Freeholders Bd of 3-22-57 78530-^'^'' Freeways 6-27-53 5973lf''0 \< & Admin Code- Mayor rec procedur 55 mph speed lirait- C Chaffin — revising ^ity Charter by estab urge Free Nations 4-5-55 68352 "Freeways Q-31-53 60104' City Ccl exp apprec re & best Sprinkler systems- P A Ballln Jr wishes on retirement of "Sir -r prot use as menace Winohnn Chnrnhm ' Freeways 9-2-53 60161 Safety prvsns & patrol -Exchange Club of E Hollywood comraun re Listed Alphabetically Freeway 9-17-53 60384 '. Free-way 11-21-52 55964 State of Calif advise re Routing nr San Pernando routing thru Glendale-Burbank Reservoir under cons-Calif State - fr. r, fi Eiii 1 Griffith Pftrk Hiway Pno- advises . Preeways 3-25-53 57667 Freeway 9-23-53 60384 Metropolitan Freeway Act -AB ' No Valley link bet Glenoaks & 3101- City dZ Beverly Hills resol- Laurel Canyon Blvds- No San ", opposing Pernando Valley Imp Assoc req hrg Freeways 10-1-53 60572' Freeway Mtnce 4-16-53 29035 within City limits-agr.tints bet Agrrant & Amndmnt #6 for mtnce City & State Deot P Wks for of State P.i.Qh\-!SLjs in City prelim eng State Highways - BPW Freev*ay 12-3-53 6.1419 Freeway 4-20-53 58010 Eugene Martin proposal to const Bus Turnouts- Opinion re use thru Hollyv/ood Hills to connect Permanent Irap Pund k Traff Safety. Vvestem Ave in L A to Glendale Fund • -Atty- Preeway 5-22-53 58528 reeway 2-2-54 62274 Routing bet Route 2 nr 7th St & Agrmnts-revise to speed Glendale Blvd- Calif state Hiway • Completion-Debs resol Atty inform Coms.n rec Council Freeways ' 5-20-54 63821 -5-53 24879 Agrrant vyith State for engrng Harbor - Re -$300,000 construct work Ventura-Golden State- ' -- -" - -• 7th St - Riverside et al .reeway 6-11-53 58795 Freeways 7-1-54 64446 Const to West Coast-Resol State Henry rao Bd Traff Comsnrs advise Hlway Comsn schedule s.ince funds Ccl re Ord keep trucks in one lane available -Harby Freeways 7-14-54 62356 -9-53 59254 Eng rept re locatn Riverside Traff Signal System-A Nordskog Ventura) Freeway & other offers aid to City to design freeways Freeway's 7-9-53 59262 Freeways 6-26-54 65179 A P Luckett sug ban on trucks Color Rt Markers-Burkhalter rao State Dept PWks consider

Freeway 7-15-53 59316 Freeway 9-6-54 65324 System traff control following Spec section for trucks-Burkhaltet- major accidents- C D Chase re resol State Dept PWks consider Freeways ^ "5-22-54 65499 Freeway 7-15-53 56528 Airports Dept resol 77l-conslder Prop route #4 fr Glendale to LA Internatl ^irport auto trans in- Olympic Blvds- Mo State Hlway Hiphway olans Comsn hold hrg re -Debs Freeway 9-23-54 65539 'Freeways 7-16-53 59348 Truck-thru city-Henry resol req - Buses' on- Ho Bd Traff Corasn Calif State Highway Corasn make rent on use & safety regula tai ati..rtv rA -Henry eeways 7-20-53 59366 Freeways 9-28-54 65614 Amend #3 to Haster Plan of- Jk in Valley-Bill Carpenter sug Co Regional Plan Corasn sub chg expedite plans for alignraent Concord Freeway Freeways 10-19-54 • 65695 Freeway 7-22-53 59451 County Program-Resol endorse ake req re selecting -Harby Freeway 11-17-54 663OI Freoways 7-24-53 59483 over L A river bed-J Hendricks Citizens' Transit Comt-req amend sub sketch re 'TIC nrnhl.hl t right -fio.-..^ p.^.P9ln^ on freeways in LA "' _ Freeway 7-31-53 59606 Freeway 12-9-54 66567 Study of truck terminal under- Projects-BPW rec agreemt bet Citj & State Divsn Highways.aop-sum &, annual rept Coraraunity »-?^n.noO raimburseraent Redevelopmnt Agency Freeway 12-14-54 66665 Freeways 8-6-53 342U State Dept Pub Wks relinquishmnt Resol restate & redefine policy , of East Service Rd bet Cahuenga re procedure of routings Terr & Barbara Blvd re city St Freeway 12-20-54 66791 Freeways 8-14-53. 59673 Eng work-Calif State Dept PWks .55raile speed limits-Resol sug contract City BPW re reimbursemt Calif Divsn Hiways post -signs within _City LA .._ ^ i95?-?4-S^ to &h<^b.non Freeway 8-20-53 "59950 Freeways . 1-5-55 66977 Routing Jackson &t-& junctn San Burkhalter resol Eng rept on Fernando Rd & Sepulyeda Rlvd- const of extensions Calif Hiwav Comsh rearatij r e 1 -7-57 77390'-^''^ Freeway 67l5l-'-*'< none const without vote of Dist- P State Divsn Hwys mtg 1-16 estab ^ C McDonald-Elysian Valley Coramun - Rt Foothill Frwy bet Golden State Corat req- Prot Riverside Freeway. & Footnill Pl -4-57 ,, 77794 ! Freeway , 1-19-55 67163' ; Trucks using wrong iane- Wiiftinaa Holland mo Atty advise aet to mo prop amend State law $loO lst protect City title, in Griffith Pk re proposed offense- $500 for 2nd Freeway 1-26-55 67324 Freeway Route 3-8-57 78305 ' ' - Rt thru Griffith Park-Gen ^lec Alternate-Pacific Coast Hwy bet Co-E Case protest Dana Pt & Nly LA Co Line-Metro -r Transportation Englneerintc Bd- Freev/ays 3-7-55 34244 Preeway 3-22-57 78533: Calif Highway Coinsn sub resol LA Pub Library sub resol 1957-36 restating policy of procedure re condemntn par 1 Gardena Branch in.adoDtion routines T.lhra-mr ' Freeways 3-14-55 6794^ Freeways 4-5-57 78757 H l-/allls prot heavy trucks use & in State- State Dept Fub V/ks re urge Helicopters aid re traffic City cooperate re study of tie-u-as overall olar. Free-^ays 4-5-55 66340 Freeways 5-16-57 79336 B Miller objects to funeral Henry mo State Hwy Dept & SP processions on freeways time sweeping of local hwy Freeways 4-5-55 68353 . Free-rtays 5-21-57 79413 Henry mo wire Gov Knight urge Tech Advisory Comt for State approve AB 143 re trucks in singlr Planning - Pardee auth attend 1 ana mti.' Sacramento May 24 1957 Freeways 5-10-55 65724 Freeways 6-28-57 79991 Ritz Miller req aet elim Traff E Engel sug proh use City Prwy hazards for heavy trucking Freeways 6-15-55 69409 Freeway 9-13-57 8ii95 Hahn resol State & City work out bet Santa Ana Frwy & Fotrero systera re Traff warning signal Grande Dr- atate div Highway prop avat.p.m fnn hi nr.lcaAaa ioc state Highway Rt i72 Freeway 7-14-55 . 69836 Freeway 9-23-57 8i3i5 BFW auth quitciaim to State Lot5 BPW agrrat State Pub Wks Dept re Tr 5u39 S aide Valtey Bivd Wly fr Cooperative design Eng on State Charnwood Ave- Mayor Huv nnni loK<^-i:,b Freeway „ 6-12-55 7Q272 Freeways 10-9-57 31602 R Cordon Cit Traff & Trans Oomt, Debs mo consider construct Metro Area-re comt for freeway separate bus & truck lines operation problems Freeways 8-16-55 70346 Freeway io-21-57 8i745 Don Hill sug Helicopter patrol C Sparre prop re prevent over accidents Freeway 9-2-55 70613 Freewaya 11-5-57 8ii.27 routing-Harby resol Eng confer atate Dept puo WKC coramui-i re var City Depts re Olympic Frwy Wly coi.,jtr harriera .. fr La Cjeneaa. Blvd ... Freeway 9-23-55 7088l '"Freeway Facts" 2-20-57 78028 Hearing re Planning & Const , Calif State Pub Wks aub copies policies etc -Calif State Assemblj for Mayor & Cclmen Interim Comt- 9/27-28/55.. . . Freewavs 2-2-56 71962 Freeway system 12-20-57 „ 82676' ' L A Hetropolitan System & Henry rao draw deraand ^314..85 State high',.;ays - brochui-e of reiraburse C E ^handie^ re inspect proposed frei;',-.-ay routes tour Freeways'-" 3/i/5'6 ' 67178 Allessandro "" " T-7-53 59l8l Signs & billboards-Distract Freeway- Lions Club of Eagle mttorists while on Preeways- Rock rec chg narae to Eagle Rock same- ... Freeway • Freeways 4-17-56 73712 Allesandro ' 6-9-54 64942 Freeway-BPW agrmt with State Howard Grant off sug re safety Dept Pub Works Eng work ptns of Freeway & Sepulveda Freeway. Freeways 5-9-56 74045 Allesandro Freewy 12-16-54 66741 . Master Plan-& Hwys of LA- Dir of ,. & overpass of railroad & San 'Planning sub revised as of "pr 1 Fernando Rd-Callf State Highway l.QRh Corasn urged to proceed const-Hollai Freeways 7-30-56 75310 Allesandro Freeway 4-28-55 66741 Debs rao State Hwy Divsn ratnce Grade .separation at So Pacil-lc bet Midnight & 6 A M Co tracks - V.ncr renort

Freeways 10-24-56 76453 Allesandro Frwy 9-6-55 70621" using park land re- State req Calif Highway Comsn advise now eity representive at mtg il-i4- officially called Glendale Prwy .fr.Vermont Ave to Poothll.''. Blvd Free'ffays 11-16-56 70272 Allesandro Freeway 11-15-55 59181 Estab Coordinating Comt for Officially named Glendale operational features - state & Freeway by State Hiway Comsn- local officials •_per Eng rept of 11-9-55 Freeways 12-20-56 77249 Allesandro Freewy 11-23-55 39885 in San Ferndo Valley- Burkhalter • State Hiwy Eng re routing in LA resoi coraraend State Hirfiway Comsn bet Glendale Blvd & LA River nr re const Fletcher Dr Arroyo Seco Pkway 1-13-54 29035*"'^ Golden State 5/20/54 63821?j-<' froni Sunset. Blvd to College St- Agrrant re eng work bet City LA - J -•. agrmnt with State for ivltnce & State Dept P Wks-Ventura Freeway & ! Arroyo Seco 9-7-5^1 653I6 Golden State _ 7-27-54 64771 Freeway & Cahuenga Blvd-LA C of Fletcher Dr-Unl ted Patriotic peoj C prot change names protest-Eiyslan Valley area I Arroyo Seco Prwy 3-14-55 67950 lolden State 11-19-54 58528 1 Traff Dept req amend Ord prohib ;. • freeway-Rec & Pks Comsn oppose '. trucks,but perrait Arraoured Cars location in Griffith Park to. use ... 'Artesia Freeway 7-16-57 8023o Golden State Prwy 1-5-55 66977 bet Figueroa St & Vermont Ave- bet Raraona Freeway intersect & BPW agreemt State Dept FWks re Laurel Canyon & Sepulveda Blvd s route •-' Cahuenga Freeway 9-18-53 60396 Golden State Frwy 2-15-55 67595 E Service Rdway sely Mulholland Burkhalter resol no app subdivsn Dr Bridge- V Gruen appeal PC 4878 - map until eomplete-vlc San Perndo Rd Cahuenga Freeway 4-5-54 63157 Golden State Prwy 2-24-55 67693 Bd Traffie Corasnrs rec l-Way . , bet Boyle Ave & Glendale City at traffie N Service Rd Odin St to Riverside Dr-Agreemt bet City & Barham Blvd State re - BPW Freeway 4-20-54 63376 Golden State Prwy 10-10-55 71008 Cahuenga- exit for Bsrham Blvd Atty req auth emp appraisers Ritz Miller sub plan re traffic condemnation ptn Griffith Park Colorado Freeway 4-20-54 47332 Golden State Prwy 10-27-55 71368 State Hiwy Route 161-BPW sub , Na^varro mo appraise land replace . agreerat re Griffith Pk area to be taken re Colorado -3-56 73948 Golden State 5-3-56 73949 Freeway bet S of Yarnell St & N St- BPW agrrat with State-mtnce of - City limits- BPW agrrat with Stabt re ratnce Colorado Freeway 4-i5-57 78898 lolden State Frwy 6-21-56 74697 A Rec & Fk Comsnrs resoi 2139 exch & Olympic Frwy-BFW saie prop to prop with State -Eagle Rock State Vic 6th & Boyle Ave- Playground $261,019.20 - Mayor Concord Freeway 7-20-53 59366 Golden State Frwy 6-28-56 7478i - Chg alignment- LA Co Regional Agreerat-BPW rec adopt resol re - Plan Comsn sub Amend #3 to Master , prop ehg- Exhibit "C" Plan of Freeways Concord Freeway 12-20-54 66784 Freeway-Golden 10-1-56 59950 vie Norwich Ave-Raraona Pwy-BPV/ State-Rec & Pks Corasn req exch agreerat State Dept PWks re elosure- land with State provide for . var Sts. for Paxton Park 'Foothill Freeway 1-7-57 77390 Golden State Frwy 12-J-56 76947 - bet Golden State & Foothill Pi- bet Cohasset St & San Ferndo Rd-. State divsn Hwys ratg 1-16 estab ' BFW agreemt State re Rt. . . , " • Glendale Freeway 9-6-55 70621 Golden State PRwy 12-20-56 77249 fr Vermont Ave to Foothill Blvd Burkhalter resol commend State Calif Highway Comsn advise naming -. Highway Coman re const Freeways in San Ferndo Valley . ' Glendale Frwy il-ii,-56 39865 Golden State Prwy 6-7-57 797o3 bet Eagle Rock Blvd. & LA River- W&F resol 1023 sale prop to State re fdir $20u,000 E—." ''f.nt -ir in Fr'rTj agrecmt- , Freeway- 11-21-52 . 55964 Golden State Prwy 6-14-57 79785 .(Golden State)- re routing thru vie Colorado Bivd & Riverside Dr Glendale-Burbank-L A adj W&F Dept resol 1029 sale to state - Griffith Park easrat re Golden State 5-22-53 58526 Golden State Prwy 8-16-57 6o798 State Divsn Hwys agrrat LA Co Preeway-through Elysian Park- purch tax Dei prop NEly side State Hiway Corasn approve Gienoaks Bivd Goldenstate' '9-17-53 60372' Golden State Prwy 8-^6-57 8u920 Freeway-Traff problems re- LA Bd Ed req vac ptns 3rd St- Clara McDonald sub rec Gertrude St-Ailey 2nd St Sch site re Golden State 10-21-53 60384 Harbor Freeway 4-27-53 58122 Freeway-J unction with Sepulveda Crossing at Grand & Santa I "Freeway-No Ssn Fernando Valley Barbara Aves- LA Transit Lines imp Assn re daraages due to 'Golden State II-30-53 59950 "Harbor Freeway 6-17-53 58899 Freeway-Routing, in L A County Opening So to 01yii?)ic Blvd- Rec bet Jackson St & junction of San amend LAMC 1-way traff 8th & 9th .Fernando Rd & Seoulveda Blvd Sts In prep -Traff Comsn Golden State 1-14-54 62020 Harbor Freeway 7-2-53 , .,59103 . Freeway-connect bet Poothiii & Bus-stop at Jefferson Blvd & Sepulveda Blvds-Sylmar Civ Assoc San ta Barbara Ave-BTO req app req Install & $134,000 to State , Golden State Freeway 1-28-54 59950 Harbor Freeway 7-16-53 59337 Calif Hi.,.,.ay Corasn. set 2-26-54 ., Southbound Beaudry Ave ran?) for hre in Sun Vallev "• intersec-Sub Agrmt bet State &City'' Install hlway ltg -BTO Harbor Freeway 7-23-53 59l|65"*^'«: Harbor , Work & prop 1-way-traff on Sth • LA Transit Lines appl n & 9th Sts- Dovmtown Business'Men'L 5-6-7-49 over ptn Frwy- State Assn rea info on status PUtil .Coman iHarbor Freeway 2-28-57 781711 Harbor Freeway 10-16-53 60799 M Barrows pet change loc of f r Wilshlre Blvd to Washington .. . overpass bridge to il6th St ^ Blvd-Traff Comsn sub parking -i restrictions var streets . JHarbor Freeway 3-28-57 78624' 1 Harbor Freeway 2-16-54 , 62511 bet Battery St & Pacific Coast Calif State Divn Hwy-H/W acq fr ', Hwy- BFW agreemt State re mtnce ' Battery St-San Pedro-Pac Coast Harbor Freeway 4-5-57 787491 Hwy-req ded Torpedo St 92nd-9l3t-St & Manchester Ave- Harbor Freeway 4-22-54 29035 Bd Traff Comsnrs amend MC re i-way, fr Olympic Blvd to 2nd St-Eng traff on front roads vie agrrat re Mtnee State Freeway Harbor Freeway 5-26-54 ^ ^.^33192 'Harbor Frwy 7-23-57 B034I60341I1 bet 42nd St & Hollywood-Sta Ana Anaheim St-Verraont St-Pac Coast |^|fwa^-mg^if|eg agrnait with Hwy -Flan Corasn pC 7914.6 estab oil drill "1st #105- 400 Ac .. Harbor Freeway 5-30-54 64434 Harbor Freeway 10-31-57 61942 Vernon-Slauson-Florence Aves- frontage Hds bet 92nd & i24th at BPW ree alloc $69,150 reiraburse Bd Traff Comsnrs araend MC re i-Way State re bus loading-Mayor traff „ . Hollywood Parkway 1-15-53 56661 «^i^°f;r-i^^Lus^si:fwagre|?f -. Off-rarap at Hollywood BIvd-Agi ' bet State Dept P V/ks & City LA re '• at intersection installatn traff sinrnals -BPVI Harbor Freeway 8-6-54 64922 IHollywood Freeway 1-16-53 56683 Pacific Coast Hwy to Gaffey^St- . Bet Barbara & Lankershim Blvds- BPW Ord auth Grant Deed to State - Hollywd Lions Club app Cahuenga Lot 9 Tr 3192 Pass State Park adj Harbor Freeway 11-1-54 66077 Hollywood Freeway 3-2-53 57259 Florence-Slauson-Vernon Aves-BPW Woodman to Van Nuys Blvd - Req agreerat City & State PWks re inst reroute ptn Ventura Freeway - hnp far. Eunicd Knight Saunders School Harbor Freeway 11-19-54 66364 , Hollywood Freeway " 3-3-53 " 57290 , E & VI roadways-S of Santa Bar oars Boylston St to "rfestern .-ive - to Manchester-Bd Traff ^orasnrs Rec approp SlOO,000 addl lte araend Sec 60.78 MC estab 1-way tr: P v'.'ks Priority Corat Hollywood Freeway 3-25-53 57666 Harbor Freeway 11-26-54 66430 & Western Ave billboard- Mo BPW adj to Harbor Dlst Yd Bur Sanit- • BPW Agreemt Harbor Comsn re cost B&S Corasn & Traff Eng Corasn reallKnment investigate erectn -Baker Harbor Freeway 12-31-54 669^2 Hollywood Freeway 7-3-53 59235 Calif State Agreerat with City LA Truck traff & accident probleirw re exchange of prop for imp of Resol Bd Traff Eng sub rept re neo legis correct ._ . -Henry Harbor Freeway 1-31-55 67346 Hollywood Freeway 7-23-53 59476 over AT&SP Rwy Co tracks in LA : Accident 7 -6-53- E Caldecott Calif State Pub Util Comsn appl req auth const • Harbor Freeway 2-16-55 29035 Hollywood Freeway 1-22-54 62129 bet Flower St & Olympic Blvd- Debs mo req State rept on delay BPW draft : - - bottleneck frm Hollywood Blvd to Cahuenga Pass Harbor Freeway 4-18-55 66514 Hollywood Freeway 2-16-54 6246I r bet Gage Ave & 92nd St-BPW rec ?-. Traff off-center Franklin Ave & '• .re1 cwa y Vanliess Ave-Traff Coramnrs .Harbor freeway 5-17-55 68995 Holl:^ood-Santa Ana 9-4-53 33192 Manchester & 76th St-BPW req Freeway bet Indiana St & $34,900 1955-56 const bus stops & Ped.CrossInES-CAO.,- . ... . Harbor Freeway 6/1/55 69201 Freeway-Hollywood 1-22-54 6212q ' Bd P Wks req auth convey $1175 Holl-vunnH n-1,,,,5 T. ^cr-xcz-j . to State Calif re citv-ovmed St Hwy Corasn rept c. „_„,-..„,, er.oD .at.11913 Athens Vay. ... Harbor Freeway 9-21-55 33943 Hollywood Freeway 5-7-54 6362O bet 88th St & 190th St -BPW req •. at Mountain View Ave-BPW req ord' app design(final) auth quitclaim deed to state re tc iHarbor Freeway 3-22-56 73351 Hollywood Freeway 6-1-54 63972 Gibson resol re bids & imraed v. const fr 92nd to,120th Sts- E G Zinn pet prohibit trucks etc & in vie Hollywood Tower Apartment Harbor Freeway " 4/13/56 "33943 Freeway-Hollywood 6-14-50 7643 .99th St Ely of - Agrnnt bet Stats bet Barham k Vineland Ave-neg & City re acq-open & imp of- with State $52,532.84'acq r/w •Harbor Freeway 5-4-56 73975 Off-rarap to Exposition Blvd- . Hollywood Freeway 6-29-54 64411 Allen mo eiira Traff cond H- & Ventura Blvd-Baker mo re ord -- to prohibit truck over 6OOO Ibfl Harbor Freeway 10-22-56 76435 nn bet Santa Barbara Ave & Flower St >epulveda Blvd intersectns BPW re State agreemt for mtnce Ventura Blvd-Citizens Traff- & Tran ^omt- rec imp - Mayor Hollywood Freewy 9-21-54 bk75n^'. Olymolc Freeway 2-25-54 bZ356

Hollywood Freeway 1-5-55 66977 Olyrapic Freeway 5-7-56 73993 bet Vineland & tSan Fernando Rd Palms area- D A Kettler prot Burkhalter resol Eng rept re const' route -• Hollywood Freeway 6-1-55 67209 Olympic Frwy 6-21-56 74697 bet Alameda St & ivo Broadway- & Golden State Frwy-BPW sale prop BPW req approve paving at City / to State vie Sth St & Boyle Ave- street level . $281,019.20- Mavor Hollywood Frwy 7-1-55 62356 ' Olyrapic Freeway 7-12-56 706I3'. bet Lankershira & Kling-BPV/ sub Ext- WLA Area- Calif State Divsn for app Freeway agreemt- Mayor ' Hwys re pub hrg 7-16 on proposed -

Hollywood Freeway 9-26-55 70886 Olympic Freeway 8-27-56 75667 Bus raraps-BPW req approp $532.80' Robert cevitt re alternate rt compensate State Hwy Divsn for cleanino-- M.qvnr Hollywood FreewaylO-2-56 76107 Olympic Freeway 2-4-57 77799 off-ramp Beaehwood Dr - Pet BPW re ord sale prop to State maintain as. is - Dino Will.iam.«! Sly fr 8th St & Wiy fr Rio Vista Ave-SHCoOo- Mayor hollywoou Pk-,-,-ay 10-17-56 7643 Freeway 5-21-57 79409 bet oarliam olvd .'c Vintsland hve- Olympic bet St i Santa req net, with State revert V-I4OQ Ana Freeway - egrimit with State assmnt iiens to Gss Tax Bunds of Calif Hollywood Freeway ii-26-56 76866 Pasadena Freeway 12-5-55 71667 bet Lankershira Blvd & Highland Agreerat Bd Supvsrs & State •'-'ivsn Ave -BFW concurs changes Hwys prop agrrat exch prop adj to

'Hollywood Frwy 12-3-56 76944 Pomona Prwy 9-25-57 8ii95 bet Kilng St & Golden State Frwy- State Divsn of Hwys mtg E LA Jr BFW agreemt with State College Oct i8 re ioc Hollywood Freewy 12-20-56 77249 Ramona Freeway 9-4-53 60213 Burkhalter resol coraraend state Bet Indiana & Macy Sta-BP,-/ sub • Highway Corasn re const Freeways in- agrmt bet State & City re sts San Ferndo Valley relocatn Hollywood Freeway 1-14-57 77497 Raraona Freeway 6-14-54 64135 Cahuenga Bivd with Lankershim Monterey Pass Rd-Eastern Ave - Blvd etc-BFW agreerat State re Floral Dr-H Vorndran prot sraog Trafrlc Signal at intersec vie Sheriff's Camp Hollywood Frwy iu-3-i,7 81^27 Raraona Frwy 3-28-55 66197 Deba resol var depts expedite Cornwell St-Charlotte St-Debs conatr barriers prevent accidents sub pet Lewis Food Co-D' Lewis req eity vac area bdd by Inglewood Freeway 11-19-53 61235 Reseda Freeway 1-25-55 67257 Kahn resol change name to bet Ventura Blvd & Pacific Coast 'Los Angeles Airport Freeway' Hwy-BPW rec estab Rustlc-Temescal Canypn as Rt . Inglewood Freeway 11-30-53 61363 -Riverside Pkwy 12-29-53 53528 Les Frank suggest rename to Glendale Blvd to Santa Ana Pkwy Southwest Freeway nr Vignes St -^sug better route than proposed #4 - Eng Long Beach Freeway 10-31-55 71407 Riverside Freeway 9-21-53 60422 W&P Dept resol 103 grant easrat St Joseph Hosp resol prot const to State over prop re in vie bong Beach Prwy 3-13-57 79275 Riverside Freeway 2-6-54 62356 vie Garfield Ave- W&F Dept resol Protest portion in Toluca Lake 928 re sale prop to State 2 easmts, Dist (Hiddei-i Village Freeway) re constr Marina Freeway 9-29-54 26760 Riverside 2-9-514- 62356 from Lincoln blvd to Sepulveda Freeway var routes-Mo Lewis E Blvd near Centinela-relocatn as Arnold att Calif State Hwy Corasn Route 60 meetin.°-.-Sacramento Calif Marina Freeway ' 7-17-56 75o8l bet San '^iego Frwy & Lincoln Blvc Riverside Parkway (Ventura Freeway; Plan Comsn PC 7473 amend Master - .-; Connect with Foothill i31va Flan Frwy re,alignment (Bob Symonds coiiuuun) 45989 Locutn re F.ollywd Pkway 540S2 Olympic Free-.vay 12-17-53 61628 Toluca Lake protest 54561 bet Adams & '..Washington Blvds- No Hollywood Comt 54561 L A Urban League protest proposed location Riverside Freev/ay 7-14-54 62356=,r;v Santa Ana Frwy 7 bet San Fndo & Sepulveda Blvd- at Soto-& Atlantic-City agrrat Eng rept re location . State City share $750 Ltg,off-rarap CIP.- CAO , . . ^ Freeway-Riverside 3-23-54 41079 •j Santa Ana Frwy 9-25-56 7604-7, through Griffith Park-req bet i.yon St & Kearney St- City State place on high priority to- , agrrant with State re-"ratnce alleviate traffic hazards Hiverslde-Ventura 7-14-54 62356 i Freeway 5-21-57 79409 ' Freeway bet San Fndo Freevray & Santa Monica (Olympic) bet Koo^H• Sepulveda Blvd- yic Griffith Park ' St & Santa Ana Fmay - agrmi'it •^ .. isi.t'ci. Rtatp. Calif Hiverside Freeway 1-26-55 67284 '. Sepuiveda Freeway 1-26-53 56367 & San Fernando Preeways-R M '» m Orange & L A Counties near .Burmeister views on .Rt El Toro .& -flprence Ave„ •Calil Highway Comsn Riverside Freeway 2-24-55 67694 Sepulveda Freev/ay 8-13-53 59813 bet Glendale City & Burbank Cityi Bet V/aterford St & Casiano Rd- nr Mariposa St- BPV/ agreemt with ' BPV/ rec app State Hlway Divsn 5tate re revised plans re const Riverside-Ventura 7-1-55 52356 Sepulveda Freeway 9-17-53 60384 Freeway bet Beaehwood Dr & Routing bet ,Rt 2 Freeway & Rt 4 Sepulveda Frwy-BPW sub for app Freeway near San Fernando -, Vnppua\T QcrrApmh- . Reservoir - State Hiway EnE san ""lego Freeway 5-19-55 6/^0 Sepulveda Freeway 1-22-54 62128 SPW req app ext Burbank Blvd Re install sewers & Paving across San l^fiego Prwy-abnd Geer A 01 In interchatif-e. ,fac H&rr-^'" San Diego Freeway 6-10-55 69362 Free-.vay - Sepulveda 1-22-54 62123 ;, Senulveda Blvd & Sunset B Ivd- ,,; Re install se-,';ers k paving - . , V/.y:nan resol State Hwy cnnt-"nl -'ust George A Olin vie re con,it San Diego Frwy 10-4-55 71025 Freeway 5-11-54 60364 RPW agrrat cross thru US Vets v. Sepulveda-H Morrell sub pet fr Admin prop vie 'rfilshlre Blvd- E Hughes req pub hrg \ San" Diego Freeway 7/20/56 751.60 Senulveda 6-30-54 64440 Bd P viks execute agrr.ait bet Pub Freeway & Ventura Freeway-BPW V/ks State & City re Pre agreerat with State re relocation Valley Vista k Bui'banK .^.i..^.. - of streets San Diego Freeway 7-24-56 66790 Sepulveda 8-9-54 64942 bet i.'lorence Ave & Compton Blvd-i, Freeway-BPW agreerat with State agrmt bet City & State Dept Pub Wks re Eng work on ptns

san Diego Freeway 9-12-56 69650 Sepulveda Freeway 12-20-54 66790 :, sCPA corat deny quitclaim & Eng ' ... j„ bet Salmon Ave & Impi.rial-BPW est re opehtftg Exposition Blvd bet' agreemt Calif State Dept PWks re "', .Seculvedp B.lvd & Sawtelle - closure var City Sts for const san Piego Frwy 11-19-56 76768 Sepulveda Freewy 12-28-54 66871 bet Waterford St & Pepper Ave- vie Barman-Preeman Ave-BPW agrmt CAO approp $2800 CIF re sidewalks . State I'i vsn Hwys for closure city - •U oiAn .... - I st.s re const of San ""lego Prwy 12-18-56 77212 Terminal Island Fry9-l6-55 70773 r/w- BFW agreemt with State re BPW auth a:cq quitclaim deed Par cost No Central Outfall Sewer 1 adj Henry Ford Ave re

san Diego Freeway 3-i4-57 78362 Terrainal Island 3-12-56 73190 bet Cashmere St & Venice Bivd- BPW agreemt State Dept Pub Wks re - Freeway-BPW auth aoq State prop modification required for const San Diego Prwy 6-18-57 ' 798: Ventura Freeway 3-2-53 57259 bet weddington St & Cashmere Su Woodman to Van Nuys Blvd-Req N of Mnraga Dr-BPW resol req hre: reroute ptn Hollywood Freeway- state eonstr grade Separation Eunice Kni~ht Saunders School 'San Diego Prwy 9-25-57 79832 Ventura Freeway, 2-23-54 62546 bet Cashmere st & Ventura Bivd- & De Soto Ave-Eng rec Ccl req BFW sub prop Frwy Agrmt State Hwy Corasn re connection

San Diego Freeway' 10-10-57 31634 Ventura Freeway 5/20/54 63821 bet Sunset & I'.'aterford St-pet cif Agrmnt re eng work bet City LA name to Brentwood Glen Drive - & State Dept P Wks-Golden Stat? Freeway & 'ii.(ll Exley et al San Fernando Frwy 1-25-55 67284 Ventura ^-Freeway 6-30-54 64440 , & Hiverside Preeway-R M Burmeistei, & Sepulveda',Freeway-BPW agreerat - views-on Rt with State re relocation of sts:.

Freeway-Santa Ana 6-19-53 58947 Ventura Freeway 1-5-55 66977 State Hieh',,jay Comsn advise route-^ bet Sepulveda & Calabasaa-Resol in L A Co bet Rt'166 & Huntington^ Drive Burkhalter-Eng rept re const Santa Ana Freeway7-26-54 64754 Ventura Freeway 1-5-55 66977~i fr Kearney St to 7th St-Eng ' bet Vineland & Sepulveda- agrmt for ratnce begin 4-21-54 ^ .Burkhalter resol Eng Rgpt re const Saita Ana Freewy 1-20-55 67209 bet Alameda St & Grand Ave-Calif Ventura-Riverside 7-1-55 62356 1 State Div.Hwy re City assume ratnci Freeway bet Beaehwood Dr & Sepulveda Frwy-BEW sub for app _ landscaping -BPW Freeway agreerat- Mayor Ventura Freeway 6-1-56 64440 '^ Frylngpen-Arkansas 3-28-55 68207"';^ Resol raodify agreerat re const Proj now in Congress-Navarro DeSoto Ave grade separation at resol Ccl req oppose H R 270 & Serran.ia Ave Ventura Freeway 6-18-56 74660 Fuel Lines 1-16-57 77548 , Rec & Pks Dept reaol 2007-Q-claii. LA Internatl Airport-Airport Deed ptn prop re Sepulved^ Dara Pk Comsnrs Bd AO-387 agrerat Standard , Oil Co Install- Bd Ref Powers 'Ventura Freeway 6-29-56 74829 Fuel Oil' 11-9-55 71531 CAO approp Ill.fcOOOconst 3 sewer W&P Comanrs Bd resol 383 req app cross at Ponce Ave-Shoup Ave- burning for oper Harbor Steara Mu.-l.ho n and Viv- p-| rnt-Urcrert Mar.Paaitv. Ventura Freeway 5-6-57 79204 Fuel Oil 11-23-55 71729 II bet Sepulveda-Encino-Rec & Fks W&P Corasnrs Bd resol 430 re burn oii line Vic to'Genl Petro Corp thru 4-30-56-oper Harbor-Valley- - Seal Beach Steara plant-Urfeent Nee IVentura Prwy 6-19-57 62356 'Fuel Tax-Calif Use 1-24-55 6723l' , Bd F/Wks req agrmt prov frontage State bd of Equallzatn trans Rd Nly side bet Willow Crest Ave appl re use diesel fuel by City & Car'twrlKht Ave or County vehicles ' Ventura Freeway 9-16-57 6444C Fulton Jr High 11-13-53 61150 I Agreemt re frontage Rd bet School-Bd of Education req TiiJuncR Ave & Krsi't Aye-"alce" reso sidewalks - Kester & Valerio Sts - State Hw^' nmenH Ventura Frwy 9-24-57 6i352 bet Dunram Ave & Wiy-Woodiand Fumes Homes chg zone S side-FC 6l;42 Se_e Obnoxious Fumes Apoeal Free World 4-9-56 73594 Fundamentals of 7-29-54 648IO Friendshio Week- Wilkinson resol . Traff Eng-Institute Trans & Traf Eng Ext UCLA Aug 23-27 - BPW designate Apr 22-28 Spitz Salem att Freeze 4-10-56 72694 Funds- City pos Lic & Sales Tax Divsn-amend See also Controller's Kenort file 69592- CAO rept ' City !"'unds '"Freeze" 12-17-57 82624 .wunds 2-25-53 57190 Mayor rec amend Sec i5 salary City LA- Sub rept cond Jan 31 Stand Ord re all vac pos 1953 -Cont French Colony of 6-27-55 69576 Funds 7-3-53 59137 So Calif-perraisslon raise Flag §3,049,000 fr Power Rev Pund to • on Bastille.Day 7/l4/55-Dr Engel City Reserve & §1,006,000 to Gen- '- Pres- Resol #3 consents to Ord -W&P Fresno " 5-5-54 63575 Funds 9-29-53 60534 Clerks institute June 24-25-54 / As of 5-30-53- Statemnt of League of Calif Cities Receipts Disburseraents & Balances -Treasure: Fresno 5-26-54 63950 Funds 10-2-53 6O6O6 Mtg Natn'l Assn of Sanitarians Controller & Treas req auth make 6-3-4-5/54-Bd Hlth ^omsnrs ree app var emp att - Mayor transfers not over $5,000,000 to ^ meet City expenses Fresno 12-8-54 66619 Funds -ll-lS-53 612IO Bd Animal Reg auth 4 emp att Uayor req defer approp,fron Regional Shelter Workers Conf Un&ppi-op bal or Reserve Fund 12-17-16- Mayor until CAO rinanrlf.'l KnHU-..;-!.! Fresno 1-11-55 67O38 Funds - 2-25-54 62616 mtg The Calif Rural Hlth Council Controller sub rept Cond Funds -' Feb 11-12-Calif State Dept Pub L A City Jan 3I 54 H-lth invite oarticlrate Fresno 11-23-55 66619 Funds 3-2-54 62668 conf Regional Shelter Workers- Traff Corasnrs Rd req trans fr 12/2-3- Aniraal Reg Dept auth 5 emp Traff Sig Acct 65? to Contraci a tt Ser Acct 304-re Hill St Cable-.-.c,,-^ .^resno 1-24-56 68I1I Funds 3-9-54 62764 I Conf Amer Ins.t of Planners-l/27- BPW req anprop fr PIF re imp 28-Plan Dept auth Roborts-Srauts- , Western Diet Refuse Colieetion Yd ', .Wall-Platt att conf 2016i--2032 Granville k-7e Friant Dara 5-6-56 74O41 Funds 3-9-54 6276; & San Joaquin Valley-Hahn .rao •I' B&S Comsn ree aoprop to Exp acc >. Harby visit re info on Feather TKnn Pnh Pimd & R/W Ld Fund River Prni re new Qtrs-10067 Com.n.eree-Tujunga "Friendly 10-22-56 ^ 76425 Funds 3-9-54 62783 " Ferauaslon" Week- Wov 1- Gibson a BPV) req trans fu.nds fr Sal Aoc , I resol re Wra Wyiers film 102 & EXD ace 307-Pin lot & Parkiiiay cleaning prog-San Ferndo Friendship Day 8-20-57 8085o Funds 3-9-54 62765 Camp- Koybal resol commend re ;H BPV/ req trans v7500 to Sanitati(ni\. outstanding work ^ Fund re Chomio.Tls .for Odor..? in . Valley Outfall Sewer-Muyor Fringe Benefits 4-16-56 73737 Funds 3-12-54 62833 -for City Emp- City-Co-State Erap :.. Atty Ord approp fr PIF & BPW Union Local 3IJ.7 pet adj- sick lv- ^ proceed re drainage Lots l&P tr Hlth nlan-carfare etc 14465-11709 Canton Pl Fin Corat 'Fringe rarking 3-13-57 783b7 Funds 3-12-54 62847 re mass transportation- Debs Trans var accts fr Pub Util H. resol consolidate studies of Bds "' Trans Pund to Exec Dept Clv Def Fund-Bd PU&Trans req-Mavor Fund 3-l5-5lf 29970-^^^ Funds . 9-19-56 7597/1^-^ I Sewer Assmt Purchase Revolving ^ Controller req auth use prov 1 Fund-BPW-Bur of Assrat re status State re use other than revenue F- ' ren Sk-mn.OOO credit to Fund-Mavor .re Salary etc . . Funds . 3-17-54 62896 Funds 10-30-56 76534' Trans TSF to Bur St Mtnce Pund- Atty re estab Pub Mabllity Pd irap walkway & guardrail-Centinela $3000 to settle ciaims to $400 Blvd-PW Comt & Fin-Ord annrnn S.KOO Fund 3-IE-54 60661 Funds 2-26-57 76093 BPV/-re Pur Co prop-Par 1290 Lot . Cont re cond of funds as of 326-Tr 12,175-$35 approp Exp Acc 413 R/W Land Fund-Mayor Jan. 31- 1957 Funds 3-ie-54 62925 , ^Funds 3-5=57 78226! :J Gen City Purposes- -''in Comt .- Charity-Harby resol Social approp I5o0 Ciaims Account re .Service Comsn re Appraise Handling- Ciairas under $100 Funds _ 3-24-54 62994 Funds 7-1-57 8O0O4 CAO reapprop 1956-57 Cap Imp \ Dd Pol Corasru'S req exerapt bal Frogram reverting June 30 1957 Exp Acct 329 fr Charter prvsns ^T"^ . 3-24-54 62998 Funds iu-1-57 61465 Traff Cont auth use prov Sec 31 Art iV' Corasnr ... . „ ., utilities Olive St bet Teraple & 1; btate Constitution permit use re ' salarv etc . Funds ^, ^ 3-29-54 63074 Funeral proces3ions4-5-55 68340 Trans ^|;4t0 Bur Eng Fund Acets- :" E G Studley & 5 emp att mtg Calif -• on freeways- B Miller objects to Sewage & Ind I'/astes-Sacramento-BPV/ Furniture 10-7-55 71081 -Ainds 4-1-54 63112 Hahm mo re furniture available LA Co Sheriff Off sub invoice for the Metro Press rooBS

Funds 4-2-54 63135 Future Streets 11-15-54 66295 City Clerk trans $75,000-^45,000 R W LaBerteaux off ded prop fr City Clerk Elect Pund-$39,900, Haskell Ave to E Bndry Tr 15012 re- Elect Exp Fund-Election 6-6-54 Danube St Funds 4-2-54 63151 Future Street 2-3-55 ' 67420 BPW req approp $115,000 to Sal BPV/ adopt resol acc Lot 62 Tr Acet Bur Eng Fund-Mayor 16846 as pub st Woodcliff Rd S of ' Deerhorn Dr Future St 2-3-55 6742I Mayor rec aoprop &153,000 reconst Hartland St & Bassett St-BPW bridges LA River Channel, bet ,^ resol ace as pub Sts Tr 19077 Seoulveda Basin & Rededa Blvd Funds 4-13-54 63285 Future St 6-3-55 69245 CAO Rec trans fr St Mtnee Bur S Barnes pet for ded Toluca §11,000 & Bur Pub Bldgs $5,000 to , Estates Dr for private St- Exec Dept C D Sal Acct-Mayor , Funds 4-13-54 63286 Puture Streets 2-10-55 72749 Trans $72,300 bet accts St Mtnce' Eng & Surveying Co req Pund-BPW- Mayor '^ . clarification of 1' dedications Future St 2-24-56 72959 Funds 4-21-54 63387 LA Harbor Jr College-Mrs Whedon trans fr Dept of Water & Power sug narae st bet frwy & College- to reserve fund of City- Figueroa Pl James B Acnew re Funds - 4-26-54 63461 Future Sts 3-8-56 73135 BPW resol acc in N half Hartland Controller sub est revenue other St W of Sunnyslope Ave -, than prop tax-1954-55 ^ Funds 5-11-54 63""' Future Sts 5-16-56 74173 },ousing Auth LA coramun fr Mayor BFW resol ace future sts var lots re ^290,000 loan fr Reserve Pund Tr 12033 - known as Century Bivd ' (re navraents) Funds 5-25-54 63690 Future Streets 5-31-56 7i^404• Eng resol acceptance complete Mayor rec trans 1^750 re visit var subdivsns Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassiei T P.ands 6-7-54 64051 Future Streets 8-24-56 75664 BPW acq cond easmts etc for Pub BPW rec alloc fr Traff. Safety Stsfr Burbank Bivd Sly to Nly ^ f'und to Gas Tax Fund be cancelled ' -•-.«rm1nna WnnHlnlffi Ave- re oro.i not performed Future Street 9-11-56 75836 Funds 10-11-54 .65777 Delta Engineering & Surveying Controller sug trans $7,500,000 Tr 13232®'^ future St as pub St in '' bet balances In city treas until Co taxes available .in Nov ^"H^«^^ 'Funds 7-8-55 69760 Harman Rasno w &. AssoH-5c7 req va78208c : W&P Dept resol #12-0rd trans of Sly fr Del Moreno Dr Ely Natoma Av, funds 1955-56 to Reserve Pund of -- City $3,432,000 & Gen Fd $1,208,00 Jules Lander Funds 7-19-55 64357 Future streets ' 5128-57' 79546 Approp £-10,000 to new account , .or alleys-rec procedures re for National Safety Council for issuance bldg permits for areas .1955-56 , , to be required for above Funds 7-29-55 70057 Cont trans count Pub moneys US Treasury obligations 7-5-55- $63,169,475. 19 Gadget-of-the- 1-3-56 72215^-^ A ardena-City or i(«M!«naXU/XUIJJa ,x.ijTjjj V Month-Club- / H MacMullan req Co Bndry Comsn advise annexatn _ info re property Strawberry Park AnnexatrT No. 3 of Gardena Gai Carapanella 5-29-56 74371 "oardena Branch 3-22-57 78533", storra Drain S of Colorado Bivd ' ' Library- LA Pub Library sub reso) W San Ferndo Rd-Glendale City plan 1957-36 re conderantH par i re & spec const ptn- BPV/ sub _ freeway Ganbling 11-3-53 61009 Gardena City 2-11^-56 71095 Bd Poiice Comsnrs pet amend HC 1 LA Co Boundary Comsn advisis prop Sec 43.13 & add Sec 43.13-1 annex Strawberry Pk Terr #4 & Rosecrans Terr vk .Gambling 9-10-57 8iio6 Gardena fcity 7-10-56 74943 Foi Comsn amend MC add Sec 43.13 prop annex Manahattan Territory .2 titled "Fresent at Gambling" #3- LA Co Boundary Corasn Mayor Garage- City 5ardena City 10-19-56 76411 •-"-- City Garap;e prop annex Aiondra Fark- LA CO ^.drv Cnjjsn re Garages 10-30-53 60981 Gardena City 1-4-57 77376 Parking - B&S Comsn- req amend Resol re raethods conduct sewage Bldg Code - Mayor disposal to perserve beach area

'Garages 4-28-55 n 66596 Gardena City 10-17-57 8i725 Swimming. Pools etc-Plan Comsn BPW approp §1,14.50 re center atri-, PC 6261 mend to "oning Ord re Vermont Ave bet ij9th & S of Accessory Bldgs Rosecrana Ave- CAO Garage 6-26-56 74798 Gardena Tract 9-18-56 75943 City Park- Navarro rao .CAO stu^ in Co- BPW req auth issue spec rent Broi-m-Perguson & Lloyd re . perrait connect sewer to-line in balance sheet- '-'iBueraa St Garage ll-13-;37 5ii5b8 Gardener Caretaker 10-7-54 63776 LA County-Bd bupvsrs contr Victor, Gruen & Assoc for passageways CAO repf re salary adjustment under Grand Ave 5520,OuO Garage Attendant 4-13-53 57912 Gardening Group 5/18/54 63776 1 overtime 4-7 & 8 Custodial Debs mo CAO review Sal Rec for Divsn- BPV/ req auth emp -CAO 1954-55 k submit rept re - Group #212 Garage Attendants 4-13-53 57913 Garfield High 11-15-54 66256 5 service cars for eleetn-Req Sch Press Club-req co-op re • auth overtime -CAO adverse crlticisra of East Side n tl.. ^c»n1-.«. Garage' Attendants 5-11-53 58334 Gas 7-30-57 80521 5- BPW req advance overtime . Natural-Burkhalter resoi urge May 26 & 27(Election) -CAO Fub Util Corasn app inc use to Minimize smog '"Garage Attendant 5-27-53 56596 1 overtime 5-26-53(Election)- BPW req auth enp in Custodial See. al-so. Gasoline Divsn -CAO 'Garage Attendant ll-9r53 61081 Gas Rates 1-6-53 56552 BPW req advance overtime auth Pinal dispositn So Calif Gas Co for 11-7-53 - CAO appl ino-Pub Util Comsn App 32675 -PU&Trans Bd Garage Attendant 1-24-55 64400 Gas 7-23-53 59455 at 7th St Shops Bur St Mtnce-3PW' Rates-Sub rept PU Comsn req realloc pos Decision 48833 on appl Southern Counties Gas Co #XXX\.a. inc.vaaaa Garage Attendants 5-26-55 59128 Gas Rates 12-23-53 61507 Mayor auth erap overtime May 31 PU&T req appear before Fed Power for. Election Divsn Comsn Wash DC - $1800 expense

lisrage Att'endant 11-25-55 69600 Gas 9-7-54 65301 6 Sr Garage Attendant-delete fror rates Increase- SQ Counties Gas Stand Ord Co of Calif Appl for General inc •

Garbage 1-13/54 62003 Gas Rates 11-15-54 66253 & Non-eora-Dustible rubbish-Debs Bd Pub Util & Trans Decision mo BPW review contract L A By­ 50742 re increase by So Calif Gas products Co Garbage disposal 3-23-54 62977 Gas Rates 11-15-54 -66254 plant -Incinerators-Northridge Nornetta Eraans prot estab appl Pac i-lghtlng Gas Supply Co increase Jarbage Disposal 2-4-55 57402 Gas rates 12-10-54 66657 Units-Debs rao no permits to ' Pac Lighting Gas Supply Co sppl ccnncct 'intil Eci-cr Hrg 2-6-5'^ increase-State Pub Util Corasn decision re- Attorney Garbage Sisposal 8-12-55 70282 Gas service 6-14-57 79783 Units-Harby resol consider Ord W&F Dept req auth contr with require in new bl-dg—Housekeeping So Calif Gas Co & So Co Gas Co units ... _ Garden Grove Aye 12-6-55 71917 Gas fax • 7-20-53 59'367 j^lemenfeary Sch-'Wllkinson resol •Aid To Cities' apportionmnt install sidewalks on Valerio St & 1952-53- LA Co Road Dopt sub Garden Grove Ave _ budget approp Gas Tax- 10-25-55 7132J-^>*. Gas Tax ^unds 7-8-55 64l8r'-s^ Aid to Cities-LA' Co Rd Dept . ' for 1955-56-Major City Sts-BPW Advise policy to continue Sub Memorandum of agreemt for • Gas Tax 9-4-53 ' ,^487 'Gas Tax Punds 9-l6-:55 67257. Allocatn for Major City Sts 1 CAO rec alloc $7500 r.e fin aerial Eng sub 1st sup Memo of Agrmt survey of Reseda Freeway Rt Gas Tax Funds io/f/55 ' 71088 • "Gas Tax-lA 7-27-53 59535, ' Eng sub 5th Supl Kerao of Agrmnt • ' Henry mo Chf Legis Analyst co-op fnr .state 'fi-iwnv.o fl p c.o?. .-"•" 1°48 with Henry compile data re census'to increase alloc .of - ,Gas Tax . 5-16-54 6418I • Gas Tax Fund 2-28-56 72995 alloc 1954-55 re mtnee sts- ' CAO rec neg State Divsn Hiwys re'- SC&FA eorat neg for $2,476,164 - ^ $1,400 pave Reseda Blvd N of -Stqtfi nent PW ..Rosco.e Blvd iGasollne Tax 12-3-54 6556 iGas Tax Funds 4-2-66 73472• increase for bus & rail trar I The Presbytery of LA req re pave trans to elira sraog-B Brewer sub S side Van Owen St Ely Corbin Ave nlan .Wilkinson, sub req . . Gas Tax . 7-5-55 69712 Gas Tax Punds 1 ' & In Lieu Tax- Mayor rec Special Census re revenue frora storm drain 3rd St bet Detroit St - I & Gardner st- Mayor Gas Tax 7-16-57 80240 Gas Tax Fund 7-25-56 75250, & Sales tax- City Torrance req ,. & PIf- BPW req approp $16,0100 re League of Ca if Citie.s exempt imp 3rd Place bet Olive .St & Grand cities paymt of tax Mayor Gas Tax 7-6-54 64475 Gas Tax Pds 7-30-56 64409 2j/-spend in LA -B Carpenter prot i I CAO neg $40,000 re Traff Islands' V:A. ban of Trucks on Freeways & sug At Burbank Blvd & irap Lankershira Blvd at Vineland Ave Gas Tax Funds 11-6-53 61075 Gas Tax Punds 7-30-56 75287' Henry mo City req State use motcr J CAO neg $37,000 & $3000 cap imp • rPFi.'^trstn in.qt^pd nf annul a tn fm. prog const culvert'Roscoe Blvd apportionment gas tax funds 4 •.*•:• over _Pacoima Wash Gas Tax Funds 2-25-54 55521 To imp Alpine St bet Alameda & ' IGas Tax Fund 8-13-56 707701 N Spring St-Req Eng neg State Eng neg State $8,5oO realign 0' cor Cochran Ave-Venlce ^Ivd-CAO If' Gas Tax Fund 6-7-54 6405I .Gas Tax Punds 11-27-56 76883 fr Traff Safety Pund-BPW rec ••'r fr Co- LA Co Rd Dept revised '-« alloc of funds be cancelled re poiicy & rules governing "id to proj not perforraed Citie.s C-as.Tax Fund 5-7-53 - 58290 Gas Tax F.iijds 12-13-56 77151 Money- & relatn to Special , Baker rao neg $ho,0oo fr State re Census- Ho be ref to. Sacramento irap Moorpark St & Vineiand Ave LcKis Rep -Holland bet Ventura Bivd & Chandler as Tax Funds 7-2-53 59122 Gas T^ Funds 1-28-57 777^ ^^8l,250- Rec BTO neg with Calif State Pub Wks Dept est 1957-1958 Hiways Divsn for imp unpaved maj -. 5/6i sts .-Mayor ' Gas Tax Funds 9-3-53 '6OI8O iGas Tax Punds 2-4-57 77795' Use to imp Roscoe Blvd fr ( "ilkinson reaol BPW neg State Hayvenhurst to Balboa-P Gillelen 175,400 re imp Victory Bivd fr for Anheuser-Busch rea . fepulveda to Balboa Bivd Gas Tax Fund 8-16-51+ 65067 Gas Tax Punds 2-e 8-57 78l44 Eng nee State PV/ks Dept re , CAO rec neg state $3i,7o0 re imp alloc fr •l954-55-Major Streets - Santa Barbara Ave & Coliseum St SC&FA,Comt ( Imp Dist;- Gas Tax Punds 4-18-57 6418I^ Gas Tax Funds 10-18-54 65687 for Major City Sts- 1956-57-SCPA BPW approp $2500 re bldg 1373 S Comt rec app 2nd Supl Memo of Agmt' Alvarado-imp Hoover St bet Pico & $3.0h^.96iL. ... . Venice Blvd-Mayor Gas Tax Funds 8-15-57 8o793' Gas Tax Funds . 12-17-54 66782 1957-58- SCFA Corat req neg state, Major St-BPW neg State Pl-)ks Dept $1,737,102 Wentworth Ave bet $99,500 & $40,500 imp 6th St I • Foothlii-S.tonehurst-il others Beaudry & Vermont-Davenport Gas Tax Punds ' 12-17-54 66761 Gas Tax Funds 8-29-57 77117 Major St-alloc $43,750 Cap I BPW re $2500 avail pave N side Prog re 3rd St bet Detroit & Vnnowen St Wly fr Slade .^ve- rayor Gardener -Henry . _ Gas Tax Funds 1-11-55 67046 - Gus Tax Pds 9-19-57 RipPf. CAO approp $5,500 for irap of Burkhalter resoi BPW neg stafe Santa,Monica Blvd bet Myra & re irap E side Vineiand Ave bet Feachgrove-Otsego- 5fiO,00.O I _ .WfiHtprn Ave .... . _ . Gas Tax Funds 1-26-55 (^-.nn. Gas Tax ' " ' 7-31-57 '77714 State Fub Wks Dept adv alloc Eng neg State Diy Hwys $43, 5/6c/. Master List Cap Irap Proj- CA.O... end June 30,57-$!,614,963.65 •Gas Tax Funds 3-22-55 b&ioi Gas Tax ^'unds 10-31-57 777i4j $13,500 & Traff Safety $13,500- . state alloc 5/80 gaa tax qtr end ^ity neg State Dlv Hwys re storm aept 30 i#l,786,ii8.42 drain Los Angeles St-llth t_o Pico Gas Tax Funds-5/3# 5-23-55' 64I8I Gas Tax Punds 11-21-57 622771 . Eng negotiate with State for Caiif Water & Telephone Co approi S;5,955,990 from Major City Street fds complete irap Borden Ave & . Poik St General Manager 12-11-53 6l531-«5 X Gas Tax Projects 11-27-56 76886-^-^^/1. Dept-of Traffic-Mayor req amend . (19)-SCFA Corat rec Eng neg State Sal Stand Ord estab sal $15,000 for 1956-57 Sas Traps 8-2-55 70100 General Managers 9-15-55 70755 LA Co Sanitation Dist re Install & other pos- Mayor rec app fr lateral sewers Salary increase for Dept pers Gen Mgr Traff Dept6-26-56 74799 Gases- Obnoxious Henry mo rept re funds for sign See. Obnoxious Gases posting work

/ Gasoline 12-1-53 61396 Gen Mgr Traff Dept i2-20-57 82676 Re advertising for bids for Sam Taylor-Mayor appt Jan i- / purch supplies for 1954 - Harby realg Lloyd Braff mo htty contact Purch Agent Gasoline ' 6-12-57 .80716 Gen Mun Blectlon 4-18-57 78929 .w price war- so Calif serviee Atty draft Ord re holding Station Assn , req halt Election- May 28, 1957

Gasoline 6-l4-57 6y(bi Geneva 2-9-56 72741 Burkhalter resoi invite Pord Gibson congrat Blase Bonpane re Motor Co rept Ccl re reducing represent US re Comt European Hydro-carbons . Mic^ratlon Gates 3-1-56 73043 Geneva 2-23-56 72950 3-cros'sing of UPRR Co-N Main St - Switzerland-Bd PU&Trans req app vie Albion St-PU&T Bd rec inatall abs fr City Compnr Blaae Bonpane- Alloc. $12,452 . . att mtK- Mavor ' Ge.neral City 7-23-53 59469 Geological^ 1-15-57 74215 Hazards Corat-G Schroter -rec estat Purposes- Req City Clerk c" boardULA City Bd of Qualification demands against new acct of Professional GeoloRlsts" -Cnntrnlli.. General City 3-5-57 78226 Geological HaBard3i-29-57 75675 Purposes Pd-Fin Comt approp $500 Comt of LA- rec Cci provide fds Ciaims Account re clairas under study landslide cond Pacific $100 FallsB.des area General Counsel 6-6-55 69318 Geological 7-1-57 80OO6 to regents of Univ of Calif- Hazards Comt- Req not adopt new Debs resol coraraend Superior Ct , made by Comt Judge Thoraas Cunningham on pos of ??^ba?5liiisy''y Jeneral Pund 7-3-53 59137 Geological Purvey 1-9-56 72292 $1,006,000 trans fr Power Rev on Hillside area-Baker sesol Fund-Resol #3 consents to Ord B&S Dept rept re req on issue of -W&P npT-m^ T General Fund 6-30-55 69643 Geologists 9-5-56 72068 Tax-Deeded Prop Fund- Perraanent Mayors message approp $2500 emp Imp ^'und-CAO rec reapprop var arati" re survey oil drill 20th Century rft Cnn-itel Imn Proeram Pox & Rancho Pk- General Funds 7-6-55 69760 GeoloRists 1-15-57 74215 W&P Dept resol #12-0rd trans Pds G Schroter rec estab "LA City Bd 1955-56 $1,208,600 & to Reserve of Qualification of Professional Fund $3,432,000 Geoloaists" General Fund- 6-27656 74774 Geometric Design 6-17-55 69465 Tax-Deeded Frop Fd-PIPd-CAO & Interstate Hwy aystera conf- San ^lego June 22-H "inter-Bur rea pprop var arats re Cap Irap Eng att General Fund 9-13-55 759o/| "Get-Out-The-Vote" iO-29-56 76519 W&P Dept re.-,oi nij trans fds- Week- Holland resoi Oct 3i thru *i,391,000 & $3,607,000 to Reservt "ov 6 Fund -fis yr 1956-57 General P'und iO-ii-57 6I494 Ghana 3-6-57 78252 His Excellency Kwame Nkruraah W&F Comsn resol 250 auth trans Prime Minister- Hahn resol best Si,431,000 fr Water Revenue Fd & " .wishe,9 Trans !|ti.),97l,0uO Gia Carapanella 5-29-56 7/i371 Genl Hospital 10-16-53 60784 • Drain S of Colorado Blvd-W San Bd Supvsrs sub rept re develop Perndo Rd-Giendale City plans & Road Net for relief of traffic spec canst ptn- BFW bub cnneestion General Managers 3-25-53 48996 Gift 7-8-57 80105 Standardizatn of salaries-Rec fr John Melville of Mayfair Products-Bd Hith Comsnrs acc cift Charter Araend 5-26-53 electn Meyor -Shaking device General Manager 8-17-53 59841 Girls Day 1-24-56 72513 Traffic Dept- Rec estab salary in Governraent-req use Ccl at |l5,000 per yr -Pers Corat Charabers 3-13-56- Henry rao General Manager 11-4-53 61037 Girl Scouts 1-29-54 62215 of Dept of Treffie-Req $750 Debs resol commending & req buy •approp to reimburse candidates ' cookies Feb 19-27-54 interviev/ing for positn-Mayor General Hgrs 8-19-53 59925 iri Scout Cookie 1-27-55 67307 . City Depts-Amend Sal Stand Ord Sale Peb 18 thru 26- Navarro re fix salaries -Atty resol General Manager 12-11-53 6I530 Girl Scouts' 5-20-55 66946 ' of Dept of Traffic-Mayor appoint of LA Thanks Ccl for resol re Lloyd M Braff straw hat day Girl Scout Week 2-6-56 72720-^-'i Goleta. 5-10-56 74c74^j Santa Barbara-conf Human reiatior Gibson resol Cel endorse- in Supervision-June 10-i3-Hith Feb 17-25 & Cookie Sale . De,r)t req 12 nurses att- CAQ Girl scout . 1-9-57 77439 Golf 3-29-56 73434^ Cookie Week- C Fieiohman req . ,Harby resol Atty study extra feei resol designate Feb 6 to 15 non-residents use City golf gae Go'lf""Cours"e "" r-l3-53 3 - 55642 , Glacier Lodge Rd 5-15-56 74142 : At LA Municipal Airport-Ho Bd W&F Comsnrs resol 984 auth easmt' Airport Comsn rept to Ccl re prop , Inyo Co re realignment private const -Timberlake Giassell Dlst . 9-24-57 J tGolf Course 7-21-54 64712I & other dlsts-Flan Comsn FC ^^.u-,, revenue fr- Allen resol consider estab Hgt limit zone raaps 445-446 - on Nov 1954 election re Rose Hills', 466-467-468 & Chavez Ravine Giedhiii St Sch 12-19-56 77222 ;Golf Courses 11-26-54 • 66375 " Gloria Ave Niy Vineennes St- LA i y So Calif Pub Links Golf Assn- Bd Ed req contr reimburse re sewer- Pavor prop bond issue re reereat costs develooraent- req 8 new Glendale Action 3-8-55 61917" Golf courses-Public ' 7/24/56 75194' Western States Golf Assn-Prot us, Corat on Trans-M Parker-urge City I for week-end'tournaments by Pub LA retain electric rail service- , Links Golf Assn Atwater C of C " Glendale-City 7-9-53 57339 Golf Tournament 1-23-56 72501! Heq enter agrmt & approp $7,000 LA Open- Allen mo thank LA Jr nren const drawings Tropico Dist"*- C of C & Bd Rec & Pks re Storm Or System-.Project .60 . -BFW Glendale-City of 8-4-53 4ll82 , Gonorrhea"Control 10-11-55 71122 Req informal comraitmnt fr Ccl re, ^'"luatlon of Contact Inv - ' annexatn of narrow strip of land ..-.h Dept req auth negotiat-s ior - ely bndry City LA in La Crescenta funds from P.Hlth Service Glendale 10-30-53 60973 Good Friday 3-30-53 57713 Reciprocal library services LA Breakfast by Prayer Group- I Public Library thru 12-31-56 Holland resol auth erapl attend • 7no - 9 AM in Cafeteria Glendale City 9-16-54 U1182 Good Friday 4-12-54 63249 Sub Cert copy detachment to ^ity , Mayor proclaiming 12 noon to 3 LA PM Apr l5-54-time of prayer- Davennnrt mo Glendale City -1-55 68305 Good Friday 4-5-55 66347, install water '^pr 6- Mayor proclara per 12 noon main Sunnycrest Dr•• &k other sts in to 3 PM for time of worship City LA - Mayor Good Friday " 3/28/56 73418 Glendale City 12-1-55 64409 Services-Mayor proclaim 3/30/56 •' Mayor John Lawson Prot re-route as afternoon for worship City LA traffic into his dist Glendale City 5-29-56 74371 Good Friday 4-15-57 78879 Plans & Spec const ptn Gia Mayor proclaim afternoon 4-19 Carapenella Drain S Colorado Blvd- time of worship -W San Ferndo Rd- BfW Glendale 5-8-57 79229 'Good Tiraes' 11-17-55 71656 "^irbank- Bev Hiils- BPW re adopt Pornographic advertising raatter- sewer connect regulations- reduce Roybal rao Atty investigate dlscharRos- Mavor Goodyear Industrial 4-27-53 56130 Glendaie City 5-10-57 79262 Tract- Carlow Co pet paving prop elevation Lowell Ave fr Los Olivos Ave to Santa Carlotta- RR easrats & reduce st hazards Wm Locke prot Glendale-City 7-12-57 8o202 Governmental Ap-encies W&P Dept resol 22 auth easmt for- File under pub St & Hwy IT S GOVT DEPTS & AGENCIES • Glendale-Burbank'12-I-53 " 61395 Governmental- Departments aii^ yxtjc i «pxc.c. — .— h bus service - - UEPTS & AGENCIES "^Glenoaks Addition 9-1-53' 53972 Govt Eff Comt 7-2-53' 59125 Detachment from City of Burbank Investigate payroll deductns & and proposed annexatn to L A cost to City- Mo -Allen Govt Effcy Comt 9-16-53 60353 Golden Man & Boy 4-19-55 68549 Award-Debs resol congrat re - Rec CAO conduct survey Eng Bur congrat LA Tiraes Charities & & Cont Adrain Btu- to expedite all I P Chandler . pub imp & projects Govt Effcy Comt 10-1-53 60573 Golden State .^reeway E' G Burkhalter att Congress . Freeway- Golden State New Orleans 10-26-53- 34.5A.90 exp

Golden West Lodge 6-26-55 69598 Govt Eff Corat 2-5-54 62323 Ko 66 BPOE-Pet financial aid re ^ Harby Mo-rept Ccl re Creation 1956 Nat '1 Conv in LA .Centralized Acctg Dept City L A

Golden './est 'Govt Effcy Comt 1-17-55 67143! order of the Elks- also._see rec Marvin Levin use City Car to Sacramento & San Francisco re BPOE proper naraes Rec hospital drawings Govt Eff Corat' 6-22-55 69530"^ Governor's Conf 7-19-56 75136-^^ Rec Rule 6 of City Ccl be amend Sacraraento- Fire Corasn rec Wm re elect"President of the Council' Miller att 7-23-56- CAO "Governors 1-19-56 72456 - Gov & Eff Comt 3-12-56 , 73164 - Industrial Safety Conf- San Harby rao study procedure re nominations by Mayor to offieial Francisco Feb 2-3- BPW req S Parkt att Govt Eff Comt 5-1U-57 7' Governors Traff 10-1-54 6566I Estab policy re only 3 mbrs Ccl • Safety Ccl-re muffling exhausts- excused on 1 day unless auth 2/3 ^ mtg Sacramento Oct 7-6- Atty vote Ccl D Redwine att Gov't Eff Comt & 3-12-54 62834 Governor's Traffic?-6-55 67875 Ch & Admin Code ^omt-rec Atty t Safety Conf-Eng Oivsn sub form pros Ord estab Central Pub' re traff Dept & pers & rept on relations Bur-supe"vision CAO auto crashes Gov Efficiency Comt3-17-5Ii- 62897 Governor's Traffic 10-3-55 71006 & Ch & Adrain Code Comt-Ch araend ' Safety ^onf-Sacramento 10/5-7/55 l^m%^lLlrubHU%i'^6-k-5k ' BPW auth A T Nadeau att • Governraent Eff 3-19-54 62933 Calif Governors 9-16-56 7594U 'c^ & Ch & Admin code comts-Rec conf'.. Traff Safety Conf- Sacramento re centralized examination program' 10-3-5- BPW auth C E Chandler att CAO-Chf Legis Analyst & CS Dept 3ovt Effcy & Fin 10-6-53 6063f Grades 7-28-55 70044 Comts-Rec Wilkinson att Araerican BPW rec app new grades Court St Legion Con Comsn in IndianaDoli.*- bet Hill & Grand & Olive St bet Oct 14-15 1953 Temnle fr. Court Govt Effcy & Fin 10-6-53 60639 Grade Change 1-5-53 5651t Burkiiaiter & Halm attend League Damage- Mo BR-/ study ,& rept re Calif Cities mtg San Francisco better way notify prop owners ro .. Oct 13-21 - Estes also attend -V/arburton Govt Effey & 10-20-53 60825 Grade Crossing 8-3-53 50218 Fin Corat-Auth Chas F Pait-Hlth Pierce St & So Pac El Paso Llne- Dept-attend Intnl Symposium on Req const per commun VI H Coffin Viral Infectlon-Detroit-Oct 20-23 Air Service -BPW Govt Effcy & . 11-.L-6-53 61164 Fin Coiata-Auth Holland attend Grade Crossing 12-23-53 61741 Am Uun Assn Nev; Orleans Nov & , Burkhalter Mo City Eng eons Dec-also El Paso - SiSO exoenses San Fernando Rd & Vineland Ave Govt Effcy & 11-20-53 61268 Grade Crossings 1-6-54 50218 Fin Comts-Rec Fowler Jones att So Pae Co over San Fndo Mission AivlA in, Ne-A- Orleans Nov & Dec- HIvd-Cobalt-Astoria-branford- 2-400 expenses Anninta Sts-Fair Ave- Bd PU&Tr Gov Eff & Fin 4-6-54 63169 Grade Crossing 11-18-54 66336 Corat-invest allegations Daily , protection-Calif State Pub Util . News re Sales Tax collections Comsn roprop-State Legis-$500,000 Wiener Mo Gov Eff-Fin Comt 5-12-54 63677 Grade Crossin,": 4-20-55 68563 Rec A C Estes att conf Mun Pin SpCo r/w Coldwater Canyon Ave & Off Assn-San Francisco 5-23-27 Bellaire Ave-BPW.appl with Calif State* PUtlL Coraan . Gov Eff & ^'in 8-24-54 65132 Grade Crossing 4-28-55 66741 Corat-Fowler D Jones-Chf Legis at Fletcher Dr k So Pac tracks- ' Analyst att conf Gov Research Eng rept re location & proposed Assn-Shawnee Pa & NY 9/l3-l4-l5 grade crossing Gov Eff-Pin Corat 6-25-54 65153 Grade Crossing' 7-15-55 69867 re E "urkhalter att 60th Amer ;.• ^omt-LA Co-R Jessup sug Ccl appt. Pub Wks Assn conf-Atlantic City Sept 19-22 raemb to serve -Gov Eff.& Fin Corat 5-5-55 58822 Grade crossing 7-22-55 69961 John Cibson & H Henry att sale over SP tracks-Burkhal-ter resol of .bonds re Dept W&P & study on var depts study & rept re Paxton cnrabustible rubbish -New York . St. Irao & . - . . Gov Eff & Fln Corat6-20-55 69479 Grade crossing 12-22-55 45185 Auth var emp' Traff Dept att mtg Burkiiaiter resol Co Grade Western sec Institute of Traff Eng Crossing Comt study opening u— n.i x.-^o-oi. Tir.lunea Ave-Vano-.'/en & Sherman -|Vay Gov Eff & Fin Comt9-27-56 76090: Grade Crossing 3-1-56 73045 auth Fowler Jones att Oovt research Assn ratg Oct i5-i7- bt- BPV/ re relocation Woodraan Ave

Gov Eff & Pm Corat2-28-57 . 78i69 Grade Crossings 8-24-56 75651 Rec Pres of Ccl & CAO go to Miami (4)-Bd FU&T req alloc State Fds Florida Mar 5-8 re raajor league $11,572.75 re city share costs - .ha.<»ehal.l. . Ma-irnr , Govt Projects 9-18-53 6041O Grade Crossing i-lo-57 77448 New York Chicago & Toronto- Mo Normandie Ave & 223rd St- Wra Cclmen Henry & Hahn be excused Hyson req eonstr we.ek 9-28-53 to ins.pect . -'Wiener ,Governor Calif 2-11-54 62418 "Grade Crossing 3-19-57 78452 .Debs resol Cel req hold special bet Sutter Ave & San Perndo Rd- session State Housing Aot re BPW appl to State re opening Liaht housekeeoincT Var. Paxton St ^ Governor of Calif 3-6-57 78253 Grade Crossing 7-l6-^7 60238 Roybal req acq 2 par ist St-Maln Iraperial Hwy & PE Rwy Co- State St-2nd St-Spring St- FUtll Comsn resol CP 321 alloc P892 Grade Crossings s F Co 74386^ Granada Hlils 7-6-56 74880"^-^7232 Vic Vista Dei Valle.Dr- Rec & Fk ' Anti-aircraft- Bd Airport ''pmsnrE r Corasn reaoi 2057 re W&F Dept consti Order #A0-277 lease US Eng Corp Water tank • install LA Internatl Airport - -- "" eOi:'.° Guns 11-4-53 6IO42 & Playground-Rec & Fk Comsnrs i .. Police Comsn .pet aaiend MC Sec 55... r resoi 22l0 acq par i to iu re re discharge In City limits expansion ' H R Bills - -fs-ya Harbor-San Pedro 2-3-53 5690-^^ See under House of Representa- Pereira & Luckman sub brochure of projects - Ooeanarium etc ''Hadassah Week' 8-3-54 64687 •(Harbor"" "" -6-23-53' 58989 | Aug 9 thru 16-Debs resol '^ Mo Gov Warren sign AB 2721 - proclaim toll-bridge San' Pedro to .erminal .sland - Gibson Jr "Hadassah Month" 8-15-55 70309 f'larbor " 12-18-53 ' 6i648 : Sibson resol Sept declared as : Notice Hrg reraove SP RR bridge such in LA West Basin - Army Eng Corps

iHadassah. 7-31-56 . 75312 ' Harbor ' " 12-23-53" 33226 1 Wyman resol support rabrship drivt Resol Harbor Comsn report steps taken to date develop potential oil fields in area-Davenport Hall of Health 2-3-53 56903 Harbor 7-26-5'4 64756 j :' Req $1500 for 1953 exhibit at ''*' .' Re trans juris prop to Harbor T, A County i^alr Deot (196 acres) - Gaffey St Hararaerton Tract 12-19-57 82662 Wiimington-S&n Pedro Rd . . area 208th st-Dei Arao-212th- L A Harbor 2-16-55 67635 Verraont-Normandie-Del ttrao ^ivic ,.; & "lamitos Bay-26th Annual Irap Aasn req annex to City LA Internatl Midwinter regatta-LA Jr"- . C of C invites Ccl- 2-18-20 Handbook 1-4-54 6l602' .Harbor 6-22-55 695281 Gen Info Housing Authority Line Maps-Pub Notices by US Array City L A Eng Corps re new ones aubraitted Handcarts 7-15-55 64927 / Ord araend Sec 8O.4O MC prohibit ' Harbor 12-1-55 ' 71859 operate contrary to traffic LA Outer-US Array -ng ''orps sub public notice re restricted area - Handicapped ^-12-54^^ 53803 Children's Prograra 1954-55 Harbor Area 10-21-55 71266 CAO-Bd Hlth '-'omsnrs red proceed B&S Comsn trans agrrat app item neg renewal agrmt bet City & oo 17 install underground cable-Pire - Handicapped 1-28-54 62202 & PoD Si.enal !3ystem persons-Debs resol City-Co-State :Harbor Area . 12-12-55 70214 & Ped Govt C Serviee eraploy Welfare Planning Ccl- re enforce anti-rabies vaccination Ord •Handicapped - , 9-28-54 65612 Wilkinson resol Oct 4-10- as"Emp Harbor LA 8-fe-56 75404• Phlsically Handicapped Week' fr San Fedro t» Terminal Island- Gibson resol mtg ro fln t»ii free Handicapped 9-21-55 70852 L.. persons-Debs -resol re Good Will •« Harbor 1-31-57 77767 Industries of LA work with (Inner)- Mayor req approp $35oo emp experts investigate Oii Drill Handicapped 8-14-56- 75510 Lease Placement Center-Dr Cooke Invite Harbor Auditorium 3-5-54 62751 to dinner re Nati Emp Physically Gibson Mo Atty place on ballot Handlcapbed Week . 6-8-54 $2,000,000 Handicapped 8-24-56 536o3 Chlldrens Prog-i956-57- Bd Hith , Harbor City 5-13-57 79272 Comsnrs re renew contr with Co Reservoir prop & Aita Vista Ave- -re .State Fda - May on . ..- W&F resol 929 prcdgs annex ptn Handicapped lo-ii-56 76294 , Workers- Callicott resol rept re Harbor Day 5-15-57 79317 placement- chtr araend waiver -' -- May 26- Gibson resol re observe disability prov-retireraent system Handicapped 1-29-57 77744 persons- Roybal mo C S Dept rept Harbor Dist 5-21-54 636-"= re employment Apartment House Assn-Oppose Ori prohibit back yard incinerators Handicapped persons 1-29-57 77555 Prop cnarter amend withdra-/.-n by 1 Harbor Dist" 'l2-21-'53 ' 61682 Civil service Comsn St Mtnce Yd-Req rent Toomey & Foster k Kleiser ptn prop iHandlcapped 2-8-57 77878 month toraonth basi s - BPl? Persons- M Becker re waiver Harbor Dlst 12-3-56 76959 disability retirement benefits re" Bd Harbor Comsnrs sub rept Stanley & stoiz re lease for oil - Hand railings 5-25-54 63877 .^.,Sc_B;as. _ • . over steps Civic Center Bldgs -ferbor Drawbridge 5-1-53 58199 \ Albert G Gilmer suggest Removal- Resol 1962 app agrmt So Pac RR Co & PE Rwy- Harbor Com • Handrail 10-5-55 71053 Donaldson St bet Vestal Ave & Harbor Freeway Lemoyne St-CAO rec install N side See Freev/sy - Harbor Vlal.ljrizia.rr-. " Hansen Dara 7-27.56 75260 area NV/ly Pierce St & Van Nuys , Harbor Imp Bonds 12-13-54 66671 Blvd- W Loughead pet city annex :.- Elect 1923 due 10-1-65-Treas req . auth replace mutilated bonds :ian3en Dam Park li-i-56 76496 Van Rose Off ded 4O' strip bet ' Harbor 2-10-54 62346 ' Christy Ave «- "ndr- line ^ Incinerator Plant-const-Att.y sub drafts pay losses Crowell-V/ilson Co fr Howard I Watts Ins Agcy Harbor Incinerator 7-14-55 69854J^ Hawthorne City 9-6-57 8io64^,^ Gibson rao S S Griswoid Dir LA M iiA Co Bndary Comsn re prop annex ' Co Air Poll Cont Dlst appeal befol^ terr Forter Annex Ccl •'-25 ra . Hawthorne City ^ 9-26-57 ,' Harbor Incinerator7-28-55 70046 Frop annex Katzky «nnex-LA -o Sraith Engineering Co-att to Boundary notice re having largest Fire box "in Co -^ Harbor Park 4-20-54 56221 Hawthorne City 9-27-57 8j.43i County approp $50,000 re prop annex terr Edison Annex- LA Bixby Slough area 1 County Bndary Corasn notice re Harbor Park 6-12-56 56221 Hawthorne City 9-2 6-57 ' 81416 IJA Co Bndary Coraan notice re & Rec grounds adj Bixby Slough- annex Sai dra Annex Gibson resol Co, approp 550iOOO ,, acq pl^n rs Imp , Harbor Pilot Plan •Hawthorne City 11-19-57 62251 Suggested plans - 61523 Frop annex Facific Eiectric Annei Bd P Wks auth proceed 69647 , LA Co Bndary Comsn notice IHarbor Steara Plant 11-9-55 71531 Hayvenhurst School 11-22-55 71715 W&P Corasnrs Bd resol 383 req . Wilkinson resol order sidewalks ' app burning fuel oil for operation-^ E side Hayvenhurst-S side Hart Avt Urs:ent Necessity . W side Odessa Ave Hayvenhurst School9-25->Y 6i379 Harbor Steam Plantll-23-55 71729 Valley-Seal Beach- W&P '"^omsnrs Bt Corman resol inq cause jet resol 430 re burning fuel oil- , crash & relocate- Civil thru 4-30-56- Urgent Necessity , Aeronautics Bd Hayvenhurst Tank 5-22-57 79434 Harbor steam Plant 5-2-56 7i92k site-i',.&P resoi 963 auth eminent W&P Comsn resol 95i trana juris domain acq prop to Bd Harbor Corasnrs 2 par $1,731 '^ Harbor Steara Plant 4-24-57 790o8 Hazards 3-1-55 67782 & Valley Steara Plant-W&P contr cond in oil wells & river beds- fuel oil-Gen Petro Corp-Rothschila,, Debs mo raatter be ref to Pub Hlth Oil Co fr Ual f ana Cnmt :Hart St bch i2-l6-i)7 82651 Hazard 3-15-57 78407 McGee resol install aidewalks- Debs mo B&S Dept rept re use gas DeSoto Ave S aide Hart -« aide unvented heaters in school Bidgs Sherraan Way ^ Hawaii 4-24-56 73607 Hazards 7-23-57 8o352 re eonstr LA Goif course proj Mayor rec Baker present .resol Fairas Mar Vista area-F Thomson to people of Hawaii T - Hawthorne City 10-2-53 60595 Hazards 7-25-57 8044O Resol 2686 urge Congress provlte Debs resol Bd Ed elira dangerous off-s.hore rescue facilities for , parapets on bidgs planes in L A area Hawthorne City 2-9-56 72733 Hazardous 5-20-54 63835 Prbp annex of "Prop George codes-amend 89100 adjust In Annexation"- -LA Co Bndary Comsn -^ Sched "A" - Pers Comt Hawthorne City 6-22-56 747l6 Hazardous ^ 7-8-54 64528 prop annex Triangle Annex #i-LA Chemicals Code-Gibson resol B&S ' Co Bndry Comsn advises -^ & P.5cP orats re Pub Hrgs for developing new Hawthorne 8-26-56 75701 Uazardoua Materiais ii-28-56 64528 City- prop Osborne Annex & Pace Ord- Mayor sub rept B&B rec ' • Annex- LA Co Bndary Comsn ^ Hawthorne ^Ity 9-6-56 . 75794 Hazardoua Pay 2-21-57 78040 LA Co Bndary Comsn re prop annex .. for St Sign Divsn workers- City -, Dohrraan Annex ^ Co-State Erap Union Local 347 req

HawthorneCity 5-3-57 79l8l Hazaraous Fay 12-30-57 82765 Proposed Annex Shaw Annexation- to Survey Farty Cniefs & rers In LA Co Bndary Corasn -^ tunnel & deep sewer proJ-BPW req- CAO HawthorneCity 5-3-57 7918u Hazeltine Ave Sch 11-23-55 71733 Annexation Patterson Annex #2 Sherman Way-Hazeltine-Hart Sts ' LA Co Bndary Coraan notice ^ Wilkinson resol install sidewalks vie Hawthorne City 6-28-57 79987 Head Janitor 5-17-54 63769 Prop annex Airport No 4- LA Co Foreman-BPW req auth emp 1 in Boundary Comsn - Custodial Div-abs Brisco A Bagnerlse Hawthorne City 7-12-57 802oi Head Janitor 6-5-57 7503o Frop annex terr Cly Annexation- Foreman- Bur Fub Bldgs' fill i LA Co Bndry Corasn _ pos- CAO Hawthorne City 7-25-57 60444 Headlights 3-16-55 66oir'-' Prop annex Mattel Annex- 1^ Co on open highways- Bitz Miller Bndary Comsn notice ^ sug re use aid traff safety Hawthorne City 7-25-57 80445 Healers 5-31-56 74402 LA Co Bndary Comsn.notice re Religious- C J Nyquist sug annex Stanley"Annex _ regulate activities Health Bldg 7-6-53 59173-'^<' Health, Center 4-29-57 79083-^- Adj San Pedro St bet 1st & W LA- authdestroy obsolete Market Sts- Req $30,000 fr PIP Records 1937-51 modernize st ltg -BPW ;Kealth Bldg 5-19-5.4 63789 IHeaith Center-NE 6-20-57 79663' Bur Public Bidgs req trans Hlth Dept trans »l5,7pu re X-ray $8,019 purch equipment - Mayor equipt NE Hlth Center - Mayor Health Hldg ^ 6-24-54 64333 'Health Center 6-24-57 798941 BPW req trans $6,355- bet accts SE-Hlth Dept appl Fed Aid $il,Olfl' BPW Fund re Custodial equipt V D Speed Zone Program- also personnel- Mayor -Health Centers ,6-27-57 „79962l ' Health Bldg 11-29-54 43403 V«i Nuys-WLA-Watta-Cgioga-Pacolmf Program of dedication ceremonies. BPW designate sign documents-Hill . attached to file Burton Act re State Aid Health Center 2-27-53 57226 Health Center 7-18-57 8o28i Southwest-Allen mo trans Fire ; Venice- req auth destroy obsolete Statn at 3334 So V.'estern Ave to - records 1938-51- Atty Deot Health Center - 3-2-53 57244 Hlth Center 8-1-57 8o558 Ieq chg positn for Sirs .„ 'rfatts-Bd Hlth Comsnrs auth Cont I _^ • -to Inter Clk Steno - reduce loan Slo as stolen- Mayor Hlth Comsn - CAO y^ Health Centers 4-29-53 58-1'=.' :Health Certificate 10-14-54 65622 [ro-'./atts-Cano~a Park A W Baltzer req amend ord require imsn req .)9730 purch nev; $10 fee eauiPment - .'.^avor .' . - --• Health Center 8-24-53 59980 Hlth Certificates 11-15-57 82I84 Southeast- VD Interviewer & Faasports-Hlth Dept repeal Trainin.g School-Hlth Comsn req Sec 1-2-4-5-6-Ord 69323 re fees- auth neg contract estab -Mayor Mayor. .-Iealth Center 8-24-53 59987 Hollyw) od- Heq Hollywood Adult :. Health Clinic Evening School use -Htlh Comsn'"' . See Alao Child Health Clinic y Health Center 10-14-53 ' ' 6672'8 Hlth Code 3-16-56 73239 East Dist-Hlth Comsn req pave San Franeisee-Mrs Freese sub copj alley S Marengo St bet Brittanl- re sale fowl & rabbits at Easter & Cummings. Sts - Mayor Health Center 1-12T54 61968 Health & 3anitationii-l5-56 76744 Parent-Teacher-333 v; 22nd St Code Chp 3- City Cierk req araend Tn.-it-e,s Ccl visit MC re issue Hlth perraits- Mayor Health Center 2-10-54 62360 Health Fund 7/25/55 69994 i-/ilshire Comm-.An Coordin.ating Ccl. Demand 1035 of 6-30-55 favor req 1 Pub Hlth Educator Read & Go in amt $375.23- Controller submit Health Center 3-11-54 62822 , Hlth Officer 11-14-5:5^ 71587 SWDist site-V.'estern & 3eth St- ii,^..! vv^i Viltio I TrXIXyX ,SH_,^,OX- B?W-Lot 15 Fenway Pk-Hav acq for Hlth Dept re botulism outbreak .ZC.. -^qn Health Center 7-6-54 '64531 Health Perraits 7-26-55 69999 N Hollywood-Hlth ^orasn req . CAO rec araend MC re issuance by §26,455.62 punch furn & equip- City Clk by 10/1/55 Mayor (CAO rec $4,492) • Health Center 7-16;^4 64663 Health Permits , 11-15-56 76744 City Cierk req araend -MC-Hlth & use ras 26-27- 3d Hlth Comsnr; Sanitation Code Cnp ^ re issue auth-Mayor H (+-.V>. nnr,.r,i T.a- Mflvor 'Health Center 1-12-55 67065 Health Fermlta Southwest-Bd Hlth Comsnrs req ' Hlth Off auth sign legal papers re see PERMITS also const of- Mayor Health Center 3-23-55 68119 ,'aealth study 7-10-56 74942 Hollywood & Southwest-Bd Hlth ^ for City-Co Consolidatn Comsn - Corasnrs sub req City Clerk-Llc Div Rrtpc>nrrBn!'^ riomtxA fxna\-vat. office soace--'Mayor . Health Center 4-26-55 68670 . Hearings " " ' 411-53 ' 57577 ' N E- Hlth Corasn approp $66,656 , „, By Congressional Corat re pub fr Unapprop Bal fin const- Mayor housing-Cclman Cronk req permissn answer Congressraan Hoffraan letter Hearing 12-18-53 6I648 Hlth Center 6-2-55 59196 Notice reraove bridge SP RR , Hollywood-Bd Hlth ^omsnrs req' ' bridge West Basin L A Harbor assign rras 46 & 47 to office I 0-1 II, fiafanan . ... Health Center 6-13-55 69372 Hearings 4-26-54 63474 S V/est-Atty rec auth destroy Departraental budget requests obsolete records 1954-55- Mayor advises Hlth Centers ~ 11-26-55 71792 -Hearing 7-6-54 6452f Bd Hlth Comsnrs appneg contr use, Public for developing new re diagnostic serv-hearing-LA Co "93ar.^ous Chemicals Cgfie-aij^son Dept Charities- Mayor resol E&S & P&P Comts investigate Health Center 5-1-56 68670 Hearings 5-2-55 68751 N E Dist- CAO rec approp i. Mayor start hrgs on dept budget $93,950 fr PIP req for 1955-56 on 5-2-55 " Hearing 5-2-55 6874: Heart Screening 394^9 5-1-55 re appl Pac Greyhound Bd Hlth Comsn sub contract Lines inc fares bet Long Beach - State furn $20,000 Santa Monica-State PUtil ,^omsn iHearings 5-13-55 66949 Sub renew agrrat 5-14-.53 Sfnte Pub Util Comsn Hrg-6-29-55 Sub renew agrmt 9-1-53 re ine fards AT&SP & Sarita Fe Trans Co & SPCo Hearings 6-15-55 69411 Notice of Pub Hrg re rubbish disposal systems-Mayors office - Mqvnr Heart 2-9-56 53803 h-Pn tn h-'PX Bd Hlth Corasnrs auth contr LA 'Hearing 6-22-§5 69534 County support cardiac diagnostic State Reg Water Poll ont Bd //4 handicannfid chlldrB-. .. „ Pub Hrg 7-28-Hermo3a Beach-re Heaters 4-3-53 57817 sewage fr Hyperion into ocean Unvented- Resol supp Senate Bill Hearings "" " 6-24-55 .70475 1702 to permit use -Navarro' 0 A Schroeder req hrgs re method of elim smog Heaters 3-15-57 78407 Debs mo B&S Dept rept re uae gas .Hearing 6-30-55 70550 unvented heaters In school bldgs I Citizens Anti-Smog Action Comt req open & public hrg to remedy Heatins & 9-21-53 604ll smoi? Ventilating Code- B&S Comsn req .Hearing 9-14-55 70722 amend Art V Chap 9 MC -Mayor Federal Power Corasn 9/13-16/55- Washington D C- Bd PU&T auth Geo Heavy Equipt 7-27-54 64776 Moore att--Mavor ... / " ,' working Sunday-R B Hall pet amend. Hearing 9-19-55 $8798 Sec 41«40 MC prohibit noisey work- Calif State Pub Util Corasn-Nov on Sunday 9/55- Mirro Bldg 145 8 Spring St- , Heavy Duty Truck 7-27-53 59534 .T.A Operators in Bur of San-BPW req Hearing 10-31-55 71413 corapensate under 'K' Note of in State Bldg Nov 7-8-re Stand ".rd Transportation problems- League Heavy Duty Truck 9-2-54 644OO of Calif Cities advise ra Operator in Bur St Ktnce-req Hearing 11-28-55 71792 auth fill position abs children impaired-Bd Hlth Corasnri Elliott Mitchell contr use City Hlth Centers re , Heavy Duty Truck 9-17-54 64400 diagnostic serv- LA Co Charities- Operator in bur Street Ktnce- Hearing 1-20-56 72471 req autii fill positn absence re "Req of disposal-Treated of incumbent Sewage into_Pac Ocean-Hyperion Heavy Duty Truck 5-18-55 69002 Plant- Calif State Reg Water.Poll Oper- Biu- St Mtnce-BPW erap addtl- Hearing" 1-30-56 72574 CAO on parking- State Senate Interira Corat pub hrg LA State Bldg 2/6-9 Hea-vy vehicles 2-4-53 56941 Debs rao amend MC prohibit use of Hearing 2-16-56 72647 on certain sts as per req of - 3/21-22-23 re Bunker Hill Urban Police Dept Renewal Proj- Comraun Redeveloprat Hebrew 12-9-54 66647 Agency req use.BPW Session Rm University Dny-R Wyman resol Hearing 4-9-56 73589 Dee 14 be designated re Olyrapic Freeway bet Cattaragut & Overland Blvd- State Dept Pub Wk Hebrew D^ 9-4-57 6loi,4 fr. HwvB "sdvj se of Atonement & Jewish New Year- Hearings 4-17-56 73716 Corman mo City emp get 2 legal Mayor -advises Budget Hrg comraenct hoJldavs 4-30-55 re Salary Ine-Cao Irap Height Limit 10-11-54 ^65774 Pnni atr Plan Corasn PC 546O Prop Ord Hearing 6-15-56 74538 6-story in C-2 Zone before Cci re Bunker Hill Urban Renewal Proj- Tent plan Rept Height Lirait 6-17-55 70361 Coramun', Redeveioomt Aeencv-7-10-56 Harby resol araend City Charter Hearing 8-14-57 8u752 re chg zone prop bet Grosvenor & Juniper Ave--^caiyptus & LaBrea Av Height^limits 3-22-56 73343 Inglewood City,Plan Comsn notice Minimum requirements in .various Hearing Reporter 9-26-55 696OO zones-ords araend zoning plan & B&S Corasnrs req auth emp 2 addtl blile code pos Height limits 5-24-57 79496 Ord permit const bldgs witliin Hearing Reporter 2-17-56 70290 charter limitatns & conform to CAO consicer increasing salsry MC prov I in Salary Survey in April Hfeight Limits 9-18-57 81251 Also see 'Zoning Maps Hearing Reporter 8-9-55 70216 B&S Dept req auth erac 1 pos bal fis yr- CAO Height Limit Districts Central PC 7842 79496 ' '[earing Reporter 5-2-56 721OC Hollyivood Pc 8320 80417 reclassify to Prin Cik steno- Wilshire PC 8352 794^6 arlA 1 noS, ,sr Clk steno- CAC- D."W W. L. A. PC 3430 31251 Eagle Rock- Pc 3469 31345 Hearst Newspapers 6-29-56 74834 Highland Park & Wra R Hearst Jr-Harby mo commenc S E LA area FC 8546 8i850 re adopt Fed Hwy Bill S W Area PC 8618 SZiQZ-'S^p Heroism 3-14-55 67967*^ S Verraont PC 8698 628i6 Eraerson Mitchell-Holder T N Vail Watts-Green Menrlnug ^ilver Award-.-Wyraan resol re iHesby St" Schooi 7-2-53 59li0' Sewer -SE cor Hesby St & Aqueduct Ave- Bd of Ed req City contract re const Helicopters 11-29-54 66466 -Hidden Hllis City 12-18-57 82653 to land at Exposition Blvd & LA Co Bd ^upvsrs aub area of Crenshaw Blvd-Allen rec grant req \ -•' proposed city Assist See of Army Higgins Helicooters ^ 2-14-55 67553, 'Hidden Hilla 8-23-57 80901 Southwest-R Cubreath can furn Commun Assoc-Fredgs annex to rescue service with LA Hidden Hills- San Ferndo ' Vallev Eelicooters 3-14-55 67942 ' nigh Sciiool 5-23-57 79508' aid re traffic tie-ups- H Wallis \ graduates - Civ Serv req amend prot heavy trucks on freeways & 89100 add Trainees for uri2;e use of , , Highland'"park 3-24-53 57655 Helicopter B-16-55 70346 Playground- Resol req reduce patrol over freeways- Don Hill State Aid to §1,875 -BPW -^ sug , '. Helicopter Port (6/1956)" '71113 Highlaiid PkDis'f 8-29-57 7646lj $59,700,000 bona issue imp C Darnell req signature removed Airport at International Field fr-pet re parking diat

;Helicopter 2-24-56 72963 Highland Park 9-24-57 8i345' & other dists-Fian Comsn PC 6i4.b9 , & Airport developmt-Bd Airport estab Hgt limit zone maps 445-446- Comsnrs req Chtr araend re deve]onrr,ent 'i6.6.-JL6'r-Jubfl _. , , Helicopter 4-6-56 73551 Highway Const 7/24/56 75184 Police- Police Dept req insurance Bd P V/ks auth HH Winter att mtg ; coverage- Mayor - CAO 7/27/56 in San Francisco re new - le.s;is in California Helicopter 6-22-56 74721 'Highway Gas Tax Hangar site-Airport ^epts ^rder see under Gas Tax Ae-364-lease SW Helicopters-San > PArnrlo Vol-lev Airnort '"Highway Syst'^em-State of Cali'f" Helicopter 10-10-56 76262 File under Transp service radius LA Post Office- Dept Airports req auth CALIFORNIA - State of Attv int«rven»-Docket 8l76 ,'Hiway"" 3-19-53 " "" 57599 1 Helicopter 1-15-5-7 77530 Paralleling beach- Resol Eng Ambulances for Frwy accident neg with City Santa Honica et al service- LA Co Ccl of Amer Legion re acq prop const -Timberlake resol -2A-53 59014 Heliport 8-2-56 75329 (State) Notice relinquish ptn City Prop, 11370 San Perndo Rd- :"' Sunset Blvd & other sts bet BPW revoc per to LA "irway Inc use- '••/ilton Pl & Indiana St-State P '^ks' Highway " ""7-16-53 " 59337 I Helmets-Wnite ."3/23/56' '73366 Ltg-Intersec Beaudry Ave with ' Callicott Mo Pol-Fire & Traff Beaudry Ave Harbor Freeway ramp- _ Comt study us-e while riding City-state agrmt install -BPW . motorcycles in City limits " Highways ' '7-23-53 59467 Helms Athletic i0-i5-56 76313 „, & sts San Fernando Valley in Foundation Week- Harby reaol Oct City LA- LA Co Road Dept resol 15-21 & comraend Faul Helms )prop. $11,000 m- Highways 9-1-53 60130 "Help Yonr Letter 7-11-55 69774 Thru Cities-Spec Projects 1953- Carrier Week" July 11-15- Picnic T 5k budget- h\ Oo Road Dept sub 7/16/55 -Baker resol . . list,of_aDDroD -21-53 61633 Herald Express 3-21-57 78511 f., (State) Notice Int relinq ptn Hahn re eci eit best wishes on Fi.criiarna St het Alnine St fr, recovery of William te Groen , nivmnic Blvd , Highway 3-30-54 63060 ' •Hermosa Beach 6-22-55 69534 . ^.,.- Co systera of-LA Co Bd Supvsrs Hrg 7-28-55 re sewage fr Hyporior. resol declare Inglewood Ave bet into ocean-Calif State Reg V/ater • . Iraoerial Hiwy & Il6th St oart of PO:I:L ^.nnt. .Bdyii. Pub. Hearine ...^ Highways 1-7-55 67013- iiermosiBeach 7/24/56 75202 Co Systea-LA Co Bd Supvsrs Henry mo matter re Hyperion Plant, declare ptn La Tuna Canyon Rd not be contd 7-25-56 re prot contamin ^, part of Haniiattan & - ._ lay 3-30-55 68250, •Herraosa Beach City 12-12-56 74419" Adaras & Ells sub rept re Escape Resoi urge City re irap "irport -r Rt fr LA thru San Gabriel Mts fr -- imde—rss on Sepulveda "lvd "^ . Ba--stow & Mo.iave-Mlll Valley.HiwJ Highways 7-22-55 69960 Hermosa Beach 4-^-37 7876I CK. Haster Plan-LA Co Reg Plan Corasn i ., Mayor Wm Sachau comraun re prot .,. araend 297 chg Piatt Ave-Victory bathing beaches- state Fub Hith -•" Blvd-Valley Circle Dr-Van Owen St - trans.comraun Hi^^hways 4-25-56. 73822 ' Heroic Act 1-20-55 67194 llmberlake resol rec passage by Benjamin Rosenthal- Henry -, • resol comraend H R 10660 re Federal Aid Highways 5-9-56 74U45^ Highways 7-9-57 78u32% BPW sub Eng rept Federal Aid Master Plan,of Freeways & Hwy- Highway Deficiency Survey Dir of Planning sub revised-Apr 1 lC)

iHobby 12-19-56 77224 'Hollywood Bowl 9-16-56 75966 Industry- Wilkinson resol Wyraanresol comraend presentation commend Oberiy-McDonough-K & 0 Biblical Opera "David" Models Hockey etc 7-30-57 8o520 Hollywood Bowl 2-8-57 77866 Debs resoi urge legis exempt tt Symphonies Under the Stars-Fopt Frof fr anti-trust laws Hollywood Bowl Assn req $i5,000 1957 . Hodge Tract 9-15-55 70741 Hollyvood Bowi 9-5-57 8io68 ' Alley adj Lot 13- D E Sanford Co Wyman resol KLAC Big Five Disc I Jockeys bth Annual Charities Show ' req vac Sept 21 Holiday 12-22-53 61726 Hollywood Branch 6-13-56 74567- (Christraas Period) Resol support City Clerk-Lie Div3n-6205 Melrosi Greater LA Safety Ccl Safe k , BPW lease prop rental- E iJyer- Sane celebration - Weiner Ma.yor. . . .Holiday 12-23-53 61733 ' Hollywood 10-16-53 60801 Mayor proclaim half day for Office Bur of Eng - BPW req City eraployees 12-31-53 -, ed.dl *1829 alter .-innex

Holiday 12-8T54 66615 Hollywood Freev;ay Mayor proclaim full day 12-24-54 See Freeway - Hollywood 1/2 day 12-31-54 > Hollywood Hlth 6/1/55 69196 Holidays 12-4-56 76966 Center-Mayor & Hlth Comsnrs ;.- Henry mo Comt study Sal Stand -v Ord re Cci declare for eraployees -^ aaaian Pm c /A fr /. 7 tn Off-iria Ci .Defense in the- Holiday 12-4-56 76979 Hoilywood Hith 1-3-57 77361 Mayor proclamation Mon Dec 24 -, Center- C D req addtl space for City -"^mp whoraay be spared- Rm 48- Mun Fac Corat- CAO (Gibson signed) Holidays 9-4-57 8io54 H^-i-i,rv,^«4 12-21-53 61684 Corman mo City erap of Jewish . f4ith get 2 days off legal hoiiaay- Tr 3538 as parking lot-Pol Comsn Holland 2-10-53 57011 Hollywood 12-21-53 61684 Flood Disaster Comt- Resol urge citizens aid -Allen - as parkins lot - Pol Comsn

Hollingswotbh Hilll2-5-55 71903 Hollywood 7-5-55 69683 • & vie Park Zoo- Rec & Pk Corasnrs Roosevelt Hotel Garage-M F Judell Off 2 sites State Hwy Dept for sug investigate side-.v-alk fac •nomni'ol "V,r»-nrr,w" Hollywood 9-18-53 60395 Hollywood Tank 7-21-54 64714 50th Anniversary Celebration - Site #2-W & P Dept resol 41 auth 11/9 to 11/27/53- Hollywood C of filing Eminent Domain secure prop . C.req $10,000 . , Hollywood 11-13-53 61145 Hollywood Tower 6-1-54 63972 Baker resol congraulate ori Apartments-E C Zinn pet prohibit achievements .last 50 years trucks etc Hollywood Freeway & elim noise in vie "Hollywood Adult '. 8-24-53"' " 59967 Hollywood-Wilshire 1-27-56 72549 Evening School-Use Hollywood Dist-Hlth Dept- req destroy Hlth Center- Hlth,Corasn req obsolete records 1949-50 Hollywood^Bowl 6-15-53 """" '58839 Hollywood 12-9-54 66624 Symphonies Under The Stars- YMCA-Sug Ccl support Gov Knight Hollywood Bowl Assn req at least S5,000 1953-54 budget re liquor at Christmas parties "Hollywood Bowl 5-13-54 63698 Hollywoodland Canp lO-ii-56 76284 programs-Bebs resol Dlv Hiwys R G Dahistrom ciaira $35. stolen prop fr I rept on truck noise interfering Hollywood Bowl 6-1-54 63964 Holson Heights 6-28-54 64370 Parking lot site-LA Co pet City Lot 141-BPW req $34 purch quiet vac Arbol Dr & Odin St title guarantee Hollywood }3owl k-12-55 68435 Homecoming V/eek" 10-15-54 65852' Berlioz Requiem-May 30/55-Mayor - UCLA-Oct 10-16/54- Wyman resol rec approp ^5000 fin . good wishes Hollywood Bowl 2-23-56 72931 [•Homeless Men & 6-25-55 70493' Geo Mueller re parking area in ' ) their Habitats'-Dr H Warren front Dunham rept-R Clifton sub & su City att institute Detroit-Sep Homes . 1-26-55 67272"'''-^ Homes 10-17-55 71268^''' for Aged- hild Care-Boarding Sch- 24- N of San Ferndo Valley Nursery etc-Bd Hlth Corasnrs req airport- A Hartsinck urge Airport- orooer lecis re licensino-- Mavnr Comsn nurch Honduras 10-15-53 60756 Hotels 9-28-55 70957 Playgrotuid-Approp of 150,000 acq- zoning-Allen rao Ccl consider araend Sec 12-12-R5 re Multiple Honolulu 9-4-57 - 8i041 Hotels " 4-17-56 73708 Atty req auth att mtg Internatl J Clark req ord- prohibit cooking Assoc of Chf of police Oct 2- Horseback 5-25-55 69149 " Plates 2-11-54 62416 Provisions"-Lgt Hsekpp, Fac-Debs ;iding Gloria Ave bet Woodley Ave resol Ccl req Gov Calif hold Spec , & Densraore Ave- E Griffith pet ban ' Session re State Housinr; Act Horse-drawn veh 4-26-54 63491 Hot Plates 3-2-55 62418 in City-Bd Aniraal Reg commun fr .. Navarro resol by Debs-req State .; Mrs Charles Jolinson Legis favor use in Housekeeping Rms Hot Plates 6-30-55 624I8 Horses 10-20-55 71258 Navarro mo Atty prep ord Equestrian Trails Inc pet amend effect provisns of AB 108 of zone ord chg req area to keep Stste Legis lot Plates 5-16-57 79334 & Light Housekeeping Rms- Callicott resoi endorse AB 2720 See also - Emergency-Hospital Hospital - Naval 2-26-54 62643 ' "Hot-Rod" ftacers 8-7-53 59710 floating-Debs resol Cel intercede Attending school immed vic- Terminal Island Naval Base E Harman et al pet relief fr Hospital 3-2-53 57253 Houdry Catalyst 7-10-53 59281 Appeal PC 4572 for Cond Use- Huntington Park extend invitatn Van Nuvs Blvd at Hortense - to witness demonstration .R H, Stock Hospital - 4-30-53 58185 Houdry Catalyst 10-13-53 60712 & f'edical Expenses- Rosol Cel bPV/ req autti contract re install urge Congress include allowable at Hyperion Treatment Plant- ArxA'iirt.y',n TZ'nA TrtroTTiR Ta-x -n,-^vennort approp $2950 Hospital 9-17-54 65430 House Connection 6-20-55 6944I Eraergency Rec -Rev & Tax Comt to sewers-BPW amend MC sectn 64.17 nermit use asbestos cement rec Atty prep Ord re charges for pipe .«!fl-"v1 o.« Hospital 7-27-55 70027 House Connection 11-23-55 71686 ^onst-Hosp Council of So Calif sewers-BPW amend MC re mtnce by sub resol amend Art 1 Chap 9 MC prop owners- Mayor aAA D1,.cn Cl nn Hospital 6-10-55 70247 House Connections 11-1-56 76562 , emergency service-Fee Hospital Sewers vie Pacoiraa- Burkhalter renew contr rao Investigate legality re instal1- Hospitals 6-19-55 57624 Housekeeper I-I6-57 77544 other than animal-Plan Comsn & Cook- Dept W & F - C S Corasnrs PC 6572 amend Comprehensive Zone Bd aop exerapt 2 pos Plan-exclude fr M2 & M3 zones Hospitals 12-7-55 71935 House Moving 10-16-56 76386 on 2 Acres or less- Baker resol permits- BPW req amend MC amend Zoning Ord re Sec 62.83 k 62.90 re- Mayor (Cond rise) Hospital 1-30-56 72583 House Numbering 4-13-54 63266 Allen resol re lease ptn V/ilmington-Glbson mo hold up Methodist Hosp 2 yr per alleviat action re-B P W shortaHe SW area-Hill Burton Funds' Hospital 6-20-56 74687 "House of l-.'ax" 4-6-53 57631 Bev Hills ^octors-Dr Magit Off V/arner Bros 3 dimensional Emerg Center fac cor Santa Monica r picture- Resol proclaim 4-17-53 Bivd k Beverly Gxen Blvd 3-D Day -Allen Hospitals 8-1-56 75333'- HR 2720 7-20-53 59370 Eraergency-A -^homas sug designate Re air pollutn-Resol urge Ways in narae 5 spec classification in . & Mea.ns Corat to rent favorably tel.e dir , -tlahn. _ Hospital 10-5-56 76216 HR 3064 5-11-53 58338 Van Nuya Rec- Dr Breckier- Alloc Ped Punds imp East Basin Marlon Miller prot emergency ' Channel-Resol US Congress do pass• treatment * •' .. - -Gibson Hospitals 2-2 7-57 78l3o HR 3086 5-11-53 5S336 ' Valley-'^rkhalter resol apprec Alloc Ped Punds imp East Basin pers re injured students Pacoima T Channel-Resol US Congress do pass- Jr HI Sch-riane crash -Gibson Hospitalization 8-13-^7 80728 H R 4190 8-2-49 35831 & medical pian for City Emp- -, Urge wire Merchant Marine & Mlso Foremen & Super Fub Wka #413 , Fisheries Corat endorse Bill- req prepaid plan Labor's Lea~ue for Political Ed Hostetter"Athletic 9-17-53 50023 Pield-.BFrf req Ord app trans a R 5605 6-15-54 63641 juris fr Bd Ree & Pks to P v/orks 1 Amer Mun Assn sub commun re nayments in lieu taxes ~jmy 7-3-53 59138^^- Housing Advisory 12-19-5 6 51228''/ Araend mineral leasing laws re & Appeal Bd- Calllcbtit resol ^ pipelines thru pub domain-Resol repeal Ord estab urge Congress app -Gibson HR 5915 7-21-53 59417 •Housing Advisory 9-27-57 81426| Re Internal Revenue Stamp tax- , • & Appeal Bd- B&S Comt rec araend Resol urge Calif Senators & MC Sec 94.0304.1 chg title to ConKressraen endorse -Allen HousinK Advisory,Bd H R 59A1 i:-i5-53 61576 Housing inspectn 1-14-54 62009 • Harby r = sol thank Cecil ?. 'King 3d Hlth Comsnrs sub rept Kith for presenting bill to outlaw nf frn ,v, Rn-.- nf Ran-i totn r,^:amnni ,5 t n^rtv in USA •K R Bill 7782 5-10-54 63641 Housing standards 3-16-55 55951 B&S Comsn req Ccl advise State .^ re taxes defense prod facilities, th&t City,standards equal to Kalin resol endorse .Sta.te. Hsns :Ac.t _. _ „ H R 6820 & ^ 5-13-54 63696 ' Housing Auth 3-19-53 57583 5 B 2585-LA Comt Protection of • City LA- Auto parking Holmes Ave Foreign Born req repealof Public , vie 5lst & 52nd St- Grant perrassn Law 414-ImraiRration & Nationality -BPW HR 9325 & • 6-17-54 64203 Housing Auth 3-19-53 57603 Senate Bill 3410 re Federal aid Resol Ccl Sacraraento Legis rep Airport Funds—'^mer Municipal Assoc-. support AB 2053 grant Grand Jury sufccoDles power audit books -Holland HR 4449 & 6-23-54 64315 Housing Auth 4-20-53 580l8 ' Senate Bill 1555 re Colorado of City LA- Chas H Wilson apptd '. River Storage Project-Henry resol ^ Comsnr for 4 yr term fr 6-7-50 urpe opposition -Mayor HR 9538 6-29-54 64410 Housing Auth 5-27-53 58603 6 Senate Bill 3594 re fishing Local control- Mo req favorable y -'- rights on high seas-Gibson resol ' actn SB 1963 & others re-Holland Cel urge Congress enact H R 270 3-28-55 66207 Housing Auth 8-3-53 • 59612 & S 500-Navarro resol Ccl req City LA- BPW rec cancel ltg oppose Frylngpen-Arkansas Proj mtnce liens $314.79 vs now in Congress H R 8836 3-21-55 73334 Housing Auth 6-3-53 59614 re Fed alloc Interstate Highway City LA- Sub annual repts Funds- Timberlake resol urge period end 6-30-53 conRress support H R IO660 4-25-56 73822 -Housing Auth 8-12-53 59569' re Federal Aid for Highways- City of LA- Sub analysis Timberlake resol ree passage relocatn occupants Rodger Young Village & Basilone Homes H.R.-7634 5-7-56 73996 Housing Auth 8-13-53 59817 (Kean Bill) re Federal tax on City LA- Rept |278,491.20 paymnt., trans of persons- Metro Coach Line in lieu of taxes deposited in rec Ccl favor action Ci-ty .Treasury -Mayor H R 2463 1-21-57 77616 Hsng Auth 10-7-53 60649 G iilpscomb advise prop Income Sub Rept #1 re Rodger Young tax incentives for sraog control Village & Basilone Homes on Pnl nnati nn nf tenants H R 2017 1-21-57 Hsng Authority Il-l6-n53 61163 Gfllpscomb adtise introducing re Re Mar Vista Addn TfS-Cleim pay local gcvnt sums in ileu taxes, $260,000 Bein Const Co & J R & assessmts / Daum Const Co under contract H R 7000 5-10-57 79264 Housing Auth 12-9-53 6I5O5 ^, Henry rao Cci oppose re remove Debs resol req consider pl&ce.^int tax exempt feature fr Redeveiopmt . evicted families re Community Agcy bonds Redevelopment project HR 2017 6-11-57 79737 Housing Auth 1-4-54 61802 SB 6-967 re correct tax City LA- Submit Handbook Inequities re defense contr- SCPA^, Gen Info. Corat rec support •Housing 2-21-57 78o37 Housing Authority 2-15-54 6242O GI- Vet of Foreign Wars LA Co Civil Defense req re contract Ccl- Oppose incr interest rates LA civil Def & Disaster Bd Housing Auth 4-14-54 5074? re utilities in Imperial SSE PUBUC HOUSING r.'lan Courts P.-0ject-Conservatlve Water Co . . - Housing Advisory 7-2-53 59123 Housing Auth 5-6-54 63565 & Appeal Bd-B&S Comsn appt mbrs of LA- re quitclaim 2 par land Meyberg Manfred Mrs Iraperial-Corapton Hsng Proj & Walters Wm A Aliso Village Ext Hsng Proj V/e ston Eugene. Jr Parker Lester Housing -Auth L A 5-11-54 63655 V/eber Henry comraun fr Mayor re i|290,000 loan Housing Advisory 7-29-55 59123 fr Reserve Fund (re payments) & appeal Bd-B&S Comsnrs Bd app mbr Meyberg-Parker-'Landon-Weber- Hsng Authority 7-14-54 64614 Oanena- yr end 8-20-56 Frank Pickett appt rabr by Mayor- Housing Advisory 6-7-55 693O6 CimoS'^ 6-7-58-succeed Florence Housing Authority8-3-54 64693 6-19 to 9-19 City of LA Sub 4 Annual .fiscal repts period end 12-31-53 & 6-30- - 54 Housing Auth LA 6-4-54 50741 '*''='# Hungary 11-14-56 7672{r^'.(. City quitclaim ptn Hickory St Debs resoi req United Nations acf bet 102nd & 103rd St on behalf peopie -Housing Auth 10-22-54 65944 Huntington 9-20-54 65457 City L A-req lease prop NW cor Hartford Theatre-Wyman resol 6th & Loma Sts es site for new commehd on opening- central office facilities Housing Auth 3-14-55. 50746 Huntingt'on Dr 7-14-54 646II Re cancel Bond 177 Tr 1A301 Inter-City Comt mtgs in So for imp NO Sherman Way (now Pasadena-req City LA representativ Van Nuys blvdj Hsng Auth L A 5-6-55 65944 Huntington Pk 7-10-53 59281 Offer purch prop Columbia Ave City of- Invites Ccl witness '' No of Sixth St in lieu of lease *' demonstratn municipal incinerato]

Hsng Auth 5-27-55 ' 39066 Huntington Park 3-29-54 61769 Atty sub amendments to Coop City-req hrg re double taxation . Agrmnts re payment in lieu of on business gross receipts texe."!. , . . ' •'Housing Authority 8-1-55 70079 .Hyde Park Dist 5-1-53 58649 Prop-BPW auth pay. St Ltg Assmt Withdrawal fr City LA- Mrs Aena 5329.72 fr Water & Elect Fd-Mayor Pox req,Ccl assistance Housing Authority 10-17-55 71181 Hyde Park'School 5-25-53 55909 Req City quitclaim easmt-abnd Dist Citizens Corat-(j Fred sewer-N of Imperial Hwy W of Nelson) Req help i.n problera or Gr.T'mKn Ave- Tmnerla'l Crts orol- withdrawal fr LA School Dist Housing Auth LA 12-1-55 71851 Hyde Park 5-18-53 ' 55909 i Auth Cont discharge paymts in Elementary School- Nell Pate lieu of taxes re shelter re.its of req Ccl assist to retain sen it Dists Housing Authority 1-6-56 72263 Hyde Park Tract 3-24-55 68158 of LA-Sub fin rept re temp Emerg- R Barisano pet city quitclaim Vets Hsng Fac-Pacific Pk-Keppler sewer easrat Lot 591 Grpve-Hodger Young Village etc Housing Authority 5-7-56 74017 . Hyperion Outfall 3-14-57 76369 City LA- Annual Pis Rept end BPW aub Ord auth ace easrat fr 12-31-55 State Lands Corasn re constr in tidelands Housing Authority 5-28-56 74356 Hyperion Plant 1-6-53 56536 Lie Agrmt with City use Bldg 25 Mtnee Laborers sacking 4901 Marionwood Dr.Mar Vista re fertilizer-BPV/ rec auth continue - Child Hlth Conf emp thru 3-31-53 " -CAO Housing Authority 2-7-57 77863 Hyperion Sewage 2-24-53 57170 Annual Fis Rept yr ending 12-3i.5b Plant- Req prop -S39,000,000 bond issue remarks be incl of.fic-ial minutes .-Allen Housing Authority 6-7-57 79691 Hyperion Treat 5-14-53 58394 Mayor reappt Geroge Beavers Jr Plant Fund 702- BPW req trans mbr- term end June 7/61 #16,000 fr Exp Acct 302 to 309 . .. . . -Mayor Housing Authority 7-6-57 8oi27 Hyperion Plant 6-9-53 58760 Koybal reaol postpone deprograramJ One of "7 Wonders of Civil Eng for 30 days re Normant Terrace in LA Area"-H P Larsen rec fac ackno'rfledgrant Housing Authority 9-i2-^7 8il67 Hyperion Plant 7-7-53 59206 Dtr Holtzendorff aavlse re Sewerage lines use-Attys Gordon control vice & garabling in 5 Knapp & Gill req est sum due re house proj- wavarro rao Co Sanlt Dlst #2 use Housing Consultant 10-30-53 59569 Hyperion Plant 9-10-53 60218 in connectn v.ith Relocation BPli/ req $655,000 install Fifth Coorri^Coil't-B/W fr. hand emrlnv Blower Unit -Mayor 1 Sr Title Examiner Houston 11-9-54 56201 Hyperion Plant 9-11-53 60273 ^onv Amer R/W Assoc-req Thos Emp overtime 1 Inter Clk & Miranda represent City LA Nov 18- others-BPW req emp 9-6 to 12-1-53 19- _ -Hayor Howard Addn 6-3-53 58344 Hyperion Plant 9-15-53 60341 Annexatn area Western-Crenshaw-' Net cost oper & prop capaeity- Century & 120th St to L A Eng rept est -BPI-/ "Howard Addition" 5-18-55 ,58344 Hyperion Sewage 10-5-53 60621 Co Boundary Comsn advises re Plant-City of El Segundo sub prop annexation to Inglewood prop resol oppose enlargement facil .with .in Hyperion Plant 10-13-53 60712 Hubbard St Sch 12-9-57 825ou German resol inatall siaewalka BPW req au-th enter contract witii MW aide Sayre bt-NV/ aide Hubbard i Air Pollutn Control install sW aide Giadatone- Houdry Catalysts - S5920 Hyperion Sewage 2-1-54 57610 .Huraan Relations 11-9-56 74638 Diversion Study for City-Feb '54 LA Co- Resol inci in contracts '• Co Sanitatn Dist #2 sub rept clause re non-discrimination (Rawn rept) Hungarian 5-18-56 74659 Hyperion Sewage 2-26-54 626?6 American Federation-Pet perraiss Treatraent Plant-Manhattan Beach erect Meraorial on St named Kovats City sub resol oppose expansion Hungarian Freedom 10-3-57 81534 Hyperion Tr 3-30-53 57707 Fighters Fed-req pennission Lot Ill-Arthur Hansen req City Park 10-23-57^°" ^" Exposition quitclaim easeraent Hyperion Plant 8-15-57 ^ 8o775^^ "I Am An American 9-14-53 60301-><>y Valley Settling-Terminal Isiand Day"- Resol declare Sunday | LA Co ^anit Dist Jt Disposal Flani 9-20-53 -Henry BFW annl. Fed Aid constr oro1 Hyperion Treatment 9-24-57 80775 ' I Ice boxes .11-16-53 48274 Plant-BPW petition Surgeon.Genl i Metro Rubbish Collectors Assn Pub Hlth Service re discharge assures cooperatn in^drive to sludge to receiving, 'waters . elim,abandoned - . Hyperian Fiant 11-18-57 , 8i;2o4 j Iceboxes 4^:7-55 666791- BPW neg contr with outside • Davenport resol commend Metro sanitation diats & cities re City . Rubbish Coll Assn & San Ferndo sewerage fac Hyperion Plant 5-26-54 63909 lice Cream 6-25-56 74728 Mayor req $110,000 const Closed ' Paul Dynen pet to sell adj City conduit re odors -BPW Parks. Hyperion Treatment 7-16-54 64664 •Ice Plants 1-17-56 70575 • Plant-BPW recom $110,000 reconst on vacant lots for weed abaterant' sludge return channels-Mayor BPW rept re planting Hyperion Treatrat 12-14-54 66698 Identification 2-26-55 73010 Plant site-BPW req Ord estab ptn" Cards-Hahnrao Police Comsn confer as part of Imperial Highway with Dir Civ Def re Hyperion Treatraent 12-28-54 66675 Identification 6-24-55 70474 Plant-BPW sub rept of Corapletion - Cards-Harby mo Chf Pol investigti. of const- Contract 2II76 ' re cards to minors /" Hyoerion Treatraent 3-10-55 57912 Identification 8-15-55 70295 Plant-BPW declare -^ir Pollution • perraits Coraraercial Vehicle-Bd Inc in default re installation Traff Comsnrs repeal Sec 80.60.1 ' MC no . , •Hyperion Treatmt 3-14-55 67973 Immaculate Heart 1-2-57 77326 Plant Pund-Cheraieal Products Aect College Exhibit-Mun Arts- Dept BPW req trans $56,171.- Mayor fiuth SlOo re- Mavor ^

Hyperion Treatment 6-1-55 69199 Immieration & Plant i.'und-bPW req trans to Bur ?-i3-54 of sanitatn 1^22,000 for oceano­ Protection Foreign Born-req repeal graphic survey Sta Monica, bay area & Hrg re SB 2585 & HR 6820 Hyperion Plant 6-22-55 69534 Immunization 10-5-54 65699 State Reg Water Poll Cont. Bd #4 :^ program-Roybal resol coramen Hlth Pub Hrg 7-28 Hermosa Beach re Dept-& Bd of Ed re Diphtheria & sewaee into ocean. . ... Tetanus campaigns Hyperion Plant 8-11-55 70264 Imperial 5-17-57 ' 7'9362 BPW sug activated sludge produce annexation - proposed to City at Hyperlon-Off Wilbur Ellis Co ' of Ht.-,-vtnorne - L A Co cndry Coion • to,Durchase . ... Hyperion Sewage 6-31-55 70571 Imperial-Corapton 5-6-54 63585 Plant-Mayor El Segundo req steps . Hsng Proj & Aliso Village Ext taken re odors ^ Hsng Proj-Hsng Auth of LA re auitclaim 2 nar land Hyperion 10/7/55 71090 Bd P Wks traris monthly prog rejii- Iraperial Courts 4-14-54 50742 re design of imps .City sewerage , Project-Housing Auth re utilities system Sept '55 by Engineers at- Conservative Water Co :Hyperion Plant 1-20-56 72471 Iraperial Courts 10-17-55 71181 Treated sewage into Pac Ocean- „ Hsng Proj-N of Iraperial Hwy W of-_ State Reg Water Poll Cont Bd re Gorraan Ave- Housing Auth req City', Hrg on requirements for disposal - qultclaira sewer easmt. Hyperion Treatment 2-15-56 63354 Imported Motor Car i2-4-57 82436 Piant-bP't'/ contract Joim 'rieek Co Week- Ron Weiner sub reaol to elim return sludge ch&nnels- proclaim Jan 9 thru 19 nz.-ltirp rdnr ,. • Hyperion Treatment 4-25-56 73837 Impounding 3-19-56 73287 Plant- Culver Oity resol auth of Dogs & animals-Bd Animal Reg payrat re study propraodiflcation ' prop amendMC Sec 53.12.1

Hyperion Treatraent 4-27-56 73666 Impounding 9-26-56 76069 Plant- CAO rec BFW trans ?8o,000 '^ Animals for research-PH&W Comt bet Accts re ChiSrine -Mayor ' rec. Ord amend MC Sec 53.11(h) -, Hyperion Plant 7/24/56 ' 75202 Henry mo matter re eontaminatn , I Improvement j , Hermosa & Manhattan Beaches be continued 7-25-56 • Also see St Improvement Ord 'Hyperion Plant 11-16-56 76765 ! Improvements ' 9-16-53' 6i0353 ' Sewage Disposal -BPW approp Rec CAO conduct survey Eng Bur ?48,298 re var exp comply State & Cont Admin Bur to expedite all , req. re. - Mayor . _ . .- PnJ' .imp .. - . _ -Govt Eff Comt Hyperion 'Treatmt 12-18-56 77195 Improvements 9-21-53 60425 Plant- BPW appi Fed-Grant-ln-Ald, 1911 Aet- If City Treas comply ' Sewerage Pac appurtenant to with State prvsns re Incidental fees Hyperion Plant - 1-8-57 774u6 Improvements 11-13-53 61205 Sewage uisposal- BPW auth condran BPW select 6 1911 jobs over easmt State prop constr Ocean " 5fl5,000 & assign to private engs- Outfall Sewer - Mayor •plibt Test Jobs' Hyperion Treatmt 5-16-57 79343 Plant Pd- BPW req trans $65,000 1 bet accts re chlorine- Mayor ^ Improvements 2-9-54" 623,44 In Lieu Payrats 12-1-55 7l6bX^Ci 191l'Act-BPW req Ord re Collectio LA Housing Auth discharge of 1 assessmnts 30 day period obligation 'imoroveraents 3-8-55 . 67883 •[nauguration 1-13-53 5663ij 1911,Act-Henry rao Atty rept re Pres Eisenhower 1-20-53-Hec amend to give power to BPV/ to Louis M Van lersel rep City" LA in TinlA v,„„.Q- CnA Of Tnt. 51-. AsRRSSmt Washington D C -Mayor Improveraents 12-27-54 6686I Incentive awards 9-14-56 '40391 St & Sewer program-Industrial I CAO submit rept re pilot pltn Assoc of San Fernando Valley sub • for 6-vr period Improvements 3-9-55 , " 65503 Bd P ilks k CAO rept on all incidental expenses 8-31-50 29405 types of assessment prcdgs in assessiaent prcdgs-alio-.v 12? for City r------Iraproveraent 4-13-55 . 68452 "" Incidental 5-15-56 29403 St Ord of 1941 Revolving Fd- ' expenses- rec ameiic 1950 BPW req $65,000 trans fr Reserve , policy re assessment jobs "\ Fd to, Unapprop Bal-. Mayor Improveraents 8-19-55 57941 Comt sub procedure re approp City Incinerator 7-10-53 59281 Funds on Assrat projects made prior- Municipal- City,of Huntington to orderinp work Pk invites Ccl to deraonstratn Improveraents 6-29-55 70516 PWks-Gov Eff Corat rept of Jnt ratj, Incinerator 7-20-53 59363 8-16-55 re Assrat Act prddgs in var Hunicipal-BPW req araend HC re deots disposition combustible rubbish & cond pert to pub use of Improvements 10-4-55 71029 Incinerator 8-6-53 5926l 1911 Act-Wilkinson institute Ave 21- BHi/ advises Contractor assmt orcdgs re imo Vanowen St bet- altering knows of Houdry process- I,n-,iise Avp.^k Reseda Bivd . Oxyaire Pollutn Cont sub book Improvements 10-26-55 71350 Incinerators 3-2-53 57266 Chavez Ravine-Bixby Slough-.^'port Resol amend MC regulate use Arena-Golf Courses ete-Allen mo Class 1 Rl-2-3-4 zones 6-10 AM Rec & PV-. adviqe re nrivate fin C R Peterson • Ira-orovementa 4-13-56 65441 Atty re limitations of 46287 Incinerators 10-23-53, ^60389 incidental expenses & Assrats Small Prop O/.Tiers Invii-e Ccl on.imp attend mtg 10-26-53 re elim Iraprovements 4-19-55 73743 back yard incinerators Debs rao consider amend Ord Incinerator 1-23-54 62199 103047 re perrait sraall cost imp- -. Debs mo Be P Vvks attend Ccl normal routine 1-29-54 re condition Improvements 3-22-57 74025 Estab procedure for coll ,&72594 Incinerator 3-17-54 62899 enforcement assmnts if •work - Gaffey St & County & Terrainal done by bur of St iiitnce Island Disposal Plant-BPW invites Improveraents 7-24-57 66733 Ccl in..?nect ?-'!0-54 Ccl policy approve all property Incinerators 3-23-54 62977 acquisition settlements - aovise , Garbage disposal plant-Northrid^ BPW anu P./,, ..: Land our Nornetta Eraans prot estab . Improvements il-i^9-i)7 82377 BFW consider chg present poiicy Incinerator 4-26-54 63443 re prepare preiim assessmts for at 728 W 41st St-Mrs H W Morris imp Irap Bond Aet 1915 8-J1-54 44554 re payraent delinquent assrats Incinerators 5-10-54 63637 LA Co Tax Collector 1953-54 Mrs -r/altcr Doekhara re elim L A Do Tax Collector 1954-55 l-story smoke stacks on priv LA Co Tax Collector 1955-56 755JO Incinerators 5-21-54 6383f back yard-Harbor Dlst Apartment "CUES Acsn Oppose Crd "Prohibiting Imp Bond Act 1915 9-16-57 75530 ^„ Co Tax Coil aemanci funds oay Incinerators 10-21-54 65937 , 19,56-57 Kenry resol amend KG change )lmproveraent Bonds 2-17-56 72870 burning hours to 4-7 PM on 90 •BPW rec reraove fr assets of day trial Assrat Invest Fd of Imo Bonds re Incinerators 10-22-54 65960 3rd St bet Harbor Blvd -Pacific AvU Resol prohibit rubbish-burning in incinerators-Bd Supervisors '^?QCi^^,' .^^^ i^-20-53 58009 1953-54 Motor Veh Lic Fee Pund- Incinerator 12-29-54 66907 .^'tate Controller sub ost rept -^ at Traff Dept-Pire Dept Shop - Bd Traff Comsnrs app trans $3700 "Cn lieu taxes 6-15-54 6364I to const- Mayor ; Re HR 7782 & SB 2473 payraents to • State &. local govts on defense ', Incinerators 3-30-55 66261 procuction prop 1 Francis Holvoet prot sug to elira horae incinerators-asks consider In Lieu Tax 7-6-55 69712 trash & Gas Tax-Mayor rec Special Incinerators 4-7-55 68389 Census re re-venue from •< in Apts & Hotels-Davenport resol re specifications- not to be In lieu tax " " 4-13-56 73732^/ a ffected by future leels on prop assimits lieu tax Incinerator 2-14-55 67556^ on iJ'ederal prop A E Seaward & Co sub ideas elim sraoke Incinerator 3-18-55 68o56^>' Incinerators 4-5-57 767b7-.'ix Col,David Roscoe invites Ccl Mun-BPW app 10^ per hundred lbs view sraokeless incinerator re smog rates for combustible rubbish Incinerators 3-15-55 61523 .Incinerators 4-11-57 78644' LA Co Bd Supvsrs app "Air i Discontinue in dists not collett Pollution Control" & abolish by City- Wyman mo. Air Foil Cont Incinerators , , , . . Dipt Bd r.larifv. ordar . Incinerators 5-11-55 61523 Incinerators 4-22-57 78968' Air Pollution Control Offer Apartment Assn of LA Co resol commun re abolish single-chamber . oppose ban single chamber for & estab 4 to 3 FU burning hours aopfitnents July J, Incinerator 6-10-55 69364 - -Incinerators 4-30-57 73844 Lacy St & Harbor Dist-Debs rao . Navc.rro resoi req Air Poll u: " req BPW rept to Ccl re repairs etc nl X .r f-.,,„il., r-,,.,.nl \ i r... c nP K ,i. or more from ban date of July 1st • Incinerator ban 5/731/55 69167 Incinerators 6-5-57 75013 Holland mo Atty advise if Bd Bur Sanit trans ?9360 Operate- of Supvsrs respons re enforcmnt : Qf_Atxorney opinion Mayor Incinerators 7-1-55 69647 Tncinerator Fireman 6-5-57 75013 Mayor message re ban backyard & & others- Bur sanit add- trans collection corabustibie rubbish S936U Oper incinerator - Mayor Incinerator 7-12-55 69794 Incinerator Supt 4-19-57 78966 Lacy St-BFW rec deny appl extend- & others- C Phillips re adj in time US ^^idelity & Guaranty Co re , salary- BPW Incinerators '7-20-55 69354 • Incinerators 5-21-57 79412 Lacy & Gaffey Sts-Henry mo Frank M Tobin-Vice Pres intnl BPW investigate installatn of Incinerators address Council elec preciuitators &c on 6-4-57 • Incinerator" 7/25/55 69980 Incinerator 6-11-57 79736 LA Co Fair Assoc invite City officials witness demonstration ", ban-Air Foil Cont Dist re cost new 75-ton Mun type - & est of Inc coat (rept) Incinerator 7-26-55 70012 Incinerators 8-21-57 79736 backyard- Navarro rao re advise ;. Kuies & Reg re refuse burning in State Supreme Ct adj dispute re LA Co- Air Poll Cont Dlst sub burning Incinerator 7-28-55 70046 Incinerator 8-28-57 80972 L A Harbor Dept-^raith ^ng Co att J & C Reiss consider use after having largest Fire box in Co Oct 1 re waste paper only Incinerators 8-8-55 69647 neome Tax l|.-30-53 58l85 Wm Hyson-Corat for Ballot Solutn Federal- Resol Ccl urge Congress of Xznr.i.nanatnn Co"t-^overs-'-sub to ' include medical k hosp exp electorate fn- »pte allowable deductns -Davenport Incinerator site 8-20-54 65099 Income Tax 1-26-54 62165 261)0 E 25th St-BPW sell & Purch ., 1% Payroll deduction-Prank C rrop Minerva St site Refuse Coll '- Field protests - vard , . Incinerator site 6-25-54 64354 Income Tas 5-7-56 740O0 Cond Use at KS corner Pf.rthenia on non-resident .workers in LA- St & Vanalden Ave- PC 5110

Incinerator 8-1-55 70091 •Incorae Tax 1-21-57 77616 Site-Allen mo BPW select land G Lipscomb advise prop Incentivet in 7th Dist for sraog control- HR 2463 •Incinerator 8-10-55 69654 Incorporation 7-31-57 805jjl Harbor-Gaffey St-Henry resbl New City West Hoilywood-LA Co raake further tests by outside firm\ Bndary Comsn notice

Incinerators 9-2-55 70612 Increment #160 6-28-57 79989 Don Allen mo attention called to' LA Co Bndary Comsn re City Long burning hours set. at 6 AM to 10 AM" Beach annex Terr Incinerators 9-7-55 70643 Independence Day 6-29-54 64406 Wilkinson req Chf Parker address '^ Mass-St Vibiana's Cathedral- Ccl re auth arrest smog violators " Catholic Dtrs of Araerica invite Cel att-7-5 at _ip AM . Incinerators 9-14-55 70727 Independence Day 6-6-55 69268 Allen mo Pire Dept rept re propei July 4th-The Veterans Day 'Corat ol corabustion LA req approp $500 re prograras in ..Parka. ... , , Incinerators 9-14-55 65937 Indian Affairs Bur 5/77/55 69157 • Mayor req ord change burning Bd W&P Comsips auth easmnt for hours to 4 PM to 7 PM "^^^ pub road to US Dept Interior - Ord est.ab Sat & Sun burning only Incinerators 9-19-55 70795 Indian 4-6-55 66335 Mrs Gowdy sub viewpoints re burning hours & inc in salaries ^ " American Llberation-Leta Smart «. . re aolicltlng & begRing- amend nvA v.a nrcanrrati ons' ... Incinerators 9-22-55 7087r"' Indians 9-11-56 75645^ P Mixsell req exerapt sraall horaes-, • Araerican- Indian Center Inc req apartraents-hotels re Hlth hazard assistance re problems in LA area Indiana . 8-26-53 - 60023-^//<' Inglewood City 3-11-57 78329"^^ Govt Research Assoc mtg 9/9-to ' LA Co Bndry Corasn notice annex ' |,{|l/53- .Chf Legis Analyst req Laraway Terr Indiana Womens 8-12-54 65000 Chorus-sing Hollywood Bowl- -; Inglewood City 6-28-54 63975 Royball resol Aug 22 'Indiana Day' \l Off Cooperation re Off-center lano & placeraent of signs Indianapolis 10-6-53 60635 Wilkinson attend Am Legion Conv . Inglewood 7-8-54 64524 Comsn Oct 14-15 1953 - , & LA-Agreemnt re ratnce Freeman Govt Effcy & Fin Comt Ave bet Thornburn & LaTijera etc Indigent 5/20/55 69171 BPW -Mflvor homeless men-Welfare Fed LA req Inglewood City 5-5-55 68829-' $25,000 for 1955-56 budget provido agreerat with City re ratnce Traff signals Florence Ave & West Blvd- . food & ],odt:',ing for- :....' Indigent Men 3-7-56 69171 Bd Traff ''oTisrrs Welfare Federation of LA Area- Inglewood City 10-25-55 71326 pet incl $25,000 in LA BudcRt -, Co Bndry Comsn notice proposed 7-1-56 annexation "Laraway Ho 1 Territory' Industries for 5-28-54 63943 the Blind-LA Center Calif-re "inglewood City • 2-16-56 72836 sale of prod In pfiblic Bldgs % prop annex 'Isis Ave #2 Terr'- LA Co Boundary Corasn advises Industrial Drill 8-26-54 65l8l Track-So Pac Co appl perrait Inglewood' City 7-27-53 59505 const across Bledsoe St-Rancho Ex -^ Sub Ord 1177 approve annexation Mission de San fndo- -T">.Y^.°.go|'^"cho Territory #1 to Industrial Surgeon 12-30-54 66908 InglCKood City of 1-11-54 61929 . Code 2333-C S ''orasnrs app W&P sub Install traff signals Van Dept emp Dr Frank Valvo , ^ r^ Ness Ave 96th St & Hardy St Industrial 2-14-55 67555 Inglewood City 4-9-56 71113 Surgeon Class-C S Comsnrs Bd app • Resol favor expansion LA Inter- erap for W&P Dept-J Gibbons & -^ National Airnort J Porte Industrail Surgeon 2-20-55 72680 Ingiei*ood City 3-29-57 78638 Byron Walls-' W & P Dept req erap- Fl£m Comsn notice pub hrg re C S Corasnrs Bd app erap -^ zone variance Beach Ave re asphalt plant Industrial 5-16-56 74664" Inglewood City 8-14-57 8o752 aurgeon- Dept W&P-C s Corasn auth Plan Corasn-Pub Hrg re chg zone . erap Jaraes Hopkins -i prop bet Grosvenor & Juniper Avea & bet iiucaiyptus & N La Brea Ave Industrial Waste 3-18-54 62916 Inglewood City io-1-57 5i976 Inspec Bur Sanit City LA-Jolm S -Req tie in to aewer line Dickey Claira daraages re discharge '' Midfield Ave to aervlce adobe bldg _ pes _ Inglewood City ii-^7-57 62354 Industrial Waste 6-11-55 70260 • prop annex 3r0 Isis 'Cerr-L*' Co into sewer system-Calif State Bndary Corasn notice Reg water Poll Cont Bd #4 req \ ^ity £ti\idy re reduce Inglewood Unified 11-3-54 66102 Ind & Trans 4-10-54 63350 School Ist-req pedestrian & P & P Comts re plan periphery overpass-64th St & La Cienega Blvd' parking areas in downtown dist •" _ Debs resol _ Inglewood Unified i-i6-57 77581 Inflammable 10-30-53 60980 ~ sch Dlst- req complete storra liquids-Fire Comsn req amend Sec drain 64th St & LaCienega Bivd adj- 57.46 of MC re use liquid -^ LaTHera Sch cLeaninfi & polishinE nrenaratjons Inglewood City 6-22-56 74715 S-; Information Center 3-8-56 72100 prop annex ptn Lennox Area- LA CAO req 1 Sr Clerk Typist- Mayor' Co Bndry Corasn Inoculation 3-6-53 57269 Inform.ation & 2-25-54 62617 -\ Against rabies for dogs- Hlth Legis Serviee-Amer Kun Assoc- Comsn req support SB 1694 req

•^>< CAO urges use thru Office Inocculation 3-30-55 6626o" Information 12-29-54 65699 Mass Anti-Pollo-Bd Hlth Comsnrs Service-Pin & Pers Comts rec rept re- auth erap var pers- Mayor ^ araend pers ord CAO & add 1 Pub Relations 6ff-D Soibelraan Insecticide 1-22-53 56760 ~ Information 5-7-5 6 74016 Vaporizers-Dd Health -Comsn sub 'inside' being released to prOp Ord regulate -Mayor private individuals fr Planning 'Bept- Debs rao re In-Service-Training Inelewood City 3-i5-5i; 62859 SEE Invites Ccl Dedication Ceremony On-the-Job-Trslnlng "" City Hall Wodernization-3-26-54 'Inside Information' i>-7-56 74O18 Inglewood-City of 7/19/56 75138 .: being released to private Co Bndry Comsn notify prop individuals fr Planning Dept- Debs^ annexatn portn Lennox ar.ea to- mo re Inspection 3-26-53 57680 Ingiewood City 12-14-56 77i6i Of bldgs- Prop Owners Assoc of Resoi 3946 req protect bays & East LA- Resol prot Ords 100757- 1 beaches fr waste disposal ooer IOO676-IOO677-IOO678 [nspection 7-28-53 59538 of used cars before resale - Patrick Conley suggest ord Inspection ' ^"^^'a'iSiSg Technlcii'^e^lonnef- I Eviscerated,poultry-Hlth Comsn Comsnrs approp $240 auth 6 Emp atL, rec amend MC re & estab fee USC_.6/1'

.Inspector Pub Wks 4-15-54 633I' • Insurance 1-13-55 67100 Bur Contract Adrain-BPW App "^ ' for malpractice-Calif State Nurst. Winfield T Anderson effec 4-15-54 Assoc req City assume cost in • Hlth , DP r.t "inspectors 10-7-53 60654 Insurance 4-6-56 73551 ^ of var City Depts-Debs resol on Police Helicopter- Police Dept req to report on souces of smog req-coverage- Mayor-Cft6 to Co Air Pollution Control Inspectors 6-28-54 64365 Insurance 6-4-57 79640 Roybal resol re LA being self- Expert-Mayor rec exerapt & approp' insured f25,000 for fireworks $5000 for prog re raotor veh noise demonstration July 4 _ (trucks) Inspectors . -4-18-57 78934 'integration 9-8-54 60096 1 Bur of Contract Adrain-A Ryan in L A Fire Dept-natl Federatn commun re Irregularities mileage P.O. Clerks commend-Uayor for _ .naymts. .... reduestlne ... Inspector of Police3-8-57 75o25 ". Integration 12-15-55 72042 CAO sub req Pol Corasn add 1 United Neighbors req Bd Fire Comsnrs study rept LA Co Conf Commuhity relations re •Institute of Govt 4-20-53 58OI9' Integration at UCLA 5-1-53-Resol Cel endorse^ & permit City emp att -Allen Also see Segregation Institute on 4-26-54 63449 Integration 4-24-56 73810 Goverrment-Univ of Calif-4-30-54 ., in Pire Dept-Roybal mo Chf Eng apo att City Erap-Davenport resol Fire Dept sub progress rept re -^ Interceptor 8-3-54 64876 Institute of .4-6-54 sewer-Saticoy St & Bellaire Ave- Hotel 4-I4-I6-P A Chworowsky Dir BPV/ sub comraun West America Core t ^ "pers BPW att ' • Co off contrib re const Interceptor . ,, 8-25-54 65I63 .institute, 5-6-54 63579 Sewers-Fln ^orat araend MC require Mayors & Cclraens June 3-4-54 payraent fr tributary areas re Santa Barbara-Clerks June 25-24- "• connection sno, , . ,Intereepter Sewer 1-12-55 67084 Institute 7-9-54 • 64551 Sunland-Tujunga bet Glenoaks & Medicolegal Trial Teehmlque & Wentworth St-BPW Ord auth poss r/v Legal Medicine-Jos Owen & Ed Shinn- co.nst Sec C-l-r , Mayor att'7-1 i^-?l-5)L- Attorney reo Interceptor sewer 3-21-55 64882 Institute 7-29-54 648IO Hamlin St & ""'innetka Ave- tract Trans & Traf Engng Ext UCLA 20288-Voorheis-Trindle req eity -^ A^g 23-27-BPW Spitz Salem att ..allotfunds re . _, (^imdamentals of Traff Ena) I.nstitute of ' 5-11-54 64118 •Intercsptor sewer 4-16-55 68515 Traff Engineers-Gen Mgr Traff Topanga Canyon Blvd-Sherman Way Dept att mtg Detroit Michigan - fr. Shoun Ave vie Saticoy St-Al.^on -^ Mayor .... _Cnn.qt,.Co van Aaai.rzn . .. , ^. Institute of 9-10-54 65346 Interceptr Sewer 10-21-55 6686I Traffic Engineering-Kansas City- . ,; Winnetka Ave & Tarapa Ave bet 9-26-30/54-BPW auth L Gardner att-­ Roscoe Blvd & Nordhoff St- Ind Mayor .As.soc .of Sen Perndo .VaJ.ley. .rea_ st, , Interceptor Sewer 11-1-55 56676 Institute of Traff 9-21-54 65477 Hayvenhurst Ave S of Sherraan Way Ub J. &iu^ — . att in Chic, & Victory Blvd $124,096.50 • Mayor Intercentor Sewer h-)i-c;6 71.], s 1-26-55 67269 Trans & Traff Engrng-Peb 2-4- L Chase-'BPW contr Hlrih-Edmurtds Bide Berkeley-Laraar Gardner Sr Traff - .LoiTTO. Const _- Eng Att- CAO- Traff Dent req interceptor Sewer 6-14-56 71510! , 52nd St- BPW contr LA Co Flood - Institute of Traff6-20-55 69479 Cont Dlst re St Andrews Pl & 54th . • Engineers-San Diego 6/22-24-Gov ^- . St- ?13,045.13 Eff & Fin .Corat auth var erap att ra., •Interceptor sewer 9-6-56 70845' mtc-.-Traff Deot Wilbur Ave- D&E Corp prop agreemt Institute of Traff9-12-56 75835 with City re cost const '' Eng- San .Francisco Sept 25-27- I Bd Traff Comsnrs req 7 erap att -^ llnterceptor Sewer iO-li-56 76304I •Institute for 1-26-55 67270~ Venice- Unit C- Mayor sub req Hlth, Educators-Asildraar Feb 2-3-,' auth BPW condemnatn re acq sewer ^ Hlth Dept rec 3 erap att-Ma.;-or . easmt ^^--

Interceptor Sewer 12-21-56 77233^'^<' Inter Clk Steno 7-14-55 6985K'. p Venice- Washington St-BPW approp »- fr Inter Clk Typist- °ur St ^ $2,000 re head gates- Grand Cantl- Ltg req realloc pos- CAO Mayor Interceptor Sewer ii-1-57 8i964 Int Clerk Steno 6-16-55 69754 bet JLBssen & Farthenia sts-BPW C Gondolf req special classif auth cond eaamt eonstr Uhit B of & salary inc (z-rate) Winnetka Ave- . Mayor Inter Clerk Steno 4-10-56 72100 Interceptor Sewer 11-28-55 71773 Rec Hosp req emp - CAO Hayvenhurst Ave-BPW auth acq Cond Easmts Par 1 to 7 re const --r Ms.yor . ... Inter Clerk 3-16-53 57525 Interceptor Sewer 5-3-56 73960 Steno- Custodial Divsn BR-/ req De ^oto Ave bet "oscoe Blvd-& realloc to Sr Clerk Steno -CAO Valerio St- BPW re priority const- defer Haskell Ave Inter Clork Typists 1-6-53 56535 Interceptor Sewer 5-29-56 71485 2 in BFV/ -Req advance overtirae Wilbur Ave vie Tuba-Crebs-Lassen auth bal fiscal yr re budget St-City contr R T Moss- approp prep -CAO S-}.4o5 Inter Clk Typist 1-28-53 56849 Interceptor Sewer 5-1^5 6 74418 Police Comsn req add 1 pos & Valley State College-Carapus Rd- BPW approp $11,000-Zeizah Ave & delete 1 Clk Typist -CAO _, Nordhoff St Diat- OAO ^ Int Clk Typist 2-11-53 57031 Interim Comt Traff Eng Corasn req emp 1 & delete 1' Clk Steno -CAO

Inter Clk Typist 3-2-53 57244 Inter Clerk 9-11-53 60273 at IVLA Hith Center-req chg to - Hyperion Plant- BPV/ req auth Inter Cik Steno - lirs Spencer- erap 1 overtime 9-6 to 12-1-53 •CAO Inter Clk Typist 3-30-53 57737 _ -Mayor in Bur of Eng - BP-rf req realloc ' Inter Clerk 1-26-54 62204 Clk Typist to above - CAO -s req increase- personnel 1 - CAO -Cnter Clk. Typist 3-31-^3 57744 .Cnter Clerk 11-8-54 6440C~ Canoga Pk Hlth Center- Hlth Comsr „, Hlth Comsn req add 1 & delete 1 , req create 1 -CAO Clk Typist for SE Dlst Hlth Center Inter Clk Typists 5-14-53 58396 Inter Clerk 11-9-54 66197 Add 3- Pol Comsn pet amend rifilfitf.-.nriri-| Krx.r Punch Oper-2 Intra Pers Ord -CAO City Clerk-Lie & Sales Tax Div trans $10,6/43-Mayor Inter Clk Typists 5-14-53 58398 Inter-dept Comt 6-8-56 3542^ Night pos- Police Comsn pet on Sewerage Prob-Sub Opinions re amend Pers Ord increase -CAO revisions MC re costs & reiraburse Inter Clk Typists 5-14-53 58399 Interraediate Clork8-l6-55 69754 - Charlotte Gondolf req special Pers Ord -CAO classif & salary inc (Z-rate) Inter Clk Typist 7-16-53 59339 rintermediate'Clks 5-11-55 684OO Lot Cleaning Divsn Bur St Mtnce of Police Dept - Juanita Polk Req realloc 1 pos to Sr Clk et ol pet salary increase Typist -BPVI CAO rec as official file re ine Inter Clk Typist 7-16-53 59339 'Enter Clk Steno 1-20-53 56598" Lot Cleaning Divsn Bur St Rcc Hosp- Realloc pos to Req realloc 4 Clk Tvpia Accountant & req auth emp -CAC • Inter Clk Typist 7-16-53 59349" 1- Bd Hun Art Comsn req elim & ' "inter Clk Steno 1-28-53 56849~ add 1 Inter Clk Steno Police Comsn req delete 1 pos & add 1 Sr Clk Steno -CAO ^ Int Clerk lyt. Civ Def Divsn 'fHA Hlth Dept- Int Clerk Steno 2-25-53 57175 c- Traff Eng Comsn req add 1 pos- .,., Flth Cnman j-gq auth fill pos -CAO^ -CAO Int Clerk Typist 2-15-54 62427 V/estchester Hlth Center-Bd Kith ' Inter Clk steno '3-2-53 57P// Comsnrs req estab new pos-CAO Keq positn for Mrs Spence: V/1.A Hlth Center - Hlth Coi Int Clerk Typist 5/14/54 63727 CAO Inter Clk Steno 7-16-53 59349 Treasurer req auth fill 1 pos of- Bd Hun Art Comsn req elim 1 bfl.l.sno'^ ,-r-!,p^nT ,r-r. - C,*n ^ Inter Clk Typist & add I Inter Clk Steno -CAO Inter Clk 'Typist 11-18-54 66326-W Inter Clerk Steno 9-17-53 ' 60381 I B&S Dept amend Pons' Ord realloc V 1 In Chf Legis Analyst Office 16 pos Clerk Typist & add 18 pos ^ bal fis yr- Req auth eiro-City Clk- Intftrw^AO Inter Clk Typist 1-13-55 67086 Inter Clk Steno 3-1-54 62550"^'^? & ^oe Service Investigator Sr- BPW req auth emp 1 Bur R/W Land Soc Serviee Dept erap bal fis yr 3-^610 Snl Aicct- Mavor Int Clk Typist 3-18-55 64306 Inter Clk Steno 5-17-54 63768 Bur Assessmt auth overtime & 1 Hlth Comsn req auth fill 1 pos Senf.or ''lerk -Auth erap 5 Cik in Civii Defense T-tml.qto- Pal f1.<5 -irr Inter Clk Typist 7-14-55 69651 Int Clerk Steno '- 12-13-54 66673 to Inter Clk.Steno- Bur St Ltg BPW fill pos due to absence req realloc pos- CAO , M M Neider-Bur St Mtnce- CAO y^€

Inventory 3-3-53 573l4"''^J' Int Clerk Typist 8-18-55 69754 ^- Tax policy- Resol Calif State G Gondolf req special classif • Legis correct -Davenport & salary ine (Z-rate)

Inter Tab Equip 10-21-54 65930 • Inventory 8-4-53 ^9650 Oper trans to Sr Tab Equip Oper Of unredeemed pledges-Req CAO-Bd Hlth Comsnrs auth overtime amend MC re jewelry auction sale &.. nawnhrokers , . .^ -E"L nnman Investigation 4-1-53' 57577 Inter Tab Equip 11-9-54 66197 , Pub Housing in LA- Celman Cronk - Oper-''^ey Punch Oper-delete Inter req permissn answer Cngressman ', Clerk-City Clerk-Lie & Sales Tax Hoffman letter re Comt hrgs n-i .. -Tr,n".r, ZZl O AI, ") _ Mo,r^-. Investigation 1-17-57 77571 Inter Tabulating 11-21-55 696OO BPW re suspention fr pos R F Equict Oner-realloc fr Tab Equip Witter Dir IVV Land Bur , Oper"-add Clerk Typist-WLA Hlth - Center-CAO-Bd Hlth Corasnrs Inter Tabulating 3-5-56 72100 Invitation 9-4-56 75760 Equip Operator-CAO & Cont req to meet in LA- LA City College- emp 2 addtl Circle K International- Kiwanis Club Inter Tabulating 6-20-56 74690 Invoice 6-25-57 79925 Equipt Oper-CAO roc fill 1 pos Boiler Div Inspection- B&S Comsm City Clerk Lie Divsn Bd auth acc 40 % amt due ii/2/56 -

Inter 'I'ab Equip 11-20-57 80390 Inyo County 10-19-53 60302 Oper- Cont auth sub poa & var W&P Dept Resol 305 auth easemt other pos- CAO S4.820 for public road 1 Internal Revenue 7-21-53 59417 Inyo County 11-15-53 6II48 Stamp Tax- Resol -urge Calif , W&P Eesol 393 auth sale 6 par Senators & Congre-ismen endorse . prop for street & highway HR 5915 re -Allen Inyo County 12^17-53 61631 Intemat'l Air 2-8-54 62337. W&P Dept Resol 431 auth sale Flight Program-LA CofC req resol jjrop in Independen'ce by Col support L A as Terminal International Airport Inyo County 3-26-54 53045 Dept Prop-W&P Bd Comsnrs resol See Airport-International 727 re easrat & r/w for Pub Road

Internatl Art 9-7-56 75830 Inyo County 6-24-54 64376 Festival Sept 16- Debs resoi W&P Dept resol 1025 auth easmnt support re adoptive wegro children" R/w for pub road Internatl Assoc 9-4-57 8lo4i Inyo Cp 5-28-54^ 63'555 of Chief of Poiice-Atty 1 W&P Corasnrs Bd resol 936 re r/w att ratg Honolulu- Oct 2- Mayor over prop-US Dept Interior-Bur of Indian Affairs Inte.rnationsl 11-19-53 61236 Inyo County 7-16-54 64662 Avic-.tlon Month - Debs resol prop easrat to State-Water & Power observe Nov 21 to Dec 17 ' 53 Dept resol 24

International 11-22-54 66366 Inyo ^ounty 1-28-55 67337 Aviation Month-Kov 21 to Dec 17- W&P Dept resol 568 grant easmt Debs resol observe re realign Jean Blanc Rd -International • 5-31-56 7), IQA Inyo County 2-16-55 67608 C D Course-Dlr C D req : W&PBd resol 610 grant easmt re ptn raoney spent-Mrs N Lifur on visit Encr land k'arra SnT-^n^^a Rd E of Bishoo International 11-6-57 6^047 Inyo Co of 5-29-57 79574 Geophysidal lear- Wyman reaol V<&P Dept 989 req auth easement ' endorse effort iiibrary Dept ^ for public road vie V.est Line _Street Bishop - International 11-27-53 61330 Inyo Co 6-i4-57 79784 Trade i'lart & Intnl Trade House st W&F Dept resoi 1038 auth sale Port of L A - bur'ichalter resol par land Northern Inyo Co Local set ue fact-finding Corat re estab hosnital ' Internatl 9-26-i)7 8i399 Inyo County 3-2-55 67792 Workshop ratg-sept jO Oct 1- W&P Dept resol 649 auth easmt Milwauke"e-Bd Traff Comsnrs auth to City Bishop re const sewer line Walter King att- Mayor Internatl 11-26-57 8234O Inyo Coxinty 6-9-55 69335 Workshop conf re Off-St Fkg- W&P Dept resol 930 auth easrat to Mayor req use City Car-Wra McCann at- San Franc1aco Nov 29-30 State const road across prop Internatl Spring 4-26-56 73841 Inyo, County 9-2-55 70611 Festival- Bovard Aud USC 4-28-56--^ W&P Dept resol I83 auth easmt re' Wyraan resol participate public roadway-Pangborn Tract NVi' Lone Pire Intersections 4-19-56 73744 Inyo County 9-21-55 70850 • 3 major vie Glendale-Gletcher- - W&P Dept resol 220 auth easmt Pountain-Ailesandro- Debs rao Eng neg State,re funds irap for pub road Intoximeter Flares 4-18-55 ..68513 Inyb Co 2-10-56 72755 & '"hite Cap covers-Bd Pol Comsn W&f Dept resol 706 auth easmt to req trans. $10,500 to Exp ACct #329 State-prop- $25. .Traff. S-ir F.xn- Mayor Inventory 12-6-50 37403 Depts submit semi-annually re 1 Inyo County 4-12-56 73654~ warehouse supolies to Purch Agt ^^ W&P Dept resol 670 grant easrat' Inyo County 5-15-56 741425*^ _Jackhammer 7-27-54 , 64776^^^ V/&F Comsnrs resoi 984 auth easmt R B Hall pet amend Sec 4l«40 MC ' re realignraent Glacier Lodge Rd proh heavy equipt work Sunday

Inyo County 5-17-56 . 7txl96 Jackhammer Oper 7-15-53 59310 Manzanar Airport-US Array- '^ng Rating be 2 sched above ratnce Corp req use by Air Force laborer- LA Co Emp Union Local Inyo Co 6-29-56 74831 Jail'"' "•"" 3-30-53 57698 & Mono Co- W&P Dept resol 1162 ri LA Clty-Mistreatmnt of prisoners- easmt to State Divsn Hwys Calif Dept of Corrections sub James M,. Raf^sdale comraun re . Invo City il-2-56 76582 Jail 10-5-55 71041 W&F Dept resol 37i re easmt for '=' Pol Corasn contract Bd Ed re Adult' irap Sugar Loaf Rd W.of Big Fine- ' . Education class at raain jail - • '• Wa.-.rnn -Contr .10^6-^7 Inyo County 4-i8-57 .78926 \ Jail 1-18-56 72li43 W&P Dept resoi 646 auth sale Terrainal Island- US Dept of prop $11,000. Justice req annual T B survey

lty 9-27-57 61427 Jail" . 5-16-56 74205 V/&P Dept resol 227 auth easmt re : Main-Lincoln Hgts- Bd Fol Corasnri Imp Whitney Portal Rd out of i,one , eontr LA Co lease of space re raale Fine .Tnvftn-i 1 AS- Mavnr •Ireland 3-6-55 "67862 Jail 9-19-56 72443 1st .tabassador to US-John J Hith Dept req LA Co TB & Hlth Hearne-Henry resol Ccl welcome Assoc plans incl as part of Rec on St Patrick's Day Hnsnl tnl Ireland 3-28-57 78635 Jaii 6-20-57 79865 Wyraan resol ext welcome i.ord Hith Dept app contr LA Co TB * Mayor Briscoe Hlth Assn x-ray program - Mayor Irrigation 6-15-53 58733 Jail 7-24-57 6i;4i8 V/ater- San Fernando Hgts Lemon Main-Atty auth Chf Foi sign Assn prot prop rate inc affecting , release of ciaira damage to food- "^uperlor Macaroni Co Irrigation , 7-6-53 59148 Jail Farra 2-3-56 72643 Water Rates- Christine Mackay at 13900 Balboa Blvd-San Fernando prot increase Bd Pol Comsnrs req araend Ord 83306 subsec(q) -Mayor Island 10-16-56 76339*"' Janitor 9-29-54 65624 Center , - ••- - - - . ~ Custodial "ivsn- 1 Foreraan & 4 Ave & Oakdale Ave-Corbln Fairas Janitors-Columbus Day Oet 12- BPW Resident.s Aaan roa tmn-CTH reo - CAO "Islands" 11-8-56 76642^ Janitor 7-26-55 70002 R Peer re remove -Laurel Canyon Marshall Pad, n-C S Dept req 3 mo Blvd & Hollywood-Crescent Hgts sick lv at .^uRset BLvd & Santa Monica Islands 4-23-57 78992 Janitors 1 -18-56 72433 Center strip- Henry mo BPW neg 6-1 Janitor Working Foreman-Bur State Hwy Dept re funds beautify Pub Bldgs- CAO req auth erap & Mtnce overtime Islands 9-4-53 60210 Janitor 3-19-56 72100 in Gower St-BPVt req Ccl plan Bur Pub Bldgs-BPW auth emp - finance planting in center Israel 6-22-55 69531 Janitors " '2-55_57 75030 Los >ingeles-Gibson resol re Bur Pub Bldgs auth emp 2 & 1 Flxcell'ency Abba Eban-Ambass Janitor Working Foreman-W Vaiiey . ,Ehan.D.TV 6-Pfi-i;5 Mun Pac Bidg- Mayor Israel Ambaasacor io-.i9-57 8ivo6 Abba Eban Day -Nov ib-Debs reaoi Janitors 8-19-57 78298 etc- City Co State Emp Local 347 - welcome ,^' reconsider pay inc

Israel Exhibit 11-10-55 "71570 Janitor Foreman 7-6-53 59171 lor!f!27^Syg&!p?ISoi°ii!fitt-' . Code 3176-N- Custodial Divsn- Celif-Israel C of C Req create addl pos & auth emp- Approp $2,850 -BHV Israel 8-26-55 70509 legation-Mr Moshe Alon-lst Janitor Service 6-28-55 69605 Secretary-Ankara-Turkey-Gibson . A Reray prot new hours 12 AM to resol ext best wishes 8 AI-1 in City Bldgs -< Israal Independenee 4-12-54 63265 Janitor Working 1-13-56 72100 j ',-/eek-May 2nd to 9th-Glbson resol Foreraan-Bur Pub Bldgs-BPV/ rec eraj- extend wishes reraainder fis yr -Mayor Israel Independenee 4-18-55 58526 Janitor Working 1-18-56 72433 Day-4/27/55- Debs resol weleome Foreman-(l)- 6 Janitors-Bur Pub - Consul General Dr Abrahara Biran Bldgs-CAO req auth erap overtirae

Italian Govt . i2-23-57,, 627^5 Janitor Working 2-25-57 75030 Debs reaol urge eievate Conauiatf Poreman-Bur Pub Bidgs auth emp to Conauiate General i & 2 Janitors- W Vallev Hun Fac Bidg- Mayor Ivanhoe Tract 1: -2-56 76593. Janitor Working 8-27-57 80401 W side Evana St- 1 Faseoe req vac set back line c.- Foreman-Custodial Div- Bur Pub Bldgs- BPft auth emp 1 pos- CAO ,Ivy 6-17-55 70355 • L Day off to replace on LA "iver bank in vie 2963 Ingledale Terr Jewish, War Vets 7-24-57 80379-'«; /'^S-^-lL^^Bus-W P Kihi Atty^f r^ of USA- Wyman resol invite conv i—' Calif Service & Mtnce Contractors , to LA 1958 req amend,MC re Lie Tax ijewlsh Working Girl5-26-55 69143 Janitress 6-22-54 64301 Wyman resol tribute to founders Aqueduct Divsn W&PDept- CS Dept Hamburger Horae '^orasnrs req exerapt pos Janitress ' 12-27-55 72133 Jobs 5-27-53 58601 . Custodial Services- BPW auth erap- Civil Servlee-Req amend Ord 2 pos Custodial Services- CAO •^, 81457 include slogan "Civil Serv Bur PU) Bldgs Jobs Onen" on outgoing mail Jaoan 11-14-55 71593 ["Jobs for Juniors"7-16-54 64646 k Councils of US Citibs-Nat'l i program-Debs coramend Lincoln HgtS Assn of Chrmn of City Asserablies, Bulletin Hews prop annual rate .. - "Jobs for Jrs" 10-27-55 71365 Jaoan ' 5-7-56 73999 • Watts Co-ord Cci req use apace Air service fr LA- Bd Airport Br City Hall-Coraraun Serv Cli ' Comsnrs resol 905 sug estab Xraas oartv- BPW Japan ' - 8-28-57 80995 ; Johnson Rancho 7-27-53 59505 : Hahn resol welcome Gov Yojl Tomosue annexation to City of Inglewood. Joint Recruitment ik!-2-57 82401 Japanese 6-2-55 ,, 70107 Project for Minority Adoptive Chlldrens Horae program-"oybal Homes- Roybal resol commend resol coramend LA Japanese coramun re re-estab -"Jottings in So 11-10-55 71568 Japanese 7-2-56 74848 Calif History-Sixty Years in So • Hirochi & Taugino Haraasakl- Allen Calif-Wyraan resol pay tribute to ' mo Gordon McDonough inter bill re author Marco Newraark- deportation Journeymen Heatlng8-20-57 T Japanese 6-4-57 79637 Plant Install-Exam of Warm Hea-., Prime Minister- Mayor rec appnop Contractors- B&S repeal 95.03.2b , 51u00 re visit MC re Salary- Maybr .Journeyraan 9-3-54 65286 Japanese-Araer Cit 9-28-55 70958 Registration Certificates-Diesel Evacuation Aet 1948-Clbson resol- Eng Oper etc-B^cS orasnreq var •\ City Ccl favor fair legis re claim changes MC re increases Lic Fees Jr Admin Analyst 8-2-54 64852 Japanese Govt 7-26-54 64760 City Clerk erap 1 ^ug 30-Sept 21 req add L A as co-terminal Pac office Chg Dermis Analyst '" Air Service-Tiraberlake resol .Po.l held hy .Tac.k Rhodes Jaycee"week " ''1/14/55 67116 Jr Admin Asslsst 2-ii-57 75u2S Hahn co:.-iuend Jr C of C for ,. Eng Bur emp 7- 2 Sr Clk Typist & services & cooneratn durine - 2 Clk Typist _CAO " T Jan 11 to 21 19<5 . ,. Jet Planes 7-3-53 59130 ;Jr Fub Hith 12-13-57 8258J Breaking the sound barrier- John . Microbioiogist & Fub Hith & Sr- . Scanlon prot noise & daraage fr Civ service Comsnr estab titles- ^ Mavor Jet Planes 9-10-53 60246 Jr Student Engineer6-27-56 75029 Training bases-Mo req Bd & Sr-Bur Eng- new class 1956-57 Airport Comsn rept re City Budget -^ airports -V/ilkinson Jet planes 10-13-53 60719 Junk 4- 5-53 57827 , John Hoyt prot noise from tests Pol Comsn req araend HC re loans at No American Aviatlori plant at under fictitious narae or address , L ,A Airport Junk Dealers 7-3-57 8oo46' Jet Planes 6-22-55 70406 Pawnbrokers etc- Assoc surplus J Haekbarth finds blasts Dealers amend MC Sec 24.01 etc re ,, caused fr bazooka firing or testln" Govt Surplus rocket exoJosives Jet Planes 8-24-55 70477 Jury Duty 6-15-54 65075 J V/hite sug City, write var for City emp-N Frederick sug companies at Lockheed re low-flyng continued pay planes Juveniles 5-24-54 63867 Jet Planes at Coliseura event-Debs express Rpp al i^n H-i nnl zxnna apprec action Chief Parker etc re -r search "Juvenile 12-3-53 6I435 -Tewelry Auction 8-4-53 59650 Delinquency-Roybal mo hold Sales- Req araend MC re inventory . Conference of Experts re control , of unredeemed pledges -Pol Corasn " in Los Angeles "Jewish Congresa 9-27-57 61438 Juvenile Delinq 5-13-54 63693 'kid gangs' in vie 8IIO Willis " - ,„ Week" Nov 17-22- Debs resol re ,, Ave-Van Nuys-E C Misener req actio':

Jewish Holiday 9-4-57 8i0^4 :Juvenile 9-21-54 654891 Gorraan mo City erap get 2 legai Delinquency-US Senate Judiciary omt req use 8th Floor 9-27-54 ^ hoiidaya re investigation Jewish wati Fund 10-23-57 818I9 Juvenile 11-5-54 66164 Week-"is.lryat i-»alachlm-iji in ' delinquency-Allen resol commend Security Section of LA City. Bd of ^ Israel".proj- Wyraan resol Nov 3-9" Ed re reducing Juveniles 5-18-56 7k20T'^^ "K" Rate 9-19-55 69647-''^ Male- Co lease of space Lincoln I for emp of Harbor Pilot Plan re i Hgts Jail- Bd Foi Comsnrs eontr- rubbish collection- CAO amend Sal , Mfll•r^r ... ."^t.and Ord-Bur Sanit-auth jjuvenile Court 2-8-57 77864 Kangaroo Court 10-9-57 81601 Wards- Bd-Pol Corasnrs auth use Small, Prop Ov.-ners America prot Ccl retain - also meeting in r space for 21 at 1335 Georgia St - Mayor office re Dodgers Mavor . Juvenile Hall 5-24-54 63668 Kansis City 9-10-54 65346. Bond Issue-6-6-54 Roybal resol ' Mtg Institute of Traff Eng-BPW ' Vote' urged Proposition A auth L Gardner att 9-26-30/54 ,Juvenile Hall 11-19-54 66356 Kansas Cit y ,. 9-21-54 65477 Doll party 12-9-54-Wyman resol Conf Traf f Eng Institute- L & urge contribute Braff & 1 emp att- Mayor ^ Juvenile "all 11-29-55 71821 Kansas City 3-22-55 68111 Doll Party 12-6-55-"uditoriura ' Mlsouri-Amer Institute of Plannei I6O5 Eastlake Ave-Wyraan resol re 3/21-4/1-2-Plan Dept auth var emp 17th annual att- Mri-/or Juveniie Hall il-20-56 76«u2 Kansas City 11-7-55 60120 I Doll Party -i2-7-56 -Wyman resol Conf Amer Pub Hlth Assoc-Nov '14-' endorse 18-Bd Hlth Comsnrs auth C L Senn . att T Mavnr , ,Juvenile Hall Doll 11-19-57 76602 Kansas City 4-5-56 73542 Farty- Wyman resol endorse i9th Conf Araerican Society of Civil annual party Engrs- Apr 6-7-CAO rec H Smutz att^ Juvenile 5-27-53 58594 Kansas City 9-25-56 59468 Traffic Violators- SB 661-Resol W E Washer auth att VFW ratg Ccl endorse -Debs, 10/1-2 invite 1958 conv Juvenile Unit 2-23-54 62561 Katzky Annex 9-26-57 81417 Police Dept-CAO ree use Watts Hr City Hawthorne notice re prop City Hall-Room 5 annex-i,A Co Bndary Corasn ^

Kelp 8-23-55 70441 Debs resol Pish & Game Corasn oroh cutting off So Calif coast Kennelraan Code 3-8-56 73140 4310-Dept Animal Regulation req salary adj ' Kenter Term ii-29-56 76913 Rack ->ite-san Perndo Valley- W&F' Dept resoi 428 sale par adj to Kern County 8-6-57 8ub68 Cond act filed par 9 SC #67059 y req Lk help estab Kern title Kester Ave Bridge 7-14-55 69852 over LA River Channel-CAO advise on Master List Cap Irap Proj- _ $174,000 ^ Kester Ave School 2-1-56 726l6 Baker resol install sldewalks- assrats prcdgs-Ciark St fr Kester , Avo tOQftnuTvedH R:i.vd Keswick School 3-3-55 67814 Site- Burbank Unified School Dist pet bo annex to City of Burbank ' Key Punch Oper 3-11-53 " 574-69 4 Lie & Sales Tax Divsn- Req overtime auth Feb Har & April -. -City Clerk Key Punch Oper 1-4-54 61869 City Clk req auth emp 4 teraporarv for night work - CAO " ,

Keypunch Oper 10-21-54 6593I Bd Hlth Comsnrs req overtime auth I 4 -3 mo period- CAO Key Punch Oper 10/26/54 65986 Bd P Wks req exemot bal Sal Acct 109 fr 1/12 Chtr crovsns emp in Bur of Accountinc-Mayor Key Punch Oper 11-9-54 66197 2 Inter Tab Equip Oper etc-City Clerk Lie & Sales Tax Div-req Trana $10.6ij^- Mavor ^ Key Punch Oper 2-26-57 75021 Cont auth emp 1 & i Tab Equip Operator ^ Key Punch Oper. 8-19-57 79986-.^/; La P^talla De - 4-23-54 63433-'^-'/' (3) & 1 Sr Key Punch Oper- Hith Puebla-Plaza May 5 1954-Comite — Dept req advance overtime auth - Mexicano Ciuico-Patriotico-Ccl CAO att 92nA anniv Key Punch Oper , il-20-i)7 8o39o I La ^allona Tract 10/11/55 71119 , L&M Bingham offer ded NE 8' ' Cont auth sub pos & var others ; - Lot 7 Blk 2 in Mesa - CAO- 14,820 Keys 2-14-57 31631 Labor 5-21-56 74242 V prop amend to MC Sec re Laws- Deba resol City not purch Locksmiths goods fr firras violating Keystone Addn 12-7-53 61455 ' • Labor Day - 8-27-53 60059 ' ii.l-Bd PU&Trans rec acc Faithful ', 7th Annual Mass & Breakfast- Perf aonds under County Franchises- Resol congrat Catholic Labor re facil l.nmiTr. xl.rA Institute, ,. , , . • -n«!bs KoystonsAddtn #1 7-12-54 64578' Labor Day 6-30-55 70553l Rolling Hills ji/2-Pa rf ax #9-So . i Catholic Labor Institute 9th Calif Edison CO-V/&P Dept resol Annual Program- Debs resol comment Ml P qntb cnnrlemn nrcdi^s 'Kid Gangs' 5-13-54 63693 Labor Day^^ ^ 7-31-56 75306 in vie 8110 Willis Ave-Van Nuys Sept 3- Fire Dept re cooperation I Secretary of Air & Amer Legion E C Misener req action Parade King or Morocco 11-20-57 8226l| Labor Day 6-27-56 75679, Gibson approp $l,0o0 civic 1^ I Sept 3- Debs resoi urge all dinner to honor- Dec 2 display American Falg Kings Co 6-24-57 49371 \ Labor Day 6-30-57 6iui9 Hith Dept req amend agreemt re 1' Rundberg resol salute men & milk inspection services-City LA ^ woraen on Sept 2

'Kinney Plaza 8-18-55 70384 "Labor Foreman" 7-29-54 64791 Storra -i.\/ater Pumping Plant #10- to use badge-B&^ ^ ^ ^' CAO apporp $3,300 fr 1955-56 Cap -, Sec 52.32 MC-"Fir< Irao Exn Pre? Divsn"-Mayor Kismet Block i8 7-11-57 8oi7l| Labor & Managementll-29-55 71822 Maciay Rancho San Fernando Mlasli. Harby resol req appear on Tele H Wilson off ded 30' re Rock & Sand & Gravel Strike - kitchen Helper 6-27-56 75034' Laboratory 7-27-56 74697 Rec Hospital- new class 1956-57 • Testing site-Bur Standards-Ord Budget re juris cent prop Liygian Pk Hgts- ^ha.vez .Rnvlen Site Kittridge st Elera 7-12-56 72261 •Laborer 10-17-56 76370i School-Klttridge & Ventura Canyor. Classification- City Co & State Ave- LA Bd Ed re contr constr sewe Union Local 347 sub 3 step pian Kittridge bt sch 9-6-57 61087 Laborers etc 8-19-57 78298 Kittridge St bet Woodraan & City Co State Emp Local #347 Matiilja-Corman rao BPW rept & est^ re reconsider pay inc -^ .coat Fed Walkway "Kiwanis Crippled ll-i6-56 7676I La Casa de la 4-2-53 5X976 ' Childred Week"- Henry reaoi Mayoi Centinela-Resol consent detach designate Dec 8-l5 from LA & annex to Inglewood Knob Hill Tract 6-11-53 59774 La Cienega Blvd & 12-13-51 49504 Lot 1 Blk 1 Par 357- BPW rec San Fernando Relief Sewer-auth approp $34 purch -Mayor • condemnatn easements Unit A-Atty Knob"Hill Tract 8-11-53 59775 I La Ciene,e;a & San 4-23-54 57372 Lot 1 Blk 1 Par 358- BPVI rec Fernando Valley Relief Sewer approp $34 purch -Mayor (Unit B - re purch prop for ventilating station k sewer -Knob'Hiil 'Tract ' " 6-11-53 " "59"77'6""\ La Crescenta i7aiiey 8-'4-53 4ll82l Par 360 Lot 5 Blk 1- BPW rec ,\ Narrow strip of land ely bndry ap'prop ,i|i34 purch -Mayor\ of City LA- Glendale req Ccl comraitmnt re annexatn Lafayette Park 3-14-55 67929| Korea ^7-26-54 64607 area E Wilshire Dist-Araerican ' Republic Pres Syngraan Rhee visit Legion urge const swiraming pool 8/5-7/54-''''ayor rec approp $1000 Laguna Dominguez 10-5-56 74131 Kerean Consulate - 6-b-54i 75402 Channel-agrmnt with L A Co General-req use City Hall steps Flood -Control Dlst re imp 8-i5-5fc- Independence of fispubilc i Korea Korean Conauiate 8-6-57 754o2 Laguna Wash ©Rala 9-13-56 75696 I Mayor trans req raise flag 6-l5 & Dorchester Ave Storm Dntln- BfV. app plans Unit 1 LA Co' Flood Cont Dist La Jolla 7-6-54 64478 , Korean Vets (4) 1-27-55 67320 , - Scripps Institute study of water 10 Soc Service Dept rept re cond along coast-Holland mo Cclman -.Henry, att & use City Car Kovats - 6-18-56 74659 •Lakeside Park 11-1-56 765661 Araer Hungarian Federation pet ' & Flatt Ranch-H of Stagg St W of permit erect Meraorial on St '--Qhasset- S Crystal pet annex Lakewood City '2-27-57 78124'"^ Landscaping 1-20-55 67209-'Oj ilth Festival Parade Apr 13-- W^ Santa Ana Freeway bet Alameda St fr. Grand Ave-Calif State Divsn Hvy" Lakewood Pan-American Parade Assn .rA, mtnce v-.BPV/ , ' "La Rambla Addtn" 10-22-56 7j755"i Landscape 9-16-55 70771 re annex to W & F Water .oystem I side slope Pranklin Ave-Vine St .. tb Ivar Ave- CAO rec defer action ^

La Rambla Addition 2-21-57 73755 Landscaping 3-19-56 73262 Annexation approved adj Fort Moore Memorial-Hill St- CAO rec approp $6,334. for slope

I La Rambla Dlst 10-29-57 8i698' Landscaping 7-9-56 74920 san Fedro- Harry Dunneback req Off-st parking sites- Los Angeles annex prcdgs 140 Ac Beautiful req Ccl recognize Landscaping 4-23-57 78992 Laraway Territory 3-11-57 78329 Center strip islands- Henry mo LA Co Bndry Corasn notice annex BPW neg State H-^y Dept re funds to City Inglewood - Landscaping 4-23-57 76622' • Las Pulgas Canyon 7-3-53 59139 Center strips- estab overall Citi Culvert under Stmset Blvd at-Req policy -BPW re Glendale Bivd cons approp $18,700 reconst Landscaping 9-4-57. 74419 Las Virgenes Mun 9-i-57 8o9oi Sepulveda Blvd sub\.,-6y under , Water Dist- V Clark pet withhold L A Intnl Airport'- re s-fi4,000 annex prddgs Hidden,Hills re Landslides 6-28-57 79996 Latent Fingerprint 6-27-56 75025 Henry resol req Gov Knight app Expert- Police Dept- new class AB 4129 re cont & correction 1956-57 Budget Land Slides 9-6-57 79996 L,a Ti-jera School 11-30-53 6138^ State Pub Wks Dept req Rep re PTA req traffic signal 64th St & .stirdy ff. i.rivaati. if a\ np La Cienega bivd intersection Lankerahira Eiera 6-11-57 79739 La Tuna Canyon' 11-17-55 71557 Sch-Vlneiand Ave bet Burbank & E of Matranga Pl-Wilkinson resol ' Magnolia Ave-Burkhalter resol instaD. aidewalks ^ LA Co.Flood Cont reo. La Prensa 12-14-55 72032 La Tuna Canyon 11-23-55 71743 & Salvador Duhart-Correspondent San Ferndo Valley Boy Scouts req for Mexico-Roybal resol coraraend aid re conservation prograra re re G-ood will La Rambla Area 4-19-54 63349 La Tuna Canyon 11-29-55 7l8l9 San -Pedro-CAO agreerat bet Co & temp daras-Burkhalter resol aoproi. City LA re Ambulance Service $2000 St Mtnce "^ur Fd Acet (Rock • & Sand- La Tuna Canyon 2-9-56 ^La Tuna Canyon 12-19-55 72077 fire work- Bd Fire Corasnrs apnri) Burkhalter resol Bd Supvsrs aid $5300 acct #308 Eraer Food Rations- re seeding by US Dept Agri Forest - ..Mayor Serv-City Share $2,333.33': La Tuna Debris 1-31-56 72595 . Lt,nQ Reclamatn 9-11-57 79342 Basin- BPW rec app loc & acq r/w Projects-bP,v sub report on sites const- LA Co Flood Cont Dist for combustible rubbish La Tuna Debris 9-2 3-57 8iji7 Landfill 10-25-54 65963 Disposal Area-BPW quitclaim deed State '(Vater Pollution Control Bd Lots fa4-65-to LA CO Flood Cont sub report on Investigation-of Dist - Mayor _ Leach ine La Tuna Debris i2-4-57 824>4 Lending fees 7757 Dispoaal Area-lA Co Flood Cont for 5 major airlines 9420 Oist re acq Far 64 re (See 'Landing fees' under leases), Laundries 3-26-57 78574 Landmark 5-24-54 64326 & Cleaning estab- Cryer & Jones El Alisal adj Arroyo Seco-LA Co amend MC Sec i2.i4 re operation Bd Supvsrs resol re repair Laundry & Cleaningio-17-57 8i720 Landscape 2-15-54 62425 Exp Acct-Fub Wks Fd-BPW rcj exerap ' Architectural Assist & Assoc CAO i/l2 tirov of Chtr in bal- C*!0 rec Atty delete fr Sal Stand Ord Laundry 10-2-56 76173 Landscape 6-27-56 75024 Vehicle-signs - Health Comsn Architectural Assist-Pianning req araend Sec 39.39 MC-Mayor Dept- new class 1956-57 Budget Law Clk Typist 10-23-53 60833 Landscaping 9-29-53 60547~ Atty req auth employ 3 & 1 Sr -rfayor req Ccl cons allocatn Law Clk Typist-approp $3000 $21,000 in front Union Passenger • _ Station Law Library 11-16-54 6626I Landscaping 7-1-54 64442 Trustees & LA Co agreerat with BPK Alameda St W side bet Sunset Blvd re terap easmts for removal Hill & Santa Ana-Hollywood Freeway-LA • Street Tunnel Beautiful reo Leaders of 6-14-57 7979i Landscaping 7-8-:54 64527 Tomorrow"-Baker resol coramend Superior Ave & Prospect St-Venice Bullocks re-competition Harby rao coram pub citizens re beautifying

V %--/%• ii'y Lease o^^4-53 59013-<'

Leases 1-14-57 " 77493 Legislative Bill 2-16-55 67640 Tiraberlake resol req Legls re Service & Blnders-Mun Ref Librar-j assessed valuation possessory sub bill for $164.80- 1 subscrlp inter*sts(De Luz Homes Case) Legis Representatlve6-26-56 74763 Leases - Airport Mayor sub coraraun rec Jaraes Monroe Se_e j.mder Airoort- Leases Jefferson appt fill pos rep City

Leash Law 6-2-54 63999 ;Legislative 12-7-56 77o6o G Hoffman urge enforcement Representative-Arthur Guy aub appi .

ash law , 3-30-55 57494 Legis Hepre3entativei2-ii-56 77111, Clinton H Thienes M D urge fr City- Henry resol appt Wm H reconsider leashing of dogs Neal & Lewis' Arnold

Leave s'^Si'ck' " 474/56 56627 Legislative i2-iu-57 82^21 Amndmnts to Sec 14.4 Ord 89100 Representatives of City-Kundberg re pre-retiremnt or terminal reaol Ord req registration with leaves LA amni nvaaa City Clerk Leevining 12-26-56 77261 Legislative 2-25-54 62517 W&P Dept reaoi 513 auth sale Service-C A 0 urge use thru Off- prop to Co of Mono $ioo0-i.2l Ac American Mun Assoc

Left Turns 8-16-53 " 59734 Legislature 12-31-54 66933 Resol prohib for all traff cont Burkhalter mo Legis Counsel Calif intersectns & approp $20,000 prep legis re tax bills mailed 30 piirch signs, ' -Harby _ da.ys bflf ore protest .time expires Left Turns 3-10-54 62603 Legislature 1-26-55 67272 La-w- John P Colton protest , Traffic Law re licensing eert institutions- ^ Child Care-Aged Homes-Nursery etc Left Turn . 12-15-54 66712 Legislature, 3rll-55 67940 medianrManehester Ave-Lineoln '^d Burkhalter resol delegate urge CX...T. *^X .... 11 rr, . .,-, developraent San Fernando & Ramona $3500 Const -BPV/- CAO , Colleee Left Turn (No) 6-14-55 69366 Legislature 3-23-55 68II7 Signs etc-Traff Dept req approp Bd Hlth omsnrs urge legis oppose $§0,950 to Traff Control Acct re Senate fiill #133 re vital . • , , . ,.-Mayor statistics & birth cert- .Mayor "No left turn" 7-19-55 69916 Legislature 3-29-55 66244 sign "herman Oaks. Ave & Sepulvedf BPW req legis rep at sacraraento Blvd & proh trucks & buses on oppose AB 2316-2317-2316 re Sherraan Oaks Ave-. Merrill Orix assessmt roll- Left Turns 5-10-57 79261 Legislatura 4-5-55 66344 tc Right Turns-Bd Traff Comsnrs BPW req rep oppose A B I6l5 & repeal MC Sec 80.15 re Senate Bm 156 re Sts adj Schools

Left-Turn Lane 8-3-5t 75393 Legislature 4-6-55 68396 Century Bivd fr Aviation to i business-Allen rao ivilkinson att Sepulveda-CAO neg Stato $20,700 ~ ratgs 4/14-15 Pr CIEP const- .... 'Left Turn Sign 7-5-56 74882 Legislature 1-3-57 77356 Wilshire Blvd & Federal Ave- Bd > Henry mo suspend rules auth SCPA Traff Corasnrs agrmt bet City & Co Comt mbrs att State ratgs

Legislation 9-10-54 65348 Legislature 3-6-57 78254 . ii;.. to control noise from farm Debs resol endorse inc.Old Age aniraals-Mrs Zeigler pet Assistance

Legislation 7-19-55 69911 iLegislature 3-13-57 78366; Callicott mo PWks Comt & Atty ^.^ Timberiake favor continue State confer on duraped & stripped cars- , assistance Crossing Protection Pd Hnl-|-vann/1 Pwu- fr. Va-ndnmo approp $500,000 Legislation 2-1-57 77784 prohibit test flights over Legislature, . If-1^:?T .. TEt^ ^ populated area- Burkhalter reaoi protect pro; owners re trust deed Congress pass liens etc by Govt Agcy \ Legislature 8-15-57 80792^-^^ Library 3-9-54 62790"''^^?: i957-City Cierk amend MC sec 2i. N Hollywood Br-No Hollywood C C 199(1.5) incl Sec state Rev & Tax resol req Increase floor space 505o" Code adonted • Library 12-8-53 61473 Ler,isl--)ture facilities in West Dist of.L A- See also Calif State VJs.rner Ave School oT.". req , incrpa.=;pri Leimert Park 1-14-53 56557 Library 3-15-54 62854 Parking var sts- Rec 30 min fr regional - Reseda-San Fernando 2 to 4 a m -Traff Eng Corasn- Valley Assoc C of C - req aDoroo $121,000 '\ Leimert Park 2-17-54 62471 Library ^'^^fl^o K ^'^^^'^ Area-Brezell (Marie) req elira flooded St condition, WLA Regional Braneh-LA Pub Library resol app Leraay St School 1-6-53 56550 ' Library 2-11-55 67523 Footbridge across V/hite Oak Ave- fac in N Hollywood- C Of C req Eng sub rept .-BPW funds incl 1955-56 Budget - Lemon Grove 6-19-56 74674 Library 8-28-57 80954 Playground-Rec & Pks Dept resol grounds- Mrs R Butcher re being 2008-conderanatn prcdgs NE4y cor sprayed with water Lot 1 Tr 125--! , Leraoyne Terrace 9-20-57 8i30o Library services 10-30-53 Tract-Hosentnal Eng Co-F Fayton ' Reciprocal with other cities req secure eaamta sewer purposes -, Long Beach 60971 iiOts 2-3-4 So Pasadena 60972 Lennox Area 6-22-56 74715 Glendale 60'373 LA Co Bndry Coraan advises City Alhambra 61474 Inglewood prop annex ptn Burbank 61475 Lennox 7/19/56 75138 Santa Monica 61476 CO Bndry Comsn notify prop annexatn to City In,Klewood area Library Ser+lce 10-17-56 61476 -in- . ' Santa Monica City agreemt for Letter Carriers 8-27-53 50060 renewail - 1957-59 Resol week 9/l to 9/13/53 be "Kelp Your Letter Carrier"-Wlener, Library service 12-3-56 769^3 Reciprocal- Var Cities- Atty Letter Carrier 9-27-54 65576 sub agreemts Week- Wyraan resol Sept 27-Oct 2 "License 7-9-53 59257 Business-Resol City Clk be •Letter Carrier 7-11-55 69774 Baker resol "Help Your Letter 9116 Cresta Dr Carrier Week" July 11-15- Picnic • License 5-11-53 58787 7/16/55 - Termite-operator's- A A Caffrey Lewd 5-28-57 „ 79510 req Ord specify bo limited to motion pictures etc-Fol Comsn inspectn & rept req amend MC Seo hi.02-41.12- License 6-16-53 58862 41.13 re control-- Mayor ..^. At State level for psychological Liaison Officer 11-6-53 55752 services- So Galif Society for Appointment of W E McCann bet Mortol Hvelene rea Co Sanit Dist #2 & City License 7-16-54 64665 & Reg for Bicycles-Bd Pol Corasnrs Liberia ' 9-29-54 65617 recom amend Sec 26.01 MC -Mayor H Macbeth sug LA Weleome Pres , Vim Tubman License 6-28-55 69604 Wra McCam PC 5443 recreate "T" Liberia 7-19-55 69910 zone re use r/w's for transportatn Congyiate of the Republic of- Plan Comsn req perrait raise flag Spring St stens 7-26-55 License 7-7-55 69720 Liberia -Consul 7/24/56 75196 Ord for auto salesman & wholesle R J Voir req per.iilt raise flag dealers-P (Sonley req 7/26/56 commemorate 109th anniv Republic of Liberia License 6-22-55 70402 Library 1-23-53 56776 Procedure of Bldg & Safety Dept- 3229 Glendale Blvd-5 yr lease bet Amend MC Sec 54.15 etc F W Butler & City LA License " 12|»ie-56 77192 -Library Comsn Nelson J Cohen dba Ace-Hi Auto Library 2-16-54 62451 Wrecklne- State Motor Veh re Lie in Reseda Area-Mrs Gordon susoe.nded • Johnson pet estab new or expand Licenses 12-13-57 82582 ,. to sell conceaiabie firearms- L'ibrary 3-9-53 57410 Fol Coraan req City. Cierk to issue- Bldg Robertson & Pico Blvds- Mayor . Sub reso 1 auth appl State aid -i6.750 acn site -BFW License & Permit 4-27-55 6868O Library 3-26-53 57678 Office-Central loc Temple St . Sun Valley branch- Margaret floor-Gibson resol provide Barrett et al pet Lic & Sales Tax 8-3-53 59610 Annual rept yr ending 6-30-53 Library 5-22-53 56529 Branch county-Mo .prop charges -City Clerk for borrowing books be ref Librarv Corasn & Rec & Pk. Comt License tax ' 5-14-54 63723-?^.?? Lie & Sales tax 8-2-54, 64856-'^^-'J City Clerk req amend MC 21.199 & Annual Rept 1953-54 collections 21.5.12 re City Clerk lnnno,r.r,nA ...t.. (reciprocal -.— ...... x Lie & Sales Ta-x 1.-11-55 67046 License Tax 5-24-54 63663' City Clerk req app cancel certain City Clerk rec repeal var sec accts Uncollectible M C re • License Tax 6-2-54 63993 Lic & Sales Tax Collectns i So Calif Service & Mtnce - -City Clerk Contractors-V/ P Fisher Atty-req amend MC re janitorial service H/-,nt--n-lv Rpntfi 1953 2- 4-53 56947 :License Tax 6-17-54 64220 Sec 21.78 MC-Mutual Credit Bur ret Ccl flmend re 'Gross Receipts' • License Fees 5-1-53 58204 , . License Tax 7-9-54 64550 fis yr -I"-^53-54 of nub services &. City Clerk recora amend MC re / utilities- P.esol 2500 fixing issue "Lic Tax Registration Certs''-, -Harbor Cor replace "Licenses" License Fees 9-3-54 65286. License Tax 7-15-54 64636 B&S Corasn req var changes MC re ' , Liability-Van Nuys C C -Atty increase- Journeyman Reg Cert- recora acc off $100 nio.«lp-| v.nrr nnn^n cTn.. \lnWn.n License Fees,. 8-18-55 70374 License Tax 9-3-54 65269 Bd Harbor '-^omsnrs Order 2609 aub', City Clerk ree var araend & for 1955-56 pub service & Util in repeals MC re Pool Rooms-Vendors — Harbor Dist House Wreckers etc 'License Tax 10-29-54 66073 1 Lioense Fee 5-25-56 74342 City Clk re amend MC issue Bus Gibson resol City Clk study Sec Lic Tax Regis Cert or Sales Tex 21.106 Lie Tax Ord re fish canners . Permit to solicitors homes &c , Inflnircr mnnRv License Pees 2-19-57 7799 License Tax 12-30-54 . 66916 LA Bd Ed amend Sec 21.154.1 MC City Clerk rec araend LAMC var exclude School buses sect 21.134.1 etc re problems of License fee 5-23-57 79456 License Tax ,.3-^i-bb °°^'° Req amend MC Sec 21.190(c) exaipt Comt of Mayors Metro LA urge Cel non-profit cafeterias from lie- - oppose AB 591 & ACA 10 re county - Post Office -F.muJ.ovees'. Cafeteria firms selling merchandise License Tax 2-19-53 57140 License Tax 3-23-55 68127 Amend Sec 21.06. (t) re exchange ' c Western Ped & Sav & Loan Assoc (. new goods pet cancel interest License Tax 3-13-53 ' ' 57493 License Tax 3-30-55 68248 Re excise taxes & gross receipts, LA Federal Savings req int waived Comt of LA Retail Merchants pet ^re Lic tax for 1953-54 $253.14 amend var sec tns ; License Tax 6-3-53 58688 License Tax 3-30-55 68247 Re cleaning bldgs- Rec amend So Calif Building & Loan Assoc- Sec 21.81 LAMC -City Clerk req int waived re 1952-53-54 $267.88 License 'Tax ," - 7-29-53 . 59551 " License Tax 4-20-55 66574 Req elira on firms not having bus^ Ord Sec 21.79-VJellborn-Barrett place in City - Smart & Final Co "^ & Rodi req amend Sec 21.79-grant ' License Tax 9-1-53 60126 nol i of r..noin '-.nnVrana Req Ord araend Sec 21.26 MC irap 1 License Tax . 5-25-55 69122 administratn impose -City Clerk ^ City Clerk req amend See 21.05 (a) & Sec 21.13 (a) MO re Licehse tax 10-13-53 60704 City Clk req repeal sees of MC Lie Tax 11-30-55' 71833 re outmoded classificatns (Feed k' Registration Certificate- City Livery Stable-Stock Yards &c; Clerk araend See 21.12 LAMC re . License tax 10-15-53 6075O after revoked City Clk req amend MC Sec 21.99 ;. License Tax 5-25-56 74342 . re symbols for addl rental Ord-Glbson resol City Clk study dwelling locatns- Sec 21.i08 re Fish Canners Loaning" License tax 10-27-53 60922 , rnorev . City Clk rec revise MC re Lic Tax 2-26-57 78111 handball courts-bo-wling alleys- -^ ' Business-League of Calif Cities . privjite p.ol patrol..s.eryic.e-&c. advise Rev & Tax Corat mtg-Mar 7 •License Tax 11-10-53 61116 Cit> Clerk amend UC prohibit License Tax 3-6-57 782481 LA C of C sub amand MC Sec 21.66 claiming of refunds for unused (e) exempt non profit organizatns , .np.tii nftrra.its , —.. . under sub-sec (c) Sec 2i.i.90 MC 'License Tax 11-27-53 61325 •iiicense Tax 3-7-57 782681 •Western Union Tel Co - re $100 i paymt $3,913.50- "hopping Bag fee for each locatn -.vhere Messen^ Pood Stores protest Service furnished License Tax 12-28-53 61769 ' License tax 5-28-57 79539 1 L A C of C req amend exempt non-, Clarence Viault req waive ' resident firms from gross recpt ^, interest charges on 1954 lie -, tax . ., _ , ,._..- License Tax -2-9-54 62370 License Tax 1I-4-57 6i99i | L J Burt sug 10% tax "Room Tax" ',. Business- City Cierk rec amend increase. City revenue & repeal var sec MC re '• Lick Pier ^ 6-20-57 79873^*-"' Lighting 6-17-55 69462 ^ Rec & Fk ^'omsnra sub prop lease - facilities in City LA-Henry reso for submerged lands- Fac Ocean exp apprec to W E i.auer(Blll) for Fark Inc anvanr.omant i Lick Tract 7-10-5t , 8oiii8 Lighting 10-3-56 76186 Avery & Taggarts subdivision of conduits - Wilshire Blvd bet Cedars of Lebanon Hospital req Crenshaw k LaBrea - Report imp - vac 16' var iots CAO Lienaus Cottage 4-24-57 79ol5 Ltg Mtnce 8-3-53 59612 Home Tract-i.ot 11-BPW auth „ Liens- $31i*-.79 vs LA City reconveyance to Geo-Bessie Moore , Housng Auth prop-Rec cancel -BPW • $57.56 ' ;Liens 4-li-57 78843 Lighting signals 6-2-55 69222 Trust Deed etc by Govt Agcy-Hahn Bd PU&Trans req approp $33.90 mo Atty advise Ccl re legis , for AT&SF Ry Co crossing on protect prop owners Crenshaw Blvd Lighting Systems 2-16-54 62507 Lieutenants 2-28-57 .75025 Bd P W restore service oortns Bd Pol ^orasnrs req add 5- 1 Cajpt- Hollywood Blvd-Franklin Ave-Queens 7 Sgts- i Sr Clk Steno-3 Clk Typisi Ct - 2 yr period CAO , "Life k Ministry 10-2-56 7612,? Lighting systera 2-25-54 62610 of the Life of Christ" - Resol Treasurers' Off-CAO rec trans commend Jas B Boone - Hahn ^ fund to correct - Ma-.'or

Lifeguard 1-12-53 56562 Limekiln Creek 9-2-54 65271 service-Req County approp & Aliso Creek -BPW rec acq r/w $50,000 for beach ratnce -^ LA Co F'lood Control ^Ist re imp

Lifeguard 5-22-53 58527 ' Limekiln Creek 6-24-55 69558 Services Punds- 1953-54- Reo & Aliso Creek ft- Wilbur t6 '* chrmen & Co Bd of Supvsrs confer'"-, Nordhoff-Atty req auth stip re re distrib -Rec&Pk & SC&FA Comt Pnr 2-)i-i;-6-l6 cont flood waters j Lifeguard 7-13-53 59294 Liraerlck St Sch 9-26-57 8i419 Resol 1511 req County anarop LA Bd Ed.req footbridge-Chase St $75,000 & transfer towers to or-Fed crossing Desoto Ave Bridge City - Rec & Pks Co.-!isn 1 Liraousine Serviee 3-12-57 78356 Lifeg-aards & - 3-12-54 62846 Beach Mtnce-Rec & Pk Comsr bet LA Internatl Airport & Santa roc Col adopt resol reo alloc Ana etc-Boyles & Britton appl ?238,707.67 -LA Co Bd Supvsrs State Fub Util Coraan Lifeguard Serviee 10-29-54 6605l Lincolns Birthday l-2o-56 72478 & Mtnce puh beaches-Rec & Pk, 2-12-56- Calif Eagle req use Comsnrs resol 1719 re LA Co Approp- City Hall steps $75,000 Lifeguard 3-18-55 68073 Lincoln Heights 12-9-54 66642 & beach,,ratnce-Rec & Pk '-'omanrs Dist-Bd Traff Corasnrs rec estab req LA '-'o Bd Supvsrs alloc in Parking raeter Dist- .budget 7-1-55 $250,643.26 Llncoin Hgts 9-24-57 8i345 •Lifeguard Service -i2-5-.55 66051 I & other dists-Fian Comsn FC 8469 Bd Rec & Pks Service resol 1695 ' estab Hgt limit zone maps 445-44-6 "" =ir:;??Pr-?7'=,000 -:tnce '"ub "cache" 466-467-468 ne.r 1955-56 .. . -. Lifeguard 3-19-56 73291 & Beach Mtnce-Rec & Pk Corasn req- Lincoln Hei.p;hts Jail Bd Supvsrs alloc $321,518 in See__a_l§?- -^ityJail _ budeet 7-1-"^ft Abraham Lincoln 5-6-53 58320 Lifeguard service 12-7-56 77o62 School- Req exclude veh traff & beaches-Roc & Fk Corasnrs reaoi 2076 req LA Co approp #75,0OO durinE school hrs- Mo be ref for ratnce City Atty for opinion -Debs Lifeguard 3-12-57 73291 Lincoln Hi School 5-5-54 6357I & Beach Mtnce-Rec & Pk Comanra Geo J Sraith invites Ccl to honor resoi Bd Supvsrs alloc to city ^ Dr Ethel Andrus past principal $368,968 In budget 7-1-57 • Light Housekeeping 2-11-54 62418 Lincoln Park 7-21-53 57012 Fac-Debs resol Ccl req Gov Calif Prop immed N of-Resol oimer hold S^ec Session re State grant storra drain easrat & pay ^ Housing Act cost-$40.000 in ]leu of onen dr ^Light Housekeeping 5-i6-57 79334 Lincoln Park 3-22-55 68109 Rras-Hot Fiates- Callicott resoi ^. Mission Rd-Main St-Rec & Pk Corns: , endorse AB 2720 Bd app const storra drain-LA Co Plood Cont Dist- Par 8-Resol 1775 Lights 10-13-53 60664 Lindbergh Beacon 2-5-57 7782i; Porch & yard-A P Husted suggest . ".spirit of St Louis"-Henry resoi cover v/ith shades , re 30th Anniv flight & 50th "nnlv US Air Force 'Lights' 5-23-57 72739 Lindley Tract k-12-55 68442 fl.gshin.p; yellow-interfere Ptn lot 77- BPW reconvey for with traffie sicnals-Ritz Miller $106.84 to Emmet Daly

Lighting • " " 3-V-53 57290 "Lions Club White 9-14-54 65383 Hollywood Freeway-Boylston to Cane Day" 9-18-54 -Gibson resol •Vestern Ave-Rec approp $100,000 for addl - P Wks Priority Corat 'Lighting 10-29-54 66054 Liquor 12-9-54 Assessraent-BPW req. $475«74 to paj at ''hristraas parties-Hollywood against State-Co-^lty- period of ", B-ICA sug Ccl support Oov Knight re' 8-24-49 to 6-28-53- Mayor Liquor, 2-9-55 67505^ Loading Zone ' 1-di-bi 5b7b3r'^iy- hahn mo amend Alcoholic Beverage , 5849 Sunset Blvd-P Schraiedomann Control Act re hearings .,./hen req repaint accusation fiied Liquor , 12-21-55 72097 ^Loading Zone 4-9-56 73584 Natl Safety Ccl req endorse no •' 1516 E 8th St- Petro Seafood drinking at Co parties-"Dont be Products req ,a Yule Fool"- Bd Sup.vsrs co-op . Liquor^ 3-8-56 _^ ,73142, Loading '.iones 5-25-56 74346 ' Pol Corasnrs Bd req araend MC i Bd Traff Corasnrs revise Sec 60.56 See 42.20 re "Eraployees" solicit & 80.58 MC re painting of var zones drinks fr patrons- Mayor Liquor License 1-26-55 67267 Loans 4-6-53 57627 Cy & B Miller 326 So Spring- Bd Pol Comsn req araend MC control Pol omsnrs req revoke- Mayor on pers prop & junk Liquor License 10/10/55 '71103 Loans 5-25-56 74342 -dahnrao Alcoholic aeverage Cont & credit for fish canners- Gibsoi. Dept not grant lic to Mickey resoi study Lie tax Ord re adj lic Cohen fee Lobbyists 12-10-57 82521 Litigation Exp ' 2-11-55 67527 Rundberg resol require register , Pund #420 -Atty req $10,000 approj,, *"" -.vith City Clerk as provided by State law "Litter" program 9-i2-56 75866 Local Governraent 8-5-54 63043 Consolidation Study Comsn- re Holland resol coramend Eagie Rock eons City & Co functions Womens Club re 15 persons app bitter 10-29-56 76520 Local Government 10-19-54 6590O in parkways hope St vie Motor Consolidation Study ^orasn-sub Veh Dept & Arraory- N Cable re minutes 1st mtg & req list major oroblera points Local Govt • 10-26-54 65900 bitter 8-14-57 80749 Consolidatn Study Comsn-V/ilkinsai on vac lots & streets- Gertrude mo consider operation Civil ,, - aherraii pet remove Service Dept Local Govt 2-2-55 63043 ,'Litterbugs' 4-27-54 63465 !_..• Consolidation Comsn-Bakerrao ap p .. in Griffith Pk-Harby resol re ' Robt Pringle succeed John Kingsley as mbr Litterbug 11-25-55 70575 Local Govt 4-6-55 68357 earapaign-Ailen sub copies of new^ Consolidation Study Corasn-req releases also prop noxious weeds City & Co furnish analyst & Sec ahat.p.mant nvnc-vam nrpnarfi rernrt- StlO.UOO .qn I ar-r ocal Govt- 6-2-55 69232 Litterbugs 5-29-56 74805 Consolidatn Study Comsn-Bd Mrs L Waterson prot handbills Supvsrs express apprec for estab etc on prop- Wilkinson central -A-arrtnt file b« Sheriff Local Govt- 4-4-56 73512 , Litterbugs 7-30-56 75286 Consolidatn Study Coiusn-Report Callicottrao comraend Bruce re Public Defender office Russell -Cartoonist

Litterbugs 9-26-56 7607i^ Local Govt.Consolidation Callicott mo coraraand LA '^'imes re attn to fire hazards Study Comsn Se_e Consolidation Study Comsi Litter Bugs iO-ii3-57 8i620 Locker Rm Attendant 7-10-57 80146 Callicott resol Atty study Ord ,. & other pos- C S Comsn exempt re reg offer reward part tirae pos- Rec & Fk Dent Little Hoover " 1-16-53 56'680 Locksmith 7-2-54 64400 Comsn- Ree CAO analyze all rec & in Bur of Pub Bldgs-reallocate 7 rept to Ciiarter Code Comt positn frora Carpenter Wkg :r7' k .Foreman Little Hoover Comsn 5-5-53 58222 Locksmiths 1-18-57 31631 Sub final rept re appraisal of Norton Industries of Calif prop City, govt k sug Charter' clianges amend Sec 27.11 (a) MC Little Hbo'ver Corash 6-29'-53 59071 Locoraotives 11-29-54 66464 Sub rept re reorganizatn Police Heavy Diesel-Westside Coraraun Dept Assn-M Rainey prot PE RR appl t oper on Santa Monica Blvd ' Little Hoover 3-11-54 62616 Loitering 8-31-56 75744 Corasn-LA Comsn for Reor,;anizatl(n about schools- Bd Pol Corasnrs .. our of Standards-CAO rec for araend MC Sec 52.38 re- Mayor Personnel authority changes Lomita Annex 12-28-56 77299 Little Hoover Commission LA Co Bndary Corasn notice re See City Torrance annex L A Corasn Reorganization Little League 11-27-56 76675 Loraita City^ 7-25-56 ' 75231 Baseball diamond vie Halsted St « LA Co Bd Supvsrs re Incorporate Rathburn Ave- E Wataon prot new city Loading Zone 1-6-53 ' 5655l Lomita City 9-13-56 7590i; ' In front of Chapel 11305 ' LA CO Bd- Supvsrs notice re Magnolia. Blvd - V P Steen req incorporate area Loraita Square Ltg 6-17-54 64233--'''^'';^ Longshoremen 9-25-57 8i378-*"<'j Dist-BPW sub agreemt with City Harbor Dist-Gibson resol greet 1 LA re St Lgt re City of Hope services

Loraita Square Ltg 2-11-55 67529 Lookout Mountain 12-5-50 46021 Dist-Bur Assmts if City sole Prot mtnce U S Air Force lab purch nonoaymt assmts prop sale on Wonderland Ave near Holly p-P1-5<-. RPW Place Lone Pine 1-5-53 56510 Lookout Mt Tank 6-8-56 74517 Land adj to-Rosol 5l8 auth acc , ,, site- W&P Dept resol 1095 abth offer So Inyo Co Local Hosp Dist - Atty act aeq prop purch 5 acres for v3.750 --rf&P . Lone Pine 5-11-54 64114 Lookout Mt Pk Tr 6-13-57 79759 prop S of-VikP Dept resol 986 re & Tr i9543-M Robinson & C Bishop easmt to State of Calif for req adcess bet prop Lot D Public Road Long Beach 10-30-53 60971 Loo'KOut Point 10-11-57 81643 L A Public Librarj' reciprocal Holland resol bd ? fiks auth Dir services thru 12-31-56 of St Mtnce take steps irap roadway to top of -'Long Beach 10-15-54 65860 Lopez Canyon 7-31-53 59602 conf Milk & Dairy Sanitarians- Bet Branford St & San Pernando 10-21-22/54,-;V Hoist-L Holt Johi} Rd- BPlif rec $10,500 excavate earth McCready-A ^hanev att in channel -Mavor 1 Long beach 10-28-54 66029 Lopez Canyon 4-9-57 78796 Kith Corasn req Eich & Tibbett ,' On Pilmore St N of Foothill Blvd- . att ratg Araer Wfter 'rtorks Assn R Moe advise avail for rubbish nrt 7.7-PH-PQ I 1,/, • dumn-San Ferndo Facoima Area Long Beach 3-14-55 67949 Lopez Cyn Channel iu-24-57 81629 Ma,yor-Express apprec to Ccl re bet Foothill Biva & iMiy Filraore AD 3762 & urge support '' St- BFW app LA Co Fid Cont "ist acq R/W constr & Mtnce Long Pleach 6-27-55 69571 , Lopez Flood Cont 5-S-53 58321 ' dirt flll-"ilralngton C of C req ' [ rifihr-;.'-, Ra.sin- Pacn-ima '-;,ash imO rezoning area to prevent fr-Sharp Ave to -Rec IA Co Flood excavations ! Cont Dlst acq addl r/w -BF,-/ Long Beach $-19-55 70395 Lopez Plood Cont 3-4-54 62719 9th Annual conv ^horellne 'sasin & Dam-US Army En^ Corps Planning Assn of C lif- Oct 6-7-8 req relocation Kaclay St re const - nf Raa-i n Long Beach 1-10-56 72319 Lopez Spreading 4-13-54 6327O Harbor-US -^ng Corps notice of Grounds-BPW ree acquisition raod closed periods on terap pontoon, prop by L A Co Plood Control Dist • bridff-e- Long Beach-City 3/23/56 73369 Lopez spreading 8-23-57 8o899 Req protectn fr storm daraage Gds-LA Co F18 Cont Dist vac ptns Vic H Ford Ave for Ford Motor _ Fenton Ave-Giadstone-Grlswoid Plant in - Kayor LOS aiaraltoa ll-5-i,7 82021 Long Beach 4-17-56 73713 Race Track- Charter ^us Transp Outer Harbor-US Array Corps Eng System appl to oper- state pub estab restricted area re install degauss me fac. Util Comsn appl Long Beach City 8-8-56 75427 L A Airport Bd W&P Comsnrs resol 123 auth See Und(^r Airport easmt ptn city prop for pub St Long Beach 6-31-56 75738 Los Angeles 4-30-56 73886 & LA Vic Gaffey St-LA Harbor Oil Conf-Child Welfare J-.eague-5/3-4-i, Deyeiopmt Co appi oil & gas lease ^ Debs resol ext greetings Los Angeles 10-9-57 31595 Long Beach i2-i4-56 77162 Liraousine service- State adv chg Frances Paul req publicity on in Rt- Fasadena & to LA Internatl correct pronunciation Airport Los Angeles Airport 11-19-53 61235 i^ong oeach City 5-17-57 79365 Freeway - Hahn resol change '.-•teP nesol 552 auth esseirient i name of proposed Ingle-.vood Freeway to- Long Beach City 6-28-57 79989 LA Art Corat 2-15-55 64746 Annex Terr Increment #i6o- LA by Jules Langsner -concurs on Co Boundary Comsn views re police Bldg statue

Long Beach Harbor 10-9-56 . 76259 LA Birthday Fiesta 7-7-55 69737 & LA Areas- U S Array Eng Corp Comt-Mayor rec approp $1500 to pub notice re Anchorage area Gen City Purposes Acct re •< Long Beach Mofflt 9-30-57 8I46O LA Citizens Corat 3-30-56 67693 Post 1392-Vet of Foreign Wurs- to save Griffith Park- Prbt plan resol favor legla re aubsidence re Golden State Freeway thru park ^ cond '^ilmington Oil Field area Longevity" 5-18-56 68558 Los Ancele..; City of -^^i in Fire & Police ranks-CAO sub SEE also City of Los Angeles rept in connectn -/,'ith req of Fire & Pol Protective League Longevity Pay 9-25-57 8i3,56 broken aervlce & aick days-LA Los Angeles - City of Pire & Foi Frotective League re See also Classification entitled chg Ord 89,935 i»iag: