Mastering Masques of Blackness, Andrea Stevens
andrea stevens Mastering Masques of Blackness: Jonson’s Masque of Blackness, The Windsor text of The Gypsies Metamorphosed, and Brome’s The English Moor Black all over my body, Max Factor 2880, then a lighter brown, then Negro No. 2, a stronger brown. Brown on black to give a rich mahogany. Then the great trick: that glorious half-yard of chiffon with which I polished myself all over until I shone . The lips blueberry, the tight curled wig, the white of the eyes, whiter than ever, and the black, black sheen that covered my flesh and bones, glistening in the dressing-room lights.enlr_1052 396..426 Iam...IamI...IamOthello...butOlivier is in charge.1 —Laurence Olivier, On Acting (1986) Ben Jonson’s “Masque of Blackness” was composed, as the author himself declares, at the express commandment of the Queen (Anne of Denmark), who had a desire to appear along with the fairest ladies of her court, as a negress. I doubt whether the most enthusiastic amies des noirs among our modern beauties, would willingly undergo such a transfor- mation.What would the Age say, if our gracious Queen should play such a frolic?...Itmustnotbe supposed that these high-born masquers sooted their delicate complexions like the Wowskies of our barefaced stages. The masque of black velvet was as common as the black patches in the time of the Spectator.2 —Hartley Coleridge, The Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford (1859) I am grateful to Bruce Holsinger, Robert Markley, and especially Paul Menzer for their detailed critiques of drafts of this paper.Thanks are due also to the essay’s earliest readers: Christine Luckyj, Katharine Maus, Elizabeth Fowler, Sarah Hagelin, Ellen Malenas Ledoux, and Samara Landers.
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