Introduction 1
Notes Introduction 1. The heterosexuality of the “it” in Porter’s song is indicated by lines such as, “folks in Siam do it; think of Siamese twins” and “why ask if shad do it; waiter bring me shad roe.” Of course, the song leaves other options open: “some say in Boston even beans do it.” Noel Coward’s new lyrics for “Let’s Do It” pursue homosexual implications (see Hoare 288, 417). See also Clum. 2. For a crucial expansion on Foucault’s formulation, see Arnold Davidson. 3. See, among others, Bly, Bredbeck, DiGangi, Dollimore, Goldberg, Guy-Bray, Haggerty, Lanser, Masten, Orgel, Rambuss, Sinfield, Bruce Smith, Stallybrass, Traub, and James Grantham Turner; also see the collections edited by Goldberg, and Fradenburg and Freccero. 4. For historical work, see Abelove, Bray, Chauncy, Duberman et al., Halperin, Jonathan Ned Katz, and Trumbach; theoretical work includes Berlant, Bersani, Butler, Arnold Davidson, Rubin, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, and Michael Warner. 5. Trumbach argues forcefully for the appearance of modern heterosex- uality in the late seventeenth century. He is not concerned with representation or with cause. 6. See Traub, Renaissance, especially 265–270, and Rackin “Foreign Country.” In relation to the Middle Ages, see especially Schultz and Lochrie. 7. See Lochrie’s important discussion on the natural and the normal (Heterosyncracies, especially xxii–xxiii). 8. I am using “dominant” and “emergent” as Raymond Williams defines these terms. See Marxism 121–127. 9. This, of course, is not the only function that these rewritings served. See Dobson, Marsden (Re-Imagined ), Strier (Resistant), Taylor. 10. The discounting of rank as ultimately significant has also been true in relation to texts from the Middle Ages—see Schultz’s work particularly.
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