•Nkecncct Vu Junior Weekend Plans
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Prexy Ryba Announces •NKECnCCT vu Junior Weekend Plans Volume XXXVI Storrs, Connecticut, Tuesday, March 21, 1950 No. 43 'Frankie and Johnny' Theme of Show; 0 I P I w D it 1 Junior Show Slated Friday, May 19 Berdon oeeks Yancon beTTerment Plans^^.^^^=7="^*-^ for a bigger and better Junior Weekend have been announced by Junior Class President Ed Ryba. Juniors will start their gala activities with the Junior Prom on Friday evening, May 19, in Hawley Armory. The orchestra has not yet been de- Or Removal of Hindering Forces cided upon. Plans are not yet completed for •Either we should improve the Yankee Conference or we must get the Saturday afternoon affairs but out." said Bob Berdon, candidate for the Student Senate presidency. Saturday night will bring the first He stated yesterday that he feels the conference as it now stands is Weidman Lauds Sissy Art) showing of the Junior Play, a com- a "stumbling block" in our athletic program. "We must either leave the edy takeoff on Frankie and Johnny. conference completely," he claimed, "or see that the rules are changed so adapted by Steve CuthrelL Ac- that it will be to our advantage to remain a member." Dancers Excel in ^Flickers' cording to President Ryba, the play Berdon particularly objected to By Helene Caliendo is "really hilarious." the present Yankee Conference rule Modern Dance which forbids its members to pro- UConn Undergrad Charles Weidman whose Thea- For the Junior Picnic on Sunday. vide training tables for athletics. To Accompany tre Dance Group presented a pro- May 21, the committee plans to rent But he also feelsleeis thatmat theme confer-uutuw r / gram in Hawley Armory on Thurs- a lakeshore lot. Hotdogs and ham- ence has not been useful in schedul- Bahama bxpeOITIOn day evening, expressed approval r burgs plenty will be served to ingine between— its members. Very few I of the Modern Dance requirement I of the conference members have Phillip Youngman, 22. an un-1 fostered by the Physical Education everyone. more than three of their eight foot- dergraduate majoring in Zoology Department, for In connection with the weekend, ball games with other conference at the University of Connecticut, but was surprised to learn that i there will be a special issue of members, Berdon points out. has accepted an invitation to par- there was no similar requirement , TOUCHSTONE and the Junior for men. Jackets will also make their ap- Several male dancers in the troupe told a member of the P. E. pearance then. department that they had once Tickets for the weekend will be gained from a recent headline in ect.ng the excursion to the Baha- been ditch diggers as well as ath- available in a series covering all the mas'to'getlnformationontheun-jletes, and had never worked as events. They will also be sold sep- the Campus, he was not being derwater life and geology of the'hard as they must work in the arately. backed by or for one group alone. dance. This should give the men area Ryba urged that Juniors especial- He said that he was running for Youngman related that he was on campus who think that ballet the Senate Prexy for the general surprised to receive the invitation, i is a "sissy art" something over ly, and anyone else with talent who campus as a whole, and that any He said he had gone to see Assis- which to ponder, would like to be in the Junior play, other ideas were from misinter- tant Curator of Invertebrates No better proof of the alliance jget in touch with Director Ernie pretation. The headline in question said John Armstrong of the Museum between the dance and everyday j Howe Hartford Hall, merely to get information on the life was the program presented by Charta Weidman. modern dance au- Orders' are now being taken for that 1,400 Greeks were backing better colleges for his future gra- Charles Weidman and his Theatre thority. whose group performed at Berdon for Presidency. Berdon duate work. Dance Co. at the sixth convocation Hawley Armory last Thureday. Junior Jackets in Koons 28, and all went on to say that while this Later. Youngman received a held at Hawley Armory on Thurs- Juniors should make special efforts much was true, it was not a cor- letter asking him to join a Baha- day evening. Martha Graham, Doris Humphry, ! to buy them rect picture of the situation, and ma Islands research party, since! An enthusiastic audience saw ancj Angna Enters, was excellent that he was running with the co- one of its members dropped out Mr. Weidman and his group take i i , and through appro operation of the whole campus. in al his ro es . becauseuse oiof previous uiuimuinuiui.commitments.' themesuicmw borrowed>~».«,.._». from sources like priateprjate facial expression gave vital-vital Berdon is not in favor of "salaries Mr. John Armstrong turned out to i an historical event, a well-known jty t0 ms cnaracteriations. Trinity Man for athletics," but he does feel that be the leader of the group. legend, and the present age. and Expressing the anxiety of the Sails In April interpret them with an onginality age wag ^ whimsical »Fabies for nidtTp STovSg SobSseand"°f The reseTrchers plan to sail the meaningful for a contemporary so Our Time" from the stories by necessary, some financial assist-' first week in April and return in: ciety. James Thurber. Assisted by Betty- Will Discuss early August, said Youngman, who Most popular with the audience portrayed the ance. Qsgood who ably Berdon also listed the following is the only undergraduate among was "Flickers . a dance mspiiea u thetic wife of a man who planks which will hold up his plat- eight natural history scientists. by an original script by Allan Por- reported that there was a unicorn Conn. Plan He will work as a biologist andlter. This is a unique series of l in his garden seemed to enjoy her- °Z VZ^SkT^mmm also do some photography, he dances based on the melodrama of self as she rollicked through her Dr. Lawrence Barber, professor part not only in this portion of the of Government at Trinity College, Z^JeaXUTing ge°graPhiC ftThde expedition is to be divided °%SSJSTS^O^ who Fables, but throughout the dance, will speak on the Connecticut Re- TrTnsuring that the new Stu- into two units, the Young UConn was pinchhiting throughout the On the more serious side was , organiation Plan Thursday at 7:36 d^tUnZauSL^uCinW-Uudent pointed out. One unit.I show for the absent Fehsa Conde "A House Divided" by Lionel No- p.m. in Home Economics 20. vak. a dance that symbolizes the Dr. Barber is sponsored in this dissent between the North and talk by the Students for Demo- . wilh five men will1 ,oworko asne a ofland,he team, tne ueseri , a ^H"-°' South which led to the Civil War. cratic Action. After the violence of the con- Dr. Barber is a member of the Tthe administration ™» —. and ; *faculty. x is^going crew. * * HTBBJ**S"S SS flicting forces subsided, the dance commission which worked on this (5) Solution of existing problems: They are to sail down the in- hero Weidman_ whose name ended on the promise of unity be- plan. He is considered an expert as parking and student wage. I (Continued on Page 8) ranks high among dancers like tween the states. on State and Local Government. He received his B.A.. M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Before going to Trinity College CAMPUS Survey Verifies "Victorian' Renaissance Dr. Barber taught Government at Harvard. During the war Dr. Barber was Dining Hall Milk Price Progresses at Sprague a member of the Fine Arts Re- covery Corporation which operat- ed behind the German lines at Dining halls are paying ap- pendable containers would be A letter to the CAMPUS editor tions ot men and women into the tempting to locate looted art ob proximately 5 cents for each more expensive in the long run j by a resident of Sprague Hall has underground.'' jects before the Germans had a empty milk bottle not returned to than are the bottles. "If this perfectly normal, nat- chance to move them or to destroy From local dairies: At present disclosed the latest edicts in the ural conduct is not in some way them. the creamery, Mr. F. S. Wetherall, there are no dairies in the Willi- i battle to restore Victorian prud- provided for at the girl's dormi- Director of Dining Halls announc- mantic-Storrs area using card- ' ishness to the social life of Uni- tories, it will be seen on back ed recently. board containers. However, Brook- ' versity of Connecticut coeds. I roads increasingly." the writer New Haven Chapter The reason for the 7 cent price side Dairies of Waterbury, Conn., The author of the letter reveal- si.iled. ed that Sprague Hall residents of white milk is because of the who deliver milk to First National "They're big girls now!", she UConn Alumni Assoc. Stores in Willimantic do use have received directions to bring declared in concluding. amount of breakage of milk bot- them. their dates into the main lounge Plans March Dance tles, Mr. Wetherall said. A survey Conversion Too Expensive ' for the 'Good night'. "We can expect at any time. Spanish Pianist A dance, sponsored by the New was conducted by the CAMPUS The reason given by the local in order to find whether or not to start having our farewells timed Haven Chapter of the UConn Alum- dairies for not using cardboard by an authority with a stop watch To Give Recital ni Association, will be held on Fri- the milk prices were justified.