Unifying Inflation with the Axion, Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, and the Seesaw Mechanism
Unifying Inflation with the Axion, Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, and the Seesaw Mechanism. Andreas Ringwald Astroteilchenseminar Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg, D 13 November 2017 [Guillermo Ballesteros, Javier Redondo, AR, Carlos Tamarit, 1608.05414; 1610.01639] Fundamental Problems > Standard Model (SM) describes interactions of all known particles with remarkable accuracy Andreas Ringwald | Unifying Inflation with Axion, Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, and Seesaw, Seminar, MPIK HD, D, 13 November 2017 | Page 2 Fundamental Problems > Standard Model (SM) describes interactions of all known particles with remarkable accuracy > Big fundamental problems in par- ticle physics and cosmology seem to require new physics § Dark matter § Neutrino masses and mixing § Baryon asymmetry § Inflation § Strong CP problem [PLANCK] Andreas Ringwald | Unifying Inflation with Axion, Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, and Seesaw, Seminar, MPIK HD, D, 13 November 2017 | Page 3 Fundamental Problems > Standard Model (SM) describes interactions of all known particles with remarkable accuracy > Big fundamental problems in par- ticle physics and cosmology seem to require new physics § Dark matter § Neutrino masses and mixing § Baryon asymmetry § Inflation § Strong CP problem > These problems may be intertwin- ed in a minimal way, with a solu- tion pointing to a new physics sca- le around [Ballesteros,Redondo,AR,Tamarit, 1608.05414; 1610.01639] Andreas Ringwald | Unifying Inflation with Axion, Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, and Seesaw, Seminar, MPIK HD, D, 13 November 2017 | Page 4 Strong CP Problem > Most general gauge invariant Lagrangian of QCD: § Parameters: strong coupling ↵s, quark masses and theta angle [Belavin et al. `75;´t Hooft 76;Callan et al. `76;Jackiw,Rebbi `76 ] Andreas Ringwald | Unifying Inflation with Axion, Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, and Seesaw, Seminar, MPIK HD, D, 13 November 2017 | Page 5 Strong CP Problem > Most general gauge invariant Lagrangian of QCD: § Parameters: strong coupling ↵s, quark masses and theta angle [Belavin et al.
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