[email protected] University of Virginia College and Graduate School School of Education and Human of Arts & Sciences Development Department of Sociology Leadership, Foundations and Policy P.O. Box 400766 P.O. Box 400277 Charlottesville, VA 22904 Charlottesville, VA 22904 EDUCATION New York University, Ph.D., Sociology, 2006. Mount Holyoke College, B.A., Psychology, summa cum laude, 2000. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Senior Advisor to the Provost, and Director of Strategic Academic Programs, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, University of Virginia, 2020-present. Professor of Sociology and Education (College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences and School of Education and Human Development, joint), University of Virginia, 2017-present. Senior Advisor for Academic Programs, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, University of Virginia, 2017-2020. Research Team Leader, Intervention and Evaluation, Crafting Success for Underrepresented Scientists and Engineers, University of Virginia, 2017-present. Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, University of Virginia, 2017-2021. Associate Professor of Sociology and Education (College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences and School of Education and Human Development, joint), University of Virginia, 2012-2017. Special Advisor to the Provost, University of Virginia, 2012-2016. Associate Director, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (CASTL-HE), University of Virginia, 2012-2015. Assistant Professor of Sociology (College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, with a courtesy appointment in the School of Education and Human Development), University of Virginia, 2006-2012. Affiliations Center on Education Policy and Workforce Competitiveness Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning Virginia Education Science Training (VEST), IES Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Program Quantitative Collaborative in the Social Sciences Page 1 of 24 Curriculum Vitae for Josipa Roksa PUBLICATIONS Books Arum, Richard, and Josipa Roksa.