction sometimes does change into reality.

www.rajzefiber.si NAGRADE PRIZES


Za letošnji Festival sprehodov smo se Rajzefibrovci odločili, da festival zakl- For this year's Festival of Walks, we Rajzefibers, decided to conclude the jučimo kot se šika: s podelitvijo nagrad. festival as a chic: by awarding prizes.

RAJZEFIRBČNI ŠUH RAJZEFIBER SHOE Nagrado Rajzefirbčni šuh bo prejel sprehod, ki bo na Festivalu sprehodov od This Rajzefiber Shoe will be given to a walk, which will receive the highest rat- udeležencev sprehoda dobil najvišjo oceno. Po koncu vsakega sprehoda bodo ing from the participants of the walk. After the end of each walk, visitors namreč obiskovalci naprošeni, da sprehod ocenijo z ocenami od ena do deset. will be invited to rate the walk with grades from one to ten. If there are Če bo na koncu festivala več sprehodov z isto povprečno oceno, bo Rajzefir- more walks with the same rating, the Rajzefiber Shoe will be awarded to the bčni šuh prejel tisti z največ obiskovalci. walk with the most participants.

RAJZEFIRBČNI ŠPANCIRŠTOK RAJZEFIBER WALKING STICK Nagrado Rajzefirbčni špancirštok smo namenili najbolj zvestim udeležencem The Rajzefiber Walking Stick will be awarded to the most loyal participant of našega Festivala sprehodov. Nagrado bo prejel sprehajalec, ki se bo udeležil our Festival of Walks. The prize will be awarded to the walker, who will par- največ festivalskih sprehodov. Kako bomo to vedeli? Vsak obiskovalec bo pre- ticipate on the most walks. How will we achieve this? Every visitor will receive jel kartonček z naštetimi sprehodi in po koncu vsakega obiskanega sprehoda a card where they can gather stamps, given after every walk. If at the end mu bomo v potrditev udeležbe na kartonček pritisnili rajzefirbčno štampiljko. of the festival there will be more visitors with the same amount of stamps, Če bo na koncu festivala več obiskovalcev z istim številom obiskanih spre- all of them will receive the Walking Stick. hodov, dobijo nagrado Rajzefirbčni špancirštok vsi. RAJZEFIBER SHOE LACE RAJZEFIRBČNI ŠNIRANC The purpose of our Festival of Walks is not just to show and present the Namen našega Festivala sprehodov pa ni zgolj pokazati in predstaviti najlepše nicest corners of our city, also to draw attention to the city's black spots. kotičke našega mesta, ampak želimo tudi opozoriti na mestne črne pike. The Rajzefiber Shoe Lace will be awarded the part of the city, which will Rajzefirbčni šniranc bomo namenili predelu mesta, ki bo od udeležencev naših receive the most criticism from the participants of our walks. This award I sprehodov prejel največ kritike. V upanju, da bo v Mariboru kotičkov mesta, given with the hope, that such spots will decline in number in future years. ki nam niso v ponos, vsako leto manj.

www.rajzefiber.si RAJZEFIRBČNI LABORATORIJ PRODUKTOV PROTOTYPING LAB FOR CREATIVE & CULTURAL TOURISM PRODUCTS Da poskrbimo za več turistične ponudbe v mestu, smo za lokalne akterje organizirali LABORATORIJ PROTOTIPIRANJA KULTURNIH IN KREATIVNIH To provide a bigger range of tourist products in the city, we organized a TURISTIČNIH PRODUKTOV - PROTOTYPING LAB FOR CREATIVE & CUL- PROTOTYPING LAB FOR CREATIVE & CULTURAL TOURISM PRODUCTS, TURAL TOURISM PRODUCTS, ki ga bodo izvajali mednarodni strokovnjaki s which will be carried out by international experts in the field of creative področja kreativnega turizma in design thinkinga: Fiona Bakas, Tiago Castro tourism and design thinking: Fiona Bakas, Tiago Castro / Creator(PT) and / Creatour, PT and Ana Osredkar / Servis 8, SLO. Ana Osredkar / Servis 8 (SLO). Glavne teme tridnevnega laboratorija bodo kulturno in emocionalno mapiranje The main topics of the three-day laboratory will be the cultural and mesta, kako povezati dejstva v zgodbe, user centered design. emotional mapping of the site; how to link facts into stories; user centred DOGODEK BO V CELOTI POTEKAL V ANGLEŠČINI. design. THE EVENT WILL BE HELD IN ENGLISH. POTREBNE SO PREDPRIJAVE DO VKLJUČNO 20. 3. 2019.

Več na www.rajzefiber.si REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO (INCLUDING) 20.3.2019. Če želite razviti realne kreativne turistične produkte ali nadgraditi vaše obstoječe, je to prava priložnost za vas. More at www.rajzefiber.si If you want to develop realistic creative tourism products or upgrade your existing ones, this is a real opportunity for you.

Laboratorij je del partnerske mreže Platforme Center za kreativnost. Lab- The Laboratory is part of the network of Platform Centre for Creativity oratorij sofinancira Evropska unija iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj partner network. The Laboratory is co-financed by the European Union Republike Slovenija. from the European Regional Development Fund of the Republic of Slovenia.

www.rajzefiber.si ANDRIĆ V MARIBORSKI KAZNIL- ANDRIĆ IN MARIBOR PENITEN- NICI TIARY. Ivo Andrić je mesece od avgusta For months, from August 1914 to 1914 do marca 1915 preživel kot March 1915, Ivo Andrić survived as kaznjenec v mariborski kaznilnici, a prisoner in a Maribor peniten- kjer je začel pisati svojo prvo knjigo tiary, where he started writing his Ex Ponto, ohranilo pa se je tudi first book, Ex Ponto. Also some the nekaj pisem, ki jih je tam napisal. letters were retained he wrote while Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor in living there. Mariborska knjižnica sta sodelovali The University Library Maribor and pri postavitvi potujoče razstave the Maribor Library participated Zavičajnega muzeja iz Travnika o in the setting up of the traveling ALTERSHOPING TOUR Z URŠKO ALTERSHOPING TOUR WITH Andrićevih postajah, kjer je pred exhibition of the Local Histo- Urška je prisrčna Primorka, ki že URŠKA več kot sto leti nastajala knjiga ry Museum Travnik (Bosnia and dalj časa raziskuje koncept trajnos- Urška is an adorable woman from Ex Ponto. Razstava je bila odprta Herzegovina) on Andric's stations tnega trga. the Primorska (seaside) region, who februarja 2019 v Univerzitetni in life, where more than 100 V tridnevnem doživetju vam bo has been exploring the sustainable knjižnici Maribor. years ago, the book Ex Ponto was predstavila bolj odgovorno in etično concept for a long time. Obe knjižnici zdaj vabita na created. The exhibition was opened plat Maribora. LOCAL Design- In a three-day experience she will sprehod do mariborske kaznilnice, in February 2019 at the University ers, bo namenjen lokalnim modnim present a more responsible and kjer bo dr. Jerneja Ferlež iz UKM Library Maribor. oblikovalcem. Na sprehodu LOCAL ethical part of Maribor. LOCAL na kratko predstavila preteklost Both libraries now invite you for a Shops boste spoznali majhne, skrite Designers will present the most pop- zgradbe, Semir Atić iz Mariborske walk to the former penitentiary of trgovinice, ki ponujajo ekološke, ular local fashion designers. Through knjižnice in Silva Belšah iz UKM Maribor. Dr. Jerneja Ferlež from lokalne in pravične izdelke. Tret- the Walk of LOCAL Shops, you pa bosta brala Andrićeve pesmi in UKM will briefly present the history ji sprehod, LOCAL Artists, bo will meet small and hidden shops pisma, napisana prav tam. of the building; and Semir Atić namenjen umetnikom, rokodelcem offering ecological, local and fair from the Maribor Library and Silva in obrtnikom, ki se trudijo ohran- trade products. The third walk, SPREHAJALCI: DR. JERNEJA Belšah from UKM will read Andrić's jati slovensko kulturo in umetnost LOCAL Artists, will be committed FERLEŽ, SEMIR ANTIĆ, SILVA poems and letters he wrote there. z oblikovanjem tradicionalnih in to artists, craftsmen and artisans BELŠAH avtentičnih produktov, narejenih v who are preserving Slovene culture ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKERS: DR. JERNEJA FERLEŽ, Mariboru in njegovi okolici. and art by creating traditional and SEMIR ANTIĆ, SILVA BELŠAH authentic products made in Maribor DURATION: 1,5h SPREHAJALKA: URŠKA COTIČ and its surroundings. ČAS TRAJANJA: 2h WALKER: URŠKA COTIČ DURATION: 2h 13 www.rajzefiber.si DETOX (SKOZI) MARIBOR DETOX (THROUGH) MARIBOR Peljem vas na sprehod po zelenih Let me take you for a walk along the točkah Maribora, kjer se bomo dobro green points of Maribor. There we will raztegnili in uživali v opazovanju stretch and enjoy watching some of nekaterih nam že iz otroštva znanih our famous places from childhood, krajih, nekomu pa morda še neznanih. and for some perhaps they are still Naj vas spremlja dobra volja do unknown. Let good will for a walk and hoje in radovednost do giba, da bo curiosity for movement accompany začetek dneva tisti del hrepenenja, you; so that the beginning of the ki te popelje skozi dan poln smeha in day will be the part of the yearning, radosti. Pusti se "zapeljati"... na koncu which takes you through a full day of pa okrepčati s smoothiem, ki te čaka laughter and joy. Allow yourself to be na cilju ;) seduced ... in the end, fortify with the smoothie that awaits you on the SPREHAJALKA: NEŽA LOVŠE goal ;) ČAS TRAJANJA: 4h WALKER: NEŽA LOVŠE DURATION: 4h ELEKTRIČNI LOV NA ZAKLAD ELECTRIC TREASURE HUNT Kako povezati obiskovalce na malce How to connect visitors in a slightly drugačen način? Tako, da jih vse different way? So that they all get skupaj strese elektrika. Podali se bodo together with electricity. They will na Lov za zakladom z električno surrender to the Treasure Hunt for energijo, vodilom napredka in razvoja Electricity, a guide to the progress mesta ob koncu 19. in v 20. sto- and development of the city at the letju. Prav Maribor je bil pri uporabi end of the 19th and beginning of električne energije vodilno mesto the 20th century. Maribor was the ne samo pri nas, ampak tudi v tem leading city in the use of electricity delu Evrope. Obiskovalce pa na poti not only in Slovenia but in this part samostojnega odkrivanja mesta čaka of Europe. Visitors may also be sur- še presenečenje, saj morda srečajo prised; as they may meet a man who moža, ki ga pozna cel svet in je v is known by the whole world and has preteklosti nekaj časa prebival prav lived in Maribor for a while. pri nas. WALKERS: RAJZEFIBER SPREHAJALCI: RAJZEFIBER DURATION: 1h 14 ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h www.rajzefiber.si GRAFITI TOUR GRAFFITI TOUR Na enem od mariborskih zidov lahko On one of Maribor's walls we can preberemo: "Grafiti so kreativni read: "Graffiti is a creative face of obraz mesta, zato jih ne uničuj." the city, so do not destroy them." Tanja ve o mariborskih grafitih tako Tanja knows almost everything about rekoč vse. Popeljala nas bo po poti Maribor's graffiti. She will take us najbolj znanih, zabavnih in zgovornih along the path of the most famous, mestnih grafitov. Izvedeli boste mar- entertaining and eloquent urban sikaj novega in zanimivega, spoznali graffiti. You will find many new zgodbe avtorjev in o gonilu njegovega and interesting facts; get to know ustvarjanja. Morda pa sem med njimi the stories of the authors and the skriva celo kak lokalni Banksy. driving force behind his creation. Perhaps even a local Banksy is hiding SPREHAJALKA: TANJA CVITKO among them. ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKER: TANJA CVITKO DURATION: 1,5h

INSTAGRAM SPREHOD INSTAGRAM WALK #Instagram. Bleščeče sfiltrirana dig- #Instagram. A shiny, sophisticated italna realnost dobesedno na dosegu digital reality literally at your finger- roke in dokaz, da barve res lahko tips and proof that colours really can spremenijo svet. Na boljše. Popeljali change the world for the better. We vas bomo po najbolj "instagramabil- will take you to the most "insta- nih" točkah v centru mesta, vam jih gramable" points in the city centre, predstavili skozi oči fotografa in se present them through the eyes of the tudi sami prelevili v fotografe. Podali photographer, and become photogra- se bomo v iskanje najlepše fotografije phers ourselves. We will go in search mesta! In ne pozabite #festivalspre- of the most beautiful photo of the hodov #maribor . city! And do not forget #festivalof- walks #maribor #SPREHAJALECIGORUNUK ČAS TRAJANJA: 2h #WALKERIGORUNUK DURATION: 2h 15 www.rajzefiber.si (KADILCI, POZOR!): PRENEHAJ KADITI, ZAČNI HODITI! (SMOKERS, ATENTION!): STOP Popeljem vas skozi center mesta in SMOKING, START WALKING! vam na nekaterih "STOP-WALK- Let me send you through ING" točkah zaupam, kaj nared- the city centre and on some iti, ko te začnejo srbeti prsti in "STOP-WALKING" points I will dis- možgani začnejo noreti, ker je close what to do when your fingers abstinenca že na višku in več ne start to itch, your brain starts verjameš, da zmoreš brez? Pridi to go mad because the abstinence in skupaj bova preDIHala, da ti bo tension is already high and you no MARibor spet zlezel pod kožo ;) longer believe that you can do with- Yes, we can! out it? Come on and we'll breath together, MARibor will get under KAPLJICA IZGINE, KIP PUSTI THE DROPLET DISAPPEARS, SPREHAJALKA: NEŽA LOVŠE your skin again;) Yes, we can! SPOMINE THE STATUE LEAVES NEŽA LOVŠE, SLOVENSKA ZVE- Spoznavali bomo Spomenika NOB, We will meet the National ZA ZA JAVNO ZDRAVJE, OKOL- WALKER: NEŽA LOVŠE, SLOVE- ki so ga Mariborčani sprejeli kot Liberation Monument, which was JE IN TOBAČNO KONTROLO NIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PUBLIC pomemben prepoznavni simbol accepted by the citizens of Mari- ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT AND mesta. Koliko spomenik tehta? Kdo bor as an important recognizable TOBACCO CONTROL ga je ustvaril? Kaj predstavlja symbol of the city. How much DURATION: 1,5h njegova oblika? Kdo so osebe, ki does the monuments weigh? Who jim je spomenik posvečen? Zakaj created it? What is its shape? so ga meščani poimenovali Kojak? Who are the persons to whom the Na ta vprašanja bomo iskali odgov- monument is dedicated? Why did ore skozi veččutno in multimodal- the townsfolks named it Kojak? no vodenje. S pomočjo tipnega We will seek answers to these tlorisa Trga svobode bodo spoznali questions through multichannel njegovo sozvočje s prostorom, and multimodal guidance. With raziskovali bomo ustvarjalni proces the help of the ground plan of the od naročila, ideje do realizacije Square of Freedom, we will learn ter izvedeli koliko je avtor imel about monument's interaction with sodelavcev. Vodstvo je prilagojeno space, explore the artist's creative tudi za slepe in slabovidne. process, and learn about his collaborators. The walk is adapted SPREHAJALKI: AJDA SITAR IN for the blind and visually impaired. URŠKA LEŠNJAK /UGM ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKERS: AJDA SITAR AND URŠKA LEŠNJAK / UGM 16 DURATION: 1,5h www.rajzefiber.si KULINARIČNA TURA CULINARY TOUR Glavne značilnosti prehrane The main characteristics of the Mariborčanov izvirajo iz srednjeev- diet of Mariborians come from ropske kuhinje, predvsem dunajske Central European cuisine, especially kuhinje, z vplivi sredozemske kuhinje Viennese cuisine, with the influence in kuhinje balkanskih držav, kakor of Mediterranean cuisine and the tudi slovenjegoriške in prleške cuisine of the Balkan countries, as kuhinje. Na kulinaričnem sprehodu well as the Slavic and Prlekija region bomo spoznali prehrano, značilno cuisine. At the Culinary walk, we will za to območje. Sprehod bo med encounter the food typical of this posameznimi hodi pospremljen s region. A professional explanation strokovno razlago o prehranjevalnih will accompany you through the navadah tega območja, gostilniški in eating habits of this area the kavarniški kulturi ter razlikah med difference between the restaurant meščansko in kmečko kuhinjo. and café culture, as well as bour- KULT:URA S KAVO CULT:HOUR WITH COFFEE geois and rural cuisine. Ali ste vedeli, da smo v mestu imeli Did you know that we had the first SPREHAJALKA: MELITA ZA- prvo kavarno že davnega leta 1748. cafe in the city already in 1748. FOŠNIK WALKER: MELITA ZAFOŠNIK Pitje kave je bilo vedno pomemben Drinking coffee was always an ČAS TRAJANJA: 3h DURATION: 3h del družabnega življenja Mariborčan- important part of the social life of ov, kavarne pa mesta, kamor se ni Maribor. The cafes were not only šlo zgolj na kavo, prebrati časopis ali places for coffe couping, reading odigrati partijo kart, kavarne so bile the newspaper or playing cards; prizorišča plesov, koncertov in va- cafes were venues for dances, rietejskih predstav mnogih mojstrov concerts and variety shows of many svetovnega slovesa. world-renowned entertainers. Na "špancir" po nekdanji mest- Leon Škerbinc - Svengali, a former ni promenadi in nekaterih najbolj world famous znanih mariborskih kavarnah vas bo illusionist, who impressed even popeljal Leon Škerbinc - Svengali, Rasputin himself, will take you on a nekoč svetovno znani iluzionist, stroll over ki je svojčas navdušil celo samega the former city promenade and Rasputina. show you some of the most famous Maribor cafes. SPREHAJALEC: SVENGALI ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h WALKER: SVENGALI DURATION: 1h 17 www.rajzefiber.si KULT:URA S PIVOM CULT:HOUR WITH BEER Za Maribor sicer velja, da je It is considered that Maribor is mesto vina, navsezadnje raste the city of wine; after all on Lent na Lentu tudi najstarejša vinska grows the oldest vine in the world, trta na svetu, okoliški grički pa so and the surrounding hills are prekriti z vinogradi, a v mestu je covered with vineyards. However, bila v preteklosti zelo razvita tudi in the past, the brewery enter- pivovarniška dejavnost. Pivo se je prise was also developing. Already varilo v samem centru mesta že in the first half of the 18th v prvi polovici 18. stoletja, mestni century, beer was brewed in the pivovarji pa so vedno veljali za na- very centre of the town, and city jbolj čislane meščane, eden izmed brewers were always considered njih je postal celo župan. Sprehod the most respectable citizens; one KULT:URA S PIVOM vas bo popel- of them even became the mayor. jal po nekaterih kotičkih mesta, ki The CULT: HOUR WITH BEER so bili v mestni zgodovini s pivom will be led by the former brewer neposredno povezani, vodil pa vas Franc Cheligi who will take you bo nekdanji pivovar Franc Čeligi. along some corners of the city, which were directly connected with KULT:URA Z VINOM CULT:HOUR WITH WINE Za Maribor radi rečemo, da je We like to say that Maribor is a SPREHAJALEC: GOSPOD ČELIGI the beer history of the city. vinsko mesto; navsezadnje raste pri town of wine; after all, the oldest ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h nas najstarejša trta na svetu. A vine plant in the world is growing WALKER: MR. ČELIGI vino in Maribor ni zgolj to. Vinski lov here. But wine and Maribor are not DURATION: 1h na zaklad bo obiskovalce popeljal po only that. The Wine treasure hunt nekaterih kotičkih, ki so z žlahtno will take visitors to some corners kapljico neposredno povezani. Da that are directly connected with pa to ne bo zgolj še en navaden this noble drop. But this will not be sprehod skozi mesto, bodo na poti just another ordinary walk through srečali samega nadvojvodo Janeza, the city; on the way, will meet the brata nekdanjega avstrijskega cesar- Archduke John himself, the brother ja Franca II. Poleg njega pa morda of the former Austrian Emperor spoznajo še koga, a to naj ostane Franz II. in addition to him, you may presenečenje. also meet some other interesting characters, but this should stay a SPREHAJALEC: NADVOJVODA surprise. JANEZ WALKER: ARCHDUKE JOHN OF ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h AUSTRIA DURATION: 1h 18 www.rajzefiber.si MARIBOR SKOZI OČI JOGE MARIBOR THROUGH THE EYES OF Kaj bi vam govorila, sem nagajiva, YOGA neuničljiva, navihana in spretna, če What should I say to you? I am želiš postati tak tudi ti, vsaj med cheeky, indestructible, brazen and enim daljšim sprehodom, te iz- skilful. If you want to become like zovem, da se mi pridružiš pri YOGA that yourself, at least during a longer WALK-u po Mariboru, kjer bomo walk, I challenge you to join me at skupaj na razglednih točkah centra YOGA WALK around Maribor. We mesta izvajali manj ali bolj zahtevne will be together at the sightseeing položaje joge, ki ti bodo polepšali dan, points of the city centre perform da bo bolj nasmejan ;) more or less demanding positions of SPREHAJALKA: NEŽA LOVŠE yoga, which will make you daydreaming ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h to be more smiling ;) WALKER: NEŽA LOVŠE DURATION: 1h

MISTERIOZNI MESECI NIKOLE THE MYSTERIOUS MONTHS OF TESLE V MARIBORU NIKOLA TESLA IN MARIBOR Za Nikolo Teslo lahko mirne duše For Nicholas Tesla we can con- rečemo, da je človek, ki je izumil fidently say that the he was the dvajseto stoletje. O njegovem man who invented the twentieth življenju in delu v ZDA je znanega century. We know a lot about his ogromno, le malo Mariborčanov pa life and work in the United States, ve, da je ta veliki mož nekaj časa but few Mariborians know that preživel tudi v našem mestu. Zakaj this great man spent some time in je iz Gradca prišel prav v Maribor our city. This period of his life is in zakaj je bil že po nekaj mesecih still wrapped in the veil of mystery deportiran v rodni Gospić? Obdobje till today. Why did he come from življenja Nikole Tesla, ki je do sedaj Graz to Maribor and why was he še vedno zavito v tančico neznane- deported to his native Gospić after ga. some months? The period of life of Nikola Tesla which is still wrapped in SPREHAJALEC: DAVID PRAJNC a shroud. ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h WALKER: DAVID PRAJNC DURATION: 1h 19 www.rajzefiber.si NAOKROG S TANJO AROUND WITH TANJA S kulturno producentko Tan- The cultural producer Tanja Cvit- jo Cvitko se bomo navdušeno ko, will walk us through some of sprehodili po nekaterih mariborskih the most exciting Maribor cultural kulturnih prizoriščih, spregledanih venues, overlooked cultural and kulturno-umetniških zakladnicah artistic treasures and communi- in skupnostih, čvrstih nosilcih ties, who are the solid bearers of urbanega kulturnega utripa, ki urban cultural pulses, which form tvorijo ožilje majhnega mesta z the circulatory system of a small velikim srcem. city with a big heart.


NAPIŠI SVOJ VIC WRITE YOUR JOKE Blondinka in računalnik, Janezek in A blonde and a computer, a horse tovarišica, duh s plavo oko, policaji with a long face, a ghost with a blue in tolovaji ... Se radi smejite na svoj eye, ... Are you laughing at yourself račun ali pa ste med tistimi, ki se or are you among those laughing at smejijo na račun drugih? V vsakem the expense of others? In all cases primeru je sprehod Napiši svoj vic kot The walk Write your own joke is nalašč za vas. Nasmejali se boste, perfect for you. You will laugh, meet spoznali nove ljudi in stkali nova pri- new people and make new friends. jateljstva, lahko pa celo napisali čisto You may even write your own joke svoj vic in ga na odru delili z drugimi. and tell it on a stage. You will cer- Zagotovo vam ne bo žal. tainly not feel sorry for joining. WALKER: DAVID GORINŠEK SPREHAJALEC: DAVID GORINŠEK DURATION: 3h 20 ČAS TRAJANJA: 3h www.rajzefiber.si (NE)TOLERANČNI SPREHOD A (NON) TOLERANT WALK Pisal se je 7. marec 1919, ko so se na It was on March 7, 1919, when the Slovenski deželni vladi odločili narediti Slovenian Provincial Government de- konec legalno odprtim javnim oziroma cided to end the legality of public or tolerančnim hišam, kot se jim je reklo tolerant houses, as they called then. takrat. In tolerance do prodajanja And the tolerance for selling love ljubezni je bilo konec. Seveda pa s was over. Of course, this prohibition to prepovedjo prostitucije na naših of prostitution did not end, but only tleh ni bilo konec, le v ilegalo se je moved to an illegal place. A (non) tol- preselila. (Ne)tolerančni sprehod vas erant walk will take you through the bo popeljal po mestnih ulicah, kjer city streets, where officially nothing se uradno ni dogajalo nič, a so vsi was going on, but all the "lovers sick" "ljubezni" željni prav dobro vedeli, kam knew exactly where to go.Get to know je potrebno zaviti. Spoznajte kraje where love resided. ljubezni. WALKER: MADAM J. NOVINARSKI VEČER JOURNALIST'S EVENING SPREHAJALKA: MADAM J. DURATION: 1h Breaking news - Udarna novica Breaking news - Impact news: ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h vest: Maribor is the future. Naš Maribor is the future. nekdanji vrhunski poročevalec se Our former top reporter comes bo javljal iz novinarskih kotičkov from the city's press corners and mesta in vam bo poročal o vseh will report on all informations informacijah, ki ste jih že iskali o you have been looking for about zgodovini in pomenu mariborskih the history and importance of časopisih. Od današnje stavbe the Maribor newspapers. From Večera s pogledom na nekdanjo today's Večer building overlooking tiskarno in uredništvo Marburger/ the former print shop and the Mariborer Zeitung mimo vogala, editorial board of the Marburger kjer je bilo prvo uredništvo prvega / Mariborer Zeitung, past the slovenskega dnevnika, do prejšnjih corner where the first editorship uredništev Vestnika/Večera, štu- of the first Slovenian news was dentske Katedre, radia Maribor in held, to the previous editorial dopisništva TV Ljubljana. offices of Vestnik / Večer, the Student news the Chair, Radio SPREHAJALEC: BRANKO MAK- Maribor and the correspondence SIMOVIĆ of TV Ljubljana. ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKER: BRANKO MAKSIMOVIĆ DURATION: 1,5h 21 www.rajzefiber.si ODTISNI MARIBOR PRINT MARIBOR Po mestu se bomo skupaj z Majo Through the city with Maja odpravili široko odprtih oči in iskali wide-open eyes, we will be looking enkratne in neponovljive detajle. In for unique and singular details. ne kakršnekoli, ampak takšne, ki Not just any, but the ones that jih bomo lahko nato tudi odtisnili. we can also print of. Choose an Izberi si ikono livarske industrije ali icon of the foundry industry or pa unikatne vzorce, ki prekrivajo unique patterns that overlap the mestna tla in jih nikoli ne opazimo. city floors, which we never notice. Na vrečke ali na papir bomo odtis- On t-shirts, bags or on paper we kovali "dekle" z ulic Maribora, se will depict the canal covers from naučili osnov grafike in poskrbeli, the streets of Maribor, learn the da boste delček mesta lahko basics of printmaking and make OŠ IN MODERNA TEHNOLOGIJA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND MOD- odnesli s sabo domov. sure that you can take a piece of Se lahko kaj naučimo od mlajših, ki ERN TECHNOLOGY the city with you. šele stopajo na svoja pota? Nove, Can we learn from the youngsters SPREHAJALKA: MAJA PEGAN vsevedne tehnologije in vsebine, ki who are just stepping on their path? ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h WALKER: MAJA PEGAN nas obkrožajo kot sateliti v vesolju, New, all-embracing technologies and DURATION: 1h so za nekatere ljudi moteče, a brez content that surround us as satellites njih skoraj več ne gre. Trije učenci in space are disturbing for some OŠ Draga Kobala so skupaj s svojo people, but without them, we do not mentorico na svojstven, mladim mno- function. Together with their mentor, go bližji način, pripravili sprehod po Pi- three pupils of the Elementary School ramidi. S pomočjo pametnih telefonov Drago Kobal, prepared a walk around bomo spoznavali preteklost gradu in the Pyramid in a more characteristic, ostale znamenitosti mesta, ki se vidijo youth attractive way. With the help v ploščadi pred kapelico. Tako bomo of smart phones, we will get to know skupaj napravili nekaj dobrega za telo the past of the castle and other in duha. sights of the city, which are seen from the platform in front of the SPREHAJALCI: JJAŠ HELER, TIN chapel. Together we will make some- ČERNE, SERGEJ KOSTIĆ, ALEKS thing good for the body and spirit. PAVLIČ, MARKO ŠKRINJAR TER MENTORICI MARJETKA BERLIČ IN WALKERS: JAŠ HELER, TIN ČERNE, MOJCA BORIN SERGEJ KOSTIĆ, ALEKS PAVLIČ, ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h MARKO ŠKRINJAR TER MENTORI- CI MARJETKA BERLIČ IN MOJCA BORIN 22 DURATION: 1h www.rajzefiber.si POBREŠKO POKOPALIŠČE THE CEMETERY OF POBREŽJE Spoznajte zanimive zgodbe in simbole Learn interesting stories and symbols. V okviru festivala sprehodov 2019 As part of the 2019 Festival of vas vabimo, da spoznate pobreško walks, we invite you to get acquainted pokopališče skozi eno od številnih with the cemetery through one of the poti, ki so vam na razpolago v mobilni many routes available over the mobile aplikaciji ARTOUR. application ARTOUR. Znane osebnosti, športne legende, Famous personalities, sports legends, simboli usode, vere ali poklicev vam symbols of fate, religion or profes- omogočajo, da spoznate naše mesto sions allow you to get to know our na povsem nov način. city in a completely new way. Ob kapeli si lahko ogledate doku- At the chapel, you can see a docu- mentarno razstavo življenja enega mentary exhibition of the life of one PAJZL TOUR SHABBY PUB TOUR Fina kava z mlekom in s čokoladnim Fine coffee with milk and chocolate najuspešnejših športnikov mesta. of the city's most successful athletes. ali karamelnim posipom, kraft pivo, or caramel sprinkles, craft beer, gurmanski sendviči in veganske eno- gourmet sandwiches and vegan casse- lončnice … ali pa le Laško ali Union, role ... perhaps only Laško or Union, veliki ali mali špricer. Kar nekako big or small spritzer. We became razvadili smo se sesti v prvi "kafič", ki rather spoiled to immediately sit in ima prosto mizo, razvadili smo se biti the first "café, with a free table; ne-presenečeni. Odkrijte legendarne we've become spoiled with being unsur- gostilne in bare, ki so še zadnji prised. Discover the legendary inns ostanki nekdanjih mariborskih pajzlov. and bars, which are the last remains A ravno pravi pajzl nudi obiskovalcu of former Maribor "pajzles". A real tisto pristno izkušnjo in v pravem paj- pajzl gives the visitor the genuine zlu nikoli ne veš, kaj se bo zgodilo. experience and you never know what will happen in a real pajzl. SPREHAJALEC: SIMON CIGULA . ČAS TRAJANJA: 3h WALKER: SIMON CIGULA DURATION: 3h

23 www.rajzefiber.si PODZEMLJE TEZNA TEZNOUNDERGROUND Verjetno ga ni Mariborčana, ki ne Probably there is not one Mariboran bi poznal koga, ki je nekoč delal v who would not know someone who Tovarni avtomobilov Maribor in biti used to work at the Maribor Motor "tamovec" je bilo vedno povezano tudi Factory and being a "TAMer" was al- s kančkom ponosa. Začetki tovarne ways connected with a glow of pride. segajo v leto 1941, ko so nemški The beginning of the factory dates okupatorji na območju Tezna pričeli z back to 1941, when the German gradnjo Luftfahrtwerke Steiermark. occupiers in the Tezno district began Neznani del zgodbe pa se je dogajal the construction of Luftfahrtwerke petnajst metrov pod zemljo, skrit Steiermark. The unknown part of the pred bombami zavezniških letal. story happened fifteen meters un- Vabimo vas, da se z nami sprehodite derground, hidden from the bombings po skrivnostnem podzemlju Tezna. of Allied airplanes. Spoznajte zgodbe, o katerih se ni We invite you to take a walk through PO POTEH FOTOGRAFA IVANA WALKING THE PATHS OF PHOTOG- veliko govorilo, in prisluhnite svojim the mysterious DVORŠAKA RAPHER IVAN DVORŠAK korakom, kako odmevajo v tišini underworld of Tezno. Get to know Ivan Dvoršak (1934–2013) je bil eden Ivan Dvoršak (1934–2013) was one temačnih podzemnih rovov. the stories, which were not talked najpomembnejših slovenskih fotografov of the most important Slovenian about and druge polovice 20. stoletja in priznan photographers of the second half of grafični oblikovalec. Bil je eden the 20th century, and an acclaimed SPREHAJALCI: RAJZEFIBER listen to your steps, echoing in the silence of dark underground tunnels. prvih, ki so v fotografiji uveljavljali graphic designer. He was one of ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h načela modernizma in je pomembno the first to establish the modernist zaznamoval slovensko fotografi- principles in photography and left an WALKERS: RAJZEFIBER jo. Kljub značilni distanciranosti in important mark in Slovenian photog- DURATION: 1,5h redkobesednosti njegove fotografije raphy. Despite his typical remoteness ne izgubijo osebne note in dopuščajo and taciturnity, his photographs subtilen vpogled v avtorjevo raz- never lack a personal note, allowing a položenje. Bil je fotograf domačega subtle insight into the artist's frame dvorišča, večina njegovih fotografij je of mind. He was a photographer of namreč nastala v Mariboru oziroma v his own back yard, as most of his mariborskih predmestjih v katerih je pictures were taken in Maribor and prepoznal izjemen izrazni potencial. its suburbs, in which he recognized an exceptional expressive potential. SPREHAJA: ANDREJA BORIN, VIŠ- JA KUSTOSINJA UGM WALKER: ANDREJA BORIN / SE- ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h NIOR CURATOR UGM 24 DURATION: 1,5h www.rajzefiber.si SEVERNI SIJ - PO POTI JANČAR- THE NORTHERN LIGHTS - ON THE JEVEGA ROMANA PATH OF JANCHAR’S NOVEL Maribor, mesto, ki leži na pol poti Maribor, a city located halfway med Dunajem in Trstom, na stičišču between Vienna and Trieste, at the slovanskega in germanskega sveta, je juncture of the Slavic and Germanic mesto, ki je bolj kot druga, doživljalo world, is a city that has more than vzpone in padce skozi slepi nemir others experienced ascents and falls zgodovine. V romanu Draga Jančar- through the blank turmoil of history. ja Severni sij je mesto dobilo svoj In the novel of Drago Jančar, The literarni spomenik, kakršnega nimajo northern light, the city got its own mnogo večja in slavnejša mesta. literary monument, as much bigger Jančarjevo svet v Severnem siju je and more famous cities do not have. PO POTEH PRIJETNIH SPOMINOV THE PATHS OF PLEASANT MEM- Maribor v času pred drugo svetov- Jančar's world in The northern lights; Vsem na očeh, a ga ni motilo. Stara ORIES no vojno, je tišina, »ki je s svojo Maribor before the Second World vinska trta na Lentu. Vonjave so se »Seen for all, but it did not bother drhtavico lebdela nad Mittelevropo, War is a silence, "which was floating zarezale globoko v njegove nosnice, a him. The Old vine on Lent. The fra- odzvanjala od sten praških ulic ter with shivering above Mittelevropa, ga niso presenetile, saj jih je poznal grance cut deep into his nostrils, but spodaj neslišno plala in grizla bregove resonating from the walls of the že iz preteklosti. Bel, svež, skorjast, they did not surprise him, as he knew Devina«. Prague streets, and below, shockingly še topel kruh, ki si ga je mazal z them from the past. White, fresh, capturing and biting the banks of marmelado. Brbončice so se hvaležno scorching, still warm bread with jam. SPREHAJALKI: ZORA A. JURIČ IN Devin". naslajale ob vsakem grižljaju. Prisluhnil The taste buds were grateful at each DR. JERNEJA FERLEŽ je direndaju okoli sebe, a slišal le bite. He listened to the frolic around ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKERS: ZORA A. JURIČ AND ptico. him, but only heard the bird.« DR. JERNEJA FERLEŽ Po poteh prijetnih spominov bomo On the paths of pleasant memories, DURATION: 1,5h obudili čase, ko smo bili še mladi in we will revive the times when we were je bil naš Maribor tako velik, prijeten young and in zanimiv. Ko še ni bilo interneta in Maribor was so vast, pleasant and smo se klicali iz telefonskih govor- interesting. When there was no ilnic, ko smo si še pošiljali pisma in internet, we razglednice. called from the telephone booths and we sent letters and postcards. SPREHAJALEC: ROBIE E. ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKER: ROBIE E. DURATION: 1,5h 25 www.rajzefiber.si PRAV POSEBEN SPREHOD Z ZA- IT’S A VERY SPECIAL WALK WITH VODOM 13 ZAVOD 13 Ali ste že kdaj prijeli za roko otroka Have you ever taken the hand of z Downovim sindromom in z njim malo a child with Down's syndrome and poklepetali? Ali pa potiskali voziček chatted with it a little? Or do you tistega, ki ne more hoditi? Ste že push a wheelchair of someone who kdaj hranili malčka, ki ne more sam cannot walk? Have you ever fed a držati žlice? Niste? Potem vabljeni na infant who cannot hold a spoon? You prav poseben sprehod z našimi otroki. haven't? Then you are invited to a Verjamemo, da vas bo izkušnja z special walk with our children. We nami spremenila za vedno. Na bolje. believe that the experience with us will Upamo pa, da boste med potjo change you forever. For the better. doživeli čim manj buljenja mimoidočih, We hope that during the journey, you RAZGIBAJMO MARIBOR! ki je žal za nas, starše posebnih will experience the smallest burning of Pešci, gibalci, plesalci in tisti, ki bi LET'S MOVE MARIBOR! otrok, del vsakdana. the passers-by, who are sorry for us, želeli spoznati razgiban Maribor, Movers and shakers, pedestrians, parents of special children, part of videti naše ulice in trge z drugačne dancers and those who want to get SPREHAJALKA: PETRA GREINER everyday life. perspektive ob spremljavi glasbe, to know the vibrant Maribor are in- ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h vabljeni, da se nam pridružite. Skozi vited to join us, and see our streets WALKER: PETRA GREINER voden gib se bomo poigrali z našimi and markets from a different DURATION: 1h telesi in okolico, ki se nam ponu- perspective, accompanied by music. ja! Pridite udobno oblečeni, morda Through our fluent movement, we will končamo leže na Glavnem trgu in si play with our bodies and the offered izrišemo svoje sanjsko mesto! surrounding area! Come comfortably dressed; perhaps we will finish lying SPREHAJALCI: PLESALCI CENTRA down on the , drawing PLESA our dream city! ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h WALKERS: THE DANCERS OF CEN- TER PLESA ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h

26 www.rajzefiber.si RITEM STAVBE THE RHYTHM OF THE BUILDING Kaj imajo skupnega Baroničina hiša, What do the Baronet House, Villa Vila Welley ter Dekliška ljudska in Welley and the Girls' Folks School meščanska šola? So stavbne pred- have in common? They are the stavnice oblikovno izvirnega obdobja, building representatives of Art kjer so arhitekti, umetniki in roko- nouveau, where architects, artists delci delali z roko v roki. Spoznajte and artisans worked hand in hand. navdihujoče rastlinske, živalske, Learn about the inspiring plant, človeške, organske ali geometrične animal, human, organic or geometric oblike ter pravljice in domišljijske shapes, of fairy tales and fantasy zgodbe, povezane v ritem stavbe. stories associated with the rhythm of the building. SPREHAJALKA: MILENA AN- TONIĆ, ZVKDS OE MARIBOR WALKER: MILENA ANTONIĆ, ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h ZVKDS OE MARIBOR ROKENROLA ROCKNROLLA DURATION: 1,5h Od Lačnih Franzov do Nece Falk, From Lacni Franz to Neca Falk, od Pohorje Express do Preporoda, from Pohorje Express to Preporod, vsi ti so v svojih pesmih na svoj all of them in their own songs način postavili spomenik našemu seting a a monument to our city in mestu. Naš "rokerski sprehod" vas their own way. Our "rock walk" will bo popeljal po kotičkih mesta, kjer take you to besedila, ki jih pojejo, niso le odpeti the corners of places where the verzi, ampak dobijo tudi sliko, svoj texts they sing are not just to pomen. Naj bo mesto "na severu te be sent in verses, but also get a male domovine" še "tak fejst noro" picture and a meaning. Wheth- in četudi je Drava včasih spominjala er the city "in the north of this na "reko puno klora", je bila naša small country" is still " a faint ljubezen do njega vedno iskrena in crazy" and even if the Drava used trdna "kot dravski most". to sometimes refer to "a lot of chlorine", our love for him was SPREHAJALCA: VID KMETIČ, always honest and solid "as a Drava JURE GOLEŽ bridge." ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h WALKERS: VID KMETIČ, JURE GOLEŽ DURATION: 1h 27 www.rajzefiber.si SENZORIČNA MESTNA DOGODI- SENSORY URBAN ADVENTURE VŠČINA This multisensory urban experience Multisenzorično urbano doživetje takes you to the city with your eyes vas zavezanih oči popelje po mestu. bound. Suddenly there is nothing Naenkrat ni nič več, kot se zdi. Ka- more than it seems. What is the city kšen je mestni utrip, kadar nisi zgolj pulse when you are not just a passive pasiven opazovalec? Se spremeni naše observer? Does our perception of dojemanje časa? Se razvije nov način time change? Is a new way developing stopanja po poteh starega mesta? of moving through the streets of the Vemo, kje smo? Obiskovalec skozi old city? Do we know where we are?, drugačen način spoznavanja ulic mes- Through a different way of discover- ta, njegovih znamenitosti, zgodovine, ing the streets of the city, its sights, zgodb, sedanjosti, zvokov, vonjev in history, stories, present, sounds, okusov dojame, kaj mu mesto sporoča. smells and tastes, the city is speaking Ta sporočila so raznovrstna, večno to the visitor. These messages are obstoječa, a v vsakem trenutku dru- diverse, everlasting and momentar- gačna, predvsem pa tako vsakdanja, ily changing; but above all they are da nemalokrat ostajajo prezrta. routine, so they often remain ignored. S KIPARJI PO MESTU AROUND TOWN WITH SCULP- Potrebno se je ustaviti, se umiriti, za It is necessary to stop, to calm down, Umetnost v javnem prostoru je TORS hip prisluhniti dogajanju okrog nas in to listen to events around us for a nekaj, kar se v teh modernih časih Art in the public space is some- ga raztolmačiti skozi lastne izkušnje, moment and to break through our marsikomu zdi kot nekaj povsem thing that in many modern times zaznave in ideje. own experiences, perceptions and nepotrebnega. Javna naročila seems to be something completely ideas. umetnikom so postala redkost in unnecessary to many. Public orders skulpture, ki krasijo mesto, so pov- to artists have become scarce and SPREHAJALKA: BARBARA IZLAKAR ečini iz nekih drugih časov. Z Zalo sculptures that adorn the city are ČAS TRAJANJA: 2h WALKER: BARBARA IZLAKAR Zagoršek bomo spoznali slovenske mostly from some other times. DURATION: 2h umetnike, ki s svojimi deli krasijo With Zala Zagoršek, we will meet mesto in razgrnili njihove neverjetne Slovenian artists who, with their zgodbe in številna obdobja, v kat- works, decorate the city and unveil erem so dela nastala, ter usmerili their incredible stories and numer- pozornost na umetnost v javnem ous periods in which works were prostoru v Mariboru nasploh. created, and draw attention to art in the public space in Maribor SPREHAJALKA: ZALA ZAG- in general. ORŠEK, DIPL. OBLIK. UNIK. ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKER: ZALA ZAGORŠEK, BACHELOR OF APPLIED ARTS 28 DURATION: 1,5h www.rajzefiber.si SPOMLADANSKI SPREHOD SPRING WALK Spomladanski sprehod bo nekoliko This spring walk will be a slightly drugačne sorte sprehod, saj bodo different walk, as besides you also poleg vas svoje tačke pretegnili tudi your best four-legged friends will be vaši najboljši štirinožni prijatelji. Po stretching their paws. On our Natural Naravoslovni poti, čez drn in strn, trail, across wilde and neat trails, na Kalvarijo in Piramido, po gozdu on Kalvarija and the Pyramis, in the in vijugastih poteh, s polnimi pljuči forest and winding paths, with full svežega zraka in dušami, napoln- lungs of fresh air and our souls filled jenimi s čudovitimi razgledi, ki se z with spectacular views, caughts from okoliških gričkov odpirajo na naše the lovely hills that surround our city. SPLAVARSKA UČNA POT RAFTING LEARNING TRAIL ljubo mesto. Po koncu sprehoda bo At the end of the walk, a nutritionist Mirno in tiho deli reka mesto na The calm and quiet river divides sprehajalcem za morebitna vprašanja will be available for Q and R. dva bregova in nosi najrazličnejše this city on two banks and carries na voljo svetovalka za prehrano vaših zgodbe. Tisto o flosarjih, ki jim a wide variety of stories. You can štirinožnih prijateljev. WALKER: ANIMAL PROTECTION je Drava nekoč služila kot glavna get to know about the rafters that SOCIETY prometna žila, lahko spoznate na used the Drava as their main traf- SPREHAJALCI: DRUŠTVO ZA DURATION:1,5h Splavarski učni poti. Preden so naše fic channel on the Rafter Learning ZAŠČITO ŽIVALI MARIBOR kraje preplavili avtomobili, vlaki in Trail. Before cars flooded our ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h tovornjaki, je namreč služila kot places, trains and trucks, it served glavna pot za prevoz lesa in druge- as the main route for transporta- ga materiala vse do Črnega morja. tion of wood and other material all Splavarjenje je nudilo sezonsko delo the way to the Black Sea. Rafting več kot 500 splavarjem, ki so za offered seasonal work to more svoje trdo in na trenutke nevarno than 500 rafters who received delo prejeli lepo plačilo. handsome pay for their hard and Spoznajte etnološki dragulj, ki ga sometimes dangerous work. še danes skrbno ohranjajo živega Get to know the ethnological gem, mariborski flosarji in se skupaj z which is njimi podajte na sprehod v družbi still carefully preserved by The Drave in flosarskih zgodb. Maribor rafters, and go along with them for a SPREHAJALCI: TURISTIČNO walk in the company of the Drava DRUŠTVO MARIBOR and rafter stories. ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKER: MARIBOR SOCIETY FOR TOURISM DURATION: 1,5h 29 www.rajzefiber.si TEMNA PLAT MARIBORSKE THE DARK SIDE OF MARIBOR ZGODOVINE HISTORY Ko je leta 1680 razsajala kuga, je v nekaj mesecih pokosila tretjino When the plague erupted in 1680, it takratnega prebivalstva; danes bi to slaughtered a third of the then pop- pomenilo 33.000 mrtvih Mariborčan- ulation within a few months; today, ov. A kuga ni bila edina nesreča, ki je this would mean 33,000 dead in v preteklosti prizadela mesto. Spoznali Maribor. But the plague was not the bomo temne plati mestne zgodovine in only disaster that hit the city in the se sprehodili po predelih, ki so z njimi past. We will get to know the dark neposredno povezani. Od kuge do sides of the city's history and walk požarov, od sramotilnega stebra do through the areas directly connected čarovniških procesov. Dobrodošli na to them. From plague to fire, from temno stran! shameful pillar to witchcraft process- es. Welcome to the Dark Side! SPREHAJALKA: KATJA RAUŠL ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h WALKER: KATJA RAUŠL DURATION: 1h SPREHOD S SKICIRKO WALK WITH A SKETCHBOOK S skicirko v roki se bomo podali We will take a sketch-walk around na sprehod po mestu, opazovali the old city centre, observin and in skicirali skrite detajle kulturne sketching the hidden details of dediščine in mestne krajine. Vsi its cultural heritage and urban lahko rišemo, ne glede na risarsko landscape. spretnost! Cilj sprehoda je, da se Do not worry if you feel that široko odprtih oči sprehodimo skozi you can't sketch! The goal of the mesto in ga doživimo skozi njegove sketch-walk is to open our eyes and oblike, poteze, barve in teksture, ki explore our environment by taking jih bomo združili v veduto našega visual notes on lines, shapes, colors življenjskega okolja. and textures of our living environ- Ves potreben material bo na voljo. ment. All the materials will be available on SPREHAJALKA: DR. TANJA site. SIMONIČ KOROŠAK ČAS TRAJANJA: 1,5h WALKER: DR. TANJA SIMONIČ KOROŠAK 30 DURATION: 1,5h www.rajzefiber.si VINSKI LOV NA ZAKLAD WINE TREASURE HUNT Maribor in vino ni zgolj to, da raste Wine and Maribor are not just that na Lentu najstarejša trta na svetu. defined by the oldest vine plant in Še zdaleč ne. Vinski lov na zaklad the world, which is growing on Lent. bo obiskovalce popeljal po nekaterih Far from it! This Wine treasure hunt kotičkih, ki so z žlahtno kapljico will take visitors to some corners that neposredno povezani. Da pa to ne bo are directly connected with a noble zgolj še en navaden sprehod skozi drop. But this will not be just another mesto, bodo na poti srečali samega ordinary walk through the city, on nadvojvodo Janeza, brata nekdanjega the way, will meet the Archduke John avstrijskega cesarja Franca II. Poleg himself, the brother of the former njega pa morda spoznajo še koga, a Austrian Emperor Franz II. In addition to naj ostane presenečenje. to him, we just may encounter other interesting characters; but this should SPREHAJALCI: RAJZEFIBER stay a surprise. ČAS TRAJANJA: 1h WALKERS: RAJZEFIBER DURATION: 1h

VINSKI SPREHOD Z JERNEJEM WINE WALK WITH JERNEJ Sommelier Jernej vas bo popeljal Sommelier Jernej will take you on na vinsko potovanje. Zapeljal vas a wine trip. He will lead you to the bo v svet barv, vonjev in okusov world of colours, scents and tastes najboljših slovenskih vin. Obiskali of the best Slovenian wines. We will bomo najstarejšo trto sveta, spoznali visit the oldest vine of the world, get pridelovalce butičnih vin iz Podravja to know the producers of boutique ter ob Jernejevi strokovni razlagi wines from the Podravje region. And vina seveda tudi okušali. Le kakšen bi of course, with the expert interpre- bil vinski sprehod brez okušanja vin? tation of Jernej experience them - what would be a wine walk without SPREHAJALEC: JERNEJ LUBEJ tasting wines? ČAS TRAJANJA: 2h WALKER: JERNEJ LUBEJ DURATION: 2h 31 www.rajzefiber.si ZAKAJ JE MAISTER BIL MA- JSTER? WHY WAS THE MAISTER A Maister? Da, Maister! Spet prihaja MASTER? v" Mesto ob Dravi" v vsem svojem Maister? Yes, Maister! He returns sijaju! to the "City along the Drava river" Pravi "majster" zgodovine vas bo in all his splendor! popeljal na odličen potep po mestu The "master" of history will lead in nam generala poleg tiste bolj you to a splendid walk around znane zgodovinske zgodbe osvetlil the city, and present the general, tudi po manj znani, zasebni plati. through his famous historical story Skozi obe se nam bodo sproti but also illuminate his less well- potrjevale vrstice, da mož ni bil known, private side. Both lives will le Maister po priimku. Nomen est prove that the man was not only omen! Ma(i)ster for his surname. Nomen SPREHAJALEC: DAVID PRAJNC est omen! WALKER: DAVID PRAJNC

ZGODBA O KLOPEH IN LJUDEH Klopi umirjajo hitenje v mestu, TALE ABOUT BENCHES AND narekujejo ritem sprehodov, so pros- PEOPLE tori, ki hranijo edinstvene poglede The benches are calming down the svojim obiskovalcem. In nekatere rush in the city; they dictate the mariborske klopi imajo svoje, čisto rhythm of walking; they are spaces posebne zgodbe: vse so del projekta that hold unique views to their Zgodba o klopeh in ljudeh, ki so jih visitors. Moreover, some Maribor ustvarili priznani slovenski umetniki benches have their own, very special in umetnice. Sprehodili se bomo do stories; they are all part of the njih in spoznali njihove zgodbe. project Stories about Bench and People created by renowned Slovenian SPREHAJALCI: KUD ZGODBA O artists. We will walk to them and get KLOPEH IN LJUDEH to know their stories.

WALKERS: KUD STORY ABOUT BENCHES AND PEOPLE 32 www.rajzefiber.si ŽOGO-BRCNO Pravijo, da je nogomet najpomemb- FOOTBALL KICK nejša postranska stvar na svetu, a v They say that football is the most Mariboru jemljemo svoj fuzbal precej important side-line thing in the bolj resno. Tukaj smo vedno živeli world. But in Maribor we take our (za) nogomet in mesto je polno za- football more seriously. Here we nimivih zgodb, ki jih je napisal. Seveda have always lived (for) football and pa ne bo šlo brez kančka filmske (in the city is full of interesting stories komentatorske) kulture ter dotika that it wrote. Of course, it will not mariborske svete trave. Na spre- go without a touch of film (and hod pridite v primernih oblačilih, saj commentary) culture, and touching bomo, ne glede na vreme, tudi sami the Maribor holy grass. Come for a preizkusili svoje nogometne spretnosti. walk in appropriate atire, as we will, Maribor - šampion! regardless of weather, try our own football skills. Maribor - Champion! SPREHAJALEC: RENE PUHAR WALKER: RENE PUHAR

SPREHOD PRESENEČENJA SURPRISE WALK Vseh skrivnosti ne želimo izdati! In We do not want to disclose all our ker vemo, da je marsikdo med nami secrets! rad presenečen, bomo vsak dan točno And since we know that many of us opoldne pripravili sprehod presenečen- like to be surprised, we prepared a ja. Nanj se lahko prijavite. Kaj vas surprise walk every day at noon. You bo tam čakalo, pa boste izvedeli šele, can sign up for it, but you will get to ko boste prišli na lokacijo. Obilo užitka know what this walk is about once you vam želimo! arrive at the starting location. We wish you a lot of pleasure!

33 www.rajzefiber.si







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