Puckett Frederick* Samuel, baker, Cole· Southboro' Reading Rooms (Col. Edwd. tJnderhill Obed, coal & coke merchant, brook Toad, High Brooms Albert Wood, bun. sec.), London rd 121 London road Ralph Richd. chimney sweeper, Holden· SouthboroughTemperance CoffeeTavern Vinall Geo.beer retailer, 77 London rd corner, Holden road (Albert Baker,mangr. ), 10 London rd Walker Emma & Fanny (Misses), dress Ralph Thos. wheelwright, 14Bedford rd Southborough Water Works (George makers, 13 Pennington road - Ralph Thomas N. chimney sweeper, Shreeve, engineer), Modest corner, Wallis Levi & Son, grocers, & post Modest corner, Common Common office, Colebrook road, High Brooms RatcliffEllen(.Mrs. ),butchr. 22London rd Standing Geo. fishmongr. 18o London rd Wallis Orlando, builder, 15 Holden rd Reed Geo. greengrocer, 5 Speldhurst rd Stapley Hy. carpenter, 26 Holden Pk. rd Walton Henry, boot maker, Colebrook Richardson Daniel, tailor, 9 Castle st Starr Bros. coach builders, 9 London rd road, High Brooms Romary Wm. tobacenst. 176 London rd Stidolph Brothers, grocers & drapers, Ward Fredk. greengro. q6 London rd Sales James, cricket ball maker, Modest The Broadway, London road Watson Mary (Miss), school j Argyle rd corner~ Common St.ockton Ernest Cookson, draper, 86 Webb Robt. Imperial hotel, London rd Ahoesmith James1 dairy, Colebrook rd. London road White Charles, coffee rooms, High · High Brooms . Strong Frederick L. house decorator, Brooms road, High Brooms Simmons George & Son, tanners & Sunnyside, Common · Wickenden :Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, eurriers, 23 Holden road . Strutt Alfd. hair dresser, 127 London rd 4 Speldhurst road Skinner Philip,market gardener,Holden Taylor John James, coach builder, IA, Wick ens Arth. Wm. butcher, London rd corner. Holden road Meadow road Wickens Edward, butcher, 25 London Smith Hy.&Son,coalmers.IsBedford rd Taylor Thomas, butcher, u8 London rd road & farmer, Pennington road Smith Harriet (::\'Iiss), ·dress maker, Towers Mary (Miss), girl6' Echool, Ash- Wickens Fredk. confctnr. 42 London rd Pennington road burnham house, Park road Wickens George, farmer, Clark's farm, Smith Jonn. baker, 29 Holden Park rd Towner Frank Edward, grocer, Spring- Speldhurst road Smith M. Matilda Agnes- (Mrs.), laun- field road Wickham William, dairyman, Holden dress, 113 London road Townshend Rev. Horace, school, Pen- Park road Smith Robert, tailor, 174 London road nington hall, Pennington road Wiles Fk. Wm. hair dresser,38Londorl rd Smoker Edwin, boot ma. 131 London rd Turner & Thornton, wine & spirit mer- Woodhams Leonard, cricket ball maker, Sole Henry, grocer, Colebrook road, chants, 24 London road 109 London rd. & 6 Holden Park rd High Brooms Turner William, railway & general Worrell William, beer retailer, High Southborough Fire Brigade (Philip carrier, 9 Holden rood Brooms road, High Brooms Ifunmer, sec.), 12~ London road Tutchener Geo. fly propr. 1 Victoria rd Young Benjamin, laundry, Great SouthboroughGas Co.{W. G. Stidolph, Twort Thomas & Sons, cricket- ball Brooms road, High Brooms sec.), The Broadway, London road · makers, 26 Park road • - . is a parish and village, with a station anciently a .fleet of water flowing to the Thames (now ontheGravesendbranchoftheL.C.&D.railway,halfamile stopped up by an emhankment), hence the name of the north-west of tb.e village, 23 miles from London, 2~ miles place. Southfleet furnishes some curious specimens of the sou,th from Northtleet and 3 miles south-west from Graves- shell formation; it is supposed to have been. the Roman end, in the North Westerq division of the county, Axton station VagniacUJ, Watling Street forming the north-eastern hundred, lathe of Button-at-Hone, petty sessional boundary of the parish: earthen 'Vel!l'!els, coins and stone division, llQ~Oll and county court district and tombs have bP.en found here, as also a milliary. The ma­ rural deanery, Rochester archdeaconry and diocese. The norial rights are held by William Wingfield Armstrong esq. church of S~. Nicholas is an ancient and t:paciou'!l building The principal landowners are Charles Colyer esq. the of flint, in the Later Decorated style, and consists of chancel, trustees of the late Edward Colyer esq. the trustees of nave of thr-ee.~ays, aisles, south porch and a battlemented the late Thomas Colyer esq. and Major-General Price. western tower with an octagonal turret, and eontaining 6 The soil is clay, sand and loam; subsoil, gravel and chalk. bells:. on tbe sputh side (If the chancel are graduated triple The chief crops are grain and hops ; this is also a fruit­ sedilia with crocketed canopies supported on shafts of Pur- growing district and the gardens called "Spring Head," beck marbllf a11d a trefoil piscina with a shelf: in the pave- famous for watercress, are partly in this parish, the re­

ment are some ancient tiles and there are many fragments mainder being in Northfleet. The area is 2 14o8 acres; rate­ of carve~ stalls: in the south aisle is a marble tomb to able value, £5,46o; the population in 188.x was 922. Sir John Sedley, 1561., richly painted and gilt and near itan HooK GREEN, half a mile south-west; WEsTwooo, I ogee arch, rirhly crocketed, with the figure of an angel on mile south-west; BETSHAM, half a mile north-west.; RED either side ; ~here is also a brass with kneeling figure- in- STREET, half a mile south, are hamlets. scribed to Thomas Cowell, another brass of a female with Parish Clerk, Mrs. Agnes Baker. an inscripti(ln to Joan, wife of John Urban esq. 1415, two PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Agnes Baker, receiver. There are two small brasses to ecclesiastics, a large slab bearing an orna- deliveries daily, sundays 8 a.m. Letters from Gravesend mented cross, and an altar tomb with the figures in brass of per foot post are delivered about 8 a.m. & 12 noon; dis- a man and womai;l and an inscription to John Sedley and patched at 10 & 11.45 a.m. & -6.45 p.m. 'Ihe nearest Elizabeth, his wife, 1500: the font is octagonal and exhibits money order. office is at Swanscon~be & telegraph offices different designs on each of its faces; in this respect almost at I<'awkham railway station &Swanscombe resembling that in Shorne church : there are eight stained WALL LETTER Box at Betsham cleared at 9·45 & 11.30 a. m. windows: t~ church was partially restored and reseated in & 6.30 p.m 1867, anJ contains 306 sittiugs. The register dates from PILLAR Box at Westwood cleared at 9.30 a. m. & 6.xo p.m the 3·ear 1558. The living is a rectory, commuted value of National (Endowed) School (mixed & infants), founded in tithe rent-charge £523. with 6 acres of glebe and residence, 1637 by Sir John Sedley & endowed by him with £2o in the gift of the Bishop of Rochester, and held since 1854 yearly; the school is capable of receiving 170 children; by the Rev. George Frederick Goddard M.A. of Magdalen average attendance, 120; Thomas Badcock, master College, Oxford, and hon. canon of Rocbester. Here was Railway Stat-ion, James Thomas Butler, station master PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Armstrong Wm. Wingfield, farmer & Nightingale Thomas, shoe ma. Betsham Andrus Capt. Thomas, Scadbury house hop grower,N orthend ho.& Downs fm Oliver Barbara(Mrs. ),Colyer'sArms P.H Armstroug William Wiugfield, North- ChambersWilliam,farmer & hop grower, Sax by John, coal dealer end houSe, Betsham Manor house, Betsham Silvester Henry Aug. market gardener Chambers \Ym. Manor house, Betsham Eyres Jnhn, carpenter, Betsham & watercress grower, Springhead Garrett Frank Burton, lletsham house l''rench Rd.farmr.& hop grower,Hook pl Smith Elvey E. grocer .Goddard Rev. Canon George Frederick Hackman Henry, Ship P.H 'freadwell Brothers, farmers & hop M.A. l :rector], Rectory Harris Benj. Preston, farmr. Manor frm growers, Court lodge Has.sell Thomas, Westwood HollowayRd.WheatsheafP.H.Westwood Treadwell Frank, market gardener & Lane James, Betsham Keeble li-eorge, plumber, Westwood provision dealer, Betsham Sharp Ml'8. Dale villa Lucas Charles Stillwell, builder Wade Edward Thomas, farmer Snelling Charles, Joyce hall Martin Cordelia (Mrs.), blacksmith WadeHenryGiles,farmr. &hopgrower, Wade Henry Giles, Westwood house Miller John Henry, grocer & collector Westwood house Warland Rev. Frederick '\-Yilluuu M.A. of rates & taxes Wade William, butcher [curaJte], Dale villa Mitchell Ann (Mrs.), beer retailer Wickham Henry, stocksaiesman Wood George. The Limes Mitchell Wm. wheelwright, Westwood Wood George, farmer, hop grower .!r; COMIIlERCIAL. Nightingale David, grocer, Betsham brick maker, The Limes Andrus Capt. Thos. farmr.Scadbury ho SPELDHURST is a village and parish extending to the Somerden and Washlingstone, lathes of Aylesford and Sut­ S~I!sex border, 5 miles south-west from Tonbridge and 3 ton•at-Hone, petty sessional dh·ision and county court dis· north.,west from Tunbridge Wells, in the South Western di- trict of Tunbridge Wells, umon of Tonbridge, rural deanery -vision, of the couuty, and in the hundreds of Codsbeath, of South Mailing, ar<'bdeaconry of Maidstone and diooese of