
WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS West Whiteland ~ Agenda Wednesday, August 12, 2020 6:30 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89112887143?pwd=a2oyb2psNjkvZnE1T3E0bUZpd3VSZz09 Meeting ID: 891 1288 7143 One tap mobile +16465588656 Helpful links: Etiquette for virtual meetings: https://www.westwhiteland.org/DocumentCenter/View/1719/WWT-Virtual-Meeting-Etiquette Zoom instructions: https://www.westwhiteland.org/DocumentCenter/View/1720/Zoom-Instructions

Call To Order Pledge of Allegiance

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Presentation from Representative Chrissy Houlahan’s Office RECOGNITION OF CONTRIBUTIONS AND SERVICE: 1. Acknowledgement of Boscov’s Department Store for donation of $460 to Police Department in gratitude for helping the community. PUBLIC COMMENT: Comments from audience about items not on the agenda

CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Approval of July 22, 2020 Minutes 2. Accounts Payable Warrant Report 3. Resolution 2020-xx Disposition of Media BUSINESS: 1. Resolution 2020-xx Ready for 100 2. Approval of Fulton Bank Resolution for New Bank Account 3. Approval of Policies for Police Department 4. Approval of revised investment policy for pensions 5. Renewal of real estate tax collection agreement with Keystone 6. Approval of Amendment and Restatement of Reimbursement Agreement for CVT Rt. 100 Crossing Project 7. Authorization to Advertise for Trash Bags 8. Township Commission Updates from Board Liaisons 9. Staff Updates Adjournment Next Meeting: August 26, 2020 Next Ordinance: 457 Next Resolution: 2020-35

***Note: Meeting Packets can be found on Township website***

West Whiteland Township Board of Supervisors Guidelines for Virtual Meetings West Whiteland ◄ IU 1 1,Eiih ► 8/12/2020

The Board of Supervisors welcomes the opportunity to listen to citizens’ comments on matters involving Township business. To maintain a respectful and productive atmosphere for public discussion during a virtual meeting, the following guidelines will apply:

1) Meeting participants are asked to mute their device to improve the sound quality for everyone else.

2) Those with questions or comments for anyone at the meeting are expected to keep the substance and tone respectful.

3) Only one person speaks at a time.

4) Participants who wish to speak are asked to click “raise hand” – or press * 9 on their phone. Please wait to be recognized by the Chair before speaking.

5) Commenters will share their name and address for the minutes.

6) In the interest of time, the Board may limit speakers to three minutes each.

When meetings involve long agendas and/or topics about which many people may want to comment, the following additional ground rules may apply:

7) The Board has discretion to decide that first preference for speaking will be given to West Whiteland residents, followed by non-residents if time permits. The Chairman will announce at the beginning of the meeting when this procedure will apply and ask that all speakers give their name and address.

8) Participants will refrain from asking questions or responding out of turn to the speakers or the Supervisors.

9) Speakers will be asked to keep their comments as brief as possible and limit repetition of comments to allow time for others to get their turn.

10) Time limits may be set when needed due to the length of the agenda.

West Whiteland ◄ i0#10iii ►

DATE 08/12/2020 CHECK # 62938 TO 62978 WARRANT 08122020



GENERAL FUND $ (212.57) SEWER FUND $ (177.20) SOLID WASTE FUND $ 4,095.23 SUBTOTAL $ 3,705.46 DATE



TOTAL $ 83,170.79






~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:13 |West Whiteland Township |P 1 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 08122020 TO FISCAL 2020/08 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


5483 AJM ELECTRIC INC 64146 07/27/20 99166 62939 P 08/12/20 034350 3702 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 1,484.00 INVOICE: 2914

VENDOR TOTALS 17,384.00 YTD INVOICED 97,734.00 YTD PAID 1,484.00

5310 APPLIED VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, INC. 64147 07/22/20 99167 62940 P 08/12/20 706800 3707 COMPUTER HARDWARE 2,734.00 INVOICE: 21613 64147 07/22/20 99167 62940 P 08/12/20 706800 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,050.00 INVOICE: 21613

VENDOR TOTALS 3,784.00 YTD INVOICED 3,784.00 YTD PAID 3,784.00

5466 C. SHARKEY ENTERPRISES, INC. 64149 07/01/20 99169 62941 P 08/12/20 014092 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 475.00 INVOICE: 20203624

VENDOR TOTALS 2,458.05 YTD INVOICED 2,458.05 YTD PAID 475.00

5014 CAMPBELL DURRANT BEATTY PALOMBO & MILLER P.C. 64148 07/08/20 99168 62942 P 08/12/20 014100 3314 SOLICITORS 3,997.50 INVOICE: 69046

VENDOR TOTALS 15,730.00 YTD INVOICED 19,402.50 YTD PAID 3,997.50

4498 CNS, INC 64151 07/15/20 99171 62943 P 08/12/20 014092 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 2,579.00 INVOICE: 4453

VENDOR TOTALS 18,094.14 YTD INVOICED 19,964.14 YTD PAID 2,579.00

5068 COLONY POOL SERVICE OF DELAWARE INC 64202 08/03/20 99223 17 62944 P 08/12/20 024290 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 495.53 INVOICE: 100883

VENDOR TOTALS 2,249.70 YTD INVOICED 2,963.26 YTD PAID 495.53

4836 COMMONWEALTH HERITAGE GROUP, INC. 64217 07/15/20 99238 62945 P 08/12/20 011000 1451 REIMBURSEABLE PROFESSION 50.00 INVOICE: 605820 64217 07/15/20 99238 62945 P 08/12/20 014140 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,050.00 INVOICE: 605820 64217 07/15/20 99238 62945 P 08/12/20 011000 1451 REIMBURSEABLE PROFESSION 100.00 INVOICE: 605820 64217 07/15/20 99238 62945 P 08/12/20 011000 1451 REIMBURSEABLE PROFESSION 450.00 INVOICE: 605820

VENDOR TOTALS 8,475.00 YTD INVOICED 8,475.00 YTD PAID 1,650.00


~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:13 |West Whiteland Township |P 2 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 08122020 TO FISCAL 2020/08 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


64164 07/08/20 99185 62946 P 08/12/20 024290 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 700.00 INVOICE: 20-124

VENDOR TOTALS 11,621.00 YTD INVOICED 15,488.00 YTD PAID 700.00

4409 ENERGY TRANSFER SOLUTIONS, INC 64163 07/08/20 99184 62947 P 08/12/20 014092 3451 CONTRACTED SERVICES-HVAC 2,193.00 INVOICE: 115665

VENDOR TOTALS 2,665.50 YTD INVOICED 2,665.50 YTD PAID 2,193.00

2399 FISHER & SON CO INC 64153 07/08/20 99173 62948 P 08/12/20 014520 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 57.40 INVOICE: 211668-IN


5452 GRANATT, LLC 64201 07/09/20 99222 62949 P 08/12/20 014010 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 2,500.00 INVOICE: 7010

VENDOR TOTALS 6,500.00 YTD INVOICED 10,500.00 YTD PAID 2,500.00

4545 GRAPHIC IMPRESSIONS OF AMERICA, INC. 64154 07/20/20 99174 62950 P 08/12/20 014100 3238 UNIFORMS 841.50 INVOICE: 20-698 64154 07/20/20 99174 62950 P 08/12/20 014100 3196 NEW HIRE EXPENSES 148.50 INVOICE: 20-698


47 HA WEIGAND INC 64211 07/14/20 99232 62951 P 08/12/20 014300 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 180.00 INVOICE: 116570

VENDOR TOTALS 1,864.75 YTD INVOICED 1,990.75 YTD PAID 180.00

5187 HHF LAWN CARE, LLC 64155 07/19/20 99175 62952 P 08/12/20 014520 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 660.00 INVOICE: 1503 64156 07/22/20 99176 62952 P 08/12/20 014520 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 7,635.00 INVOICE: 1502 64157 06/15/20 99177 62952 P 08/12/20 014520 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 9,800.00 INVOICE: 1467

VENDOR TOTALS 27,895.00 YTD INVOICED 27,895.00 YTD PAID 18,095.00

147 HIGHWAY MATERIALS INC 64158 07/09/20 99178 62953 P 08/12/20 014300 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 182.96 INVOICE: 173927 64159 07/07/20 99179 62953 P 08/12/20 014300 3680 ROAD&BRIDGE RESURFACING 407.14

~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:13 |West Whiteland Township |P 3 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 08122020 TO FISCAL 2020/08 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


INVOICE: 173114 64160 07/02/20 99180 62953 P 08/12/20 014300 3680 ROAD&BRIDGE RESURFACING 357.75 INVOICE: 172733 64203 07/17/20 99224 62953 P 08/12/20 014300 3680 ROAD&BRIDGE RESURFACING 338.49 INVOICE: 175030 64204 07/15/20 99225 62953 P 08/12/20 014300 3680 ROAD&BRIDGE RESURFACING 513.99 INVOICE: 174448

VENDOR TOTALS 2,749.39 YTD INVOICED 2,749.39 YTD PAID 1,800.33

4747 INCARCERATE INC. 64216 07/22/20 99237 62954 P 08/12/20 014100 3245 SUPPLIES 279.48 INVOICE: 07222020

VENDOR TOTALS 2,499.79 YTD INVOICED 3,102.45 YTD PAID 279.48

2339 MCMAHON ASSOCIATES INC 64161 07/10/20 99181 62955 P 08/12/20 655650 3313 ENGINEERING 3,394.20 INVOICE: 172257

VENDOR TOTALS 27,554.07 YTD INVOICED 58,484.07 YTD PAID 3,394.20

68 JAMIE L COLLETTE 64162 07/23/20 99182 62956 P 08/12/20 014092 3245 SUPPLIES 132.50 INVOICE: 1546

VENDOR TOTALS 1,404.45 YTD INVOICED 1,989.95 YTD PAID 132.50

5034 MUNICIPAY, LLC 64212 06/30/20 99233 62957 P 08/12/20 014010 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 194.00 INVOICE: MPS-601 64212 06/30/20 99233 62957 P 08/12/20 014050 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 194.00 INVOICE: MPS-601 64212 06/30/20 99233 62957 P 08/12/20 014100 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 194.00 INVOICE: MPS-601 64212 06/30/20 99233 62957 P 08/12/20 014130 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 194.00 INVOICE: MPS-601 64212 06/30/20 99233 62957 P 08/12/20 014140 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 194.00 INVOICE: MPS-601 64212 06/30/20 99233 62957 P 08/12/20 014520 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 194.00 INVOICE: MPS-601 64212 06/30/20 99233 62957 P 08/12/20 024290 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 196.00 INVOICE: MPS-601

VENDOR TOTALS 1,360.00 YTD INVOICED 1,360.00 YTD PAID 1,360.00

2849 PA UC FUND 64226 07/10/20 99248 62958 P 08/12/20 014010 3380 EXPENSE-UNEMPLOYMENT 744.80 INVOICE: 15191085

~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:13 |West Whiteland Township |P 4 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 08122020 TO FISCAL 2020/08 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020



3411 PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC 64167 07/10/20 99188 62959 P 08/12/20 014100 3156 HEALTH INSURANCE 125.12 INVOICE: 114061-1457856 64167 07/10/20 99188 62959 P 08/12/20 014130 3156 HEALTH INSURANCE 5.44 INVOICE: 114061-1457856 64167 07/10/20 99188 62959 P 08/12/20 024290 3156 HEALTH INSURANCE 5.44 INVOICE: 114061-1457856 64167 07/10/20 99188 62959 P 08/12/20 404500 3156 HEALTH INSURANCE 48.95 INVOICE: 114061-1457856

VENDOR TOTALS 2,034.60 YTD INVOICED 2,034.60 YTD PAID 184.95

3301 PECO ENERGY - PAYMENT PROCESSING 64218 07/15/20 99239 62960 P 08/12/20 014520 3361 UTILITIES 9.99 INVOICE: 5408516151 071520 64219 07/16/20 99240 62961 P 08/12/20 014520 3361 UTILITIES 16.48 INVOICE: 6336188013 091520

VENDOR TOTALS 28,575.71 YTD INVOICED 34,909.39 YTD PAID 26.47

31 PECO ENERGY COMPANY 64221 07/16/20 99243 62962 P 08/12/20 014300 3361 UTILITIES 704.10 INVOICE: 9919400400 081720 64221 07/16/20 99243 62962 P 08/12/20 014520 3361 UTILITIES 296.72 INVOICE: 9919400400 081720 64221 07/16/20 99243 62962 P 08/12/20 024290 3361 UTILITIES 4,901.26 INVOICE: 9919400400 081720 64221 07/16/20 99243 62962 P 08/12/20 024290 3361 UTILITIES 2,246.76 INVOICE: 9919400400 081720

VENDOR TOTALS 70,963.03 YTD INVOICED 79,950.80 YTD PAID 8,148.84

5599 PENN OUTDOOR SERVICES 64170 06/30/20 99191 62963 P 08/12/20 014520 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 2,488.00 INVOICE: 4144

VENDOR TOTALS 4,620.00 YTD INVOICED 4,620.00 YTD PAID 2,488.00

3596 PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 64171 07/14/20 99192 62965 P 08/12/20 014300 3232 DIESEL 954.86 INVOICE: 1562116 64225 07/28/20 99247 62964 P 08/12/20 014300 3232 DIESEL 891.48 INVOICE: 9422742

VENDOR TOTALS 11,791.25 YTD INVOICED 14,481.84 YTD PAID 1,846.34

3858 NEOPOST 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 014010 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 140.21

~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:13 |West Whiteland Township |P 5 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 08122020 TO FISCAL 2020/08 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 014050 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 41.54 INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 014100 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 51.93 INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 014130 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 31.16 INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 014140 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 43.62 INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 014300 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 72.70 INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 014520 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 27.00 INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 024290 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 83.08 INVOICE: N8373903 64181 07/02/20 99202 62966 P 08/12/20 124310 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 28.04 INVOICE: N8373903

VENDOR TOTALS 1,236.25 YTD INVOICED 1,236.25 YTD PAID 519.28

5216 REMINGTON & VERNICK ENGINEERS, INC. 64172 07/06/20 99193 62967 P 08/12/20 034350 3313 ENGINEERING 1,625.00 INVOICE: PCWNT003-12

VENDOR TOTALS 3,382.00 YTD INVOICED 13,230.22 YTD PAID 1,625.00

36 RUBINSTEINS INC 64173 07/09/20 99194 62968 P 08/12/20 014100 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 25.96 INVOICE: 2172761-0


5608 SAYEED JABRI 64228 07/16/20 99250 62969 P 08/12/20 021000 0001 TRUST 3,340.03 INVOICE: 2199000

VENDOR TOTALS 3,340.03 YTD INVOICED 3,340.03 YTD PAID 3,340.03

37 SIGNAL SERVICE INC 64174 07/07/20 99195 62970 P 08/12/20 354380 3456 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 95.00 INVOICE: 36699 64175 07/06/20 99196 62970 P 08/12/20 014300 3680 ROAD&BRIDGE RESURFACING 190.00 INVOICE: 36750 64222 07/27/20 99244 62970 P 08/12/20 354380 3456 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 215.00 INVOICE: 36895 64223 07/27/20 99245 62970 P 08/12/20 354380 3456 TRAFFIC SIGNALS 253.50 INVOICE: 36896 64224 07/20/20 99246 62970 P 08/12/20 014300 3680 ROAD&BRIDGE RESURFACING 203.38 INVOICE: 36801

~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:13 |West Whiteland Township |P 6 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 08122020 TO FISCAL 2020/08 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


VENDOR TOTALS 24,448.24 YTD INVOICED 53,342.00 YTD PAID 956.88

5607 SORT PARTNERSHIP 64227 07/28/20 99249 62971 P 08/12/20 011000 0001 TRUST 1,080.00 INVOICE: 388

VENDOR TOTALS 1,080.00 YTD INVOICED 1,080.00 YTD PAID 1,080.00

5609 STEVE TREGO 64229 07/24/20 99251 62972 P 08/12/20 014520 3422 TRAINING/SEMINAR/SCHOOLS 53.50 INVOICE: 072420


258 TERRE HILL CONCRETE PRODUCTS 64176 07/13/20 99197 62973 P 08/12/20 014300 3668 DRAINAGE 2,508.00 INVOICE: 994373191

VENDOR TOTALS 4,780.00 YTD INVOICED 4,780.00 YTD PAID 2,508.00

5594 TIFCO INDUSTRIES 64177 06/29/20 99198 62974 P 08/12/20 014520 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 199.80 INVOICE: 71567464


5465 TRAISR LLC 64213 07/23/20 99234 62975 P 08/12/20 706800 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 510.00 INVOICE: 100708 64214 07/23/20 99235 62975 P 08/12/20 706800 3708 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 2,100.00 INVOICE: 100709

VENDOR TOTALS 6,846.80 YTD INVOICED 11,446.80 YTD PAID 2,610.00

2498 VE RALPH & SON INC 64215 07/24/20 99236 62976 P 08/12/20 014100 3245 SUPPLIES 173.60 INVOICE: 401836


4868 WINCAN, LLC 64182 04/13/20 99203 62977 P 08/12/20 024290 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,748.00 INVOICE: 3839

VENDOR TOTALS 1,748.00 YTD INVOICED 1,748.00 YTD PAID 1,748.00

4173 XYLEM WATER SOLUTIONS USA, INC. 64178 07/06/20 99199 62978 P 08/12/20 024290 3374 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 230.48 INVOICE: 3556B29057 64179 07/10/20 99200 62978 P 08/12/20 024290 3374 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 4,808.46

~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:13 |West Whiteland Township |P 7 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 08122020 TO FISCAL 2020/08 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


INVOICE: 3556B29738

VENDOR TOTALS 5,374.72 YTD INVOICED 5,374.72 YTD PAID 5,038.94



** END OF REPORT - Generated by Zenobia White **

~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:14 |West Whiteland Township |P 1 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 063020PC TO FISCAL 2020/06 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


4156 AMAZON.COM 64253 06/23/20 99276 999997661 M 06/30/20 014100 3245 SUPPLIES 19.99 INVOICE: 111-2447902-4230612 64255 06/22/20 99278 999997663 M 06/30/20 014300 3246 FLEET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 13.56 INVOICE: 111-4673863-4502613 64256 06/15/20 99279 999997664 M 06/30/20 014100 3238 UNIFORMS 75.36 INVOICE: 111-1687338-0539428 64257 06/22/20 99280 999997665 M 06/30/20 014300 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 9.49 INVOICE: 111-1069474-0181817 64259 05/27/20 99282 999997666 M 06/30/20 014092 3245 SUPPLIES -311.96 INVOICE: 111-0446516-5505851R 64261 06/25/20 99284 999997667 M 06/30/20 014100 3210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 29.98 INVOICE: 113-5711246-3486658 64263 05/27/20 99286 999997669 M 06/30/20 014100 3245 SUPPLIES -78.99 INVOICE: 111-2973015-3351468R 64279 06/24/20 99303 999997681 M 08/12/20 024290 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 21.61 INVOICE: 111-1728706-1674646 64286 05/27/20 99310 999997688 M 08/12/20 014100 3245 SUPPLIES 7.44 INVOICE: 1111409794-1677847

VENDOR TOTALS 6,266.81 YTD INVOICED 11,012.78 YTD PAID -213.52

5568 AMERICAN AIRLINES 64269 06/03/20 99292 999997673 M 08/12/20 014100 3245 SUPPLIES 494.10 INVOICE: WHVAIE.2 64270 06/03/20 99293 999997674 M 08/12/20 014100 3245 SUPPLIES 988.20 INVOICE: FFWTWJ.2

VENDOR TOTALS 2,865.90 YTD INVOICED 2,865.90 YTD PAID 1,482.30

280 CHESTER COUNTY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY 64254 06/22/20 99277 8 999997662 M 06/30/20 124310 3365 SOLID WASTE 4,095.23 INVOICE: 57460

VENDOR TOTALS 96,775.15 YTD INVOICED 117,437.46 YTD PAID 4,095.23

5611 DANNER-LACROSSE 64267 06/22/20 99290 999997671 M 08/12/20 014100 3238 UNIFORMS 135.00 INVOICE: 100840951


1861 HORN PLUMBING & HEATING INC 64262 06/01/20 99285 999997668 M 06/30/20 024290 3374 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS -177.20 INVOICE: 1430340-1R

VENDOR TOTALS 3,790.11 YTD INVOICED 3,790.11 YTD PAID -177.20

25 MARCHWOOD HARDWARE 64276 05/31/20 99300 999997678 M 08/12/20 024290 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 11.95 INVOICE: 40000

~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:14 |West Whiteland Township |P 2 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 063020PC TO FISCAL 2020/06 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020



5017 PET WASTE ELIMINATOR 64274 06/03/20 99298 999997676 M 08/12/20 014520 3245 GENERAL SUPPLIES 240.00 INVOICE: 42913379


373 PA STATE ASSOCIATION OF TOWNSHIP SUPERVISORS 64252 06/23/20 99275 999997660 M 06/30/20 014010 3422 TRAINING/SEMINAR/SCHOOLS 30.00 INVOICE: INV-72722-W2D5 64268 06/10/20 99291 999997672 M 08/12/20 014010 3422 TRAINING/SEMINAR/SCHOOLS 20.00 INVOICE: INV-72408-V5P2


5612 SHRM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 64280 06/23/20 99304 999997682 M 08/12/20 014010 3422 TRAINING/SEMINAR/SCHOOLS 20.00 INVOICE: 07302020


5210 SQUARESPACE 64273 06/03/20 99297 999997675 M 08/12/20 014010 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 21.20 INVOICE: 06032020


3579 UNITED INSPECTION AGENCY INC. 64277 05/05/20 99301 999997679 M 08/12/20 014130 3201 INSPECTION 3RD PARTY 5,445.00 INVOICE: 4902

VENDOR TOTALS 21,065.00 YTD INVOICED 44,433.00 YTD PAID 5,445.00

5070 WESTERN PEST SERVICES 64275 06/01/20 99299 999997677 M 08/12/20 014092 3450 CONTRACTED SERVICES 67.50 INVOICE: 05351987B


5581 ZOOM VIDEO COMM 64278 06/23/20 99302 999997680 M 08/12/20 014010 3340 COMMUNICATIONS 58.29 INVOICE: INV27467791




~ . ••:·:•...• mun Is• · • a tyler erp solution 08/07/2020 16:14 |West Whiteland Township |P 3 zwhite |PAID WARRANT REPORT |appdwarr

WARRANT: 063020PC TO FISCAL 2020/06 01/01/2020 TO 12/31/2020


______TOTAL MANUAL CHECKS 23 11,235.75

** END OF REPORT - Generated by Zenobia White **


RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - ___

WHEREAS, by virtue of Resolution 2009-09 adopted April 8, 2009, the Board of Supervisors of Whiteland Township declared its intent to follow the schedules and procedures for the disposition of records as set forth in the Municipal Records Manual approved on December 16, 2009, and,

WHEREAS, in accordance with Act 428 of 1968, each individual act of disposition shall be approved by resolution of the governing body of the municipality;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the Township of West Whiteland, Chester County, , in accordance with the above-cited Municipal Records Manual, hereby authorizes reformatting of the following public records:


Administration Board of Supervisors (Zoom) July 8, 2020 253 MB of data

Finance Pension Advisory Board (Zoom) April 22, 2020 778 MB of data

Planning Historical Commission (Zoom) June 8, 2020 372 MB of data

ADOPTED this 12th day of August, 2020.


______Rajesh Kumbhardare, Chairperson ATTEST:

______Mimi Gleason, Township Manager Theresa Santalucia, Vice-Chairperson

______Joshua Anderson, Supervisor

MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors Mimi Gleason West Whiteland FROM: - ---4.------~1,1!!!,'!!h•i~iii- ,-.-- DATE: July 27, 2020 SUBJECT: Commitment to 100% renewable energy

Motion: To adopt Resolution-xx supporting a renewable energy future

“Ready for 100” is the Sierra Club’s tag line for communities that commit to transitioning to 100% clean, renewable energy.

The Board of Supervisors essentially made this commitment when you accepted the West Chester Area 100% Renewal Energy Transition Study on March 11, 2020. The study laid out a road map for moving the greater West Chester area, including West Whiteland, to 100% renewable energy for electricity by 2035 and for heat and transportation by 2050. In cooperation with the West Chester Area Council of Governments (COG), the Board agreed to begin implementation of the study by working with the COG on community engagement strategies and on pursuing a power purchase agreement for renewable energy. The Township also agreed to pursue the other initiatives in the study ourselves. A table summarizing progress made this year follows this memo.

By adopting the resolution, the Board would be joining many other communities around the country to publicly state your commitment to transitioning to 100% clean, renewable energy. The resolution has been shared with the Sierra Club and adoption will be noted on their website.



WHEREAS, climate change impacts will test our infrastructure, emergency response and social services; impact our access to food, water and energy supplies; and heighten disruption of services, commerce and quality of life; and

WHEREAS, the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris resulted in a consensus among all 195 countries at the time to limit the increase in global average temperatures to well below 2°C; and

WHEREAS, the internationally agreed upon goal can be met based upon existing and new national, state, and local initiatives, and our actions will contribute to a critical mass of local climate initiatives that can collectively reduce climate disruption and help minimize the impact of extreme weather on our communities; and

WHEREAS, the mission of West Whiteland Township is to provide our community with local government services that prioritize safety, sustainability and quality of life; and

WHEREAS, West Whiteland Township has joined with five other municipalities in the West Chester Area Council of Governments (WCACOG) to develop and accept the West Chester Area 100% Renewable Energy Transition Study (the “Study”) prepared by Cadmus and to pursue joint and individual initiatives to implement the study’s recommendations; and

WHEREAS, renewable energy initiatives can produce energy cost savings for residents and local businesses while stimulating new economic activity and local jobs and providing life protecting benefits for everyone; and

WHEREAS, the best strategy for achieving a cost effective, even cost saving, energy source transition is through continued collaboration with other Chester County energy leaders;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of West Whiteland Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, that West Whiteland Township will:

1. continue to work with the WCACOG on joint initiatives, and pursue independent Township initiatives, to implement the Study’s recommendations and achieve the Study’s goals of transitioning to 100% clean renewable electricity by 2035 and 100% renewable energy for all other energy uses by 2050 community-wide, including:

a. implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives for Township facilities and fleet to lead by example;

b. engaging with the West Chester community through educational or marketing campaigns, group purchasing campaigns, energy planning or other initiatives to build support for and achieve the goals of the Study and this resolution;

c. calling on the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:

1) to set a goal to use 100% renewable energy for all purposes no later than 2050; and

2) to pass legislation that would that put Pennsylvania on track to meet the 100% renewable energy goal, including measures recommended in the Study to allow for community solar and community choice aggregation and increase the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard.

2. define clean renewable energy as carbon-free and pollution-free energy generated sustainably from renewable sources such as wind, solar, small hydro, tidal, fuel cells and geothermal;

3. prioritize locally produced and distributed energy whenever feasible for the many advantages it provides to the community; and

4. divest the Township’s pension plans from investment in fossil fuel companies, over time and in a prudent manner that satisfies the Township’s fiduciary duties.

This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption.

ADOPTED this 12TH day of AUGUST, 2020.


______Rajesh Kumbhardare, Chair ATTEST: ______Mimi Gleason, Township Manager Theresa Santalucia, Vice-Chair

______Joshua Anderson, Supervisor


Enabling Strategies 1.1 Encourage Solar Ready Guidelines Individual Municipality 2021: Discuss with WWT Planning Commission. 1.2 Streamline Interconnection Processes Individual Municipality 2021: Look into starting the process to obtain SolSmart designation from the Regional Planning Commission or U.S. Dept of Energy, based on their evaluation of WWT's ordinances, permit processes, etc. 1.3 Pass EV-Ready Ordinance Individual Municipality Future project: evaluate ordinance requirements 1.4 Install Public Charging Stations for electric vehicles Individual Municipality 2020: Received grant for charging station at the Twp Building; to be installed in the fall 1.5 Develop a Building Electrification Roadmap Individual Municipality Future project: plan what is necessary to convert Twp buildings to 100% electricity

Community Engagement Strategies 2020: PSC volunteer and Twp staff rep will work with the COG's Advisory Group on user-friendly educational info to be added to the COG's Neighborhood University website. 2.1 Initiate renewable energy educational campaigns Collectively via WCACOG 2.2 Establish and/or participate in group purchasing campaigns Collectively via WCACOG 2.3 Engage community in setting energy goals Collectively via WCACOG 2.4 initiate renewable heating and cooling marketing campaigns Collectively via WCACOG

Municipal Supply Mix Strategies 3.1 Install renewable energy on-site to supply municipal operates Individual Municipality 2020: Evaluate the new Public Works garage for R/E. 3.2 Procure renewable energy from retail energy providers Individual Municipality Future project: Evaluate this option in addition to and/or in lieu of a PPA 3.3 Power purchase agreement (PPA): partner with a third party to procure renewable energy Collectively via WCACOG 2020: Work with the COG on an RFP. 3.4 Purchase renewable energy certificates (RECS) Individual Municipality Future project: Evaluate this option in addition to and/or in lieu of a PPA 3.5 Led by example in municipal facilities (building electrification) Individual Municipality 2020: Plan for electric heating source in the new Public Works garage.


Municipal Supply Mix Strategies 3.6 Procure electric vehicles (EV) for municipal fleets Individual Municipality 2020: Purchasing 2 hybrid police patrol cars. I I During 2021 budget process, evaluate viability of EV for vehicle purchases.

State Level Options Future project: Work with other munis to advocate for state legislation. 4.1 Allow for Community Solar On Hold 4.2 Allow for Community Choice Aggregation On Hold 4.3 Increase the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (AEPS) On Hold

Other Actions re: GHG Emission Reductions (not addressed in the COG's energy transition plan) Improve the Township's energy efficiency West Whiteland initiative

2020: Make the new PW Facility as energy efficient as possible; also hire consultant to evaluate best options for potential replacement of HVAC system and/or controls at the Twp Building. Divest pension plans from fossil fuel companies West Whiteland initiative 2020: The pension plans have not included investments in Sunoco or Energy Transfer. Going forward, the new investment advisor will work with the Pension Advisory Board to divest from investments in any fossil fuel companies over time, in a prudent manner to meet the Twp's fiduciary duties. Plant trees on public property and right-of-way West Whiteland initiative Future project: Consider whether to allot or seek funding to develop a streetscapes plan for commercial corridors, with goal of improving aesthetics, mitigating stormwater runoff/pollution and absorbing carbon. Discourage use of single-use plastics West Whiteland initiative Future project: Evaluate best practices for encouraging use of reusable or compostable products in place of single use plastics Plan ahead to make infrastructure more resilient to climate change West Whiteland initiative Future project: plan improvements needed to manage more runoff, protect roads, manage water inflow & infiltration into the sewer system

8/6/2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Beth Jones, Finance Director West Whiteland SUBJECT: Bank Resolution Authorizing New Account - DATE: August 12, 2020

Motion: To approve the Fulton Bank Corporate Resolution associated with the Township’s opening of a new bank account.

Background Information One of the Township’s police officers, Detective Sergeant Jason Madormo, serves as the Team Commander for the West Chester Regional Emergency Response Team (WCRERT). He is responsible for facilitating the WCRERT’s finances at the direction of WCRERT’s Board of Chiefs. To help facilitate WCRERT finances, West Whiteland will open an account for an agency fund* at the Township’s current bank, Fulton Bank. The WCRERT has a signed Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the purchasing and finance parameters and a signed copy was provided to the Township Finance Department.

_____ * Agency Fund: An agency fund is an account one government agency holds on behalf of another government agency.


Account # : Effective Date:


I, the undersigned, certify that I am (Assistant) Secretary of (the "Corporation"), a corporation organized under the laws of with its principal office located at the following physical address , with a Federal I.D. Number of ______. I further certify that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, at which a quorum was present, the following resolutions were duly adopted and they have not been modified or rescinded, and are now in full force and effect, and that the same are not in contravention of or in conflict with the charter, article of incorporation or bylaws of the Corporation and are in accordance therewith and pursuant thereto:


1. FULTON BANK, N.A.,A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION, LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA (the "Bank") is hereby designated a depository of the Corporation and there may be deposited to its credit in one or more accounts with the Bank, either at its main office or any of its branches, any monies, checks or other instruments of the Corporation, subject to the rules and regulations established from time to time by the Bank. Any other property of the Corporation may be deposited with the Bank for safekeeping, custody or other purposes. Items for deposit, collection or discount may be indorsed by any person authorized to sign checks, or endorsements thereof may be made in writing or by a stamp and without designation of the person so endorsing.

2. Any one of the following persons:*

is authorized, on behalf of the Corporation and in its name, in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable to such account: (a) to sign checks, drafts, notes, acceptances and other instruments and orders or otherwise arrange for the payment of money or for the withdrawal or delivery of funds or other property at any time held by the Bank for the account of the Corporation and to receive any thereof, and to issue written, oral, or mechanical instructions for the conduct of any account of the Corporation with the Bank; (b) to accept drafts, and other instruments payable at the Bank, and to waive demand, protest, and notice of protest or dishonor of any instrument made, drawn, or endorsed by the Corporation; (c) to endorse, negotiate and receive, or authorize the payment of, the proceeds of, any negotiable or other instruments or orders for the payment of money payable to or belonging to the Corporation; (d) to communicate instructions or orders by telephonic, electronic or other means, to make funds transfers, wire transfers, automated clearing house entries and payment orders of any nature for, on behalf of or in the name of the Corporation and to delegate such authority from time to time by appointment and removal of such other persons who may conduct such communications; and (e) to enter into agreements with Bank for, on behalf of or in the name of the Corporation relating to any of the foregoing, a safe deposit box rental/lease, or any cash management, information, investment, financial or similar services.

If the foregoing paragraph (or any other document or instrument provided by the Corporation to the Bank) indicates that the Corporation may conduct any of the banking or financial transactions identified above only upon the signature of two or more authorized persons (a “Multiple Signature Requirement”), it is expressly understood and agreed that such Multiple Signature Requirement is a matter of internal corporate controls only and that no Multiple Signature Requirement shall be binding upon the Bank. The Bank shall have no obligation to enforce, support, monitor or accept instructions concerning Multiple Signature Requirements and the Bank shall have no liability for any losses, liabilities or damages arising out of banking or financial transactions that are undertaken in violation of any Multiple Signature Requirement.

3. That the Corporation also requests, authorizes and directs the Bank to accept and pay out of the monies now or hereafter on deposit with the Bank to the credit of the Corporation, any and all checks, drafts or other orders drawn upon the Bank in the name of the Corporation bearing the facsimile signatures of the persons now or hereafter authorized to sign checks, drafts or other orders on behalf of the Corporation, no matter by whom or how said facsimile signature(s) have been impressed thereon, the said facsimile signature(s) to be in the form of a specimen now or hereafter furnished to the Bank.

4. The Bank may follow all such instructions, and may honor all such checks and other instruments for the payment or delivery of money or property when signed or impressed as authorized above, including any payable to the Bank or to any signer or other officer or employee of the Corporation or to cash or to bearer, and may receive the same in payment of or as security for the personal indebtedness of any signer or other officer or employee of the Corporation or other person to the Bank or in any transaction whether or not known to be for the personal benefit of any such person, without inquiry as to the circumstances of their issue or the disposition of their proceeds, and without liability to the Corporation, and without any obligation upon the Bank to inquire whether the same be drawn or required for the business or benefit of the Corporation.

5. Any of the following persons:*

6. is/are hereby authorized and empowered, at any time or times, on behalf of the Corporation and in its name, and upon such terms as such person or persons may determine: (a) to borrow or obtain other financial accommodations from, and engage in any other banking transactions with the Bank on a secured or unsecured basis; (b) to make, execute, endorse, accept and deliver notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances, evidences of indebtedness and other instruments, and security and other agreements of the Corporation in or in connection with any transaction; (c) to secure any liability of the Corporation to the Bank by granting a security interest in and by pledge, mortgage or assignment, originally and in addition and in substitution, and delivery of any or all of the presently owned or hereafter acquired real, personal, tangible and intangible property of the Corporation; and (d) to sell, exchange,

08/2018 purchase or otherwise deal in any such property and to deliver and accept delivery of the same, and the proceeds thereof, and to execute and deliver any agreement, endorsement, deed, transfer or assignment in connection therewith, to or from or through the Bank.

7. Any action heretofore taken by any officer or employee of the Corporation with respect to any of the matters stated above is hereby ratified and confirmed.

8. The Secretary or Assistant Secretary of the Corporation is hereby directed to certify to the Bank a copy of these resolutions and the name of the present incumbents of the offices or positions referred to herein, and to further certify from time to time hereafter the names of any successors to the present incumbents of said offices or positions, together with specimens of their respective signatures and facsimile signatures, and the Bank is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to rely upon any such certificate, unless and until the same shall have been formally modified or rescinded by a subsequent certificate of the Corporation actually received by the Bank.

9. Such authority in the Bank shall continue until the Bank has actually received a certified copy of a subsequent resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation modifying or rescinding any or all of such resolutions shall have been actually received by the Bank."

*When designating authorized persons, use officer titles rather than names, if such persons are officers of the Corporation.

I further certify that following person(s) are officer(s) of the Corporation in the capacity set forth opposite his, her or their respective name(s) (list those officers authorized under paragraphs 2 and 5 above):

Name Signature & Title Facsimile Signature (if any)

______Township Manager/Secretary

______Finance Director/Treasurer

______Township Supervisor

______Township Supervisor

______Township Supervisor

08/2018 ______

WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Corporation as of this day of , 20____.

(Corporate Seal) (Assistant) Secretary or Sole Officer

If the signatory above is not the Sole Officer of the Corporation and the person signing the foregoing certificate is authorized to sign and act as above stated without other countersignature, then the President or Vice President or some other principal officer of the Corporation must sign the following confirmation:

I, ______(name and title) of the Association, do hereby certify that the ______(title such as Secretary) of the Association is duly authorized to sign and act as above without other signature or countersignature.

WITNESS my hand as of this ______day of ______, 20____.

______Name: Title:

If the signatory above is the Sole Officer of the Corporation and the person signing the foregoing certificate is authorized to sign and act as above stated without other countersignature, an adult witness to the officer’s signature must sign the following confirmation.

WITNESSED the Sole Officer signature as of this ______day of ______, 20____.


08/2018 FULTON BANK, N.A.

Commercial Account Account No Product ID Branch Agreement Date Opened/Revised Service By New Change Description   Account Title Account Title Line 1 (Organization Name) Tax ID No.

Account Title Line 2 Legal Entity Type: ______

Account Title Line 3 Documents Relied On:

______Address I Email Address Mailing Address Phone No. I

Opening Information Source of Transaction Funds Proposed Opening Amount Opening Deposit-Transferred From Transfer Amount I I Account No

I/We have received a copy of the Consumer Privacy Notice, Funds Availability Policy, Small Business/Non-Profit Service Fee Disclosure or Commercial Service Fee Disclosure and Rules and Regulations for Deposit Accounts and agree to the terms and conditions of this/these account(s), including but not limited to terms relating to account maintenance fees applied to dormant account balances.

______Signer 1 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 2 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 3 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 4 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 5 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 6 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 7 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 8 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 9 Name Signature SSN:

______Signer 10 Name Signature SSN:

Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person

You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax returns. You must cross out item 1 and 3 above if you are not a U.S. Citizen or other U.S. person.

Note: All signers with a foreign status must certify with a Form W-8.

Signature______Title ______Date______

UNLAWFUL INTERNET GAMBLING TRANSACTIONS PROHIBITED. Effective December 1, 2009, you may not use your Account or any other service we offer to receive any funds, transfers, credit, instrument or proceeds that arise out of a business that is unlawful under the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA). If anyone asks us to process a transaction that we believe is restricted under the UIGEA, we may block the transaction and take any other action we deem to be reasonable under the UIGEA and this Agreement.

By signing below, I certify that this business does not engage in Internet gambling. I will notify [insert Fulton Bank in the event of any change in circumstances.

______08/12/2020______Authorized signer Date 07/16/2019 FULTON BANK, N.A.

Commercial Account Agreement Overdraft Notice Please Read

Notice: Small business/Non-Profit and Commercial account holders1 are automatically enrolled in the bank’s Overdraft ElectTM program. In this program, the bank may (or may not, in our discretion) authorize and pay items up to your assigned overdraft limit for all your transactions including everyday debit card and ATM transactions when your account does not have sufficient available funds.

The Bank's current Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee or Overdraft (OD) fee is charged to your account for each NSF/OD transaction, whether returned or paid. For each consecutive business day (after three consecutive business days) that you have a negative balance, we will charge you an extended overdraft fee. The amounts of these fees are listed on the Small Business/Non-Profit Service Fee or Commercial Service Fee Disclosures. Additional information on the program is available on the bank’s website, and financial center locations.

1Applicable account types include Business Checking (401), Business Premium Checking (402), Small Business Checking Tier I (403), Small Business Checking Tier II (404), Small Business Checking Tier III (405), Non Profit Checking (430), Commercial Checking (450), Attorney Trust (452), State and Municipal Checking (480), Government Checking (481), Business Interest Checking (501), Non-Profit Premium Checking (530), Non Profit I, (531), Non Profit II (532), Commercial Interest Checking (550), Commercial Combined Checking (551), State and Municipal Interest Checking (580), Small Business Platinum Money Market (601), Business Money Market (650), Fulton Fund Special Edition Non Personal (652), Premier Business Money Market (655, 656, 657), State & Municipal Fulton Fund (680), State & Municipal Special Edition (681), Cash Management (801), Affordable Housing Trust (803), Government Interest Checking (804), Iolta Checking (805), Government Interest Money Market (806), Large Non Profit Money Market (807), Repurchase Agreement (814), and Flex Repo Account (815)


West Whiteland ~ Police Department Tel: (610) 363-0200 101 Commerce Drive Exton, Fax: (610) 363-6671 Pennsylvania 19341 www.westwhiteland.org


To: Board of Supervisors

From: Chief Ralph W. Benson III

Date: August 6th, 2020

Re: Board of Supervisors Approval of Police Policies

Motion: To approve the following policies for inclusion in the West Whiteland Township Police Policy and Procedure Manual:

Mobile Video and Audio Recording Systems (12 pages) • Adjustments to Section XI(A) Establishing detailed review guidelines • Last Approved 11/23/2019

Pennsylvania Crime Victims Act (3 pages) • In use since 2017 • Initial BOS Approval

Speed Timing Devices (6 pages) • Removal of Robic Speed Timing Device

Accreditation (5 pages) • In use since 2017 • BOS Familiarity • Adjustment to Section V(A)


Background: The police department reviews each policy annually. With each review there are often revisions based upon case law, best practices or procedural changes. The above policies have been revised and are ready for your review:

These policies have been thoroughly vetted and meet current police accreditation standards. The policies were also reviewed and approved by select members of the department, to include a representative of the police officer's association.

Ralph W. Benson, III Chief of Police



EFFECTIVE August 13th 2020 NUMBER OF PAGES: 12

ACCREDITATION STANDARDS: 2.4.2 BY THE ORDER OF: Chief of Police Ralph W. Benson, III

PURPOSE: The purpose of this general order is to provide guidelines and procedures to be followed by members of the West Whiteland Township Police Department for the proper use and maintenance of the mobile video and audio recording systems. The mobile video and audio recording systems used by the police department shall be an in-car mobile video and audio recording system and a body-worn video and audio recording system.

POLICY: It is the policy of the West Whiteland Township Police Department that officers shall appropriately utilize mobile video and audio recording equipment in the performance of his or her official duties, where the recordings are consistent with this general order and law. This general order does not govern the use of surreptitious recording devices used in undercover operations.

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 1 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020



A. Mobile Video and Audio Recording Systems Objectives

1. This department has adopted the use of mobile audio and video recording systems in order to accomplish several objectives, including:

a. Accurate documentation of police-public contacts, arrests, and critical incident responses. They also may serve to enhance the accuracy of officer reports and testimony in court.

b. Audio and video recordings allow the police and prosecutors to review probable cause for arrest, officer and suspect interaction, and evidence for investigative and prosecutorial purposes.

c. Protect the department and its officers from civil liability resulting from wrongful accusations of misconduct.

d. Accurate documentation of crime and accident scenes or other events, including the confiscation and documentation of evidence or contraband.

e. Enhanced evaluation of police conduct and professionalism.

f. Use as a training tool, allowing a review of both exemplary police tactics and areas for improvement.

B. Definitions

1. As used in this general order, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this subsection:

a. Mobile Video and Audio Coordinator - an officer designated by the Chief of Police to oversee the ongoing operations of the mobile video and audio recording systems and related equipment. The Chief of Police may assign an officer to assist the Mobile Video and Audio Coordinator with his or her duties as defined by this General Order.

b. Digital Media - the USB Flash Drive or USB Dock used for electronic file uploading.

c. Mobile Video and Audio Recording Systems - all department approved devices that record both audio and video data. These devices will include both body-worn cameras (BWC) and mobile video recorders (MVR).

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 2 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020


A. Police officers shall not use mobile video and audio recording systems equipment until they have received training on the proper use and operation. All newly hired officers shall receive this training as a part of the Field Training Officer program.

1. Additional training may be required at periodic intervals to ensure the continued effective use and operation of the equipment, proper calibration and performance, and to incorporate changes, updates, or other revisions in general order and equipment.

2. Officers shall memorialize all training by adding and publishing their certification of completion into their PowerDMS training folder.


A. Officers shall use only mobile video and audio recording systems approved by law and issued by this department.

B. Absent articulable exigent circumstances, officers shall ensure that all mobile video and audio recording systems are activated in order to record incidents that are likely to result in a prosecution for a violation of the law and/or a civil lawsuit.

C. If a mobile video and audio recording system fails to activate for any reason, fails to record the entire contact, or terminates the recording, the officer shall document in the CODY RMS why a recording was not made, was interrupted, or was terminated.

D. Mobile video and audio recording systems may only be deactivated for the purpose of not recording an event by the authorization of a commanding officer (such as a Chief of Police or shift supervisor). The deactivation reason shall be recorded via the mobile video and audio recording system, with the commanding officer stating the reason via the mobile video and audio recording system, if practicable. An entry documenting the reason should be entered into the CODY RMS.

1. In situations when community members, witnesses, victims, or other individuals wish to make a statement or share information, but refuse to do so while being recorded, or request that the camera be turned off, officers have the discretion to stop recording the incident through the use of their body worn camera in order to obtain the statement or information. In such situations, the officer shall record a brief verbal explanation for the deactivation before stopping the recording. Once the officer obtains the statement or information, he or she shall reactive the recording through the use of the body worn camera.

2. Officers shall not use their mobile video recorder or body worn camera to record the following:

a. During the safety planning for domestic violence or sexual assault victims. WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 3 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020

b. During the conversations with confidential informants or undercover officers.

c. During departmental administrative investigations.

d. During briefings discussing law enforcement tactics and strategy

E. The following incidents, which shall be recorded, are:

1. Incidents involving arrests.

2. In-progress Vehicle and Crimes Code violations.

3. Consent to search requests and search.

4. Traffic stops.

5. Prisoner transports.

6. Police pursuits.

7. Fatal/serious crash or major crime scenes, as necessary to document the scene.

8. Physical/verbal confrontations between officers and subjects.

9. Erratic behavior by a subject that is indicative of potential mental health issues.

10. Patrol vehicle travel and movements when emergency lights and siren are activated.

11. Any other incident or citizen contact the officer deems appropriate while acting in the performance of official duty.

12. Any incident likely to result in the use or display of force.

13. Absent exigent circumstances, any incident involving the discharge or display of a firearm and/or less-lethal device.

F. Whenever possible, officers should inform individuals that they are being recorded.

G. When utilizing mobile video and audio recording systems, officers shall ensure activation of his/her wireless microphone prior to approaching a subject. The audio recording shall remain in use throughout the contact, unless prohibited by this general order or law.

H. The encounter/contact shall be conducted following normal police practices and in such a manner to ensure the safety of the officer and the contacted citizen. The entire contact shall be video and audio recorded and all interaction shall be

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 4 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 conducted within view, when possible, of the recording equipment. However, officer safety shall be of primary concern.

I. Officers are encouraged to inform their supervisor of any recordings that may be of value for training purposes.

J. Officers shall note in incident, arrest, and related reports that mobile video and audio recordings were made during the incident in question. The written report shall note basic facts about the recorded incident but will allow the recording to provide the details. Select the “Video Available” check box in CODY RMS. Mobile video and audio recordings are not a replacement for written reports. The written report shall include all officers involved in the incident who recorded video by means of BWC or MVR.

K. Officers shall adhere to the following procedures when utilizing the mobile video and audio recording systems equipment to make video or audio recordings.

1. In-car video and audio recording system

a. The officer shall automatically initiate video recording on the in-car video and audio recording system when any of the following events occur:

1) The patrol vehicle’s emergency lighting is activated.

2) The record button on the in-car video and recording system control panel is depressed.

3) Recording is activated via the wireless microphone.

4) In the event of a crash.

b. The recording system may be manually or remotely activated (by the wireless microphone). Recording is terminated when the officer depresses the stop button on the control panel or when the emergency lights are deactivated. In general, the in-car video and audio shall remain activated until completion of the incident/contact.

c. Officers will ensure that:

1) The in-car video and audio recording system is positioned and adjusted to record events.

2) All the cameras are activated (e.g., one of the cameras is not turned off)

3) The in-car video and audio recording system is not deactivated until the incident/enforcement action is completed. To avoid any appearance of improper conduct, a justification for stopping a recording shall be verbally stated on the recording prior to turning it off.

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 5 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 4) During prisoner transportation, the wireless microphone and the interior prisoner compartment microphone are activated in order to provide narration with the video recording.

5) Document within the investigative report if the in-car video and audio recording system malfunctions or is not activated for any of the enumerated in section III. E.

2. Body-worn video and audio recording system

a. Body-worn video and audio recording system equipment shall only be issued to a law enforcement officer on official duty who is in uniform or otherwise clearly identifiable as a law enforcement officer as authorized by this department.

b. Body-worn video and audio recording system equipment shall be worn above the mid-line of their torso and in a position designed to produce an effective recording.

c. Body-worn video and audio recording system equipment is the responsibility of individual officers and will be used with reasonable care to ensure proper functioning.

d. Body-worn video and audio recording system equipment shall only be used in conjunction with official law enforcement duties. Body- worn video and audio recording system generally shall not be used:

1) To record Personal communications with other police personnel;

2) To record Encounters with undercover officers or confidential informants;

3) When on break or otherwise engaged in personal activities; or

4) In any location where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a restroom, dressing room or a locker room.

5) Within a judicial facility or in an area adjacent to or immediately surrounding a judicial facility without the approval of the court or presiding judicial officer as stated in Title 18 Pa. C.S.A. Section 5103.1.

e. While conducting an interview on station, an on-duty member of the Criminal Investigation Division may supplement the Township’s video and audio recording system with the use of a Body Worn Camera. The officer shall place the camera in plain view and obtain consent from the parties involved in the interview. Furthermore, the officer shall comply with all current laws of the Federal government and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as well as the policies and directives of the West Whiteland Township Police Department.

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 6 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 3. Audio

a. When the audio portion of the system is utilized, it is important that officers strictly follow the rules of this general order to ensure that their actions are not in violation of Title 18 Pa. C.S.A. Chapter 57.

b. An officer in uniform utilizing a department issued body worn camera may record a telephone call under Title 18 Pa. C.S.A. Chapter 57 only if the officer immediately tells the other party that the telephone call is being intercepted. The officer shall record this preamble immediately upon activating the body worn camera. If the other party contests the recording and objects to the interception, the officer shall immediately terminate the recording of the telephone conversation.


A. All references to mobile video and audio recording equipment shall include all in- car video and audio equipment, body-worn equipment to include but not limited to, wireless transmitters, cameras, microphones, removable digital, docking stations, dedicated computer servers, and other accessories necessary to operate the systems.

1. Wireless microphones are assigned to an individual in-car video and recording system but are transferable.

2. Body worn cameras may be synced with any mobile video recorder.

B. All mobile video and audio recording equipment shall be stored in locations that are secure and protected against unauthorized use or access.

C. Officers shall not tamper with or damage the mobile video and audio recording equipment in any manner. Adjustments can only be made under the specific direction of the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator.

D. Officers shall not change any programming features of the mobile video and audio recording systems’ equipment unless authorized by the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator.


A. Officers shall inspect and test the mobile video and audio recording systems prior to each shift in order to verify proper functioning and shall notify their supervisor of any problems. Damage or operational problems related to mobile video and audio recording system equipment shall be reported to the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator via email as well as the on-duty shift supervisor

B. Officers shall be responsible for all mobile video and audio recording equipment assigned or issued to them and will be maintained to manufacturer’s standards and recommendations.

C. In-car mobile video and audio recording system: WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 7 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020

1. Each vehicle equipped with an in-car mobile video and audio recording system will have a removable USB Flash Drive assigned to that unit and will be installed and removed only by the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator. Recorded audio/video will be automatically downloaded (via wireless download) when the police vehicle is parked at the station. If for some reason there is a failure in the wireless download, the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator will as soon as possible manually download video and audio recording by removing the USB Flash Drive from the camera and reinstalling same following manual download. Officers are not permitted to remove the USB Flash Drive (only the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator is authorized to remove the USB Flash Drive from In-car mobile video and audio recording system equipment).

2. If an officer’s patrol vehicle’s MVR or body-worn camera is experiencing operational problems, the officer shall utilize another patrol vehicle with a properly functioning MVR or another properly functioning body-worn camera if available. If no such vehicle or BWC is available, the supervisor shall be notified. The on-duty supervisor shall document such occurrences in the department’s management recording system (CODY).

3. The officer, after logging onto the in-car mobile video and audio recording system and conducting the preoperational checks listed above, will ensure that the recording time remaining on the unit is at least 25% (this information can be located at the bottom of the camera screen). If the recording time remaining is less than 25% the officer will make every effort to utilize another vehicle with more than 25% recording time available. NOTE - If the wireless download function is operating properly, the recording time should indicate 100% when logging onto the in-car mobile video and audio recording system.


A. Officers are permitted to access video to review the incident prior to preparing their report or making a statement about the incident, unless restricted by general order.

1. View Restrictions by Officers

a. If an officer is involved in an officer-involved shooting or other use of force, the department reserves the right to limit or restrict an officer from viewing the mobile video and audio recordings. The internal affairs officer shall obtain and secure the recording for review and further investigation.

b. If an officer’s conduct is at issue in an internal affairs investigation or a criminal investigation, the department reserves the right to limit or restrict an officer from viewing the mobile video and audio recordings. The internal affairs officer shall obtain and secure the recording for review and further investigation.

B. Civilians shall not be allowed to review the mobile video and audio recordings at the scene of the recording, absent a compelling law enforcement justification.

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 8 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 Civilians do not have unrestricted access to mobile video and audio recordings under Pennsylvania law.


A. All data, images, sound, video, and metadata captured, recorded, or otherwise produced by the mobile video and audio recording systems’ equipment is the sole property of this department.

B. All files shall be securely downloaded periodically and no later than the end of each shift. Each file shall contain information related to the date, equipment identifier, and assigned officer.

C. All mobile video and audio recordings shall be stored in locations that are secure and protected against unauthorized use or access.


A. Accessing, copying, or releasing files for non-law enforcement purposes is strictly prohibited, except as determined by the department’s solicitor and Right to Know Officer.

B. Officers shall not edit, alter, erase, duplicate, copy, share, or otherwise distribute in any manner to non-law enforcement agencies recordings without prior written authorization and approval of the Chief of Police, or his or her designee. Officers are not authorized or permitted to remove the USB Flash Drive from the in-car mobile video and audio recording system. This is a function of the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator.

C. Requests for deletion of portions of recordings (for instance, in the event of an inadvertent non-work recording or personal recording) must be submitted in writing and approved by the Chief of Police, or his or her designee in accordance with Pennsylvania record retention laws. All requests and final decisions shall be kept on file.

D. Recordings shall not be routinely disseminated, except to other law enforcement agencies and for discovery in criminal prosecutions. Prosecutors are included as law enforcement agencies. Any other request for dissemination should be referred to the department’s solicitor and Right to Know Officer for review and dissemination under Pennsylvania law.

E. All access to recording data (images, sounds, and metadata) beyond regular criminal investigative and prosecutorial activities must be specifically authorized by the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, and all access is to be audited to ensure that only authorized users are accessing the data for legitimate and authorized purposes.

F. Recordings shall not be copied or recreated utilizing another device (e.g., recording playback of a video through the video camera on a cellular phone or similar recording device).

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A. Files shall be securely stored in accordance with state records retention laws. Files shall be stored for at least two years and a day. However, because of storage constraints and costs, files shall be stored no longer than useful for purposes of training or for use in an investigation or prosecution. In murder prosecutions, recordings shall be kept until the offender is no longer under control of a criminal justice agency.

B. The following types of incidents/events recorded on the mobile video and audio recording equipment shall be retained and classified properly, by the officer initiating the recording, in the Watch Guard Evidence Library to prevent auto purging or archiving:

1. Incident/event that results in or may result in the filing of misdemeanor or felony charges.

2. Incident/event that is likely to become the subject of civil litigation against the Department or its officers including, but not limited to, patrol vehicle crashes, incidents involving the use of force, and incidents involving verbal and physical abuse complaints against the Department or its officers.

3. Any officer who believes that retention of a recording that has not been defined in this general order is necessary (e.g. for the use in a summary proceeding involving a serious traffic violation, etc.), shall follow the procedures listed above. All recordings maintained shall be purged from the system in accordance with the provisions stated in this general order unless the recording has been identified and entered as evidence relating to a specific incident

4. A criminal defendant, who is a participant on the recording, and reasonably believes that the recording may be useful for its evidentiary value at some later time in a specific criminal proceeding and, no later than sixty (60) days following after the date of the recording, may provide written notice to the Chief of Police, or his/her designee, requesting that the recordings be preserved. The written notice must specify the date, time and location of the recording, the names of the parties involved, and, if known, the incident number or case docket number. Recordings shall be maintained until final disposition is determined through the “Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing”, once a request is made.

5. An individual who is a participant on the recording and intends to pursue a civil action, or has already initiated a civil action, and, no later than sixty (60) days after the date of the recording, may provide written notice to the Chief of Police, or his/her designee, requesting that the recording be preserved. The written notice must specify the date, time and location of the recording, the names of the parties involved and, if a civil action has been initiated, the case caption and docket number. Recordings shall be maintained until final disposition is determined through the West Whiteland Township Solicitor, once a request is made.

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 10 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 6. Only the Chief of Police can approve the use of a recording for training purposes. After receiving authorization from the Chief of Police, the Supervising Firearms Instructor(s) and/or Supervising Less-Lethal Instructor(s) may incorporate the recordings in department training.

C. Public release of mobile video and audio recordings in active criminal investigations is limited by the ethical rules governing prosecutions. Before any mobile video and audio recordings are released to the public in an active or potential Chester County criminal prosecution, written or electronic approval of the Chester County District Attorney must be obtained.


A. The Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator shall ensure that:

1. Repairs and replacement of damaged or non-functional mobile video and audio recording equipment is performed.

2. Routinely check mobile video and audio recording systems to ensure that the equipment is operating properly. When wireless download function is not operating properly, the Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator shall download the data manually.

3. The Mobile Video/Audio Recording Coordinator or designee shall be responsible for taking physical custody of the mobile video and audio recordings and downloading the recording for storage for all situations where there is an officer-involved shooting, in-custody death, or other use of force resulting in serious bodily injury or death.


A. The supervisory personnel shall ensure that:

1. All officers follow established procedures for the use and maintenance of the mobile video and audio recordings equipment, handling of audio/video recordings and the completion of mobile video and audio recordings documentation.

2. On a monthly basis, he/she will randomly review mobile video and audio recordings to ensure that the equipment is operating properly, and officers are using the devices appropriately. Additionally, during this period, supervisory personnel shall audit/review (3) three traffic stop recordings and (3) three other incidents in “WatchGuard” (Sync Mode) to ensure the officer’s performance is in accordance with approved policy, and to identify any areas in which additional training or guidance is required. The supervisor shall document the monthly audit/review in Guardian Tracking.

a. Each sergeant shall conduct a monthly audit/review of the officers under their supervision.

b. The Lieutenant shall conduct a monthly audit/review of the patrol sergeants. WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Mobile Audio and Video Recording Systems – 08/13/2020 - Page 11 of 12 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020

c. The Captain shall conduct a monthly audit/review of the Detective- Sergeant and the Lieutenant.

d. The Chief of Police shall conduct a monthly audit/review of the Captain.

3. All officers equipped/assigned with mobile video and audio recording equipment utilize them in accordance with this general order.

4. If there is a formal complaint about an officer’s performance of their official duties, a supervisor shall review any available mobile video and audio recordings as part of any internal investigation procedure.

5. Supervisors shall ensure the creation of WatchGuard Cases for the retention of any recordings related to a Use of Force incident. The WatchGuard Case name shall be the CODY Log# (i.e. WW#). The Use of Force Committee shall review all recordings related to a Use of Force incident.

B. Supervisory personnel shall ensure officers prepare videos required for court and/or for incidents enumerated in Section III. E.

1. Supervisory personnel shall ensure recordings are properly retained in the Watch Guard Evidence Library.

2. Supervisory personnel shall ensure that all evidence/property is recorded into the department’s reporting system via a supplemental report.


A. Violations of this general order regarding the improper use of mobile video and audio recording equipment or files are subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

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PURPOSE: The purpose of this general order is to provide police personnel with guidelines on the Pennsylvania Crime Victims Act. This will assist in the dissemination of relevant information to victims of crime.

POLICY: It is the policy of the West Whiteland Township Police Department to comply with the Pennsylvania Crime Victims Act (18 P.S. 11.101 et seq.) in regard to responsibilities of state and local law enforcement.

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I. Responsibilities of the West Whiteland Township Police Department Pursuant to the Pennsylvania Crime Victims Act

A. The West Whiteland Township Police Department shall insure that all officers and employees are familiar with crime victims’ compensation, as provided in the Pennsylvania Crime Victims Act. Instruction concerning crime victims’ compensation shall be made part of the training curriculum for all trainee officers.

B. The West Whiteland Township Police Department shall, within 48 hours of reporting, give notice to the victim or, if appropriate, a member of the victim’s family of the availability of crime victims’ compensation. The notice required shall be in writing. The written notification provided for shall be accompanied by one copy of the application form for crime victims’ compensation. The West Whiteland Township Police Department shall maintain a record of all notifications.

C. The West Whiteland Township Police Department is responsible for providing basic information on services available for crime victims. The information shall be in writing and provided to the victim within 24 hours of the first contact with the victim.

D. In personal injury crimes, the West Whiteland Township Police Department shall make reasonable efforts to notify the victim of the arrest of the suspect as soon as possible. Unless the victim cannot be located, notice of the arrest shall be provided not more than 24 hours after the preliminary arraignment. In personal injury crimes, the West Whiteland Township Police Department, when known, shall notify the victim of an inmate’s escape from the custody of any holding facility.

II. Procedures of the West Whiteland Township Police Department to Comply with the Pennsylvania Crime Victims Act

A. Officers who come in contact with a serious crime victim(s) (sexual assault, simple and aggravated assault, robbery, burglary, harassment, stalking, hate crimes, attempted homicide, DUI accident victim) that was injured or suffered a loss, are required to provide the victim(s) with information on victims’ compensation and available services. Both notifications shall be in writing. The victims’ compensation notification will be provided within 48 hours of contact with the victim. The available services notification will be provided within 24 hours of contact with the victim.

B. The West Whiteland Township Police Department shall accomplish this notification in cooperation with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD). Officers shall use the pamphlet provided by the PCCD (Appendix #1 in English, Appendix # 2 in Spanish). This pamphlet will meet the criteria for both notifications. The form will direct victims to the centers, who in turn, will provide free assistance in filing victim compensation claim forms and provide information on available services.

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C. Officers shall give the victim one copy of the pamphlet and attach the back page, signed by the victim, to the Investigation Report. If the victim wants the police department to make the notification to the Victims’ Center, the officer shall fax over the signed copy prior to placing the form with the Investigation Report.

D. Incident reports shall document the fact that the victim was provided with the proper notification paperwork, along with other pertinent information.

E. In personal injury crimes, officers shall notify the victim when an arrest is made. Officers will provide the victim with the results of the arraignment, including bail conditions and status, i.e. released or committed. When known by the officer, the victim shall be notified of any escape by the suspect or release from a holding facility. This fact will be documented in the Incident Report.

F. All property of a victim seized as evidence by the West Whiteland Township Police Department, as a result of their investigation, will be returned to the victim if the Prosecutor determines the evidence is no longer needed.

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PURPOSE: The state legislature believes that police ENRADD, V-SPEC and VASCAR-Plus are effective tools for speed control and their role in traffic safety and speed limit compliance is of critical importance. However, modern speed measuring devices are complex and have inherent limitations; they are also being subjected to external and internal interferences. The effective use of speed measuring devices and their acceptance is dependent upon the operator’s understanding of the specific limitations of V-SPEC, VASCAR-Plus and ENRADD devices, adequate training, and periodic device certification.

POLICY: The department will utilize V-SPEC, VASCAR-Plus and ENRADD devices in high or potentially high crash locations when speed is a factor, in areas where speed limit violations are prevalent, in response to citizen complaints concerning speeding motorists, and to conduct traffic volume and speed percentile studies. All such devices will always be deployed with the safety of the officer and public in mind. All officers utilizing electronic speed-timing devices (non-radar) must successfully complete a departmental basic operator training program.

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ENRADD Model EJU-91 single and dual head units - An electronic, non- radar device (ENRADD) used as a speed-timing device measuring speed between two elevated infrared devices which automatically calculates the elapsed time it took the vehicle to pass through both of these invisible infrared beams and instantaneously calculates the speed of the vehicle. The system is able to do this by using the mathematical formula of S=D divided by T. (Speed = Distance Divided By Time). The distance of three feet divided by the amount of time (milliseconds) it took the vehicle to pass both of the beams of light will produce a speed in MPH. It is approved for use in Pennsylvania.

V-SPEC Vehicle Speed Electronic Calculator (V-SPEC). Is designed to measure time and distance to calculate the average speed of a vehicle between two points. It automatically calculates the elapsed time it took the vehicle to pass between two landmarks and instantaneously calculates the speed of the vehicle. The system is able to do this by using the mathematical formula of S=D divided by T (Speed = Distance Divided By Time). The distance entered into the device in feet divided by the amount of time (milliseconds) it took the vehicle to pass both landmarks will produce a speed in MPH. It is approved for use in Pennsylvania.

VASCAR-Plus Visual Average Speed Computer and Recorder (VASCAR) Is designed to measure time and distance to calculate the average speed of a vehicle between two points. It automatically calculates the elapsed time it took the vehicle to pass between two landmarks and instantaneously calculates the speed of the vehicle. The system is able to do this by using the mathematical formula of S=D divided by T (Speed = Distance Divided By Time). The distance entered into the device in feet divided by the amount of time (milliseconds) it took the vehicle to pass both landmarks will produce a speed in MPH. It is approved for use in Pennsylvania. It is approved for use in Pennsylvania.

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I. Maintenance & Training

A. Periodically re-certify operators to ensure their continued proficiency. B. Ensure that the electronic speed-timing device (non-radar) receives proper care and upkeep. C. Ensure programmed maintenance, testing, and calibration of speed measuring devices. D. Ensure that adequate maintenance, calibration, and operation record system (suitable for introduction as evidence in court) are developed and maintained.

II. Approved Devices


Generally, the following procedures are applicable:

1. The proper use and operating principles of the ENRADD unit must be thoroughly understood by the operator. (ENRADD Manual Link)

2. The operator must choose an appropriate location in accordance with the directions of a commanding officer relative to traffic enforcement experience in which speed has been identified as a factor. The location will also be conducive to the effective and safe operation of ENRADD.

3. The ENRADD unit will be properly calibrated to ensure accuracy in checking speed. Prior to use at each location, this calibration will be confirmed. The manufacturer’s recommended methods of checking calibration should be followed without exception.

a) Report any deviations in accuracy immediately and the unit will be removed from service until checked and repaired (if necessary).

4. A calibration check will be made upon arrival at the selected location or speed checks, and subsequently before departure from any location or any time the police vehicle is moved from the original point of calibration check. If operating at a location for an extended period, periodic checks will be made utilizing the manufacturer’s recommended and approved methods.

5. The following elements must be established in court:

a) The officer must establish the time, place, and location of the vehicle that was checked, the identity of the operator, and the speed of the

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vehicle, as displayed by the ENRADD unit.

b) The officer must establish qualifications and training.

c) The officer must establish that the ENRADD unit was operated properly.

d) The officer must establish that the unit was tested for accuracy prior to use and after use by an approved method and was certified per state requirements at the time of speed enforcement operation/use. (Calibrations Link)

e) The officer must establish and identify the violator vehicle and must make a visual observation of its apparent speed.

f) The officer must present the following documents to the court:

i. Certificate of accuracy for the ENRADD machine. ii. The testing company’s appointment certificate as an official inspection station. g) The operator must explain the principle of speed computer as explained in the operator’s manual.


1. To be completed prior to any speed computer enforcement being performed during a shift, each operator will personally:

a) Drive the speed computer-equipped vehicle through a 1/4 mile or 1/8 mile measured course, the accuracy of which has previously been established via certified engineers. This will be done after the operator has dialed in the proper calibration numbers for the certified calibration course the operator is using. (VSPEC Manual Link)

b) Report any deviations in accuracy immediately and the unit will be removed from service until checked and repaired (if necessary).

2. Speed computer operators shall be responsible for providing the following testimony when requested to do so in court:

a) The principle of the speed computer as explained in the operator’s manual.

b) How the unit is operated and the types of reference points used in checking speeds.

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c) That the proper calibration procedure was used at the beginning of the operator’s tour of duty and that the unit was functioning properly and was certified per state requirement at the time of operation.

d) The location of the violation and the type of speed computer utilized.

e) The time, place and location of the violator vehicle that was timed, the identity of the operator, and the speed of the vehicle as displayed by the V- SPEC unit.

f) The officer must present the following documents to the court: i. Certification of Accuracy for the V-SPEC unit used (Calibrations Link). ii. The testing company’s appointment certification as an official inspection station.

g) The operator may explain the principle of speed computer as explained in the operator’s manual.


1. To be completed prior to any speed computer enforcement being performed during a shift, each operator will personally:

a) Drive the speed computer-equipped vehicle through a ¼ mile or 1/8 mile measured course, the accuracy of which has previously been established via certified engineers. This will be done after the operator has dialed in the proper calibration numbers for the certified calibration course the operator is using. (Manual located here)

b) Report any deviations in accuracy immediately and the unit will be removed from service until checked and repaired (if necessary).

2. Speed computer operators shall be responsible for providing the following testimony when requested to do so in court:

a) The principle of the speed computer as explained in the operator’s manual.

b) How the unit is operated and the types of reference points used in checking speeds.

c) That the proper calibration procedure was used at the beginning of the operator’s tour of duty and that the unit was functioning properly and was certified per state requirement at the time of operation.

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d) The location of the violation and the type of speed computer utilized.

e) The time, place and location of the violator vehicle that was timed, the identity of the operator, and the speed of the vehicle as displayed by the VASCAR-Plus unit.

f) The officer must present the following documents to the court: i. Certification of Accuracy for the VASCAR-Plus unit used (Calibrations located here). ii. The testing company’s appointment certification as an official inspection station.

g) The operator may explain the principle of speed computer as explained in the operator’s manual.

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PURPOSE The purpose of this general order is to establish the concept of accreditation and to memorialize the process to achieve and maintain an accredited status.

POLICY It is the policy of the West Whiteland Township Police Department to meet or exceed all applicable accreditation standards promulgated by the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission (PLEAC) and to maintain accredited status at all times.

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A. Accredit means to certify as meeting official requirements; to provide with credentials.

B. Profession is an occupation requiring extensive education, such as law.

C. Written directive is any written document used to guide or affect the performance or conduct of agency employees. Any law, ordinance, public policy, executive order, guideline, directive, general order, special order, or personnel order, etc. binding upon the agency or employees of the agency.


A. The goals of accreditation are to:

1. Strengthen crime prevention and control capabilities;

2. Formalize essential management procedures;

3. Establish fair and non-discriminatory personnel practices;

4. Improve the delivery of service to the community;

5. Solidify interagency cooperation and coordination, and:

6. Boost citizen and staff confidence in the agency.

B. The benefits of accreditation include:

1. A stronger defense against lawsuits and citizen complaints – An accredited agency is better able to successfully defend itself against lawsuits, tort claims, and citizen complaints. Many accredited agencies report a decline in legal action against them.

2. Greater accountability within the agency – Accreditation standards provide the chief of police with a proven management system of written directives, effective training, clearly defined lines of authority, and routine processes that support decision-making and resource allocation.

3. Support from government officials – Accreditation provides objective evidence of an agency’s commitment to excellence in leadership, resource management, and service delivery. Thus, government officials are more confident in the agency’s ability to operate efficiently and meet community needs and expectations.

4. Increased community advocacy – Accreditation embodies the precepts of community-oriented policing. It creates a forum in which police and citizens work together to prevent and control crime. This partnership helps citizens understand the challenges confronting the law enforcement community and gives the law enforcement community a clear direction concerning community needs and expectations. WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Accreditation – 08/13/2020 - Page 2 of 5 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 5. Recognition for excellence – Accreditation is a most coveted award that symbolizes professionalism, excellence, and competence. It requires written directives and training to inform employees about policies and practices; facilities and equipment to ensure employees’ safety; and processes to safeguard employees’ rights. Both the community and agency can take pride in their department, knowing that it represents the very best in policing.


A. The accreditation process involves five basic phases:

1. Voluntary application;

2. Self-assessment;

a. This phase is the most labor intensive and time consuming for the agency and its employees. During this time, the written directive system will be rewritten and codified to maintain compliance with established national standards promulgated by PLEAC.

b. Further objectives of this phase include:

1) Achieve compliance with the standards;

2) Establish proof of compliance with the standards;

3) Facilitate the on-site review.

3. On-site review – The on-site review phase consists of PLEAC assessors visiting this agency with the purpose of verifying compliance with the standards. The on-site assessment team will review the accreditation files, interview employees, and visit with the community to determine if we practice the tenets that have been established.

4. Final review and decision – Following the on-site review, PLEAC will review this agency’s entire process and decide whether this agency has met the goals we ourselves have set. Only when completely satisfied would it award accreditation status.

5. Maintain compliance and re-accreditation – Maintaining compliance is the fifth phase of accreditation. This is where the processes established are maintained for the good of the public and the agency. Subsequent on-site reviews follow every three years.


A. The chief of police shall appoint a person to oversee the accreditation process. This person is known as the accreditation manager.

B. This position reports directly to the chief of police. The accreditation manager is responsible for performing his/her duties with a minimal degree of supervision. Emphasis is on coordinating accreditation activities.

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Accreditation – 08/13/2020 - Page 3 of 5 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 C. Duties and responsibilities include:

1. Receives assignments and sets work priorities, coordinating them to meet deadlines in order to assure an efficient workflow throughout the agency.

2. Reviews a wide variety of complex and technical issues concerning law enforcement standards and the accreditation process.

3. Meets regularly with the chief of police, key employees, and any other stakeholders to identify needs and report progress on accreditation efforts.

4. Assists in identification and development of new programs, systems, procedures, or equipment to improve performance of the agency in compliance with applicable standards.

5. Provides liaison to PLEAC for all accreditation matters.

6. Attends PLEAC meetings and local accreditation network meetings.

7. Keeps current on all aspects of the accreditation process, including proposed changes or amendments to the standards, assessing the impact on this agency’s current policies and procedures.

8. Provides or causes accreditation training for agency employees.

9. Assigns, directs and coordinates groups of employees to achieve plans of action, recommendations to the chief of police, and other activities that meet compliance with applicable accreditation standards.

10. Causes the drafting of new written directives or assigns writing projects to others to achieve accreditation objectives.

11. Maintains master and archive files for agency written directives.

12. Maintains PLEAC standard files.

13. Performs other related work as assigned by the Chief of Police.

D. Normally, the accreditation manager will assign tasks and projects to personnel through units and unit commanders. Research and development projects shall be conducted in addition to regular duties. Projects and tasks may be assigned to individual employees, teams of employees, offices, unit(s), vendors and/or contractors or to the entire department depending on the scope of the task or project.

E. Achieving accreditation will involve various studies and surveys to assess a wide range of existing policies, practices, and procedures. Full cooperation with these surveys is mandatory and binding upon all employees of this agency.


A. The accreditation process is not secret and shall be open to public scrutiny. Interested citizens shall always be permitted to inspect and review PLEAC standards, upon request through approved procedures. WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Accreditation – 08/13/2020 - Page 4 of 5 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020

B. The accreditation manager shall ensure that the PLEAC standards are kept current and shall replace them with updated versions when they become available.

C. Achieving and maintaining accredited status is the most important process this department will undergo. Full cooperation by all employees of this department is mandated.

D. The accreditation manager shall comply with the Accreditation Commission policy that requests all incidents of non-compliance be reported to PLEAC program staff within 30 days of determination.

E. The command staff shall ensure the PLEAC Annual Compliance Survey is filed within 30 days of the accreditation anniversary date (October 15th).

WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP POLICE DEPARTMENT – Accreditation – 08/13/2020 - Page 5 of 5 Approved by the Board of Supervisors 08/12/2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Beth Jones, Finance Director West Whiteland SUBJECT: Pensions – Investment Policy Statements - DATE: August 12, 2020

Motion: To approve the Investment Policy Statements for the Police and Non-Uniformed Pension Plans as recommended to the Board of Supervisors by the Pension Advisory Board.


January 27, 2020: RFP issued for investment management and custodial services. February 6, 2020: A pre-proposal meeting was held for any interested parties to learn more about the Township and the RFP process. February 21, 2020: Proposal due date. Thirteen proposals received. Early March 2020: I reviewed all proposals. Five were eliminated from further consideration due to incomplete submissions, lack of municipal pension experience, unwillingness to include active (vs. passive) options, no experience in socially responsible investing or utilizing environmental, social, and governance factors to evaluate a fund. The remaining eight were given a full read-through. I selected five proposals for a full review by the Township Manager and members of the Pension Advisory Board (PAB). April 7, 2020: The Township Manager and PAB members provided feedback from their review of the five proposals. During the review of the feedback, two semi-finalists were clearly identified – PFM and Marquette. The PAB members decided to hear from those two firms during their April 22nd meeting. April 22, 2020: PFM and Marquette presented (virtually) to the PAB. Each firm was provided 15 minutes to present and were asked to provide a brief, high-level overview of your response to the RFP, a discussion of how PFM’s proposed fees would look given the pension plans’ current holdings (not a theoretical range dependent upon investments), one or two recommendations of plan adjustments the firm would make right out of the gate if selected, and key differentiators of the service the firm provides its clients. After each presentation, PAB members questioned the presenters. At the conclusion of the presentations, PAB members deliberated and decided that PFM had the edge over Marquette and voted to recommend PFM to the Board of Supervisors. The key factors in favor of PFM beyond the proposal and presentation were diversity in presenting team, headquarters in Pennsylvania, and proven experience as the incumbent for the Township’s OPEB trust. May 13, 2020: The Board of Supervisors approved the PAB’s recommendation and work was initiated with PFM and US Bank on the agreements required for the relationship. May/June 2020: The Finance Director worked with PFM and US Bank to provide final drafts of the agreement to the Township solicitor for review and approval of the language. The Finance Director notified the current custodian of the pending change and has completed the steps necessary to prepare for the transfer of the pension funds. July 2020: The PAB reviewed drafts of Investment Policy Statements – one for each pension plan. Feedback was provided to PFM for changes so the Policies best align with the Township’s goal for long-term growth of fund assets. The PAB approved the policies as revised and recommend their approval by the Board of Supervisors. As the Township explores SRI/ESG goals1, the Policies may be updated to include direction on meeting any adopted SRI/ESG goals.

1 SRI = Socially responsible investing. ESG = using Environmental, Social and Governance factors to evaluate investment options related to sustainability.







Purpose ...... 3

Investment Authority ...... 3

Statement of Investment Objectives ...... 4

Investment Guidelines ...... 5 Time Horizon Liquidity and Diversification Asset Allocation Rebalancing Philosophy Risk Tolerance Performance Expectations

Selection of Investment Managers ...... 7

Guidelines for Portfolio Holdings ...... 7 Direct Investments by Advisor Limitations on Managers’ Portfolios Portfolio Risk Hedging Prohibited Portfolio Investments Safekeeping

Control Procedures ...... ………..10 Review of Investment Objectives Review of Investment Performance Voting of Proxies

Adoption of Investment Policy Statement………………………………………………………11

2 West Whiteland Township has established a defined benefit pension fund, known as the West Whiteland Township Non-Uniform Pension Plan (the “Fund”). This Fund provides retirement benefits for those employees who meet the age and service requirements outlined in the plan document. The Fund consists of contributions from both West Whiteland Township and pension plan participants. The Board of Supervisors for the Township with recommendation from the Pension Advisory Board hereby adopt this Investment Policy Statement (“Policy Statement”) for the following purposes.


The main investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term growth of Fund assets by maximizing long-term rate of return on investments and minimizing risk of loss to fulfill West Whiteland Township’s current and long-term pension obligations.

The purpose of this Policy Statement is to achieve the following:

1. Document investment objectives, performance expectations and investment guidelines for Fund assets.

2. Establish an appropriate investment strategy for managing all Fund assets, including an investment time horizon, risk tolerance ranges and asset allocation to provide sufficient diversification and overall return over the long-term time horizon of the Fund.

3. Establish investment guidelines to control overall risk and liquidity.

4. Establish periodic performance reporting requirements to monitor investment results and confirm that the investment policy is being followed.

5. Comply with fiduciary, prudence, due diligence and legal requirements for Fund assets.

Investment Authority

The West Whiteland Township has appointed a Pension Advisory Board (the “PAB”) to oversee certain policies and procedures related to the operation and administration of the Fund. The PAB will have authority to implement the investment policy and guidelines in the best interest of the Fund to best satisfy the purposes of the Fund. In implementing this Policy Statement, the PAB may delegate certain functions to:

1. An investment advisor (“Advisor”) to assist the PAB in the investment process and to maintain compliance with this Policy Statement. The Advisor may assist the PAB in establishing investment policy objectives and guidelines. The Advisor will adjust asset allocation for the Fund subject to the guidelines and limitations set forth in this Policy Statement. The Advisor will also select investment managers (“Managers”) and strategies consistent with its role as a fiduciary for the Fund. The investment vehicles allowed may include mutual funds, commingled trusts, separate accounts, limited partnerships and other investment vehicles deemed to be appropriate by the Advisor. The Advisor is also responsible for monitoring and reviewing investment managers; measuring and evaluating performance; and other tasks as deemed appropriate in its role as Advisor for Fund assets. The Advisor may also select investments with 3 discretion to purchase, sell, or hold specific securities, such as Exchange Traded Funds, that will be used to meet the Fund’s investment objectives. The Advisor shall never take possession of securities, cash or other assets of the Fund, all of which shall be held by the custodian. The Advisor must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 2. A custodian selected by the Fund to maintain possession of physical securities and records of street name securities owned by the Fund, collect dividend and interest payments, redeem maturing securities, and effect receipt and delivery following purchases and sales. The custodian may also perform regular accounting of all assets owned, purchased, or sold, as well as movement of assets into and out of the Fund. 3. A trustee appointed by the Fund, such as a bank trust department, if the Fund does not have its own Trustees, to assume fiduciary responsibility for the administration of Fund assets; provided, however, that if the PAB shall have appointed an investment advisor, then any trustee appointed under this paragraph shall have no authority with respect to selection of investments. 4. Specialists such as attorneys, auditors, actuaries and, retirement plan consultants to assist the PAB in meeting its responsibilities and obligations to administer Fund assets prudently.

Statement of Investment Objectives

The investment objectives of the Fund are as follows:

1. To invest assets of the Fund in a manner consistent with the following fiduciary standards: (a) all transactions undertaken must be for the sole interest of Fund beneficiaries, and (b) assets are to be diversified in order to minimize the impact of large losses from individual investments. 2. To provide for funding and anticipated withdrawals on a continuing basis for payment of benefits and reasonable expenses of operation of the Fund. 3. To enhance the value of Fund assets in real terms over the long-term through asset appreciation and income generation, while maintaining a reasonable investment risk profile. 4. Subject to performance expectations over the long-term, to minimize principal fluctuations over the Time Horizon (as defined below). 5. To achieve a long-term level of return commensurate with contemporary economic conditions and equal to or exceeding the investment objective set forth in this Policy Statement under the section labeled “Performance Expectations”.

Investment Guidelines

4 Within this section of the Policy Statement, several terms will be used to articulate various investment concepts. The descriptions are meant to be general and may share investments otherwise considered to be in the same asset class. They are:

"Growth Assets" - a collection of investments and/or asset classes whose primary risk and return characteristics are focused on capital appreciation. Investments within the Growth Assets category can include income and risk mitigating characteristics, so long as the predominant investment risk and return characteristic is capital appreciation. Examples of such investments or asset classes are: domestic and international equities or equity funds, private or leveraged equity, certain real estate investments, and hedge funds focused on equity risk mitigation or equity-like returns.

"Income Assets" - a collection of investments and/or asset classes whose primary risk and return characteristics are focused on income generation. Investments within the Income Assets category can include capital appreciation and risk mitigating characteristics, so long as the primary investment risk and return characteristic is income generation. Examples of such investments or asset classes are: fixed income securities, guaranteed investment contracts, certain real estate investments, and hedge funds focused on interest rate risk mitigation or income investment-like returns.

"Real Return Assets" - a collection of investments and/or asset classes whose primary risk and return characteristics are focused on real returns after inflation. Investments within the Real Return category can include inflation protected securities, commodities, certain real estate investments and hedge funds.

Time Horizon

The Fund’s investment objectives are based on a long-term investment horizon (“Time Horizon”) of five years or longer. Interim fluctuations should be viewed with appropriate perspective. The PAB has adopted a long-term investment horizon such that the risks and duration of investment losses are carefully weighed against the long-term potential for appreciation of assets.

Liquidity and Diversification

In general, the Fund may hold some cash, cash equivalent, and/or money market funds for near-term Fund benefits and expenses (the “Fund Distributions”). Remaining assets will be invested in longer-term investments and shall be diversified with the intent to minimize the risk of long-term investment losses. Consequently, the total portfolio will be constructed and maintained to provide diversification with regard to the concentration of holdings in individual issues, issuers, countries, governments or industries.

Asset Allocation

The PAB believes that to achieve the greatest likelihood of meeting the Fund’s investment objectives and the best balance between risk and return for optimal diversification, assets will be invested in accordance with the targets for each asset class as follows to achieve an average total annual rate of return that is equal to or greater than the Fund’s target rate of return over the long-term, as described in the section titled “Performance Expectations”.


Asset Weightings Asset Classes Range Target

Growth Assets Domestic Equity 19% - 59% 39% International Equity 1% - 41% 21% Other 0% - 20% 0%

Income Assets Fixed Income 20% - 60% 40% Other 0% - 20% 0%

Real Return Assets 0% - 20% 0%

Cash Equivalents 0% - 20% 0%

The Advisor and each Manager will be evaluated against their peers on the performance of the total funds under their direct management.

Rebalancing Philosophy

The asset allocation range established by this Policy Statement represents a long-term perspective. As such, rapid unanticipated market shifts or changes in economic conditions may cause the asset mix to fall outside Policy Statement ranges. When allocations breach the specified ranges, the Advisor will rebalance the assets within the specified ranges. The Advisor may also rebalance based on market conditions.

Risk Tolerance

Subject to investment objectives and performance expectations, the Fund will be managed in a style that seeks to minimize principal fluctuations over the established Time Horizon.

Performance Expectations

Over the long-term, five years or longer, the performance objective for the Fund will be to achieve an average total annual rate of return that is equal to or greater than the Fund’s 7% actuarial discount rate. Additionally, it is expected that the annual rate of return on Fund assets will be commensurate with the then prevailing investment environment. Measurement of this return expectation will be judged by reviewing returns in the context of industry standard benchmarks, peer universe comparisons for individual Fund investments and blended benchmark comparisons for the Fund in its entirety.

Selection of Investment Managers

6 The Advisor shall prudently select appropriate Managers to invest the assets of the Fund. Managers must meet the following criteria:

− The Manager must provide historical quarterly performance data compliant with Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”), Financial Industry Regulatory Agency (“FINRA”) or industry recognized standards, as appropriate. − The Manager must provide detailed information on the history of the firm, key personnel, support personnel, key clients, and fee schedule (including most-favored-nation clauses). This information can be a copy of a recent Request for Proposal (“RFP”) completed by the Manager or regulatory disclosure. − The Manager must clearly articulate the investment strategy that will be followed and document that the strategy has been successfully adhered to over time. − The investment professionals making the investment decisions must have a minimum of three (3) years of experience managing similar strategies either at their current firm or at previous firms. − Where other than common funds such as mutual funds or commingled trusts are utilized, the Manager must confirm receipt, understanding and adherence to this Policy Statement and any investment specific policies by signing a consent form provided to the Manager prior to investment of Fund assets. Guidelines for Portfolio Holdings

Direct Investments by Advisor

Every effort shall be made, to the extent practical, prudent and appropriate, to select investments that have investment objectives and policies that are consistent with this Policy Statement (as outlined in the following sub-sections of the “Guidelines for Portfolio Holdings”). However, given the nature of the investments, it is recognized that there may be deviations between this Policy Statement and the objectives of these investments.

Limitations on Managers’ Portfolios


No more than the greater of 5% or weighting in the relevant index (Russell 3000 Index for U.S. issues and MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. for non-U.S. issues) of the total equity portfolio valued at market may be invested in the common equity of any one corporation; ownership of the shares of one company shall not exceed 5% of those outstanding; and not more than 40% of equity valued at market may be held in any one sector, as defined by the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). Domestic Equities. Other than the above constraints, there are no quantitative guidelines as to issues, industry or individual security diversification. However, prudent diversification standards should be developed and maintained by the Manager.

International Equities. The overall non-U.S. equity allocation should include a diverse global mix that is comprised of the equity of companies from multiple countries, regions and sectors.


Fixed income securities of any one issuer shall not exceed 5% of the total bond portfolio at time of purchase. The 5% limitation does not apply to issues of the U.S. Treasury or other Federal Agencies. The overall rating of the fixed income assets as calculated by the Advisor shall be investment grade, based on the rating of one Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (“NRSRO”).


Alternatives may consist of non-traditional asset classes such as hedge funds, private equity, private debt and real assets, when deemed appropriate. The total allocation to this category may not exceed 30% of the overall portfolio.

Diversifying (e.g. Hedge Funds & Liquid Alternatives): Primary objective shall be to enhance the risk- return profile of the overall portfolio. This can be accomplished by using a combination of hedge fund and/or liquid alternative strategies that may enhance returns at a reasonable level of risk or reduce volatility while providing a reasonable level of return. These asset classes may differ from traditional public market asset classes due to the use of certain strategies including short-selling, leverage, and derivatives. Hedge funds and liquid alternatives may also invest across asset classes. The use of direct hedge funds and fund-of-hedge funds are allowed. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, single strategy hedge funds and liquid alternatives funds will be categorized under the specific asset class of the fund. For example, a long/short U.S. equity fund will be categorized as “Other” in the Growth Assets category while a long/short credit fund will be categorized as “Other” in the Income Assets category. Multi-strategy hedge funds and multi-strategy liquid alternatives funds that cannot be easily categorized under one asset class will be included in “Other” under either the Growth Assets or Income Assets category depending on the risk-return profile of the strategy.

Private Equity: Private equity is less liquid than publicly traded equity securities and can provide returns that are greater than what is available in publicly traded markets. The private equity portfolio may include investments in a variety of commingled/partnership and direct investment vehicles including, but not limited to, venture capital, buyout, turnaround, mezzanine, distressed security, and special situation funds. The private equity portfolio is recognized to be long-term in nature and highly illiquid. Due to their higher risk, private equity investments are expected to provide higher returns than publicly traded equity securities. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, these funds will be categorized as “Other” under the Growth Assets category.

Private Debt: Private debt is less liquid than publicly trade debt and can provide returns that are greater than what is available in publicly traded markets. The private debt portfolio may include investments in a variety of commingled/partnership and direct investment vehicles including, but not limited to, direct lending, distressed debt, multi-asset credit, structured credit, mezzanine debt, real estate debt, and special situations. Due to their higher risk, private debt investments are expected to provide higher long-term returns than publicly traded debt securities. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, these funds will be categorized as “Other” under the Income Assets category.

Real Assets: Real assets are typically physical assets that have intrinsic worth due to their substance and properties. Real assets are primarily used for their lower correlation to traditional assets (i.e. stocks and bonds) and their inflation hedging properties. Categories of real asset investments include, but are not 8 limited to, real estate, infrastructure, land, farmland, timberland, precious metals, and commodities. Real assets includes securities and assets with varying levels of liquidity. Private real assets are illiquid and long-term in nature, whereas public real assets are publicly traded and more liquid. The benefit of lower correlation investments is that, when implemented correctly, these investments can potentially improve a portfolio’s expected risk-adjusted return over the long-term. The real assets category can be extended to include other forms of assets that offer similar inflation hedging properties such as pooled vehicles holding: commodities contracts, Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (“TIPS”), index-linked derivative contracts, certain forms of intellectual property, and the equity of companies in businesses thought to hedge inflation. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, real assets may be categorized as “Other” under either the Growth Assets or Income Assets category or in the Real Return Assets category, depending on the nature and risk/return profile of the investment.


Cash equivalents shall be held in funds complying with Rule 2(a)-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Portfolio Risk Hedging

Portfolio investments designed to hedge various risks including volatility risk, interest rate risk, etc. are allowed to the extent that the investments are not used for the sole purpose of leveraging Fund assets. One example of a hedge vehicle is an exchange traded fund (“ETF”) which takes short positions.

Prohibited Investments

Except for purchase within authorized investments, securities having the following characteristics are not authorized and shall not be purchased: letter stock and other unregistered securities, direct commodities or commodity contracts, or private placements (with the exception of Rule 144A securities). Further, derivatives, options, or futures for the sole purpose of direct portfolio leveraging are prohibited. Direct ownership of real estate, natural resource properties such as oil, gas or timber and the purchase of collectibles is also prohibited. Lastly, Fund assets are restricted from equity ownership in Sunoco LP and Energy Transfer Partners, either directly or through investment in mutual funds, ETFs, and other investment vehicles as utilized by the Advisor and permitted by this Policy Statement. The Advisor will oversee this restriction with investment Managers on a best effort basis.

9 Safekeeping

All assets of the Fund shall be held by a custodian approved by the PAB for safekeeping of Fund assets. The custodian shall produce statements on a monthly basis, listing the name and value of all assets held, and the dates and nature of all transactions in accordance with the terms in the Custodial Agreement. Investments of the Fund not held as liquidity or investment reserves shall, at all times, be invested in interest-bearing accounts. Investments and portfolio securities may not be loaned.

Control Procedures

Review of Investment Objectives

The Advisor shall review annually and report to the PAB the appropriateness of this Policy Statement for achieving the Fund’s stated objectives. It is not expected that this Policy Statement will change frequently. In particular, short-term changes in the financial markets should not require an adjustment in this Policy Statement.

Review of Investment Performance

The Advisor shall report on a quarterly basis to the PAB to review the investment performance of the Fund. In addition, the Advisor will be responsible for keeping the PAB advised of any material change in investment strategy, Managers, and other pertinent information potentially affecting performance of the Fund.

The Advisor shall compare the investment results on a quarterly basis to appropriate peer universe benchmarks, as well as market indices in both equity and fixed income markets. Examples of benchmarks and indexes that will be used include the Russell 3000 Index for broad U.S. equity strategies; S&P 500 Index for large cap U.S. equities, Russell 2000 Index for small cap U.S. equities, MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. Index for broad based non-U.S. equity strategies, MSCI Europe, Australasia, and Far East (EAFE) Index for developed markets international equities, Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index for fixed income securities, and the U.S. 91 Day T-bill for cash equivalents. The Russell 3000 Index will be used to benchmark the U.S. equities portfolio; the MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. Index will be used to benchmark the non-U.S. equities portfolio; the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index will be used to benchmark the fixed income portfolio. The categories “Other” will be benchmarked against appropriate indices depending on the specific characteristics of the strategies and funds used.

Voting of Proxies

The PAB recognizes that proxies are a significant and valuable tool in corporate governance. The voting rights of individual stocks held in separate accounts or collective, common, or pooled funds will be exercised by the investment managers in accordance with their own proxy voting policies. The voting rights of funds will be exercised by the Advisor.

Adoption of Investment Policy Statement

10 Any changes and exceptions to this Policy Statement will be made in writing and adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Once adopted, changes and exceptions will be delivered to each Manager, as appropriate, by the Advisor.

Approved by the West Whiteland Township Board of Supervisors:

Chair Vice-Chair

Date Date










Purpose ...... 3

Investment Authority ...... 3

Statement of Investment Objectives ...... 4

Investment Guidelines ...... 5 Time Horizon Liquidity and Diversification Asset Allocation Rebalancing Philosophy Risk Tolerance Performance Expectations

Selection of Investment Managers ...... 7

Guidelines for Portfolio Holdings ...... 7 Direct Investments by Advisor Limitations on Managers’ Portfolios Portfolio Risk Hedging Prohibited Portfolio Investments Safekeeping

Control Procedures ...... ………..10 Review of Investment Objectives Review of Investment Performance Voting of Proxies

Adoption of Investment Policy Statement………………………………………………………11

2 West Whiteland Township has established a defined benefit pension fund, known as the West Whiteland Township Police Pension Plan (the “Fund”). This Fund provides retirement benefits for those employees who meet the age and service requirements outlined in the plan document. The Fund consists of contributions from both West Whiteland Township and pension plan participants. The Board of Supervisors for the Township with recommendation from the Pension Advisory Board hereby adopt this Investment Policy Statement (“Policy Statement”) for the following purposes.


The main investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term growth of Fund assets by maximizing long-term rate of return on investments and minimizing risk of loss to fulfill West Whiteland Township’s current and long-term pension obligations.

The purpose of this Policy Statement is to achieve the following:

1. Document investment objectives, performance expectations and investment guidelines for Fund assets.

2. Establish an appropriate investment strategy for managing all Fund assets, including an investment time horizon, risk tolerance ranges and asset allocation to provide sufficient diversification and overall return over the long-term time horizon of the Fund.

3. Establish investment guidelines to control overall risk and liquidity.

4. Establish periodic performance reporting requirements to monitor investment results and confirm that the investment policy is being followed.

5. Comply with fiduciary, prudence, due diligence and legal requirements for Fund assets.

Investment Authority

The West Whiteland Township has appointed a Pension Advisory Board (the “PAB”) to oversee certain policies and procedures related to the operation and administration of the Fund. The PAB will have authority to implement the investment policy and guidelines in the best interest of the Fund to best satisfy the purposes of the Fund. In implementing this Policy Statement, the PAB may delegate certain functions to:

1. An investment advisor (“Advisor”) to assist the PAB in the investment process and to maintain compliance with this Policy Statement. The Advisor may assist the PAB in establishing investment policy objectives and guidelines. The Advisor will adjust asset allocation for the Fund subject to the guidelines and limitations set forth in this Policy Statement. The Advisor will also select investment managers (“Managers”) and strategies consistent with its role as a fiduciary for the Fund. The investment vehicles allowed may include mutual funds, commingled trusts, separate accounts, limited partnerships and other investment vehicles deemed to be appropriate by the Advisor. The Advisor is also responsible for monitoring and reviewing investment managers; measuring and evaluating performance; and other tasks as deemed appropriate in its role as Advisor for Fund assets. The Advisor may also select investments with 3 discretion to purchase, sell, or hold specific securities, such as Exchange Traded Funds, that will be used to meet the Fund’s investment objectives. The Advisor shall never take possession of securities, cash or other assets of the Fund, all of which shall be held by the custodian. The Advisor must be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 2. A custodian selected by the Fund to maintain possession of physical securities and records of street name securities owned by the Fund, collect dividend and interest payments, redeem maturing securities, and effect receipt and delivery following purchases and sales. The custodian may also perform regular accounting of all assets owned, purchased, or sold, as well as movement of assets into and out of the Fund. 3. A trustee appointed by the Fund, such as a bank trust department, if the Fund does not have its own Trustees, to assume fiduciary responsibility for the administration of Fund assets; provided, however, that if the PAB shall have appointed an investment advisor, then any trustee appointed under this paragraph shall have no authority with respect to selection of investments. 4. Specialists such as attorneys, auditors, actuaries and, retirement plan consultants to assist the PAB in meeting its responsibilities and obligations to administer Fund assets prudently.

Statement of Investment Objectives

The investment objectives of the Fund are as follows:

1. To invest assets of the Fund in a manner consistent with the following fiduciary standards: (a) all transactions undertaken must be for the sole interest of Fund beneficiaries, and (b) assets are to be diversified in order to minimize the impact of large losses from individual investments. 2. To provide for funding and anticipated withdrawals on a continuing basis for payment of benefits and reasonable expenses of operation of the Fund. 3. To enhance the value of Fund assets in real terms over the long-term through asset appreciation and income generation, while maintaining a reasonable investment risk profile. 4. Subject to performance expectations over the long-term, to minimize principal fluctuations over the Time Horizon (as defined below). 5. To achieve a long-term level of return commensurate with contemporary economic conditions and equal to or exceeding the investment objective set forth in this Policy Statement under the section labeled “Performance Expectations”.

Investment Guidelines

4 Within this section of the Policy Statement, several terms will be used to articulate various investment concepts. The descriptions are meant to be general and may share investments otherwise considered to be in the same asset class. They are:

"Growth Assets" - a collection of investments and/or asset classes whose primary risk and return characteristics are focused on capital appreciation. Investments within the Growth Assets category can include income and risk mitigating characteristics, so long as the predominant investment risk and return characteristic is capital appreciation. Examples of such investments or asset classes are: domestic and international equities or equity funds, private or leveraged equity, certain real estate investments, and hedge funds focused on equity risk mitigation or equity-like returns.

"Income Assets" - a collection of investments and/or asset classes whose primary risk and return characteristics are focused on income generation. Investments within the Income Assets category can include capital appreciation and risk mitigating characteristics, so long as the primary investment risk and return characteristic is income generation. Examples of such investments or asset classes are: fixed income securities, guaranteed investment contracts, certain real estate investments, and hedge funds focused on interest rate risk mitigation or income investment-like returns.

"Real Return Assets" - a collection of investments and/or asset classes whose primary risk and return characteristics are focused on real returns after inflation. Investments within the Real Return category can include inflation protected securities, commodities, certain real estate investments and hedge funds.

Time Horizon

The Fund’s investment objectives are based on a long-term investment horizon (“Time Horizon”) of five years or longer. Interim fluctuations should be viewed with appropriate perspective. The PAB has adopted a long-term investment horizon such that the risks and duration of investment losses are carefully weighed against the long-term potential for appreciation of assets.

Liquidity and Diversification

In general, the Fund may hold some cash, cash equivalent, and/or money market funds for near-term Fund benefits and expenses (the “Fund Distributions”). Remaining assets will be invested in longer-term investments and shall be diversified with the intent to minimize the risk of long-term investment losses. Consequently, the total portfolio will be constructed and maintained to provide diversification with regard to the concentration of holdings in individual issues, issuers, countries, governments or industries.

Asset Allocation

The PAB believes that to achieve the greatest likelihood of meeting the Fund’s investment objectives and the best balance between risk and return for optimal diversification, assets will be invested in accordance with the targets for each asset class as follows to achieve an average total annual rate of return that is equal to or greater than the Fund’s target rate of return over the long-term, as described in the section titled “Performance Expectations”.


Asset Weightings Asset Classes Range Target

Growth Assets Domestic Equity 19% - 59% 39% International Equity 1% - 41% 21% Other 0% - 20% 0%

Income Assets Fixed Income 20% - 60% 40% Other 0% - 20% 0%

Real Return Assets 0% - 20% 0%

Cash Equivalents 0% - 20% 0%

The Advisor and each Manager will be evaluated against their peers on the performance of the total funds under their direct management.

Rebalancing Philosophy

The asset allocation range established by this Policy Statement represents a long-term perspective. As such, rapid unanticipated market shifts or changes in economic conditions may cause the asset mix to fall outside Policy Statement ranges. When allocations breach the specified ranges, the Advisor will rebalance the assets within the specified ranges. The Advisor may also rebalance based on market conditions.

Risk Tolerance

Subject to investment objectives and performance expectations, the Fund will be managed in a style that seeks to minimize principal fluctuations over the established Time Horizon.

Performance Expectations

Over the long-term, five years or longer, the performance objective for the Fund will be to achieve an average total annual rate of return that is equal to or greater than the Fund’s 7% actuarial discount rate. Additionally, it is expected that the annual rate of return on Fund assets will be commensurate with the then prevailing investment environment. Measurement of this return expectation will be judged by reviewing returns in the context of industry standard benchmarks, peer universe comparisons for individual Fund investments and blended benchmark comparisons for the Fund in its entirety.

Selection of Investment Managers

The Advisor shall prudently select appropriate Managers to invest the assets of the Fund. Managers must meet the following criteria: 6

− The Manager must provide historical quarterly performance data compliant with Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”), Financial Industry Regulatory Agency (“FINRA”) or industry recognized standards, as appropriate. − The Manager must provide detailed information on the history of the firm, key personnel, support personnel, key clients, and fee schedule (including most-favored-nation clauses). This information can be a copy of a recent Request for Proposal (“RFP”) completed by the Manager or regulatory disclosure. − The Manager must clearly articulate the investment strategy that will be followed and document that the strategy has been successfully adhered to over time. − The investment professionals making the investment decisions must have a minimum of three (3) years of experience managing similar strategies either at their current firm or at previous firms. − Where other than common funds such as mutual funds or commingled trusts are utilized, the Manager must confirm receipt, understanding and adherence to this Policy Statement and any investment specific policies by signing a consent form provided to the Manager prior to investment of Fund assets. Guidelines for Portfolio Holdings

Direct Investments by Advisor

Every effort shall be made, to the extent practical, prudent and appropriate, to select investments that have investment objectives and policies that are consistent with this Policy Statement (as outlined in the following sub-sections of the “Guidelines for Portfolio Holdings”). However, given the nature of the investments, it is recognized that there may be deviations between this Policy Statement and the objectives of these investments.

Limitations on Managers’ Portfolios


No more than the greater of 5% or weighting in the relevant index (Russell 3000 Index for U.S. issues and MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. for non-U.S. issues) of the total equity portfolio valued at market may be invested in the common equity of any one corporation; ownership of the shares of one company shall not exceed 5% of those outstanding; and not more than 40% of equity valued at market may be held in any one sector, as defined by the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). Domestic Equities. Other than the above constraints, there are no quantitative guidelines as to issues, industry or individual security diversification. However, prudent diversification standards should be developed and maintained by the Manager.

International Equities. The overall non-U.S. equity allocation should include a diverse global mix that is comprised of the equity of companies from multiple countries, regions and sectors.


7 Fixed income securities of any one issuer shall not exceed 5% of the total bond portfolio at time of purchase. The 5% limitation does not apply to issues of the U.S. Treasury or other Federal Agencies. The overall rating of the fixed income assets as calculated by the Advisor shall be investment grade, based on the rating of one Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (“NRSRO”).


Alternatives may consist of non-traditional asset classes such as hedge funds, private equity, private debt and real assets, when deemed appropriate. The total allocation to this category may not exceed 30% of the overall portfolio.

Diversifying (e.g. Hedge Funds & Liquid Alternatives): Primary objective shall be to enhance the risk- return profile of the overall portfolio. This can be accomplished by using a combination of hedge fund and/or liquid alternative strategies that may enhance returns at a reasonable level of risk or reduce volatility while providing a reasonable level of return. These asset classes may differ from traditional public market asset classes due to the use of certain strategies including short-selling, leverage, and derivatives. Hedge funds and liquid alternatives may also invest across asset classes. The use of direct hedge funds and fund-of-hedge funds are allowed. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, single strategy hedge funds and liquid alternatives funds will be categorized under the specific asset class of the fund. For example, a long/short U.S. equity fund will be categorized as “Other” in the Growth Assets category while a long/short credit fund will be categorized as “Other” in the Income Assets category. Multi-strategy hedge funds and multi-strategy liquid alternatives funds that cannot be easily categorized under one asset class will be included in “Other” under either the Growth Assets or Income Assets category depending on the risk-return profile of the strategy.

Private Equity: Private equity is less liquid than publicly traded equity securities and can provide returns that are greater than what is available in publicly traded markets. The private equity portfolio may include investments in a variety of commingled/partnership and direct investment vehicles including, but not limited to, venture capital, buyout, turnaround, mezzanine, distressed security, and special situation funds. The private equity portfolio is recognized to be long-term in nature and highly illiquid. Due to their higher risk, private equity investments are expected to provide higher returns than publicly traded equity securities. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, these funds will be categorized as “Other” under the Growth Assets category.

Private Debt: Private debt is less liquid than publicly trade debt and can provide returns that are greater than what is available in publicly traded markets. The private debt portfolio may include investments in a variety of commingled/partnership and direct investment vehicles including, but not limited to, direct lending, distressed debt, multi-asset credit, structured credit, mezzanine debt, real estate debt, and special situations. Due to their higher risk, private debt investments are expected to provide higher long-term returns than publicly traded debt securities. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, these funds will be categorized as “Other” under the Income Assets category.

Real Assets: Real assets are typically physical assets that have intrinsic worth due to their substance and properties. Real assets are primarily used for their lower correlation to traditional assets (i.e. stocks and bonds) and their inflation hedging properties. Categories of real asset investments include, but are not limited to, real estate, infrastructure, land, farmland, timberland, precious metals, and commodities. Real assets includes securities and assets with varying levels of liquidity. Private real assets are illiquid and 8 long-term in nature, whereas public real assets are publicly traded and more liquid. The benefit of lower correlation investments is that, when implemented correctly, these investments can potentially improve a portfolio’s expected risk-adjusted return over the long-term. The real assets category can be extended to include other forms of assets that offer similar inflation hedging properties such as pooled vehicles holding: commodities contracts, Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (“TIPS”), index-linked derivative contracts, certain forms of intellectual property, and the equity of companies in businesses thought to hedge inflation. For purposes of asset allocation targets and limitations, real assets may be categorized as “Other” under either the Growth Assets or Income Assets category or in the Real Return Assets category, depending on the nature and risk/return profile of the investment.


Cash equivalents shall be held in funds complying with Rule 2(a)-7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Portfolio Risk Hedging

Portfolio investments designed to hedge various risks including volatility risk, interest rate risk, etc. are allowed to the extent that the investments are not used for the sole purpose of leveraging Fund assets. One example of a hedge vehicle is an exchange traded fund (“ETF”) which takes short positions.

Prohibited Investments

Except for purchase within authorized investments, securities having the following characteristics are not authorized and shall not be purchased: letter stock and other unregistered securities, direct commodities or commodity contracts, or private placements (with the exception of Rule 144A securities). Further, derivatives, options, or futures for the sole purpose of direct portfolio leveraging are prohibited. Direct ownership of real estate, natural resource properties such as oil, gas or timber and the purchase of collectibles is also prohibited. Lastly, Fund assets are restricted from equity ownership in Sunoco LP and Energy Transfer Partners, either directly or through investment in mutual funds, ETFs, and other investment vehicles as utilized by the Advisor and permitted by this Policy Statement. The Advisor will oversee this restriction with Investment Managers on a best effort basis.


All assets of the Fund shall be held by a custodian approved by the PAB for safekeeping of Fund assets. The custodian shall produce statements on a monthly basis, listing the name and value of all assets held, and the dates and nature of all transactions in accordance with the terms in the Custodial Agreement. Investments of the Fund not held as liquidity or investment reserves shall, at all times, be invested in interest-bearing accounts. Investments and portfolio securities may not be loaned.

Control Procedures

Review of Investment Objectives

The Advisor shall review annually and report to the PAB the appropriateness of this Policy Statement for achieving the Fund’s stated objectives. It is not expected that this Policy Statement will change 9 frequently. In particular, short-term changes in the financial markets should not require an adjustment in this Policy Statement.

Review of Investment Performance

The Advisor shall report on a quarterly basis to the PAB to review the investment performance of the Fund. In addition, the Advisor will be responsible for keeping the PAB advised of any material change in investment strategy, Managers, and other pertinent information potentially affecting performance of the Fund.

The Advisor shall compare the investment results on a quarterly basis to appropriate peer universe benchmarks, as well as market indices in both equity and fixed income markets. Examples of benchmarks and indexes that will be used include the Russell 3000 Index for broad U.S. equity strategies; S&P 500 Index for large cap U.S. equities, Russell 2000 Index for small cap U.S. equities, MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. Index for broad based non-U.S. equity strategies, MSCI Europe, Australasia, and Far East (EAFE) Index for developed markets international equities, Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index for fixed income securities, and the U.S. 91 Day T-bill for cash equivalents. The Russell 3000 Index will be used to benchmark the U.S. equities portfolio; the MSCI ACWI ex-U.S. Index will be used to benchmark the non-U.S. equities portfolio; the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index will be used to benchmark the fixed income portfolio. The categories “Other” will be benchmarked against appropriate indices depending on the specific characteristics of the strategies and funds used.

Voting of Proxies

The PAB recognizes that proxies are a significant and valuable tool in corporate governance. The voting rights of individual stocks held in separate accounts or collective, common, or pooled funds will be exercised by the investment managers in accordance with their own proxy voting policies. The voting rights of funds will be exercised by the Advisor.

Adoption of Investment Policy Statement

Any changes and exceptions to this Policy Statement will be made in writing and adopted by the Board of Supervisors. Once adopted, changes and exceptions will be delivered to each Manager, as appropriate, by the Advisor.

Approved by the West Whiteland Township Board of Supervisors:

Chair Vice-Chair

Date Date




11 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Beth Jones, Finance Director SUBJECT: Tax Collector Agreement DATE: August 12, 2020

Motion: To approve the extension of the Tax Collector Agreement with Keystone Collections Group for West Whiteland property tax collection.

Background: West Whiteland Township secured the services of Keystone Collections Group in 2018 to serve as the Township’s tax collector for our property tax collection. The agreement signed at the time guaranteed Keystone one year of the Township’s business and did not address renewal timelines. The agreement was structured as such because the need for services was immediate. Keystone has served as our tax collector for 3 years now and they’ve asked the Township to sign an agreement for two additional years with one-year renewal options after that. The contract will run from 2020 to 2022.

I recommend approving the extension as it will provide stability in services for both Township residents and Finance staff. Keystone is also the collector of the Township’s EIT and LST through a County-wide services agreement. Providing tax collector services for all the Township’s taxes allows for efficiencies in reporting and customer service.


By and between WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP (hereinafter “Township”), a

Township created and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, located at

101 Commerce Drive, Exton, Chester County, Pennsylvania 19341 and KRATZENBERG &

ASSOCIATES, INC., d/b/a KEYSTONE COLLECTIONS GROUP (hereinafter "Agency") located at 546 Wendel Road, Irwin, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, 15642.

WHEREAS, the Township by Agreement dated January 31, 2018 (hereinafter “the Original

Agreement”) designated Agency as its deputy tax collector to bill and collect current real estate taxes and current fire hydrant taxes imposed pursuant to applicable Pennsylvania law;

WHEREAS, the Township and Agency wish to extend the term outlined in Paragraph 2 of the Original Agreement by mutual consent and further agree that certain conditions on the term provided under the First Addendum to the Agreement no longer apply to the Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE, the parties wish to state the terms and conditions applicable to the

term of the Agreement by amending Paragraphs 2 and 11 of the Original Agreement as follows:

2. Term. From the effective date of this Agreement and continuing thereafter until 11:59

p.m. on December 31, 2022, Agency shall render its tax collection services, for and on behalf of

the Township, in connection with the exclusive collection of all current taxes enumerated in the

preamble of the Original Agreement. This term shall automatically renew for additional one (1)

year terms unless and until either parties hereto shall terminate this Agreement as of any

anniversary date by sending to the other party written notice of termination at least ninety (90)

days prior to any such anniversary date. The parties further agree that the First Addendum

conditions on the term of the Agreement no longer apply to the Agreement.

11. Commencement. This Agreement shall become effective upon the date of execution

of the Second Addendum.

In all other respects, the Original Agreement of January 31, 2018 will continue and is renewed without further modification.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by mutual promise and covenant have set their hands and seals the day of , 2020.


By: (SEAL) Duly Authorized Representative


By: (SEAL) T.J. Kratzenberg, Esquire President


DATE: August 6, 2020

TO: Board of Supervisors Mimi Gleason, Township Manager West Whiteland FROM: Theodore D. Otteni, P.E., Director of Public Works

SUBJECT : Chester Valley Trail – Route 100 Crossing Improvement Project Amendment and Restatement of Reimbursement Agreement

Motion To authorize the signature of the Amendment and Restatement of Reimbursement Agreement for the Chester Valley Trail, Route 100 Crossing Project between Chester County and West Whiteland Township.

BACKGROUND: In conjunction with the Township’s multimodal trail along Route 100 that connects the Exton Train Station to the Chester Valley Trail (at the intersection of Commerce Drive), Chester County’s Route 100 Crossing Improvements Project was incorporated into one combined construction project to achieve a better construction price for both projects as well as reduce impacts to trail users, pedestrians and the motoring public.

Part of the Chester County Route 100 Crossing Improvements Project includes upgrades to the traffic signals and crosswalk improvements at the intersection of Route 100 and Commerce Drive.

Chester County and the Township entered into a reimbursement agreement for the County’s portion of the construction project in February 2020. The proposed agreement is an amendment and restatement to the existing reimbursement agreement to addresses future maintenance costs as well as indemnification. The amendment states that the Township will be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of crossing improvements related to pavement markings and traffic (pedestrian) signals, and that the County will subsequently reimburse the Township for the respective maintenance costs incurred. The County also agrees to indemnify the Township from any damage, liability, claim, or other loss resulting from the design of Chester County’s Route 100 Crossing Improvements Project.

Attached: Amendment and Restatement of Reimbursement Agreement AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT

This AMENDMENT AND RESTATEMENT OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made this ~ ay of 3" u L\... 2020 by and between THE COUNTY OF CHESTER, a body politic and corporate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, located at 313 W. Market Street, Suite 6202, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 (the "County") and WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with . an address of 101 Commerce Drive, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341 (the "Township").


WHEREAS, the County has converied certain property and rights-of-way which were formerly used as a railroad into a public recreational trail extending from Exton through King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, known as the "Chester Valley Trail" (the "Trail"); and

WHEREAS, a portion of the Trail was constructed to cross Pottstown Pike (S.R. 0100) by way of an existing crosswalk at the signalized intersection with Commerce Drive in Exton (the "Route 100 Intersection"); and

WHEREAS, the County has obtained approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation ("PennDOT") to make certain upgrades to the traffic signals and crosswalk improvements at the Route 100 Intersection (collectively the "Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements"); and

WHEREAS, the plans for the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements, titled 'The Drawings for Construction for the Chester Valley Trail Crossing Improvements", consisting of 23 sheets and dated May 11, 2018, have been approved by PennDOT as Highway Occupancy Permit #06095080 (the "Highway Occupancy Permit Plans"); and

WHEREAS, the County has obtained PennDOT ARLE funding in the amount of $257,678.96 and Regional Trail Program 'Funding from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission in the amount of $150,000.00 to construct the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements (collectively referred to as the "County Budgeted Funds"); and

WHEREAS, the Township has approved plans and is now constructing a new multi-use trail from the Chester Valley Trail at the Route 100 Intersection to the Exton . Train Station (the "Township Trail"); and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of a Reimbursement Agreement dated February 12, 2020 (the "Agreement"), the Township agreed to include the County's Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements as an alternate in its contract with Road Con Inc. who was awarded the bid to construct the Township Trail and Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements on February 12, 2020; and WHEREAS, pursuant to .the terms of the Agreement, the County agreed to reimburse the Township for the cost of the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements;

WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend and restate in its entirety the Agreement to address maintenance and indemnity responsibilities for the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements;

NOW THEREFORE, the County and the Township, each intending to be legally bound hereby agree to amend and restate the Agreement in its entirety as follows:

1. Incorporation of Recitals.

The Background of this Agreement is incorporated herein by reference.

, 2. Approvals

The County shall be solely responsible for the design, permitting, and approval of the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements. The Township shall be solely responsible for the design, permitting, and approval of the Township Trail.

3. Award of Alternate Bid for Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements.

The Township has awarded the alternate bid for the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements to Road-Con Inc. who was the lowest responsible bidder and who is proceeding with the work to complete the Township Trail and Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements.

4. Reimbursement for Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements.

The County shall reimburse the Township all costs incurred by the Township for the installation of the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements which shall include construction and construction inspection by PennDOT pre-qualified entities. The Township shall send to the County copies of paid and approved progress invoices for the cost of the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements. Reimbursement payment shall be made by the County within 30 days of the County's receipt of the same and upon confirmation by the County that the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements for which a progress payment is sought have been installed in accordance with the approved Highway Occupancy Permit Plans. If the contractor performing the work for the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements requests a change order, such change order must first be approved in writing by the County. If there are additional costs associated with approved change orders, the County shall pay for the same. If there is a dispute or alleged default by the contractor performing the Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements, such dispute shall be resolved by the Township in accordance with the contract between the Township and the contractor. The Township shall coordinate the

2 resolution of the dispute with the County. Any costs incurred by the Township to resolve such disputes with the contractor shall be paid for by the County.

5. Maintenance of Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements.

The Township shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the traffic signals at the Route 100 Intersection and the Signal Upgrades. After installation, the Township agrees to be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the Crossing Improvements and all Trail crossing related pavement markings; provided however that the County shall reimburse the Township for all costs incurred by the Township for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the Crossing Improvements and all Trail crossing related pavement markings which were approved in the Highway Occupancy Permit Plans and include only the Crossing Improvements and Trail related pavement markings installed on the southern side of Commerce Drive to provide a new crosswalk from the southwest to the southeast corner of the Commerce Drive intersection with Pottstown Pike.

The County shall be responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of all Trail related signage.

6. Indemnification.

The County agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Township, its officers, agents, employees and contractors from and against any damage, liability, claim, settlement, cost and expense, award, judgement, damage, fine, fee, or other loss suffered in whole or in part by the Township, arising out of any personal injury or death or property damage resulting from the design of the Trail, Signal Upgrades and Crossing Improvements after the date of this Agreement by the County or any of its agents, employees, licensees, contractors, subcontractors, and invitees; provided however, that such injury or damage was not caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Township. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by either party of the defense of sovereign immunity, nor shall it be construed or deemed to require indemnification by the County for injures or losses sustained by any person caused by negligent acts by the users of the Trail.

7. Records.

The Township shall provide to the County copies of the preventive and response maintenance records that it is required to provide to PennDOT pursuant to the Maintenance Agreement. The Township shall also provide the County with copies of any notices that it receives from PennDOT concerning the traffic signals or pursuant to the Maintenance Agreement.

3 8. Miscellaneous Provisions.

A. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement (or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those in respect of which it is invalid or unenforceable) shall not be affected thereby, and each provision of this Agreement, unless specifically conditioned upon such invalid or unenforceable provision, shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

B. Amendment. This Agreement may not be amended except by written instrument signed and acknowledged by the County and the Township.

C. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

D. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. ·

E. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without both parties' mutual consent.


4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this Agreement the day and year first above written.


Robeft J. Kagel, Administrator

Michelle Kichline, Commissioner


Mimi Gleason, Township Manager Rajesh Kumbhardare, Chairman

Theresa Santalucia, Vice-Chairman

Joshua Anderson, Supervisor

[Page 5 of the Amendment and Restatement of Reimbursement Agreement between Chester County and West Whiteland Township]


On this, the ~ :yof --:S-C> \ 1 ,2020, before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared MARIAN MOSK WITZ, JOSH MAXWELL and MICHELLE KICHLINE who acknowledged themselves to be the Chair, Vice-Chair and Member of the Board of Commissioners of THE COUNTY OF CHESTER, respectively and that they, being authorized to do so, executed the within instrument for the purposes therein contained. ·

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal. ~OW


Commonwealth of Pennsylvania • Notary Se

On this, the __ day of ______, 2020, before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared RAJESH KUMBHARDARE, THERESA SANTALUCIA, and JOSHUA ANDERSON who acknowledged themselves to be the Chairman and members of the Board of Supervisors of West Whiteland Township, respectively and that they, being authorized to do so, executed the within instrument for the purposes therein contained.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal.


MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Beth Jones, Finance Director West Whiteland SUBJECT: Authorization to Advertise – Trash Bags - DATE: August 12, 2020

Motion: To authorize advertisement of the bid notice to purchase trash bags.

Since 1991, West Whiteland’s residential trash and recycling collection program has used a “pay as you throw” approach to encourage recycling. Because homeowners pay for each trash bag that they need, the idea is everyone will think more about what they throw in the trash versus what they recycle. This approach also takes advantage of the annual state grant allocated based on the volume that is recycled. Bags are sold at local retail establishments and, when open, the Township building.

While the Township did order and receive 150,000 bags in March, it is time to purchase more trash bags, as that inventory has been depleted in the past 5 months to just 10 more weeks’ worth of bags remaining. Staff is recommending continuation of the 33-gallon black bags, twist tie closure with the same logo (WWT), and a two-year supply (approximately 550,000-600,000 bags) to be purchased in bulk increments over a two-year period.

The bid noticed will be posted on PennBid, an online bidding website, and advertised in the Daily Local News in accordance with state law. PennBid is used by over 400 public agencies and private sector firms for material purchases, professional services, and construction projects. There is no cost to the Township to post the bid.

Relatedly, we are in our final year (2020) of our hauling contracts for trash and recycling services and have an open bid on PennBid. The recommendation to accept the haulers’ bids will be presented to the Board for awarding on September 9th.

If the recommended motion is approved at the August 12th BOS meeting, the following is the estimated timeline:

Advertisement – Week of August 17th (two ads are required by state law) and post on PennBid Bid Opening – Tuesday, September 1st Award – BOS meeting September 9th Bag Delivery – On or before October 9th