Freeholders Bd of 3-22-57 78530-^'^'' Freeways 6-27-53 5973lf''0 \< & Admin Code- Mayor rec procedur 55 mph speed lirait- R C Chaffin — revising ^ity Charter by estab urge Free Nations 4-5-55 68352 "Freeways Q-31-53 60104' City Ccl exp apprec re & best Sprinkler systems- P A Ballln Jr wishes on retirement of "Sir -r prot use as menace Winohnn Chnrnhm ' Freeways 9-2-53 60161 Safety prvsns & patrol -Exchange Club of E Hollywood comraun re Listed Alphabetically Freeway 9-17-53 60384 '. Free-way 11-21-52 55964 State of Calif advise re Routing nr San Pernando routing thru Glendale-Burbank Reservoir under cons-Calif State - fr. r, fi Eiii 1 Griffith Pftrk Hiway Pno- advises . Preeways 3-25-53 57667 Freeway 9-23-53 60384 Metropolitan Freeway Act -AB ' No Valley link bet Glenoaks & 3101- City dZ Beverly Hills resol- Laurel Canyon Blvds- No San ", opposing Pernando Valley Imp Assoc req hrg Freeways 10-1-53 60572' Freeway Mtnce 4-16-53 29035 within City limits-agr.tints bet Agrrant & Amndmnt #6 for mtnce City & State Deot P Wks for of State P.i.Qh\-!SLjs in City prelim eng State Highways - BPW Freev*ay 12-3-53 6.1419 Freeway 4-20-53 58010 Eugene Martin proposal to const Bus Turnouts- Opinion re use thru Hollyv/ood Hills to connect Permanent Irap Pund k Traff Safety. Vvestem Ave in L A to Glendale Fund • -Atty- Preeway 5-22-53 58528 reeway 2-2-54 62274 Routing bet Route 2 nr 7th St & Agrmnts-revise to speed Glendale Blvd- Calif state Hiway • Completion-Debs resol Atty inform Coms.n rec Council Freeways ' 5-20-54 63821 Freeway 6-5-53 24879 Agrrant vyith State for engrng Harbor - Re -$300,000 construct work Ventura-Golden State- ' -- -" - -• 7th St - Riverside et al .reeway 6-11-53 58795 Freeways 7-1-54 64446 Const to West Coast-Resol State Henry rao Bd Traff Comsnrs advise Hlway Comsn schedule s.ince funds Ccl re Ord keep trucks in one lane available -Harby Freeways 7-14-54 62356 Freeway 7-9-53 59254 Eng rept re locatn Riverside Traff Signal System-A Nordskog Ventura) Freeway & other offers aid to City to design freeways Freeway's 7-9-53 59262 Freeways 6-26-54 65179 A P Luckett sug ban on trucks Color Rt Markers-Burkhalter rao State Dept PWks consider Freeway 7-15-53 59316 Freeway 9-6-54 65324 System traff control following Spec section for trucks-Burkhaltet- major accidents- C D Chase re resol State Dept PWks consider Freeways ^ "5-22-54 65499 Freeway 7-15-53 56528 Airports Dept resol 77l-conslder Prop route #4 fr Glendale to LA Internatl ^irport auto trans in- Olympic Blvds- Mo State Hlway Hiphway olans Comsn hold hrg re -Debs Freeway 9-23-54 65539 'Freeways 7-16-53 59348 Truck-thru city-Henry resol req - Buses' on- Ho Bd Traff Corasn Calif State Highway Corasn make rent on use & safety regula tai ati..rtv rA -Henry eeways 7-20-53 59366 Freeways 9-28-54 65614 Amend #3 to Haster Plan of- Jk in Valley-Bill Carpenter sug Co Regional Plan Corasn sub chg expedite plans for alignraent Concord Freeway Freeways 10-19-54 • 65695 Freeway 7-22-53 59451 County Program-Resol endorse ake req re selecting -Harby Freeway 11-17-54 663OI Freoways 7-24-53 59483 over L A river bed-J Hendricks Citizens' Transit Comt-req amend sub sketch re 'TIC nrnhl.hl t right -fio.-..^ p.^.P9ln^ on freeways in LA "' _ Freeway 7-31-53 59606 Freeway 12-9-54 66567 Study of truck terminal under- Projects-BPW rec agreemt bet Citj & State Divsn Highways.aop-sum &, annual rept Coraraunity »-?^n.noO raimburseraent Redevelopmnt Agency Freeway 12-14-54 66665 Freeways 8-6-53 342U State Dept Pub Wks relinquishmnt Resol restate & redefine policy , of East Service Rd bet Cahuenga re procedure of routings Terr & Barbara Blvd re city St Freeway 12-20-54 66791 Freeways 8-14-53. 59673 Eng work-Calif State Dept PWks .55 raile speed limits-Resol sug contract City BPW re reimbursemt Calif Divsn Hiways post -signs within _City LA .._ ^ i95?-?4-S^7i.ooo to &h<^b.non Freeway 8-20-53 "59950 Freeways . 1-5-55 66977 Routing Jackson &t-& junctn San Burkhalter resol Eng rept on Fernando Rd & Sepulyeda Rlvd- const of extensions Calif Hiwav Comsh rea ratij re 1 Freeway 1-7-57 77390'-^''^ Freeway 67l5l-'-*'< none const without vote of Dist- P State Divsn Hwys mtg 1-16 estab ^ C McDonald-Elysian Valley Coramun - Rt Foothill Frwy bet Golden State Corat req- Prot Riverside Freeway. & Footnill Pl Freeway 2-4-57 ,, 77794 ! Freeway , 1-19-55 67163' ; Trucks using wrong iane- Wiiftinaa Holland mo Atty advise aet to mo prop amend State law $loO lst protect City title, in Griffith Pk re proposed offense- $500 for 2nd Freeway 1-26-55 67324 Freeway Route 3-8-57 78305 ' ' - Rt thru Griffith Park-Gen ^lec Alternate-Pacific Coast Hwy bet Co-E Case protest Dana Pt & Nly LA Co Line-Metro -r Transportation Englneerintc Bd- Freev/ays 3-7-55 34244 Preeway 3-22-57 78533: Calif Highway Coinsn sub resol LA Pub Library sub resol 1957-36 restating policy of procedure re condemntn par 1 Gardena Branch in.adoDtion routines T.lhra-mr ' Freeways 3-14-55 6794^ Freeways 4-5-57 78757 H l-/allls prot heavy trucks use & in State- State Dept Fub V/ks re urge Helicopters aid re traffic City cooperate re study of tie-u-as overall olar. Free-^ays 4-5-55 66340 Freeways 5-16-57 79336 B Miller objects to funeral Henry mo State Hwy Dept & SP processions on freeways time sweeping of local hwy Freeways 4-5-55 68353 . Free-rtays 5-21-57 79413 Henry mo wire Gov Knight urge Tech Advisory Comt for State approve AB 143 re trucks in singlr Planning - Pardee auth attend 1 ana mti.' Sacramento May 24 1957 Freeways 5-10-55 65724 Freeways 6-28-57 79991 Ritz Miller req aet elim Traff E Engel sug proh use City Prwy hazards for heavy trucking Freeways 6-15-55 69409 Freeway 9-13-57 8ii95 Hahn resol State & City work out bet Santa Ana Frwy & Fotrero systera re Traff warning signal Grande Dr- atate div Highway prop avat.p.m fnn hi nr.lcaAaa ioc state Highway Rt i72 Freeway 7-14-55 . 69836 Freeway 9-23-57 8i3i5 BFW auth quitciaim to State Lot5 BPW agrrat State Pub Wks Dept re Tr 5u39 S aide Valtey Bivd Wly fr Cooperative design Eng on State Charnwood Ave- Mayor Huv nnni loK<^-i:,b Freeway „ 6-12-55 7Q272 Freeways 10-9-57 31602 R Cordon Cit Traff & Trans Oomt, Debs mo consider construct Metro Area-re comt for freeway separate bus & truck lines operation problems Freeways 8-16-55 70346 Freeway io-21-57 8i745 Don Hill sug Helicopter patrol C Sparre prop re prevent over accidents Freeway 9-2-55 70613 Freewaya 11-5-57 8ii.27 routing-Harby resol Eng confer atate Dept puo WKC coramui-i re var City Depts re Olympic Frwy Wly coi.,jtr harriera .. fr La Cjeneaa. Blvd ... Freeway 9-23-55 7088l '"Freeway Facts" 2-20-57 78028 Hearing re Planning & Const , Calif State Pub Wks aub copies policies etc -Calif State Assemblj for Mayor & Cclmen Interim Comt- 9/27-28/55.. Freewavs 2-2-56 71962 Freeway system 12-20-57 „ 82676' ' L A Hetropolitan System & Henry rao draw deraand ^314..85 State high',.;ays - brochui-e of reiraburse C E ^handie^ re inspect proposed frei;',-.-ay routes tour Freeways'-" 3/i/5'6 ' 67178 Allessandro "" " T-7-53 59l8l Signs & billboards-Distract Freeway- Lions Club of Eagle mttorists while on Preeways- Rock rec chg narae to Eagle Rock e.-i.im same- ... Freeway • Freeways 4-17-56 73712 Allesandro ' 6-9-54 64942 Freeway-BPW agrmt with State Howard Grant off sug re safety Dept Pub Works Eng work ptns of Freeway & Sepulveda Freeway. Freeways 5-9-56 74045 Allesandro Freewy 12-16-54 66741 . Master Plan-& Hwys of LA- Dir of ,. & overpass of railroad & San 'Planning sub revised as of "pr 1 Fernando Rd-Callf State Highway l.QRh Corasn urged to proceed const-Hollai Freeways 7-30-56 75310 Allesandro Freeway 4-28-55 66741 Debs rao State Hwy Divsn ratnce Grade .separation at So Pacil-lc bet Midnight & 6 A M Co tracks - V.ncr renort Freeways 10-24-56 76453 Allesandro Frwy 9-6-55 70621" using park land re- State req Calif Highway Comsn advise now eity representive at mtg il-i4- officially called Glendale Prwy .fr.Vermont Ave to Poothll.''. Blvd Free'ffays 11-16-56 70272 Allesandro Freeway 11-15-55 59181 Estab Coordinating Comt for Officially named Glendale operational features - state & Freeway by State Hiway Comsn- local officials •_per Eng rept of 11-9-55 Freeways 12-20-56 77249 Allesandro Freewy 11-23-55 39885 in San Ferndo Valley- Burkhalter • State Hiwy Eng re routing in LA resoi coraraend State Hirfiway Comsn bet Glendale Blvd & LA River nr re const Fletcher Dr Arroyo Seco Pkway 1-13-54 29035*"'^ Golden State 5/20/54 63821?j-<' froni Sunset. Blvd to College St- Agrrant re eng work bet City LA - J -•. agrmnt with State for ivltnce & State Dept P Wks-Ventura Freeway & ! Arroyo Seco 9-7-5^1 653I6 Golden State _ 7-27-54 64771 Freeway & Cahuenga Blvd-LA C of Fletcher Dr-Unl ted Patriotic peoj C prot change names protest-Eiyslan Valley area I Arroyo Seco Prwy 3-14-55 67950 lolden State 11-19-54 58528 1 Traff Dept req amend Ord prohib ;.
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