Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017 No. 87 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, May 22, 2017, at 3 p.m. House of Representatives FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017

The House met at 9 a.m. and was The question was taken; and the and the tremendous hardship it is plac- called to order by the Speaker. Speaker announced that the ayes ap- ing on families, on businesses, and our f peared to have it. criminal justice system. Recently, I Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, I ob- met a remarkable young man from Ar- PRAYER ject to the vote on the ground that a kansas who epitomizes the critical The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick quorum is not present and make the need to expand these lifesaving pro- J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: point of order that a quorum is not grams. Loving and gracious God, we give present. Blayne was facing 20 years in prison You thanks for giving us another day. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, because of a 10-year addiction to opioid Bless the Members of the people’s rule XX, further proceedings on this prescription drugs that spiraled out of House during these decisive days. May question will be postponed. control while experimenting in college. they remain genuine enough to pre- The point of no quorum is considered Today he is a father to three beautiful serve their integrity, great enough to withdrawn. children, owns his own home, and is be humble, and good enough to keep f giving back to his community—all be- their faith, always regarding public of- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE cause a drug court in Arkansas saved fice as a sacred trust. Give them the him. The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman wisdom and the courage to fail not This month is National Drug Court from Arkansas (Mr. WOMACK) come for- their fellow citizens nor You. Month. Drug courts represent one of ward and lead the House in the Pledge Bless as well all those who serve: our Nation’s most successful strategies of Allegiance. those men and women who are in the for intervention. Armed Forces and, at the end of this Mr. WOMACK led the Pledge of Alle- giance as follows: I support drug courts and veterans week, those men and women of the blue treatment courts. I am counting on my I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the line, who protect us daily in our colleagues to ensure they are properly homes, towns, and cities. United States of America, and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, supported and funded. The return on May all that is done be for Your indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. investment is incalculable. greater honor and glory. Amen. f f ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f DIRECT CONNECT TO SUCCESS THE JOURNAL The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- ACT tain up to five requests for 1-minute The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- speeches on each side of the aisle. (Mr. SOTO asked and was given per- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- mission to address the House for 1 f ceedings and announces to the House minute.) his approval thereof. DRUG COURT SUPPORT Mr. SOTO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- (Mr. WOMACK asked and was given to introduce the Direct Connect to nal stands approved. permission to address the House for 1 Success Act. Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, pur- minute.) In my district and across the State of suant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a Mr. WOMACK. Mr. Speaker, I rise Florida, hundreds of thousands of striv- vote on agreeing to the Speaker’s ap- today in recognition of drug courts and ing students start in community col- proval of the Journal. veterans treatment courts in America. leges and automatically get admitted The SPEAKER. The question is on No one disputes the issues of ramp- into our 4-year universities if they the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. ant drug use and abuse in our Nation graduate with a minimum of 2.0. A 4-

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:30 May 19, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.000 H19MYPT1 H4362 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 year degree opens up even more oppor- delicious meal, boat rides on the lake, H.R. 1039 tunities for these students, many of numerous prizes, and a day together as Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- whom come from underserved and rural a family away from the stresses of resentatives of the United States of America in areas. military life. Congress assembled, This has been a nationally recognized If you ask Bud why he does it, he will SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. program that is only available in a few tell you that freedom is not free and This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Probation States, but by expanding this simple, that he wants to honor our heroes who Officer Protection Act of 2017’’. proven program nationwide, we will ex- are pledging their lives to protect ours. SEC. 2. AUTHORITY OF PROBATION OFFICERS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 3606 of title 18, tend the opportunity to continue high- He remembers how many troops re- United States Code, is amended— er education to millions more hard- turning from Vietnam were never (1) in the heading, by striking ‘‘and return working, deserving students. thanked for their sacrifices, and he of a probationer’’ and by inserting ‘‘author- We can all agree that government doesn’t want that mistake repeated. ity of probation officers’’; has a role to play in reducing barriers This year’s event on Saturday, June (2) by striking ‘‘If there’’ and inserting ‘‘(a) to success, and this guaranteed admis- 10, is the last time that Bud will host If there’’; and sion is a low-cost, highly efficient way this event. I want to thank Bud for his (3) by adding at the end the following: to remove this big barrier. I ask you efforts to honor those who serve. He ‘‘(b) A probation officer, while in the per- formance of his or her official duties, may and others to join me in support of the has made a difference in countless lives arrest a person without a warrant if there is Direct Connect to Success Act to cre- of servicemen, servicewomen, and their probable cause to believe that the person has ate more opportunities to pursue the families, and we are all grateful for his forcibly assaulted, resisted, opposed, im- American Dream for all students. example, his leadership, and his patri- peded, intimidated, or interfered with the f otism. probation officer, or a fellow probation offi- God bless you, Bud. cer, in violation of section 111. The arrest au- RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL thority described in this subsection shall be POLICE WEEK f exercised under such rules and regulations as (Mr. CULBERSON asked and was HONORING FALLEN POLICE the Director of the Administrative Office of OFFICERS the United States Courts shall prescribe.’’. given permission to address the House (b) TABLE OF SECTIONS.—The table of sec- for 1 minute.) (Mr. BERGMAN asked and was given tions for subchapter A of chapter 229 of title Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, every permission to address the House for 1 18, United States Code, is amended by strik- day law enforcement officers across minute.) ing the item relating to section 3606 and in- America put their lives on the line to Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise serting the following: protect our communities and our fel- today to thank Michigan’s police offi- ‘‘3606. Arrest authority of probation offi- low citizens. National Police Week is cers for their selfless service and to cers.’’. an opportunity for all Americans to honor the fallen. The SPEAKER pro tempore. After 1 recognize and express our deep appre- Isaiah 6:8 says: ‘‘Whom shall I send? hour of debate on the bill, it shall be in ciation for those law enforcement offi- And who will go for us? And I said, order to consider the amendment print- cers and first responders for their self- ‘Here I am. Send me.’ ’’ ed in House Report 115–127, if offered by less service. Every time our law enforcement offi- the Member designated in the report, I want to take a moment to honor cers put on their uniform, they are say- which shall be considered read, shall be those who have lost their lives in the ing, ‘‘Send me.’’ separately debatable for the time spec- line of duty. In cities and small towns all over the ified in the report equally divided and In Harris County, Texas, we recog- United States, law enforcement offi- controlled by the proponent and an op- nize and remember the lives of Chief cers act as our protectors, defenders, ponent, and shall not be subject to a Clint Greenwood and Deputy Darren and ambassadors of peace. They hold demand for a division of the question. Goforth, who worked tirelessly to keep that thin blue line between thriving, The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. safe. Both of these men served healthy communities and chaos. GOODLATTE) and the gentlewoman from their communities and families honor- During the past few months, I have Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) each will con- ably, and we are so grateful for their had the pleasure of getting to know of- trol 30 minutes. sacrifice. ficers serving the Escanaba, Gaylord, The Chair recognizes the gentleman As chairman of the Commerce, Jus- and Traverse City communities in spe- from Virginia. tice, Science, and Related Agencies Ap- cific, and all across the First District, GENERAL LEAVE propriations Subcommittee, it is and and I can say without pause that Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I will continue to be one of my top prior- Michiganders are in capable and caring asked unanimous consent that all ities to ensure that our law enforce- hands. Members may have 5 legislative days ment officers have the resources they We owe a debt of gratitude, a debt of within which to revise and extend their need to protect our communities and cooperation, and a debt of consistent remarks and include extraneous mate- to protect themselves. We must always support to our law enforcement offi- rials on H.R. 1039. honor and protect those who protect cers. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there us. God rest the souls of the fallen. Keep objection to the request of the gen- I express a deep thanks to the people their friends, families, and fellow offi- tleman from Virginia? of Texas and America, to all our uni- cers in your hearts and prayers. There was no objection. formed officers, for their dedicated f PERMISSION TO POSTPONE PROCEEDINGS ON service to our Nation. AMENDMENT TO H.R. 1039, PROBATION OFFICER PROBATION OFFICER PROTECTION f PROTECTION ACT OF 2017 ACT OF 2017 Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask HONORING BUD SIMMONS Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, pur- unanimous consent that the question (Mrs. HARTZLER asked and was suant to House Resolution 324, I call up of adopting the amendment to H.R. given permission to address the House the bill (H.R. 1039) to amend section 1039 may be subject to postponement as for 1 minute.) 3606 of title 18, United States Code, to though under clause 8 of rule XX. Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise grant probation officers authority to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there in praise of a good Missourian and a arrest hostile third parties who ob- objection to the request of the gen- good friend who has done a great deal struct or impede a probation officer in tleman from Virginia? to honor our men and women in uni- the performance of official duties, and There was no objection. form. ask for its immediate consideration. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I For 18 years, Bud Simmons has The Clerk read the title of the bill. yield myself such time as I may con- hosted a Troop Hero Appreciation Day The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. sume. at his Pier 31 Marina and Restaurant SIMPSON). Pursuant to House Resolu- Before I address the bill under con- on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, tion 324, the bill is considered read. sideration today, I would like to take a where he treats military families to a The text of the bill is as follows: few minutes to honor a very special

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:30 May 19, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.002 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4363 member of my staff, Burak cer. Despite the fact that interfering of cases, where I have asked and Guvensoylar, who lost his courageous with a probation officer in the perform- interacted with them as they have pro- battle with cancer this past weekend. ance of his or her official duties is in ceeded with their investigation to find Burak was a valued member of the itself a crime, Federal probation offi- the culprit, the perpetrator, and to Judiciary Committee team and worked cers lack the authority to correct or make the community safe. on a variety of issues, including digital restrain a physically interfering third Federal probation officers perform a privacy and intellectual property. His party. critical service in interacting with and vast knowledge and grasp of the issues In fact, a probation officer’s only managing their supervisees. They have impacting the technology community course of action is to retreat from the a central role in seeking to achieve the was a tremendous asset to the com- situation. This not only exposes these important goals of supervision, which mittee. officers to a heightened risk of harm, includes rehabilitating the defendant, Most recently, Burak’s work included as they are not permitted to subdue safeguarding society from further the development of the committee’s In- the assailant, it also allows the proba- criminal conduct by the defendant, and novation and Competitiveness Agenda; tioner to conceal evidence that he has protecting the rights of victims. and his steadfast work and tenacious violated terms of his probation or su- Although probation officers do have attitude were not only essential in pervised release or any other criminal the ability to arrest a supervisee under making this initiative a success, but activity. certain circumscribed conditions, they were also a testament to his character. H.R. 1039 is a reasonable and respon- should not take on the role of police of- In fact, while he was undergoing inten- sible remedy to this very real problem. ficers. Rather, they should focus on sive cancer treatments, he was actively This bill, which has the support of the their role of working in a constructive working and sending follow-up emails Judicial Conference of the United manner with supervisees to maximize from his hospital bed. And just days be- States and the Federal Law Enforce- the chances of adherence to the condi- fore Burak passed away, he met with ment Officers Association, will protect tions of supervision. FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai to discuss probation officers and enhance their We certainly do not want probation a number of Judiciary Committee pri- ability to do their job by giving them officers to be threatened or assaulted orities. For Burak, nothing could pre- authority to arrest a third party who while performing their duties, nor do vent him from an opportunity to dis- forcibly interferes with an officer’s per- we want anyone to obstruct the per- cuss and advance the policies he was so formance of his or her official duties. formance of those duties. In many in- passionate about. b 0915 stances, those probation officers can be Burak was a true technology policy assisted by backup officers or other enthusiast. Prior to joining the staff of This bill would not give probation of- ficers general arrest authority. Rather, Federal officers in the line of their the Judiciary Committee, Burak served duty. That is why Congress enacted as a legislative adviser for Congress- as noted, it grants them the very lim- ited authority to arrest a third party section 111 of title 18 of the United man Randy Forbes. While working for States Code which prohibits such be- Congressman Forbes, Burak handled who is interfering with the duties of the officer, which is already a Federal havior. If violated, these crimes should the diverse range of issues that fall be investigated, charges brought when under the jurisdiction of the Judiciary crime. I urge my colleagues to support this appropriate, but also the probation of- Committee, but it was always evident ficer can seek assistance. that technology policy was his first commonsense measure to ensure that these dedicated men and women have In fact, probation officers have long love. relied on law enforcement officers to He cofounded the Congressional Tech the necessary authority to undertake provide support during searches, and I Staff Association and served as an ex- their duties safely and effectively. believe that is still the best course. ecutive officer responsible for the pro- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Section 111, however, itself presents se- fessional development program. my time. rious issues about the vagueness of Prior to his career on Capitol Hill, Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I some of its terms that define violation, Burak worked at TechAmerica and yield myself such time as I may con- such as ‘‘interferes’’ or ‘‘opposes.’’ CompTIA, focusing on international sume. trade policy. Mr. Speaker, first of all, to the chair- May I remind my colleagues that we Burak has many friends here in the man and to the Republican team, let have a First Amendment. We have the Halls of Congress on both sides of the me offer, on behalf of the Democrats right of freedom of speech and freedom aisle. I know all of my colleagues join and Mr. CONYERS, our deepest sym- of access, freedom of movement. This me in extending our deepest sym- pathy for the loss of Burak, and to also exacerbates my concerns about allow- pathies to his mother, Filiz; his sister, acknowledge how important our staff ing probation officers to arrest individ- Aylin Forbes; his girlfriend, Ashley is and how important we are as a fam- uals whom they are not supervising for Newsome; and all of his loved ones. ily on the Judiciary Committee; staff, violations of this section. Burak will be deeply missed. Republican and Democratic staff mem- Indeed, we are told by proponents of Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support bers, working together around legisla- the bill that Federal probation officers of H.R. 1039, the Probation Officer Pro- tion that makes a difference in the plan to use lesser-included authority to tection Act of 2017, and urge my col- lives of Americans. To hear the dedica- detain violators instead of bringing leagues to do the same. tion of Burak only warms our hearts to them in for charges after an arrest. At I want to thank the primary author recognize that we still live in the a time when we need to do more to de- of the bill, the gentleman from Wash- greatest country in the world because escalate circumstances involving con- ington, Congressman REICHERT, for his we have young people willing to serve frontations between law enforcement leadership on this and many other law and sacrifice on behalf of their Nation. and citizens, I am concerned that es- enforcement issues. I offer my deepest sympathy to you tablishing this authority would only Under current law, a Federal proba- and to his family as well. lead to more confrontation. tion officer may arrest a probationer or Mr. Speaker, I rise to discuss the un- In concluding, as I indicated, the bill an offender on supervised released if derlying bill, and that is H.R. 1039. would authorize Federal probation offi- the officer has probable cause to be- Again, as we finish Police Week, let me cers to arrest, without a warrant, an lieve that the offender has violated a say to all of those in law enforcement, individual other than their supervisee condition of his or her probation or re- including our Federal law enforcement, if there is probable cause to believe lease. The officer may make the arrest local, county, and State, a very large that person assaulted or interfered with or without a warrant. ‘‘thank you’’ for the work that you with a probation officer in the course Unfortunately, current law does not have done. of their duties. grant probation officers arrest author- In my work as a former judge in the I believe there are conflicting con- ity in situations where a third party city of Houston, I have seen their work stitutional issues here, and I ask my attempts to physically obstruct an offi- up close and personal, and as well, I colleagues, with all due respect, to op- cer or inflict physical harm on the offi- have had the opportunity, on a number pose the legislation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:30 May 19, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.004 H19MYPT1 H4364 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to ‘lesser included’ power. Under an exception to who has assaulted you is the wrong H.R. 1039, the ‘‘Probation Officer Protection the Fourth Amendment’s probable cause re- way to look at this law. The person Act.’’ quirement, police officers, when executing a who is being supervised lives in a resi- I must oppose this bill for several important search warrant, are permitted to temporarily dence, and the probation officer has the reasons. restrain third parties absent probable cause for authority to go to that residence and To begin with, this bill raises serious con- arrest, including by using handcuffs. In holding has the authority, by the way, Mr. stitutional and practical concerns that could such detentions to be ‘reasonable,’ the Su- Speaker, to walk into that residence. have been identified and explored had our preme Court emphasized the fact—‘of prime They have the authority to force their Committee held any hearings on the subject importance’—that the search was authorized way into that residence if it is known matter. by a neutral magistrate’s finding of probable to be owned by the person who is on This bill would authorize federal probation cause to search the premises.’’ probation. And if they are obstructed officers to arrest without a warrant an indi- In the circumstances contemplated by this in doing that, it is a violation of the vidual—other than supervisees—if there is bill, the probation officers would have the right law. Furthermore, if they are as- probable cause to believe that person as- to be on the premises, but their underlying au- saulted, it is another violation. saulted or interfered with a probation officer in thority to detain individuals—not based on a In the past, what has happened is the course of their duties. probable cause warrant—would fail this con- that the probation officers had to step The changes this bill would make to current stitutional requirement. away, walk away, and say: Oh, well. law would significantly alter the role of federal Overall, the extension of third-party arrest The guy just spit in my face. He probation officers and invite abuse in the ap- authority to federal probation officers is a step punched me in the face. He pushed me. plication of the proposed expanded authority. in the wrong direction. As the Federal Defend- He obstructed me. I guess I will go Federal probation officers perform a critical ers warn, the ‘‘bill represents a retreat from back to my car and get on the radio, service in interacting with and managing their the current constructive role of probation offi- and 30 minutes from now when police supervisees. They have a central role in seek- cers in reintegrating offenders into society. If officers can finally show up—because ing to achieve the important goals of super- probation officers assumed the role of police, we are shorthanded across this Nation vision, which includes: directing and restraining, or arresting, family as far as police officers go. We have (1) rehabilitating the defendant; and friends, progress in individual cases and hundreds and hundreds, thousands, of (2) safeguarding society from further crimi- the system as a whole would be undermined.’’ vacancies across this Nation in every nal conduct by the defendant; and Likewise, the American Civil Liberties Union police department, every sheriff’s of- (3) protecting the rights of victims. and the Leadership Counsel for Civil and fice. So we are going to just step away, Although probation officers do have the abil- Human Rights have expressed strong opposi- we are going to call for backup, and we ity to arrest a supervisee under certain cir- tion to this bill. are going to wait for a half an hour and I appreciate the dedication of federal proba- cumscribed conditions, they should not take see what happens. tion officers in carrying out their important du- on the role of police officers. Rather, they I think this not only puts the proba- ties. And it is because of my respect for the should focus on their role of working in a con- tion officer at risk, but it also puts the role that they play that I fear that this bill will structive manner with supervisees to maximize person who is on probation at risk. ultimately serve to undermine it. the chances of adherence to the conditions of Accordingly, I ask that my colleagues join What is happening in that house that supervision. me in opposing this well-intentioned, but harm- that person doesn’t want us to come in We certainly do not want probation officers ful bill. and see? to be threatened or assaulted while performing Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of I have worked with, as you might their duties, nor do we want anyone to ob- my time. guess, probation officers from the local struct the performance of those duties. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I level, Federal level, all across the spec- That is why Congress enacted Section 111 yield such time as he may consume to trum. They are well trained. They have of Title 18 of the United States Code, which the gentleman from Washington (Mr. an academy that they go through. prohibits such behavior. If violated, these REICHERT), the chief sponsor of the leg- They raise their right hand and swear crimes should be investigated and charges islation. to uphold the Constitution, all the laws brought when appropriate. Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, today I of this country. They are trained. In fact, probation officers have long relied am here to talk about a bill that Every year they have a minimal on law enforcement officers to provide support should be a fully bipartisan bill sup- amount of training, 40 hours. That is during searches, and I believe that is still the ported by all Members of this body. It the minimum. They have additional best course to continue. gives our probation officers the tools training on top of that on specific Section 111, however, itself presents seri- they need to defend themselves, but issues on how to handle situations ous issues about the vagueness of some of its also, at the same time, protect the peo- where it escalates to a physical event. terms that define violations, such as ‘‘inter- ple who are on probation that the pro- They know how to de-escalate verbal feres’’ or ‘‘opposes’’. bation officers are trying to help and events. These are professional people This exacerbates my concerns about allow- protect and keep on track and get who are doing a job that a lot of people ing probation officers to arrest individuals them back on a path to productive citi- don’t want. whom they are not supervising for violations of zenship in this country. Sometimes And already States across this coun- this section. they are impeded from doing their job, try have recognized that their State Making such determinations on vague terms not just verbally. probation officers need this sort of au- invites abuse. I was a cop for 33 years. I was ver- thority. In some States, for example, Indeed, we are told by proponents of the bill bally abused thousands of times. I have they have given them full police au- that federal probation officers plan to use lost track. Those bounce off the badge, thority. I repeat, full police authority. ‘‘lesser included’’ authority to ‘‘detain’’ violators and that is what probation officers do. In this case, it is very limited. It is instead of bringing them in for charges after Verbal abuse is verbal abuse. You deal limited to the obstruction. It is limited an arrest. with it, you handle it, and you go to the physical obstruction of the pro- This is an invitation for abuse as it indicates about your day. But when somebody bation officer doing their job that we the statute may be used—at times—when not puts their hands on you, or they spit on have asked them to do on behalf of all necessary. you, that is physical. That is assault. of us in this country. The least we can And, at a time when we need to do more to Probation officers should be able to do, as we wrap up National Police de-escalate circumstances involving confronta- protect themselves and take actions in Week, is to say we support law enforce- tions between law enforcement and citizens, I those instances when they are as- ment. am concerned that establishing this authority saulted. You don’t need an arrest war- Mr. Speaker, there are Members in will only lead to more confrontation. rant. You don’t need a search warrant this body who have found a way—de- This is all the more troubling because of to arrest someone who has just as- cided that there is a way that I can constitutional concerns regarding such deten- saulted an officer. This is common vote ‘‘no’’ on this instead of standing tions. As the Federal Public Defenders of New sense. up and saying—there are Members here York explains: ‘‘the Fourth Amendment does So to say you need a search warrant that have had police officers added to not permit probation officers to exercise this or an arrest warrant to arrest someone the memorial wall this past week; in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.001 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4365 some cases, five people from one State. cases where a third party tries to phys- about a significant number of instances Those Members have decided to find a ically obstruct or harm the officer. where this additional authority is way to not support law enforcement, I understand that some of my friends needed—remember, only 39 instances and they are going to vote ‘‘no.’’ worry about the implications of ex- last year. Opponents claim these num- Mr. Speaker, we can yak all we want panding arrest authority for law en- bers are low, making this a solution in about supporting cops, but if we don’t forcement. I have to say there are a lot search of a problem. But in these 39 in- show it with this vote, it is all talk. of trumped up arguments being made stances, a third party threatened, in- When I was a cop, you had to walk the against this bill. For starters, Federal timidated, refused to cooperate, and talk. And today, Members of this body, probation officers are fully trained and denied officers entry into residence to if you support law enforcement, you sworn Federal law enforcement offi- prevent an officer from doing their job. better walk the talk. cers. They have a tremendous training The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, let program in Charleston, South Carolina, time of the gentleman has expired. me thank the gentleman and indicate the Law Enforcement Training Center. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I that there is no doubt we want our offi- They understand that this training is a yield the gentleman an additional 1 cers to be safe. continuing process as well. minute. I do want to bring to the attention of These officers receive extensive, on- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, oppo- my colleagues that we don’t want pro- going, nationally standardized training nents claim, that is their claim that bation officers to be threatened or as- to safely arrest individuals on super- they have. saulted while performing their work or vised release with probable cause with- This is against the law, plain and their duties, nor do we want to ob- out a warrant. This training is also ap- simple. The probation officer in these struct the performance of those duties. plicable to the limited arrest authority instances did not have the authority Let me remind my colleagues that granted by this bill. they needed to remedy the situation. many times probation officers are The idea that expanding probation No one wants to increase the number going into homes. There are moms and officers’ arrest authority to third par- of arrests. That is not the purpose of grandmoms or granddads or children, ties will somehow lead to probation of- the legislation. In a perfect world, ev- and certainly we realize that emotions ficers going on an unwarranted arrest- eryone wants a situation to be deesca- of concern may occur. ing spree, violating individuals’ civil lated before an arrest or a detention We want our probation officers to be rights with impunity, is nonsense. happens. Ideally, Federal probation of- safe. That is why Congress enacted sec- ficers would have the resources to visit b 0930 tion 111 of title 18 of the United States their probe with a law enforcement of- Code which prohibits such behavior. The bill includes language to ensure ficer. And if violated, these crimes should be that the Director of the Administrative However, we don’t live in a perfect investigated, and charges are brought. Office of the United States Courts world. Oh? These resources are not al- But the other point is that our proba- would issue national guidelines to im- ways available. Third parties some- tion officers undergo an initial 6 weeks plement this new, limited authority. times intentionally interfere to pre- of training and some additional train- The authority will not give Federal vent a Federal probation officer from ing during the year. They still do not probation officers plenary law enforce- performing their official duties. have the degree of training of law en- ment powers or general arrest author- I urge my colleagues to support the forcement officers. I want them to be ity. Probable cause still must exist to Probation Officer Protection Act to en- protected. That is why I think it is im- carry out an arrest. That is very clear sure Federal probation officers are able portant that they have the assistance in the legislation. The bill does nothing to do their job safely and more effec- of trained law enforcement officers. to alter Federal probation officers’ tively by giving them third-party ar- Not all probation officers carry a scope of responsibility. To suggest so rest authority when probable cause ex- firearm, as it varies in each judicial undermines the training these officers ists. district. We want them protected, and receive and the oaths that they take. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I we would rather follow the law, which Secondly, I understand that constitu- yield such time as he may consume to is section 111. tional concerns have been raised by my the gentleman from Texas (Mr. POE), a Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to colleagues about the due process and member of the Committee on the Judi- yield 5 minutes to the distinguished rights of these third parties. Nothing ciary. gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. PAS- in this bill, Mr. Speaker, alters the due Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on CRELL), who has a longstanding record process or rights of third parties. Noth- this legislation, I think it is important of advocacy and support for the Na- ing in the bill. that individuals understand probation tion’s law enforcement and first re- If a third party agrees to house an in- officers. I worked at the courthouse in sponders, and he is a member of the dividual on supervised release, they Houston, Texas, as a prosecutor and Ways and Means Committee. consent to the Federal probation offi- then as a criminal court judge for 22 Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, as we cer having access to common areas and years. I had probation officers report to just heard from my good friend, the any part of the home to which the of- me. That was our system. I knew a lot gentleman from Washington (Mr. fender has access. Additionally, Fed- of probation officers, Federal and REICHERT), as co-chairs of the Law En- eral probation officers build a relation- State. I think our society does not un- forcement Caucus, this is an important ship with the third party housing the derstand how important their job is. piece of legislation for us. individual on supervised release in A person comes to court charged Mr. Speaker, as the lead Democrat order to manage their expectations on with a crime, and the judge decides to sponsor of this bill, the Probation Offi- what it means to have a supervised release that person on supervised pro- cer Protection Act, I rise in strong sup- probationer living under their roof. bation. The person goes back out into port of closing a gap in the current law Finally, Mr. Speaker, Federal proba- the community and is supposed to fol- to help Federal probation officers more tion officers conducted a total of 1,060 low a bunch of rules or the probation safely and effectively carry out their searches pursuant to a court-ordered could be revoked. Probation officers duties. search condition or with consent last not only have probationers come to Despite the fact that assaulting, re- year. More than half of the searches their office to report, but probation of- sisting, or otherwise preventing Fed- had at least one third party present. ficers go out there where these proba- eral probation officers from performing Despite relying on other law enforce- tioners are—in their homes and where their official duties is against the law, ment agencies for support and assist- they are working—and check up on current law does not provide the same ance during 493 of these searches, Fed- them, trying to make sure they toe the officers the authority to correct or re- eral probation officers encountered un- line. It is a very, very dangerous job, in strain an interfering third party. This cooperative third parties on 39 occa- my opinion. act simply expands the authority of sions. Many of these probation officers the Federal probation officers to arrest So, Mr. Speaker, as my colleagues work alone, just because of budget a third party with probable cause in have acknowledged, we are not talking problems. So they will go out there,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:30 May 19, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.006 H19MYPT1 H4366 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 and they will talk to some probationer First of all, let me indicate the im- probation officers, if they view the sit- about their probation and try to en- portant work that all law enforcement uation as inappropriate or threatening, courage them to, for example, get a do and, as well, those who serve in the as the law allows, those cases should be job. That is what you are supposed to probation departments of our State investigated and prosecuted, but they do when you are on probation. And and Federal Government. In particular, can call law enforcement officers. Fed- they encounter other people—some- we are talking about Federal probation eral probation officers should never be times family members, sometimes officers. I think it is important to give threatened, intimidated, assaulted, or friends, sometimes roommates, busi- them a debt of gratitude. precluded from doing their jobs. Never- ness associates—and they start yelling But they are not police officers. They theless, H.R. 1039, rather than improv- and screaming at the probation officer. are probation officers. Their training is ing their ability to execute their re- Sometimes they commit a crime quite different. Their role is quite dif- sponsibilities, would, unfortunately, against the probation officer. What is ferent. They are to engage in a con- have the opposite result. the probation officer supposed to do? structive relationship with the proba- In addition to presenting the con- Call the police? No. tioner, rehabilitation, making sure stitutional concerns, the bill fails to Under this legislation, it allows the they adhere to their rules and confine- provide an acceptable, practical, or probation officer to arrest other people ment or what is detailed by the court. necessary preventative measure. Fur- who are basically committing a crime They do it very well; so much so, that ther, as the public defenders of New against the probation officer, whether we have determined that the incidents York have indicated, the Fourth it is an assault or whether it is a threat are very low. Amendment does not permit probation or whether it is interfering, maybe, Of the 987 searches that were con- officers to exercise this lesser included with the arrest of the probationer. ducted by Federal probation officers, power. Under an exception to the That is what this legislation does. It only 30 involved uncooperative third Fourth Amendment’s probable cause helps protect the probation officer parties, or 3 percent. We would like it requirement, police officers, when exe- when they are out there trying to reha- to be zero. Of the 1,060 searches con- cuting a search warrant, are permitted bilitate probationers. ducted in 2016, only 39 involved unco- to temporarily restrain third parties, I have heard stories over the 22 years operative third parties, which amounts absent probable cause for arrest, in- at the courthouse from probation offi- to about 3.7 percent. cluding by using handcuffs. cers about how, when they go out in But I agree, no probation officer Holding such detentions to be reason- one of these areas of Houston, Texas, should be subjected to encountering able, the Supreme Court emphasized some of the people that are there with any manner that threatens them. But the fact of prime importance: that the the probationer aren’t the nicest folks this legislation is vague; it is constitu- search was authorized by a neutral in the world, and they start yelling, tionally weak. It is weak as relates to magistrate’s finding of probable cause screaming, and actually will commit a the Constitution. Its premises, as unop- to search the premises. That is not crime against the probation officer— posed and interfered, invite abuse. what the probation officer comes into for example, a threat, or maybe even I still maintain that many of these that place with. They are not a law en- an assault. probation officers go to the homes of forcement officer. Remember, many of these individuals either the probationer or their family, In caution to our efforts to recognize are working alone. They don’t go out and likely, in many instances, it is and respect these fine men and women, there with a SWAT team. They are out close individuals. let us find a different way, and let us there by themselves, and they are I believe probationers can be assisted adhere to the established law that will doing, really, what we want them to do by law enforcement officers. Remem- protect the probation officer and all to keep that probationer following the ber, the training is distinctly different. those whom he or she may come in straight and narrow, make sure they What it lends itself to is overbroad in- contact with. are doing what they are supposed to do. terpretations of interference with pro- Again, with great respect for law en- And then sometimes people interfere. bation officers, whose duties may lead forcement and those who serve, I would This legislation protects the probation to overzealous exercise of arrest au- ask my colleagues to recognize the officer and allows the officer to keep thority, which does violate the Con- broadness and vagueness of this legisla- those folks at bay and arrest them. stitution. tion and oppose it. Now, I have heard the concerns of We are now looking at ways to work Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance whether or not this is a violation of the with law enforcement, and the solution of my time. Fourth Amendment. There is no one would not be even more training, be- b 0945 more supportive of the Fourth Amend- cause we do not want to turn probation ment than I am. It does not violate the officers into police officers, which Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I Fourth Amendment. It gives the proba- would undermine the constructive role yield myself the balance of my time. tion officer authority to arrest only probation officers have in the rehabili- Mr. Speaker, we have heard many ar- after probable cause because a crime tation of supervisees. Detaining, ar- guments in opposition to this legisla- was committed. Rather than call for resting, and issuing orders to family, tion. We have carefully explained how help, call for the Texas Rangers, they friends, employers, and coworkers of each of these arguments is unfounded. can actually arrest that individual who supervisees will not advance the goals I simply want to again urge my col- is interfering. of supervision but would escalate con- leagues to vote for this very simple, I do not believe it is a violation of flict and lead to greater danger. yet much-needed, piece of bipartisan the Fourth Amendment. I would hope These are high goals that my col- legislation. Support the men and those people who think so would read leagues have spoken of, and I certainly women of law enforcement with your the Fourth Amendment and then read believe that these are worthy goals, vote. Support the Fraternal Order of the statute as well. but I would offer to say that third par- Police who wrote a letter supporting I support this legislation. I appre- ties are not in the same position as this bill. ciate what the chairman and Sheriff those who are supervised with respect Mr. Speaker, I enter in the RECORD REICHERT had to say. to their rights. They have given up the FOP letter. And that is just the way it is, Mr. none of their rights and should not be NATIONAL FRATERNAL Speaker. detained or arrested in violation of the ORDER OF POLICE, Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, Fourth Amendment. It is and can be a Washington, DC, 15 February 2017. may I inquire if the other side has any violation of the Fourth Amendment, of Hon. DAVID G. REICHERT, additional speakers? unreasonable search and seizure. It is House of Representatives, Washington, DC. Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I am too vague a description to allow an on- DEAR REPRESENTATIVE REICHERT: I am prepared to close. site determination as to whether some- writing on behalf of the members of the Fra- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I one should be arrested. ternal Order of Police to advise you of our yield myself such time as I may con- So, in the name of the respect and support for H.R. 1039, the ‘‘Probation Officer sume to close. dignity of all and the appreciation of Protection Act.’’ This legislation will amend

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.008 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4367 section 3606 of Title 18, United States Code, bill, as you cannot put a stopwatch on crit- U.S. Probation Officers are a unique pro- to grant probation officers authority to ar- ical law enforcement officer protection fession. They have a knowledge base in law rest hostile third parties who obstruct or im- measures such as H.R. 1039. and human behavior, and a mix of skills in pede a probation officer in the performance The ‘‘Probation Officer Protection Act’’ is investigation, communication, and analysis. of official duties. a critical officer safety measure. At a time They strive to make our communities safer, Probation officers supervise men, women when U.S. Probation Officers have seen their to make a positive difference in the lives of and juveniles who are convicted of a crime. workloads increase due to changes in sen- those they serve, and promote fairness in Instead of a judge sentencing these offenders tencing policy and are being asked to ‘‘do process and excellence in service. But as the to prison, the judge sentences them to close more with the same,’’ ensuring that they volume of approved searches they must con- supervision while continuing to live and have the means to protect themselves when duct has markedly increased over the past work with the general public. A probation of- placed in harm’s way is paramount. H.R. 1039 year due to changes in sentencing policy, the ficer’s job title comes with an inherent ele- will fully authorize a U.S. Probation Officer absence of any authority to restrain or di- ment of danger due to the supervision of of- to arrest any third party who violates 18 rect the movements of third parties places fenders such as drug addicts, sexual offenders USC 111. This statute has been on the books U.S. Probation Officers at a greater and un- and domestic violence offenders who could since the 1940s and makes it a crime for any necessary risk of physical harm. H.R. 1039 person to forcibly assault, resist, intimidate, turn violent at any time. Offenders are often provides a modest expansion of U.S. Proba- or interfere with any federal officer in the intimidated by the amount of power a proba- tion Officers’ existing arrest authority to performance of their official duties. Current tion officer has over their freedom. If they cover only violations of 18 USC 111. It does law, however, only allows Probation Officers feel the officer will recommend a prison sen- not in any way provide them ‘‘peace officer’’ to make arrests of individuals on probation tence or report illegal activity, which may or under supervised release who violate 18 status or grant them the same general arrest lead to a prison sentence, they may try to USC 111. This authority does not extend to authority that state-level probation officers eliminate this threat by harming the officer. ‘‘third parties,’’ which could include a enjoy in many jurisdictions. Granting U.S. When probation officers are accosted by a former associate of the offender or an un- Probation Officers the authority to arrest violent third party, they are forced to re- identified member of the community. In third parties would not change who they are treat because they have no third-party ar- many instances third parties are well aware and what they are seeking. Nor will it inter- rest authority. They also cannot assist any that a federal officer’s authority is limited fere with or otherwise diminish U.S. Proba- police officer at the scene who may have to individuals on supervision, and when a tion Officers’ use of the de-escalation tech- been called to assist. This subjects everyone third party does impede or assault a U.S. niques that are the hallmark of their profes- involved in the situation to greater risk and Probation Officer, the Officer’s only recourse sion. It would simply afford them another can result in the loss of evidence, the escape is to retreat and call for local law enforce- tool, another avenue, if ever needed. of an offender, or harm to an individual. ment. While in major cities local law en- In the end, this legislation will enhance of- In the past, offenders typically reported to forcement may respond depending on avail- ficer safety while also protecting proba- the probation officer’s office for scheduled ability, the same is not true for U.S. Proba- tioners and third parties by preventing ob- visits. Now many probation officers are re- tion Officers who work in rural communities struction from escalating to actual violence. quired to make home visits where the of- where response by local law enforcement Thank you in advance for your consideration fender may have easy access to weapons. may be a single officer or none. This places of this legislation and for helping U.S. Pro- While the officer may carry a gun, and have Probation Officers at even greater risk, par- bation Officers do their job more safely by armed back up in some cases, often he or she ticularly in those situations where retreat is passing H.R. 1039, the ‘‘Probation Officer will go into the home or workplace alone not even a reasonably safe alternative. Protection Act.’’ without knowing anything about other per- During the forthcoming debate on this bill, Sincerely, sons at the site. there will undoubtedly be those who go to NATHAN R. CATURA, For these reasons, this authority is needed great lengths to demean U.S. Probation Offi- National President. and we are proud to support your bill and cers as something less than ‘‘real’’ law en- look forward to working with you on it. forcement officers or to diminish the hazards NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF On behalf of more than 330,000 members of that they face. Some may also raise inchoate the Fraternal Order of Police, I want to POLICE ORGANIZATIONS, INC., objections about the constitutionality of Alexandria, VA, May 17, 2017. thank you for introducing this legislation H.R. 1039. For example, you will hear that Hon. PAUL RYAN, and amendment. If I can be of further help, Congress cannot extend Executive Branch Speaker, House of Representatives, please do not hesitate to contact me or my police powers to the Judicial Branch, despite Washington, DC. Senior Advisor, Jim Pasco, in my Wash- the fact that it was Congress that estab- DEAR SPEAKER RYAN: On behalf of the Na- ington office. lished the U.S. Supreme Court Police that tional Association of Police Organizations Sincerely, resides directly across the street from the (NAPO), I am writing to advise you of our CHUCK CANTERBURY, U.S. Capitol. Not only are such statements support for H.R. 1039, the Probation Officer National President. factually inaccurate, they display a basic Protection Act. lack of understanding about those who serve Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, sup- NAPO is a coalition of police units and as- our nation as U.S. Probation Officers and the port the Federal Law Enforcement Of- sociations from across the United States purposes behind the ‘‘Probation Officer Pro- ficers Association, who called H.R. 1039 that serves to advance the interests of Amer- tection Act.’’ a ‘‘critical officer safety measure’’ in Make no mistake: U.S. Probation Officers ica’s law enforcement through legislative their letter of endorsement. are fully trained federal law enforcement of- and legal advocacy, political action, and edu- Support the National Association of ficers. They attend basic training at the Na- cation. Founded in 1978, NAPO now rep- Police Organizations, who said H.R. tional Training Academy at the Federal Law resents more than 1,000 police units and asso- 1039 is a ‘‘sensible solution that ensures Enforcement Training Center in Charleston, ciations, 241,000 sworn law enforcement offi- the safety of the officer, the proba- SC, and receive ongoing in-service training cers, and more than 100,000 citizens who share a common dedication to fair and effec- tioner, and the community.’’ throughout the year. Their training covers everything from firearms regulation and tive crime control and law enforcement. Mr. Speaker, I enter in the RECORD safety and defensive tactics to handcuffing, Probation officers in the United States these letters. the use of force, de-escalation training, and have experienced a significant increase in FEDERAL LAW reality-based scenario training. It may be their workloads due to the recent changes in ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, difficult for some to acknowledge, but there federal sentencing guidelines, but they are Cabin John, MD, May 17, 2017. is an inherent risk to the work U.S. Proba- being asked to do more with the same Hon. PAUL RYAN, tion Officers do—a risk that often outweighs amount of resources. With these officers Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, that of traditional law enforcement. They do spread thin, it is important that they have Washington, DC. not enter into sterile offices, but often into every means available to protect themselves Hon. NANCY PELOSI, environments that are uncertain. They are when put in harm’s way. The Probation Offi- Minority Leader, House of Representatives, required to have frequent and regular con- cer Protection Act narrowly expands current Washington, DC. tacts in the home and community and know- law to grant federal probation officers the DEAR MR. SPEAKER AND LEADER PELOSI: I ingly come into daily contact with individ- authority to arrest any third party who forc- am writing on behalf of the nearly 27,000 uals who have a history of violence, mental ibly assaults, resists, intimidates, or inter- members of the Federal Law Enforcement health issues, problems with authority, and feres with the officer in the performance of Officers Association to advise you of our troubles with substance abuse. U.S. Proba- his or her official duties. strong support for H.R. 1039, the ‘‘Probation tion Officers are not able to anticipate what Currently, when a federal probation officer Officer Protection Act,’’ and to express our is going to occur during all contacts. There is assaulted or threatened by a third party, appreciation for the Congress’s consideration are and have been occasions when U.S. Pro- they must retreat and call local law enforce- of this important officer safety measure dur- bation Officers are threatened and/or at- ment. This not only places the probation of- ing National Police Week. FLEOA opposes tacked by third parties and they need the ficer in danger, particularly if there is no the amendment that will be offered on the ability to take an affirmative step to protect way to withdraw from the situation, but it is floor to sunset the authority provided by the themselves. a strain on local law enforcement agencies,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:43 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.003 H19MYPT1 H4368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 many of which do not have enough officers arrested. All we are debating today is These are concerns that we should all just to patrol their communities. The Proba- who puts the handcuffs on the arrestee. have if we want to ensure that this bill tion Officer Protection Act is a sensible solu- Common sense tells us that the officer works and reaches its intended pur- tion that ensures the safety of the officer, who was assaulted should have the au- pose, if it is voted on by my colleagues the probationer and the community. We appreciate Congress considering this thority to make the arrest. and passes. important officer safety bill during National Use common sense. Support H.R. In allowing the study, we will ascer- Police Week. If we can provide any assist- 1039, the Probation Officer Protection tain information that we otherwise ance, please feel free to contact me. Act of 2017, so that Federal probation would not have but would have learned Sincerely, officers can do their jobs safely and ef- had we proceeded with a hearing on WILLIAM J. JOHNSON, fectively. this bill. Executive Director. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance This amendment will focus on the Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, col- of my time. bill’s impact in application. The study lectively, these organizations represent The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time will first review instances of abuse of over half a million sworn law enforce- for debate on the bill has expired. power in the exercise of such arrest au- ment officers. On this last day of Na- AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MS. JACKSON thority. tional Police Week, let’s join them in LEE Second, it will document any com- supporting this bill. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I plaints made and/or filed regarding the In this body, Members tend to fre- have an amendment at the desk. exercise of the probationer’s arrest au- quently use the term ‘‘common sense’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The thority of third parties. Third, it will study any harm result- to describe a piece of legislation. I Clerk will designate the amendment. ing from the exercise of such arrest au- don’t think many more pieces of legis- The text of the amendment is as fol- thority, including any civil action al- lation are as common sense as this bill. lows: leging the violation of a civil right in It really boils down to this question: Add, at the end of the bill, the following: the exercise of this expanded author- Should a law enforcement officer be SEC. 3. COMPTROLLER GENERAL REPORT ON NEW AUTHORITY OF PROBATION OF- ity. able to arrest the individual who forc- FICERS. I am confident that my colleagues ibly assaulted, resisted, opposed, im- Not later than 2 years after the effective would agree that public safety is para- peded, intimidated, or interfered with date of this act, the Comptroller General of mount, the safety of the probation offi- that officer? the United States shall complete a study, cer is paramount, the safety of those and report to the Committee on the Judici- That is it. That is all we are talking who are in the immediate custody of about today. Common sense tells us ary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate on the probationer, and, of course, those that the answer is a resounding ‘‘yes.’’ other individuals. It has been insinuated that probation the results thereof, on the arrest authority provided to probation officers under sub- We want this to be a sound policy, so officers aren’t real law enforcement section (b) of section 3606 of title 18, United implementing sound policies will foster and lack the training to make arrests. States Code, as added by section 2 of this trust and, thereby, public safety. I think the brave men and women who Act. Such study shall include information I want to thank the Rules Committee serve as Federal probation officers, about— for making my amendment in order, who have received extensive training, (1) any instance of an abuse of power in the and I hope my colleagues will join me and have ongoing training require- exercise of such arrest authority; in supporting the Jackson Lee amend- ments as part of their jobs, might dis- (2) any complaints filed about the exercise ment. agree with that insinuation. of such arrest authority; and (3) any harm resulting from the exercise of While I understand the intended goal in the Further, the Administrative Office of such arrest authority, including any civil ac- underline bill, there are some unique concerns the United States Courts and its Fed- tion alleging the violation of a civil right in that it raises and my amendment addresses eral Probation and Pretrial Academy the exercise of such arrest authority. and will fix those concerns. offer nationally standardized training SEC. 4. SUNSET OF ARREST AUTHORITY. My amendment calls for a comprehensive programs and advanced training pro- (a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection (b) study by GAO of the newly granted authority, grams targeting specialized areas of su- of this section, section 3606 of title 18, United to determine its impact on probationers, pervision. Common sense tells us that States Code, is amended by striking sub- supervisees, third parties and the overall pro- these officers are qualified to make ar- section (b). bation practice. This study shall sunset at 30 (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—Subsection (a) of this rests. section shall take effect on the date that is months after the effective date of this act. Opponents of this bill would prefer to 30 months after the effective date of this These are concerns we should all have if have these law enforcement officers re- Act. we want to ensure that this bill works and treat when confronted by third parties. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- reaches its intended purpose effectively. In allowing the study, we will ascertain infor- Let’s think about what some of the ant to House Resolution 324, the gen- mation that we otherwise, do not have but consequences of retreat might mean. If tlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON would have learned had we proceeded with a forced to retreat, that officer is forced LEE) and a Member opposed each will to terminate interaction with a proba- hearing on this bill. control 5 minutes. This amendment will focus on the bill’s im- tioner who may urgently require serv- The Chair recognizes the gentle- ices, such as substance abuse or mental pact in application. woman from Texas. The study will first review instances of any health treatment. It also means con- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, my abuse of power in the exercise of such arrest traband, such as firearms or narcotics, amendment preserves the trust and in- authority. which could have been removed by the tegrity between probation officers and Second, it will document any complaints parole officer, remains in the commu- supervisees while ensuring public safe- made and/or filed regarding the exercise of nity. ty. probation officer arrest authority of third par- In short, the consequences of retreat While I understand the intended goal ties. place public safety in jeopardy. Com- in the underlying bill, there are some Third, it will study any harm resulting from mon sense tells us that retreat is not a unique concerns that it raises, and my the exercise of such arrest authority, including viable option. amendment addresses and will, I be- any civil action alleging the violation of a civil There is nothing revolutionary going lieve, provide additional information. right in the exercise of this expanded author- on here. There is no new Federal crime My amendment calls for a com- ity. being added. This bill simply says that prehensive study by the GAO of the I am confident that my colleagues would when someone forcibly assaults, re- newly granted authority to determine agree that public safety is paramount and that sists, opposes, impedes, intimidates, or the impact on probationers, we should do everything we can to ensure interferes with a probation officer, that supervisees, third parties, and the over- that we are implementing sound policies that probation officer can arrest that indi- all probation practice, if that author- will foster trust and thereby, public safety. vidual. ity is so granted by the vote of this The Rules Committee saw it fitting to rule It is already a crime to engage in the body. This study shall sunset at 30 my amendment in order, and now I hope my behavior I just described. An individual months after the effective date of this colleagues will join me in supporting this who commits that act is going to get act. amendment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:58 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.006 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4369 Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of officers should be able to arrest some- FEDERAL DEFENDERS OF my time. one who commits a Federal crime by NEW YORK, INC., Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I interfering with the duties being per- New York, NY, March 30, 2017. claim the time in opposition to the formed by that officer. Re Probation Officer Protection Act of 2017 (H.R. 1039) amendment. Let them do their part in keeping the Hon. BOB GOODLATTE, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- public safe. Let them do their jobs safe- Chair, House Judiciary Committee, Washington, tleman from Texas is recognized for 5 ly. Let them do their jobs effectively. DC. minutes. Mr. Speaker, I oppose the amend- Hon. JOHN CONYERS, JR., Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, I Ranking Member, House Judiciary Committee, strongly oppose the amendment offered ment, and I reserve the balance of my Washington, DC. by the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. time. Hon. TREY GOWDY, JACKSON LEE), my friend. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I Chair, House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Her amendment would sunset the believe this amendment is a very im- Homeland Security, and Investigations, Washington, DC. very modest, yet necessary and appro- portant amendment, and I believe that it provides the kind of guidance that is Hon. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, priate, authority that we are seeking Ranking Member, House Subcommittee on to grant Federal probation officers necessary because it is a clear Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and today. No valid reason has been given ascertaining of the impact. Investigations, Washington, DC. for the need to sunset this provision. In Remember, we are talking about pos- DEAR MR. GOODLATTE, MR. CONYERS, MR. fact, ample evidence is available show- sible constitutional ramifications. Un- GOWDY AND MS. JACKSON LEE: We write on ing why probation officers need this reasonable search and seizure. We are behalf of the Federal Public and Community authority to perform their duties safe- Defenders in response to inquiries for our talking about not having assaults views on H.R. 1039, which would amend 18 ly and effectively. against police officers. There is a law U.S.C. § 3606 to give probation officers the au- Just last year, over one-third of the that will already provide for that pro- thority to arrest, without a warrant, persons safety-related incidents reported by tection, as well as the fact that proba- not subject to court supervision if there is Federal probation and pretrial staff in- tion officers who are not police officers probable cause to believe that the person has volved third parties encountered by of- can, in fact, have the ability of law en- impeded or interfered with a probation offi- ficers while performing their official forcement backup or support. cer in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 111. The bill was introduced last Congress, and we understand duties. In addition, we realize that there is a For example, during an unannounced that there has been discussion of it being in- greater burden on law enforcement of- troduced again. home visit to an apartment by officers, ficers in an arrest situation. That bur- We oppose the bill because it would violate as they approached the apartment, two den is not on the probation officer be- the Separation of Powers, would invite unidentified subjects entered the hall cause they are not a law enforcement Fourth Amendment violations, is unneces- from another unit. Officers knocked on officer. sary for purposes of supervision or safety, the resident’s door and there was no and would instead escalate the risk of harm answer. One third party stated: ‘‘Hey, It is important for this study to be to all concerned and undermine effective su- five-oh, who are you looking for?’’ And enacted so that we have the facts. Do pervision. The arrest or detention (to any de- they began approaching the officers in we not, as legislators, want to have the gree) of persons not subject to court super- facts regarding the Constitution and vision should be left to law enforcement offi- a menacing manner. cers. One of the third parties pulled out a the impact it may have? SUMMARY cell phone and started videoing, yelling So I would ask my colleagues to sup- obscenities, and making other state- port the Jackson Lee amendment. It is, The bill would violate the Separation of in fact, not an amendment that ne- Powers. Probation officers serve as adminis- ments to the officers. Another indi- trative units employed by Article III courts. vidual, in response to the commotion, gates, if this bill passes, the acts of the Congress may not assign to them the execu- entered the hallway possessing a knife probation officer. But what it does do tive function of enforcing a criminal statute and drew it as he moved toward the of- is study whether there is an enhanced against private citizens not subject to court ficers. impact and whether grandmother, supervision. The bill would also undermine These types of threats, Mr. Speaker, mother, a little child, an aunt, or an the integrity of the Judicial Branch by put- are very real and very dangerous to the uncle, in the sanctity of their home, ting courts in the position of ruling on the brave men and women who serve the are unreasonably detained or arrested. constitutionality of arrests by their own agents, who are also interested arresting of- criminal justice system as Federal pro- We as Americans should at least be ficers and alleged victims of an offense. bation officers. The types of threats concerned about the rights of our fel- The bill would create serious Fourth that exist today will continue to exist low citizens and be able to respect Amendment problems. Assuming probation in 21⁄2 years when the gentlewoman’s them in their home. A probation officer officers would use the bill’s arrest authority amendment would sunset the proposed has the right to call in a law enforce- only to formally arrest persons believed to arrest authority. ment officer if the actions of the home, have violated § 111, the bill would result in Fourth Amendment violations. Because § 111 I want to make one thing very clear, or wherever that individual happens to Mr. Speaker. The bill before us today is notoriously unclear, probation officers be, gets in a way that interferes with would inevitably arrest persons who are does not create a new Federal crime. It his or her ability to arrest his proba- merely ‘‘uncooperative’’ but have not actu- is already a Federal crime to assault, tioner. ally violated the statute. To allay concerns resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, or Let me remind everyone that the re- about giving probation officers the equiva- interfere with a Federal probation offi- lent of police power over private citizens, the lationship between a probation officer cer for which an individual can be Judicial Conference assures Congress that and a probationer is a constructive placed under arrest. The only thing the probation officers would rarely make formal one, one of rehabilitation. And, sadly, bill today does is say that probation of- arrests but would instead exercise a ‘‘lesser if on one incident, or 39 incidents, or 3 ficers can make that arrest. included’’ power to control or temporarily percent of the incidents, if something restrain third parties short of formal arrest. And why shouldn’t they be able to occurs, that probation officer has the But the Fourth Amendment would not per- make that arrest? right to be able to call a law enforce- mit probation officers to exercise such ‘‘less- Probation officers have a unique role ment officer to assist. er included’’ power. In holding that the in our criminal justice system, bal- Fourth Amendment allows police officers to ancing the skills of a law enforcement This study is a constructive, forth- temporarily restrain third parties during a officer with the skills of a social work- right study to help us better protect search, the Supreme Court deemed it ‘‘of er. In addition to the 6 weeks of initial the rights of citizens and of the Con- prime importance’’ that the officer had a training, Federal probation officers are stitution of the United States. warrant based on probable cause to search the premises. The bill would not change the required to complete at least 40 hours Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD fact that probation officers conduct searches of continuing education and training letters from the Federal Defenders of without a warrant based on probable cause. annually. New York, The Leadership Conference Thus, any restraint of a third party by a pro- I don’t think it is a radical idea to on Civil and Human Rights, and the bation officer absent probable cause to arrest suggest that Federal law enforcement ACLU opposing the underlying bill. would violate the Fourth Amendment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.015 H19MYPT1 H4370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 The bill is unnecessary. Probation officers trict court, appointed by the court and re- instead, they would direct, control and tem- have authority under current law to search movable by the court. A probation officer porarily detain third parties whom they the homes of people they supervise (without performs no Article III function, but serves a merely suspect have violated or will violate a warrant or probable cause) and to arrest statutory duty to assist the court in super- § 111, or believe to present a ‘‘potential safety them for violating conditions of supervision vising offenders. risk.’’ (with probable cause). Pursuant to Judiciary Detecting crimes and enforcing criminal But the Fourth Amendment does not per- Policy, probation officers have long relied on laws, in contrast, are ‘‘quintessential law en- mit probation officers to exercise this ‘‘less- trained law enforcement officers to provide forcement functions vested in the Executive er included’’ power. Under an exception to support during searches, including by man- Branch.’’ Just as Congress may not confer the Fourth Amendment’s probable cause re- aging third parties not under probation offi- executive duties ‘‘of a nonjudicial nature’’ on quirement, police officers, when executing a cers’ supervision. No evidence has been pre- Article III judges, Congress may not enlist search warrant, are permitted to tempo- sented, and we have found none, of any in- an administrative arm of the Judicial rarily restrain third parties absent probable stance in which law enforcement officers Branch to perform an executive function. cause for arrest, including by using hand- have not assisted when asked, or in which This is not only a formalistic concern. A cuffs. In holding such detentions to be ‘‘rea- anyone has been hurt by a third party during probation officer who has arrested a private sonable,’’ the Supreme Court emphasized the a search. Allowing probation officers to re- citizen for impeding the probation officer in fact—‘‘of prime importance’’—that the strain and arrest third parties would likely his duties would naturally have a direct, per- search was authorized by a neutral mag- increase, not diminish, any risk of harm. sonal interest in both the legality of the ar- istrate’s finding of probable cause to search The bill would undermine effective super- rest and the outcome of any resulting crimi- the premises. vision. The bill represents a retreat from the nal case. The court, in turn, is the probation Probation officers, however, conduct current constructive role of probation offi- officer’s employer. When ruling on a chal- searches without a warrant based on a find- cers in reintegrating offenders into society. lenge to the constitutionality of an arrest by ing of probable cause by a neutral mag- If probation officers assumed the role of po- a probation officer, the court would thus re- istrate, and they conduct home visits with lice, directing and restraining, or arresting, view the actions of its own agent, who is also no suspicion at all. For these reasons, the family and friends, progress in individual the interested arresting officer and alleged Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in cases and the system as a whole would be un- victim of an offense. By putting the court in 2007 reaffirmed its policy that probation offi- dermined. the triple position of judge, vicarious victim, cers ‘‘may not restrain’’ ‘‘restrict[] the BACKGROUND and arresting agent of ordinary citizens, movement of third parties’’ present during a Under current law, probation officers have H.R. 1039 would undermine the integrity of search. Under established Fourth Amend- limited special authority to conduct the Judicial Branch. ment law, third parties are ‘‘under no obliga- searches and seizures of persons on probation B. THE BILL WOULD CREATE SERIOUS FOURTH tion to cooperate and must be free to leave.’’ or supervised release for the sole purpose of AMENDMENT PROBLEMS The AO’s General Counsel correctly noted assisting the district courts in supervising Subject to ‘‘only a few specifically estab- that ‘‘increas[ing] [probation] officers’ statu- those persons. They are permitted, with or lished and well delineated exceptions,’’ the tory arrest authority under § 3606’’ would not without a warrant, to conduct a search of a Fourth Amendment prohibits police officers solve the Fourth Amendment problem be- supervisee’s home based only on ‘‘reasonable from detaining persons (to any degree) ab- cause probation officers would still conduct suspicion’’ that there is evidence on the sent probable cause or ‘‘prior approval by searches without a warrant based on prob- premises that the supervisee has violated a judge or magistrate.’’ Even assuming proba- able cause. Likewise, H.R. 1039 would not change the condition of his or her supervision, and to ar- tion officers used the bill’s arrest authority fact that probation officers conduct searches rest a supervisee whom they have ‘‘probable for no other purpose but to make formal ar- without a warrant based on a finding of prob- cause to believe has violated a condition’’ of rests based on probable cause that a person able cause, the factor ‘‘of prime importance’’ his or her supervision. has violated § 111, the bill would result in un- to the constitutionality of police officers re- Judiciary Policy directs probation officers, constitutional detentions. in planning a search, to ‘‘strongly consider Section 111 prohibits ‘‘forcibly’’ assaulting, straining third parties during a search. As a requesting assistance from law enforcement resisting, opposing, impeding, intimidating, result, any restraint or control of third par- officers for protection, instruction, and tak- or interfering with an officer ‘‘while engaged ties by probation officers absent grounds for ing possession of contraband during a in’’ the performance of official duties. While arrest would be an unconstitutional deten- search,’’ and to terminate any search ‘‘if it is one would think that ‘‘forcible’’ conduct is tion. The bill does not obviate this funda- unsafe for the [probation] officer to con- easy to recognize in this context, the term is mental Fourth Amendment problem. tinue.’’ notoriously ambiguous, involving a ‘‘trouble- C. THE BILL IS UNNECESSARY Probation officers are further directed that some question of degree.’’ No physical con- U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services re- they ‘‘may not restrain third parties during tact is required even for assault, and ‘‘forc- ported that in both 2014 and 2015, probation a search.’’ This is so because there is no au- ibly’’ has been held to cover such conduct as officers encountered third patties described thority for probation officers to detain third a ‘‘fighting stance’’ with an ‘‘uncooperative as ‘‘uncooperative’’ (defined to include re- parties. The Supreme Court’s decisions hold- attitude,’’ but not to cover running away and fusal to identify themselves, to come out of ing that the Fourth Amendment allows po- struggling when tackled by police. The stat- a closed room, or to remain in a designated lice officers to detain third parties during a ute is ‘‘not a model of clarity,’’ ‘‘inartfully area) in only 3 percent of reported searches. search do not apply to probation officers, drafted,’’ and leaving ‘‘major ambiguities,’’ Only two incidents of any significance were who both lack general law enforcement au- often requiring many pages of legal analysis reported. In one, the supervisee’s mother thority, and conduct searches in the absence to decipher. drove her car toward two officers ‘‘in an ap- of a finding by a neutral magistrate of prob- If even the courts find the statute unclear, parent attempt to hit them,’’ but law en- able cause to search the premises. Instead, a probation officer surely cannot be expected forcement officers were present and able to probation officers rely on law enforcement to make an accurate on-the-scene assess- take any action needed. In the other, a third officers to manage third parties if needed, ment of probable cause that a person has vio- party ‘‘refused to come out’’ of a closed thereby avoiding Fourth Amendment viola- lated it. Some probation officers would in- room, but law enforcement officers were tions and reducing any risk of harm. evitably use their new authority to arrest present, forced the door open, and found the A. THE BILL WOULD VIOLATE THE SEPARATION persons who are merely ‘‘uncooperative’’— person swallowing marijuana cigarettes. OF POWERS such as by refusing to identify themselves, Nonetheless, the Federal Law Enforcement H.R. 1039 would authorize probation offi- declining to open a door, or attempting to Officers Association (‘‘FLEOA’’) claims that cers to arrest, without a warrant, a person leave the scene of a search—but who have there is, a new ‘‘heightened danger in field not subject to supervision if there is prob- not violated § 111. The bill would thus invite and office contacts’’ and that giving proba- able cause to believe the person has inter- Fourth Amendment violations. tion officers third-party arrest authority is fered with or impeded a probation officer To allay potential concerns about giving the ‘‘only [] solution.’’ It claims that proba- ‘‘while in the performance of his or her offi- probation officers the equivalent of police tion officers’ ability to enlist law enforce- cial duties’’ in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 111. By power over private citizens, the Judicial ment officers ‘‘provides little, if any, help’’ its terms, the statute would authorize proba- Conference assures Congress that probation because sometimes only one police officer is tion officers to make such arrests at any officers would rarely make formal arrests for available. It gives three anecdotal examples, time or place—during a search of a violations of § 111. Instead, they would use a but they do not support the FLEOA’s argu- supervisee’s home, on the street or at a place purported ‘‘lesser included’’ authority, dur- ment, and in fact demonstrate that the bill of business, or during a meeting at the pro- ing ‘‘searches and other work-related con- is not the ‘‘only solution,’’ much less a safe bation officer’s office. tacts (e.g., home visits),’’ to ‘‘verbally or if solution. By authorizing probation officers to en- necessary by temporarily restraining’’ (i.e., In the Northern District of Alabama, pro- force § 111 against private citizens not sub- with handcuffs) ‘‘uncooperative or hostile’’ bation officers came to see their supervisee, ject to court supervision, H.R. 1039 would third parties short of arrest. Probation offi- but he was not at home. They were leaving violate the Separation of Powers. Probation cers would not need probable cause to believe the premises when they encountered his fa- officers are employed by the Judicial Branch that a third party had violated § 111 in order ther, who was intoxicated, made threats, and to serve as administrative units of the dis- to exercise this ‘‘lesser-included’’ authority; threw an empty liquor bottle at their car.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:43 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.008 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4371

The probation officers drew their weapons, D. THE BILL WOULD UNDERMINE EFFECTIVE the scene who the officer claims is ‘‘inter- called 911, got behind their vehicle, then SUPERVISION fering’’ with their work. This broad defini- drove away. The FLEOA states that with ar- H.R. 1039 represents an unfortunate retreat tion of behavior triggering third party arrest rest authority, the probation officers ‘‘would from the current role of probation officers, authority raises Fourth Amendment con- have taken the third party into custody for which has evolved from an oppositional focus cerns. assaulting them and for damaging govern- on enforcement and punishment to a con- POPA IS UNNECESSARY ment property.’’ But the FLEOA does not ex- structive collaboration aimed at addressing There is no evidence that expanding fed- plain why this would have been necessary for clients’ criminogenic needs, reducing their eral probation officers’ warrantless arrest the purpose of supervising the son, who was risk of recidivism, and reintegrating them authority is necessary. Statistics from the not there, or to ensure anyone’s safety. The into society. These ‘‘concerted efforts to Federal Law Enforcement Officers Associa- police were fully capable of subduing or ar- bring to life state-of-the-art evidence-based tion (FLEOA) show that only 2 percent of resting the father, and most likely did, supervision practices into the federal sys- searches conducted by federal probation offi- though that detail is omitted. Had the proba- tem’’ coincide with ‘‘[m]easurable decreases cers in 2013 resulted in any confrontation tion officers confronted the father, with guns in federal recidivism.’’ As the Judicial Con- with ‘‘uncooperative’’ third parties. Further- drawn, they, the father, or innocent bystand- ference has recognized, supporting the of- more, of the 909 searches conducted by fed- ers, including the offender’s cooperative fender ‘‘in efforts to turn away from crimi- eral probation officers in 2013, only seven led mother, may well have been hurt. nal conduct . . . will necessarily . . . pro- to the arrest of a third party when probation In the District of Utah, probation officers mote public safety.’’ And it has cautioned officers sought the assistance of local law en- knocked on the door of their supervisee’s that searches ‘‘may undermine the rapport forcement. Similarly, in 2014, only 1.7 per- residence and were told by his girlfriend that that an officer has developed with an of- cent of the 1,566 searches conducted by pro- he was not at home and that no one else was fender and may hinder the progress that an bation officers involved any ‘‘reportedly un- there. The probation officers ‘‘ultimately en- offender has made.’’ We fear that the cooperative’’ third parties, and only five of countered two third party felons hiding in progress that has been made in individual these encounters resulted in a third party ar- separate locations,’’ one of whom was sus- cases and in the system as a whole would be rest by local law enforcement. undermined if probation officers assumed the pected of homicide. The officers ‘‘issued POPA WOULD BE DANGEROUS their verbal commands,’’ and the man be- role of police, directing, restraining and ar- Members of Congress should be reluctant came confrontational and challenged the of- resting family and friends, and potentially to extend law enforcement-like powers to ficers to ‘‘shoot him.’’ The officers retreated, escalating the risk of confrontation and dan- anyone not trained as a law enforcement of- and ‘‘local police ultimately subdued the ger to all concerned. ficer—and probation officers are not police third party and took him into custody.’’ Thank you for considering our views, and officers. Federal probation officers complete Again, the FLEOA does not explain how ar- please do not hesitate to contact us if you only six weeks of orientation training. In rest authority would have increased the pro- have any questions. contrast, new law enforcement officers com- bation officers’ or public safety any better Very Truly Yours, plete 16 to 21 weeks of classroom training than the police in fact accomplished. DAVID PATTON, and they often must complete three addi- In the Southern District of New York, pro- Executive Director, Federal Defenders of tional weeks of on-the-ground field training. bation officers looking to confirm that their If probation officers try to confront, re- supervisee did not live at his reported resi- New York, Co-Chair, Federal Defender strain, and arrest uncooperative third par- dence were ‘‘confronted’’ outside the resi- ties, they are likely to heighten the physical dence, where the supervisee apparently did Legislative Com- mittee. danger they face in the field, not reduce it. not live, with ‘‘a belligerent, unknown, third The threat of arrest—and therefore physical party.’’ A physical altercation ensued, when JON SANDS, Federal Defender, Dis- seizure—could increase and escalate the ‘‘another third party charged forward swing- physical confrontations between probation ing a pipe wrench.’’ The officers used pepper trict of Arizona, Co- Chair, Federal De- officers and third parties. De-escalation is spray and left. The FLEOA asserts that the the desirable outcome—not an extended vio- probation officers ‘‘did not have the option fender Legislative Committee. lent altercation in which probation officers to control the third parties,’’ but instead attempt to arrest third parties. In North were ‘‘forced to retreat.’’ But the FLEOA Carolina, a probationer died while his proba- THE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE does not explain how controlling the third tion officer attempted to arrest him. Inci- ON CIVIL AND HUMAN RIGHTS, parties, which would likely have escalated a dents that result in violence or in arguably Washington, DC, April 26, 2017. potentially dangerous confrontation, was unlawful arrest may create expensive and safer than retreat, much less the ‘‘only solu- OPPOSE H.R. 1039, THE PROBATION OFFICER time-consuming litigation for the U.S. Pro- tion.’’ The probation officers’ mission was PROTECTION ACT OF 2017 bation and Pretrial Services System. Instead not urgent, and they were free to return with DEAR HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE MEM- of engaging hostile third parties, probation police support. BER: On behalf of The Leadership on Civil officers should remove themselves from dan- The Judicial Conference provides no empir- and Human Rights and the 16 undersigned or- gerous situations and call for the assistance ical evidence or even anecdotal examples il- ganizations, we urge you to oppose H.R. 1039, of trained local law enforcement who are lustrating the purported need for H.R. 1039. the Probation Officer Protection Act of 2017 fully prepared to handle hostile situations. It says that, ‘‘in the absence of other law en- (POPA), which would broadly authorize fed- Probation officers already do this, and it forcement officers acting in a supporting eral probation officers to make warrantless works. role,’’ a supervisee can work with a ‘‘hostile arrests of parties not under their super- POPA WOULD INHIBIT SUCCESSFUL REENTRY vision. Authorizing probation officers to ar- or uncooperative’’ third party ‘‘to conceal Allowing probation officers to arrest third rest third parties is unnecessary and dan- violations of the terms of supervision, or parties would also inhibit successful reentry gerous; would inhibit successful reentry; and even new criminal activity.’’ But the solu- for probationers. Part of the benefit of the would implicate serious constitutional con- tion is the very one suggested and that has probation system is that it allows proba- cerns. Moreover, there are alternatives been directed by Judiciary Policy and fol- tioners to live in society with their families available that ensure the protection of pro- lowed by probation officers all along: obtain while they serve out their sentences and bation officers while avoiding the pitfalls of support from law enforcement officers. transition to full reentry into the commu- broadly expanding their arrest authority. There is not a single instance cited in the nity. But the prospect of arrest for the indi- U.S. Probation Search-and-Seizure reports, POPA GIVES BROAD ARREST AUTHORITY viduals who agree to help with the proba- in the FLEOA’s proposal or recent letter, or Under 18 U.S.C. § 3606, a federal probation tioner’s reentry may deter them from serv- in the Judicial Conference’s proposal or re- officer has the authority to arrest a proba- ing as hosts and may make it harder to cent letter, in which probation officers re- tioner or person on supervised release if the achieve this transition successfully. Proba- quested law enforcement assistance in ad- probation officer has probable cause to be- tion officers must have reasonable suspicion vance, or called for assistance from the lieve that the probationer has violated a con- to conduct a warrantless search of a proba- scene, and law enforcement declined to as- dition of his or her release. Currently, fed- tioner’s home; absent reasonable suspicion, sist or failed to show up. One of the dangers eral probation officers are not permitted to the probationer or a third party must con- of the bill is that probation officers would arrest third parties. POPA would amend 18 sent to a search and may limit the consent not request law enforcement support, think- U.S.C. § 3606 to permit probation officers to to search only to public areas. But if, for ex- ing they can handle any problems with their arrest ‘‘a person without a warrant if there ample, a mother, who has opened her home arrest authority. But potential problems are is probable cause to believe that the person to her son on probation, blocks a probation best averted by law enforcement officers, has forcibly assaulted, resisted, opposed, im- officer from searching her bedroom for var- who not only have arrest authority, but peded, intimidated, or interfered with a pro- ious reasons (e.g., because her grandchildren ‘‘provide perimeter security, manage third bation officer, or a fellow probation officer, are in the bedroom), under POPA she could parties, provide special services such as K9 in violation of section 111. In other words, be arrested for ‘‘interfering’’ with the proba- support, and conduct initial security probation officers would be authorized to ar- tion officer. Such scenarios could deter peo- sweeps.’’ rest—without a warrant—any third party on ple from agreeing to host probationers who

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.009 H19MYPT1 H4372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017

have nowhere else to live. This would under- AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, forcement in order to arrest third parties. mine the probation system. These scenarios April 26, 2017. The reason is that probation officers lack also threaten an innocent third party’s abil- Re ACLU Opposes H.R. 1039, The Probation the training necessary to safely execute an ity to exercise his or her Fourth Amendment Officer Protection Act (POPA) of 2017. arrest, while the other law enforcement rights. Hon. BOB GOODLATTE, agents have the capacity to do so. Federal Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary, probation officers complete only six weeks of THERE ARE ALTERNATIVES TO POPA Washington, DC. orientation training. New law enforcement officers complete 16 to 21 weeks of classroom Since 2006, more than 80 state and county Hon. JOHN CONYERS, JR., Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary, training and they often must complete three criminal justice departments have adopted Washington, DC. additional weeks of field training. the Effective Practices in Community Super- DEAR CHAIRMAN GOODLATTE AND RANKING THE PROBATION OFFICER PROTECTION ACT IS vision (EPICS) model to improve relation- MEMBER CONYERS: On behalf of the American OVERLY BROAD AND RAISES FOURTH AMEND- ships between probation and parole officers Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), we urge you to MENT CONCERNS and their probationers or parolees. EPICS fo- oppose H.R. 1039, the Probation Officer Pro- Federal probation officers would be au- cuses on behavioral change rather than tection Act (POPA) of 2017, a bill that would thorized in POPA to arrest ‘‘a person with- threats of re-incarceration and officers play amend 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3606 to give federal pro- out a warrant if there is probable cause to a more direct role in changing criminal be- bation officers authority to arrest third par- believe that the person has forcibly as- havior. Reducing the hostility between the ties without a warrant. The ACLU represents saulted, resisted, opposed, impeded, intimi- probationer and the probation officer will almost 2 million members, activists, and dated, or interfered with a probation officer, likely cause less hostility between the offi- supporters who are working to advance the or a fellow probation officer.’’ Currently, 18 ACLU’s mission of defending the principles cer and third parties as well. U.S.C. § 3606 authorizes probation officers to of liberty and equality embodied in our Con- arrest probationers without a warrant based Probation officers can protect themselves stitution and our civil rights laws. on probable cause that the probationer has by enlisting the help of trained law enforce- H.R. 1039 is a solution in search of a prob- violated the conditions of his or her proba- ment. Every jurisdiction gives probation of- lem since there is no statistical or evidence tion or release. However, probation officers ficers the option of calling law enforcement otherwise to support the need to expand fed- do not have the training or on the job experi- officers for support when conducting home eral probation officers’ arrest authority. ence to make probable cause determinations visits, and law enforcement officers can ar- Federal probation officers are not at sub- necessary to make arrests of third parties rest hostile third parties if necessary. In stantial risk from third parties. Addition- compared to local law enforcement officers ally, H.R. 1039 creates safety concerns for Connecticut, probation officers do not have and the U.S. Marshals. both probation officers and the community A real world implication of giving federal the authority to make arrests but they may and has the potential of violating a third probation officers third party arrest author- detain an individual for a reasonable time party’s Fourth Amendment rights. ity could be that the mother of a son on pro- until a law enforcement officer arrives or THE PROBATION OFFICER PROTECTION ACT IS A bation is arrested for denying a probation of- transport the individual to the nearest loca- SOLUTION IN SEARCH OF A PROBLEM ficer access to her private space, like her tion where a law enforcement officer can There is no evidence suggesting that fed- bedroom. This bill would give a probation of- make an arrest. Calling more fully-trained eral probation officers need arrest authority ficer authority to decide that the mother’s law enforcement for backup is likely to pre- beyond what is currently authorized by law. decision constituted ‘‘interference’’ and sub- vent the situation from becoming more vola- One of the bill’s primary proponents, the sequently arrest her. Although probationers tile, and it is therefore preferable to proba- Federal Law Enforcement Officers Associa- willingly surrender some of their Fourth tion officer arrests. Additionally, probation tion (FLEOA), offers no helpful statistics to Amendment rights as a condition of proba- officers can be better trained on de-esca- support the position that federal probation tion, third parties housing a probationer do not when it comes to their private spaces. lation techniques and strategies to improve officers need third party arrest authority. the relationship between the probation offi- FLEOA’s statements are actually counter to THE PROBATION OFFICER PROTECTION ACT HINDERS SUCCESSFUL REENTRY cer and the probationer. their position. In a January 6, 2017, letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, FLEOA Allowing probation officers to arrest third Probation officers’ role within our judicial itself admits that ‘‘formal arrests by proba- parties would also inhibit successful reentry system is to assist with a probationer’s tran- tion officers are rare.’’ There is no data-driv- for probationers. Part of the benefit of the sition back into society and report to the en imperative for expanding federal proba- probation system is that it allows proba- court on a probationer’s progress. To expand tion officer arrest authority. tioners to live in society with their families probation officers’ authority to allow proba- In fact, the Federal Probation & Pretrial while they serve out their sentences and tion officers to arrest—without a warrant— Officers Association (FPPOA) February 13, transition to full reentry into the commu- any person whom they claim is opposing or 2017, letter states that in 2015, of the 987 nity. But the prospect of arrest for individ- impeding their work in some way is unneces- searches that were conducted, only 30 in- uals who assist people on probation reen- sary, likely to be dangerous, and would in- volved uncooperative third parties. That is tering their communities may deter family members from providing a home to people on hibit successful reentry. For the probation 3%. And furthermore, FPPOA does not indi- cate how many of those 30 incidents resulted probation. This also runs counter to part of system to work, we need the cooperation of in actual arrests. With federal probation offi- the mission of the U.S. Probation and Pre- the third parties contemplated by this bill— cers’ encounters involving so few uncoopera- trial Services, which is ‘‘to bring about long- family and friends—assisting probationers tive third parties and apparently even fewer term positive change in individuals under su- and individuals on supervised release as well incidents that actually result in arrest, the pervision.’’ as the probation officers visiting them. The federal probation officers’ own statistics lead For the reasons above, the ACLU opposes threat of arrests of third parties in a proba- to the conclusion that there is no need for the Probation Officer Protection Act and we tioner’s environment will erode the goodwill probation officers to execute arrests of third urge the Members to oppose this legislation necessary for that vital cooperation. parties. When probation officers face genuine when it is considered by the Committee. If physical danger, they should retreat and you have any questions or comments, please For the foregoing reasons, we urge you to seek the assistance of trained law enforce- feel free to contact Kanya Bennett, Legisla- oppose the Probation Officer Protection Act ment. tive Counsel. of 2017. If you have any questions, please Sincerely, THE PROBATION OFFICER PROTECTION ACT contact Sakira Cook, Senior Counsel, The FAIZ SHAKIR, WOULD PUT PROBATION OFFICERS IN DANGER Leadership Conference. National Political Director. Probation officers are not trained law en- Sincerely, KANYA BENNETT, forcement officers, so they should not be Legislative Counsel. The Leadership Conference on Civil and given increased police powers, the exercise of Human Rights, The American Civil Liberties which could put them in harm’s way. If pro- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I Union, AFL–CIO, African American Policy bation officers are given authority to re- ask my colleagues to support this Forum, Council on American-Islamic Rela- strain and arrest uncooperative third par- amendment, and I yield back the bal- tions (CAIR), Drug Policy Alliance, Equity ties, they are likely to heighten the physical ance of my time. Matters, Lambda Legal, MomsRising. danger for themselves and third parties. Mr. RATCLIFFE. Mr. Speaker, there Instead of engaging with resistant third NAACP, The NAACP Legal Defense and is no Fourth Amendment violation, the parties, probation officers should rely upon Educational Fund, National Association of bill makes no reference whatsoever to the assistance of trained local law enforce- the issue of searches, and there is no Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Associa- ment. This is the existing practice of proba- tion of Social Workers, National Center for tion officers, and according to their own sta- objection to the gentlewoman’s request Transgender Equality, The National Council tistics, this seems to work. Currently, fed- for a study. But there continues to be, of Churches, StoptheDrugWar.org, Trans eral probation officers are required to call in and needs to be, objection and opposi- United. the United States Marshals or other law en- tion to a sunset provision with respect

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.010 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4373 to the authority that probation officers The Clerk will redesignate the Faso Lamborn Rooney, Thomas Ferguson Lance J. need to perform their duties safely and amendment. Fitzpatrick Latta Ros-Lehtinen effectively. The Clerk redesignated the amend- Fleischmann Lewis (MN) Roskam Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ment. Flores LoBiondo Ross of my time. Fortenberry Long Rothfus The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Foxx Loudermilk Rouzer The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- question is on agreeing to the amend- Franks (AZ) Love Royce (CA) ant to the rule, the previous question ment. Frelinghuysen Lucas Rutherford is ordered on the bill and on the The vote was taken by electronic de- Gaetz Luetkemeyer Scalise amendment offered by the gentle- Gallagher MacArthur Schweikert vice, and there were—yeas 178, nays Garrett Marchant Scott, Austin woman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). 229, not voting 23, as follows: Gibbs Marino Sensenbrenner Gohmert Marshall Sessions The question is on the amendment [Roll No. 267] offered by the gentlewoman from Texas Goodlatte Mast Shimkus YEAS—178 Gosar McCarthy Shuster (Ms. JACKSON LEE). Gottheimer McCaul Simpson Adams Frankel (FL) Nadler The question was taken; and the Gowdy McClintock Sires Aguilar Fudge Neal Granger McHenry Smith (MO) Speaker pro tempore announced that Amash Gabbard Nolan Graves (GA) McKinley Smith (NE) the noes appeared to have it. Barraga´ n Gallego Norcross Graves (LA) McMorris Smith (NJ) Bass Garamendi O’Halleran Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, on Graves (MO) Rodgers Smith (TX) Beatty Gonzalez (TX) O’Rourke that I demand the yeas and nays. Grothman McSally Smucker Bera Green, Al Pallone Guthrie Meadows Stefanik The yeas and nays were ordered. Beyer Green, Gene Panetta Harper Meehan Stewart The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bishop (GA) Griffith Payne Harris Meeks Stivers Blumenauer Grijalva Pelosi ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the order Hartzler Messer Taylor Blunt Rochester Hanabusa Peters Hensarling Mitchell Tenney of the House of today, further pro- Bonamici Hastings Pingree Herrera Beutler Moolenaar Thompson (PA) ceedings on this question will be post- Boyle, Brendan Heck Pocan Hice, Jody B. Mullin Thornberry F. Higgins (NY) Polis poned. Higgins (LA) Murphy (FL) Tiberi Brady (PA) Hoyer Posey Hill Murphy (PA) Tipton f Brown (MD) Huffman Price (NC) Himes Nunes Trott Brownley (CA) Jackson Lee Quigley RECESS Holding Olson Turner Bustos Jayapal Raskin Hollingsworth Palazzo Upton Butterfield Jeffries Rice (NY) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Hudson Palmer Valadao Capuano Johnson (GA) Rosen ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Huizenga Pascrell Vela Carbajal Johnson, E. B. Roybal-Allard Hultgren Paulsen Walberg declares the House in recess until ap- Carson (IN) Jones Ruiz Hunter Pearce Walden proximately 11:15 a.m. today. Cartwright Kaptur Ruppersberger Hurd Perlmutter Walker Castor (FL) Keating Rush Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 58 min- Issa Perry Walorski Castro (TX) Kelly (IL) Ryan (OH) utes a.m.), the House stood in recess. Jenkins (KS) Peterson Walters, Mimi Chu, Judy Kennedy Sa´ nchez Jenkins (WV) Pittenger Weber (TX) f Cicilline Khanna Sanford Johnson (LA) Poe (TX) Webster (FL) Clark (MA) Kihuen Sarbanes Johnson (OH) Poliquin Welch b 1116 Clarke (NY) Kildee Schakowsky Jordan Ratcliffe Wenstrup Cleaver Kilmer Schiff AFTER RECESS Joyce (OH) Reed Westerman Clyburn Kind Schneider Kelly (MS) Reichert Williams Cohen Krishnamoorthi Schrader The recess having expired, the House Kelly (PA) Renacci Wilson (SC) Connolly Kuster (NH) Scott (VA) was called to order by the Speaker pro King (IA) Rice (SC) Wittman Conyers Langevin Scott, David King (NY) Roby Womack tempore (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsyl- Correa Larsen (WA) Serrano Kinzinger Roe (TN) Woodall Courtney Lawrence Sewell (AL) vania) at 11 o’clock and 16 minutes Knight Rogers (AL) Yoder Crist Lawson (FL) Shea-Porter a.m. Kustoff (TN) Rogers (KY) Yoho Crowley Levin Sherman Labrador Rohrabacher Young (AK) f Cuellar Lewis (GA) Sinema LaHood Rokita Young (IA) Cummings Lieu, Ted Slaughter LaMalfa Rooney, Francis Zeldin ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Davis (CA) Lipinski Smith (WA) PRO TEMPORE Davis, Danny Loebsack Soto NOT VOTING—23 DeFazio Lowenthal Speier The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- DeGette Lowey Suozzi Blackburn Duncan (SC) Newhouse ´ ´ ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the order Delaney Lujan Grisham, Takano Cardenas Gutierrez Noem DeLauro M. Thompson (CA) Chaffetz Johnson, Sam Richmond of the House of today, proceedings will Clay Katko resume on questions previously post- DelBene Luja´ n, Ben Ray Titus Russell Demings Lynch Tonko Cole Larson (CT) Swalwell (CA) poned. DeSaulnier Maloney, Torres Costa Lee Thompson (MS) Votes will be taken in the following Deutch Carolyn B. Tsongas Crawford Lofgren Wagner Curbelo (FL) Napolitano order: Dingell Maloney, Sean Vargas Adopting the amendment to H.R. Doggett Massie Veasey Doyle, Michael Matsui Vela´ zquez b 1139 1039; F. McCollum Visclosky Passing H.R. 1039, if ordered; and Ellison McEachin Walz Messrs. COOK, WALDEN, SMITH of Agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of Engel McGovern Wasserman Texas, LABRADOR, Mrs. MCMORRIS Eshoo McNerney Schultz RODGERS, Messrs. ROKITA, MCCAR- the Journal, if ordered. Espaillat Meng Waters, Maxine The first electronic vote will be con- Esty (CT) Mooney (WV) Watson Coleman THY, BISHOP of Michigan, and WITT- ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining Evans Moore Wilson (FL) MAN changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ to electronic votes will be conducted as 5- Foster Moulton Yarmuth ‘‘nay.’’ minute votes. NAYS—229 Messrs. NOLAN, CLYBURN, HOYER, f Abraham Brat Conaway SANFORD, and Mrs. LOWEY changed Aderholt Bridenstine Cook their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to ‘‘yea.’’ PROBATION OFFICER PROTECTION Allen Brooks (AL) Cooper So the amendment was rejected. ACT OF 2017 Amodei Brooks (IN) Costello (PA) Arrington Buchanan Cramer The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Babin Buck Culberson as above recorded. finished business is the question on Bacon Bucshon Davidson The SPEAKER pro tempore. The adopting the amendment to the bill Banks (IN) Budd Davis, Rodney question is on the engrossment and Barletta Burgess Denham (H.R. 1039) to amend section 3606 of Barr Byrne Dent third reading of the bill. title 18, United States Code, to grant Barton Calvert DeSantis The bill was ordered to be engrossed probation officers authority to arrest Bergman Carter (GA) DesJarlais and read a third time, and was read the Biggs Carter (TX) Diaz-Balart hostile third parties who obstruct or Bilirakis Chabot Donovan third time. impede a probation officer in the per- Bishop (MI) Cheney Duffy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The formance of official duties, offered by Bishop (UT) Coffman Duncan (TN) question is on the passage of the bill. the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. Black Collins (GA) Dunn The question was taken; and the Blum Collins (NY) Emmer JACKSON LEE), on which the yeas and Bost Comer Estes (KS) Speaker pro tempore announced that nays were ordered. Brady (TX) Comstock Farenthold the ayes appeared to have it.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.016 H19MYPT1 H4374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, on Brownley (CA) Hoyer Perry have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 267 and that I demand the yeas and nays. Bustos Huffman Peters Butterfield Jackson Lee Pingree ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 268. The yeas and nays were ordered. Capuano Jayapal Pocan PERSONAL EXPLANATION The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Carbajal Jeffries Polis Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I will be a 5-minute vote. Carson (IN) Jenkins (KS) Posey Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. missed votes on account of a family obligation The vote was taken by electronic de- Price (NC) Castro (TX) Jones Quigley in the district. Had I been present, I would vice, and there were—yeas 229, nays Chu, Judy Jordan Raskin have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 267 and 177, not voting 24, as follows: Cicilline Kelly (IL) Rice (NY) Clark (MA) Kelly (MS) ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 268. Rohrabacher [Roll No. 268] Clarke (NY) Kennedy PERSONAL EXPLANATION Rokita Cleaver Khanna YEAS—229 Roybal-Allard Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to Clyburn Kihuen Abraham Goodlatte Ruiz Pascrell Cohen Kildee attend the vote series on May 19, 2017. Had Aderholt Gottheimer Paulsen Comer Kilmer Ruppersberger I been present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on Allen Gowdy Pearce Connolly Krishnamoorthi Rush Amodei Granger rollcall No. 267 and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 268. Perlmutter Conyers Kuster (NH) Ryan (OH) Arrington Graves (LA) Peterson Crowley Lamborn Sa´ nchez PERSONAL EXPLANATION Bacon Graves (MO) Pittenger Cummings Larsen (WA) Sanford Barletta Grothman Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, Poe (TX) Davidson Lawrence Sarbanes Barr Guthrie on Friday, May 19th 2017, I was not present Poliquin Davis (CA) Levin Schakowsky Barton Harper Ratcliffe Davis, Danny Lewis (GA) Schiff for rollcall votes 267 and 268. If I had been Bergman Harris Reed DeGette Lewis (MN) Schneider present for these votes, I would have voted: Biggs Hartzler Reichert DelBene Lieu, Ted Schweikert Bilirakis Hensarling ‘‘Yea’’ on rollcall vote 267 and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall Renacci DeSaulnier Loebsack Scott (VA) Bishop (MI) Herrera Beutler Rice (SC) Deutch Loudermilk Scott, David vote 268. Bishop (UT) Hice, Jody B. Roby Dingell Lowenthal Serrano Black Higgins (LA) f Roe (TN) Doggett Lowey Blum Higgins (NY) Sewell (AL) Rogers (AL) Doyle, Michael Lujan Grisham, Bost Holding Shea-Porter THE JOURNAL Rogers (KY) F. M. Boyle, Brendan Hollingsworth Sherman Rooney, Francis Duncan (TN) Luja´ n, Ben Ray F. Hudson Slaughter The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Rooney, Thomas Ellison Maloney, Brady (TX) Huizenga Smith (MO) finished business is the question on J. Engel Carolyn B. Brooks (AL) Hultgren Smith (WA) Ros-Lehtinen Espaillat Massie agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of Brooks (IN) Hunter Soto Esty (CT) Matsui the Journal, which the Chair will put Buchanan Hurd Rosen Takano Evans McCollum Buck Issa Roskam Tipton de novo. Foster McEachin Bucshon Jenkins (WV) Ross Titus Frankel (FL) McGovern The question is on the Speaker’s ap- Budd Johnson (GA) Rothfus Fudge McNerney Tonko proval of the Journal. Burgess Johnson (LA) Rouzer Gabbard Meadows Torres Byrne Johnson (OH) Royce (CA) Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Gallego Meeks Tsongas Calvert Joyce (OH) Rutherford nal stands approved. Garrett Meng Vargas Carter (GA) Kaptur Scalise Gonzalez (TX) Messer Veasey Carter (TX) Keating Schrader f Gosar Mooney (WV) Vela´ zquez Cartwright Kelly (PA) Scott, Austin Graves (GA) Moore Visclosky Chabot Kind Sensenbrenner COMMUNICATION FROM THE Green, Al Moulton Walz Cheney King (IA) Sessions DEMOCRATIC LEADER Green, Gene Nadler Wasserman Coffman King (NY) Shimkus Griffith Nolan Schultz Collins (GA) Kinzinger Shuster The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Grijalva Norcross Waters, Maxine Collins (NY) Knight Simpson fore the House the following commu- Hanabusa O’Rourke Watson Coleman Comstock Kustoff (TN) Sinema Hastings Pallone Welch nication from the Honorable NANCY Conaway Labrador Sires Heck Panetta Wilson (FL) PELOSI, Democratic Leader: Cook LaHood Smith (NE) Hill Payne Wittman Cooper LaMalfa MAY 18, 2017. Smith (NJ) Himes Pelosi Yarmuth Correa Lance Smith (TX) Hon. PAUL D. RYAN, Costello (PA) Langevin Smucker NOT VOTING—24 Speaker of the House, U.S. Capitol, Courtney Latta Speier Blackburn Demings Napolitano Washington, DC. Cramer Lawson (FL) Stefanik Ca´ rdenas Duncan (SC) Newhouse DEAR SPEAKER RYAN: Pursuant to Section Crist Lipinski Stewart Chaffetz Gutie´rrez Noem Cuellar LoBiondo 4 of the United States Semiquincentennial Stivers Clay Johnson, Sam Richmond Culberson Long Commission Act of 2016 (Pub. L. 114–196), I Suozzi Cole Katko Russell Davis, Rodney Love am pleased to appoint the following Mem- Taylor Costa Larson (CT) Swalwell (CA) DeFazio Lucas bers to serve as Commissioners to the United Tenney Crawford Lee Thompson (MS) Delaney Luetkemeyer Thompson (CA) Curbelo (FL) Lofgren Wagner States Semiquincentennial Commission: DeLauro Lynch Thompson (PA) The Honorable Robert Brady of Pennsyl- Denham MacArthur Thornberry b 1147 vania Dent Maloney, Sean Tiberi DeSantis Marchant So the bill was passed. The Honorable Joseph Crowley of New Trott DesJarlais Marino York Turner The result of the vote was announced Diaz-Balart Marshall And from private life: Upton as above recorded. Donovan Mast Richard Trumka of Rockville, Maryland Valadao Duffy McCarthy A motion to reconsider was laid on Thank you for your attention to these rec- Dunn McCaul Vela the table. Walberg ommendations. Emmer McClintock Stated against: Sincerely, Eshoo McHenry Walden Estes (KS) McKinley Walker Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, during rollcall NANCY PELOSI, Farenthold McMorris Walorski Vote No. 268 on H.R. 1039, I mistakenly re- Democratic Leader. Faso Rodgers Walters, Mimi corded my vote as ‘‘yea’’ when I should have Weber (TX) f Ferguson McSally voted ‘‘No.’’ Fitzpatrick Meehan Webster (FL) Fleischmann Mitchell Wenstrup Mrs. DEMINGS. Mr. Speaker, my vote did COMMUNICATION FROM THE Flores Moolenaar Westerman not register when I used my voting card. I DEMOCRATIC LEADER Fortenberry Mullin Williams have reported the malfunctioning card to the Foxx Murphy (FL) Wilson (SC) The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Franks (AZ) Murphy (PA) Womack Clerk’s office. Had I been present, I would fore the House the following commu- Frelinghuysen Neal Woodall have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall No. 268. nication from the Honorable NANCY Gaetz Nunes Yoder PERSONAL EXPLANATION PELOSI, Democratic Leader: Gallagher O’Halleran Yoho Garamendi Olson Young (AK) Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, circumstances MAY 18, 2017. Gibbs Palazzo Young (IA) have arisen, which caused me to return home Hon. PAUL RYAN, Gohmert Palmer Zeldin to Oklahoma early; however, had I been Speaker of the House, U.S. Capitol, NAYS—177 present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall Washington, DC. No. 267 and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 268. DEAR SPEAKER RYAN: Pursuant to Section Adams Bass Blunt Rochester 114(b) of the John C. Stennis Center for Pub- Aguilar Beatty Bonamici PERSONAL EXPLANATION lic Service Training and Development Act (2 Amash Bera Brady (PA) Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, unfortu- Babin Beyer Brat U.S.C. 1103), I hereby reappoint the Honor- Banks (IN) Bishop (GA) Bridenstine nately, I was unable to be present for votes on able Terri A. Sewell of Alabama to the Board Barraga´ n Blumenauer Brown (MD) May 19, 2017. Had I been present, I would of Trustees for the John C. Stennis Center

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.020 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4375 for Public Service Training and Development more costly for farmers to protect the majority has failed to meet its ob- for a term of six years. their crops and our Nation’s food sup- ligation to pass a budget on time. Sincerely, ply. Now, again, I want to quickly note NANCY PELOSI, In addition, the CDC reports that that both parties have failed to meet Democratic Leader. there are still 119 cases of individuals that deadline in times past, but I can- f with Zika in the United States and 495 not remember us being as late in the LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM cases in U.S. territories. With the sum- session in getting to the appropriations mer season approaching, this bill will process, because there really has been (Mr. HOYER asked and was given ensure we can use pesticides to control no direction from the administration permission to address the House for 1 mosquitos. as to what their budget priorities minute.) Finally, Mr. Speaker, I want to take should be, would be, other than the so- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield to a moment to thank a true public serv- called ‘‘skinny budget’’ that was sent the gentleman from California (Mr. ant. Next week, Brian Cooper will re- down, which, in my view, almost every MCCARTHY) for the purpose of the ma- tire from the House Parliamentarian’s Member of Congress thought was a to- jority leader telling us in-depth the Office after 35 years on Capitol Hill. tally unrealistic, unadoptable, and un- schedule for the weeks to come. Brian is a professional in every sense worthy budget priority document; and (Mr. MCCARTHY asked and was of the word. Much of his work is done if it were to be adopted, the security of given permission to revise and extend behind the scenes, but it has not gone the United States, both abroad and at his remarks.) unnoticed. From timekeeping to proc- home, would be put at substantial risk. So, Mr. Majority Leader, can you Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I essing bills, to preparing for joint ses- provide some indication? I know it is thank the gentleman for yielding. sions, Brian has made sure this body Mr. Speaker, on Monday, the House not on the floor next week. works in an orderly and fair way. It is And I want to say that I join with the will meet at 10 a.m. for morning hour my understanding that even my prede- and 2 p.m. for legislative business. majority leader. The issue of human cessor, Bill Thomas, could not chal- trafficking is one of the critical issues Votes will be postponed until 6:30. On lenge Brian’s timekeeping. Tuesday and Wednesday, the House that confronts us, as a country, and the On behalf of all those on this side of global community. It puts millions of will meet at 10 a.m. for morning hour the aisle, we wish you well in your re- and noon for legislative business. On young women and young men at risk— tirement, Brian, and from a very grate- and not so young men and women at Thursday, the House will meet at 9 ful nation for your service. I am sure a.m. for legislative business. Last votes risk—on a daily basis. It is appropriate you are ready to trade late nights on that we deal with this issue. Hopefully, of the week are expected no later than this floor for late nights watching the 3 p.m. On Friday, no votes are expected we will deal with it, as the majority Orioles play baseball. leader said, in a bipartisan fashion and in the House. Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank that we will produce more effective Mr. Speaker, the House will consider the gentleman from California for ways to stop and to hold accountable a number of suspensions next week, a those remarks. those who put human beings at risk by complete list of which will be an- I want to join him in thanking our human slavery. nounced by close of business today. colleague, Brian Cooper. I am not sure, But can the gentleman tell me when This list will include a series of bills to Brian, that I adopt the sentiments of the Budget Committee will mark up a honor our Nation’s veterans. the majority leader with respect to budget and when we will have such a With Memorial Day around the cor- what Mr. Thomas could and could not budget considered on the floor? ner, it is important for this House to do. Apparently he chose not to, and I yield to my friend. show our appreciation to those who that is good. Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I have defended our freedoms, especially But, Brian Cooper, we want to thank thank my friend for yielding. the men and women who made the ulti- you for three and a half decades of As my friend knows, we do expect to mate sacrifice in defense of our Nation. service to this House; three and a half receive the formal budget request from Mr. Speaker, next week in the House decades of service to this House in a the President next week, which, as my is Combating Human Trafficking and role that most people, including Mem- friend also knows, is common for the Child Protection Week. bers of this House, would not recognize, first year of a new administration. Now, as the gentleman said, maybe In addition to a series of suspensions, but that is critically important to the this is later, but this is the latest in the House will consider H.R. 1973, the good management and flow of the peo- Protecting Young Victims from Sexual the history of America that any Presi- ple’s business through this House. dent has had to wait for a Cabinet, Abuse Act, sponsored by Representa- As the majority leader referenced, he tive SUSAN BROOKS. This bill would re- which is always helpful. He still has will continue to root for the Baltimore many more positions to be filled and quire prompt reporting of suspected Orioles because he is from Baltimore. cases of abuse, as well as implementa- confirmed, and as that progresses, I He is a Marylander, and we are very think actions will be able to move for- tion of procedures for addressing such proud of him. I want to thank him for allegations. ward even faster. his service and wish him the very best But, as is tradition, the Budget Com- We will also consider H.R. 1761, the in the days ahead. mittee has announced its intention to Protecting Against Child Exploitation I now will go to the schedule. host OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, as Act, sponsored by Representative MIKE the gentleman knows, a former col- JOHNSON. This bill would protect vic- b 1200 league here, to answer questions Mem- tims of sexual abuse by ensuring that By law, under the Budget Control bers may have about the President’s predators who send explicit content are Act, a budget is supposed to be brought budget request following its release. subject to appropriate punishment. to this floor on April 15. The majority This will kick off the regular order Mr. Speaker, human trafficking is an leader would quickly observe that nei- process of the committee work on incredibly serious issue in our Nation. ther Democrats nor Republicans have crafting an FY 2018 budget resolution. With the passage of these bipartisan always met that deadline. However, we Likewise, with appropriations, the bills, we will show our continued com- are unusually late in the budget proc- committee is looking forward to mark- mitment to ending this modern-day ess, in my view, and despite months of ing up bills through regular order. form of slavery, while supporting and promising to return to regular order, Now, as soon as action is scheduled for assisting all survivors. we have not yet done so as it relates to the floor, the gentleman will know Now, lastly, Mr. Speaker, the House the budget, and the budget has not that I will notify all Members. will consider H.R. 953, the Reducing been marked up in committee, Mr. Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman. Regulatory Burdens Act, sponsored by Speaker. With respect to the appropriations Representative BOB GIBBS. My district Monday marked the statutory date process, as the gentleman knows, there is home to many hardworking farmers, by which the Appropriations Com- are 12 discrete appropriation bills deal- so I know this issue quite well. This mittee no longer has to wait to bring ing with national security and domes- bill will reduce red tape that makes it bills to the floor of the House because tic spending. Can the gentleman tell

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.022 H19MYPT1 H4376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 me whether or not we still intend to publicans voting against it and a sig- more than 113 hearings. That is more consider, on a timely basis, discretely, nificant number of Republicans who than the number of hearings you had that is, one at a time, the 12 appropria- voted for it saying ‘‘no, I haven’t read for ObamaCare. tion bills? the bill’’ in response to inquiries from Our bill is less than 150 pages. That is I don’t think any of them have been the press. thousands of pages less than marked up as of this point in time. Ob- That afternoon, Mr. Speaker, there ObamaCare. viously, not having a budget would pre- were buses out in front of the Capitol You talk of CBO. You know that CBO clude that from happening. I under- to take my Republican colleagues down scored this bill, but those eight pages stand that. But, as the gentleman to the White House to cheer its pas- of amendments you were shocked by. knows and I know from experience of sage, an accomplishment of what our You shouldn’t be shocked to know the serving on the appropriations process, Republican colleagues had pledged for 6 rules of the House, that you do not frankly, it was at the beginning of this years. move a bill until the CBO score of month, historically, that we would Mr. Speaker, you can imagine my those eight pages is done. That will be start to mark up appropriation bills, shock, chagrin, and surprise when I done next week, and we will move it with the intent to use much of June learned yesterday that bill has not right along. and July for the purposes of passing ap- gone to the Senate. Apparently, it has But let’s go on further because I do propriations bills so that we might gone from one chair to maybe the want history to be written correctly. send them to the Senate for consider- other chair in the desks before me. It We marked up this bill in three sepa- ation and have some chance of getting has been held, Mr. Speaker. It has been rate committees, with over 18 hours of them done prior to the expiration of held because there was no CBO score to debate in Ways and Means and over 27 the fiscal year on September 30. ensure that, in fact, it complied with hours of debate in Energy and Com- Does the gentleman anticipate that the rules. merce. We debated countless amend- we will be considering separately the 12 A lot of talk about regular order, Mr. ments in committees, from both Re- appropriation bills between now and Speaker. publicans and Democrats, even the the August break? So the bill that was cheered at the ones where the Democrats asked that I yield to my friend. White House and the President saying they change the name to have some Mr. MCCARTHY. I thank the gen- ‘‘I’m so glad this passed,’’ apparently, hashtag. We spent hours on that, but tleman for yielding. may not have passed this House in a we did that because we believed that The gentleman will be happy to know form that is consistent with the rules. was important to you. that Appropriations has already held 47 And so, my colleagues, I want you to Now, our bill eliminates the many hearings dealing with FY 2018, so, as we know that you may think you have taxes and mandates of ObamaCare. It receive the President’s budget and are passed the bill, but it is still here 2 gives patients enhanced tools to take able to ask questions of the OMB Di- weeks later. control of their own healthcare deci- rector, we will continue to move for- I am not sure, Mr. Speaker, why we sions, and it expands choice for Ameri- ward. But it is our intention always to couldn’t have waited for a CBO score, cans. go through regular order and, in all other than the political imperative of So, yes, I am shocked every day I cases, if possible, individually, down going home and having Members be read the paper that more Americans onto the floor. able to say, ‘‘We passed the bill.’’ are going to lose their healthcare if Mr. HOYER. Well, I hope that we do, Well, it is still here, folks. It is still ObamaCare stays where it is or that in fact, get that done. within the bosom of the House, warmly people will even pay more, because I Now, Mr. Leader, I was shocked yes- embraced, aging, unfortunately, not to remember the promise the President terday to learn that the process that, perfection. made that our premiums would go from my perspective and our side’s per- And so, Mr. Speaker, I would ask the down or we could keep our own doctor, spective, was extraordinarily acceler- majority leader: When might we pass which so many thousands of Americans ated, undermining the opportunity for this bill? Is the bill going to have an- found out to be a lie. careful and thorough consideration, other hearing? Are we going to wait for So, Mr. Speaker, I understand poli- the bill that is known as the American the CBO score? And will another vote tics. I understand the phrases and the Health Care Act, or otherwise known be necessary to, again, confirm the 217– adjectives people can use, but there is as the bill to attempt to repeal the Af- 213 votes? no reason to be shocked that we kept fordable Care Act. That bill, as the I will not ask you whether or not you our word of what we would do for the gentleman knows, was introduced on think you still have 217 votes, but let last 6 years. There is no reason to be March 6. It had not a single hearing me ask you: When might this bill be shocked that the American public put and was marked up less than 2 full days considered again on this floor? And a majority in the House and the Senate later in the Ways and Means Com- when might this bill go to the United and the Presidency which, I would mittee, on March 8. It was marked up States Senate, as everybody thought it argue for the main purpose, that they on March 8 and 9 in the Energy and had on the 4th of May? want greater choice in their healthcare Commerce Committee, in the Budget I yield to my friend, the majority system. Committee on March 16, in the Rules leader, Mr. Speaker. So, yes, if I go to Iowa, I go to Ten- Committee on March 22, and brought Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I nessee, those 16 counties there that to the floor with a CBO score on March thank the gentleman for yielding. will no longer have healthcare—or 23. In other words, in my view, Mr. I thank him for his long question. what about Aetna? You didn’t even Speaker, it moved so quickly that no Mr. HOYER. But he got the point, I mention them pulling out of Virginia. one could have given it thoughtful con- am sure. You weren’t shocked by that either. sideration. In fact, Mr. Speaker, on Mr. MCCARTHY. Let me first answer But you know what? Eight pages of March 24, that bill was brought to the the number of points you have made amendments that stayed out there for floor, was subjected to some debate, because I want history to be written everybody to read—not more than and then was pulled. The judgment was correctly. 2,000—yes, we will wait until the CBO made that, apparently, it was not First of all, you were shocked. I don’t finishes scoring the amendments and ready for prime time. know why you were shocked. I thought send it to the Senate. Yes, we know That bill was then brought back to you were going to say you were what is in those amendments, just as the floor some 2-plus weeks, about 2 shocked that that exact same week, everybody else had the opportunity to weeks later, on Thursday, May 4 of this when you read the paper, 94 counties read them, just as we went through the year. It was passed on a Thursday, not- out of 99 in Iowa would have no Rules Committee. withstanding the fact it had not been healthcare if ObamaCare continued to noted for consideration on Thursday at go forward. I thought that would have b 1215 the beginning of the week or in the shocked you. So there are lots of things to be week prior. It passed on a vote of 217– Then, when you wanted to put dates shocked by, but don’t ever be shocked 213, with a significant number of Re- down and talk about hearings, we had by: We go by the rules of the House. I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.025 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4377 think you should be shocked by the Now, the majority leader, Mr. Speak- people; a lot of them are Stanford number of faces, the number of fami- er, has not told me when we are going grads. Here are the facts, because they lies that will not have healthcare if we to consider that bill again or if we are just went and analyzed the first 100 did not act. going to need to consider that bill days: Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, we have again. And perhaps the honest answer In the first 100 days, President had a similar conversation before, and is the majority leader does not have Trump signed 30 pieces of legislation the majority leader would love to rely that knowledge as to whether he is into law. Now, that is more than Presi- on the hearings that were held before going to have to bring that bill to the dent Obama, Bush, Clinton, or H.W. this bill that we passed was introduced. floor again because he is going to need Bush signed in their first 100 days. The 113 hearings were on the repeal. the CBO score to make that determina- Only once before in history has a This bill, as surely the majority leader tion. I understand that. And we should Congressional Review Act been signed knows and Members who voted on it have waited, Mr. Speaker, not rushed into law, only one. Now we have 14 know, was not repealed. It does not re- to judgment. overturned regulations through the peal. He talks about hearings. There were Congressional Review Act, saving Now, it is said that the gentleman is no hearings on this bill. One reason Americans $3.7 billion in regulatory correct that the insurance industry has there were no hearings on these bills is cost, and 4.2 million hours in filling out been very badly roiled, and confidence because my Republican colleagues have paperwork. in the marketplace has been very badly been having town meetings, and they Now, my favorite quote of this re- undermined by this administration are hearing about the public’s thoughts port, this House, the one we stand in since its first day in office, and badly about their bill. And some of them are today, passed 103 bills out of this undermined by the Republicans’ con- not having town meetings because they Chamber, edging out former Speaker tinued attempts to repeal, and passage don’t want to hear any more than they PELOSI’s House as the most productive of repeal legislation that didn’t become wanted to have hearings here in the during the first 100 days of a Presi- law, and so insurers have, in fact, lost House to hear what the public thought. dency since H.W. Bush. Now, just this week we passed the confidence that the marketplace will So, Mr. Speaker, I am hoping that Modernizing Government Technology be stable, an absolutely critical compo- the majority leader will be able to, per- Act, and I do thank my friend for his nent of pricing their product correctly. haps at some point in time in the rel- hard work on this. It is going to up- The administration continues, as atively near future, give us a clear pic- grade government IT to better serve does the House itself and the Repub- ture as to when we may either consider our constituents. So if we are shocked, lican leadership in the Senate, to un- this bill again or when we are going to maybe that shocked you. Maybe we dermine the confidence that there will send it to the United States Senate; ought to stop playing politics. Maybe be a market. So, yes, Mr. Speaker, the flawed, though, it may be. we ought to stop blaming things that majority leader is correct. The insur- Mr. Speaker, I will be glad to yield to just aren’t even there. Maybe we ought ance market is not as stable. But al- my friend, the majority leader, if he to just take responsibility for where we most everybody who speaks to that— would like to say something further. If currently are, understand that this is and there is a Los Angeles Times story not, I will yield back. the greatest Nation on the face of the today, relatively lengthy on that—in Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I Earth, and it was ‘‘. . . conceived in terms of what steps the administration thank the gentleman for yielding. liberty, and dedicated to the propo- I am actually shocked. I don’t want has taken from the very beginning, sition that all men are created equal.’’ starting with the IRS, don’t worry to put words in your mouth, but did No, we are not going to blame others about the mandate. Don’t worry about you actually make the argument that for our problems. And if you want to go the fact you have insurance. those 94 counties out of 99 in Iowa along that line, I can go into all of the It is like the automobile people say- pulled out just because we were bring- things that were promised in the more ing, don’t worry about having auto- ing a bill up? than 2,000 pages of ObamaCare. mobile insurance; there is going to be Did you actually believe the 18 out of But you know what? no penalty. Well, if that was the case, 23 CO-OPs that were given more than Today I live currently, and what I I bet you a lot of people would not have $2 billion pulled out because somehow currently see is that 18 of the 23 CO- automobile insurance, and if they hit they knew we would probably capture OPs have collapsed. And the current you, you would be exposed to the ex- the White House, too, and keep the law says we are going to penalize the pense yourself. Senate and the House? So that is why people who actually paid the CO-OPs to Now, Mr. Speaker, the majority lead- it failed? get their healthcare, but they have no er says he wants to follow the rules. Or maybe those 16 counties in Ten- healthcare to get. They want to follow regular order, and, nessee that were told almost a year ago I want to read the facts where more of course, they will do that. My, my, that they wouldn’t have healthcare the Americans took the penalty or the ex- my. next year; somehow people could look emption than actually signed up for Mr. Speaker, on May 4 of this month, into the future, and just because a Re- ObamaCare; that prior to a bill even why did we not have such a CBO score? publican took office, that is who we are passing on this floor—something we He says we didn’t send it because the going to blame? promised for 6 years—that a number of rule will not allow us unless we have a I know President Bush is no longer companies pulled out because it was CBO score. here, but do we have to continue to put not working. But the biggest shock I Frankly, I think there are some addi- blame on others instead of having the had all week is that somehow it is our tional reasons because they are not facts? fault. sure that they are complying with the So let’s talk about a few things. Now, I could not look an American in the Byrd rule in the United States Senate, let’s be clear of what you asked me ear- eye knowing the knowledge that we all and they have got to see. So they may lier because, I apologize, I got off—you have. I don’t care what party you are have to pass this again, to which the had a lot of adjectives out there. I in; you don’t sit on a carpet that has majority leader did not address him- wanted to make sure that I had an- red on one side and blue on the other. self. swered them all. But I am very con- This is the American House. You know But there was no reason not to wait fident that this bill will hit the mark people are hurting. You know people other than politics, other than to have for reconciliation and it will move have lost their doctors. You know they those buses go down to the Capitol and across the aisle over to the other are pulling out of these counties. Don’t cheer one another. They had no idea Chambers. make up some political spin to make what CBO is going to come up with Now, you talk about the House, and yourself feel better for some vote. next week. So they did not wait, con- you are going to blame us for every- We promised we would repeal sistent with the rules. We should have thing. Let’s go to facts. They are not ObamaCare and give people greater had a score when we passed the bill. my facts. There is a recent report from choice. That is what we did. You dis- But that was not convenient for the Quorum, which is a data analysis com- agree with it, then disagree with it, but politics of repeal. pany in D.C. These are bright, young don’t lay blame where it is not true.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.027 H19MYPT1 H4378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 Mr. Speaker, I yield back. dermine the confidence of the market- lionfish can earn one tag to fish red Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank place. Everybody knows that con- snapper, gag grouper, triggerfish, or the gentleman for yielding, and I lis- fidence is an important factor in any amberjack whenever they want. Any- tened to his comments with interest. I marketplace. one who kills 100 lionfish has done want to touch on a number of com- I am sure we are going to debate this their part to save hundreds, if not ments he made, however. again. Mr. Speaker, again, I would sim- thousands, of coveted reef fish. First of all, in a very partisan vote ply ask: Is this bill coming back to the The Reef Assassin Act costs no from 3 a.m. in the morning until 6 a.m. House? Will we expect another vote on money and uses our natural resources in the morning, my Republican col- it? to protect our natural resources. I en- leagues passed a bill in a partisan fash- The CBO report is due next week. I courage my colleagues to support the ion—there were a few Democrats; not believe that if, in fact, we are going to Reef Assassin Act. many—that passed part D prescription schedule that, we ought to at least be f drugs for seniors. given notice that that either is or may We voted against that. And then we be a piece of legislation that will be on CONGRATULATING LEIGHTON took the majority. And what did we do, the floor next week, prior to our break DURHAM IV Mr. Speaker? We acted in a way to en- for Memorial Day. (Mr. VEASEY asked and was given sure that the part D prescription drug I yield to my friend. permission to address the House for 1 package that the Republicans had Mr. MCCARTHY. As I said earlier, minute.) passed in the previous Congress did, in this is a technical issue. I have all the Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise fact, work; and it is a success today be- confidence in the world the CBO score today to congratulate Leighton Dur- cause we did that. will come back, we will meet the rec- ham IV of Dallas, Texas, as he and his That is exactly the opposite of what onciliation number, and we will move family celebrate his selection as an our Republican colleagues did, Mr. it to the Senate. Eagle Scout. Speaker, with respect to the Affordable If my colleague wants to schedule The Boy Scouts of America has a Care Act. In fact, the Affordable Care something, I will schedule with you. long tradition of preparing young men Act, as my friend knows and polling We can walk the bill over there to- for leadership, and the Eagle Scout now shows that over 55 percent of gether. I believe the American people award recognizes the highest rank Americans believe that the Affordable are waiting for it. within that program. Only 4 percent of Care Act ought to be kept; and 75 per- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I yield Boy Scouts are granted this recogni- cent of them, three out of four Ameri- back the balance of my time. tion, after a lengthy review process cans, believe we ought to fix the Af- f which includes the verification of 21 fordable Care Act, not repeal it. merit badges, a demonstrated Scout ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, MAY That has not changed, however, the spirit, and a youth-led service project. 22, 2017 Republicans’ attempt and rhetoric to For Leighton, his involvement in the repeal. Now, there were a number of Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, I ask service organization began when he things that the Republicans did, con- unanimous consent that when the was only 8 years old. Since then, the trary to what we did with respect to House adjourns today, it adjourn to Boy Scouts program has helped foster a the prescription drug bill for seniors, meet at 2 p.m. on Monday next and sense of service and leadership. to undermine and create this situation that the order of the House of January This past year, as part of his Eagle of which the majority leader speaks 3, 2017, regarding morning-hour debate Scout project, Leighton led efforts to where there are some insurance compa- not apply on that day. refurbish a previously neglected class- nies that have pulled out, that are not The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. room at the Tyler Street United Meth- doing as well as they should have and BIGGS). Is there objection to the re- odist Church in Oak Cliff. As a result of we wanted them to have. quest of the gentleman from Cali- Leighton’s project, the classroom is One thing, many Republican Gov- fornia? now in use for middle school youth. ernors refuse to join the Medicaid ex- There was no objection. Please join me in congratulating pansion program, adversely affecting f Leighton in his latest achievement. I look forward to seeing his continued millions of Americans. LIONFISH Secondly, they did not find the risk leadership in our community. corridors. We knew when we estab- (Mr. GAETZ asked and was given per- f lished this problem that there was mission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- RECOGNIZING MR. WALTER going to be a very tough time in mak- PARRISH ing valid judgments on what costs were marks.) going to be two years into this pro- Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, in the (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and gram. We did not fund it. The CO-OPs warm waters off Texas, Louisiana, Mis- was given permission to address the also did not receive the support that sissippi, Georgia, the Carolinas, and House for 1 minute and to revise and was contemplated by the statute. my beloved Florida, a reef assassin extend his remarks.) The cost-sharing subsidies the ad- lurks. Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- ministration has put at risk. Now, we Lionfish are an invasive species, with er, I rise today to recognize Mr. Walter were assured just before the bill passed no predators, huge appetites, and ex- Parrish, a 98-year-old World War II vet- that: Oh, no, we are going to pay for ploding populations. Just one female eran in Georgia’s First Congressional the cost-sharing subsidies. lionfish will release 10 million eggs District. But the Republicans, Mr. Speaker, during her lifetime. Each lionfish can Mr. Parrish was born on March 12, filed suit, and the court said: Oh, no, eat 65 juvenile reef fish in one meal. 1919, less than 6 months after the end of you have to appropriate those moneys NOAA ecologists call the lionfish one World War I. Originally from New Jer- on the cost-sharing subsidies. of the greatest threats of the century sey, Mr. Parrish served 5 years in the The majority leader knows—cer- to reefs. Navy as a signalman on destroyer tainly everybody on the Energy and Reefs support tourism, recreational ships, where he used lamps and visual Commerce knows, and every Member fishing, commercial fishing, and our objects to communicate with others in ought to know—without those sub- way of life. Lionfish threaten a multi- the water. sidies, the insurance companies will billion-dollar reef economy. To date, Mr. Parrish served both in the Atlan- have mispriced their product, for all efforts to eradicate the lionfish tic and the Pacific theaters of the war, deductibles and copays, in particular. have failed. Bounty programs are un- and it is undoubted that his role was economical, and rodeos, while helpful, crucial to the success of his shipmates. b 1230 are unscalable. Although winning World War II is a That, Mr. Speaker, is what I speak Today, I filed legislation to turn the major accomplishment, Mr. Parrish en- of, in terms of the actions that have tables on the lionfish. Our proposition joyed another important milestone been taken over the last 6 years to un- is simple: Fishermen who slay 100 during the war when he married his

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.028 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4379 wife. He asked her hand in marriage on Please join me in honoring Deputy COMMON SENSE a Sunday and married her less than a Michael Scott Williams and all of our (Mr. SCHNEIDER asked and was week later, on Wednesday. fallen law enforcement heroes who given permission to address the House Mr. Parrish, thank you for your serv- have made the ultimate sacrifice to en- for 1 minute and to revise and extend ice to our country, and I hope your in- sure our safety. his remarks.) spiring life will serve as a lesson for all Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, the those who know your story. f Republican healthcare repeal bill is a With Memorial Day approaching, I TAX SYSTEM BROKEN giant step backwards. It will leave mil- encourage everyone in our Nation to lions of Americans without any insur- take time to reflect on the sacrifices of (Mr. PETERS asked and was given ance and many more paying more our veterans, thank our Nation’s vet- permission to address the House for 1 money for less coverage. Worse, it will erans, and understand the importance minute.) reduce protections requiring insurers of their service. Mr. PETERS. Mr. Speaker, our tax to treat fairly those of us with pre- f system is broken and in desperate need existing conditions. of comprehensive reform. I am ready to SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF Instead of this disastrous plan, we get to work on a simpler Tax Code that REFUGIO OIL SPILL should be working together to improve is fiscally responsible, makes our busi- healthcare, building on the progress of (Mr. CARBAJAL asked and was given nesses more competitive, and gives re- the ACA, and finding solutions to what permission to address the House for 1 lief to our working families. But Presi- isn’t working. minute.) dent Trump’s plan, if you can call it Let me offer one example. I recently Mr. CARBAJAL. Mr. Speaker, I rise that, is not the answer. introduced the Common Sense Em- this morning to recognize the second According to the Committee for a Re- ployer Notification of Special Enroll- anniversary of the devastating Refugio sponsible Federal Budget, Trump’s tax ment Act, or Common SENSE Act. oil spill off the Gaviota coast in my plan will cost $5.5 trillion over the next This bill would require employers to district. 10 years. Instead of targeting relief to inform people leaving a job that they I remember all too well the horri- the deserving middle class, President not only qualify for COBRA but also fying sights and smells when over qualify for a special enrollment period 100,000 barrels of crude oil poured from Trump wants to give big breaks to the to purchase insurance on the ACA mar- the Plains All American pipeline rup- wealthiest Americans. It is time to ketplace or enroll in Medicare, which ture. Our local funds were stretched as stop pretending that tax cuts that favor the wealthy somehow pay for is often less expensive than COBRA. we mounted our cleanup effort that Mr. Speaker, this bill will help Amer- ended up costing over $100 million. The themselves. They don’t. Conservative economist Gregory icans save money and seniors avoid full extent of the damage to our local last-minute enrollment penalties. I economy and environment in our re- Mankiw has said that only one-third of the cost of tax costs is recouped from urge my colleagues to support the gion won’t be fully known for years. Common SENSE Act and join me in I was pleased that President Obama growth. So Trump’s tax plan would ac- tually be paid for by blowing up the na- finding commonsense ways to improve signed into law last year the SAFE our healthcare, not to dismantle it. PIPES Act, directing the Department tional debt. That will crowd out invest- of Transportation’s pipeline safety pro- ment and hurt economic growth, which f gram, PHMSA, to increase the fre- is the opposite of what we want. NATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT quency of their pipeline monitoring on We have to do better for working WEEK Americans, and I express my interest the California coast. We must ensure (Mr. COFFMAN asked and was given in working with Members on both sides that PHMSA is fully funded to ensure permission to address the House for 1 of the aisle to do just that. that it can effectively monitor our oil minute and to revise and extend his re- pipelines and hopefully prevent future f marks.) disasters like the Refugio Plains All Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise American pipeline oil spill. NATIONAL POLICE WEEK today to express my sincere thanks to f (Mr. MITCHELL asked and was given all of the men and women who serve and have served in law enforcement in HONORING DEPUTY MICHAEL permission to address the House for 1 the State of Colorado. These men and SCOTT WILLIAMS minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) women put themselves in harm’s way (Mr. DUNN asked and was given per- to protect the citizens of our great mission to address the House for 1 Mr. MITCHELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of National Police State. minute.) I would like to especially recognize Week, an opportunity to recognize the Mr. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the Aurora, Littleton, Greenwood Vil- brave men and women in blue. to honor the memory of fallen Taylor lage, and Brighton Police Departments, County Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Scott This week is meaningful to me and as well as the Arapahoe, Douglas, and Williams. my family, for my oldest son is a police Adams County Sheriff’s Departments On the morning of October 31, 2016, officer in Michigan, and I could not be for their tireless work in doing their Deputy Williams put on his uniform more proud of him and his service. best to keep our communities safe. and climbed into his patrol car, head- Too often, we take for granted those I am proud to say that these munic- ing to the job he loved. He was trag- who every day put on a badge and a ipal police and county sheriff’s depart- ically killed in a collision that morn- vest to protect us and our commu- ments within the Sixth Congressional ing. nities. Events across this country have District of Colorado are exceptional Deputy Williams joined the Taylor been politicized and stretch the rela- and should be recognized for their ex- County Sheriff’s Department in May of tionship between law enforcement and traordinary public service. 2015, and was promoted to officer in their community. Let us not have poli- These men and women of law enforce- charge, serving as his sergeant’s second tics overwhelm the dedication and ment are dedicated to public safety. In in command. He dedicated his life to commitment of our men and women in honor of National Law Enforcement law enforcement. For him, it was not blue. Our lives, and indeed our free- Week, I would like to thank not only just a job; it was a calling. Friends and doms, are safeguarded by the thin blue those who serve in law enforcement in family described Deputy Williams as a line. We owe the men and women in the State of Colorado but all those who quick study and an experienced law- uniform, those who put themselves at serve across our country. man who loved to make people laugh. risk every day, a simple thank you and f This week, Deputy Williams was hon- simply our respect. ored at the National Peace Officers’ Mr. Speaker, I rise to give the police POLICE WEEK Memorial Service in Washington, a fit- officers at our doors here, the officers (Mr. GOTTHEIMER asked and was ting reminder that his heroism will not throughout our communities, and my given permission to address the House be forgotten. son, a simple thank you. for 1 minute.)

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.030 H19MYPT1 H4380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 Mr. GOTTHEIMER. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. RASKIN. Mr. Speaker, President NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME rise today in honor of Police Week and Trump is headed to Saudi Arabia BUILDERS to say ‘‘thank you’’ to the men and today, which is an authoritarian, theo- (Mr. HUIZENGA asked and was given women in New Jersey and in our coun- cratic state which bans any criticism permission to address the House for 1 try who keep our community safe, and of the government and executes people minute and to revise and extend his re- especially to honor those who paid the or imprisons them for allegedly insult- marks.) ultimate price in their efforts to do so. ing Islam. Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Speaker, I rise Sadly, this year alone, we have lost Just a few weeks ago, a Saudi man, today to recognize the 75th anniversary 48 police officers in the line of duty Ahmad Al Shamri, who is in his early of the National Association of Home across the United States. We cannot twenties, was sentenced to death for Builders. repay the debt our communities owe to atheism and apostasy. Another Saudi For three-quarters of a century, the these heroes and their families, but we man, Raif Badawi, a few years ago was NAHB has been fighting for home- can start by expressing appreciation sentenced to serve 10 years in prison, owners, home builders, and commu- for their bravery, dedication, and serv- to suffer 1,000 lashes, and to pay nities across the country. Today, the ice, and making sure law enforcement 1,000,000 Saudi rials for insulting Islam federation includes over 700 local and knows that they have our full support. simply for advocating secular thought State home builder associations who Our police officers and all first re- and the separation of church and state. are committed to fostering a pro- sponders can’t protect us and them- There are dozens of Saudis lan- growth climate and sensible, cost-effec- selves without the resources they need guishing in prison for blasphemy, apos- tive housing policies. to do their job safely and effectively. tasy, heresy, sorcery, witchcraft, and How do I know? Because my family Not only do police protect us from other imaginary offenses. Mr. Trump, has been involved in our local chapter criminals, but they are on the front please use at least 2 minutes of your for decades. lines of the war on terror, especially as time while you are in Saudi Arabia to The NAHB has long supported the we have seen the rise of homegrown plead with the rulers there to release builders who create beautiful homes in and lone-wolf terror after 9/11. all religious prisoners and stop exe- west Michigan—my home—as well as To close, I want to reiterate my deep cuting and incarcerating people for across the Nation. Many of these build- appreciation for the work of local, these imaginary religious crimes in the ers are small-business men and women county, and State police officers in my 21st century. who represent the backbone of the district in New Jersey and across our The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- American economy. country who keep our communities bers are reminded to address their re- By standing up to regulatory over- safe. marks to the Chair. reach and promoting a pro-growth en- f vironment, the NAHB is helping these f entrepreneurial small businesses to b 1245 have a voice. Thanks in part to the ef- NATIONAL POLICE WEEK FIREFIGHTER SCOTT DEAN, SAN forts of the NAHB, builders and con- sumers throughout the country are (Mr. MEEHAN asked and was given ANTONIO, TEXAS back on their feet, housing production permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was has increased, and builders are increas- minute and to revise and extend his re- given permission to address the House ingly confident in the market. marks.) for 1 minute and to revise and extend Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise his remarks.) join me in honoring the National Asso- today to honor the men and women of Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as ciation of Home Builders as they work law enforcement who put their lives on the hot Texas sun set in the west last to keep the home building industry the line day and night protecting our night at about 10 p.m., the brave first moving forward. communities, like my nephew Ethan responders of the San Antonio Fire De- Congratulations for those 75 years. Meehan. partment answered the alarms as a As we close this year’s Police Week, strip mall went up in a fiery inferno. f I would like to pay particular tribute Sixty-one fire trucks with lights and NATIONAL POLICE WEEK to the law enforcement personnel who sirens sped to the scene. The fire- (Ms. TENNEY asked and was given have been killed or wounded in the line fighters dashed into the buildings per- permission to address the House for 1 of duty, like Officer Christopher forming a search-and-recovery oper- minute and to revise and extend her re- Dorman of Folcroft, Delaware County, ation, making sure no one was there. marks.) Pennsylvania, who was shot and As the fire grew, the intense smoke Ms. TENNEY. Mr. Speaker, it is a wounded last June but bravely back on and heat became suffocating. Two fire- distinct honor to rise today to recog- the job just weeks later. fighters were injured, but their lives nize National Police Week, honoring Sadly, four of Pennsylvania’s finest were saved by other firefighters. But our heroes of the thin blue line. During lost their lives in the line of duty last Firefighter Scott Dean was trapped in this week each year, our Nation joins year: the inferno. This 6-year veteran of the together to honor our brave men and Pennsylvania State Trooper Eugene force’s life was stolen by the hellish women in blue. Weaver; blaze. He gave his life while saving oth- In their mission to serve and protect, Canonsburg Patrolman Scott ers from harm. our law enforcement officers put their Bashioum; Texas lost another one of its finest lives on the line each day, keeping our Pennsylvania Corrections Officer last night. Firefighters such as Scott families and our communities safe David Weaver; and Dean are a rare and tenacious breed. from harm. Day in and day out, we wit- Luzerne County Corrections Officer They are the American breed. They run ness the countless sacrifices made by Kristopher Moules. into the flames that everyone else des- the men and women who serve as our We thank them for their service, and perately flees from. front line of defense here at home. we are indebted for their sacrifice. We Firefighters restore order from We stand to recognize their service honor their memories, and our chaos, answering the alarm. Mr. Speak- this week. We also pay tribute to those thoughts and prayers are with their er, they always answer the alarm. who have tragically lost their lives in families. It has been said that all people are the line of duty. Their bravery and sac- f created equal, but a few turn out to be rifice will never be forgotten. firefighters. One of those rare breed I would like to specifically thank the SAUDI ARABIAN JURISPRUDENCE was firefighter Scott Dean. So the last dedicated officers serving throughout (Mr. RASKIN asked and was given alarm has sounded for Scott Dean. He the State of New York. From the New permission to address the House for 1 answered the call, and he gave it all for York State troopers to the county minute and to revise and extend his re- the people of San Antonio, Texas. sheriffs and to our local law enforce- marks.) And that is just the way it is. ment, the heroism and bravery of the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.032 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4381 men and women in blue continues to ADJOURNMENT FROM FRIDAY, tigious awards, which include the fol- inspire us all. MAY 19, 2017, TO MONDAY, MAY lowing: multiple Lone Star Emmys; multiple Telly Awards; multiple Texas f 22, 2017 Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I ask Associated Press Broadcasters Awards, BIKE TO WORK ACT unanimous consent that when the including the 2013 TAPB Overall Excel- (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given House adjourns today, it adjourn to lence in Television Award; multiple permission to address the House for 1 meet on Monday, May 22, 2017, when it ADDY Awards; and the Edward R. Mur- minute and to revise and extend his re- shall convene at noon for morning-hour row Award in 2013. I would like to congratulate KBTX- marks.) debate and 2 p.m. for legislative busi- TV on all of their achievements and for Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, this ness. their 60 years of service to the Brazos week, along with Congressman CROW- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Valley. It is an honor for me to rep- LEY, we reintroduced the Bike to Work objection to the request of the gen- resent in Congress such a great team Act. As an avid biker myself, I am tleman from Texas? There was no objection. and a pillar for our community. thrilled to bring forth an initiative As I close these remarks, I ask every- that encourages more biking. This is f one to continue praying for our coun- fitting, given that today is National HONORING KBTX-TV try, our military, and our first re- Bike to Work Day. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under sponders who selflessly serve and sac- This bipartisan legislation we have rifice to protect us. introduced will allow workers to use the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- HONORING J.B. OWEN, JR. their pretax commuter benefits for uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. FLORES) is recognized for 60 min- Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, today I bikeshare programs, just as they al- rise to honor J.B. Owen, Jr., of ready can do for other forms of trans- utes as the designee of the majority leader. Woodway, Texas, who passed away on portation. March 5, 2017. GENERAL LEAVE According to one report, from 2000 to J.B. was born in Mathis, Texas, on 2013, the number of bicycle commuters Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I ask November 19, 1928. He attended grade grew by more than 62 percent. As these unanimous consent that all Members school in this small community with programs grow, putting them on equal may have 5 legislative days to revise just three other students. Upon gradua- footing with other modes of transpor- and extend their remarks made during tion from Mathis High School, J.B. tation that commuters use to get to this Special Order. went to Southwest Texas State Univer- and from work is important. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there sity in San Marcos, where he would go Bikesharing is very popular in Min- objection to the request of the gen- on to earn a bachelor of business ad- nesota, and through this initiative, we tleman from Texas? ministration in general business. can ensure that more Americans have There was no objection. He began his career by teaching busi- the opportunity to get to work with Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, today I ness classes in Dilley, Texas, before a more flexibility and more convenience. rise to recognize KBTX-TV, who, on diagnosis of tuberculosis landed him in May 22, will be celebrating 60 years of f the hospital for 15 months. Thankfully, service in the Brazos Valley of Texas. J.B. made a full recovery and set out to NATIONAL POLICE WEEK In 1957, KBTX began broadcasting become an insurance agent with Texas from a four-room brick studio on East (Mr. YODER asked and was given Farm Bureau Insurance Company. J.B. 29th Street in Bryan, Texas. Today, the was an exemplary leader at Farm Bu- permission to address the House for 1 studio is still located at the same loca- minute and to revise and extend his re- reau for 41 years before his retirement tion, but just like the surrounding in 1992. marks.) area, it has grown immensely. Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, this is a In 1965, J.B. married Lillian Holley Starting out, KBTX was both a CBS Rector, known as Lil, a Georgia peach special week in the United States, here and an ABC affiliate. In 1984, they be- in our Capital, and across the country. he met on a blind date with the help of came a CBS affiliate exclusively. The a coworker. In their 50-plus years of This is National Police Week, and so I station prides itself on its commitment rise to honor our men and women in marriage, Lil and J.B. raised three and dedication to responsible reporting children—Richard, Holley, and J.B. III. service across our country who wear and community involvement. Fit- the uniform every day: our first re- They were blessed with nine grand- tingly, the station’s slogan is ‘‘The children, including triplets, who were sponders who are police officers who People You Know, The News You rush to trouble, as opposed to running born in 2001. Trust.’’ Along with being loving grand- from, and who put themselves in KBTX has set the standard for tele- parents, J.B. and Lil enjoyed traveling, harm’s way to keep us safe. Every day, vision and news in the Brazos Valley. both in Texas and beyond. they get up and keep our families safe They were the first television station J.B. is recognized as an exemplary and our communities safe. They are in the Brazos Valley, and over the past steward for the greater Waco commu- our heroes. 60 years, they have had many more im- nity. He was an active volunteer and So this week, Mr. Speaker, Congress pressive firsts in the Brazos Valley, in- community member, serving on the has welcomed many of these policemen cluding the following: Planning and Zoning Commission and and -women and their families to D.C. The first television station capable of the Community Development Board. to recognize them for their heroism color transmission and the use of vid- He also served as an elder at Highland and to remember those whom we have eotape; Baptist Church and taught Sunday lost. The first television station to use school for 35 years. In Kansas, we are all too aware of the color news film; J.B. served as the president of the sacrifices that law enforcement makes The first to cover live sports, news, Northwest Waco Rotary Club, presi- to keep us safe. Brad Lancaster, Dave and weather, as well as community dent of the Harlingen PTA, and as Melton, and Brandon Collins all made events using remote, live trucks with president of Kids & Co., a childcare the ultimate sacrifice over the last cameras and out-of-studio editing ca- center. He was also a member of Gid- year in my district alone, and they are pabilities; eons International, a Christian busi- on my mind this week and each and The first television station with ness association. every day along with the other fallen Doppler radar; Mr. Speaker, J.B. Owen worked tire- officers across our country. The first 24-hour television station; lessly to better our central Texas and Mr. Speaker, let us never forget the and Waco communities. He is loved by his selflessness and bravery of police offi- The first commercial television sta- city and certainly left an enduring im- cers around the country who work tire- tion to broadcast in high-definition tel- pression on central Texas. He will be lessly each and every day to enforce evision. forever remembered as a great philan- our laws, protect our communities, and The KBTX news and creative services thropist, community member, husband, save lives. teams have also received many pres- father, grandfather, and friend.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.034 H19MYPT1 H4382 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest League baseball, serving as a director In 1994, he married Jo Anna Morton. and heartfelt condolences to the Owen of the chamber of commerce, president Soon thereafter, he returned to edu- family. We also lift up his wife, Lil, and of the Abilene Bar Association, and cation, teaching and coaching basket- family and friends of J.B. Owen, Jr., in chairman of the Community Founda- ball for 10 years at Faith Lutheran our prayers. tion. He was also an active parishioner School in Sugar Land, Texas. I have requested that a United States at St. Paul United Methodist Church, Sam was known as a generous and flag be flown over the United States where his favorite activity was teach- caring man who was active in the com- Capitol to honor the life and legacy of ing Sunday school to the kindergarten munity. He remained active through- J.B. Owen, Jr. class, which he did for 15 years. out his life in the churches he at- As I close these remarks, I urge all Mr. Speaker, Bob Surovik worked tended, serving as a deacon at the First Americans to continue praying for our tirelessly to better the Abilene and Baptist Church in Stratford and on the country during these difficult times, Texas A&M communities and to help board at Parkway United Methodist for our military men and women, and those around him. He is loved in these Church in Sugar Land. Sam was known for our first responders who protect us places, and he left an enduring impres- for his strong Christian faith and for here at home. sion on countless Texans. He will be his love of old hymns, a few of which he sang off key. His friends and family b 1300 forever remembered as a great philan- thropist, community member, husband, will always remember how he saw the HONORING BOB J. SUROVIK father, and friend. good in people and his positive outlook Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, today I My wife, Gina, and I offer our deepest on life. rise to honor Bob J. Surovik of Bryan, and heartfelt condolences to the Mr. Bass’ life reminds me of a pas- Texas, who passed away on February 7, Surovik family. We also lift up the sage from a book, entitled, ‘‘The Ap- 2017. family and friends of Bob Surovik in plause of Heaven,’’ written by Max Bob was born in Glen Rose, Texas, on our prayers. Lucado. In that book, he has a moving October 27, 1936. In 1954, he graduated I request that a United States flag be passage which describes all of our lives. from Mount Pleasant High School and flown over the United States Capitol to The passage reads as follows: ‘‘You’ll went on to Texas A&M University, an honor the life and legacy of Bob be home soon. You may not have no- institution he cherished for the rest of Surovik. ticed it, but you are closer to home his life. At Texas A&M, Bob was active As I close these remarks, I urge all than ever before. Each moment is a in the student body as the president of Americans to continue to pray for our step taken. Each breath is a page the Student Senate and in the Singing country during these difficult times turned. Each day is a mile marked, a Cadets. He also served in the Town and for our military men and women mountain climbed. You are closer to Hall, the Prelaw Society, the Account- who sacrifice to protect us. home than you’ve ever been. Before ing Society, and the Memorial Student HONORING ELWYN L. BASS you know it, your appointed arrival Leadership Council. Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise time will come; you’ll descend the He was named as a ‘‘Who’s Who today to honor a person who is very ramp and enter the City. You’ll see the Among Students in American Colleges special to my family and me. Today I faces that are waiting for you. You’ll and Universities. am celebrating the life and legacy of hear your name spoken by those who After graduation from Texas A&M in my father-in-law, Mr. Elwyn L. Bass. love you. And maybe, just maybe—in 1958 with a degree in business adminis- Mr. Bass was more commonly known the back, behind the crowd—the One tration, he married the love of his life, as Sam to his friends, and he passed who would rather die than live without Elaine Maedgen. Later that year, he away on April 26, 2017. you will remove his nail-pierced hands and Elaine moved to Austin, where Bob Sam was born in Vealmoor, Texas, on from His heavenly robe . . . and ap- pursued a law degree, and Elaine pur- January 26, 1934. At the young age of plaud.’’ sued a bachelor’s degree from the Uni- 16, he graduated from Ackerly High Mr. Speaker, Sam Bass worked tire- versity of Texas. Bob earned his law de- School. Upon graduation from Ackerly, lessly for the youth of Texas and to gree in 1961, and Elaine earned her un- Sam married a beautiful young woman, better the communities around him. He dergraduate degree in 1960. Johnette Carr, and went on to attend is loved by his family and friends, of Upon graduation from law school, Baylor University in Waco. While at which there are many. Bob joined the . Baylor, he joined the United States Sam left an enduring impression on While serving his country, he was Army. the lives he touched. He will be forever awarded the Army Commendation After finishing his service in the remembered as a great educator, com- Medal for meritorious service. Army and following his graduation munity member, husband, father, He began his legal career in 1963, from Baylor, Sam devoted his career to great-grandfather, and friend. I am cer- starting out with the McMahon Law public education. He began that career tain that when he took his last breath Firm. In 1973, Bob was named as the by serving as a teacher and principal at on Earth, Jesus welcomed him with the State Junior Bar Outstanding Young Dawson High School. He later served as words of Matthew 25:23: ‘‘Well done, Lawyer of the Year and was admitted superintendent for Grady ISD in west good and faithful servant.’’ His friends and qualified as an attorney and coun- Texas, followed by service as super- and I will continue to pray for his fam- selor of the Supreme Court of the intendent for Follett ISD, a small town ily over the coming days and weeks United States. He would go on to be- in the Texas Panhandle. His next posi- ahead. come president of McMahon, Surovik, tion was superintendent of schools at I recently requested that an Amer- Suttle, P.C., where he practiced for 50 Stratford Independent School District ican flag be flown over the Capitol to years. in my hometown of Stratford, a Texas honor the life and legacy of my father- Bob was an exceptional steward for community in the northwest part of in-law, Sam Bass. Texas A&M in the Abilene community. the panhandle. Mr. Speaker, as I close today, I urge He was the president of the Abilene In 1990, Sam retired after 35 years of all Americans to continue praying for A&M Club, a member of the Texas service to the Texas public school sys- our country during these difficult Aggie Bar Association. He was an avid tem. At that time, he was so beloved times, for our military men and women Fightin’ Texas Aggie football fan and by the Stratford community that our who protect us from external threats, attended almost all home games at local sports stadium was named E. L. and for our first responders who pro- Kyle Field. ‘‘Sam’’ Bass Stadium in his honor. tect us at home. In 2011, Texas A&M named him Aggie At the beginning of his retirement, It is particularly poignant this week Lawyer of the Year and in 2012 named he moved to east Texas and lived in a that it is National Police Week, and so him as a Distinguished Alumnus, the home that he constructed with his own we should recognize those police who highest award that can be given to a hands and with a little help from serve us. In 2 weeks, we are going to former student of Texas A&M Univer- friends and family. celebrate Memorial Day, and it is im- sity. Sam suffered a loss in 1992 when portant that we recognize our men and In Abilene, Bob was known for his Johnette, his beloved wife of 42 years, women in uniform of the United States community service, coaching Little passed away. military.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.036 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4383 Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance to spot radical Islam, and, in fact, they that publication, along with, at dif- of my time. could hurt their career if they at- ferent times, one or two other family f tempted to point out that someone had members. That is the journal that been radicalized. Naseef started for the Muslim group. THE WEEK IN REVIEW So that is why, when Russia told the Quite interesting, the ties that she The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. United States twice—once, directly had. Some of us asked for the inspector BUDD). Under the Speaker’s announced told the FBI, as I understand it—that general—all we did was ask five dif- policy of January 3, 2017, the gen- the older Tsarnaev brother had been ferent inspectors general and five dif- tleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) is radicalized and where he had traveled ferent departments or agencies if they recognized for the remainder of the and where he had been radicalized over would investigate the extent of Muslim hour as the designee of the majority in the former Soviet Union area, the brother influence in their particular leader. FBI, the best we can find out from the department or agency, and one was the Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I thank public hearings we had, apparently, State Department. There is not one my friend from College Station for the under Mueller, they sent somebody to single thing that we put in any of those profound tribute to a great man, great ask Tsarnaev if he was a radical ter- five letters that was inaccurate. They people. rorist, and he assured them he wasn’t. were all factually correct. But there It has been an interesting week. Our And they sent somebody to ask was a firestorm. JOHN MCCAIN rushed President is headed for the Middle Tsarnaev’s mother, and she, in essence, to the Senate floor to condemn us. We East, and it has gotten rather vitriolic, said, ‘‘No, he is a good boy; he is not a were right about everything we put in condemnation of our President for fir- terrorist,’’ and that was their inves- those letters. We are still right. ing the FBI Director. tigation. Bob Mueller did a lot of damage to The FBI Director is supposed to be I challenged Mueller: You didn’t even our ability—as one of our agents told more concerned with law enforcement go to the mosques, the main me, we have been blinded of our ability than with press conferences. Since he mosque where these guys attended to to see who our enemy is. is not elected, his job is not to go out see and investigate whether they had In recent days, since Director Comey and appear to be, politically, a sub- been radicalized. was fired by the President—which he stitute and, particularly, not to help totally has the authority to do for any b 1315 one party over another. reason or for no reason—there have It seemed that under Director He refuted that. He said we did go to been all these glowing comments by Comey’s tenuous head of the FBI—I those mosques, but then he added: ‘‘In my Democratic friends in the House was thrilled when he replaced Mueller. our outreach program.’’ and Senate condemning the firing of Mueller did a lot of damage to the FBI It turns out, as he admitted, he did Comey. President Trump has been with his 5-year up-or-out policy, where not even know that the Boston mosque vilified even for commenting today and anyone in a supervisory position for 5 where the Tsarnaev radicalization was yesterday that he thought when he years anywhere outside of Washington, heightened was started by a man fired Comey he would have wide bipar- at the end of the 5 years, had to either named Alamoudi. Alamoudi helped the tisan support. Because he had heard so leave the FBI or come to Washington Clinton administration back before many comments, he thought that and be a minion up here for the Direc- they started making so much money would be widely appreciated on both tor. on who they were. But the Clinton ad- sides of the aisle, because clearly the We lost thousands and thousands of ministration used Alamoudi to help FBI had become about Comey and not years of valuable FBI experience under them find the perfect Muslims to be about law enforcement. Director Mueller. In fact, no one has chaplains at prisons, the perfect Mus- It certainly seemed inappropriate, done more damage to the rank and file lims to help advise the government, what he said last summer, when basi- of our outstanding FBI agents than Di- the perfect Muslims to plug in to help cally he laid out the case of how Hil- rector Mueller. I keep hearing all these our United States Government. lary Clinton had committed a Federal glowing things. Well, he did a lot of And it is what I have asked more crime that did not require intent, but damage. than once and have gotten no answer: then he added an element to the of- Plus, under his time as FBI Director, Who was it that encouraged or placed fense that Congress didn’t add, that is Mueller had the training material that Huma Abedin Weiner next to Hillary not part of the law, of specific intent. would help FBI employees and agents Clinton as an intern in 1996? Who was it Didn’t exist. Not necessary to prove. It understand more about radical Islam. that put her in that position next to hadn’t been proved in other cases The FBI, in the 1990s, had done an the First Lady, where she grew from where we have got people that have outstanding job of gathering informa- being intern to being helper and ulti- been put in the penitentiary for a lot tion about radical Islam, of groups like mately her number one closest adviser less than what Hillary Clinton did. But the Holy Land Foundation, individuals as secretary of state? he exonerated her. No prosecutor in his associated with supporting terrorism. Had Hillary Clinton been elected right mind would prosecute this case, After the 1993 attempt to bomb the President, she would have been the when, actually, there are a lot of pros- World Trade Center, he did a good job foremost closest adviser to the Presi- ecutors who would have prosecuted gathering evidence for that trial. By dent of the United States with some that case if they were not so politically the time Director Mueller came along strong direct ties from her family to attuned as Mr. Comey was and is. under President George W. Bush, they the Muslim Brotherhood. I thought it would be helpful, Mr. had gotten pretty good at figuring out In fact, Osama bin Laden had indi- Speaker, to just go back and revisit what radical Islam was. cated that a couple of things that comments from some of our friends Kim Jensen, with the FBI, had a 700- radicalized him, made him want to kill across the aisle about the FBI Director page program to train FBI agents on people like Americans for being Comey. In fact, nobody has been more what radical Islam was, how you go infidels, was a booklet written by an vocal since Director Comey’s firing about spotting people that had been Egyptian Muslim brother named than our friend down the hall, Senator radicalized, the things they believe, un- Qutb—Q-u-t-b—called ‘‘Milestones.’’ He CHUCK SCHUMER, Democrat from New derstanding which scriptures in the also gave great credit to a guy named York. Koran they focused on. It really helped Naseef, who was head of a number of I am quoting from my friend CHUCK FBI agents figure out how to stop rad- Muslim activities—still is. But he had SCHUMER. He came out bluntly on No- ical Islam. a journal that was a favorite publica- vember 2, 2016: ‘‘I do not have con- But the reason the FBI took so much tion of the Muslim Brotherhood. fidence in him any longer.’’ criticism after so many people across And come to find out that, gee, back Published in Bloomberg. So being a America have been killed needlessly when she was working for Hillary Clin- man of his word, we know that as of from people who were on the FBI radar ton, Huma Abedin was listed on the November 2, Senator SCHUMER had no is because, under Bob Mueller, the FBI masthead as being a part of that publi- confidence in Director Comey any agents were not allowed to know how cation, contributing to being part of longer.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.038 H19MYPT1 H4384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 Despite what he has said in recent wrote to you months ago calling for est moment in the history of the FBI, days, beloved Senator BERNIE SANDERS this information to be released to the probably next to the decision of J. from Vermont did an interview with public. There is no danger to American Edgar Hoover to wiretap Martin Lu- ABC News in January of this year. The interests from releasing it. And yet, ther King. And it was unfortunate,’ headline from the ABC News story: you continue to resist calls to inform Kaine said.’’ That was from the Free ‘‘Sanders: ‘Would Not Be Bad Thing for the public of this critical information. Beacon. the American People’ if FBI Director ‘‘By contrast, as soon as you came Senator DIANNE FEINSTEIN from Cali- Comey Steps Down.’’ into possession of the slightest innu- fornia, November 6, 2016, had this to Then the story went on to say: endo related to Secretary Clinton, you say about Director Comey of the FBI: ‘‘Asked by ABC News’ George Stephan- rushed to publicize it in the most nega- ‘‘ ‘The FBI has a history of extreme opoulos in an exclusive interview on tive light possible. caution near election day so as not to ‘This Week’ if Comey should leave his ‘‘Moreover, in tarring Secretary Clin- influence the results. Today’s break post, Sanders responded, ‘I think he ton with thin innuendo, you overruled from that tradition is appalling.’ ’’ should take a hard look at what he has longstanding tradition and the explicit Senator CHRIS MURPHY, Democrat done and I think it would not be a bad guidance of your own department. You from Connecticut, said this on May 10 thing for the American people if he did rushed to take this step 11 days before on MSNBC: ‘‘ ‘It is absolutely true the step down.’ a Presidential election, despite the fact Democrats have been very critical of ‘‘ ‘I think that Comey acted in an that for all you know, the information James Comey, and many of us did call outrageous way during the campaign,’ you possess could be entirely duplica- for his resignation.’ ’’ Sanders said. ‘No one can say that this tive of the information you already ex- Senator CORY BOOKER from New Jer- was decisive, or this is what elected amined which exonerated Secretary sey, back on November 6 of 2016, said: Trump, but clearly his behavior during Clinton.’’ ‘‘Hillary Clinton was sharply critical of the campaign in terms of what he said Well, again parenthetically, we know the FBI in the wake of the surprise an- during the week or two before the elec- now it actually condemned Secretary nouncement that investigators were examining newly discovered emails tion was unacceptable.’ ’’ Clinton, showed she committed a Then we have former Senator Harry that could be related to her former pri- crime. She may not have had the in- Reid. All those who know him to be a vate server, but she has avoided the tent to violate the law, but had the man of his word can take his comments issue more recently. certain intent to do what she did, and seriously because as of October 30, 2016, ‘‘So it was striking that Senator that was a violation of the law. Senator Harry Reid from Nevada said Cory Booker took a swipe at the law He goes on. This is Harry Reid talk- in a letter to Director Comey: ‘‘Dear enforcement agency on Sunday when Director Comey: Your actions in recent ing to and about Comey. He says: ‘‘As he introduced Clinton at a black months have demonstrated a dis- you know, a memo authored by Deputy church here.’’ turbing double standard for the treat- Attorney General Sally Yates on This actually is a story from the LA ment of sensitive information, with March 10, 2016, makes clear that all Times. what appears to be a clear intent to aid Justice Department employees, includ- ‘‘Without mentioning the email one political party over another. I am ing you, are subject to the Hatch Act. probe specifically, Booker said there writing to inform you that my office The memo defines political activity have been ‘reruns’ in this election. has determined that these actions may prohibited under the Hatch Act as, ‘ac- ‘‘ ‘We saw what the FBI did in MLK’s violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI tivity directed toward the success or day,’ he said, a reference to how it tar- officials from using their official au- failure of a political party, candidate geted the civil rights leader decades thority to influence an election. for partisan political office, or partisan ago. Through your partisan actions, you political group.’ ‘‘FBI Director James B. Comey has may have broken the law.’’ ‘‘The clear double standard estab- faced withering criticism from Demo- Again, this is Harry Reid to Director lished by your actions strongly sug- crats and even some Republicans for Comey. Harry Reid goes on: ‘‘The dou- gests that your highly selective ap- notifying Congress so close to the elec- ble standard established by your ac- proach to publicizing information, tion that the agency was examining ad- tions is clear. In my communications along with your timing, was intended ditional emails. with you and other top officials in the for the success or failure of a partisan ‘‘But Booker’s reference to the Rev. national security community, it has candidate or political group. Martin Luther King, Jr., was also in- become clear that you possess explo- ‘‘Please keep in mind that I have teresting in light of how Comey has re- sive information about close ties and been a supporter of yours in the past. quired FBI trainees to study the les- coordination between , When Republicans filibustered your sons from the ‘shameful’ investigations his top advisers, and the Russian Gov- nomination and delayed your confirma- of the civil rights leader.’’ ernment, a foreign interest openly hos- tion longer than any previous nominee In an interview with NPR back on tile to the United States, which Trump to your position, I led the fight to get November 8, 2016, Senator CORY BOOKER praises at every opportunity.’’ you confirmed because I believed you of New Jersey had an interviewer say And I will insert here parentheti- to be a principled public servant. this to him: ‘‘Now, earlier today, we cally, we now know that the FBI did ‘‘With deepest regret, I now see that had House Minority Leader Nancy not possess explosive information I was wrong. Pelosi calling the FBI Director James about close ties and coordination be- ‘‘Sincerely, Comey’s recent announcements a Molo- tween Donald Trump, his top advisers, ‘‘Senator Harry Reid.’’ tov cocktail. And she was saying it and the Russian Government. In fact, So as of last October 30, Reid believed might have affected down-ballot races the Obama administration, intel- Comey was not fit for being Director of for House and Senate, saying it might ligence, law enforcement officials have the FBI. have made things more of an obstacle repeatedly testified that despite all On May 5: ‘‘Senator Tim Kaine of for Democrats. What concerns do you their inferences, despite all the things Virginia told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota have about that in the Senate?’’ they wanted to find, they could not on Friday that the letter FBI Director Senator BOOKER, again this is No- point to any evidence of the Russian James Comey sent to Congress days be- vember 8, 2016, said: ‘‘Well, I really Government affecting our election, of fore the 2016 election notifying law- think that it was a big impact on the the Russian Government colluding makers of the reopened investigation election. I don’t have any, obviously, with the Trump administration or with into Hillary Clinton’s email practices data to back that up, and hopefully Donald Trump’s campaign to affect the was ‘probably the lowest moment in through an analysis we will see. But election. No evidence. the history of the FBI’ next to wire- clearly our Senate candidates and our Anyway, we know more now than we tapping Martin Luther King Jr.’’ Presidential candidates were surging— did at the time that Harry Reid wrote or at the time that news came, it this letter. b 1330 sucked the momentum out a lot of Senator Reid went on: ‘‘The public TIM KAINE, Senator KAINE, went on: those races. And we think it could like- has a right to know this information. I ‘‘ ‘It will go down as probably the low- ly affect the outcome of some very

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:11 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.040 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4385 tight Senate races as well. It’s unfortu- State but added his own sidebar of tentially influence an election whether nate that he would break with prece- opinions to the announcement, I gave intended to or not. Standards must be dent. It’s—to me, it showed a grave Director Comey the benefit of the upheld and an FBI Director needs to in- lack of judgment, to put something doubt, despite the fact that his making vestigate, not inject issues into a Pres- like that into an election days before it such highly unusual remarks was idential election when no investigation would come to pass. And I think he did called into question by many.’ dictates action or basis for action. At a a disservice to the United States of ‘‘Congressman Cohen elaborated, minimum, Director Comey’s actions America.’’ That was from NPR on con- ‘While I cannot know Director Comey’s are, to use his own verbiage, ‘‘ex- demning the actions of Director reasoning for his recent letter to House tremely careless’’ this close to the Comey. Members notifying them about the election and without any apparent sub- Just so that we know what the theme FBI’s review of emails that he deemed stance. If Director Comey cares about is we are talking about here, basically ‘‘potentially related’’ to Hillary Clin- the Bureau and the rule of law, as I Farewell to Director Comey as FBI Di- ton’s personal server, it was plainly have felt he has in the past, I’m sure rector, and I am just giving quotes that premature, careless and unprecedented upon reflection of this action, he will our friends across the aisle, Democrats, in its potential impact upon a Presi- submit his letter of resignation for the have made about Director Comey. dential election without a speck of in- Nation’s good.’ ’’ Minority Leader NANCY PELOSI said formation regarding the emails in So that is my friend, Congressman this November 2, 2016: ‘‘ ‘Maybe he’s not question, their validity, substance or STEVE COHEN from Tennessee, saying, in the right job,’. . . . relevance. Director Comey stated in for the good of the country basically, ‘‘ ‘I think that we have to just get the letter that he had no idea of ‘‘the Comey ought to submit his letter of through this election and just see what significance of this newly discovered resignation back last October. the casualties are along the way.’ ’’ collection of emails,’’ which makes his Also, when Congressman COHEN ap- Our friend, Representative G.K. decision all the more disturbing. peared on MSNBC, he said: ‘‘ ‘What he’s BUTTERFIELD, Democrat here in the ‘‘ ‘There is a reason that FBI inves- done’—talking about Comey—‘is put House, serving nobly, former head of tigations are not usually made public the FBI in a position that it has never the Congressional Black Caucus, he until they are completed. To do so been in. The FBI Director is supposed said this year, January 24: ‘‘ ‘I can’t gives an impression of guilt before all to investigate and keep his judgments speak for Democrats, but I can speak the facts have been determined. That quiet and not get involved in elections for myself, and I think that James was the case during the FBI’s inves- . . . and while he’s made the right deci- Comey needs to fade away into obliv- tigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails sion, even though he went too far, this ion.’ that led Director Comey to state that summer in not indicting the Secretary, ‘‘ ‘He embarrassed this Nation, he there was no evidence that Secretary what he did here was just wrong, and possibly influenced the outcome of a Clinton intentionally transmitted or something the FBI Director needs to presidential election, and he should not willfully mishandled classified infor- exert extreme control over themselves hold any position of trust, whatsoever, mation and that ‘‘no reasonable pros- not to get involved, and he just made a in our government.’ ’’ ecutor’’ would bring a case against her. mistake, and I think he should resign, And my friend, Representative STEVE In light of that finding and the Depart- because he’s damaged the FBI’s reputa- COHEN from Tennessee, we serve to- ment of Justice’s prohibition and prac- tion.’ gether on the Committee on the Judici- tice against influencing elections, it is ‘‘ ‘. . . in fact, he’s been excessively ary. This was his press release October clear that Director Comey’s actions, no careless now. I gave him the benefit of 30, 2016. The press release his office matter his motivations, have called the doubt I guess based on the result sent out said: ‘‘Congressman Steve into question his judgment and ethics. but I didn’t like the way he had cut to Cohen, ranking member of the House That is unacceptable as the FBI Direc- the process in which he got to the sub- Judiciary Subcommittee on the Con- tor must, like Caesar’s wife, be above stance of the decision.’ ’’ stitution and Civil Justice, today suspicion. I agree with CNN’s Paul called on James Comey to resign as Di- Callan who, in calling for Director October 31, 2016, also Congressman rector of the Federal Bureau of Inves- Comey to resign wrote ‘Trashing the COHEN from Tennessee appeared on tigation.’’ Justice and FBI rule books in the in- CNN, and the CNN reporter said: ‘‘ ‘Con- Then it has a quote in the Cohen terest of ‘openness’ is likely to put the gressman, up until the last few days, press release: ‘‘ ‘FBI Director James FBI front and center in one of the most you didn’t just think the FBI Director Comey’s recent public comments on contentious Presidential races in re- was doing a good job—you thought he former Secretary of State Hillary Clin- cent U.S. history.’ ’’ was doing a great job. You told him ton and her emails, apparently before ‘‘Congressman Cohen continued, ‘Ad- last month in a hearing, you said ‘‘You seeing any evidence, and against the ditionally revelatory is The New York are a credit to the FBI, you are a credit advice of the Justice Department ac- Times opinion written by Richard to government service.’’ How do you cording to press reports, and even, Painter, chief White House ethics law- explain you’re . . .’ ’’ some have suggested, in violation of yer for President George W. Bush, in And then Congressman COHEN said: the Hatch Act, make it clear that for which he states: Absent extraordinary ‘‘ ‘Because he went too far with this the good of the FBI and the Justice De- circumstances that might justify it, a one.’ ’’ partment, he should resign his position public communication about a pending November 3, 2016, The Hill said this: effective immediately,’ said Congress- FBI investigation involving a can- ‘‘As a nearly ten-year veteran of the man Cohen. ‘In the past, even quite re- didate that is made on the eve of an House Judiciary Committee—the com- cently, I have expressed my apprecia- election is thus very likely to be a vio- mittee responsible for oversight of the tion for Director Comey. I appreciated lation of the Hatch Act and a misuse of Federal Bureau of Investigation and his courage as Deputy Attorney Gen- an official position. Serious questions Department of Justice—and ranking eral when he stood up to President also arise under lawyers’ professional member of the House Judiciary Sub- Bush’s Chief of Staff Andrew Card and conduct rules that require prosecutors committee on the Constitution and White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to avoid excessive publicity and unnec- Civil Justice, earlier this week I called when they attempted to persuade hos- essary statements that could cause on FBI Director James Comey to re- pitalized Attorney General John public condemnation even of people sign his position after his recent com- Ashcroft to reauthorize Bush’s domes- who have been accused of a crime, not munication with Members of Congress tic surveillance program, which the to mention people like Mrs. Clinton, regarding the Bureau’s review of Justice Department had just deter- who have never been charged with a emails potentially related to Hillary mined was illegal. When, in July of this crime.’ Clinton’s personal email server.’’ year, Director Comey recommended no ‘‘Congressman Cohen concluded, ‘The Anyway, it goes on—it is a long criminal charges against Hillary Clin- fairness of our electoral system is like story—but again feeding Congressman ton for her handling of classified infor- the fairness of a trial, and no justice COHEN’s call for FBI Director Comey to mation while she was Secretary of official should act in such a way to po- resign.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.042 H19MYPT1 H4386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 December 16, 2016, in a tweet attrib- He was talking about Comey as FBI Director James Comey should resign. uted to Congressman COHEN of Ten- Director. James Comey really messed up. The nessee: ‘‘ ‘#Comey was wrong to hide Representative TIM WALZ, my friend FBI Director did not commit some gar- hacking of #DNC #DCCC, but he should from Minnesota, said on January 13: ‘‘I den-variety mistake. This is not an not resign. Trump would appoint was nonjudgmental until the last 15 ‘oops’ moment. For reasons that have worse. #FBI & Senators bulwark for minutes. I no longer have that con- more to do with protecting himself next admin.’ ’’ fidence in him.’’ from dishonest Republican attacks, So by December he was already And then so many of the media have Comey committed an overly egregious thinking differently. been condemning President Trump for and political act that roiled the Na- But December 10, in a statement, he firing the FBI Director. Yet, if we just tion’s politics 11 days before election said: ‘‘ ‘I applaud Senate Minority go back a little bit, those same people day—and undermined public trust in Leader Harry Reid for also calling on in the media—Paul Callan from CNN, the Nation’s criminal justice institu- FBI Director James Comey to resign on October 30, 2016, said: ‘‘Perhaps it’s tion. And he needs to go.’’ after new information came to light time for the embattled FBI Director That is The Boston Globe. that Director Comey may have known who seems to have forgotten how to Anyway, Mortimer B. Zuckerman, the CIA had secretly concluded that conduct a proper investigation to re- chairman and editor of U.S. News and the Russians were trying to help Don- sign.’’ World Report, on November 4, 2016, ald Trump win the Presidency. . . . ’ ’’ Kurt Eichenwald said on November 7, said: ‘‘Time to resign—FBI Director So, anyway, back and forth. But our 2016: ‘‘James Comey should not simply James Comey needs to step down over friend, Representative KEITH ELLISON, be fired as Director of the Federal Bu- his handling of the Clinton email in- Democrat from Minnesota, November reau of Investigation. He must be vestigation.’’ 6, 2016, from Twitter said: ‘‘I’m not sur- barred forever from any form of public This is what they said. ‘‘The self-righteous James Comey has prised at all ‘Comey says latest emails service. served his country badly. Comey seems don’t change decision.’ ’’ ‘‘He has done more damage to the reputation of the FBI than any Direc- oblivious of the effect of handing b 1345 tor since the Nixon administration. Trump a piece of dynamite.’’ And he goes on condemning Comey Representative ELIJAH CUMMINGS Comey will, without doubt, be listed as over and over. from Maryland, my friend, a Democrat, second only to Hoover as the worst Di- January 13 of this year, said: ‘‘I was Jeff Jarvis from Buzzfeed said on No- rector to ever hold the office because of vember 6, 2016, in a tweet: ‘‘Now resign, willing to give him the benefit of the his willingness to abuse his power.’’ doubt. Today, I must tell you, when I Comey, resign.’’ Ian Millhiser, on October 31, 2016, On October 31, 2016, a tweet from Bret left the hearing, I felt a great sense of said: ‘‘We also know that Comey vio- Stephens of The New York Times, said: disappointment.’’ lated longstanding Justice Department ‘‘FBI Director James Comey needs to My friend, RUBEN GALLEGO, a Con- protocol when he decided to disclose resign now, while he can salvage his gressman from Arizona, a Democrat, the very few facts that he actually did honor. My Wall Street Journal column said: ‘‘What I heard in the briefing disclose in his letter to the Republican explains.’’ made me not trust him, that’s all.’’ chairs. And we know that he wrote the You have the Clinton campaign on My friend, HANK JOHNSON, a Demo- letter over the explicit objections of May 10—it was republished on May 10, crat from Georgia, said: ‘‘My con- Attorney General Loretta Lynch. but it first went out on October 30, fidence in the FBI Director’s ability to Taken together, these actions con- 2016, and it talks about having worked lead this agency has been shaken.’’ stitute a fireable offense.’’ with Director Comey: ‘‘But his unprec- On January 13, HANK JOHNSON also The New York Daily News editorial edented decision to publicly comment said: ‘‘He should pack his things and board called on Comey to resign, and on evidence in what may be an ongoing go.’’ said: ‘‘FBI Director James Comey’s de- inquiry just 11 days before a Presi- He was talking about Comey. mocracy-bending decision to inform dential election leaves us both aston- JOHNSON said: ‘‘I don’t have con- America, 11 days before its Presidential ished and perplexed.’’ fidence in this man to lead the FBI in election, that the Bureau is digging It went on to say that they were the coming weeks and months ahead, into a trove of additional emails de- ‘‘moved’’ to speak out publicly because with all the work that must be done to mands the highest condemnation. And Comey’s action violated ‘‘settled’’ DOJ get to the bottom of Russian hacking he must resign.’’ tenets. into our electoral process.’’ The Wall Street Journal editorial And Hillary Clinton herself said: Then my friend, JERRY NADLER, a board said: ‘‘But if the FBI Director ‘‘It’s pretty strange to put something Democrat from New York, November has demonstrated anything in the last like that out with such little informa- 14, 2016, said: ‘‘The President can fire year, it is that he has lost the trust of tion, right before an election. In fact, him for cause and ought to. He violated nearly everyone in Washington, along it’s not just strange, it’s unprecedented all the guidelines and put his thumb on with every American who believes the and it’s deeply troubling. I was on the the scale of an election. Whether it was FBI must maintain its reputation as a way to winning until the combination decisive or not is a different question.’’ politically impartial Federal agency. of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28 House Democratic Caucus vice Chair- ‘‘The best service Mr. Comey can and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts ´ woman LINDA SANCHEZ, my friend from render his country now is to resign. in the minds of people who were in- California, said: ‘‘I don’t believe that Failing that, Jeff Sessions should in- clined to vote for me but got scared off. Director Comey conducted himself dur- vite him in for a meeting after he is If the election was on October 27, I ing the election in a way that was im- confirmed as attorney general and ask would be your President.’’ partial. I have concerns about that. him to resign. If Mr. Comey declines, John Podesta, it turns out, is on the But I also have concerns about who Donald Trump can and should fire him board of directors of one or more com- would the replacement be.’’ in the best interests of the Nation’s panies and had dealings with Russia. Also, my friend, Representative most important law enforcement agen- He said: ‘‘It’s extraordinary that we DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ from Flor- cy.’’ would see something like this just 11 ida, said: ‘‘I think Director Comey has with GQ tweeted days out from a Presidential election. taken enough actions that call into out: ‘‘Very simple: FBI Director Comey ‘‘Light on facts, heavy on innuendo, question his ability to continue to needs to clarify—today—that these are knowing full what Republicans would serve credibly. I would lean in the di- not emails from, or withheld by, Clin- do with it. It is not up to him who owes rection that he no longer is able to ton or resign immediately.’’ the public answers to questions that serve in a neutral and way.’’ The Washington Post said on October are now on the table.’’ My friend, Representative MARK 29, 2016: ‘‘James Comey is damaging He also said that he has ‘‘not been TAKANO from California, said: ‘‘I’m ex- our democracy.’’ forthcoming with the facts.’’ tremely concerned—extremely. I’ll Michael Cohen with The Boston Anyway, Mr. Speaker, I just thought just—I’m very angry.’’ Globe on October 21, 2016, said: ‘‘FBI it would be interesting to understand

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.043 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4387 why President Donald Trump would EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- have said in the last 2 days he thought ETC. ment Reform. that firing Comey would be applauded 1392. A letter from the Attorney, CG-LRA, Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland in a bipartisan fashion, because he communications were taken from the Security, transmitting the Department’s knew all of these quotes from Demo- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Navy cratic leaders, mainstream leaders that 1384. A letter from the Acting Under Sec- UNDET, Apra Outer Harbor and Piti, GU are mainstream media-leading publica- retary, Acquisition, Technology, and Logis- [Docket No.: USCG-2017-0214] (RIN: 1625- tions weighed in demanding Comey’s tics, Department of Defense, transmitting a AA00) received May 17, 2017, pursuant to 5 resignation. President Trump demands report on the Defense Production Act (DPA) U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. his resignation or fires him. Title III Fund for Fiscal Year 2016, pursuant 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on to 50 U.S.C. 4534(f)(3); Sept. 8, 1950, ch. 932, Transportation and Infrastructure. So it seems to me President Trump is 1393. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, title III, Sec. 304 (as added by Public Law in a situation where it is understand- U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland 111-67, Sec. 7); (123 Stat. 2017); to the Com- able he would think the Democrats Security, transmitting the Department’s mittee on Financial Services. would appreciate him firing Comey, temporary final rule — Special Local Regu- 1385. A letter from the Acting Director, Fi- lation; Bush River, Harford County, MD just like Republicans. nancial Crimes Enforcement Network, De- [Docket No.: USCG-2017-0067] (RIN: 1625- I know President Trump is relatively partment of the Treasury, transmitting the AA08) received May 17, 2017, pursuant to 5 new to politics, but hopefully this is a Department’s final rule — Imposition of Spe- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. lesson to President Trump. Just be- cial Measure Against North Korea as a Juris- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on diction of Primary Money Laundering Con- cause Democratic leaders and the Transportation and Infrastructure. cern (RIN: 1506-AB35) received May 17, 2017, mainstream media say one thing in 1394. A letter from the Attorney, CG-LRA, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law righteous indignation one day does not U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- mean they are not going to turn Security, transmitting the Department’s mittee on Financial Services. final rule — Drawbridge Operation Regula- around and say exactly the opposite 1386. A letter from the Assistant General tion; Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway and In- the very next day or the next month. Counsel for Regulatory Services, Office of dian Creek, Miami, FL [Docket No.: USCG- The President, I know he is learn- Elementary and Secondary Education, De- 2015-0768] (RIN: 1625-AA09) received May 17, partment of Education, transmitting the De- ing—he is a quick learner—but he is 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public partment’s final priorities, requirements, bound to learning as he goes. You can’t Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the definitions, and selection criteria — Striving always trust what a Democratic leader Committee on Transportation and Infra- Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) says one moment, because they may structure. turn around and completely contradict Program [CFDA Number: 84.371C] [Docket 1395. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, ID: ED-2015-OESE-0129] (RIN: 1810-AB25) re- themselves immediately thereafter. U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland ceived May 17, 2017, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Security, transmitting the Department’s So I think if the President just relies 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 on what our Democratic Senators and temporary final rule — Special Local Regu- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Education lation; Hebda Cup Rowing Regatta; Detroit House Members said, he will be in good and the Workforce. River, Trenton Channel; Wyandotte, MI stead. And I think the country is better 1387. A letter from the Associate Bureau [Docket No.: USCG-2017-0305] (RIN: 1625- off, depending on who is appointed, but Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau, Federal AA08) received May 17, 2017, pursuant to 5 I have faith it will be an improvement. Communications Commission, transmitting U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance the Commission’s final rule — Connect 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on America Fund [WC Docket No.: 10-90]; ETC of my time. Transportation and Infrastructure. Annual Reports and Certifications [WC 1396. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, Docket No.: 14-58]; Developing a Unified U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland f Intercarrier Compensation Regime [CC Security, transmitting the Department’s Docket No.: 01-92] received May 17, 2017, pur- temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Chapel APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Street over Mill River Bridge Rehabilitation BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee — New Haven, CT [Docket No.: USCG-2017- UNITED STATES MILITARY on Energy and Commerce. 0257] (RIN: 1625-AA00) received May 17, 2017, ACADEMY 1388. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law ment of the Treasury, transmitting a six- 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The month periodic report on the national emer- mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Chair announces the Speaker’s ap- gency with respect to Iran that was declared ture. pointment, pursuant to 10 U.S.C. in Executive Order 12170 of November 14, 1397. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, 4355(a), and the order of the House of 1979, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1641(c); Public Office of Regulations and Administrative January 3, 2017, of the following Mem- Law 94-412, Sec. 401(c); (90 Stat. 1257) and 50 Law, U.S. Coast Guard, Department of ber on the part of the House to the U.S.C. 1703(c); Public Law 95-223, Sec 204(c); Homeland Security, transmitting the De- (91 Stat. 1627); to the Committee on Foreign Board of Visitors to the United States partment’s temporary final rule — Security Affairs. Zone; Schuylkill River, Philadelphia, PA Military Academy: 1389. A letter from the Director, Inter- [Docket No.: USCGF-2017-0152] (RIN: 1625- Mr. THOMAS J. ROONEY, Florida national Cooperation, Department of De- AA87) received May 17, 2017, pursuant to 5 fense, transmitting Pursuant to Section 27(f) U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. f of the Arms Export Control Act and Execu- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on tive Order 13637, Transmittal No. 05-17 in- Transportation and Infrastructure. forming of an intent to sign Amendment One LEAVE OF ABSENCE f to the Memorandum of Understanding By unanimous consent, leave of ab- Among Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON sence was granted to: Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Mr. CURBELO of Florida (at the re- of the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of quest of Mr. MCCARTHY) for after 3:30 United States of America; to the Committee committees were delivered to the Clerk p.m. on May 18 and the balance of the on Foreign Affairs. for printing and reference to the proper week on account of family obligations 1390. A letter from the Acting Deputy As- calendar, as follows: in the district. sistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Depart- ment of Agriculture, transmitting the De- Mr. ROE of Tennessee: Committee on Vet- partment’s FY 2016 No FEAR Act report, f erans’ Affairs. H.R. 1725. A bill to amend pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2301 note; Public Law title 38, United States Code, to improve the 107-174, 203(a) (as amended by Public Law 109- treatment of medical evidence provided by ADJOURNMENT 435, Sec. 604(f)); (120 Stat. 3242); to the Com- non-Department of Veterans Affairs medical Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I move mittee on Oversight and Government Re- professionals in support of claims for dis- that the House do now adjourn. form. ability compensation under the laws admin- The motion was agreed to; accord- 1391. A letter from the Director, Office of istered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Personnel Management, transmitting the ingly (at 1 o’clock and 56 minutes and for other purposes; with amendments Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Coun- (Rept. 115–133). Referred to the Committee of p.m.), under its previous order, the cil’s Report to Congress for Fiscal Years the Whole House on the state of the Union. House adjourned until Monday, May 22, 2014-2016, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 1401 note; Pub- Mr. ROE of Tennessee: Committee on Vet- 2017, at noon for morning-hour debate. lic Law 107-296, Sec. 1303(d); (116 Stat. 2289); erans’ Affairs. H.R. 1329. A bill to increase,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY7.045 H19MYPT1 H4388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017

effective as of December 1, 2017, the rates of EMMER, Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH, Mr. DA- ment Act to encourage elimination of compensation for veterans with service-con- VIDSON, Mr. TROTT, and Mr. WIL- lionfish from United States waters by allow- nected disabilities and the rates of depend- LIAMS): ing individuals to exchange lionfish for tags ency and indemnity compensation for the H.R. 2553. A bill to amend the Consumer authorizing fishing for certain species in ad- survivors of certain disabled veterans, to Financial Protection Act of 2010 to bring the dition to the number of such species other- amend title 38, United States Code, to im- Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection wise authorized to be taken by such individ- prove the United States Court of Appeals for into the regular appropriations process, and uals, and for other purposes; to the Com- Veterans Claims, to improve the processing for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- mittee on Natural Resources. of claims by the Secretary of Veterans Af- nancial Services. By Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH (for himself fairs, and for other purposes; with amend- By Mr. SOTO (for himself, Mrs. MUR- and Mr. REICHERT): ments (Rept. 115–134). Referred to the Com- PHY of Florida, Mrs. DEMINGS, Ms. H.R. 2561. A bill to amend title 18, United mittee of the Whole House on the state of CASTOR of Florida, Mr. CRIST, Mr. States Code, to permit uniformed law en- the Union. HASTINGS, Mr. LAWSON of Florida, forcement officers to carry agency-issued Mr. ROE of Tennessee: Committee on Vet- and Ms. WILSON of Florida): firearms in certain Federal facilities, and for erans’ Affairs. H.R. 2288. A bill to amend H.R. 2554. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- title 38, United States Code, to reform the cation Act of 1965 to establish a program diciary. rights and processes relating to appeals of that automatically enrolls certain commu- By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania: decisions regarding claims for benefits under nity college graduates into 4-year public in- H.R. 2562. A bill to improve access to pre- the laws administered by the Secretary of stitutions of higher education; to the Com- scription drugs; to the Committee on Energy mittee on Education and the Workforce. Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes and Commerce. By Mrs. LOVE (for herself and Ms. (Rept. 115–135). Referred to the Committee of By Mr. LAWSON of Florida (for him- SINEMA): the Whole House on the state of the Union. self, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. ESPAILLAT, H.R. 2555. A bill to require the Secretary of Ms. ADAMS, Ms. CLARKE of New York, f Veterans Affairs to ensure compliance of and Mrs. MURPHY of Florida): medical facilities of the Department of Vet- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 2563. A bill to codify the Small Busi- erans Affairs with requirements relating to ness Administration’s Entrepreneurial Edu- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public the scheduling of appointments, to require cation Initiative, and for other purposes; to appointment by the President and confirma- bills and resolutions of the following the Committee on Small Business. tion by the Senate of certain health care of- By Mr. LOBIONDO (for himself, Ms. titles were introduced and severally re- ficials of the Department, and for other pur- BORDALLO, Ms. GABBARD, Mr. JONES, ferred, as follows: poses; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- Mr. BYRNE, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. By Mr. BARLETTA (for himself, Mr. fairs, and in addition to the Committee on KNIGHT, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Geor- JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. SHUSTER, Oversight and Government Reform, for a pe- gia, Mr. BANKS of Indiana, and Mr. and Mr. DEFAZIO): riod to be subsequently determined by the GALLAGHER): H.R. 2548. A bill to reauthorize the pro- Speaker, in each case for consideration of H.R. 2564. A bill to amend title 10, United grams and activities of the Federal Emer- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- States Code, to require an annual report on gency Management Agency; to the Com- tion of the committee concerned. the personnel, training, and equipment needs mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- By Mrs. BLACK (for herself, Mr. of the non-federalized National Guard; to the ture, and in addition to the Committees on WELCH, Mr. HARPER, Mr. THOMPSON of Committee on Armed Services. Natural Resources, and Financial Services, California, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, and By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: for a period to be subsequently determined Ms. MATSUI): H.R. 2556. A bill to amend title XVIII of the H.R. 2565. A bill to require the use of re- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- placement cost value in determining the pre- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- Social Security Act to expand access to tele- health services, and for other purposes; to mium rates for flood insurance coverage risdiction of the committee concerned. under the National Flood Insurance Act, and By Mr. COFFMAN (for himself and Mr. the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways for other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- O’ROURKE): nancial Services. H.R. 2549. A bill to amend title 38, United and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of States Code, to make certain improvements New York (for herself and Ms. in the administration of the educational as- consideration of such provisions as fall with- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- BONAMICI): sistance programs of the Department of Vet- H.R. 2566. A bill to direct the Federal Trade erans Affairs, and for other purposes; to the cerned. By Mr. BUCSHON (for himself, Mr. Commission to prescribe rules prohibiting Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. deceptive advertising of abortion services; to By Mr. THOMPSON of California (for PAYNE, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Mr. ULLIN USH the Committee on Energy and Commerce. himself, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. WELCH, and M , and Mr. R ): H.R. 2557. A bill to amend title XVIII of the By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of Mr. HARPER): Social Security Act to provide for coverage New York: H.R. 2550. A bill to amend title XVIII of the under the Medicare program of certain DNA H.R. 2567. A bill to establish certain duties Social Security Act to provide for an incre- Specimen Provenance Assay clinical diag- for pharmacies to ensure provision of Food mental expansion of telehealth coverage nostic laboratory tests; to the Committee on and Drug Administration-approved contra- under the Medicare program; to the Com- Energy and Commerce, and in addition to ception, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Energy and Commerce, and in ad- the Committee on Ways and Means, for a pe- mittee on Energy and Commerce. dition to the Committee on Ways and Means, riod to be subsequently determined by the By Mr. MCKINLEY (for himself, Mr. for a period to be subsequently determined Speaker, in each case for consideration of JENKINS of West Virginia, Mr. MOON- by the Speaker, in each case for consider- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- EY of West Virginia, Mr. MURPHY of ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- tion of the committee concerned. Pennsylvania, and Mr. JOHNSON of risdiction of the committee concerned. By Mr. COLLINS of New York (for him- Ohio): By Mr. STIVERS (for himself and Ms. self, Mr. LONG, and Mr. PETERS): H.R. 2568. A bill to direct the Secretary of SEWELL of Alabama): H.R. 2558. A bill to direct the Secretary of Energy and the Secretary of Commerce to H.R. 2551. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Health and Human Services to issue guid- conduct a study of the feasibility of estab- enue Code of 1986 to expand the exclusion for ance with respect to three-dimensional lishing an ethane storage and distribution employer-provided educational assistance human tissue models, and for other purposes; hub in the United States; to the Committee and to expand the availability of the student to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. on Energy and Commerce. loan interest deduction; to the Committee on By Mr. CROWLEY (for himself and Mr. By Mr. PERLMUTTER (for himself and Ways and Means. PAULSEN): Mr. GALLAGHER): By Mr. MASSIE (for himself, Mr. H.R. 2559. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H.R. 2569. A bill to promote transparency BLUM, Mr. BRAT, Mr. BRIDENSTINE, enue Code of 1986 to treat bicycle sharing in health care pricing, and for other pur- Mr. DESANTIS, Mr. FRANKS of Ari- systems as mass transit facilities for pur- poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- zona, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. KNIGHT, Mr. poses of the qualified transportation fringe; merce, and in addition to the Committees on MOONEY of West Virginia, Mr. WEB- to the Committee on Ways and Means. Ways and Means, and Oversight and Govern- STER of Florida, and Mr. BIGGS): By Mr. GAETZ (for himself, Mr. SOTO, ment Reform, for a period to be subsequently H.R. 2552. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida, Mr. determined by the Speaker, in each case for enue Code of 1986 to repeal the inclusion in LAWSON of Florida, Mr. DESANTIS, consideration of such provisions as fall with- gross income of Social Security benefits; to Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. DUNN, Mr. DUNCAN in the jurisdiction of the committee con- the Committee on Ways and Means. of Tennessee, Mr. RUTHERFORD, Ms. cerned. By Mr. BARR (for himself, Mr. TIPTON, ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. THOMAS J. ROO- By Mr. POSEY: Mr. ROTHFUS, Mrs. LOVE, Mrs. WAG- NEY of Florida, Mr. MAST, and Mr. H.R. 2570. A bill to amend the Truth in NER, Mr. DUFFY, Ms. TENNEY, Mr. YOHO): Lending Act to clarify that the points and LOUDERMILK, Mr. STIVERS, Mr. H.R. 2560. A bill to amend the Magnuson- fees in connection with a mortgage loan do HULTGREN, Mr. PITTENGER, Mr. Stevens Fishery Conservation and Manage- not include certain compensation amounts

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.023 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4389 already taken into account in setting the in- By Mr. TIBERI: CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY terest rate on such loan, and for other pur- H.R. 2579. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- STATEMENT poses; to the Committee on Financial Serv- enue Code of 1986 to allow the premium tax ices. credit with respect to unsubsidized COBRA Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. POSEY (for himself and Mr. continuation coverage; to the Committee on the Rules of the House of Representa- BRIDENSTINE): Ways and Means. tives, the following statements are sub- H.R. 2571. A bill to amend title 51 of the By Mr. ZELDIN: mitted regarding the specific powers United States Code to improve the safety of H.R. 2580. A bill to simplify and improve granted to Congress in the Constitu- commercial space flight operations by au- the Federal student loan program through income-contingent repayment to provide tion to enact the accompanying bill or thorizing the operation of aircraft with ex- joint resolution. perimental certificates carrying persons or stronger protections for borrowers, encour- age responsible borrowing, and save money property to support research and training for By Mr. BARLETTA: for taxpayers; to the Committee on Edu- space flight participants and crew, and for H.R. 2548. cation and the Workforce, and in addition to other purposes; to the Committee on Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Committee on Ways and Means, for a pe- Science, Space, and Technology. lation pursuant to the following: riod to be subsequently determined by the By Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD (for herself, Article I, Section 8 of the United States Speaker, in each case for consideration of Constitution, specifically Clause l (relating Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- to providing for the common defense and MOORE, Ms. BARRAGA´ N, Mr. VARGAS, tion of the committee concerned. general welfare of the United States) and Mr. CARBAJAL, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. By Mr. MARINO (for himself and Mr. Clause 3 (related to regulation of Commerce CASTRO of Texas, Ms. LOFGREN, Mrs. MCGOVERN): with foreign Nations, and among the several TORRES, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. SIRES, H. Con. Res. 58. Concurrent resolution ex- States, and with Indian tribes) and Clause 18 Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. pressing support for a month to be known as (relating to the power to make all laws nec- MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, and for essary and proper for carrying out the pow- Mexico, Ms. JUDY CHU of California, other purposes; to the Committee on Energy ers vested in Congress). Mr. SOTO, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. and Commerce. By Mr. COFFMAN: CORREA, and Ms. SA´ NCHEZ): By Mr. DEFAZIO (for himself, Ms. H.R. 2549. H.R. 2572. A bill to establish humane prac- MOORE, Mr. MOULTON, Ms. LEE, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- tices for the repatriation of aliens at the bor- CLEAVER, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: der, establish effective standards for the BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Pennsylvania, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. treatment of certain aliens in the custody of Ms. SEWELL of Alabama, Mr. DANNY By Mr. THOMPSON of California: the Department of Homeland Security, and K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. YARMUTH, H.R. 2550. for other purposes; to the Committee on the Ms. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM of New Congress has the power to enact this legis- Judiciary, and in addition to the Committee Mexico, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. RYAN of lation pursuant to the following: on Homeland Security, for a period to be Ohio, Mr. KIND, Mr. DEUTCH, Ms. Article 1 Sec 1 subsequently determined by the Speaker, in CLARKE of New York, Ms. SCHA- By Mr. STIVERS: each case for consideration of such provi- KOWSKY, Mr. POCAN, Mr. NOLAN, Mrs. H.R. 2551. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the DINGELL, Ms. SHEA-PORTER, Mr. CAS- Congress has the power to enact this legis- committee concerned. TRO of Texas, Ms. MATSUI, Mr. NAD- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. RUIZ: LER, Ms. PINGREE, Mr. CARSON of In- Article I, Section 8, Clause I H.R. 2573. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- diana, Mr. RASKIN, Ms. ROYBAL- By Mr. MASSIE: cation Act of 1965 to authorize additional ALLARD, Mr. CRIST, Mr. LOEBSACK, H.R. 2552. grant activities for Hispanic-serving institu- Mr. MCGOVERN, Ms. BONAMICI, Mrs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- tions; to the Committee on Education and NAPOLITANO, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. PERL- lation pursuant to the following: the Workforce. MUTTER, Ms. GABBARD, Ms. MCCOL- The constitutional authority for the Sen- By Mr. RUIZ: LUM, and Mr. KEATING): ior Citizens Tax Elimination Act is found in H. Res. 344. A resolution recognizing the H.R. 2574. A bill to amend the Public Article I, Section 8, which gives Congress the contributions of senior volunteers; to the Health Service Act to help build a stronger power to lay and collect taxes. Committee on Education and the Workforce. health care workforce; to the Committee on By Mr. BARR: By Mr. CICILLINE (for himself, Mr. Energy and Commerce. H.R. 2553. PALLONE, Mr. NEAL, Mr. SCOTT of Vir- By Mr. RUIZ (for himself, Mr. MEEHAN, Congress has the power to enact this legis- ginia, and Mr. YARMUTH): Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania, Mr. PAS- lation pursuant to the following: CRELL, and Ms. DELBENE): H. Res. 345. A resolution urging the Presi- dent to faithfully carry out the Affordable (Article I, Section 9, Clause 7: No Money H.R. 2575. A bill to amend title XVIII of the shall be drawn from the Treasury but in Con- Social Security Act to establish a system to Care Act; to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee sequence of Appropriations made by Law; educate individuals approaching Medicare and a regular Statement and Account of the eligibility, to simplify and modernize the eli- on Ways and Means, for a period to be subse- quently determined by the Speaker, in each Receipts and Expenditures of all public gibility enrollment process, and for other case for consideration of such provisions as Money shall be published from time to time) purposes; to the Committee on Ways and fall within the jurisdiction of the committee By Mr. SOTO: Means, and in addition to the Committee on concerned. H.R. 2554. Energy and Commerce, for a period to be By Ms. DELBENE (for herself, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in BLUNT ROCHESTER, Mr. CARBAJAL, lation pursuant to the following: each case for consideration of such provi- Mr. O’HALLERAN, Ms. ADAMS, Ms. Article I, Section 8, of the United States sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. SHEA-POR- Constitution. committee concerned. TER, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of By Mrs. LOVE: By Mr. SERRANO: New York, Mr. WELCH, Mr. H.R. 2555. H.R. 2576. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- NEWHOUSE, and Mr. PANETTA): Congress has the power to enact this legis- enue Code of 1986 to provide for the tax H. Res. 346. A resolution expressing the lation pursuant to the following: treatment of small business start-up savings sense of the House of Representatives that Article I Section 8 of the United States accounts; to the Committee on Ways and specialty crops are a vital part of agriculture Constitution Means. in the United States, and that Congress By Mrs. BLACK: By Ms. SINEMA (for herself, Mr. should fund programs that support specialty H.R. 2556. VALADAO, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. POLIS, crops; to the Committee on Agriculture. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mrs. LOVE, and Mr. CRIST): By Mr. QUIGLEY (for himself, Ms. WIL- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2577. A bill to establish an employ- SON of Florida, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. United States Constitution Article I Sec- ment-based immigrant visa for alien entre- HASTINGS, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. tion 8 preneurs who have received significant cap- BARRAGA´ N, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Ms. By Mr. BUCSHON: ital from investors to establish a business in KAPTUR, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Ms. KELLY H.R. 2557. the United States; to the Committee on the of Illinois, Ms. NORTON, Mrs. DIN- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Judiciary. GELL, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. LIPINSKI, lation pursuant to the following: By Ms. SLAUGHTER (for herself and Mr. BOST, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illi- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United Mr. JONES): nois, Mr. TED LIEU of California, Mr. States Constitution H.R. 2578. A bill to amend the Employee COHEN, Mr. EVANS, Mr. RASKIN, Ms. By Mr. COLLINS of New York: Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and CLARKE of New York, and Mr. RUSH): H.R. 2558. the National Labor Relations Act to protect H. Res. 347. A resolution expressing support Congress has the power to enact this legis- the health benefits of retirees, and for other for designation of May 2017 as ‘‘National lation pursuant to the following: purposes; to the Committee on Education Brain Tumor Awareness Month’’; to the Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- and the Workforce. Committee on Energy and Commerce. tion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:53 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L19MY7.100 H19MYPT1 H4390 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 By Mr. CROWLEY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 2559. lation pursuant to the following: Constitution. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3—‘‘The Con- f lation pursuant to the following: gress shall have the power to . . . regulate Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: ‘‘The Con- commerce with foreign nations, and among ADDITIONAL SPONSORS gress shall have Power to lay and collect the several states, and with the Indian Taxes . . .’’ tribes;’’ Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors By Mr. GAETZ: By Mr. POSEY: were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 2560. H.R. 2571. tions, as follows: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 113: Ms. FRANKEL of Florida, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: MCGOVERN, Ms. MENG, and Ms. Vela´ zquez. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the Con- H.R. 291: Ms. TENNEY, Mr. DESANTIS, Mr. By Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH: stitution of the United States: The Congress RUTHERFORD, and Mr. BOST. H.R. 2561. shall have Power to regulate Commerce with H.R. 355: Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- foreign Nations, and among the several H.R. 377: Mr. PALAZZO, Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: States, and with the Indian tribes. RUTHERFORD, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Mr. DAVID- Clause 18 of Section 8 of Article I of the Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- SON, and Mr. DONOVAN. United States Constitution stitution of the United States: The Congress H.R. 426: Mr. DONOVAN. By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania: shall have Power to make all Laws which H.R. 448: Mr. BERA. H.R. 2562. shall be necessary and proper for carrying H.R. 468: Mr. MAST. Congress has the power to enact this legis- into Execution the forgoing Powers, and all H.R. 480: Mr. ROE of Tennessee. lation pursuant to the following: other Powers vested by this Constitution in H.R. 490: Mr. MARINO, Mr. BUDD, Mr. KELLY Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- the Government of the United States or in of Mississippi, and Mr. FERGUSON. tion any Department or Officer thereof. H.R. 539: Mr. GRIFFITH. By Mr. LAWSON of Florida: By Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD: H.R. 545: Mr. WITTMAN and Mr. ABRAHAM. H.R. 2563. H.R. 2572. H.R. 620: Mr. RUSH and Mr. EMMER, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 631: Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. JORDAN, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: TURNER, Mr. BRAT, and Mr. BUDD. Article 1, Section 8: To make all Laws Article 1, Section 8 of the United States H.R. 635: Mr. QUIGLEY. which shall be necessary and proper for car- Constitution H.R. 669: Mr. PAYNE. rying into Execution the foregoing Powers, By Mr. RU1Z: H.R. 695: Mr. FORTENBERRY. and all other Powers vested by this Constitu- H.R. 2573. H.R. 731: Ms. LEE, Ms. SPEIER, and Mr. tion in the Government of the United States, Congress has the power to enact this legis- GARAMENDI. or in any Department or Officer thereof. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 758: Mrs. HARTZLER. By Mr. LOBIONDO: Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the H.R. 790: Ms. BARRAGA´ N and Mr. CICILLINE. H.R. 2564. United States Constitution, to provide for H.R. 795: Mr. KING of New York, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- the general welfare and make all laws nec- POLIQUIN, Mr. MOULTON, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: essary and proper to carry out the powers of HUFFMAN, and Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Congress. H.R. 807: Mr. LONG. Constitution By Mr. RUIZ: H.R. 817: Mr. O’ROURKE, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 2574. H.R. 2565. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 820: Mr. UPTON. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the H.R. 821: Mr. ELLISON, Mrs. TORRES, Mr. ´ Additionally, Article 1, Section 7, Clause 2 United States Constitution, to provide for CARDENAS, and Mr. POCAN. of the Constitution allows for every bill the general welfare and make all laws nec- H.R. 823: Mr. ENGEL and Ms. ESHOO. passed by the House of Representatives and essary and proper to carry out the powers of H.R. 828: Mr. SCHNEIDER. the Senate and signed by the President to be Congress. H.R. 846: Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. codified into law; and therefore implicitly al- By Mr. RU1Z: ISSA, Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts, and Mr. lows Congress to repeal any bill that has H.R. 2575. JOHNSON of Ohio. been passed by both chambers and signed Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 851: Mr. CLEAVER. into law by the President. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 861: Mr. BIGGS. By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the H.R. 873: Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. ISSA, Mr. New York: United States Constitution, to provide for SMITH of New Jersey, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, H.R. 2566. the general welfare and make all laws nec- Mr. WEBSTER of Florida, Mr. KELLY of Penn- Congress has the power to enact this legis- essary and proper to carry out the powers of sylvania, Mr. ESTES of Kansas, and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Congress. BANKS of Indiana. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3: To regulate By Mr. SERRANO: H.R. 881: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Commerce with foreign Nations, and among H.R. 2576. H.R. 904: Mr. PALLONE. the several States, and with the Indian Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 916: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Tribes. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 930: Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, By Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- Mr. AMODEI, Mr. CRIST, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. New York: stitution GALLEGO, Mr. BARR, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of H.R. 2567. By Ms. SINEMA: Illinois, Mr. KINZINGER, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2577. JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. MCNERNEY, and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- AGUILAR. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3: To regulate lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1046: Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Commerce with foreign Nations, and among Article. I. Section 8. H.R. 1057: Mr. EVANS. the several States, and with the Indian By Ms. SLAUGHTER: H.R. 1071: Mr. O’ROURKE and Mr. Tribes. H.R. 2578. MCEACHIN. By Mr. MCKINLEY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1098: Mr. DEFAZIO. H.R. 2568. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1116: Mr. BABIN, Mr. BRIDENSTINE, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1 Section 8. Mr. BOST. lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. TIBERI: H.R. 1143: Mr. CA´ RDENAS and Mr. SMITH of According to Article I, Section 8 of the H.R. 2579. Washington. Constitution: The Congress shall have power Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1155: Mr. MOOLENAAR and Mr. to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and lation pursuant to the following: HUFFMAN. excises, to pay the debts and provide for the Article I, Section 8, Clause 1. The Congress H.R. 1200: Mr. GOHMERT and Mrs. MURPHY common defense and general welfare of the shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, of Florida. United States but all duties, imposts, and ex- Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the H.R. 1205: Mrs. DEMINGS, Mr. PETERSON, cises shall be uniform throughout. Debts and provide for the common Defence Mrs. LOWEY, Mr. HIGGINS of New York. and By Mr. PERLMUTTER: and general Welfare of the United States; but Mr. ENGEL. H.R. 2569. all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- H.R. 1207: Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. POE of Congress has the power to enact this legis- form throughout the United States. Texas, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. ZELDIN: Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 2580. Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. BAR- By Mr. POSEY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- TON, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. BRADY of Texas, H.R. 2570. lation pursuant to the following: Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.032 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4391

CONAWAY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. THORNBERRY, H.R. 1475: Mr. SCHNEIDER and Mr. SOTO. ROTHFUS, Mr. EVANS, Mr. YOHO, Mrs. BROOKS Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, H.R. 1528: Ms. MOORE. of Indiana, and Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. FLORES, Ms. JACKSON H.R. 1566: Mr. SOTO. H.R. 2328: Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. AL GREEN LEE, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, H.R. 1647: Mr. LIPINSKI. of Texas, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, and Ms. Mr. OLSON, Mr. HURD, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. H.R. 1663: Mr. POCAN. MOORE. WILLIAMS, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. FARENTHOLD, H.R. 1680: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. H.R. 2340: Mr. GOSAR and Mr. POLIS. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. CARTER of H.R. 1683: Mr. DELANEY, Mr. KENNEDY, Ms. H.R. 2353: Mr. HULTGREN and Mr. WILSON of Texas, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. VELA, SINEMA, Mr. O’HALLERAN, Mr. ISSA, Mr. South Carolina. Mr. DOGGETT, and Mr. BABIN. REED, Mr. PETERS, and Mr. DEFAZIO. H.R. 2358: Mr. GALLEGO, Ms. ROSEN, and H.R. 1208: Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. POE of H.R. 1697: Mr. THORNBERRY, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. CAPUANO. Texas, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, and Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. H.R. 2369: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida and Mr. Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, H.R. 1730: Mr. GAETZ and Mr. HASTINGS. HARRIS. Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. BAR- H.R. 1761: Mr. SESSIONS. H.R. 2383: Mr. GUTHRIE, Mr. HASTINGS, and TON, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. BRADY of Texas, H.R. 1772: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. VISCLOSKY, and Mr. NOLAN. H.R. 2392: Ms. BORDALLO, Ms. ROYBAL- CONAWAY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. THORNBERRY, H.R. 1777: Mr. KING of New York, Mr. ALLARD, and Mr. ELLISON. Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, KINZINGER, and Mr. ROSS. H.R. 2399: Mr. HULTGREN. Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. FLORES, Ms. JACKSON H.R. 1817: Mr. ELLISON. H.R. 2428: Mr. HUFFMAN. LEE, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, H.R. 1821: Mr. RASKIN. H.R. 2434: Mr. UPTON. Mr. OLSON, Mr. HURD, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. H.R. 1832: Mr. CARBAJAL, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. H.R. 2452: Mr. RUSH and Mr. KING of New WILLIAMS, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. FARENTHOLD, SCHNEIDER, and Ms. DEGETTE. York. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. CARTER of H.R. 1921: Mr. DUNN. H.R. 2472: Mr. DOGGETT and Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. VELA, H.R. 1943: Mr. GALLAGHER. Pennsylvania. Mr. DOGGETT, and Mr. BABIN. H.R. 1949: Mr. PETERS. H.R. 2495: Ms. SINEMA, Mr. COHEN, Mr. HAS- H.R. 1209: Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. POE of H.R. 1953: Mrs. BLACKBURN. TINGS, Ms. BROWNLEY of California, and Ms. Texas, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, H.R. 1970: Mr. ABRAHAM and Mr. KELLY of CASTOR of Florida. Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Mississippi. H.R. 2532: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. BAR- H.R. 1973: Mr. JEFFRIES, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. H.R. 2541: Mr. FITZPATRICK. TON, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. BRADY of Texas, COSTELLO of Pennsylvania, Ms. TENNEY, Mr. H. Con. Res. 8: Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. PAULSEN, Ms. BROWNLEY of California, Mr. H. Con. Res. 13: Mr. CULBERSON. ´ CONAWAY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. THORNBERRY, CARDENAS, and Mr. ROE of Tennessee. H. Con. Res. 20: Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, H.R. 2002: Mr. SOTO. H. Con. Res. 51: Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. FLORES, Ms. JACKSON H.R. 2015: Ms. ESHOO. H. Res. 30: Mr. KNIGHT and Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. LEE, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, H.R. 2044: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. H. Res. 69: Ms. MCCOLLUM. ´ Mr. OLSON, Mr. HURD, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. KIND, Mr. GUTIERREZ, Mrs. H. Res. 218: Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- WILLIAMS, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. FARENTHOLD, BUSTOS, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. KILMER, and Mr. sylvania. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. CARTER of ELLISON. H. Res. 274: Mr. SCHRADER, Mr. YOUNG of Texas, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. VELA, H.R. 2052: Mr. MESSER, Mr. KATKO, Mr. Alaska, Mr. BUDD, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. DOGGETT, and Mr. BABIN. DIAZ-BALART, Mrs. LOVE, Mrs. MCMORRIS Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. KNIGHT, H.R. 1210: Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. POE of RODGERS, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Ms. ROS- Mr. FORTENBERRY, Mr. WALBERG, and Mr. Texas, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, LEHTINEN, Mr. BANKS of Indiana, Mr. MEE- MEEHAN. Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, HAN, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. GAL- H. Res. 279: Mr. ROUZER, Mr. KING of New Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. BAR- LAGHER, Mr. COFFMAN, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. York, Mr. ROTHFUS, Mr. TED LIEU of Cali- TON, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. BRADY of Texas, MULLIN, Mr. KENNEDY, Mrs. NOEM, Mrs. WAG- fornia, Mrs. HARTZLER, and Ms. ROSEN. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. NER, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. WALKER, Mr. H. Res. 309: Mrs. BEATTY, Mrs. DINGELL, CONAWAY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. THORNBERRY, POLIQUIN, Ms. SINEMA, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. Mr. EVANS, Mr. HASTINGS, and Mrs. Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, FITZPATRICK, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Ms. RADEWAGEN. Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. FLORES, Ms. JACKSON PINGREE, Mr. CURBELO of Florida, Mr. CRIST, H. Res. 311: Mr. BROOKS of Alabama, Mr. LEE, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, Mr. BEYER, Mr. LARSEN of Washington, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey, and Mr. OLSON, Mr. HURD, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. ABRAHAM, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. GALLEGO, Mr. Mr. FORTENBERRY. WILLIAMS, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. FARENTHOLD, GARAMENDI, Mr. SUOZZI, Mr. THOMPSON of H. Res. 320: Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. CARTER of California, Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania, Mr. H. Res. 341: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida and Texas, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. VELA, DESANTIS, Mr. MCEACHIN, Mrs. ROBY, Mr. Mr. PETERS. Mr. DOGGETT, and Mr. BABIN. LAMBORN, Mr. CARBAJAL, Mrs. DAVIS of Cali- f H.R. 1211: Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. POE of fornia, Mr. GOTTHEIMER, Mr. HUDSON, Mr. Texas, Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas, SOTO, Mr. O’HALLERAN, and Mr. KHANNA. DISCHARGE PETITIONS Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, H.R. 2056: Mr. MEEKS. Under clause 2 of rule XV, the fol- Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. BAR- H.R. 2062: Ms. BROWNLEY of California and lowing discharge petition was filed: TON, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. BANKS of Indiana. Petition 2, May 17, 2017, by Mr. Mr. AL GREEN of Texas, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. H.R. 2068: Mr. ELLISON and Mr. SCOTT of SWALWELL of California on H.R. 356, was CONAWAY, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. THORNBERRY, Virginia. signed by the following Members: Mr. Mr. WEBER of Texas, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, H.R. 2084: Mr. BLUMENAUER. Swalwell of California, Mr. Cummings, Ms. Mr. O’ROURKE, Mr. FLORES, Ms. JACKSON H.R. 2099: Mr. PERLMUTTER. Lofgren, Ms. Jayapal, Mr. Crist, Mr. Cart- LEE, Mr. ARRINGTON, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, H.R. 2106: Mr. COHEN. wright, Mr. Doggett, Mr. Conyers, Mr. Kil- Mr. OLSON, Mr. HURD, Mr. MARCHANT, Mr. H.R. 2119: Mr. VISCLOSKY and Mr. dee, Mr. Hastings, Mr. Nadler, Mr. Capuano, WILLIAMS, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. FARENTHOLD, CA´ RDENAS. Mr. Courtney, Mr. Khanna, Ms. Hanabusa, Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. CARTER of H.R. 2120: Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. Lynch, Ms. Lee, Mr. Ben Ray Luja´ n of Texas, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. VEASEY, Mr. VELA, H.R. 2134: Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. New Mexico, Mr. Brown of Maryland, Ms. Mr. DOGGETT, and Mr. BABIN. H.R. 2135: Mr. ELLISON and Mr. GARAMENDI. H.R. 1212: Mr. PETERSON. H.R. 2147: Ms. PINGREE, Mr. TAKANO, and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas, Mr. Takano, H.R. 1222: Mr. GRIFFITH. Mr. RUTHERFORD. Mr. Carbajal, Mrs. Murphy of Florida, Mr. H.R. 1225: Mr. COOK. H.R. 2174: Mr. WESTERMAN and Mr. BANKS Correa, Ms. Kuster of New Hampshire, Ms. H.R. 1232: Mr. SOTO. of Indiana. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, Mr. H.R. 1310: Ms. PLASKETT. H.R. 2175: Ms. ROSEN. Norcross, Mr. Polis, Mr. Kilmer, Ms. Adams, H.R. 1318: Mr. DEFAZIO and Mr. O’ROURKE. H.R. 2197: Mr. FITZPATRICK and Ms. ROSEN. Ms. Brownley of California, Mr. H.R. 1341: Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. H.R. 2207: Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Krishnamoorthi, Mr. Peters, Ms. Meng, Mr. SPAILLAT H.R. 1358: Mr. E . H.R. 2208: Ms. BASS. Lipinski, Mr. Beyer, Mrs. Bustos, Mr. H.R. 1361: Mr. WALZ. H.R. 2209: Ms. BASS. Aguilar, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. Moulton, H.R. 1377: Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. H.R. 2230: Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. PITTENGER, Mr. Mr. Al Green of Texas, Mr. McGovern, Mrs. H.R. 1379: Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Torres, Mr. Engel, Ms. Vela´ zquez, Mr. H.R. 1406: Mr. NADLER, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. NADLER, Ms. WILSON of Florida, Mr. KILMER, Schneider, Mr. Heck, Mr. Bera, Ms. Esty of GENE GREEN of Texas, and Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. SHERMAN, Mr. GOTTHEIMER, Mr. SAR- H.R. 1421: Mr. MCGOVERN. BANES, Mr. POLIS, Ms. ROSEN, and Ms. Connecticut, Ms. Roybal-Allard, Mr. H.R. 1439: Ms. ESTY of Connecticut. FRANKEL of Florida. O’Halleran, Ms. DelBene, Mr. Schiff, Mr. H.R. 1445: Mrs. HARTZLER. H.R. 2240: Mr. CORREA. Cohen, Mr. Raskin, Ms. Slaughter, Mr. Rup- H.R. 1456: Mr. COURTNEY and Ms. BLUNT H.R. 2262: Mr. RUSH. persberger, Mr. Kihuen, Mr. Keating, Mr. ROCHESTER. H.R. 2327: Mr. KIND, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mrs. Lowenthal, Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. Watson Cole- H.R. 1474: Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ and Mr. MURPHY of Florida, Mrs. BEATTY, Mr. man, Ms. Castor of Florida, Mr. Yarmuth, MCGOVERN. FARENTHOLD, Mr. KING of New York, Mr. Ms. McCollum, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.025 H19MYPT1 H4392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 19, 2017 Ruiz, Mr. Butterfield, Ms. Sewell of Ala- Georgia, Mr. Cicilline, Mr. Meeks, Mr. Richmond, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Rush, Mr. bama, Mr. Bishop of Georgia, Ms. Moore, Mr. McNerney, Mr. Sires, Mr. Clay, Ms. Bass, Price of North Carolina, Mr. Nolan, Ms. Langevin, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Ms. Mrs. Davis of California, Ms. Matsui, Ms. Speier, Ms. Shea-Porter, Mr. Higgins of New Rosen, Mrs. Demings, Ms. Titus, Mr. Judy Chu of California, Ms. Fudge, Mr. York, Ms. Pelosi, Ms. Pingree, Mr. Pocan, Espaillat, Ms. Bonamici, Mr. Brendan F. Brady of Pennsylvania, Ms. Sa´ nchez, Mr. Mr. Schrader, Mr. Himes, Mr. Crowley, Ms. Boyle of Pennsylvania, Mr. Pallone, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Loebsack, DeGette, Mr. Cuellar, Mr. Vargas, Ms. Scha- Hoyer, Mr. Lewis of Georgia, Miss Rice of Mr. Quigley, Mrs. Dingell, Mr. DeFazio, Mr. kowsky, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Mr. New York, Ms. Clark of Massachusetts, Mr. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York, Mr. Coo- Costa, Mr. Connolly, Mr. Kind, Mr. Payne, Serrano, Mr. Garamendi, Mr. Pascrell, Ms. per, Mr. Suozzi, Mr. Neal, Ms. Wilson of Flor- and Ms. Kaptur. Sinema, Mr. Thompson of California, Mr. Pa- ida, Mrs. Lawrence, Ms. Barraga´ n, Mrs. netta, Mr. Larsen of Washington, Mr. Sar- Lowey, Ms. Eshoo, Mr. Veasey, Mr. Scott of f banes, Mr. Huffman, Mr. Ca´ rdenas, Mr. Virginia, Mr. Foster, Mr. Danny K. Davis of Gallego, Mr. Welch, Mr. Perlmutter, Mr. Illinois, Ms. DeLauro, Mrs. Carolyn B. Malo- Ellison, Mr. Soto, Mr. Delaney, Mr. Lawson ney of New York, Ms. Gabbard, Mr. DISCHARGE PETITIONS— of Florida, Mr. DeSaulnier, Mr. Evans, Ms. O’Rourke, Ms. Tsongas, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. ADDITIONS AND WITHDRAWALS Clarke of New York, Ms. Kelly of Illinois, Ted Lieu of California, Ms. Maxine Waters of The following Member added his Mr. Cleaver, Mr. Clyburn, Mr. Thompson of California, Mr. Michael F. Doyle of Pennsyl- Mississippi, Mr. Jones, Mr. Vela, Ms. Jack- vania, Mr. Smith of Washington, Mr. Tonko, name to the following discharge peti- son Lee, Mr. Peterson, Mr. Jeffries, Mr. Mr. Ryan of Ohio, Mr. Gene Green of Texas, tion: Walz, Ms. Frankel of Florida, Mr. Levin, Mr. Mr. Gonzalez of Texas, Mr. Carson of Indi- Petition 1 by Ms. ESHOO on H.R. 305: Mr. McEachin, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. David Scott of ana, Mr. Castro of Texas, Mr. Deutch, Mr. JONES.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY7.030 H19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E673 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

CONGRATULATING PRESIDENT person are brought to justice by streamlining to Cleveland, Mississippi in 1999 while attend- TSAI ING-WEN OF TAIWAN the process and by reducing regulations ing Delta State University. She’s married to around the testing of these kits. Mr. Christopher Parks, Co-Owner/Coach and HON. JOE BARTON H.R. 510 would provide amendments to the they have two beautiful daughters named DNA Identification Act of 1994 and the DNA Paris Kaitlyn Parks and Layken Parks. Mrs. OF TEXAS Backlog Analysis Backlog Act of 2000 that re- Parks earned a Bachelor of Business Adminis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quire more external regulation for all Rapid tration in 2003 and a Masters of Business Ad- Friday, May 19, 2017 DNA tests. Organizations performing such ministration in 2013 from Delta State Univer- tests would still be audited by the Federal gov- sity. She is the Finance Officer of Mississippi Mr. BARTON. Mr. Speaker, tomorrow, May ernment to ensure the quality of test. It will United to End Homelessness and owner/ 20th, is the first anniversary of President Tsai also be accredited by credible, nonprofit insti- coach of Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All Stars. Ing-wen’s inauguration. Having met President tutions that will lend the imprimatur of reli- She fellowships with St. Peter MB Church in Tsai twice during her first year in office, I ability. Sunflower, Mississippi. Mr. Parks graduated would like to congratulate her and the people I fully support this measure and I am firmly from Delta State University in 2005 with a of Taiwan on this occasion. committed to bringing justice to offenders of Bachelor of Science in General Studies and Taiwan has become a vibrant democracy, these crimes. This bill will provide relief to the Minor in Family Consumer Science and Crimi- where power at the presidential level has been countless victims of sexual assault. Rape kits nal Justice, and in 2012 with a Masters in peacefully transferred from one political party often go untested because of existing regula- Physical Education with an Emphasis on to another three times—most recently in last tions that make it more difficult to test such Human Performance. year’s election. Taiwan’s democracy is a shin- time sensitive data. I support this legislation. ing example for both the Asia-Pacific region, She has a great love and compassion for and for the world. At the same time, Taiwan f young people. Her ministry is to inspire young has endeavored to be a good global citizen. TRIBUTE TO MAXINE MARTENS people to excel in all things with God’s leading Mr. Speaker, I treasure the U.S.-Taiwan re- and to encourage women. Everything she lationship, which is one between like-minded does is done with the spirit of excellence. Her friends who share the same values. I admire HON. DAVID YOUNG motto is: ‘‘If I can help somebody then her liv- the distance the people of Taiwan have come OF IOWA ing is not in vain.’’ She loves God whole- in the face of many challenges. As a friend to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES heartedly and thrives to live according to his Taiwan, I commend its people and President Friday, May 19, 2017 will and his way; not just on Sunday, but every Tsai on this anniversary. day. She’s a genuine giver and does it cheer- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise fully. Everything she has God gave it to her, f today to recognize and congratulate Ms. Max- everything she owns God has blessed her RAPID DNA ACT OF 2017 ine Martens on the occasion of her 100th with it, and she has faith the size of a mustard birthday. Maxine, along with her family and seed and know that it’s not over until God friends, celebrated on April 24th. SPEECH OF says it’s over. Our world has changed a great deal during Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All Stars was the course of Maxine’s life. Since her birth, we HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. established in 2011 and kicked off their first have revolutionized air travel and walked on OF GEORGIA season in February, 2012. Their competitive the moon. We have invented the television, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teams have won several UCA, Athletic Cham- cellular phones and the internet. We have pionship, Jam Fest, Deep South, WSA, and Tuesday, May 16, 2017 fought in wars overseas, seen the rise and fall local competitions. They strongly believe that of Soviet communism and witnessed the birth Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I their success originates from the dedication of new democracies. Maxine has lived through rise today in support of H.R. 510, the Rapid and commitment of the athletes and parents. eighteen United States Presidents and twenty- DNA Act of 2017. Furthermore, they realize the importance of four Governors of Iowa. In her lifetime, the The Rapid DNA Act, or H.R. 510, will aid hard work, discipline, a family atmosphere, population of the United States has more than law enforcement in its effort to solve cases and perhaps most importantly—fun. Each child tripled. and bring justice to the victims of crimes. In is an individual and is treated as such to instill Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent particular, victims of rape and sexual assault confidence and a sense of personal accom- Maxine Martens in the United States Congress will be able to regain peace of mind because plishment. Their main focus is to prepare chil- and it is my pleasure to wish her a very happy this legislation increases the likelihood that dren for the challenges that lie ahead of them. 100th birthday. I invite my colleagues in the these perpetrators will be captured. The lan- Their ability to work as a team, striving toward House of Representatives to join me in con- guage of the Rapid DNA Act gives law en- a common goal, will prove to be a lifelong gratulating Maxine on reaching this incredible forcement investigators the ability to facilitate skill. The encouragement to reach that goal is milestone, and in wishing her even more the quick testing of DNA tests, such as rape CE All-Stars passion. kits. DNA material is sensitive and has only a health and happiness in the years to come. limited time before it is rendered useless. This f Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All Stars com- act addresses the issue by removing some of petitive teams are not recreational. They train the preexisting regulations and red tape that HONORING SPIRIT XPLOSION to compete at a high level of intensity. Two of have hindered this process in the past. their main goals are to create award winning routines, and to be an active group in the It is a disservice to the American people to HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON community. This type of goal requires commit- deny them the results from a Rape Kit. They OF MISSISSIPPI ment to attendance and structured workouts. deserve the truth. The Constitution of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Spirit Xplosion Home of CE All-Stars athletes United States ensures that every citizen of the Friday, May 19, 2017 commit twelve months to the program. CE All- United States of America has the right to pri- Stars is a family and love building new rela- vacy, as stated in the Fourth Amendment to Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- tionships with everyone that walks through the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. The er, I rise today to honor a remarkable profes- their doors. Rapid DNA Act of 2017 will increase the sional minority business Spirit Xplosion Home chance that those who committed such of CE All Stars of Cleveland, Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me wrongs and those who have inhumanely vio- Mrs. Kimetria Parks, owner/coach is a na- in recognizing an outstanding minority busi- lated the basic rights and dignity of another tive of Holly Springs, Mississippi. She moved ness in the Mississippi Delta.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K19MY8.001 E19MYPT1 E674 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- neering developments in computer science workplace and the realism of how to do it all EN SOLDIER AIR FORCE STAFF and contributing to the Manhattan Project, including being a parent, a spouse and a child SERGEANT (SSGT) JOHN THOMAS among other achievements. Marina charted of the sandwich generation. SELF her own course and outgrew her father’s She leaves behind a peerless record of suc- shadow early in her career, leaving a mark cess, and I wish her well as she moves on HON. TRENT KELLY wherever she went. from her position at the University of Michigan. OF MISSISSIPPI After receiving her doctorate in Columbia Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me University, Dr. Whitman began her career in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in honoring Marina Whitman for her out- academia with the University of Pittsburgh in standing career as an economist. Her extraor- Friday, May 19, 2017 1962, eventually being named a Distinguished dinary work has impacted countless lives. Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, Public Service Professor with the university. f today I rise in memory of fallen soldier Air She then took a leave of absence to serve Force Staff Sergeant (SSGT) John Thomas with the federal government, first as an econo- TRIBUTE TO MARCY WORDEN Self who paid the ultimate sacrifice while de- mist with the President’s Council of Economic fending our nation on May 14, 2007, during Advisors, then on President Nixon’s National HON. DAVID YOUNG Operation Iraqi Freedom. SSGT Self was Price Commission. As the first woman to be OF IOWA killed by an improvised explosive device in an named to the President’s Council of Economic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES attack that wounded three other airmen near Advisors, Dr. Whitman wrote about how the Friday, May 19, 2017 Baghdad, Iraq, during his fourth tour of duty. media focused not on her intellectual achieve- SSGT Self was assigned to the 314th Secu- ments, but instead ‘‘talk[ed] about what I Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise rity Forces Squadron, Little Rock Air Force looked like and that my eye shadow matched today to recognize and congratulate Marcy Base, Arkansas. A fire team leader with De- my dress. Some woman from the Pittsburgh Worden of Council Bluffs, Iowa, who recently tachment 3,732 Expeditionary Security Forces Press wanted to know how my daughter’s ger- retired after 25 years of dedicated service to Squadron, SSGT Self was on his 79th combat bil survived the trip to Washington.’’ Council Bluffs as the City Clerk. patrol when he was killed. His detachment After serving in government, Dr. Whitman Marcy’s career with the City of Council was tasked with training Iraqi police. Self’s worked as a Vice President and Chief Econo- Bluffs started in April 1991. She joined the mother, Jill Self, told the Associated Press that mist for General Motors from 1979 to 1985, Parks and Recreation and Public Property De- he volunteered for his fourth tour of duty be- and Vice President and Group Executive for partment as a clerk-typist, and in 1995 she cause he wanted to serve his country. He was Public Affairs until 1992. During this time, she transferred to the City Clerk’s office. In 2002, only home from his third tour of duty for a few oversaw GM’s economics policies, as well as the City Council appointed her the deputy City weeks before he volunteered for his fourth its environmental and industry-government re- Clerk and promoted her to the City Clerk in tour. lations activities. At the time, she was the 2009. Marcy said she estimates that she has SSGT Self was born on November 2, 1977 highest ranking woman in the United States attended 191 city council meetings during her in Tupelo, MS. He graduated from South automotive industry. tenure, and that her retirement is ‘‘bitter- Pontotoc High School, where he was a trum- Since 1994, Dr. Whitman has been a Pro- sweet.’’ She remarked, ‘‘There are lots of peo- pet player in the marching band. He joined the fessor of Business Administration and Public ple I’ll miss in City Hall.’’ Council Bluffs Mayor Air Force in 1999 after attending Itawamba Policy at the University of Michigan. Her work Matt Walsh said, ‘‘She’s done a great job and Community College. SSGT Self’s mother, Jill has focused on international trade and labor will be missed.’’ Self, told the Associated Press, ‘‘He loved to markets, and she is well-known internationally Mr. Speaker, Marcy has made a difference deer hunt and fish and play computer games. for her expertise on corporate governance and by helping and serving others and it is with He was a loving child. He was there for his social responsibility. great honor that I recognize her today. I ask family and friends. I loved him very much and As one of the nation’s foremost economists, that my colleagues in the United States House he’s going to be missed.’’ Dr. Whitman has conducted pioneering re- of Representatives join me in honoring her ac- SSGT Self is survived by his mother and search which helped to reshape international complishments and in wishing her nothing but step father, Jill Long Self and Terry L. Self; his monetary and financial systems. She contrib- the best in her retirement. sisters, Misty D. Gann and Sandy Pennington, uted to the success of one of America’s larg- f and his brothers, Ronnie Self and Sam Self. est corporations and worked to educate the HONORING MALDONADO FAMILY He is preceded in death by his father Robert auto industry about the changing dynamics of VINEYARDS A. Self. globalization and its impact on the industry. The sacrifice of this brave soldier will always Her work and research has transformed our be remembered. understanding of economics. She has been HON. MIKE THOMPSON f widely recognized for her outstanding work, OF CALIFORNIA having served on the boards of the National IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN RECOGNITION OF MARINA Bureau of Economic Research and the Insti- Friday, May 19, 2017 WHITMAN FOR HER ACCOM- tute for Advanced Study. Additionally, Dr. PLISHED CAREER AS AN ECONO- Whitman has received numerous awards Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, MIST throughout her career and holds honorary de- I rise today to honor Jose Guadalupe and grees from over twenty colleges and univer- Hugo Maldonado, co-founders of Maldonado HON. DEBBIE DINGELL sities. Family Vineyards. Their hard work and dedica- OF MICHIGAN Even more significant than the mark she tion to the art of viticulture is evident in their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has left on many institutions is the mentoring carefully crafted single-vineyard wines. of women she has done for a lifetime. I am Guadalupe, or ‘Lupe’ as he is warmly re- Friday, May 19, 2017 lucky to have benefitted from that personally ferred to, immigrated to the United States in Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and do not believe I would stand here today 1962 from the small farming community of recognize Dr. Marina Whitman on the date of without the benefit of her wisdom. Dr. Whit- Atacheo de Regalado in Michoaca´n, Mexico, her retirement from the University of Michigan man sees her role as having been front and where he managed his family’s goat herd in for her distinguished career over half a century center in a transitional generation. She coaxed the mountains. In 1971, while working for Ster- as a world-renowned economist and extraor- social change from inside the places where ling Vineyards, Lupe was asked to aid in the dinary woman. Dr. Whitman helped forge a policy decisions are made or demanded it development of a winery for vintner Peter path for generations of women as she rose to from outside—a generation that demarcated Newton, where he served as vineyard man- the top of government, business and aca- before this and after this. She observed, ‘‘I lit- ager for over thirty years. Inspired by his fa- demia throughout her career and broke down erally transitioned from the world in which ther’s work in the field, Hugo pursued a formal barriers for all of us. women were secretaries and were not allowed education in enology and viticulture at the Uni- Many do not know that Dr. Whitman is the to matriculate at the Harvard Business School versity of California Davis. Hugo succeeded daughter of renowned mathematician John to a world in which we have women who are his father in his role as vineyard manager in von Neumann, one of the foremost mathemati- CEOs of corporations . . . and I’m the in-be- 1999. cians and scholars of the 20th century. He is tween.’’ Her patience, wisdom and pragmatism In 2007 Lupe and Hugo broke ground on a recognized as inventing game theory, pio- guided generations of women in both the small hillside just outside of Calistoga and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.004 E19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E675 began to form the family’s own wine caves sissippi, where she retired in 2001 as Principal Newsome, and all of his loved ones. Burak will and winemaking facility to establish from Boyd Elementary School. Mary and Gene be deeply missed. Maldonado Family Vineyards. In their 13 were blessed with three beautiful children: f years, the facility has grown from 250 cases to Geno (Angie), Daryl (Cassie), and Angel more than 10,000 cases of wine. Together (Chris), and eight grandchildren: Jessica, Tori, TRIBUTE TO KEITH KINYON Hugo and Lupe shaped Maldonado Family Gabby, Nick, Bella, Alexa, McKenzie, and Vineyards to reflect their family history. On Malita. HON. DAVID YOUNG their label the words ‘Farm Worker’ can be Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me OF IOWA found to note the family’s decades of caring in recognizing Mrs. Mary Harrison Lee for her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for and tending to vines. dedication to serving. Friday, May 19, 2017 Hugo traveled to Washington, D.C. this f week as part of a group of Mexican-American Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise vintners to support the mission of the Smithso- PERSONAL EXPLANATION today to recognize and congratulate Keith nian Institution. They shared their amazing Kinyon for his many years of service to the stories of immigration, sacrifice and determina- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS American Legion and to his country. Keith was tion and helped the attendees understand the recently honored for being a 70-year member OF FLORIDA with the American Legion. vital contributions Mexican Americans make to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our economy and community. The American Legion was chartered and in- Mr. Speaker, Lupe and Hugo Maldonado Friday, May 19, 2017 corporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic have cultivated a winery which not only re- Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I mistakenly veterans organization devoted to mutual help- flects their family history and Mexican Amer- voted no when I meant to vote yes on roll call fulness. The organization is committed to ican heritage, but honors the skilled laborer. I vote no. 266. mentoring youth and sponsorship of whole- some programs in communities, advocating am proud to have such dedicated business f owners living and working in our community. It patriotism and honor and continued devotion is therefore fitting and proper that we honor HONORING BURAK M. to their fellow service members and veterans. them here today. GUVENSOYLAR Mr. Speaker, I commend Keith for his serv- ice to our country’s veterans and his dedica- f HON. BOB GOODLATTE tion to his community. It is an honor to rep- HONORING MARY HARRISON LEE resent him in the United States Congress. I OF VIRGINIA ask that my colleagues in the House of Rep- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES resentatives join me in commending Keith for OF MISSISSIPPI Friday, May 19, 2017 his outstanding service and in wishing him IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today nothing but continued success. Friday, May 19, 2017 to honor a very special member of my staff, f Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- Burak Guvensoylar, who lost his courageous CELEBRATING THE 2017 CONGRES- er, I rise today to honor a remarkable public battle with cancer this past weekend. SIONAL ART COMPETITION servant, Mrs. Mary Harrison Lee who was Burak was a valued member of the Judici- born on July 22, 1939 in Manila, Philippines to ary Committee team and worked on a variety HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN Ida Lloren. She was adopted at an early age of issues, including digital privacy and intellec- tual property. His vast knowledge and grasp of OF NEW JERSEY by Reverend and Mrs. Ernest Harrison. Her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES adopted father was a chaplain in the army giv- the issues impacting the technology commu- Friday, May 19, 2017 ing her the opportunity to live in many places, nity was a tremendous asset to the Com- such as Captieux, France, Erlangen, Ger- mittee. Most recently, Burak’s work included Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, once many, Fort Riley, Kansas, and San Antonio, the development of the Committee’s Innova- again, I come to the floor to recognize the Texas. tion and Competitiveness Agenda, and his great success of strong local schools working Mary graduated from Rochefort American steadfast work and tenacious attitude were not with dedicated parents and teachers. I rise High School in France. Upon returning to the only essential to making this initiative a suc- today to congratulate and honor a number of United States, she visited Tougaloo College cess, but were also a testament to his char- outstanding high school artists from the 11th and immediately fell in love with its quaint- acter. In fact, while he was undergoing inten- Congressional District of New Jersey. Each of ness, intimacy, the hanging moss from the oak sive cancer treatments, he was actively work- these talented young men and women partici- trees, and the family atmosphere. She was ing and sending follow up emails from his hos- pated in the 2017 Congressional Arts Com- convinced that this was where she wanted to pital bed. And just days before Burak passed petition, ‘‘An Artistic Discovery.’’ Their works of spend her next four years and enrolled in the away he met with FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai art are exceptional. upcoming semester. to discuss a number of Judiciary Committee Fifty-five participated. That is a wonderful She became a member of the Alpha Kappa priorities. For Burak, nothing could prevent response, and I would very much like to build Alpha Sorority, Inc. on December 13, 1959. him from an opportunity to discuss and ad- on that participation for future competitions. She felt the plight of the Civil Rights move- vance the policies he was so passionate Mr. Speaker, I would like to congratulate the ment and volunteered to become a Freedom about. winners of our art competition. First place was Rider. Mary helped lead a ‘‘sit-in’’ at the Trail- Burak was a true technology policy enthu- awarded to Barbara Benda from Nutley High ways Bus Station in Downtown Jackson. She siast. Prior to joining the staff of the Judiciary School for her digital tablet painting entitled, was arrested and jailed during this protest. Committee, Burak served as a Legislative Ad- ‘‘Don’t Look.’’ Second place was awarded to She did not waiver from the overall mission to visor for Congressman Randy Forbes. While Emma Jang from West Morris Mendham High gain equality for African Americans. As a re- working for Congressman Forbes, Burak han- School for her acrylic entitled, ‘‘Wide Awake.’’ sult, on June 23, 1961, Freedom Riders from dled the diverse range of issues that fall under Third place was awarded to Emily Wang from Tougaloo College set a precedent and be- the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Committee but Wayne Valley High School for her pen and ink came the first residents of Mississippi to lead it was always evident that technology policy entitled, ‘‘Black Rain.’’ in the movement. was his first love. He co-founded the Congres- Honorable Mentions were awarded to: While at Tougaloo College, Mary met and sional Tech Staff Association and served as Michelle Tolochko from Boonton High School fell in love with Gene Lee. They were married an Executive Officer responsible for the pro- for her acrylic entitled, ‘‘Self Portrait,’’ Ashley in 1963. She and Gene were natural edu- fessional development program. Prior to his O’Brien from Montville Township High School cators. Mary dedicated her working career career on Capitol Hill, Burak worked at for her watercolor entitled, ‘‘Aphrodite,’’ Jaclyn educating youth. She began as a teacher in TechAmerica and CompTIA focusing on inter- Larsen from Hanover Park High School for her Picayune, Mississippi; later moving to Kansas national trade policy. digital photo entitled, ‘‘Messi,’’ and Christopher City, Missouri. In 1973, she relocated with her Burak has many friends here in the halls of Cortez from the Passaic County Technical In- family to Germany and taught within the De- Congress, on both sides of the aisle. I know stitute for his acrylic entitled, ‘‘Shades of partment of Defense American School system. all of you will join me in extending our deepest Beauty.’’ In 1981, Mary and her family returned to the sympathies to his mother Filiz Guvensoylar, Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize each United States and settled in Jackson, Mis- his sister Aylin Forbes, his girlfriend Ashley artist for their participation by indicating their

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.007 E19MYPT1 E676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 high school, their name and the title of their Alex Maietta, ‘‘What Once Was’’ Thomas H. Tackaberry for his service to God contest entries for the official RECORD. Each year the winner of the competition has and country. BOONTON HIGH SCHOOL their artwork displayed with other winners from f Kristen Dalrymple, ‘‘Ghost of you’’ across the country in a special corridor here at Amanda Roberts, ‘‘Bitter Cold’’ the U.S. Capitol. Thousands of our fellow SUPPORT FOR TAIWAN PARTICIPA- Michelle Tolochko, ‘‘Self Portrait’’ Americans walk through the exhibition and are TION IN THE WORLD HEALTH Giancarlo Venturini, ‘‘My Friend Liz’’ reminded of the vast talents of our young men ORGANIZATION DELBARTON SCHOOL and women. Indeed, all of these young artists Tim Adami, ‘‘Victory’’ are winners, and we should be proud of their HON. ROB BISHOP Sean Taylor, ‘‘The Alpine Adventurer’’ achievements so early in life. OF UTAH EASTERN CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Steve Blanco, ‘‘Epitaph’’ me in congratulating these talented young Friday, May 19, 2017 Juliana Struyk, ‘‘Perception Of Fruit’’ people from New Jersey’s 11th Congressional HANOVER PARK HIGH SCHOOL District. Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, the inde- Valentina Mattfeld, ‘‘Dallas’’ f pendent nation of Taiwan is a highly-advanced Megan Canzonieri, ‘‘Ophelia’’ industrialized democracy which contributes Jac1yn Larsen, ‘‘Messi’’ IN HONOR OF LT. GEN. THOMAS H. greatly to the world economy, particularly in Sarah Court, ‘‘Dash’’ TACKABERRY the area of high tech, and is a long-time stal- LIVINGSTON HIGH SCHOOL wart ally of the United States. We congratulate Rachel Kogut, ‘‘Imagination’’ HON. RICHARD HUDSON President Tsai lng-wen on her one year anni- MEWE ART OF NORTH CAROLINA versary as President of Taiwan. Julia Hou, ‘‘Fire and Water’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The economic and military ties between our two nations have been built steadily over the MONTVILLE TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL Friday, May 19, 2017 Madeleine Morris, ‘‘Wildflowers’’ past several decades, and I believe that it is Ashley O’Brien, ‘‘Aphrodite’’ Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to important that the U.S. remains committed to Darrel Tsinadze, ‘‘Red Pearls’’ honor the life and legacy of Lieutenant Gen- this important bilateral relationship. Alexander Tullo, ‘‘Samantha’s Columns’’ eral Thomas H. Tackaberry, who passed away While our two countries have much to cele- MORRISTOWN HIGH SCHOOL on Monday, April 3, 2017 at the age of 93. A brate on this occasion, at the same time, Deanna C. Swanson, ‘‘Vanitas’’ Commander of the 18th Airborne Corps, 82nd some of the old diplomatic and political chal- MORRIS KNOLLS HIGH SCHOOL Airborne Division, and Fort Bragg, as well as lenges are resurfacing which threaten Tai- a veteran of World War II, the , Alyssa DeFilippis, ‘‘Melodic Vibes’’ wan’s participation as a constructive member Megan Ramos, ‘‘Angel’’ and the , Lt. Gen. Tackaberry is of the global community. Recently, the World Divya Patel, ‘‘Lola’’ a true American hero and our thoughts and Health Organization (WHO), an arm of the Claire Weber, ‘‘Livid’’ prayers go out to his friends and family as United Nations, declined to invite Taiwan to MORRIS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL they mourn the loss of this great man. participate in its annual World Health Assem- Tina Yi, ‘‘Sadness’’ Thomas Tackaberry was a high school star bly despite Taiwan’s participation and con- Yang Jason Yang, ‘‘Geometrics’’ in the classroom and on the track field, and tributions during the previous 8 years running. MORRIS COUNTY SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY when his country needed him the most, he Mr. Speaker, this deliberate snub was politi- Caroline Yorke, ‘‘Crime Scene’’ stood ready to answer the call to serve our cally motivated, and violated the WHO’s Con- Brenna Corsi, ‘‘Grow’’ great nation. Lt. Gen. Tackaberry enlisted in stitution by excluding the people of Taiwan for Alexa Metro, ‘‘True Colors’’ the Army Reserve during World War II at the no legitimate reason. The 23 million citizens of MOUNTAIN LAKES HIGH SCHOOL age of 19. After being commissioned as a Taiwan should not be denied access to this Joy Xie, ‘‘We Grew Up Here’’ Second Lieutenant, he served in Germany and future annual meetings, especially if the NUTLEY HIGH SCHOOL from 1945 to 1948. Lt. Gen. Tackaberry went stated goal of the World Health Organization Barbara Benda, ‘‘Don’t Look’’ on to fight in Korea and Vietnam, becoming is to provide a better healthier future to all Raven Cardone-Imor, ‘‘Tragic’’ highly decorated as the recipient of three Dis- peoples of the world. Devin Lemongello, ‘‘Self Portrait’’ tinguished Service Crosses, five Silver Stars, I believe that the United States has an obli- Joanne Salise, ‘‘Green Abstract’’ a Distinguished Flying Cross, and a Soldier’s gation to step forward and express strong dis- PARSIPPANY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Medal. approval of this WHO action. Nohemy Zabala, ‘‘The Beautiful District of Described as a ‘‘grunt’s angel,’’ Lt. Gen. To ensure that there is no gap in the dis- Columbia’’ Tackaberry was devoted to his men, not only ease prevention network and that, together, all Daniel Jordan McMillen, ‘‘The Other Side’’ ensuring they were always supplied for the might work for the advancement of human Camille Dieppa, ‘‘The Lincoln Memorial’’ fight but physically prepared as well. Leading health worldwide, it is imperative that the PARSIPPANY HILLS HIGH SCHOOL from the front, Lt. Gen. Tackaberry set a high United States Congress and the Administra- Rachel Jacovsky, ‘‘American Pride’’ bar for fitness with his men and led them on tion rise in full support for Taiwan in this mat- PASSAIC COUNTY TECHNICAL INSTITUTE long training runs. He even remained dedi- ter. The WHO Secretariat should be admon- Christopher Cortez, ‘‘Shades of Beauty’’ cated to fitness well into his later life, com- ished regarding its moral and legal obligation Jamie Loverdi, ‘‘Retro Dine & Drive’’ pleting 10 push-ups, despite being 93 years to uphold its charter of independence and im- PASSAIC VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL old and confined to a wheel chair, after being partiality. The WHO and its leadership should Maya Adham, ‘‘Game-Boy’’ challenged by a family member. After 38 years not be at the service of any member state in Danielle Burden, ‘‘OZ’’ in the military, Lt. Gen. Tackaberry retired to particular. I ask my colleagues to join me in Erika Duarte, ‘‘Red in Snow’’ civilian life, managing a local real estate busi- voicing our support for Taiwan’s full and Angelika Dulak, ‘‘Ro´ z˙e’’ ness and counseling the military of the Repub- meaningful participation in the WHO, as well PEQUANNOCK TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL lic of China for BDC Corp. other international organizations now and in Julia Blahut, ‘‘Carbon Footprints’’ Despite all of his accomplishments, Lt. Gen. the future. Thomas Carruthers, ‘‘Quiet Summer’’ Tackaberry never boasted of his military deco- f WAYNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL rations or accomplished private sector career, TRIBUTE TO CHARLOTTE AND BOB Madeline Corb, ‘‘Focus’’ instead focusing his energy on his family. He Brooke Demore, ‘‘Look’’ raised his twin sons to be accomplished mili- BANCROFT Liz Rozenblat, ‘‘Great dangers await’’ tary leaders in their own right and currently Emily Wang, ‘‘Black Rain’’ has several grandchildren serving in the U.S. HON. DAVID YOUNG WEST MORRIS MENDHAM HIGH SCHOOL military as well. This country cannot repay the OF IOWA Matthew Fabrizio, ‘‘Jack in a Hat’’ debt we owe to Lt. Gen. Tackaberry; he was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Emma Jang, ‘‘I Donut Understand Puns’’ truly one of a kind and a model American. Maximilian Scheidl, ‘‘Life Goes On’’ While we may have lost this great man, his Friday, May 19, 2017 Kayla O’Neill, ‘‘Where I’m Supposed to Be’’ legacy lives on forever. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise WHIPPANY PARK HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Speaker, please join me today in com- today to recognize and congratulate Charlotte Eric Kahn, ‘‘Waves of Rock’’ memorating the life of Lieutenant General and Bob Bancroft of Atlantic, Iowa, on the very

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.012 E19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E677 special occasion of their 50th wedding anni- the city limits of Iuka, MS will be known as the TRIBUTE TO DUKE PRESIDENT versary. They celebrated their anniversary on ‘‘SGT Jason Vaughn Memorial Highway.’’ RICHARD BRODHEAD February 4, 2017. The sacrifice of this brave soldier will always Charlotte and Bob’s lifelong commitment to be remembered. HON. DAVID E. PRICE each other and their family truly embodies OF NORTH CAROLINA Iowa values. As they reflect on their 50th anni- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versary, may their commitment grow even Friday, May 19, 2017 stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, AMERICAN LAW ENFORCEMENT Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, and honor one another for many years to HEROES ACT OF 2017 come. I rise to honor the career of Duke University Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple President Richard Brodhead, who is stepping SPEECH OF on their 50th year together and I wish them down after 13 years of service. Dick Brodhead succeeded Nan Keohane in many more. I ask that my colleagues in the HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. 2004 as the 9th president of Duke University, United States House of Representatives join attracted by what another president, former me in congratulating them on this momentous OF GEORGIA Governor Terry Sanford, defined as the uni- occasion and in wishing them nothing but the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versity’s ‘‘outrageous ambition.’’ President best. Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Brodhead has led the university on a new tra- f jectory of growth and international renown. In RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I one of his first major actions as president, he EN SOLDIER ARMY SERGEANT rise in support of H.R. 1428, the American led an effort to greatly expand the endowment (SGT) JASON WALTER VAUGHN Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017. This bill for financial aid, which has allowed academi- will positively affect the way we fight crime in cally talented students to pursue a Duke de- HON. TRENT KELLY our nation. gree regardless of their financial cir- The American Law Enforcement Heroes Act cumstances. President Brodhead’s time at OF MISSISSIPPI of 2017 provides for the prioritization of the Duke has been transformative, from the re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hiring of veterans to police forces across the newal of campus gems such as Duke Chapel, Friday, May 19, 2017 nation and will allow public funds granted by Baldwin Auditorium, West Union, and athletic Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, the Community Oriented Policing Services facilities to the construction of a series of stun- today I rise in memory of fallen soldier Army program to be allocated towards the hiring and ning new research facilities. Sergeant (SGT) Jason Walter Vaughn who training of veterans entering local police Dick Brodhead also embraced and amplified one of Duke’s enduring themes: knowledge in paid the ultimate sacrifice while defending our forces. the service of society. He launched nation on May 10, 2007, during Operation Our veterans are some of the bravest and DukeEngage, a civic engagement program Iraqi Freedom. SGT Vaughn died of wounds most honorable men and women in this na- that provides undergraduates the opportunity from an improvised explosive device that deto- tion. They have voluntarily risen to the occa- to apply their knowledge to challenges in com- nated near his vehicle in Baqubah, Iraq, dur- sion to protect our nation from foreign threats. munities in the U.S. and around the globe. ing his second tour of duty. These men and women have served in far Under his leadership, Duke established the SGT Vaughn was assigned to the 5th Bat- flung, dangerous places around the globe, Duke Global Health Institute, which translates talion, 20th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, from Iraq and Afghanistan to Vietnam to Leb- research to address health inequities around 2nd Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Washington. anon. They have risked their lives to fulfill the the world. He joined the Army in 2002, serving in Iraq goal of President Woodrow Wilson: to ‘‘make Further expanding Duke’s global reach were from November 2003 to November 2004, and the world safe for democracy.’’ These vet- the creation of Duke Kunshan University in then returning in July 2006. He received his erans helped bring freedom and security to China and the construction of the Duke-NUS initial training at Fort Benning, Georgia. SGT oppressed peoples, while protecting and serv- Medical School in Singapore. Closer to home, Vaughn held the rank of Specialist at the time ing all Americans, to protect our unique and he enriched Duke’s relationship with the City of his death and was posthumously promoted comfortable existence. of Durham by investing in K–12 education, to Sergeant. During his military service, SGT Our veterans are currently plagued with community health clinics, and neighborhood Vaughn received the Army Good Conduct issues such as mental health issues often revitalization and helping spark the renais- Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, stemming from combat experience, drug sance of downtown Durham. the Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal abuse, unemployment, and homelessness. President Brodhead had the opportunity to and the Global War on Terror Service Medal. Veterans are currently more likely to become help Duke celebrate ten NCAA national cham- He was also awarded the , homeless after serving, more likely to be un- pionships won by men’s basketball and la- the and the Combat Infantry- employed, and more likely to fall under the op- crosse and women’s golf and tennis teams, man’s Badge. pression of hard drugs. By implementing the while a host of Duke student-athletes were SGT Vaughn was born in Memphis, TN, American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of victorious as individual national champions moving a few times before his family settled in 2017, we, as a Congress, will be continuing and Olympic medalists. At the same time, Iuka, MS. He graduated from Tishomingo our commitment to our veterans by helping to Duke ensured that athletics upheld the aca- County High School in Iuka, MS in 1996. He provide them with jobs. These jobs will provide demic mission of the university. later attended Northeast Mississippi Commu- a stable income and resources for our vet- An expert in 19th-century American lit- nity College and Mississippi State University. erans to access, in case of debilitating mental erature, President Brodhead came to Duke According to his mother, RaNae Vaughn, health issues such as Post Traumatic Stress after a distinguished teaching and administra- ‘‘Jason was a kindhearted, selfless person. He Disorder (PTSD). tive career at Yale University. He has au- was a beautiful person inside and out. His thored or edited more than a dozen books on memory inspires us to be better, do better and Our veterans will be able to continue serv- America’s great writers, including analysis of dream big.’’ His father, Walter Vaughn, told ing the American people with the particular the works of Hawthorne, Faulkner, and Welty. the Associated Press, ‘‘The world lost a lead- training and expertise provided by the greatest President Brodhead has also assumed a er. My son was a born leader.’’ military in the world. They have had access to national leadership role in higher education. SGT Vaughn’s survivors include his wife, education and are highly skilled at a plethora Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Contessa Williams Vaughn; stepdaughter, of jobs that municipal police departments can Sciences in 2004, he was named the Co-Chair Ashley Martin; father and stepmother, Walter utilize to their advantage. By hiring these men of the Academy’s Commission on the Human- and Pat Vaughn; mother, RaNae Smith and women, police forces around the nation ities and Social Sciences, created at the re- Vaughn, as well as a brother, sister, and two can make the nation a safer, more secure quest of a bipartisan group of House and Sen- step-sisters. place. ate members, including myself, to bolster In 2011, H.R. 2213, introduced by Rep- I give my full support to the American Law teaching and research in the humanities and resentative Alan Nunnelee, designated the Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017. This bill not social sciences. The Commission’s 2013 re- Iuka, MS Post Office as the ‘‘Sergeant Jason only provides employment for our veterans, port, The Heart of the Matter: The Humanities W. Vaughn Post Office.’’ As of July 1, 2017, who have provided so much for our nation, but and Social Sciences for a Vibrant, Competi- the portion of Mississippi Highway 25 within also makes our cities safer places to live. tive, and Secure Nation, stands out for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.015 E19MYPT1 E678 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 persuasiveness of its argument and its prac- South Carolina, and continued his work in they celebrate their 70th anniversary. The club tical import. Dick Brodhead was a hands-on accounting for the CN&L Railroad (now, part was chartered on April 24th, 1947. co-chairman and has played an active role in of CSX Railroad). His job position was As- Some of the current members were children sistant Secretary/Treasurer and he was re- the report’s dissemination. sponsible for the financial and managerial when their parents became charter members Cindy Brodhead has been of indispensable junctions in the Columbia office of the of the club, and for them, Lions has been a support to Dick throughout his tenure. Cindy CN&L. He was employed by the CN&L Rail- way of life. They remember when the sheriff, has a background in corporate and regulatory road for 42 years and retired in March 1983. who was a member, would go out and ‘‘arrest’’ law and has made significant contributions to As a member of America’s Greatest Gen- members who were not at a meeting, or an the arts and humanities across our state. She eration, Mr. Younginer’s experiences in undertaker who would use his hearse to pick has served on the boards of the Carolina Bal- World War II gave him many insights which up absent members and make them ride in he related to and envisioned for his home- let and Preservation North Carolina and has town of Irmo. He acknowledged the positive the back. While these jokes are now a thing rendered outstanding service as chair of the aspects of the many places to which he had of the past, what hasn’t changed is the club’s North Carolina Humanities Council. been assigned or visited and sought to incor- focus to help serve and better their commu- My wife Lisa joins me in thanking Dick and porate those features that would promote nity. The Altoona chapter makes it a priority to Cindy Brodhead for their friendship and for all civics, leadership, and progress in the com- ensure there are plenty of opportunities for they have given to Duke, Durham, and North munity. In 1951, Furman Younginer was members to volunteer their time and skills. Carolina. We are fortunate indeed that they elected to the Irmo Town Council and he re- For the past 53 years, the club has run a have devoted their great energy and talent to mained on the Council until 1961 when he was elected Mayor of Irmo. He served as spin art booth at the Iowa State Fair, and their our community, and we wish them well as Irmo’s mayor for 16 years (1961–1977) and dur- website features a lengthy page listing all of they open the next chapter in their lives. ing his administration many changes and the services and activities they are involved f improvements occurred in the community. with, including food banks, eye care, scouting, The Irmo area became well-known as an veterans memorials, local law enforcement IN MEMORY OF FURMAN ideal place for families to live. Mr. and local parks. It is surely hard to determine RAYMOND YOUNGINER Younginer cooperated with industry and real just how many people have benefited from the estate developers, envisioning a bright and big hearts of Lions Club members over the HON. JOE WILSON productive future for Irmo. ... past 70 years, but Altoona is undoubtedly a OF SOUTH CAROLINA Mr. Younginer was a lifelong member of better place because of it. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Irmo Pentecostal Holiness Church (now Mr. Speaker, the volunteer spirit is alive and Friday, May 19, 2017 known as Irmo Family Worship Center). He well in groups like the Altoona Lions Club, and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- I am honored to represent their members in at age 9 and his faith and trust in God never the United States Congress. I ask that all of er, on February 16, 2017, South Carolina lost wavered. He served multiple positions in the a dedicated public servant with the death of church including secretary-treasurer and my colleagues in the United States House of Furman Younginer. As the Mayor of Irmo for Sunday School superintendent. Representatives join me in congratulating the 16 years, he was a crucial part of the mod- Furman Younginer will be forever remem- Altoona Lions Club on 70 great years, and in ernization and transformation of the town from bered in the hearts of his friends and family. wishing them continued growth and success in He leaves to cherish his memory, his five the years to come. a sleepy village to one of America’s fastest children and spouses: Miriam Y. and Donald growing communities. He was also a com- E. Lovett, Caroline Y. and Frederick E. So- f mitted Christian, dedicated family man, and journer, Ann Y. and Robert Gunning IV, Paul HONORING MR. RABBI LEE T. U.S. Army veteran. He will be greatly missed. F. and Angela M. Younginer, Lucy Y. and Dr. BYCEL The following thoughtful obituary was pub- R. Paul Austin. His ten beloved grand- lished in The State on February 18, 2017: children are Furman D. Lovett (Emily), Furman Raymond Younginer passed peace- Maria L. Cole (Ryan), Caroline Ingram, Rob- HON. MIKE THOMPSON fully into eternal life Thursday, February 16, ert Gunning V. (Hannah), Laura Gunning OF CALIFORNIA Morgan (Tommy), Andrew Gunning, Anna 2017. Born November 14, 1923, in Irmo, SC, he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Younginer, Robert Paul Austin III, Lewis was the son of the late Raymond Samuel Austin, Smith Austin. His four great-grand- Friday, May 19, 2017 Younginer and Gertrue Petty Younginer of children are Charles Cole, Lily Cole, Molley Irmo. He was predeceased by his wife of 62 Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Gunning, Sophie Gunning. His dearly loved years, Louise O’Sheal Younginer. sisters are Orine Younginer, Mildred I rise today to honor Rabbi Lee T. Bycel upon A lifelong resident of Irmo, Mr. Younginer his retirement after serving Congregation Beth was educated in the Irmo schools and grad- Younginer, Blanche Younginer (deceased), Betty Younginer, and Vernelle Y. Jones Shalom (CBS) and the Napa community since uated from Irmo High in 1941. After gradua- (Rev. Sanford Jones). tion, he began working in the Accounting 2012. In addition to being a well-liked and re- The family appreciates the expressions of Department with the Columbia, Newberry, spected spiritual leader, Rabbi Bycel served kindness bestowed upon Mr. Younginer as an Adjunct Professor of Jewish Studies and and Laurens (CN&L) Railroad and continued throughout his life. He took pride in wearing in this position until he was drafted into the his cap with the emblem, World War II Vet- Social Justice at the University of San Fran- U.S. Army at the age of 19. He served in the eran, and individuals frequently greeted him cisco. U.S. Army during World War II, from April with appreciation for his service to our coun- Rabbi Bycel graduated from the University 15, 1943 until he was honorably discharged try. He maintained and treasured his friend- of California at Berkeley with a BA in Philos- December 14, 1945. ships with former coworkers, community ophy, received his rabbinic ordination from the His years of service for his country began members, church family, and his many de- with basic training at Fort Jackson. He was Hebrew Union College, and earned a doc- voted friends. torate from the Claremont School of Theology. sent to Washington, D.C. for a short while Visitation will be from 4 until 6:00 PM, and in September 1943 he was sent to Camp Saturday, February 18, 2017, at Dunbar Fu- Growing up in Southeast Los Angeles County, Patrick Henry (Newport News, VA) where he neral Home, Dutch Fork Chapel, Irmo. The he learned the importance of diversity and in- boarded a Liberty ship. He traveled across funeral will be at 3:00 PM, Sunday, February clusiveness. He was raised in a mostly Latino the ocean for 17 days to begin his service in 19, 2017 at Irmo Family Worship Center at neighborhood, in one of just two Jewish fami- the European theatre of operations. He first 10501 Broad River Rd, Irmo, SC 29063 with lies in the community. Rabbi Bycel has said, landed in Casablanca and then traveled via burial immediately following in the church ‘‘I respect and care about all human beings on train, in boxcars, across North Africa. He cemetery. was sent to Italy to serve in the Allied Con- this earth,’’ and has demonstrated this through trol Commission (Military Government for f his countless humanitarian efforts. the Italy 2675th Regiment) under the com- TRIBUTE TO THE ALTOONA LIONS A leader in educational, cultural, and social mand of General Mark Clark. Mr. Younginer CLUB justice, he has made several humanitarian was based in a number of Italian cities, but trips to East Africa, including Darfur, Chad, he was assigned to Rome for the majority of South Sudan, Kenya, Haiti, Ethiopia, and his time and while there, he attended classes HON. DAVID YOUNG Rwanda. In Rwanda, he visited refugee and OF IOWA at the University of Rome. He often recalled internally displaced person camps, helped ad- that while in Rome, he learned the good IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dress poverty and disease, and spoke out news of the wars end and that he would soon Friday, May 19, 2017 return home. against genocide. Rabbi Bycel is one of the Following the end of World War II, he re- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise coalition founders and 2017 Co-Chair of MLK turned to Irmo, attended the University of today to recognize the Altoona Lions Club as Monday: A Day of Action and Compassion,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.018 E19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E679 which is a community of over 80 nonprofit or- Serving others was at the heart of all that Mr. Selmon is the father of twin daughters, ganizations, faith groups, government officials, Dietrick did throughout her life. Her commit- Alyshia and Tericka Selmon. He is married to and agencies, local businesses, and local ment to improving the lives of others, such as Fredia Selmon. service organizations who join together each through helping people to find employment op- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me year to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. portunities after graduating from the beauty in recognizing Supervisor Charles Selmon for Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2014, Rabbi Bycel college, exemplifies her passion for serving his services to Warren County. was appointed by President Obama to the others. In addition, her commitment to the arts f United States Holocaust Memorial Museum highlights her firm belief in the value of edu- TRIBUTE TO EVELYN AND TED Council. He has been recognized for his work cation for the public. Without a doubt, her life PIKE with the Humanitarian Award of the National clearly demonstrates what it means to be a Conference for Community and Justice charitable and caring person. (NCCJ). Peggy is survived by her husband, John of HON. DAVID YOUNG Rabbi Bycel is also an educational leader, St. Louis, Missouri; nephew, Michael Rhoads OF IOWA sharing with the Congregation Beth Shalom of San Antonio, Texas; niece, Deborah IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his fifteen years of experience as the Dean of Dietrick; great-nephews, Christopher Holm Friday, May 19, 2017 the Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of (Ashley), Andrew Holm (Anne), Scott Holm Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Religion in Los Angeles. There he also served (Susan) and Chad Rhoads; as well as many today to recognize and congratulate Evelyn as the Senior Academic and Administrative great-great nieces, nephews, other family and Ted Pike of Des Moines, Iowa, on the Officer of the campus and director of the rab- members and countless friends. Both her fam- very special occasion of their 65th wedding binic school. He served as Assistant Professor ily and the community as a whole will remem- anniversary. They celebrated their anniversary of Leadership and Applied Theology and the ber Peggy for her unforgettable charm, utter on May 3rd, 2017. Smither Visiting Professor of World Religions kindness and commitment to service. Evelyn and Ted’s lifelong commitment to at the Claremont School of Theology. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to have the op- each other and their family truly embodies Mr. Speaker, Rabbi Bycel is a humanist an- portunity to recognize the life of Mrs. Peggy Iowa values. As they reflect on their 65th anni- chored in Jewish values. He is an exceptional Dietrick. versary, may their commitment grow even community leader, humanitarian, and husband f stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, in our community. Therefore, it is fitting and HONORING CHARLES SELMON and honor one another for many years to proper that we honor him here today and ex- come. tend our best wishes for an enjoyable retire- Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple ment. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON on their 65th year together and I wish them f OF MISSISSIPPI many more. I ask that my colleagues in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION United States House of Representatives join Friday, May 19, 2017 me in congratulating them on this momentous occasion and in wishing them nothing but con- ´ Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ tinued happiness. OF ILLINOIS er, I rise today to honor a public servant, Charles Selmon. Mr. Selmon has shown what f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can be done through tenacity, dedication and INTRODUCTION OF STOP DECEP- Friday, May 19, 2017 a desire to serve Warren County. TIVE ADVERTISING FOR WOM- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Mr. Selmon earned a Bachelor of Science in EN’S HEALTHCARE SERVICES avoidably absent in the House chamber for Social Work and a Master’s Degree in Coun- votes Wednesday, May 17, 2017. I would like seling Psychology from Mississippi College. HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY the record to show that, had I been present, He studied Economic Development at the Uni- OF NEW YORK I would have voted ‘‘Nay’’ on roll call votes versity of Southern Mississippi. He furthered IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 259, 260, 261, and ‘‘Yea’’ on roll call vote 262. his studies in the Post Master’s Degree pro- Friday, May 19, 2017 f gram at Jackson State University. Mr. Selmon has received National Security Training from Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. HONORING THE LIFE OF PEGGY the U.S. Army War College located in Carlisle, Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to reintroduce the DIETRICK PA. Stop Deceptive Advertising for Women’s Mr. Selmon has served as a Psychology In- Healthcare Services Act to make sure that HON. HENRY CUELLAR structor at both Alcorn State University and women receive honest information about fam- OF TEXAS Hinds Community College. Mr. Selmon was ily planning services. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES elected to the Warren County Board of Super- Expecting mothers should never be misled visors position in 1996. He was elected to a about critical health information and services. Friday, May 19, 2017 fifth term with the Warren County Board of Su- Yet that is exactly what is happening today all Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pervisors. While serving on the Board of Su- across the country. Commonly called crisis commemorate the life of Mrs. Peggy Dietrick, pervisors Mr. Selmon has served as President pregnancy centers (CPCs), these centers a beloved artist and entrepreneur from Laredo, and Vice-President. He has also served as often have an anti-choice agenda and delib- Texas. President of the Mississippi Association of Su- erately misinform or mislead pregnant women Mrs. Dietrick was born on July 24th, 1924, pervisors (MAS) and as President of the Mis- seeking information about family planning to parents Adolph and Flavia (Branch) Dietrick sissippi Association of Supervisors Minority services, including abortion. CPC’s mas- in Salem, Illinois. Over the course of her ca- Caucus. Mr. Selmon was chosen to represent querade as sources of unbiased pregnancy reer, she traveled throughout the world to per- the State of Mississippi with the National As- counseling or even abortion providers, yet form. Her career led her to Las Vegas, where sociation of Counties regarding Human Serv- they often have no medical professionals on she performed for several years before ulti- ices. staff. CPC’s use deceptive propaganda to dis- mately moving to Texas. After moving to La- Mr. Selmon is a member of the Warren suade women from considering comprehen- redo in 1965, Dietrick established the Laredo County Economic Development Committee, sive birth control options or legal abortion. Beauty College, which is still in operation Back-To-School Committee (School Day Sup- These fake reproductive health clinics entice today. plies), Warren County Community Develop- women with unintended pregnancies through An actress, musician and singer, Dietrick ment Committee (Senior Citizens Dinner), and their doors under the pretense of providing the was unquestionably an instrumental force in serves on the Workforce Investment Board. full range of reproductive options and services. the local theater community. She was involved He is the President of the Boys and Girls Club Instead, they pedal scientifically unfounded in- in productions with the Laredo Little Theater, of Vicksburg which he established. formation claiming that abortion leads to ad- where she starred in many plays, performed Mr. Selmon was appointed Superintendent verse health outcomes or can affect chances with the Laredo Philharmonic Orchestra and of Sunday School and selected to the Deacon of pregnancy in the future. CPCs should be was a patron of the Laredo Theater Guild Board of Travelers Rest Baptist Church. held accountable if they deliberately mislead International. Her dedication to the arts serves Mr. Selmon received the President Award women who are seeking legitimate medical as a model that all should strive to emulate. for Distinguished Leadership in Government. assistance and advice.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.021 E19MYPT1 E680 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 The Stop Deceptive Advertising for Wom- part of two years because he dared to rep- That law says explicitly that any foreign gov- en’s Healthcare Services Act directs the Fed- resent China’s poor and persecuted. The ac- ernment officials who engages in or is eral Trade Commission to promulgate rules count of his detention is both harrowing and complicit in torture can be sanctioned—by de- under the Federal Trade Commission Act, de- horrible. nying entry visas into the United State or by claring it an unfair or deceptive act for an enti- Xie Yang was sleep deprived and kept in imposing financial sanctions. ty, such as a crisis pregnancy center, to ad- isolation. Squads of police punched and Those who tortured Xie Yang and Li Heping vertise as a provider of abortion services if the kicked him for hours at a time. He was forced should never benefit from access to the United entity does not provide abortion services. to sit still for hours on a precarious stack of States or our financial system. I thank my friend Rep. SUZANNE BONAMICI plastic chairs; his feet dangling painfully off the We will hear testimony yesterday from the for leading this critical effort with me. During ground. Police made threats to his wife and wives of detained human rights lawyers. We National Women’s Health Week, I hope you children and said they would turn him into an also heard from Ms. Li Ching-Yu, the wife of will join us in cosponsoring this legislation that ‘‘invalid’’ unless he confessed to political detained Taiwanese democracy advocate Lee demands that crisis pregnancy centers, some crimes. Ming-che. of which receive federal funds, are prohibited Xie Yang and his fellow human rights law- After entering mainland China in March of from making false advertising claims that in- yers wanted the best for China, but they got this year for a personal trip, Mr. Lee went timidate and harm women who are looking for the very worst. missing for 10 days before Chinese officials help and honest medical advice. Since July 2015, almost 250 lawyers and confirmed that he was being held on so-called f legal assistants were detained sending a ‘‘national security’’ grounds. chilling message to those fighting for legal re- Many fear Mr. Lee is being detained under IN RECOGNITION OF THERESE forms and human rights. a harsh new Chinese law to monitor and con- LEDOUX At yesterday’s hearing in the human rights trol foreignfunded NGOs, enforced earlier this subcommittee that I chair, we came together year as part of a crackdown on civil society. HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING to shine a light on the brutal, illegal, and dehu- His detention fits the trend of the Chinese gov- OF MASSACHUSETTS manizing use of torture and forced disappear- ernment targeting activists, dissidents, or even IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ance of human rights lawyers and rights advo- scholars based abroad. Friday, May 19, 2017 cates in China. The Taiwan government is working behind We shine a light on dictatorships because the scenes to resolve Lee Ming-che’s case, Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in nothing good happens in the dark. And, as we though I am sure such efforts are hindered by recognition of Therese Ledoux on the occa- learned yesterday, there are some very dark Taiwan’s lack of international clout and its sion of her 100th birthday this month. places in China. Born on May 5, 1917 to George Ethier and complicated diplomatic ties with Beijing. Chinese officials repeatedly tell me I should As I have said before, Taiwan is an impor- Albina Chevalier, Mrs. Ledoux attended board- focus more on the positive aspects of China ing school in Canada before leaving to work tant democratic ally and a beacon of peace and not dwell so much on the negative. and democracy in Asia. The U.S. should re- for her father’s insurance business in That is a difficult task when you read Xie main committed to the Taiwan Relations Act Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Starting in 1958 Yang’s story, read Gao Zhisheng’s account of and the ‘‘Six Assurances’’ as cornerstones of she became the Town of Acushnet’s first kin- his torture, or read the accounts of Yu Jie or U.S.-Taiwan relations. dergarten teacher at the St. Francis Xavier El- Golog Jigme or Yin Liping. ementary School—where she remained for It is a difficult task when you look at Li Political issues between China and Taiwan more than 30 years as a beloved kindergarten Chunfu and his brother Li Heping. should be resolved through appropriate mech- teacher. To this day, Mrs. Ledoux continues to These are some of China’s best and brav- anisms between the two sides. The Chinese volunteer each week at the school, where she est—now with broken bodies, shattered minds government decision to detain Lee Ming-che is considered a local celebrity and is held in and faces that have aged 20 years after two signaled Chinese officials’ willingness to break the highest esteem by staff, students, and the years of solitary confinement and torture. its international human rights obligations for Acushnet community alike. It is shocking, offensive, immoral, and inhu- political gains, needlessly straining cross-strait Active both in mind and soul, Mrs. Ledoux’s mane. It is also completely possible that Chi- relations. hobbies include doing puzzles and knitting. nese officials believe the international commu- We welcomed Ms. Li Ching-Yu’s testimony Her knitting projects include blankets for newly nity will not hold them accountable. yesterday in order to increase the level of baptized children at the St. Francis Xavier While President Xi Jinping is feted at Davos international interest and attention to her hus- Church in Acushnet. Additionally, she has and lauded in foreign capitals for his public band’s case. made it a tradition to bake meat pies for New commitment to openness, his government is The Chinese government is facing a new Year’s Day—a practice she has passed onto torturing and abusing those seeking rights and unexpected phenomenon—effective advo- to her daughters and grandchildren. guaranteed by China’s own Constitution and cacy campaigns waged by the wives of tor- Over the more than seventy years she has its international obligations. tured and detained rights advocates. I truly ad- lived in Acushnet, Mrs. Ledoux has been hon- One Oxford university scholar has said that mire the brave women who are challenging ored for her outstanding services by being Xi has built the ‘‘perfect dictatorship’’—an in- the Chinese government to live up to its high- awarded the Marian Medal by the Fall River creasingly repressive garrison state that est ideals. They are an inspiration. Diocese and being named the Acushnet avoids any international censure. Through the testimony provided during yes- Woman of the Year by the Standard Times Through the UN and the sanctions available terday’s hearing, we considered the almost newspaper. in the Global Magnitsky Act, we should be two year effort by President Xi Jinping’s gov- Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Therese seeking to hold accountable any Chinese offi- ernment to eviscerate China’s network of Ledoux on this joyous occasion. I ask that my cials complicit in torture and illegal detentions. human rights lawyers and consider how the colleagues join me in wishing her many more Xie Yang identified at least 10 police officers continued detention of Lee Ming-che has neg- years of health and happiness surrounded by who tortured him. We are in the process of atively impacted cross-strait relations between her children, grandchildren, great grand- gathering names and identifying information. I Beijing and Taipei. children, and great great grandchildren. will then send those names to President f Trump, Secretary of State Tillerson, UN Am- f bassador Nikki Haley, and the Chairs and HONORING ASHLEY WILSON DISAPPEARED, JAILED, AND TOR- ranking members of the House Foreign Affairs TURED IN CHINA: WIVES PETI- Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON TION FOR THEIR HUSBANDS’ Committee. OF MISSISSIPPI FREEDOM We will seek UN investigations into the tor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture of China’s human rights lawyers and Friday, May 19, 2017 HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH human rights defenders because their treat- OF NEW JERSEY ment in detention violates China’s obligations Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- er, I rise today to honor a remarkable young IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as signatory of the UN Torture Convention. We will also seek investigations under the lady, Ms. Ashley Wilson of Crystal Springs, Friday, May 19, 2017 Global Magnitsky Act. I introduced the House Mississippi. Ashley is a proud native of Crystal Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, version of that bill, which was signed into law Springs, MS. She is a recent graduate of lawyer Xie Yang was tortured for the better last year. Jackson State University, where she obtained

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.026 E19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E681 a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Adminis- me in congratulating her and in wishing her HONORING METROPOLITAN BAP- tration. nothing but continued happiness. TIST CHURCH ON THE OCCASION Ashley is a Senior Intern who serves as the OF ITS 52ND ANNIVERSARY Financial/Events Planning Specialist at One f Voice. She has been with the organization since 2011 and is set to serve as the Chair for STRENGTHENING STATE AND HON. G.K. BUTTERFIELD the organization’s l0th Year Anniversary Cele- LOCAL CYBER CRIME FIGHTING OF NORTH CAROLINA bration. ACT OF 2017 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Making a difference in her home town, Ash- Friday, May 19, 2017 ley has served as an advocate for her commu- nity, where she has served as an Advisory SPEECH OF Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Member to the Crystal Springs Mayoral Coun- commemorate the 52nd Anniversary of Metro- cil and a member of the Citizens Making a Dif- HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. politan Baptist Church located in my Congres- ference (CMADCS), an organization that acts OF GEORGIA sional district in the City of Rocky Mount, as a voice for the people’s concerns for the North Carolina. This Church has been a bea- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES city of Crystal Springs. con of light in the community for more than Furthermore, Ashley has also served on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 half a century and has positively impacted many other committees across the state, such generations of families in eastern North Caro- as the 50th Anniversary Commemoration Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I lina. Committee, Mississippi Meeting of the Minds rise in support of H.R. 1616, or the Strength- Metropolitan Baptist Church was founded on Planning Committee and many other various ening State and Local Cyber Crime Fighting May 4, 1965, by a group of devout Christians committees where she has played a vital role Act of 2017. This piece of legislation will help eager to proclaim the goodness of the Lord. in being a voice for change not only in her our local and state agencies protect against The Church’s first worship service was held community, but across the state of Mississippi. the rising threat of cybercrime. just five days later on May 9, 1965 in the audi- Ashley is currently an active member of the torium of the Lincoln School. Reverend Ben- National Association for the Advancement of The Strengthening State and Local Cyber jamin Daniels, a Shaw University ministerial Colored People (NAACP). As a healthcare ad- Crime Fighting Act of 2017 will provide more student, was the first to preach at Metropoli- vocate for the Mississippi State Conference protection for our citizens by sharing the ex- tan. Despite these humble beginnings, the NAACP, she has worked with several pertise and knowledge of the Department of congregation remained faithful and steadfast healthcare related projects. The projects that Homeland Security (DHS) with local and state and would go on to grow by leaps and have touched her heart the most include the agencies so that they have the ability to stop bounds. NAACP’s Childhood Obesity Project and the these threats at a local level. Law enforcement On July 23, 1967, Metropolitan Baptist national GET HYPE Initiative, which focuses officials in states, tribes, and territories will be Church held a groundbreaking ceremony to on healthy eating for today’s youth. provided with additional training to identify po- commemorate construction of a sanctuary at Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me tential issues. 1213 Leggett Road, where it still stands today. in recognizing Ms. Ashley Wilson for her dedi- Reverend John W. Fleming presided over the cation to serving throughout her community Cybercrime is a growing threat to American first worship service in the new edifice on July and throughout organizations around Mis- security. Hackers have become notorious late- 14, 1968. sissippi. ly, stealing a plethora of information including Under the leadership of Reverend Dr. J. E. f credit cards numbers, security codes, bank Arnette, Metropolitan Baptist Church continued TRIBUTE TO MILDRED HARMON numbers, and other personal information that to grow both physically and spiritually. Dr. can compromise the security of an individual. Arnette oversaw the establishment of Boy and HON. DAVID YOUNG Further protections and training in cyber secu- Girl Scout Troops, a Young Adult Sunday rity also protect local municipalities and state School Class, and provided food for needy OF IOWA government intranets and cyber services families. These good deeds led to Metropoli- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which are also at risk of compromise. tan Baptist Church to be ranked 12th out of Friday, May 19, 2017 more than 1,700 Baptist Churches in North In DHS, there is an organization known as Carolina by the General Baptist State Conven- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise the National Computer Forensics Institute that today to recognize and congratulate Mildred tion of North Carolina. is under the oversight of the United States Se- Harmon of Windsor Heights, Iowa, on the spe- Reverend Raymond L. Privott succeeded cret Service. The Institute oversees the fight cial occasion of celebrating her 105th birthday Dr. Arnette and continued the tradition of pro- on May 4th, 2017. against cyber threats on a national level. viding outreach services that enhanced the It was 1912 when Mildred entered this world Under H.R. 1616, the members of the Institute growth and development of children. This in- on a farm near St. Charles, Iowa. It was a will be able to provide high quality training to cluded providing tutoring in community schools world much different than ours today. In an lower echelon departments at state and local and providing preliminary SAT studies that October 2013 interview with Iowa Living Mag- levels, to assist them in the battle against greatly benefited young people in the Rocky azines, Mildred recounted how she started cybercrime. On top of the training, the Institute Mount area. school at the age of four at a country school, will provide new, advanced technology to Reverend Norman T. Davis served as in- walking 1.25 miles round trip each day. That these agencies to even further their ability to terim pastor for two and a half years and con- tinued Metropolitan Baptist Church’s commit- gave her more than enough exercise for her combat cybercrime. lifetime, she said. She graduated from high ment to both God and the community. He was school, and then beauty school and became a As technology has progressed, hackers followed by Pastor Richard Allen Gerald, who hairstylist. She married Paris Harmon on De- have found new ways to dishonestly make a has served as Senior Pastor of Metropolitan cember 20, 1936, starting a family that would living. We are at the precipice of a new age since 2004 and has been the spiritual leader go on to include three daughters, 10 grand- of technological advances that come with to many families and individuals. His strong children and 7 great grandchildren. Mildred’s more sinister implications. With new tech- faith in God and preparedness for the ministry, husband passed away in 2006, however she nology, new threats have materialized that can has earned him a stellar reputation among continues to be that strong and loving influ- have major impacts on all of our lives. Hack- Christian believers throughout our great state. ence that her family relies on. Iowa Living ers can steal personal files, ruin our reputa- Mr. Speaker, by the grace of God, Metro- Magazine discovered that her key to a long tions, and destroy our financial stability. They politan Baptist Church has been blessed for and happy life was humor, which she said was can slow or destabilize our local governments, 52 long years as it has witnessed for Christ each and every day. The Church’s faithfulness ‘‘the only way to get through life.’’ making our lives harder. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to represent Mil- and scripture-based ministry will ensure that dred in the United States Congress and I’m This bill helps to put the United States at an Metropolitan continues to thrive for years to proud to recognize her today on this momen- advantage against hackers. We will now be come. tous occasion. I ask that my colleagues in the able to more effectively combat these crimi- On behalf of the United States House of United States House of Representatives join nals. Representatives and the people of the First

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.029 E19MYPT1 E682 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 Congressional District of North Carolina, I ex- IN RECOGNITION OF DAVID owns and operates Gustavo Wine. Passion, tend to the Pastor and Members of Metropoli- DICHIERA FOR HIS LIFETIME OF skill, and dedication to his craft led Gustavo to tan Baptist Church my best wishes on this ADVOCACY AND WORK WITH THE the successes he sees today. auspicious occasion. ARTS Born in Jalisco, Mexico, Gustavo immigrated to the United States with his mother and f HON. DEBBIE DINGELL brothers to join his father in Oakville, Cali- OF MICHIGAN fornia in 1957. The family moved to Ruther- CONGRATULATING JOHN T. LEWIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ford, California in 1960, where Gustavo’s fa- ON HIS RETIREMENT Friday, May 19, 2017 ther Jose´ worked in winery maintenance. Sur- rounded by the culture and devotion of famous Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to winemakers from an early age, Gustavo grew HON. STENY H. HOYER recognize David DiChiera for his outstanding up with a keen interest in winemaking. He at- legacy. As founder and artistic director of the tended the University of Oregon on a baseball OF MARYLAND Michigan Opera Theatre, Mr. DiChiera has scholarship, but his heart remained in wine built a culture of artistic excellence in Michi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES country. He transferred to the University of gan. California Davis, where he was one of the first After earning a doctorate in musicology from Friday, May 19, 2017 Latinos to obtain a degree in Fermentation UCLA, Mr. DiChiera joined the faculty of Oak- Sciences. land University in Michigan in 1962, where he Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor In 1976, Gustavo joined Mike Grgich and was eventually elected chairman of the John T. Lewis, the Director of Logistics and Jim Barrett at Chateau Montelena to begin his school’s Department of Music. During his time, Support for the Chief Administrative Officer of career. Soon after, he joined Grgich Hills Cel- he also oversaw the Detroit Grand Opera As- the U.S. House of Representatives, on his up- lar, where, in his first harvest, he produced the sociation’s education initiative known as the coming retirement on June 2, 2017. winning Chardonnay in the Great Chardonnay Overture to Opera. Under the leadership of Showdown of 1980. Gustavo continued with Beginning on June 1, 1978, John spent his Mr. DiChiera, Overture to Opera began per- Grgich Hills Cellar for 23 years, honing his entire thirty-nine year career with the U.S. forming full-length productions in 1970 and craft and working to define wine excellence. House of Representatives and for over twenty was officially reestablished as the Michigan Gustavo started his own wine enterprise, years worked as an upholsterer. Starting as a Opera Theatre in 1971. The Michigan Opera Gustavo Wines in 1996. Today he makes laborer in the Clerk’s office, John moved up Theatre has grown to become an internation- Napa Valley wines inspired by old-world the ranks to become a master upholsterer. ally recognized institution that has brought winemaking techniques, with a dedication to One of his major accomplishments was learn- world-class performances to Michigan while in- small vineyards and quality fruit. He believes ing how to upholster the special type of Turk- spiring a new generation of artists and musi- each wine should take you back ‘‘to a memory cians. Mr. DiChiera had the vision to push for ish chairs used by Members of Congress. of each vintage’’. the restoration of the Detroit Opera House in Gustavo traveled to Washington, D.C. this Many of these historic chairs remain in use by 1996, and this effort played a critical role in re- Members to this day. week as part of a group of Mexican-American vitalizing downtown Detroit. The Theatre has vintners to support the mission of the Smithso- John was then asked to take on a manage- hosted renowned musicians like Luciano nian Institution. They shared their amazing rial role, serving as the Supervisor of Workflow Pavarotti, as well as performances by the stories of immigration, sacrifice and determina- Management, which involved developing pur- American Ballet Theater and other notable tion and helped the attendees understand the chasing spreadsheets and building asset groups. vital contributions Mexican Americans make to Mr. DiChiera’s lifetime of artistic advocacy tracking systems. However, after a couple of our economy and community. and passion for theatre has been critical to the years in that position, John returned to the Mr. Speaker, Gustavo Brambila has built a growth and development of the arts in south- successful business and is producing extraor- trade he loved in serving as the manager of east Michigan. His love of the arts has taught dinary wines. I am proud to have such a dedi- the Textiles Department. In that role, John su- and inspired generations to appreciate the im- cated business owner living and working in pervised the day-to-day operations of several portance of the arts to a community. He also our community. It is therefore fitting and prop- shops, including upholstery, cabinet, finishing, galvanized so many to experience the opera er that we honor him here today. drapery, and carpets. and engage with the arts for their entire lives. f Throughout his career, John oversaw sev- Throughout his career, Mr. DiChiera has re- eral important projects including the redressing ceived numerous accolades for his work, in- TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT PAUL cluding the National Endowment for the Arts’ of the Lincoln catafalque, the replacement of VANCE ON THE OCCASION OF HIS Opera Honors award, as well as recognition RETIREMENT the House Floor carpet, the re-upholstery of by the governments of France and Italy. In ad- every seat on the House Floor and in the Gal- dition to this outstanding record of achieve- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO lery, the complete refinishing of the House ment, Mr. DiChiera is well known in the Detroit OF CONNECTICUT Floor dais, the construction of the lecterns and community for his kindness and generosity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES stenographers’ desk, and the total refurbish- He has been a true champion for Michigan, ment of the Speaker’s chair. John led or as- and his energy and dedication to our state and Friday, May 19, 2017 sisted in twenty Congressional transitions and the arts will be missed as he retires from his Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is with re- ten Presidential inaugurations. Among his current position with the Michigan Opera The- spect and admiration that I rise today to join most significant contributions was nurturing atre. all of those gathered in extending my sincere Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me the furnishings team and coaching its mem- thanks and appreciation to Lieutenant Paul in honoring David DiChiera for his lifetime of Vance as he celebrates his retirement after bers to be some of the most talented crafts- work with the arts. Mr. DiChiera’s work with man on Capitol Hill. forty-three years of dedicated service to the the Michigan Opera Theatre has inspired gen- Connecticut State Police force. His retirement In his retirement, I hope John will enjoy time erations of performers and helped the city un- marks the end of a distinguished career in law spent with his wife of thirty-seven years, Lisa, derstand the importance of arts in the commu- enforcement and the Connecticut State Police and his two daughters, Joanna Emily Caputi nity. will simply not be the same without him. and Lauren Elisabeth Lewis, his parents, Bill f Lieutenant Vance entered the Connecticut and Anne Lewis, and other members of his HONORING GUSTAVO BRAMBILA State Police Training Academy as a member extended family. On behalf of the entire of the 85th Training Troop in July of 1974. Fol- House, I extend my congratulations and lowing his graduation later that year, he em- HON. MIKE THOMPSON barked on a career that earned him a re- thanks to John T. Lewis for his many years of OF CALIFORNIA spected reputation amongst colleagues and ci- dedication and outstanding contributions to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vilians alike. Serving in a variety of posts, in- this institution. I wish him many wonderful Friday, May 19, 2017 cluding Troop L in Litchfield and as a Resident years ahead. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, State Trooper in Prospect, Lieutenant Vance I rise today to honor Gustavo Brambila, who rose through the ranks and is perhaps best

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.032 E19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E683 known for his leadership as a member of the pated with the regiment in all its major cam- Realizing the man’s dire situation, Deputy Connecticut State Police force’s Public Infor- paigns and battles. The unit deactivated in De- Dean took it upon himself to pay for the man mation Office. cember 1945 after the war. The regiment had to stay in a hotel room, and he purchased a In a position he held for nearly one third of suffered 1,126 killed, more than 5,000 wound- bus ticket so the victim could return to his his career, Lieutenant Vance became, for ed, and over 500 missing in action. Its soldiers family in Washington. many in Connecticut, the public face of our were awarded an astonishing three Medals of Every day, men and women in the law en- State Police. As a Public Information Officer, it Honor, 31 Distinguished Service Crosses, 492 forcement profession work tirelessly to make a was he who so often brought a sense of calm Silver Stars, and 1,685 Bronze Stars. difference in our communities. However, often and order to very difficult circumstances. That The valor and bravery of the soldiers of E times, their work goes unnoticed in the media composure was put to the ultimate test as he Company, 141st Infantry Regiment must not and press. I would like to take a moment to guided a grieving state and stunned nation be forgotten. As America prepares to reflect highlight the great work of Deputy Dean and through the aftermath of tragedy at the Sandy on the sacrifices made by our service mem- the entire San Bernardino County Sheriff’s De- Hook Elementary School in December of bers this Memorial Day, I ask that we take a partment for their commitment to public serv- 2012. moment to remember the soldiers of E Com- ice. I hold a deep respect for the men and pany. They represented the best of El Paso, f women who dedicate their professional ca- Texas, and the nation as our brave service reers to law enforcement—facing situations members valiantly fought the forces of tyr- HONORING CONSTANCE BLAND and circumstances that few of us can even anny. I am honored to represent the men and imagine. Lieutenant Vance is a reflection of women of El Paso who carry on the legacy of HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON the very best of our law enforcement commu- E Company as they continue to stand against OF MISSISSIPPI nity. Over the course of his career, his com- injustice and pursue the American dream. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mitment and leadership has made all the dif- f Friday, May 19, 2017 ference and we owe him a debt of gratitude that can never fully be paid. Lieutenant— TRIBUTE TO MARTHA AND JACK Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- though it does not seem enough, thank you BLACKFORD er, I rise today to honor Constance Bland, who for all of your good work on our behalf. You is an Educator, a Leader and Public Servant. leave a legacy of service that will most cer- HON. DAVID YOUNG Constance G. Bland, Ph.D. was appointed tainly serve as an inspiration to others for OF IOWA Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) at years to come. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) in Lieutenant Paul Vance has led a remarkable Friday, May 19, 2017 the spring of 2014. As VPAA, she is respon- sible for leadership, educational policy, aca- career, leaving an indelible mark on the Con- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise necticut State Police force as well as the State demic programs, budgeting and resource allo- today to recognize and congratulate Martha cation; supervision of staff development pro- of Connecticut. Today, it is my great privilege and Jack Blackford of Des Moines, Iowa, on to stand and join his wife, Meg, their three grams, federal grant program administration; the very special occasion of their 60th wed- monitoring of personnel actions and trans- children and six grandchildren, as well as fam- ding anniversary. They celebrated their anni- ily, friends, and colleagues in wishing him the actions, and participation in academic per- versary on April 16th, 2017. sonnel policy development and negotiation. very best for many more years of health and Martha and Jack’s lifelong commitment to happiness in this next chapter of his life. She is also responsible for relationships with each other and their family truly embodies the wider educational and occupational com- f Iowa values. As they reflect on their 60th anni- munity, particularly the public schools, as well RECOGNIZING E COMPANY, 141ST versary, may their commitment grow even as additional responsibilities as assigned by INFANTRY REGIMENT stronger, as they continue to love, cherish, the President. and honor one another for many years to Before becoming VPAA, Dr. Bland was Pro- HON. BETO O’ROURKE come. fessor and Chair of the Department of Mathe- Mr. Speaker, I commend this great couple matics, Computer and Information Sciences. OF TEXAS on their 60th year together and I wish them IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She developed computer science educational many more. I ask that my colleagues in the curriculum related to database management Friday, May 19, 2017 United States House of Representatives join systems, software engineering and introduc- Mr. O’ROURKE. Mr. Speaker, I am honored me in congratulating them on this momentous tion to computer science. In an effort to impact to rise today to recognize E Company, 141st occasion and in wishing them nothing but the retention of computer science majors, she was Infantry Regiment, which served with valor best in the years to come. involved in a project to determine the impact and distinction during World War II. f of introducing the concepts of object oriented In 1940, E Company, along with the entire SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SHER- programming for first year computer science 141st Infantry Regiment was federalized and IFF’S DEPUTY JEFFERY DEAN students using a visual animation tool known assigned to the 36th Infantry Division. E Com- ASSISTS ROBBERY VICTIM as Alice. pany was distinct in its heritage and was com- Dr. Bland also acquired significant external posed almost entirely of Mexican-American HON. PAUL COOK funding for the department from sources in- soldiers. A vast majority of E Company’s sol- cluding the National Science Foundation OF CALIFORNIA diers hailed from El Paso. (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The 141st Infantry Regiment shipped off to Administration (NASA), Eisenhower (state of North Africa in April 1943. The regiment was Friday, May 19, 2017 Mississippi), SUN Microsystems and mini- one of the units in the amphibious invasion of Mr. COOK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- grants from Jackson State University. Her last Italy at Salerno, and they suffered heavy cas- ognize the outstanding public service of San external funds secured for the department in- ualties. As the 141st fought its way through Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeffery cluded an S-STEM scholarship grant and an Italy, the regiment, as well as E Company, Dean, who is assigned to the department’s HBCU-UP implementation grant. A major fought with distinction. The 141st reinforced Victorville City Station. For the past three focus of the scholarship grants secured by Dr. units at Anzio, helped tip the scales to rout the years, Deputy Dean has served as a patrol Bland involved initiatives to increase the num- Germans, and entered Rome in June 1944. deputy, traffic division deputy, and is also a ber of computer science and mathematics ma- This culminated 137 days of combat during certified Major Accident Investigation Team jors at MVSU. Funds secured were used to in- which the 141st Infantry Regiment suffered (MAlT) deputy. stitute tutorial services, provide student devel- over 3,000 casualties. The Germans called the On May 14, 2017, Deputy Dean was on pa- opment activities and support debt reduction 141st ‘‘wild men from Texas, skilled in trol in Victorville, California when he made though scholarships to decease external em- fieldcraft and fighting.’’ contact with a young man from the State of ployment of students seeking degrees. The The regiment then participated in a third Washington who was working in the area as goal of the latest HBCU-UP grant is to encour- amphibious landing, its second combat assault a magazine salesman. Deputy Dean noticed age STEM graduates to pursue graduate edu- against a fortified beachhead, and entered injuries to the man’s face and was told that cation. Southern France. The 141st continued to fight they were the result of a robbery in which the Dr. Bland has devoted 23 years of service through Central Europe. E Company partici- victim’s wallet and cell phone were stolen. to MVSU, and has demonstrated her passion

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.036 E19MYPT1 E684 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 and commitment to the University, faculty, valiantly at a time when getting caught as a uals. To honor their memory, we must con- staff and students. Her involvement has been spy could mean certain death by hanging or tinue to uphold the values of the American extensive, yet she finds time and energy to rotting to death on a British prison ship. The Revolution that these brave men and women serve, work and lead, shouldering countless Culper Spy Ring’s strategic location on Long were willing to give up their lives and freedom burdens with good humor and grace. She is a Island’s North Shore, situated between patriot for: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. tower of strength and a strong force for pro- New England and British occupied New York f gressive efficient public service. She always City, had a tremendous impact on the out- shows patience and tolerance, qualities of an come of the war. The ring was of great military INFRASTRUCTURE WEEK experienced and committed leader. Dr. Bland importance and contributed to many of the de- is a visionary leader who inspires staff, stu- cisive victories of the Continental Army, includ- HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN dents and the community. She is responsible ing those at Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown. OF RHODE ISLAND for developing MVSU’s first Women in Science The critical intelligence gathered by the Culper IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and Technology Conference (WIST) designed Spies also uncovered the betrayal of Benedict Friday, May 19, 2017 to encourage young girls in grades 7th Arnold and his treasonous plan to surrender Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to through 12th to consider majoring in STEM West Point to the British. The brave work of join my colleagues in celebration of National disciplines. The conference will celebrate its the Culper Spies was also critical in thwarting Infrastructure Week. 20th anniversary in Spring 2016 and can a planned British assault on newly arrived Here in Washington, meetings have brought boast of numerous female students who have French allied forces that landed at Rhode Is- together planners and civil engineers, builders gone on to become practicing women in land in 1780 to help turn the tide of the war. and innovators, labor unions and developers— Mr. Speaker, many of these brave men and science and technology. all dedicated to modernizing our American in- Dr. Bland holds an Associate’s degree in women, through the nature of their clandestine frastructure. And it does need modernizing. Mathematics from Coahoma Junior College, a service to the American Revolution, never had In my home state of Rhode Island, for ex- Bachelor of Arts in mathematics, Bachelor of their names recorded in history. For the ample, one in four bridges is deficient, the Science in computer science, Master of names that we do know, I ask my colleagues worst rate in the country. They are battered by Science degree in computer science and a to honor their bravery and service, and I in- storms and suffering from aging concrete and Doctoral degree in computer engineering from clude their names in the RECORD. steel. Families and businesses alike suffer Benjamin Tallmadge: (Code Name: John the University of Mississippi. from this infrastructure debt. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Bolton.) He reported directly to General That’s why this week I introduced the in recognizing Constance Bland, an Educator, George Washington, and was his director of ‘‘SAFE Bridges Act,’’ which will provide a re- a leader and Public Servant for her dedication military intelligence. He created the patriot spy newed focus on the safety of bridges across to serving others and giving back to the Afri- ring operating out of and head- the country. It will create a discrete new way can American community. ed the Culper Ring out of the village of to prioritize those bridges most in need. f Setauket on Long Island. Mr. Speaker, it is ‘‘Time to Build.’’ We need Robert Townsend: The Chief informant of to invest in bread-and-butter projects, high- RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATION OF the Culper Spy Ring and Benjamin THE WASHINGTON SPY TRAIL ON ways and transit that Americans depend on Tallmadge’s right hand man. He posed as a every day. LONG ISLAND AND THE SERVICE Tory merchant and befriended many British OF THE CULPER SPY RING IN soldiers in New York City to gather intel- f THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ligence. Because of his society connections, IN HONOR OF REDWOOD CITY’S he was widely known in British circles. He was SESQUICENTENNIAL HON. LEE M. ZELDIN a resident of Oyster Bay, NY. OF NEW YORK Austin Roe: He served as the messenger HON. JACKIE SPEIER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for Robert Townsend. He owned a store and OF CALIFORNIA tavern in Setauket and rode fifty-five miles Friday, May 19, 2017 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES back and forth to New York City several times Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today per week through British held areas to deliver Friday, May 19, 2017 alongside my colleague Mr. SUOZZI to recog- and pick up coded messages written in invis- Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor nize the dedication of Route 25A on Long Is- ible ink. the 150th birthday of one of the most beautiful land’s North Shore as the Washington Spy Abraham Woodhull: (Code Name: Samuel and vibrant cities in my Congressional District: Trail and to pay special tribute to the brave Culper Sr.) He was an intricate part of the cir- Redwood City. men and women of the Culper Spy Ring, con- cuitous way the ring shared critical intel- Long before Redwood City was incor- sidered the first organized espionage ring in ligence. Woodhull’s farm in Setauket was his porated, the area was inhabited by the Ohlone the United States. We thank these dedicated base of operation and it was there that he al- who lived by hunting, fishing and gathering. patriots for their loyalty and bravery. During lowed Austin Roe to pasture his cows so they The Ohlone had a rich culture and thrived on the American Revolution, Long Island’s North had a place to hide messages in a secret box. both sides of the mountain range that divides Country Road (now State Route 25A) was the Caleb Brewster: As a member of the ring, San Mateo County. Their villages dotted the road traveled by George Washington in 1790 he was the intermediary between Abraham countryside and the residents traded regularly to thank patriots for helping him win the Amer- Woodhull’s farm in Setauket and Major with nearby tribes. ican Revolution. It is also the road that Culper Tallmadge’s headquarters in Connecticut. Spanish and Mexican explorers and settlers Spy Austin Roe traveled to cross enemy lines Brewster was a seafarer from Setauket and came later, and with them came rapid and to pick up and deliver secret messages to used his whaleboats to cross the Long Island substantial change. After the Mexican-Amer- other brave men and women serving in the Sound to Connecticut. He was also respon- ican War, Spanish and Mexican land grants Continental Army’s military intelligence and es- sible for capturing many British supply ships were challenged. Such was the case for Dona pionage units in New York City. Today, a spe- that were carrying messages. Arguello, who hired Simon Mezes to defend cial dedication ceremony will take place at the Anna Smith Strong: Setauket native Anna her land title. His payment was the land that Brewster House (built in 1665) in Setauket, Smith Strong’s assignment in the Culper Ring now includes most of downtown Redwood NY, where three historical markers will be un- was to signal Brewster’s arrival to Abraham City. Rather than fighting the squatters, he laid veiled across this route to commemorate the Woodhull. She did this by hanging laundry on out the town and sold lots to them, naming his unsung sacrifice of the Culper Spy Ring and her clothesline in pre-arranged configurations, town Mezesville. the critical role they played in our nation’s a system that fooled everyone by the wisdom Access to San Francisco Bay made Red- struggle for independence. of its simplicity. If she hung up a black petti- wood City an ideal location for a port. The port The Culper Ring, also known as the coat, it meant that Brewster was in town to and the railway revolutionized shipping and Setauket Spy Ring, was a group of operatives share critical intelligence. travel in the 1800s. Industries continued to de- whose purpose was to make General George These brave patriots will be recognized velop from oyster farming and canning to ce- Washington aware of the movements of the today, May 18, 2017, at the dedication of the ment and salt production, to nurseries and British in New York City and on Long Island. Washington Spy Trail. Mr. Speaker, we should small manufacturing plants. The Long Island Culper Spy Ring was a band be extremely grateful as both a people and a Redwood City was incorporated in 1867 of dedicated and brave patriots who served nation to each and everyone of these individ- with the purpose of raising funds to pave

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.040 E19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E685 downtown streets. The city has always been frontier of America because tomorrow is voted ‘‘Nay’’ on roll call votes 263, 264, and home to a diverse population. Joining the emerging through the celebration of our 265; I would have voted ‘‘Yea’’ on roll call vote large Latino population, German immigrants shared past, present and future. 266. started breweries and a tannery, the Chinese f f helped build the railroads and were engaged in shrimp fishing, and the Japanese brought HONORING HOMETOWN HEROES RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF FALL- the floral industry. In 1926, the Chamber of ACT EN SOLDIER MARINE CORPORAL Commerce proclaimed Redwood City the (CPL) WILLIAM JUSTIN LEE COO- SPEECH OF ‘‘Chrysanthemum Capital of the World.’’ The PER floral industry thrived until one of the darkest HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. chapters of U.S. history, the internment of OF GEORGIA HON. TRENT KELLY Japanese Americans during WWII. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MISSISSIPPI Redwood City experienced several popu- Tuesday, May 16, 2017 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lation and housing booms. The 1906 San Friday, May 19, 2017 Francisco earthquake displaced thousands Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I who built new neighborhoods on the Penin- rise today in support of H.R. 1892, The Hon- Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Mr. Speaker, sula. By 1920, many Redwood City residents oring Hometown Heroes Act. This bill will be today I rise in memory of fallen soldier Marine were commuting to jobs outside the city. In the crucial in giving the courageous first respond- Corporal William Justin Lee Cooper who paid 1930s the population doubled. By 1937, a mu- ers the recognition they deserve. the ultimate sacrifice while defending our na- nicipal marina and an international port with a The Honoring Hometown Heroes Act, or tion on May 19, 2008, during Operation Endur- widened channel were ready to ship cargo. H.R. 1892, will help give honor to those who ing Freedom. Cpl Cooper was killed in combat The largest population increase took place have passed away while serving their commu- near Garmsir, Afghanistan. after World War II when Redwood City grew nities. First responders are some of the most Cpl Cooper was assigned to the 1st Bat- from 12,400 in 1940 to 46,300 in 1960. Today, important people in the country. They put out talion, 6th Marine Regiment, 24th Marine Ex- there are 82,000 residents. the fires that threaten our homes. They keep peditionary Unit, 2nd Marine Division, II Ma- No one can mention Redwood City without our streets safe to live on. They bring people rine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, celebrating its schools and the families that who are suffering from a medical issue to the North Carolina. According to 40 Days of thrive through the district’s services. Two great hospital to provide them with the care that Honor, Cpl Cooper’s skill as a marksman public high schools and multiple public ele- they need. They investigate the crimes that earned him a position on a sniper team. It was mentary and middle schools, as well as sev- have been committed and bring the perpetra- in fulfillment of his duties as a sniper that he eral charter schools, offer the American dream tors to justice. These brave men and women was killed. During his military service, Cpl of a quality, free public education to all. The are often volunteers, who merely want to help Cooper was awarded the Good Conduct city also incorporates several quality private their communities. Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Iraq Campaign schools. These jobs are often dangerous. They in- Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Glob- Redwood City has amazing parks and is volve fires, carbon monoxide, violence, and al War on Terrorism Medal and two Sea Serv- dotted with redwood trees. Beautiful hillsides other hostile acts. Unfortunately, due to the ice Deployment Ribbons. in a nearby county park are covered with a dangerous nature of this work, not all of these After graduating from Europa High School in plethora of wildflowers and are home to ma- men and women survive. They are killed serv- 2004, Cpl Cooper briefly attended Holmes jestic mountain lions. The city itself is home to ing their communities, making them better Community College. It was Christmas Eve of the San Mateo County History Museum. The places to live. These men and women have 2004 when Cpl Cooper told his father he was city is also the county seat of San Mateo given the ultimate sacrifice to their towns and joining the Marine Corps. His father told the where I started my political career and have cities. They deserve as much honor and re- Associated Press, ‘‘I remember telling him that watched history unfold. Courthouse Square spect that can be bestowed upon them and he needed to have a lot of thought before anchors a revitalized city core that includes a their families. doing this. He felt his country needed him at wonderful theater, restaurants and bakeries. I have the utmost respect and admiration for the time more than he needed school.’’ He Redwood City is family-focused and young, these men and women and believe that this also said of his son, ‘‘He had more friends with nearly 25 percent of its residents being bill gives proper public respect to fallen first than anyone I know. He was daddy’s hero; under age 18. It offers cultural and rec- responders. Governors will now be able to de- now he’s everyone’s hero.’’ reational events in Courthouse Square clare the flag to be lowered to half-mast. This Cpl Cooper’s friend, Heather Burchfield, told throughout the year, aided in part by the city’s gives governors the ability to immediately the Associated Press, ‘‘Coop was that fun-lov- wonderful weather. In fact, the beautiful honor the fallen first responders. These men ing, crazy guy everyone liked. He’s the one weather is famously memorialized by the city’s and women deserve as much. you always wanted on your side because he motto ‘‘Climate Best by Government Test.’’ I believe that Congressman LARSON’s bill is is always going to take up for you. Even in There are celebrations of multiple national a necessity for the United States. It is regret- high school, he had a soldier’s heart. He was backgrounds, religions and cultures that are table that such legislation has not been a very loyal friend.’’ welcomed by city residents. Foreign-born resi- passed before this time. I put my full support Cpl Cooper is survived by his parents, Alan dents are 32 percent of all residents. The peo- behind this effort to honor those who have fall- Cooper and Debra Cooper. ple of Redwood City are proud that their city en in the service of others. This bill is an ex- The sacrifice of this brave soldier will always is a miniature United Nations, speaking to ample of true patriotism that all members of be remembered. America through dozens of languages heard this chamber, Republicans, Democrats, and f daily on its streets. Independents, can get behind for the benefit In the heart of Silicon Valley, the city is of the fallen first responders, their families, IN CELEBRATION OF 100 YEARS OF home to such global brands as Oracle, and the American people. I therefore urge CHEERWINE Box.com and Google. One of today’s newer passage of H.R. 1892. and smaller companies creates 3D printers f HON. RICHARD HUDSON that will save our armed forces tens of millions OF NORTH CAROLINA PERSONAL EXPLANATION of dollars and strengthen our national defense, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES while another small company seeks to end the dangers of hospital infection and opioid addic- HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ Friday, May 19, 2017 tion by transforming the delivery of pain medi- OF ILLINOIS Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor North Carolina’s favorite soft drink, Mr. Speaker, I ask the members of the Cheerwine, which is celebrating their 100th House of Representatives to join me in cele- Friday, May 19, 2017 anniversary on May 20, 2017. brating the sesquicentennial of Redwood City, Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Handcrafted in Salisbury, North Carolina, a community that serves as a model for vi- avoidably absent in the House chamber for roll Cheerwine was created by L.D. Peeler, who brancy and friendliness. It’s a place where in- call votes 263, 264, 265, and 266 on Thurs- sought to create a soft drink of his own during novation soars because the celebration of the day, May 18, 2017. I would like the record to sugar rationing amid World War I. L.D. Peeler American spirit is ever-present. It is the real show that, had I been present, I would have purchased cherry flavoring from a traveling

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.043 E19MYPT1 E686 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2017 salesman and experimented with the flavor Ms. Verkilya Eleshia Hogan was born on unsung hero, for her dedication to the commu- until he created the one-of-a-kind soft drink. July 25,1999 to her proud parents Vernon and nity. The end result is the delicious soft drink we Sheronda Jackson. She is an intelligent, obe- know as Cheerwine. dient, and outgoing young lady. She is also f Over the years, Cheerwine’s unique flavor very passionate and dedicated to every task has stood the test of time—through the Great that she takes on. TRIBUTE TO JAY HOWE Depression, two World Wars and many other Ms. Hogan very actively participates in trials in our nation’s history—Cheerwine has many organizations and programs. She has remained an independent family owned and been a cheerleader since the fifth-grade and HON. DAVID YOUNG operated business in North Carolina. currently serves as Captain of the Holmes OF IOWA Cheerwine was presented the ‘‘Pillar of the County Central High Varsity Cheer-Squad. Community’’ award at the Family Business She has remarkable leadership skills and con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Awards for their excellence, innovation, ethics, tinues to be a positive influence to those philanthropy and contribution to the region and Friday, May 19, 2017 around her. Cheerwine continues to invest in those com- munities that fostered its growth today. Presi- At an early age Ms. Hogan proudly experi- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise dents Dwight Eisenhower, George H.W. Bush, enced an amazing miracle of God which en- today to recognize and congratulate Jay Howe and Barack Obama all enjoyed Cheerwine couraged her to serve Him more daily. On for his many years of service to the American during their trips to North Carolina and there May 18, 2016, she was involved in a detri- Legion and to his country. Jay was recently mental UTV accident. A portion of her left is no doubt in my mind many more presidents honored for being a 50-year member with the forearm had to be amputated on May 24, will too. American Legion. L.D. Peeler and Cheerwine are deserving of 2016. As a teenager, this was disheartening their success and I wish them continued suc- because she didn’t know how her future would The American Legion was chartered and in- cess as they continue to be a great source of be with her condition, but she knew God had corporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic pride for Rowan County and all of North Caro- already worked things out in her favor. She veterans organization devoted to mutual help- lina. never lost faith through her circumstances, be- fulness. The organization is committed to Mr. Speaker, please join me today to con- cause she appreciated the simple fact that she mentoring youth and sponsorship of whole- gratulate Cheerwine on a century of success could see and breathe each day. The Bible some programs in communities, advocating and to recognize the tremendous contributions says, ‘‘From the fullness of his grace we have patriotism and honor and continued devotion they’ve made to the State of North Carolina. all received one blessing after another’’ John to their fellow service members and veterans. f 1:16. This scripture, she believes, gives her good reason to give all glory and praises to Mr. Speaker, I commend Jay for his service HONORING VERKILYA ELESHIA God. to our country’s veterans and his dedication to HOGAN She will finish her senior year in high school his community. It is an honor to represent him HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON with honors and attend the University of in the United States Congress. I ask that my Southern Mississippi, majoring in Kinesiology colleagues in the House of Representatives OF MISSISSIPPI and pursuing a career as a Physical Therapist. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES join me in commending Jay for his service and She is determined to go above and beyond to in wishing him nothing but continued success. Friday, May 19, 2017 reach her goals and continue to walk in a Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- positive direction. er, I rise today to honor a remarkable person, Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me an unsung hero, Ms. Verkilya Eleshia Hogan. in recognizing Ms. Verkilya Eleshia Hogan, an

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.047 E19MYPT1 Friday, May 19, 2017 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Committee Meetings The Senate was not in session and stands ad- No committee meetings were held. journed until 3 p.m., on Monday, May 22, 2017. h House of Representatives Unanimous Consent Agreement: Agreed by unan- Chamber Action imous consent that the question of adopting the Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 34 pub- amendment to H.R. 1039 may be subject to post- lic bills, H.R. 2548–2580; and 5 resolutions, H. ponement as though under clause 8 of rule 20. Con. Res. 58; and H. Res. 344–347, were intro- Page H4362 duced. Pages H4388–89 Recess: The House recessed at 9:58 a.m. and recon- Additional Cosponsors: Pages H4390–91 vened at 11:16 a.m. Page H4373 Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: Probation Officer Protection Act of 2017: The H.R. 1725, to amend title 38, United States House passed H.R. 1039, to amend section 3606 of Code, to improve the treatment of medical evidence title 18, United States Code, to grant probation offi- provided by non-Department of Veterans Affairs cers authority to arrest hostile third parties who ob- medical professionals in support of claims for dis- struct or impede a probation officer in the perform- ability compensation under the laws administered by ance of official duties, by a yea-and-nay vote of 229 the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other pur- yeas to 177 nays, Roll No. 268. Pages H4362–73, H4373–74 poses, with amendments (H. Rept. 115–133); Rejected: H.R. 1329, to increase, effective as of December Jackson Lee amendment (No. 1 printed in H. 1, 2017, the rates of compensation for veterans with Rept. 115–127) that sought to request a comprehen- service-connected disabilities and the rates of de- sive study on the new authority of probation officers pendency and indemnity compensation for the sur- and sunsets that authority 30 months later after en- vivors of certain disabled veterans, to amend title 38, actment (by a recorded vote of 178 ayes to 229 noes, United States Code, to improve the United States Roll No. 267). Pages H4368–73, H4373 Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, to improve H. Res. 324, the rule providing for consideration the processing of claims by the Secretary of Veterans of the bill (H.R. 1039) was agreed to yesterday, May Affairs, and for other purposes, with amendments 18th. (H. Rept. 115–134);and United States Semiquincentennial Commission— H.R. 2288, to amend title 38, United States Appointment: Read a letter from Representative Code, to reform the rights and processes relating to Pelosi, Minority Leader, in which she appointed the appeals of decisions regarding claims for benefits following Members to the United States under the laws administered by the Secretary of Vet- Semiquincentennial Commission: Representatives erans Affairs, and for other purposes (H. Rept. Brady (PA) and Crowley; and from private life: Mr. 115–135). Pages H4387–88 Richard Trumka of Rockville, Maryland. Page H4374 Journal: The House agreed to the Speaker’s approval John C. Stennis Center for Public Service Train- of the Journal by voice vote. Pages H4361, H4374 ing and Development—Reappointment: Read a D554

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:11 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D19MY7.REC D19MYPT1 May 19, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D555 letter from Representative Pelosi, Minority Leader, Space Command; Lieutenant General David Buck, in which she reappointed the following Member to Commander, Joint Functional Component Com- the Board of Trustees for the John C. Stennis Center mand—Space, U.S. Strategic Command; Betty Sapp, for Public Service Training and Development for a Director, National Reconnaissance Office; Robert term of six years: Representative Sewell (AL). Cardillo, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency; Pages H4374–75 John Hill, Performing the Duties of Deputy Assist- Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that ant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, Office of when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet the Secretary of Defense for Policy. at 2 p.m. on Monday, May 22nd and that the order Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on of the House of January 3, 2017, regarding morn- Environment held a hearing entitled ‘‘Drinking ing-hour debate not apply on that day. Page H4378 Water System Improvement Act and Related Issues Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that of Funding, Management, and Compliance Assist- when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet ance under the Safe Drinking Water Act’’. Testi- at 12 noon on Monday, May 22nd for Morning mony was heard from public witnesses. Hour debate. Page H4381 Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Board of Visitors to the United States Military Oversight held a hearing entitled ‘‘IRS Reform: Les- Academy—Appointment: The Chair announced sons Learned from the National Taxpayer Advocate’’. the Speaker’s appointment of the following Member Testimony was heard from Nina Olson, National on the part of the House to the Board of Visitors Taxpayer Advocate. to the United States Military Academy: Representa- tive Thomas J. Rooney (FL). Page H4387 Joint Meetings Quorum Calls—Votes: One yea-and-nay vote and No joint committee meetings were held. one recorded vote developed during the proceedings of today and appear on pages H4373 and H4374. f There were no quorum calls. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR MONDAY, Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- MAY 22, 2017 journed at 1:56 p.m. (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) Committee Meetings Senate No meetings/hearings scheduled. Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Stra- tegic Forces held a hearing entitled ‘‘Fiscal Year House 2018 Priorities and Posture of the National Security Committee on Rules, Full Committee, hearing on H.R. Space Enterprise’’. Testimony was heard from Gen- 953, the ‘‘Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2017’’, 5 eral John W. Raymond, Commander, Air Force p.m., H–313 Capitol.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:11 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D19MY7.REC D19MYPT1 D556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST May 19, 2017

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 3 p.m., Monday, May 22 12 noon, Monday, May 22

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Monday: Senate will resume consideration Program for Monday: To be announced. of the nomination of Terry Branstad, of Iowa, to be Am- bassador to the People’s Republic of China, post-cloture, and vote on confirmation of the nomination at 5:30 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Gutie´rrez, Luis V., Ill., E679, E685 Price, David E., N.C., E677 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E675 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E680 Barton, Joe, Tex., E673 Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E682 Speier, Jackie, Calif., E684 Bishop, Rob, Utah, E676 Hudson, Richard, N.C., E676, E685 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E673, E675, E679, E680, Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E681 Johnson, Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’, Jr., Ga., E673, E677, E681, E683, E686 Cook, Paul, Calif., E683 E685 Thompson, Mike, Calif., E674, E678, E682 Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E679 Keating, William R., Mass., E680 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E682 Kelly, Trent, Miss., E674, E677, E685 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E678 Dingell, Debbie, Mich., E674, E682 Langevin, James R., R.I., E684 Young, David, Iowa, E673, E674, E675, E676, E678, E679, Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., N.J., E675 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E679 E681, E683, E686 Goodlatte, Bob, Va., E675 O’Rourke, Beto, Tex., E683 Zeldin, Lee M., N.Y., E684

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:11 May 20, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D19MY7.REC D19MYPT1